#And no these are not all of my AUs OSUGSHSGSJB
desmitri Β· 3 years
Some of my AUs I guess wooo here we go
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I have SEVERAL Furry AUs
One is also a shapeshifter AU (of which there are multiple)
Another one is also one of my way too many ghost AUs
Oh so so many ghost AUs
Then the crossover AUs and OC AUs
As a side note: in my main Desmitri timeline Jose (Des' son and an OC of mod Dim) is included
There are like 3 or... 4...or 5...or uh...there are a few robot/cyborg AUs
There are 3 Azran Des AUs
5 if you count the two where the Layton gang + descole discover an under the earth living relatively small Azran civilization that thinks Des is one of their deities (in one of those two they aren't even wrong OUGHSGSGSGHSG)
There's a Baby Jose AU where Des adopts Jose as a tini Baby and yes the only purpose of this AU is for cute baby drawings and self-indulgent Dadmond and Dadmitri content
Of course there's my beloved college AU, which is also the childhood friends AU
Oh the Angela is the masked Gentleman AU of mod Dim is also rlly rlly good πŸ˜€πŸ™
We don't talk about the dog AU because there is 0 story, it's just an excuse for me to draw my fave dogy dogs
There are a few Vampire AUs but one has especially good worldbuilding
Flirty Des AU is just an AU where Des WILL flirt with anyone to get what he wants, no matter their gender. In the end his heart really only belongs to Dim ofc πŸ˜”
wlw AU where descole, the persona itself, is proof of Des' disguising skills. Because Des is a lady. Dim also is a lady and happens to discover Des' secret after Des almost died in Eternal Diva OUGHSGSGSGHSG
2 trans Des AUs exist as a treat (Although my usual Des already is genderfluid lmao)
2 general concepts where there's more than one Des. But they are split up into many many small AUs
I have a set timeline and any slight alteration counts as an AU to me OUSGSHDGSYHYH
Not all of my AUs center around desmitri but quite a few do
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