#And Ren the ultimate wingman :D
melon-wing · 4 years
This is another story set in the Pirate AU. It takes place somewhere between Trauma and Dread :) Grian and Doc already met a few times, but there is nothing really going on between them. Check out the Pirate AU tag for the other stories!
The Oneshot was inspired by the dance scene in She-Ra, because me and @gridoc had a long geek out conversation about it :D No worries, there are no spoilers and you also don’t need to know the show.
Grian was looking around in annoyance. Why was he the one to be picked for this job? He hated coming to this place. There was only one upside to being here. This was a neutral zone, so he wouldn’t be in any danger. Pirates, navy and everyone else was welcome in this kingdom and they were pretty harsh with whoever broke the no fighting rule. Both navy and pirates had accepted it a long time ago. Even the ocean around the island was a fighting free zone. Nobody dared to lose the valuable access to this island. It was the one place where you got information about your enemies without being in danger. It also helped that this kingdom had a booming economy and it was always helpful to have good standing with the rich and famous here.
Today Grian was sent alongside his captain as a representative of the navy for the prince's birthday. He hated these kinds of events. It was the one disadvantage that came with rising up in the ranks. All those stiff gatherings he had to visit, pretending that the nobles were all delightful people. And ignoring it when they made fun of his poor upbringing and teasing him for growing up in such a rural place. He just bared it all with a smile. This time it wouldn’t be any different. He was already counting the minutes until all of this was over and he could return to the ship.
Grian fiddled with the blazer of his suit for probably the tenth time and took a deep breath before entering the huge ball room. A loud booming voice announced his and his captain's name as they walked in. A lot of eyes followed them. They probably knew that both of them were part of the navy. Thanks to being on so many stupid navy recruiting posters, Grian’s face had become too recognizable for his own liking.
It unnerved Grian, that with the formal wear he was unable to tell who was a pirate and who wasn't. And he hated it. He didn't want to make small talk with pirates. He didn’t trust them at all, not even in the neutral zone and it put them on edge.
He slowly walked along a red carpet up to the throne with his captain, both of them bowing respectfully before the prince. The moment Grian looked up and saw the prince's eyes raking over his body, he regretted coming here. He hated nobility and how they behaved while thinking they were better than anyone else.
As fast as the royal protocol allowed Grian hurried off to the side, getting himself a drink and a disapproving glare from his captain.
"Remember what we are here for, Grian. This is not just a celebration or some time off. We are trying to make friendly with those nobles, get better deals around here for the navy and see if we can get some information about pirate movements out of it. Use whatever means necessary, you got me? Do anything needed. Anything."
Grian resisted the urge to pull a grimace and only nodded stiffly. He already hated this event. It couldn't get any worse.
Half an hour later Grian had already moved to his third drink, but nothing could change his bad mood. There was barely any alcohol in it, far too little to take the edge off him. His captain was deeply into a discussion about politics with some of the older generals of the kingdom, while Grian had to fend of young star-struck boys and girls left and right. And some of those nobles really couldn't take no as an answer, coming back again and again, to try and pull him onto the dance floor. He always declined earning disgruntled looks and complaints.
He saw the glares his captain was throwing him now and then, but he hadn't ordered Grian to go and dance with those people. They were too young to have any valuable information anyways. It would be a waste of time and he couldn’t let his guard down to dance.
Still his Captain came stomping over after a few more of his refusals, pulling him aside. "Listen here, brat. You might be my first mate, because someone decided you looked good in that position and you have more luck than brains, but you are nothing special. Stop being so high and mighty. If I see you declining one more dance I will make you scrub the whole ship with a fucking toothbrush. You got that? No matter who approaches you next, you will fucking accept the dance with a smile."
Grian swallowed, balling his hands to fists. He hated being ordered around like this. He wished he could finally rise in the ranks to become captain... But then the admirals would probably piss him off... He would never be able to escape people ordering him around on a whim. "Understood, sir", he finally ground out, glaring at his glass.
"And smile, Grian, honey."
Grian took a deep breath and then put on his best fake smile, finally satisfying his captain enough to go back to those stuff old politicians. Grian just hoped that after all those refusals noone else would dare to approach him...
"Announcing: Captain Doc and his First Mate Ren" A voice echoed through the room and Grian froze, his glass slipping from his hand and clattering to the floor. Luckily it didn't break and one of the maids hurried along to clean up the mess pretty fast.
Grian's eyes were fixed on the entrance where he saw Doc and Ren walk through the crowd, up to the throne. Doc did a rather elegant bow with that dumb smirk of his. He said something, making the prince blush and chuckle. That stupid pirate was truly flirting with everyone he met. Grian couldn't help but get irritated by it. If that guy was already sweet talking the prince he must have been planning something. This was a neutral zone, but Doc was a pirate. He wouldn't care about those rules. He never seemed to care about anything. Grian probably should keep an eye on him, but at the same time he wanted to be as far away as possible. He didn't want Doc to notice him.
Grian got himself another drink, leaning against one of the pillars and looking through the crowd at Doc, who was talking with some young noblemen, who were all looking at him as if he was a piece of meat in that suit of his. Grian didn't want to know which poor guy they stole that suit from... It fit Doc rather well and... No. Fuck. No! It didn't look good on him at all.
"You keep staring at my captain like this and I might think you were trying to either murder or fuck him."
Grian jumped at the voice and turned around so fast he lost his balance. He was lucky enough when an arm wound around his waist, catching him before he could fall. He looked up into the smiling face of a man he knew all to well. They had met on the battle field a few times by now.
"Ren! Stop talking such nonsense!"
Ren just shrugged and looked over Grian's shoulder with a grin. "Oh damn. I think I made the Captain angry, putting my hands all over his prey", he joked and Grian turned around again to see Doc walking through the crowd towards them. Oh fuck! He had to get away. He didn’t want to interact with Doc at all if possible. He needed to hurry. But when he moved to take a step, Ren’s grip on his hip tightened. "Oh, I don't think so, Lieutenant Grian. We are all here to have a little fun. Don't just run away."
Grian would have struggled, but starting a fight now would probably get him thrown out and piss his Captain off so much. He still tried to gently push Ren's hands off of him. He didn't make it in time. Doc stepped up to them and he found himself trapped between two tall pirates. It shouldn't have made him feel so nervous. He had fought both of them before and came out victorious. But he was unarmed at the moment and he didn't trust them to be as well.
"Captain Doc... What a displeasure to meet you here."
Doc chuckled, looking Grian up and down slowly. "You look good, Grian. You should wear a suit more often. It is very nice. Far better than that dumb uniform and all it stands for."
Grian huffed and turned to look to the side, glaring at the tables on the wall, not even answering that. Maybe if he ignored them long enough, they'd go away. Or maybe he was lucky enough and his captain would notice the predicament he was in. They both knew Ren and Doc after all. His Captain wouldn't want Grian to be in any danger now, would he?
"Oh, playing hard to get now? I just want a little chat, that's all."
"Fuck you...", Grian muttered in annoyance, letting his gaze wander over to where his captain was standing. That stupid old man still hadn't noticed Grian getting cornered.
"Well then...", Doc bowed a little before him, holding out his hand. "How about a little dance?"
Grian's mouth fell open in shock. That guy couldn't be serious! Why in the world would Grian want to dance with him? There was no way. The only way they danced was with their swords.
Finally his Captain seemed to notice what was going on, watching Grian like a hawk. Hope bloomed in Grian's chest. He would be saved from this hell now. A few seconds passed, nothing happened. His Captain just kept staring. Well, Grian would handle himself then. He turned to glare at Doc. "I'll dance with you once the ocean dries out", he spat, making Ren behind him laugh and loosen his grip. He used the opportunity to swiftly step out between them and hurry off towards his captain. Surely not even Doc would dare to follow him there.
"Grian, what was that?" His Captain's voice was filled with disapproval. "I thought I ordered you not to refuse anyone again.”
"Well... You can’t honestly expect me to dance with that fucking pirate! He is evil! He killed some of our people. We fought him before!”
Grian not only got glared at by his Captain, but the other people around them seemed to look at him in disapproval as well. That's why he hated the neutral zone. Everyone seemed to pretend that pirates were fine people here. Pretending they never did anything wrong. His Captain noticed their glares as well and grabbed Grian's arm so hard it would probably leave marks later. Funny how gentle Ren's grip had been compared to it, Grian thought to himself.
The Captain pulled him close, before hissing into his ear. "You'll go back there now and dance with him. Otherwise we’ll have a problem, you got me? You do remember the last time you didn’t follow my orders, do you?"
Grian wanted to defy him so badly. He wanted to say fuck it all and just storm out the ballroom. But that would probably offend royal protocol and he didn't want to imagine the punishment he'd get for that. His back already ached at the memory alone of the last time. His Captain might be a good soldier, but when it came to punishments he would be pretty harsh and when he threatened something, he'd sure as hell pull through.
"I... Yes."
"Yes, what?"
"Yes, sir..." Finally the pressure on Grian's arm faded, as he was given a little shove into Doc's direction. Grian hung his head and walked back to where Doc was still standing, watching his every move.
Grian stopped in front of the pirate, who had an unreadable expression on his face. Ren behind him looked furious, probably still mad about the refusal Grian had given Doc.
"Grian, are you being a-"
Grian interrupted him before he could finish, still feeling his Captain's eyes on his back.
"Would you still like to dance with me, Captain Doc?", he asked or more like spat out, holding out his hand and glaring at Doc. He wanted it to be perfectly clear, that this wasn’t really his idea of a good time.
Doc didn't seem to mind the hostile way it had been said, a huge smile forming on his face. He took Grian's hand and pulled him in suddenly so Grian smashed against his chest. "I'd be delighted, Lieutenant Grian. Who knew the ocean would dry out this fast."
Grian growled low in his throat, but he still let Doc pull him onto the dancefloor, where a new song was about to start. They got into position and while Grian tried to put as much distance as possible in between them, Doc would have none of it and pulled him close again.
"Don't be so shy, Grian. It's just a dance. Enjoy yourself a little. I promise I won’t harm you. I’m pretty good at this."
The first notes of the melody played as Doc took the lead, a hand on Grian's hip gently guiding him through the steps. Doc smiled softly at him, as if they had never fought before, as if there was no bad blood between them, as if this was perfectly normal. Grian couldn't believe it.
"Why are you even here, pirate?", he growled out as Doc twirled him below his arm. Doc laughed a little at that question.
"Always so suspicious. Can't we just be here to have some fun? It is the neutral zone after all. We do frequent business here, so we were invited. We are just here to have some fun and get some free food."
Grian looked at him in doubt. As if a pirate would just come to some stupid stuck up dance to enjoy himself. That was impossible. They must have been planning something. Grian looked around the room as they moved in circles on the dancefloor, searching for Doc's first mate. Maybe they were planning something while Doc distracted Grian. But no, Ren still stood where they had left him, watching both of them with a fond smile.
"I'd rather you'd look at me now, my dear. You always treat Ren so much nicer than me. Falling into his arms like that earlier, one could think you guys were flirting without me."
Grian's eyes snapped back to Doc, his body shaking in fury. "I would never!"
Doc's smirk only widened, showing his sharp teeth. "Good to hear, that you wouldn't flirt without me."
Grian fumed, a jumbled mess of words leaving his mouth, making Doc chuckle. His hand left Grian's hips and he twirled him away with the other, only to twirl him back a second later, pulling Grian flush against his chest.
"Listen, Grian... You could join my crew. That old guy would never be able to order you around like that ever again", Doc whispered into his ear, the hot breath sending a shiver through Grian's body. "I would never treat you like that. I'm an amazing Captain."
Grian pushed away a little, still not daring to let Doc go to stop the dance. He knew the way his Captain treated him wasn't alright. He knew that. He’d known that since the first time he had been punished. But to hear it from the mouth of a fucking pirate was a slap in the face. "You might think you are perfect, but you kill people. I might be... He might..." Grian broke off, casting one nervous glance to the side where his Captain was watching them. "He isn't perfect, but I'd never betray him or the navy for scum like you."
Doc stared at him for a while and then sighed, before his smile returned. "Well can't blame me for trying. But you bet your cute ass I'm going to enjoy this as long as it lasts."
They moved elegantly through the crowd to the melody of the song and even if he hated it, Grian had to admit, that Doc was a pretty good dancer. If he just pretended it was anyone else but the pirate Captain this would be pretty nice. As Doc pulled him close again, Grian just sighed in defeat and closed his eyes, letting his body be moved through the steps by the other. It wasn't half bad. The song was nice, Doc's hands were gentle, his body was warm. It was weird how in that moment he felt so good… so safe. And then Doc suddenly dipped Grian, his eyes snapping open again. Doc was looming over him with that lopsided smirk of his.
"I wish I could take you to my bed tonight, to be the one who takes that suit off of you."
The warm feeling left Grian's chest in a heartbeat and he glared again. "Your jokes have been better, asshole." Doc laughed at him and pulled him up again, staring into his eyes so intensely, Grian almost had to avert his gaze. But he couldn't even let the pirate win this battle. "So why don't you tell me why you guys are really here? I know you are planning something. I’ve known you for a while now. You would never come to an event like this otherwise."
Doc hummed, still looking highly amused. "Well I could tell you if you really want to know."
"You'd have to give me something in return, of course", Doc replied, pushing Grian away again, spinning him around before pulling him back. He didn't put his hands on Grian's hip this time but rested it gently under Grian's chin, tilting his head back even further. "Just a little something..."
Grian's breath hitched. They were so close now. The last notes of the song faded. They stayed there, their warm breath mingling in between them. Grian's eyes flickered down to Doc's lips and then back to his eyes again. Was it his imagination or were they getting closer and closer with each second that passed?
And then someone tapped onto Grian’s shoulder, making him jump away as if he had been burned by Doc. Turning around, he saw the prince behind him, smiling brightly.
"A dance, my dear soldier", he asked in a thick accent, taking Grian's hand and planting a soft kiss onto it. Grian's eyes widened, a blush appearing on his cheeks as he nodded. If he were to refuse this dance he'd be demoted for sure. It might also help him forget the dance he had just shared with Doc… And to forget what he had almost done for some piece of information.
As the next song started and the prince pulled him uncomfortably close, Grian swore he could hear Doc mumble: "I'm so going to enjoy robbing that asshole later." Grian looked over his shoulders at Doc's retreating form. He was about to alarm the prince, but when he felt a rather unwelcome hand on his ass, Grian decided to pretend he never heard about the planned crime.
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