#And the only thing ma confused n worried friends could think of doing was
bellflower-goat · 9 months
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jameui · 1 year
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PAIRING: Lee Heeseung x M!Reader
GENRE: Angst, Fluff
WARNINGS: height/size difference,
SUMMARY: An enemy turned his lover? Who would've known. Lee Heeseung a band leader and you a co-member of his band was a bickering storm, but, oh how fate loves to play with its strins.
"Writing another song, Y/N?" One of the members of your group who happened to be passing by at the living room saw you all slouched out near the coffee table as your tongue stuck out a little as you tried to concentrate on what you were doing. You did acknowledge his presence and heard his voice, answering his question with a nod. The male just sighs feeling a little bad that after all your effort, the band leader never approved of the songs you've written and persisted on only playing the ones he wrote for HIS band. You are just wondering why he was so against your compositions. Everyone else loved what you have, so how come your leader always reacts with a horrid look and disagrees to ever play one of your songs?
Your roommate slash bestfriend, Sim Jaeyun or simply Jake, exhales through his nose and sat himself down beside you as you wiggle a little more to the side so Jake could have a comfortable seating. "Y/N, you know Heeseung will never agree to play one of your songs any moment now, right? Save your effort for something else. I feel guilty that I can't do anything." Jake lets out, yet you didn't listen and continued on, strumming the guitar occassionally and experimenting on how the next verse would sound like to add a little flavor to the song. If you like how it turns out, you jot the notes down on your music sheet. "Y/N..." Jake calls for your attention, you taking a second to stop and sighed.
"I know, Jake. One more of the reasons why I decided to quit the band and decide to go solo or maybe even start a new band." You told Jake, the latter shocked to hear your revelation. It was just a little too sudden and was totally uncalled-for. "I know you want to stay with hyung and the others, so I don't want to give you a choice, but know I'm always open for a synthesizer." You told him, the other male smiling sadly and embraced you in a comforting manner.
"Whatever makes you happy, Y/N." Jake said, caressing the back of your head as you gave him a nod and smile, hugging him even tighter. "I wish you the best and I just know you'll do great." Jake stated before he breaks off and pats the top of your head making you giggle.
You nudge his shoulder playfully, chuckling. "Thanks, Jake. You're the best friend a person could ever ask for." You told him, the other male smiling up at you with his pearly white teeth looking similarly to a cute dog to which he is, metaphorically speaking. "I just wish I didn't have to do this, but it's for the best." You said in a bitter tone, which made Jake frown sadly, his brows furrowed.
"I just simply think that Heeseung is a little insecure with what you can do and he doesn't want his ego to be stepped on especially by someone who's younger than him." Jake told you to which you knitted your brows out in confusion, never actually seeing it in that same perspective. You just thought he really hated you. "I know it's not what you intend to do, but forgive Heeseung. He just... has a reputation to uphold. Let's just say he's feeling a lot of pressure." Jake laughed softly to explain his statement, you finally understanding the slightest bit as to why the older male seems to despise you.
You let out a sigh and looked at the papers that was placed on top of your usual work place for writing, biting the bottom of your lip. "Jake, I know what I have to do. I made up my mind. I'm not quitting the band and I might actually try to know whatever is bothering hyung. I won't be able to solve anything if I keep trying to run away from the problem." You told Jake, whose brows furrows in concern, wanting to make sure if you're certain of your decsion. He just want what's best for you. "Jake, don't you worry about a thing, because I got a strategy." You gave him a wink, Jake smiling awkwardly.
"Yey, Y/N. I hope it works." Jake whispers, you already planning out your marvelous idea in your head. Oh, it is going to be perfect. It's going to be amazing, jaw dropping and mouth drooling. You just have to find the right time when to initiate the first stage of your plan.
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"Hyung." You called out to the male who was having a talk with his friends outside of the band, turning his attention towards the voice as he looks for the owner of it only to see you a feet below him as he rolls his eyes and groans in frustration. He opened his mouth and opted to say something, but before the words could come out of his mouth you decided to cut him off. "You look like you haven't slept in days, hyungie. Aigoo, the dark bags under your eyes. Tsk, tsk. Have a coffee!" You said all in one go, ending with a cheery tone and handed out the coffee you had with you and gave him a smile.
You hear a small scoff come from Heeseung as you tilted your head to the side, confused. The taller man starts to walks up towards you, ever so slowly your hand retreated back towards you as you lifted your head up to face Heeseung. "You really think this will make me want to play any of your songs? I'm not that easy to get, dickwad." Heeseung spat out, his arms crossed.
You shook your head with a small pout on your lips as if to contradict with what he said. "I know it would seem like that, but you really need to know that I'm just genuinely trying to be your friend. We're both in the same band for crying out loud and we don't get along well." You told him, to which Heeseung just scoffed at before swatting the coffee off your hand which was thrown onto your uniform shirt, hissing at the burning sensation of the newly brewed hot coffee.
"Yeah, right." Heeseung smirks, leaving you agitated, but tried to keep a smile on before letting out a breathe of irritation and picked up the now empty cup of coffee and angrily threw the trash in the garbage.
Jake meets you halfway, who was watching the whole scene unfold. "I told you it was a bad idea. He just won't open up to you that really quick." Jake said, but you were determined to make your master plan work. You just know somehow, someday it will work. It's just got to work. You didn't listen to Jake and walked past him, whilst Jake just sighed out and followed closely behind. You are just that stubborn.
Later that time during recess, you were forced to only wear your blazer exposing some bits of skin on you, but you didn't mind. It was not like anyone would stare at you. "Jakey, listen. I know you're going to think this is crazy, but my gaydar is telling me, Heeseung-hyung is queensified." You told him, Jake a little confused with your choice of words, you sighing at his cluelessness. "I meant gay, Jake. I think Heeseung is gay." You deadpanned, Jake's lips forming an 'o' shape as he nodded his head finally understanding what you meant to say.
Jake clears his throat after taking a bite from his ham and cheese sandwich. "I don't feel like you've known about this, but Heeseung and I used to date." Hearing that out of the blue confession you were able to spit out the milk that you were trying to drink and snapped your head towards Jake who continued to munch on his food, unfazed. "Surprise, surprise." Jake awkwardly laughs.
You wiped your mouth dry and took your handkerchief from your pockets to wipe off some of the milk that dripped down your chest. "Jake, how come you've never told me about this before?" You asked the male who only shrugged his shoulders and sipped his strawberry yogurt away. "Guess the master plan has to stop and I actually have to befriend Heeseung-hyung." Jake raises a brow.
"You don't really have to anymore though." Jake suggested, but you shook your head in reply, Jake knowing you have something in mind that you don't want to happen.
"I have got to. If I stop he'll know himself that he was right and I hate it when he's right. I just simply hate it!" You yelled out, Jake laughing a little as he caressed your back to calm you down. You were suddenly like a lion trying to burst out of its cage. You looked over at Jake and gave him a determined look. "I won't let that happen. Hyung is going to be my friend. He will be." You told Jake who gave you a look that said 'suit yourself' and looks away while you thought of what to do next. To become Heeseung's friend.
The day went for a very long time and you just couldn't hurry more to band practice and meet Heeseung there who was always the first one to arrive at the band's designated room. You ran to the room as fast as you can and stood at the door with a halt and a smile, as usual, catching Heeseung playing a few songs on his guitar. "Hyung!" You called out, the voice clearly making Heeseung groan exactly knowing who owns that all too familiar annoying voice. He turns his head around, his anger evaporating for a second the moment he laid his eyes on you.
So suddenly, Heeseung was entranced by the way you were clothed. With only the blazer on top and a little bit of skin showing, it was as though you purposely had done it to seduce the taller male who just can't keep his eyes off your exposed ches—"Hyung!" You shouted at him for another time, snapping the male awake from his train of thoughts, immediately regretting that he was actually checking you out. "Before you say anything, I was not lying back there and really wanted to become your friend. You don't have to play any of my songs. I'll do what you want." You said to the taller male all the while you picked up your own guitar and plugged it to the amplifier. You did a little riff to warm up, Heeseung still in a daze. "Hyung, are you alright?"
"I, what? Huh? Shut up." He retorts yet you just shrugged and practiced on the guitar with a few of Heeseung's written song, every once in a while the older male stealing a glance, but shook his thoughts away and focused on something else to distract himself. "Fuck, what is wrong with you?" Heeseung whispered to himself, grabbing a towel to clean his guitar.
You catching his actions, you yelled out to him to stop before he could do any damage to his priced guitar. "Hyung, wait!" Heeseung faces you and knits his brows, feeling a little stressed already and he had just got to hear you squeak out a noise again. "That's what we use to polish the floor." You informed him, Heeseung looking down at what he thought was a towel, but saw a rug instead and thinks of an excuse.
"I was... about to just polish the floor, so yeah.. But, now I'm lazy." He said, to which you just raised a brow at since Heeseung never really like to clean and actually don't think about cleaning at all unless told to. "Just.. I don't want to hear a word from you." Heeseung told you, which you rolled your eyes to and scoffed.
The following days, you kind of noticed the changes at how Heeseung acted around you and it was not even the best one. He always acted weird and really clumsy when you were in his line of sight, like you are some kind of activator or a switch that turned something on Heeseung's bolts that he starts to act unlike him. Like the confidence and shit faded away type of Heeseung and you weren't so sure why this was happening, but Heeseung literally made it clear that he was being all shy and always left when you arrive, except during practices.
For example this morning's flag ceremony where you lined up along with the other students who are late, you unfortunately stood beside Heeseung and the moment he realized it was you he flinches away with a loud scream, shocking you at how sudden it was. Even the rest of the students were shocked to have heard Heeseung scream. "Hyung, are you alright? You always seem to be scared when I'm around." You asked the taller male who only ignored you and cleared his throat. "Hyung?" You tried to find the answer you needed, but your words fell on deaf ears.
For the first time, you admit you wished the dismissive and sassy Heeseung came back. It was starting to get more and more hard to become friends with Heeseung especially with this new attitude he was showing around you. Pretending like you are invisible and never even dares to look at you in the eyes anymore. He busies himself with something else when he talks to you and when you try to find his eyes, he would just look away and avoid you.
"Jake, don't you think hyung's been... off lately?" You questioned a little concerned and a little worried that Heeseung is purposely doing this so he can prove himself right in the end of the day, as though your advances to be his friend was just nothing. Jake looks at you and nodded his head, humming lightly. "I mean, I'm not certain if I'm the only who's able to notice it, but Heeseung-hyung's been very suspicious. I mean not in a bad way." You admitted, Jake giving you a chuckle as you looked at him feeling confused.
"Oh, Y/N. You are just that dense are you?" Jake smirked, putting down the cup of coffee he bought. Seeing you're cluelessness, he just sighs and takes one more sip from the cup and starts to make some sense with his words. "That Y/N is a Heeseung who's in love." Jake said, you scoffing.
"Wow, didn't know Heeseung had it in him to actually fall for anyone. With who anyways?" You threw him another question, Jake scoffing in disbelief. Was his clues not too obvious enough? You glanced over at Jake when he fell silent, the male giving you a knowing look, you totally confused why he had that look on his face. "What?" You took a chip from his snack and chewed on it, wiping your fingers clean and stood up. "Anyways, I'll chat you later. I have somewhere to be." You told Jake, the latter nodding his head as he gestured for you to go already. Jake smirks smugly, your brows knitting together as you shrugged it off as nothing and left.
On the way to your destination, you unfortunately bumped into a wall, putting a hand over your head since you weren't paying much attention to where you are walking, lifting your head up to see Heeseung. You gave him a smile, although catching the same poker expression on his face. "Hyu—"
"So, Jake, huh?" Heeseung cuts you off mid-sentence. Giving you no context about what he meant. He just went fully with his accusations. You raised him a brow out of confusion, then shook your head and tried to get away from him, but the taller male caught you by the wrist as you averted your gaze to him, your confused expression replaced with a small glare. "Answer me."
"How? I don't even know what you fucking mean. You just come out of the blue and ask me 'sO jAkE, hUh'. What the hell am I supposed to answer? Double it and pass it to the other? Are you a fucking math equation?" You sassed. Heeseung blushing a tad bit in embarrassment, but he kept it subtle and covered it with a clear of his throat, keeping his gaze away from you for a moment, so you don't notice the red tint on his cheeks.
He crosses his arms, viewing you through the side of his eyes. He quickly looks away the minute your eyes met, Heeseung barely forming the right words, on the brink of stumbling through his words if it wasn't for his curiosity. "Sorry, I meant... uh, are you and Jake dating?"
You grimaced at his question and agressively shook your head. "What?! God, no. He's my bestfriend and like a brother to me now. It feels wrong to be dating Jake." You fake gagged, Jake who heard everything from where he was scoffs in disbelief and starts cursing you in his head.
Hearing your answer removed a huge weight off Heeseung's shoulders, his heart swelling with relief, lowkey hiding his smile under an undertone voice, sounding cold and emotionless, like he usually was with you. He tries his best to hide his smile. "Then... can I tell you something?" Heeseung asked you, you tilting your head in question, wondering what exactly could he want from you. I mean, it wasn't every day that Heeseung actually talks to you. When he does, it would only be for him to tease and mock you, so this was a little different to you.
"What? Please, make it quick. I have somewhere to be." You told him, looking as though you are in a hurry, but Heeseung is so persistent to tell you whatever there is for him to tell you. The male actually shocked at himself when he found his hands unconciously on your shoulders to stop you from going anywhere, as if he didn't want you to go.
Heeseung purses his lips, slowly retracting his hands back down his sides and gave another clear of his throats, making you laugh softly at his actions. "I... I actually want to tell you through a song, Y/N." You seemed a little surprise at him hearing your name come out of his mouth. He'd usually call you names just to make fun of you, but you simply shrugged it off and sighed.
You looked at the clock display on your phone's lock screen and decided that there is still an ample amount of time to spare. You averted your attention back to Heeseung, then crossing your arms. "Is it important?" You asked him and Heeseung, surprisingly enough, nod his head vigorously as though excited about something.
"Yes! Too important that you don't want to miss out on it." Heeseung replied, smiling from ear to ear which you found a bit creepy considering the one time Heeseung would only smile at you is when he finds you at miserable state. Maybe, that is his plan and you're falling into his trap.
Not putting your guard down, you still nodded your head and sighed for the nth time. "Alright, fine." He was about to move when you immediately stopped him, pulling him by the wrist which made Heeseung instinctively look down at where your touch lingered before facing you. "You're not... going to try and kill me are you?" You asked him cautiously, Heeseung staring at you for a second or two before bursting out into fits of laughter.
"That's what you were worried about?" Heeseung teases you, holding onto his stomach, making you blush a little out of pure embarrassment.
You avoided his eyes, turning your head to the side trying to hide your reddening face. "Well, yeah. YOU are cruel to me after all." You answered him, Heeseung's laughter dying down slowly and smiles down at you, you looking up at him with furrowed brows.
"Now, you're really scaring me." You told him, Heeseung rolling his eyes before he drags you to the band's practice room, laughing softly all throughout the way. He didn't know what he is feeling as of the moment. It was making him feel all giddy inside and his heart was beating like crazy. He felt nervous and happy both at the same time, but damn, it was you. He didn't know just when it started, but he could no longer handle the ache in his heart whenever he sees you being all lovey dovey with Jake, when it should be him and him only.
"Trust me, Y/N. I won't even lay a finger on you." Heeseung said, which made you feel a sinking feeling in your stomach. Heeseung was only grinning happily, but in your perspective he was trying to fool you, his prey for the night.
The moment you two arrived at the band room, he makes you settle down on one of the chairs as he goes on preparing whatever he needs for whatever he wants with you. You raise him a brow, catching sight of Heeseung's shaking hands, the male cursing himself when he clumsily steps on something or drop anything, in short when he gets a little too careless. He checks in on you and you tilt your head to the side, your usual way when asking anyone if their okay or if they need any help. "I-I'm fine, Y/N. Just... stay where you are." He tells you whilst you nod your head in reply, Heeseung hanging the sling of his guitar on his shoulder and turns to look at you. "I hope you will like it, Y/N." He told you with a small smile, taking a deep breathe and started playing with the strings ever so gently with his fingers, strumming carefully.
He starts to sing you the song, smiling to himself with the image of the person he wanted to sing this to, remained in his head. It was like a dream. Looking at him like this, you thought he looked like a man who came straight out of a comic. He looked like a proper gentleman, not like the Heeseung that you always knew. It was a little different.
He continues to finish the song, but soon slowly stops, the melody that his guitar crated fading into the silence, before he looks at you as you clapped your hands, leaving Heeseung a little confused. Didn't you see the hint he was trying to see? He literally just described you THROUGH A SONG. "Hyung, we should totally play that song during the prom! I bet you everyone will like it!" You exclaimed, the edges of your lips reaching up to the heavens.
"What? No! I mean, thanks, but Y/N..." Heeseung sighs in disbelief. He knew about how you're a little too late to understand the signals, but he didn't know that you are this dense when he already made it pretty obvious that he wrote the song for you and YOU only. No one else. Was it that hard to understand?
Your brows knited together at the center, tilting your head to the side in question. "Isn't that what you wanted to hear from me?" You asked him.
"I mean, you always wanted to be the one with the most recognition." You cut him off before he could even say anything, already thinking of other things that Heeseung would probably want to hear right now. Other than that he wants his song to be the only song heard by many. He is a little selfish at that matter, but that's not the point.
"It's not—" Heeseung was about to speak yet another time, but you beat him to it for another time, the older male groaning at how annoying you are sounding right now, mainly since he didn't want to speak about it loud, since it's possible for his ego to be stepped on by you with just a quick no and rejection.
You hummed, paying no attention to Heeseung and started to pace back and forth. "The possibilities of this actually adding more to your fame is about a fifty to fifty percent. I—" You are abruptly stopped mid-sentence when Heeseung yells who could no longer keep it in, especially when he's hearing words that's making him feel too guilty.
"Y/N, I WROTE THAT SONG FOR YOU, OKAY?!" Heeseung let out, puffing his chest while you are left speechless. The taller male turns his back at you, covering the blush that was forming on his cheeks that made him look almost completely like a tomato.
You were dumbfounded. Heeseung? Wrote a song for you? Are you by any chance still dreaming or asleep? Cause if you were, you would very much want to wake up right at this moment. "Hyung..." You uttered out, but the word you wanted to tell him never seemed to leave ypur lips. Your tongue got tied and all you could muster to form was static sentences that didn't make any sense at all. Everything seemed overwhelming and just plain so unreal.
Heeseung breathes in deeply and shuts his eyes close. "Do I have to word it out for you? Fine, L/N Y/N. I like you." He told you without even a tad bit of hesitation as though he was ready with all this. You couldn't even say anything. It's just too sudden and unexpected, like a birthday surprise from a person you know talks shit about you behind your back.
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It had already been a few weeks since the confession and it's the only thing that cycled inside your head like a broken record. No matter how much you tried to get it out of your head, you are just forced to think about it even more. It felt like a curse! "AH!" You screamed out too loud that even the person who sat beside you gave out a loud scream as well. "God, sorry." You sighed, almost slamming your head on the table out of habit, weren't for Jake instinctively pushing your head back to stop you.
"What is it now, Y/N?" Jake asks you, moving his hand so he could flip the page of the book he is currently reading. He may have been too engross with what he is doing, but you are his top priority. He had to always look out for you. "Is it still about that confession?" Jake asked, you whining with nod and groaned, laying your head on his shoulder and held onto his arm.
Jake looks down at you with a chuckle and locks your head in place in his arm, feeling his bicep's muscle flex. "Seriously, Y/N? It's clear as day you share the same feelings." He told you, while your cheeks were being squished, your lips puckered up a little like a duck's beak, you sighing.
You knew that Jake was right. You did find the feelings mutual, but you just don't know how to face Heeseung right now after that incident. You acted on impulse and just left, when you shouldn't have had. Just thinking about it made your stomach feel a little funny. "I... I know." Jake raised a brow at your answer, the urge to just open your brain and see what's going on inside there.
"Then, what seems to be the problem?" Jake asked you, removing yourself from him and groaned.
"I don't even know! I'm just going crazy now." You let out in frustration, you yourself can't even understand yourself any longer. Sure, it made your heart flutter and things, so what seems to be the problem if not that?
Jake's attention went over towards the entrance and smirks, laughing softly. "Well, make a choice. We leave now or stay. Heeseung at three o'clock." You immediately snapped your head towards the direction and you do see Heeseung, but there is something different about him now.
He was glistening with beauty. He looks like an angel, your world starting to revolve slowly as your eyes focused only on Heeseung and watched as he smiles at you, your eyes furrowing at awe, unable to find the answer how the heavens would ever create such a fine man. His new dyed hair and his hair sleeked back, shiny with the hair gel he lways loved to use. You're seeing a complete different side of Heeseung and, God, you just fell even deeper. "HIDE ME, JAKE!" You yelled at Jake, pulling him by the collar and quickly found your way behind him, Heeseung who saw it all rolled his eyes.
"Y/N, I'm not blind and you can't just keep on hiding from me." Heeseung crossed his arms, eyeing you from behind Jake who just pursed his lips and moved back to reading his book before taking a sip of his iced coffee, snorting when he hears your answer almost choking on his drink.
You peeked from where you are and glared at Heseung who tried to find your eyes, but you only looked away. "Says you." You muttered, still loud enough for Heeseung to hear you.
"Goodness." The male sighs, massaging the bridge of his nose. Catching the stress on his eyes, you bit on your lower lip thinking whether to have a talk with Heeseung or not, considering that every time you tried, you're only engulfed in a deafening silence and Heeseung is left to wonder what you're supposed to tell him.
Gathering enough courage, you tapped on Jake's side, the Australian humming in reply telling you that he was listening to you. "...Jake, can you leave me with Heeseung for a moment? I'd like to speak with him in private." Jake closes his book and nods his jead, looking over at Heeseung and gave him a look. He just wanted to make sure you'll be in safe hands the moment he leaves.
Jake finally stands from his chair and starts making his way out of the place. You silently sat down in front of Heeseung who only stares at you in anticipation. You cleared your throat to calm your nerves a little; a headstart to be exact. You lift your head up to see the male eye to eye. "Heeseung, look... I don't have any problem with the confession and your feelings." You admitted, fiddling with your fingers due to how anxious you felt right now.
"...Then? Why are you trying to avoid me?" Heeseung questions, his head slightly towards the side.
"Cause! Everything was all too sudden and I embarrassed myself Infront of you by just literally kissing you that day!" You answered him, the taller male chuckling at your reply, then shaking his head.
He holds your hand into his, which caused you to jump a little in shock. "I liked that kiss though." Heeseung said, placing a kiss on top of your hand, not losing the eye contact you both held, your cheeks starting to turn red.
"Hyung!" You whisper-shouted, Heeseung laughing cutely at you, deciding to tease you even more. You pouted at him, finally peeling your eyes away from his and covered your tomato cheeks.
"I'm leaving." You pulled your hand away from Heeseung and grabbed your things, leaving the table and walked your way out, hearing a soft laugh from Heeseung who follows behind you closely.
The male's hand reached over your chin and slowly moves your head so you could face him. "What? I just said what I should have. Your lips are soft, I could kiss them all day." His words slithered out of his mouth smoothly, that it became unbearable for you anymore and started to regret trying to ever talk to him when he'd constantly just tease you.
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midnightmah07 · 3 months
Mademoiselle Beau (A/n: MY HEAD IS FULL WITH THEMMM. :,(((( Also, this is like a second part to that first Anneliese scenario with Daisy- )
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Daisy breathed a sigh of relief. Thinking of her conversation with Anneliese, the pieces of the puzzle seemed to fit together with less worry. Anneliese, though inherently kind-hearted, often resorted to sharp words as a manner to cope against circumstances beyond her control, as result her jealously over Daisy's appearance and lovable personality.
Daisy found herself able to appreciate Anneliese for her honesty, even if it sometimes took longer than anticipated for her true feelings to surface. At least now, she found herself grasping a clearer understanding Rook's crush on the girl. And talking about the devil...
"Mademoiselle Trickster!" Rook waved happily as he hoped for Daisy join his conversation with Damali; who smiled to know who was around. "A petit birdie told me, you sorted things with ma chérie, Annelise, is that right?"
Well, it's no surprise he caught wind of things so quickly. His hearing is sharp, and rumors have a way of spreading fast like the wings of a bird.
"Huh? You finally talked with Anneliese, how things went?" Damali tilts her head to the side.
"Actually," Daisy began, her voice gentle yet filled with warmth, "she was the one to come up to me." Her words were accompanied by a soft smile that seemed to light up the room, her gaze inadvertently bypassing the small surprised expression on Damali's face. "Everything went smoothly, I am just glad she felt comfortable enough to talk to me."
Daisy maintained her sweet smile, unaware of the subtle shift in the Scarabia's student; Damali showed a proud demeanor toward her friend overcoming that small fear to talk with Daisy.
"Rook, I have a question." Said Daisy.
It was only after a moment that she realized there was the reason why she had been drawn to that conversation in the first place.
"Hm?" Rook faces goes to a surprise sight, confused situation. "Well, colour me intrigued. Shoot your question, mademoiselle." kjbv
"Although, I do understand why you are friends with Anneliese, " Daisy started. "I don't understand how come you be so persistent over her? I mean, she showed zero interest, from what you said."
Damali hums in agreement, "Actually she is right, I remember that in second year you would follow her every where! All the time I heard her voice it was accompanied by yours, similar of what you do with Vil," Says Damali with a hum. "According to the old Scarabia's housewander, people used to believe you changed dorms because of her."
Rook chuckled, acknowledging that everyone views situations differently. Could he truly blame the rumors for circulating?
"From where moi should start?" A genuine smile slowly spreads across Rook's face. Rook stays quiet for awhile. "Hm, droite." Rook crosses his arms.
"Anneliese... she's captured my heart in a way, I never thought possible," Rook says as he smiles gently. "At first I would believe she has me wrapped around her finger only for her beauty. Oh, how foolish." Rook puts a hand on his chest with a dreamy sigh. "Her kindness, her strength, even. Her very essence fills me with an indescribable joy. Every moment spent with her is like a treasure, and I find myself falling deeper in amour with her with each passing day."
Damali and Daisy both wore shocked expressions upon hearing Rook's confession about his crush.
"She's hard to approach, but, I have not and will not give up." He proudly said. "I love Anneliese, for three years. After all."
The trio heard a faint noise behind them, but when they turned around, there was nothing to be found.
The hunter, in fact, noticed. He was acutely aware that the woman who held his heart in her tender hands was listening in on the conversation. After years of serenades, love letters, and gifts, Anneliese knew she should anticipate Rook speaking of her in such a manner. Yet, hearing him express it to others, her heart raced, her cheeks flushed with a rosy hue, her eyes widened with shock.
Anneliese found herself denying, even in the solitude of her own thoughts; the effect Rook's words had on her... Yet, she stubbornly refused to acknowledge the melting sensation they ignited within her. It was this very resistance that spurred Rook on, for he understood, he knew her well enough to recognize it as Anneliese's defense mechanism. She struggled to comprehend why he persisted, puzzled by his affection for her. Deep down, she sensed that her resistance was born from a fear of the intensity of her own emotions. She feared that if she were to surrender to love, the ensuing descent would be far more painful than she dared to imagine.
Anneliese turned away, hastily making her way to her next class. She couldn't bear to hear another word without either blushing furiously or feeling like she might pass out.
Regardless, Rook continuing to talk about how everything began, recounting his perspective on how things had unfolded since he first met her. He emphasized that it wasn't simply an overnight situation.
After a while, Daisy excused herself, leaving Mademoiselle Scarabée and Le Chasseur d'Amour alone to attend her class.
Damali waved to the short gal with a warm smile, her friend mirroring the gesture with a smile of her own. After a quiet time, Damali says.
"You know Anneliese heard it," She turns to him. "Right?"
"Well, of course, mon ami. A hunter's hearing is very keen." He winked with a chuckle.
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I literally just woke up from a nap what the heckkkk this is so cute and sweet😭
Rook knowing she was listening but using it to his advantage to make Anneliese understand he loves her9$83+3(8_+_;
ALSO Damali and Daisy in the same fic⁉️ WHATTT <- I'm literally their creator
I love this sm help😭😭
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Down By The Docks
Bucky Barnes x Male Reader
Word Count: 1810
This is inspired by another request, from an anon this time.
The idea is a '40's AU. I wasn't totally sure if that meant they wanted a story totally set in the 1940's or something that just didn't reference the war, or pretended the war wasn't on/our characters aren't involved in the war, so I just picked one.
Hope this is what you wanted anon!
Bucky Barnes was one of the best looking fellas Y/n had ever laid eyes on, of that he was sure. It was only his second day working down on the docks, but he was sure he could happily spend the rest of his life working this menial job if the view never changed.
He was always quick with a smile for a pretty dame or even, Y/n had noticed, a particularly handsome fella.
Y/n had thought for sure he had imagined seeing his 'impressing a pretty dame' smile aimed at the bloke who had delivered a sack of letters to the area they were working in.
He would have written it off as the heat getting to him if not for that very same smile being directed his way later that day while they were all sitting around eating their lunches.
None of the other's seemed to have picked up Bucky's brazen flirting with both genders, or maybe they just didn't care. That last one seemed pretty unlikely though.
Y/n just hiked up a brow at Bucky the second time he shot him that pretty smile. He had no idea what to do with that. It couldn't be helped that it was illegal to be that way, that was just the way of the world.
Y/n was sure that Bucky was trying to kill him.
He had shown up to work wearing his standard work wear. Just the worn whites and browns of clothes that had been washed too many times but that you couldn't afford to throw out yet.
It just wasn't fair that the day was particularly warm, so everyone had ended up stripped down to their pants. All those half naked male bodies glimmering with sweat, the noises they made unconsciously as they lifted boxes full of cargo and moved them to where they needed to go.
And right there, in the middle of it all, Bucky Barnes. Poor Y/n had ended up being sent home from being 'affected by the sun'. It wasn't his fault dammit, Bucky had been parading around looking good enough to eat. Y/n was ashamed to find himself literally walking into poles and walls in his preoccupation with the half naked Bucky.
Y/n sighed in relief. Tonight was going to be blessedly free of one Bucky Barnes, perpetual thorn in his gay side.
He was going out to a bar. It was an open secret that this particular bar was a gay bar. The cops in that area were happy to turn a blind eye to it largely because several of them were known regulars there.
That didn't mean you could just go about talking about it, or anything that went on inside it while you weren't there.
It was still illegal after all.
Y/n leaned back into his booth and sighed happily. A nice drink, some eye candy that wouldn't beat the crap out of him just for giving them the eye, and a little dancing ought to make his worries just float away.
Y/n had been looking forward to this all week.
Damn Barnes to hell and back.
Y/n moved over to the bar to order himself something silly. He was feeling the need for some ridiculousness tonight.
He had just taken his first sip of his drink when he spotted him. There he was, standing by the bar just a little ways down from Y/n, seemingly ordering a drink.
Y/n tried valiantly to not spit his mouthful of booze all over the bar. He had paid good money for that drink and he would be damned if he wasted it.
It didn't work very well. Some of it ended up coming out of his nose, and as he hacked up the parts of it that went down the wrong pipe to choke him, the rest dribbled down his chin.
'Well, that was attractive,' Y/n thought drily.
"Oh gosh, are you alright? Here, let me help."
Y/n turned watering eyes on the man addressing him.
He was met with a short blond who looked like a stiff wind could knock him over if he wasn't careful.
He was holding out a handkerchief and looking unsure of himself.
Y/n went to reassure the stranger that he was fine, but some small remaining part of the drink that hadn't been attempting to kill him before chose that moment to do so. Instead of words, he could only hack and cough, trying to get the liquid out of his lungs.
Y/n felt a hand on his back moving in firm circles, trying to help. He looked back over at the man to find him at his side frowning as he rubbed at Y/n's back.
When Y/n could finally speak properly he took the handkerchief, which had once again been offered, to clean his face of tears and spit and snot.
'Who'd have thought that alcohol burned so badly going into a person's nose and lungs?' Y/n thought disgustedly.
When he had cleaned himself up properly and turned back to his savior he suddenly realised he had no idea how to make this situation any less awkward.
The other man apparently had no such reservations.
"I'm Steve by the way. That looked pretty painful. Are you okay now?"
He was so earnest, and it didn't look like he was laughing at Y/n at all, so he could only nod vaguely.
"Yeah, I was just surprised by something. I'm Y/n, just so you know."
Y/n paused, feeling every bit as awkward as he ever had.
"Um, after that bit of excitement, I think I'm gonna call it a night. Murderous drinks aside it was nice meeting you. Can I clean this and bring it back here some time for you Steve?"
Y/n held up the thoroughly soaked handkerchief, cringing internally.
"Oh, don't worry about it, but are you sure you don't want to stay for a little bit longer? I'm here with my friend, but he's never very good company when there's dancing and alcohol involved."
Y/n mulled it over for a second, before manners kicked in.
"Yeah, no worries. I could stay for a bit longer, if only to save you from a lonely evening."
Steve's smile was sweet, but Y/n also couldn't detect anything else behind it. It didn't seem like he was trying to hit on Y/n, just that he didn't want to spend the night alone while his 'friend' danced the night away.
Y/n followed behind Steve as he led him over to the booth that Y/n had originally been sitting in.
Y/n stopped still at the sight of who was sitting across from Steve. Bucky dang-it-all-to-heck Barnes.
At their approach, Bucky turned away from the two women sitting with him in the booth. His handsome face lit up when he registered who it was standing in front of him.
"Stevie, there you are. I was starting to think you ditched me earlier than ever, but look what you found. I should bring you here more often."
Steve just gave Bucky a blank look.
Y/n couldn't blame him. If his 'good friend' had taken him out for a night of fun, he wouldn't have appreciated him looking at other guys that way either. He wasn't exactly backward in letting people know he was interested from the sounds of it.
Y/n stood awkwardly by the booth, not really sure if he should still be there. He had followed Steve to keep him company, but if it were him in Steve's shoes right now, he'd want him to leave.
"Um, I think I should probably head off actually."
Steve turned back to Y/n looking confused.
"Oh, well if you're sure. You don't have to stay if you don't want to of course."
Y/n refused to acknowledge the fact that Bucky was honest to goodness pouting. Was there anything in this world that was fair?
"Well, at least let me walk you out."
There would be no arguing apparently, as Bucky was already out of his seat and herding Y/n to the door.
"It was nice meeting you!" Y/n barely managed to turn to yell to Steve as he was pulled away by the ever insistent Bucky.
Once they made it outside Bucky paused and turned to face Y/n.
Y/n turned to face him.
"Gotta say, I'm gettin' a bit confused here."
Y/n frowned but stayed silent.
"When we met at work I thought you were pretty cute, but you don't hit on people down by the docks if you wanna live to see the next sunrise, you know? But then you were always starin' an I thought, maybe you mighta been interested. Then that day you kept walkin' into things happened and I was pretty dang sure you were."
Y/n was blushing by now.
'Great so he did notice.'
"But then I see you here."
Bucky had moved closer and lowered his voice, speaking softer.
"An, no offense to Stevie, but he's not exactly every guys dream-boat. You know, I don't even think he knows this is a gay bar."
He broke off here to chuckle quietly. He was standing so close, he was practically pressing Y/n up against the wall of the bar.
"But then you're actin' all stand-offish. Like you can't even bare to look at me. So, what's a guy to think?"
Bucky seems to realise how this might be coming across and pulls away to give Y/n some room.
"Do I got a shot with you Y/n?"
Y/n had been floating somewhere dreamy with Bucky pressed up so close to him, but when he pulled away, reality came crashing down. How dare he ask questions like that when Steve was in there waiting for him to get back?
"You got some nerve Barnes. You can't just ask anyone out. Not when you got a fantastic guy like that waiting for you in there!"
"Fantastic guy? What-"
Y/n cut him off before he could sweet talk his way out of this.
"Steve! He's sweet, and kind and probably way too good for someone who flirts with everyone on the block!"
Bucky was laughing, which Y/n thought was way out of line.
"Wha, Y/n, Steve's just a friend. He don't even swing that way."
Y/n's face lit up with the brightest blush he had ever felt. He was sure he was going to actually self-combust before long.
"Yeah. So is that why you looked at me like that?"
He moved closer again, and when he spoke that damned silver tongue was back.
"I would never. When I'm with someone, they're the most important person in the world to me. Besides, how could I ever look my ma in the face again if I treated my partner like that?"
Y/n blushed fiercely.
"So whaddya say? Give me a shot?"
Y/n could only nod, face still a brilliant red.
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koushou · 3 years
Can you please do zhongli/rex lapis x fem shy reader. The fem reader is extremely shy and doesn't have any friends cause of her quiet and timid nature and she lives in liyue with her parents and an only child. She loves to story of rex lapis and the history of liyue and accidentally meet zhongli and sometime later he revealed to be rex lapis to the reader. Also, the fem is a villager of liyue and doesn't have super powers to fight just a weak villager.
fateful meeting
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pairing : zhongli x shy f!reader {fluff}
warnings : none
word count : 2.6k
a/n : thank you for this request! I apologize for the wait, I dont think i made the reader as shy as you requested jshdjd sorry, i hope you enjoy !
Even as a child you had been fascinated by the stories of Liyue, or rather, a specific figure in its history. Perhaps, the archons have heard your passionate nature regarding Liyue, for a fateful meeting one day will change your peaceful life forever. 
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Life was everything you could’ve ever wished for.
Only the soft, consistent chopping of a knife against a wooden cutting board and an occasional quiet flip of a page in a book could be heard in one of the many homes in Qingce Village. 
Sunlight seeps through the cracks of the window you sat by, casting a bright glow on the words inside the book in your hands, seeming as if the story itself was coming to life.
Well, not that the story wasn’t coming to life, it had already come to life, for you were currently reading about the history of your beloved nation, Liyue.
The book you were so engrossed in was not an unfamiliar story, having already read it a couple times. You would never grow tired of this one.
A smile played on your lips as you approached one of your favorite parts of this specific chapter. 
Softly fiddling with the corner of the thin page, your eyes scanned over the familiar words slowly.
Wielding a spear so sharp no blade could even hope to compete against, he emerges from the shadows, illuminating a golden aura around his built figure. In one swift motion, the polearm-wielding fighter sends a rumble through the ground beneath him, ridding of any enemies around him in a flash. A sigh leaves his lips as he removes his hood, examining his surroundings. A long ponytail of golden-brown hair trails down to his waist, flowing softly in the wind. His eyes the same shade, if anything more golden, slowly fluttering shut, head turning upwards, immersing himself in the soft breeze.
You pause and gaze out the window, sighing at the scene of hundreds of miles of tall mountains spread out all around, all thanks to one person. One archon, to be more specific.
About to flip the page once more to continue, you were interrupted by your mother’s voice calling out from the kitchen. 
“Y/N, dear, could you fetch me some berries down the river if you aren’t busy?”
You tear your eyes away from the book begrudgingly, calling back, “Fine, anything else?”
“Some sweet flowers and fowl would be great, thanks honey!”
You shut the book, placing it down on your table as you stand up to stretch, bones cracking at the movement.
As much as you wanted nothing but to snuggle back into your chair and immerse yourself back into the story, your parents were the most important people in your life, and you knew it was mainly up to you to take care of them.
Being an only child isn’t as lonely as people make it out to be, you get peace and quiet in the home, and you wouldn’t change it for anything else.
Kicking on your shoes you wore when you ventured outside, you picked up the basket that was used to collect food, as well as your hunting bow for the fowl.
You didn’t know how to fight, having spent your whole life secluded in the village, but you had enough hunting experience, at least.
About to head out, your eyes landed on the book now laying on the table and pondered for a moment, before grabbing it and placing it into the basket.
Despite your mother’s scolding about dangers reading outside, you just wanted a change of scenery while you lose yourself in Liyue’s history.
“I’m heading out now, Ma!” You call out as you push open the wooden door to your home, earning a hum from her in response.
The heat in Liyue would be pretty unbearable to outsiders, however having lived in the same village for almost all your life, it wasn’t anything new.
You hummed, greeting your neighbors occasionally with a wave, walking down to your usual place to fetch ingredients.
Finally reaching your destination not too far from the village, you crouch by the river as you picked the sweet flowers and berries your mother had asked for.
“Mmm, what else did she ask for again?” You thought out loud, forgetting the last ingredient, eyes landing on your bow.
“Oh right, fowl!”
You scan your surroundings, looking for any signs of birds, when suddenly you hear a sharp rustle of a bush behind you. 
Not having time to even turn around and investigate, a heavy weight pounced on you from behind, causing you to tumble forward.
You let out a yelp, feeling a pain through your arm that you had landed on, turning around to see the attacker.
Your eyes widened, seeing it had been a hilichurl that was currently standing above you, however, it didn’t feel like a regular hilichurl.
It had black smoke emitting around it, as if some type of curse had been placed on it, enhancing its strength.
The hilichurl spurt out some unintelligible words, before raising its bat and lunging at you once again.
You grab your bow beside you quickly, aiming at its head before completely missing due to your shaking hands.
Cursing under your breath, you pick up a rock and throw it weakly at the creature, causing it to stop only briefly before charging towards you again, seemingly more angered this time. 
This was it, you thought. All the time spent not learning how to fight, this must’ve been your punishment. 
You shield your face with your arms, hoping to at least lessen the impact, before hearing the hilichurl shout followed by a thud behind you. 
Moving your hands away from your head, you turn to see the hilichurl now lying unconscious a few feet away from you.
“Are you hurt anywhere?” 
A deep, masculine voice brings you out of your shock, as you turn slowly to meet your savior, instead met by a hand held out in front of you, offering assistance. 
Your eyes trailed up to the mysterious man’s face, before your breath caught in your throat.
A long ponytail of golden-brown hair trails down to his waist, flowing softly in the wind.
The man looked back at you curiously, hand still reached out toward you.
His eyes the same shade, if anything more golden.
Why were you suddenly reminded of those words in the book?
Your mouth gapes at the sight of the man above you, his presence bringing a strange feeling you didn’t recognize.
Your eyes widened. Could it be..?
“...excuse me? Are you alright?”
His voice brings you out of your daze once again, a worried look cast upon his handsome features. Wait, what?
It was only then did you realize how good looking the man was before you, turning red as you took his hand and stood up, wobbling a tiny bit.
“Thank you for saving me,” you bow slightly, quickly picking up your forgotten belongings on the ground, still flustered from the incident.
You were about to say goodbye and leave as quick as you could, before your book fell out of your basket and landed on the ground next to the man’s feet.
The man bent down and picked up the book, about to hand it back to you, when he suddenly stopped and examined the cover.
You swore you could’ve been seeing things, but a small smile grazes his lips as he faces you.
“Are you also interested in the stories of Liyue?”
You stop in your tracks, turning to the man who was now flipping through the pages of the book to the section you had bookmarked prior.
His golden orbs now held an unreadable expression behind them, almost...nostalgic.
You felt a small surge of confidence as your favorite topic was brought up.
“Ah--yes, I am quite informed of the history of Liyue myself,” you smile softly to yourself, causing him to look up and chuckle.
“Is that so?” He hums, tilting his head upwards to face the blue sky, closing his eyes slowly. 
...slowly fluttering shut, head turning upwards, immersing himself in the soft breeze.
Your eyes widened at the sight.
There was no way.
But, there was no other explanation for it.
“May I...ask your name?” You ask carefully, awaiting his answer.
He shuts the book with a soft thud, handing it back to you to which you take back happily.
“I go by Zhongli.”
He offers you a smile, making your heart skip a beat and blood to your cheeks, as you stutter back your name in response.
“Be careful around these parts, monsters have been affected by some sort of spell here, making them stronger than usual,” he explains while putting away his spear he had used earlier.
Wielding a spear so sharp no blade could even hope to compete against.
There was no mistaking it.
“Are you perhaps--” 
You start to ask, gaining a curious gaze from him, however stopping in your words after realizing how bizarre you’d sound if you’d ask him the question you had been aching to voice since your meeting.
“Nevermind, I should get going,” You shake your head, thanking him once more before starting to walk away.
“If you’d like me to answer your question, meet me back here tomorrow, at the same time.”
Zhongli spoke behind you, making you turn and meet his eyes, which gazed back into yours almost knowingly. 
“But you don’t know what my question is,” you question, confusion evident on your features.
He chuckles again, the sound making you melt on the spot.
“Do not underestimate the geo archon.” 
With that, he disappears into the other direction, leaving you frozen in your place.
Did he just…?
A million thoughts were coursing through your head at the moment. But one thing was for sure, you couldn’t wait until tomorrow. 
That night, sleep did not come to you like usual.
With your head filled with thoughts about Zhongli, and his last words before departing, you were basically shaking with excitement.
Had you really met him?
Nevermind, your questions would all be answered the next day.
“I see you’ve arrived.”
Zhongli smiles at you, to which you return the gesture, still mesmerized by his delicate features to speak.
You had practically jumped out of bed this morning, making some jumbled excuse about fetching more berries and fowl to your mother, who was left dumbfounded.
Zhongli pats the spot beside him on the grass, and you notice his spear laying next to him on the other side.
Carefully sitting down next to the tall man, both of your backs leaned against the tree with its leaves above you providing minimal cover from the sun. It was then that you noticed the close proximity of your bodies, making you flush.
“So, would you like to ask me your question from yesterday?”
You bit your bottom lip nervously for a moment, before shaking your head and reaching next to you into the bag that you had brought. 
“Ah-- before that, Mr. Zhongli, you mentioned you are also interested in Liyue’s stories?” You pulled out the book from yesterday. 
He nods, as you flip open the book to the chapter you had bookmarked. The same chapter describing Rex Lapis’s first appearance.
“Just Zhongli is fine. And yes, I am also well-informed of the stories of Liyue. Would you like me to tell you some?”
You nod, showing him the marked section. “That would be nice, but could you answer this one question of mine first?”
He takes the book from your hands, bright pupils scanning over the words. A small breeze blew by just that moment, causing his long hair to lift slightly. The sunlight shone softly on his pale skin, giving him an almost ethereal aura.
You never thought someone could appear so calm and peaceful while reading a book.
“Yes, ask away.” 
He lifts his head up to meet your eyes, making you clear your throat, embarrassed you had been admiring him so openly.
Although that chapter remains your favorite chapter of all times, there had been one question that had stayed in the corner of your mind each time you read it.
“In that section, when Rex Lapis lifts his head and immerses himself in the wind, what do you think he was feeling? Satisfaction from eliminating his enemies? Or perhaps, tired from all the fighting in the Archon War?”
Zhongli hums, smiling gently at nothing in particular as he closes his eyes, lifting his head up towards the sky.
A small breeze passes by again, and you smile at the sight. You no longer questioned his true identity. You knew.
“That all may be true, however, I’d say he was feeling quite…” He pauses, as if trying to search for the right word.
“...saddened, almost.”
You tilt your head curiously, “Saddened?”
He nods, facing you, “Perhaps mournful, even. Have you ever wondered if Rex Lapis wanted to kill at all? Although those evil should be eliminated, they are still living souls, and perhaps he wished for everything to return to normal.”
Zhongli’s voice trailed off, as he held a sad feeling behind his eyes, making you unconsciously reach for his hand laying on his lap.
He looked at you in surprise at the sudden contact, and your eyes widened at your own actions, making a move to quickly retrieve your own hand, when he stops you.
 He brings the both of your hands together, now laying on his lap as red spreads through your cheeks.
The both of you sit in silence as a few beats pass, when he breaks the silence once again.
“I’d like to share with you some of my favorite stories of Liyue, would you be interested?”
You smile, nodding as he starts speaking again.
And he shares stories you’ve never heard before, or even some that you have, but a different version of. The difference in stories that you had believed your whole life made you surprised, not sure what to believe.
No, scratch that, deep down, you knew what to believe. Or, who to believe.
Zhongli shares his stories until it starts to become dark, to which he finally stops and suggests you return home.
“I’ll walk you home, it’s quite dangerous at night.”
You thank him, and you two start to make your way back, continuing to talk about Liyue and its fascinating history.
“Ah, it’s just right down there. Thank you for today, Zhongli.” You smile at him once again, ready to return before he stops you.
“Are you not going to ask me the question you had yesterday?” It was quite dark, so it was a bit difficult to tell, but you swore there was a slight smirk on his lips.
You laugh, shaking your head. “I’ve got my answer already.”
He raises his eyebrows, a teasing hint in his voice, “Are you sure, Y/N?”
Hearing your name roll off his tongue sent shivers through your body, smirking back at him.
“I’m quite sure, Rex Lapis.”
Zhongli opens his mouth to speak before closing, as deep chuckles ring through the night. Not long after, your own quiet giggles joining him. Finally, you both recover from your laughter.
“Goodnight then, Morax, you still have to share your stories with me tomorrow.”
He smiles at you, golden eyes shining even through the dark. “Same time?”
You grin back, before turning to return back to your home. “Same time.”
Maybe you’d ask him to teach you how to fight tomorrow.
On second thought, perhaps your lack of experience in fighting was a good thing. For because of it, you had met the man who only existed in books that you’d read everyday.
Your once peaceful life, although disrupted by the appearance of the one and only geo archon you admired so dearly, had now offered you something to look forward to each day.
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heyiwrotesomethings · 3 years
Bedtime Stories
Penny (Stardew) x They/Them Reader
A/N: Woo! With this, I have completed a fic for all the Stardew Bachelorettes! Hope ya’ll are ready for Penny time! Word Count: 5,618
(Y/n) stretched their arms way above their head, reveling in the pulling of their back muscles and the dull crack of their spine. They had been out foraging all day and their pack was full of blackberries, mushrooms and nuts. A very good haul.
They shivered a bit as another breeze blew through. The skies had only gone dark about an hour ago, but (Y/n) was ready to call it a night and turn in to their warm and cozy farmhouse.
They walked up the dirt path past Marnie’s ranch to their farm, smiling when they saw the light of their house in the distance. The children must have been giving Penny a hard time tonight. Usually they’d be asleep before (Y/n) got home, but they could get restless on occasion.
As soon as (Y/n)’s boots thudded against the wooden stairs, they could hear excited cries from within, and soon a small head poked out from behind the front door before swinging it fully outward.
(Y/n) flung their arms out to catch the small body that flew into their legs, soon joined by a smaller, more clumsy one.
“You two are up rather late, you aren’t giving your mom a hard time, are you?” (Y/n) asked their children.
“Mommy said we could wait for you if we ate all our veggies at dinner so we did. We did good so we’ll grow up to be strong farmers like you!” The older of the two exclaimed.
“Oh yeah?” (Y/n) grinned.
“Yeah!” The younger child shrilled.
“Well, now that I’m here, it’s time for bed isn’t it?”
A duet of displeased noises met (Y/n)’s ears but they quickly devolved into giggles when the farmer attacked them with tickles. Once the children were disarmed, (Y/n) slung them over their shoulders and bounced them into the house, meeting the loving eyes their spouse gave them from the couch.
Penny sat in a pile of rumpled blankets no doubt put there by their rambunctious children. In her lap was a book of fairy tales that usually served her well when bedtime came around but tonight it seemed it was not enough.
“Hi, love. Welcome home.” Penny smiled sweetly, getting up to meet (Y/n) halfway. She hugged them around the middle before lightening their load by taking the smaller child off their hands.
“Hi sweetheart, how was your day?” The farmer asked, setting down their eldest child so they could remove their bag and boots.
“It went well. The children were so diligent with their studies. I was very impressed.” Penny said, making sure the kids were aware of how proud she was of their work.
“That’s great! I’m really proud of you two.” (Y/n) praised their children while they glowed with pride.
“So we can stay up late and watch tv?” The eldest asked hopefully, the parents merely laughed at the suggestion, making the children pout.
“Afraid not, sleep is very important and I think now would be a good time to hit the hay.” (Y/n) said, already trying to corral the kids into their bedroom.
“Not yet! We want a story at least!” The younger proclaimed, agreement was quickly voiced by their older sibling. Rarely it seemed they could come to a consensus so quickly.
“Oh? Well, I suppose one story wouldn’t hurt.” (Y/n) agreed. “Go brush your teeth first, please.”
The children toppled over each other, trying to get to the sink first so they could rush back to the living room.
“They have so much energy.” Penny remarked with a content sigh, leaning into (Y/n)’s side.
“No kidding,” (Y/n) chuckled, rubbing Penny’s arm, “I could have really used the extra help in my first year of living here. Now I’ve got auto-feeders and sprinklers. A little late for fall, but I suppose they could help with the spring planting, maybe that would slow them down a bit.”
“Shhh, it’ll be a long winter and I don’t need to hear, ‘is it spring yet?’, everyday before then.” Penny playfully warned.
“Your wish is my command.” (Y/n) nodded, pulling Penny down onto the couch to cuddle with her, making the teacher hum with delight and shyly steal a quick kiss.
A few minutes later, two bouncy young children crawled over their parents and wiggled into their sides and under the blankets with happy giggles.
“Alright kiddos, which one?” (Y/n) asked once they were all settled, patting the heavy book on their lap.
“We don’t want one of those stories tonight.” The eldest said.
“You don’t?” Penny blinked, confused by declaration.
“We want to know how you met each other and got married.” The eldest explained, the younger nodded along.
“It’s a long story kids.” (Y/n) said. They may have been trying to dissuade the children, but there really was a lot to cover. Seasons and seasons worth.
“What’s so long about it?” The younger child asked. “Didn’t you just know you liked each other so you got married?”
“People don’t get married right after they meet each other, honey.” Penny gently corrected.
(Y/n) definitely had a, ‘well, not usually anyway’, kind of look on their face but the warning look Penny gave them convinced (Y/n) to keep their mouth shut.
“Oh, I still wanna know though.”
“Me too!”
“(Y/n)...” Penny called upon her spouse.
“Okay, an abridged history, how ‘bout?” (Y/n) shrugged.
The children seemed content with that, once Penny explained to them what abridged meant, and looked to (Y/n) expectantly with shining eyes.
“Okay, it all started—“
“Once upon a time!” The youngest screeched, making everyone wince.
“Inside voices, dear.” Penny reminded.
“Sorry, but the story has to start with once upon a time.”
“It’s not a fairytale, you know.” The older said.
“It’s alright,” (Y/n) interjected with a grin, “it feels enough like one being married to such a sweet person.”
Penny turned away and blushed, a small bashful smile working the corners of her lips upward.
“Once upon a time...” (Y/n) began again, much to their youngest child’s delight.
“Oh my Yoba, this place is a mess.” (Y/n) groaned.
They had kept a brave face for Robin and Mayor Lewis, but now that they were gone, they voiced how overwhelmed they felt freely. They looked over the overgrown lot that was supposed to be the farm their grandfather had left for them.
“What if this was a mistake? Am I doing the right thing? I don’t want to crawl back to Joja but...” (Y/n) growled, thwacking the dirt hard with their hoe, “No! I just got here, I can’t quit yet.” They said, strengthening their resolve.
After a few hours of alternating between being proud with their progress and wanting to cry because there was so much left to do, (Y/n) decided they wanted to check out town. They just really needed to freshen up first.
To their dismay, but not surprisingly, the old farmhouse didn’t have indoor plumbing, but they didn’t worry because they knew there was a bathhouse in the mountains they could use.
“When I get paid, the first thing I’m gonna do is contract Robin to build a bathroom. I hope she’s as savvy with plumbing as she is with carpentry.” They mumbled to themself as they walked up the mountain path.
Entering the bathhouse, the space seemed void of life, the only sounds being the steady drip of water over the tiled floor. (Y/n) claimed a vacant locker and took a shower. After the day they had, it was the best shower they had ever had.
Once clean, (Y/n) decided they’d spoil themself and swim around in the heated pool for a bit before heading back to the farm. They put on their swimsuit and headed on in. Expecting to be alone, they hummed and sang as they made their way to the main room, enjoying the way their voice reverberated off of the walls and echoed back into their ears.
“Um, hello.”
(Y/n) nearly slipped on the wet floor from the shock. A woman with vibrant, orange hair was sitting in one of the near corners of the pool. She seemed to shrink into herself under (Y/n)’s wide gaze.
“Oh wow,” (Y/n) laughed awkwardly, embarrassment flooding their tone, “I, uh, didn’t realize anyone else was here, sorry you had to hear that.”
“It’s alright,” the woman smiled albeit, a bit tightly it seemed. “I was thinking about getting out anyway.”
“You don’t have to leave!” (Y/n) fumbled with the towel in their hands, “I promise to be quiet and give you your space. It’ll be like I’m not even here.”
They skittered across the tiled floor and slid into the opposite side of the bath, giving the woman her space.
A few painfully awkward minutes passed. (Y/n) leaned over the pool edge and counted the nearby tiles, the bricks on the wall... anything to occupy them until the other occupant left or a non-suspicious amount of time passed and they could leave themself.
“Who... who are you?” The woman asked, finally breaking the silence.
(Y/n) craned their head to face her, eager to introduce themself and hopefully make a better impression.
“I’m (Y/n). I just moved in. I live at the old farmhouse just west of town so you’ll probably see me around from time to time.”
“Oh, I see,” the stiffness of the strangers shoulders seemed to lessen, “Well, I’m Penny. It’s nice to meet you.”
(Y/n) grinned brightly as they swam closer to Penny, all previous worries forgotten. “It’s nice to meet you too, Penny! I hope we will be great friends.” (Y/n) suddenly splashed the water beneath their hand as another thought popped into their mind. “Hey, do you have any favorite vegetables or fruits?”
“Um,” Penny shrunk back, a bit intimidated by the farmer’s sudden approach, “Oh, I don’t know...”
“Surely there’s something, don’t be shy.” (Y/n) encouraged.
“I, I like melon?” Penny more asked than told. Her back digging into the edge of the pool a bit uncomfortably.
“Melon,” (Y/n) nodded sagely, backing up a bit from Penny’s personal space. “Yeah, I could do that! You’ll have to wait for summer though, is that okay?”
“Yeah, I can start planting melon in the summer. I’d do it sooner, but the seeds won’t take. I’ll be sure to give you the first one I harvest though!”
“You really don’t have to do that,” Penny waved her hands in front of her.
“I insist.” (Y/n) heaved themself out of the warm water, “Man, Penny, I have to thank you. You’ve inspired me to get back to work! I got to see if there’s anything else I can clean up around the farm before nightfall. I’ll see you around!”
“Okay, bye...” Penny watched them jog into the changing room, gasping when the farmer slipped on the tiles but continued on their merry way. She wasn’t sure what to make of the new addition to Pelican Town, but they seemed kind enough.
The next time Penny had seen (Y/n) was during one of her lessons with Vincent and Jas. She had been reading about the history of the valley when Vincent had waved excitedly at someone behind her back. Thinking it was just Sam or Jodi, Penny attempted to continue on with her lesson but she soon came to a stop when Vincent took to excitedly calling after the passerby.
“Hey, farmer! Good morning!” Vincent yelled.
“Really now Vincent,” Penny lightly scolded as she held her finger over the paragraph she had been reading, “you need to focus on the lesson.”
“Sorry Miss. Penny.” Vincent apologized. “But I see Farmer (Y/n). They’re so cool.”
“They’re probably busy—“
“Hi, Vincent! And a hello to you Jas and Penny.” A friendly voice cut in.
Penny looked up from her spot in the grass and watched (Y/n) approach, their arms full of daffodils.
“What’s going on here?” They asked once they were standing next to the group.
“School.” Vincent answered matter-of-factly. “Miss Penny is reading about history.”
“Oh, I didn’t know you were a teacher Penny. That’s really neat. I’m sorry for interrupting your lesson.” (Y/n) said, turning their attention to Penny.
“It’s alright, you didn’t know. I apologize if Vincent has distracted you from your own work.” Penny politely stated in kind.
“No worries, I’ve just been foraging around the valley. Leah posted a request for some dandelions but I couldn’t seem to find any today. I got a whole bunch of daffodils though. Would you three like to take some off my hands?”
“Wow, thanks!” Vincent quickly grabbed one before Penny could even think about declining.
Jas shyly took one for herself, still a little intimidated by the fresh face. She’d been growing a little more used to them though, thanks to Marnie’s encouragement.
“A flower, milady?” (Y/n) asked Penny again, sporting a warm smile that made the teacher feel like the heat of the day was starting to get to her.
“Thank you, this looks special.” She said, gently cupping the flower in her hands.
“You’re welcome. It’s no melon, but rest assured that summer will be upon us before you know it,” the farmer declared before spotting Willy in the distance. “Oh! Hey guys, I gotta go catch Willy to tell him about all the chubs I caught yesterday. It was good talking to you, see you all later!” They said before jogging off.
“Bye (Y/n)!” Vincent waved.
“Bye...” Penny and Jas said together, much more subdued than the young boy.
Penny watched (Y/n) until they disappeared into the saloon before turning back to her book. Her face tinged pink as she twirled her daffodil in one hand and picked up where she left off.
Summer rain pelted the metal of the trailer, thumping loudly with each drop, but Penny blocked it out easily as she read all cozy in her bed. Occasionally she would snap up a bit of freshly cut melon from the Tupperware resting on her nightstand and smile to herself.
(Y/n) had made good on their promise and had been pushing their fresh melons onto Penny since midsummer. Another sweet bite and Penny sighed pleasantly whilst marking her page with the daffodil (Y/n) had given her in the spring, now a dried and fragile makeshift bookmark.
The farmer was so warm, gentle. Better than anything her books could come up with and yet they somehow existed in her reality despite being too good to be true.
Since their somewhat uncomfortable origin, Penny could not have been more happy to have encountered them in the bathhouse that day. Even after getting to know each other better, even after (Y/n) had seen the messy state her mother kept the trailer in, they never treated her any differently.
“Penny,” the teacher jolted at the sudden knock and the rasp of her mother’s voice through the door, “I’m heading to the saloon. You want anything?”
“No thanks, mom.” Penny sighed. “I was thinking of making dinner myself tonight.”
“Alright honey. I’ll be back late.” Pam informed, her footsteps rocked the trailer slightly and the rickety front door closed loudly, signaling the older woman’s departure. At least now that the bus had been fixed (by who else but the resident hero farmer) her mother had less time to spend drinking.
Penny scooted out of bed and headed to the kitchenette and turned on the stove, putting a large pot on the flame. She had been trying to make something to give (Y/n) in thanks. Something for all the good they’ve been doing for the town and for treating her so kindly.
She began her experimental stew, pouring whatever she had on hand into the pot that she thought would taste good. She was so absorbed in her creation that she almost missed the knocking on the trailer door.
Penny turned off the heat and went to answer the door thinking it was probably just Vincent with another excuse why he couldn’t return his homework in time. She was surprised to see (Y/n) waiting outside.
“(Y/n), hello,” Penny greeted, beckoning the farmer out of the rain, “please come in, it’s pouring buckets out there. You must be soaked.”
“I’m okay, it’ll take more than a little rain to take me out.” (Y/n) smiled as they stepped into the trailer. “Hi Penny, hope I’m not interrupting anything.”
“Not at all. I was just cooking.” Penny bashfully admitted. So much for the surprise.
“Oh that’s cool. What’re you making?”
“Oh just some stew, I was actually hoping to give it to you,” Penny blushed, “for all the good you’ve done for the town.”
“Aw, that’s very sweet of you Penny. You didn’t have to do that.” (Y/n) said. They could feel their heart beat pick up in tempo at the gesture.
“I wanted to. Here, have a taste.” Penny presented a ladle full of soup to (Y/n), her blush grew warmer as the farmer leaned in close to take a taste before pulling themself to stand straight once more.
(Y/n)’s smile tightened the more they chewed, sweat dotted their forehead.
“Are you alright?” Penny asked, watching the farmer continue to chew.
“Mhmm.” (Y/n) squeaked, giving Penny a shaky thumbs up. Then they swallowed none too easily. “Wow,” they breathed, well, more like gasped, “that sure was something Penny. Thank you for sharing.”
“Is it really that bad?” Penny frowned, disappointed.
Immediately (Y/n) jumped into action, waving their arms, “It wasn’t bad at all! I was chewing so long because it tasted so good, I didn’t want it to end!”
Penny gave the farmer a doubtful look before looking down at the leftover stew in her ladle and raising it to her own lips.
“Wait, Penny—“
“Oh dear, that is vile...” Penny gagged. She hardly had so much as a sip before tossing the rest back into the pot. “I’m sorry, (Y/n). I should have tested it first...”
“Hey, it’s okay! You’re learning. It took me a lot of practice to learn how to cook too.” They assured. “If you want to come over sometime I could teach you a thing or two.”
“I wouldn’t want to interrupt. You’re always so busy...” Penny said, already contemplating how she was going to get rid of her hot, liquid garbage.
“You wouldn’t be interrupting anything. All I really need to do is water the crops and feed the chickens. I can take it easy every once in awhile. Besides, I’m always looking to spend time with you anyway so... yeah,” They rubbed the back of their neck.
“Yeah, so if you ever want to plan something... I’d really like that.”
“Okay.” Penny nodded, nervously fiddling with her hands. “I’d like that too. Very much.”
“Cool! Nice, yes.” (Y/n) practically sparkled at the affirmation. “When do you want to meet up?”
“Is Tuesday fine?”
“Tuesday is great! This is so exciting!” Just as the farmer pumped their fists over their head, a loud burst of thunder shook the trailer. “Wow, it’s a monster out there.”
“Yes, you should stay for awhile. At least until it calms down a bit... movie?” Penny suggested, gesturing to the little DVD player in the corner.
“That sounds like a great idea,” (Y/n) followed, their hand reaching into their bag, “I almost forgot I came to give you more melon!”
“You spoil me, really. How much melon do you think one girl can eat. I’m still working on the last one you gave me.” Penny giggled quietly.
“Fall will be here before long. Best to enjoy them while you still can.” They half-joked, sliding into the seat of the booth.
Penny slid into the seat beside them and popped open the DVD player. Maybe the melon season was coming to an end, but at least the farmer who planted them was here to stay.
By mid fall, Penny and (Y/n) were nearly inseparable. Any free time they had they usually spent together cooking in (Y/n)’s farmhouse, relaxing in the bathhouse or curling up with some books or other media.
The day was unusually warm for fall and Penny decided to treat Jas and Vincent to a picnic in the Cindersap Forest for all their hard work. While they ate and went through their lesson, Penny saw the farmer and waved them over without a second thought. She was simply thrilled to see them and thought their presence in the woods must have been fate.
“(Y/n), wonderful timing seeing you here. I was just teaching the children about natural resources. Could I trouble you to talk about how natural resources are involved in farming?” Penny asked once the farmer came up to them.
“Sure, I’d love to!” (Y/n) nodded.
Penny stared off dreamily at (Y/n)’s side as they explained what they knew about the valley’s resources while wondering how she could be so lucky as to know them. Once (Y/n) had explained a large amount of their process, Vincent raised his hand.
“Question, Vincent?” Penny asked, impressed that the boy seemed so invested in the lesson.
“Yeah, are you dating anyone Farmer (Y/n)?” Vincent asked.
“Uh, no. No I am not.” (Y/n) laughed, rubbing the back of their neck.
“Vincent!” Penny said, aghast.
“What?” The young boy questioned.
“You can’t just ask people stuff like that, Vincent.” Jas spoke up. “My auntie Marnie told me that when I asked her if Mayor Lewis was her boyfriend.”
(Y/n) and Penny gave each other an awkward side glance. After the incident with the bush, (Y/n) had to tell someone about it, and Penny had been the unfortunate mock therapist in that scenario.
“Ah, well, no harm done.” (Y/n) laughed. “Any questions related to the topic of natural resources?”
Penny observed how well (Y/n) got along with Jas and Vincent and thought they would make a wonderful parent. When the lesson had concluded and the children were playing by the river, Penny couldn’t help but ask (Y/n) if they had ever thought about having a family before.
“Every once in awhile I do. I think it would be nice. It would make the farm more lively at least.”
And with that admission, Penny couldn’t help but hope that one day, (Y/n) might see her as a suitable partner to share their life with.
Winter was, well, cold.
But Penny was glad for it because there were no crops (Y/n) needed to attend to and they were therefore, more available. They spent much more time together in winter than the previous seasons.
Today, Penny was heading to the farm for another cooking lesson from (Y/n). She was getting much better with the skill. She could even get her mother to spend more nights away from the saloon with the promise of a hot meal.
Penny stepped up onto the snowy porch and knocked her gloved hand against the wooden door. She could hear clattering from within the farmhouse and waited patiently for (Y/n) to usher her in.
“Penny, hi, glad you could make it!” (Y/n) grinned as they opened the door, guiding Penny in by the waist,
“Thank you for having me.” Penny flustered at the contact, despite her thick coat blocking the farmer’s touch. “What are we making today?”
“I thought some warm snickerdoodle cookies would be great on a cold day like this.” (Y/n) said.
“That does sound good.” Penny nodded as she hung up her coat and stepped out of her shoes. Then she followed (Y/n) to the kitchen and they got to baking.
Before long, the smell of cinnamon and sugary goodness permeated the space and the chill of the winter air outside was long forgotten. They were just getting ready to settle in with a movie when (Y/n) excused themself for a minute to go grab something from another room. It reminded Penny how small the farmhouse used to be before (Y/n) had commissioned Robin for a few projects.
Penny nervously eyed the bag she had left at the door. Was now a good time to bring out the bouquet? Penny had been silently agonizing over it all day. She had bought it from Pierre almost on impulse, she knew who she wanted to give it too, but what if (Y/n) saw her only as a friend and wasn’t looking for anything different? It was sure to make things weird between them.
“Sorry to keep you waiting.”
Penny jolted in her seat as (Y/n) reappeared, something held behind their back. She quickly assured (Y/n) that it was alright and motioned them over to the couch so they could start their movie.
“Wait, Penny, can I ask you something first?” The farmer asked, still standing in the stairway.
“Of course.” Penny nodded, concern seeping into her tone. “What is it? Is something wrong?”
“No! No, at least, I don’t think so. I just wanted to ask if you would want to... and you can always say no, you won’t hurt my feelings... okay, it might sting a little but I’ll get over it—“
“(Y/n), what is it?” Penny asked, standing up and walking over to the fumbling farmer. She had never seen them look so shaken.
The farmer seemed at a loss. Opening and closing their mouth until finally they just brought their hand out from behind their back and presented Penny with a bouquet of their own. The teacher gasped, her hands flying up to her mouth in elation and surprise.
Without saying anything Penny bounded over to the front door and opened her bag, producing her own bouquet and delighting (Y/n) to no end as she wrapped the farmer in a tight hug.
After hours of cuddling on the couch and half paying attention to their movie, Penny decided she had to get home, despite (Y/n)‘s offers to have her stay over. She needed to make sure her mom didn’t overdo it at the saloon.
A quick glance around the bar and she noted that Pam wasn’t there. She gave Gus a polite wave before heading home. Upon arriving, she found her mother already settling into the pullout for the night and their eyes met. Pam’s eyes drifted down to the bouquet secured in Penny’s arms and grunted.
“It’s about time.” Pam grumbled before turning over on the noisy mattress.
Penny could only smile at her mother’s gruffness before retiring to her room to quietly continue celebrating in her own space.
By the fall of the third year since (Y/n) had moved into town, the pair became a well established couple and it was just common knowledge to suspect if one was out and about, the other couldn’t be too far off since they were practically joined at the hip.
Some of the townies had expressed worry that the farmer was shrinking off too much of their duties but in reality, the farm was a well oiled machine now and required little maintenance. The farmer had worked themself to the point of passing out on their farmhouse floor on occasion to get to this point. Money was hardly an issue anymore for the farmer who, quite literally, built their legacy on five hundred gold and a handful of parsnip seeds.
“There you are,” Penny kissed (Y/n)’s cheek chastely as they plopped down next to her under her favorite tree, “where have you been?”
“Just needed to take care of something quick.” They said, leaning their head against Penny’s shoulder.
“And what would that be?”
“I was talking to Robin. She had a request up.”
“And what did she want?”
“You are full of questions today, sweetheart.” The farmer laughed.
“And you aren’t being as forthcoming with information as usual. Usually, I wouldn’t even have to ask before you tell me all about your adventures, big or small.” Penny pointed out, “I do believe you might be hiding something.”
“No way!” The farmer scoffed before slouching a bit more because of the look Penny gave them, “Okay, maybe I am hiding something, but it’s a surprise. Give it a few days.”
“Just what might you be up to, hm?” Penny smiled, cupping (Y/n)’s cheek.
“You’re a teacher,” (Y/n) laughed again, “you should know what surprise means.”
Penny sighed before laughing along with her partner. Then the couple went in about their day and before long, the thought of (Y/n)’s surprise left her mind and she had forgotten all about it by the time Jas and Vincent’s lessons were over for the day.
A couple days later, (Y/n) had invited Penny and Pam over for lunch. It wasn’t an unusual occurrence. One of the things Penny appreciated most about (Y/n) was their willingness to reach out to Pam and build a good relationship with her as well. However, what made this trip particularly extraordinary was what waited for them where their old, rundown trailer used to be.
“Oh, Yoba...” Pam breathed, a hand placed heavily over her heart as she stared up at the grand looking house.
“Robin, what is this?” Penny asked, nearly as breathless as her mother and just as overwhelmed.
“I got commissioned for a community upgrade,” the carpenter smiled, “I hope you guys like it!”
“This is too much... how can we— who commissioned this?” Penny asked, running her fingers through her bangs.
“Anonymous donor,” Robin winked before making her way back up to the mountains, “enjoy the new house ladies.”
Penny hugged her mother while she cried and together they entered their new home, unsure how they could ever thank the donor enough. It didn’t take long for the mother daughter duo to figure out the identity of the commissioner. After all, there were only so many people who could pull off such a project and have the funds necessary to complete it.
“I’m going back to (Y/n)’s!” Penny called out. It felt weird having to actually throw her voice enough for her mother to hear her across their new house.
Pam managed a wave, still a bit overwhelmed by the vast space surrounding her.
Penny practically ran to the farm, the seashell pendant her father had gifted to her mother so long ago grasped tightly in her hand. Breathing heavily, she knocked on the door and waited for the farmer to appear.
“Hey Penny, did you forget a book or something? It must be good for you to run all the way over here for it.” They laughed, “come in, do you need some water—“
“I love you,” Penny declared, leaping into (Y/n)’s arms, “I can’t believe you did that for us.”
“Did what?” (Y/n) asked, looking a bit coy.
“You built my mom a house you wonderful busy body.” Penny said, smacking their shoulder.
“What? Did Robin tell? I asked her to keep it a secret.” (Y/n) pouted.
“(Y/n), it wouldn’t take a genius to figure out that you were behind that project,” Penny sighed, “I don’t know how to thank you.”
“You don’t need to thank me for anything. I was happy to help get the ball rolling. I love you guys and you do so much for Jas and Vincent, you deserve it. Now,” (Y/n) shifted a bit uncomfortably, “what exactly is digging into my back right now?”
“Oh!” Penny pulled back a bit, but kept the pendant out of (Y/n)’s sight. “I’ve only dreamed of doing this until I met you, it’s never felt more real, tangible. Oh my, this is nerve wracking.” Penny blushed.
“Take your time dear, breathe.” (Y/n) regarded Penny with soft eyes, rubbing her back comfortingly.
“(Y/n),” Penny spoke after a moment of collecting herself, “will you marry me?”
Penny presented the pendant, her eyes struggling to look at the farmer directly, but when the farmer pulled her back into another tight embrace she melted into their arms like warm butter.
“Yes, I love you! Yes.” The farmer cheered, their voice muffled by Penny’s shoulder. The vibrations, and words that created them, made Penny giggle with delight.
They stumbled into the farmhouse to celebrate their engagement, basking in each other’s company.
“I almost feel bad.” Penny suddenly stated, curled up in (Y/n)’s arms.
“Hm? What for, sweetheart?” (Y/n) asked as they ran their fingers through Penny’s hair.
“Mom will be in that big house all by herself. I’ll still see her everyday though, it’s not like I’m moving to Zuzu City... the idea of not living with her after all this time just feels odd.”
“I can understand that. It’ll take some getting used to. Just think of how nice it’ll be though, when somewhere down the line, we send our kids to grandma’s house for visits.”
“That does sound really nice. I’m really looking forward to starting a family with you.”
“Me too.” (Y/n) said. Then they leaned in to kiss Penny’s nose with great care and affection.
“Then a couple days later, we were married in front of the whole town.” (Y/n) finished softly, looking fondly over at Penny.
“That’s a nice story,” the eldest child yawned, “I wanna stay at grandma’s house again soon.”
“Of course, sweetie. We’ll work something out soon.” Penny promised whilst adjusting the fast asleep younger sibling in her lap, “now, it’s time to go to bed.”
“Alright,” The older child sighed before yawning again. “Carry me.”
(Y/n) released an amused exhale before standing and hoisting their child into their arms. Penny followed suit with the other, tucking them into their beds and kissing them goodnight.
Together, (Y/n) and Penny retired to their own room, falling into bed with tired groans.
“Those kids can be handful sometimes.” (Y/n) said, smiling all the while.
“Yes, and I wouldn’t want it any other way,” Penny rolled over to peck the farmer on the lips, “love you, sleep well.”
“I love you too, sweet dreams. I can’t wait to do this all again tomorrow.”
“Neither can I.”
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james-pottersimp · 3 years
Overworking • Regulus Black
Summary : You overwork yourself and your Boyfriend helps you relax
Warnings : none, it’s just fluff
A/N : Hi guys!! This is my first fanfiction. I just want to say thank you to @bellatrixscurls for helping me and giving me feedback. I love you <3
The Sound of the rain on the window and the scribbling on the parchment filled the almost dark Room, while you sat at your desk, trying to keep yourself awake. With every second that passed, your eyelids became heavier. You wanted nothing more than to lie in the arms of your boyfriend, Regulus Black, and listen to his voice as you fell into a deep sleep, but you couldn’t. You have to stay awake and study so you don't fail another test.
The clock struck 12, for 4 hours now you have been sitting on an uncomfortable chair in front of numerous books you don't understand a word of. Maybe you could just take a little break. Just 5 minutes and then you would continue working. You put your head on your arms and closed your eyes. "Just 5 minutes" you mumbled to yourself, but your tiredness overcame you and everything went black.
Regulus Black opened the door to the dorm he shared with you. His eyes fell on your sleeping figure: your forehead rested on your forearms and your y/hc hair covered your face. Numerous books and notes lay before you. Carefully, the black-haired boy put down his backpack and walked towards you. He bent down to you and tenderly stroked a few strands from your face. Your friend gave you a gentle kiss on the temple.
"Wake up, mon cœur" he whispered in your ear. Your eyes slowly opened and you raised your head. Confused you looked around and your eyes fell on your boyfriend. His green eyes were laced with worry as he stared at your exhausted face.
"Regulus?" you questioned sleepily The boy in front of you nodded gently. Still confused, you looked at the table on which you had been sleeping until just now. Then you realize what happened: you fell asleep. Suddenly wide awake, you sit up straight and start looking through your notes.
"Hey hey, slow down, mon amour. What's wrong?" Regulus asks while putting his hands on yours to calm you down.
"I have to study, Reggie. I have a test in two days and I need to get a good grade" you answered frantically. You try to remove your hands from Regulus' but his grip only tightens. You look at him with wide eyes, pleading him to let go of you. He just shook his head
"You're obviously too tired for that. Besides, it's almost 2 a.m. and you need your sleep. You have learned enough for today, mon amour."
"No no I'm fine. Reg please I really-" you started to ramble but your boyfriend cut you off you with a kiss. You sigh, his lips feel so soft on yours. You could lose yourself in this kiss but
"Reg please. I really can't fail this test." you told him after you pulled away
Regulus sighed and took your face in his hands. You nuzzled your cheek into the warmth of his hand
"Listen, I'll help you study tomorrow. But today you try to relax okay, mon cœur?". That was not a question. Regulus would not take no for an answer and you knew that. Besides, he was right: you were too tired to continue working. So you nodded to show him that you agreed. The black-haired boy smiled and gave you a kiss on the forehead. He let go of your face. Then he stood up and started closing your books to put them in a neat pile next to your notes. You stare at your wonderful boyfriend and start to question yourself again what you did to deserve him. Regulus quickly noticed this and turned to you. He was talking to you but you were too lost in his beautiful green eyes. When you finally snapped out your thoughts you heard his laughter.
"What is it?" he asked, chuckling.
"I have no idea what you're talking about, my dear," you answer giggling.
His green eyes looked at you skeptically. The next thing you knew was that he grabbed you by your waist, carried you to the bed and threw you onto the white mattress. In less than a second he was on top of you.
"Are you sure you don't know what I'm talking about?”
With a big smile on your lips you shook your head
"Well, in that case" he started while his fingers found your waist. " I guess I'll have to tickle it out of you".
Before you could give him an answer he started tickling you. You cried out in shock, but started laughing shortly after. You almost couldn’t breath due to your laughter. With a grin Regulus asked again "Are you absolutely sure?”
You try to give him an answer but nothing more came out of your mouth than loud laughter.
"Reg- Reggie please" you tried but you interrupted yourself with a laugh that sounded more like a scream.
"What do you want, mon amour" your boyfriend teased you.
"I- I... stop" you stuttered. Regulus just started tickling you more. Your laughter became louder and louder
"What? I couldn't hear you properly. Can you repeat that?"
"W-want you to.... to stop" you blurted out next to a few laughs.
"I'll think about it when you say please" the boy above you chuckled
"P-please Reggie.... stop please" you asked hoping he would stop however he didn’t.
"You gonna tell what was up then" he asked to get even more annoyed. Regulus just loved to hear you laugh so he wouldn't stop so easily.
You nodded in despair as your eyes closed in laughter.
Then the ticklish feeling stopped. The first thing you did was to take a deep breath and then you opened your eyes. You looked into the expectant green eyes above you.
"I was just wondering what I did to deserve such a wonderful boyfriend like you," you told him.
"You deserve much more than me, ma belle" he whispered and gave you a kiss on the cheek. "How about you go to the bathroom and get ready for bed and I'll find you some clothes to sleep in meanwhile".
While he was saying that, he got off of you so you could stand up. You sat up and look at Regulus. "Okay, I'll be back in 15". After you gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, you got up and made your way to the bathroom
"Take your time" Regulus called after you before he also got up and went to the closet.
About 15 minutes later you came out of the bathroom. Your boyfriend was sitting on the bed with your favorite sweatshirt and sweatpants in his lap. When he saw you standing in front of him, he got up and put the clothes on the bed. You looked very tired: your hair was messy on your shoulders, your y/ec eyes were about to fall shut. To him, you were still the most beautiful girl in the whole world.
"Shall I help you put on the clothes" he asked quietly, admiring you.
You nodded, now too tired to answer him. A soft smile played on his lips as he undid the buttons of your blouse. He slipped it over your shoulders and arms only to let it fall to the floor behind you.
He placed gentle kisses on your shoulder murmuring "So beautiful. And all mine."
"All yours" you echoed. At these words he smiled and gave you a soft kiss.
After that he grabbed his sweater, asking you to put your arms up to pull it over you. You did as he said and he put the sweater on you. Then he opened the button and zipper of your pants and dropped to the floor. His hands grabbed yours and he pulled you a little to signal you to go forward. You take a step forward and look at your boyfriend. He brought your hands up to his lips and kissed them, his eyes never leaving yours.
Then he took the jogging pants and helped you put them on.
Regulus sat down on the bed again and pulled you into his lap. His hands found your hips once again, his fingertips going under the sweater, lightly caressing your skin. One hand left your hip to tuck a strand of your hair behind your ear. He looked at you in love, admiring every detail of your face. You smile in at him
"Tu es la plus belle fille que j'aie jamais vue, mon ange" Regulus whispered.
"What?" you questioned your boyfriend.
"You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen, my angel" he translated for you.
You smile widely at his comment. Regulus leaned forward and gave you a long and deep kiss. After he pulled away kissed your forehead quickly
“Do you want to go to sleep” Regulus asked softly still caressing your waist with on hand.
“Yes please” you respond, desperately wanting to go to sleep now.
“Alright, mon cœur”
He pulled you of off his lap, making you stand in front of him. Your knees were shaking a little showing Regulus that you were far too tired to stand. He lay down quickly and opened his arms for you to cuddle into him. You did exactly that and sighed loudly. One of his hand tangled up in your hair while the other found your waist again. He gave you some soft kisses on top of your head and whispered
“Sleep tight. I love you so much, mon cœur”
You were already half asleep while mumbling
“I love you too, Reggie” into his chest.
The last thing you witnessed was a kiss that he gave you and his hand lightly stroking your back, then you drifted off into a deep slumber.
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slowpoke-fics · 3 years
Fandom: The Vampire Diaries
Pairing: Stefan x Reader
Request Summary: The reader has anger issues and is on verge of becoming an alcoholic as she feels helpless. Stefan helps her through to quit alcoholism and fight her fears and control her anger.
Warnings: alcoholism, self deprecation, Stefan being hungry, ooc Stefan and matt? idk I know I've missed some, as always read at your own risk
A/N: Yoooooo, welcome me back to the land of the matrix folks because I have crawled out of my pit of despair to bring you 1000 or so words that will hopefully give you a small rush of serotonin!
My friend, @yipee101, has been so patient and kind, they may have forgotten about this but I did not!! I hope you enjoy love.
Thank you pals for being patient with me.
Blessed be to all of you and sweet love to come your way <3
You slipped your sixth shot of whiskey down your throat, pouring another as you listened to Elena and Damon put their vamp skills to good use again. It just reminded you of what you couldn't be, and you had to admit it made you a little sick to be the only one who couldn’t defend herself. The only one so vulnerable, so mortal. Nobody would let you turn, everyone just wanted to keep you 'pure.' Your blood boiled just thinking about it. You decided you weren’t gonna just stand there and listen to them fuck, so you took your shot and slammed the glass down so hard it shattered. You headed for the door, not waiting around in the Salvatore house for Stefan when all you could hear was thudding and graphic moans.
As you stumbled to the door you went through your purse to find your car keys. Grabbing the handle and pulling the door open you were met with Stefans confused face. You walked right by him, “You know, if you were gonna be late we could’ve met at the Grill.” Stefan beat you to the car, taking the keys from you and putting you in the passenger seat. You pulled out your flask and began drinking, “Sorry I was late love, don’t you think you could slow down?” your blood boiled.
“Listen sweetheart, I know that you think you know what’s best, but the drinking isn’t a problem.” Stefan shakes his head as you take yet another swig, “Why do you keep drinking so much anyway?” You smiled big, clearly not wanting to talk about it, "After listening to Elena and Damon fuck for an hour, I think it's okay," raising the flask as if you’d raise your glass, spinning around to lay your head on his leg, you down a good mouthful of liquor, “So babe, how come you were late anyway?” Stefan sighed, “I got caught up hunting was a little hungrier than normal.” You gently reached your hand up and rubbed Stefan’s arm reassuringly, “It's okay to be hungry, I know it’s hard.”
You arrived at the grill, quickly pulling the bottle from your backseat and refilling your now empty flask. Stefan met you at your side of the car, allowing you to slide your arm perfectly with his for support. "It's lovely, ya know?" You mumbled as Stefan opened the door for you, "What is Y/N/N?" Sliding into the booth, "To be so drunk all the time that I don't have all the flies buzzing 'round me. All the little worries just whoosh, and everything is just so fun." Matty comes up to you and Stefan, taking your order and allowing you to order a rum and coke and a random meal.
After about ten minutes, Matty brings you another drink, you slammed it back, chugging and pounding the glass on the table a little too hard. Matty saluted you, bringing you another. You went back to back for a good half hour. Matty started to sit down another for you, but Stefan interjected, “I think she’s had enough tonight Matt.” Matt nodded, looking at your disheveled figure, head lying on the tables arms crossed under your head, ready to pass out. “‘M ready to go home,” you mumbled as you laid back in your booth, happily relaxing into the overly inviting cushions. Stefan lightly laughed, trying to cover the true concern he had for you.
Even though you guys had been dating nearly a year, this is how it always was. At first, he didn’t notice it, but the closer you two got the more you allowed him to see. You had finally explained to him that it was ‘your normal,’ that it had been since the night at the haunted house and Stefan almost died trying to save you from a vampire. Stefan looks at you for a minute, recalling the words he would never forget you said, “Nobody gave a shit back then so don’t start caring now.” Stefan picked you up out of the booth, carrying you to your car and softly closing the door. As he got back into the car, he noticed you trying to finish off your flask. He had decided in that moment, enough was enough. He took your flask from you, eliciting a heavy groan from you that didn’t last long because of your truly fucked state. The last thing you remember is laying your head on his leg as your normal position, his fingers running softly through your hair.
When you woke up the next morning you instantly ran to the bathroom, unlucky to be one of the times you had a hangover. You pounded on the floor next to your toilet, trying to alert Stefan. He was instantly next to you, handing you a cup, no doubt his special morning blend with enough of his blood to make all of this go away. He gently pulled your hair up and wrapped it in a bun, watching as you drank the contents of the cup, knowing it would be over soon. In truth, it was. After you finished chugging the cup you leaned back onto Stefan. “Good morning,” you laughed, “I hate for us to start it this way,” Stefan mumbled as he kissed your forehead, sliding his arms under yours and pulling you to your feet. You spun around to face him, “What the fuck?” you near shouted. “Why do you have to nit pick so fucking early?”
"It's not nit picking, Y/N" He tried to speak non-confrontational, "I am genuinely worried about you. This isn't healthy-you're not invincible to this." You scoffed, pushing past him and downstairs to your kitchen, Stefan following suit as you spoke, "You mean I'm human, right? Defenseless and vulnerable?" You shook your head, interrupting him as he tried to speak, "No-don't even, this wouldn't be a problem if I was a vampire. If I wasn't so fucking needy, always pitifully needing protecting, can't even decide how much liquor to drink." You slammed the coffee pot back in it's place, impatiently waiting for it to finish. "I don't think you're pitiful or needy. I think that you're drinking too much and putting your life in needless danger and you won't tell me why."
You flailed your arms, spinning around to pour yourself a cup of coffee, grabbing a bottle of liquor and starting to pour some in, but Stefan's hand is on the bottle. You slammed the bottle down turning to Stefan, shoving him back with every scream, "You stupid fucking," shove, "I told you," shove, "it makes me feel better!" shove. You sighed, "I'm sorry," running your hands on your face, sighing again, "Just, get the fuck out Stefan." You turned back to your cup, pouring the liquor, only to be stopped by Stefan, "No." Your blood boiled, "Get the fuck out!!" Stefan took the bottle from you, setting it back on the counter, "Not if when I leave you're just going to drink that."
You instantly threw your coffee cup, watching it shatter into pieces before grabbing the bottle and turning it up. You chugged and chugged until Stefan pulled it away from you, "You gonna fucking leave now?" Stefan stepped closer to you, hating the way the alcohol burned his nose, like a poison coming off of you, "Baby, I'm not going anywhere." You screamed, out of frustration or shame you weren't sure which, it was a blood curdling scream, slamming your hand down, hitting the liquor bottle cross the floor enjoying the way it shattered. "What the fuck is your problem?"
"You! This!" Stefan sighed, "You won't talk to me, you brush me off and act like this isn't something I should care about but it's been like this as long as I can remember, I'm worried, I can't protect-" You slammed your hands down on the counter over and over, kicking the cabinets and laughing, "Jesus Christ Stefan, I don't need your protection!" Stefan grabbed your hands, turning you to him as gently as he could, your strength diminished from the bottle of alcohol you chugged, "I want to protect you, I want to, I know you don't need it, I want to," his voice to a whisper at the end of his plea, "I want to," his hand moved from your wrist to your face, "I love you, I want you to be around as long as possible, I need to protect you, you don't need me to, I do."
You sighed, your forehead resting on his, "I love you too," you pulled your wrists back, "I'm sorry." Starting to pull away from him to clean the mess up, he was gone and back before you noticed the mess was gone. "Talk to me," Stefan said as you walked past him, sitting on the couch. "I hate myself," you sighed, "I'm so weak and puny, I feel like I'm always in the way," you shrugged, "I get so angry all the time, maybe not even at other people, really at myself," leaning against Stefan as he put his arm around you, "Drinking helps, really?" he asked hoping to hear an honest response. "If I'm honest? No, I just feel like it's better than feeling like this all the time."
Stefan slid his arm under your legs, his free arm moving your arm around his neck before moving around your waist and standing up. "What?" You looked up at him, he smiled, "I have something that might help." In the next moment, you guys were out of your house and watching everything rush by until you hit forest. Suddenly Stefan stopped running, setting you down gently, smiling, "I was gonna show you to this on our anniversary, it's not finished yet, but I don't see why we can't go ahead and visit."
You started to ask what he meant until you saw it-near dead ahead was a large clearing, but it had been worked on, there was a stack of rocks with one slab of rock covered in the softest moss you'd ever touched, "So you can read and do homework comfortably," Stefan said, pointing up to the makeshift roof of vines that you now notice wrap around the trees, making a circle around the clearing, you loudly gasp, taken by the beauty and effort he's already put into this for you, for your relationship.
You continue to look around as he points to an obvious training area, he smiles, "I know that you've been struggling, but I didn't realize how much," he moved closer to you, his front now pressed against your back, arms encircling your waist, chin resting on your shoulder, whispering in your ear, "I'm gonna have Bonnie protect it, it's gonna be just us here, me n you gonna relax, you're gonna read over there, train over there, we can put a table for picnicking over there-" he points to an area that is close to the moss bed, "and lots of flowers and colors, to always brighten our day, gonna put a vine door-" you turned around and kissed him.
Your hands were on the side of his face, hair intertwining with his hair, he lifted you up, your legs circling his waist, you feel him smile. You pulled back, "I love it, thank you, this is going to be great," you kissed him again, "you know, it is our space, I could help you put stuff together, whatever you wanted to add." Stefan nodded, kissing your forehead, "I think when you wanna drink we should come here." You kissed under his ear, trailing down his neck, "two conditions," Stefan hummed, moving his head to the side he allowed you more access as he pressed you against one of the many trees that circled the clearing.
"Well, we'll come here when I wanna drink, if we'll come here when you get hungry," Stefan let out a small groan as you bit his neck gently, loving how he pulled your hair. "And the second?" He asked as your hands traced down his torso, grabbing the hem of his shirt, "you fuck me, now." He smiled, kissing you hard, and the next thing you know, you're sitting on the edge of the moss bed. "Easy," he pulls off your shirt, admiring your body for a moment, "it's a deal."
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bluemoondust · 3 years
Could you do Neijire and Addiction, from the prompt list, please?
Warning(s): Hints of Overstepping Boundaries, Mentions of Suffocating Behavior, Hints of Stalking, Guilt Tripping, Breaking and Entering (nothing extreme, your room door was unlocked), Setting is similar to the dorms in UA but you're all in college
Addiction - “If you want me to beg, then I’ll beg for you.”
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"Hey, hey, (y/n)? Can I come visit your dorm tonight? We can binge watch any series you'd like and eat all the snacks we want!"
Maybe it was just you, but you felt like Nejire was asking to hang out after hours more often. It wasn't something necessarily bad but you figured she had her other friends to partake in these sorts of activities. She just seems to want to spend all her time on you and maybe she has gotten attached to the time you two spent. Besides, it's nice to spend time with her since she is such a cool and peppy person to hang out with. There's never a dull moment when Nejire is around.
Though, lately you've been really busy with studies and such, so your time is mostly spent at the library or behind a computer. It's a lot to deal with but you knew that everything will be beneficial in the end. Still, it was quite exhausting and you hoped Nejire wouldn't be too upset that you would have to cancel plans. You can already picture her pouting before telling you to take care of yourself more. A chuckle escapes you imagining that.
It was a rough day, so your true goal was to head back to your dorm and plop on your bed for some good rest. Nothing else was going to prevent you from doing so as a yawn escaped you. Good thing your dorm wasn't too far away since you didn't have much energy to walk too much today.
Finally reaching your destination, you pulled out your dorm keys to let yourself inside. To your surprise, the door was unlocked. Did you forget to lock it this morning? Probably. You've either been in a rush to arrive to class early or too exhausted to even remember to lock your room door. Man, you really need to get a grip. It's good that the whole place has top notch security...
You let yourself inside and take a deep breath before looking to your bed. It only hitched as you spotted Nejire sitting atop of it, busing herself by humming and patting her knees while looking around. This confused and slightly worried you.
She caught sight of you and smiled brightly. "(y/n)! You're back! I was worried that you might have just went straight for the library!" She bounced off of the bed and made her way to you, grabbing both your hands. "I was thinking we can grab some food together when you came back since I haven't seen you in a while!"
You blinked twice to confirm what was going on before trying to muster up a smile despite how tired and on guard you are. In your thoughts however, you tell yourself that you shouldn't be like this because this is your friend Nejire for crying out loud. There has to be an explanation.
"Um, Nejire? How did you get in my room?"
"Your door was unlocked silly! I only wanted to check up on you, but it seemed that you weren't here so I decided to wait for you!" She swung her hands with yours and she swayed her head from side to side. "It was getting a little lonely..."
The slight shift in her tone made you feel a little guilty. It was not completely your fault for how occupied your time was, but a part of you still felt responsible. "I'm sorry Nejire... Maybe we can try planning something after this all blows over. I'm almost done, I promise!"
"You promise?" Nejire's eyes lit up as you said that. She immediately holds out her pinky finger. "Well, since you promise, let's make it official. Don't break it, okay~?" 
"I'll try."
And you truly did try. Every passing day the guilt just weighed on your shoulders as you remembered what you promised her. Every day she would come by as well, asking if you were free. It got to a point where she just stood right outside of your classroom, waiting for you. Admittedly it made you uneasy on how she even knew where it was; you didn't really give her your schedule or any clue on what classes you had. In some way, you felt like you shouldn't be annoyed by her constant question every single day. Since you did swear to her. But can you blame yourself for wanted her to stop? With how this was going, it seemed like she was eating up your small amounts of free time in between classes. Nejire didn't leave any moment you had alone. She managed to squeeze herself in with ease.
The worst part was, no matter how much you tried to voice this out, she wouldn't listen. Nejire would either changed the subject or flat out ignore your protests. There was no reasoning with her! What had happened? You didn't have a clue on why she would act like this and completely disregard your needs and boundaries. It was time you put a distance between the two of you. This would not be easy, but it was necessary. She needed to see how serious you were.
"Hey, hey. (y/n)? Why have you been ignoring me?"
Nejire had knocked on your door after three weeks of you avoiding her. It gave you time to clear your thoughts and figure out what to tell her should she confront you on the situation. You wouldn't let her in, but you can at least tell her.
"Look Nejire... This isn't easy to say but—"
"You haven't gotten tired of me, have you?"
That certainly took you off guard. You didn't think she'd very say that. "What? No! Of course I w—"
Her voiced wavered slightly, but it was still laced with her bubbly personality, "Then how come you've been avoiding me, huh? Huh? Is it because you broke the pinky promise? You couldn't fulfill it? That's fine! I'll still love you no matter but ghosting me is just cruel!"
Okay, now you just couldn't understand what's up with her. You needed to tell her to go back to her room so she can calm down. Then the two of you can talk this out in the morning. Most of the floor was out for the night, so it was just the two of you here. You let out a sigh; sleep was something you wanted right now.
"I'm not doing this because I hate you or anything... I just— You've gotten... Clingy lately. It was getting bad."
For the first time, Nejire was quite for a while. At first you thought something was wrong since she's always bouncing from topic to topic and always had something to talk about, so this was out of place. However, you then thought maybe she just finally gave up and left to her room. A sigh of relief escapes you, thankful that she got the hint and was thinking rationally about this. You didn't know what you'd do if she continued. Well, yes actually, you did knew. Calling someone for assistance would have been something to do in the situation, but now you're happy you didn't have to. Things would have just got messy.
The sound of your doorknob turning proved that you were wrong to assume she left. The door opened just a bit as you backed away, wondering what Nejire would do.
"If you want me to beg, then I’ll beg for you."
She pushed the door wide open to reveal that smile again. The same one that brought you ease and comfort. Now it was just strained and in pain as she closed in on you. How she even moved that fast was beyond you. Her hands gripped your shoulders; she seemed desperate. "I'll beg if that is what will keep you with me! But I know you won't... Though if you still want me to beg to prove a point, then I'll do it!" She beams in sheer glee.
"I would do anything to have you by my side. Even if it means breaking a few rules!"
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babemendesbarnes · 3 years
A two way deal | one shot
Paring: Bucky x DemonFem!Reader
Word count: 3.3k
Summary: Bucky is tired. He hasn’t gotten a single good night of sleep in decades, and he’s done with the nightmares. Hearing about a certain woman who makes deals that could get him what he needed sounds like a miracle. Only when Bucky does find her, it’s no miracle, and she’s no saint.
Warnings: 18+ only, SMUT, talk of religious subjects (devil, hell...)
A/N: This is inspired by the character Maze in the show Lucifer, I absolutely love her arc. This is initially a one shot, but I liked it so much I might write another part. Also my first smut. Tell me what you think!
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The club lights flashed red and you downed your vodka shot, body getting warmer by the second. Excitement ran through your veins as the familiar feeling clouded your thoughts.
Something was different though.
Everything was so much stronger this time. The feeling so powerful you were forced to close your eyes, the fake human color being replaced by their true shade of black. 
You could feel his memories, almost taste how they haunted him.
The second he sat on the table across from you, everything slowed down. The music beat got sexier, tempting, as the air got thicker. His piercing blue eyes examined you from head to toe, searching for threats in your tight leather pants and black corset. 
You could see the disappointment in the brunette woman sitting with her legs on top of yours as she realized you would be busy. Tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, you whispered that you would find her later, gently patting her legs for her to leave.
Bucky didn’t stop staring at you for even a second.
"Didn’t take you for a club kind of man, Mr. Barnes."
If the super-soldier was surprised you knew who he was, he didn’t show it, his eyes still fixed on yours as you took him in.
He wasn’t dressed properly for the club, his dark jeans, black shirt, and leather jacket standing out from all the expensive suits you saw all night. And yet, the man looked better than anything you had ever laid your eyes on. 
The contrast of his apparent demeanor to the things you saw in his head was admirable. The former Soldat knew how to show just what he wanted to, his face not giving in the demons dancing on his mind.
His hands tucked in his pockets, you ponder if he’s still afraid of his own body.
Wakanda might have given him a new vibranium arm, yet you wonder if he still sees blood whenever he looks at it. 
"I heard you make deals."
Bucky seemed reluctant to speak at first, although his voice was still steady.
He didn’t want to be here, but to be honest, none of your clients ever did, so you were pretty used to this. The only reason they come to you is that they’re always just way too desperate, just like he is.
"You heard right, Mr. Barnes." you crossed your legs slowly as you called for the waiter to bring you a martini. "And a whiskey for the gentleman, please."
"I’m not drinking." you waved the waiter off, ignoring completely what Bucky had just said.
Surprising you was difficult. You’ve lived long enough to see just about everything, and well, you were created in the pits of hell, so there were not that many things that could amaze you. And yet, there was so much about the man in front of you that just picked your curiosity.
The brave Sergeant Bucky Barnes, the only Howling Commando that gave his life for his country. The infamous Winter Soldier, tortured and manipulated, stripped of his humanity. And now? A fucked up super-soldier with no family, no friends, and a man out of his time.
That’s something not even a demon sees every day.
The drinks were set on the table and you pushed his whiskey to him, watching him through your lashes, a smile planted on your lips as he took a big gulp. The tip of your red bottoms slightly brushing against his leg.
"Tell me, Mr. Barnes, " your body fell slightly forward, your tongue wetted your red-painted lips as his gaze followed every move. "what is it that you desire?" 
Bucky felt lightheaded.
The sound of your voice dripped with something he couldn’t recognize, and yet, so desperately craved. He suddenly couldn’t form words.
"I need..." Bucky felt nervous, "I can’t..." his mind going against his commands and his eyes focused on the contour of your lips, how soft your skin would be upon his touch. So lost in thought he forgot he should probably finish his sentence. 
You saw right through him though.
"You want them gone. Don’t you?" the world seemed to fade around your form. Your head tilted to the side as you so sweetly said the exact words he needed to hear. "You want the demons to go away."
Bucky never thought he could feel this again, to feel... understanding. And it only took a demon to do so. 
Rounding the big red seat and dragging your body closer to Bucky, your lips brushed against his ear. 
"You’ve been through a lot, haven’t you?" His body stiffening as your nails traced his flesh arm. 
"I have." his words were a little bit harsher this time. Your eyes locked and your hand touched his chest, the sound of his heart beating faster, almost as loud as the music.
"Let me take care of you, James." your voice just above a whisper, his fate settled as he silently consented.
You got up and signaled for him to follow. 
Bucky didn’t have to be told twice, his body aching to be close to yours again.
This was not something he should feel. The priest of the small Brooklyn church he went to every Sunday morning used to lecture about how the Devil and his demons could lurk you in, bringing you to their sins just to drag you to hell. 
But it was Bucky who came looking for the wicked, all you did was welcome his desires with open arms.
You two walked into an elevator, and you instantly felt his stare on you.
The last bit of sanity in the 106 years old man screamed at him, begging him to run. Demons were not givers, whatever they gave, came with a cost, and for someone like him, owning a favor was not a possible option.
"What’s the price?" His hands began to sweat, your answer being able to end the last ounce of hope Bucky had.
The metal doors reopened, revealing a breathtaking penthouse. "Don’t worry about it, I have no interest on bring the Soldat back, Mr. Barnes."
That was all it took for him to finally exhale the breath he didn't even notice he was holding. 
Maybe stricking a deal with a demon could end well. Okay, probably not, but still. How the fuck did he even end up here anyway? 
Well, too late to back out now.
Bucky looked around, the Los Angeles skyline visible through the giant glass walls, a bar filled with alcohol he had never even seen before, and a large grey couch next to a bookcase filled with books from probably before he was even born.
You grabbed two glasses and poured a black licor on them. Opening a glass door, Bucky followed you as your arms leaned against the balcony’s railing, giving him his drink as you watched the city.
"What is this?" he reflected your stance. The usually loud noises of the big city down below now quiet, you're breathing the only sound he could hear.
"Something special." His suspicious gaze made you laugh, the sound alone being able to wash Bucky’s distress away. "Don't worry, tastes like wine."
You two stayed like that for a couple of minutes, the soft Autumn breeze hitting your hair, the soft strands dancing in the air, hitting Bucky’s face a couple of times. 
"Can I look?" your voice broke over the silence and Bucky didn’t need to ask what you were talking about. 
"Haven’t you already?" you chuckled and a smirk played on your lips. "A little bit. Just the things I already knew. But for this... I have to see everything."
You knew what Hydra had done to the man. Although, by the few things you noticed about Bucky, you were pretty sure the torture inflicted upon him was not the biggest issue here.
"I would say going inside my mind is like walking through hell, but I’m guessing that’s not a problem for you."
Leading him to sit on the couch, Bucky noticed how you seemed to avoid answering the comment. 
Everything about you confused Bucky so much, and every damn word you said just filled him with more questions.
You sat next to him, the tips of your fingers slowly touching the side of his head. If he noticed you wondered around his mind earlier without touching him, he didn’t complain about you doing it differently this time.
Bucky’s heart skipped a beat as images started to flood his head.
Both your chest’s rising and falling fast, his anxiety at watching his memories traveling to you.
A small Brooklyn apartment. George, Winifred, Rebecca. Dark alleys. Steve. World War II. 107th. Europe. Hydra. Captain America. Howling Commandos. Fall. Hydra. Pain. Erase. Cryo. Isaiah. President. Cryo. Stark. Gun. Cryo. Erase. Red Room. Blood. Cryo. Fury. Bucky?. Steve?. Erase. Lake. Steve. Zemo. King. Winter Soldier. Siberia. Stark. Sam. Wakanda. White Wolf. Thanos. Shield. Walker. Karli. Sam. Captain America.
Bucky’s hands are shaking against the couch. 
As you open your eyes, you see his tear-stained cheeks, and only when his long fingers gently wipe your face, you realize yours were too.
It never felt this personal, to look into someone’s head. You just took what you needed and that was it. Not this time thought. An urge to give the man any possible comfort made you get up in a rush and almost fly to get a refill.
Bucky starts to calm down and when his eyes follow you, he finally sees a black shining piano in the corner of the room that weirdly seemed to call out to him.
"You play?" your voice took him out of his thoughts. He left the couch and took a few steps towards you, who was now leaning on the instrument.
"My ma taught me before the war." you smiled softly and told him to go ahead. "Oh, no. I probably don’t even know how to anymore." he all of a sudden felt shy under your gaze.
You walked slowly to him, taking his vibranium hand in such a natural way, Bucky wondered how you had never done that before. 
Taking him to the piano, you both sat down, sharing the small seat.
"This is not something you forget," leading his hand to the keyboard, you placed your fingers on top of his, pushing the keys down, and shortly, a soft jazz melody echoed in the room as your skilled hands moved in sync. "there are some things no one can take from you, James, not even time."
As both your hands kept making music, your eyes locked and Bucky forgot all about the definitions he heard all his life about the divine and the profane. 
Your smile felt like heaven, only your lips were sin.
His hand moved to the back of your neck, his eyes asking for permission you happily granted, your lips meeting as you pulled him to you.
The kiss was eager, your lips moving fast as you didn’t waste a second to open your mouth and welcome Bucky’s tongue. 
You climbed his lap, your hands running through his short locks as he kissed along your neck.
Lust almost felt like a drug. You were sure you were addicted. 
Between gasps and shivers, you fell to your knees and heard him take a shaky breath. Placing your hands on his face, you pulled Bucky down to look you in the eyes.
"When was the last time someone made you feel good, James?" Bucky gasped as your delicate fingers slowly undid his belt, your voice sweet like honey. "Answer me, baby."
"I... I can’t even remember it." 
You chuckled lightly, pushing his jeans down, your nails trailing along his strong thighs, wet kisses following the path of the fading red lines. "Let me make you feel good, James."
Your light touches and lust dripping voice made Bucky feel like he could come undone by this alone, his hands holding tightly onto the piano bench.
Your tongue traced the trimmed hairs on his abdomen, your own personal path to paradise, disappearing into his black boxers.  You pulled at his shirt, ripping and throwing it somewhere in the room.
"What do you want, James? Tell me." you pulled his boxers down, Bucky quietly moaned as his cock sprung free.
Your mouth salivated at the sight of Bucky’s hard cock, his impressive length making your walls clench around nothing, panties ruined at the thought of him inside you.
"Your mouth. Please, Y/N, I need your mouth." The desperation in James's voice only made you want to pleasure him even more, eager to hear his sweet sounds.
Your hands pumped him before your tongue traced the vein running along the side of his cock. You licked him top to bottom a few times, his pleas finally attended as you swirled your tongue over his tip, relaxing your jaw and taking him in your mouth. Each time going further down his length, you hollowed your cheeks, a raspy moan he let out going straight to your core.
"Fuck, doll." Bucky wrapped his hands on your hair, pushing you further down his dick, saliva dripping down his balls. "You look so fucking good with your mouth wrapped around my cock."
His sudden vocality only spurred you, moaning when his tip reached the back of your throat.
"That’s it doll. Come on, take everything." 
Bucky’s head fell back as you choked on him, his grip moving your head to take him faster, a familiar feeling of pleasure he missed so much clouding all his senses.
"Shit... I’m not gonna last long, doll." you took your lips off of him just for a second. 
With puffy, red, and wet lips, you glanced at him with lazy eyes, the sight alone bringing him closer to falling apart. "Come for me, Bucky."
Your lips wrapped around his dick again, and with two more hard thrusts, Bucky came with a groan. You swallowed every drop he gave you.
"Holy fuck." he swore as his breathing calmed down and you gave him a mischievous smile.
"Not exactly holy, Sargeant." you both chuckled and it didn’t go unnoticed by you the twist on his face at the use of his old title.
Bucky kicked off his jeans and picked you up, your legs wrapping around his waist. Your back hit a wall as he kissed your neck, biting and sucking on the soft skin. 
You moaned when he found a sensitive spot between your neck and collarbone, his mouth leaving red marks behind. You jumped out of his embrace and led him to your bed, throwing him into the mattress.
His stare never left your body. At every piece of clothing you removed, the blue in his eyes seemed to disappear even more, his pupils so blown out it reminded you of your own.
"You have been bad, Sargeant." 
You crawled into the bed, taking your time on getting on top of him. The feeling of your hot, wet core against his skin made Bucky’s cock impossibly harder. Your hand pulled at his hair, forcing him to look at you, a raspy moan escaping Bucky’s lips. "You like being bad, James?"
"No." his answer made you chuckle.
"No?" your lips kissed his jawline, licking every piece of skin you found, your teeth biting his earlobe. "But look at you, Sargeant, falling apart on my hands."
Your hands rested against his chest as you bent forward, guiding his cock into your core.
"Fuck." you both moaned as his tip slowly entered you.
Bucky’s hands had a tight bruising hold on your hips, he slowly helped you sink down his length.  You didn’t wait before moving your hips back and forth, loving the pain of being stretched out by him.
"Shit, you feel so good around me, doll."
Bucky pulled you to him, his mouth catching one of your breasts, biting and kissing your nipple, his hand caressing the other as you bounced on his cock.
You tugged harder on his brown locks as he started to thrust up, fucking you harder. You nearly screamed his name when he found that special place inside you, hitting it with every thrust of his hips. 
"You’re so fucking tight." Bucky let out a groan as your pussy squeezed the shit out of him.
Everything was way too much. You felt dizzy as you met his hard, frenetic thrusts. His cold vibranium fingers found your clit, drawing fast circles, bringing you even closer to the edge. 
"Bucky! Fuck, I’m gonna..."
You pushed his body down, your hands grabbing his throat and giving it just a little bit of pressure, his eyes rolling back, and his deep moans getting louder.
Your veins turned to fire, your whole body shaking as you felt the waves of euphoria taking over. You threw your head back, tears falling as the strong orgasm hit you, your eyes turning into their natural black as you stared at the ceiling.
"Come here, doll." he tried pulling you to him, but you just pushed him further down. 
Bucky pushed himself up, pulling you by your neck, his hands forcing you to look at him. Your breath hitched as his hands held your cheeks with a tenderness you had never known, his lips meeting yours in a soft, gentle kiss. Your mind was spinning at the sudden change.
Your breath caught in your throat as Bucky´s beautiful blue eyes stared at your empty ones like they held the keys to Eden. 
"You’re not scared of me?" the confused, bitter tone on your voice made Bucky’s heart break in two, cause he recognized that. He heard it in his own voice every damn day. 
"Are you, of me?" a tear fell down your cheek, his thump gently brushing it away. You knew every part of him, so the quiet 'no' you whispered made Bucky’s smile grow. "There you go, sweetheart."
For some reason, after that, everything seemed to change. Bucky turned you both around, your back hitting the mattress as he slowly pulled out, just to fill you up completely again.
His thrusts became harder and faster as he chased his own orgasm, driving you into your second one, but somehow, it felt more caring, personal.
Your nails scratched his back, leaving red angry lines behind, a reminder you would leave on him of this night. 
Your legs hugged Bucky’s form, urging him to hit deeper inside of you, if that was even possible. His vibranium digits finding your clit again.
"One more, doll." his hands brushed the hairs out of your face, his eyes filled with unfamiliar adoration. "Come for me." 
He kissed you gently as you felt his dick ripping you apart, ruining you just the way you liked.
You came again, milking his cock and triggering his own orgasm. 
"Fuck, Y/N!" Bucky came hard, chanting your name as his cum shot deep inside you.
After you both felt like you could breathe again, Bucky slowly slipped out and fell next to you on the bed.
His eyes had already started to close, his chest falling and rising evenly as he searched for your body, pulling you close to him.
You both fell asleep and for the first time in decades, Bucky’s demons didn’t haunt him in his dreams.
The sun was rising and you had been awake for a long time, your mind racing as the events of just a few hours ago played in your head.
Demons weren’t born. They were forged in hell. 
You were made with one purpose only, to serve Lucifer and torture the souls that lost themselves into perdition. The lack of your own soul was never a problem as you spent your days in the pits of hell. But now? Joining Lucifer on Earth showed you just how much you couldn’t have.
Bucky reminded you of what you couldn’t have.
As the man woke up, he felt an unusual sense of cold enveloping him, and that’s when he noticed your body was no longer pressed against his.
Opening his eyes, he noticed a small note resting on top of the pillow you had laid in, all night long, as he held you in his arms.
I’m not one to break a deal, your nightmares were gone for this night just like they always will be from now on. 
Don’t worry about your part of the deal, you’ve paid me already.
And before you get any ideas, I’m not a name on your make amends list, you can’t help me, Mr. Barnes. Do not come looking for me again.
Sweet dreams, James.
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wearebothdrunk · 3 years
Omygod i just finished watching starwars and i kinda have an idea like maybe a jedireader? Or a jedi-like-reader where theyre in madripoor right, then they got attacked and she like "hold up let me handle it" AND SHE PULLED OUT HER LIGTHSABERS 😭😭 sam (and maybe zemo) geek out and bucky was like "i am so confused but that shits amazing"
Hi! of course!
“ A friend from work ”
pairing: Bucky x fem!reader (stark)
Word counting: 2186
Summary: You basicaly save Sam´s and Bucky´s ass in Madripoor. 
warnings: nightmares
a/n: I had to do some changes to your requests to be more Marvel so i hope you like it anyway! I love the request.
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*gif not mine*
Since your father died you have been supporting your mother Pepper and your younger sister Morgan. Pepper was not your biological mother but she always took care of you, even before she and your father started dating.
Without your dad and Nat and Steve, the Avengers seemed more lost than ever. You still helped and were Sam's backup on his missions but it wasn't the same. Your whole family had fallen apart, Thor was with the guardians of the galaxy, Clint retired, Bruce had enough with the avengers, and Wanda was taking some time for herself. You were left with Sam and Bucky. You were pretty good friends with Sam, but with Bucky...... let's just say it's complicated. You liked him for a while, but you didn't want to put your father in an uncomfortable situation, so you always put him first, even if it was very hard sometimes.
One day you were just relaxing on the couch when you looked at the tv and saw the news report saying that the criminal Zemo had escaped from prison. You immediately called Sam.
"Pick up Sam, come on-" you said.
you heard a voice on the other side " y/n? is everything okay?" you heard Sam´s voice
"No! Zemo has escaped from prison in case you haven't heard the news!"
" Really?!" he said but not very convincingly
You started to get suspicious. He seemed to already know about what was happening, but if he knew, why didn't he tell you? unless.....
"You're with him, aren't you?" you said straight out. "no, no, no, why would you think that y/n?" he was really trying to convince you
"Why did you do that Sam?! you know it's dangerous, what the hell were you thinking?"
" relax y/n. me and Bucky need him for a mission, he is just a means to an end" he finally said
"Are you with Bucky?" you asked. You missed him even if he was just a friend, he was special to you.
"Yes, but he is fine, don't worry! I have to go now! Goodbye, take care y/n"
he hung up.
Sam knew about your little crush on Bucky. He was like a best friend to you and if you couldn't count on his advice, then you wouldn't count on anyone.
Like your father you always wanted to help the Avengers in any way you could, so obviously you wouldn't be left out of this mission. In one of the upgrades you made to Sam's suit you added a tracker device in case he was kidnapped. It was the perfect time to use it! You pulled up a chair, sat down, and began tinkering with the gadgets your father had previously bought and used. You wanted him to be here with you but unfortunately, that was impossible so keeping his legacy alive was the closest you could get.
"Yes, found you!" You shouted in joy
"What city is this? Ma... Madripoor?" you asked yourself
"Well I hope it's worth it Sam Wilson because otherwise I'm gonna kick your ass"
You called Happy to get a flight for you. It was hard to convince him but you managed to convince him by saying you needed a short vacation.
* After 5 hours
You finally got to your destination, it felt like it took days to get there. Madripoor was a poor, dark and dirty city, you didn't like it there at all.
You got on your bike and headed towards the location of the suit. After about 10 minutes you arrived where Sam and Bucky were supposed to be according to your device.
"But this is just a car!" you said angrily.
Suddenly you heard gunshots and breaking glass and three unrecognizable men, at first.
"Y/N?! What the fuck are you doing here!?" Sam shouted, placing you behind a container to protect you from the bullets that were being fired at the four of you.
"Stand back!" you shouted at them, standing up.
You quickly took out the gun that was stuck inside your long leather jacket. You pointed the gun and in three seconds and without making a sound the gunshots stopped, just like magic.
"What the fuck was that? " Sam said surprised
" I am so confused but that shits amazing," bucky said with his mouth open giving a small smile.
"what are you waiting for?!! to die? get in the car now!" you shouted at them
The four of you ran quickly to the car and got in. Zemo started the car and luckily you managed to escape in time.
"what was that y/n?" sam asked
" it's just a prototype I made from a project my dad was working on before.... you know what. it works with extremely strong lasers that can demagnetize any weapon."
" That's fucking awesome!" Bucky said
you smiled. you loved being praised for your work but being praised by Bucky felt different to you.
" Well, thank you, Bucky!"
" Don't thank Bucky. I appreciate what you did back there but this is super dangerous. Your dad and Steve wouldn't approve any of this and-" you interrupted him.
"Guess what? My dad's not here! Why? Because he sacrificed his life to save the world! And Uncle Steve isn't here anymore, so stop thinking about what they would think of me!"
sam looked at you with concern. He felt obligated to protect you since your father couldn't.
For a moment the car was filled in awkward silence until Zemo decided to open his mouth.
"No one told me about a fourth member of the team. Sorry, pretty girl, but you won't be able to continue this trip with us" Zemo said.
"You are not in charge of anything, we are. If y/n hadn't appeared out of anywhere, we would be probably dead. So I advise you to keep your mouth shut and play your only role if you don't want to go to prison again" Bucky said with his eyes fixed firmly on Zemo.
Zemo swallowed.
" well, but there aren't enough beds," Zemo said in a low voice, barely audible.
" don't worry, she can sleep in my bed, I sleep on the floor," Bucky said without even blinking
You felt butterflies in your stomach. You were going to be in the same space as Bucky for more than 5 minutes, you were nervous that you would say something stupid or give him the wrong idea.
"Oh, you don't have to.
(oh yes, you do.)
" Of course I do. " Bucky looked at you with intensity as if he needed to do this.
* after 20 minutes*
"These are your rooms. All beds are already made and your bags will be taken to your respective rooms Mr. Zemo" the woman said.
"Thank you, my dear," Zemo said kissing the lady's hand
"Well, these are your rooms. I don't want anything ruined and I don't want any noise because I am very tired. Good night fellows" Zemo went directly to his room and closed the door leaving the three of you alone.
" I'm just going downstairs to see if they can get me an extra blanket," Bucky said leaving you and Sam alone. Things between you two were still a little awkward from earlier.
" y/n, I don't want us to be on bad terms. You have to understand that I care about you" Sam broke the silence
" Sam, I know and I care about you too, but you have to realize that we are almost the same age and I don't need to have a babysit."
"I know, I know. No hard feelings?"
"No hard feelings," you said shaking his hand and pulling him for a hug
"So, what's this about you sleeping in the same room as Bucky? y/n I'm watching you like a falcon" sam joked
"Relax! He's just a friend from work"
" I have the blanket here. I'm going to bed now, good night". Bucky said to you two
"oh, I'm going with you, that way I can help you make your bed. it's the least I can do since you don´t let me sleep on the floor"
You both said your goodbyes to sam and went to your room.
Bucky spread out a blanket next to the bed where you were going to stay and laid down.
"You´re not gonna even put a pillow? Take this one I have too many." you said to him
"No! I don't want a pillow" Bucky said, throwing you the pillow again.
You got up and started to make his "bed" more comfortable. "You're not going to sleep on the floor like that, Buck-" he interrupted what you were doing by grabbing your arm and looking you straight in the eye. "I don't need that y/n. I'm used to sleeping on the floor."
You looked at him shocked. "You are used to it?!"
"Yes," he said hesitantly.
"Why Bucky?" you asked.
"  I don't feel comfortable enough to sleep in a fluffy comfortable bed, not after all the people I have killed and all the lives I ruined. Every night I have nightmares to remind me of that" he said as if it was something natural to him.
" Buck....... You can't feel that way. You deserve a hundred soft, comfortable beds, you deserve to have a happy life. You didn't kill those people, you didn't ruin those people's lives, HYDRA did. There are people who care about you, I care about you."
"You care about me? You said yourself that I was just a friend from work, and I understand and respect that y/n, I knew we were just that."
"That was me joking with Sam. I wish you were just a work friend, it would have saved me some heartbreaks."
" heartbreaks?" you could see by Bucky´s confused face that he had zero idea of what you were talking about.
" are you going to tell me that you never noticed that I liked you and cared differently about you?"
" NO!" he said surprised
"Okay, I understand. We can still be work friends Buck I mean it, I don't want to put you into another bad situation-" the touch of his lips against yours interrupted your speech.
"I never wanted to be just your friend from work" he sighed.
"me neither," you said kissing him again
You make out for about 5 minutes. when you finally let each other out of your arms, you got up and took the blanket that was on your bed and your pillow and put it next to Bucky. "what are you doing?" he looked confused.
"Did you really thought I was going to let you sleep alone on this cold uncomfortable floor?"
"y/n-" you interrupted him with a kiss. "Yes?" you asked. "I don't want you to sleep here on this horrible floor. you will go back to your warm comfortable bed and sleep" he said with a straight face
"Bucky, either you come with me to this warm bed or I will sleep here with you. it's your call baby"
he smiled and sighed. " you are the worst" he mumbled throwing you on the bed making you giggle. You walked over to him and grabbed his hand and kissed it.
"I promise you that you deserve all of this Buck" you whispered.
he kissed you again passionately to thank you for what you had done for him. You both laid down. You put your head on top of his chest and he put his arms on top of your back, you were finally able to sleep.
* later that night*
you began to hear a voice whispering something making you wake up.
"I HAVE TO, I HAVE TO DO THIS" Bucky sighed in the middle of sleeping.
Bucky was having a nightmare. He was sweating and he was gasping for breath.
"Buck? babe, it's just a nightmare" you whispered caressing his cheeks with the back of your fingers.
Suddenly he gets up, still heavy breathing, and sits in the bed.
" What's happening," he said in mid-breath. "You were having a nightmare babe.". You put your arms around him making him feel safe." it's okay" you said.
When he finally let go you stood up and start walking toward the door
"where are you going?" He asked with a puppy face
" don't worry, I'm just gonna get something to calm you down"
when you came back with the hot chamomile tea you had made for him, Bucky was still sitting on the bed with his hands on his head.
" here, this is going to help you. my dad always made me this when I woke up in the middle of the night"
" thank you for taking care of me," he said
" James Buchan Barnes I will be here to make sure you sleep like a baby for the rest of your life."
and he did.
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livexdolan · 3 years
what happens in part 5? do they start dating?
A/n: slow your roll bud...all good things come to those who wait 😌
Previously (Pt. 4)
Back pressed into a cold counter and both of you pulling each other impossibly closer. Grayson bites your bottom lip slightly, then pulls back, looking you in the eyes.
Panting, you watch him with hungry eyes and grip the hair on the back of his neck a little harder, pulling him back down to meet your lips.
“Honeyy, I’m home!” Mando’s voice sings as a door starts to open and Grayson pulls away so quickly he bites your lip again, this time hard.
“Ouch!” You yelp, hand going up to your lip as Mando and a group of people walk in.
He raises his brow at the two of us, a knowing smirk starting to form. Grayson swallows nervously, “Y/n uh-“ Grayson runs his hand through his hair, “she ran into the doorway. Busted her lip open. I was going to help her with it.”
You give Grayson a look that says, ‘that’s the best excuse you could come up with?’ and Mando just hums, crossing his arms, “Mhm, sure.”
“No, seriously!” You say, trying to sound convincing, keeping your hand on your lip, wincing in fake pain, “You know me- always running into things.”
Grayson laughs and you join in, the two of you looking at Mando and praying he doesn’t press the issue, “Riight,” he drawls.
Before he can say anything else, Ethan and everyone from the backyard comes back in and start greeting the new people. That’s when you really start looking at the rest of the group.
It’s Mando, Dylan, and Chase. Followed by Leah, Kayla, and Aly. You try not to groan outwardly at the sight of Kayla. She’s been trying to get Grayson to make her his girlfriend since sophomore year of college and even though he turned her down at least three times she hasn’t gotten the message.
It doesn’t help that you know, for a fact, that Grayson’s fucked her twice. That’s what started this whole thing because he was known for never sleeping with the same girl twice. In his defense, he only slept with her again because he was so drunk he thought she was our other friend Becca. But Kayla doesn’t know that, or she does and ignores it, either way she annoys the shit out of you.
“Alright! Let’s get everyone into their rooms,” Ethan announces and everyone gathers back around the island, Grayson, Ethan, Kristina, and you all standing on one side. Ethan pulls out his phone and goes to a list in his notes.
“We already wrote out who was staying where but if you want to switch rooms, it’s no big deal,” Grayson adds and Ethan nods in agreement.
“There’s two master bedrooms and then four separate bedrooms with two bathrooms to share. Me and Kris are in one master and Gray and y/n are in the other, Mando you’re with Ryan-“ Ethans voice is cut off by a cough.
He looks up from his phone and we look at an awkward, blushing Mando, “I was- uh- I was actually hoping to share with- um- Mia,” he stutters out and Mia blushes too.
You smile at the two and Grayson chuckles, “Thats fine, Mando. The room chart isn’t set in stone,” Ethan smiles too and erases something on his phone, typing something else.
You eyebrows furrow as what he said finally hits you. Oh hell no, “Okay, now-“
“Where’d you say I was sleeping?” You cut Ethan off and he over with raised eyebrows and Grayson blushes.
“You’re sharing with me,” Grayson says and you scoff.
“No, I’m not.”
“C’mon, y/n, it’s not that big of a deal. We’ve shared before,” Grayson sighs.
“Can’t I just share with Ryan?” At the sound of his name, Ryan coughs on his drink.
“I’ll share with him,” Kayla has the nerve to squeak out, raising her hand like we’re in a fucking classroom or something. She glares at you, then cuts her eyes to eye fuck Grayson, “If y/n doesn’t want to.”
Grayson looks at you, eyes pleading, “please, y/n. Please,” he whispers and you roll your eyes.
Sighing, you shake your head, “Nevermind. I’m fine, actually. Sorry to interrupt.”
Kayla scoffs and had the audacity to look offended, “seriously?”
You raise your eyebrow at her, “seriously.”
Ethan coughs and starts again, “Alrighty then- Mando and Mia- first room on the right. Ryan and Chase, second room on the right. Dylan and Aly- you okay with sharing a room?” He looks at the two siblings and they nod, “Okay, first room on the left. Kayla and Leah you’re in the second room on the left. Go off and do whatever,” Ethan dismisses everyone.
“Where’s our room?” You ask as everyone starts to disperse.
“Don’t worry, I’ll show you,” Grayson says.
“Oh, ok,” you say dumbly.
Grayson heads back over towards the door and grabs our bags. He nods his head in the direction of the hallway everyone walked down and you follow him. Heading down the hallway in silence, you realize he’s walking past all the rooms. We turn at the end, coming to a staircase, “I thought all the rooms were on one floor?” You ask, very confused.
“No, the main master was originally on it’s own floor. It was my dad and ma’s but when dad got really sick and couldn’t walk upstairs-“ He pauses for a second, you place your hand on his arm gently, knowing it’s hard for him to talk about it, “They converted two of the other rooms downstairs into one master,” Grayson finishes as we get to the top.
There’s a small hallway, two doors, one on the left down further and a double door to our right, “What’s down there?”
“The study,” Grayson says bluntly, and you know not to ask more about the room.
Instead, he opens the large double doors, “Oh my God,” slips out of your mouth as you walk into the large room.
Large doesn’t even begin to describe it, though. The ceiling’s vaulted with a dark wood. A California king bed sits on one wall, then on the same wall as the double doors there’s a leather couch, it faces a stone fireplace with a flat-screen above it, a bookshelf on one side, meeting up with the wall-of-windows that is across from the bed.
“Go look at the bathroom and closet,” Grayson says, obviously amused by your reactions.
Walking to the second set of double doors, you gasp audibly when you see the bathroom. The bathroom’s dark grey and emerald green. The whole left wall is a counter, two sinks and a built-in vanity at the end. The glass shower’s to the right, taking up almost the whole wall, there’s two rainfall shower heads and six other shower heads spread out on the walls. At the end of the shower, there’s a small partition with the toilet, giving it some privacy but not messing with the airiness of the room. The best part of the bathroom though, is the large window looking out at the mountains, above an egg-shaped tub big enough for almost everyone downstairs. Off to the side, after the toilet, is a door. Opening the door, you’re confused as you come into another room. This one’s smaller, but still bigger than your bathroom at home. There’s a seat in the middle, a ceiling-to-floor three-way mirror, and a door that leads back into the bedroom.
Seeing two more doors you open one, seeing a regular-sized walk-in, with wood drawers and shelves. There’s a few clothes already in here. Opening the second door, you stop in your tracks, “Holy shit.”
The closet is in an L-shape, a mini-crystal chandelier hangs over the middle of the room between two small, square islands. The walls are head-to-toe cabinets, drawers, and racks. It’s all in a lighter wood than the rest of the bathroom and there’s mint green instead of emerald. The seat in the middle is even mint green. Damn, Lisa boojee as fuck. Walking back out, you see Grayson putting his stuff in the smaller closet.
“Nice, isn’t it?” He asks, not turning around to look at you.
“How did your parents afford this?” It’s the main question that’s been on your mind since learning they owned it. Everyone knows the twins are upper-middle class but this? This is upper-upper class standards.
Grayson glances over his shoulder at you, “When one of dad’s old friends found out E and I were going to school out here, he gave the house to my parents for like, a fourth of what it was worth,” he shrugs and turns to you.
“That was so awesome of him.”
“Are we just going to ignore what happened earlier?” The edge to his voice takes you by surprise, looking up at him you see his expression is guarded but you can see the fear of rejection in his eyes.
“I-uh,” you bite your lip nervously, looking down at the ground before glancing back up at him, “I don’t know,” you shrug.
He narrows his eyes at you, “You don’t know?”
“Do you want to ignore it?” You try to sound unaffected but you can hear the emotion in it.
Grayson’s facade cracks slightly at the sound of your voice and your nervous attitude. He doesn’t want to intimidate you, “Look-“ he runs a hand through his hair, “Let’s talk about this in the bedroom.”
You nod silently and follow him out of the closet and the bathroom, sitting on the edge of the bed. He sits on the arm of the couch, facing you. Looking out the windows you still can’t believe you get to wake up to this view everyday for two weeks. It’s also a nice distraction from the 6’0 buff god staring at you.
“Are we going to talk about this like adults or are you going to run away again?” Grayson’s voice cuts through the tension in the room and you flinch at the slight infliction in his tone.
You take a deep breath, looking at him. Something in your gut tells you this is it. You are face-to-face with a fork in the road. Nothing is ever going to be the same and once you start down one road, you can never turn back. And as much as you want to ignore it and pretend everything’s fine- this talk is long-overdue.
You close your eyes for a moment, all your best memories together flashing through your mind, before taking you back to that party a few weeks ago. The memory is sobering and you open your eyes.
Staring into the green-and-brown abyss of Grayson’s eyes, you state, “Let’s talk,” in a voice calm enough to make the Dalai Lama think ‘dang, that’s a calm girl’.
A/n: okay okay i am so sorry for the long wait!! I hope you enjoy this part because it was so hard to figure out where I wanted it to go. There’s only going to be a few more parts but I am very very excited for what’s to come. Once again- thank you for the patience, love, and support I’ve gotten. It truly means the world! Also you know I had to leave y’all on a cliffhanger for now ;)
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zafirosreverie · 3 years
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Agatha || Olivia || Carla || Eve || Jennifer
a/n: I'm in love with this robot and I'd do anything for her
You sighed as your brother started to sing that stupid song again! You knew you should be happy for him, but it was so annoying to hear him singing it all day, especially when you...when you couldn’t.
In a world where people can hear a special song that connects them to their soulmates, you haven’t been able to find yours. You asked your brother how it was, what were you supposed to feel or hear. He said it was like hearing a voice in your head that made your heart race. 
You didn’t know what that meant but you appreciated the help...for small it was.
You started to feel a little desperate when your brother heard his song and started to sing it at all times. It was a cute song and you knew his soulmate was singing it too, even if he was the only one who could hear it. But still, it hurted that you haven’t heard yours. 
After a while, you started to think you didn’t have any soulmate after all. It was rare, but there were stories about people whose souls were already full and didn’t need their other half. It didn’t feel like that to you, you felt like there was something missing, but since you couldn’t hear your song, you were worried you might be one of those few people. 
You groaned when your friend Janice started to put her strange medical things on your chest. She had told you what their name were, but you really couldn’t care less. It was enough that you were still accepting to be her fake patiente when she had medical practice for her school.
“Y/N…” Janice said and you didn’t like her tone. 
Usually, you were just there for her practice and she would praise you about how healthy you were. But this was the first time she asked to do an electrocard-... electrocardi...whatehever the fuck they did to check your heart. You were sure it was fine...but her tone and facial expression were making you nervous. 
“What? Is my heart too small? Does it have ice?” you joked
“It’s your heartbeat” she whispered.
“What about it?” 
“Remember that class I took about code morse?” she asked suddenly. You frowned, totally confused, but nodded. “Y/N...I- I think your heart is...There’s a name in code morse on your heartbeat” she said quickly.
You blinked and didn’t say anything for a moment. You were sure you passed out at some point.
Ursula Gernsback.
You read the paper on your hand for the fifth time, wanting to be absolutely sure this was the right address. It was hard to find who the fuck this woman was, and you doubted she’d be able to give you answers. But you needed to know why her name was in your heart...literally. 
“Well...at least this seems to be a cool place” you thought, as you entered the store.
You didn’t know what you were expecting. Maybe some fireworks, or a heavenly light from the sky, or perhaps that damned song. But instead, you got red cheeks and a tangled tongue as you looked at the most beautiful eyes you have ever seen. 
“Can I help you?” the woman in front of you asked. Her eyes kept roaming your body, as if she tried to find something specific. 
 “I- uh...are you” you stuttered. You cursed yourself as she raised an eyebrow before you cleared your throat “I apologize if this is weird, ma’ am, but...Are you Ursula Gernsback, by any chance?” you asked.
The woman blinked and frowned. You were afraid of her reaction and only then you thought about the fact that you didn’t have a plan. What were you going to do? Say “Hey! I don’t have any idea of who the hell you are and you don’t know who the fuck am I, but I have your name on my heart in code morse, do you think you know why?” God, you would be lucky if she didn’t call the police. 
“I am” she said after a moment “And you are?”
“Oh, uhm...I’m Y/N Y/L/N” you smiled.
The woman’s face changed suddenly and before you knew it, she was taking your hand and dragging you to the back of the store. What the hell did you get yourself into?” 
“Wait, wait, wait” you said for the millionth time “Let’s go back to the part where you are a robot” 
“Let’s go back to the part where you’re not” she answered and you sighed.
In the five hours you had been in the store cellar, there have been a lot of questions and few answers. For both of you. Ursula was so confused (and almost angry, which was scary) for the fact that you weren’t a robot as she thought (which had been the reason she showed you her true self without second thought, to your horror), and even more so for the fact that it didn’t make any sense. 
She believed you when you told her you found her because her name was in you, because she herself had been listening to it. You had been calling her name all this time, and she listened, but never knew how to find you, no matter how many times she looked up in her system. 
And now, you were here, afraid, alone, confused and so...so human. It didn’t make any sense!!! Why would a human be able to use code morse with her heart and why would you be calling her if you didn’t know her?
“Ursula?” you asked softly
“Shhhh, let me think, human” she said. But you had an idea...or perhaps a hope.
“Do you robots...do you have a soul?” you asked.
“What?” she blinked
“Do you have a soul?” you asked again “I- I don’t know if I’m crossing a line here, but...I’m sure you have heard about soulmates?”
“The songs you humans like to sing all the time?” she frowned.
“No...well-” you sighed “the songs are the way to find your soulmate, the soulmate itself is...I don’t know. I’ve heard it is a person who compliments you, a person you’re supposed to spend your life with...your other half”
“And what does it have to do with us?” she asked 
“I-...I’ve never been able to hear my song” you admitted “And I’ve been trying to all my life”
“And you’re telling me this, because?”
You sighed. She had told you that human behaviour was still strange to her and she didn’t understand some things, which was cute for you, but you really needed her to be on the same page as you in this.
“Because I think we might be soulmates” you blushed as you said it.
The woman frowned again and she did look adorable and cute, but you wanted to smack your head against the wall at that moment. 
“Think about it! I’m a human who could never hear the song. You’re a robot who could never find the origin of the call...But your name’s in my heart and mine’s in your code...what if it is because we’re soulmates, but since you’re a robot...rules are different for us?”
She looked at you for a moment before she looked down. You could see her thinking about it, so you stayed quiet until she looked up again. You didn’t want to admit it, but these hours felt...special to you. As if you had found something important, something you never knew you needed. If she wasn’t your soulmate, she was totally your crush.
“I don’t know” she said suddenly
“You asked me if I had a soul” she said, stepping closer to you. Her beautiful eyes stared at yours, as if she was looking for something again “I don’t know if I have one”
You felt your heart breaking, but didn’t say anything. She took your chin carefully and lifted your head to make you look at her again. Her touch was soft and warm and her scent felt like home...all of her, felt like home. The woman caressed your cheek with her thumb and it made you tremble.
“I don’t know if I have a soul or not” she said “but if I do...I’d like it to belong to you, little human”
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fireofjudgement · 2 years
For the love of the gods please write Arisu x Karube at the Beach
Your wish is my command! I'm not sure if this is what you wanted, I hope you're not disappointed nonnie. I haven't been in the mood for writing for the past 2 weeks and this is the first thing I wrote since then so I hope you like it at least a little. If you had something different in mind, please let me know! I'll try my best to do better.
One too many
Fandom: Alice in Borderland
Pairing: Arisu x Karube
Summary: Karube returns to the Beach after an exhausting game. What he finds there makes him question his best friend's intentions.
Word count: 950
Warnings: swearing, mentions of death, violence and alcohol, a bit of angst and a very poor attempt at comedy
A/N: Drink responsibly kids! Also obviously this is set in a universe where Karube makes it to the Beach together with Arisu.
Requests are open!
Karube was exhausted. Tonight's game wasn't exactly the easiest- a game of hearts, and a high difficulty one at that. For some unknown reason hearts were his least favorite. Not that he enjoyed any of them but..there was just something about them in particular that filled him with anxiety each time. 
After finally returning to the Beach, all he wanted to do was to crawl into his bed and ignore everyone for approximately one to five business days. Everyone, except Arisu of course. His best friend and the only person he trusted in this wicked world. Usually they would try to stick together but sometimes they were put into different groups for the games. Whenever that happened, they would always find each other afterwards to wind down and spend some time together, just the two of them. It was their tradition. 
Tonight however Arisu was nowhere to be found. Not in his room, not in Karube's room-where he'd sometimes fall asleep when he didn't want to be alone-, not even in his favorite hiding spot on the rooftop. Karube was starting to get worried. Although he knew his best friend was smart and strong and brave..sometimes that just wasn't enough. The games were unpredictable afterall. 
His anxiety skyrocketed when he suddenly noticed Niragi heading his way. Fuck. Karube knew this guy was bad news, even with that big smile on his face. Everything about him screamed trouble, no matter how innocent he tried to look. Karube was never a religious person but at that moment he was praying for the other man to ignore him and walk away.
"Hey asshole!" Nope. Apparently today luck wasn't on Karube's side. "Are you looking for your loser boyfriend?"
Before he could think this through, Karube grabbed the militant and shoved him against the nearest wall, ready to beat him to death if necessary. "What the fuck did you do to him?"
"Easy now!" the man grunted, clearly surprised by Karube's sudden attack. "I didn't do shit! As far as I'm concerned, drinking a few beers isn't considered illegal over here." 
"Niragi, what are you talking about?"
He shrugged, trying to push the other man away. "You were taking forever, your boyfriend was getting worried so I..helped him calm down. I have to say though, he can't drink for shit."
Karube was equally as confused as he was relieved. From what Niragi was saying, Arisu was alive and well but..him and alcohol? Karube had a bad feeling about this.
"If you're waiting for me to thank you for not killing him, you can fuck right off. Where is he now?"
"Still at the bar." Niragi answered, a shadow of a smirk appearing on his face. "Might have had one too many drinks..He definitely had a lot of..interesting stuff to say about you. I-"
"I don't fucking care, goodbye Niragi!" Karube didn't even let the man finish the sentence, he was already on the way to the bar, hoping Arisu was doing okay. He was cursing himself for taking his time on the way back from the game- usually they would take a car to the arena but since it wasn't that far away and Karube hated pretty much everyone at the Beach except Arisu, he decided to take a walk. Never again.
The man practically ran downstairs, trampling a bunch of unsuspecting people on his way. An enormous weight was lifted off of his shoulders when he finally saw Arisu sitting by the  bar..alone? Karube had to take a second look. His friend was there alone for sure, surrounded only by a few empty bottles and yet he seemed to have the conversation of his lifetime. Who was he talking to? Was he too drunk to notice Niragi was long gone? Or did the militant not tell him the whole truth about how exactly he managed to calm Arisu down? Karube wouldn't put it past him to be honest.
Either way he decided to help Arisu out and take him back to his room. He can punch Niragi later, when his friend is safe. But before he could make Arisu aware of his presence, he overheard something that made him stop in his tracks. 
"..and..and..he is the most..attractive and confident person I have ever met in my life, I'm te-telling you!" Arisu exclaimed with confidence, despite his hiccups. His invisible conversation partner must not have looked too convinced however. "N-no! You don't understand! He..he is out of this wo-world." The boy slurred, slamming his fist on the table. 
Arisu's words piqued Karube's interest. Who on earth was he talking about? He rolled his eyes when he remembered who his friend spent the evening with. Yes, Niragi was an attractive man but..Karube didn't know his best friend was into that kinda stuff. As much as he was trying to not let that affect him, it did hurt a little. Afterall it wasn't Niragi who took care of Arisu after every game. Nor was he there when his family turned against him after he came out. Did Niragi even know Arisu's favorite video game? Karube sincerely doubted it. Oh well. Life wasn't fair, he knew that much.
"W-what?" He heard Arisu talk again, right when he was about to approach him. "Why won't you just be-believe me? Fine! Just..just wait till you meet Ka-Karube, you'll change your mi-mind!"
Karube stopped midway. Oh. Oh..Suddenly Niragi's words made much more sense. Huh. Karube smirked. Maybe he wouldn't punch him in the face later. Maybe he'd even thank him. Afterall now he knew for sure he wasn't the only one attracted to his best friend.
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bi-bi-buckleydiaz · 3 years
i think not | owen joyner
requested?; - yes! Owen Joyner x reader - their characters might not be love interests on the show (readers is possibly a new one for Luke/which causes a rift in Juke) but they are in real life and are trying to keep it on the down low especially during cast interviews and with fans.
word count; 2K
warnings; language, yelling but only like two sentences
a/n; I didn’t know how to end it so the ending kinda sucks sorry. also side note, the character the reader plays on jatp is a character I’m planning on writing an x reggie fic with so be on the lookout for that !
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that close up tho 
You didn’t mean for it to happen. 
Not the, relationship, of course. You wanted that to happen. You’ve been wanting that to happen since you were an extra dancer on the first season of Julie and the Phantoms and danced right into Owen on accident during The Other Side of Hollywood. He was sweet about it, of course he was, asking if you were okay when he was the one that got barrelled into. The apology coffee date turned into a movie night at his apartment which then turned into weekly Friday night takeout dates which ultimately turned into Owen blurting out one night that he liked you and wanted to be your boyfriend. 
You obviously said yes. 
Which brings you to now, two years later filming season two of JatP, except this time you weren’t a dancer, but a recurring character - Delilah Alarie, a 17 year old girl who can hear ghosts, but can’t see them, and forms an unlikely relationship with everyone’s favorite bassist in a ghost band. This is where the problem comes in. 
When you and Owen started dating back in 2019, you two decided to keep it on the DL because you both weren’t totally sure where it was going to go. At the time you were both so busy: Owen having his first acting job as an adult so he was getting used to the long hours, and you working what felt like 25/8 to get all the dance routines down pat. So you both just...didn’t tell anyone. That’s not to say people weren’t suspicious. Charlie was present at many movie nights and Tori liked to tease you about you how you’d spend your time between takes staring at the blond drummer and his fidgeting fingers. 
Filming wrapped and you planned to announce your relationship at the wrap party, but a certain 19 year old thought it would be smart to get a little wasted and passed out before you could say “hey, we’re dating.” Then, you all went your separate ways and you and Owen didn’t see the need to inform everyone of the relationship, especially because you had to figure out the whole long-distance thing. 
Then Covid hit. And there really wasn’t a need because you both were fighting so hard to not get insecure and worried about the hundreds of miles between you two. But you got through it. Between many facetime calls, a spontaneous trip to Hawaii, and one memorable meet up at a halfway point between your two states, you were finally back in each other's arms after the last three months apart. Of course, it was on set, where everyone thinks you’re just friends. 
So yeah, there’s a problem. Because you didn’t mean for the secret dating to go on for so long. Life just, happened, and now you two are constantly sneaking around your fellow castmates and trading secret kisses in each other’s trailers and having little rendezvous meetings in the apartment building’s pool after your roommates have fallen asleep. You’re sure Savannah and Tori have heard you sneaking out a few times, but they wisely say nothing. Charlie sleeps like the dead so your certain Owen is in the clear. 
It’s not like you two want to keep it a secret. Of course you want to tell your friends, it's just, since it’s gone on for so long you’re scared of what could happen. If they’ll get mad about the sneaking around and the lying. 
But alas, you knew the day when the secret would slip out would come. And today just happened to be that day. 
Your friends were already starting to get suspicious, you and Owen were starting to lose your subtlety with the sneaking around, and some fans don’t understand the term BOUNDARIES and caught you two outside the apartment building one day. You weren’t doing anything relationship-y, you two were just coming back from a short day on set because you both ended at the same time and were looking forward to some much needed alone time. But you both knew better than to hold hands or kiss in public, which you were glad for that rule when a few girls bombarded Owen when you both walked out of the parking garage to head inside. The girls posted about the interaction online and of course, assumptions were made about why you two were together. The cast brought it up, but you both shut it down. You really thought the secret would be exposed because someone would catch you two together...Owen is not good at keeping his hands to himself despite his own PDA rule. 
But no, the secret came to a head because Owen is a big fat st0upid head and got jealous over his best friend. 
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It started as a normal day. You got up at the last possible minute, Savannah and Tori already eating breakfast in the kitchen, knowing better than to wake you up before your alarm. You ate, showered, changed into comfy clothes for the ride to work. Madi joined you and the other girls that day, now being a little older her dad trusted her to be alone with the older cast members and alone on set for a little while. You jammed out to Doja Cat and HSM because “range, Y/N, range.” Then you arrived on set to Kenny calling you and Madi over for an impromptu meeting before any of you could reach hair and makeup. 
“Alright, now that the rest of you guys are here, I have an announcement to make.” You looked around to see that it was just the main four and you, and that’s when trepidation hit. The only scene you knew of today that involved you five was when the boys finally became visible to you, and you and Reggie share a moment. It’s a hug, much like the one Julie and Luke shared in the season one finale. But Kenny had come up to you a few days ago, suggesting adding a little something something. He told you he wasn’t sure yet, had to run it by a few execs, but that Jeremy was okay with it and he wanted to make sure you’d be okay with it too. You had said yes, after all Jeremy was the one married so you were really only worried about how he and Carolynn would feel about the kiss, you didn’t even think about Owen. 
That was a mistake. 
“So, I ran it by a few execs and of course, our own Delilah and Reggie, and have decided that after their big hug moment, a little kiss would really make the scene and ma -” 
“Uh I think not.” It was muttered, but everyone heard it. And everyone froze, Kenny stopping mid sentence to look at the culprit. Owen was looking at his hands, completely oblivious to everyone staring at him. He didn’t even realize he’d said it aloud until Jeremy cut the tension with a little forced chuckle. 
“C’mon Owen there’s enough of me to go around.” Everyone chuckled a bit, but Owen froze in his fidgeting, his face going firetruck red and eyes darting over to you. 
“Shit. Fuck I said that aloud didn’t I?” He groaned, putting his face in his hands and, before you could stop yourself, you walked up to him. 
“Hey. Hey c’mon.” You gently wrapped your hands around his wrists and pulled his hands away from his face. “It’s okay.” You expected him to look stressed. Based on his tone of voice you were preparing for a minor panic attack. But when you saw his face, all you saw was anger. It shocked you, causing you to stumble back a bit. 
“You knew about this?” And okay, yeah, you also expected a bit of that. But not to this caliber. 
“Owen I -”
“No. No you knew and didn’t tell me? Didn’t think to mention that you’d be kissing one of my best friends? What the hell Y/N?” You flinched, not used to Owen being this angry and loud.
“Owen, buddy, hey. Let’s just -” Charlie started, trying to diffuse the situation having noticed you flinching. 
“No! This isn’t a ‘calm down’ thing. This is a “my girlfriend lied to me” thing and I’m very upset about it!” And whoop...there it is. 
“God just, really Y/N?” Then he walks away, leaving you surrounded by your confused friends. It’s silent for a few seconds, everyone taking in what just happened. 
“Um...I know this probably a really bad time to bring this up but uh...y’all owe me twenty bucks each,” Charlie said. Then everyone started talking at one. Kenny apologizing for not knowing, Madi berating Charlie for the bad timing, Charlie firing back that Owen is just being dramatic, and Jeremy consoling you with Kenny. His hand on your back jump starts you into action. You quickly excuse yourself to make your way to Owen’s trailer, knowing that’s probably where he stormed off too. 
You don’t knock when you get there, just walk in, making sure to lock it behind you. Owen is there on the couch, elbows on his knees and head in his hands. 
“Owen Joyner what the hell was that?” That’s not what you had wanted to say. You were going to be nice and ease into it. But he yelled first and now you're anxious and stressed and upset. He sighs heavily and looks up at you, eyes red and glassy with unshed tears. 
“I’m sorry. I - Y/N I didn’t mean to freak. I realized halfway here that was not the way to go. I’m so -” You cut him off by pushing him back and crawling into his lap.
“It’s okay. It’s okay I should’ve - I shouldn’t’ve just yelled and I definitely should have told you when Kenny proposed the idea I just got so caught up in the fact it’d be my first on screen kiss and it’d be with a married man who’s in quite possibly the cutest relationship ever and I was worried about -” 
“You’re rambling babe,” Owen says with a smile. It’s a soft thing, one that makes your insides all mushy and your heart starts beating a little faster. “It’s okay. I mean, I would’ve liked to have found out earlier and not in front of our friends - oh my God! I just completely exposed us didn’t I? Oh God!” He whimpers out a whine and leans his head forward onto your shoulder. You giggle at the blonde beneath you, running your hands through his hair as he pinches your sides for the laugh. 
“Babe, I’m pretty sure they already knew.” Owen whips his head up at that, eyebrows furrowed. 
“Charlie mentioned everyone owes him twenty so, i’m pretty sure they were betting on when we’d tell them.” Owen groans and grumbles at that, throwing his head back in a dramatic way to convey his fake frustration. He brings his head back center and smiles softly again at you. 
“I will make sure to steal it from him tonight. That’s our money babe.” You giggle into the kiss he places onto your lips. You two sit there for a few more minutes, exchanging kisses and trading affirmations of love. After a final kiss, one that’s full of passion and heat, you decide to head back to set. 
You walk into the stage with the studio hand-in-hand, smiles on your faces. Madi squeals when she sees you both, running over to hug you. 
“Yay yay! I knew you’d work it out and now I have another couple to fangirl over. Yay!” You hug the small girl back before she bounces over to give Owen the same treatment. 
“Congrats bro,” Charlie says with a smile, clapping a hand on Owen’s back and ruffling your hair up. Jeremy smiles at you two, hugging you both as well. 
“Congrats you two, now can we get back to the meeting? You two dating is old news. Like, 2019 old. But congrats on finally announcing it!” You look at Kenny in shock for a second, before bursting out into laughter, everyone around you following suit. Owen squeezes your hand three times and you look back over at him. You both shoot each other a small smile. 
It’s gonna be okay. 
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fiveisnumber1 · 3 years
Timeless - Five Hargreeves x Reader
Main story parts:
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28
Pt 28 - A Family Reunion
Gently you and Five parted from your kiss as you finally took in air again. Dropping your hands from his face you wrapped your arms around his neck and nuzzled your forehead against his. You hadn't opened your eyes yet as you were taking in every bit of this moment. As you did so Five lowered his hands from your face and wrapped his arms around your waist quickly pulling you closer to him.
"Oh!" You let out, surprised at the sudden action
"Didn't mean to scare you there." Five comments as he holds you tightly
He had missed you so much. It had only been about three days but all that time was filled with the worry of if you even existed in this timeline, where you could've been, and if you still loved him after tearing you from the life you re-built. He heard you say it, that you love him, and he felt it in the kiss you just shared but he didn't understand how you could love him after he threw you into time alone, again. Five pressed his forehead back against yours as he tries to just appreciate the solace of having you here with him. As you held your boyfriend for the first time in years you could feel something was off. Pulling your head back, you look at Five. He looks back at you and you can see that something was going on behind his eyes. Gently you stroke his hair as you quietly ask,
"What's going on in that head of yours?"
Five looked at you, your head tilted slightly as your eyes searched his face for some type of answer. He melted at the feeling of you running your fingers through his hair and across the back of his neck. Five closed his eyes and rested his forehead against yours once more. His voice barely a whisper as he said
"I promised no apocalypse and no time travel and I left you in time again. Alone. I just...are you mad at me?"
"I could never be mad at you, I missed you so much." You replied gently
A smile crept to Five's face and a weight fell off his shoulders knowing that you weren't upset with him, but your response also amused him. It was the exact same response he had given you when he returned to the future. It was what he said to ease your worry that he was mad at you all those years ago when he left and got stuck in the apocalypse. Five tilted his head up and places a light kiss on your forehead before replying,
"I missed you too ma chérie."
As the two of you stood embraced under the night sky a voice came from down the alleyway calling,
"Hey (Y/N), you okay? You stopped talking to the universe."
You and Five both turn to look at where the voice came from and you see Charlie standing at the entrance to the alley.
"Oh Charlie, I forgot you were here." You comment
"FORGOT?! What do you mean forgot? Do I matter that little to you?" Charlie exclaims before quickly adding "Don't answer that."
Charlie makes his way over to where you are with Five. Leaving the embrace you grab Five's hand to hold as you gesture with the other one to your friend.
"Charlie, this is my boyfriend Five and Five, this is my friend Charlie." You explain "He's the one who kept me sane while I was stuck in this time."
"That's a pretty bold claim saying I kept you sane..." Charlie states before extending his hand out and exclaiming "But wow! It's great to finally meet you. She never shuts up about you."
"Charlie!" You say using your freehand to hit his arm "Don't make me mute you."
"DoN'T MakE mE mUte YoU" Charlie mocks
With his free hand, Five takes Charlie's and shakes it. A full smile appears on his face as he comments,
"I see she's rubbed off on you."
"Not entirely, but definitely too much." Charlie jokes
"Wow, okay." You say sarcastically
Charlie and Five stop shaking hands and Five let go of yours using that arm to wrap around your waist and pull you into his side. Five looks down and you before back to Charlie and says,
"Thank you for taking care of her while I was gone."
"Thank you for coming back and taking over," Charlie jokes before stating "I'm joking, she's the only friend I've ever had so it's been a great experience so far."
"Never a dull day." You add
"I bet." Five replies
As the three of you stand in the alley, Five catches something move out of his peripheral and looks up to see Diego passing by one of the windows. He doesn't notice any of you down in the alleyway though so, a thought comes to Five's mind. As much as he hated the way his brother had been treating him lately, he knew that his brother loved you too. And Diego definitely loved you more than him. Turning to you, Five comments,
"It's getting a bit chilly out here, why don't we head inside. Anyway, I think there's someone else who wants to see you too."
Five then tilts his head to gesture up to the window where Diego is and you turn your head to look. It was your brother. The smile that you had at being reunited with Five widened as you saw your older brother above you. You turn back to Five excited and Five says,
"Let's go. You too Charlie."
Charlie smiles excitedly and the three of you walk inside and start to head up the staircase. As you do so, Five quietly details a plan to surprise Diego. When you approached the door to the apartment you waited quietly with Charlie outside. Five entered alone and as he did Diego asked him,
"Where did you go?"
"Outside. I needed some air and I had a nice chat." Five replies bluntly
Five then closes the door which is your signal and you go invisible and phase yourself through the wall and quietly walk behind where Diego stood. The anticipation rushed through you and you wanted to just run and hug your brother but you know this would mean so much more.
"You had a chat?" Diego questioned, "With who?"
"With me." You said
Diego turned around to look at where the voice came from and when he did you revealed yourself. You looked up at him with a smile on your face. You can see Diego's face go through a series of emotions as he tries to process the sight of you before him. Shifting from shock to confusion to awe he looks on at his little sister before him. You can see him get misty-eyed as he slowly approaches you.
"(Y- (Y/N)?" He asks voice wavering
"Hi Eggo."
Diego quietly takes a few steps over to you before wrapping you in a tight hug. You could hear sniffles coming from him as he held you.
"Eggo are you crying?"
"What? No...I- it's just d-dust" Diego obviously lies
You looked towards Five and rolled your eyes at Diego's response as you hugged him tighter. You knew that your brother had missed you too and even if he was trying to act tough his true colors always showed through. As you held him a knock came from the door. Diego quickly lets go of you and pulls out a knife. A voice calls,
"Can I come in now?"
Diego poises himself ready to throw but you lower his arm. As he looks at you confused you open the door and let Charlie inside.
"Hi, I'm Charlie," Charlie says extending his hand again
Diego looks on at him confused before slowly taking his hand to shake it and replying,
As you all stand there looking at each other you can feel the tiredness of your feet from standing in heels so long. Looking over towards the living room you see some couches and decide to sit down. As you walk over there the others follow.
"Som how long have you guys been here?" You question
"Three days." Five replies
"About eighty for me," Diego adds
Diego and Five walk over to the couch across from the two sofa chairs as you sit down on one of them. As Charlie takes the other one Diego asks you,
"So how long have you been here?"
You look off to the side. You knew the number of days but actually realizing how long it had been...You were taken aback a little. You look towards them and bring your eyes to meet their gazes. Taking a small breath you quietly respond,
"one thousand, four hundred and eighteen days..."
Their jaws drop and they simultaneously sit down on the couch across from you. No words are said as they stare at you. Five could barely find words to say as his mind was racing too fast calculating the amount of time. Figuring out the amount, Five's eyes went wide with concern.
"(Y/N)...that's..." Five tries to get out
"Three years, ten months, and eighteen days." You state
"Holy shit," Diego says slumping back into the couch
Five's heart dropped and the weight that he thought had left his shoulders came crashing back in full force. You were here for almost four years? He left you for years on end...again? Five looked down at the floor ashamed, he couldn't dare to look you in the eyes right now. He cursed at himself internally for making the exact same mistake that he did the first time but more so he promised himself to keep you safe and he failed. Even if you had already said you weren't mad for what happened and had forgiven him, Five couldn't forgive himself. He needed to make this up to you. He needed to get you home. As he struggled to cope with what he had done Diego asked,
"So how old are you now then?"
"I turned 22 on October 1st, 1963." You reply
"Which is funny because if you were born in 1989 then technically you're also negative 26 right now." Charlie chimes in
"Yes, I am 33, 22, and negative 26 all at the same time." You reply
"Weirdo." Charlie jabs
"Thank you."
"How does he know that? Your actual birthday." Diego questions
"Well, I ended up mentioning some things about the future to him. I was here for almost four years." You explain
"Which don't forget, you still owe me another fact about it." Charlie reminds
"Yeah, yeah you'll get it in time buckaroo." You wave off
"Wait, so I missed four of your birthdays?" Diego complains
Diego was upset with himself that he wasn't there for you when he should've been. Sensing his change in emotion you try to cheer him up by commenting,
"I'm sure you were doing something really important though!"
You watch as Diego's demeanor rapidly changes. Quickly he sits up from leaning back on the couch and looks towards you with a fire in his eyes. He must be passionate about something then. Leaning over the coffee table he looks between you and Charlie before proudly saying,
"I'm going to save President John F. Kennedy."
"JFK needs to be saved?" Charlie questions concerned
He's going to what? Save JFK? He had to be joking. You knew your brother still suffered from a hero complex but had it really gotten this bad after the apocalypse?
"Diego, you're joking, right? JFK's death is a part of history, you can't just change that!"
"JFK dies?!" Charlie exclaims shooting up from his chair
"Listen (Y/N), I know I can do it. I can save him."
"Get your head out of your ass Diego, he's supposed to get assassinated." Five adds snapping out of his trance
"HE GETS ASSASSINATED?!" Charlie yells "(Y/N) is this true?!"
You finally look over to your frantic friend, there was no way to put this lightly. A grimace appeared on your face as you pointed sad finger guns in Charlie's direction. Weakly you answer,
"...that's your fact from the future buddy..."
"NOOOOO!" Charlie yells before plopping back in his seat and mumbling "But I like JFK..."
You lean over and awkwardly pat your friend's back trying to comfort him. This was going to take some time for him though. As you tried your best to help Charlie, Diego and Five bickered over the plan to save JFK.
"You stay out of this Five. This is between me and my sister. I'm going to save the president, (Y/N) do you want in?"
"Diego, I love you but this plan is irrational."
"Thank you! Finally someone with a sense of reason!" Five exclaims  "It's this behavior that got him thrown into a psych ward!"
"You were in a psych ward?" You ask
Diego tries to stutter out a reply to you but before he could say anything Five adds,
"Not only was he in a psych ward but he also decided to get with some overly suspicious crazy lady he met a few days ago in the psych ward."
Get with? What did Five mean get with? You really hoped it wasn't the meaning of "get with" that you were accustomed to. You could feel your blood boil a bit but you try to calm yourself down. Maybe this was all a misunderstanding. In a firm but steady voice, you ask,
"What do you mean get with?"
Five looks you dead in the eyes and in the most serious tone he deadpans his response,
"I mean exactly what you think I mean."
Your jaw drops and you look down at the ground in disbelief. You said no words but your face told the story of how you were feeling at this revelation. Anger, hurt, and disgust flooded your system because you could believe your brother's actions. Eighty days. He could get over a woman he loved for almost a decade in eighty days with some stranger he only met a few days ago. Wow. You whip your head to look at Diego and if looks could kill then he would already be dead with the one you were giving him.
"Did you forget Eudora?" You spat
"What?" Diego asks
"Have you an ounce of regret?"  you chastise
Five and Charlie exchange a look with each other as they watch you yell angrily at your beloved brother, both knowing the reason why you would be so angered.
"(Y/N), I can explain-" Diego tries to start
You stand up from your seat and look down at your older brother. Your fists clenched tightly as you reprimanded him,
"Eighty days, huh? That's all it took to get over Eudora? You meet one psychotic harlot and that's it, no more Eudora?"
"I-" Diego tries to interject
"I what, Diego?" You rebuke
You took deep breaths to calm yourself but it was to no use. You began to shake as emotion overtook you. Tiny electric sparks started to fly off of you as your emotional buildup starts to seep out through your powers. Your voice wavered as you continued,
"I have been here for almost four years and I'm still not over her death. I loved her for five years. You loved her for over ten! You went on a tirade to get revenge for her death and yet you sit here now completely fine with throwing her away as if she was no one."
Charlie and Five look on at the scene before them but say no words. They both knew this was not something they should intervene in. Diego looks at you with a sorrowful look, water starting to well in his eyes mirroring yours. He opens his mouth but makes no sound. Summoning a knife you point it at your brother, your hand shaking vigorously as you hold it.
"I should kill you so you can confront her yourself and tell her what you've done." You choke out
You continue to point the knife in Diego's direction as you look him in the eye. You stare at him for a bit but then turn your head to look away from him. Stabbing your knife into the coffee table below you quietly say,
"I'm not going to though. I want you to live with the guilt of desecrating her memory."
You couldn't stand to look at your brother right now. You were disgusted at his actions. Walking away from the three of them you hear Diego stutter from behind,
"We-well if you're going to be m-m-mad at me then be m-mad at Five too."
You turn around and look back at the two Hargreeves boys.
"Oh really? Why is that?" You question harshly
"G-go on, t-tell her."
Five looks at you. He knew you were already upset, he didn't want to make it worse with the news that the apocalypse was happening again. You crossed your arms as sparks continued to fly off of you. Tilting your head slightly, you gave him a look as if to say "go on". Five knew that he had to tell you at some point so he might as well get it over with now. Carefully, he broached the topic, calmly stating,
"The apocalypse followed us here and we have six days to stop it."
The room was silent as you stared blankly at your brother and Five.
"What the fuck!" Charlie exclaims breaking the silence
"Couldn't have put it better myself." You reply bluntly
"(Y/N)-" Five tries to start
"No no no, if you're worried I'm upset at you Five, I'm not. Today has been...a day and I'm ready to stop experiencing this day." You explain calmly "We can talk tomorrow but for right now point me to where I can knock out for a few hours."
"Well, Elliott and Luther are shoved into the darkroom so you can take the bedroom. It's straight down the hall." Five replies
"Thank you. Charlie, you make the phone call, I'm going to bed. Five if you decide to sleep tonight, which I highly doubt given the circumstances and how fresh that pot of coffee smells, feel free to come join me and get eight hours of rest for once."
"Absolu-" Diego starts to exclaim
You turn your attention to him quickly and harshly question,
"I'm sorry but do you have a comment to make about my LOVING boyfriend who spent FORTY-FIVE years in a WASTELAND completely ALONE to try and get back to ME?"
Diego closes his mouth and looks away from you.
"That's what I thought," You state before adding "Goodnight."
With that, you turn around a headed down the hall towards the bedroom to fall asleep. Once you enter the room you kick off your heels and plopped down on the bed. You were too emotionally tired to search for any sort of pajamas so you stayed in your dress. As you sat down on the bed and started to process all that was said you couldn't help but get overwhelmed. Your whole existence had been flipped upside down in a matter of hours and it was just so much. Quietly, you let out tiny sobs unsure of any other way to cope.
The three boys had watched you walk away and once the door to the bedroom closes Charlie quietly gets up from his seat and heads over to the phone to make a call.
"Look what you did. Now she's mad at me." Diego complains to Five
"What I did? You were the one to go and get with that psycho." Five retorts annoyed
"You didn't have to tell (Y/N) and her name is Lila." Diego replies
"I don't care about her name and you shouldn't either. Also, I'm not going to lie to my girlfriend." Five complains standing up from the couch "Now if you need me I'm going to go get eight hours of sleep with my girlfriend."
Diego looks at Five angrily as he walks away and towards the bedroom. As Five walks through the kitchen he sees Charlie hanging up the phone.
"Charlie, you can take the couch for the night." Five states before turning to Diego "Diego get off it so he can sleep."
"You're the worst brother ever," Diego replies standing up and moving to one of the sofa chairs
"The feeling is mutual." Five replies
He then walks down the hall and quietly enters the bedroom. As he opens the door he can hear you quietly sniffling. Carefully, he approaches the side of the bed you were on and sits next to you. Gently, he strokes your hair as he asks,
"Are you okay, my love?"
"No." You quietly reply
"Is it because of Diego or the apocalypse?"
"It's- it's just a lot for one day..."
"I know darling." Five softly replies "And I'm sorry. I never wanted anything like this to happen."
The two of you sat on the bed silently and slowly you leaned over and rested your head on your boyfriend's shoulder. Five wrapped an arm around you and held you against him. He hated seeing you so upset. Five tried to think about a way to make you feel better, something to help ease the distress you were going through. An idea came to his head and he stood up from the bed. Turning to you he extending his hand for you to take it. You looked at him quizzically.
"What are you doing?" You asked
A boyish smile appears on his face as he answers,
"We didn't get a chance to dance at the consulate."
Your eyes start to dry and a smile reappears on your face as you take his hand. Standing up Five holds you against him as the two of you start to sway in the dark room with only the light of the moon to guide you. From outside you can hear the sound of a radio playing Elvis Presley's Can't Help Falling In Love and using your powers you open the bedroom window so the sound is clearer. You and Five locked eyes with each other and the world started to fade away. The apocalypse and all the other worries you two faced were irrelevant at this moment. Five slowly leaned his head down and pressed his lips against yours. Unlike the kiss when you reunited earlier, this one was soft and gentle rather than passionate and needy, but the emotion expressed in it was just as strong. This was all either of you needed, and just like the song, neither of you could help falling in love with the other. Parting from the kiss you rest your head on his chest and as you continue to say you can feel yourself getting tired. Five sensed it and asked,
"Tired love?"
You slowly nodded your head. Guiding you back to the bed, Five helped your tired self get in under the covers. Making his way to the other side of the bed he kicks off his shoes before removing his jacket, vest, and tie, laying them nicely on a nearby chair. As he approaches the bed you lift the covers up so he can slide in next to you. You roll towards him, wrapping your arms around his waist and placing your head on his chest. Five wraps his arms back around you and rests his head on top of yours. As he slowly runs his hand up and down your back he says,
"As long as we have each other everything will turn out fine."
You nod your head lightly and Five places a gentle kiss on the top of it. You had missed all of this more than words could express. The memory of being close to Five had started to fade over your years and you started to forget what it was like to hold your boyfriend, dance with him, and just exist with him. But getting to share this with him once more you knew that there was no need to worry because he wouldn't leave your side. Closing your eyes, you start to listen to the beating of Five's heart, and soon enough you managed to fall asleep. Five watched as you slept holding you tight against him. He was worried he'd lose you again if he let go even for a second. You were so resilient, finding your way in a new world after he had dropped you in it a second time, and yet you still found it in your heart to love him. Five didn't know what he did to deserve you, what he did to get to call you his one and only, but he was going to stop this apocalypse no matter what and he was going to make it up to you for leaving you here so long.
The night went on and Five closed his eyes but when he opened them again light was peering through the blinds of the bedroom. It was morning. He had actually slept. Outside the bedroom, he could hear the sounds of chatter in the kitchen. He blinked a few times trying to get the feeling of sleep to go away to no avail. He needed a coffee but you were still peacefully sleeping on top of him and he didn't want to wake you. He smiled at the sight of you. The rays of sunshine lit up your messy hair giving you a radiant glow. A wave of feeling came over Five and compelled him to kiss you and so just like the night before he placed a gentle kiss on the top of your head. And just like Sleeping Beauty, you started to wake at the feeling of a kiss from your one true love. You let out a yawn as your eyes flutter open halfway. The world was still a blur but you could tell from the amount of light that it was day.
"It's morning," you slur still half asleep
Five chuckles to himself at your groggy response. Adorable. He looks at your tired face and replies,
"Yes, it is. Good morning,"
You did not want to deal with all the revelations from the night before nor did you want to deal with whatever else the world was going to throw at you given that it was being flipped on its head again. You nuzzled your face deeper into Five's chest and you stated muffled,
"I don't want to get up,"
"Neither do I, but if you recall there is an apocalypse to stop."
"Can't we deal with it tomorrow?" you ask
"Unfortunately, that's not really an option."
You let out a huff. Maybe if you refused to get up he would just willingly stay. That was not the case though because Five sat up from laying in bed and looked down towards you. If the impending apocalypse wasn't occurring he'd happily stay with you all morning but the world was going to end and he needed to stop it. You look back up towards him with a grumpy look on your face that your plan didn't work.
"I'm going to get up so I can start figuring out a new plan, but you feel free to stay here as long as you like. Okay?" Five explains calmly
"Okay..." You mumble
Five takes your hand and brings it up to his lips placing a soft kiss on the top of it. Pulling away he looks at you once more, his thumb gently running back and forth across your knuckles.
"I'm going to go now but you come and join whenever you want."
You nod your head and with that Five gets up and puts on his vest, tie, jacket, and shoes. He heads to the door and walks out closing it behind him but not before giving you one last smile. You lay in bed for a few minutes but without Five with you, there was no reason to stay. You get up from the bed and look in the mirror in the corner of the room. Fixing your hair and flattening out your dress you decide to leave the room and walk out to the chattering of the others who were awake. You saw Luther standing by the stove, Five leaned up against a counter, Charlie sitting at the kitchen table and Diego pacing back and forth. You walk past Diego and sit down on the other chair at the kitchen table.
"No, no, no, I don't understand. They keep following me." Diego says, a scowl on his face
"What are they talking about?" You ask Charlie
"I don't know. I've been staring at the number of eggs that Luther has been cooking." Charlie replies
As you look over and see a mountain of scrambled eggs Luther asks,
"Wait, who?"
"Those Dutch sociopaths." Diego states
"They're Swedish, you idiot." Five comments "Hired guns paid to eradicate us before we do any more damage to this timeline."
"Oh. No wonder those guys said she's one of them when I fought them at the consulate. I'm one of the people they want dead." You mention aloud
"You fought them?" Diego and Five ask simultaneously
"Uh, Yeah." You reply bluntly
"We're going to discuss that later," Diego says before turning to Five "Why now? I mean, I'm fine for three months until you showed up."
"Yeah, I was here for a year and no one messed with me." Luther comments
"I had almost four years with no problems." You add
After you finish your statement another man walks into the room. He looks around at the people there before looking towards you and Charlie. Pointing at you two he says,
"I've seen you before."
Diego, Luther, and Five all look towards you confused.
"Oh yeah, four days ago I paid you a hundred dollars so we could. use your phone to make calls."
"You also threatened to gouge his eyes out if he didn't" Charlie adds
"You what?" Luther asks
Ignoring him you reply to Charlie,
"He tried shutting the door on my face and we needed a phone, I had no choice in the matter."
"Sure..." Charlie says sarcastically
"That's true but I feel like I've seen you somewhere else." The man says
Without another word, he walks out of the kitchen and into the living room. Odd. Diego then turns to Five and angrily says,
"I still don't understand how all of can be fine until you show up."
"Listen, even if it was my fault, which it isn't, we only have six days before the end of the world" Five explains "And the closest anyone's gotten to Dad was that driveway at the consulate."
Well...that wasn't exactly true but you weren't going to say anything. This wasn't the time. You think. As you decided to keep quiet you could feel someone looking at you. You look over at Charlie and see him staring at you intently. You knew what he was thinking in his head but you were not going to acknowledge him on it. Instead, you looked away, back towards the conversation at hand.
"Well...That's not exactly true." Luther says looking up from his eggs
"What do you mean?" Five then asks
"I saw him." Luther states
You and the rest of the group look on intrigued as Luther details the events of him seeing Reginald in person. The more he detailed the story though the more you came to a realization. That was your birthday party a year ago. How did you not see him or run into him? Your eyes then go wide as you realize something one more. You look over to Charlie who looks like he's going through the same realization. In sync you both whisper,
"The hobo."
Charlie gets up from his seat and makes his way over to the doorway to the living room. You follow after him and stand close by. The two of you stay facing forward pretending that you are still listening. Slowly as not to cause suspicion, Charlie leans over to you and whispers,
"You need to tell them."
"I'm not telling them shit." You whisper back
"(Y/N) they need to know!" Charlie whispers more aggressively
"This is not the time!" You whisper aggressively back
You and Charlie continue to whisper fight with each other catching the attention of the Hargreeves boys. They look on in confusion trying to figure out what you two were saying. As the two of you continued to quietly bicker, Elliott exclaimed,
"I remember where I know you from! You're Reginald Hargreeves adoptive daughter!"
You immediately retch at his words. You hated people calling you that, being his daughter is the last thing you wanted to be. The Hargreeves boys stare at you with the jaws dropped. They weren't sure if they heard Elliott correctly.
"Elliott, what do you mean Reginald Hargreeves, daughter?" Diego questions
"Well just look at the newspaper," Elliot says holding out the paper for Diego to take
Diego snatches the paper from his hands as Luther and Five move closer to look at it. The three of them look at the giant front-page photo of you smiling, surrounded by a group of people, as you stand between their dad and Grace. The three of them then proceed to read the front-page headline: Blasting America Upward: NASA Reveals Billionaire Reginald Hargreeves' Adoptive Daughter as Originator of  Primate Rocket Test Trial Concept
"Elliott, why do you have this?" Five asks
"I kept it because the front-page photo includes Majestic Twelve member Michael Anderson," Elliott explains
"Ew, imagine wanting to keep a photo of my dad." Charlie comments annoyed
"HE'S YOUR DAD?!" Elliott exclaims
"Yeah, regrettably." Charlie replies "I'm Charlie Anderson. His son."
"Oh wow! A Majestic 12 member's son is in MY apartment! I have so many questions!" Elliott excitedly bursts
Elliott takes Charlie by the arm and pulls him over to his desk full of papers and news clippings leaving you to deal with the fallout of the revelation.
"We're you even going to tell us this?" Five asks quietly
"I don't know...Maybe? I wouldn't know where to start..." You try to explain
"Well start explaining then." Diego commands
"Yeah! Why does this say you're his adoptive daughter!" Luther questions angrily
"First of all, I'm not his adoptive daughter. The public always gets that wrong. The only thing I am is the heir to his estate, legally I am not his child nor would I ever choose to be. All of this happened by accident!" You exclaim
"What do you mean by accident?" Five inquires
You start to pace around and make wild gestures with your hands as you try to find the words to explain the circumstances. Everything was really just a series of events. Trying your best you start to ramble to them about what's happened.
"When I was dropped in the alley I passed out, went into a coma for seven days, woke up in the hospital and the first person I saw was Mom. She found me in the alley and constantly visited me while I was in the hospital. After I was released she took me in. We went to some meeting and met Reginald and some of his colleagues. I presented the idea to send a primate into space and everyone agreed with it."
"Pogo," Diego said
"Yeah, Pogo. And then Mom and Reginald started working together, unfortunately, started dating, Mom alone legally adopted, and then we moved in with Reginald and I became a public figure. Literally, everything has been by chance! Hell, even meeting Charlie was by chance!"
"That's true," Charlie comments trying to get away from Elliott
"Wait..." Diego interjects "You were in a coma for seven days?"
"Were you in pain?" Five asks concerned
"Guys, that's not what matters right now!" Luther exclaims
"Of course it matters! She was in a coma!" Five reprimands him
"She was in a coma FOUR YEARS AGO!"
"No Luther, this is important." Diego retorts "So you're okay?"
"I'm here aren't I?" You reply to Diego before turning to Five and saying "Don't worry I wasn't in pain."
"So that's why you were at the consulate yesterday. You attended with him." Five comments
"And mom," Diego adds
"Yup. I was forced to go because Reginald, Mom, and I are apparently an influential unit." You respond
"That man will say anything but the word family." Charlie jokes as he walks over to you, finally escaping Elliott
"Oh, so you've just been galavanting about with our mom and dad while you've been here, huh? That's what you've been doing." Luther accuses
"Luther, who cares what she was doing? That's not what matters. We need to get to dad because he knows something about time travel." Five ridicules
Luther rolls his eyes and lets out a huff before heading back to the kitchen table and plopping down in one of the seats. Grabbing his fork he starts to shovel eggs into his mouth. Elliott approaches the kitchen and asks Five,
"Wait, why don't you just do your thing and, uh, time travel us out?"
Five lets out a huff before walking over to refill his cup with coffee.
"Anyone care to explain?" Five asks annoyed
"First time he tried, he got lost in the apocalypse." Luther states
A pout comes upon Diego's face as he crosses his arms. Angrily mumbling, Diego adds,
"Second time, he regressed in age and started dating my sister,"
You look over at your brother. He was making it sound like the consequence of Five's time-traveling was not his physical age getting messed up but rather the fact that he started dating you. Unsurprising yet still unbelievable. "Last time I tried, I scattered my family, and lovely girlfriend over there, across three years in Dallas, Texas, possibly triggering a doomsday."  Five explains
"Damn when you said he fucked up, I didn't think you meant he fucked up fucked up." Charlie leans over and mentions to you
"Charlie," you reprimand lightly, hitting his arm "That's my boyfriend, be a bit more sensitive."
"You said it first."
"I was summarizing..."
Unaware of the conversation you were having with Charlie, Five turns to Elliott. His signature know-it-all look on his face as he asks,
"Any more questions, Elliott?" "Uh, no." Elliott replies
"You're missing the big picture Dad is the ringleader of a sinister cabal that's planning to kill the president." Diego exclaims
Dear God, when was he going to give up on this whole save JFK deal? You knew the answer to that question. It was never. He had to save JFK or JFK had to die for this to be done. You had no clue why he was making these connections though. Granted you didn't associate with Reggie outside of what was necessary but you never got an indication that he was part of a cabal. Sure he had government ties but...a cabal seemed like a stretch to you. You knew wickedness resided inside of him but he would never assassinate the president, especially since Grace admired JFK so much. Would he? "A cabal?" Luther questions, his mouth still full of eggs
"Ignore him, Luther. Look, the way I see it, we only have one option." Five states to the group
"Oh, yeah? And what's that?" Luther questions "It's time to get the Umbrella Academy back together." Five replies "Hell, yeah. Family meeting." Diego says "Okay then, can one of you get Allison, please?" Luther asks "You two still a thing?" Diego inquires
Luther just looks at him without responding. Knowing something was up Diego leans in closer and quietly asks,
"Do we need to talk?"
"No, she's married." Luther replies upset "Whoa. Dude, that's rough." Diego responds "I can handle it." Luther lies "I'll get her. Can you get Vanya without, uh, squeezing her to death?" Five requests "I'll try." Luther retorts
Five starts to walk away and towards the stairs leading down to the ground floor of the building. You turn to Charlie and say,
"I'll be right back."
As you walk away you can see Elliott approaching Charlie out of your peripheral and from behind you, you hear Charlie call,
You kept moving on though and follow Five down the stairs to the front entrance. When you get to the front door Five stops and turns around to face you.
"Are you coming with me?" He questions, a smile on his face
You were thinking about it but then you heard from upstairs,
"Please stop asking me about my dad! I don't like him!"
You watch as Charlie tries to speed walk away from Elliott upstairs.
"Please I just want to know about him!" Elliott says following him
"I think I'm going to stay to keep Elliott at bay and Charlie from jumping out a window." You reply to Five
"That's reasonable."
"You'll be back soon?" You ask
"As quick as can be mon chérie." Five says before placing a quick peck on your cheek
He pulls back and you give him a smile which he returns before flashing away. Turning around you head back upstairs. Luther had left through the back entrance to go get Vanya so all that was left was Diego, Elliott, you, and Charlie. Elliott continued to push Charlie to talk about his dad and you could tell Charlie was getting frustrated. His dad was the last person he'd want to talk about, especially unwillingly.
"Please I've never even gotten close to anyone whose parent is high up in the majestic 12 before just tell me something!" Elliott begs
You watch as Charlie stops in place and turns on his heel to face Elliott and looks him dead in the eyes. Charlie's face was red and his expression was less than enthused. You hear as Charlie takes a deep breath in before bursting,
"You want to know about my dad? You really want to know? He's an awful person. Never loved me, never loved my mom, he only ever loved himself. Everything he does is for personal gain and status. He could care less about anything that requires emotional labor and has done the barest of bare minimum as a parent. He's an awful man, I want him to die soon and god do I hope he rots in hell once he does. Is that enough for you?"
Elliott nods his head and from the kitchen Diego comments,
"Amen, right there with you bro!"
Charlie walks off to the couch and quietly sits down on it. You knew he was upset, he hated his dad as much as the Hargreeves hated theirs. You had no clue what it was like to despise your father but you did know what it was like to despise theirs. Walking behind the couch you stood directly behind Charlie because you knew there was one way to cheer him up immediately. Extending your arm out above his head you reach your hand out flat before proceeding to aggressively pat him on the head. At first, he tries swatting you away but in time he starts laughing. When you can tell he's all better you stop and he looks up at you.
"So a family meeting, huh?" Charlie says
"Yup. You'll finally get to meet everyone in the flesh." You reply walking around to the front of the couch
"How well do you think it's going to go?" Charlie questions
"About as well as me and Diego talking last night. Probably worse." You reply bluntly as you sit next to him
Charlie gives a small nod of his head. He had this look on his face and you knew he was contemplating saying something.
"Just say it." you command
"You're thinking about something, so just say it."
"You can't stay mad at Diego forever. He's your brother." Charlie comments
"I will do what I must." You reply crossing your arms
"You will try." He responds
You stand up and start to pace back and forth in front of the couch. Charlie knew you better than this there was something deeper than just being mad at Diego for meeting someone else. He agreed with all the points you had made before but he could just feel something was missing from your reasoning. As you pace around you complain
"It just doesn't make sense! He knew Eudora for a decade. That's approximately 3650 days plus two leap years so 3652. He knew this floozy for four. You know how much 4 is of 3652?"
"How much?" Charlie asks unenthused
"0.001 percent. It's a fraction of a fraction of A FRACTION!" You exclaim angrily
"Okay, so what's the real issue." Charlie questions
You look at him with a mix of anger and surprise.
"How dare you- I- uh-" You try to respond
You shut your mouth when you realize no response would come. He was right. That wasn't quite the real issue, it was part of it but it wasn't the root cause. You let out a sigh and look down at the ground. There was a far off look in your eyes as you sat on the coffee table across from Charlie. You thought about why you were truly upset, what was really making you tick and it hurt you to think about. You looked up at Charlie as you tried to hold a few tears back. Your voice wavered as you softly spoke,
"Besides my Mom, he and Eudora were the closest things I had to parents after I lost mine...We were a family...and it feels like he's throwing all of that away..."
"And you're losing your family to a stranger." Charlie adds
You nod your head lightly. Charlie stands up and reaches his hand out lightly patting your head. A small smile comes to your face and you look up towards your friend.
"How about we go for a short walk? Clear your head before everyone gets here. You know someone is going to mention you've been living with Reggie, so might as well get in the headspace for whatever reactions might occur." Charlie suggests
You nod your head once more and the two of you head downstairs to get some air before everyone else showed up. As you walked away Diego peeked his head around the doorframe and watched you leave, his face streaked with a few stray tears. In your fit of anger, you had forgotten that Diego was still at the apartment. He had heard what you had said and between last night and now he couldn't help but feel disappointed in himself. He still had complicated feelings in terms of Lila but he needed to figure them out because they really weren't worth you feeling like you were losing him to someone who had barely been around. He knew how awful that feeling was. Diego dried his eyes and put on a strong face as he heard Luther arrive back with Vanya.
Time passed and Five had arrived back with Klaus and Allison. It took forever to get them to come along though since they were both relentlessly drunk. As Five entered the building with his inebriated siblings he saw the other three up on the balcony above. As the sun shined in the room the six living Hargreeves all looked at each other. Breaking the silence, Klaus pulls off his glasses and comments,
"Oh, wow. I know this is impossible, but...did we all get sexier?"
Allison looks up at the balcony above. There stood Vanya in the flesh. She hadn't seen her since the night of the apocalypse. Her voice wavered and she said, "Vanya."
Vanya looked back down at Allison. Pure joy radiated off of her as she excitedly replied, "I can't believe I have a sister."
Vanya makes her way down the stairs towards where the rest of the group is and Luther and Diego follow suit. When Vanya gets to the main floor she stands in front of Allison. The two of them look at each other for a bit before Allison quietly states, "I missed you." "Thank God someone did. " Vanya responds
The two of them stand awkwardly for a second before opening their arms and enveloping each other. The two sisters happily reunited. Klaus attempts to hug Diego but Diego extends his arm keeping him at a distance.
"Oh, you are drunk." Diego states "Yeah. No, just a little... just a few..." Klaus says before noticing the hug going on "Oh, that's so sweet." Slowly Klaus walks over to his sisters and wraps his arms around them.
"Hi" Vanya softly says
"Hey, Vanny." Klaus greets placing a kiss to the top of her head
Five looked around and noticed that you were nowhere to be found. He was about to start asking questions when he heard the door to the building open and the sound of your voice speaking behind him.
"And so that's how I snuck me and my friends into a 21+ club at 16 years old." you explain to Charlie, unaware of the others in the room
"You what?!" Diego exclaims
Your attention snaps to the room filled with Hargreeves. You look around to see Vanya, Allison, and Klaus standing all together on the left side of the room while Luther, Diego, and Five stand on the right side. You then did a double-take as you noticed one more Hargreeves sitting in the corner on an old TV display. Ben. Something was off about seeing him this time but still, you smiled at him and he happily waved back. Turning your attention back to the living group you attempt to divert the topic by saying,
"Hey everyone! Long time, no see!"
"Hey (Y/N)! It's nice to see you again!" Klaus says buying into the diversion
Diego shoots you an upset look that only a protective older brother would give and you shrug your shoulders back. You see Vanya looking at you quizzically. She then asks,
"Are you my sister too?"
You now look back confused. Vanya knew you two weren't related so why was she asking that?
"She has amnesia." Five informs
"Oh." You express before turning to Vanya "No, I'm not related to you. Diego sees me as his little sister but I'm not a Hargreeves."
"Just because you weren't adopted by our dad doesn't mean you're not a Hargreeves. You're family." Ben comments from behind you
You smile at his comment. Five then proceeds to ask,
"Klaus. Is Ben here?" "Oh, uh... no." Klaus fumbles out before lying "No, unfortunately, ghosts can't time travel."
"What?" You say to yourself, a confused look on your face "Are you kidding me?" Ben exclaims annoyed
Seeing that this was going to be everyone, Five decides to move forward with the meeting and states, "All right, then. Let's get down to business."
Everyone starts to make their way upstairs and finds somewhere to sit or stand in the living room. Once everyone is settled Five takes the charge of starting to meeting and says,
"All right. First off, I wanna say I'm sorry. I know I really screwed the pooch on this whole going-back-in-time-and-getting-stuck thing. But the real kick in the pants here is we brought the end of the world back here with us." "Oh, my God, again?" Klaus exclaims as he grabs himself a drink
He looks around at the group and everyone looks back. He didn't know already? Realizing that he was out of the loop Klaus continues,
"All of you knew? Why am I always the last one to find out about the end of the...Oh, my God. My cult is gonna be so pissed. Five! I told them we had until 2019." "We have until Monday. We have six days." Five states "Is it Vanya?" Klaus asks "Klaus." Allison chastises
"What? It's usually Vanya." Klaus retorts "Do you have any leads, Five?" Vanya questions "Yeah, we have one." Five says taking a file from Diego
Five hands the file to Allison and she opens it to see a photo paperclipped to the inside. Her eyes go wide with shock as she comments, "Holy shit, is that Dad?"
"Yeah." Diego replies "That's him?" Vanya inquires
"Standing on the grassy knoll." Diego informs "Diego and I have been trying to talk to Dad about what exactly this means. So far, we've got nothing."  Five explains
"Not nothing. He's planning to kill Kennedy." Diego retorts
"Maybe. But we don't know who or what sets doomsday in motion. Could be Kennedy, could be something entirely independent. But if we know something changes the timeline, we have to make it right." Five corrects "Yeah, but how are we supposed to fix it if we don't know what's broken?" Allison asks "Come on. Do the math. We know Dad's having shady-ass meetings with some shady-ass people. We know he's on the grassy knoll in three days to kill the president. So I think we all know what we have to do." Diego describes getting up from his chair "Talk to Dad." Five states
"Kill Dad." Diego says at the same time
Five looks back at Diego and shoots him a look while the others look around in confusion. Even Ben was puzzled by what was going on. He looks your way and you shrug your shoulders mouthing I don't know to him. "None of us are supposed to be here, right? I mean, what if it's us? Has anyone here done anything to screw up the timeline?" Vanya wonders
Everyone is silent for a second looking at each other with wide eyes. It seems like no one is going to say anything until Luther chimes in, "Diego's been stalking Lee Harvey Oswald."
"And you're working for Jack Ruby." Diego yells back "Allison has been very involved in local politics." Klaus slips into the conversation "Okay, you started a cult." Allison retorts
"Thank you!" Ben exclaims finally getting support "I'm... I'm just a... a nanny on a farm. I don't have anything to do with all of that." Vanya stutter "Well, maybe you do, we just don't know it yet." Allison comments back
Diego whistles loudly grabbing everyone's attention. With all eyes on him, he explains, "Listen to yourselves. Everything in our new lives is connected to Kennedy. That can't be a coincidence. Luther works for Ruby, Allison is protesting the government, Dad is on the grassy knoll, (Y/N) has been living with him for 3 years, Klaus is...doing something weird and pervy but probably related. See, clearly, we were all sent back here for one special reason: saving John Fitzgerald Kennedy."
"I'm sorry go back a second. (Y/N) has been living with him?" Allison asks
"If it makes it any better it was completely by accident. A series of unfortunate events." You explain
"Lemon Snickers," Charlie says to himself
"So close buddy. Good try." You reply patting his arm Everyone looks around for a second before starting to argue again with each other. Their voices becoming a cacophony of sound. You and Charlie look on at the mess that is a Hargreeves get together.
"You were right, this is worse than last night." Charlie admits
"Yeah, I told you."
From across the room, Five listens to the sound of his siblings arguing blending together. The loud mixture of noise sent him back into his memories. The awful future of if they don't stop this doomsday. He remembered the fire and destruction. The ash in the air and the bodies on the ground. A bloody mess in the exact same street just outside the building. And his siblings eviscerated by nuclear weapons, reduced to nothing. While everyone continued to argue you saw Five slipping into the recesses of his memory. Walking over to him you pull his hand out of his pocket and take it in yours. Five shakes his head slightly and looks at you after fully coming back to reality. He holds your hand a bit tighter before turning back to his siblings.
"Guys, you all die." Five states, his voice wavering as he spoke
You squeezed his hand, reassuring him that you were there for him. Taking a breath he hesitantly continues,
"I was there. I saw it. And I wanna forget it, but I can't. I saw Russian nukes vaporize the world with all of you in it...in a war that never happened until we brought it here. And Hazel gave his life to save us, so you may need to shut up and just listen to me. I don't know if the things we've experienced here are all connected. I don't know if there's a reason for everything. But Dad will. We need to talk to him before everyone and everything we know is dead."
Five finishes his thoughts and without a second to pause Luther gets up from his seat and says, "Okay, I'm out." "Did you even hear me, Luther?" Five criticizes "Yeah, I did. I heard a 58-year-old man who still wants his daddy to come and fix everything. Why don't you get your girlfriend to help you out. She's his favorite after all." Luther ridicules
Luther starts to walk away but you could feel your blood boil. Five had been through 45 years of one apocalypse, saved all of you from dying when you were unable to stop it and now was pleading with his siblings to help him stop this new one and Luther was just going to walk out? Unable to contain your anger you shout,
"Are you fucking kidding me?"
Everyone turns to look at you, Luther included.
"Minus Vanya we all agreed to travel back in time. We took a gamble to save our lives, ended up here and now we're facing a doomsday. That's the facts of the matter, we fucked up by being here and now we need to stop it and get out. If Five thinks that your dad can help us then we should listen."
"Well, you can still count me out. It's time we all grew the hell up and I'm sure you can run on home to dad and fix it Number Zero." Luther mocks
"You know you're being a real prick Luther! For someone who wants us all to grow up, it's childish of you to still be mad that my number is above yours. A number I didn't want in the FUCKING FIRST PLACE!" You rebuke
Luther shakes his head before stating,
"I'm out of here." "Luther!" Vanya exclaims
"Come back." Allison begs
Diego gets up from his seat and starts following Luther down the stairs. You watch as Luther walks away. Maybe it was better without him here.
"Where are you going?"
"Save it, Diego," Luther says
Letting go of your hand Five spacial jumps down the stairs and in front of Luther. Looking him in his eyes Five commands, "No one leaves until we figure this out."
Luther stares at Five for a second before grabbing him by the shirt and tossing him over the railing. Spacial jumping once more so he didn't hit the ground Five lands outside in the alleyway. Straightening out his uniform he looks back towards the building and asks himself, "Jeez...When did the monkey learn how to fight dirty?"
Five starts walking back to the door to enter the building but hears a clatter coming from the roof above. Looking up he sees Lila standing there. Speaking the only words that come to his mind he comments, "Son of a bitch."
Link to Side Story Here: The Tattoo - “A Family Reunion” Side Story ________________________________
Taglist: @xplrreylo @joebob15274 @insatiable-ivy @fruitsaladtree @angelpeachamber @academy-umbrella @lizziel1410 @ir3neeee @faith-quake @aliens-with-colas @sunsetcurve-1995 @lady-celeste25 @im-dead-and-hurting @nerdypinupcrystal @cherry-ki-d @anapocalypseinmymind @vicassa @2cuteforyourlies @taylorsmakingfuckingmacandcheese @n1ghtsh4d3-67​ @cheshire-salvatore-mikaelson​ @shadowycreationcupcake​ @emily-hargreeves @metor-showers1994 @fivehargreevesforthewin​ @rinko-san @supernovavision @cicilisthebest @flickbix @hi-v-juice @magykal-777​ @zosiaduda @thethirdwheelfriend @mysticracoon @isnt-it-loverly @officiallydarkgeek @lady1505 @always-the-very-worst @tinypandagirl @libidinexx @lemongrabbuns @itwasallred @deadandoverit @shlokage @keksi249 @theoriginalkat @we-stan-fiction @bi-idiot-fanfics @annnagennnie @izzyjojo4 @megasimpleplan4ever @flowertoty @grabthemoneyandletsgo @itsametaphorbriansblog @vanillacaramelhoney @satvaldiva @disaster-magician @margotsfandoms @emily-b-m @bluechildrenlickmytoes @soft-slytherin-sweetie @oceanspray5 @im-here-for-fanfics @thebloodrobin @freestarlight @starcurrent @lilacs-lavender
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