#And in the grease scene danny is on the ground looking up at sandy
captainkingsley · 1 month
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this moment was 100% intentional
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goldenmazzello · 4 years
Lay all your love on me | Part 3
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(I don't own this gif. Credits to the owner)
Warning: Language, angst, cheating, stress, innuendo?, mention of songs. 
W/C: 5.6k.
Friday. It was finally friday, the day for the audition. You spent the last four days rehearsing for the audition, maybe the biggest and most important one you've ever had. You were so nervous that you could barely close your eyes and sleep. Now, you couldn't remember how many times you watched Grease on Netflix or how many times you watched videos on YouTube in such little time.
Now, you were with Joe in his living room. You asked him for help since you felt a bit mousy to ask Aaron to practice with you because you've just met him. However, he sent you some messages giving you some tips to remember during your audition. You were so glad he told you that because he had experience in Broadway, it wasn't his first time there. And for the same reason, you wondered if you were really going to get the role or if you were going to make a dog's dinner of it again as the last one.
You put Grease on his tv and rapidly pause it at the very beginning where Danny and Sandy were at the beach, the place they met vacationing, holding each other's waist and looking at each other with love and angst at the same time as they were going separate ways due to the end of the summer and Sandy had to come back to Australia.
"Okay so, now, come here please." You grabbed Joe's arm and made him get up from the sofa. Joe chuckled. You indicated him how to pose his hands on you and posed yours on him. "You remember this line, don't you?" You asked raising an eyebrow.
"Of course, we've watched this the whole morning!" He laughed and you shrugged.
"Yeah, but remember they changed the original story and some dialogues a bit to make it more interesting. She's from Utah now. Let's start." You closed your eyes and sighed. "Danny I don't want the summer to be over, I may never seen you again." You said Sandy's first lines in the musical, while staring at Joe.
"Sandy, don't talk that way." Joe replied as Danny and you interrupted him.
"But it's true, I've just had the best summer of my life and now I have to go back to Salt Lake, it isn't fair." You said complaining as you moved your eyes to the floor. Joe put his hand on your chin and lifted your head gently, so his eyes could meet yours again.
And Joe got lost in your eyes. He felt waves of running feelings on his body. For him, time stopped, the whole wolrd stopped and it was only you and him.
He thought about what was next in the script, the kiss. What if he kissed you now? Of course it would be part of acting, it wouldn't mean anything at all, but for him, oh, he didn't know how he would feel if he kissed you right now. He didn't want your frienship to be at stake, but he had to do it anyway.
Joe moved his hand on your cheek, you kept staring at him and when he was a few inches away from you, your phone started ringing and you both jumped.
"Fuck, it scared the shit out of me." You said taking a breath with a hand on your chest and moved to take your phone. Aaron is calling.
As you answered the call, Joe went to the kitchen. He rested his back against the wall and closed his eyes. He was so close to finally kiss you and he couldn't believe it. He was so close to your face, to your lips.
When you finished talking with Aaron, you went to the kitchen and found Joe there, in silence.
"Joey, are you okay?" You asked as you walked towards him. He opened his eyes and nodded. "Are you sure?" You weren't very convinced at all.
"Yes, I was just thinking about a few things I have to do with my agent." Hi moved his hand on the nape of his neck.
"Okay. Aaron just called and offered to take me to the theater with him but I turned it down." You said and Joe furrowed his eyebrows. "I want to go with you, I need you by my side." You beamed. So did he. "We should leave now,  or we won't have enought time."
The car ride was full of laughter, Joe knew absolutely well how to make you laugh and forget about everything. He was trying to make you feel relaxed and it seemed that his attempts were working out. You really appreciated it.
As you realized you were near the theater’s street, your face was pale.  Al Hirschfeld Theatre. You were there.
Joe noticed your expression had changed and squeezed your hand. You closed your eyes. He parked a few feet away from the theater and you both got out of the car.
“Listen (y/n).” He looked into your eyes while holding your shoulders. “No matter what happens today, don’t ever hesitate how talented you are, please never forget that.” He gave you a tender smile and you hugged him.
“Thank you Joey, you don’t have an idea of how much I appreciate and love you.” You closed your eyes and rubbed his back.
“I know you do, and I love you too. Good luck.”
Joe stayed inside his car, waiting for the audition to end. He knew he would be there for a long time so he brought with him his notebook where he kept writing ideas for his future directing projects.
When you entered the theater, you saw Aaron reading the script. He was really focused on it.
“Hey, how you doing?” You asked and sat beside him.
He lifted his head and kissed your cheek. “I’m great, and you? Nervous?”
“You’re absolutely right.” You sighed.
“Remember what I told you, just be yourself and imagine you are dancing alone in your room in front of your mirror.” He chuckled.
“I’ll try.” You looked at his script. “Which role are you auditioning for?”
"I'm going for Danny Zuko, your lover, Miss Sandy." He blinked.
You? Starring opposite him? At first it seemed absolutely crazy, because he had a lot of experience. That's when you remembered what Joe had said Don't ever hesitate how talented you are, and you couldn't help but beamed happily. You were so lucky to have him in your life, such a tender and loyal friend.
You were still confused about your feelings. Perhaps, you were feeling like this because you've been single for almost a year and the need of being loved was taking over you. You didn't truly believe you were falling for him.
As soon as the casting crew called you, Aaron wished you good luck and you went to the scenario. You introduced yourself to the casting crew who was waiting for the music to start. The instrumental music of You're the one that I want was playing loudly at the background while you gracely moved your body to the rhythm of the music and started to sing. Your hips were loose and your feet seemed to never touch the ground. Your movements were fluent, they were done without any effort and the lightly way you were dancing could have been seen from every little part of the theater. 
When you finished your audition, they asked you to wait outside. A few minutes later, a tall woman in her 20s holding some papers showed up.
"Are you (y/n) (y/s/n)?" You nodded. "I'm the director's assistant, he wants to see you."
You walked towards the scenario again and found Aaron in there. He smiled as you stood beside him.
"We want you to perform the opening scene, where Danny and Sandy are saying goodbye at the beach. We'll give you thirty minutes to prepare it and then you'll be called to do it." The director expossed as he and the casting crew left you alone.
"Do you know what that means? It's 80% probable that we got the role." He said excitedly.
"Oh my..." You moved your hand to your mouth. "I really hope so."
"So, let's prepeare the scene." He started reading the script. "What about the kiss? Do you want to practice it or just let it happen?"
"Hmm...I prefer practicing it at least once, just to be sure that everything will be perfect."
"That's a good point." He left the script on the floor, so did you.
"Danny I don't want the summer to be over, I may never seen you again." You said Sandy's first lines while staring at Aaron. He was holding your waist. You placed your hands on his toned arms.
"Sandy, don't talk that way." He nodded.
"But it's true, I've just had the best summer of my life and now I have to go back to Salt Lake, it isn't fair." You moved your eyes to the floor. Aaron put his hand on your chin and lifted your head, you looked at him again.
It felt completely different from when you did it in the morning with Joe. You felt you were really acting now, doing your job, but with Joe, it was difficult to focuse on the lines and everything, but why? You were so close to each other that you almost kissed if it wasn't for Aaron's call.
And that's when you felt Aaron's lips on yours. You closed your eyes, trying to examine the situation. His lips were rough because of the windy winter and his hands moved softly on your skin. You followed the kiss and he held you closer, embracing you, but you quickly moved him away.
"Danny don't spoil it." You fixed your eyes on his.
"It's not spoiling. It's only making better."
"Is this the end?" You asked sadly. He held your hands again.
"Don't think about that, just be here on the moment. All that matters is what's happening right now." As he spoke, you posed your hands on his cheeks and kissed him deeply. He did the same and followed your kiss.
"That was fantastic, I have no doubt that we got the role!" Aaron said, cutting off the kiss. You were still close to him.
"I really hope so."
"You are a great actress and a great kisser as well." You moved your eyes to the floor and Aaron giggled. "I'm telling you the truth."
You looked at him again and his lips mashed against yours again, you hungrily pushed back. It wasn't like one of those close-mouthed kisses you had when you were at elementary school, it was full on, open-mouthed, with pure lust. He nearly knocked all wind from your lungs. His hands drifted to your hips, pulling you closer. You inhaled, sharply. It's been so long since you last kissed someone like that and you couldn't deny it felt so good. When you heard the director and the casting crew coming back, you pulled apart and acted as if nothing happened.
They sat in the front row and asked you to start. You repeated what you did before, but this time, everything went on more naturally. It seemed like Aaron and you had known each other for years. You really had chemistry.
When you finished the audition, the director and the casting crew discussed about it and finally decided that both of you got the role. You were thrilled to bits when they said they couldn't praise you enough and you did an brilliant job.
You ran out of the theater happily and when you saw Joe waiting for you inside his car, you called his name and he got out, leaving his notebook there.
"I got the role!" You yelled and jumped into his arms. There was nothing in the world that's gonna kill this mood.
The next day, you and Joe were walking in the city. Joe was holding his phone, checking his To do list to see your plans for the day. He was very excited, you could see it on his face.
“Are you going to tell me where are we going to or not?” You asked while crossing the street.
“Hmm...I see you are very impatient.” He chuckled and you rolled your eyes.
A few minutes later, he stopped walking. You moved your sunglasses and gave a glance at the familiar tram station. “Are we going to Roosevelt Island?”
“Yes, I haven’t gone there in ages and I thought It was a good idea.” He said happily.  
The Roosevelt Island Tramway is an aerial tramway that brings you from Manhattan to Roosevelt Island in less than five minutes. There are some amanzing views of the city. It’s a very attractive option for people who want to get away from the crowds in Manhattan and enjoy the peace and quiet of the beautiful island. And you can enjoy it at night too, that was one of your favorite activities to do when you moved there a few years ago, admiring the wonderful skycrapers through the window.
After waiting for like fifteen minutes, you finally took the tram. Joe suggested going to a café and you agreed. It was a friendly place with a few tables outside. The peculiar smell of coffee made you feel hungry, especially because it was 10:00 am, so you ordered and sat outside the shop. It was a perfect sunny day to be outside.
As soon as you started having breakfast, Joe’s phone buzzed and when he saw his notifications, his expression changed, now, he looked haunted.
“Joey, what happened?”  You leaned forward.
“Nothing.” He said tautly. He blocked his phone and had a sip of his coffee. You knew he wasn’t telling you the truth.
“That’s a lie. You know you can trust me.”
Joe sighed. “I’ve never told you about my ex...she sent me a message saying she wants to see me to talk about something, but I blocked her.”
“What happened with her?”
“We’ve been together for so long, seven years to be exactly. Everything seemed to be fine. We lived in Los Angeles, that’s where I met her. One day, I was on my way to the airport, I was going to visit my family because it was Christmas season and I realized I had forgotten my passport, so I quickly came back home and when I opened the door...” He stopped and moved his gaze. “A friend of ours was...he was fucking her in our couch, our house...” He sighed again. “The excuse she had for not going to visit my family was that she had to work and obviously, it wasn’t true. Whatsmore, she had been cheating on me with him for over a year.”
Your jaw dropped. How could someone be so cruel? Nobody deserved that, especially Joe, he had a heart of gold. He was a person that believed real happiness lay on doing good for others, for him there wasn't anything that made him feel better than it.
He always seemed so happy but you could feel that behind that beautiful smile he had, he was in pain.
You moved and hugged him. “I’m so sorry Joey, you don’t deserve this.” He held you tight, in silent. “Someday, you’ll find somebody who will care about you.”
Joe wanted that person to be you. It was as if he had built his walls up high and didn’t let anyone enter his heart, but now, they were falling and you were the reason why. His heart has been locked away since that day he found out his girlfriend betrayed him. He was afraid of being in the same situation again. He supossed you were waiting too, to fall in love with someone who was worth the wait, after some failed relationships. He wanted to tell you that you were the person he was waiting for, that he had been searching so long for a feeling like this, but he was afraid, not only about being hurt again but also because he was convinced that feeling wasn’t mutual.
“I hope so.” You heard him say. “After that, I moved back to New York and all my dates failed, so I think I’m staying alone for a long time.”
“Don’t say that, I bet you have a lot of girls behind.” You moved you eyebrows and he giggled.
"And what about you? Have you had a date recently?"
"No, I haven't gone out with someone in six months." You replied as you finished your coffee. Joe almost choke. "What?"
"You have to be kidding me."
"Why?" You laughed.
"You are telling me that you haven't been with someone in six months, for real? Not even a kiss?" He was amazed.
"Well, I kissed yesterday but..." He interrupted.
"But that doesn't count, you were acting!"
"Actually, we kissed more than once." You blushed and Joe raised an eyebrow. He had to pretend he wasn't jealous of his friend for doing what he wanted the most, to kiss you.
"So, you like him."
"Yes, you do." He insisted.
"No, well, I'm not sure, okay?"
Joe nodded and took another sip of coffee. Inside, his heart was breaking. But outside, he seemed he didn't really care, he was a good actor.
If you change your mind
I'm the first in line
Honey, I'm still free
Take a chance on me.
Six weeks passed since the audition. The last days of winter were almost gone and spring's arrival meant that the musical was about to be released.
But things started to get pretty hectic, especially with Joe.
Rehearsals had taken over your life that you could barely have time to relax. The To do list that Joe had planned on set while filming Bohemian Rhapsody in january was practically forgotten, the only activities you did was going to the Central Park and going to a Yankees' game. You knew Joe wasn't mad at you for not having enought time, he knew that theater involved a lot ot rehearsals for a perfect performance but the fact that you hanged out with Aaron and not with him made him feel replaced.
The worst happened two weeks ago. It was friday and Joe was waiting impatiently for you at the Sky Room Rooftop in Manhattan. He was excited to catch up with you after seeing you like three times the last month, but you were late, you both agreed to meet there at 10:00 p.m and thirty minutes later, you haven't showep up yet. Two, four, six calls and you didn't anwer.
You weren't in New York. You were staying in California for the weekend since you and Aaron had been invited to a promoting event for Grease in Los Angeles and you forgot that you had made plans with your friend. When you saw his missed calls, you almost pass out. There was a message saying he was going home and asking where the hell were you, you explained him everything. You had a horrible sinking feeling when you saw he left you on read. You deserved that although you didn't do it on purpose, you had totally forgotten about it.
He felt so dejected by your behaviour. And it upset him even more because he loved you, he really did.
Saturday. You were at another event but this time there was a surprise for you, John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John showed up at the place and sang You are the one that I want with you and Aaron, you were over the moon.
Meanwhile in New York, Lucy was staying the weekend in Manhattan to attend to an event she had been invited to. Rami couldn't make it there, although he was in the same city, he was filming Mr. Robot's last season and not only he played the main role, he was also one of the producers, so Lucy asked Joe to go with him and have fun, especially after the bad night he had waiting for you.
What Joe didn't know was that Lucy invited a friend of her too. Her name was Julia, she was a blonde blue-eyed girl that was around Lucy's age and she lived in New York too. She was a new friend, they met on set filming The Politician, a new Netflix series that will be launched by next year's end.
Joe and Julia got on really well.They exchanged intense glares the whole night and laughed at each other's jokes. They even followed each other on Instagram and posted some stories together. When the event finished, they went to a bar and had some drinks. This time, Joe was sober.
He and Julia went to dance. He kept his hands on her hips to guide her. At one point, everything started to get hot. Joe kept her tight to him with his hands on her waist while dancing and she began to feel hot and tingly when she felt his breath near her ear. He asked her if she wanted to do something after the bar and she said yes.
So when Lucy decided to call it a night, Julia invited Joe to her appartment.
When they entered the building, she didn’t even say a word, she just led him to the elevator and kissed him. His hands continued to explore her body, almost slipping under her dress a few times.
And they spent the night together. But Joe didn't sleep, insomnia took over him. He kept thinking about you and how you were slowly falling for Aaron and forgetting about your friendship with him.
I wasn't jealous before we met
Now every man I see is a potential threat
And I'm possessive, it isn't nice
You've heard me saying that acting was my only vice
You and Aaron have been on a few dates but nothing too serious. You were convinced that the chemestry you had on stage was making you confused and you didn't want to be direspecful so agreed going out with him. You felt you were behaving like a fifteen-year-old girl.
On monday, when everybody was at their respective places, Gwilym organized a group video call to catch up with the six of you. You placed your phone on your kitchen counter while you prepare your kettle for a cup of tea after a tough day.
You couldn't stop looking at Joe and he tried to avoid you. The tension between you both could be felt. You were sure your friends noticed it.
"How was the event, Luc?" Ben asked while lighting a cigarette in his garden.
"It was great, I had so much fun with Joe and Julia! And I'm glad they got on very well." Lucy was lying on her couch, resting after an exhausting weekend.
"Yeah, we all know that." Gwilym giggled while cleaning his glasses.
Wait, what did they know? Did you miss anything?
You kept your gaze on Joe, waiting for his next words while your hands grabbed the kettle that just boiled. He was lying on his bed.
"Have you heard about it, Lu?" Ben asked mischievously.
"Shut up, Benjamin Jones." Joe warned him, rolling his eyes.
"Oh, c'mon! We all know, Joe." Rami's eyebrows were bobbing up and down while walking to his hotel room. Lucy didn't have an idea of what was going on. So did you.
"What did I miss, hmm?" Lucy wondered. Joe's face blused.
"Mss. Lucy Boynton, your friends slept together." Ben confessed, entuthiastically. Joe rolled his eyes again. He was annoyed.
"Oh my god!" Lucy yelled in surprise, moving a hand to her mouth.
As soon as you heard Ben, you felt your heart dropped to your stomach. The kettle that was on your hands was now on the floor and an amount of countless swearing were heard from your mouth. Your skin was burning like hell.
"(y/n), what happened? Are you okay?" Gwilym asked worried and all eyes were on you.
"I've just dropped my kettle, call you later guys." You left the video call and run to your bathroom. You could hardly walk. You let the cool running water to cool your burning foot for like 20 minutes and covered the burn with a moist bandage. It wasn't that bad so you didn't need to go to hospital and in a matter of days it will be gone.
You were cleaning the kitchen when phone rang and you knew it was one of your friends, wondering what happened to you on the kitchen.
Lucy is calling.
You spent the next two hours talking with her. She kept telling you that you were in love with Joe, she knew it, it was obvious. You told her that you weren't sure about it and explained everything that had been happening the last weeks was making you feel out of your head. She said that it would be better if you talked about last friday with Joe and tried to apologize again.
You couldn't stop thinking about him, he's been stuck on your mind for the last weeks.
8:00 a.m, rehearsals again. You were sat on the floor, yawning. You haven't been sleeping properly, waking up every two hours or getting only 3 hours of sleep. Your head was aching so hard that you could scarcely open your eyes.
Aaron showed up, holding two cups of coffee. "Hey, good morning, here you have." He extended his arm so you could grab a coffee but you didn't.
"Sorry, I don't feel like having breakfast today." You sighed.
"Today, yesterday and the day before yesterday, what's going on?" He sat by your side.
You knew that your situation with Joe didn't leave you in peace and the stress you had for the countless hours of rehearsals a week was making it worse. Fault was the only thing that you could feel.
"I don't know, I haven't been sleeping well and I'm not hungry. I'm worn out." Your eyes were closed by now. He was listening carefully. "But, let's dance anyway." You put your hand on the wall and got up.
"Are you sure? I don't think you.. " you interrupted him.
"Aaron, I wanna do this. Let me try, at least." You insisted.
As the music started playing, the choreographer indicated your dance moves. Your body moved lazily, muscles aching as if you've been hit by a truck. Your sight was numb, so you stopped, moving your gaze to the floor. Your knees started shaking. There was no way you could finish even a song.
"I've told you it wasn't a good idea." Aaron grabbed you by your waist and placed your arm around his neck. He guided you to a chair and left you there. "Do you have your phone here?"
"I don't even know if it has battery. It's in my jacket." You massaged your forehead trying to calm the ache but it was helpless.
Aaron talked with the director and then grabbed your phone, he called your emergency number. "Hi, is anybody there?" He could hear someone breathing but it was silent.
"Aaron?" Joe spoke, his voice was husky, he must have been sleeping because it was pretty early.
You'd chosen Joe, he was the only person who could help you if you found yourself in times of trouble since your family lived in another state and it would take them ages to get there. But if you had to call him now, you weren't going to do it.
"Joe? It's me, listen. (y/n) isn't doing good so I've just called her emergency number and here we are. I didn't know it was your number. Can you pick her up? I asked the director to give her a break and he agreed. She looks terrible."
Joe was still mad at you, but he wasn't going to let those feelings interfere with the situation. He was a kind person and he loved you, so the only thing he was going to do was to leave you home and continue with his day.
"I'll be there in 10 minutes."
Aaron came back with you. "You're leaving in a few minutes, here you have." He gave you your phone.
"What? Are you going to leave with me?" You frowned.
"Actually, no. I asked the director and he wants me to stay but he said you could go home. Joe is coming."
Your eyes bugged out, you hadn't seen Joe in weeks and you felt it wasn't the right moment to do it.
Aaron was holding his phone. "Joe sent me a message, he's out."
He helped you to get to the front door of the theater. Joe didn't say anything, he opened the door of his car and helped you get in. You couldn't see his eyes because he was wearing sunglasses. And he was glad, because when he saw you like that, his heart broke. He wanted to hold you in his arms and take care of you, kissing every little part of your face and telling you everything was gonna be alright.
Once you were in your appartment, he helped you to get in bed and prepeared a cup of tea. When he came back, he sat on the edge of your bed. He didn't say a word, you knew he was hurt.
"Thank you." You took a sip of tea.
He looked at you and pursed his lips, as if he was going to say something but he didn't.
"Please, say something. Don't be like that, I know I was wrong, I'm sorry." You pouted.
"Okay, I forgive you, are you happy?" He said expressionless.
"Joe." You left your cup on your nightstand and moved closer to him. "Don't say it because that's what I want to hear, say it because you feel it."
"I'm feeling this, but you're too busy with your new friend that you don't seem to know me anymore." He gave you a glowering look and you sighed.
"Joey, please, look at me." You took his hand and rubbed it softly. He looked at your hands and then moved his eyes to meet yours. "Forgive me, please. You don't have an idea of how much I miss you." You were already in tears. He sighed.
"I miss you too." He opened his arms wide and pulled you in for a warm hug. You let out a small sigh while sobbing and hid your face in his neck, you could smell his scent, it's been so long.
You both stood there for a few minutes while Joe caressed your back. "We have to talk about it."
"I know." You wipped your tears with your thumb. "But please, can we do it later? I feel my head is going to explode at any moment."
"Okay but just tell me something, what's going on with you?"
"I'm tired, that's all." You assured him.
Joe hesitated a few seconds until he decided to ask something he was afraid to.
"Are you pregnant?" Joe murmured.
You burst out laughing. "Are you kidding me?"
"What? I don't know about your dating life." He shrugged.
"No Joe, I'm not pregnant."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, I need to sleep, that's all."
He stole a glance at his watch. "I better go, I have a meeting." He moved from your bed.
"Will I see you soon?" You asked hoping he would say yes.
"Of course, when you'll get better."
It was 08:00 p.m when Joe came back home. He lay on his couch and watched tv. Two hours later, he was sleeping when he heard the doorbell riging. He was so sleepy that he didn't remember falling sleep.
When he opened the door, he frowned. Aaron and you were standing there, beaming cheerfully. You looked better than you did in the morning.
"Surprise! Are you going to make us wait any longer? This pizza is waiting for us!" Aaron had a pizza box in his hands.
"We wanted to visit our dear friend." You confessed. Joe let you in and told you to sit on the couch. But before, you hugged him. "I know we've seen each other in the morning but I missed you."
He smiled. "How do you feel? You definetely look better."
"I do!" You kissed his cheek and took a seat beside Aaron.
"I'm glad. I have to go to the bathroom, I'll be right back."
He disappeared for a minute and when he was walking down the hall, he heard some noises. He leaned against the wall, hiding himself and peeped. He couldn't believe his eyes. A pang of jealousy ran through his veins. He gulped, his heart was racing so fast that he swore it would jump out of his chest now. His stomach was sick. "It's all in my head" he thought, trying to convince himself but it was helpless.
You were sat on Aaron's thights, your hands playing with his hair as he held you. His strong arms were around your waist and his hands placed on your ass.
Warm lips pressed against yours. You were kissing as if you were the only people in the world, as if you weren't in your friend's house. You didn't care about anything except that kiss.
He pressed your body against his and a soft moan scaped your lips. He giggled and told you to be quiet so as not to be caught. Then, he continued devouring your mouth.
Joe was perplex, he didn't know what to do. He wanted to stop looking at you, but he couldn't.
When Aaron put his hands on your breasts, Joe knew it was enough. He couldn't look, it was killing him.
He came back to the bathroom, waiting for things to cool down a bit. "It started out with a kiss, they were acting. How did it end up like this?" He thought. This has gone too far.
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waywardwonderland · 4 years
13 - We Go Together
Young!Sam x Reader, Dean x Amanda (After School Special)
You and Sam share your first kiss after being dragged along to Dean’s date at the drive in theatre.
Word count: 1555
Warnings: Public displays of affection, Dean being Dean, fluffy first kiss
Author’s Note: This is part two to 10 (not sure what I am going to name the series, please send suggestions if you have them!) but it can also be read as a fluffy one shot!
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You didn’t spend another extended period of time with the Winchesters until you were 13. There was a suspected vampire nest in Indiana and your parents made the last minute decision to be back for John on the hunt. You were excited to spend time with Sam again, sure you got to see him in fleeting moments when your parents had to drop something off with over the last few years but your crush had only gone stronger in with the time and distance.
Sure staying at a run-down motel with the brothers was a bit strange, but you were in school for most of the day and John left the Impala with Dean so you weren’t confined to the two-star room the entire time.
You were excited when after class Dean mentioned going to the Drive-In that night, but automatically rolled your eyes when you heard the movie playing was Grease and a girl named Amanda would be joining the three of you. You and Sam were getting a back row ticket to Dean’s date because he wasn’t allowed to leave you alone at the motel.
You stared out the window as Dean pulled into the empty lot, trying not to gag as he shamelessly flirted with Amanda who was practically sitting in his lap in the front seat. As soon as the car stopped Sam’s seatbelt was off and the backdoor to the car squeaked open. “Where do you think you’re going?” Dean grunted directing his attention to the back seat, obviously annoyed that he had to babysit the two of you while trying to impress the blonde.“Popcorn.” Sam snapped, “Is that ok or do you need to supervise my purchase of movie snacks too?” He asked slamming the car door shut.
“Hey – watch baby!” Dean yelled out the window. He shifted to his side and pulled a leather wallet form his back pocket, handing you a $20 bill. “Y/n go with him, and get me Skittles” he directed his attention back to Amanda, raising his brows. She let out a high pitch laugh that made you want to gag. “You got it.” You responded dryly before following Sam out of the car towards the small concession shack located to the side of the large screen.
You and Sam approached the counter and ordered two large popcorns for the car, Dean’s Skittles, a coffee for Sam and chocolate shake for yourself. You confidently handed the teenager working Dean’s bill and dropped your change in the tip jar as your heard the crowd hush and the first line of Frankie Valli’s Grease is the Word play over the loud outdoor speakers. “Shit.” Sam mumbled grabbing one of the popcorn bags and his coffee, running back towards where the Impala was parked.
You grabbed the remainder of the snacks and chased after him, weaving between cars until Sam stopped abruptly in front of you, causing you to smack into his back and drop the large bag of popcorn and Skittles on the dead grass. “Oof, what the heck?” You asked as you bent down to pick up the dropped bag, trying to salvage as much of the popped kernels as you could before hearing Sam’s groan and directing your attention up to see Dean and Amanda already making out hot and heavy in the front seat of the Impala. You gulped.
“S-sorry” Sam mumbled, his cheeks flushed as he turned to help you pick up the dropped candy, nodding over his shoulder to direct your attention to Dean now laying down on top of the blond. “He didn’t even make past the first song” he shook his head trying to calm the heat in his cheeks.
You blushed as his fingers grazed over yours and you drew the popcorn bag back quickly. “I’m not getting back in that car” you whispered at Sam, loud enough so he could hear you over the music but quiet enough so you wouldn’t disturb the patrons who were actually watching the film.
“Oh hell no” Sam said standing to his feet and pointing to the abandoned playground at the back of the field. You nodded agreeing and followed him to the old structure, setting yourselves up on top of the old jungle gym where you had a somewhat decent view of the screen.
“I’m sorry about Dean” Sam said through the popcorn he shoved in his mouth, not concerned about his volume as you were at least 20 feet away from the last car in the field. “It’s ok” you shrugged taking a sip of your milkshake and opening what was supposed to be Dean’s candy. “It’s not like you control him.”
Sam laughed, “Yeah no one can, except maybe dad” he responded picking up his coffee and directing his attention back to the film as the Pink Ladies’ car appeared on the screen. You both sat in a comfortable silence watching the film and eating the snacks. One small perk coming from Dean’s inability to control himself in a public place. As it grew later it got colder outside, without the protection of a car you started to shiver as Sandy sang Hopelessly Devoted to You, placing the pages of note paper in the kiddie pool outside Frenchie’s house. You never really understood the strange scene but couldn’t even keep our focus on the movie as your teeth chattered loudly.
“Here” Sam said assertively taking off his tan corduroy jacket and placing it over your shoulders. You were too cold to protest so you just smiled “Thanks” you responded quietly addressing your attention back to the screen. “You know, maybe you wouldn’t be so cold if you didn’t down your milkshake in the first 30 minutes” Sam joked nudging your arm.
You rolled your eyes playfully in response, “Well I wasn’t exactly expecting to be outside all night, plus I needed something sweet to go with the salty popcorn!” You took the lid off your shake to try and get the last sip of the chocolate goodness, angling the straw and tipping your nose down to try and lick the remainder from the inside of the cup.
“You got a – uh, you got some on your nose” Sam said running his index finger over the tip of your nose, showing you the whipped cream on his finger before rubbing it on his jeans. You blushed and shivered, not sure if it was from the cold night air or the fact that all you could hear was Rizzo and Kenickie making out on screen and your heartbeat pounding in your ears. Before you knew it Sam’s lips were on yours, hesitant but soft. You closed your eyes and focused on the feeling, snapping back to reality when you felt his lips move off of yours.
“Sorry.” Sam said quickly pushing his body away from yours creating distance between the two of you. “I – I don’t know what came over me.” You could barely see the blush on his face, illuminated only slightly by the projection on the screen.
“No” you said feeling the tingling sensation still on your lips, “I – I liked it.” You responded by moving closer to him, closing the gap between the two of you. He put his hand on the side of your face and kissed you again, with less hesitation this time, encompassing your lower lip between his. You leaned and kissed him back, pulling him closer by his hoodie.
You continued to make out for the remainder of the remainder of the film. Both of you not really knowing what you were doing but enjoying each other’s closeness and warmth. It was sloppy and a little awkward, but exciting and fun. Sam would later tell you that he was trying desperately to copy what he had seen Dean doing with cheerleaders in the football stands, and you would admit you were going by memory of the bad made for TV movies you watched when nothing else was on.
As the final song, We Go Together drew to a close and Danny’s car flew into the sky you pulled back from each other, Sam pulling you into his rapidly moving chest for a warm hug. “That was..” he started, “Really nice” you continued. Pulling back from him and taking his jacket off your shoulders as you both grabbed the garbage and made your way back down to the ground where you heard car engines begin to roar into action.
“No – it’s cold, keep it!” Sam said with a small smile, you nodded in response walking back to where the Impala had been parked, hoping Dean and Amanda had finished up by now. “What about Dean?” his older brother’s teasing came into your head as you tried to shed the coat again, but Sam stopped you.
“I can handle him” he said confidently. “No one forces my girl to sit out in the cold.” You looked over at him and could see his smile in the darkness, butterflies racing in your stomach as you opened the door to the backseat of the Impala.
“Ready to go?” Dean asked grunting, shifting awkwardly in the front seat, Amanda again giggling as if it were her day job beside him. "Yeah let’s get going.” Sam replied sliding in beside you on the leather seats “Y/n’s cold”.
Part 3 (15)
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pomonassprout · 5 years
One year in the life
Just a tiny lil ficlet that shows a little bit of James and Lily’s lives the last year they were alive, one paragraph for each month. Hope you like it!♡
Wordcount: 1.8k
Can also be read on ao3 (just cause idk if my blog is the best to read fics on, because the font’s sorta small)
In October, James returned home one day with matching Halloween costumes for himself, Lily and Harry. Lily's jaw dropped when he took them out of the bag and showed her. They were costumes from Grease, which James told Lily, rather excited, was one of the biggest movies in the muggle cinema a couple of years back. Lily couldn't do anything but shake her head, smile, and kiss the man. And so it was that on Halloween, James was dressed up as Danny, Lily was Sandy and Harry was the car from the end scene. James admitted to having used quite a few charms on Harry's, to make it look proper realistic. Despite herself, despite the dread that was permanently lodged in her chest, Lily was happy that evening.
In November, James was hardly ever at home. He accepted every mission he was asked to go on, and Lily didn't feel she could do much but to let him. She spent her evenings crying more often than not, wondering what she would do if one day, he didn't return home. But then Harry would start fussing and she would have no choice but to get herself together, and take care of him. And James always returned. He'd come through the door, tired and dirty more often than not, but always physically, and mostly mentally and emotionally, okay, and Lily always greeted him with a hug and a plea for him to stay home for a few days now.
In December, they were told to go into hiding. Voldemort was after them, was after Harry, and leaving the house was no longer safe. Lily took several deep breaths when they were told, but held her head high and took in everything Dumbledore said. She clutched James' hand under the table and he clutched back, his hand even clammier than hers. They'd go into hiding and Sirius would be their Secret Keeper. As Dumbledore was about to leave, Lily asked what would happen to their friends, to Marlene and Remus and Peter and Mary, and to James' parents. Would anyone let them know if something happened? They were assured that they would be told at once.
In January, Lily celebrated her 21st birthday. It was the quietest and most somber celebration she'd had since she was a child, it being only her, James, Sirius and Harry. Sirius told them about the world outside, about the things they didn't hear about from the radio; about the goblin family up North who had been brutally murdered, about his own brother having disappeared off the face of the earth and being presumed dead, about the several children being attacked by werewolves in their own bedrooms. Lily cried when she went to sleep that evening, and James held her close and whispered in her ear that it was all gonna work itself out soon. Very soon. Because how much worse could it possibly get now?
In February, James' parents died. They were old and they caught Dragon Pox, and it was hardly a surprise, their health having detoriated for quite some time. Nonetheless, James was crushed. He spent several days in bed, only getting up to go to the bathroom, to get food, or to pick Harry up, hold him close to his chest and cry quietly into his shoulder. Lily felt helpless, out of her debth, as she watched her husband experience the first real heartbreak of his life. But she made him food, washed his clothes, gently coerced him to take a bath, and held him in her arms. She did this for several days before she'd had enough. And as it turned out, tough love was the best way to deal with a broken James Potter.
In March, it was James' 21st birthday, and just like he did on Lily's 21st, Sirius came around. Once again, he told them everything the radio wouldn't. They listened, they nodded, they made conversation, but on the inside, their nerves were raging. Maybe it was because they hadn't been outside for months, maybe it was because they'd barely seen anyone but each other, but Lily couldn't remember ever feeling chronically nervous like this before. When she confessed her thoughts to James after they'd gone to bed that night, he told her he felt the same way, before he kissed her deeply and put his arms around her.
In April, Sirius comes bearing grave news. The Prewett-brothers had been murdered, brutally; they'd fought a hero's battle, the both of them, but were eventually slain. Lily was all out of tears, and merely nodded as she heard herself say a few words about “tragedy” and “gruesome”. Harry was sitting in her lap, his laugh sincere and cheerful as she bounced her legs up and down. She looked down on him, a tiny smile automatically finding its way to her lips. This small creature, he was innocent and naïve and had no idea how much danger he was in. Lily prayed that by the time he was old enough to understand, this would be over, and they could tell him about all the brave witches and wizards who gave their lives to resist the darkness that had once threatened to consume their community and all its citizens.
In May, Lily took to standing by the window and look outside. It looked peaceful out there, especially during the day, when the sun was high and she could see the green leaves on the trees, the flowers on the ground, and hear distant sounds of children's laughter. On one such day, James came up behind her, put his arms around her waist and rested his chin on her shoulder. For a long while, they stood there like that, before James asked her what she wanted to do once the war was over and they could go on with their lives. Lily couldn't help but smile, and said that she wanted to travel all over the world, a dream she'd had since before she even knew she was a witch. And James told her that they could go wherever she wanted; a stunning beach in Thailand, a beautiful mountain peak in Austria, the wide plains of Kenya, a spectacular fjord in Norway... Anywhere she'd like, because he loved her more than life itself, and that wouldn't change no matter where in the world they were.
In June, Lily was told that Marlene, and her entire family, had been found dead. She was holding Harry in her arms and must have clutched him too tightly, because he started wailing. Before she knew what was happening, James had taken Harry from her and she fell backwards, only avoiding the floor because Sirius caught her in time. And then she cried. For the first time in several weeks, she cried, and it never seemed to stop. She cried all day, all night, and when she woke up the next morning, she cried more. Marlene... sweet, ridiculous, talented Marlene. And her entire family. Her sister, barely ten years old. Her parents, young and full of life. Their bodies were torn to bits, said Sirius, and never would Lily be able to say one final goodbye to the bright girl who had once come to Lily and offered her a Chocolate Frog in exchange for help on her Potions homework.
In July, it was Harry's first birthday. It was a subdued affair, but Sirius brought a toy broom that Harry found so delightful he destroyed a vase and knocked over a lamp. James was even more delighted, insisting that Harry would grow up to be a formidable Quidditch player. It was nice, in a way, that Harry was the focus for one evening. Not that Harry would remember it, but none of them could bring themselves to discuss any heavy matters when it was a baby's birthday that was the occasion. So they ate cake, played with Harry, found a muggle radio station where they joked around and played pop tunes, and ignored the fact that their friends and acquaintances were being murdered, one by one.
In August, Sirius came visiting more often. He looked exhausted, thin, and nervous. He gave them some quick updates; Remus was underground with other werewolves, Peter had gone into hiding, and Mary was still fighting the good fight. Edgar Bones had been found murdered, along with his wife and children. When James asked how Sirius was doing, Sirius merely shrugged his shoulders and said they were at war and that it didn't matter how he, personally, was doing. There would be time to take care of themselves once the war was won.
In September, there was a sense of forboding in the air that Lily couldn't quite shake. Sirius came over one evening and told them that they needed to make Peter their Secret Keeper, which they agreed to after hearing his reasons. News of more deaths reached them; Benjy Fenwick, Dorcas Meadowes, and Caradoc Dearborn. James was depressed, Lily could tell. He played with Harry, he made food, he cleaned around the house, but the spark in his eyes was gone. Lily felt no better herself, and the only thing she could muster up the energy to do to help, was to hold him tight whenever possible. At night, when she couldn't sleep or was up feeding Harry, she wondered if any of them would be okay when the war was over, even if they survived, or if the wounds were too deep.
In October, Lily lost everything. She heard James' shouts from the living room, heard the panic in his voice when he yelled at her to take Harry and run. But Lily froze, horribly torn between the choice of attempting to save her son and the one of helping her husband. And all she could think was that Peter had betrayed them... Kind, sweet Peter, her friend through so many years, her partner during Charms classes for all their seven years at Hogwarts.
But then, all of a sudden, it didn't matter who had betrayed whom, because Lily heard that sickening thump, that heavy, earth-shattering sound of a lifeless body hitting the floor. Harry screamed, as if he knew that his father was dead, as if he knew that even if he and his mother came out of this alive, nothing would ever be the same. Lily stood her ground when he entered the room, her blood was rushing in her ears, the grief in her heart was overpowering every other emotion. He spoke, he told her to get out of the way, and as she refused, again and again while begging for her son's life, he came closer.
And then there was nothing. Lily screamed, because she knew that Harry had no one to protect him anymore. She was gone and James was gone. All was lost.
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reddietrashmouth · 7 years
Richie loves Halloween
Richie Tozier loves Halloween (but not as much as he loves Eddie Kasprak) p>
October 31st. Halloween. The greatest day of the year - in Richie’s opinion.
I mean, what wasn’t to love about Halloween? People handing out free candy, scary movies on every channel on TV, getting to dress up covered in fake blood. Oh and best of all, the Halloween parties.
Every year Sam Walker, a junior who seemingly was friends with everybody, would throw his infamous halloween party and everyone (even losers like Richie and his friends) was invited.
Last year Richie and his friends had all gone as zombies, they had tore up old clothes and Bev had covered them in makeup to make them look undead. They had looked totally badass, there was no denying it.
Just as they had every other year, everyone was meeting at Bill’s house before they went to Sam’s together; Sam’s house was a five minute walk from Bill’s.
Richie looked at his watch in the dim light that was provided by the streetlight at the bottom of Bill’s drive. It was 6:56, which meant he was four minutes early, but it didn’t matter as it was likely that most of the other loser’s would be there already.
Richie walked up the drive and knocked on the door, having only to wait a few seconds until it was swung open and Richie found himself looking at Stanley Uris.
“Stan the man, what’s happening dude? Gotta say, I’m not surprised that you’re here already, lemme guess, you’ve been here for an hour already?” Richie teased his friend, stepping through the door,
“Ha ha Richie,” Stan replied sarcastically, “if you must know I’ve only been here for twenty minutes”
Bill comes up behind Stan and wraps an arm around his shoulders, “Hey Tozier, stop bullying my boyfriend,” Bill says to Richie, and Richie holds his hands up defensively.
“Sorry man,” Richie says, then looks at their costumes, Bill is wearing a batman suit and Stan is dressed as robin. “Nice matching costumes guys, very cute”
“Hey we’re not the only ones” Bill says, pointing behind him at Ben and Bev.
“Woah ho! Beverly Marsh my dear you look stunning! Oh and you too of course Ben, very nice guys, very nice!” Richie calls out to his friends, taking on a British accent and walking up to where they’re stood in the sitting room. Richie looks them up and down and nods approvingly, Bev is dressed as Sandy from the final scene of Grease, and Ben as Danny.
“Thanks Richie,” Bev replies, greeting him with a hug.
“So who are we waiting for?” Richie asks, looking around the room.
“Just Eddie and Mike, they should be getting here any minute now,” Ben tells him, “I like the costume by the way man, you’re really rocking the whole wolf thing.”
“Oh thanks dude, you know I couldn’t think of anything to be, then Bev suggested this and I thought, yeah that could work,” Richie replied to his friend. Ben nodded, then he and Bev shared a look which Richie didn’t understand, but also didn’t question, because it was at that moment the front door was opened again and Mike and Eddie entered.
Mike was dressed as a mummy, wrapped in bandages from head to foot. He looked impressive, it must have taken him ages to get ready, Richie thought.
Eddie, wow. Eddie looked amazing. He was wearing a red cape with the hood pulled up and he had fake claw marks across his face as if he had been attacked by a wild animal.
Eddie was dressed as little red riding hood, Richie realised.
And Richie was dressed as a wolf.
They were wearing matching costumes.
Richie spun around to look at Bev, who was smirking at him with a smug look on her face.
“Hi Eddie, cool costume,” Richie heard Stan greet Eddie.
“Thanks Stan. It was Bev’s idea, she suggested it and helped me with my makeup and stuff,” Eddie replied.
Of course it was Bev’s idea, Richie thought, rolling his eyes. Bev knew how Richie felt about Eddie, and she was always doing stuff like this, not that Richie cared that much to be honest. He always wants to spend time with Eddie.
“Hey Eds, looking good” Richie called out, catching Eddie’s attention.
“Don’t call me that” Eddie replied, but walked over to where Richie was standing anyway. “Huh, looks like we match?” Eddie asked, looking at Bev accusingly.
“You sure do boys, and you look great,” Bev said, slinging an arm over each of their shoulders, and knocking her head gently against Eddie’s. “Hey Bill! Take a picture of me and my boys!” She shouted at Bill, who was following everybody around, sticking his camera in their faces (Stan was the main victim, but he didn’t mind; he would do anything to keep his boyfriend happy).
Bill pointed the camera at the three of them and they posed while he took several pictures.
“Guys we should start getting ready to leave” Ben’s voice interrupted them, and Bev untangled her arms from around the two boy’s necks to go and find her coat.
“Ready to party Eddie Spaghetti?” Richie asked, looking down at his shorter friend with a smirk.
“Hell yeah.”
Twenty minutes later and they finally arrived at Sam’s house for the party, after having been distracted on the way out of Bill’s house by Bill’s little brother Georgie arriving home from trick or treating. They obviously stopped to talk to him (and steal some of his candy), they all loved Georgie just as much as they loved any of the other losers.
Walking into the huge house, Richie grabbed Eddie’s hand so that he wouldn’t get lost in the masses of people who were crammed into the house, and pushed his way through the crowd to get to the kitchen.
When they had finally elbowed their way there they were greeted by a girl named Ellen something, who was one of Sam’s friends and who must be in charge of distributing drinks at the party.
“Hey Richie, Eddie right? What can I get you guys to drink, we’ve got everything, I’d stay away from the punch though because its been spiked by about eight people so far,” Ellen laughed.
“I’ll just have a coke,” Richie told her, then turned to Eddie who nodded.
“I’ll have the same please,” Eddie said quietly. “Help yourselves guys,” Ellen told them, gesturing to the many cans lined up on the kitchen counter. “You guys definitely have the best matching couples costumes I’ve seen so far tonight by the way.”
Richie choked on air. “O-oh we, we um, we’re not, we…"
 “Thank you!” Eddie interrupted him, smiling at Ellen and grabbing their drinks. He pulled Richie out of the kitchen by their still entwined hands.
Eddie pulled Richie to a relatively quiet spot by the wall and handed him a coke. He didn’t say anything about Ellen’s comment, instead he started talking to Richie about how Mike had almost made him late because he was taking forever to wrap bandages around himself.
Richie couldn’t pay attention to a word Eddie was saying however, as he kept thinking about how the girl had called him and Eddie a couple, about how his hand was still warm from where Eddie’s had been grasped in it, about how Eddie’s lips looked so soft, so kissable. About how the feelings he had for the boy in front of him had been more than just friendship for a while now.
“We could be!” Richie shouted, interrupting Eddie’s ramblings, and causing the boy to look up at him, startled.
“What?” Eddie asked him, eyebrows drawn together in confusion.
“I mean… we could be. You know?” Richie replied, looking down at the ground so not to meet Eddie’s gaze.
“Richie I don’t-” 
"She thought we were a couple, right? I’m just saying we could be…“ Richie trailed off, his voice an unsure mumble.
Eddie didn’t say anything, and Richie knew he had messed up. He started to pull his hand out of Eddie’s loose grasp, and turned to walk away.
In a sudden movement, Eddie’s grip on Richie’s hand tightened, and he pulled the taller boy towards him quickly, his other hand reaching up to rest agains Richie’s neck, his thumb brushing agains Richie’s delicate cheekbone. He surged up and pressed his lips against Richie’s. The kiss was short and soft, Eddie pulled away after a few seconds, and rested his forehead against Richie’s.
“Yeah, we could be,” Eddie whispered against Richie’s lips.
Yeah, Richie loved Halloween.
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You can only have one answer to each question.
The questions are aimed generally at every single movie or TV Show you’ve ever saw in your life, so take your time and have fun.
Tag five people to learn about some more memorable movie experiences.
Tagged by @i-own-loki  
Favourite movie: I don’t have a clear favourite, more like a bunch of movies I love for different reasons. I’ve mentioned several in my responses below. One I haven’t mentioned is UP. For an animated movie, it packs a huge emotional punch: within the first ten minutes I’d laughed out loud and sobbed my heart out. Outstanding.
Favourite TV show: Northern Exposure. It was warm, whimsical, and utterly wonderful in every way with some of the most endearingly flawed, lovable, and surprising characters and relationships. It was completely unique and influenced many other shows I love. If you enjoyed Sense8 for its diversity and empathy, and Jane The Virgin, Galavant, Moone Boy, or the English movie Saving Grace for their warmth, humour, and magical realism, give it a go.
Favourite TV Show episode: It’s hard to choose between The Musketeers S03E06 Death of a Hero, which was a simply superb piece of storytelling, and OUAT S03E11 Going Home. If forced to choose, I’ll go with the latter because of the emotional punch it packed. Snow & Charming giving up their daughter again, Emma being ripped apart from her family, her moment of admission of her feelings for Hook, Regina giving up Henry and gifting Emma happy memories, Emma and Henry driving away and everything fading behind them. It was devastating and brilliant, and I almost wish OUAT had ended there so Emma didn’t have to suffer again.
Two characters who never canonically met but you still ship them: Season 2 Hook from OUAT and Season 1-2 Athos of The Musketeers. Drowning their bitterness and self-loathing in alcohol and sex until Emma and Sylvie come along and make them want to be better men.
Favourite battle scene: The final battle in Rogue One, from the moment the rebels landed on Scarif to the moments they all died. Way to rip my heart open. Stupendous. 
Favourite kiss: Emma and Hook’s first kiss in Neverland. That shit was hot! Turns out none of us could handle it.
Favourite sex scene: I generally prefer sex scenes that are left to my imagination. For example, Darius and Grace in Salvation S01E08 From Russia With Love - the whole set up was perfect: talking about what they’d miss most, dancing to Ella Fitzgerald, "Permission granted.”, “For then or now?” It turns out they didn’t actually have sex, but it sure as hell seduced me! 
One iconic move: Sandy pulling the cigarette out of her mouth, grinding it into the ground with her stiletto, then kicking Danny in the chest in Grease. “ You better shape up, up, up, up...”
A plotline you hated: The Rumbelle relationship in OUAT, especially from Season 3 onwards. I hate how abusive relationships are increasingly being portrayed as romantic (think Twilight, Fifty Shades, etc.) and how stalking and emotional abuse is being dressed up as the kind of passion to be aspired to. It pains me that young impressionable women are growing up romanticising relationships with narcissists. I loved how Big Little Lies blew that crap apart. 
Favourite soundtrack: Monsters Inc. for the sheer joy of it.
Favourite quote: Dr Ian Malcolm in Jurassic Park: “Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether they could, they didn't stop to think if they should”. Replace the word ‘scientists’ with ‘politicians’ ...
A character you think would have been better if they were from the opposite sex: None that spring to mind, but I’m looking forward to seeing Jodie Whittaker as the first female Doctor Who. 
A character you think should have died for the sake of the story: all the male clones in Orphan Black. Tatiana Maslany and the other four seasons were amazing, but I wish we could have skipped the whole mess that was Season 3.
A side character you think should have been the protagonist: I'd absolutely love to see a spin-off from Doctor Who called The Adventures of River Song (no, we can’t call it The Time Traveller’s Wife!). I loved every appearance by Alex Kingston in that role. In every role, frankly. She’s a goddess.
A protagonist you think should have been a side character: Dawson. Urgh, he was so annoying. It should have been Pacey’s Creek.
A completely unnecessary and annoying character death: Dr. Mark Greene in ER. I mean, seriously... WTF?! Heartless bastards. How could you do that to Elizabeth? To us?!
Favourite plot twist: Jamal’s brother Salim unexpectedly coming good and sacrificing himself to give Latika the chance to get away in Slumdog Millionaire. The moment I realised what he was going to do, I was an emotional wreck. That's one hell of a redemption.
The type of character you always go for and love: The anti-heroes. The guys (and gals) who dance to their own tune and don’t play by the rules but have their own code and always come through for their people: Spike, Hook, Han & Indi, Hawkeye Pierce, Baloo, Flynn Rider, Megamind, Grue, Merida, Sarah Manning, Anne Bonny, etc.
A movie you would love to watch in another genre: An Annamis & Constagnan-centric Bollywood version of The Musketeers (the BBC TV series, not the movie - being a rebel here! - with the original cast) would be hugely fun! I think it would translate beautifully: the moustaches, the costumes, the choreogaphed sword fights...
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marcilene-rose · 5 years
Tonight I am watching Greece for the first time and decided to record my thoughts, it probably doesn’t make sense, I wrote this at 11pm on a Tuesday.
I looked at the plot, and it gives me almost Heathers vibes, but let's just hope Riverdale doesn’t fuck this one up as well.  Also teen beach movie vibes.
Holy shit the music is good.
(during Greased Lightning) I don’t know shit about cars but suddenly I’m into it.  I don't know how I feel about Danny’s hair.
Flame Car Scorpions
The 50s Aesthetic oh my god
“It was me, but it wasn’t me”  “Bitch wtf, Sandy ain’t taking yo shit, Danny”
*During Sports scene*  Tiny Shorts, also, shirtless men on the ground wrestling (Why can’t I go to this school)  Coach casually tries to sell track, then Danny proceeds to be an idiot and trip over a fucking hurdle
How is this movie rated G, teens are fucking and drinking?
“You can eat a lot, can’t you?” He says as she orders the EXACT SAME FUCKING THING THAT SHE DID, I wish my food would come that fast
“The kangaroo bop”
“Finish This!” lol splash bitch
“Your hair looks like an Easter Egg” Why is Easter egg head tripping?
*Beauty school Elvis encourages high school*
Okay, so I did this for an hour in the movie, but now I’m fucking tired.
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