#And if the other two are comfy with me sharing their identity as well; lemme know!! You deserve all da love and praise sjkgjsk
14dayswithyou · 1 year
PSA ! Wahhh thank you all sm for the coloured checkmarks!! They are so cute.... I love em ;v;
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dekudynamight · 6 years
This is dense but oh well. Top 5 favorite character qualities for Bucky, Steve, and Loki
…. Jesus okay lemme get comfy here cause this gon b awhile 😂I’ll start with Loki.
1. His love for his brother. They’ve been to hell and back and they’ve fought more than they’ve made up but heck if they’re not brothers before anything else and the most important person in each other’s life and their reconciliation in Ragnarok cleared my skin and watered my crops and cured the plague in my house
2. His love and devotion to his mother. They had such a special and sweet bond and he was such a little douche to her in TDW and I absolutely H A T E that his last words to her were that she’s not his mother like 😵😵😵stabbing me in the face would hurt less, not to mention I’ll forever be salty that he wasn’t allowed to go to her funeral and he found out she died from some stupid useless guard but ANYWAY he loved her so much and she loved him and believed in him and never stopped and I just have a lot of feelings about this 😭😭
3. His magic abilities/combat skills. I desperately wish we’d gotten to see more of both skill sets since primarily we got a lot of illusions and stabby-stabs, which, I mean, he’s dang good with both, but… I really wish we’d gotten to see the full extent of his abilities.
4. His wit. Dat silvertongue is no joke, and his sharp sense of humor and iconic quotes will always be my fave. Yes Mr. Loki, I was made to be ruled. You got me there 🤷🏻‍♀️
5. His slutty, slutty, slUTTY sluttiness. Yes, MCU Loki never got a love interest and the closest we got to any kind of canon romantic/sexual interaction was those hilariously uncomfortable few seconds of eye contact with the Grandmaster but it doesn’t even matter. He’s gloriously, beautifully, amazingly, unabashedly slutty and we all know it.
1. His selflessness 😭😭he’s a self-sacrificing idiot and never puts himself first (unless you count CW and throwing the entire planet in the trash for Bucky’s sake and I guess we can but… that’s literally the o n l y situation he’s ever acted selfishly in so 🤷🏻‍♀️) and I both love him and want to relentlessly shake him for it
2. His good heart. He’s just… he’s so good, to his core. He could never be anything else, I don’t think. He’s as incorruptible as a human being can get. He deserves so much more than what the MCU will ever give him 😭😭😭
3. His loyalty. Is your BFF really your BFF if they’re not willing to dump their team of superhero friends in the trash, renounce their own super identity, and go on the run as an international fugitive just so you can be free? Prob not honestly
4. His capacity for love. I think he and Loki share this, actually, in that when it comes to who he loves he loves them with his whole heart and will do anything in the world for them. Peggy, Bucky, Wanda… sigh. (And on that note, we all know he’d never flirt with Peggy’s niece AT PEGGY’S FUNERAL so let’s just ignore that under the Stupid-Ass-Decision precedent)
5. His depression/PTSD/anxiety. Sounds like an odd thing to choose as a favorite trait but honestly I don’t think it is because he embodies so many issues that we RL people deal with every day and his character is all the more inspirational for it. He can do it all day, and we can too. We just, ya know, shouldn’t jump out of planes without parachutes like he does 😬
1. His inherent goodness. He had his humanity and autonomy and complete sense of self systematically ripped out over and over again and yet Hydra had to tell him the work he was doing was good to keep him compliant. And even then he showed doubts and didn’t believe them. They literally could not kill the goodness in him and I love him so much 😭😭😭
2. His independence. While some folks think he relies completely on Steve and lacks agency, instead I see a character who lived fully on his own for two years preCW, getting by and slowly rediscovering himself, and then later on in Wakanda, chose to back into cryo to protect both himself and others and then upon waking up and being healed, thrived on his own with only sporadic visits from Steve. He’s his own man, his own character, and every time he’s followed Steve into battle it’s been his own choice.
3. His overall personality. He’s flirty, he’s funny, he’s charming and incredibly human. He’s my favorite character to write hands down and I may never be sick of him 😂
4. His loyalty. If his and Steve’s roles were reversed he’d do the same for him and Steve’s said as much. I love them 😭😭😭
5. His hair. Does hair count?? Because… God I love that hair. I don’t even care that it was a wig in IW. ITS MY CURRENT MOOD, SEXUALITY, TEA, AND EVERY OTHER DUMB CLICHE ALL ROLLED INTO ONE 😂
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Hiya! Would you mind doing a writing with either Genji or McCree when they have lazy day at home with their s/o? Like whichever one you choose they just have a nice sweet day with their s/o and maybe they cuddle and kiss em a bit? :0c Keep up the good work running this blog!!!!
((A/N - sorry for the break! 24 hours does not seem like enough hours in a day eugh))
Something soft stroked your cheek. You leaned into the touch, moaning softly. It travelled up the side of your face, combing through your hair. You opened one eye and saw sunlight flittering through the window. You promptly closed your eyelid, groaning and rolling over so you were facing away from the light. You heard a chuckle from above you. You peeked over your shoulder to see Genji sitting upright on the bed, leaning against a pillow with his hand still tangled in your locks.
“Come back. I was enjoying that.”
You mumbled incoherently into your pillow.
You sighed. You lay on your front with your head facing your boyfriend.
“Better?” You said, voice still slightly muffled from the awkward angle.
“Yes, thank you.”
You relaxed into his hand, which was now massaging your scalp. The touch travelled down to your nape, the heavenly feeling of your neck being massaged while your hair being played with was keeping you in a drowsy state. You managed to worm your hand out from underneath your body, curling it up and placing it by Genji’s hip, your fingers lightly drifting over his exposed skin.
A grunt escaped your throat.
“Would you like some breakfast?”
You hummed in response. You had ended up falling asleep early last night, having to make Genji carry you from the sofa to the bed. However, falling asleep early also meant you missed out on dinner and you could feel your stomach slightly rumbling.
“Stay.” Your boyfriend commanded.
You weren’t in any position to say no. You were far too relaxed, stretching out like a lazy cat. The sun was warm on your bare skin not being covered by the duvet. You felt Genji climb out of bed and his little tapping all the way to the kitchen. He made noise mostly for you. Him being a ninja meant he had conditioned himself to not make noise, but after the one time you genuinely nearly shat yourself after he tried to surprise you he had made a promise to himself to make his whereabouts known to you.
Clanging came from the kitchen, no doubt the cupboard full of pots and pans was opened and it all came tumbling to the floor. You gently snorted to yourself at the thought. Genji belonged in the kitchen as much as a bull in a china shop. The two just clashed. It made you smile to think he was going to the effort to please you, though.
You dozed off into sleep, hearing a frustrated groan every now and then from the other room. Only moments seemed to pass and you were being woken by a rather enthusiastic Genji, holding a tray in one hand the other shaking your shoulder.
“Breakfast in bed.” He proudly announced.
You grinned at him. Eagerly sitting up, you looked at what he made for you. A glass of orange juice, a slice of toast with butter, a crispy rasher of bacon, fluffy scrambled eggs and two of the most juiciest sausages you had ever seen. There was also a second identical plate for him.
“Wow, I’m amazed.”“You are welcome, (Y/N).”
You leaned over and pecked him on the cheek.
“Thank you, my love.”
You were genuinely surprised with how well Genji had cooked your food. He took your plate from you when you were finished and scuffed out to the kitchen.
You threw the covers off of you and decided to throw on something comfortable. It was a lazy day today; no work, no plans, no nothing. Just you and Genji to relax. Throwing on a baggy t-shirt and some underwear, you walked into the living room and plopped yourself down on the couch.
Genji came up behind and ruffled your hair before placing himself next to you. You lay down, head resting on his lap.
“What would you like to watch?” He asked, flicking on the television. “Anything. Even if it’s that daytime telly crap.”He looked down at you, amused. You shot up a smug grin before laughing to yourself.
You loved lazy days. Especially with Genji.
You were flat on your back on the floor of yours and Jesse’s shared apartment, arms and legs spread out.
“Please, no more.” You begged, panting.
You were looking up at your boyfriend who was standing over you triumphantly, feet apart and hands on his hips.
“I can do this all day, sweetheart.”
You groaned. For the last half an hour or so you had been trying to escape your apartment. You had told Jesse there were just a few e-mails you had to send and then you’d be straight back. He, however, had other plans. Every time you tried to get up he would be all over you, digging his fingers into your ribs, armpits, thighs, where ever he could reach. You were incredibly ticklish, which was an absolute nightmare for you.
“I just need to run to my office and-”
You couldn’t even finish your sentence before he crouched down and had his large hands hovering over your dishevelled top.
“You done?” His eyebrows were raised, eyes daring you to say another word.“Please?” You whined.
He grinned wolfishly, baring his teeth.“Wrong answer, doll.”
He instantly wiggled his fingers on your ribs, making you scream while laughing. He was not relenting, you tried curling into a ball only to give him access to another area he could tickle you. Your breath became short, trying to whack his hands away and plead with your boyfriend at the same time. Only when he saw tears rolling down the side of your face did he take his hands away and sit back on his heels.
“It’s your day off, (Y/N). Work can wait.”
You brought a hand up to the corner of your eye to wipe away a tear.
“Okay. I’ll stop trying to leave.”“You sure?”“Yes.”“S'posed to be a lazy day, (Y/N).”
You sighed, slumping back into your original starfish position.
“Y'need t'learn how to switch off.”
Your eyebrows creased, frowning at the cowboy.
“Go sit on the couch ‘nd lemme look after ya.”
You lifted your hand slowly, scared to make any sudden movements which made Jesse chuckle. He took your hand and lifted you off the ground with ease. You stumbled into his arms, encasing you in a bear hug. Jesse smelt like coffee, tobacco and gunpowder. You took in a deep breath, associating him with what is now your home.
“You okay, doll?”
You nodded, not bothering to be vocal. It would have been muffled by his chest anyway. You let out a little cry as you realised his hug was a ploy to get you to the couch, your toes now only skimming the ground as Jesse waddled over. He gently placed you down and and pushed you, making you topple over. You huffed at him, crossing your arms.
He plopped himself next to you, wiggling around to get comfy. He flung his arm over your shoulder and brought you in close so you were laying on his chest, peppering kisses onto the top of your head.
“Now, stay with me. Don’t want you runnin’ off.”
You hummed, amused. Your hum turned into a mewl when he started scratching your head, your body becoming limp and relaxing into his embrace.
“There we go, sweetpea. Di'n’t I say I’d take care o’ ya?”
You kept silent, only letting out a reluctant, 'mmhm’ when he briefly took his hand away.
Jesse reached over and switched on the television with the remote, flicking through channels. It was for background noise more than anything, you halfway to going back to sleep because of how relaxed you were.
You hadn’t realised you had dozed off until you were being woken by a southern drawl. You buried your face into his stomach and wrapped your arms around his waist.
“Darlin’, I need to make us lunch.” He repeated, laughter behind his voice.
It was indeed a lazy day, one that you had needed for a while. The thing you loved about Jesse was that he could make you switch off from work. You loved him for it.
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