#And i realised that i am in fact just a lesbian and thats fine and i dont have to eventually be with a man
giverofempathy · 1 year
hello everyone how have you all been doing 🥹🫶🏻🩷
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bi-robins-club · 4 years
jason had just settled onto his couch with a jane austen novel and his favourite peach iced tea when damian crept in through his window. he sighed internally and decided to simply ignore him. he had told damian to use the front door (nevermind the fact that jason rarely used the door) and more importantly? he was freaking comfortable. after a few minutes as jason flipped idly through the book, damian cleared his throat. jason sighed again, outwardly this time and reluctantly dragged his eyes up to his youngest brother. baby bat was shivering slightly from the rain outside and jason simply rasied an eyebrow as he sipped at his tea. scowling, dami stomped over to jasons bathroom to dry off. he rolled his eyes. how dramatic. damian was acting like he sentenced titus and alfred the cat to their deaths instead of how he was actually saving jason from deep cleaning his rain soaked carpet. (he was still going to deep clean the carpet the next time he tidied up but still)
when damian stalked back into the room, looking less like a wet, angry kitten and more like a dry, angry kitten, jason titled his head back and established eye contact.
"so what brings you over to my neck of the woods, demon spawn?"
instead of snapping back like jason expected, damian simply stood there looking extremely uncomfortable. he shuffled his feet, opened his mouth then closed it and sat next to jason on the couch he splurged way too much on.
"i don't know how to tell you this" dami began, hesitant "but i believe harper is experiencing thoughts of suicide"
jason jerked up, almost knocking over his tea (and what a damn waste that would be) before fixing damian with a look. he hadnt noticed anything different in roy lately but he knew more than anyone that depression acted strangely and was hard to pinpoint. his mind raced with thoughts of why roy might be suddenly suicidal, from a sudden relapse to not getting a happy meal toy included in his 3.99 box of clogged arteries. "why do you say that, damian?"
"i have been keeping an eye on his health since he became a close confidant to you and last night he said something worrying that i am still not able to parse the meaning of" jason smiled lightly at that, in damian speak he was basically declaring that he cared for roy- if for nothing else than for how happy he made jason. still he shook it off and asked what roy had said that was worrying dami.
"he was patrolling last night" jason knew that. roy had been picking up his patrols since jason had a nasty leg wound. it was the reason he wasn't out tonight. "and he was on the phone with an unknown person, though i am inclined to believe it was either Starfire or Canary" okay, still not surprising "and then he said that the only place he could die happy was between your thighs" oh hello blue screen. yes jasons mind was in the middle of rebooting but could you hurry it along? he almost missed what damian said next. "not only does he wish for death upon himself, he wishes for you to give it to him!"
"damian" jason managed, frantically trying to figure out a way to explain to his baby brother without including his sex life. "uhh its just an expression"
damians face brightened up slightly. "really? he does not wish to smother himself between your thighs?"
"yeah, its like...like just a way to say... mind your business? mmhmm" he struggled to get out, pulling an explanation out of his ass.
"you have told father to mind his business a thousand times but i dont recal you ever using that one. is it new?"
oh god. jason would rather die again than continue this conversation.
"uhh its only used if you're close to someone" jason didnt know what he didnt wrong but dami's eyes widened in clear worry. "i thought you and father were reconnecting? has something happened? are you fighting again?"
well shit. jason had not thought this one through. fuck roy and fuck his mile wide kink that centered around jasons thighs. he was going to kill him. and he wouldnt even use his thighs. "oh nonono dami we're fine, just not as close as me and roy" he hedged, pleading to gods he didnt believe in to stop this conversation with whatever means necessary. strike him dead if need be but *please*. damians eyes narrowed "and exactly how close are you with harper, jason?" jason stared in disbelief. how had his nice relaxing evening turned into such a shitshow? damian was fine with roy when he and jason were just friends but now that he was (correctly) assuming a relationship, his over protective instincts were kicking in? christ. he remembered how when dick and babs finally started dating (again), damian seemingly lost all respect for her and called her an evil harlot more than once.
thankfully he was saved by answering in the form of the best person jason had ever met aka duke thomas. he announced his presence by awkwardly coughing. jason met his dark eyes and mouthed 'help me' over damians head. duke smiled as if it was getting pulled out of him by torture but nodded.
"hey dames, dick wanted you to join him by the docks when you finished up here" damian scowled "cant you see i am clearly not finished yet"
"hah, well dick was facing up against scarecrow and i think he needed some back up but you know him"
"yes, he wont admit he needs help when he very clearly does" damian sighed "very well, ill go check on dick. you stay and question jason. " and with that damian clambered out the window and after he disappeared from sight, jason threw his head back to stare at his ceiling and groaned. duke laughed at him.
"hey daisy duke?" duke grumbled at the nickname and jason cracked a smile "how did you know i needed back up?" duke winced and ran a hand over his dreads. he made a face and jasons soul was slowly draining out of his body. "oh haha funny story" duke rocked back on his feet and faked laughed "damians com was still connected to the channel" jason froze.
"who was on the channel oh my god" duke smiled thinly and his hand paused on his head. "other than me? everyone." jason buried his head in his hands and let out a high pitched whine. duke consolingly rubbed his shoulder. this is why jason loved him. he hadn't even laughed at jason like tim, dick or steph would or started plotting death like damian started to. he and cass would just offer support. jasons favorite brother and sister right here folks. duke sat down beside him
"listen. i know what it's like to be outed when youre not ready and when i heard damian grilling you about roy, i thought i would help" jason turned and stared at his brother. duke was staring at his hands and avoiding eye contact. "i got caught with a boy when i was 15 in high school. its pretty shitty to be gay and poor in a homophobic neighbourhood but its worse to be gay, poor and black." jason knocked shoulders with him. "if you tell me the name of whatever asshat outed you, I'll shoot him for you." duke let out a waterly laugh. "they kept bullying me for being gay but if they even listened, they would have realised that im pan" he joked "its a completely different thing after all". jason snorted
"that was horrible"
duke winced "yeah, it was wasnt it. im bad at this" it was jasons turn to avoid eye contact now.
"talia once caught me with a league operative. a male operative. i was so paranoid for days until i caught shiva leaving her rooms. i got the courage to tell her i was bi and she just patted my cheek and asked how my training was going."
duke huffed out a laugh. "bruce gives you shit but i for one think your lesbians moms are cool"
jason laughed with him "just wait until you meet Ducra. shes a badass"
"ducra?" he questioned with a weird look. "how many moms do you actually have? i knew about diana and your assassin moms but thats a new name" jason burst into laughter at the expression on dukes face. "its not fair man. steph is the only other one with a mom and you have four! you need to share" jason choked on his laughter and shoved duke.
"first of all, its only *three*. ducra is like my badass abuela"
"dont you already have a badass grandma? have you forgotten about Ma Gunn? she threatened to shoot bruce in the dick last week!"
"yes well excuse you i need strong female role models in my life, fuck you" the two of them continued to joke around for a little while longer before jason caught a flash of black kelvar outside his window and sighed. duke followed his eyes and smiled before patting jasons shoulder and pushing off. "have fun with the one strong male role model in your life. im going to see if cass needs help" both of them knew that cass wouldn't need help but jason accepted the excuse for what it was. "me and steph are still coming over to study tomorrow. college is kicking my ass and i need you to explain this English assignment to me"
jason scoffed "im not writing your essay for you"
"eh worth a try. bye jace" duke gave a two fingered salute and slipped out the window. jason took the brief reprieve to sip his tea and mourned when he discovered the ice had melted and watered down the peach taste. for the third time that night, someone crept into his window. oh well. third times the charm right? jason wasn't going to acknowledge bruce until he said something himself. it was a repeat of damian. jasom read his book as it got increasingly uncomfortable.
"bruce" jason drawled, not lifting his eyes from his book. bruce grunted like the neanderthal he was and jason finally huffed out a heaving breath before marking his page and looking up. bruce looked supremely uncomfortable. actually his face looked exceedingly neutral but jason knew how to read bruce and that was the brow furrow of how do i deal with jason without fucking it up? jason was well famailairsed with that one.
"you know i love you" jasons own eyebrows rose. bruce only said 'i love you' like four times a year tops. and he usually never wasted it on jason. bruce deflated at whatever face jason must have made. goddamn it. this was why jason always fought with bruce with his helmet on, he couldnt control his facial expressions for shit. "no you dont know that." bruce smiled thinly and to jasons suprise, quickly crossed the room and knelt, placing his hands on jasons shoulders.
"even if you dont believe it, and its my own fault that you do and i hate that i ever caused you to even doubt my love for you, i swear that i do, jay lad" jason was completely frozen. he had expected bruce to yell at him for letting roy go unchecked on patrol last night and how irresponsible he was yada yada, not this declaration of feelings that he had no clue how to deal with. he couldnt remember the last time bruce called him that. it had to have been when he was still in those scaly green panties and pixie boots. and not the adult verison that jason picked up from a halloween store on a whim just to see roys eyes.
bruce sighed and drew jason into a hug. when bruces shoulder started getting wet, jason was horrified to realise he was crying. "i wanted you to know that i wouldnt love you any less for loving a man. but you have to know that i love you in the first place for that to happen" bruce said self deprecating.
"shut the fuck up" jason said sniffling and gripping his dads back. "i hate you"
bruce laughed softly at him before pressing a kiss to the side of jasons head. "i want you to know that i expect roy-and you- over at dinner on sunday. i need to meet the man that stole my babys heart" he murmured. jason laughed wetly "youve already met roy, you just want to con me into actually coming to family dinner"
bruce smiled "that was before i knew you two were dating. roy needs to know what hes getting into" jason leaned back enough to stare into bruces eyes and weakly punched him in the chest "dont threaten my boyfriend. he refused to look at me for two weeks after t was done with him" bruce sighed longingly "its times like this when i remember what caused me to love talia in the first place."
"bruce!" the aforementioned man laughed and hugged jason tightly before stepping back a few steps. "Sunday dinner. you and roy. 8 pm." on a whim jason reached out and snagged bruces hand. "hey" he started, swallowing "you wanna stay for a while? we could watch a movie or something" bruces eyes softened and he nodded. "let me change out of the suit."
and if roy had crept in after patrol only to see jason napping on his dads chest to a shitty action movie playing in the background and took several pictures, well that bruces fault for not waking up when roy stumbled it. (nevermind the fact that bruce had every single one of those pictures saved on his phone) (nevermind the fact that after roy put his phone away, he was greeted to the sight of batman glaring at him as he twisted a batarang around his fingers. it was sorta ruined by the fact that jasons curls was hiding the lower half of his face but roy was still adequately terrified)
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readingisthenewcool · 6 years
@ all the people getting mad at tdp for killing off an Asian woman and 2 lesbians and their "lack of representation"
First, I don't mean to offend anyone in this post, this is just my view on it, if you don't believe in my opinion after reading this post, that's totally fine and I hope that you get the representation that you want and deserve in the future!! Also, I think if you read this, you're also probably going to assume that I cruise by on white privilege however I am not straight, I'm half asian and a woman so don't make this about perception.
Now, on to the post. While I was kind of upset that Sarai's death (I mean, we all knew that it was coming), I was not at all bothered by the fact that she died saving Viren's life, other than the fact that it was fucking Viren. I just saw it as a loyal and kind person dying to save someone who would help 100,000 other lives, I wasn't thinking about race and gender aspects about it. The only reason why you're seeing this as an Asian woman dying for a white man is because you choose to see it that way, we don't even know what the different races are in this mythical land!!! You could simply watch the tv show thats target audience is kids and see what the writers wanted you to see (someone sacrificing themself for the benefit of thousands) rather than read between the lines when you really didn't need to.
As for the death of the queens, I really think that such a reaction is, again, unnecessary. While "burying the gays" is quite often a trope *cough* Voltron *cough* I really don't think that's what was happening here. Think about how many couples we were introduced to in season two, there was the whole Callum and Claudia mess which doesn't really count in my head, Harrow and Sarai, and finally, the two queens of Duren (sorry, I can't remember their names). And even saying this, you could argue that they were actually the only couple introduced since all of the characters in the other couples were either in season one or at least mentioned. The writers clearly wanted to have a strong and young female character to be a queen that z-snaps Viren into his place. They probably already had the idea of her having dead parents before they began even writing the scenes because it's such a big part of the storyline and why she eventually turns down Viren's call for help. At least from my perspective, this is so clearly different to randomly add in a character for one of the main characters of the same sex to fall in love with only to have them killed. The writers didn't want to add unnecessary romance to the story but when they saw an opening for them to have a couple, they decided to add in some representation (While saying this though, I still am so supportive of revealing that characters are gay halfway through or towards the end of a series, it just has to feel natural though to get my approval).
Also think about how much diversity there already is!! One half asian prince? YES. One half asian/African king? YES. Asian queen and African king beimg the best rulers ever? YES YES YES. A hella badass female that's an army commander and is also deaf? FUCK YESSSSS and so many others and also think about anyone remotely evil is white so it's a great representation of real life.
One more thing to add about representation that pretty much applies to any tv show, movie or book is that representation and diversity of all races, genders, sexualities and religions (within context of course), is super important!!! It's terrible to have barely any representation in whatever your media form is, however, it's better to be none than to have token minorities - putting in POC and LGBT+ people for brownie points or just to fill in plain stereotypes. However you need to realise that most, if not all shows and movies aren't going to be able to add every single sexuality, gender and race because there's just too many. So it's fine to chuck in a couple white people as long as they aren't too overpowering. It's not about fighting for dominance, it's about fighting for equality.
So, to conclude, I think that the dragon prince season two was just so amazing that people couldn't find anything else to complain about so they took a dig on the representation in the ensemble.
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the-queer-look · 5 years
flannel scarf and glitter hairspray
Age: 25
Sexuality: Demisexual, Lesbian
Gender: Genderfluid
Occupation: Banking – postgrad english major
Location: Campsie
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I like to present myself in an androgynous way. Most of my clothing is pretty masculine in the sense that I do prefer pants and a shirt for comfort reasons, but if it’s a hot day, I’ll wear a dress, and I don’t feel invalidated by that. I still enjoy slight touches of feminine influences in my life, and definitely don’t shy away from traditionally feminine colours or anything like that. I don’t use makeup, but mostly that’s because I don’t know how to use it, rather than not liking it. I’ll put on eyeliner and lipstick and be done. My girlfriend will suggest foundation or contouring, and I just say “nah I’m good” and don’t bother to learn. I have a glitter hairspray that I use to seal in my makeup on the few occasions I do try to use it, and it gives me a nice sparkle. Probably terrible for my skin though.
Growing up as a Muslim, I frequently get asked “When did you know?” in reference to being a lesbian, and when I came out to my friends I had a bit which I’d rehearsed to explain it. When I was around thirteen, this exchange student came to our school and I was very quickly drawn to her. She was very good at art, and a very cool person, which let me have the incredibly lesbian chat to myself of “I just want to be her best friend!” I remember writing specifically in my diary “I just want a best friend. Just friends, not gay.” we got really close, and I eventually came out to her, and told her that I liked her, and she was accepting of it, which was nice, and we both then had to manage our way around her realising that she was asexual, all while we were thirteen. Her being asexual wasn’t off-putting to me, I was just thirteen and didn’t know how to approach it. Hell, she didn’t know how to approach it, because she didn’t know the label for it.
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After that, I began to examine the relationships I’d had with other girls all my life. When I was very young, I remember thinking to myself “I wish I was a boy” because all of the boys in my class make my friends cry, and I think that if I were a boy, I could just make them happy, if I were a boy I’d know how to be better to them. But looking back at it I just… I was so gay, and just trying to be as straight about it as possible. I thought it would be fine if I were a boy, because then I would be allowed to like the girls and they would be happy with me. I also remember sitting in a circle in school and playing a spin the bottle truth or dare game, and always getting offended if someone didnt answer the obligatory “if anyone in our class was a boy, who would you date” question with me. If I was second choice? Offended hahaha.
I feel like there wasn’t much of a change in the way I presented myself from before realising I was gay to after, because I already accidentally dressed like a stereotypical lesbian. I guess I picked up a few extra flannels? And before it was just “I like flannel” and then became “flannel makes me gay, and gay people will know that im gay, and I wear a headscarf, so I need to let other gays know that I too am gay, so I will wear a flannel over my headscarf, and that will be my signal to all the other gays that I too am in fact gay.” and it worked great.
Realising that I was genderfluid was a much more drawn out process. When I turned eighteen I started to enjoy it when people would mistake me for a boy, I was beginning to dress very androgynously, my voice is deeper than an average cis girl, y’know. After I took off my scarf and got na undercut, people would mistake me even more. I eventually went and made a facebook account using the name Adrian, a close anagram of my dead name because I wanted to have an online space where I could be me and apart from my family. But then people who I knew in real life who’d added my new profile started calling me Adrian to my face and at first I, or my girlfriend at the time would correct them, but soon I realised that I kinda liked it, and I’d like to just go by Adrian. And that started to lead me to the point where I was examining my gender, and learning about different terms for trans and intersex people, and I thought that maybe nonbinary would be cool. I thought for a long time that I might just be a trans boy, but I also really didn’t want to go through the transition process, I’ve never wanted to go on testosterone, or have top surgery, or be wholly one of the boys. I’ve always felt comfortable in the little inbetween between boys and girls, the concept of gender as a spectrum is a very positive one for me, and I like existing somewhere on that spectrum. Genderfluid feels most comfortable for me right now, I like being able to embrace both my masculine and feminine side at will, and it suits the changing nature of my personality, and I hate the idea of sticking in the box of binary gender.
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I feel like my presentation changed after realising my genderfluidity. Not so much in embracing my masculinity, but instead in embracing my femininity. I had always felt like maybe I couldnt be feminine because of how llong id spent dressig in a traditionally masculine style, but after realising that I was genderfluid, I made an effort to express that side of myself, and to not be boxed in by conventions.
I feel like stereotypes can be a bit of fun I the lesbian community, like when I was just coming out and still dressing as a very muslim woman, flannels were honestly my godsend, I felt gay even though I didnt look gay, I could just have the flannel on with my scarf and identify myself to the community. But at the same time there are a lot of stereotypes that I don’t like – there’s a lot of biphobia, based on bisexuals wanting to have fun with girls, but not settle down with girls. And that sort of negative stereotype annoys me because it’s just gatekeeping at that point, by saying that you cant really be into girls if you’re also into guys. It also invalidates the experiences of everyone who had to practice compulsory heteronormativity when they were kids, because we were always told that boys being with girls was the default, and that was what we were supposed to go for. Some people’s lesbian inner voice isnt as loud as other peoples, they would have dated men, but that doesn’t make them any less gay than anyone else. I hate the idea of gold star lesbians, just because you havent slept with a man doesnt make you better than someone who doesnt. I’ve never slept with a man, but I dont feel more valid than anyone else, if anything I feel less valid because they at least have had the experience to know that they’re definitively gay. When they’re in a bit of fun, stereotypes can be fun, but when they turn that corner into something toxic, it becomes a real problem which we need to be much more vocal about criticising and removing from society.
I feel like there are more and more mainstream shows that are coming out and showing positive representations of the LGBT experience. They do lean on stereotypical looks for their characters, but I feel like thats just visual shorthand so they dont have to do a lot of work with the characters, and can just front load a lot of their personality through their outfits.
I know for a fact that the internet is and will continue to be an incredible resource for queer people, as it gives us a chance to create a safe space to explore our identities in private. I for one wouldnt have even known that lesbianism was a thing without the internet because of my sheltered upbringing.
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faunusrights · 6 years
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when will one of these chapters start with ‘wow murphy’s gonna love this and rly enjoy themself’ WHEN IT IS. I HAVE TO KNOW.
okay i am Recognising this chapter so we’re not quite yet in untouched, completely Feral territory which is. nice. thats nice. i like it when i know what im working w/ but who the kell hnows.
Something nagged at her. A forgotten thing. She thought hard, but even so, it took a long moment for her to remember.
me when i go to my room to fetch my dishes for the washing machine but i get sidetracked by my dog being cute and then i forget and go back downstairs and remember the dishes and then i come back up but my dog is still there and i forget again-
Glynda’s hunting instincts were primed, the only part of her that worked with absolute clarity, even now.
this is why she hasn’t noticed cinder’s flirting, the fool, the blithering idiot,
In the split second before she faded from consciousness, she smelled ash, the foreign Aura within her flaring until she could taste it: burning flesh and steady decay. Then it disappeared, fizzling out.
hm. is it a callout to say this is. romantic. this is kinda romantic. hey is this? gay? i think its gay. im gonna settle on it.
its gay.
When she awoke the next morning, it was like pulling herself from some great void,
for some reason THAT was the fingergun that made me spill juice all over my keyboard i see how it is
Then she remembered that at Beacon, her blood usually stayed inside her body.
im thriving for this weird observation. you know when you wake up somewhere new like a hotel or smthng and for a moment yr like ‘where am i’ and u figure it out thru like. normal fucking means. like oh thats not my duvet oh thats not my ceiling oh thats not where my window is-
and then glynda has to judge her location by how much blood of hers is spilled in it. this bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHE GOT ONE BRAINCELL AND OFFAL HUNT IS THE THESIS TO PROVE IT-
It was the room she’d all but dissembled in after getting her ass kicked and then saved by Cinder Fall.
sorry im going HOG WILD on quotes but these new lines r SO GOOD and im LIVING for them....................... like until now we’ve had glynda goodwitch, terrifying unstoppable woman and occasional dipshit. now shes all dipshit. just 100% pure dipshit. spread her on a field and you couldnt tell her from the manure. a complete buffoon.
that said its nice to see glynda using her Brainmess for once... i mean she still wont be able to put an otherwise fuck-ton of clues together still because that requires, the ability to multitask, which is surely does not have, but finally she’s taking five fuckin minutes to let herself go ‘well THATS weird’.
There had only been a stirring of life along those red-vein tattoos, swirling just along the cut of Cinder’s dress.
im enjoying the new ‘sexey tattoos’ slant we’re seein in this remaster it was a real shame they didnt get primetime attention last time.
also glynda Why Ya Lookin,
she’d be a heretic to the Law of Semblances twice-over,
I May Not Know My Semblances, But I Know A Bitch When I See One!
For the first time in years, Glynda wanted to set everything aside and rest.
we stan a sleepy bitch................ ugh im so glad she’s finally realising she needs 2 give herself some mfing slack!!!!!!!!!!!!!! because as much as im enjoying the Dragfest she rly needs to. chill.
When she finally emerged from the bathroom, a towel around her waist and her dirty clothes balled in her hands,
look i didnt make this blog to lie that my first reaction to this was tilting my head and going ‘tiddy out? tiddy? is the tiddy out? tiddy?’
look women look hotter doing all the things guys do and this is fact i wont sit down and i Wont Shut Up
No more rushing ahead and getting herself torn up for nothing.
thats a Good One, Glynda,
Winter Schnee had the pale white hair of her bloodline, and the sharp features of the famously reclusive Willow Schnee.
As Ozpin had said, she was twice the age of the younger Schnee daughter, and her blue eyes held all the acuity that age had brought her.
i made a Sound at this i CAN SEE WHAT YOU DID. I SEE IT. I SEE IT,
A single photo hung on the wall next to a placard detailing some kind of award. Glynda pushed her glasses up on her nose to get a better look. Though it had the appearance of a family photo, only the women of the Schnee family were present, Willow and Weiss flanking a newly ranked Winter.
why am i being targeted directly anyway
safdjhgfsdajgh WINTER,....... im still. im Love w/ this main bitch finally... Finally.... i love winter in offal hunt so fuckign much and im so glad she’s here and that we’re getting more details because AAAAAAAAAAAAAA i love her!!!!!!!!!
also i cant.... say anything because spoilers..... but also............. NNNNNNN this convo has just. so much behind it. SO MUCH CONTEXT. its Killing Me,
A strange expression crossed Winter’s expression. It looked like how bruises felt.
im losing my fucking mind rn diesel and kc are going right to hell and they know it but do they care???????????? no. they already are the devil,
okay i went silent for ages and read ahead because i screamed in discord for like ten minutes and it looked like this
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so YEAH theres that, i guess,
Instead, it only filled her with deep unease. Glynda didn't know what Cinder’s game was, but it was becoming clear that it did not align with her own. And the more she thought about it, the less she understood. The less she understood, the more wary she became.
cinder: i wanted to tell this girl i liked her so i wrote her a note that said get out of my desert,
im rly thrivin in this chap i already said it but we’re rly jumping into the meat n bones of the Plot now and its a Good Plot so im excited!!!!!!!!!
“Yes, I think you’ll like her!”
“she’s a lesbian, like you, so maybe her distinguished energy will chill your dysfunctional energies out-”
Glynda pressed her lips; she needed a delicate hand here, needed to carefully choose a response which would divert Ozpin away from the topic. “No reason.”
YES MY FAV LINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is Big Me and literally this is MAYBE the best and also funniest line in this entire shitshow remembers the Pasta Bit and /sweats
i also rly enjoy glynda n ozs friendship... i mean im out here remembering the glynda/ozpin/cinder fic so i was already sold on all their interactions but its rly good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GLYNDAS BEST FRIEND MAY BE 200 YEARS OLD BUT GOD DAMN IT WHEN WILL YR BFF EVER BE THERE FOR U LIKE THAT,
theres a Bit here im not gonna go into but. honestly once u kno how offal hunt basically ends? Its Sad and Im Sad. i hate how knowing this whole thing just inflects on everything else and everything glynda wants and honestly this whole fic sucks. why am i reading this AGAIN.
“I have faith in you, Glynda. But there are terrible things that can be done to a person even without killing them.”
we’ve popped the first sad fingerguns but also What The Literal Fuck, Oz,
“Come and catch me, then.”  
im LAUGHING this is much better than the first version because this is SUCH a cinder-brand of shit to say dsfjhgfds she’s SUCH A SHIT-STIRRER but i love her,
“She’s just sent me something. My Scroll is working fine, but I think it’s safe to assume she knows what we’re discussing.”
“What did she send you?”
“An invitation.”
oh finally glynda works out the whole CCT business JHGDSFSDF i wonder if cinder knew shed figure it out or saw her msgs to oz and went ‘ah shit well’
BUT YEAH..... DATE! DATE! DATE! HOT DATE WITH CINDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i am. VERY excited as many of u will remember i made a prime shitpost abt That Chap back in the day and ill have 2 REDRAW IT!!!!!!!!! POPPIN BOTTLES!!!!!!!!!!!!
anyway this chapter sucked and was also very good in equal measure. as it is Wont,
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joseyfeli1-blog · 7 years
This is it. Halloween 2017
So this Halloween (sadly) i will not dress up. But i will strip down, Ayyyyy!!
alright back to business. Sexuality, Identity, and least important of this bunch, Biological Sex.
This post is for my blog and to be written down. I am still closeted, which i only will tell people that i believe will not care so much about this info. Serisouly in my life, it isnt a huge thing for me.
So it has come to me, throughout this year i really shouldn’t say i am cisgender, and heterosexual. And for me that was strange for me to be so okay with. Yet it wasn’t of how accepting and how much i love myself. No. it is truly cause i knew i wasn’t but never went to go check up the lgbt+ shit, and didn’t care about this stuff. But here i am, caring about myself (how do i feel about that? ehh). Sexuality was never something i cared to bring up/talk about, but Senior year (high school) and im just realizing that from past experiences that, yeah, it is more complicated than - hetero, cis. Yeah no, mostly all my lifes explanations are paragraphs, or essays. long story short, This post is really not for the people who would support me (though Thank You so much) and also not for me to accept me. Again I never cared for my sexuality and i still dont, but since i might get asked, and i would like an straight(Hah!) answer.Okay so here it is…
A big thing this is. Most explanation will be put into this (not for people to believe me, just so its written somewhere). I want to be identifyed as Genderfluid, three genders, Male, Female, and Non-Binary. For friends on here, dont worry im fine with the pronouns and or whatever you all me. I enjoy no remembering that im biologically male, but i understand people wont care for me in the future. Plus about 17 years of it, kind of numbs you to caring about the pronoun game. So why identify as genderfluid and not be cisgendered? Well for me i am self aware that i depreciate myself (all the fucking time) and some part of it was, so i mustnt hate myself enough to realise i should accept the idea of me being identified as the other two genders. So i thought about, i hate most masculine shit. feminine shit? Love a lot of it! Shit with no gender?  Cool as fuck. So why be filtered Josey? why not embrace this threepeice mofo? 
Why do i believe myself to be these genders?/ Why identify as them?
picture a triple Venn diagram please? Male, Female, Non-Binary.
Why male? i WILL NOT degrade the beauty of the other two genders to have me as a full addition. (self-depreciation, i know, again self aware af) 
Why Female? They all are strong as H E L L! to be apart of them, thats a nice thought. Plus ive had a front row seat of how most common men act towards women and i will not be apart of those asses(i am a different kind of asshole, but that is for another post, not the time right now) I never liked the way how most people talk about how lesbians are only hot and the they are sexualized, THEN! when they bring it up! everyone calls them crazy and disregards the actions of sexualizing women loving women.
Why Non-Binary? They have no need for being either common gender, Awesome! in my opinion. The fact that i never cared for my gender  through my young life, speaks out to me, not loudly, but i know i barely care for the thing in between my pants, regardless my bio sex. In fact, i wont have memories of me being called specific pronouns and shit where i feel nostalgia over them, you wanna know why? Cause i dont remember being called a boy and enjoying it! i just remember having a great time with video games or walking around the houses ive been in.
Seriously days go by without me acknowledging that im male, so in my opinion no it doesn’t matter to me what people think of me, nor if they will support my identifications. Hence, Genderfluid, not trans, not just Non-binary. But three halves, to make a whole.
Alright the simpler part of this post. So when growing up, media, my family, myself, just thought it was okay for making me believe that: Yes! i am hetero! i like women! and it is okay how many are being degraded!
took me a second, but luckily i do not think that at all anymore. (for people that are going to argue me, realize that: too bad if im wrong! i aint changing this post for you!) Now sadily it took me tim eto notice how heteros i knew/ know think its fine how they think so lowly of the people they find sexually attractive, but opinions opinions! so i digress.
I am DemiPansexual (and probs demiromantic, not the time to figure that shit out yet.;p)
Demisexual- Part of the Ace spectrum, you are sexually attracted to no one other than people you have created such powerful bonds with, the immensity or lack of strong bond is obviously individual preference.
Pansexual- People sexually attracted to people whom are themselves as much as possible. See People, we dont care for biological sex, identity, or sexual orientation of whomever we feel attracted to sexually. Again personal reference is what you are looking towards other people (or yourself? who nows? some freaky narcissistics out there, @rapforeminem im looking at You!:p). For me, people being themselves the most, and me seeing them sexually attractive because of it- That (again for me) is someone living their life where they cant stop learning themselves and aspiring to be themselves as we all know, we gonna die soon. the fact is (in my opinion), People dont change, they adapt and grow. They become what their soul is. i believe that souls know what we will become, hopes that we discover all 100% of ourselves, i pray to know all of me, but im also scared, so i will not try to really go out for the answer, if it happens, it happens, and cool too. To see someone be themselves and embrace it, brightens my mood. seeing their bright eyes, makes me bite my lip (like a loser and/or fangirl, lol), it makes me feel good/ special to be there for it. it is special and sweet. anyhow, i hate seeing people as sexual objects, i know i very much did before, but for me, it was normalized! for me! i am justifying me right now, im justifying when i didn’t know that was not how i like to think and act.
DemiPansexual- So why use both? Well, i shouldn’t call myself/ use the ace spectrum to use for myself, again big respect for each one of them, because  i have seen people that i didn’t have/ picture of having a profound bond with. And I love the soul of others, they’re so pretty! Especially when they are really unfiltered.
now because i am pansexual, doesn’t mean i have to seek out the entire soul of another to be even a tiny bit sexually attracted to them. That is my opinion. This Whole Fucking post is my god damned opinion, why type and post it? it will give me god damn peace broham. having something written, helps me cope, so in a sense, this helps me be me, acceot myself and my complicated sexuality/identity.
So for people whom talk, or want to talk to me (there is no line for that), and dont know how to talk to me aafter i come out, just notice, i never really talked about myself in these ways before! i never really cared, i am numb to how poeple just saw a straight regular boi. GOD do i wish it was that simple, literally over an hour typing this shit! But of course to end it,
Biological sex
i am boi
Alright that is it! Hahaha, okay so this is going out at 2:00 am in texas time, but 12:00am (Halloween) for westcoast of the united states. ill reblog during the day of Halloween. not to advertise myself, but for people that want a coming out post, and or support me no matter what (thank you again, love you lot) i identify as.
Oh and i understand that there are so many! so many spectrums and other shit, so if you read all this, or just feel like im incorrect and ou are in fact more intelligent in this subject than me and try to tell me “that i am actually something else”, or “there is a better title for you” i wont listen right now, im fucking exhuasted okaying this post as is, ill check on myself and the wikipedia if I feel the need to. And if you do not beileive or disagree with any part of my coming out shtuff, talk to me directly, no need to hurt my supporters, followers, people i follow, random Tumblr users, and especially mutuals( I Love you guys! MWAH!). Message ME that im wrong or dont exist! not the people that had no idea this post was being done! give me your hate! im cool with it! I Will allow it!
Anyway! Happy mother fucking Halloween California! Have a safe and fun one this year! and everywhere else for that matter. 
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Rio & Nancy
Rio: How's your head? 💀 Nancy: Don't talk to me, like. I can't read and I don't know Nancy: Living that philosophy as I embrace death Rio: 😂 First time embracing the porcelain is it Rio: Babe, you gotta hold on, drunk you was spilling secrets and I need to know if she was chatting shit! Nancy: I mean, I've had some bad 🍣 before I turned full veggie back in the day but this Nancy: Oh god Nancy: OH GOD 😱 please spare me the details....I can't Rio: I wouldn't go there rn babe Rio: not in your weakened state, unless you wanna repeat Rio: S'alright, it was good news! From what I caught Rio: 💕 Nancy: It's so not alright Nancy: Rio, help me, I made everything worse when I came home last night, okay? And I Rio: What did you do? Nothing that can't be sorted I'm sure, everything seems more drastic in the morning but I'll let you know Nancy: No it's really bad Nancy: I sent some texts and I seriously can't even read them Nancy: Drunk + Dyslexic = I can't tell Nancy: What's she gonna think? Nancy: I'll have to move schools again! Sorry mum Rio: Oh honey, we've all done it Rio: sure this mystery girl has herself, no shame Rio: best thing you can do is tell her that you were more than a lil tipsy, laugh it off Rio: she'll think it's funny but you know, not tell the world funny, and problem sorted Rio: did you send 📸s? Nancy: But Nancy: How? Nancy: I can't be like oh hey so I forgot you gave me your number when I first moved here and you probably did too but here's the thing Nancy: Thankfully when I've got a drink in me is the one time I put the camera down Rio: That's good then, not gotta deny they're your tits, like Rio: That's chill, unless you drunkely told her your stalking her, which clearly not Rio: soz wrong number that shit Nancy: JESUS CHRIST SHE IS TYPING Nancy: Murder me Rio: Imma wait 'til I hear what she's gotta say Nancy: I can hear you with the 🍿 from here Nancy: Enjoying yourself? Nancy: 😭 Nancy: Trust me to pick the one person who actually replies to a drunk dial Rio: Hush, been waiting for this day forever Rio: 😏 she likes you Nancy: She likes that I'm openly gay too Nancy: We're outnumbered at school Rio: Omg is it Erin Rio: Yeah she's so down Rio: and she's cute Nancy: That's not her name at all so now I wanna know who you think you have the gay scoop on Nancy: Not just a blatant subject change while I cringe myself to the grave, clearly Rio: Is that not her name? Rio: I forget Rio: Something like that Nancy: She is Irish so a fair guess Nancy: So many Erin's in our year Rio: Init Rio: in form though Nancy: I can't talk about her and to her Nancy: With this hangover, come on Rio: Drink your water and suck it up sugar Rio: Why not? Rio: Whatever her name is, obvs about it Nancy: Maybe but Nancy: no Rio: Don't hurt to have a few on the backburner Rio: and she clearly ain't offended you have 😉 Nancy: I don't want anyone on the backburner, thanks Nancy: If you're not gonna be all in, what's the point? Rio: Then go for it Rio: no? Nancy: she wants to cure me with coffee Nancy: what do I do? Rio: How gay Rio: go go go! Nancy: looking like this? Nancy: she's not right for me but thats just rude Nancy: I don't want her to think I don't think she's gorgeous and cool and Rio: 🙄 Rio: what are you like Rio: put some lipstick on and pull yourself together Rio: you'll be fine, got genetics on your side, like Nancy: so has she Nancy: do you seriously not know who she is? Rio: Not like I been scoping myself Rio: send me her facebook or something Nancy: [Sends it] Nancy: Now do you get it? I can't go Nancy: She looks like she stepped out a music video and I Nancy: doomed from the start lesbian cliches are not how I'm trying to spend my summer Rio: Nah don't be silly Rio: You're gorgeous Rio: She is the one I was thinking of, remember the name now I gotta Rio: then don't be angsting from the sidelines, if that's not what you're about 😜 Rio: Seriously though, it's just coffee, no harm in it Nancy: Yeah? You think? Not like a big mug of me leading her on Nancy: It's not that I don't wanna spend my day in cafes with pretty girls but Nancy: Like I said, if you're not all in, isn't that just time I won't get back Rio: God no, you're not promising shit with a latte and she ain't asking, necessarily Rio: what would you be doing otherwise? Rio: accepting death from your bed Rio: honestly, a date can end with an outcome that ain't a marriage proposal, and it will still be alright Rio: you gays Nancy: I just Nancy: I feel weird about it Nancy: None of this is ideal, you know what I mean Nancy: and I've not had a string of bad dates I can add this to the pile of when I fuck it up Nancy: or any, like Rio: You've got this Rio: Not gonna utter the phrase be yourself but do, like Rio: first time for everything Rio: might even enjoy it Rio: get a caffeine hit if nothing else but honestly, she was alright from what I remember Nancy: as long as I don't irish up my coffee, yeah? Nancy: how embarrassing can I be Rio: 😂 Rio: I don't know how much there is to be said for hair of the dog really so yeah Rio: wouldn't ask the barista that with a wink Rio: slow your roll, gurl Nancy: what did I say? what did I do? Nancy: good lord Rio: I missed some of it Rio: you called your brother out, I remember that much Rio: fashion police 🚨 Nancy: okay that's funny Nancy: saving grace kinda Rio: Knew you'd like that 😏 Rio: might need to ask/apologise to Junie Rio: he looked fairly traumatised so he's probs got the best scoop Nancy: oh Nancy: that'll be why he's not checked in Nancy: scared I might still be drunk Rio: Bless him Rio: your a first ahead of him now, like Nancy: baby boy Nancy: I won't tell him about my non-date then Rio: He'll be happy for you, I'm sure Nancy: What should I wear? I've been extra enough in her inbox without doing it in person Nancy: Genuine question I'm not just doing a girly stress Nancy: I'd ask Mum but she's not in my corner right now Rio: 😬 awks, maybe do irish up your coffee just for the look of the thing #proud Rio: definitely nothing too tryhard but summer's great 'cos dresses are so low-maintenance but always look flattering Rio: go for a maxi since you can tall bitch Nancy: this is a disaster Nancy: im gonna look like a rich girl trying to hang Nancy: whatever I do Rio: Nah Rio: could run over to ours and borrow something if you're really worried but honestly Rio: avoid blatant branding and people never spy Nancy: Tempted as I am to get Billie to bless me Nancy: I don't need everyone asking why I need it Rio: I feel you Rio: Nosy bastards Nancy: There's gonna be enough questions after last night Nancy: next time stop me I beg you Rio: Throw myself on the tequila bomb, got it Nancy: Tequila, was I? Rio: you were warned Rio: s'a killer, babe Nancy: Oh my god Nancy: I'm an idiot Rio: Christ, if you are then there's no hope for the rest of us Rio: it was a party, s'alright to let loose every once and a while Rio: reccommended, in fact Nancy: that's not what I was doing though Nancy: 🙈 Rio: cut that tongue loose Nancy: Rio! 😳 Rio: 😂 Nancy: I know you probably haven't realised when I'm such a pro at keeping secrets, like, but I'm just a big gay mess who's never been kissed Rio: Everyone starts somewhere Rio: it's not as hard as you think it is, trust Rio: you'll be fine when it comes to it Nancy: Yeah, you and my brother! 😞🤒 I know you were young but still can't believe you let him Rio: 🙉 Shh Rio: Don't remind me Nancy: Sorry but it cheers me Nancy: I'll never do anything that awful 😂 drunk or sober Rio: Yeah, reckon if you go there we need to have a bigger, realer talk, babe Rio: no excusing twincest Nancy: ⛔⛔ Nancy: Okay I'm going before you put anything else in my head that I'd need more than a few drinks to get out Nancy: No asking for details 'cause you aren't getting them Rio: 👻 Rio: Spoilsport Rio: Enjoy tho 😘 Nancy: Thanks 🤞
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acefaerie · 7 years
I think its really understandable that a lot of younger people sort of assuming that somehow not having an attraction to others is seen as a virtue especially by religious groups. 
When i was a teen my lack of interest in relationships was seen by the adults in my life that “oh she is just shy” “she’s been a good girl and focusing on school work” and tbh that was the narrative i told myself.  
except, looking back there was an underlying concern from adults that I was “missing out” on the Ideal Teen Romance TM. I got hints of it when ever I made a new male friend. “Oh he looks like he might be your type.” followed by a hopeful smile. after a while i got the “Its okay if you like girls” because i think by this time my parents had realised “she’s really not that interested in boys is she”.
but these instances were mild, my parents, specifically my mother who is “liberal” mind you, and had many close female friends who were lesbian and bi, kept out of my way. I was doing well at school, i was a “good girl”. So for me i think i get why some young people don’t understand the pressure for people to pair up because when you are in highschool if there is pressure its from peers and generally parents consider you to be “just a late bloomer”. But this is my experience, which was.. 15 years ago, and the world has changed quickly and drastically it may be different for others. It may also be that i am privileged in coming grom a generally accepting family, that is not religious, that would have accepted without question any girls I brought home (in fact i was asked if i wanted to).
My peer group generally either made jokes about my lack of interest or assumed i was gay. the general knowledge around school was i was gay, even my guy friends who never asked me also just.. assumed that was the case. I was lucky in the sense that like my mother most of my friends were either bi themselves and therefore didn’t care or pretty liberal minded. so i was cushioned... except for this one girl Tanya. She was homophobic and hated me because of it, i know this because i overheard her complaining about me one time and it generally was about how she had interpreted any causual friendly touch i had with my other friends as “creepy and weird”. I was forced to spend time with her because one of my “best” friends  was really good friends with her (who we have another story about but its only slightly related to this) and wanted us to hang out all the time. 
Tanya made my last year of highschool hell. She poisoned friends against me, and created a sort of social outcasting that left me without a support group. I was unlucky that a lot of my out bi friends who accepted me dropped out the previous year for various reasons. So i was left with the only people who sort of hung out with me being the largely straight (or closeted best friend who when she did start dating a girl, did so in secretl) acquaintances of those friends, who were easily convinced by Tanya to drop me from the group.
but here is the thing. I never called myself gay, (a am a pan/bi ace yes but at the time the only thing i ever said or did was say “Im not really interested in boys” because I really didnt know what i was) just not being interested  was enough for Tanya. 
besides  my awful experience with Tanya I get why teens think “not being interested” puts a pretty light target on your back. even if my parents were disappointed i didnt experience the “ideal teen romance TM” it wasnt a huge concern. The bullying a recieved from Tanya is also ambigious because she was exactly the kind of bigot who was bigoted against everyone who was different she was basically the epotime of what prejudice people talk about when they talk about the “prejudice tree” where a bigotted person who is biggeted against one thing is bigotted against most things that are different from them.
What was my point. Oh, yes. in highschool the main negative reactions i got were from people sharing frustration and disappointment about me dating (though the “late bloomer” thought pretty much silenced this crowd) and the more aggressive lot who were homophobic and i fit enough of the criteria for them to consider me a target.
The first negative thing, the frustration and disapointment, as an ace i think that has become more impactful the older I have got. The pressure started to hit hard in my twentie. “Something is wrong with you” reactions from people grew the more i became “clearly an adult” Friends who were fine in highschool suddenly treated me like i was a kid who didn’t know anything about anything because “i hadn’t had a relationship or sex what do i know about being an adult”. My parents, though well meaning became more and more worried abut what was wrong with me.
Omg the relief they felt when i had a relationship that lasted two weeks (where i cried the whole time and barely even kissed the person).
relationships and sex are treated by our society as a right of passage for becoming an adult. So its fine to be a late bloomer, but thats what these people think you are “a late bloomer” not fully complete yet, still growing.
my mother who was so supportive in my teens and early twenties started letting her anxiety about me leak through when i spent most of my 20s not even “just single” but actively not looking I think she even once told me she just wanted me to have the experience of a real relationship, after i had one that was online (which was like having one without having to touch a person which i enjoyed, until he came over and there was touching and i didn’t enjoy it as much anymore because both I and he forced me into sexual situations i was not ready for but had been convinced by everyone i knew that that is what you did if you were in a relationship) after him i felt physically ill if i knew a person found me attractive so actively avoided being “too sexy” so people wouldnt.
the first healthy relationship slightly romantic relationship i had was a Queer platonic one, with a woman. Everyone knew we were in love, even my professors. but it remained platonic and honestly helped free me from all the toxic stuff that happened before. Im still incredably close to her. 
at this time though I was in my mid to late thirties, and my families comments had become less “you are too picky” to “Im worried you will never find someone” “you are nearly 30″ “what if you want kids you can’t leave it too late”. 
its all small stuff but it mounts up. its mirco-aggressions that become deafening. Im childish because i don;t like sex i need to grow up, im weird im wrong im mistaken im making my parents sad, why can’t i be who they want me to be, my mother crying because she just wants me to have a special person but never understanding that my QPR WAS my special person because to her that was just a friend, people saying i don’t know what i want, people saying im a loser cos they never see me dating, people telling me they ” think being single is a sign of failure” people telling me that when they call me a prude its an insult and im weird if i dont feel bad for being a prude, people telling me i should be interested, “don’t you find him attractive”, “sex is amazing what do you mean you dont like it”,” i think you are just scared of love”, “you must be a closet lesbian”, “your just a straight faking for attention.” “why are you trying to date normal people isnt there a website for people like you?” “its not our fault there arent many of you”, “your a bad girlfriend if you don’t like kissing he/she will be hurt if you wipe the saliva away or if you say you arent attracted to them”, “you don’t understand what love is” “you are confused” “you are sick, see a doctor”, “you’re abusive,” “ you don;t know what you are talking about”, “your sick, is it a hormone deficiency” “HAH you don’t like sex just get married then you wont get any”, “how can you not feel attracted then,” your abusive if you have sex but not sexually attracted”, “you’re abusive if you dont have sex cos you are with-holding from the other person”, “it's okay if you dont want sex for now know but thats just how relationships progress”, “Why don't you like him he likes you, “” Im worried you are going to be alone for ever” 
The pressure of it used to keep me up at night where i felt i was FAILING everyone i knew because i just couldn't bring myself to feel that way about another person. I became deeply depressed. It was the main reason i considered suicide.
when i finally did enter a relationship again after two years of EVERYONE pushing for it. that pressure stopped in so far as people stopped pressuring me to be with him, but now i feel like i have to pretend to be normal so people will leave me alone, and i feel like part of me is lying to myself.
I worry about falling back into unhealthy patterns where i play the role of girlfriend just so i can stop people from knowing im weird. The only saving grace is this time my partner and I know im asexual. He doesn’t quite understand it but he respects my boundaries. still part of me feels like this relationship is a compromise. he doesn't get it completely even though he tries.  he treats me well and i love him,  Its just getting to this point my twenties were years of me ripping up my insides because of all the things society was saying to me. I felt trapped between the fear of being alone and the fear of having to force myself into a relationship again. 
So i get why young people dont get what negativity you can face for being aro/ace but thats because the virtue of being disinterested is only a virtue if its temporary. and even then don’t underestimate the power of bigots to sniff out a difference to target you for.
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andro-boi · 5 years
I still don’t understand the difference between being bisexual and Pansexual?? I feel like the definitions described on your Instagram defined the same thing? I’m still very confused
Look I don’t blame you, it can be v confusing but also because we have all been taught to believe a certain stereotypes so accepting a whole new different system of knowledge can be just down right fucking confusing. However I really do applaud you for tryna get to the bottom of this confusion for your own education rather than brush it off like most people <3
Okay so what the fuck does it mean to be BISEXUAL
“Bisexual means you’re attracted to people of both genders yeah?”
Not Exactly my friend,
Gender isn’t a binary, meaning that people don’t fall into the categories of “Men” or “Woman” that we were all taught growing up. 
Look the oldies got some shit right but they got a lotta things wrong. There is new information being discovered every day. Like they thought homosexuality was a mental illness 50 years ago. 
#NonBinary is a word that describes people who don’t exclusively identify as either a woman or a man. #NonBinary people could also identify as Bigender, Genderfluid, or Agender, just to name a few terms. So, in saying that when people say “Both Genders” its a misnomer. 
Misnomer: a wrong or inaccurate use of a name or term.
“Yeah well how come men and women always existed but #NonBinary people only existing now huh dad!“
Ha thats where you wrong family. #NonBinary people have been acknoledged by the LGBTQIA Community for many decades. In fact in a 1990 Bisexual Manifesto (Yes I know, A BISEXUAL MANIFESTO in the 1990s) acknoledged that Non Binary people Exist. Also if you look into a lot of cultures of the world you will realise that Non Binary and Trans People have always existed. 
“Aight then, are bisexual people only attracted to men and women, and not nonbinary people?”  
Nope, not necessarily.
Bisexuality means different things to different people.
To some people, it means attraction to two or more genders, or multiple genders.
To others, it means attraction to people of the same gender and people who are another gender.
Some bisexual people might only be attracted to men and women and not nonbinary people, but that’s not every bisexual person’s experience.
“Okay then what does PANSEXUAL mean?”
The prefix “pan-” means “all.” Similarly, pansexuality means that you’re attracted to people of all genders.
This includes people who don’t identify with any gender (agender).
Many pansexual people describe themselves as being attracted to people based on personality, not gender.
Important Note:  pansexual doesn’t mean you’re attracted to all people.
For example, heterosexual men aren’t attracted to all women, and vice versa.
It simply means that they find themselves attracted to people of all sorts of gender categories.
“Lol it sounds like you just said the same thing twice dad - whats the fucking difference tho?“
Bisexual means attracted to multiple genders, and pansexual means attracted to all genders. 
These are different because “multiple” isn’t the same thing as “all.”
Let’s say you ask your friends what their favorite colors are.
One friend might say, “Actually, I like more than one color!” Another friend might say, “I like all colors.”
Now, the first friend might like all colors, but they might not. They might not like khaki or beige. Perhaps they like pastels but not dark colors.
This is because “all colors” is, by definition, more than one. 
However, “more than one” isn’t technically all.
Some people feel that pansexual falls into the category of bisexual because bisexual is a broad term that means more than one — but it isn’t the same thing, because “all” isn’t the same as “multiple.”
“Why is the Bisexual VS Pansexual Distinction so controversial? “
The controversy around this distinction often stems from a place of misunderstanding and lack of education. 
Some people assume that bisexual people are erasing nonbinary people. They assume the word bisexual implies that there are only two genders.
Other people assume that pansexual is a word invented solely because bisexual people are misunderstood and assumed to exclude nonbinary people.
The truth is that both orientations are valid in their own right.
Many bisexual communities do acknowledge nonbinary people — in fact, many nonbinary people identify as bisexual. Additionally, many pansexual people know that the definition of bisexual can include nonbinary people.
Again, bisexuality and pansexuality don’t mean exactly the same thing, and it’s completely valid to identify as either (or both!).
“What if you’re attracted to one gender way more than another? am i still bi or pansexual?“
Yes! You can still be bisexual or pansexual if you find yourself more attracted to one gender than others.
In fact, surveys and studies show that many bisexual and pansexual people have a preference. This doesn’t make your orientation any less valid.
“Can you be attracted to different genders in different ways...“
Yes. You might find yourself sexually attracted to one gender and romantically attracted to another gender. This is called “mixed orientation” or “cross orientation.”
For example, you could be bisexual but homoromantic — meaning you’re sexually attracted to people of multiple genders, but you’re only romantically attracted to people who are the same gender as you.
We been talking about bisexuality and pansexuality — that is, sexual orientations.
However, there are different romantic orientations, including:
Aromantic. You experience little to no romantic attraction to anyone, regardless of gender.
Biromantic. You’re romantically attracted to people of two or more genders.
Panromantic. You’re romantically attracted to people of all genders.
Greyromantic. You experience romantic attraction infrequently.
Demiromantic. You experience romantic attraction infrequently, and when you do it’s only after developing a strong emotional connection to someone.
Heteroromantic. You’re only romantically attracted to people of a different gender to you.
Homoromantic. You’re only romantically attracted to people who are the same gender as you.
Polyromantic. You’re romantically attracted to people of many — not all — genders.
“Does dating someone of a particular gender mean you’re straight?“
Hell to the fucking No. Let’s say a bisexual woman is in a relationship with a man. This doesn’t make her straight. Similarly, if she dates a woman, she doesn’t become a lesbian.
Unfortunately, many people think that bisexual and pansexual people need to “pick a side” — gay or straight. And when bisexual and pansexual people date someone publicly, it’s often assumed that they’re picking a side.
You aren’t defined by your partner’s gender.
The labels we choose to describe our orientation are only determined by ourselves and our experiences with attraction.
“Okay where the does the term #Queer come in?“
“Queer” is a sort of blanket term used to include all people who don’t identify as straight.
While it was previously used as a slur, it has been reclaimed by the LGBTQIA+ community. ( Funny little story, I had a friend of mine call me “Queer Fuck” during high school and ya guessed it, she hella gay now.  )
However, some people still feel uncomfortable with the word “queer” because it’s been used as a form of oppression.
It’s totally OK to use it instead of, or in addition to, another term.
Many people use “queer” because they aren’t sure how to describe their orientation, or because their orientation feels fluid and changes over time.
“How do I know which term fits me?“
There’s no test to determine whether you’re bisexual or pansexual (or another orientation entirely).
You can identify as whatever orientation fits you. Of course, figuring out what fits you might be tough.
To help you figure out your sexual orientation, you may ask yourself:
Is there any gender that I don’t ever feel attracted to?
Is there any gender — or group of genders — that I’m not sure if I’m attracted to?
What word feels best?
What community do I feel comfortable with?
Am I romantically attracted to the same people I’m sexually attracted to?
Remember, there isn’t a right or wrong answer. It’s about getting to know yourself better and figuring out what you like and prefer.
It’s also important to remember that it’s OK to identify with multiple terms — as well as change the way you describe your sexual orientation later on.
“Can you identify with one term then switch to another later on“
Yes! Identifying with a particular sexual orientation isn’t a lifelong binding contract. Like we don’t sell your soul to the devil for a membership lmao 
You might find that your sexual orientation and your capacity for attraction changes over time, or you might learn of another word that better describes your sexual orientation. Why? Because we’re human and we grow and change with time and just life. 
No matter the reason, you’re allowed to change the way you describe your orientation.
“What if neither of these terms feel right for me anymore?..“
That’s OK. Sexual orientation can change over time. That doesn’t mean it isn’t valid.
For example, it’s totally fine to identify as bisexual at one point in time and then as heterosexual later on.
A lot of people assume bisexuality is a “stepping-stone” to homosexuality, but this isn’t true.
Many people identify as bisexual their whole lives. If you do find that your sexuality shifts, don’t feel ashamed because it “fits” into someone else’s misconception of what bisexuality is.
You aren’t perpetuating a myth by being who you are; another person’s misinformed opinion isn’t your burden to carry.
“Okay.. but what if,. neither of these terms have ever felt right for me?“
Oh my sweet angel, There are many ways to identify. Beyond bisexual and pansexual, there are other words to describe your orientation, including:
Asexual. You experience little to no sexual attraction to anyone, regardless of gender.
Greysexual. You experience sexual attraction infrequently.
Demisexual. You experience sexual attraction infrequently, and when you do it’s only after developing a strong emotional connection to someone.
Heterosexual. You’re only sexually attracted to people of a different gender to you.
Homosexual. You’re only sexually attracted to people who are the same gender as you.
Polysexual. You’re sexually attracted to people of many — not all — genders.
This isn’t a comprehensive list of sexual orientations — more and more words are being coined to describe people’s unique experiences of sexual orientation.
Remember, you don’t have to use any word or label to describe your orientation that you don’t want to use.
How you choose to identify is entirely up to you!
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faunusrights · 6 years
oh god its been 8 weeks already i dont like that these chapters reveal how much time im WASTING but c’est la vie as always lets put these assholes on blast:
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moving SWIFTLY on!!!!!!!!!!!!
(also what do you mean ‘it’s the meat chapter’. wh. what meat. hello.)
She slumped back against uncomfortably warm stone, trying to tuck her feet back into the shade.
it’s a known fact that glynda is all Long all Angles and also a lot of Beef,
this is? the date, right? the date chapter? yes? all the chapters have been shuffled around i have NO sense of where i am because all thats happened for 7 chapters is ive been assaulted by lesbians but given the distant chanting of meat meat meat this must be the date.... right.........................................
Cinder’s smile flashed through Glynda’s mind, and she shifted against the stone wall, reaching for her Scroll.
my favourite thing is how whenever cinder and glynda think of each other its never not got crazy gay energy............. this is LITERALLY like the whole ‘i sleep next to a photo of my enemy’ deal!!!!!!!!!!! they’re both just attracted to dangerous (and also stupid) people, is the thing,
The Grimm swarmed, biting insects with snapping mandibles, their chitinous exoskeletons all scraping against one another with their constant, eager writhings.
honestly i- OKAY LOOK I SAID IT BEFORE BUT I STAND BY HOW OFFAL HUNT IS SO VISCERAL... i love writing thats like............ kinda Uncomfy to imagine but also rly detailed and just rly digs into the gore and the grossness............ its GOOD CONTENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank god offal hunt just whaps u in the face w/ it like a damp sock,
we’re got a bit of slow start here which is a nice way to  slice the difference between earlier ‘gotta go fast’ glyn and this ‘actually i’m way out of my depth’ glyn. wow! i can BREATHE. and we havent had anything massively cheeky pop up yet which may be a new record all round
The ripples of its being reached Glynda with ease, consuming those of the smaller Grimm. It was dangerous. More dangerous by far, even out here among these ancient beasts.
mmmmmmmmmmm this is- okay slight spoilers but i presume this is hati? aka he who had like a handful of lines in the first version and was generally just... look hati was winner of The Most Vague award in the first version so i’m hoping its hati because i am CURIOUS ABT THIS BOY.................. who i coincidentally love. who is he? we’re not sure (yet) but i love him. its just a fact!
It wasn’t just consumption. It was desecration. Vile unmaking. The Grimm stripped away her flesh. Tasted of her marrow. Gorged itself on the gristle between her bones and peeled back her ribs to reveal the chasm within. It sucked the soul from her chest in a wash of red and agony that spanned centuries, each running over the raw meat of her like long, black claws—
I JUST LOVE THE WAY THIS SHIT GETS DESCRIBED ITS SO SATISFYING also i feel like there should be a tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiny fingerguns in here t e c h n i c a l l y but im not gonna cause its vague enough i can kiiiiiiiiiiiiiinda move on kinda slightly maybe
It felt like death itself had caught her in its massive maw, chilling her organs, reaching for the soul at the core of her.
OKAY FINE YEAH THE REST OF THIS IS ALL CHEEKY FINGERGUNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that said this is all RLY VITAL STORYTELLING and im rly glad we’ve got some expanded Glynda Lore because it was Lacking in the archived version... but now we’re full on until glynda backstory babey!!!!!!!! yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fear itself couldn’t touch her, and even as she thought this, she felt it drain away.
Her breathing slowed. Her body relaxed. Information trickled in, unburdened by emotion.
glynda rly DOES only have half a braincell Huh
OKAY DATE TIME? DATE TIME? YES? MAYBE?????????????? god ive been looking forward to this stupid gay date for so long. EIGHT WEEKS. EIGHT.
A pause. “Are you familiar with the Hill of Roses Massacre?”
ah the return of the Plot (that Isnt The Gay Bit)
i was gonna Say A Thing, and then answered my own question, and then realised it’d be spoilers anyway. YAY SPOILERS! YAY NOT BEING ABLE 2 SAY ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so yeah theres a lot going on here dsdjhgf
“Well, it was your class, so.” She couldn’t help but smile at the memory.
/ticks off ‘anything to do w/ ozpin’ off the bingo card, again,
“I’m afraid it’s a bit more complicated than that, Glynda. With this meeting on the horizon… I fear I would cloud your judgement.”
oz i love u and yr cryptic bullshit but this will not the first Nor The Last Time glynda and i are both exasperated w/ u. please. blease.
Ozpin had never misled her before.
“I’m only following orders.” Written with the same implication as a wink. “Now, is there anything else I can help you with, Professor?”
i fucking adore winter schnee i’d DIE for her
i may have to make a spoiler version of this later because theres Some Shit being said here and i DIRELY have to expand upon it but that will have 2 wait dskfjsdf
When they saw she was human, they waved her through without any trouble.
i still feel like im being targeted for my url!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! U ASSHOLES,
As much as she could, Glynda tried to avoid the constant bump of shoulders and too-tight quarters. As large as she was, it was nearly impossible,
what did i say!!!!!!!!!!!!! we LOVE one beefy bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(im literally getting SO excited for the date reveal im VIBRATING)
She still didn’t have much of an idea what waited within, but she had quite a few reservations about using the front door.
me: knows whats coming also me: glynda please
As a Huntress who’d been trained in both subtlety and stealth, Glynda had a few ideas.
The next person who stepped outside was thrown roughly aside,
you have no idea how often im just. i have my face in my hands. glynda’s never heard of a repercussion in her life. cinder once saw the word ‘consequences’ and broke out into hives. im. where’s the thinking-
And then she noticed Cinder.
here comes the peak gay im so ready HERE IT COMES-
Her hair was tossed over one shoulder as always, but in place of her usual crimson dress, she wore black tonight. Dark fabric with but a hint of iridescent specks rippled around her ankles, rising up to stretch tight across her hips. It rose all the way to the hollow of her throat and was cut to be sleeveless, though Cinder wore gloves of the same material that rose nearly to her shoulders.
HERE IT IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh my god u may know i drew a shitpost of this scene and now i Have to redraw it to be even Sexier!!!!!!!!!! also i know glynda could argue she’s being Observant but i also think, she’s a home of saxophone, and is gay,
LIKE ‘stretch tight across her hips’ WHY YA L O O K I N
Glass heels clicked over the dark stone floor as Cinder stopped right in front of Glynda, looking up at her from beneath lofty bangs. Gold eyes swept from the crown of Glynda’s head to the crop gripped so tightly in her hand—and then Cinder smiled.
there is No heterosexual explanation for this
Cinder clicked her tongue. “Well, now that you’re here, shall we?”
“Shall we…?”
“Glynda,” she chided, rolling her eyes. “Dinner, of course.”
IM LOSING MY MIND AAAAAAAAAAAAA THEY’RE LESBIANS HAROLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAROLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
okay. okay. this still isnt QUITE THE DATE CHAPTER BUT WE’RE RLY IN IT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im so scared that a whole chap has been saved for this meal because its going to be so long and charged w/ lesbian energy and its gonna kill me BUT OH WELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! anyway i loved it. the end.
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