#And dark themes
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The Medallion: Prologue
They all stood by, quiet yet attentive.
Moonlight filtered down through the ornate opening high up within the ceiling of the cavernous space. Yawning wide and circular, the opening was carved entirely out of black stone, polished to a shine, and woven with brilliant gold and silver through layers of it's extravagant surface, providing an awe-inspiring view of the night sky and her vast array of stars.
Stars that, most likely, were seeing their last pass over the realm this night.
Inky, thick blackness loomed on the cold, far corners where the torch light failed to pierce with it's ember fire glow from among the holsters mounted on each of the seven pillars marking out a sphere in the centre of the cave. Within that centre was a fountain, made of the same materials as the orifice far above, wide and round, smooth and well kept. Clear, clean water within sparkling like diamonds within the night light overhead. Drinkable, one would think at a glance, but that was not the case.
Atop the fountain, a silver pedestal; displaying a floating gemstone of brilliant, gentle radiance, it's size larger then what a pair of hands could hold. Dark purple and threads of black wove through the silk-like hues across it's crystalline surface.
There, it hovered-- untouched, powerful.
Stood in front of it, a slim figure. Cloaked, but unlike the rest which remained mostly anonymous, this one was female. Her head of hair was thick and luscious, dark as black charcoal, braided into a single length which steeped narrower and narrower until it reached the floor.
Within the silence and muttering, a dainty finger tainted by the ink of darkness traced the edge of a medallion which was cradled in their palm with care. The cold stone, chiselled by the hands of a master stonecarver, sat heavy against warm flesh, a silver chain looped through a hole at the top with the purpose of it to be worn by someone. On it's surface, a skull as black as the stone it was carved out of, for all eyes to gaze upon freely, sharp and frightening with it's hollow eyes and pointy fangs.
However, that did not stop her from running her finger over the bony brow line of the flat, inanimate figure staring back at her, a small smile of fondness and sorrow resting across her lips while doing so.
There was something… sombre in the air right now. The knowing that there was no going back from this choice.
The knowledge that she'd come too far to turn back, that rejecting the process would be like a direct betrayal to the very thing she was trying to protect with her one, selfless act.
The World.
Figures cloaked in black robes whispered among themselves in two small groups, some looking in the direction of the woman with the medallion, stood lonesome in the gaze of the fountain. They all had a purpose for being here-- many of them shared that same purpose.
All but two, at the very least, who did not share in the same attire as the rest, geared up and looking to be more guard-like then wizard-like. Although, magic most certainly was up their sleeves if need be.
A hooded figure, wearing a mask mimicking that of a skull, and tattered robes coloured a dull, earthy violet, broke away from the larger of the two groups of sorcerers after passing a few more words along, making his way over towards the woman with purpose in his stride, yet a heaviness in the shoulders.
"Milady, the Necrolords are ready to commence the ritual, at your command," his voice split through the air like a cold steel knife, ancient and powerful, the deepest of his undertones reverberating off the walls of the cave to travel back to keen ears once, twice, nearly three times over.
With a gentle sigh that did not return the volume or strength as his own, she lifted her gaze off the amulet still held within her hands, turning a smile towards the individual with a warmth that did not quite burn away the depression her eyes held.
"Thank you, my friend," that smile waned, eyes drifting forlorn towards the stone surface near her, intended for one to lay upon. Then, in a voice softer then a whisper, she asked, "It… won't hurt too much, will it…?"
Showing a concern that he otherwise held in reserve, the masked man shifted closer, extending a single black, gloved hand, although lay it upon her arm, he did not. "Milady… there is still time to reconsider. You do not have to go through with this. Both I and Enti--"
"No." A single word which spliced through the air with flicks of power, despite being the gentle tone of a lamb. It made him swallow whatever sentence which he'd yet to finish, straightening that weary posture into something more rigid and alert. Respectful.
"We have discussed this already, my friend," turning a kind gaze towards her friend, her pale skin glowed in the moonlight. Black hair as dark as ink falling around the smooth curves of her face, completely covering her left eye. And her visible eye; the pale magenta of a dying rose, a pupil which glowed with white energy in the centre. Unbound wisdom held in the depths of that gaze, love and compassion for other souls other then her own. And yet, also a sorrow as thick as murky water bled across the colours. "There is no winning the war that wages on among the kingdoms…" she heard a small grunt of concern from him, which softened a smile into that of compassion.
She knew that neither of them liked this.
"I know we cannot win…" a glance down at the amulet, as though it held the answer to every problem in the realms. Then, back up towards the glowing gem mounted on it's pedestal, did that gaze drift. "But if there is one thing I can win, it's securing a future of the world…"
The necromancer sighed, looking away momentarily, then looked back with a subtle motion of his hand.
"I… I don't have to like it, but I understand."
"-We both do." another voice, younger yet colder, wove into the conversation. Dressed in white robes which cast his face in darkness, aside from his glowing red eyes, he stepped up beside his companion to address the woman, a scythe of unknown origin strapped to his back. "And it is your choice. We cannot convince you otherwise… so let be what must be done."
With an almost thankful nod, she held up the amulet into the moonlight to get a better look at all the details upon it's stone. Just one last admiration of the object before she'd never see it again, knowing it played a crucial role in all of this. "My soul will be placed within the amulet, and it will be hidden away. Should I fall in battle, my body will live on, and I can then be revived at a later time. Although unorthodox at best, this should, at least, maintain some threads of the world's natural order, preventing the realms from tearing themselves apart and leaking corruption unto the living."
"The consciousness placed within it will awaken once someone takes it," red eyes narrowed suspiciously, "How do you know it shall not fall into the wrong hands? Are you not somewhat concerned about that?"
A very good question, and honestly, she did not blame Entity for being concerned. Lowering these dainty, tarnished hands, she turned her attention towards him after passing the key to this entire plan into the hands of her other companion. Hands, once free, held themselves elegantly in front of herself peacefully. "The spell woven through this amulet shall awaken my soul when it detects the soul of one with an ambition to do what must be done to prevent the world from collapsing in on itself. It might be eons until that time but… it will be worth it in the end.
"And the Soul Stone?" the red-eyed fighter motioned towards the relic hovering innocently above the fountain with a hand clad in white. "Have we a safe place for it?" his attention followed the woman's which looked towards the necromancer. "Dreadlord?" Entity asked, a bit of a sigh behind his voice.
"The relic will be hidden," the dreadlord-- named just that-- nodded at his white-clad ally. "And only I will know it's whereabouts; to keep it protected until the time calls it must see the light of day again," his hollow, void eyes landed on her gentle face, and he continued, "When Milady returns to us--"
A rickety, dry rattle of a breath, like a skeleton was trying to politely clear their throat, cut the gloom of their quiet chatter, drawing all three's attentions over towards the group that had gathered together.
"With all do respect, Milady," one of the cloaked figures moved forth, politely bowing their cloaked head, pinpricks of white for eyes barely visible in the dark of the hood. "It would be in your best of interests to begin the ritual."
Drawing in a deep breath, she closed her eyes for a moment. Calming herself. Then, quite as a mouse, she whispered while opening her eyes, "Will it hurt…?"
Both men exchanged a quick glance, neither of them truly knowing how to answer a question so vulnerable and innocent. But neither had the heart to completely let her go unanswered, either.
Dreadlord extended his hand again, and this time, it made contact with her shoulder. Grip light, but firm and comforting, a coldness seeping into her cloak which tickled her skin like he'd never known the warmth of a fire in all the years he'd lived-- or rather, existed.
"Worry not." he began, that ancient voice of his dipped into a low tone, comfort as best as he physically could despite the fact his throat was not designed for such things. "You will not feel a thing."
"That's right. The Necrolords have a method to help the transition go smoother. It's…." Entity paused to muse his choice of words, but ultimately didn't choose any that were better then before. "Less barbaric… then originally. At best, you'll feel numb and cold."
With a nod on her end, Entity turned towards the crowd and waved his hand up into the air, and Immediately the air shifted into something more serious. They all got into position while the necromancer guided her towards the stone slab she was to lay upon. Seven, one summoner for each of the pillars, they stood symmetrically with one another around the centre chamber, arms held out at their sides, all immersing themselves in a low humming which almost reverberated the cold cave air. The leader among them, who wore fancier robes to symbolize his expertise and authority, stepped up towards the stone alter she laid upon, holding a bowl of burnt, smouldering sage in his hand, and a black, wilted rose in the other.
"In oculis aeternis-- we stand within the heart of darkness," his voice pierced the air, balanced out by the singing from the others. The rose was placed gently upon her chest, the stem slipped between black fingers. The high-ranking Necrolord dipped his pale, ashen fingers into the bowl of burnt sage leaves, smudging a dot on her forehead, dragging a finger down her nose, lips, and neck. "Sub ala salutis- we watch and wait." small mounds of the burnt sage mixture were left above her head, on either side of her shoulders, and at the base of her feet.
"Amor, odium. Aequum, nocens. Debiles et fortes- souls of the bound may become the entities of the boundless."
Dreadlord paused momentarily, but placed the medallion carefully in the middle of a small round golden platter placed on the Soul Stone's pedestal, before backing away entirely to stand next to the reaper. The two of them watched, not permitted to step too far into the ritual's area of effect less it hinder the soul's transfer-- and that was a complication that spiralled down an insane list of other complications.
They could not afford such an irreversible, unforgivable mistake.
Yes, she was special. She was basically immortal if she played her cards right, but this would make that immortality a solid, written-in-stone, FACT. It's purpose was dark, the ritual even darker when the mantra picked up in volume. However, this entire ordeal was to stop a greater catastrophe which they could not gaze upon with their own eyes.
The Necrolords lifted their hands into the air, calling upon the power of the Soul Stone looking down upon the scene with it's glowing form to aid in carefully unravelling the threads of the soul from it's body, a teal haze starting to lift off her form, reminiscent of mist burning away in the sunlight.
He could basically feel Entity stiffen beside him, casting the white reaper a glance, noting how his arms were crossed and a frown crested the upper eyelids of those ruby eyes. And, in no way whatsoever did he blame Entity for feeling so uncomfortable.
They had all been friends since childhood; even if their age fluctuated a bit between them-- Dreadlord being the oldest, and her the youngest, so seeing someone who he considered a little sister going through something like this, was off-putting for him on all accounts.
"There is a meeting in just a few days time, for rallying the nation's allies." Entity began, his voice a calm but heavy weight in the atmosphere which perfectly revealed his mood as though it had been reflected in a mirror. He was not pleased, and yet resigned to the fact he could not stop this. "I do not think she will have the strength to attend. Having one's soul touched is weakening enough, but removed…?'
Meeting the friend's hushed voice with one of his own, the necromancer replied, attempting to encourage the younger fighter. "Listen, I don't like this either. I would rather see her out of here then see her through this, but we both know who she is. She's powerful, and nothing can stop the flow of that power. Her body, mind, and soul are linked by threads no Necrolord can see. She will wake after this ordeal, and be hardly any different."
"Hardly'," the reaper calmly cast his eyes like hell fire towards the other man, a sharpness like hot steel at the edges. "What 'will' be different about her?"
Dreadlord hummed quietly, looking back upon her form to see that teal haze had become woven with black and purple, tendrils of that misty form arching through the air towards the amulet which pulsed and throbbed with a power which mimicked a heartbeat. It was almost done and over… and yet it felt like an eternity. "That... we will have to wait and see."
The world up on the surface was probably calm and quiet. People clutching what little threads of peace and tranquility it took to sleep a full night's rest, and yet down here something unfathomable was happening. Something that was important, and nothing more then that. It was not pretty, it was not amazing, it wasn't anything good. It was simply a necessity-- and a choice.
A choice that they wished she hadn't have made, but too late to change that; and they had made a promise which they could not break.
And finally, after what felt like years, the remaining wisps of her soul absorbed into the medallion. The stone vibrated uncontrollably atop it's golden platter with the soul within becoming restless and uncomfortable with the closed confinements it was now going to call it's home, nearly throwing itself off the alter altogether if not for it calming moments later.
The stone, now no longer dead in a sense, and yet far from animate, shone with a gentle glow, before that glow died down, appearing momentarily within the hollow carvings making up the skull's eyes, before those too, died and became black.
And far too quickly, the cave became quite again. All the singing stopped, all the chanting and voices now no longer heard, but their presence grew heavy. It was the sort of weight that made a shiver go down one's spine.
The amulet was taken from it's resting place, held in the pale ashen hands of the high Necrolord, who turned around slowly, fingers clenching tightly around the flat object, hollow eyes of a faint glow landing on the two stood by anxiously. Then, with an affirming nod, "It is done."
"How did she do?" Entity moved over towards the slumbering woman, distrusting eyes scanning over her form for even the slightest misplacement of something; a thread of hair or ruffle of her garment, something that told him this was all off. "Will she wake soon?
Dreadlord approached priest with the intention of taking that precious artifact from hands that didn't deserve to hold it. Fortunately, the amulet was passed onto his hands with ought fuss or fight. Good. Tucking it safely into the pouch of his belt, he turned his head at the sound of a soft breath.
Much, much, sooner then any of them in this place had expected, the effects of the sage had worn off.
She sat up with a groan, holding her head containing a mind fuzzy with a throbbing pain pounding at the recesses of her skull, like some sort of beast was trying to remove itself form her cranium. A sickening feeling twisted and churned in the bowls of her gut, a hunger seething in her stomach. The smell of sage was thick in the air for her, nearly painful, heavy, in her lungs, and burning her nose with every inhale.
It was within these first few moments that she realized something...
She felt something. Something deep within-- or rather, a shocking lack there of anything. Just a cold void like her innards had been replaced by clocks of ice.
"Entity, Dreadlord?" she opened her eyes, pupil now black, and with it came a decrease in her night vision. A chamber which had once been lit pleasantly as though the sun hadn't fully set, despite the fact it had indeed been the middle of the night, was now darker, hazier. "I take it… it went well?"
"Try not to move, Ophelia--" he stopped his train of words despite it being all but too late.
However, she ignored the white reaper's warning or use of her name, and shifted to stand to her feet, wobbly and uneven at first, but regaining some steadiness even when his hands gripped her arms to prevent the fall she nearly leaned into. "I'm fine, Entity. Really." She lifted her hand peacefully, and indeed, she regained her composure.
To which he respectfully backed off prior to her wishes.
"We had best get you back to your cathedral now, so you may regain your strength before you tackle any more duties." Dreadlord suggested, knowing that she had many things to do in her nation, and also knowing that she was in no current condition to deal with any of them if she swayed in a random direction every five seconds while standing. Thankfully, argumentative wasn't her current mood.
She agreed, and Entity turned her away from the stone pedestal, walking beside her towards the towering doors built into the cavern's edge
Dreadlord stayed behind, just fulfilling another order he had been given by Lady Ophelia.
The first order was, obviously, to remain on guard while the ritual went on. And the second one was…
Well, a choice she had to make, even if she did not like it. Quite furiously against it, even, but he had reminded her that they were in war, and while they served a purpose, the Necrolords were not allied with their nation. Their knowledge of her plan, of what had happened and what was going on, could not get to the other nations; their enemy.
Not if peace was to be achieved for the future. Not when millions of human dreams were in danger of shattering, or the realms crumbling to the Void.
So, while he wasn't pleased, nor proud, he held his head high, a breeze emerging from the massive doors which were opened to let the two through, and then closed again with a distant boom.
"What is going on?!" The fancy-robed Necrolord spat, offended and weary, standing rigid and ready for any form on onslaught. "You did not leave with them?"
"Gentleman," Dreadlord opened his arms, his voice bouncing off the walls to echo back, and they all went silent. "I stay merely to give you a message Her Witheredness wishes to impart to you all which she feared she could not give herself." Their weary mumbles among each other and their leader's puzzled tilt of his head were a sign that they had not caught on, and their guards were down. "You have her eternal gratitude for the parts you all took in making this event happen safely and successful, but there is no payment available for your efforts."
"What?!" came the spat. " We came all the way from the deep mountains, altered our most powerful of rituals so that BLOOD didn't have to be spilled from HER own body, and THIS is what we get in payment? Nothing?!" Absolutely livid, the Necrolord hissed, the air fogging in front of his dark hood, the glow of those pin-prick eyes just slightly brighter in the gloom of the hood's shadow.
They stepped forward, angry magic screaming around their outstretched hand. "How DARE--"
Dreadlord stood still, hands patiently clasped behind his back. The entire atmosphere changed, grew heavy and vibrated with danger as a single socket of his skull started to glow red, the orb following the form of the summoner while they fell to their knees, clutching the enchanted arrow embedded deep within their chest, a breath strangling painfully through their oesophagus. "The Original Wither wishes you all… to be at 'peace' tonight." he said as more glowing arrows flew on by, shot from his nation's soldiers hiding up in the secret passages built in the walls where the intricate stonework hid any signs of movement.
Seven arrows in total, hit seven marks. Bodies slumped to the ground, some with silence, and some with gasps.
"Your lives weren't in vain." with those final words, when silence finally settled over the air again, he turned away, marching towards the gate, and he addressed the few dark-armoured soldiers who met him. "Clean up this mess."
#Minecraft#oc#original story#entity 303#dreadlord#I am very proud and excited about this owo#Mild warning for violence?#And dark themes#It's not too bad tho
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The Eyes of God, 2023, Digital Painting by myself, Liz Pence
#artists on tumblr#my art#in gods hands#dark art#digital art#digital artist#digital drawing#digital painting#horror art#horror artist#illustration#tw religious themes#religious aesthetic#religious horror#religious imagery#religious art#religious trauma#painting#my artwork#original art#artwork#art#small artist#queer artist#drawing#scary art#horror#digital illustration#illustrator#illustrative art
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🍷 ◞ 𝗂𝖿 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝖾𝗏𝖾𝗋 𝖿𝖾𝗅𝗍 𝗅𝗈𝗌𝗍 𒁍






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let me help ya’ relax.
thanos / player 230 x reader (squid game)
warnings — noncon, public (voyeurism), tears, kissing, use of the word bitch, use of the word rape, pussy kissing, choking, slight / barely but manhandling,
by clicking read more you consent to reading this content and you are 18+
“hey beautiful.”
“the hell?”
standing right in front of you, or rather over you, player 230. it was night and everyone was asleep or sitting in a corner somewhere. you didn’t know this guy besides seeing him the first two games and seeing him act like a fucking lunatic. you sit up and gather yourself.
“what do you want?”
“oh you know, just wanted to talk to a pretty girl.”
he does a cheeky smile. you stare. what do you even say to that. thank you i guess…?
“no need to thank me, it’s what i do. just such a great fucking guy right?”
he picks at the cross on his neck before pulling a pill out and holds it out to you.
“you use?”
“drugs. do you do drugs? or have you done them before?”
how the fuck did he manage to bring his shit in here for one, and for two; why the hell is he more worried about doing drugs rather than living. that’d be the last thing you’d be thinking about.
“no. i dont do them and i dont have any interest in that.”
he does a fake pouty face.
“come on babe, loosen up ya’know? don’t wanna stress your pretty little face out.”
he pops the pill in his own mouth. where was this guy going with this? he clearly wants to stay here, hence the big blue ‘O’ on his jacket. so if he’s bored he should go talk to the people on his side. how the hell could you relax watching people you’ve gotten close to or even have just spoke to once die? meanwhile this dudes been jumping around having the time of his life while he’s been here. if this game ended tomorrow, he’d join it again a million times over. or maybe he wouldn’t but the drugs in his system sure as hell would.
“yeah, no… i appreciate your kindness but i don’t even know you and i think i’m just gonna lay back down.”
he grabs your hand and starts shaking it aggressively.
“my names thanos, it’s great to meet you! now you know who i am.”
he smiles again. you just stare. that’s not how it works at all. you could tell he was waiting for you to introduce yourself but you just brush it off and tell him again you’re going to lay back down. before you go to turn over and lay though, he grabs your face with both of his hands and presses your lips together into a deep kiss. he holds you there for a good while, and it felt like you were suffocating.
“what the fucks wrong with you?”
“baby, you could be my new drug! change that ‘X’ into an ‘O’, we’d be absolutely unstoppable!”
“this is real life you idiot, not some fucking video game!”
you slap his hand away from you and try telling him to get lost, but he just grabs your wrist and pushes you back onto your bed. you yell at him to get the fuck off of you but he just presses a finger up to your mouth hushing you.
“sex is a great way to relieve stress. just let me make you feel good. don’t be too loud though, unless you want the others to see us. but by all means, do it. it’s only going to make me harder.”
he laughed and winked at you. you suck the air through your teeth and he still holds onto your left wrist with one of his hands while letting the other one push at his chest. you’re more cautious with your voice level now and in a whisper you try again to get him to go.
“i don’t want to have sex with you, can you just go? go jack off in the corner or mess with literally any other girl here!”
he ignores you for the time being and goes to push your pants down, but with your free hand you grab his hand to stop him.
“gee babe, how sweet of you to wanna hold my hand! but uh, i kinda need it to get to the fun part.”
he ignores your hand continuing to grab at his, not proving to be much use at all besides annoying him. he pushes your pants down, and then your panties to your ankles; acting as sort of some form of restraint. it would prove to be somewhat more difficult to kick at him now as your footing would get caught in the pant legs. he sits up off of your chest finally and starts to pull his pants and boxers off. you wanted to scream at him so badly to get off of you, to scream for some help, but you knew nobody would and all they’d do was watch. it wasn’t anybody’s problem and they weren’t going to make it theirs.
he cups your sex and starts rubbing circles at your tiny little hole to get you all soaked and ready for him. he leans down and he kisses it. he was literally about to start making out with your fucking pussy.
you squeezed your eyes shut and a couple tears come sliding down. god, first you’re in this game that seems normal, then people around you start getting shot, nobody wants to go home, and now you’re getting rapped by some crazy ass drug addict that calls himself fucking thanos. thanos! you’re pulled out of your thoughts when you feel his thumb on your face and him wiping your tears. you slightly open your eyes and he kisses you again. this time with your free hand you push as hard as you can at his face. he moves back and he makes an ‘ow’ face and rubs his forehead. he grabs your used to be free wrist and just pushes it to your side and holds it there.
“it’s always the prettiest bitches that play fucking hard to get.”
he lines up his cock with your somewhat wet hole. he maybe would’ve spent a little more time prepping you but you just ticked him off and he wasn’t going to help you anymore than he already has.
“it’s alright, i’ll have screaming my name and this whole place will know it by the time we’re done baby!”
oh god you were gonna be sick. you feel the sudden intrusion and you immediately tense. biting your lip back from screaming and shaking your head, tears flying left and right. you try to bend and claw your fingers at his hands that are holding yours down but it proves to be futile. you yell at him, while still keeping your voice down to stop and that he’s gotten enough and that he should go.
“please? you—fuck’—you want me to please keep going? well you don’t have to tell me that, i was already going to!”
he keeps a fast pace going, and the bed might as well of slid off of the shitty bars it was being held up on. everybody sleeping above you could definitely feel the whole thing moving. you try to fish your legs out of your pants legs to at least have some sort of way of pushing him away but it proves to be slightly harder than you thought.
“fuck babe—you feel so—fuck- so fucking good.”
he sucks the air through his teeth breathing heavy, while you’re doing the opposite and holding your breath.
“god you’re so tight, and you’re so — m’- so hot. i wish i could feel every inch of your — agh - you’re body but you’re too much of a fucking bitch, so i gotta keep ya’ still.”
he stops at an in thrust and moves his face down to yours, causing his cock to go deeper in you and causing you to bite back a moan and squeeze your eyes shut. he presses his forehead to yours, your sweat causing them to almost stick together. he whispers to you while keeping perfect eye contact.
“but you’re my fucking bitch right? you’ll be my dumbed out little whore, baby. should get a tattoo on ya’ that says thanos’s bitch.”
he laughs, now moving down to your neck, starting to kiss all over it. leaving sweet marks all over as he starts thrusting into you again. you just feel his heavy hot breath against your neck and you just stare up at the bars above you and hold in the choked up sob threatening to come out. you feel his cock tense in you, threatening to shoot his load out and your eyes widen. he starts thrusting harder. he lets go of both your wrists and before you can even breathe out, relieved from the slightest bit of less pressure, he wraps both his hands around your throat and looks you in the eyes the whole entire time.
“come on bab — fuckk’- babe. look at me pleas- come on, watch how good you — you make me feel.”
you start to scratch at his his hands and his arms. he’d most definitely be marked up all over by the morning. finding it increasingly more difficult to breathe. you finally decide to look him in the eyes, sending him a pleading look to stop and to quit choking you, your face slowly starting to turn a shade of blue. upon your eyes looking at him, seeing those teary orbs and pleading face, it sends him over the edge. he sends a curse your way before he surprisingly pulls out, his load going all over the bed. he lets go of your neck and pulls up his boxers, falling on top of you. his weight making it hard for you to completely catch your breath. you start to choke and hiccup on your own tears before he looks up at you and strokes his hand across your face, catching a few tears in his hand.
“i told you it wouldn’t be bad at all. don’t you feel a little more at ease now? are you prepared for the games tomorrow?”
not at all. was he fucking delusional? he lays his head back on your chest, looking up at you like a child, and rubs his hands up your sides.
“tomorrow when we vote, you better change to an ‘O’. wouldn’t want my pretty girl to betray me after all.”
he does a fake pout at the end of that. you go to sit up to pull your pants back up but he stops you.
“uhm, allow me. wouldn’t want you to do any hard labor! i’ll take care of it all for ya.’”
he pulls your panties and your pants up and sits up off of you, getting his own pants situated. he grabs your hand and presses a kiss to the top of it, looking at you in your eyes with a smile, your eyes still watering. and you send a glare his way.
“ouch babe! you hurt me here.”
he smacks his chest a couple times where his heart was.
“i’d stay here and sleep with you, but my friends will want a piece of you too if they find out that’s what i did tonight.”
you shudder at the thought of that.
“but dont worry. i’ll see you tomorrow. i’ll see ya at breakfast, yeah?”
he pulls you in for one long kiss and you push him away and he almost falls into the next bed over. he grabs at his heart again dramatically.
“ugh, i don’t wanna leave you. we’ll talk tomorrow though, kay? maybe have some more fun too.”
he winks at you again before turning over his shoulder and literally skipping away, running with his arms in the air and his hands in fists. you just hug your knees, crying into them, and now more than ever you wanted to go home. god this was so fucked. you just wanted to go to the bathroom and wash all over yourself but you knew they wouldn’t let you in. you just keep a tight grip around your knees, trying to find some sort of solace while you’re stuck here.
#tw dark content#tw noncon#yandere squid game#squid game x reader#yandere thanos#thanos x reader#thanos smut#yandere thanos x reader#yandere squid game x reader#Choi su bong x reader#yandere choi su bong#squid game smut#tw smut#tw dark themes#tw dark fic
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₊ ⊹.𖥔 ݁ ˖ 𝒅𝒊𝒗𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒓 𝒅𝒖𝒎𝒑 . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁








credits to me. feel free to use and save. of course credit would be appreciated but it is not required. I’m just making these for fun <3 dividers I’ve made to fics and things that are sitting in my drafts and decided to share.
#✧ ˚ 𝑏𝑢𝑏𝑏ℓ𝑒𝑔𝑢𝑚 𓄼 ⊹#pink themes#aesthetic#pink#pinkcore#pink dividers#cute#sparkles#stars#baby pink dividers#butterfly dividers#mdni dividers#continue reading dividers#ribbon dividers#fancy dividers#bow dividers#black dividers#gif dividers#pink divider#lace dividers#blue dividers#flower dividers#cute dividers#dividers#masterlist divider help#masterlist dividers#story dividers#dark red dividers#red dividers#hello kitty dividers
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤ 🩹 ⎯⎯ ᛌ❤︎̩͙ ҈ིꨩ 𝗰𝗼𝗿𝗱𝗲𝗿𝗶𝘁𝗮. ᬀ⃨݃





#moodboard#messy moodboard#dreamcore moodboard#edgy moodboard#cute moodboard#alternative moodboard#archive moodboard#clean moodboard#2000s moodboard#rp moodboard#fakeland moodboard#white moodboard#black moodboard#red moodboard#visual moodboard#dark moodboard#kpop messy moodboard#kpop moodboard#hanni moodboard#new jeans moodboard#messy bios#rp bios#long bios#short bios#cute bios#fakeland#rp help#rp theme#rp users#rp png
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“Give to this dog son of a wolf a human face, and the result will be Javert.”
I think a lot about the folkloric story that Victor Hugo describes (or invents) in Les Mis, that uses dogs/wolves as a metaphor for that way that Inspector Javert betrays his own social class. It feels very fairytale-like, so here’s a Lotte-Reiniger style adaptation. Many thoughts, many emotions. I may animate this eventually. (And thanks to @valvertweek for the motivation!)
#this is Fate because it’s also about destiny#and it’s Faith because it’s peasant folklore beliefs#it’s on theme#valvert week#Les mis#les Misérables#valvert#‘is it gay’ real fans understand why this is gay#the litter is a Metaphor#anyway: it’s gay#inspector javert#furry javert#fairy tale#fairy tale aesthetic#dark fairy tale#folklore#artists on tumblr#shadow puppets
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#black women#black excellence#melanin#black#black pride#black is beautiful#poc#Bipoc#blackout#black culture#dark skin#african#african fashion#African theme#afro carribean#carribean#black tumblr#black beauty#black girl magic#black fashion model#poc aesthetic#black people#black woman appreciation#beautiful black women#black women aesthetic#blackness#@j_.alexphotos#Afropridelife
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doomed cousins
#warrior cats#wc#shadowsight#bristlefrost#my art#it might be 2025 but it is never to late to draw angst-riddled cats crying with light/dark themes okay
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Bios cortas ' ★
꒰⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀🐇 .⠀⠀⠀roses ⠀⠀✿𝆬
let's appreciate art & ( 📹 )
🪵 `ㅤㅤArgentinaㅤㅤㅤ𝟢.ㅤ𝟢𝟦
love ﹙ . . . ﹚ notes , ✿
ㅤ ⸺ Passenger love. ׁ 20:04
ㅤ ꒪ ㅤׅㅤㅤ﹙📁﹚ㅤㅤ˚ㅤ ㅤ ꕮㅤㅤㅤ
#⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀#simple bios#instagram bios#bios twitter#short bios#messy bios#bios#cute bios#kpop bios#bios dark#random simbols#bios random#random bios#bios coquette#bios ig#jungkook bios#simbols bios#simbolos#jungkook moodboard#dark moodboard#dark grunge#bios aesthetic#bts moodboard#kpop theme#kpop layouts#kpop moodboard#moodboard aesthetic#random moodboard#aesthetic inspo#inspo
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Yandere! Kidnapper

warnings: captivity, forced infantilization, nonconsensual themes, physical violence, drugging, collaring, stalking, dead dove: do not eat
—becomes increasingly more unhinged, lowkey inspired by a disturbing manga I accidentally read twice, so take that as you will.., so yeah that's my last post of 2024, happy 2025 people!
©Copyright -2024- thedarkestrivernymph - All Rights Reserved

Y! Kidnapper that hunts you through the forest and tackles you to the ground after an escape attempt only to scold and berate you for every little scrape on your body, as if it wasn't his fault in the first place, as if you're just too clumsy for your own good.
Y! Kidnapper that never would do anything sexual without consent, but doesn't take no for an answer when you tell him you don't want him to bathe you—you are his, so of course he will rub you clean, even the spot between your legs.
Y! Kidnapper who tells you his entire day, everything, as if you're his lifeless oversized doll, only to pinch your nipples whenever he asks a question, daring you to answer and enjoys your torment in staying quiet and pliant for him
Y! Kidnapper who sits you down, clips even your toenails for you, kneads your sore muscles from doing nothing all day, carries you everywhere, doesn't even let your feet catch callous from walking on them, only to treat you absolutely diabolical in bed, branding each inch of skin he took such good care of either with his hand, a belt or whatever he gets his hands on..
Y! Kidnapper who's obsessed with providing warm meals for you, the highest quality ingredients are used—everything to accommodate your sensitive gut, only to drug you out of your mind and giggle while doing nothing else but cuddle you while watching TV and popping chips in his mouth, all while commenting on the script of the particular horror movie he’s watching and listing thousand of things he would've done better than the director
Y! Kidnapper who before capturing you was the weirdest fucking stalker in existence— openly groping you, offering you food with a smile (mind you he’s a complete stranger???), appearing in front of your doorstep at night to holler at you, banging his fists on your door and actively breaking in only to stare at your sleeping form while jacking off. Did I also mention he would email you like you're his secret rendezvous? Oh and he went along and introduced himself to your whole family with a fake identity over email (like—wtf is whatsapp?), hahaha..
Y! Kidnapper who wants to control every single aspect of your life—from how you pluck your brows to when you're allowed to use the restroom. Will literally stare you down with a hand on the chain connected to your collar, that he forced on you after your latest escape attempt, while you're pants are pooling at your feet and you’re trying to pee. (Why? Because the window is a few feet away..)
Y! Kidnapper from who, let's be honest here, you will only ever escape in death and that will probably be in old age, with how well he takes care of you, having baby proofed his home enough to ensure that you couldn't hurt yourself even on accident and don't even think about using a razor! he will do that for you, just sit down in the bathtub, all drugged out of your mind, dumb and drooling, losing touch with reality, while he does everything for you
—just be his passive little kitten he declawed, and that's enough for him, just dependent on him and he will paint your cage gold, even if the paint will chip away one day

#yandere#male yandere x reader#yandere story#yandere drabble#yandere drabbles#yandere kidnapper#dark themes#yandere horror#yandere x reader#yandere x you#cw: stalking#yandere imagines#yandere thoughts
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Forgive Me Father, 2023, Digital Painting by myself, Liz Pence
First post !
Socials and Commissions
#original art#my art#in gods hands#illustration#artists on tumblr#small artist#digital art#digital illustration#digital painting#digital drawing#digital artist#horror#horror art#horror artist#dark art#religious art#religious trauma#religious imagery#painting#surreal#surreal art#surrealism#surrealist art#creepy art#creepy aesthetic#tw religious themes#religious horror
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۫ 新月 ℳ𝖾𝗋 𝖽𝖾 𝖼𝗅𝖺𝗂𝗋 𝖽𝖾 𝗅𝗎𝗇𝖾 . ࣪




᭨ ⃟⃜ ུ۪𔓕 𝗐𝗁𝖾𝗇 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗆𝗈𝗈𝗇’𝗌 𝗈𝗎𝗍, 🌑ᛝৣ ۬۟
ᭊ⬤ᰯ 𝖻𝖺𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗂𝗇 𝗆𝗈𝗈𝗇𝗅𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍 ִ ◞ ۫









#꒰ atsubie ꒱ ౨ৎ︵⠀⠀#⁝ ָ֢ ࣪ 𝓛uminosity : the event#twilight new moon mentioned#ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ#kpop icons#kpop layouts#messy moodboard#kpop themes#kpop moodboard#kpop aesthetic#alternative moodboard#alt moodboard#colorful moodboard#indie moodboard#y2k moodboard#dark moodboard#gray moodboard#edgy moodboard#vintage moodboard#retro moodboard#grunge moodboard#soft moodboard#maximalist moodboard#fresh moodboard#simple moodboard#divider by bernardsbendystraws#divider by v6que#divider by kodaswrld
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To me, this is Stepdad!Price and his stepdaughter, and I will not be accepting any other opinions. (🌽)
Price adores you more than anything else in this world. You're his precious little angel, an outlet for his sexual frustration and horniness. Your stepfather refuses to allow your stepbrothers near you, and especially not any random men who clearly don't care to know you. He'll shake his head, frustrated and disappointed, before calling you onto his lap.
You need an older man like your stepfather, someone loyal and trustworthy, someone who knows you better than yourself.
“Tsk–, you know better, don’t‘cha?” Your stepfather's large hands tighten around your hips, his fingertips pressing into the soft flesh on your hips while his gravelly and hoarse voice rings in your ears. One hand travels down your bare and naked body, exploring each inch of your soft skin, while the other one grasps at your head and holds it still, allowing him to make out with you sloppily while praising you between breaths. Price slowly fucks his thick fingers into your soft cunt, all while he makes out with you slowly. You can hear your stepfather's heavy breathing and pleased, guttural groans as you react positively to his kisses and lustful touch, as well as the sound of your cunny squelching around his fingers.
To your stepfather, you're the prettiest and purest thing to walk this planet. He doesn't care about your mother, how heartbroken she'll be to know that he's been cheating on her with you. He's just using her to get through to you, to stuff your soaked pussy with his calloused, thick digits in preparation to fill your hole with his meaty, sweaty cock. Fuck, maybe you'll make babies one day. You'll learn to accept attention from your father, whether it's sexual or not.
“That’s right, sweetness’- let me show you who you belong to.”
#orla speaks#i don't like how i wrote this but i wanted to get something out for you guys :'3#cod x reader#captain johnathan price#captain price#captain john price smut#captain john price#captain john price x reader#captain price x reader#captain john price x you#cod price#captain price x you#john price#john price smut#john price cod#john price x reader#price cod#john price x you#price smut#price x reader#price x you#tw: dark content#tw: dark themes#tw: stepcest#tw: cheating#dead dove do not eat
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₊ ⊹.𖥔 ݁ ˖ 𝒔𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒌𝒍𝒆 𝒈𝒊𝒇 𝒅𝒊𝒗𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒔 . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁
credits to me. feel free to use and save. of course credit would be appreciated but it is not required. I’m just making these for fun <3 p.s. I did not make the sparkle gif itself, just changed the color of it. I have a couple other colors but didn’t include them, I have them in my drafts tho in unfinished story layouts and what not.
#✧ ˚ 𝑏𝑢𝑏𝑏ℓ𝑒𝑔𝑢𝑚 𓄼 ⊹#pink themes#aesthetic#pink#pinkcore#pink dividers#sparkles#stars#sparkle dividers#twinkle dividers#star dividers#white dividers#black dividers#gray dividers#animated dividers#rainbow dividers#red dividers#orange dividers#yellow dividers#green dividers#blue dividers#purple dividers#purple masterlist dividers#red banners#baby pink dividers#baby pink#girly stuff#just girly things#pink and yellow dividers#dark green
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Before I start, I just wanna say I love your work, keep it up!!
A bit of a feminine m!reader and a stalker, kind of like the song stalker’s tango by autoheart (praise kink and anything you wanna add)
Love me love me love me~! (Stalker Oc x feminine male reader) ໒꒰ྀི˶˃ᆺ˂˶ ꒱ྀིა

WC:. 1.5k
Tags: praise kink, back shots, creepy character, dub con (reader doesn’t say but he wants it), stalking, spit as lube, men in panties, college AU, p in a sex, bad prepping(basically no prep cause he wants reader to feel em), slight Yandere themes?, coming inside panties, lil come play<33
A/N thanks for the request! I didn’t know your kinks so I tried to keep it pretty vanil for the fic but I just get the vibe that the stalker is a lil bit of a yandere ૮꒰◞ ˕ ◟ ྀི꒱ა
College was the time you were supposed to be the most happiest. freedom, no parents breathing down your neck and looking at you wearing your new skirts and finally away from Him…anyway this is the beginning of something new and that made you terrified excited.
Here you were grabbing boxes from the back of a hand me down car you bought last year, your hands full walking around campus searching for your dorm room. The sound of other college students bustling past even a frat boy running through the corridor laughing while another man smacks his shoulder.
Your heels clicking on the floors getting into the elevator finally out of view of the other students, not caring if they stared at you when you walked past them in your little skirt.
Finally finding your door room, room 234 in the third wing on campus. Pulling the door open and then it happens, the boxes nearly dropping from your hand “Jasper?..” the man that single handedly ruined your teen years, the man you filed a restraining order against- the one that stalked you since middle school, putting cameras inside your shower, under your bed.
There he stood in all his glory, black hair all messy with his green eyes piercing you over like an interested cat, a crooked grin on his lips looking at you like some god before him. You quickly sit your boxes down on the twin bed to the left of the room with your hands now by your side looking at him.
“Did you miss me any [name]? I really missed you, so goddamn much” he walks over to you leaning down and shoving his face into your neck breathing in your scent without a care in the world “how’d you find me Jasper…my parents made sure you didn’t know the colleges I applied for” your lips pressed into a thin line standing stiff and finding no comfort in the man’s touch.
“I total you I’d never leave you baby? Can’t live without you [name] I wouldn’t wanna” he kisses his way down grabbing at the hem of your shirt slipping under it and massaging his palms into your sides.
“Y’know I don’t want you Jasper, I never have so just stop” you mutter out all squeaky trying to get away even if your body knew you wanted it, even if you couldn’t deny you found him hot you’d never admit it so you did the next best thing and tried to push away but only failing in return.
“Don’t lie to me baby, you’re already getting hard so hard in that little skirt, it’s like you’re asking for me to fuck you?” His lips muffle themselves against your skin starting to suck it red while holding you pined between him and the wall while his second hand makes its way down to your mini skirt starting to lift it.
“Dammit Jasper… stop that” you speak out because you’re in to deep to say otherwise feeling your cock bulging in the pink panties you were wearing. You had no stockings under your skirt letting your bulge get exposed while you go red in the face feeling jaspers hand snaking down giving it a rough squeeze before pulling his lips off your neck breathing heavy in your ear.
“Just be a good boy and bend over for me sweetheart” you don’t know why but you walked over to your twin size bed, not even getting on it just bending over on the side of it and shoving your face into the sheets standing in a pair of heels spreading your thighs.
“Mh, baby so fucking beautiful, no idea how long I’ve been imagining this” he lifts your skirt in the back showing off the cotton fabric with little bows riding up between your cheeks making him smile reading his hands down and grabbing your cheeks spreading them and watching how your rim puckers up against the panties.
His thumb rubbing down your crack spitting on your panties and using his thumb to rub the now translucent fabric against your bud making sure to get it nice and wet while you lay with your cock weeping against the mattress feeling your knees buckle from the feeling.
“O-h you’re a pervert Jasper!” You yelp out and try to yell at him but fail when he reaches his hand off your ass cheek and grabs the back of your neck shoving it into the bed making your voice get muffled, “such a cruel accusation [name] I’m not perverse, I just love you baby?”
He’d coo to you from behind while the hand messing and teasing with your rim finally pulls your panties to the side of your ass just admiring how you’d clench around the air so effortlessly, your rim half prepped from all those nights you’d whine and finger yourself in your bed. Which of course he knew about back then, he had cameras?
“Want me to fuck it?” He’d ask you softly even though you knew he was going to fuck you either way “y-eah” you nod into the pillows gasping when he lets go of the back of your neck to undo his jeans making sure your skirt was pushed upwards on your waist, “you should really get a tramp stamp sweetheart, get me something all pretty to aim at when I’m coming all over that pretty arch”
Your face went red as a beat becoming more thankful he was behind you so he couldn’t see your reaction but he already knew it when your rim winked at him again trying to swallow his finger tip like quicksand having him all giddy and infatuated with you. Jasper having been waiting years to get his cock nuzzled between those perky little cheeks.
“So warm sweetie, just gonna fuck you so nice baby” his voice comes out rigid pulling his boxers down letting his manhood spring free finally standing tall against his t shirt before he presses his dick between your cheeks and uses his hands to grip both cheeks sandwiching his cock between them as he rocks his hips spitting down on your ass again using it as lube fucking between your cheeks having your face down and your ankles bending out in your heels.
“Just push in already Jasper, don’t fuckin tease me~” you moan reaching your hand down to your panties starting to palm yourself through the panties feeling yourself soaking the Cotten closing your eyes just feeling what’s happening to your body having you melting like ice cream during summer.
“Always a greedy boy weren’t you?…well doesn’t matter, still love you” he speaks nudging his pudgy cock head against your rim spreading the muscle open wide making him hiss “fuck that’s it sweetie” he tilts his head back rubbing your ass cheeks softly trying to get you to loosen up around him having him on cloud nine scrunching his nose up bottoming out inside you ready to come on the spot.
“Jas— oh’m g-od” you croak and choke on your words going loose and fuzzy in the head just laying with your ankle wobbling to stay bent in your heels just screwing your eyes shut only opening them with he gives your ass cheek a little smack letting you adjust to his girth. Jasper bucks his hips forward making your face droop back down as his hips squish your plump skin.
Your hands going limp like jello under you unable to palm your neglected cock, just laying with your body limp letting him have his way with you praying to whatever was up in the sky that other students didn’t hear Jasper giving you back-shots on your first day at campus. “You have no idea h’many nights I imagined getting myself inside your pretty body, mmh you’re worth the wait sweetheart”
You feel your rim on fire when his base stretches you wider making your back arch trying to take him, your cock jumps in your panties at his dirty praises having you in hysterics hating the man but also just wanting him to hold you close and fuck you like you deserve, you’d never tell him though. “You can start movin-!” You cry out arching under him gripping the bedsheets tight.
“Shh stay quite sweetheart, stay nice and sweet for me [name]” Jasper speaks softly moaning under his breath bucking his hips feeling a hot flash in his abdomen trying not to come before you but goddamn you were like heaven around him, you were his addiction, his ambrosia and he couldn’t get enough.
The sound of flesh in flesh filling up the dorm, his hands gliding over your body gripping the skin like a feral dog fucking you from behind having you reaching for the wall while the bed creaks shaking back and forth while your eyes open back up going wide and dumb when his cock assaults York inner walls hitting your sweet spot having you loosening up not clenching his cock so tight, jaspers hands pulling in your panties from behind making them tighter in the front, making your cock pulse against the firm fabric
“Please Jas, please just—“ you beg, you break you fold flush like a bad poker game not even knowing what you were pleading for just knowing you needed to come so bad your balls were swelling up going red in your panties about to explode when his cock halts pushing further and further against your prostate like a rubber band being stretched and pressed further and further about to snap.
“Please what sweetheart? Tell me what you want, promise I’ll give it to you” he speaks to you like a doll in complete opposites to how he was fucking you, his hands reaching letting go of your panties making you squeal from the release of pressure, he keeps fucking you thrusting and pumping his hips pressing his pubes to York lower back reaching up under you to your stomach to hold you up.
Holding you up half off the bed fucking you harder with your face still in the sheets and your hips raised high for him mewling feeling your favorite skirt go higher up on you. “Please make me cum, please get me off Jasper” you whine and you spasm around his dick. Your rim trying to take more until his balls press against yours, running together when he fucks into you.
“Come for me baby, just let go, lemme make it all better for you doll” his pace picks up fucking you like some jack rabbit in heat. His hands tugging at your belly leaning forwards leaning back down laying on top of you bent over the bed heaving in your ear kissing the red marks he made on your neck snaking one hand down inside your panties tugging on your cock.
“S’ happening jas, gonna come” you can’t help but to shiver and let go of the bedsheets arching your back against his stomach crying out wailing all cock drunk slurring your words while your cock pulses in his hand coming all inside your panties only further soiling them when the thick ropes leave your red cock head feeling like a release through your whole body having your balls relax a little once they’re fully emptied.
“There’s my good boy, I knew you were a sweetheart, just needed a little pounding to bring it out” Jasper kisses your neck sucking on the red marks using his canines to pinch the skin letting go York your cock and slamming into you harder becoming less in rhythm and more desperate to get off.
You can feel his balls drawling up when they press against your ass, his veins rubbing more prominent against your inner walls having you biting your bottom lip with your toes curling in your heels while he thrusts one more time inside you piling out with a loud gasp “o-h fuck [name] feel what you do to me?” He asks shuddering behind you fucking between your spit slick ass cheeks letting his cock nudge your rim but never actually pushing in.
The next thing you know hot ropes of cum pump out spewing all over your hole getting between your cheeks feeling the hot liquid running down your arch getting on your back and your skirt practically coating you like he meant it. “Thought you were pretty before but admit seeing you covered in my cum makes you even prettier”
He lifts his head from your neck whispering the words out to you before slipping his hands from under you and massaging the cum all over your body rubbing your cheeks down with it slipping two slickened fingers inside you again playing with you before pulling out.
“Let me have a date baby, I promise I can treat you so good, I’ll be so sweet to you I’ll be s’much better than your ex was” he whispers to you cooing like a snake in the garden of Eden ready to tempt you into his sinful world. “You’re fucking crazy Jasper” you huff lifting your head laying now lifting yourself up on your elbows with your body aching from the rough fucking you just took, his hand marks and imprints leaving your skin swollen.
“I’m only crazy for you, you’re the only man that makes me feel it…only wanna kiss N’ love, only wanna come on you sweetie”
#sleep-0-deprived#sleep 0 deprived#x male reader#x male reader smut#bottom male reader#sub male reader#mlm ns/fw#gay mlm#dark smut#dark content x male reader#dark content#stalker x reader#stalker x darling#stalker x male darling#slight yandere#oc x male reader#oc x reader#yandere oneshot#x sub reader#x sub male reader#x bottom male reader#x feminine male reader#x femboy reader#cw yandere#cw dubcon#smutshot#tw dark themes#tw dark content#yandere x male darling#male yandere x male reader
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