#And check out Gogo’s story!!
sosa-royals · 1 year
Omg Sosa baby~ I always forget that there is a huge time difference between us. Forgive me for being late, but happy birthday my darling! 🥳🎉🎊🎈🎁
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As with everyday, I hope that your day was lovely and filled with good times, good food, good people, and a happy heart!
Usually, I'd have a Lumi AU set up for you, but how about a sneak peak of the venue for their upcoming wedding? 😎Soon we won't have to rely on AUs for their married life!
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I love you baby girl~ Honestly, you're spoiling me with your storylines!!! The people that I share an elevator with at work must be wondering what drama recap I'm always reading because it is too good! Literally, give me some of that talent right there! 😭You have been and continue to be such a blessing during my time here on simblr and I just love seeing your url around~ Speak to you soon! 💛💛💛
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Honestly I’ve had this in my asks inbox for weeks now because it’s such a beautiful message that means so much to me
Like y’all do even know how much Gogo means to me! She was literally my first friend on tumblr 😭
It always takes me a long time to respond to messages like this because I like going into my inbox and rereading them over and over again which is why I’m only replying to this now
But thank you so much Gogo for making my birthday special this year just like you do every year! 😭🥰😍❤️
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dribs-and-drabbles · 11 months
The Thai 🤝🏽 Taiwanese Communal Wardrobe item #1
Theory of Love ep 5:
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En of Love: This is Love Story ep 1:
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HIStory 4: Close to You ep 1 & 14:
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My Secret Love ep 10:
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Check Out ep 10:
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Mama Gogo ep 10:
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Kiseki: Dear to Me ep 9:
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(all credit to @chickenstrangers for this one)
+ bonus not in a series but...
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northern-passage · 14 days
What do the ROs look like? How tall are they?
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art by @i-am-gogo-btw Lea is that tallest at 6'2". Clementine is the shortest at 5'3". Merry is 5'11". Noel is 5'7".
2. How old are the ROs?
Merry is the oldest, in her late 30s. Noel and Lea are in their early 30s. Clementine is in their late 20s.
3. Is there poly in the game?
There is one poly route: a triad with Lea and Merry.
4. How long is the demo going to be?
I don't know! We'll find out together :-)
5. How do you pronounce everyone's names?
Lea - lay-uh Clementine - klehm-ehn-tine Merry - meh-ree Noel - no-elle
6. I'm confused about Noel's and/or Rafe's pronouns.
Check this post here!
7. What is your update schedule?
There isn't one. I update whenever I have the content to do so.
8. Is TNP going to be a series?
No, it's a stand alone book.
9. What is your NSFW policy?
I do not take any NSFW questions or prompts on the blog (unless I state so & specifically ask for them). I’m not comfortable with unsolicited, anonymous NSFW questions/messages. However, the game is 18+ and there are already explicit scenes within the game - I understand people will probably be making explicit content, and I have no problem with that. I also have no problem with genuine questions about the sexual content within the game. In general, I try to keep the blog SFW but I may occasionally reblog mild NSFW/nudity and I will tag it as such.
10. Do you do RO reacts?
Not really. They are time consuming and generally the prompts are OOC or do not align with the tone of the story. Occasionally, I may reblog prompt lists here and will accept them for a brief window of time but otherwise I do not typically respond to these asks.
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farm-witches-fic-recs · 10 months
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Friends! Countrypeople! Townies! The farm witch community has gathered together again to bring a selection of favorites old and new for your reading pleasure.
Check out these fics, leave the authors some love, and enjoy your days in the ways that make you happiest.
London, Love, and All it Entails (londonspirit) “Patrick and David’s long term, long distance love affair. Someone mentioned GOGO (Getting Over Getting Older) and this one came to mind: two people are destined to be together but they first have lots to do before they are both ready. I find it both comforting and inspiring.” 
Noble Beloved (AWorldOfDreams/@a-noble-dragon) “I love this story so much! The entire Dracotine series to be honest. It’s such a unique spin on our favorite boys and their romance. The longing is palpable. The sexy times are hot as hell. And, yes, Patrick is a dragon—a perfect, snippy, numbers guy of a dragon. 💙🐉🖤”
My misspent youth and my slow decline (@stereopticons) “Only 800 words but it hurts so good. Patrick, David, Stevie, and Alexis each get a devastating moment that ends on such a high. Loved this.”
People like that are the only people here (@likerealpeopledo-on-ao3) “Warm yet complex Brewer family vibes, a gigantic treehouse, and Patrick coming to terms with his past at Thanksgiving. Plus the Roses! Doing Rose things! It’s a fic that helped me see how Patrick developed the flawed communication style he’s perfected and how sublime David is as a supportive partner (housewarming not included).”
Shot glass of tears (@blackandwhiteandrose) “There's just so much good stuff packed in a short fic. David in NYC is a whole mood but the way he feels things and even changes over this little bit of time is crazy. it's sad but it's not. I love that it ends knowing right where they'll pick up in Schitt's Creek.” 
Too fast (@grapehyasynth) “I come back to this one all the time. David worrying about this date being wrong for him (mini-golf! who would think David would mesh well with mini-golf!) but realizing how much Patrick is trying, how hot he thinks Patrick is, and relaxing into it and letting himself be charmed while still agonizing over making sure he isn't messing things up with Patrick is so lovely.” 
The touch of your hand makes my pulse react (pandorasdaydream) “This new RPF manages to create a vivid world where Dan and Noah are together and it's a world with both love and tenderness but also melancholy and jealousy. Highly recommend if you were one of those fans who did a side eye at Dan showing up drunk and enamored at Noah's London show.”
True Blue series (ayes)" An inventive, sweet & hot early-relationship AU in which David’s escape with Roland’s truck after the events of S1 ends with an encounter with friendly and generous goat farmer Clint Brewer (and his family) instead of the cranky Mennonites…. So David meets Patrick even before he’s worked at the Blouse Barn. The story includes hilarious appearances by the Roses and Stevie, is told from David’s (very anxious) PoV, and is as insightful & funny & satisfying as we all deserve. The series comes in two parts; both are worth devouring!" 
Wild and Wooded (@lisamc-21) “This is everything I want in a non angsty AU fic. They meet, tease and banter, find a way to meet again, click boom, and a happy ending. Patrick is so earnest and wears his heart on his sleeve, not to mention those heart eyes. David knows that Patrick has something that he has never encountered before. He wants it, but history has him doubting. Great dialog, great intimate scenes, lovely story.”
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thehorrortree · 8 months
Submission Window: May 1st - June 15th, 2024 Payment: Contributors copies, 5 cents per word for original work, $55 for reprints, undisclosed sum for cover artwork Theme: Lucy’s Suitors - Quincey, Jack, and/or Arthur Issue 5: Lucy’s Suitors - Quincey, Jack, and/or Arthur (To be published November, 2024) Quincey was a cowboy who may or may not have been in cahoots with the count. Seward was a drug addicted custodian of a lunatic asylum. And Arthur was there, too! Let’s read some stories of these men - together, individually, in combination - before, during, and after the events of the novel. Did Quincey survive as the undead? How did Jack treat his other patients? When the dust settled, did Holmwood completely break down? Stoker tells us these three men adventured together prior. What might that look like? Currently this is planned as a single book, but quantity and quality may dictate a book for each man. Submissions open May 1, 2024-June 15, 2024. Submissions received earlier will be read and considered but will not be responded to until the window opens. We like stories that feel like they could be canon, but we also enjoy fun alternate takes and pastiche. Prequels, sequels, updates, divergent timelines - unleash your creative powers of darkness and show us something exciting. As with every publication the best way to get a feel for what we like is to read what we’ve put out in the past. Stories should be 1500-5000 words. Poetry will be considered, but is not necessarily sought (We are hoping to have an all poetry issue sometime in the future). Compensation will be .05/word plus contributor’s copies. Reprints will be considered. Reprints should be at least 10 years old. Compensation is $55. Simultaneous submissions accepted, but please notify us immediately if accepted elsewhere. Some stories may be chosen for the website, but not the publication. Please adhere to the Shunn format - https://www.shunn.net/format/classic/ Please only send .doc, .docx, or .pdf Filename and email subject should be - “lastname_title_brides” or “lastname_title_suitors” Include short 3rd person bio Email story submissions to: [email protected] Cover Art Submissions What we want Eye catching design. Think pulp paperbacks, Basil Gogos’ Famous Monsters covers, EC Horror Comics, Vintage Movie Posters. Originality. Homage is fun, plagiarism is not. Please make sure you own all aspects of your work. Knowledge and Love of all things Dracula. Hide some Easter eggs in there. Make it so that we keep coming back to find more to enjoy. Keep it clean. Sensual is fine. Erotica, not so much. Check out our previously published Covers. Parameters Format is 5.5x8.5 paperback Title will occupy top quarter(so leave space) Full color preferred, black and white or grayscale will be considered if impressive Pease send high res .jpg, pdf, or .png Compensation will be monetary plus contributor’s copies. Email cover submissions to: [email protected] Via: DBS Press.
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becauseimanicequeen · 4 months
Pride Month Watch: Mama Gogo (ep 1-4)
I'm currently going through my Pride Month Watch List and Mama Gogo is on my list of shows/films I haven't watched before but have wanted to get to.
The only prior knowledge I had of this before was that it was created by Jojo, which is why it's been on my to-watch list for a long time. Before I started writing this, I did a quick check of the cast on MDL and realized that my posts on this show have the potential to turn into a whole lot of simping for some of the boys and Cris Horwang (I loved this gorgeous woman in Intern in My Heart, which I watched in March), so expect simping. There might not be much else, lol.
Anyway, let's go!
Well... I'm a whole minute into the series and I'm already in love...
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She hasn't ever said anything yet and she's my everything.
It's been 4 minutes...
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And I love her even more because she's keeping it real...
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I love people who are shameless. I love people with no filter.
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That's none of your fucking business.
As someone's who's a slut for neon lights... the intro is giving me everything I want.
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I watched the intro three times, btw. Just for the lights and colors. And the 80s vibe (even though I wasn't alive to experience it).
Oh, lord...
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He can kill a man with a wink. This whole introduction of him was so ridiculous I loved it. The way I fucking cackled!
Besides all that ridiculous shit (which I loved), I have to say that this man is hot as hell (even in his weird patterned shirt, lol).
He's a duche right now...
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But also really hot, so I forgive him (lmfao!).
This dude is a thief:
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But at least he's pretty when he gets knocked out.
And here's another beautiful human being:
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Thank every higher power Pod isn't as shady here as in Wandee Goodday (I mean, I'm just on the 2nd episode here so there's still time for him to be shady, but he seems genuinely sweet, so he might not get into shady territory).
Chen is gone...
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And I don't blame him. Annie is out-of-this-world-gorgeous. And shameless. And a mess. Which, obviously, means I'm in love with her.
Why do I get the feeling that this dude...
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Is full of bullshit?
I love their dynamic:
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Annie is like the big sister with the crazy stories and the boys are the younger brothers who tease her relentlessly about those stories.
Considering how the first episode started, the boys will have her back no matter what. This is the kind of sibling energy I love.
Btw, that blue light...
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Is gorgeous. And mixed with the pink from the neon sign (in the pics above), creating that purplish light... I'm in heaven!
Look at my pretty thief:
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My grandfather always told me never to fall for a pretty face. I've managed to avoid it in real life, but in fiction... Anything is possible in fiction.
I can't stop laughing...
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Because Guy's character here is sooooo different from his character in The Warp Effect (which I finished watching yesterday). Those two roles couldn't be more different and I love the duality.
Also, his character here (Yuth) is so ridiculous he makes me laugh out of embarrassment and just because. I love him so much.
I'm rooting for Team Annie...
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Because I love them all so much. Even my little thief.
And I love how all the boys stepped closer to Annie in this scene:
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They've got her back (and, hopefully, for more reasons than just their employment, lol). For someone who values loyalty, this is doing things to me. This group (especially Annie) is the reason I'm already invested in this series.
Oh, baby, why do you have to ruin the good vibes I had just now?
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I wonder what baggage he carries. What worries and fears he's holding on to for him to say this. Because, clearly, this kid is hurting. He's possibly even been burned in the past (he hasn't revealed why he was in jail yet, right?). So much so that he would rather play it like he doesn't care than be open to consider being friendly with the others.
And then there's Moodang who cried because he was so touched by Gayu sharing his tips with them. And he was touched because...
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And because he was used to fighting on his own.
He's the complete opposite of Auto. Moodang isn't afraid to be vulnerable and honest about not really having any family or close friends. And then, when Choke says that Moodang has them now... Fuck, I love them so much!
These two are going to hook up, right?
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It's pretty obvious, right? I'm not being completely delulu, am I?
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It's probably because it is fake. Seriously, he's so sus. Don't trust him, Kungten!
So far, I love Annie and her team. Their dynamic is great, and even though Auto seems a bit like an outsider now (out of his own choice and some of Choke's harshness), I believe that will change in coming episodes.
Since my image limit is reached, I'll switch over to a new post.
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schmickelly · 5 months
Did you have a story planned from the start or do you just make up shit as you go along
Epic OOOIV Spoilers!
came about in 2021
certain parts and certain parts are not
Some episodes are written in storyboards and some episodes are created purely out of improv
in terms of a laid out story
only episode 1/2 originally existed and after that was a timeskip to s2 but i didnt do it because lol too long, heres the s2 cast and here are the villains
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and everyone dies in that
*all of episode 1/2
the elimination order
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darte was always gonn switch genders
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moonlight will mellow out with tailspike
nacho would mellow out with babahook
darte was always getting with dartetteay (but grenada wasnt because they were literally just generic enemies before ig)
THE EVIL 13 and REMASTERS ALL EXISTED EXCEPT FOR BLOODSPORT and TAROT CARD who were originally a Computer Mouse and ??? (There was also an extra darte foe named dartboard)
frome the shoddy old episode 2 (full season recap was in that too i was gonna just rush through it) sabarook was always gonna debut
die always had shitty friends (and pink lemonade was one of them)
13b would stop being a self centered twat
swappy always had a polyamorous relationship with lightbulb and paintbrush from inanimate insanity
phone would get with birdie
the earthquake competition was a challenge idea that had been dwelling in my mind since 2019 but thats not sometjing necessarily oooiv connected
cloud would do fucking nothing ever (deconfirmed)
heres some notes
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paintbrush xiv did not exist before i saw twitter posts about consensual cannabilism
i did not even gaf about trophy before 2023
i watched the gogo yubari fight and made ep15
check the trivia tv tropes page for oooiv theres probably shit on there
ask more questions like this
i work on toriyama law so my short answer is yes
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foralleternityidiot · 2 years
Getting to Know Your BL Mutuals
tagged by @negrowhat
Simple, answer the questions. @ some people. Include the tag ‘g2ky BL mutuals 2022’ on your post so we can find everyone’s answers!
What has been the BL that took you by surprise this year?
จริงๆ there were so many wonderful surprises this year, such as Choco Milk Shake, Blueming, Big Dragon, Secret Crush on You, My Secret Love, Kabe Koji, Takara-kun to Amagi-kun, Minato’s Laundromat, Mr. Unlucky, and… honestly like all the J-BLs this year.
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But, I think Ghost Host Ghost House was the biggest and best surprise. I expected a campy low-budget horror-comedy. They delivered a beautiful story of love and loss, regret and acceptance. It definitely had it’s rough spots but I forgive them all.
What has been the BL that you felt a bit disappointed with this year?
There were a number of disappointments this year (Coffee Melody, Ai Long Nhai, Check Out, Fahlanruk, etc), but for me the biggest disappointment was Oh My Sunshine Night.
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It was a mess. Even the director was disappointed. They started with a great fresh concept based on a mock trailer for a OhmFluke fan meet and then the story was ripped apart and cobbled back together and bloated with way too much convoluted plot and side stories into… whatever that was. I just hate wasted potential and wasted talent.
What has been your favorite BL this year?
Love in the Air. I don’t need to elaborate.
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Favorite BL couples (not just of 2022)?
Well obviously PayuRain.
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But also, in no particular order, AkkAyan, WinTeam, PatPran, PrapaiSky, CakeEiw, Caireel, WangXian, WenZhou, PleumKawin, and Kurodachi. Plus like 100 more character couples. Not to mention all the shipping couples. So much love to go around.
If you had to suggest a BL for someone what would it be?
I always go with My Engineer. It’s a classic. It’s campy, light hearted, and fun with a great, well-balanced ensemble. It’s full of BL tropes but plays like a parody of BL tropes. It’s cringe and low budget, but launched some major talent.
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It’s really the perfect entry level BL and I have proof, just ask @linameka what I had her watch as her introductory BL two years ago.
What’s your non-BL favorite for this year?
Hands down it’s gotta be Mama Gogo!
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So who wants to go next? Tag as many or as few people as you want.
Just gonna leave this open to all!
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gunsatthaphan · 2 years
Doreen!! Have they announced the special episode yet? I'm seeing a lot of people saying something about it but idk where to check. I loved the storyline and although it got a better ending (I'm so happy that sky finally got his "end of all the endings and his broken bones started mending/got mended") But I want few more ep!!!🙈 🥺
Btw, What all shows are you currently watching? And can you recommend me series which are airing or recently finished airing? Ever since the eclipse ended I was watching only LITA and now this is ending/ended and I don't wanna watch between us till it reaches the finale.. so, idk what to watch anymore. 🙈
the special episode will air on November 26th on vimeo on-demand. here is the official announcement 😊 I'm not sure if it will also be released on iqiyi though.
the finale was tough and there were a few moments where I was close to tapping out lol but I liked how it turned out! It's been a loaded story and it wasn't a 10/10 for me overall but I did enjoy it and I'm excited for the special episode!
I'm currently also watching Between Us, which had a pretty good start, Remember Me, which is a cute little gem but nothing too special, and then Mama Gogo, which aired a few months ago but I'm watching it now. It's fun lol.
And then I'm also watching the Cherry Magic movie which has magically appeared on youtube lmao. So far it's okay but doesn't compare to the show imo.
Since the eclipse ended it's been a wasteland in my watchlist lmao but the ones I mentioned are all quite nice. I hope the upcoming months have some highlights in store though 😉
One show that recently finished that I highly recommend is Roommates of Poongduck 304, which is a very nicely produced kbl with excellent writing and acting. You should check it out if you haven't already!
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rocksandrobots · 2 years
Phantoms of the Past - Chapter 45: Mission Possible: Part 4
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 "Impressive." Shego clapped as Hardlight floated back down to join her and Dr. Drakken. "So now what?"
 "Now we find Kim Possible and crush her." Drakken growled as he squeezed his fist tight.
 "Uh-huh... and your plan is..." Hardlight asked.
 "I'm glad you asked." Drakken grinned as he waltzed back to the computer banks that controlled the device that the supers were now trapped in. "My neurospace-cabulator uploads the brain waves of its respective host into a matrix, bending them completely to my will."
 Shego raised a skeptical eyebrow. "So you mind controlled a bunch of old geezers?"
 "Old geezers with superpowers, remember?" Drakken corrected as he punched more commands into the computer
 Shego and Hardlight could only shrug at each other while his back was turned.
 "Let's see Kim Possible stand up to this." He chuckled to himself as he pulled down a lever on the controls.
  Hiro and Baymax flew down to meet up with the rest of Big Hero Six and their newfound allies.
 "We checked all around the upper levels, no way in there."
 "And we couldn't find anything on the ground level either." Honey Lemon sighed.
 Kim pulled out the green communicator and spoke into it, "Wade?"
 "Yeah... I got nothin'." Wade's voice sounded out. "The entire building is surrounded by a solid wall of hard light. That kind of tech is still supposed to be years away from being developed. Whoever this Hardlight guy is, he's no slouch in the brainiac department."
 "So we got two evil geniuses on our hands?" Ron whined. "Oh man."
 "Well good thing we got our own team of geniuses." Kim smiled.
 "So how do we get rid of a wall of light?" Gogo thought out loud.
 "Maybe I can super heat it with my fire breath?" Fred suggested.
 Honey Lemon shook her head. "It's too big Freddie, and he's no doubt keeping it cool from the inside."
 "Yeah and we don't want to risk any of the surrounding buildings." Hiro agreed.
 "I could probably get us in using my portal magnets, but they're going to spot us as soon as we enter." Varian mussed.
 "And we've no way of knowing where they're all hiding in such a big building." Wasabi confirmed. "Meaning they can get the drop on us anyways."
 "Looks like you'll have to break out your Chameleon suit Fred." Hiro said.
 "Ummm... do you mean the rubber suit that looks like a giant lizard?" Wade asked over the communicator.
 "Uh yeah?" Fred hesitantly agreed.
 "The little guy kind of short circuited it."
 "Soooorrrrrry!" Mole's voice sounded from off screen. "I accidentally spilled soda on it while looking for my su- My Suit! I have a super suit! I knew it! I knew it! And it's just my size!"
 Mole ran on screen carrying a small red lizard suit. "Oh I knew you guys were going to make me a part of the team! You already had a suit made for me and everything! Oh and it's perfect! Just how I would have designed it, with cup holders and springs and everything! What does it do? Huh? What are my powers? Do I get to breathe ICE!?"
 The members of Big Hero Six exchanged awkward glances with each other.
 Varian raised an eyebrow "You built Mole a suit?"
 "It's a long story." Hiro sighed.
 "I told you we should have used an amnesia-tino." Honey Lemon whispered to Wasabi who nodded in agreement.
 ``What are you guys whispering about?" Mole grunted as he tried on his suit.
 "Oh nothing." Honey Lemon hastily called out.
 "So now what?" Gogo asked.
 "I guess someone needs to use Tadashi's suit... but I don't know who it'd fit...."
 No sooner did he finish talking then did Varian finish opening a portal. There stood Tadashi; a look of shock and irritation on his face.
 "Oh, come on!"
 Varian smiled. "I expanded the mini-portals for long distance travel. I figured it would come in handy."
 "What happened to, 'you deserve a vacation.'?" Tadashi complained
 "Sorry big bro, but we kind of need your help." Hiro shrugged.
 "What about me? I can help... toooowoooah!" There came the sound of a crash over the communicator.
 "You stay put." Gogo ordered.
 "And put that suit up before you break it too!" Fred yelled over her shoulder.
 "Tadashi,-dōshita no?" Baba's voice rang out from the next room.
 "Uh.. Terebi keshi teru dake. I'm going to step out from some... uh.. milk Baba. I'll be right back. Mata chikaiuchini o ai shimashou." Tadashi yelled goodbye as he stepped back through the portal. "So... which loonatic in spandex are we facing today?"
 Hardlight scanned the wall of code that came up on the computer display, trying to commit to memory what he could. He didn't know if Drakken's brainwashing machine would work or not, but if it did, then Ian wanted to be in on it.
 "Studying hard?" Shego whispered over his shoulder and Hardlight stiffened at being caught spying.
 "O-of course." He turned around and gave her a winsome smile, not that she could see it through the dark visor of his helmet. "I want to learn from the best and this is some impressive coding."
 Shego raised an eyebrow. "If you're such a smart guy, then why do you need Dr. D's invention? You got your own tech. What are you up to?"
 "I don't need it." Ian laughed. "But as you say, I'm a smart guy. I don't let opportunities pass me by." He hopped onto his hover disk and flew out of her reach. "I've been honest about what I want. I want to defeat Big Hero Six once and for all. I think the good doctor can help with that, in exchange for me helping him bring down this Kim person."
 "You expect me to believe that?" Shego scoffed as her hands lit up with green fire, however she was momentarily tripped up when Ian flew directly towards her. He leaned in and shoved his face into hers. They would have been nose to nose if not for the helmet, which reflected back her own image.
 "I don't expect you to believe anything, after all you seem pretty 'smart' yourself. So if we're playing the honesty game here, then what's your angle?"
 "Sure. I mean do you really follow that loser around just out of loyalty?"
 Shego crossed her arms and shrugged. "He's the best paying mad scientist in the business." Then she smiled wickedly. "Plus, I get to enjoy all the perks."
 She jumped and took a swipe at him. Ian barely had time to fly out of the way.
 He hovered higher up into the air and gloated down at her. "Touchy. You mean you never thought about going solo before?.... Like, ever?"
 "Too much work." Shego yelled back before jumping onto several pipes to reach her opponent.
 Hardlight quickly brought up a light shield to block her attack, he then punched a command into his gauntlet and purple pterodactyls with sharp breaks flew at the supervillainess.
 She dispatched them with ease, but it gave him time to move out of her reach.
 "I don't get then," Ian shook his head as he floated up towards the ceiling, "If you've no skin in the game, why play?"
 Shego snorted with laughter, "Why? 'Cause it's fun. I mean what else am I going to do with flaming green hands, join the circus?"
 "Ahhh.. so you're like me. You're in it for the challenge." Hardlight circled around her mischievously. "Come on, you know you're better than him... why waste your time being second fiddle?"
 Shego dropped her defensive stance for just a moment, only a moment, but Ian noticed the look of confusion on her face anyways. She really didn't have an answer to that question. Then suddenly she kicked his hover disk out from underneath him and he hit the concrete floor with a groan.
 The cocky smile returned to Shego's face as she leered over him. "Good thing you were wearing armor, huh?"
 "Yeah, uh, good thing." Ian grunted as he slowly sat up.
 She bent down till she was face to face with him. "You said you like a challenge. Well how's this game? You step out of line and I kick your rear end again, huh?"
 Hardlight was going to retort back when the door opened and Drakken re-entered the main computer room.
 "Ah, Shego, training the new recruit, are we?" He beamed at them.
 "You could say that..." She smiled and gave Hardlight a knowing look.
 "Excellent!" Drakken marched over to the computer screen as Hardlight and Shego glared at each other challengingly. Ian hated being toyed with. That was his job! But he couldn't risk revealing himself now and they both knew it.
 "So what's the next step of this master plan?" he asked as he stood back up.
 "I've finished the final upgrades for my brilliant invention." Drakken replied as he finished uploading some files. "Now all that's left is to lure Kim Possible here."
 The gathered superheros watched as a garage door slid open in the back of the warehouse. Suddenly Tadashi appeared, as if out of thin air, holding the door aloft and wearing his super suit.
 "I disabled the alarms, repeated an empty feedback loop for the security cams, and fed energy away from this door to the front  of the building. With any luck they won't know we're here till we're on top of them."
 "We're are they located?" Hiro asked.
 "They're in the central control room, what would normally be the main hanger, but this Hardlight dude has some sort of maze built leading up to it."
 "That shouldn't be a problem." Varian said as he pulled out his portal magnets again.
 "No, but the fact that they have three other people kidnapped might be."
 "Kidnapped?" Kim echoed
 Tadashi nodded. "Yeah, three old people wearing funny suits."
 "Funny suits?" Gogo asked, horrified as realization hit her.
 Fred figured it out as soon as she did, and let out a very audible gasp. "They've captured the world's greatest superheroes. The living legends themselves! Oh this is bad."
 "Just to clarify, we're talking about those three geezers from the convention, right?" Wasabi asked.
 Tadashi shrugged. "Whoever they are; they have them suspended in these glass cages and they're hooked up to some sort of machinery. It looked like they were unconscious and the machine was reading their bio-signals."
 "Drakken." Kim and Ron said simultaneously.
 "Then do you know what he's doing to them?" Honey Lemon nervously asked.
 Ron shook his head. "No idea, but that sounds like his MMO."
 "Drakken prefers to steal what he can rather than build his own stuff," Kim explained, "but usually he kidnaps scientists and other inventors, not superheroes."
 Hiro stood in thought for a moment. "Alright... Tadashi, you'll be in charge of freeing the superheroes while the rest of us fight off Hardlight and Drakken."
 "Don't forget Shego." Ron said, "She's the one you really have to watch out for."
 "Hmm, hmm." Ruffus chirped in agreement on his shoulder.
 "We can take her." Gogo said as she gave Kim a friendly nudge.
 Kim nodded in agreement and gave her two thumbs up. "Yeah, we got this."
 "Alright, Honey Lemon and Varian, you'll handle Drakken's plant monsters, Wasabi you'll cover them, and the rest of us will take on Hardlight."
 "Well then what are we waiting for?" Wasabi grinned as he walked into the darkened hallway. "Let's Go save the daaaahhh!"
 Wasabi let out a scream as he accidentally stepped into the waiting jaws of a light monster, this one shaped like a treasure chest with teeth. He furiously backpedaled away before his limbs could get caught between such teeth.
 He stabbed the snarling creature and it dissipated, only for more hard-light monsters to appear. These looked like flying bats.
 "Automated defense systems." Hiro exclaimed. "We need to get out here quickly before we're discovered."
 Varian was already ahead of him and a portal appeared beside them. They all ran through, and into another hallway.
 "Wh-where are we now?" Honey Lemon asked, breathing hard, as the portal closed behind them.
 Varian shrugged. "Somewhere in the building still, but I've no idea where this main control room is."
 Everyone turned to Tadashi, expectedly.
 "Don't look at me. I've no idea where we're at either. All I know is we're somewhere in the middle of the maze."
 Hiro sighed. "If we have to work our way through the maze, we'll be noticed for sure."
 "And that'll give more time for Drakken to do whatever it is he's going to do. I don't know what he has planned, but you can be sure it's something bad." Kim said.
 "I have an idea." Ron suddenly said and walked over to place a hand on Varian's shoulder. Ruddiger peered around on his other shoulder and Rufus stuck his tongue out at the raccoon, who returned the gesture.
 "Varian and I will cause a distraction and lure some of the villains away while you sneak into the main computer room."
 Varian only looked confused by the suggestion. "Why me?"
 "Because 'distraction duty' is typical sidekick stuff."
 Varian scrunched his face up in revulsion. "I'm not a sidekick!"
 "Really? Cause you're not a part of the main group, you need saving a lot, and you have a lovable furry mascot on your shoulder."
 Varian worked his mouth in protest, but only unintelligible gutters of offense would come out.
 His friends didn't pass up the opportunity to take dig at his expense.
 "You are the one who always claims he's not a superhero." Gogo said.
 "And you do have a furry mascot." Hiro slyly smiled.
 "Not to mention, you've been either kidnapped or attacked by random goons and supervillains at least six times in the past eight months." Fred counted on his fingers.
 "You're also incredibly annoying," Tadashi gloated. "perfect as a distraction."  
 "B-but who will work the portal?" Varain whined, unable to combat their points.
 "I will." Tadashi said, snatching magnets out of his hand. "I have a better idea of where the main hanger is anyways."
 And with no further argument he opened another portal to a different part of the maze. As everyone else went through, Ron led a still confused Varian away in the opposite direction.
 An alarm rang out inside the central control room.
 "Looks like we got some pests running around." Shego stated as she viewed a security camera. The fuzzy face of a raccoon was sniffing at the lens, then the familiar buck-toothed image of a certain naked mole rat joined him. The creature stuck out its tongue and waggled its paws as if to taunt whoever was watching.
 "What the..?" Hardlight asked as he and Drakken peered at the screen from behind her.
 Then the camera zoomed out to reveal the pets owners holding them. They too waved at the camera with smug smiles.
 "Ron Stoppable!?" Drakken fumed. "Then that means... no wait. This is what we want. The sidekicks must be causing a distraction so that Kim and her new friends can get the drop on us."
 "Sooooo we're just going to wait for them?" Shego asked.
 "Certainly, my dear Shego. when Kim arrives we spring the trap and -"
 "And then get your butt kicked!" A voice called out.
 All three villains turned to see several superheroes fly through a portal into the room.
 "Or you can just surrender now and save yourself the trouble?" Kim commented.
 Drakken seethed at her for a brief second before slipping into a smile. "Oh I don't think so."
 He took a step backwards towards the computer console and flicked a switch. The machine holding the elderly supers lit up and started to hum.
 Kim and Big Hero Six share a couple of worried and confused looks, and then suddenly a bright flash flared in front of them and there stood three human shaped figures made of blue hard-light.
 They looked like younger versions of the legendary trio of supers, complete with their retro costumes.
 Fred couldn't help but squee with joy when he saw him. "Eeeeep! Hehehe! I can't believe we get to fight brainwashed versions of the most prolific superheroes of our time!"
  Everyone shouted at him and he hastily stopped clapping and jumping in place.
 "Oh, yeah, right... heroing time."
 He coughed and took up a fighting pose.
 It did little good. The light version of Lima punched the ground hard and a small earthquake ruptured under their feet.
 Ian watched the superheroes fighting each other with interest, as he stood with Drakken and Shego on the slightly raised dais that held the computer banks.
 "You used my hard-light technology to construct vessels for your brain washed supers."
 Drakken smiled wide. "I knew you'd appreciate it. It was a last minute addition to my brilliant plan. Instead of risking the hosts, their hard-light clones take the brunt of the attack while still emulating the original counterpart's powers."
 They watched as the green suited superhero tried to slice through one of the light clones ineffectively.
 "Not to mention they're practically indestructible." He grinned wickedly.
 "You know, Dr. D, I had my doubts, but I'll admit this is one of your better plans." Shego said as she leaned over the banister to admire Kim and two of the other heroes get chased around by the flying light clone.
 Ian was a little more guarded with his praise. "How did you solve the projector issue?"
 "Oh a simple self-sustaining feedback loop. With a little tinkering, and our soon to be newest recruits," he said this as the Fearless Ferret clone tried to shove the pink armored girl into one of the brainwashing tubes. She was rescued by the girl with yellow skates at the last minute. "We can build an entire functioning army of super powered, invulnerable light clones, and release them on the whole world. First San Fansokyo, tomorrow Washington!"
 "D.C.?" Shego asked.
 "No, Seattle. I hear the sunsets are lovely upon the bay this time of year."
 "You'll never, ugh... get away with this Drakken!" Kim managed to yell back at him as she dodged a punch from the light clone of Miracle Maiden.  
 "I already have, and you'll be joining my army's ranks whether you like it or not Kim Possible!"
 As Drakken yelled back at his arch foe, Hardlight checked his gear and found a spy chip planted on his gauntlet. He held it up and Drakken caught sight of it.
 The other supervillain momentarily stiffened but then straightened himself to his full height and smiled calmly. "Ah, my patented micro-decoder. Impressed?"
 Ian studied the microchip carefully before pocketing for later.
 "Indeed." He said lightly. "In fact, I might just be even more impressed with you now than when I first asked to be your student. I bow to your skill." And for once, Ian genuinely meant it.
 He gave a little bow and Drakken returned it gladly, with a thank you, and that's when the light's cut out.
 The light clones faded away and the three super villains were left standing in the dark facing seven angry heroes.
 "Wha- What happened?" Draken gasped.
 "The sidekicks!" Shego yelled as she lit up her hands and jumped into the fray. "They must have cut the power."
 Drakken collected his wits and sent his vines out to fight off the other supers. "Hardlight! Go take care of our pests!"
 "On it!" and Ian flew away from the battle on his hover-disk.
 Tadashi hissed under his breath as the power went out.
 The villains hadn't noticed him in his cloaking suit, and while his friends fought, he had been trying to hijack the controls of Drakken's brainwashing machine.
 Cutting the power was actually the last thing he wanted to do. He had no idea what life support systems the trio of elderly people were on, whether or not they were getting filtered air into those glass tubes, and he didn't know what would happen to their minds if the connection was suddenly severed while still hooked up to the machine.
 He furiously worked to reconnect, whatever it was he had disconnected.
 The lights flickered back on, the machine powered up, and Tadashi breathed a sigh of relief. He then made his way to the main control.
 The Doctor and his minions were busy fighting off the rest of Big Hero Six, even as the hard-light clones came back online to rejoin the fray.
 This finally provided Tadashi with a chance to access the actual computer.
 "Alright, let's figure out this code." he muttered under his breath as he pulled up the readouts.
 "There... that should turn off the rest of the maze." Varian said as he pulled out the last of the wires from the breaker box.
 The purple light running down the hallway of the warehouse flickered off.
 "Haha! Booyah! Let's see their fancy tech work without any power!" Ron cheered.
 "Oh, I don't know." A familiar voice called out. "I imagine it'll work very much like this!"
 Hardlight came barreling down the hall towards them. He punched a command in his gauntlet and a fiery pink phoenix manifested itself before him and gave chase after the two heroes and their annoying pets.
 As they ran away, Varian looked over his shoulder to see Hardlight fixing the wires from the breaker box. They had only stalled for time, and Varian could only hope that it was enough time for his friends.
 Then he curiously noticed the villain attaching what looked like a disc to one of the data wires....
 "Woah!" Varian jumped as the light phoenix shot fire at them!
 "Wow! You got some pretty nice fighting moves." Fred complimented as he jumped out of the way of Shego's firey hands. "Did you study Kung-fu or Judo---woah!"
 He ducked quickly, as she ignored his question and took another swipe at him.
 "You know, y-you'd probably make a good super hero if you wanted to?"
 "Now why would I want that, when this is so much more fun?"
 She made another dash towards him, only for Kim to knock her down with a flying kick while she was distracted.
 "You're right Shego. This is more fun." She taunted back.
 However both heroes then got tangled up in Dr. Drakken's vines.
 "Here ya go!" Honey Lemon yelled as she threw a chimball at them. A yellow cloud of dust covered them as the sphere busted overhead. Then the vines withered away to nothing.
 Yet, while Honey Lemon took aim at another cluster of vines, trapping Gogo, one of the light clones grabbed her from behind.
 She screamed as the clone of Captain Fancy lifted her off the ground.
 Fortunately she was rescued by Baymax and Hiro. Who tackled the light monster head on, where she then fell to the ground, using her chim-boots to soften her landing with a spongy green gloop.
 And so it went on, around and around, the supers and villains jockeying for the upper hand, never quite being able to stay on top. They were all pretty evenly matched.
 Tadashi tried to ignore the battle and resisted the urge to join in, even as one of the clones punched the ground and sent his friend sprawling on the floor. He shook his head in frustration. He could have probably taken that Drakken dude out with ease in his super suit, but it wouldn't solve the problem of the brainwashed supers attacking them. He had to prioritize freeing them first.
 He picked up a screwdriver and undid the back cover of the main computer. He was almost done....
 He didn't notice Shego recovering from her attack.
 She looked up to see a screwdriver floating in the air...
 "What the...."
 "I. Hate. Being. The. Sidekick!" Varian huffed between breaths as he and Ron continued to run away from Hardlight's growing menagerie of light monsters.
 He shooed away some more light bats, and then ducked as the phoenix breathed more fire.
 "Hahahaha! Who's the genius now, Varian?" Hardlight laughed behind them on his hover disc as he punched more codes into his gauntlet.
 "What did you do to make this guy so mad?" Ron called back. He was slightly faster than Varian and ran a few feet ahead of him.
 Suddenly a gigantic purple spider appeared in front of them, blocking their escape. The two boys skidded to a stop.
 "Like the improvements I made to my tech?" Hardlight gloated. "No more need for stationary projectors. My light creations go where I go."
 Varian made a fist as he gripped something tightly in his hand.
 "Yeah, but you're still using Rubidium as your conduit!" Varian flashed the villain a wicked smile of his own. "And what does Rubidium do when it comes in contact with water?"
 Hardlight seemed startled by that question. Ron however was only confused.
 "What does Rubidium do when it comes in contact with water?"
 "This!" Varian shouted and threw the chimball in his hand at the closest light monster before Hardlight could react.
 Suddenly there was a loud bang as the creature started to smoke and shoot sparks! Which only caught the rest of monsters on fire as the flames spread.
 Varian didn't stand around to watch the show. Still holding onto Ruddiger with one arm, he grabbed a frightened Ron with his other hand, and dragged him and Ruffus out of the way and down the hall.
 "What was that !?" Ron yelled at him.
 " That  was a bath bomb! While volatile, however, the chemical reaction won't last long. We need to get out of here, now!"
 And sure enough, there was Hardlight chasing after them again, but this time without his army of artificial monsters.
 Ron, Varian, and the animals, ducked into the first doorway that they could, and found themselves in the middle of a battlefield.
 "KP!" Ron yelled as he saw his girlfriend being tied up by what looked like a blue, translucent copy of the Fearless Ferret. A much younger and more fit looking Fearless Ferret at that.
 He ran to her rescue while Varian took off in the opposite direction to help his brother who was locked into a stranglehold with another of the super copycats. This one looked like a young, buff woman dressed in armor, only also made of blue light.
 Tadashi barely noticed Ron and Varian enter the room. Nor did he pay attention to the villain on the hover disc that was chasing them.
 He was close to a breakthrough, even as Wasabi and Gogo battled a ferocious light lion, Honey Lemon, with Baymax's help, fought a man-eating flower, and Varian wrestled with the light clone that had super strength.
 He didn't even see the woman called Shego sneak up behind him with a wrench.
 "Thanks Ron." Kim sighed as her boyfriend knocked away the Fearless Ferret copy with a karate chop.
 It did little good, as the light clone only got right back up, unharmed, but it gave time for Ruffus to free her from her bonds.
 The raccoon, Ruddiger, hissed at a creeping vine that made its way towards them.
 She and Ron stood back to back in a defensive position as they waited for the next attack. Each giving the other cover and support as they always had. For years, they had fought together and they moved in practiced sync.
 Her life may be complicated, stressful,  hectic, and just straight up weird sometimes, but Ron… wonderful, dependable, hopeful, Ron, was always there, and it gave her strength.
 She smiled to herself despite the dangers present, but that smile faded away quickly when a resounding      clang    filled the warehouse.
 Nearly everyone stopped to look where the sound had come from, even Drakken.
 Tadashi fizzled into view, his super suit short-circuiting as he fell to the ground. Shego stood poised over him, a wench and her hand and a triumphant smile on her face.
 "Well look what I found!" She proclaimed, as Tadashi sat back up and shook his head. His helmet had protected him, but you could see from the cracked visor that his suit would no longer be of use.
 "Tadashi!" Hiro called out from close by and hopped into Baymax's back.
 Drakken caught the two superheroes mid air with his vines.
 "And where do you think you're going?" He sneered. "You got a date with my neruospace-cabulator, remember."
 "Not if we have anything to say about it!" Gogo yelled, and flung one of her discus at him. He ducked out of the way quickly, but the disc lodged itself into the computer bank. The light clones flickered and became just a little more see through.
 "You little fool!" Drakken spat. "You think that will free your friends? Destroy my machine and you'll fry their brains. We'll both lose then."
 Kim bit her lip to keep herself from hurling an insult at him. It wasn't an empty threat, Drakken was serious.
 Ron decided to challenge back though. "So what, we just keep fighting here till the place comes down around us?"
 "No, you'll keep fighting till my light clones wear you down. They never tire, you however won't last much longer. But I'll concede this is taking a little longer than planned, so let's speed up the time table, shall we?"
 He turned a dial on the computer bank and the light clones started to multiply!
 The supers started to tighten their defensive circle as more and more brainwashed superheroes surrounded them. It was an army, and Drakken wanted them to be its newest volunteers.
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dorkaarts · 2 years
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🔸 Kiago'o Nar🔸 The greatest Jedi of all time!! And my favourite SW character. Yep, that's the fact. I had the absolute honor to draw Gogo for my Bestie @katt.arts for her #drawthisinyourstyle challenge!! All the entries are too good so far ah!! I love this gal with my whole heart,, she's so well-thought, written deeply, and loveable, her story is unique. Definitely makes me love the Star Wars Universe even more. Go check out Katt's art, she's the absolute best!! #kattarts #kattartsdtiys #dtiys #challenge #dtiyschallenge #entry #gogo #kiagoonar #starwars #starwarsoc #starwarscharacter #jedi #sw #clonewars #clones #zabrak #maul #niejhi #disney #digitalart #procreate https://www.instagram.com/p/ClmfKRCqR0c/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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thegossiphall · 11 months
Join my New Channel on WhatsApp!! I'm looking for my people, or at least with similar interests. Not a lot of Gogo talk around here, or idk, Dancer stuff. Yall get me!! Let's chat and think out loud. Tell them what's going on behind the curtains. SEE YOU ON THE DANCE CHANNEL 💃🏽 😉
#bostonperformers #gogodancer #dancer #wegogo #Bostonnightlife #dance
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OTHER PLATFORMS!!!👇🏼🤔👇🏼🤯👇🏼🥳👇🏼🤣👇🏼
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//:Costume&production by CityMuse Entertainment & Candibar Boston://
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milo-hernandez · 2 years
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Full Name: Milo Luis Hernandez
Nickname(s): Lilo
Age: 22
Place of Birth: Virginia
Ethnicity: Hispanic
Gender: Cis Male
Sexual Orientation: Gay
Position: Switch Verse
Religion: Atheist
Language(s) Spoken: English, Spanish
Faceclaim: Manu Rios
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Green
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 181 lbs
Tattoos: "Angel" written across the front of his neck
Piercings: None
Positive Traits: Exuberant, charming, clever
Negative Traits: Self-righteous, demanding, egocentric
Fears: Relapse, homelessness, being re-traumatized
Father: Julian Fernandez
Mother: Lucia Fernandez
Sibling(s): Sadie Fernandez
Milo’s life story was one shared by many people in the queer community. He was raised in an extremely religious environment. His entire existence as a child revolved around god. But his family were no saints. They all shared the same trauma that they’d passed down through generations. There wasn’t a day that went by without some sort of fight between various family members. It was a toxic environment, to say the least. At home, Milo also had to deal with his alcoholic and abusive father. His mother was docile when it came to their father’s behavior, believing that it was her role as the woman to respect him no matter what.
As a teenager, Milo began to rebel. His entire life he was shamed for being effeminate. He was terrified to come out to his family because he had no doubt he’d be disowned. So he turned to alcohol and drugs to cope with his suffocating surroundings. He would do anything to numb the pain he was in. This didn’t end well for Milo. His family eventually found out about his substance abuse and it was a constant battle from there. He didn’t have their support. Not in the way he needed. He carried the heavy weight of their shame on his back. And it only made things worse.
Eventually, shortly after turning 18, Milo moved out of his parents house and in with a boyfriend at the time. They’d drink and use drugs together all day. He’d go to work and Milo would just sit around and get fucked up. It went on for about a year before Milo dumped him and checked himself into rehab.
Once he was out, Milo found work at a local gay bar. He was a gogo boy and a bar back. This led him into escorting and eventually, when he was 21, Milo started to bartend. He had somehow made it out of the darkness and he was fully self-sufficient. He was scouted by Haus of Perses and although he was sad to leave his found family at the bar, he couldn’t pass up the opportunity to work for such a prestigious establishment. They’d be waiting for him, if or when he decided he wanted to return.
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qnewsau · 19 days
23 Years of Fluffy - Pink Fantasy Ball
New Post has been published on https://qnews.com.au/23-years-of-fluffy-pink-fantasy-ball/
23 Years of Fluffy - Pink Fantasy Ball
For over two decades, FLUFFY has been part of the heart and soul of Brisbane’s LGBTQI+ nightlife, offering a safe haven for expression, celebration, and the best parties in town. T
This year, we’re pulling out all the stops to celebrate a monumental milestone—23 years of FLUFFY! On Sunday, October 6th, Harry K invites everyone to step into a world of fantasy, glamour, and everything pink at The PINK FANTASY BALL, held at The Warehouse during the King’s Birthday Long Weekend.
Over the past 23 years, FLUFFY has become an institution that keeps people coming back year after year. From its humble beginnings to now being one of Brisbane’s longest-running gay brands, FLUFFY has always been a beacon of inclusivity and celebration, bringing together people from all walks of life to dance, connect, and be their authentic selves.
Pink Fantasty Ball celebrates 23 years of Fluffy
The PINK FANTASY BALL will celebrate Fluffys 23 year old legacy/ Headlining this event is none other than KWEEN KONG, currently a front-runner on Rupaul’s Drag Race Global All Stars. Known for her fierce performances and regal presence. Her appearances on Rupaul’s Drag Race have taken the world by storm, and now, she’s bringing her magic back to FLUFFY.
But the excitement doesn’t stop there. Joining KWEEN KONG on stage as all your FLUFFY ALL STARS return, including Freya Amani, Luna Thicc, Mandy Moobs, and Vollie LaVont. With a soundtrack provided by Richie LeStrange, Raul, and Ney. Plus, from midnight onwards, the night heats up with a special LAB takeover featuring Ney & Raul, along with the LAB Gogo Dancers curated by the one and only Cristian Falcon.
The PINK FANTASY BALL is more than just a party; it’s a celebration of 23 years of FLUFFY—a brand that has shaped Brisbane’s nightlife and created a legacy of love, inclusion, and unforgettable memories. So, mark your calendars, prepare your most fabulous pink outfit, and get ready to dance the night away as we celebrate 23 years of FLUFFY in true glamorous style!
This is a night you won’t want to miss. See you there!
For the latest LGBTIQA+ Sister Girl and Brother Boy news, entertainment, community stories in Australia, visit qnews.com.au. Check out our latest magazines or find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.
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bigcheesespookyness · 3 months
Fright Night 2011
When I first had the task of figuring out what remake horror movies to watch of course I immediately went to google. There were so many options, but one movie kept popping up. So, I decided to check out the reviews and see how much money it made the reviews were decent but the movie only grossed 41 million which isn’t a lot for a movie at this time. You might be asking what is the name of the movie. “I’m getting to that iiiiiiiiittttttt’sssss Fright Night (2011)”.
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Fright Night is quite the interesting watch. For those who don’t know it’s a vampire movie. Were the next-door neighbor movies in and happens to be a vampire. His main goal is to capture and then feed on humans as well as turn the, into vampires. Charley the main character gets put front and center of the conflict by his childhood friend and must not only survive but also protect his loved ones. I did a brief outline so now a spoil warning is now being placed.
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Starting off with the whole dissection of this film the best thing about this movie was the characters. Especially nowadays where villains always have some form of sympathy it was so refreshing to see such a horrid monster. The name of the vampire is Jerry which is a dumb name for a vampire. He is not only smart and uses his abilities to the fullest, but he does things just to hurt the people he is hunting. There is one scene where Charley is in his house trying to rescue his Gogo girl neighbor. Knowing he’s there and knowing that the Gogo girl has been turned to a vampire instead of eating him at that very moment he lets Charley think he has saved the girl only to get blown up by the sun moments later. As enjoyment sweeps across his face. He’s so evil its amazing. Then there is Peter Vincent and the actor who played him was perfect he really showed an expression of trauma and made me love the character. Charley is boring and honestly really lame in the beginning tossing aside his old best friends for popularity. Yet you slowly but surely start to cheer for him. Not just because he is a hero but also how badly you want Jerry dead. Just like in pro wrestling you can only have an ultimate babyface if the heel is completely hated.
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Moving on to the location which was perfect for the story. Being in Las Vegas with people coming in and out the whole time. As well moving around in the city having tones of different locations and sin city truly just fits. Next thing I want to talk about is the religious undertones of the movie. With Jerry eating only one food that wasn’t human which was apples. Which is considered the fruit that the devil used to tempt both Adam and Eve. Which at points and times Charley and his girlfriend Amy could be considered because Jerry did turn Amy into a vampire. Also, another thing that I loved is Harley goes at Jerry with a big cross, but Jerry says that it does really nothing specifically because he doesn’t have much faith. Which as a Catholic man myself loved that scene because the cross is protection for real believers not fakes. Which at really any point in time does Charley even have some reason for faith. The last this I will talk about with the religious undertones is the pool scene with Jerry and Charley’s ex best friend Ed. https://youtu.be/Z8qdj8l4M-U?si=BoT-85BiOefRD4A5
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I love that screen for more than one reason. The vampire using his powers to corrupt and convince Ed to not fight it and basically join him. At first it hurt because I wanted a redemption arc for both him and Charley, but it wasn’t in the cards. The second and best reason is when he lets Jerry bite him, he lets go of the cross as it falls to the pool. Great shot but also having Ed leave Christ for the power and abilities of being a vampire. Just great symbolism. The camera work was great and different tell they had fun with it you can also tell that they wanted to have a 3D aspect to the movie which was popular at the time. The CGI wasn’t the best but still is okay I mean for 2011 I think it’s decent and wouldn’t take away from the movie.
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I really liked his film, but I hated most of the reviews I read about it and the academic sources were kind of hard to find. I really wanted to hear about the religious undertones from someone else and I couldn’t find it just how great of a character Peter Vincent is which don’t get me wrong 2nd best written my personal favorite. But just because the movies comedy horror or has certain things people don’t like they say things that I don’t agree with so I suggest you all should watch it and tell me if I missed some more cool symbolism.  
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Don’t forget to check out my novels on Barnes & Noble and Amazon Ebooks...Enjoy!
And don't miss my other novels and short stories published here on Tumblr…Heading for Barnes & Noble and Amazon!
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