#And how he slowly finds out Haruim took advantage of him
localguy2 · 2 years
Been writing for an AU for a while and it's basically:
"Mr.E fight goes 50/50, both Zane and E end up at the bottom of the canyon, and because of this SoG and Hunted get altered (mainly Hunted)"
What I'm trying to say is, the guy making this post is using the Mr.E fight as an excuse to bring Echo Zane into the ninja team (not immediately) and have him interact with his other brother, and the author in question is trying to make thier entire dynamic "I've had Echo/Zane for about 5 minutes, but if anything happens to them I'm killing everyone in this room and then myself."
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Oh also Zane has a meltdown when he learns Jay and Nya haven't told him or any of the ninja about Skybound (and echo and all the shit involved)
So uhhhh, if you have any questions ig, ask away lol
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