#And does it better than thosetypes of shows that will try but do it completely wrong or somehow more offensive than if they had none at all
batfamfucker · 2 years
Claudette Morel having ADHD my beloved
#Dead By Daylight#dbd#Claudette Morel#ADHD#Bruh I relate to her first memory note so much#My teacher's always used to say I had my head in the clouds#And blame/embarrass me for it too#Claudette my dear I'm so sorry#Her hyperfixation on science is adorable#Bruh I had a drawer full of bugs as a kid and I used to sit in the corner of the playground at school-#And watch the ants talk to each other#Girl I would have loved to be your friend#It breaks my heart how much a lot of these characters go through. So many of the OG survivors are only 19 too???#They're literally just kids/teenagers omfg#I'm too emotional about these characters#I love the dbd team for all these little backstories and such. They coulda just made a survive and hunt game#But they literally gave every single character a story and life outside of these trials that makes you really root for them#Tell me why this game has better diversity for race 'insert comma' culture and mental disabilities than most modern media#And does it better than thosetypes of shows that will try but do it completely wrong or somehow more offensive than if they had none at all#Like I really appreciate the devs for how much effort. research. care. and respect that goes into these characters and thier backgrounds#and cultures#I don't know if they've done anything wrong yet as I'm very early in the game#I've been playing for abiut a month now but only just started the rift stuff since I didn't know that was a thing for the first 3 weeks#I have to do it in order tho because of adhd and ocd. So I'm on Tome One Section Two. I can't wait to catch up tho lmao#Tho it means I'm gonna have to get the dlcs which sucks because /money/ but I can't just. Leave out the dlc character rifts#Or it'll annoy me#But we'll do that when we get there#But anyway yeah I love Claudette sm but I do Main Meg because /sprint/
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