#And this isn’t helped by Cath constantly affirming this feeling by holding what happened over her head and using it to guilt her
ciderjacks · 8 months
Weird observation but I just noticed that when Dulcie is talking to Cath (especially in episode 4) her body language changes, sort of subtly, but you can see the way her movements become more awkward (shifting on her feet and clearly not being sure where to look, etc) and how she tries to make herself smaller (sticking her hands into her pockets, hunching down, lowering her head), contrast with how she is around Eddie, where she’s clearly comfortable in taking up the space.
In her fight with Cath, she is very deliberate to stay on her side of the desk, she keeps her voice quiet and controlled for most of it, and even when she has her big “are you kidding me?!” moment, discovering how much Cath lied to her / kept from her about the case, she stays out of Cath’s bubble entirely. after that outburst, despite being angry, she doesn’t confront Cath physically, she instead sits in the corner, hunched over with her arms crossed.
It’s only in the makeup scene, when Cath is apologizing for everything and they’re reconciling, that you see her body language open. When they kiss she reaches for Cath’s face and not her waist, she isn’t hunching, she’s also more firm with Cath too and in that scene Cath actually listens to her.
Also Kate Box should receive a million billion awards and one hundred thousand dollars
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