#And about a thousand or so years the HELL away from Asgard
“Poor guy spent a thousand years thinking his dad didn’t love him, and his brother didn’t like him. Then he finds out that they DID, and he was too stubborn to see it. And that his inability to do so in time led to the death of his mother, the one person that seemed to understand him. That would certainly be humbling.”
i am so tired, so fucking tired. the other comments aren’t good either.
I think I just lost a bunch of brain cells after reading that post 🤢They're all so wrong that I don't even know where to start.
Let's go with that comment you highlighted, you know what that is? Abuse apologism and a nice dose of victim blaming, nothing more, nothing less. He didn't spend his life "thinking" that, he spent his life KNOWING it.
They did love him? Oh well in that case how they treated him is fine, right? And again with Frigga's death? They haven't seen TDW?
Also I'm still trying to understand what the hell does that have to do with the elves attacking Asgard. If Loki loved his family Malekith wouldn't have attacked? Uh... what? 🤔 They do know it was Thor who took Jane to Asgard, don't they?
On that, "humbling" thing:
"He was humbled by the Hulk."
They seem to leave aside that Loki was a threat to Earth so of course the heroes were entitled to stop him - the difference in the series is that he has done nothing wrong, the TVA kidnapped him because he stole the Tesseract not because he invaded NYC. (Also beatings are humbling? holy shit balls, man)
But these people think the TVA are the good guys!
"He still tried to weasel and scheme his way out of it the first chance he gets."
"He was still trying to cheat and lie his way out most of the time."
How dare he try to get away from the TVA, he should have been happy to join and work for the fascists, right?
"Hell, he ends up betraying Sylvie when Kang gives them his ultimatum because Loki’s gonna Loki."
Loki betrayed her? Pretty sure it went the other way around, buddy. But it's funny how not even when he's being a hero he gets a pass. Also, weird that none of them judge her, she's a Loki too, isn't she?
"He acts like a generic good guy after the first episode, i couldn't even see him as Loki."
Oh right, I had forgotten Loki is in the 'villain box' for these guys. If he ever does something non-villainous they stop seeing him as Loki! These fanboys are not high on character development are they?
"Realizing that all of your schemes and plots, the greed everything you ever tried to do was simply petty and inconsequential"
"IW Loki learns that he loves his family, and friendship is worth more than greed. Series Loki learns that he wasn't as important as he thought"
"Even he only believes half of it he sees everyone he cares about die"
This is so confusing: either he doesn't care for anybody and he's 100% self-centered and scheming and plotting against them..... or he cares about them so much that a powerpoint of his loved ones suffering is enough to change him for good. So which one is it?
Also, big yikes on the "in the series he learns he wasn't as important as he thought". This is what happens when people who know nothing about psychology think of themselves as armchair therapists. Losing pride and losing self-esteem are two very different things, that a scapegoat ends up believing he's not "important" is hardly news let alone good, he's always felt inferior, the last thing he needed was for someone to tell him he was right in feeling that way.
"He gained character development in ep1"
Oh man, not this again. No, he did not. I talked about that here.
"Loki has to analyze himself and his choices after the TVA powerpoint, and he also has to analyze himself after meeting Sylvie and the other Lokis."
Why, because Sylvie is someone to learn something from? 😂😂 Learn what exactly? Come on, man, there's not a damn thing that woman can teach Loki or anyone else for that matter.
I don't get these people, it's like they don't understand what they watch or... ugh who knows. I'm tired too, dear anon 🤢🤦‍♀️
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miss-smutty · 3 years
A/N - I've literally been gone for months 😱😭 I've been so busy with my business I lost my writing mojo again. I'm sorry @swaggysposts you've waited so long for your request but here it is, I hope you like it.
Request- "How about Thor x reader wedding night....Having a wedding in the Avengers Facility with the Avengers.....And Tony letting them use his Malibu home for their wedding night....
The reader is a virgin and nervous about the whole sex thing.....Thor feels her nervousness.... Thor eases her nervousness by playing and dancing around in the Malibu Mansion and they do tequila body shots between each other and they have skinny dipping in the pool And they both get turned on and they have a intimate first time by Thor's sweet gesture 😍😍
Word count- 4,651 (sorry it's so long 🙊)
Warnings- Swearing, smut, unprotected sex
Taglist-: @innerpaperexpertcloud @pandaxnienke @chickensarentcheap
Posted: 29th April 2021
18+ only!!
Blushing Bride
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"3… 2… 1!" Everyone in the room shouted gleefully.  You reached down and threw your beautiful sunflower bouquet back into the crowd. Turning around to watch where it lands, smiling from ear to ear as you watch your girlfriends scramble to catch the falling flowers.
Nat clambers over people unapologetically, elbowing your cousin in the face as she reaches into the air and catches the bouquet with one hand. There's cheers as she arrogantly side-eyes the other girls shamelessly, you notice as she catches Bucky's eye from across the room, confirming the suspicions you've had for a while. Hopefully you'll get chance to question her about that later on.
You scan the room until your eyes lay on the person you were looking for - your handsome husband.
Thor can't take his eyes off of you, his beautiful bride, you blush under his stare and laugh when you realise the cliche of now being his beautiful blushing bride.
You've never seen him in a suit before and he looks completely ravishing, his broad frame filling out the navy blue, fitted suit, impeccably. He's talking to Tony and Pepper and by the way they all keep looking over at you, you realise you're the subject of their conversation.
"So, you're finally Queen Odinson" Tony greets you as you make your way over to join them, hitching up the long train of your dress. You feel like a queen in your exquisite wedding gown, the way it drapes on your curves perfectly. It's a little difficult to walk in especially with how clumsy you are but it makes you feel amazing.
"Wow, it feels so strange when you say that." You smile widely, reaching up on your tiptoes to kiss Thor's cheek.
"You've always been my Queen." His grin is equally as wide as yours as he wraps his arm around you, gazing down at you proudly.
"Don't mind us" Tony says sarcastically, rolling his eyes and then laughing when Pepper playfully hits his arm.
"Oh don't worry, we won't. I've been waiting for this day since… Forever" 
"I know, Thor what took you so long?" Tony jokes.
"I have wanted to make Y/N my Queen since the first moment I set eyes on her" Thor says seriously, Tony's rhetorical joke going straight over his head. 
"Yeah, we get it Point Break. Now I have a wedding gift for you both." 
"Ohh yes, you're going to love it" Pepper adds excitedly, clapping her hands together enthusiastically.
"We want to invite you to spend your honeymoon in our Malibu mansion, so what d'ya think?" Tony asks.
"Oh my god! No way! We'd love to." You exclaim, looking at Thor for his approval and squeeling excitedly when he nods in agreement.
"Good, now you better go mingle. I can see your mom shooting me daggers for hogging you both for too long" he smiled warmly. You reach up to kiss his cheek and wrap your arms around pepper tightly.
"Thank you so much you two, you're the best" you say excitedly.
"Yes we are and don't forget it" Tony laughs.
Thor takes your hand in his and leads you to the dancefloor to join your friends. As he wraps his arms around your waist he leans down to whisper in your ear.
"You look radiant, my love. I can't wait until we're alone" He says sincerely.
You feel a tightness in your throat at his words and quickly try to swallow it away, gulping nervously. You were a virgin and the thought of Thor having literally hundreds of years more experience than you, terrifies the life out of you. 
"Your brother looks like he's having a good time" you say sarcastically, changing the subject strategically when you spot Loki over Thor's shoulder. Of course he didn't look happy at all, stood in the corner on his own with a face like thunder.
Thor spins you around so he can see for himself, a smile tickling the corner of his mouth when he realises you were joking.
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"You know Loki, he can't stand anybody else being happy. Especially me. This must be torture for him" He laughs, the smile on his face crinkling the corners of his eyes as he gazes down at you. Your own cheeks aching from the smile that hasn't left your face for the whole day.
"Are you sad that the rest of your family and friends aren't here?" You ask, resting your head on his chest and feeling his heart beating.
"Of course not, my love. We will see them soon." he smooths his hand down the back of your head.
Thor had promised to give you your perfect wedding, everything you'd ever dreamed of and then later you would go to Asgard and have a traditional Asgardian ceremony too. The thought of it made you extremely nervous, you had no idea what to expect but imagined you would be surrounded by beautiful Gods and Goddesses and the idea of it made your stomach sink.
You danced the night away with your friends and Thor until your feet could no longer hold you up and you collapsed, exhausted into Thor's arms.
"I think it's time to get you home, my love" Thor whispers into your ear.
"I don't want it to end yet" you whine, clasping your hand to your mouth to stifle a yawn. The tiredness suddenly washing over you all at once.
"Don't worry, the night has only just begun" Thor said his eyes glistening with excitement. Butterflies flutter in your stomach with anticipation, nerves and excitement mixing together until you didn't quite know which was the most dominant feeling. 
You can't contain your excitement as you finally see  Tony's mansion set upon the cliffside, over-looking Malibu beach. The futuristic looking building with the glass walls is absolutely breathtaking, definitely everything you imagined Tony's house to be.
As you step inside the house the first thing you notice is how open and clean everything is. The glass wall runs the entire length of the room, it's like you could practically walk out into the sea.
"Welcome to your honeymoon home, Mr and Mrs Odinson. I am J.A.R.V.I.S and I am here to assist you with anything you may need during your stay." J.A.R.V.I.S says through the integrated speakers. 
"Oh my god!" You squeel.
"Who said that?" Thor asks looking around the room, confused. The look on his face is comedic but you stop yourself from laughing to save Thor from embarrassment.
"It's J.A.R.V.I.S" You answer shrugging your shoulders nonchalantly.
"But who is Jarvis? Are we not alone?" Thor asks, eyes wide, still scanning the room for an unseen person.
You giggle at Thors innocence. "I think it's one of Tony's intelligent system thingies, am I right J.A.R.V.I.S?" You laugh when Thor looks at you like you're mad.
"You are right Mrs Odinson, I am Just A Rather Very Intelligent System but you may call me J.A.R.V.I.S. Is there anything else I can help you with?" 
"Not right now, thank you J.A.R.V.I.S" 
"I don't like the thought of somebody watching us, especially on our wedding night" Thor gets that glint in his eyes again.
"He's a computer babe, I think we're safe." You chuckle light heartedly, gliding along the smooth marble floor to stand in front of the enormous window.
"Wow! I bet that view is beautiful in the daylight." You say, changing the subject. 
"Not even half as beautiful as you" Thor says as he comes up behind you and pushes your hair to one side so he can press his lips softly to your neck. Your hairs stand on end as he sends shivers through your entire body. You feel electrically charged by his touch, your body tingling with energy.
Thor feels your body go ridgid against him, he can sense your nervousness and does his best to calm you.
"Are you ok, my love?" He whispers softly as he strokes the goosebumps that have appeared on your arms.
You turn around to face him, placing your hands on his chest to reassure him but avoiding those piercing blue eyes.
"I'm ok." You lie.
"You are not ok, please tell me your worries" he lifts your face to look at him and you cave when you see that gentle, pressing look on his face.
"Fine." You sigh "This is my first time, but you… You've been with hundreds. No, probably thousands of women. How could I not be worried?"
"They will never compare to you" He smiles genuinely. You're not going to lie, the thought of him with even one other woman makes you feel slightly sick.
"You don't know that." Looking away again, unable to concentrate when you look into his deep blue eyes.
You didn't want to believe that he was being sincere, how could he be? Thousands of women, there's absolutely no way you could even slightly compare. Thinking about it was making you even more nervous, you had experience with other sexual things but you were still a virgin. Growing up with religious parents that had drilled it into you that you mustn't have sex until you were married. You knew it was possibly all bullshit, just another thing made up to control women but still there's always a chance it wasn't and you didn't want to take the risk of spending your afterlife in hell. So you'd been a good little girl and restrained yourself through the absolute torment of college and the multiple boyfriend's who had never been able to last longer than a couple of months before they dumped you or cheated on you. Then you met Thor, he was different to anyone you'd ever met and not just the fact he was an actual god - but he was a gentleman.
"I do because I have never loved anyone the way I love you." You look up at him slowly, smiling shyly when you catch his eye. The things he said definitely helped ease your mind a little.
"Just don't worry about it, ok my love? We'll take things slow." He adds, kissing your forehead.
"Ok… Now can we try and find some alcohol to loosen up a little?" 
"Do you not think you've had enough?" He asks, cocking his head to the side to examine your level of drunkenness.
"I think my nerves have sobered me up." You pout playfully, looking up at him through your lashes.
"Well then what are you waiting for? Let's find this alcohol." He grabs your hand and hurries through the room, dragging you along, laughing behind him. You have to run to keep up to him, his long legs making him much faster than you. 
"Oh my god, Thor. You almost pulled my arm out." You laugh stopping to catch your breath, the house so big that it took a lot longer than expected to make it to the kitchen.
You spied a hamper that had been left on the kitchen counter, behind Thor. A bottle of champagne with two flutes, some bottles of spirits and a huge crate of Thors favourite ale - Peppers idea you guessed.
"Wait! Stop!" Thors tone makes you freeze on the spot, the bottle of champagne ready to be popped in one hand.
"What's wrong?" You say, concerned. Is there a spider? Oh my god. You shake your hair and pat your body in a frantic manner. "Thor what is it?" he was just stood there looking amused.
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"Nothing. I just realised this is the first time that I've had you to myself all day. I need a kiss" he moves over to you with his lips pursed in an exaggerated way.
"You idiot, I thought there was a spider" you say, giggling when he grabs hold of you and wraps his arms tightly around your waist. He rubs his rough beard against your cheek playfully, making you giggle and squirm as his bristles tickle your skin. His hands are clasped around your stomach, lifting your feet from the ground, while you try and fail to get away from him and his tickling.
"Thor, stop. I can't breath." You laugh breathlessly. 
Lifting you up effortlessly, he sits you down on the kitchen counter and nestle's himself in-between your legs. Looking at him closely, you realise just how beautiful he is and how lucky you are that he's your husband. 
"What are you thinking?" Thor asks, making you realise you were day dreaming and lost in a trance when Thor spoke.
"I'm not telling you." You tease, closing your mouth tightly.
"You do know now we're married, you have to tell me everything" 
"Everything?" You probe.
"Yes, absolutely everything."
"Fine, I was thinking about how lucky I am to be married to you." You roll your eyes at how soppy you sound, you're not usually one for romantic gestures and Thor knows that. You find it hard to take a compliment and even harder to give one. 
Thor on the other hand, found it completely natural to take and give compliments. He did however have a lifetime to perfect it, so had a slight advantage. 
"I am the lucky one" Looking in your eyes confidently as he speaks, there was definitely no denying the way he felt about you "Now stop rolling your eyes and give me a kiss." 
Thor pulls your face towards him, his lips parting when they connect with yours. The alpha in him taking control of the kiss. You follow his lead heartily, your lips moving together in perfect synchronisation. 
The way you kiss easing your mind a little, your bodies moved together fluently like they were made for each other. The excitement began to rise in you, everything was so effortless when you were together. You know now you were silly to feel worried, that as long as you let your body do the work and don't over-think things, your love for each other will lead the way. Your bodies spoke to each other like old friends, it was just your damn mind that was the problem. Which is why you planned on shutting it up with alcohol, lots of alcohol. 
"Can we go see the pool?" You break away from the kiss too quickly, leaving Thor with his lips still pursed and eyes still closed. The adrenaline was taking over and there was no time to waste.
'Anything for you, my love." He makes his way towards the stairs that lead to the garden.
"Wait, let's take this." You say holding up a bottle of tequila, limes and a couple of shot glasses, then rummaging around the cupboards to find the salt.
"Tony certainly has good taste in liquor, how did he know tequila is my favourite? Or did you have something to do with this?" You ask Thor, the mischievous grin on his face already answering your question.
"Nothing to do with me" he lies, trying to look as innocent as possible.
"Are you trying to get me drunk Mr Odinson?" You say sultrily, smiling when you see excitement flashing in his eyes.
"Of course not Mrs Odinson, now come on let's drink." He takes your hand and leads you to the stairs, you have no idea which way to go but Thor's instincts seem to know the way. The house was so big you thought it would be pretty easy to get lost in it, you wonder how many rooms there are? How many bathrooms? You couldn't wait to explore tomorrow but tonight was all about you and your husband.
As you turn the corner, the enormous infinity pool comes into view. From where you're standing the pool appears to stretch out into the ocean, you can't wait to see the view of the ocean in the daylight. The pool is illuminated with underwater spotlights and dimly lit, warm solar lights surround the edge of it. 
"Oh my god, this is amazing!" You stand with your mouth agape looking around you while Thor comes up behind you and places his hands on your hips.
"Shall we try it out?" He asks, whispering against your neck and making you shudder in the warm breeze.
"Yes! But first…" You dangle the bottle of tequila in front of Thor.
Thor pulls a couple of sun loungers out, lifting them into the air effortlessly, like he was moving a feather and not two big, heavy, wooden sun loungers. You swoon at the sight of him, his biceps bulging against the tight fabric of his suit. The thought of running your hands all over his naked body making you feel hot and bothered. How could this beautiful man be your husband?
You realised you still had your wedding dress on when you tried to bend to sit down on the low sun lounger. The tight fabric of your dress restraining against you, threatening to tear.
"Thor, will you unzip the back of my dress please? I need to take it off" you ask nonchalantly, stretching your arms behind you and trying to reach the zip. 
"What? Here?" He asks, his mouth agape as he watches you trying to undress.
"Yes, there's no one around for miles and I can't move in this thing" 
You can hear him gulp from where you were sitting, his Adams apple bobbing in his throat as he swallows back air. You take note of the way he tugs on the collar of his shirt, loosening it slightly. Were you making him nervous? You had to admit, it made you feel good to watch your big, tough man with years of experience become nervous at your words.
"And as hot as you do look in that suit, I think it's time to take it off." 
"What do you mean?" Thor looks shocked at your forwardness. The suprise on his face almost comical.
"Have you ever done a body shot?" You ask while he unzips your dress, teasing him and enjoying it more than you should.
"What is that?" He asks, his eyes drawn to you while you step out of your heavy dress, folding it carefully and putting it on the back of the sun lounger.
"Take off your clothes and I'll show you." You smile, standing confidently in the lingerie you bought especially for this moment - a lacy, ivory all in one.
The way his eyes lingered on your body made you feel like a goddess and that hungry look in his eyes made you want to rip his clothes off.
Thor took off his jacket hastily and paused while unbuttoning his shirt, looking up at you.
"I thought you were a virgin?" He looks hurt, like you'd been lying about being a virgin for all this time.
"I said I was a virgin, you know I have experience with other things." You lift your eyebrows at him and roll your eyes.
"You just don't seem very nervous anymore?" 
"Only because I'm comfortable with you Thor, I know I can be myself with you and there's no one better for me to have my first time with." You watch Thor's tension ease, the tightness of his arms relaxing. "Now lay back." You demand, unscrewing the lid on the bottle of tequila.
Thor lays back on the lounger with his arms resting behind his head, holding his neck up so he could watch what you were doing fascinatingly. The sight of his bare chest made you feel weak, the chiselled abs sent tingles through your body. You tried to push your thoughts aside while you concentrated on pouring a shot of tequila, your hands visably shaking and spilling some of the liquid on the floor. 
You place the cut lime into Thor's mouth, the juicy part facing out and pause to giggle at how silly he looks.
"Just hold it there, ok?" Thor nods his head, his eyes lighting up with excitement.
Grabbing the salt from the side of you, you carefully pour a trial down his torso, stopping when you get to the hem of his boxers but secretly wishing you could go lower. Your pussy clenches as Thor's abs tense, restraining against the tickling of the grains of salt against his bare stomach.
Your eyes remain fixed on his as you lean over Thor to lick the trail of salt from his torso, making your way down to the hem of his boxers slowly. You quickly pour the burning liquid down your throat before snaking your way up his body, making sure to grind yourself against him as you take the lime from his mouth, he groans and pushes himself into you desperately.
"Mmm…  Well that was..  arousing. Is it my turn now?" He's already getting up from the lounger, hastily waiting for you to take his place and lay down.
Thor straddles over you, barely waiting for you to lay back and get comfy before he's pouring the salt along the swell of your breasts. You're thinking about his improvisation when you're distracted by the sultry smile and glint in his eyes as he licks his full lips with the tip of his tongue. 
You don't have time to think before he's leaning over and licking the salt from your cleavage, he downs the shot and takes the lime from your mouth. You stare wide eyed at the almost other worldly speed of your husband - why the rush?
Thor sucks on the flesh of the fruit before throwing the skin to the side and leaning in to give you a sticky, citrusy kiss. Leaving your mouth parted and wanting more when he stands up, yanks down his boxers and jumps straight into the pool. The whole thing passed by in a blur and it took you a moment for your brain to catch up and process what was happening.
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You smile down at your husband in the water as he comes up to the surface and smooths his wet hair back from his face. He looks like a damn model, the water dripping from his face.
"Come on, the waters lovely." He urged.
All of a sudden you feel shy again, you know you're not going to be able to resist each other for much longer. Understanding now why Thor was so hasty, his adrenaline was in overdrive and come to think of it, so was yours. 
Your hands begin to shake and you don't know if it's from the cool breeze or the nerves. You're feeling a little reserved now, all your big girl talk fading now the moment is almost here. You pour yourself a couple more shots and down them both one after the other, hardly whincing as the liquor burns your throat.
Finally you bite the bullet and shimmy out of your lingerie, you try to do it sexily but the tight fabric clings to your skin making you clumsy. Still, when you look up shyly through your lashes, Thor is completely oblivious to your fumbling. The way his eyes have lit up when he watched you undress fills you with pride. One last shot for good luck before you jump into the pool to join him.
The cold water sends shocks through you, making you rise to the surface gasping for air. How the hell did Thor make it look so sexy? When you look like a spluttering fish out of water.
"Let me warm you up." He glides over to you, smoothly, moving through the water like it was his natural domain. Maybe you were trying too hard? Thinking about things too deeply, you need to calm down.
The feel of his strong arms around you instantly calm you, you wrap your legs tightly around his stomach. You can feel his cock growing against you and by the way he's biting his lip you know he's struggling to restrain himself.
Thor can feel the heat of your pussy so close to his aching cock, he wants to dive inside but knows he needs to go at your pace. His feet touch the bottom of the pool and he moves over to the edge, pushing your back gently against it.
You can feel his heart racing almost as fast as yours. He kisses you deeply, pushing himself against you. Your fingers brush against his cock making him moan in your ear. The size of him makes you even more nervous.
He kisses down your neck , your bodies grinding together. This is it.
"I want you now, Thor." You say breathlessly, panting his name while his lips press to the sensitive spot on your collar bone.
"Here?" He pulls away slightly to look at you, waiting for your approval.
"Yes" you moan, feeling the tip of his cock pressing against your opening eagerly. Your pussy ready to suck him in.
He eases in slowly. The size stretching your walls in an agonisingly pleasurable way. A breathless squeel escapes your lips making Thor stop suddenly.
"Are you ok? I'm not hurting you am I?" He stops, searching your face for an answer.
"Thor it feels amazing." You whine deeply, looking into his eyes with strong, burning love. It hurt slightly as his cock stretched you open - going where no man had been before. You were so glad you'd waited and that Thor was your first but you wish you hadn't waited this long to make love to Thor.
All that time wasted, when you could have been doing this all along.This is a whole new level of love, your bodies finally coming together as one. You feel emotional with the euphoric sensations of built up tensions. 
Thor is so gentle with you, stopping to make sure your ok as he gently thrusts himself into you. The slow pace making the pleasure even more intense as his length repeatedly hits your spot. You feel your face screwing uncontrollably as a unknown sensation rises through you, making your head feel dizzy. This new feeling feels amazing but it's something you've never experienced before. Is this normal? 
You try to push your thoughts away, reminding yourself to stay in the moment.
"Are you comfortable, do you want to go inside?" Thor asks, obviously seeing the turmoil going on inside your head.
"Please. Don't stop" You urge, hoping to feel that gripping sensation once more, desperate to explore it more.
Thor bites his lip as he carries on with his slow love making, trying more than ever to keep up the slow pace even though it is torturous for him. The way your tight walls cling to his length with ferocity, making it harder for him to contain himself.
"You feel so good" he says through gritted teeth, concentrating on the way your pussy grips onto his cock.
You're taking his cock so well, the pain has disappeared and all you feel is ecstasy. You're feeling confident that you can take more, you can let him take you freely.
"Thor, fuck me faster." You say shyly. You can see his eyes light up at your words, he was waiting so patiently for you to take the lead. Your eyes roll back as he gives you his full length, groaning into you as he grips onto your ass with both hands. The sensation takes over you once more and you ride it out, giving in to it as he continues thrusting into you faster.
"Fuck." He moans, you can feel his cock twitching inside of you as you release your orgasm, screaming out his name while his cock pumps into you.
You're both left panting, while you rest your head on his shoulder. You feel like giggling, is that normal? You're overcome with emotions all at once. This was without a doubt the most amazing feeling you have ever felt, you don't want it to stop. Lucky for you, your husband has the stamina of a god.
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your-highnessmarvel · 3 years
From Bleak to Bright Part Four
All other parts on on my masterlist, link provided below.
AN: OOOOH the development of this story makes me so excited for the rest!!! Loki is def in this part babies;)
Warnings: angst, language
Enjoyed this and want more? Send in your requests!
Request Guidelines
The evening sun bore down onto the horizon, coloring the sky a myriad of blue and yellow and pink. Like vagabond brushstrokes upon the canvas of the sky. A few, wandering birds called from a distance, lazily gliding in the wind. 
The door behind you opened and closed. You turned away from the darkening horizon and saw your brother offering two cups of steaming chamomile tea. 
“Steve says they might have a point of entry for you,” he said, but his tone wasn’t into it, as if the week’s dealings bore on his shoulders alone. 
When Tony had announced your role as the bait, Bruce had thrown himself at your side. No one would hurt his baby sister, he’d said.
“I don’t think he’s going to fall for it,” you said halfhearted. 
Bruce sighed, handing you the cup. You wrapped your hands around the burning warmth. “I think you still don’t fully understand the soulmate bond,” your brother said.
He sipped on his tea, clearing his throat. “At least for men, it’s not really about how you feel towards that person, albeit that yes, there’s passion.” He scratched the back of his neck, awkwardly coughing. “It’s more the protection you want to have on this person. Their wellbeing is of utmost importance. It’s hard, sometimes, to differentiate between protection and possession.”
A lump formed in your throat. Possession?
“And knowing Loki,” Bruce went on. “Knowing his nature of envy and greed, he’s for sure feeling the effects of the bond as just that - possession. He feels like you belong to him.”
Astonished, you turned away from your brother, both to hide your flaming cheeks and the awkwardness forming between you. 
“Has he made anymore...” you hesitated, “demands?”
Bruce shook his head. “No.” Then he looked at the horizon. “But he’s looking for you. He went to your apartment. Your daytime job. Even the school you used to go to part-time in the summer.”
That seemed like so far behind. Like someone else. Not you. That life you’d had barely more than two weeks ago, when you’d accepted to help Bruce. That girl, living alone in a somewhat nice apartment, going to work on public transport, and studying in the summer - that girl seemed like a stranger now. The girl who used to see in black and white.
“So what happens when he finds me?” you asked tentatively. 
“We swoop in,” Bruce answered. “We get him. We hand him over to Thor, and he brings him back to Asgard and makes sure he never comes back.”
That word. Never. It rung like a Cong inside your brain. The prospect of never seeing Loki ever again, never talking to him, stroke a cord in you that you wished you could ignore. 
During this whole week of scheming, no one had asked you how you felt about all this. He was your soulmate after all. And the idea that, after all this time, you’d finally found him and he was bound for eternal life in prison made you want to scream.
Bruce put his hand on your upper back, as if sensing your discomfort. “Let’s go to bed,” he said soothingly. “Tomorrow is a big day.”
Yes, tomorrow was a big day.
You strolled through downtown New York, trying your hardest not to look over your shoulder. It had been a week since you’d been in a huge crowd, and returning to the crammed streets of the city made your belly buzz.
Nat sounded in your ear. “Make it look authentic,” she said. 
Right. Because luring a thousand-year-old demi-God into a quiet corner to trap him was the easiest thing in the world. Nat had tried to teach you a few things when they’d all cooped up at Tony’s secret forest getaway, but now, living it, you couldn’t remember how to act benign. 
You tried to pretend to be listening to music, the airpods in your ears actually being comms with the Quinjet hidden overhead. You stopped at Starbucks. You pretended to look through the windows of clothing stores. You stepped into a bookstore and bought a novel. 
It had been an hour that you were “baiting” and nothing. 
Not even a glimpse.
You sighed in defeat, pushing your hair behind your ears. The day’s heat was boring down on you, and you knew your nose was burnt. Your tank top was soaked, your jeans sticking to your legs. Totally uncomfortable would be an understatement.
You saw a glimpse of something gold in the Macy’s window and looked over your shoulder. 
“Y/N,” Bruce sounded in your ear. “Come in.”
You remained silent. The crowd before you changed, people walking past you in a hurry. You turned back to the window, muttering to your brother, “I’m fine.” 
“Get away from Macy’s, you have enough clothes,” your brother muttered back.
You couldn’t help but chuckle.
“What’s funny?”
You jumped, yelping, staring up into Loki’s green gaze. Heart hammering, blood roaring in your ears, you tried to focus on calming yourself. Your hands were sweaty as you reached up to take out one airpod.
He smirked. Under the sun, he was glorious in an all-black ensemble, his raven locks freshly cut beneath his chin, pushed back behind his ears. 
“Fancy a stroll?”
You gulped, looking at the elbow he offered. Something shimmered there, around the edges of his forearm. As if he glowed.
He’s not really here. 
You remembered from your briefing on Loki, that Thor had said the jester loved his illusion tricks.
“I presume I have to pretend to hold your arm?” you answered, feeling the knot of anxiety dissolve in your belly at the sight of his grin.
“Clever.” He retreated his arm, looked around at the crowd swiftly moving past him. “May we talk somewhere private?” he asked. 
Nat had told you he’d say that, and your job was to not look too eager. He’d smell a trap before you’d even agree.
You forced yourself to frown. “You want to get me alone?”
He huffed, his lips pulling into a dashing smirk. God, he really was beautiful. The sun, so warm and overbearing to you, seemed to grace his entire being as if he’d been crafted by the hands of the gods themselves. 
“If I wanted to get you alone,” he said, dropping his voice to a lower octave, stepping closer to you, “I would have gotten you out of Tony’s little wayward cabin much sooner.”
He stood close, not close enough to smell him, but close enough that you had to tilt your head to keep eye contact. 
There was a quiet turmoil building inside you at his words, someone whispering “Shit” in your airpod. A slight tremor began at your core, echoing out into your limbs. He’d known where you were. He knew what you were doing.
At the sight of your face - you, who could barely hide your emotions - he grinned wildly. 
“I am the God of Mischief, or did you forget?” He tilted his head, squinted his eyes. 
Your mouth was dry when you answered. “That’s why you’re casting yourself as an illusion?”
“Clever,” he said, again. Then he licked his lips, erasing the comical expression on his features and replacing it with something akin to stone. “You’re mad if you think you can fool me.”
“Takes one to know one.”
He would have laid hands on you if he wasn’t incorporeal. His eyes darkened, chin dipping so that he stared at you along the length of his nose. 
“You’re a chipper little thing,” he said, voice laced with venom. The tone, his expression, the way his illusion made the edges of him tremble instead of glow, made your heart speed with fear. “I’m sure the Avengers trained you well. I’m sure your brother thinks he can save you.”
Bruce whispered in your ear, “Son of a bitch.”
Loki’s unmoving expression slipped enough for him to smirk maniacally. “In fact,” he said, “tell him right now that I’ll win. I’ll win this battle of wits. This fucking planet. And I’ll win his sister.”
And then he vanished, leaving you to hear nothing but your drumming heartbeat, like a sea of swarming insects. The only thing that lingered behind was the smell of pinewood.
Tags:  @subtlemalice @yallgotkik @buckyandlokirunmylife @kaz11283 @legolas-bromance @shylittlemountain @tofeartheunknown @feelmyfckngsoul @kind-of-crazy-butthatsokay @caffiend-queen @tomhollandsslilslut @lady-loki-ren @nathan-no @rosaline-black @abundanceofcarolines @my-own-oracle @it-was-all-a-beautiful-dream @marvelouslovely @drbaureid @bored-as-hell-666 @youhavemyfantasticbeasts @theinfinitenerd @toe-vind-ek-jou @ink-and-starlight @blank-bakabane @sunshineonloki your tag doesn’t work bb
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It’s Always Been You ~ 142
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< previous chapter
Word Count: 2,590ish
Summary: Y/N tells Tony who her choice has always been. The team starts to learn more about the Stones.
Notes: You must read Out Of Time in order to understand this. The chapter numbers continue from Out Of Time. (None of the gifs are mine.)
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Previous on Out Of Time…
“Tony…” She tried to turn away, but Tony grabbed onto her arms, keeping her facing him.
“No, you don’t get to run away right now. I need an answer. If we’re going to do this, bring everyone back. I need to know the truth, once and for all. That I wasn’t the second choice, that I wasn’t just the only option so you went for it… So, tell me, would you have chosen me if Barnes was still here?”
“You’re an absolute idiot, Stark,” Y/N practically growled, trying to hold back her anger as she pulled away from him. “You think that I would marry you if I didn’t absolutely love you? That I would do that if I wasn’t choosing you? It’s always been you!! Ever since the first day we met, I just didn’t want to admit it. Too scared that this would all go wrong somehow and I would lose you forever. That day Strange showed up to get us, do you remember how I kept trying to tell you something and you kept going on about that dream you had about Morgan?”
“Yes,” Tony mumbled, trying not to make Y/N freak more than she was. He was also feeling guilty about ever doubting her, he knew better than that.
“I was trying to tell you that I had chosen you! I had made my choice that day and I was coming to tell you that you were it for me! But then… then everything happened… And people vanished… I searched Titan a thousand times over for you. Hoping and praying that the ashes that keep breezing past me, weren’t you. And when you came back alive, no one else mattered. Because I had you still, and I knew that we’d be okay. No matter what… And the fact that, after all this time, you’re doubting me… that hurts.” Tears were threatening to spill from Y/N’s eyes.
“Y/N, honey,” Tony went to hold her, but she stepped away.
“How could you doubt me? After all this time? I know that I probably confused you, but did I ever give you doubt in the last five years that I wasn’t completely devoted to you? To the family that we built?”
“You have to see it my way, Y/N. I thought that we were good back then too. And then Bucky came back into the picture, more than once.”
“And yet I still came back to you. After everything, I always found my way back to you… I love you, Tony. It’s always been you.”
“I’m so sorry, honey,” Tony slowly reached for Y/N’s hands. He was scared that she’d pull away again as he was so desperate to feel her in his arms. “I should have never doubted you.” She flinched slightly as his hands took hers, but didn’t pull away. “It’s always been you for me too.” He slowly moved closer to her. “I’m sorry I just…” He sighed. “It’s always been nagging at me. I needed to know.”
“I know… And I’m sorry I didn’t clear it up sooner.” She curled herself into his chest. “I’m terrified, Tony.”
Tony held her to his chest and held a kiss to her head. “Me too.”
“I can’t lose anyone else… especially not you or Morgan.”
“We aren’t going to lose each other or Morgan… we’re going to make it through this.” He looked down and brushed his fingers down her cheeks. “I love you.”
“I love you, too.” She pulled him down for a kiss. “I’m still mad at you for doubting me.”
“I have a feeling that you’ll get back at me for it in a subtle way later.”
“Not gonna be that subtle.”
“And then Happy bought me two cheeseburgers!” Morgan exclaimed through the phone’s screen.
“Two?!” Y/N gasped, faking excitement for Morgan. 
“And I ate them both!”
“Oh my goodness! That’s crazy!”
“Just like your old man, Mo,” Tony said, making his appearance next to Y/N. 
“Tomorrow, Aunt Pepper said that we could rake the leaves and jump in them!”
“That sounds so much fun Morgan,” Y/N responded, trying to hide the shakiness of her voice. Tony, having his arm wrapped around her waist, gave her a light squeeze in understanding. “Momma misses you, Mo.”
“I miss you too. When are you coming home?”
Y/N took in a harsh breath, unable to answer. “We aren’t sure, sweetheart,” Tony responded. “But it won’t be too long. I promise.”
“It’s past your bedtime, now. Good night, we love you.”
“I love you both 3000!” Then the girl hung up.
Y/N broke down into tears in Tony’s arms. She wanted to be back with Morgan. She didn’t want what she knew was coming to come. But she knew it had to. And that this was the only way for Morgan to be safe. Tony held Y/N close, whispering that it will all be okay as he periodically kissed her head. It was killing him to see her like this. He couldn’t wait for this to all be over and for them to all go home.
The next morning, they all gathered in a conference room to discuss the Stones. Y/N knew it was going to be an unpleasant day for her, since most of them knew she was tied to them. Tony, Steve, and Bruce paced in the front, while everyone else sat around the room.
“Okay, so the how works,” Steve began. “Now we gotta figure out the when and the where. Almost all of us has had an encounter with at least one of the six Infinity Stones.”
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“Well I'd substitute the word encounter for damn well near been killed by one of the six Infinity Stones,” Tony said. “Or is connected with them.” Y/N shrunk slightly in her seat as people glanced her way.
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“I haven’t,” Scott cut in. “I don't even know what the hell you're all talking about.” Y/N rolled her eyes.
“Regardless, we only have enough Pym Particles for one round trip each,” Bruce stated. “And these Stones have been in a lot of different places throughout history.”
“Our history,” Tony corrected. “So, not a lot of convenient spots to just drop in.”
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“Which means we have to pick our targets,” Clint said.
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“Let’s start with the Aether,” Steve suggested. “Thor, what do you know?”
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Everyone turned to look back at Thor. He was sitting on a chair, beer in hand and sunglasses on. Asleep. Y/N sighed, knowing that this probably was all going to do nothing to help Thor’s mental health.
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“Is he asleep?” Natasha questioned.
“No,” Rhodey responded. “I’m pretty sure he’s dead.”
Y/N gently woke Thor up and he stumbled to stand in front of everyone. Bruce put all the known information on the Reality Stone up on the screens.
“Where to start?” Thor asked himself, clearly still out of it. “Umm... The Aether, first, is not a stone, someone called it a stone before. It's more of a... an angry sludge thing, so... someones gonna need to amend that. Here's an interesting story though, many years ago... My grandfather had to hide the stones from the Dark Elves…” He wiggled his fingers. “Woooooh, scary beings. So Jane,” an image of Jane Foster popped up on the screen. “Oh, there she is. That’s Jane… She’s… an old flame of mine… she… she stuck her hand inside a rock this one time… and then the Aether stuck itself inside her... And, she became very, very sick.” 
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“So I had to take her to Asgard, which is where I'm from,” Thor continued. “And we had to try and fix her. We were dating at the time, you see. I got to introduce her to my Mother... who's dead,” everyone was trying to give their full attention to Thor as he began to look broken and rambled on, “and oh you know, Jane and I aren't even dating anymore, these things happen though you know, nothing last forever.” 
Tony went up to him, trying to guide him back to his chair. “Why don’t you come sit--”
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“I'm not done yet, the only thing permanent in life is impermanence.”
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“Awesome,” Tony responded, keeping a hold of him. “Eggs? Breakfast?”
“I’d like a Bloody Mary, thank you.”
Y/N took a deep breath, thankful that she couldn’t feel Thor’s thoughts at the moment. He was broken, and it was so terribly sad. Tony got him to sit back down before deciding that they all needed a break for food.
The break ended at dinner, after they all got distracted with creating suits for everyone and gathering more information. Tony and Y/N had spent the day at each others sides, not that that was not normal. But this was different, there was now a complete understanding between the couple. That it was them, together, until the end. Together, they went to pick up dinner for the group. Tony’s hand was resting on Y/N’s thigh, thumb rubbing against it. Y/N was focused on the passing world outside the window.
“What are you thinking about?” Tony asked, slightly worried for his wife.
“After this, no matter what happens, we need to retire,” Y/N said quietly. “We can’t keep doing this, especially with Morgan.” She turned to look at her husband. “One day, we might never come back. And I can’t—I won’t do that to her.”
Tony gave a light squeeze to her thigh. “Okay. We’ll retire. I’ll focus on something else, stop making suits.”
“I’ve really enjoyed the last few years of… normalcy. And I believe that we owe it to Morgan to try to keep it that way.”
“I agree… And maybe, we could possible give her a sibling?” Tony tried to make himself seem all innocent, but there was a glint of mischief behind it all.
Y/N patted the hand Tony hand on her. “Ask me after all of this is over. Okay?”
“I can do that.” Tony was silent focusing on the road, for a few moments before speaking up again. “But do you think we could practice? And cause, you know, we don’t know what will happen during the time travel.”
“Why don’t you just straight up say that you want to have sex, Tony?” She laughed.
“Okay, tonight, I want to have sex. End of story.”
Y/N laughed again. “I love you.”
Tony smirked. “You better.”
Dinner came with a large table and Rocket going over what happened with the Power Stone. Rocket was pacing on the opposite side of the table that Y/N and Tony were sitting on. Tony insisted on sitting next to Thor, worried about him.
“Quill said he stole the Power Stone from Morag,” the raccoon stated.
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“Is that a person?” Scott asked.
“Morag’s a planet. Quill was a person.”
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“A planet? Like in outer space?”
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“Oh, look. It's like a little puppy, all happy and everything.” Rocket changed his tone to one that he was use when talking to a puppy. “Do you wanna go to space? You wanna go to space, puppy? I'll get you to space.”
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“He hasn’t been a part of the team for long, Rocket,” Y/N said. “Give him some slack.”
“How are you doing Y/N?” Bruce asked, changing the subject.
“Better than yesterday. I think everything was just overwhelming me.”
“That brings up a question I have,” Rocket said. “It was mentioned that you’re connected to the Stones. How?”
“You don’t have to answer that, honey, if you don’t want to,” Tony said softly.
“No, it’s fine,” Y/N responded, giving Tony a small smile. She turned back to everyone. “In 1945, I came in physical contact with the Space Stone. It formed a bond with me, and because of that I’m able to control some of their abilities. They, um… they trained me and spoke to me.”
“She was meant to stop what happened,” Thor spoke up, surprisingly. “She was supposed to be the one that stopped him.”
“Thor,” Tony went to stop him.
“No, Tony,” Y/N stopped her husband. “It’s okay… I’m so sorry, Thor, that I couldn’t do what needed to be done then. But I was shown that that fight was not the end. And the Stones stopped me from doing what I had to… I’m so sorry.”
Thor’s chair scrapped as he stumbled up and out of there. Y/N went to follow but was stopped by Tony. 
“You don’t need to go after him,” he said.
“But I do,” Y/N replied. “Because he protected me when you and Steve doubted me. He knew what I had to do, before I even really did. I’ll be okay.”
Tony reluctantly let Y/N follow after Thor. He had grabbed another beer and wandered into the hanger, where the platform was.
“You don’t have to say anything, but I need you to listen,” Y/N began. “I saw the dust and heard the screams years before it happened. Wanda showed it to me, back when we were dealing with Ultron. I saw the gauntlet and I saw it snap. The Stones said they saved me for that moment, but they lied. When the moment came, they told me different… I…” Y/N hesitated to say anything. But Thor had lost everything and deserved to know the whole truth. “I saw a battle. More destructive than we’ve ever been a part of. I saw myself fighting Thanos, all of us fighting together fighting. And I was told that if I tried to stop what happened that day, they would stop me… and they did.”
“Thanos is dead,” Thor responded, not bothering to turn around and face Y/N. “I killed him myself.”
“I know. And I don’t know how I saw myself fighting him. But I do know that I can’t doubt the Stones. We need to be prepared for the consequences that may come from us going back in time and bringing everyone back.”
“You and Thanos?” Steve questioned, alerting Y/N to the fact that everyone had followed them. She took in a sharp breath. “You saw yourself fight him?”
Y/N slowly turned around. “I did.”
“And it was different than what happened 5 years ago?” Natasha asked.
“How could you keep this a secret from us?” Steve asked.
“I had to. For the safety of everyone… I didn’t even tell Tony everything.”
“We could have spent all this time preparing.”
“It would have done us no good.”
“Y/N,” Bruce called, trying to calm the escalating tension with his tone. “Do you know when it’s going to happen?”
“At the time, I was told five years.”
“What?” A few of them exclaimed.
“And you didn’t think that was important?” Steve questioned harshly.
“I did what I thought was right,” Y/N defended. “To protect the people I care about. You all can’t possibly stand here and judge me for that. We have all made that call! And you can’t possibly understand the burden I have carried with me for years.”
“Doesn’t matter, we’re your team,” Steve motioned to everyone in the room, before motioning between himself and her. “Your family.”
“And look how well that’s done us Steve…” She looked around the room, trying not to get emotional. “I am sorry for what’s all happened. But I am not sorry for the secrets I’ve kept to protect everyone.”
Without other word, Y/N walked out.
next chapter >
I AM SO EXCITED TO SHOW YOU GUYS WHAT I HAVE PLANNED! I hope that this chapter didn’t disappoint. I was really nervous to post it.
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bubbleteaimagines · 4 years
Hello!! Can you write something with thor please where he and reader get in a big fight and he storms out but then he misses her and goes back to her and makes up in a cute way🥺🥺♥️♥️ Ineedangstandfluff 💗🥺
come back to me
thor oneshot
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thor x reader
angst, fluff
i actually love this sm thor makes my heart go 🥰💞💞
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what had started out as a simple disagreement between you and thor had now become a screaming match. you didn’t even know what you were arguing about anymore, if you were being honest. but the tension between you two had become so thick that neither of you were willing to back down.
you were both stubborn in that way, a trait you admired and hated in each other.
“i’m just saying,” you threw your hands up, exasperated as your throat burned from screaming, “a relationship goes two ways. i make time for you, and you have to make time for me, too, thor.”
“and you believe i don’t?” his voice was low, threatening as he stared at you in disbelief. “you believe that i don’t give my best efforts to be here when i can, y/n?”
“when you can,” you mocked him sarcastically, “you mean when you’re not off trying to save the world or being a king on an entirely different planet?”
“my people mean the world to me, y/n,” thor snapped, “they have lost odin and now they need me. i thought that you of all people would understand that.”
thor was hurt that you didn’t understand that the lives of the asgardians were important to his wellbeing, too. but that was the thing — you did understand. he had said it best, you more than anyone understood that it was thor’s duty to be with them. it was his destiny to be their king.
but, as his wife, he could at least pretend to have a place for you in his life, too. he could at least pretend he knew that he was hurting you by leaving for months at a time.
time on earth and time on asgard were different. to thor, he was only gone for five weeks but for you, it was five months. five months of pure torture, five months of lonely nights spent crying over the absence of your husband. five months of staring at your wedding ring, wondering if it was even worth it to be with him anymore.
“don’t you dare,” you pointed an accusing finger at him. “you know that i understand. you know that i have always been aware that your people come first. so don’t sit there and pretend i’m crying to you over nothing, thor. because this — this has been happening for years! for years i’ve waited for you to tend to your people! for years i’ve been stuck here in absolute hell, wondering if i’ll even get to see you again! i’m not an asgardian, thor. i’m human! and every time you leave, every time you abandon me for months on end, my life span shrinks. the time i get to spend with you is so little anyways, but now — i feel like i’m gonna end up spending more years without you than with and i just—”
you couldn’t stop yourself from sobbing as you finished your little rant, the years of bottled up emotions spilling out.
thor looked at you in a mixture of shock, anger, and hurt. “i thought you knew that this was what you were signing up for, y/n,” he said.
“not like this,” you sobbed as you fiddled with the golden ring on your finger. “not anymore. thor i— i-can’t take this anymore. you being gone so much, i just—”
“no!” thor shook his head as you began to remove the expensive band, disbelief overtaking his features. “y/n, don’t you dare—”
“i’m sorry,” you broke down as you placed the object, a symbol of your now broken love, in his fists. “i just can’t. i can’t be married to a ghost anymore. i’m sorry.”
the hurt on his features was beyond comprehensible. thor looked like he was dying right in front of you, face twisted into agonizing pain.
“please,” he took a step forward but you stepped back. “please, don’t do this y/n.”
“i’m sorry,” you were like a broken record, repeating yourself over and over again. “but i think you should leave.”
you and thor both stared at each other for a moment, the pain behind both of your eyes enough to torture the entire earth.
he didn’t want to go. you didn’t want him to go.
but it was for the best.
“if i do this,” thor gripped the metal band tightly in his fists, “i’m not coming back.”
it was a threat. one last attempt to hear you make him stay.
and god, did it break your heart. you couldn’t even meet his eyes. you knew you’d break, and so you stayed silent while you stared at the wooden floor.
thor stormed away without another word.
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the party around you was in full swing.
another shindig thrown by the one and only tony stark, celebrating some holiday that you hadn’t bothered to remember because you had been too busy mourning the love of your life.
nothing had been the same ever since he left. it felt like there was a hole in your heart now, large enough to leave you with physical pain.
his absence hurt you night and day, it haunted you in your dreams. before, it had at least been bearable because you could at least count the days until he was coming back.
but now...
your heart squeezed painfully as you remembered his last words.
he wasn’t coming back.
suddenly, the red cocktail that you were holding became blurry as tears welled up in your eyes.
“what’s up, buttercup? why are you crying in your wine?” the voice of tony stark made you quickly look up.
you nearly rolled your eyes as he swaggered over and plopped next to you. there was a grin on his face and you didn’t like it. not because you were annoyed at him, specifically, but because it hurt seeing other people happy now that you were miserable.
“not now, tony,” you mumbled, turning away from your ex-husbands colleague. you chose to stare out of the expansive windows instead and tony raised an eyebrow.
“what’s up?” he suddenly became more serious as your sniffles could be heard over the loud music. “did something happen? are you hurt?”
“no, no, i just—” you dabbed at your eyes in embarrassment as you began to cry right at his party. you couldn’t believe it! you were supposed to be celebrating, not sobbing into a glass of expensive wine.
“hey, hey,” tony frowned as a sob escaped your lips and quickly wrapped his arms around you. “easy, easy,”
“tony,” you let all of your sorrow loose on his ten thousand dollar suit, his jacket becoming wet with your tears as you cried. “i can’t do it. i can’t do it anymore! i thought i could just ignore the fact that he’s gone but—”
“this is about thor?” tony asked, frowning while you nodded. “wow i didn’t know you guys broke up.”
“it was my fault,” you admitted, regret seeping into your veins. “i couldn’t cope with him being gone anymore. i...i told him to leave. even gave him back the ring. but now...i regret everything.”
“oh honey,” tony cooed while you wiped your eyes with his handkerchief. “i’m sure wherever he is, he misses you too.”
“that’s the thing,” you hiccuped, shaking your head. “i don’t know where he is. he hasn’t been on earth for months. i can...i can feel it.”
“have you tried contacting him?” tony asked.
“you and i both know how hard it is to get in contact with him,” you said.
“well have you tried yelling at the sky and screaming out his name?” he asked.
you chuckled, “i don’t think that’d work.”
“and what about praying? isn’t he like god or something?”
“alright, alright,” the older man held up his hands in surrender. “i just wanted to see that smile of yours return. can’t have people talking about how my parties are so depressing people cry into their wine glasses.”
“only the ones that have lost their intergalactic husbands,” you sighed.
“if there was some type of technology that allowed us to communicate...” tony sighed. “you know i’d do everything i can. but with stuff like this, i just don’t know, kiddo.”
“i know,” you gave him a small yet appreciative smile. “i appreciate the thought, anyways. and you coming over here to check on me. it was sweet.”
“i’m nothing if not a people pleaser,” tony winked.
you chuckled. “why don’t you get back to the party,” you suggested, knowing that plenty of people were here for him. “i’m sure there’s just hundreds of broads ready to sweep you away.”
“you gonna be okay?” tony looked like he wanted to take your suggestion, but he was hesitating.
you gave him a firm nod. “go. the show must go on!” you waved your arms dramatically and tony chuckled.
and then, with one last farewell, you were alone again with nothing else to accompany you except the night sky, exposed by the expansive windows that surrounded you.
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some air, you decided, would do you some good.
after all, you were beginning to grow tired of the stuffy atmosphere of the party so you came out here, to the field in front of the avengers compound, to get some fresh air.
you inhaled deeply as the bitter wind whipped at your face. in hindsight, you really should have brought a jacket. but you figured it was too late to go back now so you stayed, admiring the way the stars glimmered in the sky.
absentmindedly, you let your eyes flutter over to your favorite one.
“three stars north,” you heard thor’s voice in your head, “and one star to the right.”
it was where you could always find the ever watchful eyes of heimdall gazing over the earth, he had told you. it was where you could always find him.
another sob threatened to escape your lips but you quickly pushed it down.
maybe tony was right, you began to wonder, your eyes gazing at the star hopefully, maybe if i just call out to him...
it was a silly idea, you knew it. but you also knew that you wouldn’t be able to live with yourself if you didn’t at least try. you would never be able to rest if you left on bad terms with your husband forever.
and so, hesitantly parting your lips, you kept your eyes on the stars as you quietly called out,
your voice was nothing above a whisper but a whisper was all you needed, he had told you.
one word, and he would be there.
you were counting on that.
you bit your lip as you waited, slowly rocking on the balls of your feet.
you felt silly as you looked at the star, expecting it to speak back to you.
actually, you didn’t know what to expect. you had never done it before, as many times as you were tempted to.
and honestly, you weren’t even sure it would work this time.
would thor even want to come back and see you?
a horrible feeling began to form in your stomach.
what if this was a mistake? what if thor could hear you, but he didn’t want to see you?
after all, you had broken his heart. badly.
you found yourself letting out a whimper at the thought.
“please...” your eyes glistened with heartbroken tears, “come back to me, baby.”
you waited again.
and waited, and waited, and waited.
and finally, after a few second passed, you were ready to give up.
your shoulders sagged, and you glared at the star as a huff of frustration left your lips.
“dammit,” you cursed and then prepared to turn around, heading back into the tower before you legs collapsed and left you stranded outside.
but then, just as you began to turn your back, you were suddenly blinded by a bright and multicolored light.
you knew that light. in fact, you had spent years hoping you would see it, for it meant that the one person you wanted in the entire universe had returned to you.
your heart swelled as the light faded and sure enough, the god was standing there. he had his hammer clutched tightly in his hands and a wide smile on his face as he rushed over to you.
“you remembered,” he said breathlessly, a laugh escaping his throat.
“oh thor!”
you couldn’t help yourself as you launched yourself into his arms, meeting him halfway.
you didn’t care that you had a dress on — you wrapped your legs around him and clutched him tightly, sobbing as you buried your head in his neck.
“you came back,” you sobbed, utter relief flooding your veins.
“did you ever doubt that i would?” thor asked, his own voice thick with emotion.
“i— when you left that night, i thought that you were serious. i thought that you were never coming back to me, that i would never see you again.”
“i could never stay away from you, my love,” thor confessed, pressing his forehead against yours. “even if it was your dying wish, i don’t have the strength to be away from you.”
“and i don’t ever want you to,” you told him, “i’m sorry.”
“no, i’m sorry,” thor said quickly, shaking his head. “during our time apart, i realized how selfish and ignorant i have been to ignore your needs over my own. you are right, i want to cherish the time we have. i want you always and forever, just like we promised.”
“so you’ll stay?” you asked hopefully, a smile on your face.
“no,” your heart sunk, “you shall come with me to asgard. there, we will have all the time in world to spend our lives together. you’ll rule beside me, as my queen, until the universe decides otherwise.”
“you mean it?” you asked, gripping him tightly as tears glistened in your eyes.
thor nodded. “i wouldn’t have it any other way,” he promised, before leaning in and pressing his lips to yours.
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kkeidawrites · 4 years
That Night
Loki x African!goddess reader
I see that there is not a lot of Loki x reader stories which I think is weird, so I decided to write a couple of my own. And nobody is gone stop me either. So enjoy this first chapter to an upcoming mini series!
A party was perhaps always being held in Asgard. Whether it was Thor returning home, another battle won, or Hell they had a party just because. It was quite a bore with the constant partying and the people that would attend made things even more boring.
The dancers would shake their hips the same way and the dishes the servants would serve were always be the same. Nothing was new. Nothing peaked my interest.
The whispers about me never ceased, being the adopted son of Odin, the infamous Loki, God of Mischief, still chasing his father’s tailcoats for the throne. Loki, the forgotten son. The son with no legacy. Bah, it was all the same. I should turn everyone here in the hall into gremlins.
I sat on a plush sofa, pretty much on my own, since nobody would want to sit by the trickster Loki. It’s fine, not like I had that many friends anyway.
A jester preformed a trick making the crowds express gasps of excitement and claps rang out in the hall. I rolled my eyes, I will never understand how people can be so interested in this.
I did not want to attend this worthless banquet in the first place, but my mother bless her soul, is a very persuasive woman and I unfortunately fall for it every time. Now, here I was, dressed in green almost black robes and armor that had some pieces of gold imbedded into it.
Swirling the wine in my cup, the familiar sound of heels clacking against the polished marbled floor made my eyes look up.
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The black dress reminded me of the stars in the galaxy, it caressed her dark skin and hugged all the curves on her figure. Her hair coily and I bet if I had the chance to touch it it would be as soft as a lamb’s wool. It covered the side of her face and I didn’t have the chance to get a good look at her, but, just from how she carried herself, I knew she had to be beautiful. Probably for the best I didn’t see what she looked like, who would turn their interests on the God of Mischief? She held her head up high as if she were the queen of Asgard herself.
As she walked into the banquet hall, her pace was quick as she approached my mother who was standing with her normal group of nobles and who in turn brought the beauty in a warm embrace. She smiled in greeting to the woman as she spoke to my mother. The way they spoke made it seem like they have known each other for years.
Taking a swig of my wine, I averted my eyes elsewhere. She was probably another noble that was only here to attend the banquet then return to wherever she had came from to brag about her time on Asgard. There were many of Gods and Goddesses who took advantage of our kingdom to try and take over. I scoffed at the thought, every time that someone would try and take Asgard would only return to their realm in pieces, how others think so little of Asgard when we indeed are the best.
The clacking of heels broke me from my thoughts and my mother calling my name made me look up to see both my mother and the mysterious woman. Damnit, I hated being right, she wasn’t just beautiful, she was gorgeous. A vision. I gulped at how beautiful she was and I saw my mother flick her wrist up to tell me to stand up and present myself. I stood up from the couch fixing the front of my robes.
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I looked her over, shamelessly and my eyes lingered on her chest until my mother cleared her throat to avert my eyes to hers. She tilted her head towards the woman and I cleared my throat, placing a hand on my chest to bow my head in greeting.
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“Good evening mother, as always you are the most beautiful in all of Asgard.” I say. My mother waves away my compliment, bashful of my words and puts a hand on the woman’s arm.
“This is Mawu, she is the Goddess of the night, of joy, and of motherhood as well as the ruler of Midgard’s wisdom and knowledge. You have met her mother, Nana Buluku a couple of times.” Frigga says.
I roll my eyes at that. I had met that woman thousands of years ago, I cannot remember what she looked like. The beauty, Mawu, looks me over then raises an eyebrow at me.
“He is your son?” She turns to mother.
“Yes, my youngest,” Frigga says with pride in her voice and I can’t help but, give a small smile.
“Mm, he is tiny.” She looks me over one more time.
“Need to eat something, these fruits and cheeses are not enough to help him grow.” She states and I became baffled at her declaration making my mother laugh and I frowned in annoyance. What is it with women and wanting their men big and muscled? I am plenty strong with my lean figure.
“Allow me to take him back to my realm and he will return with a stronger body,” Mawu tells mother. Frigga waves her hand in my direction.
“I tell him to eat more but, he only nibbles on the food we offer him.” She sighs and I roll my eyes once more, taking a large sip of my wine then using my magic to make my cup disappear.
“Mother, did you bring your friend over here just to spite me?” I asked her, putting my hands behind my back and a clench in my jaw.
“No, of course not, my love,” she smiles and then moved Mawu closer to my person. The woman took a few steps away from me.
“I wanted you two,” Frigga points between us as she continues, “to get to know each other better.” She says making both of our heads turn to look at one another in shock then back to Frigga’s grinning face.
“You cannot be serious.” I say as Mawu crosses her arms.
“Quite serious my son, Mawu will be staying here for a couple of weeks as her mother has asked me to oh, how do the midgardians phrase it? Ah, yes “get her ass out of the house”. And so, she will be staying in the royal quarters for the time being and I want the two of you,” she points between us again. “To get to know each other better. Have a pleasant evening.” Frigga finishes and turns to return back to her group of allies. Mawu scoffs in disbelief and leaves my side to leave through where she came in.
Subconsciously, I followed after her, her heels clicking quickly against the floor, she was clearly upset. She wasn’t the only one upset. Get to know me better? Just what is mother planning? And why was I following her?
Mawu’s POV
I had stopped in the middle of the long hallways of Odin’s castle and turned my head to an open door where a balcony was located. I laid my hands on the balustrade and looked at the cotten candy skyline, as it slowly turned to night. Here on Asgard was hard to tell if it was night or not, they had no moon to go off of and the stars that were apparent determined different coordinates.
I sighed and leaned my arms against the balustrade leaning my head on my wrists. A couple weeks of being in this realm will be challenging. I’m not used to taking such long breaks like this, I just hoped that the Earth will still be there for me when I return.
I was set up. Mother told me that it had been a while since I last been to Asgard, to see Lady Frigga especially and she thought that a visit would be nice. How easily I was tricked by her and Lady Frigga. Don’t get me wrong I loved Lady Frigga as a second mother, but, the thought of having to trick me into staying here for a long duration of time really unsettled me.
Sighing once more, I closed my eyes as I felt the wind blow into my face. The breeze blowing against my hair that resembled a cloud. Using my powers, I conjured up a small ball of light that allowed me to see the children of Earth. It was a particular group of children that I had been watching over for a while. Perhaps from their great grandparents up until the new generation, I think I’ve lost count.
I watched as all the children played and the adults that I once looked after when they were children tended to their own brood. I smiled sadly. These children were my children. Even if I didn’t birth them, they were mine. A child, a little boy named Abioye, smiled and I felt my bottom lip quiver.
Swiping away the image, I felt a few tears rush down my cheeks. Quickly wiping them away, I took a deep breath and then looked down at my shoes. They were beautiful but, so constricting, I pulled them off my feet and stretched my toes, sighing in bliss.
“Lady Mawu,” I looked up to see a male guard bowing before me. I straightened my back to address him.
“Your quarters are ready for you.” He says. Nodding, I allowed him to lead me to my room. Peaking a look over my shoulder, I noticed a familiar pair of green eyes watching me. With a ‘hmph’ I turned my eyes forward and continued to follow the guard.
With Loki
That insufferable woman dare turn her nose up at me?! I scoffed in disbelief and used my powers to return to my mother in the banquet hall. Kissing her goodnight, I walked out another exit to my chambers.
Once I arrived at my room, I noticed the guard that guided the Goddess to her quarters and stretched my neck to see that he was leaving from the room right next to mine.
“You there!” I halt the guard as he immediately stopped and bowed to me.
“Did you just lead that moon Goddess into the room next to mines?” I ask.
“Yes, your majesty, it was specific instructions that your mother gave.” He says and I groan out in annoyance.
“Your majesty?”
“Begone. I have no more use of you.” I spat and the guard bows again, quickly leaving my sight.
Looking towards the closed door, I put my hands on my hips and nodded my head then entered my room with a slam to the doors.
Plopping down onto my bed, I placed my hands behind my head and sighed deeply. Mother was making things so difficult. What purpose did she need to give me someone to...bond with? I have managed to be on my own before what’s different now?
Sniff, sniff
Sob, whimper
I heard soft crying from the wall behind me and I got up from my bed and moved to the nearest wall, placing an ear towards it, to hear indeed crying on the other side.
I don’t know what it was but, her crying made my heart break a bit. Sighing, I removed myself from the wall and plopped back down onto my bed. Her sobs were slowly growing louder and I gritted my teeth.
Waving my hand, I allowed a small bunny to appear in my palm and allowed it to phase through the wall, I waited in anticipation of the small...I guess I will call it a gift.
With Mawu
She had changed into her silk nightgown and immediately her tears returned.
The sobs continued to fall from her lips as she laid across the large bed. Why she was crying? Unfortunately, Mawu has separation anxiety and the thought that she can’t be close to her ‘children’ broke her heart. Sniffling, she raised her head from the cradle of her arms and jumped when she saw a black lump sitting in front of her.
The large floppy ears twitched slightly as the pink nose sniffed. Sitting up, she got a closer look at the small being and she realized that it was indeed a black rabbit.
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“Hello, there,” she coos as she reached a hand out to the rabbit. The cotton tailed furry snuggled into her awaiting hand and Mawu giggled at the feel of it’s nose.
“Where did you come from?” She asks as she picks up the rabbit and holds it in her lap. She scratched under its chin and felt the thump of the rabbits right foot popping her thigh in delight.
“I think I’ll call you, Irawo.” She tells the rabbit who thumps its right foot again in delight.
Giggling again, Mawu allowed the rabbit to play around on her bed and then caressed its head, liking the soft fur.
With Loki
The God of Mischief allowed a small grin to appear on his lips as he listened to the Moon Goddess’s giggles.
Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad after all.
End of Ch.1
Ch. 2⬅️
Ch. 3⬅️
What is up with tumblr and other places where Loki doesn’t have a lot of fanfics? I don’t understand he just as fine as Thor. But, anyway, I hope you guys like this first chapter to this mini story I’m hooking y’all up with! I love me some Loki so be sure to expect more of him and a black reader as well! Thank you all for reading and be sure to like, comment and reblog!
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squishneedsahero · 3 years
The Earth Shaker
Part 1 of ?
Word Count: 1885
Loki x Reader
Just a 2012 style avengers fanfic that is Loki x Reader. Sometime you just need cute fluff that is absolutely nothing more than self indulgence.
It had been a normal day, you going to work at the little cafe, serving people coffee and sandwiches, just living your normal life. Then things had shown up on the news, an attack in New York City. Aliens coming down from the sky and wreaking havoc on the city, and then you saw him and your heart stopped. The customers were all distracted so you called out on your break then and there, pulling out your phone and looking up the fight in NYC, you kept looking for any glimpse of the man with a red cape flying around with a hammer in hand.
"Thor," it comes out as a breathless whisper.
You don't care that you're in the middle of a shift, you shout to your coworkers that you have to leave and walk out the door. You needed to get to NYC, you needed to find Thor, you couldn't get there fast enough. Surely the fight would have ended by the time you even make it to the outside of the city, but hopefully you could make it on time to find Thor. Thor was the only chance you had for getting your old life back and you had missed him the last time he'd been anywhere close by.
As you get in your car and take off driving at a reckless pace you let your mind fill with memories. You'd grown up with Thor in Asgard, your name was actually Faylwyn even if here in Midgard you went by y/n. You'd run and played and trained alongside him and Sif and the Warriors Three. Then once you were a bit older you had gotten in trouble, gotten on Odin's bad side, and he had banished you to Midgard. Thor had to have not known that you were alive, else he would have come looking for you.
But it isn't Thor you care about here. You glance at the bracelet around your wrist, beads strung on a strand of black hair, intertwined with a strand of your own hair. It was all you had left of your life on Asgard, you'd been friends with Thor sure, but he was just Loki's dumb older brother. You and Loki had been inseparable, hell you'd even given each other love locks, thats what this bracelet was, you'd had to cut it out of your hair, but you couldn't just give it up. You'd put some beads on it to hide what it truly was but it was your most prized possession.
The lovelocks had been hidden, hidden under layers of your hair so that no one knew besides the two of you. You and Loki had had wonderful plans, plans to run away together, to explore the universe together, to get married once you were old enough and to spend the eons with one another. No one had known this, no one but the two of you, Odin was unlikely to allow it, Frigga had to listen to her husband, and Thor had a big mouth. No one had known the full extent of the love both of you shared for the other, but now you had a chance, a chance to find him again after 700 years of being in Midgard alone.
You had never stopped loving him in all that time, you had longed to be by his side once again, you could only imagine the pain he had felt with whatever story Odin had decided to tell of your disappearance. Now you had that chance to find him again and you weren't going to miss it for the second time. Your one and only fear was that, he might not love you anymore, after all this time that he had moved on while you hadn't.
You drive all day, the fight is long over when you reach the city, it's the middle of the night and the streets are packed with people and rubble along with alien bodies. There wasn't anyway you could continue to drive, so you got out of your car, leaving it running in your hurry, you don't care you don't need it. You look up on your phone directions to the Stark Tower, it was your best chance of finding Thor, and you begin running. You aren't fast like Captain America but you have stamina, able to run for hours and hours, going for miles and days on end.
No, you weren't Asgardian royalty, but here at least much like Thor was considered the god of thunder in ancient mythology, you were considered the goddess of earth. No, not like Earth the planet, but earth, the dirt, minerals, the ground beneath your very feet. Thor was able to fly, like the lightning and thunder, rushing through the air. You were able to run, moving with ease, being one with the ground beneath you, never faltering calm and steady.
You round a corner and the tower becomes visible, tall and graceful, pointing into the sky with lights illuminating its massive form. It's when you get close that you notice the many agents and people swarming the scene, there was no way you'd be able to get inside unnoticed. And none of these people knew who you were so they'd never let you in, you sigh, time to do something stupid, or at the very least a plan which Thor could have come up with. You slowed your pace, finding your way into an alley, then to a side door. "Here goes nothing," you say softly to yourself as you pry the locked door open and step inside.
Instantly alarms begin wailing and SHIELD agents begin to swarm towards your position. That was fine, you didn't want to hurt any of them but causing a scene would get the attention you needed. You needed to pose yourself as a big enough threat to need the attention of the heroes who had fought the aliens, any less and they'd ignore you, thinking you're some crazy from off the street. The agents surround you and you don't make a move, letting them go first. You don't want to hurt them, so you need to judge their skill first, you'd been fighting for nearly a thousand years, you'd easily be able to take them down.
The first to approach you with their gun, telling you to surrender since you weren't supposed to be here, you punch in the nose and knock them out. Seeing the ease with which you did that, leads to them calling for backup. Perfect. From there you focus, feeling a heavy sensation in your stomach as you do, slowly the ground opens up enough to sink their feet in and trap them, and one small, earthquake later their guns are on the floor.
You approach the one who had called for backup, and look them over briefly before speaking. "I need to talk to Thor, can you make that happen?"
They seem confused with your sudden loss of aggression, but nod, placing a finger to their ear as they reached out through their coms, "Director Fury, the infiltrator on the ground level wishes to speak with Thor. They have disarmed us and and have us all trapped my our feet in the floor but they do not seem to pose a threat as long as they see Thor."
You nod once and confirm, "I just wish to speak with him, I'm an old friend." With that you step back and place the door back in place, as you step outside once again, "I'll be in the park. Tell him I'm waiting."
With that you leave, and close the door behind you. Only releasing the agents from the ground once you've made it safely away. It was short and fortunately went better than planned. Now all you had to do was wait, and wait you did. It did not matter to you that it took hours for anything to happen. It didn't mater that you'd slept in the grass that night, and that the sun was rising when someone approached you. You had a chance to see your Loki again and that was all you needed to be happy.
You're awoken by someone speaking softly, "sir, I have eyes on the target." It's a woman's voice, you don't move, and continue to lay there, eyes closed.
It's when you hear the slightest sound of the grass moving that you finally do so as well, sitting up and moving to face her. It's the redheaded woman who was fighting alongside Thor the day previous. You offer a slight smile and a, "hello."
When you move Natasha removers her hand from the earpiece she was wearing, and asks, "you're the one that broke in last night asking for Thor?" It's posed as a question but you feel it's more of a statement.
"That is me, I'd just like to speak with him, I'm an old friend. My name is y/n l/n, at least that is the one you will find me under in all government records. Look me up, I don't care, just let me see Thor before he returns to Asgard," you come to a standing position and hold out your hand, "tell him Faylwyn wishes to see him, he'll know what you mean." With that you turn to walk away.
"Sorry, no can do, you're coming with me, you broke into a secure facility and took out multiple agents. You don't get to walk off right like that," she says and reaches for her hip.
You turn back to face her as she speaks, glancing at her hand before meeting her eyes again, "I'm willing to come peacefully. You don't have to tase me," you hold out your empty hands to her, "see, you can even handcuff me, just so I can speak with Thor."
Natasha looks at you, you're being genuine on this one thing, though she still doesn't trust you. She had seen the door you'd pried open, the imprints of your fingers in the metal around the latch, there was no way handcuffs would hold you if you wanted to leave. "No need, come on," she nods her head towards the tower and keeps her hand on the taser as she leads the way. You were a threat if you wanted to be, and obviously you were smart. You hadn't caused more damage that a broken door and a broken nose, and from what she had heard and seen on the cameras you could have done a lot more had you wished to do so.
You follow Natasha to the tower and in the doors, around some corners up an elevator and through the hallways to a more private and secure room.
"Wait here," she says as she opens the door for you, letting you in before closing it behind you. Once again, you wait. This is still your best chance, you had no other way to contact Thor, thanks to Odin's being pissed at you even after 700 years. The All-Father could All-ways hold a grudge.
Eventually the door handle jiggles before opening, and you look up, meeting the eyes of the tall blond, the Asgardian armor covering his body and the red cape over his shoulders. He looks at you in shock and says, "Faylwyn?"
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gaitwae · 4 years
I Didn’t Fake That •||• Loki x Reader
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Summary: Your husband is gone. Or is he?
Rating: PG for death and angst. No fluff ending.
Taglist: @megthemewlingquim​ @mostly-marvel-musings​ @make-me-imagine​ @lokistan​ @amwolowicz​ @lucywrites02​ @winterfrostsarmy​ @silvermoonwolf777​ (ask me if you want to be added/removed!)
Your new favorite comfort was the rain.
You sat on the balcony, grateful for your weather and water powers for once. It poured down all over New York, down your shirt, down your hair, soaking everything. Natasha and Steve consoled you about your loss. You hoped that he would be back, but he had said that he didn't know himself.
Tony checked on you every hour. Clint showed you how to clean arrows. Bruce let you talk to him. The one who couldn't really help you out was Thor. He was the only one who felt this probably more than you did. He had went back to Asgard. You wished you could leave it all, too. But you had to stay.
If he did come back, you weren't sure how you would greet him. But this time, in your heart, you knew it was permanent.
The rain hit your shoulders harder. You closed your eyes, letting the water rinse your face from the salt the tears had left. You missed your husband. Your heart ached. It had been weeks, and no one knew how much you hurt. Except maybe one person. . . .
"Come home," you whispered to him through the pouring rain. "Please. . . ."
Two little feet pattered over to you. You opened your eyes, trying to be brave for the baby girl who was running into the balcony. Your daughter comes up to you, her blue eyes and raven hair just like her father. "Momma?"
"Yes, baby?" You stood, trying to let go of the rain. You held her up. She wrapped her arms around your neck.
"I drew a picture for you inside," she says. She smiled sadly. You tried not to cry, again. You seemed to be a bawl baby, now. "Of Daddy. I know Daddy will be back."
"Oh, yeah?" You smiled softly, thumbing her cheek endearingly. She was everything to you, and everything you had left of him. "How is that, baby?"
"Because he told me." She turned red, blushing a bit. She had his pale skin. "Daddy said he wants to come home . . . but he doesn't know how, yet." Your heart jumped. Had your daughter seen a ghost? Or had a vision?
"Why is that?"
"Because he said that you wouldn't be happy to see him. You'd be mad."
Your fears solidified. "Well," you mutter under your breath, now getting angry. "Is that so?"
"Yeah, Momma, he said he was waiting for the right time." She looked so innocent. You knew her father loved her more than anything, his greatest love your baby. The only thing that he loved on the same level used to be you.
But after what your daughter said, you knew better. Loki had never loved you. He had used you to complete the mission you all worked five years on.
"Run inside, baby," you tell her. "Momma needs to think about something for a little bit. Don't worry."
"Okay!" she says, rushing back in on her little legs.
You swallow your angry scream. He had lied! He lied about everything. About loving you. About being dead. Hell, he just used you. You stood, gripping the railing of the balcony. You thought he had changed. You sobbed, trying to stifle it. Your heart felt like it was shredded inside your chest.
Your tears hit the railing as they rolled off your wet cheeks. You could taste the bitter salt. You didn't want to let him go. You wanted him here. But he had lied, after everything you had gone through.
"Faker," you cursed. You stared at your white knuckles for a long time.
You felt arms wrap around your shoulders. You whimpered angrily. The hands held you gently, the owner's face nuzzling your neck. You stiffen.
"I'm sorry. . . ."
"You're a faker."
"Listen, I —"
"Faker! You never—you didn't —!" You couldn't finish, only react. You pushed him away. Loki looked hurt. You were in an unforgiving mood.
Loki moved toward you. You hit him when he tried to cup your face. You smacked him and punched him and cried harder than ever. Loki wrapped his arms around after he blocked your swings every time, embracing you.
You didn't hug back; you clung to him like the life you used to have was going to be destroyed. "Liar," you cry, "liar, liar, liar!"
Loki patted your hair. "I did lie," he said. "To keep you safe. And I might have truly died . . . darling, I was wrong about everything . . ."
You hit his arms again, sinking to the ground. Your knees refused to work.
Loki sank with you, rocking you gently. "I did lie about my death. I did fake us, at first. But when I asked you to marry me . . . when we were wed . . . I didn't fake that."
You shook your head, shaking in his arms. "I hate you," you say, crying hard. "I hate you."
Loki kissed your head. "Yes, I know. And I can't come home, yet. The Greeks made me hold up their sky after I . . . I killed someone. I can never come home. I'm sorry."
You looked at him with streaming eyes. "Greeks?"
Loki nodded, already disappearing. "In ten thousand years, you'll be my wife again. After I-I save us all." You tried to grab at him again, but he was gone, leaving you broken on the ground.
Loki was gone.
And you missed him more than when he was dead.
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gumnut-logic · 3 years
Callisto (Part Seven - Investigation)
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Prologue 1. Incident - Bit 1 | Bit 2 2. Fallout - Bit 1 | Bit 2 | Bit 3 3. Voyage - Bit 1 | Bit 2 | Bit 3 4. Arrival - Bit 1 | Bit 2 5. Orientation 6. Rescue Site 7. Investigation
Here we are again with the next three thousand odd words of this fic.
Many thanks as always to @vegetacide​ @tsarinatorment​ @scribbles97​ @janetm74​ and my wonderful science officer @onereyofstarlight​ (who spent yet more time tackling my odd questions in the last week :D). You guys are amazing and I can’t thank you enough for all your amazing readthroughs and support.
You guys totally spoilt me last week so I hope this week delivers some entertainment. ::hugs you all so much:: Thank you so much for your amazing support.
Warnings: minor whump, far too much indulgence in scenery on my part because I’m having too much fun.
I hope you enjoy this.
Alan was sent back with Gordon and one of the dragonflies, while Virgil and Scott scouted back along the tunnel for a high enough point that either a molepod or Thunderbird Three could drill down deep enough to give them easy access for Thunderbird Four.
They found it in one of the larger caverns about a kilometre back from the Crystal Cave as they had come to call it.
Having seen so much crystal in one spot, Virgil now found himself spotting more and more of it along the tunnels. On first glance he had assumed most of the sparkles in the walls were patches of ice – there was certainly enough of the stuff around to cater to the concept. But on closer examination, there were crystals of all sizes and colours dotted along their return path.
In the dry cavern there were even more. Not anywhere near as many as in the crystal cave, but enough that Virgil pulled over, climbed out and collected a couple of specimens for later examination. John definitely wanted in on that analysis. He was still hunting for the source of the interference and was at this point reaching for every straw he could grab.
But first they had lives to save.
The roof of the Dry Cavern, as it was dubbed for convenience’s sake, had a number of large crystalline formations and there was a plea from the Base’s scientific staff to avoid as much damage as possible.
As if Virgil needed that reminder. He wasn’t one for blatant destruction of anything, but in this case as he planted the homing beacon for Three, he realised they were going to lose at least one beautiful structure in the process. So, it was with some sadness, he flipped the dragonfly and attached it to the rock ceiling of Dry Cavern and attempted to uproot a crystal tree as tall and as wide as himself to take back to the base.
With the application of a laser cutter, it came away surprisingly easily and with minimal damage. The dragonfly’s two front claws held it as delicately as they could. Carefully flipping the pod back upright, Virgil lowered it down to land and clambered out to secure the crystal.
Halfway out of the pod his vision doubled and he slipped.
Callisto’s gravity was almost nothing in comparison to Earth’s but the laws of physics still held strong and without atmospheric density to slow him down in any way, his momentum threw him at the rocky floor with enough force to cause him to bounce with a painful squawk. Previously obtained bruises complained and his head throbbed enough to turn his stomach over.
He ended up on the ground, on his side, doing his best not to puke all over the inside of his helmet, his only thought being how bad things would be if he failed.
“Virgil!” Scott was suddenly beside him, hand on his arm and the ever so familiar worry in his eyes.
Virgil swallowed and attempted to keep his stomach under control while his head screamed at him.
But as before, it dissipated suddenly and Virgil was left panting and wondering what the hell was going on.
What the hell had the T- Drive done to him?
“Talk to me, Virgil. What happened?”
“Was dizzy for a second. Sorry.” He waved Scott’s hand away and sat up slowly. Everything stayed stable and sane.
God, he was tired. “I’m good. Just need some rack time.”
Scott glared at him. “I’ve seen you tired. You’ve never fallen off a pod before.”
“It’s the gravity, or the lack of it. It’s throwing me off.” He pushed himself to his feet.
But he knew what was coming next.
“I’m flying. Get in the back.”
Virgil growled at him. “I’m going to secure the crystals first. We need to get these back to base in one piece.” And he did, Scott at his elbow the entire time. The man knew how to hover.
Once that was complete, Scott marched him to the backseat and made sure he climbed in safely…like he was a little kid or something.
But the moment he let himself relax, his whole body made it very clear that rest was a good thing. Scott’s flying skills kept the dragonfly consistently level and despite himself, Virgil dozed in and out a good percentage of the way back to base.
Despite the headache.
Of course, all of it resulted in a blowout with both Scott and his father.
“I’m fine!”
“You fell!”
“I slipped. It happens you know. I’ve rested. I’m fine. Now can we get moving? I need to be out there to assist with Four.”
Scott opened his mouth to no doubt confine him to the base with their father and Uncle Lee.
“Virgil, you will undergo an examination by the Base medics before you do anything.” Dad’s voice held that strength of command that Scott had so inherited.
He opened his mouth to rebut.
“Now, Virgil, or I will send Lee out in your stead. You don’t mess around out here. You know that.”
Virgil flicked his glance to the engineer his father had relied on for years, who had actually worked with International Rescue early on.
“Fine! But there is nothing wrong with me.”
“Then prove it.” Scott was glaring at him, blue eyes on fire and standing strong beside their father.
Well, at least they were working together, even if it was a combined front against him.
Three had already left, so they had to rely on a Base medic. Fortunately, she agreed with Virgil. Tension headache, the voyage out there and lack of sleep was all they could come up with and since he had snoozed in the pod and his skill set was seriously needed, Scott grudgingly gave him clearance.
Virgil so did not have time for this.
Alan slipped into Three’s pilot seat with a sigh. There was something about his ‘bird that was just comforting. Familiarity, probably, but also the knowledge that he had the power to get home under his very fingertips. Pods were great and all, but Alan preferred the power of ion engines and the strength of his ‘bird’s hull.
Gordon in the co-pilot’s seat wasn’t the norm, however.
“Okay, let’s get this ‘bird off the ground.”
Alan glared at him, but poked his comms. “Callisto Base, requesting departure for local foray as filed.”
“Thunderbird Three, you have clearance. Safe journey.”
Journey? He wouldn’t call it a journey. More a nick out the back door to grab takeout, if anything.
Great, now he was hungry for pizza and the nearest pizza joint was a bazillion miles away.
So gonna have a pizza night when they got home.
“FAB, Callisto Base.”
The airlock doors above began their ponderous opening sequence like something directly out of an old sci-fi flick. All that was missing was the cinematic music.
Firing Three’s engines was like breathing again after being stifled for a long time. She lifted, rising slowly into the airlock, her length proof that everything the Base owned was smaller. He only had a handful of metres to play with at either end and he was pretty sure he was scorching their inner door.
Nonetheless, they waited and the outer doors slid open revealing Jupiter once again in all her glory.
Alan eased her out slowly making sure she was fully in the clear before tilting her towards the north and, with a twitch of a thruster, throwing her across the jagged landscape.
The moon surface was craters on craters on craters. The Asgard formation rippled outwards in all directions creating rings of hills, stark greys and silvers against the deep of the black sky. Burr Crater was a splash of bright reflected sunlight glaring enough for the filters on the windows to react and protect their eyesight.
Alan brought up the holoprojection showing exactly where Virgil wanted him to drill.
Another flick of a wrist and Three pivoted on her nose, extended her arms, and settled gently onto the surface of the moon.
“Thunderbird One, Thunderbird Three is in position.”
Comms crackled and Alan frowned.
“That doesn’t sound good.”
State the obvious, Gordon. “Thunderbird One, do you read?”
“We hear you, Thunderbird Three. Dragonfly Pod Two en route to rendezvous.” Scott’s voice cut out and Virgil’s took over. “Gordon, deploy Thunderbird Four. Crane her to the surface. Alan we will need to assemble a large gauge molepod complete with vacuum extraction, as we discussed. We’re about fifteen minutes out.”
“FAB, Dragonfly Two.” The line cut out and Alan turned to his co-pilot. “Okay, Gords, your turn.”
His brother’s face split into a grin. “See you in the sky.”
Alan groaned. “Never gonna hear the end of this, am I?”
“Nope, no time soon. Thunderbird Four is going to fly. No more being dragged around by her sisters. Gonna get her some VTOL.”
Alan clambered out of his seat and half floated, half fell to the back of the cabin. Partial gravity was always odd. “Hoverjets, Gords.”
“Tomayto, tomato, squirt. My ‘bird is gonna fly.”
“In micro-gravity.”
“I’m taking what I can get.”
Alan rolled his eyes. Insufferable.
What followed was Three craning out Four through the cargo bay doors and gently lowering her to the icy surface of the moon.
This time, instead of sleds, Brains had attached hoverjets to the body of Gordon’s submarine. Personally, Alan thought she looked like she had a really bad case of acne, her usually smooth lines interrupted by pustules that spat blue ‘fire’.
Gordon apparently couldn’t stop grinning.
Of course, that all changed once Scott and Virgil arrived on scene. Virgil was unusually curt and Scott was hovering just enough to alert Alan that something wasn’t right.
A quick check with John revealed that Virgil wasn’t feeling well and that Scott wanted him off the mission, but Virgil refused.
That just set Alan off. It was always worrisome when an older brother wasn’t right, and considering all his brothers were older, it happened far more often than Alan liked.
So it was with worried eyes that Alan watched Virgil and Scott deploy the molepod.
The plan was for Three to dig down as far as she could - which was a decent distance, if Alan could say so himself, and then lower the extra-large molepod into the hole so Virgil could complete the tunnel to break through into the cave network below.
They were far enough away from the Crystal Cave, as it was now called, to hopefully leave it unaffected by all these excavations.
Gordon was to follow them in Hoversub Number Four - apparently his fish brother was still working on the new name - navigate to the Cave and revert to Four’s original purpose of being a submarine.
Three’s drill was an oddity for a space craft, but an oddity that had saved Alan’s bacon so many times.
The thought immediately prompted hunger pangs. Bacon.
Maybe he should shove a snack down his throat.
“Alan, start drilling.” Virgil’s sharp voice on comms snapped him out of it.
If Three deployed her drill rather abruptly at that, Alan felt he wasn’t to blame.
Fortunately, she performed with her usual ease and brilliance, creating a massive hole in the side of the moon and a cloud of debris to match, rock and ice thrown up in glittering haze.
God, space was beautiful sometimes.
Once Three had gone as deep as she could, Alan shifted her to one side and acted as a crane to lower Virgil and Scott in the molepod down into the newly created tunnel.
A suspended moment and the billowing dust resumed.
“Hey, Gords, is Virgil okay?” He couldn’t help it. He was worried.
“He’s okay, Allie. Just some leftovers from the ride out here.”
“How are you feeling?”
“Don’t mention it. I don’t want to think about it.”
“Sorry.” It was raining glitter in slow motion.
“How you didn’t notice, I have no idea.”
Gordon was in Four and Alan in Three, but Alan shrugged anyway. “Dunno?” But he was distracted by the holographic image of his two eldest brothers gnawing through rock far below. Almost there. Thank goodness, Three’s grapple was almost at its full extent.
“Thunderbird Three, get ready to reel us in.” Scott’s voice was tight.
Far below the mole broke through into the cavern and began to fall in the ponderous gravity. Alan yanked a lever and pulled the cable tight, catching the pod in a pendulous dangle. “Gotcha.”
“Hold it, Thunderbird Three.” Virgil’s voice was even tighter than Scott’s and Alan wondered if the pod swinging was messing with him. A moment. “Okay, retract slightly.”
Alan did so and the pendulum slowed and eventually his brother gave the go ahead to fully haul them out of that hole.
Virgil was beginning to wonder if there was something seriously wrong with him. Digging the hole had been simple, but the moment they burst through into the cavern, his stomach tried to invert itself. It had taken everything he had to keep his insides on the inside.
But then it disappeared again! Leaving the goddamned headache that just refused to go away and was currently pounding through his head to the tune of his heartbeat.
Maybe Scott was right. Maybe there was something seriously wrong.
But he had a job to do.
Thunderbird Four was literally bouncing on the spot by the time the Mole resurfaced dangling from Three’s grapple. Virgil had piloted the pod simply because it was his speciality. Scott had accompanied him because he was worried, but he let him drive.
Such was not the case with the Dragonfly. Virgil was clearly demoted via a pair of determined eyes and exiled to the backseat.
It gave him a chance to examine the sensor readings of the rock they had burrowed through on the way down. It was a thoroughly fascinating combination of ice and minerals, silicon in particular.
Thunderbird Four lifted smoothly off the glistening moon surface and with a very unprofessional ‘Yahoo’ slid into the entrance of their new tunnel and disappeared.
Scott was only a second behind.
Four bounced like a rubber ball off the walls, darting around the corners so nimble, Scott had to ask their fish brother to damn well slow down.
Which was just as well, because before they knew it, both Four and the Dragonfly emerged into the cavern, Four in ponderous freefall until the hoverjets could catch on the floor.
“That was awesome! Can I keep the jets, Virg? Please?” An Olympic gold medal, a WASP career and vast experience as an IR operative, and Gordon was still a kid at the candy store begging for his favourite lolly.
“Not important right now, Thunderbird Four.” Commander Tracy’s tone was sharp.
“Just asking!” But below them the bright yellow submarine had obviously latched onto the comms beacon and was moving towards the tunnel leading to the Crystal Cave.
Scott followed as closely as practical and it wasn’t long before both Four and the Dragonfly were sitting on the beach staring at the lake.
Scott and Virgil climbed out of the pod, its lights streaking twin beams across the water and lighting up the crystal walls and glass lake. Gordon hovered at the edge.
“You okay, Thunderbird Four?” Virgil was frowning.
“Pretty fine and dandy, if I may say so myself. Gonna go hover myself out into the depths I think.” His tone while flippant, was distracted. “Scans are reading a hell of a lot of that quartz and I’d rather not test Four’s hull unless I absolutely have to.” There was a grunt. “As it is, that water isn’t just water. I’m going to be cleaning my girl for week after this. It’s mineral soup.”
“Is it a concern? Did you want to abort?” Scott was predictably concerned.
“No, no. She can handle it. I may just need to rope a bro or two into maintenance.” There was a snort that no doubt would be accompanying a grin.
Virg was tired and there were people needing rescue. “Move your ass, Gordon.”
That earned him another worried set of blue eyes. But Virgil was over it and just needed to get this job done.
“FAB, Thunderbird Two.” Four started moving forward, her jets rippling the glass of the water.
Gordon hovered a fair distance out into the middle of the lake before gradually shutting down the hoverjets, letting the sub dip below the surface.
A single breath and she was gone, only circles on circles of steadily spreading ripples remained.
It was damned eerie.
Scott looked like he wanted to climb into the water after their brother.
“Wow, guys, it is amazing down here.” Typical Gordon.
Virgil would have loved to rub his temples.
“Sending visuals to Five. Johnny, you receiving?”
“Affirmative, Thunderbird Four, though I am encountering some interference. Eos, can you clear that up?”
“Guys, I’m getting some temperature variances down here.”
Scott shifted where he stood, his space suit flexing over taught muscles. “Clarify, Thunderbird Four.”
“It’s getting hotter. Not by much, but a definite increase in temperature as I go deeper.” A thoughtful mutter. “This is deeper than it appears, Scott. Readings are fluctuating. What was a hundred metres is now closer to six hundred. Damn, there’s another temperature spike!”
“Thunderbird Four, interference is increasing.” John’s voice crackled as if for emphasis. “We can’t clear it.”
Scott flicked on his wrist display, the two lifesigns pulsing under the icon of Thunderbird Four. “Do you see anything, Gordon? Any sign of what we are facing?”
Gordon muttered something that was drenched in static. “Crystal…temp..ture…rising…” The signal ended in a hiss of static that hurt Virgil’s ears.
Scott’s voice was decision sharp. “Thunderbird Four, abort mission. Return to shore.”
“Sc-“ But the signal cut out completely.
The rock under Virgil’s feet trembled. What the-?
Ripples vibrated across the lake.
“Gordon, do you read?!”
“Thunderbird One!” John’s voice had an edge of alarm. “Registering seismic movement in your vicinity!”
“Guys! Get out of there! Now!”
Virgil grabbed Scott as a shadow grew out of the darkness and into the twin beams of light.
Oh, hell!
“Scott! Move!”
The lake had swelled into a wave, a crest rushing at the shore they were standing on.
Virgil grabbed his brother, turned and ran for the pod.
His fingertips brushed cahelium as the wave hit. Virgil was lifted off his feet, Scott was torn from his grip and he was tumbling.
A sharp pain.
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thatfanficstuff · 4 years
Time Travel - Avengers
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Pairing: Tony Stark x Loki with Daughter OFC
Warnings: nope
A/N: Okay so this isn’t what you normally see from me. At all. Last year I offered to write a fanfic for the winner of an auction benefiting the Australian wild fire relief efforts. Wren won and requested a fic. (and then was super patient when my health took a nosedive.) The pairing (family) and basic idea were theirs. I was super happy with how it turned out and they agreed I could share it here. So enjoy something a little different I guess. 
Frigga Stark had been in the past for nearly three months by this point and she was so ready to go home. It wasn’t that she was completely unhappy here. Her powers and abilities had assured her a ready place in the Avengers even if she had just appeared in the middle of a fight with no warning. But living as a stranger in the midst of her family was so much harder than she thought it would be.
Everyone had been friendly enough of course, but she missed bear hugs from her super soldier uncles. She missed late night movies and chats with Nat and Wanda. She missed Thor having her pick up Mjolnir every time he saw her and laughing that booming laugh of his when she did. And Clint had been teaching her to fly the quin jet.
Most of all she missed her dads. Tony and Loki were both here of course but they were just so different from the men she knew in the future. For one they still hated each other so there was no joking or teasing between them. For another, they were awesome dads and she missed the thousand little things they’d do every day to let her know they loved her. Things she’d never take for granted again.
Fortunately, she’d inherited some of her birth father Loki’s abilities and had been able to disguise herself since her arrival. Wouldn’t want to interfere with the future and all that. That had all come crashing down yesterday when she’d been knocked out in the middle of the battle. Her disguise faded to show her natural dark hair and striking green eyes. It also revealed she was about 10 years younger than she’d been leading them all to believe.
Due to her injuries, they’d allowed her to postpone the interrogation until today. Because that’s what it was going to be. Not a discussion or a talk. No, a straight up interrogation. She hated when they were mad at her. The only thing worse is when they were disappointed. Fortunately, that didn’t happen very often.
“Captain Rogers requests your presence in the conference room in fifteen minutes, miss,” Jarvis’s voice filled her room causing her to sigh. She’d ask for more time but knew it would be pointless. They’d already been more than accommodating. Hell, she was lucky she hadn’t spent the night in a cell somewhere.
“Thanks, JARVIS,” she said as she sat up and ran a hand through her hair. After hurrying through her morning routine, she threw on a pair of sweats and t-shirt. She padded through the halls, making it to the conference room right on time.
She took a deep breath before pulling open the door to step into the room. Fear shot through her as she took in the others. Every single person that meant anything to her was crowded into this room and they had no idea who she even was. That by now familiar pang of loneliness flooded her chest and she did her best to shake it off. They’d moved all the chairs around so they were all on one side of the table while she was left a single seat on the opposite side.
“Morning,” she said as she sat.
For a long time, no one said anything as they studied her. She couldn’t bring herself to meet their eyes, afraid of what she’d find there. Instead, she kept her gaze locked on her hands where they tangled together on the table.
Her head jerked up in surprise at hearing Wanda’s voice before anyone else’s. Frigga cleared her throat. “Why?”
“Why lie?” the other woman clarified. “Did you think we would turn you out because you were a child?”
“I’m not a child,” Frigga corrected automatically. It was an argument she’d had with her family many times. “I’m fifteen.”
“Oh, fifteen,” Bucky exclaimed. “Well, excuse the shit out of us, kid.”
“Really, Buck?” Steve said glancing over at his friend.
Frigga couldn’t stop the smile that came to her lips. This was familiar. Comfortable. She shook her head. She might as well get this over with. She took a breath to fortify her nerves. “None of this is as simple as it seems. And you probably won’t believe half of what I have to tell you, but I’ll tell you everything. I have too.”
“And why should we believe that you’re suddenly going to be honest about everything when you’ve failed to do so up until this point?” Tony asked.
She shook her head. “Because it doesn’t matter anymore. Not now that you’ve seen me. The real me I mean.”
Looks of confusion were exchanged amongst the others causing Frigga to chuckle. “Maybe I should just start with how I came to be here. Three months ago, there was a lab accident. My dads were attempting to combine magic and tech to create a time travel device. They were explaining every thing to me when I bumped into the table. It knocked something off and I automatically reached out with my magic to catch it. Next thing I knew I was here. Seventeen years in the past.”
She shrugged. “Why this particular time? I have no idea. I altered my appearance to keep from affecting the future.”
“Why would us knowing what you look like have any affect on the future?” Steve asked.
Tony narrowed his gaze and pursed his lips. “I think the better question is who her fathers are.”
The look on his face told her he already suspected the answer. After all, how many people here would invent a time machine? And how many used magic? “I was born via a surrogate using genetic material from a female egg donor and Loki of Asgard. When I was two, Dad got married and Pop adopted me. My real name is Frigga Maria Stark.”
There was a moment of silence before the room erupted into chaos. Her family argued with each other and shouted questions at her which she ignored. Not surprisingly, the men who would become her fathers were silent. They exchanged a measuring look with each other before looking back to Frigga. She smirked when she saw the hint of a blush on Tony’s cheeks.
After allowing chaos to reign for a moment longer, she took off the necklace she was never without. She sat it on the table and pushed the button on the side once. It opened to reveal a picture of her with her dads. She slid it over. Pietro was the one to take it from the table. “This proves nothing. This is easily faked.”
She said nothing, just watching as they passed her most prized possession amongst themselves. Loki and Tony lingered over it longer than anyone else. Finally, Tony was the one to give it back to her. “As much as I hate to say it, Speedy’s right. You’re going to have to do better than that.”
She smiled and placed her locket back on the table still open. She pressed the button on the side twice this time. A hologram of the same picture projected above it for a moment until it was replaced with one of Loki spinning her in the air when she was a toddler. A moment later his voice filled the silence. “My princess. I will love you until I take my last breath and beyond. There is never a moment that I am not intensely proud of you. You will conquer anything you put your mind to, and I cannot wait to witness it.”
That picture faded away to be replaced with one of Tony and her laughing with their arms draped over each other’s shoulders. Tears pricked her eyes but didn’t fall. “Hey sweetheart. I love you more than you could possibly imagine. Every day with you has been an adventure and I can’t wait to see what’s next.”
Again and again pictures faded to be replaced by another with a message to match until it had gone through everyone in her family. Frigga wiped her cheeks quickly as the last message played. Gods, she missed her family. The silence was thick and heavy as she snatched her locket from the table and put it back around her neck where it belonged.
She cleared her throat. “There was a mission last year. Everyone was going to be gone for at least a month. It was the first time I was going to be left alone without any of you. Pops made this and gave it to me the night before you left.”
“We left a fourteen-year-old alone for a month?” Sam sounded appalled.
Frigga chuckled. “No, you left me with Happy for six weeks. But every night before I went to sleep I’d play it. I still do actually. Even when you’re all home.” She took a deep breath and looked at each of them in turn. “I’m sorry I lied to all of you. About everything. Now, I just want to go home. I miss my family.”
Bucky huffed. “What are we? Chopped liver?” He grinned and Frigga looked at him in surprise for a moment before she giggled. Which made him laugh and soon everyone in the room was laughing.
Finally, Tony clapped his hands as he stood. “Well, let’s see about getting you home, kiddo.”
It took three more weeks before they were ready to send her home. Everyone gathered in the lab to say their goodbyes until finally it was just Loki, Tony and her. Loki tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and looked into green eyes so like his own. “Are you sure about this?” he asked her.
Frigga shook her head. “Not at all, but we’ve got to try.”
Loki pulled her into a hug with a sigh. “I know.” After a long moment, he released her. “Remember to focus. If what we suspect is true, you’ll be pulled back as soon as you slip into the time stream but focusing your magic can only help.”
She nodded. “I remember.” They were counting on her dads to have set up a beacon of some sort in the future. It was almost guaranteed that they had. After all it was what this Tony and Loki would have done.
Tony was next to wrap her in a bone-crushing hug. “I’ll miss you, kiddo.”
“No, you won’t.” Loki, Wanda and she had come up with a memory spell so they would all forget who she was and what she looked like once she was gone. When she returned to her own time, she could reverse it.
He laughed and gave her that cockeyed smirk. “All right. Let’s do this.”
Frigga nodded once and prepped her magic. Tony flipped on the machine and it glowed with Loki’s green magic. She added her own purple strands to the mix and the room flooded with bright white light. She closed her eyes against it as she felt like she was floating toward something. When her feet hit the ground, she pulled back her magic and opened her eyes.
She stood near the back of the lab. A device pulsing with blue light stood on one of the tables nearby and she smiled when she saw it. Beacon. The lab was quiet even though it was occupied by two of her favorite people. There had evidently been nothing about her arrival that caught their attention as their backs were turned toward her. Bruce quietly typed away on his laptop while Tony sat at his desk. Some invention or another was scattered on the table in front of him but he wasn’t working on it. He was bent forward with his head in his hands and even though she could only see the back of him, Frigga could tell he was utterly exhausted.
Tears flooded her eyes. “Daddy?” She hadn’t called him that in years. Her voice was quiet and if it hadn’t been for the sudden jerk of his shoulders, she would have been afraid he didn’t hear her. Both heads snapped in her direction. Tony stood with tears running down his cheeks but he didn’t move toward her, afraid she’d disappear if he did.
Only when she hurried to him, dodging tables as she went did he move to meet her. His arms wrapped around her in the tightest hug he’d ever given. “Oh my God, Frigga. We were beginning to think we’d never see you again.” He pressed kisses along the side of her head, but didn’t release the hold he had on her.  
“I missed you so much.” She was now openly weeping. She heard a sniff from behind her, but kept her arms wrapped around her dad. “You okay over there, Uncle Bruce?”
“Y-yeah. I’m just so happy you’re home,” he answered while obviously crying.
“Friday, get Loki down here right away, but don’t tell the others just yet,” Tony ordered as he finally released her to look her over.
“Of course, sir. Welcome home, Frigga. It’s good to have you back,” the AI responded.
“Thank you, Friday.”
Tony’s hands stayed on her arms, not wanting to completely let her go just yet. His gaze ran over her from top to bottom. “Are you okay?”
She nodded. “I’m sure Bruce will want to make sure there aren’t any lingering effects but yeah, I’m good.”
The door to the lab opened and Frigga glanced over, her heart racing. Her dad stepped in, frowning at the book in his hands. She recognized it as one of her grandmother’s spell books. He was obviously looking for more ways to get her home. “What do you need, love?” he asked without looking up.
Tony stepped to the side so his husband would have a clear view of their daughter but he didn’t say anything. Loki glanced up with a frown when he didn’t get the expected answer. His eyes went wide and the book fell from his hand as he saw Frigga.
She launched herself at him and he caught her, lifting her from the floor in a tight embrace. “Oh, my beautiful, beautiful girl. You came home to us.” He ran a hand through her hair as he held her. “I knew you’d find a way. I missed you so much.”
For the first time in months, the tears on her face were happy tears. For the last four months she’d wanted to be nowhere other than where she was right at this moment. Nothing could be better than this. Tony soon joined their hug, Loki shifting one of his arms so it surrounded his husband and brought him into the fold. Another moment later and they all rocked as Bruce joined in as well. Okay, she stood corrected. This was even better.
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ryuto12 · 2 years
Does Anything Really Die?: The Yang snapshot.
So basically I'm writing a rwby story loosely based around some folklore, some religion and some mythology. To sum it up, Ruby is a grim reaper, Blake is an angel and a Goddess, Weiss is a forever reincarnating paragon of good, and Yang is a demon and also a Kami. Jaune's a reincarnating warrior, Nora's the reincarnation of Thor, Pyrrha's the reincarnation of Achilles, and Ren's the reincarnation of the Kami Jurojin.
Anyway this is a piece out of that which centered around one of Yang's first moments in the story.
Yang Xiao Long, the Demon who decided that she would marry an angel, divorce her, and then move away to cry in hell for all of eternity.
Should they have stayed married, today would have been the thousand-year anniversary. They had married in the year 1014 and it had been the talk of the realms. From the Underworld to Heaven to Alfheim, everyone had talked about it.
Everyone knew in every realm from the Paragon of good Weiss Schnee to the very incarnation of death Ruby Rose, the King of Asgard Odin, the Demonic-Spirt mixed Yokai, and the world snake Jormungandr. She reckons even St. Peter heard the word.
Everyone knew.
But her insecurities had gotten in the way of the happiness they both felt.
Yang, immortalized as the Sun Kami Amaterasu, couldn't die. Death would be paradise to whatever this was.
Blake, --who would only be immortalized as the Goddess Faunus in Roman, or the Goddess Pan in Greek mythology-- two centuries later, was at the time a mortal being.
An angel, so she may live a couple hundred years, but she was no immortal God. And Yang's abandonment issues were no easy thing to overcome.
Frankly, a thousand years later she regrets the outburst she had. The words that would break her and her utmost love apart. The actions that would follow that would seal the deal.
She's aware after everything that Blake delved deep into work, almost falling into a pit of despair. As evidence, her actions had helped humanity so much they now praised her as a Goddess, which would effectively have her immortalized.
Yang vividly remembers begging for forgiveness she was not granted. She's pretty sure she's the reason patience became a virtue.
And poor Jurojin had cracked a harmless joke about it, oh poor Jurojin, listening to the words of his drunken best friend Thor. And oh poor Jurojin, forgetting that as one of the Supreme Rulers, Yang was one of the few people capable of killing Gods.
She hears Jurojin and Thor reincarnate every couple of decades these days.
Yeah, Odin hadn't been happy about that. But what was he gonna do? Smite Japan as Agard burnt to a crisp? No. She heard a lot more prayers than he did on the daily, her will was a bit stronger. He was still pretty pissed though.
"You've fucked Ragnarok!"
"Is the pretty?"
"You idiot!"
That's what she remembers from that encounter.
Yang sighed, it was much easier to cling to her Demonic origins as a Yokai. Father a Spirit and mother a Fallen Angel turned Demon, --later after the Kami's Izanagi and Izami- Yang had been the first Yokai. But haunting people was boring and she had this bad habit of helping them instead, so they started praying to her.
Thus she had become the Goddess Amaterasu, ruler of the sun and the heavens for all who believed in Shinto. Leader of the heavens was already enough to make you a Supreme Ruler, and now here she was.
Sitting in Hell like a coward because sex, drugs, alcohol, and every other sin that is known to man, was much easier to do than rule a realm.
So here sat upon her throne, one made by the greatest Demonic architects solely for her. Slouched and in the middle of a decent blowjob, when a servant entered her throneroom.
"What?!" For God's sake she was getting her dick sucked, this was no time for conversation.
"Someone is here to speak to, Miss Xiao Long."
"Oh again? Let me guess, Emperor fucking Tenmu."
"Not exactly..."
"Then who in the actual hell is so important?!"
"Um... Your sibling, ma'am."
Yang groaned, fire burning bright behind her as she sat up straight. "Let 'em in. Go away Neo, now I'm bored and there is no way I'm gonna have sex for the next decade now."
The servant quickly scurried out, having faced Yang's wrath ten to many times.
Yang's also fairly sure she's the reason wrath became a sin.
The girl huffed, standing and giving Yang the side-eye.
"Yes I know you're salty, I'll give you some tongue later, now leave me alone. My family never visits Hell unless it's important."
Neo scoffed, but with a roll of her eyes shattered into shards on the floor that quickly disappeared.
With that reaction, Yang wishes she asked which sibling. For Tsukiyomi or Kagatsuchi she could surely have made them wait.
But oh no fuck her, the higher powers of the world were screwing her day up badly.
Just as she had managed to pull her pants up, the very essence of death itself was in her throne room.
"This better be fucking important."
Ruby grumbled a string of old-timey Korean curses. "It is. Now unless you would prefer I send you right down to the very heavens you rule, I suggest you shut up because I just found your wife on the brink of death. And you, Yang Xiao Long, are the prime suspect in the crime."
Yang snorted. "What is this court?"
"Yes, and I'm the judge, jury and executioner if you don't explain where you were yesterday at midnight."
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As Above, So Below
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Chapter 4 - New
New life, new start! Asgard is no longer an option so what comes next....
Word Count: 1,709
Notes: There is a time jump in the middle of this chapter but you'll see where it is so don't get confused 😉
Read Chapter 1, 2, 3
It was six months after arriving on Earth and you were holed up in New York City. Picking things up here was easier than you’d thought, your consistent watch over this realm had served you well and it seemed you’d come at a good time – 1980’s New York was something to behold. This realm felt calm to you, but new enough that you were excited for each day. This world felt like freedom and for once in what felt like a generation you were comfortable.
That comfort, however, didn’t last long and led to the all too familiar feeling of searching for something more. You felt the odd urge to pick up something familiar. You figured a Midgardian army would be a smoother, calmer change of pace than the battles you were used to and a good use of your time here. This urge towards something familiar made you question your decision, if walking away from your duties was not what felt wrong on Asgard then what did?
So on this warm New York evening you found yourself in an army recruitment office, safe to say that boredom and curiosity had gotten the best of you. The room was musty and the air smelt old and damp, the chair you were sitting on was not the most comfortable thing you’d ever had the pleasure of using, far from the comfort of plush Asgardian couches, but something about it felt right.
You nervously tapped your hands in your lap, you were keeping things tightly under wraps – no powers, not even while home alone just in case. You had to try and not oversell yourself right now, you had a thousand years on any other prospective appointee but you couldn’t make yourself sound crazy.
Give or take 30 minutes later and you’d done just that. You watched as the recruiter made notes with the facial expression of someone walking into a blizzard.
“T-Thank you” you stammered awkwardly, shaking his hand before plucking your coat from the back of your chair.
“Thank you, Vic” he said, the name you’d given yourself still sounding foreign to your ears.
You stood rubbing your temples as you waited for the elevator. You were supposed to be making this work – what the hell were you doing going in all guns blazing? You’d never had to prove yourself like this before. You suddenly realised that pretty much everything you had achieved had been handed to you by birth or marriage right and you felt sick. Your positive new start was feeling very old hat right now and it made a whirlwind of confusion cloud your mind.
“Excuse me?” you were snapped out of your inner berating of yourself as a man slid into the space next to you. He was medium height and build, with dark brown hair and thin lips. Not too discernible from every other man in a slightly oversized grey suit in this place.
“Sorry was I in your way?” you asked, a little more sarcastically that you had intended.
“I have a suggestion for you,” he said in hushed tones, as he pulled a small white business card out of his inside pocket. “I overheard your conversation with Jones over there, he’s not giving you the job.”
“Yeah I figured as much, and you are?”
“Phil. Nice to meet you” he held out the business card and you took it gingerly. He smiled “Just call the number on the front and I think we’ll have a spot for someone of your… expertise.”
Before you could speak he turned to leave and quickly rounded the corner. You blinked at the space where he had been standing and conveniently there was a soft ping as the elevator doors opened. You stepped inside and pressed the call button for the ground floor. As you leaned exhausted against the back wall you examined the card in your hand, flipped it over to read the insignia on the back.
S.H.I.E.L.D – Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division
“Government? Good start I suppose,” you muttered to yourself as the elevator slowly descended. They didn’t seem like the kind of division you could look up at the library with a ridiculously long name like that. Someone really wanted that acronym!
When you got home you picked up your landline receiver and dialled the number. You immediately put it back down. You sighed, rubbing your temples. This all felt a little too coincidental. Some guy coming up to after you just terrified an army recruiter half to death. If you were going to do this no one could know about any of it!
You thought you’d come up with a pretty airtight story, working on it over long nights in your sweaty, mildewed apartment in Brooklyn. Vic, the girl from “Nowhere Important” had moved to New York for a fresh start. That was all anyone needed to know.
An hour later you sat cross legged on your decrepit and oddly stained couch shovelling ramen into your mouth as you sat on hold having convinced yourself you might as well. Having been on hold for what seemed like hours, your mind wandered to how different the food was here and coffee was certainly a revelation you’d take back with you to Asgard if your life depended on it. A voice picked up on the other end, snapping you out of your food daydream. You could have hung up again but you chose to stay on the line. This one action, little did you know, opened up a world of possibilities.
“Nice to see you again” he smiled, extending his hand to shake yours. “Agent Coulson.”
“I’ll stick with Phil if that’s alright by you.”
“Actually no it’s not… rookie” he smiled a little wider, something told you that was as unprofessional as he got. He handed you a stack of brown paper files and a bag that contained a dark blue uniform.
“You’ll be shadowing other agents in the field whilst you find your feet. Any questions feel free to ask me.”
4 Years Later…
Find your feet you did. SHIELD was home, you were useful here. You weren’t a placeholder to serve as part of something bigger; you were just part of the machine. A trustworthy agent with a track record to beat. You’d spent the last few years building that, from that first conversation with Agent Coulson to now, and you had found the purpose you were looking for.
Yes, it was along the same vein as your work on Asgard...but here? Here things didn’t feel handed to you on a silver platter. Now all that confusion started to make sense.
SHIELD was a fairly woman-less operation so of course every rumour under the sun was about you sleeping your way up. You’d become the particular favourite partner of one of the more renowned agents, Nick Fury.
He was a good agent, skilled and efficient. But it’s safe to say his no holds barred attitude was what made him well known, and for some reason as he was promoted through the ranks he’d taken you along for the ride. You also considered him a friend, a connection only formed with those you’ve faced more than your fair share of scrapes with. After a particularly narrow escape on a mission in Paris, Fury had let you crash on his couch with a bullet hole in your shoulder.
“Just one night and don’t you dare mention it again,” he’d muttered under his breath tossing you a blanket. “Thanks Nick,” you laughed back. That was back in ’89, a year after you’d joined SHIELD, and you had established yourselves as quite the pair to reckon with.
Despite the rumours you knew not a single one of them would say it to your face and that kept you satisfied. You hadn’t been given a spot here, you’d worked for it. You weren’t here because you were destined to be somebody's wife. You earned it by being damn good at what you do. You had skills far beyond what you'd been able to build up as a General. People skills were apparently your thing, at least in the field.
Back home in your very empty personal life this was a different story so over the last couple of years a workaholic you became and you did it absolute glee.
Now it was 4 years gone, 1991, and tomorrow was December 17th - your birthday. You’d shared your birthday with your husband and it seemed nonsensical to change it in your new life as Vic.
You’d tell everyone at work it was your 27th however, by your count, it was actually now your 1,032nd birthday.
You felt every damn second of it as you hauled yourself off your obnoxiously creaky mattress. Over the years you’d developed quite the little human routine so despite the fact the showers were not as good as on Asgard, the food here was a little better and the clothes more comfy. You slipped on your uniform as your coffee machine buzzed happily in the background. Before you left the house you slipped a chain around your neck and tucked in into your uniform. Around it hung your wedding ring, safe and sound.
You arrived at the office on West 47th bright and early. As you swiped your ID card you were met with a wall of noise. Almost instantly you were put on edge by the level of activity happening.
Within seconds you were dramatically pulled aside by Agent Fury as the SHIELD office descended into an unusual flurry of panic around you. “Any plans for the next few days?”
“Are you asking me on a date, sir?” you grinned, lilting your voice on ‘sir’ to mock him. He rolled his eyes impatiently and tapped his pen on his wall beside him in agitation. “Sorry.” you lowered your head in mock apology.
“We have some rumblings that something’s going on with that agency out of Germany, HYDRA.”
“Anything in particular?” you asked leaning closer.
He shook his head with a sigh. “We’re trying to contact the Stark’s now, not having any luck.”
“The Stark’s? What the hell is going on?” you asked Fury, listening behind you could hear thundered footsteps and shouting voices. You were rapidly starting to grow concerned.
“Something’s happened…” he said in hushed tones, he steered you away from the crowd and lowered his voice “…we have a job for you.”
“Us you mean?”
“No Vic, just you”
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marvelsmylife · 4 years
Pairing: Steve Rogers x reader Plot: Steve develops a crush on Thor’s little sister.
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Steve tried, he really did but he couldn’t stop himself from falling for his friends' sister. Sure you weren’t technically Thor’s sister (like Loki, you were adopted) but Thor viewed you as his sister and protected you from people he deemed dangerous. Thor also scared off guys he didn’t think were worthy of your love and while you hated that at first, you ended up thanking him because those guys ended up being assholes. When Thor brought you to the Avengers compound after Asgard was destroyed he made every male in the team promise to not pursue a relationship with you. Steve wanted to respect Thor’s wish but a month into your stay Steve found himself falling in love with you. You knew about Steve’s crush on you and decided to call him out on it when you two were the only ones in the compound. “So Rogers, when are you take me out on a date?” you asked and caused Steve to spit out his water. “What? I know you have feelings for me, I have feelings for you. If we both like each other then we should date.” “W-w-what? What are you talking about?” Steve stuttered but noticed you didn’t believe him “ok I like you romantically but I can’t do anything because of Thor-” “Is going to kill you. Yeah yeah, I heard that over a thousand times” you rolled your eyes “he’s all talk no action. If anything he just summons lighting and hits the thing closest to you.” Steve pressed his lips together before he responded: “Even If that’s all he does to me, you’re still in you’re in your late twenties and I’m almost a hundred.” You couldn’t help but laugh at Steve’s excuse “Oh I’m not in my late twenties, I’m a thousand and seventy-four years old” you explained and caused Steve’s jaw to drop. “You look good for your age” Steve laughed but stopped when he heard another laugh. Turning around steve spotted Thor “of course she does, all Asgardians look good well into their three thousand years.” “Thor! Please tell me you just-” Steve began to panic and stepped away from you. “Save it” Thor approach Steve “come with me”. Before he had a chance to respond, Thor dragged Steve out of the room and into his. Once inside Thor turned “Listen, Thor, I know you said not to pursue your sister but she just- she’s perfect and I couldn’t help but fall in love with her.” “Do not worry Steve, I’m not going to hurt you for having feelings for my baby sister,” Thor replied and caused Steve to sigh with relief. “If anything I want to give you my blessing. I know you are a good man and you will never hurt her. You won’t hurt her if I give you my blessing, right?” “Right !” Steve answered immediately and caused Thor to laugh. “Great! Now what I’m about to do isn’t personal” Thor grabbed his ax and summoned lightning before he pointed it a few inches away from Steve. Steve jumped out of the way and looked at Thor as if he was crazy “Thor what the hell ! ! ! !” “Sorry Steve, I had to do that so y/n would think I was being tough on you like her previous boyfriends” Thor laughed as he apologized to the super soldier before he opened the door and they both exited the room. Steve was going to reply to Thor when you marched up to Thor and punched him in the face “was the lightning fucking necessary ! ! ! !” You shouted before you went to Steve and examined him “are you ok Steve? Did my idiot brother hurt you?” “No he didn’t” Steve laughed and looked over at Thor who was rubbing the location where you punched him “but he did give me his blessing to take you out on a date”. You were about to kiss Steve when Thor got in between the two of you “While you have my blessing, you still have to get someone else’s blessing as well and it’s not going to be easy.” “What do you mean?” Steve asked. “He means, you still have to get my blessing to date y/n as well” Steve looked towards the door and spotted Loki staring him down. “And unlike my brother, I won’t go easy on you.” Thor noticed Steve growing nervous at Loki’s words and patted his shoulder “you have every reason to be nervous steve. Y/n is the apple of Loki’s eye and he’s banished and tortured some of her ex-boyfriends when they made her cry.” “Oh no,” Steve whispered before he disappeared into another room where Loki proceeded to threat Steve until he promises to never hurt you and if he did he gave Loki permission to torture him for hurting you.
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lokidrabbles · 4 years
Tolerance (Loki x Reader)
After Loki is injured in battle, him and reader share their first kiss together
A/N: Another short one shot focused on more relationship building through dialogue between Loki and reader. I’ve had this one in my mind for a while, I hope you all enjoy. As always, gender neutral reader!
Warnings: None, fluff and general cheesy flirting
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It was hard to believe that Loki, or Thor for that matter, would ever become seriously injured during the small scuffles between the Avengers and anyone wanting to cause trouble in the city. The Asgardians were tough, that went without saying, and although a new wave of criminals and super humans were making themselves present in the world, it was nothing out of the ordinary for the brothers.
The news of Loki being sent to the infirmary after having a semi-truck thrown at him both surprised and worried you at the same time. Actually, you knew exactly how it had all gone down based on the reports you had gotten back from the accompanying agents that same day. In the intensity of the battle, one of the suspects with considerable inhuman strength had flung a full sized semi-truck at Loki, knocking him out for a good while. Of course, Loki recovered slowly with a couple of scratches on his face, but Thor was more than insistent about his brother being properly attended by the ‘healers’ at the facility.
You empathized with Thor. He had taken his role as the overprotective older brother rather well after the loss of Asgard a year ago, and you knew he’d just about do anything to make sure Loki remained in one piece. You could picture Loki’s gigantic pout when he would indeed be admitted to the facility’s care unit to make sure no serious injuries had been present. Even for an Asgardian, you figured there would be caution to take when blacking out in the middle of a fight. Unsurprisingly, nothing serious appeared other than Loki being extremely furious and uncomfortable getting poked and prodded by all the nursing staff. You knew it would be in his favor to remain compliant with all the procedures so Thor would settle down over his well being. Their relationship was admirable, but mostly hilarious.
You made sure to take a visit to Loki in his room after work to humor him (he’d appreciate that), but mostly to also make sure he was telling the truth about being without injury. You supposed you also took a protective approach to him, knowing he’d be out there within the front lines of danger. And yes, you were fully aware that Loki was just as tough as Thor and would probably need more than an 18-wheeler to fully take him out, but the nagging thought of ‘what if’ continued to pester you throughout the day.
When you arrived, Thor was still very present by his brother’s side. You slapped your mouth to hold back a snort once you took a look at Loki. He appeared very out of place laying in that hospital bed and you could tell by the twitch in his brow that he was aching to get the hell out of there. Thor had apparently gone on a tangent on how he was victorious in the battle, praising his quick thinking and strength to get everyone out of a sticky situation (Loki included.) From your time getting to know the dark haired Asgardian, you knew one of the most irritating things to him was Thor boasting about himself when it was clearly not asked for. The pout you had imagined earlier was worn all over his face.
“Hey there Asgard entourage, I’m glad to see the both of you are doing well.” You said out loud, hoping to save Loki from his brother’s rambling.
“Was there ever any doubt?” Thor asked cheekily, causing Loki’s eyes to roll to the back of his head.
“I mean, it’s hard to imagine for anyone around these parts to survive a blow like that.” You mentioned while raising your brow at Loki.
“Norns, is that really the news of the day? Mortals tend to obsess over the most mundane of things, it’s rather annoying.” Loki commented while rubbing his temples.
“Oh, you know the Midgardians brother, they collectively work together to ensure everyone in the team in safe and sound. And that includes you too, my honorary Avenger.” Thor replied while giving a quick jab at his shoulder.
You had to give it to Thor despite Loki’s interjections. While he was still in one whole piece, you could tell he was very worn out by the altercation. His hair was a matted mess (though you would never tell him), his cheek had a notable scratch you imagined would completely scar and heal in a couple of days, his eyes were darker and heavier than usual and part of his forearm had been bandaged up tightly. It was a first for you, seeing Loki semi-damaged after battle. You knew worse had been done to him, but the nagging thought continued to bring you closer to his bedside.
“Ooh, Avenger. I like the sound of that.” You said teasingly, following along with Thor’s own.
“You know, I believe this visit has met its limit already. Why don’t the both of you maybe, get lost somewhere far, far away from here?” Loki asked through gritted teeth.
Both you and Thor made a very dangerous and irritating team against Loki, and your sniggering only caused the God of Thunder to roar out a boisterous laugh. Loki was in hell. 
“Very well brother, I’ll take your word.” Thor said while wiping away the tears forming in his eyes. “You are certain you are completely well, correct?“
“Please leave already.”
“Not until-” Thor said and then cut off as he raised his fish and landed a rather loud punch on the side of Loki’s shoulder. You saw Loki’s body flop to the side and back, biting his lips in the obvious tremendous amount of pain he was in. As tough as he was, you’d imagine taking a punch from Thor would still hurt like hell. Brotherly love after all.
“Make sure he rests well, don’t let him out of your sight.” Thor commanded to you while walking out of the infirmary, leaving both you and Loki.
“Sorry about that, I couldn’t help it.” You said, clearing the humor out of your throat. “You want me to leave too?
“You’re fine, as long as you don’t throw at fist at my shoulder either.”
You winked at him and made yourself comfortable in a chair beside his bed. “You’re rather cute when you’re being the little brother.”
“I think I’d rather not be called ‘little brother’, especially coming from you.” He said while propping himself upwards. You immediately caught onto his shallow breath. Was he in pain?
“Thor’s got a point though. You do look like hell. I mean, I know it’s not anything life threatening, but even I can tell that fight took a lot out of you.”
He scoffed, and then bit his lower lip. “Rather shameful I can’t tolerate stuff as well as I could in my youth. I’m alive, but my back has been tormenting me.” 
“Youth huh? What, like a thousand years ago?” It wasn’t a stupid question, but it caused him to chuckle.
“You say like that’s an eternity ago.” He replied, turning his neck carefully to look at you. “You’ve made me feel quite old now mortal.”
“Oh please. You’re still in your prime and I’m sure you know that. Just admit it’s not about you getting old and about getting knocked the eff over in battle. It happens to everyone. Err, every super being.”
“That’s a very odd way to want to cheer me up, but it is appreciated regardless.” He commented briefly.
“If it gives you any respite, I am glad to see that you’re doing well, albeit from a couple of scratches.” You said genuinely. “And no I won’t go off on a tangent like Thor. “
He remained silent for a bit and his piercing gaze remained on you. “You shouldn’t need to worry about me, especially with the weak foes we encounter on this planet. I’ve lived for thousands of years. I’ve had worse.”
A crooked smile formed on your face. “Well, thanks. But it’s just hard to shake away that worry. Take it from your brother, this is something you’re just gonna have to deal with every time something like this happens. The unfortunate thing is you’re gonna have to deal with me pestering you too.”
“Thor can be intolerable, but I wouldn’t mind it at all from you.”
You didn’t know if it was the mood of the room or your gut instinct, but it was certainly something you had longed to do for some time. You felt your body stand and lean over to his face . His eyes followed along with your movements with no intention of stopping you. You got closer to him, allowing you to briskly kiss the side of his cheek. His skin felt soft on your lips only for a brief moment and you pulled back before making things even awkward. Both your eyes and his instantly connected, unable to break away from the line of sight.
You were unsure of what he’d make of it and you’d know to be wary about Loki rejecting your advances or simply revealing to you he is not interested in you in an intimate way. But the thought of him being injured, or possibly losing him in battle encouraged your to be a bit more bolder with your intentions. You knew it wouldn’t be nothing unexpected or uncalled for and you only hoped he wouldn’t completely be put off with your actions.
“That’s rather bold of you mortal.” He said with a cunning smirk. “Yet, you seemed to have missed my lips, if that’s what you were aiming for.”
You beamed at his response, but played well at remaining cool about it. “Hmm, what’s in it for me? How good are Asgardians at kissing?”
“Only the best in the nine realms. Too coy to find out for yourself?” He asked.
You had a hunch he’d be very flirty once he’d be more comfortable around you and it almost seemed to easy to just give into the gratification of kissing him.
“Wait, are you serious?” You asked, wondering if he was messing with you or simply giving into the moment as well.
“Were you not?”
“No, I mean, I am serious. I just didn’t think you’d feel the same. We’re always just dicking around with each other, it’s hard to tell.”
“I don’t throw my lips just at anyone you know. Consider yourself lucky human. Now, come on over.”
He reached over the back of the head, just to pull you closer to him, finally allowing you to have much desired taste of him. It was aggressive at first, but you then felt him soften, as if also wanting to savor the flavor of your own lips. You pulled back again, catching your breath. You saw how his lips remained parted, practically begging for more from you, but you held yourself back from possibly jumping on the bed along with him.
“Okay, that was pretty good.” You managed to say.
“Now that is something I’m still very talented at.” His arrogance at no bounds at times, but you secretly enjoyed that part of him.
“So I don’t need to tell you about how I feel about you, right? Because that would be excruciatingly painful to do at the moment.” You admitted to him, doing your best at hiding the redness in your face.
“Hmm. I won’t force you to do anything you don’t want...yet, perhaps it would make me feel better since I am quite sore from that battle. A morale boost, won’t you agree?“
“This was a mistake.”
He grinned widely and you knew he would milk every single thing out of this as much as he could. “No need to be modest. You can tell me what’s the best thing about me. Perhaps my looks, or my sorcery? Perhaps my intelligence as well? Of course, there’s just so many things to consider.”
“Uh, sure.” You said reluctantly.
“You’re no fun.”
You giggled, pecking him really quickly on his cheek again. “What I can say is that you’d look really, really good getting some rest for the rest of the day. It’s tempting to see you laid out here, but I think I’d prefer to see you strolling around with that eccentric cape of yours in tip too shape.”
“I suppose that would be wise thing to do. Honestly, I just need a few hours. I should be more than fine tomorrow. I promise.”
“Good to hear. Come visit me at my office tomorrow then, yeah?” You asked, making your way out of the infirmary.
“Of course...and thank you.”
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qwanderer · 3 years
Loki in the Hall of Mirrors
This story is complicated. Not, like, as a plot, not particularly, but philosophically and thematically. It's got that great play of hero against villain that I love about the Loki story in general and that makes it all so divisive and messy. And I love it even more than I did on first watch.
The first time I watched the desert landing scene, I was like, "Wait? What happened to Allspeak?" because the people who live there don't seem to understand him. But on the second watch, I realized it could be a lack of context, rather than a break in translation. These people probably have an even chance of knowing nothing about Norse myth. Like, what if an alien came up to you and said "I am Boogle of Bofgar, I carry a burden"? You would still have questions like "What the hell is a boogle and why are you carrying your shit here?" So the basic dynamic of Allspeak is probably still functioning, and Loki probably understood their questions, but he was still trying to figure out how to answer when he got distracted by the TVA people.
It could even be an innate psychic ability rather than a magical one, as he seems to understand everyone in the TVA, including the man who can't be fluent in all languages like the field agents because he has never heard of a fish and the seemingly nonverbal robot. (Which of course makes me want Loki talking with Dum-E and the other shop bots! But I digress.)
Okay. I want to start talking about the next-level manipulation shit the TVA are pulling on Loki here. Time, as they say, moves differently in the TVA, and one might even assume that they can avoid having to deal with more variants at once than they can handle. And yet we see them dealing with exactly two other troublemakers during Loki's onboarding.
The first, I'm going to call little echo man.
Little echo man is incredibly annoying to Loki, because he does and says everything Loki might find himself inclined to do and say if he wanted to be difficult. Little echo man does these things in little annoying undignified ways, making them look silly and petulant. Little echo man protests and questions and pushes back, in his business suit and his long dark hair and pale skin, and clearly thinks everyone should treat him as important even though every indication is that he is an annoyance and an afterthought.
Perhaps he's a plant, and perhaps he's just a variant of an annoying but predictable regular they see who they lined up at the same time on purpose. But he is on purpose. Everything he does screams directly at Loki, "Don't do this."
We'll get to the second convenient intersection later.
The most obvious layer of manipulation is simply the beraucracy. They put him up against a series of obstacles which he needs to deal with to get anywhere else, and nothing he does can get him past those obstacles except compliance. All of these obstacles have personality, but they are not personable. They treat Loki like a bag of trash they have been tasked with taking to the curb. Annoying, distasteful, but ultimately routine. His silver tongue isn't going to get him anywhere because these people simply don't care.
I think a lot of these he just goes along with to see where it gets him, since at this point he still believes he has his magic in reserve. But the fact that he steps through the robot fryer even though he thinks he might be a robot without knowing (as others have pointed out, he spent thousands of years as a frost giant without knowing it, and he's recently spent time in the control of the being who shaped Nebula) is a testament to how deep they've already got their hooks in him.
They treat the robot fryer like it's routine, but come the next obstacle, they kill little echo man like it's routine, too. Because he didn't comply.
Loki is slowly being ironed flat to thread into their compliance mill.
And then - I love this, because it reminds me of one of my favorites among the multiplicity of Lokis, GoS!Loki - they put this line in as punctuation between the impersonal, compliance, don't phase of their manipulation and everything that comes after it.
When he's set before the judge, someone actually paying some attention to him, this is his chance to use his silver tongue on someone who will listen. But, although the judge listens, she treats him the same as all the other obstacles have - like listening is a distasteful chore she would like to be done with.
So it seems like the perfect moment for a dramatic escape. Except his magic is gone.
"It's not your story," the judge says. "It never was."
That hammers in all the worst things Loki has ever believed about himself - that he stands in the shadows of others, that he will never have the central place he was raised to desire, that he is, and always will be, a villain to be vanquished rather than a person with choices and agency.
Enter Mobius.
Mobius is a big echo.
He draws all the attention in a room. He is everything that Loki wishes to be - he is powerful, informed, prepared, in control. Capable of charming the judge. And most importantly, he is actively interested in Loki.
At this point in Loki's journey - both in the show and in his life - that has to be irresistible.
So Mobius is in a perfect position to wrap Loki right around his pinky finger.
He listens to Loki without shutting him down, the way all the obstacles have. When Loki tells Mobius he's going to burn down the TVA, Mobius suggests a couple of places he might want to start. One concrete, small, mischievous. One an indication that he's open to Loki doing larger, more significant things here in the future.
He shows Loki his own past and future - but carefully edited, to paint a particular picture.
So many echoes, so many reflections - Loki is in a house of mirrors. Lost, disoriented. Distorted one way, then the other. Magnified and examined.
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Loki snarks, and Mobius comments, "Makes you sound smart." Affirms Loki for that little mischievous bit of personality.
Mobius shows Loki some of the most terrible things he's done, and questions them. Pushes Loki away from them. Then changes direction before he can get too heavy-handed, to basically fangirl over the DB Cooper adventure. That's mischief. That's good. I like that.
Punishes him for a small infraction, just to remind him who is in control and that even looking threatening could be seen as a problem.
I think it was at about this point that I got hard reminded of the dynamics of the show White Collar. It's a buddy cop show on a basic level and sometimes the relationship can be very sweet, but sometimes Peter spends one too many times reminding Neal that he can send him back to prison any time he wants and the power dynamic shows its messed up edges.
Mobius is part of the machine, and the machine is doing terrible things to Loki, but I have at least a sliver of hope that the relationship could gain more balance - more genuine balance, not based on the faux freedom that Loki has gained by the end of the episode. There's something to be said for making changes to a system from within that system, but for that to be meaningful change, Mobius would have to change as a person.
Anyway, this current nastily powerful Mobius pushes Loki as hard as he can, and then is conveniently interrupted by the actions of another variant, leaving Loki alone with his remote.
It could easily have been on purpose. The only thing Loki learns by escaping that room is that the TVA is more powerful than any force in the universe, in his experience.
Let's talk about the other Loki variant for a minute. It took me until the second viewing to realize the symbolism of leaving a small child the only survivor in a place of worship, then giving her something to turn her blue.
Odin said he found Loki in a temple, in the aftermath of a battle.
It's actually frighteningly easy to imagine how a distraught Loki could get to a place where he feels the need to genuinely burn down the TVA, and kill every agent in it. Because the TVA put certain clips in his little future show, focusing on the death of his mother, the way his own actions affected it, and the futility and brutality of his own death at the hands of Thanos.
They don't show him the destruction of Asgard, his own role in helping save the evacuees, and the way Thanos decimated the population of that transport before it could even reach Earth. They don't show him the devastation of his home or his capacity to do good.
A Loki who knows that the power of the TVA exists and that he has the capacity to be Asgard's heroic savior would do anything to get that power and save his people.
But we haven't met that Loki yet. I'm sure we will, and it's going to be exhilarating.
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This Loki is being taught the importance of control over little things, and so when he gets his collar off and onto that guard, he toys with her, just to see that he can. They have been toying with him and it's oh so satisfying to turn the tables. But it's still compliance in its own way, the petty little mischief that Mobius has been steering him towards.
Loki has been given just enough freedom, just enough choices, that it seems like his own choice to watch the rest of the slide show and come to the obvious conclusion - there's no "out" to go to. His life has gone on without him, and ended. And there's really no point in his trying to fix it. No putting things back the way they were.
So he admits to Mobius - the person who has listened hardest, probably, besides his mother - he admits that he is small and scared and lashing out. That he doesn't know what to do.
Of course, this is when Mobius introduces the task the TVA has for Loki - to take down his other self.
Oh, I can't wait for the next episode! I want to know where this is going.
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(I've popped in some panels from Loki: Agent of Asgard because it's my favorite and the show is giving me feelings about it.)
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musclesandhammering · 3 years
I realise that I’m speaking to a very small, hyper-specific group of mutuals here, but I can’t stop thinking about this.
Amara/Chuck Parallels with Loki/Thor
The dark, misunderstood sibling that’s always been cast as the villain by essentially everyone, when- despite their cold, ruthless exterior- all they ever really wanted to do was exist as an equal to the other, and as the conflict escalated, they ended up alone, afraid, suffering, and locked away, all while the golden child prospers. And then there’s the golden child- everyone’s favourite- who (outwardly) seems to be the most benevolent and righteous of the two, but internally has a massive sense of entitlement, moral superiority, and a major violent streak. The golden child still loves their dark sibling, but not enough to acknowledge how they were wronged or allow them a sense of equality at the risk of lessening the golden child’s own standing.
Here’s some great Amara quotes (surprisingly profound considering they came from S*pernatural) that resonate with Loki, just- so much.
1.) “That’s your story, not mine.
Most of these quotes work best if you look at them from the perspective Loki would’ve had in the first Avengers film. This one, however, can be applied to just about anytime in their thousand-year relationship. Thor, if asked, would most definitely describe life in Asgard as wonderful and his relationship with Loki as perfectly good. Although Loki himself could be a bit unusual and troublesome at times, Thor would say things were mostly peachy. Whereas, if you asked Loki, he would have a completely different opinion. He’s been ostracised and villainised and tormented and made to feel inferior pretty much his whole life, and his brother is a huge part of that. He’s constantly compared to Thor and found lacking, and the fact that- even when Loki finally snapped and went off the deep end- Thor still doesn’t seem to understand that… well that certainly just throws gasoline on Loki’s Anger Fire.
2.) “The real reason… why I couldn’t be allowed to exist? You couldn’t stand it. We were equals.”
This is mostly looking back on the earlier parts of Thor 1. Thor seemed to genuinely love Loki, but almost in a way someone would love an extension of themselves (a weapon or a car or a pet or something). He likes Loki’s company, but only if Loki goes along with what Thor wants to do. He wants Loki’s advice, but only when he asks for it. He values Loki’s magic, but only to the extent of its usefulness. He loves Loki, but he loves the way Loki assists and elevates him even more. Odin isn’t as obvious with it, but there are hints that he is more interested in how Loki can improve Thor than how Loki can improve himself. He was never going to make Loki king of Asgard, but he had every intention of Loki being there for Thor once he was crowned. The people of Asgard- at least the royal family- never cared to validate or support Loki’s individual identity (especially considering it deviated so far from the asgardian norm), because he wasn’t meant to be an individual. He was meant to be an extension of his brother. And, in the end, he violently refused to do that, and that’s part of the reason he was so strongly condemned for actions that Thor and Odin were guilty of themselves.
3.) “I’d die a million times and murder you a million more before going back there!”
I know this is super controversial, but I don’t think Loki was 100% mind controlled like Selvig and Barton. I also don’t think he was 100% a terrible evil villain who planned everything extensively and gladly did Thanos’s bidding. I think, during the movie, his mind was just all over the place (“a bag full of cats” indeed). At times, he probably just wanted it to be over so he could get away from Thanos and go home. At times, he probably felt good about being The Big Badass and have people be intimidated by him after so long being intimidated by others. At times, he’s probably genuinely appalled by all the carnage he’s causing. At times, with the sceptre fueling his rage, he was probably genuinely pissed at Thor and the rest of his family and wanted to cause trouble and make him suffer. I think, in part of his mind, he’s just so done with the position of inferiority he’s occupied his entire life that he’s almost willing to go back and be tortured by Thanos again, or go to prison, or suffer a humiliating defeat by The Avengers, or cause Thor all the pain in the world, as long as he doesn’t have to go back to living in Thor’s shadow.
4.) “Sorry? What’s sorry to me? I spent… years crammed into that cage, alone and afraid, wishing- begging- for death, because of you. And what was my crime, brother?”
This could be in reference to the years Loki spent in a metaphorical cage- the second prince, in Thor’s shadow, constantly trying to get Odin’s approval- or the literal cage he probably got thrown into at some point by Thanos and his minions. I like to think of it as Option B, just for the added whump. In Avengers, or TDW, or Ragnarok, Thor expressed at least a tiny bit of regret for how things went wrong between them- and despite the fact that he never actually said “I’m sorry”- I can see Loki encountering Thor’s attempts at reconnecting and feeling entirely empty about them. In his mind, Thor was the reason Odin neglected him, Thor was the reason his plans in Thor 1 failed, Thor was the reason he felt inferior in the first place. All he ever wanted was to be Thor’s equal, and striving for that led to his fall, which led to him being put through hell by Thanos and Co. And for what? Why was he forced fo compete with his brother for his parents’ love? Why was he made to feel lesser? Why was he even put on the throne in the first place? None of that was his fault. What was his crime, really, in the beginning? Being different? Not being Thor? I think it would take a lot more than a little regret on Thor’s part to fix all that.
5.) “Tell me. If you won’t change, why should I?”
This is my favourite one! Because it’s sooo accurate. Everyone- Thor in particular- is always trying to get Loki to be less deceptive, to stop betraying people all the time, to stop scheming and causing trouble, to stop going against his family and Asgard, but no one ever acknowledges that- even as far along as Ragnarok- Thor is just as entitled, arrogant and violent as he was at the beginning of the first movie. He literally tortures Loki with an obedience disk all while giving him a self-righteous speech filled with moral superiority and judgement. So, yeah. Again, from Loki’s perspective, if Thor has consistently clung to his immaturity and refused to grow into a better person, how the hell does he have any right to tell Loki to change and be better?
6.) “It didn’t have to be like this. I loved you, brother.”
Less infuriating and more heartbreaking than the others. When everything is said and done, Loki always loved Thor. Not just that, but his one true desire was to stand shoulder to shoulder with him and be comrades, equals, brothers… rather than a royal stepping stool. The tragic thing is that, while Loki has done a lot of wrong, if Thor had- at any point before Loki went crazy in Thor 1- genuinely acknowledged Loki’s pain and apologised to him, Loki 100% would’ve stood down. He would’ve been willing to works things out and do everything he could to repair their relationship- but because Thor never did that, because he treated Loki so terribly for so long, Loki ended up hitting his breaking point and becoming malevolent. He killed tons of people, caused all kinds of damage, and ripped the family even further apart. And it’s so sad because it’s obvious that Loki is just as miserable as everyone else, and this outcome was never what Loki wanted.
Anyway, I’m done meta-ing for now. I just find it fascinating how two of my favourite characters have such similar relationship with their brothers, and how things that Amara said could’ve very easily fit into Loki’s script. Which is, you know, heartbreaking. Cause pretty much all of Amara’s lines were heartbreaking. Sigh.
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