#And obviously I'm a complete beginner and the grammar is probably going to get more difficult
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salvadorbonaparte · 2 years ago
I couldn't find any German Croatian textbooks that I liked so I got the Teach Yourself one and it's quite good but the funniest thing is that I forgot that English people don't have cases or genders and need those things explained
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mknight0000 · 3 years ago
Cross-Dimensional Answers Prologue-Ch 1 (Last Legacy)
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A/N: AAAAA I cannot believe this is happening!! So I am writing the events of LL from the perspective of my MC. Hopefully, you’ll get to know her as the story progresses and maybe grow to like her! Before we get started, I wanted to make a few things clear. 
I do want to preface that I am not the creator of LL (obviously). I am taking the story of LL and making just a few adjustments and additions here and there (for example: the setting of the expo). This is from the perspective of how i feel my MC experienced this story and if your interpretation of the events is different then that is totally okay! We all love and experience these routes differently so one interpretation does not discredit another. With the routes being on indefinite hiatus, when I get closer to the current state of the story, I will be taking some creative liberties on how the rest of the story folds out. This is not a story that will completely follow the events laid out for us, but a way for me to finish the story so I can have some sense of closure. Also there may be some instances that I may not fully know how things operate. I will try my best to do research and information digging, but I may have to make some guesses (ex. How a check in at a con works seeing as I’ve sadly never been to one) so you’ve been warned. 
 Listed below are the creators of LL. They worked so hard on the world and I want everyone to show them some love for it. I put a link to the LL carrd as well so that you can check out everyone’s socials (so many talented writers and artists worked very hard on this story so please go support them!). 
I do want to warn you that I am a beginner writer. I’ve only every written fictional stories for a few school assignments and for an application, so all the work I've done has been seen by very little people. If you have any constructive criticism, it is much appreciated, HOWEVER please do not send hate. It does not help anyone out, and if anything it hurts more then it helps so if you have any suggestions, feel free to DM me. 
With that very long A/N done and out of the way (don’t worry it won’t be like this in the next installments), let's get this party started!!
-Word Count: 2,428
-Warnings: Swearing, Mentions of Food, Probably poor grammar (I try to proof read but my mind jumps a lot sooooo), 
-Creators: Dev (creator and writer), Ciel (sprites, cgs, illustrations), Hika (bgs, illustrations, gfx), Lulu (writer), and Grace (writer) 
-Carrd Link
“Are you sure that you have everything packed for your first day? Your lunch and backpack are already packed, right? Do you have your supplies ready?” I ask hastily into my phone, briskly walking out of my hotel toward the convention center in hopes of being early. 
“Yes, yes i do, you don’t need to- hmph!” the voice on the other side exclaims suddenly. A crash sounds in the background, “Shit!”
I stop suddenly, concern lacing my voice, “Are you okay Tim? What happened?”
I hear a laugh come from the other side, after which I exhale a breath of relief.
“Yeah, I'm fine. I just tripped over my backpack is all, and I’ll be fine today,” Tim says as I hear the rustling of fabric, most likely putting on his school uniform jacket, “there’s no need to worry.” 
I quietly laugh and a small smile adorns my face, warmed by the thought of my caring brother as I continue my walk toward the convention center. As I get closer, I spot signs and billboards posted around the city of Orlando, advertising the event, indicating that I am getting closer to my destination.
“You know it’s my job to worry about you, right? I’d be a pretty bad caretaker if I didn’t. I mean it’s not every day that you start your Junior year!” I say into my phone, laughing slightly towards to end of my words knowing what his following reaction will be.  
“Yeah, totally, the thought of taking the SAT this year is soooo thrilling,” Tim says back, a smile hinted in his voice though his tone is of complete loathing, “Cannot wait to spend restless nights studying for probably one of the most important exams of my life, definitely no pressure.”
He is about to say something else when I hear another voice on the other end of the call.
“Is that Meg on the phone? Let me talk to her,” I hear a voice call from the other end.
“Ugh, hold on! Let me say goodbye to her before you steal my phone out of my hands!” Tim exclaims, frustration coating his words, “Well, Andy will probably hang up before giving the phone back so I hope you have a good time at the expo.”
“Thanks, Tim. Have a good first day. I know this’ll be your year, I can feel it. Just try to talk to some new people today, okay?”
A brief moment of silence comes from the other end.
“...Yeah okay,” he responds, hesitation clear in his voice, “I’ll call you when school gets out, alright? I love you.”
“Love you too.”
“Here’s Andy.”
I decide to stop and stand off to the side as silence fills the call, hearing the phone being transferred from Tim to my other brother.
“How is my wonderful sister doing this beautiful morning?” Andrew asks in a honeyed voice. I stand there, squinting my eyes, suspicion clear on my face.
“What do you need Andy?” I ask smirking, knowing that tone all too well.
“What?? I can’t ask how my talented, beautiful sister is doing this fine morning?”
I don’t even bother to respond.
“...Huh, I can never get anything past you, can I?”
“No, no you cannot,” I laugh.
Andrew laughs into the phone along with me.
“Well then, is there any chance that I can steal some of your muffins from your apartment? They’re the really tasty ones that I love and I can totally pay you back when you return,” asks Andrew.
I raise my eyebrow, “You promise to pay me back? Last time you said that it took you six months to repay me and you only did so because your own husband had to threaten you,” I state.
“Yes, yes I promise!” He pleads, “I’ll even pinky-promise if that helps!”
I laugh, “No, it's fine, you can take some.”
“Thanks, little sis-”
“We’ve had this discussion before, I’m not your little sis!” I exclaim into the phone, a couple sitting at a café table near me looking pointedly at me. I give them a shrug and mouth “sorry” to them.
“Yeah, you are.”
“Being older by 10 minutes does not count.”
“Yes it does,” he says with a smirk knowing he won the discussion, “Anyways, like Tim said, please try not to worry about us during the expo. I know it’s been a while since you’ve had time for just yourself so just please enjoy your time there, you deserve this,” he says in a gentle tone. 
“I will, thanks,” I say, grateful for my brothers’ concerns.
“Make sure to get some sweet pics of you in front of the expo with your cosplay, oh! and don’t forget the gift for Seb’s birthday, you know how much he loves those Reynold guitars. He’ll definitely freak out when he sees its from the OG shop” Andrew said excitedly.
“Will do. Also, you’re still picking me up Friday evening, right?”
“Yep! Meet you at the guest gate?”
“No, on the flight line–yes at the guest gate,” I laugh into the phone. “I’ll call you when I take a break for lunch, love you, Andy.”
“Love you, Meg, have fun, bye!”
“Will do, bye.”
I end the call and I put my phone back into my backpack. I look in the window in front of me to check over my cosplay before I step into the check-in line. My brown hair is pulled into a mid-ponytail with some strands hanging out of the front for style and is adorned with a crystal flower clip. Realistically wearing a ponytail in an actual fight wouldn’t end well but hey, I look cute so what the hell. I have on a white, dramatic, peter-pan collared blouse with adorable poufy sleeves that Lizzie let me borrow for the expo, which is paired with black trousers tucked into black combat boots. Styled with the blouse is a lightly boned, black stay that is tied up in the front. The outfit itself is pretty plain, however, the gems of the outfit include my handmade cloak and the faux sword hanging from my hip. The cloak, a deep, thick, navy blue fabric, layered with a sheet of moon and star embroidered lace on top, is secured in by gold trimmed edges surrounding the collar of the cape. On the back, there is a large, embroidered, golden Starsworn logo. The cloak, alongside my handmade worbla foam sword, was the most expensive and time-consuming part of the outfit. It took many sleepless nights and breaks during my work shifts to complete them. However, paired with the simple clothing choices, my outfit perfectly exhibits design aspects of the leaked art from the latest installment to the ultimate franchise, Last Legacy II: Ex Nihilo.
After my cosplay check-over, I put on the badge that I received in the mail a few weeks prior, and walk into the appropriate line outside the expo hall under a large, tan canopy leading to the entrance of the hall, shielding guests from the Flordia sun. Hanging from the canopy reads a sign: Welcome to FanExpo FantasyCon.  
I can’t believe it. I haven’t felt this excited in…years. 9 long, strenuous, exhausting years to be exact. It still feels like yesterday when I was neck deep in blankets on my bed, trying to distract myself from the collapsing world around me, when I stumbled across that review.
Despite its huge popularity, no one else in my friend group, other than Sebastian, really got into it, so the game has always been a little personal to me and allowed me to become distracted when I needed it the most.
I put my backpack down on the table once I get up to the security station so it can be checked, get my badge scanned, and walk through the metal detector to collect my bag on the other side and from there I enter into the hall.
As I walk in, I notice some familiar art from the previous Last Legacy game posted on the surrounding walls of a hallway. Smells of various food booths are posted at the other side of the expo hall, filling the very large room, and chatter from employees and guests alike echo throughout the area, creating an exciting buzz. Booths hawking various crafts are set up everywhere in the hall, from artists selling prints to various coding businesses and software developing systems advertising their companies. To my left, there is an entrance to a theatre-like room where i assume the main panel for today will be held later on.
Looking around, a a bright, wide smile adorns my face, and for the first time in a long time, pure joy fills my body. I was a little skeptical about coming to the expo when they announced it and released the ticket sales. Today is, after all, the first day of Tim’s new school year, and I haven’t been on a trip like this since before becoming Tim’s legal guardian five years ago, but after some convincing from everyone, Andy and James promising to look after him the next three days, and working extra hours to afford the tickets for access to the Mike Morrigan signing and costume costs, I went forward with buying the tickets. 
This was definitely worth it, I think to myself.
Before I explore the main hall, I decide to walk down the hallway filled with panels of art from various franchises. Various scenes and characters are depicted from floor to ceiling. Some of the art is the official art from franchises, whilst other wall panels consist of concept art and art made by other artists, all done by talented individuals.
As I’m walking down the hallway a familiar voice behind me catches my attention. 
“Wow! Your cosplay is amazing!”
I turn to see Celena, an incredibly talented cosplayer staring right in my direction with her deep magenta eyes (most likely from contacts). Her short, platinum white hair is adorned with an adorable bunny ear headband, which matches perfectly with her light purple dress topped with little bows in the front and a big bow in the back on top of her faux-bunny poof tail. She looks straight from the game itself, making it one of the reasons why she is my favorite cosplayer of all time. 
Emotionally and mentally, I’m screaming. 
And somehow, in some way, I am able to respond (almost) calmly and (almost) normally. 
“Oh my god, thank you so much! Yours is amazing as well! I mean your dress is to die for! Do you mind if I get a picture with you?” I ask, overthinking each word as it comes out of my mouth. 
“Of course! What’s your name?”
“Well nice to meet you, Megan,” she says with a smile, “And what job class are you?”
“I am a Starsworn Swordmaster,” I say, gesturing at the sword I have on my hip as we move closer to get both into frame. 
I hold up my phone and take a selfie of the two of us smiling, her holding up a peace sign. After the camera clicks, I put my phone back into my bag, and when I turn back to her, she is looking at the art on the wall behind me, causing me to turn to see what grabbed her attention, in turn seizing mine.
Before me stands two familiar characters from the first Last Legacy game: Magister Escell Mirun, on the left, and Ayanna Anka, on the right. Though most of the internet is enthralled and obsessed with him, I’m not particularly a fan of the Battlemage and his cliché vain, and scheming personality. On the poster, Escell’s long purply-black hair is tied into a loose, low ponytail and it, along with his blue and green uniform with gold, accents, flows in the breeze as he stretches his pale hand outwards, imitating a spell being cast. On the right, the clever and cunning Engineer, Ayanna, stands facing away from the photo but looking back over her shoulder with her sharp, yellow cat-like eyes and iconic smirk. Her hair, put up into various thin braids, and ends highlighted in purple, lays below her large, poufy cat ears and her brown and gold-lined goggles. Her Ilpheta marks adorn her face on top of her dark brown skin, and her brown and tan striped tail curls upward. Though I love Ayanna’s character, I can’t help but question the developer’s choice in costuming, but nonetheless, I adore her.
I laugh to myself, remembering a past night during Freshman year in college when Sebastian and I discussed…funny ideas surrounding Last Legacy’s characters. 
I decide to let Celena in on one of our comments, turning around, asking, “Hey don’t you think Escell would look amazing in a chainmail bikini-” I stop abruptly. 
I look around and realize that I am now alone.
That’s weird, I could’ve sworn this hallway was packed with people a couple of seconds ago. 
Not only am I alone, but the chatter from the main hall is gone as well. 
“Hello? Celena? Anyone?” I call out. 
No answer. 
My breathing starts to become heavier, and I feel myself becoming colder, a clear sign of my nervousness and fear starting to show. Panic rises in my chest. The same feelings I had that night nine years ago start up.
What the hell? What the hell? What the- No don’t panic, Megan. Just- Just stay calm, maybe everyone is in the theatre for the panel? Or–
My thoughts are interrupted when a small thud sounds from in front of me. A long, multi-chrome staff rolls my way, pushed by seemingly nothing. The staff is adorned by gold accents and dangles, with a glowing crystal perched at the top, encased by gold circles, crossing over each other.
“Woah…is that…the Astrolabe?” I ask myself. 
The legendary relic lies before me while I try to understand my current situation. With the amount of detail this prop has, there is no way this is anyone’s ordinary cosplay prop. 
I look around to see if there is any clear indication of who it belongs to but no one seems to step forwards to claim it. 
With the intent to return this to whoever dropped it, I take a few steps forward, toward the staff, and reach down to pick it up. Once my fingers touch the cool, metal base of the shaft, light protrudes from the crystal laid in the center, and white light fills my vision. I try to move my hand back but clearly, it is too late. 
The hall and all the sense associated with it disappear from me and are replaced by small, shimmering balls of light. And then nothingness swallows me whole.
And then nothingness swallows me whole.
to be continued...
Edit: Changed a few things for flow and some minor spell check
AAAAAAAAA I cannot believe this, this is so insane. This is the first time I've ever posted my writing!!! AAAAAA
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