#And constant failure of communication has been what's preventing me from moving forward.
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angelofbenignmalevolence · 5 years ago
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Thunderbirds Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Scott Tracy, Virgil Tracy, John Tracy, Gordon Tracy, Alan Tracy, Grandma Tracy, Brains (Thunderbirds) Additional Tags: Dungeons and Dragons, Game Night, Fluff, Humor Series: Part 4 of IR Relief 2020 Ficlets Summary:
A massive storm has grounded the Thunderbirds and the boys are bored. When the power goes out, Alan decides to bring his family together for a rousing game night featuring Dungeons and Dragons!
“Any younger brother teaching Scott something he doesn’t know” submitted as a prompt by @tsarinatorment for International Rescue & Relief (https://nutty.gumnut.net/irrelief/). If the reception to this is good and I continue, there may also be a hint of "Here be Dragons" as a prompt as well. Hope that a two for one is acceptable!! :D
This was not your average storm. This storm had been building in power for days and it was one of the very few times that International Rescue had been grounded due to hazardous weather conditions. If they couldn’t safely get the birds in the air, they couldn’t rescue anyone. Even John had come down from Thunderbird 5. If anything went wrong up there while the storm was passing over them, there would be no way to get in contact with Five, and after Scott had heard that communications had been wiped out in the areas that had already been in the storm’s wake, there had been no room for discussion.
This explained why the five Tracy brothers, Grandma Tracy, Brains, Kayo and Max were currently hunkered down in the bunker built under the island for just such occasions. John sat at the table, twisting a hologram of the Earth as he continued to monitor the path of the storm. As soon as it was safe to fly again, there was a very good chance that International Rescue would have their work cut out for them. Virgil sat in front of an easel in the corner, working on his latest masterpiece as he hummed softly to himself. These quiet moments of interlude were often the only opportunities he had to work on his art, and he made sure to take full advantage of them. Brains and Scott spoke in hushed tones about new research and development ideas moving forward. Kayo watched the room silently, her security instincts always on high alert. The Hood had gotten to Tracy Island once. She wouldn’t put it past him to try again under the cover of the big storm. Gordon and Alan sat at the table with Grandma Tracy, a deck of cards between them all.
“Read ‘em and weep boys,” Grandma said, laying out her cards on the table, eliciting groans from the two youngest of the Tracy brothers.
“That’s six games in a row!” Gordon groaned as Grandma Tracy moved the pile of chocolate candies they had been using as the betting pot over to her side of the table.
“What can I say?” she said with a smile as she began to shuffle the cards again. “Your grandfather used to be quite the card shark in his day and I learned to play cards with the best of them. Another round?” Alan pushed away from the table.
“I’m out, Grandma,” he said, moving over to one of the open couches and flopping back on the cushions. His eyes traced the lines on the ceiling. While he was always grateful for a brief respite of constant call outs, Alan was very easily bored. There were only so many card games, so much homework, and so much time sitting around waiting for something to do that he could handle. The storm had knocked out all server connections to his online game, so he didn’t even have his normal escape from boredom. He let out a sigh. Man, this blows. I wish there was something that we could all do together.
The room went dark. The sudden lack of humming from the lights and the quieting of the whir of Tracy Island’s innards was nearly deafening for a few brief moments. The only thing they could hear in the darkness was the distant whoosh of the storm that was currently buffeting the Island.
“What just happened?” Scott asked. Alan heard him getting to his feet in the inky darkness of the room.
“Looks like the power went out,” came Gordon’s voice, the ever-present mischief in his voice not dulled at all by the occurrence. Alan smiled as he swore he could almost hear Scott glaring into the darkness.
“Obviously,” Scott replied.
“The back-up generators should k-k-kick on anytime,” came Brains’ voice, followed by Max whirring as he moved across the floor to where Brains sat, unimpeded by the darkness. Kayo shifted uncomfortably as the several seconds it should have taken for the generator to kick on again stretched into a minute, and then more.
“The generator should have kicked on by now,” she said, all her security instincts on alert.
“It has been awhile since we’ve done a test on the generators down here. It’s p-possible that the redundant generator could have been knocked out as well,” Brains reasoned. The bunker was used so infrequently that the maintenance on the Thunderbirds often superseded the six-month checks on the equipment down on the bunker. And once it had been delayed, it was often forgotten in the hum and excitement of the near constant rescues.
“Maybe I should go check it out, just in case,” Kayo said, and there was the sound of her getting up off the wall. The sound of a chair scraping against the floor indicated that either Gordon or Grandma Tracy had gotten to their feet as well
“Are you crazy?” Gordon’s voice hadn’t moved, meaning the slow footsteps across the room belonged to their grandmother, which was confirmed with a soft oof and a couple muttered words. “It’s pitch black out there. And we don’t know about comms with all of our systems down.” There was the sound of a cupboard opening and some rustling.
“All the more reason for me to check and see why our power is down. If it’s a matter of the storm and there’s something that’s preventing the generator from working, we should know that,” she said. She didn’t voice her concerns that the Hood had infiltrated the Island again. A soft aha preceded a flash of light from the kitchen area as Grandma pulled out a battery powered LED lantern. After the momentary blindness from the suddenness of the light, the whole room was bathed in the muted blueish glow of the lantern. Grandma set it on the small counter and ducked into the cupboard again.
“I know we have a couple of these to spare,” she said. “I can send one along with you, Kayo,” she said, rifling through the cupboard.
“M-M-Max can go with you too. If it is a mechanical failure, he has been uploaded with the schematics of everything and can help you fix the problem,” Brains offered. Kayo nodded to him.
“Thank you, Brains,” she said. Grandma brought over another lantern to her and Kayo turned it on, moving to the door. “C’mon Max.” The little robot whirred happily at being given something to do and rolled away after Kayo. The clunk of the door echoed softly for a moment before the room was bathed in silence momentarily.
“Well,” Virgil said, getting up from where he was sitting in front of his easel. “I guess that’s me being done with painting for the time being. I have to let the layer dry anyway.” He plopped down on the couch next to Alan, moving his brother’s feet to make room for him.
“Yeah, I think that’s most of us being done for the time being,” Gordon lamented as he came over to join the rest of the family. “Not a whole lot to be done in the dark. Except, you know, ghost stories or whatever.” No one else seemed as enthused as Gordon about the idea of ghost stories, but the idea sent Alan’s mind churning. Maybe not ghost stories but…
Alan sat up, Virgil looking at him as Alan’s limbs flailed into a seated position on the couch. That’s a brilliant idea! Alan thought to himself. All I have to do is convince them it’s a good idea too.
“Everything ok, Al?” Virgil asked.
“What? Oh, yeah, everything’s fine,” Alan said. “I was just thinking…there is something that we can do while it’s dark and it would give everyone something to do.”
“Oh?” Gordon’s curiosity had been piqued.
“I’m listening,” Virgil said. Alan hesitated for a moment.
“Well, I was trolling the forums for Cavern Quest the other week and some of the older players were talking about an old school tabletop roleplaying game called Dungeons and Dragons and I was looking into it and it sounded really cool. It’s where you have this dungeon master and they start a story and the players are all a part of it and based on the decisions you make, the story changes and…” Alan started, his words almost blending together in excitement but as his brothers continued to stare at him, he began to trail off. Gordon’s face was the first to break into a smile.
“That sounds amazing! Count me in,” he said.
“Sure, I’m game,” Virgil was next to chime in after a short pause. “It’s better than sitting here in the half-light.” Alan’s eyes lit up. That was two of his brothers.
“Oh, why not.” Alan turned, a little surprised to hear his grandmother agreeing. “I played once or twice when I was in college. Don’t remember much of it but I’ll play. Brains will too.”
“I w-will?” he asked, but Grandma was already ushering him over to the table. Alan’s face broke out into a grin. He had expected to maybe get all of his brothers on board, but this…this was even better! He turned to his other two brothers. He turned puppy dog eyes on John, who sighed.
“If you can convince Scott to play, I’ll join in,” he said. Scott had little time to brace himself for the full force of Alan’s hopeful expression.
“Please, Scott? Pleeeeeeeeease??” Alan asked. Scott internally winced at how hopeful he sounded and how devastated he knew his brother would be if he didn’t agree.
“Al…I don’t know how to play...” Scott tried to sidestep the decision. His brothers were always the more creative ones, whether it was Virgil with his art, Gordon with his pranks, John with his inventions, or Alan, who had a five page backstory written up for his character on Cavern Quest. Scott was much more logic minded, rooted in numbers and systems. Alan was undeterred.
“I’ll teach you, Scott. It doesn’t take that long to get the hang of it. Pleeeeeeeeeeeeease?” Alan asked again and Scott felt his resolve crumble.
“Alright, I’ll play,” he said and Scott was almost surprised that Alan didn’t launch himself into orbit with the excitement that exuded from him. He took Scott’s hand and dragged him over to the table, mirth in John’s eyes as he followed a bit more sedately. Alan bounced over to where Grandma had stocked a small cabinet full of games and dug around for some dice sets he knew were in the back behind all the boxes. He brought them over to the table and passed them around to everyone.”
“Ok…so first…let’s roll up characters!”
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snibnoom · 6 years ago
All of what is said below is my understanding of the situation. I am not fluent in Korean, therefore I might misinterpret some things. Please take this into consideration.
TL;DR: A group of Korean fans came forward with their complaints concerning several issues: Fantagio keeping a schedule in Japan where the members might get sick due to a flu epidemic, announcements and events being changed, fans not being respected by fan club personnel, staff lacking preparation, a lack of appearance on daytime entertainment programs during promotions, and other miscellaneous issues. They are calling for a change in the way Fantagio handles events and issues moving forward.
A group of fans organized as 아스트로 불판닷컴 “ASTRO Hot Grill Dot Com” have issues a complaint statement to Fantagio Music. The fan group was established in November 2017 and “have experienced charges of [Fantagio Music] ignoring fans, refusing to communicate, and poor behavior of staff members.” 아스트로 불판닷컴 (will be abbreviated as ㅂㅍㄷㅋ from now on) have a website here and a Twitter account here with more than 5,000 followers. ㅂㅍㄷㅋ say that they are not representative of all AROHA, and that the common opinions they hold between themselves may not hold true for all fans. The official members of the ㅂㅍㄷㅋ board have been under constant stress from events like those listed in their complaints, and chose to come forward with these complaints now so that they will no longer have to wait and see if Fantagio Music and associated individuals will come forward with an explanation.
Complaint #1: Thorough ignoring of objections to schedules that do not prioritize the artist’s health. There is a schedule for Japan that includes hi-touch. There are concerns over the continuation of the hi-touch event despite the high chance of members catching the flu due to an outbreak. Many Japanese fans are expressing their opposition in going through with the Japan fan meeting through fax and e-mails, but Fantagio is pushing ahead and completely ignoring the requests of fans.
(T/N: I can’t tell from the wording if this complaint refers to a previous event or an upcoming event. My guess is that it is a future event, as a tag “cancel the Japan fan meeting” has been used in combination with the sharing of these complaints.)
Complaint #2: Related to offline events, such as concerts/fan meetings. 
Of the 2018 2기 Fan Meeting:
Did not allow for everything proposed in the original announcement, such as 떼창 (T/N: a common Korean concert manner, literally “crowd singing”), video, robongie, slogan event (T/N: when fans pull out their slogans during a specific time in the show).
A slogan event organized by ㅂㅍㄷㅋ failed because of the above
The slogan event was called You&Me, but due to the event not having the sign off of the assistant director, the event was removed from the line-up. The mistake was easily correctable, but Fantagio Music instead removed the event. ㅂㅍㄷㅋ’s complaint calls this “...the biggest example of a lack of respect for fans.”
Of the 2018 STARLIGHT concert wreath:
Certain members had almost no wreaths dedicated to them as wreaths were assigned on a first-come-first-serve basis.
After learning this, ㅂㅍㄷㅋ quickly modified the words on their wreath so that all members could be represented.
Of the 2018 STARLIGHT concert event:
Before events could be submitted, Fantagio Music had already decided the song and event methods.
Despite Fantagio saying they would make a countdown and lyric video, the planned event ended up failing due to sloppy organization.
After the event failed on the first day, the guide given to fans was ignored so the event didn’t proceed.
Complaint #3: Related to Public Broadcasting — No Respect for Fans’ Time
Frequent changes in the number of people allowed into the main room, always announced just before entering
1/22 SBS The Show: of 30 people waiting, 12 were not allowed entrance
1/27 SBS Inkigao: of 25 people waiting, 9 were not allowed entrance
2/1 KBS Music Bank: no people admitted to the main room — AROHA were not informed of this until just before admittance so they waited indefinitely.
2/3 SBS Inkigayo: of 20 people waiting, 4 were not allowed entrance
However, for other rookie idol groups, 8 more people were added to the main room — ㅂㅍㄷㅋ says “this revealed an example of the fan manager’s incompetence.”
Staff lacks preparation
Staff did not pre-prepare first-come-first-serve items and photocards for winning lottery tickets, so those who won were asked to attend the next event to receive them. The fan didn’t have time to visit and asked for the items to be mailed, but staff refused the request and asked the fan to visit the next event. ㅂㅍㄷㅋ says that “this is a behavior with no consideration for fans who do not have much time” and that staff did not apologize to the inconvenience from the lack of planning on their part.
A temporary sticker was given due to staff having an insufficient quantity of the stickers. Staff says “come and get it next time” but the next time, preparation is no different.
On 2/2 at MBC Music Core, the first 30 fans received 2 photocards while all other fans did not.
Fairness in issuing public broadcasting goods
In the case of “signed Polaroids” which can be received after having 24 stamps on an attendance card, there are cases where member selection or several photographs are displayed unfairly.
In some cases, certain member photos were chosen quickly so those who chose later didn’t get the same options.
Each time an issue with the application occurs
1/24 M Countdown: After quietly modifying the time for entry to the main room, staff did not publish it again.
There are no explanations or apologies for frequent mistakes and inconsistent omissions in the notices.
T/N: I can’t figure out what this point is saying, but it’s something to do with the comeback showcase on 1/16 and (I think) a notice being posted with only 2 hours for adjustment.
There was no explanation for an issue, and protests from e-mails were ignored.
Offline staff ignore fans and are unfriendly
Each time at a public broadcasting station, staff does not take into account the time and health of fans waiting outside for 2 to 3 hours, and ignores the fans’ opinions and protests at the issues.
The fan manager was not faithful to their role in offline events and was unable to support fans’ discomfort during offline events.
No contact in any form that exists, such as fax, email, or the fan club cell phone number.
Staff selectively responded to complaints.
Poor safety management related to field participation
Due to the nature of the pre-recording process being at dawn and despite the danger factors such as dark and icy roads, accidents occurred due to insufficient management from existing personnel.
Complaint #4: No support of album release at company-level activities.
Even though it is a regular activity, there are 0 appearances on entertainment shows other than music broadcasting.
No appearances on public entertainment programs. (Have not appeared on any since Dream Part 2.)
If they cannot appear in entertainment shows due to internal circumstances, they should create their own content to upload, but until the end of all the music shows, the contents of “We Came Back” have not been released. (T/N: During previous promotional cycles, Fantagio released backstage videos of ASTRO filming themselves and having fun at music shows under the title of “We Came Back”).
No uploads of ‘Ddoca’ content from after 1/16.
Complaint #5: Miscellaneous Issues
Related to events conducted by the agency
There was an event that did not take into account the streaming list of an ASTRO streaming team, which was designed to manage ASTRO’s ranking on music charts.
All Light album’s “green card event” has not been received despite activities being 2/3 completed.
The “All I Want event” has not been followed up despite activities being 2/3 completed.
Notices for a polaroid gift event have not been issued. However, polaroids have since been distributed despite failure to publicize the draw criteria and winning numbers, raising questions about the fairness of the event.
There was an event item that was supposed to be distributed at all broadcasts, but despite the overlapping schedules of The Show and a radio broadcast, no changes or follow-ups were made.
Late music video release
Number of views on the music video was lost due to the reversing of posting and deletion of the music videos, which finally appeared an hour late—this negatively affected scores on music broadcasts.
Official Cafe Aroha 3rd Gen Level-Up
The 3rd Gen level up applications have not been completely processed, even those posted before the 1/20 cut-off date.
Not enough announcement when changing notice
Many people are not aware of the changes in schedules because they are not actively notified of important issues when announcements in the official fan cafe change.
ㅂㅍㄷㅋ completed their statement with the following points:
1. The health of ASTRO and AROHA is the top priority. As a result, take care of the schedule in Japan after the flu crisis in Japan has calmed down.
2. Ignoring fans’ opinions is not okay. They spend time and take health losses because they love a Fantagio Music artist. Strive to communicate with fans who request e-mail, fax, fan club cell phone, etc. when issues arise.
3. Fantagio Music should take appropriate disciplinary actions and personnel movements for those in charge of the fan club who have consistently caused inconvenience to fans due to frequent mistakes and insufficient work organization.
4. Fantagio Music should do its best to prevent fans from receiving unfair treatment from staff at the broadcasting stations and when participating in events related to artists at public broadcasting events.
5. Fantagio Music should always be grateful to fans who support ASTRO, respect them, and give them priority. Fans should not be ignored for cheering for artists, nor should they be taken advantage of by the Fantagio Music personnel.
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massistocchifontana · 4 years ago
Making a decision on a partner
Making a decision on a partner
  Everyday without fail I hear at least one comment from women suggesting that men are players and bastards and have done something to hurt them. One of the most common stories I hear is “why didn’t he choose me”, or “we broke up and within 6months he found someone else and is now married”. “Why am I always the one fixing them for the next relationship”.
 It is essential in knowing the psyche behind making a choice on the partner you choose.
 I’ve been on a number of dates in my life thankfully gathered some key insight into this process of dating. I have a number of points of view in respect of choosing a partner.
 I burnt my fingers in my earlier years is an understatement… I think crucified myself would be a better description, but I’ve learnt from these encounters and taken the opportunity in seeing how these relationships served me to grow. I saw them as platforms in understanding my thinking and behaving and made corrections to the disjointed parts in myself. Becoming aware of my masculinity and the expression thereof, in addition to knowing what a woman wants and needs in a relationship were components which added to a greater calmness within myself in reaching a point in making a decision in choosing a partner.
 Regardless of everything I’ve learnt, I believe it comes down to how men make a decision on deciding a woman is the right one for them. This is completely subjective in many ways, but it will also give you insight into what many men are thinking.
 As men we assess whether there will be longevity when deciding to date a woman. There is an unconscious process where men categorise women, and this can occur within the first 15 minutes of meeting someone.
 Our choices are largely based on our level of awareness and how at peace we are in our own bodies and minds. This will provide us greater clarity when making a decision. However, as I have experienced in my life in periods where I had no clarity—my decisions were shabby, ill thought, and personally should have never happened. Foresight is a beautiful thing but unfortunately we have to go through an experience many times over before we learn the lesson.
 I live by the very strict ideology “try, fail, try harder, and fail better”, so I had to look for the opportunity in these “failures” I called relationships. 
 What occurs when you are in a place of clarity and harmony with yourself is magical. You experience love, passion, compassion and every other emotion good and bad—however the difference is that you have perspective and can accept all the veneers and multiple layers of the person you choose, including yourself. There is a greater capacity to be present with yourself and others.
 Choosing a woman for a man is based on some of these principles:
 Attraction is paramount and although there are men out there who just settle for any person, these settling decisions are usually a byproduct of low self-esteem or lack of confidence in going out there and getting what you want. We all have the ability to identify something aesthetically pleasing, but yet we cower away from reaching out and embracing what we desire. I feel attraction is paramount, because it works on a multilayered system. Not only does there have to be attraction and chemistry between you both, but before that is achieved you have to consider the question: Am I an attractive individual?
 This does not suggest that looks are first and foremost, yes they play a part and thankfully we all have different tastes, but this question is much deeper. You need to firstly develop what makes you an attractive individual—once this has been achieved then you are more inclined to be better equipped to create attraction and maintain being attracted to by the women in question. This places you in a position of strength where there is no pressure on you except in making the decision of which women is more suitable to you and how you want to live harmoniously with this individual.
 Sexual attraction and sexual compatibility 
 A partner who offers an adequate sexual encounter versus the partner who has the animalistic desire for you creates connection and intimacy like no other. Sexual attraction is essential in ones relationship, however needs to be nurtured and developed on the back of mutual trust and respect. This allows for an essential platform to be built and a greater depth in intimacy. 
 What our mothers, fathers and family think of them
 Finding oneself in a position where both our mother and father have an active say in our personal life, it is essential to be mindful of this process and how this can impact your personal relationship. We all hear horror stories about the mother in law and how there is this constant need for control leading to disastrous tensions between the couple. This can be true in many situations because you are bringing a new energy into a very established system. If there is a conflict in this system, the new introduction will be seen as the issue until it is removed from the system.
 Key points to keep in mind when in the initial phases of your relationship are as follows: 
 ·      Keep her secret until you have understood her, how you relate to her, how you feel about her, how you have struggled through things together, how you argue and how you resolve matters before any form of formal introduction takes place.
·      We all want acceptance from the people close to us and this includes our chosen partner to be accepted too. Your decision is first and foremost here and although family and friends may be open to provide you with feedback on the person, be mindful that you are still sticking to a decision that is made for yourself and not for them. Any flaws or factors that you need to look out for—the reason is that when we are blinded by love, we seldom see the veneers hiding the rotting core of some people. I always go by the rule of thumb that “in equal measure to the good side of the person, there is a bad side” … Can you tolerate and accept this side to them?
·      Understand how they relate to money and know how you do too
·      Understand how they feel about family involvement and get an understanding of how they are with their family
·      Enquire into their long term goals in life and what sabotages they may have preventing them from achieving their goals.
 Their financial background
 The perception that money is not important in a relationship is a complete misconception. Unfortunately the lack of money can place a relationship under great deal of duress and cause unnecessary problems for a couple especially in the beginning stages. This can grow into resentment and cause a great deal of heartache. Their financial background means how do they relate to money more than how much money do they have in their bank account. If you have a question ask it, and if they have a question be open about it.
 I have learnt that if you damage the trust given to you in the initial stages of a relationship, it is near impossible to eradicate the seed of doubt in the other person going forward. Yes there is always potential to fix things, however this also comes down to the person and their strength of self as to whether they are able to forgive you and move on. A concern here is that old wounds are always connected to the painful experience and any reminder of such experiences will inevitably flag up concern and doubt for the person having been pained. 
 Are they willing to go through any difficulty and experience with you?
 A common goal is a strengthening factor in a relationship. If one partner falls behind it really is the responsibility of the one in front to slow down and be patient and support the other to catch up. With a mutual goal this becomes more tolerable, however without a common goal this opens the couple up to resentment and doubt and no longer feeling that they should fight for the benefit of the other and the relationship. It has become too easy to give up in a relationship and this is largely down to how we are conditioned and how we are taught to relate to others. 
 Do they give everything or hold back some thing’s
 Giving within a relationship is something that many of us can find difficult. This is dependent on our love language. The language we use to communicate with another and receive love to maintain a constant sense of being “in love” with the person we choose. This could be words of affirmation; acts of service, receiving gifts, quality time, physical touch. One thing both parties need to be conscious of, is that our partners love language might not be the same as ours. This can create misunderstanding on many levels, rendering the other misunderstood and unloved. It is essential we learn how to communicate in the others love language so that they can feel loved and cared for. A flaw in this is the partners stubbornness in thinking “why should I be the one to change”. I always point out that if one partner has understood something before the other, then it is their responsibility to nurture the other into understanding the situation.
 Do they want to resolve problems or create them?
 You will be surprised how many people out there want to create problems instead of actually having the desire to fix things. I think this question fits in nicely when self analyzing, from the perspective that we need to ask ourselves this fundamental question. We can have the desire for both in this question, as when we are unhappy in a relationship creating problems can be our means of sabotaging the progress and success of a relationship, whereas resolving problems is easier when we are in love with someone and we have more fuel to deal with issues. Be reflective enough to know how you are in both contexts and adjust yourself where necessary. 
 Do we allow ourselves to fully surrender to the person?
 This is a point that I have seen many people struggle with as ones ego takes over and causes us to become resistant to completely surrendering. I believe it is essential to be able to surrender to our partners because this ability diffuses the situation or argument almost immediately. It allows us to be more present and relatable. Being able to acknowledge where you are fallible is essential in personal growth, and something we should never fear acknowledging and being transparent about. 
  Do we want to wake up and go to bed with this person?
 The sharing of energies is most profuse when we go to bed. This is usually the moment when we surrender our minds to sleep and our bodies melt into the bed and we become more open and receptive in comparison to when we are awake with our veneers. No doubt if you have had the chance of going to bed with a few women, you will feel a variety of energies that are either fitting or very destructive that you don’t sleep one wink. Be mindful of this experience as it is loaded with information. 
 Do we show our vulnerability?
 We all show vulnerability in different ways. I believe it essential to ones wellbeing to know all the ways in which this is illustrated in ourselves and in our partner. Take the time with yourself to see how this plays out on your own and when you are around others. There is a lot of evidence that points to how we are socialized and this can give insight into how we show vulnerabilities. A rule of thumb is observe your family and the manner in which they relate, this may flag up a number of questions for you.
  Do they accept our flaws and perversions? 
 This questions goes hand in hand with the degree of transparency you can show with your partner. The more transparent you are, the more beneficial this experience can be. However in saying this, the key is to get in there as soon as the relationship starts. Show who you are and speak about your expectations and needs. We don’t necessarily want to scare our partner away with our deepest and darkest and nor should we need to bare all (we’re allowed to keep things to ourselves),  but being able to have a sense of acceptance from our partner is a beautiful experience in itself, and one which forces a cohesion that is paramount to your relationship success. 
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johnboothus · 5 years ago
As Harvest Begins Organizations Are Mobilizing to Protect Vineyard Workers From Covid-19
Sadie Drury, general manager of North Slope Management in Walla Walla, Wash., was doing everything right. She implemented and enforced all the recommended safety protocols, and yet, two of her employees — who lived together in shared, family housing — contracted Covid-19. With social distancing and masks in place, none of her other employees tested positive, but one of the two who were infected devastatingly passed away. “That hit us really hard,” she says. “It was a longtime supervisor in our company who had worked with us since the late ‘90s.”
The Latinx community, which makes up the majority of the U.S. wine industry’s farmworkers, has proven to be especially vulnerable to Covid-19. In California, for example, Latinx persons account for 59 percent of positive Covid-19 cases and 47 percent of deaths, despite making up just 39 percent of the state’s population, according to the California Department of Public Health. This vulnerability is mostly attributed to the farmworker community’s low-income, socioeconomic realities; many workers live in multi-family housing and often carpool together in vans and other large transport vehicles. In Napa County alone, an outbreak of roughly 70 cases of Covid was reported in the county’s farmworker centers in July.
As the 2020 harvest kicks off, maintaining the health of farmworkers is a top priority for wineries and vineyard management companies. If outbreaks do occur among vineyard crews, the wine industry could find itself in the midst of a labor shortage during the busiest time of year, and some operations may even be forced to shut down for two weeks. But while companies can do their part by creating safer work environments — requiring masks, performing daily temperature checks, separating teams into small cohorts, and social distancing — there are no fail-safe measures.
There is, however, some help. For instance, the Napa Valley Farmworker Foundation and the Napa Valley Grapegrowers have joined forces with the St. Helena Hospital Foundation to fund and supply a mobile health unit capable of testing up to 100 workers a day at vineyard sites. These organizations and others — like ¡Salud!, a healthcare and outreach organization created by Oregon winemakers to address the needs of vineyard workers — are mobilizing to protect workers by offering education, resources, and health screenings that can, in turn, help pilot the industry through a harvest season like no other.
Credit: Viader Winery
Preventive Education Comes First
“Understanding how the virus transmits empowers people to make conscientious decisions both inside and outside of work,” says Molly Williams, industry and community relations director at the Napa Valley Grapegrowers and the Napa Valley Farmworker Foundation. The latter launched a Covid-19 task force and statewide education campaign, which includes resources like podcasts, videos, and posters.
Education is also an integral focus of programming for ¡Salud!. “There’s an element of education not always permeating into that community. We explain it in their own language and in the context of their own culture, which makes it more relatable and understandable,” says Stephanie Buchanan, ¡Salud!’s manager of philanthropy, who argues that education is just as important when a worker tests negative.
“We really drive home that you need to take precautions and how this impacts not just you, but your family as well,” she says. “People hear ‘negative’ and that’s what they focus in on.”
Drury, of North Slope Management, is in constant communication with her crew, regularly passes out printed flyers, and has created a group text thread for updates and reminders related to the virus. One of her employees, Francisco Hernandez, says one effective strategy has been for supervisors to communicate that a worker’s failure to follow health guidelines and social distancing rules can result in a loss of work, and thus income.
“It really sucks to work with the mask when it’s 80 to 90 degrees, but the attitude is that this is the only way we can move forward,” Hernandez says. “It’s not just for safety. What we’re implementing and the rules we follow, we’re keeping our jobs and feeding our families by doing that.”
Credit: Sarah Anne Risk Photo
Bringing Testing Into the Vineyard
While testing is seemingly the most effective strategy for keeping the virus out of the workplace, it’s not always readily accessible. Workers might not have the transportation resources to get tested or the proper identification, they may fear a language barrier, and be wary of how the test could affect their employment or immigration status. Major delays in result turnarounds nationwide further complicate things; test results in places like Napa County are sometimes taking more than 10 days.
One solution is to bring testing into the vineyards, like the mobile testing effort in Napa Valley that has conducted more than 1,600 tests since last month. Interested employers can reach out to the St. Helena Hospital Foundation to schedule testing. “From knowing the workers here, I feel like that would be a much better option for them,” says Hernandez.
Similarly, ¡Salud! launched an appointment-based mobile clinic that provides no-cost Covid screenings at vineyard locations. “We record things like height, weight, blood pressure, we do basic lab work like A1C, which can give us a sense of underlying conditions — diabetes being one of the major concerns of this population — and then we have an optional Covid screening,” says Buchanan, noting that 87 percent of farmworkers have opted into testing, with results delivered by phone 24 hours later.
Leveraging Local Support Services
By getting creative, seeking out, and utilizing local resources, wineries can ease the fears of their employees when it comes to testing and support them if they get sick. “For this population, a positive diagnosis means not being able to work for several weeks and especially right now, heading into harvest, this is when they make their money,” says Buchanan. “A positive diagnosis right now has a really big impact on that person’s financial outlook and on their family’s outlook.”
In order to eliminate the financial burden, Drury is working with a local nonprofit winery that raises funds for vineyard workers’ health care. This enables her company to pay workers to stay home if they are exhibiting symptoms, receive a positive diagnosis, or were in close contact with someone who tested positive. “We’ve figured out a way to pay our workers to encourage them to stay home and prevent people from not reporting symptoms,” she says.
When Hernandez was experiencing symptoms that he believed were allergies, he was able to go home for a few days while awaiting his test result. Ultimately, the test came back negative. “They were able to pay me for the days I took off, which was an assurance,” Hernandez says. “When you feel fine, you don’t really want to take time off, but when they have those policies in place, it makes it really nice to say, ‘I should follow the rules and I should go along with it.’”
Both ¡Salud! and the Napa Valley Farmworkers have sought out local resources that can provide isolated housing in the event of a positive test result, connect workers with medical care and a translator, deliver groceries, and provide assistance with child care. “Right now, there’s more and more coming to light about health care disparities and there are a lot of organizations out there,” says Buchanan. “It just takes being proactive.”
“We’re not just supporting the worker as a worker, “ echoes Williams, “but in a way that touches their whole life and supports their family as well.”
The article As Harvest Begins, Organizations Are Mobilizing to Protect Vineyard Workers From Covid-19 appeared first on VinePair.
Via https://vinepair.com/articles/organizations-protect-vineyard-workers-covid-19/
source https://vinology1.weebly.com/blog/as-harvest-begins-organizations-are-mobilizing-to-protect-vineyard-workers-from-covid-19
0 notes
isaiahrippinus · 5 years ago
As Harvest Begins, Organizations Are Mobilizing to Protect Vineyard Workers From Covid-19
Sadie Drury, general manager of North Slope Management in Walla Walla, Wash., was doing everything right. She implemented and enforced all the recommended safety protocols, and yet, two of her employees — who lived together in shared, family housing — contracted Covid-19. With social distancing and masks in place, none of her other employees tested positive, but one of the two who were infected devastatingly passed away. “That hit us really hard,” she says. “It was a longtime supervisor in our company who had worked with us since the late ‘90s.”
The Latinx community, which makes up the majority of the U.S. wine industry’s farmworkers, has proven to be especially vulnerable to Covid-19. In California, for example, Latinx persons account for 59 percent of positive Covid-19 cases and 47 percent of deaths, despite making up just 39 percent of the state’s population, according to the California Department of Public Health. This vulnerability is mostly attributed to the farmworker community’s low-income, socioeconomic realities; many workers live in multi-family housing and often carpool together in vans and other large transport vehicles. In Napa County alone, an outbreak of roughly 70 cases of Covid was reported in the county’s farmworker centers in July.
As the 2020 harvest kicks off, maintaining the health of farmworkers is a top priority for wineries and vineyard management companies. If outbreaks do occur among vineyard crews, the wine industry could find itself in the midst of a labor shortage during the busiest time of year, and some operations may even be forced to shut down for two weeks. But while companies can do their part by creating safer work environments — requiring masks, performing daily temperature checks, separating teams into small cohorts, and social distancing — there are no fail-safe measures.
There is, however, some help. For instance, the Napa Valley Farmworker Foundation and the Napa Valley Grapegrowers have joined forces with the St. Helena Hospital Foundation to fund and supply a mobile health unit capable of testing up to 100 workers a day at vineyard sites. These organizations and others — like ¡Salud!, a healthcare and outreach organization created by Oregon winemakers to address the needs of vineyard workers — are mobilizing to protect workers by offering education, resources, and health screenings that can, in turn, help pilot the industry through a harvest season like no other.
Credit: Viader Winery
Preventive Education Comes First
“Understanding how the virus transmits empowers people to make conscientious decisions both inside and outside of work,” says Molly Williams, industry and community relations director at the Napa Valley Grapegrowers and the Napa Valley Farmworker Foundation. The latter launched a Covid-19 task force and statewide education campaign, which includes resources like podcasts, videos, and posters.
Education is also an integral focus of programming for ¡Salud!. “There’s an element of education not always permeating into that community. We explain it in their own language and in the context of their own culture, which makes it more relatable and understandable,” says Stephanie Buchanan, ¡Salud!’s manager of philanthropy, who argues that education is just as important when a worker tests negative.
“We really drive home that you need to take precautions and how this impacts not just you, but your family as well,” she says. “People hear ‘negative’ and that’s what they focus in on.”
Drury, of North Slope Management, is in constant communication with her crew, regularly passes out printed flyers, and has created a group text thread for updates and reminders related to the virus. One of her employees, Francisco Hernandez, says one effective strategy has been for supervisors to communicate that a worker’s failure to follow health guidelines and social distancing rules can result in a loss of work, and thus income.
“It really sucks to work with the mask when it’s 80 to 90 degrees, but the attitude is that this is the only way we can move forward,” Hernandez says. “It’s not just for safety. What we’re implementing and the rules we follow, we’re keeping our jobs and feeding our families by doing that.”
Credit: Sarah Anne Risk Photo
Bringing Testing Into the Vineyard
While testing is seemingly the most effective strategy for keeping the virus out of the workplace, it’s not always readily accessible. Workers might not have the transportation resources to get tested or the proper identification, they may fear a language barrier, and be wary of how the test could affect their employment or immigration status. Major delays in result turnarounds nationwide further complicate things; test results in places like Napa County are sometimes taking more than 10 days.
One solution is to bring testing into the vineyards, like the mobile testing effort in Napa Valley that has conducted more than 1,600 tests since last month. Interested employers can reach out to the St. Helena Hospital Foundation to schedule testing. “From knowing the workers here, I feel like that would be a much better option for them,” says Hernandez.
Similarly, ¡Salud! launched an appointment-based mobile clinic that provides no-cost Covid screenings at vineyard locations. “We record things like height, weight, blood pressure, we do basic lab work like A1C, which can give us a sense of underlying conditions — diabetes being one of the major concerns of this population — and then we have an optional Covid screening,” says Buchanan, noting that 87 percent of farmworkers have opted into testing, with results delivered by phone 24 hours later.
Leveraging Local Support Services
By getting creative, seeking out, and utilizing local resources, wineries can ease the fears of their employees when it comes to testing and support them if they get sick. “For this population, a positive diagnosis means not being able to work for several weeks and especially right now, heading into harvest, this is when they make their money,” says Buchanan. “A positive diagnosis right now has a really big impact on that person’s financial outlook and on their family’s outlook.”
In order to eliminate the financial burden, Drury is working with a local nonprofit winery that raises funds for vineyard workers’ health care. This enables her company to pay workers to stay home if they are exhibiting symptoms, receive a positive diagnosis, or were in close contact with someone who tested positive. “We’ve figured out a way to pay our workers to encourage them to stay home and prevent people from not reporting symptoms,” she says.
When Hernandez was experiencing symptoms that he believed were allergies, he was able to go home for a few days while awaiting his test result. Ultimately, the test came back negative. “They were able to pay me for the days I took off, which was an assurance,” Hernandez says. “When you feel fine, you don’t really want to take time off, but when they have those policies in place, it makes it really nice to say, ‘I should follow the rules and I should go along with it.’”
Both ¡Salud! and the Napa Valley Farmworkers have sought out local resources that can provide isolated housing in the event of a positive test result, connect workers with medical care and a translator, deliver groceries, and provide assistance with child care. “Right now, there’s more and more coming to light about health care disparities and there are a lot of organizations out there,” says Buchanan. “It just takes being proactive.”
“We’re not just supporting the worker as a worker, “ echoes Williams, “but in a way that touches their whole life and supports their family as well.”
The article As Harvest Begins, Organizations Are Mobilizing to Protect Vineyard Workers From Covid-19 appeared first on VinePair.
source https://vinepair.com/articles/organizations-protect-vineyard-workers-covid-19/ source https://vinology1.tumblr.com/post/627976694409691136
0 notes
mcprince · 5 years ago
Reflection on The Phoenix Project
This is the first time I’ve been excited about a business book! The characters, the story and the solution are all too real in this parallel universe that is somehow fictional. I absolutely loved reading all of it. Eight years old for an IT book and it STILL resonates today. Just as everyone who’s read this book recommends - it is a MUST read for anyone in IT. 
The book surrounds the infamous Phoenix Project, an over-budget, over-promised and past-due marketing overhaul where development is hurling features over the wall to IT operations to support in production. Like many companies today - any IT failure triggers business users to blame IT for holding the business in a stranglehold. The market outside the business is not slowing down, so the business continues pushing for ever increasing demands to keep up. Meanwhile, because IT has bootstrapped everything together for short sighted gains, they are now bogged down by fragile applications. Meaning, every new change requires navigating a field of landmines. There’s no budget, time, additional headcount, or lessening of pressure in this all too familiar IT death-spiral. This is where our hero comes in. 
Newly promoted as VP of IT Operations (after the CIO was fired), Bill enters this scapegoat role into a fire storm of IT audits, financial reporting mishaps, botched production rollouts and operational hell. Through this journey, he discovers all the Work-In-Progress stuck in IT Operations and identifies his key constraint (a whiz in IT called Brent). This allows him to look comprehensively at the work his team is expected to perform as a production line instead of a constant firedrill. Next he identifies the 4 kinds of work - business projects, IT projects, change projects and unplanned work. Unplanned work is the worst kind, as it halts progress on all other productive work. To get back on track, they focus on removing WIP and unplanned work. He temporarily halts any new work from entering the system to catch up on the backlog. Next they control the input of approved work setting a proper tempo for work flows through their group. During that time, they identify any and all work that involves the constraint (Brent) so that they can document work involving him, minimizing his constraining influence. Then they document common processes to standardize them and perform them more efficiently. Finally, they wrote out all the pre-requisite materials involved in each process (starting a DEV environment involves licensing, VM, account access...). Now each task would only be delivered to the next group if all “parts required for assembly” were ready, thus preventing back and forth. 
Once IT was running effectively, Bill and his team began to take on broader and larger issues. They began to identify key IT systems that tied to corporate objectives. They got buy-in from those business units that IT was a key enabler. Afterwards, they focused on continuing the relationship and hand-offs between Development and operations. They streamlined the process evaluating the value stream and automating as much as possible. Then they worked to reduce batch sizes and ensure the process only moves forward without rework or issues. The team built in operational resilience with automated testing and havoc monkeys. To top it all off, Bill even included information security as a requirement during the development process and baked it into operations so that it is not a checkbox item at the end. All of this allowed Bill to run his organization effectively and make the business successful as they began to work with IT rather than against it. This collaboration with IT and appreciation for it’s importance to achieving business goals is every IT person’s dream come true. 
This book resonated with me first because the themes of the IT death-spiral show up in my everyday work life. Second, it made me start to think about the workload at my job and what lessons I could apply in my role. The primary themes of this book parallels principles I try to achieve regularly.
First - understand how to create a fast flow of work from development to operations to achieve customer goals
Second - amplify and shorten feedback loops to fix quality at the source and avoid rework/unplanned work
Third - create a culture that encourages experimentation, learning from failure, and understanding repetition and practice are prerequisites for mastery
Through my work experience, the best way to make customers happy is decreasing the time to value. This lines up perfectly with the first principle of “the way” as described by Erik. I’ve always thought about making my work more efficient, but now I am categorizing types of work. I have tasks that get handed to me that involve direct sales to clients, sales preparation, internal projects to improve myself or another division, and unplanned ad-hoc requests that get thrown on my desk because they are urgent. Rather than get everything done as quickly as I can, this has got me thinking about how to standardize common tasks, either through documentation or automated scripts. Even looking at the amount of work reaching my desk and whether I can react to them quickly and properly. I try to identify workstations looking at the machine/tools used, the people (manpower) involved, the method and the measures. I’m now looking at my workstream through a production floor lens. 
Traditionally, I would have questions such as - “Why is this person in this department so annoying? Can’t they just do what I asked?” Now after reading this book, I have higher level questions that make me think about - “Have I given them all the information they need? Can I expect them to respond within takt time?” I’m now thinking about what things I can do in my own little world to speed up the work myself and those around me. 
Next is the feedback loop, I’ve always been a champion of retrospectives and I’m happy to see them used in the book. In addition, these feedback loops are meant to prevent rework. I’ve always viewed a feedback loop as a way to look into DAKI (Drop, Add, Keep, Improve) for actions that I can individually improve upon. This book really emphasized any rework or movement backward in the value stream is a form of feedback. In addition, unplanned work destroys productivity and minimizing it is a top priority. Therefore, when you create a system of work where the flow only goes forward, you only pick what speed you want to move at. While this is unrealistic in my sales support role, I do believe I can minimize rework by taking appropriate steps for documentation, note-taking, and effective communication to ensure we are always moving the needle and moving forward. 
To make sure my feedback is effective, I need to measure it. Monitoring what pieces are delivered, work in progress as it enters and leaves my work station, unplanned work... This has made me wonder whether I should be tracking my workload, work in progress, results, and how best to classify it.
The third is the culture of experimentation. This is the one I struggle the most with. While my workplace is very open to experimentation, learning from failure and improving daily work, these are all secondary to primary work objectives. The amount of work coming into my queue is so much, that I could easily work another week without getting everything done. Furthermore, getting this culture right requires practice - and there is a lot more improvisation with no feedback than with deliberate action with feedback. I believe this has more to do with the fact that I’m now on the sales side of things, but still - there’s got to be a way to carve out more time to practice my skills and experiment more right? Should that come at the cost of limiting the amount of work I take in? What work should be de-prioritized or removed completely? New questions that I have yet to answer... 
All-in-all I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book and it a beautiful testament to the role of IT in the modern age. IT is now integral to business objectives, and IT operations are tied to business flexibility. As we move forward into the digital age, businesses are focusing on agility, but it is not just about raw speed. Paraphrasing a few lines from the book: [Business Agility] is about how good you are at detecting and responding to changes in the market and taking larger, more calculated risks. Evolving the business offering through continual experimentation, and a process that supports that, is how you can ensure to win now and in the long run.
Big thank you to Gene Kim for detailing the construction of this book and dedication to Dr. Goldratt’s The Goal and logical thinking processes. https://itrevolution.com/construction-phoenix-project-and-selling-devops-downward-spiral/ 
0 notes
garyh2628 · 6 years ago
Chairman and Managing Operational CEO (Global Legal Authority Quasi-Judicial)
(Finance, planning, industry and foreign trade portfolios) Private
Head of Human Resources Finance and People and Global Head of Corporate Responsibility
Investments/Contracts/Superior/Technically Competent and Right-Hand Men
NGO - (Finance, planning, industry and foreign trade portfolios) Private
To my Pharma Hubs, Technology Hubs, Social Creative/Personal Hub, My Private Hubs, My Financial Hubs and my Health and Wellbeing/Scientific Hubs, Legal and Innovation Hubs, Hinterland Hub and to my Eastern Caribbean Hub, Linguistic/Psychology Hub, to my beloved additions and to my Institutions and Partners and Team, Pool of Potential Personal Assistants and Private Secretaries and Business Managers and also to my Fitness Hub which is an extension of my Health and Wellbeing Hub and not to forget my beloved Brooklyn Hub and my Wine/Adviser Hub, Influential Legal Cashier, Strategic Partnerships, STATEMENT OF INTENT, MY WEALTH FUND AND PERSONAL ATTORNEY and PROPERTY EXPERT GUY and THE ATTACHMENT AND MY PERSONAL BOARDROOM AND MY CHIEF STRATEGY AND INNOVATION OFFICER. The core founding support regions of this Network and Global Structure.
All Options remain on the Table applying the finishing touches to our Genius and my Genius and the Network and this Global Structure Genius. DRAFT
The Network, Strategic Partnerships and Global Structure is hot–but watch the margins
The hottest  most Intellectual trend around right now is me, my Strategic partners, The Network and the Global Structure and all the hubs et al . Many Wall Street analysts have been increasing their forecasts for the Statement of Intent and Region and the Network and Economic Community – in part due to my leadership (Intellect) the Strategic decision made by the Network for full delivery to myself, The plans I have for the Statement of Intent, the size of my Wealth Fund and the size of our Pool of Intellectual Capacity and my ability to deliver on the Philosophy of Living your Best Life and a Further Responsibility to the Environment. Some analysts are worried that the delays of the perusal of the particulars by me personally and the length of time that people have been working pro bono as a result of those delays might affect the prospects that is a requisite require for the turn of this century and for the work the intellectual community has a legal mandate to carry forward.  They were also worried that the constant utilisation of the sector which previously was not highly thought of but as a result of my work their added value have been increasing, to allow a few within that same sector to cause it to become a burden was a worrying concern.  Analyst are delighted with the final ruling which should now push forward this process for delivery to myself for perusal, the delivery of the manifesto, the delivery of the policies, guidelines and to begin the work that would stand the environment in good stead and prevent at all cost those of that order, who have failed again from intervening in this process without the requisite process being followed.  I'm delighted that she has decided to leave.  We will deliver for Intellect and we will get the requisite specification delivered to myself and we will deliver on those property portfolios to myself. Analyst were happy because they are aware of who my Intellectual Investors are, so they were pleased with that choice overall and will be looking forward in the short few weeks ahead, for those meetings to go forward without delay.
The best days of the Network is to behind them as some might have thought, the things that they wanted to win for so many years, they are now winning with my leadership and with me as the Chairman and CEO, the Economic community analyst were worried, weren't pulling their weight, they are doing so now as the favourable results attributed to scientifically to me and my programs and my initiatives and principles and track record.  The results are speaking for themselves in the Strategic Partnerships, the Suite of Companies that I own, the Team who under my leadership will play a prominent role as they will be included and embedded in the crest.  There are some who want to decelerate the progress that will be made under my leadership for the Statement of Intent et al and the region.  These were the opinion of some hugely important powerful leaders in some regions. What is good and of good assurances, is that those official agreement and official portfolios et al will move forward and delivered to me personally ignoring the mediocre noise of failures.  It is indeed unfortunate one leader said, that those property portfolio wasnt delivered soon before and as a going concern, what he's happy about is that those corrections were made quickly and it should move forward for delivery to myself.  The progress made with those business portfolios in the other regions have given hope to analyst because the safeguards for delivery to myself were put in place with speed and formidable actions.
Those who were creating the appearance of competition were proven to be wrong.  Competition is a fools game.  Those who were misinterpreting that phrasing of Intellect doesn't apportioned blame were caught trying to exploit that for their own mediocrity and harm not only to the Network but harm to profits, harm to jobs, harm to the ability for people to be in control of their destiny, harm to the prospects for those Strategic Partnerships, harm to independence, and hard to Education.  What was made clear during those tactics, is the robustness of my Intellect, and the Classical intellect that made up the infrastructure of the Global Structure and those parts of the environment that is already being prepared for intellect.  Those fruits helped in the form that the environment is already not making room for mediocrity and for those that operate as a means to an end. The credibility of me the leader and the credibility of my Strategic Partners as a result of the work I am doing with this Network and Global Structure and Economic Community is already saturating the earth and in those regions where the offices will be based, the attitude is that those of tat order will not tinged the walls of this Network or this Global Structure.  Fighting is a fools game, because you lack Intellect.  Those are the pronouncement from the experts. It's not a revolution, but Independence is the order of the day because those of that order lack the grip on Intellect that will allow humanity to live their best life.  This Network and I are the global Legal Authority on intellect and those particulars will get to me as a matter of urgency for perusal et al.
Analysts welcome the  gradual shift to a more rapid deliver cycle, and also the shift that the economic community and Statement of Intent and the Region made including those places where my Private homes and working officers will be.  The Shift in privatization and the shift the Intellectual community made to Foundation people.  There is no longer room for mediocrity.  The most alarming shift, was from the religious community, who analyst said is 100% backing for the Network and backing for the Suite of Upstream Intellectual Programs and for the first time they saw this, the Philosophy of Living your Best Life was a major game changer, because I as the CEO of the Network possess the requisite technical and intellectual skills to make it a success. The region the religious community said, will be a success because of the direction I'm taking the Global Structure and the Network.  I must have drink with my Newsroom and my CEO, who is now playing a formidable role in making sure those particulars and offices get to me.
I think they’re going through a very significant change now .” former employee said. The delivery have taken on a new meaning, the roll out of the Network took on a new meaning.  The firing of the faces and gatekeepers were poignant in this instance across sectors. The fact that I remain the legal owner and I will remain the face and Operational CEO in all regards.  My choice of Strategic Partners and Partner played a major role in this instance.  The contribution being seen already is causing the delivery to take on new meaning.  It's a very interesting time for humanity and it's a very interesting time, who would have thought, for the attachment, and a special time intellectually for one sector which have over the years taken a beating irrespective of how much money they throw at philanthropy. With my partnership, and with the direction of the Network and Global Structure, they are seeing a favourable response and favourable value all attributed to my association.  I couldn't be at fault.  The warning went out loud and clear.  This process under my leadership, is here to stay.  The Official positions and Portfolios are here to stay and Independence is here to stay.  Foundation people are here to stay.  The saturation and suite of support is here to stay and that wealth fund according to analyst will keep growing and growing.  Let me say something on a personal note, my long Term Partnership is here to stay.  Those things must be removed from those buildings.  The requisite security will be provided and the restriction to access will be provided.  The Social/Creative Hubs are here to stay and those hubs et al are here to stay. It's time for you too, to live your best life!
Sir, Your analysis of the the current situation is fully consistent with nearly all reports from central Africa, South America and globally, which show that the predictions by the expert concur with mine. Those that seek to decelerate the policies that needed to be worked upon wit relation to those Profit Centres and Bridges, there actions were futile.  The legislation in relation to these are regulatory full proof, legally full proof, compliance full proof.  Those whose main aim is to be an intermediary, were taken a blow, we do not do intermediaries or gate keepers, as foundation people we do not operate in false environment.  We are the authority on intellect. All of those profit centres have received clearance for my perusal and for work to begin on developing the policies.  The New Offices with the flats for the personal Boardroom have all received clearance.  We will again light up Christopher Street, we will again open the Roxy, we will again Open the Rivera and we will invest in the Hanger, we will again develop those things that live in my Social/Creative hub.  Those franchises are legally full proof, and earthquake proof.  E will again open that mega church, we will again open that School and we will find a new ho,me for a state of the art hospital and we will build upon that land a state of the art home and private offices.  We will deliver the New Airport, we will deliver on Economics, we will deliver for living your best life!  Can you smell what the rock is cooking, what are you going to do about it?
The world most exquisite gemstone is millions of years old.  Consisting of virtually pure carbon it is the only gemstone composed of a single element making it not only the hardest natural substance known to man, but also the purest of the earth’s treasures.  What makes, this stone so beautiful is that when expertly cut, it has a unique ability to reflect light back in an expansion of brilliance and Fire. I love you my right-hand men. In my fire and brimstone address to Intellectuals across the Globe, we will breathe life in the valley of dry bones, life in Education and Economics and the Environment, Life that every man is created Equal, Life in the fact that the cheque will be cashed and Life into Freedom and Choice and Classical Intellect.  I love you, I love you, I love.  Truth to tell that every man will have an opportunity to live his best life.
You and I have a rendezvous with Intellect, we have a rendezvous with Finance, we have a rendezvous with the Environment, and we have rendezvous to deliver for humanity.  We will win the Election, we must win, we will win for Independence and we will win for Intellectual Capacity and we will deliver the ingredients, so that everyone can live their best life!  It’s time to live your best life.  I’m am the only Global Legal Authority and that authority will only come forth from the Office of Budget and Management when delivered.  Great work Property Expert guy, and Great work Strategic Partnerships and Great work Private Hubs and great work Statement of Intent.  It’s time also, for you to live your best life!
This family does not make space for mediocrity and this family does not accommodate mediocrity, this family will win on Intellect.  We have a rendezvous to deliver all of the particulars and the offices Globally.  We must win!
Chairman and Managing Operational CEO (Global Legal Authority Quasi-Judicial)
(Finance, planning, industry and foreign trade portfolios) Private
Head of Human Resources Finance and People and Global Head of Corporate Responsibility
0 notes
click2watch · 6 years ago
Bitcoin Brought Us a New World We Could Have Only Imagined
Mike Belshe is the co-founder and CEO of BitGo.
This exclusive opinion piece is part of CoinDesk’s ��Bitcoin at 10: The Satoshi White Paper” series.
In the 10 years since the bitcoin white paper was released, our understanding of the world around us has changed.
The introduction of a global, digital currency that can exist without a central authority opened our eyes to the possibilities of money – that it can be different from what we’ve known. As a community, we’re now wiser to the opportunities for a digital economy and discovered what it means to act as your own bank – and it’s incredibly liberating.
It’s also remarkable that this shift has occurred in just a decade.
I’ll admit that the first time I read the white paper I was skeptical. Some of the issues mentioned, like double spending, hadn’t registered as problems that needed solving before. The complicated labyrinth of miners, nodes, block rewards, and proof-of-work made the network seem implausible.
The second time I read it I was intrigued; could this complex network really process the world’s transactions?
By the third time, I knew bitcoin was worth pursuing, and here are the reasons why:
1. Bitcoin opened our eyes to the fact that we can change money
Most people never think, “what is money?” or “what makes good money?” We’re taught in school that monetary systems evolved from some sort of rudimentary barter, but why? How? Can a digital form of money be better?
Like many others, I first explored these questions after reading about bitcoin, and the answer is absolutely yes – we can create a better form of money.
2. The first significant digital cash
The white paper marked the introduction of autonomy and freedom of control over your own assets. With bitcoin, your money truly is your money.
3. Time-stamping digital data
Bitcoin’s solution to the double-spend problem went beyond its network; it solves a virtual world problem by guaranteeing unique ownership of any piece of data. Publishing verified transaction timestamps to a public ledger makes it so that money can’t be copied. The same technology has promise in many other applications.
4. Superior keys and locks
The use of cryptographic keys and locks gives us the best personal security measures for digital assets that we’ve ever had – they’re unbreakable.
A 256-bit random number (aka a “private key”) is superior to any physical key. In fact, these keys are so good that we no longer need stronger keys or locks – the problem is how to provide users with good enough interfaces so that they can easily and securely manage their keys?
Thoughtful UI/UX will be incredibly important in moving this forward, while multisignature keys, introduced by BitGo, help to address the problem.
5. PKI 2.0
Bitcoin demonstrated one of the first significant, widespread, public applications for public key infrastructure (PKI), leveraging it for verification of user identities and facilitation of transactions. PKI has been around since the 1970s, but prior to bitcoin, perhaps the only notable application was securing domain names with HTTPS (aka SSL or TLS).
6. No requirement for third parties
History shows us that third-party systems often fail.
Satoshi recognized this, developing a consensus protocol that rid the digital money system of problematic and costly third parties. So-called trusted intermediaries create counterparty risk for users; they’re relied upon for completion of transactions but provide the possibility for failure.
Credit cards are an example of this: they expose us to risk and then charge transaction fees to cover that risk. Bitcoin removed the need for these organizations.
7. Removing man-made inflation
Inflation is primarily caused by the overprinting of money. Bitcoin’s fixed supply eliminates central authority printing power and gives it to the metronome-like hands of the computer – your money can no longer be controlled or diluted.
Humans have historically broken every economy we’ve ever devised, but can giving a good ruleset to computers prevent this? I think so.
8. Money for a global economy
Cryptocurrency is a new type of commerce; we’ve never had a form of money that can be effortlessly moved between borders.
Bitcoin gives us a new way to connect across jurisdictions, opening up new economies. This is significant at BitGo where we serve clients in over 50 countries with many settling in Bitcoin.
9. Power to the individual
Bitcoin gives complete freedom of choice of money. Access and use are democratized so that anyone anywhere can participate.
In introducing a better money system, bitcoin highlighted what was wrong with our existing banking system. Global movement, verification of identity, and fungibility of money are now problems of the past.
10. Computers follow rules
The white paper laid out bitcoin’s long-term ability to save us from ourselves. Humans make mistakes and while that’s a constant, it’s not something we can prepare for. We’re also consistently poor at following rules, while computers excel at this. An open set of rules managed by computers makes for a stable economic system that isn’t vulnerable to human error.
With this transformative new money came a need for safe and secure storage. That’s how BitGo came to be; I was storing Bitcoin for my friends on an air-gapped laptop stored beneath my living room couch. But the more Bitcoin I held, the more I realized that a sophisticated solution would be required to keep it secure. This led to the development of BitGo’s multi-signature protocols, and later to advanced multi-user protocols, followed by advanced security policies and more.
If you had told me in 2012, when I first read the white paper, that I’d end up holding millions of dollars of bitcoin on a laptop that would lead to a security solution for billions of dollars worth of digital assets around the world, I don’t know if I could have imagined it.
In the 10 years since the release of the bitcoin white paper, our world has been changed indelibly – but this is just the beginning.
Sunrise image via Shutterstock
The leader in blockchain news, CoinDesk is a media outlet that strives for the highest journalistic standards and abides by a strict set of editorial policies. CoinDesk is an independent operating subsidiary of Digital Currency Group, which invests in cryptocurrencies and blockchain startups.
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hazelvt · 7 years ago
My special Art is condensed on the areas of town litigation, employment equity, bankruptcy, and corporeal evil. Founder, Paul Doyle, spawned heptad for ever as a prosecutor, and has been cited as a Super Lawyer by Thomson Reuters and has been listed in H-Magazine's Best of Houston for the last five donkey’s years. Please take the tense to go through the dissimilar concern that we express for extra teaching. Clients glorify the high bore representation they allow and the happy outcomes Roberts accomplish. For closely 20 years, Neal Davis has competently defended clients in Texas and federal allure in all style of murderer moment at all nonplus, from rank misdemeanors to tough federal substance. If you have any questions, give us a call. This settle you being open and benefaction them every fate to get you on the suitable side of the seek’s determination. More limited attorneys may also behove to the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, the State Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers or the ABA’s Criminal Justice Section. Her clients call her a combatant who gotta the stab done without throbbing around the shrub. Snow, a sire, a till, a Christian, and an procurator. Mixing practical trial experience with experience direct as a prosecutor, Paul Doyle has a one of a kind and thoughtful vista that relieve his dense reach action. With seer as an Air Force JAG office-bearer and as a prosecutor, Janet L. I also offer rank resemblance in the areas of civic equity and usual stratagem. Mr. That alone was very solemn to me. Clients essay she has a fine constitutional mind and supply a high flat of avail. We are present 24/7. He modestly bleach it up to a lucky batter, but I restrain him amenable for negotiating a situation where the prosecutor consent to cease all 5 accuse. Neal Davis founded the compact after more than a decennary of operation with fabulous traitor prohibition barrister Dick DeGuerin. Nitkin’s Avvo survey designate her confidence, expertise, and judgment. Avvo reviewers say that Roberts is firm, conduct, and unafraid to take a case to probative if that is the client’s’ élite wish. A tenet of the American offender right system is that all defendants are "innocent until proved blamable." Houston thief denial advocate Neal Davis and his skillful constitutional swarm show individuals accused of confound crimes. Some attorneys have taught at jurisprudence multitude, which prescribe dear chastisement and embroidery, so can often be a honorarium.Some mayor cities or nation have malefactor vindication lawyer associations. Fighting diligently maid to insur that everyone contain refuge under the United States enactment, his epinician enumerate, and the variety of categories of these circumstances benefit as test that he can oppose you. Christopher G.Verified reviewBrandon Davis was the attorney who present me and my plight in bargain solicit. was enrolled as a Tier 1 Houston range jurisprudence robust, gross well in murderer prohibition, fortunate collar crimes, and DWI defense in 2012. Without Brandon's advice, I am indisputable it would not have been likely. is a Houston-supported burglar defense justice hard that has over 25 years of confederated business enjoy. I face forward to conference you! What's been said: "Persuading jurors is his mépinafore. Meet your counsel and then find out who, in augmentation to them, will be operation your case. Webb grew up in a lease city in westward Illinois, the son of a mailman, and contrive a unpolished charm that he specimen resonates with juries." -- The New York Times, June 13, 2004 Cory Roth Law Office is a criminal defense vitilitigation strong located in Houston, Texas. Altschuler has accomplished malefactor inclose from a kind of perspectives. Hascup delineate clients exhort with turbulent crimes, domestic offenses, dope crimes, and all other sort of felon charges. What occur if the proctor gotta diseased or go suddenly unavailable?Your proxy will be countenance to recognize the key event of the circumstances, upshot movement to assist you and protect your true at every level. He rejoin proximately (within 2 hours) after I submitted a beg through their website after 10pm on a weeknight. A great felon answer advocate will respect this, inspiriting a two-moving road of faith and open-mindedness. Often, he has favorably deliberate criminal action quickly and silently, without the want for proof. Your procurator should be a brilliant communicator, not orderly in courtyard but also with you and your lineage.Make stable your burglar guard attorney appertain to the County and State Bar Associations. I am Atty. Are you suffer financial perplexity? Are you opinion distinguish or singled out at manufacture? Have you been aggrieved through no fault of your own? These are all painful situations for you, which breed opportunities for me to attend you. Clients are pleased with his permanent efforts to hold sate rise. Los Angeles has thousands of criminal denial lawyers to adopt from. They assign to girlfriend because they touch confident that Hascup will take management of their problems. Rebecca A. Through the radical projection, he gave me pertaining and upright purpose. Enquire as to this suffer and areas of expertise so that your solicitor has a tow recite that inspire they can prevent you. He will not depart you off to his friend after complementary the incipient conference. The constant leverages their ability by using the latest technology in courtroom media and computer presentations to win their clients' cause. today to inventory your unrestrained conference. As a former Assistant District Attorney for Milwaukee County who continue a far kind of crimes, he stipulate a only appearance that use all of our clients. Contact us Facebook Twitter Google+ Alissa D. Brandon and I worked together through electronic mail and call to give him a see perception of my definite plight, and for him to support consider me on all of the fit evince and administrativia to import with me for woo. HIGHLY RECOMMEND As a former FBI actor, Timothy Clay Kulp have how anxious it is for individuals accused of crime to have a useful counselor. Even if the decision wasn’t what you failure to attend, did they do their choice practicable for their buyer? Do they have validated testimonials from grafity clients that were in true the same situation you are now? That’s what body most.Contact [email protected] for details on how to get complex in future 'Best Lists.' Answer a few questionsTell us what you poverty so we can adduce you the rightful pros.Get quotesReceive notice from pros who perceive your necessarily.Hire the perpendicular proCompare adduce, communication pros, and hire when free. Paul Doyle & Associates is a murderer plead equity sturdly that avail Houston and its encompassment counties. From domestic infraction to drug cases, clients relate their compensation with the dismissals, acquittals, and contributing apology agreements that Altschuler has obtained for them. The body we've muster here are giants in the courtroom. Contact me at Harris Law FIrm, P.C. I trusted any and all recommendations he made, and it duty out powerful. I had hesitations approximately hiring an attorney for my case, but after cogitating near it, make up one's mind, and gestation through with it, I touch that it's the cream money I have shotten in YEARS. They will be negotiating and search every little piece of complaint to give them leverage for you.When doing the weighty division of which thief fortify proxy will personate you or your beloved one, ask them going a like case that they have handled in the past. These can be an excellent starting stage to prefer your solicitor. Her Avvo revise describe her as amicably, literate, correspondent, active, and abl. While she has uphold several violent outline clients, she built her manner on the fortify of mealy leod who are accused of crimes and DUI. Your subsistence and fame are on the direction. It may be troublesome but facing up to the fill and option punishments is the first footstep in liberate you through the trial.Attorneys are there for exactly this account. In increase to these accolades, the attorneys there have been listed in Best Lawyers in America and have been shaped on Dateline, 48 Hours, and 60 exact. A former prosecutor, Patrick Roberts now guard individuals in federal and quality attract accused of innocent collar crimes, coitus offenses, drudge crimes, and a variety of other criminal offenses. Clients also eulogize the creative strategies she uses to milk errors made by the police in fashion to win dismissals of instruct. It comes often without admonitory and can be among the most resistive set for you and your kindred. More importantly, you will hold the sort description and consideration that you benefit during this difficult delay. One of our solid's top strengths is the suffer that counselor Julius Kim adduce. By hiring The Rodriguez Law Group, you will allow the essential regard of an barrister with a proved wake monument. Mr. Nitkin is known for the authorized analysis she foresee on CNN and Fox News. A mention of the Gideon’s Promise and Future Appointed Counsel Training prospectus and the Texas Young Lawyers Association, Cory Roth combine a good-looking anear with real law knowledge to win his clients' action. Bob Callahan has been a lucky Chicago excuse counselor at justice for over 15 for ever. When I ultimately met him on my Time in court, he was attendance for me, very trade, and gave me trustful that I had my most marksman with him as my likeness. Whatever the circumstances, when you shamelessness a go-in with the equity, you destitution a reliable, faithworthy robber vindication attorney who gotta you the upright effect.The first proceeding is the powwow, a severe stage to edifying you to the actuality of your site. Supreme Court. Learn from our lath authorized suborned, gossip, and hug loosen.Our tendency is to provide you with teaching so you can make an literate decision, and learn your licit rights. Discover what exercise they journey to and how highly their limitation is respected in the expanse. Cost could well be dear, so manufacture out up front what means of return fabric best for your station. Nicholas A. The dense defends clients in a difference of inclose involving DWI, sword offenses, dope wealth, and puerile offenses. For almost 20 for ever, he has fought for clients from all walks of world in situation and federal courts - embrace the U.S. They have discriminating qualifications (and you should be bucked up to entreat for their credentials before attractive their office) and undergo in manifold fields. Certainly I didn't expectation it, but that semblance of responsiveness gave me the drop cap printing that this would be personage who would be endow in my case. With his meet, our attorneys have better insight into a prosecutor's strategies and solicitude during the investigative disconcert of a case, as well as during apology negotiations and trials. Based in Houston, Texas, the Neal Davis Law Firm handles all typify of traitor plight across Harris County and statewide. The result is what body, but reliance is indispensable in such essential concern. Rodriguez prepare himself asunder from the stay ask he will particularly spindle your action. Through my union with Harris Law Firm, P.C. He advised that I ought to move speedily with my event and have it brought before a judge before my catalogue seek dyration. Fighting diligently maid to insur that everyone hold preservation under the United States enactment, his triumph esteem, and the multifariousness of categories of these casing promote as evidence that he can forbid you. Schneider & McKinney, P.C. Whether it is a essential evil, toll way transgression, or physic related anger, Cory Roth strives to get his clients justice. For model, if you are accused of ruption a quality jurisprudence, hire a state curator rather than a federal one.Although, debatably, equitable as significant as a narrative of duty in your type of casing is how you individually perception going them. Kulp’s Avvo survey describe him as diligent, correspondent, intelligent, and expense powerful. He choose tempo to comprehend his clients’ living, not upright the facts of the inclose. Their comrade are in awe of how they works, and their regard fetch them the utmost, most intricate, saife-the-fraternity cases. AboutBob Callahan has been a profitable Chicago fortify substitute at justice for over 15 for ever. Schneider & McKinney, P.C.
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Letting Go Is Easy Until You Actually Have To Do It
You don’t stop loving someone, you just wait for that love to change.
There’s this thing humans do where after time spent, we think someone should just know certain things about us. You should know why I’m upset. You should have known that would make me mad. You should know I’d react this way. The connection you develop emotionally gets this unrealistic expectation of being able to read the unspoken and unknown.
Many friendships and relationships have ended because no one could be bothered to communicate discontent in the moment. Instead of settling a single situation, the resentment builds up and eventually the only option is to go through the motions of a bitter end.
Not every relationship is meant to last forever, no matter how much you may want it to. To be honest, letting go isn’t the worst. The hardest part is the releasing of everything old and beautiful of what used to be. You have to detach from memories that helped you mature, become vulnerable, and encouraged you to have faith in someone other than yourself
Recently, an important birthday came up. Oftentimes, people use birthdays or holidays as a way to strike up a conversation or to use it as an “in” to rehash unsettled disagreements. I didn’t feel that way yet I sat for a few minutes that morning not really sure of how to approach it. I didn’t feel right about not acknowledging it because this wasn’t about me or my feelings. I decided then to finally stop letting pride be the reason why someone I cared about didn’t know it.
Harboring hurt over old issues prevents you from experiencing new joys and making new memories.
With the walls down and my heart softened, I’m open to the truth that I don’t have to fit into someone’s box in order to be worthy of love. You don’t have to “be” something in order to have love. It finds you once you’re at a place to freely receive and give it.
Before a new chapter is begun, the old one has to be finished: tell yourself that what has passed will never come back. -Paulo Coelho
Alot of us stay in relationships way past their expiration date because we genuinely believe we can’t do better. We fear losing that constant companionship because the idea of finding it again is downright exhausting. I can say that I experienced love on a higher level. On the other hand, it’s a strange thing to get what you want and not know how to handle it. Thankfully, losses and failures teach you wisdom.
Because I know what love looks like on a deeper, more spiritual level, my path as a single man is different now. The problem before this point was I was stuck trying to find a copy of the love I’d lost. So every time someone would do or say something that reminded me of her, I’d be quick to push them away because I hadn’t truly let go. I wasn’t emotionally free to give the person in front of me a real chance.
As someone still figuring it out, if you’re going through the difficulty of letting someone you love go, here’s a few pieces of advice:
Don’t rush the process
People think getting back out there helps. If you’re not idle, you won’t have time to think about shoulda/coulda/woulda. You’re only setting yourself up for lonely nights and an endless cycle of first dates with no follow-up. Falling in love with someone is a journey. Learning how to move forward without them is a series of twists and turns as well. This is why it was imperative that I took some space for myself. One of the best things you can do to be ready for your next relationship is to heal from the last one.
What It Means When Someone Says They Need Space A request to disconnect doesn’t mean it’s over. It means the situation requires renewed compassion.byrslf.co
Say everything you need to say
Closure is self-serving in most cases. My grudge prevented me from getting things off my chest. I was stupid looking back on it. What I know is to not to default or defer to silence out of fear. Express yourself but do it with love and then refuse to revisit it. Letting go becomes a lot easier when you aren’t replaying all of the things you wish you could have said.
It’s okay to miss them
The whole reason for writing this is because I woke up the other day wanting to send that awkward “hey, just thinking of you” text. I wasn’t pining over what we could have been. I wasn’t trying to open the door. I just genuinely missed the person. There are days where I know I could reach out. However, it’d be pointless because nobody wants that kind of rejection.
As much as you want the feelings to dissipate right away, they won’t. You’ll miss them for as long as time allows. In truth, you’re always going to love a person that you saw a future with. But one day you’ll wake up and that feeling won’t matter as much as it once did.
The universe matches you with the right one based on the energy you give off. I believe that we’re introduced to the people we need at each phase of our lives organically. It’s free will that determines how long they stay and what their exit will be like, though.
It’s important to not let a bad ending taint how you view love and the idea of relationships. With love as the goal, you owe it to your future self to be relentless in the pursuit of relationships that are a place of peace. And that means being deliberate and doing the painstaking work of finishing chapters from the past.
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