#And researching how to counter siren powers not only to stop Curtain
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sophieswundergarten · 2 years ago
So, you know the magic au I referenced earlier? I was thinking about what magical creature attributes/abilities it would be fun to give all the characters, and my brain went "Oh, the Benedict twins should have siren powers, which is why Curtain is so good at manipulation" BUT FOR SOME REASON THE NEXT LOGICAL THOUGHT WAS "And Nicholas refuses to speak because he's afraid of hurting people so everyone thinks he's mute, because he's scared he'll end up like his brother and he thinks the only reason Milligan/Rhonda/Number Two/any of his family listen to/love him is because he somehow subconsciously forced them to"
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transformationstuck · 8 years ago
One where I don’t really have a proper description?
Feferi is accidentally subjected to a ‘test’, and through it becomes a powerful monster lady. Lots of story. A little implied sexualness. Nothing explicit.
-Mod FJ
"HEIRESS, PROCEED THROUGH HERE, THE SUBJECT IS READY.” Feferi gave the drone a smile - the things creeped her out, and scared her, and she was glad that they stayed outside the room as she walked into the sterile white cell that the test subject was waiting in.
Feferi was, like any respectable potential empress, skilled in pretty much every topic that could vaguely be construed as useful - science, technology, combat, she had done it all. Some of it only barely though. Like now, when was being forced by her tutor to run a series of tests based around-
Feferi stopped for a few moments, gawping. At an average 5ft6 she thought of herself as tall, and anyone else as too tall or short. This woman was sitting on a chair, and it took a good few feet away from her height, and her head was STILL above Feferi’s. Feferi licked her lips. Yes, she’d enjoy this test. She checked the clipboard.
“Miss... Uh. H? The records say that you’ve been reprimanded for excessive combat pursuits for your non-combat role.”
“That’s correct. This is part of the reprimand, I think.” Miss H looked down at Feferi. Feferi became aware of a layer of sweat over her face that wasn’t there before, and that she was blushing, and that she really loved girls- “Can we please get this over with?”
Feferi blinked, and then nodded, blushing harder. She looked at the clipboard again, and walked over to a nearby tray, where there were four syringes - all empty - and some sterilization equipment. She saw Miss H’s eyes widen, just for a moment. “Scared of needles?”
“... Yes.”
Feferi sniggered, taking the statement at face value. It didn’t occur to her that the woman could have other reasons to not want a needle in her arm. “Well then, close your eyes and it’ll be over soon.”
Swab, find, stab, draw. Feferi struggled with the stab part, and Miss H took the needle herself to get it in sooner, drawing out a test-tube worth of vivid, jade green blood. Feferi stared again, and decided that this was getting ridiculous.
As she took the second needle, Miss H spoke up. “Do you know why they are taking my blood to do tests?”
“Of course,” Feferi replied, automatically, drawing the second batch from the woman, even though it was a lie. Miss H smiled.
“They think injecting my blood into someone will make them stronger.”
Feferi laughed, but the idea stuck. By the time she was handling the third needle, she had a mental picture of herself - taller than everyone else, stronger than everyone else, stronger than the empress, THE STRONGEST. As she drew the blood out for the fourth needle, she quickly swiped a bit of Miss H’s blood from the woman’s arm, and swallowed it. It burned on the way down. Like it tasted of power.
Miss H put her hand over the entry hole, and stood up, waking over to the tray and looking for some kind of bandage. There were none. Feferi turned around to look at the behemoth woman.
“That’s it, you can go now.”
“I know.”
Feferi turned towards the door. She heard a clink. The door began to open. She felt the air move, and went to duck to the side as she heard a swoosh of air, and the sudden crack of glass on the floor. A jabbing pain filled her side, and she yelled in pain as she stumbled, Miss H dropping an empty syringe to the ground and barreling out the door. A drone began to make a wailing noise, and Feferi was vaguely aware of Miss H grabbing it and slamming it into a wall as Feferi herself fell to the ground, passing out.
A few hours later, Feferi woke up. She was still in the gown, and sirens were blaring. Groaning, she got to her feet, and unsteadily walked out the door. Devastation filled her path, but she couldn’t focus on that. Instead, she kept walking, heading outside, stumbling to her private vehicle - thankfully, one of the groups of cars that was still intact - and slumped into the back seat, ordering the driver to take her to a nearby hotel. She passed out again.
When she came to this time, she was in a hotel bed, alone. She felt clearer headed now, less in pain, less confused. The curtains were drawn, and nothing else could be clearly heard, so it was probably day out. After a few minutes of searching, she found the tv remote. Flicking it on, the news was about the unfortunate fire started in an imperial research lab by a rogue scientist. Feferi snorted. Yeah, sure. The view switched to a destroyed lab - probably the same one. Good thing she got out.
Almost creaking with the effort, Feferi dragged herself into the bathroom, ready to take a shower, and glanced into the mirror. Her powerful frame looked back at her, tired and needing food, full of barely contained strength-
She ran up to the sink, grabbing the side. What. WHAT. “WHAT?!” She wasn’t that strong! That toned! That... Alluring.
Staring into her eyes, Feferi felt wide awake. Her arms were chiseled, where before they’d been toned. Her chest was cup sizes larger, and as she gave herself a grope she felt a core of muscle that hadn’t been there before. She had abs - an honest to goodness set of abs, clearly visible, and her thighs looked like they could crack skulls!
She reached up, wiping away drool from her mouth as she looked over her body for the entry wound - there, between her grubscars, was where the needle had gone in. Part of the metal was still in there, and she tugged it out with her fingernails, dropping it into the bin as she marvelled at herself. Miss H had been right. Miss H had given her, an heiress, a gift, and then ruined the Empress’s day by wrecking all the research around herself. She laughed, starting as a snigger, and turning into a shrieking howl that echoed around the room. Someone next door thumped on the wall, and she forced herself to shut up, grinning widely. She’d find a way to thank Miss H later.
Walking out into the main part of room, she realised that she was starving. She ordered a multitude of things through room service - enough to feed five, sure, but she was STARVING. She hadn’t eaten all day, and she’d become a beacon of trolldom and that had taken a lot out of her body. When the person brought it up to her, she wasn’t even dressed in a towel, and she dragged the tray in without another word, closing the door on them and letting them see her mighty physique. She giggled. It was good to be able to call her own body “mighty.”
Putting down a glass of milkshake, it clinked against something. Feferi turned to look, and stared. On her bedside table, between a clock and her phone, was a syringe. She hadn’t checked her phone since she woke up, and she did so now - a dozen texts from Sollux, a bunch from her friends, and one from a number she didn’t know, that she assumed was Miss H - “The other syringe will be more dangerous. Meet me here and I’ll help you with the results.”
Feferi muttered the message under her breath a few times, and let out a short “HAH!”
“She thinks I need HELP?! Yeah right! I’ll meet her there and show her how AMAZING I am!”
With the theatrics of a born showtroll, Feferi jabbed the second needle into her arm, and injected the vial of blood into her body, giggling all the while. This time she was able to put the vial down safely, and she scooped up the blood that escaped before going to get a plaster-
Feferi reached the bathroom, and stopped again. The wound was gone. Both were now gone. She leaned over the counter, and heard a crack as her grip broke the stone under it. Eyes widening in horror, she stumbled back, and tripped under her growing bulk as her body visibly shifted. Her fingers shifted, nails lengthening and sharpening and becoming sharp claws as her hand’s shape changed. The changes began to run up her arm now, grey skin becoming pink scales that glowed with unnatural light. She felt her jaw shift, crack slightly as her teeth became fangs, massive, rending fangs, strong enough to break metal. She closed her eyes, screaming in a voice that distorted and cracked as her hair became longer, thicker, more like seaweed, tumbling down to her knees. Her powerful legs lengthened, her whole body becoming taller while she sat there, and as she stumbled up to her feet, panicking now, she bumped her head on the ceiling, her horns reshaping into hooklike curves that hung down by her ears, sharp and tricky, adding to her monstrous appearance. She stepped out to the balcony, stumbling and falling over again as her legs cracked, and from between them she saw a tail - massive, powerful, covered in the same scales as the rest of her monstrous body - take shape and drag out, splitting into something almost like a shark’s tail as she pulled back the curtains and opened the window, tearing them down in the hope that the burning sun would maybe do something to her before someone found her - maybe get rid of the scales, or make it not look like her, so someone would assume he’d been eaten and it wouldn’t be-
She’d been standing in the sun for a few seconds now. It felt... Nice. Warm. Reassuring.
She dared to open her eyes, and found that yes, it was a nice day. Quiet. Nobody else was around. She stared over the city, an eight foot sea monster, strong enough to crush stone and steel.
Still scared, but now with an avenue out, the naked heiress nodded to herself.
She’d go see this Miss H. She’d find out her secrets. And then she’d take over the empire, to make herself safe, and stop anyone else finding out about this amazing power.
Stopping onto to grab the syringe and swallow it, enjoying the taste of the glass and metal as they went painlessly down her throat, she lept off of the balcony, setting out to her new destiny as a sea-tyrant.
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