#And Near is like yeah I could have killed him but I won't bc it's not what L would do
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perelka-l · 1 year ago
I was rereading second half of DN this weekend and I swear to god I can't believe anime just skipped this particular plot.
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Bc a) Mello has more active part in story and actually had his own way of using Near b) those two kinda cooperating is sexy as hell c) more Mogi bc Mogi is amazing
(I really like the Polish translation of this moment "He is manipulated but not necessarily with he notebook" which imho has slightly different connotations)
Also, this fucker doing this I love him so much the little bastard
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And this
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(also Near and Light just hating each other so much is so so entertaining, like honestly their dynamic is 👌)
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hiemaldesirae · 10 months ago
I completely understand a crippling fear of twitter, but if you ever DO decide to make it, I'd love to hear your most behated Hazbin takes bc people do keep getting Vox so wrong lmao
ur so real for this nonny
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actually since u sent this ask in i may as well
a lot of the shitty characterizations i see are all revolving around mostly twitter staticmoth/radiosilence shippers (no surprise there i guess :/) and almost always portray vox as a macho dom daddy with a superiority complex and that 50s Misogyny Grindset babyyyy or just as a straight up rapist and s/aer. which. Sigh. i can tell you right now ive not only seen that take from rdsl shippers (which, while disappointing, isnt surprising because most of the ones with shit takes are actually just alastor whump fans) but also from a staticmoth shipper???????? ive since blocked and muted their ass but whatever the fuck they were on i do NOT want to go near .
and while im AWARE that yeah sure its all just hcs l and they can do whatever the fuck they want w them (and ill do what i want x1000 intensity just to spite them all) i get SO inordinately pissed at the notion that vox is some sort of violently abusive man perpetually stuck in 50s misogynistic mindsets with an obsession for alastor OR val. he's hell's media darling, for fucks sake. he's not preaching outdated shit to people, his WHOLE FUCKING THING is UPGRADES and MOVING ON into the future. does he BELIEVE IT? maybe not. but he's not going to ever show that if he isn't, because he needs the love and support of the media.
and on that, vox is one of the most fragile cast members: his head is a fucking tv screen, for gods sake. you know how hard it is to break a flatscreen? Not very hard. and he's upgraded before: out of necessity or out of want, we won't know, but he willingly upgraded to something more fragile when he could have kept a CRT. why would he do that if he was a violent and abusive character like some people like to posit? it'd be more advantageous for him to keep the old head, but he doesn't- and that's because between vox, al and val, he's the "brain" of the bunch: his power lies in his words and his mind, not his fists or his physical might- he's not just another val with hypnotic eyes, for fucks sake, he's got a different skillset and specialty because he's not as physically violent as the other cast members. if he's hurting people it's with his words and persuasion, not like al or val.
and on the obsessions: vox Is obsessed with alastor, yeah, i won't deny that, but alastor REVELS in his obsession, and frankly, he's just as obsessed back- there was this tumblr post about stayed gone and how al was listening to vox even before he started the broadcast, and Thats certainly not something someone not happy with the attention theyre getting would do. the thing most ppl use to say vox is obsessed w val is the cameras- and . Hey. have you ever paused to consider that Maybe he's monitoring val because he's a loose cannon who LITERALLY TRIED TO GO AND ATTACK THE PRINCESS OF HELL BECAUSE HIS EMPLOYEE WAS STAYING AT HER HOTEL??????
ignoring all the other facts such as that there are cameras around to monitor his employees and velvettes studio as well and just focusing on the cameras with val (and alastor i spose but luckily i havent seen much try to tout this argument) is reductionist as all hell and literally so dumb i wonder sometimes if twitter keyboard warriors failed their highschool english classes. they teach media literacy there, did you know? you should go and see if you can sign up for one of those.
sigh okay thanks for sending this in nonny ive quelled la creaturas need to kill people
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butterscotch-goat · 4 months ago
What are your ocs’ associated animals and why? (I love animal symbolism so much it’s the Utena fan in me)
Aster is associated with a lamb! Because she's the Jesus metaphor, used as a sacrifice for scientific endeavors, y'know...I've been wanting to play around with more black sheep imagery though,, because she's othered for her magic (but then again literally every character in this story is "othered" for one reason or another. Mostly bc no one can handle their queer and neurodivergent swag)
Beatrice is associated with birds in general, but more specifically the mourning dove because! The mourner. Even before Charles dies she's kinda grieving who he used to be. And I plan on there being a lot of bird-in-a-cage-but-the-cage-is-open (She feels stuck at the manor, even though she could leave, she won't because of her dedication to Charles) imagery (stole that from @/senaaaard btw hi sen)
Charles is associated with bees because 1. Bees are known for being like,, incredibly hard workers and 2. Because bees die when they sting. They made an impact, but caused their own demise in the process. I ❤️ TRAGIC CHARACTERS
Grace is associated with a deer for a couuple of reasons? iirc deer are sometimes associated with the supernatural or with spirituality??, and y'know Grace is the only other magic one (healing abilities), she's also put on a pedestal and serves as some kind of "savior" when she heals people (grace is also a jesus metaphor and a parallel to Aster). also because Grace is damn near the "perfect victim," always kindly and "innocent", only ever breaking under the pressure of the role of savior she's been given once, which is what gets her arrested and killed anyways,, but like even when she's waiting in a jail cell before she gets executed she still helps and heals the other kids in the cell with her, despite being exhausted and hurt and bruised herself. ALSO also because of a thing that happened with Bea and Charlie as teenagers. Charles was Hangin Out in the woods and came across a deer corpse that somehow, for some reason, hasn't been eaten or completely decayed yet. He was super excited and thought it would be so cool and fun and eDuCatIonAlLy eNrIcHiNg to dissect it, and he gets Beatrice to do so as well. Beatrice is VERY opposed to it and feels like they're desecrating the poor thing, while Charles can't get himself to empathize and sees it purely as a learning opportunity. Mirroring how Charles,, steals Grace's corpse and dissects it, like completely tears it apart and stores different organs and limbs as it's rare he can get his hands on a corpse that's 100 percent confirmed to have been magic, Beatrice once again being opposed to it, but unable to stop him.
Eli is associated with crows because DEATH! okay also because crows are like,, idk common little fellas you see em on the street and they're really clever despite being seen as a spooky omen. But also spooky omen. Eli is CONSTANTLY surrounded by death. He's a kid living in an industrial city in the 1890s what do you expect. But yeah Eli has witnessed his fair share of corpses, there's been plenty of times one of his fellow newsies died overnight or didn't come back after leaving for work, etc. also his parents are dead!! Grace dies!! He thought Martha died when she got kidnapped!! everyone he knows keeps dying !! urhgh !! Also in canon Eli denies knowing Grace after her death (Peter from the bible allegory) and a crow will caw after he does so!! just like a chicken (?) does in the bible!!! Also Eli is a parallel to Beatrice. Birds 👍
And lastly Martha is associated with a praying mantis for kiinnnnd of superficial reasons,, one because. Praying. She's super Christian so she does that a lot. And 2 because of the whole thing where mantises eat their spouses? Martha blames herself for the death of her beloved Grace? Hmm?????? You see the vision????
thank you THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE ASK!! this is one of my fave things to draw/talk about as I'm sure is obvious hehehhehe
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itsmebytch001 · 2 years ago
y/n sneaking and taking aarons car to learn how to drive bc he wont teach her (with a friend that knows how to) and getting caught? i was thinking earth 42 bc miles probably has a motorcycle to chase them down (bc instead of getting out n getting in trouble they jusr drive off full speed)
(I Love this one)
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You and Aaron were in a circle, when you asked him 'Dad can you teach me how to drive?' He would say 'yes' but weeks would pass and you still could not bee trusted behind the wheel, then when you would ask for lessons he would say no, because 'why should I pay for them when I could just teach you?' And when you pressed him to actually teach you, or for Miles too he would hit you with the 'We don't have time to teach you!'
So finally you had enough, enough of waiting for your Dad, or Miles to get off their ass and teach you, so you inlisted the help of Musa, her father had been vigilante on teaching her on driving since he was sick of shoeffering her places, drilling the road code into her like a second langue, and now that both Aaron and Miles had left the house, and the car you called her up for assistance.
Calling Musa Harada...
Musa: "hey"
Y/n: "Hi hi...so you know how you can drive?"
Mus: "Just about, yeah why you need going some place?"
Y/n: "No, not yet anyways I was just wondering if you'd be willing to teach me"
Musa: "Can't, Dad's off on buisnesse and took the car"
Y/n: " What about my Dad's car?"
Musa: "Your Dad's car?"
Y/n: "Yeah, who else?"
Musa: "Knowing how your Dad dotes that thing? If we took it out and even got one scratch I think he'd kill us both!"
Y/n: "Yeah...But if your even a half decent teaching I won't get any scratches and all will be fine!"
Musa: " But what if I'm a bad teacher and we crash?"
Y/n: "Are you a bad teacher?"
Musa: "I don't know Iv'e never teached anyone how to drive"
Y/n: "Well now's your chance!"
Musa: "...What's in it for me?"
Y/n: "$250 and Egyptian leftovers!"
Musa: "I'll be over in a hour!"
End of call...
And just as she said Musa was over by your window in a hour, letting her in as her long black hair whisked past your face she asked you...
Musa: "Where are my leftovers?"
Y/n: "In the kitchen damm"
So while Musa stuffed her face and her pockets while you sat beside her on the coach.
Musa: "So how are we getting in your Dad's car?"
You pulled out the shiny key and dangled it in front of her.
Y/n: "Swiped his keys"
Musa: "And he didn't notice? Odd"
Y/n: "I know right? I thought for sure he was gonna catch me but his mind's been else where"
Musa: "Why donsen't your Dad teach you?"
Y/n: "He keeps saying he will but I know he won't, it's a mix of him being busy, and not wanting to admit to himself I'm not a child"
Musa: "Look at you, little therapist"
Y/n: "I know right? You finished with your food?"
Musa: "yeah" She said wiping her lip and dusting herself off as you both made your way out the house and down the fire escape and into the neighbouring ally where at the end of the alley under a rouge tarp was Aarons vintage black Cadillac, his pride and joy after you of course that he had imported from Cuba that he had worked on and off for the past however many years.
Musa: "You sure you wanna do this?"
Y/n: "...Yeah"
Musa: "That sounded very unsure..." she said hands on hips and eye brow raised.
Y/n: "Yeah Yeah whatever"
And once you and Musa got into the car, turned on the engine and pulled out the alley she softly instructed you to press on the accelerator, only for the car to jolt forward once, stop entirley and then start again, only now it took over itself, speeding down the road at 70 an hour.
But your foot was already off the gas, your hands weren't even on the wheel but still car kept going straight so fast everything seemed a blur.
Y/n: "I HAVE!!" Musa looked over to see your feet weren't anywhere near the gas pedal.
But once you did the car simply kept going, faster and faster with Musa leaning over and swerving the wheel to avoid civillians both of you screaming hysterically as the car took a life of it's own only for Musa to take the wheel to avoid ant fatality's.
Musa: "MOVE!!" She screamed as she swerved the car out of the way of an old woman slowly being shuffled across the road, the war drifts around her while Musa pushes her legs in front of your's to try and stop the car pressing on the breaks only for it to keep going, pressing on the horn again and again to ward people off while you were squished into the window making room for Musa.
Needless to say your reckless driving caught the attention of the Police, you saw their red and blue lights in the side view mirrors and growingly large cars come closer as they sped closer. You heard there groaning siren and the sound of speaker came on.
PD NY Pull Over!!
Musa: "WERE TRYING!!" She screamed out the window obvioulsy not being heard as they continued to chase.
As the car made it's way down road and down under the bridge Musa while trying to avoid people had stuck several other cars thankfully not seriously hurting anyone.
Musa: "WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS CAR?!" She yelled pressing the break again and again while looking down at her feet.
Y/n: "Musa! Watch out!" Musa looked up to see she was around drive off a ten foot drop, but instead swerved the car into a bridge piller, finally bringing it to a stop, the air bags kick in while you both slammed your heads into the air cushions.
And so, while both concussed and deeply shaken you emergred from the reck alive and with your hands up...
While you and Musa sat in jail with ice packs for your swollen heads you apologized again and again to her for almost killing you both with Aarons strange car, you requested a phone call, meanwhile Aaron had just gotten home.
He opened the door where he would usually see you on the couch, or in your room but the house was empty, he called out for you.
Aaron: "Y/n...Ay Y/n you home...?" Only to be met with nothing.
Aaron picked up the phone with no caller id.
You are reciving a call from PDNY Brooklyn's 99th brough holding center from 'Y/n Davis' Press one to answer..
Y/n: "Da-"
Aaron: "What have you done?"
Y/n: "Hiiii Dad...So you know how you wouldn't teach me to drive?"
Aaron: "Jesus christ Y/n..."
Y/n: "So me and Mus-"
Musa poked you in the back.
Musa: "Don't drag me into this"
Y/n: "But you were there!"
Musa: "This is your fault!"
Y/n: "Yeah yeah" You turned away from Musa and back to the phone.
Y/n: "Uhhh, So We took out the car..."
Aaron: "As in My Cadillac?"
Y/n: "Yeah...and we might have, I might have crashed it into a bridge pillar"
Aaron: "WHAT?! I..I Oh My God, are you okay, is Musa okay?"
Y/n: "Yeah were oka-"
Aaron: "Than WHAT were you THINKING?! You took out my car and crashed it? Did you break in?!!"
Y/n: "Nooo...I swiped your keys"
Aaron: "Oh my God...Y/n why WHY would you do that?! "
Y/n: "It's not my fault it crashed, it literally would not stop going!"
Aaron: "Y/n...I don't DRIVE that car because THE BREAKS DO NOT WORK!"
Y/n: "Yeah I figured that out! Why do you still have it?!"
Y/n: "Why would you collect a car?"
Aaron: "Where is it now?"
Y/n: "what?"
Aaron: "The CAR!"
Y/n: "Oh uh...I think it's been in pounded"
Aaron: "Oh My God...Oh my god Y/n I can't with you right now-"
Y/n: "But Da-"
Call ended
Musa: "So?"
Y/n: "He hanged up!"
Musa: "He hanged up?! So were stuck here?"
Y/n: "Yep"
Musa: "Oh my GOD!"
So for around half a hour later while you and Musa sat misreablley in the holding center the door opened for a police officer to reveal themselves.
Y/n Davis and Musa Harada?
Musa: "Yeah?"
Y/n: "Yeah?"
Your bail's been paid your free to go...
As so while you and Musa exited the holding cell you saw Miles leaning against the wall all none chalant.
Y/n: "MILES! Thank you SOSO much your paying our bail!"
Miles: "I didn't, Your Dad did, sent me to come get you, I think it's best if you stay at mine Y/n your Dad is pissed, Musa come on I'll drop you home"
Musa: "Oh...thanks Miles!"
Requets are open!
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darklight-owl · 1 year ago
Do you think Hershel and/or Phoenix would be able to solve the Death Note Kira case?
*cracks knuckles*
I made a post about this months ago but I think a lot of what I said there was really dumb bc it had been a while since I'd played either series so I'm gonna take this opportunity to correct my past self's wrong and bad opinions:
(Oh also I uh. May have included a few Death Note spoilers in the last paragraph of Phoenix's part sorry. I needed it to prove a point)
Definitely like no question. I originally said no on the basis that he isn't the type to take supernatural things at face value, but in reality he does seem to approach even the weirder cases with an open mind. Most games start with Luke being like "Professa do you really think there could be a notebook that kills people? :o" and Layton answering like "haha I'm afraid I can't really say Luke =|:-)" so I think he'd examine everything from every angle and eliminate every other possibility. He would take his sweet time since getting him to accept the Death Note as a real thing wouldn't exactly be easy, but once he's convinced then the rest would come naturally.
The other question is if he could survive, though. Obviously he would have the tact to hide his real name based on the possibility of Kira's power being real, especially if he's with Luke (which I don't even know if he would bring Luke along for this one considering how dangerous investigating Kira is). He does tend to appear a lot on british newspapers but since Light is in Japan then he wouldn't know about him beforehand. Regardless, Light has found out the names of his pursuers before and if he had Misa with him he could just ask her to write his name down. BUT ALSO. Layton has a tendency to not show his hand until the most convenient time, so odds are that Light won't even know he's pursuing him until it's too late.
Verdict: yeah he'll do great put him in the Task Force 👍
It highly depends on the circumstances. Phoenix catches killers in court, so we're assuming someone already got falsely accused of being Kira. Light has a lot of followers who would gladly take the fall for him (namely Misa or Mikami) or alternatively lie their asses off to let him walk free. Everyone who's played Ace Attorney knows that you can't really lie to Phoenix without getting exposed though, so yeah.
Regarding the Death Note mechanics... honestly Phoenix works with a spirit medium channeling his dead teacher all the time so I don't see how he would have such a hard time believing shinigami with murder notebooks exist. (Edgeworth would be a completely different story but that's another case altogether.)
Problem is: he wouldn't so much as step into the court before suffering a heart attack. Not only does he not get a chance to hide his name thanks to court proceedings, but Phoenix is a pretty prestigious lawyer and even if he was only locally famous like Layton it wouldn't take long in the trial for Light to realize that this guy is bad news for him. Best case scenario he would try to debate away the accusations thrown at him, then when he realizes he's getting his ass kicked he'd desperately try to write Phoenix's name in that little slip of notebook he has in his watch. That's what he tried with Near, except this time he has the chance to hide what he's doing behind the witness stand and no Matsuda to stop him in his tracks.
Verdict: He could catch him but he would die in the process 💔
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topazpearl · 2 years ago
in celebration of sbg returning in a little over 2 weeks (!!!!!) have my HUGE master doc of all my possible theories, ideas, wants/needs, etc.
(spoilers abound of course)
Edit: For an updated, post-S2 release version, [here]
[Hamilton chorus voice] NUMBER ONE: The giant freakin phantompede and how to escape it
-Logan shoots it in the eyes, probably won't kill it tho, just make it mad and blind, which doesn't help
-they pull a Tremors and use the jeep as bait to make it jump off the cliff to its death, and they all jump out at the last second. a big gamble, assuming its stupid enough to do this. (tho making it blind first as mentioned could work) Sucks that they lose the jeep but they can get another car
-Or (this goes into my Phantom Ashlyn theory which I'll talk later) ashlyn can talk to it and tells it to go away and it….does! idk lol it's stupid but maybe ash has enough girl boss energy to convince it. or it's so shocked by a human talking to it it's like "dang ok" 
-last idea: they're near the school so they lure it there and into the sports area, assuming they have a baseball field, and kill it with all the big lights there (the poetic justice of it all... get 'em tyler)
NUMBER TWO: Schrödinger's Tyler
-I'm hoping that once phantompede is taken care of they'll go back to find him. Taylor will force them probably. Cue angst. 
-my top theory rn is that if you die in the phantom dimension (PD) you enter a coma in the real dimension (RD) b/c I think it'd be very lame and low stakes for a horror thriller for ty to just wake up fine but in pain. 
–unless there's some really NASTY RD consequences like, he starts getting narcolepsy, starts hearing Phantom noises too, constantly sick, slowly wasting away with each day, maybe relives his death every night like some horrid nightmare??? etc 
-then of course there's the popular idea that if u die in the PD your body becomes a phantom. who knows how long that takes. could be fun and angsty if it happens rlly fast like while the kids are there and see his body turn into a phantom and they freak the frick out. yeah 
and if the phantoms have no retained memories, Tay is just calling to him but it's for naught 
-anyway if ty's in a coma that'll be fun to explain to the parents 
-If a phantom is killed, their connected person in the RD who was in a coma dies fr
NUMBER THREE: Ashlyn and the Phantoms (cool new band name) 
-we know the kids are getting influenced by the PD, making phantom noises (further supports phantoms were people theory) but with Ashlyn's "really strong" connection to the PD, she's in special danger. If one can turn into a phantom without dying, it's gonna be her. Ryan the spy said that "the girl" – assumingly ashlyn– should be "especially" at risk of danger. This could be bc she was the one who interacted with the rift, or bc she already has a higher level of phantom influence on her. 
-when ashlyn told the phantom to let go, and her friends to calm down, both times she spoke with a black speech bubble WITH PHANTOM NOISE LINES NEAR IT.
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this is different than characters who have also spoken with black bubbles. obviously these have been with threats/malice, but the boys' didn't have the red lines.
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These times ashlyn has spoken, the phantom acknowledged her voice, and her friends' spell-like violence trance was broken. Therefore, Theory: ashlyn not only can hear phantoms, but she can speak their language sort of
-depending how the Tyler situation goes down, I think Ashlyn will have lots of guilt and anger towards herself, and if she can't reign it in, I could see her going into a violence trance like her friends did. maybe even worse (a semi phantom transformation??) Cue a fun angsty 'talking her down' moment with the others at best, or full on fighting Phantom!ashlyn at worst
-when ashlyn was born, a phantom like touched her in a blessing/cursing sense which is part of the reason why she can hear phantoms and her strong PD connection 
possibly even possession???? seems a bit farther fetched tho 
-tldr; i want ashlyn to enter her monster girl era 
-The evil gang seems confused why the kids have lasted so long. maybe Ashlyn's PD connection goes both ways. she provides a strong anchor to the RD. Maybe the PD is USUALLY all desolate with the pillars that we saw in the finale (maybe it's even an afterlife of sorts?), but Ashlyn makes a huge radius (~30 miles! (assuming kids were driving at least 60mph for 30 minutes)) of the PD around where she wakes up mirror the real world, creating a safer space for her and the kids. meanwhile a normal person that gets sucked into the PD gets thrown into a desolate hell world different from the RD (also maybe stuck there permanently), causing them to die much quicker. 
-Ashlyn's influence extends to jamming the recording devices like some kind of weird phantom static.
-Broke: Ashlyn's parents wanted her to learn self defense and have a knife bc they're in the military. Woke: they want her to be able to protect herself after the phantom scare when she was a baby
NUMBER FOUR: Origami gang and Co INC. 
-My Current idea on what the evil gang is doing: The gangs symbol is an origami crane (orizuru). the crane in East Asia has longevity as one of its symbolisms, with some myths saying it flies souls up to paradise. there's the popular myth that if you fold 1000 cranes you get a wish.
Heres where the evil twist comes in. The gang boss believes that if he traps 1000 people in the PD as like, a sacrifice, then he'll get a wish and he'll ask for eternal life or whatever. this gang is a cult and he's tricked everyone saying that they'll also get a long life but really it's probably only gonna be him 🤫 So they go around to different haunted places in America and pick ppl they sense can open these shadow rifts and get sucked in. the phantoms may be ppl they trapped in the past and they've turned into phantoms
-Ryan, the guy who's spying on the kids, maybe is ALSO "Mr. thomas"? he just puts on a wig and is a good actor lol. this is the reason why he asks about "Mr. Thomas's" fate. What goes against this is that Ryan seems to know all about the PD mechanisms, which doesn't fit Mr. Thomas being confused abt ashlyns hair. Unless he wasn't expecting it
– or "Mr thomas" could just be Ryan's friend or brother or smn. A low ranked guy in the gang that got stuck with roping Ashlyn into Savannah, but doesn't know the truth/details about the PD. 
-the gang mentions that "both sides" are trying to track them. either the government and a supernatural hunting group, or even some force in the PD like some Alpha Phantom like the devil who's like "Where's my dead people quota hello?" or better yet "you're messing with MY domain and I'm gonna Get You". 
-This is based solely on the Boss' appearance and smiling countenance: what if the gang Boss is Aiden's uncle, his dad's brother. his weird, estranged brother who's also evil probably. I'm really hung on this idea don't mind me. Maybe it's b/c we don't know his name yet, b/c he's secretly related and it'll be a big reveal
-you have to be able to make a paper origami crane from memory to be an official gang member /hj 
(S2 spoilers) NUMBER FIVE: Aiden's dyed hair and why it's A Big Deal
none of these have any solid evidence I'm just wildin 
-He hates his natural hair color/thinks it's ugly
-doing it to hide his real identity (IF the Clark family being involved with the Origami gang is real it would probably fall under this, BUT I have strong reason to believe Aiden is not involved with the gang tho. (See my ~EXCEL SHEET~ for my reasoning)
–falls under my random "gang boss is aidens uncle" theory. his uncle is the weird black sheep of the family, that Aiden has a spitting resemblance to, so he dyes his hair to make him look less like him
further developing my silly Boss Uncle idea but I'm imagining that Daniel (Adiens dad) married into the family bc he looks sm different than his wife or Ben's parents. But when he married Jessica (Aidens mom) at the start they used his surname, had Aiden, etc. Then Daniel's weird (evil) brother starts committing Crimes tm, possibly even convicted, jail time, all over the news (maybe he got out early cuz of parole, good behavior idk). Aidens family suffers for it by proxy; Aiden is bullied, his parents are stigmatized at work. it actually gets so bad that they decide to switch to Jessica's maiden name Clark. Currently wondering if Ben's dad, William, and Jessica are the siblings here. anyway they do that and with their constant moving and traveling, it's easy to embrace the new identity. But Aiden was still pretty affected by it being a kid and all so that's why he dyes his hair, and plays it off as doing it for funsies
-based on claims (if someone has proof of this beyond his skin tone HMU) I've seen that he's part Asian, so maybe has suffered really nasty racism in the past but when he's blond he's white passing, so he does it so he's not bullied anymore
-blondes have more fun to help with this "constantly happy" persona he has
– semi related, he's heavily masking depression and loneliness, and the bright yellow hair makes him happier.
-he dyes his hair for attention bc he didn't get enough of it as a child with his parents traveling and working 
NUMBER FIVE ½: Aiden's backstory
after seeing the Easter egg, wondering if his mom divorced or died idk cause the lady in the picture doesn't look like his mom, her hair is darker?? now ofc she could just be dying her hair too idk!!!
Absolutely Wildin' here but maybe aidens parents died when he was a kid so he was adopted but surprise! his dad is still alive and is a criminal and running a shadow cult. or maybe the boss is still his uncle. or maybe the boss is his parent(s) killer!!! 
Or Maybe The Boss is aidens dad. Aidens biological mom died and the Boss went crazy and probably committed crimes and went to jail, and then Daniel (aidens uncle, Boss' brother) and Jessica took custody of him. and then the Boss escaped jail and started his cult, maybe to bring back his wife
kinda off topic but I'm wondering if Aiden's red eyes are fake too. colored contacts. like neither of his parents have it, no one does. does he just have Protagonist syndrome or is it related to one of the ideas above?
I'm just throwing darts. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
NUMBER SIX: Character arcs and futures
-either no other of the kids will "die", just Aiden and Ashlyn will "survive", or everyone except Ashlyn will "die"
-but i hope if they can sever their connection with the PD, anyone who dies in the PD and gets in a coma will wake up
-So they're gonna get kidnapped. that's definitely gonna be a thing. either mid S2 or S2 ending. up in the air whether the kidnapping is successful or not. 
actually I'm placing my bets now S2 finale will be them getting kidnapped and it just cuts off there for another awful cliffhanger.
since it seems Mr thomas will be involved, maybe he'll ask the kids to stay after school to talk abt their failing grades or smn, and then maybe they're hit with knockout gas??
OR the gang has been spying on them so they pick a time when the kids are all separated and jump them. 
maybe this is when aiden knowing where ashlyns dance studio is is actually plot relevant!!??(please) like he (and Ben probably cuz they're always together) are able to escape their attackers and Aiden goes to help ashlyn cuz he wants to make sure she's OK. and she's either fine cuz she's a girl boss and can kick butt, or he saves her oo la la 
–lol imagine kidnapping is successful, gang tells kids why they were kidnapped, if Evil Boss Uncle theory is true this helps facilitate this but Ashlyn "goes off" on Aiden yelling and "attacking" him and stuff saying he's part of the gang etc but it's all a ruse to have the gang think she'll cause another energy spike and Aiden gets this and plays along, so assuming the kids are locked up, the gang opens their cell to stop ashlyn, and that's when they escape
–also assuming the gang would be smart enough to get rid of the kids phones when they're snagged. 
-also SPOILER ALERT if you haven't seen Reds ig stories but since they just had midterms it's probably October (bc the story started at the beginning of the school year (August) and there was a month skip (September) where they were learning self defense) Which Means that it could be Aidens bday which is why ashlyn is at his house and they're having a pizza party or whatever yippee! (i want this) And maybe Mr and Mrs Clark talk about seeing phantoms (the panel of them looking stressed the heck out lol) bc I'm assuming all the guardians have been seeing them I'm assuming!!!! And maybe Ashlyn overhears, and the kids Finally can tell the parents what's going on but I doubt it. b/c that'd be too easy y'know?
-regardless, the either failed or successful kidnapping will probably set the parents over the edge, Especially if Ty is in a medically unexplainable coma, and Mike Banner will be like "tell me what's going on Right Now" and the parents believe them and they help the kids get to Savannah yippee!! a cool Big family squad force they all hop on a working school bus or smn and drive there. (I wish i knew how many seasons there's gonna be so I could predict pacing but since it's a thriller I'm assuming pretty fast, so maybe 3 seasons? cuz while we got a fast plot we seemingly have a slow ashlyn & aiden relationship so 🤷‍♀️)
Sorry back to character arcs:
Ashlyn: Learn to trust and connect with people, make friends, lean on others. Could be nice if she accepts and admits the kids are her friends by the end of S2, leaving the next season for Aiden/Ashlyn dev specifically. More development about her connection with the PD, which could put friendship to the test. 
Taylor: will either shut down with grief like her mom, or maybe snap and have an Edgy arc (seems… unlikely to me tho she seems too emotionally intelligent for that). NEVERMIND with all the stuff im seeing, it seems likely!!!) Willing to bet money the twins are unhealthily codependent on each other. Maybe she'll start latching onto Ben instead (whether anything romantic develops on top of it is debatable, but I can see it. theyve already got a cute little closeness going on). Would not be surprised if, after losing her dad (which im predicting was a suicide) and Ty, she can't stand the thought of losing someone else, and will save someone in danger at her own expense, leading to her death. Sure I'll predict she'll die 2nd if there are more deaths.
Tyler: he frikkin ded so… (would've been nice to see him become even more caring but yknow)
Logan: Seems to be overcoming his fragility well if the arcade scene is any indication. Still has self-worth issues to overcome due to his parents' abandonment. Maybe we'll learn more about that in S2. That could be a rumor and the real reason he lives with his grandparents is that his parents died but idk why that'd be hidden unless their death was suspicious (phantom related???). He'll die 3rd; survives longer than expected but is the halfway point. 
Ben: Still needs to find a new passion for life, i suspect playing musical instruments like the guitar will be the answer (thank you tyler). Tho maybe learning to love his altered voice could happen? (tons of dudes have a rough/husky singing voice that ppl love) But this is probably unlikely. 
– Taylor and Logan's deaths will hit him really hard, maybe feels like his strength is worthless if he failed to keep the others safe, and starts spiraling real bad. Possible phantom transformation or attempted suicide. 4th to die. 
Aiden: (get medicated) Learning self-control, improving interpersonal relationships, accepting serious/negative emotions, along with God knows what else will be revealed. 
– Kinda wondering if he grew up in a "toxic positivity" mentality home, where his parents are like "we're so privileged we shouldn't complain" 
– IF he does die, he'll be the last one, leaving Ashlyn alone (when it hurts the most!!! muhahhaha!!! 😭), and it won't happen in S2.
NUMBER SEVEN: Miscellaneous predictions, wants, musings & hypotheticals
-hey uh what about the photo Logan took of the phantom back at the sorrel-weed house?? surely he still has it? can he show the parents?? will they be able to see it?
-Logan saw the whole Aidlyn hug from the roof from his snipper position, change my mind.
-Another death will happen in S2, possibly even two deaths.
-Mr thomas switches sides and helps the kids, gives them info
-Ryan (the spy) switches sides and helps the kids
-the tour lady Jasmine and the Boss are a hot evil couple 
also kinda want them to have a Rourke & Helga dynamic where he throws her under the bus at the last moment and she's Bissed 
-I want the boss to die by his own evil plan. i doubt a redemption arc will happen but I'd be down for it if done well.
-*grabs your shoulders until they bleed* listen. Aiden saved ashlyn, now I need her to save him. I need this. 
-Taylor and Ashlyn girl time please!!!
-Logan and Aiden becoming closer would also give me joy. big Freckle and Rocky energy. 
-Consider: Ashlyn says that she thinks Aiden looks better with dark hair, not meaning it as a compliment but as an objective statement, but he decides to grow out his dark hair again (will take a bit). 
-this doesn't have to happen but I think it'd be really funny if Aiden somehow gets the IDEA that Logan has a crush on Ashlyn when Logan doesn't, causing a stupid silly short jealousy arc.
-actually I really need a "can skydive from 10,000 ft but can't confess to the girl he likes" Aiden Clark
which like would make sense bc at this point he knows she thinks he's annoying, pushy, etc., so that's just asking for a rejection 
-I've got a bad feeling smn will happen to Ashlyn's parents, specifically her dad
-you know what's better than Ashlyn having to be a girlboss and face the villains alone? Aiden and Ashlyn going together and Aiden being used as collateral by the villains :) What if he dies permanently irl, while the rest of the kids, if they died in the PD, reawaken, leaving him the only one permanently gone in the end? :) 
-bruh what if everyone died like fr fr. yes I'm imagining Ashlyn looking at all her friends' graves. 
-the Origami gang fails to kidnap the kids b/c all that self-defense paid off, and they accidentally create a huge "energy spike", making phantoms appear everywhere in town.
-if the kids DO get kidnapped successfully, I want Ashlyn to be an awesome girlboss and use her knife shoes to help them escape.
-if my puppy fic became Canon that'd be swaggie actually.
-let Ashlyn have a dog 2023
-pov you're in Georgia in the fall and a hurricane hits, knocking out solar power for a few days. what then? :)
-when all this garbage is over and they hopefully all live in the end, I want them to have a fun stargazing party lead by Logan cause they can finally enjoy the night (And maybe aidlyn have their first Kiss?? 🙈)
-If there ISNT a "group goes to see Ashlyn in a ballet performance" scene then I'm WRITING IT MYSELF 
-the kids are like, juniors right? Prom. 
-Aiden works hard to get his permit and his parents buy him a car but it's a crappy one cause they know he'll wreck it but hey it's Savannah or Bust.
-At the end of all things, Aiden and Ashlyn will become a couple, or at least have reciprocal romantic feelings. This is not just my shipper heart talking. I feel it in my brain, in my soul. (b/c Red rlly seems to ship it so 😏)
-maybe aidens parents work for a religious missionary aid group like Samaritans purse
-a kid going into an angry protective phantom mode to protect another(s) 😳 (aidlyn on the brain but it could be anyone)
-if I had a nickel for every time I've imagined Aiden dying in Ashlyn's arms, I'd have many nickels 
-what if having a good singing voice ran in Ben's family? haha jkjk…unless??? but they don't sing like ever cuz they don't want Ben to feel bad 
-man what if a kid died by a phantom pushing them down a set of stairs.. 
-Rlly hope that Aiden's parents don't get scared seeing phantoms in their house and hearing other families having phantoms in THEIR houses and thinking the whole town is haunted, and they consider moving which they don't wanna do bc Aiden finally has friends but what else can they do!? angst. 
-John 15:13 for Ashlyn with the others except it's not permanent (I'm not saying ash is a Jesus figure tho WHWKEJEJDJ)
-I rlly wanna see ashlyn laugh like REALLY LAUGHING
That's it for the moment (●'◡'●) thanks for coming
will any of these be canon? who knows! it's the fun of it all
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rubyprototype · 11 months ago
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(bc i can't put my thoughts into actual words) some parts are directly based on my selfship au lol
Ppl who say infinite being 'reformed' is stupid r crazy to me Bc it'd make sense for him Ppl Tend to point out how he's just an angry guy all the time and will always hold resentment and I'm like. Guys he isn't static Like yeah he wouldn't just magically 'be better'
My gf:
he lost once, completely changed as a person, losing again would probably do that again and with the influence of someone working to make him better i think itd work
It would literally have to involve him finding companionship in someone new who won't throw him aside, it's about letting him get vulnerable and not treating him like he's weak, it less then for doing it. NO EXACTLY YOU EXACTLY GET IT EVERY LOSS HES HAD HAS MADE HIM COMPLETELY ALTER PART OF HIMSELF
My gf:
maybe after losing enough times you just gotta stop fighting, especially when the ones youre losing to want you to improve be a better person
Loses to Eggman > promised safety and power > changes his alliance, now follows eggman's orders instead of being a leader
Loses to shadow > told never to show his face again > literally does that ? Along with adapting a different persona as to not be seen as weak
Loses to sonic / buddy > ...
The scenario of wanting him to change would be hard, you can't just open it with "be better" But you can tell him he deserves another chance, that you want to help him That you trust him And after losing so much Maybe he'd take that Especially from buddy, who was clearly actually weak Bc bringing him home and telling him you trust him, when he could so easily kill you, could be a wake up call!
He is quite fixable when you look at the root problem Which is. Guy wants to be respected Dumbed down a lot but u get me I just think that the guy who clearly lived a very rough life and wanted the world in shambles (likely because of what it did to him) could be 'fixed' Like I can't say much on his early life that isn't headcanons and speculation but You don't usually become a mercenary for … fun…! And always being on the move like that can't be good His main character fault is his huge ego which can easily be brought down to a manageable level ? Otherwise just. Idk after losing so much and almost dying like Not to say that if he does return and I don't WANT him to stay a villain. I love him as a villain But it's just. Very possible to reform him And I think a weak character being the one to do it would be perfect Projecting but this is just canon: Buddy is clearly weak. Can barely hold a gun the first time they see him. Join the resistance ANYWAY. Have 0 training but FUCK do they try And they win! They win. With help, of course. But Someone so weak like that, overcoming everything solely to face him. Then… offering him help after a near death experience? Offering respect and trust and everything he hasn't really gotten from anyone other than his squad? That could change him Or it could make him angrier…! Who knows! But I think he's capable of change
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thegeminisage · 9 months ago
star trek update time! saturday we did ds9 "sons of mogh" and voy's "dreadnaught" and last night we did ds9's "bar association."
sons of mogh:
i keep waiting for worf to feel like he belongs on ds9 instead of tng and it keeps not happening. the klingon stuff on tng was always a little dry for me, but the klingon stuff on ds9 has always been really good! unfortunately, now that worf's here, it's gotten a little dry again. even the episode with kor was a drag near the end.
don't get me wrong, i love worf, and he was one of my favs on tng, but on ds9...aside from data, nobody on the tng cast can shine a candle to the ds9 cast. even quark beats them all (again, except data).
also, the entire plot of this episode was so horrible. basically worf was like yeah i HAVE become soft and human. so true. anyway!
like, firstly, again, WHY are we having sisko yell. i could buy him being pissed and it was kinda fun for him to go off like this but it's also lowkey shitty. this was a culture thing. i guess at least he didn't do a picard god could you imagine
like i'm not saying do a picard. i do not advocate for kurn killing himself. but why did we write that forced amnesia or death was the only way...like, someday there's gonna peace in the klingon homeworld again and kurn won't be able to enjoy it because they're effectively killing him one way or the other. what about his daughters?? like worf was all "we can protect the empire in our own way" and that could have been kurn's reason to live...getting his daughters to safety with worf's adoptive parents could have been a reason to live...he had them, we just chose to do whatever this was
i did like dax and worf flirting, and i think she's a good choice for him bc of all of curzon's connections with the klingons, but i don't think WORF is a good choice for DAX because he's so damn stiff and uptight, and there seems to be nothing to his personality beyond that. was he always like this on tng? it's funny for a gag sometimes but the rest of ds9 has Depth. come on!!
i did think it was fun that he was like yeah a klingon should be able to see the decision to kill in another person's eyes instantly. let's do more shit like that
doomsday machine of voyager fr. 1. big machine that cannot be stopped 2. have to beam out right as it explodes 3. personal stakes for either decker or b'elanna 4. STRESSED ME OUT!!!
firstly, i love that this thing not only personifies b'elanna's hatred of the cardassians but also her skill at what she does. she programmed it with so many failsafes SHE HERSELF was only barely able to stop it. the cardassians wouldn't have stood a chance. and now she's a different person but the weapon is the same
mention of chakotay/b'elanna past shenanigans. mwah. i love that he covered for her ass without missing a SINGLE beat.
tom paris was very nearly annoying in this episode but he managed to stay on the right side of the line and not blow it with b'elanna a second time. he was really niceys when janeway almost sacrificed herself
SPEAKING OF. JANEWAY ALMOST SACRIFICING HERSELF. the way there was no tuvok in this episode and then he decided to stay behind with her WAAHHHHH. he can't be jealous of chakotay anymore HE didn't get to almost die with janeway
loved the mention of voyager's war machine reputation again. both funny and hot
the only thing i didn't like was that they FORGOT the doctor. that's so mean :( i did also maybe a little bit forget him bc i was stressing out but i'm not on the fucking ship with him am i!
bar association:
i was braced for the worst here because ferengi episodes are often so awful but i actually really enjoyed it
rom my new best friend and union man. wow <3 i can't believe they're giving him like. development and an arc. the most minor of fucking characters...o'brien did absolutely nothing on tng for YEARS and in ds9 the comedic 1-dimensional character starts a union and quits his job to make his relationship with his brother more healthy?? hello???
not only that but even though he didn't know union leaders can DIE going in once he found out he did not back down. i was so sure he would waver when bribed, or waver when his brother got beaten up, and he DIDN'T. girl i would waver if MY brother got beat up. rom didn't give a FUCK
loved also o'brien and worf brawling and julian getting tossed over a table. these things just happen. he's so light and tossable.
the part where odo read off tng episode plots was really funny. poor worf. i wish he hadn't moved to the defiant...literally girl you are going to have to get used to it here for MY sake
i do also feel like this episode helped me understand quark a little...he's a control freak because that's his way of like, handling people? like, he's in charge of everybody which means he's responsible for everybody so he has to control what everybody does. rom and nog work at his bar and nog doesn't go to starfleet. his mom doesn't sell snail farms or whatever the fuck. he's """protecting""" them as though they're assets, though he doesn't ever think to protect them from himself. it's not sympathetic exactly, but it is at least consistent
when rom and quark were yelling at each other and rom was like "YOU WERE MAKING ME FEEL DUMB SO YOU COULD FEEL SMART!" insert gif of dutch killjoys going "STOP MAKING ME FEEL SMALL SO YOU CAN FEEL BIG" like that's so funny but it literally is the same dynamic
TONIGHT: voy's "death wish" (SIGH) and ds9's "accession." ik the first one is a q episode...get his ass outta here. he's so unrealistic. like why can't he just zap them home etc. stupid.
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okthatsgreat · 1 year ago
hi lee!!!!!!!! ❤️✂️🍎💀🍩🧠 for any oc yyou want to talk about YAYYY! :D
oc ask game!
❤️ - what is one of your oc’s best memories?
URMMMMMMM. a lot of sae's best memories are really tame i think bhgfdghdfj just moments where she could sit back and say Yeah. I am Completely Happy :) BUT the BEST one i think is one she recounts a lot just bc she reallyyy felt like she had found peace. the fishing village near her afi's home holds a yearly festival for fisherman's day that she LOVEESSSS. and IF MY TIMELINE IS CORRECT she got an award i believe in 2012 (??) for her achievements and contribution to her community . and when the festival was over she got to have a long chat with her afi up on a mountain top overlooking the ocean and she holds that conversation very dear to her heart :]
✂️ - what is one of your oc’s worst memories?
(forgive me for being vague theres still a lot to be revealed in the rp hgdfjkggfdsjk!!) shes got a few but the WORST one she remembers suppperrrrr vividly just because everything seemed to happen all at once, the town she was living in was going through one of the WORST thunderstorms it had ever had, and she was seconds away from doing something SO rash . GOD awful day for a thirteen year old to have. BUT it was the catalyst for some major changes in her life, so while she would never go back and do that all over again sae can at least acknowledge that it switched what direction her life took DRASTICALLY. it led her to where she is today but that definitely doesnt mean she looks back at it with any sort of fondness gbhdgbsdf
🍎 - what is the oc's relationship w/their parents like?
her afi and amma were her legal guardians for the majority of her teenage years! and anybody within a five mile radius knows that she LOVES those guys. she takes so much influence from her afi particularly and holds him on a very high pedestal of how she should be behaving and what traits she should portray, just because he is an incredibly patient and wise man. her late amma also influenced her a LOT in terms of hard-work and dedication to others, and when she passed it only caused sae to work even harder to support her afi. not to mention sae truly considers her afi to have saved her life which means she feels she owes a LOT to him ghfdjkg
she doesnt speak with her parents!
💀 - does your oc have any phobias?
she isnt DEATHLY afraid of anything but she gets concerned over superstitious things that arent necessarily a problem to other people lmaooo. like for instance she does NOT fuck with bananas because they are considered terrible luck on boats. she rarely sails on thursdays, took the lucky charms off of her fishing hat and placed it around her waist just so the hat won't fly overboard again, never renames a boat, etc. ALL because she doesnt want to invite bad luck on her ship fghsjd
she's also really not a fan of loud noises!! thunderstorms have a tendency to freak her out but it really depends on the day honestly. catch her in a good mood and she can manoeuvre a boat through them easy peasy, catch her in a bad mood and she'll just sort of stare at the floor unmoving for a bit
🍩 - who is your oc's arch-nemesis or rival?
LMAO sae would never admit out loud that she hates anybody enough to consider them an arch-nemesis or rival. ESPECIALLY pre killing game. now does she dislike people? for sure. is this killing game definitely taking a lot of her pent up resentment and making it ten times worse? definitely
🧠 - what do you like most about the oc?
guy that tried so hard to escape the cycle that she is slowly turning into the very thing she was attempting to run from 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 she is NOTTT breaking the loop
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sunnyie-eve · 1 year ago
13 | I Wish
Series: Indispensable | Teen Wolf
Paring:  (Stiles Stilinski x OFC Martin)
Word Count: 1.7k
A/N: Might be a few mistakes
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"Great, you're dressed. We got first watch." Stiles bursts through my door.
"Jackson. Let's go." He grabs my hand pulling me up so I put my shoes on then follow him.
"You got Jackson?" I ask since no one had updated me.
"Yes, and I don't want to explain the whole thing." He smiles so I nod my head.
"He's in that?" I ask as we show up.
"Yep. Can you get the bag in the back?" He asks me so I do and follow him. "Okay, I bought you some foo-,"
Jackson cuts him off, "Let me out now!" He scares him as we get in.
"You know, I put those pants on you, all right, buddy? One leg at a time. Being all up-close and person with your junk wasn't exactly a highlight of my day. So don't think this is fun for me either. You know we're actually doing you a favor?" Stiles tells him.
"This is doing a favor?" Jackson asks.
"Yes. You're- you're killing people. To death. Yeah. And until we can figure out how to stop you, you're gonna stay in here. I'm sorry. Now... Do you want the ham and cheese, or the turkey club?" Stiles pulls them out to show him.
"You actually think my parents won't be looking for me?" Jackson asks him so he shows him the text he sent.
The look on Jackson's face makes me turn the phone to read it then I smack Stiles upside the head, "Does he look like someone who says love you? He never said it to my sister. I doubt he tells his parents that. I don't even think it's in his vocabulary." I shake my head at him.
"She's right." Jackson says making me glare at him.
"Well, if you're not gonna eat one I want it because I got dragged out before I could put something in my belly." I lean back and stretch my legs out across.
"Here." Stiles hands me one to eat so I do.
"What exactly do I turn into? What do I look like?" Jackson asks us.
"Not a werewolf like you were hoping. You have scales." I give him a smile.
"Scales? Like a fish?" He asks.
"No, more like a reptile. Um, and, uh, your claws have this liquid that paralyzed people, well except two sisters, and you have a tail." Stiles lists to him.
"I have a tail?" Jackson says.
"Yep." I nod my head.
"Does it do anything?" He stares at us.
"No, not that I know of." Stiles says.
"Can I use it to strangle you?" He reaches out at him.
"Probably could to be honest. You'll just have to know how to work your tail." I shrug my shoulders then sit up, "Seeing that you don't believe shit we say... The night of the semi-final game, what did you do right after?" I ask him.
"I went home." He glares at me.
"Are you sure about that?" I raise an eyebrow.
"Yes, you idiot. What the hell else would I do?" He asks annoyed.
"You attacked me, Stiles, and Derek at the school, and you trapped us in the pool. You also killed a mechanic, right in front of Stiles, by the way. And one of Argent's hunters." I explain to him.
"Oh, and last night, you tried to kill Danny." Stiles adds.
"Why would I want to kill my best friend?" He asks him.
"Well, that's what Scott's out trying to figure out right now." Stiles says.
"Well, maybe, he should be trying to figure out is how he's going to pay for a lawyer when I prosecute your asses all the way to jail!" Jackson shouts.
"All right, well, tell me this. On the night of the first full moon, what happened?" Stiles asks him and he says nothing happened.
I roll my eyes getting out of the van not wanting to be near Jackson. I could stand being around him. "Julia." Stiles comes over to me as I walked some ways from the van.
"Huh?" I force a smile.
"You okay?" He asks me.
"No, because I can't stand him. He's a piece of shit. He thinks he's all that bc his parents have money and he's always got what he wanted. I know, my parents have money too but I don't get shit like him or Lydia. Jackson's just an ignorant asshole. He had his moments with Lydia when they dated but most of the time he was shit. Then an even big dick after dumping her to become a werewolf. GUESS WHAT YOU DIDN'T GET WHAT YOU WANTED FOR ONCE!" I shout towards the van. "He'd rather be ignorant and wrong then admit someone else is right about something." I sit down on the ground.
"I'm happy you didn't get things. I know that sounds bad but you wouldn't be you if you did." Stiles sits next to me. "If anything, I need to thank the werewolf that bit you when you were 10 because if it never did... You wouldn't be out here with me." He nudges me.
"True." I smile.
After some time I watch Stiles text Jackson's dad but we hear rustling. Allison shows up starting us causing Stiles to lean back into me while I grab his shoulders.
"They know. They know Jackson's missing." She tells us.
"No, they can't. I've been texting his parents since last night. They don't have a clue." He tells her.
"My grandfather told me his parents went to the police. They know." She explains.
"Told you it was the love you part." I say as he freaks out holding the phone.
He checks the radio and we hear they're coming out here so we get in the van to go somewhere else.
Scott joins us soon and explains what he found out about Danny doing Jackson a favor with some footage. We all talk about who is protecting Jackson but something else is going on we don't know because he wasn't exactly trying to kill us. As Scott goes on a long rant to why we should help him I ignore him because I still didn't exactly care for the dude. Stiles and I leave while Scott and Allison watch over Jackson for awhile.
"I'm with you. Let's just kill him." I laugh as we walk around not exactly leaving to go home.
"That's a first." He chuckles.
We find a spot and sit on a rock looking at the town. "What are you thinking about?" Stiles asks me after some time.
"What if's about the past." I sigh tilting my head.
"What about what if's? We already said stuff about that." He looks at me confused.
"Well it's more like why. Why did shit happen to me at ten..." I turn my head to look at him, "Why me being slightly odd make my family treat me with less love? Why did people not give me a chance because Lydia said stuff about me? What did I do to deserve all of that growing up?" Tears fall from my eyes so Stiles pulls me closer to his side putting an arm around me rubbing up and down my arm.
"I can't tell you why... And I can't tell you why I used to be one of those people who listened to Lydia when we were in elementary. But things happen for a reason and maybe soon the answer will show itself. It sucks having family treat you less because you got a gift. And I'm sorry for never seeing what great person you are. If I could go back in time I would have talked to you way earlier." He rests his chin on top of my head.
"Sometimes I wish I just died from the bite."
"Don't say that, Julia. Don't ever say that again or think that again, okay." Stiles kisses the side of my head hugging me tightly. "If you died we wouldn't be here right now. And I kinda like having you around."
I turn my head to look at him, "I kinda like being around." I smile making him smile too.
We end up sitting in silence for awhile before heading back to the others and see Jackson was no longer in the van.
"Some watch they are." I say as Stiles goes over to the car waking them up to show them.
"I have to tell my father." Allison speaks up, "Scott, he's going to kill someone."
"Okay, tell him. Tell him everything."
"Scott, I gotta tell mine, too." Stiles speaks up.
"It's all my fault."
"It's not. But we have to tell them. We're just a bunch of teenagers. We can't handle this." Allison tells him.
"You're right."
"How are you going to make your dad believe all this?" I ask Stiles.
"I don't know." He looks at me.
"He'll believe me." Scott turns to look at us with his eyes glowing.
Allison heads home while Scott and I go to the station to see Stiles dad but when we get there we see Jackson there.
"Scott, Stiles, Julia. Perfect timing. Have you met Jackson's father, Mr. David Whittemore? Esquire." Noah tells us.
"That means lawyer." Jackson speaks up.
"No shit." I snap back.
While we end up having to wait at the station for Scott's mom and mine to come get us, Allison calls saying Lydia translated the book and Jackson had someone controlling him.
When our moms get here I could tell mine was pissed as she glares at me.
"You will not go within 50 feet of Jackson Whittemore. You will not speak to him. You will not approach him. You will not assault or harass him physically or psychologically." Noah reads off to us.
"Fine by me." I speak up, "Can't stand that asshole." I look over at his dad.
"Julia." My mother looks at me.
"What about school?" Stiles asks.
"You can attend classes while attempting to maintain a 50 foot distance." Noah says making Stiles go on to asking stupid questions so my mom said we will be leaving now.
"I can't believe you, Julia." She says as soon as we get into the car.
"To be far it wasn't my idea. I got dragged into it." I say looking out the window.
"By who? That Stiles kid? I don't want you talking to him or hanging out with him. Do you hear me? He's trouble."
"Really? One of my only two friends?" I look at her.
"Yes. No, Stiles."
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kyogre-blue · 2 years ago
I huff about the Wrath of the Rock thing mostly bc if I started talking about how badly contracts were done in Liyue I'd never stop lol. What he did with Wanyan was the most in-your-face about it and had me FUMING, yes, but I honestly really want to know what the adepti are getting out of their contracts and why exactly they still had to hold up their end of the bargain when the contractor was supposed to be dead. Like? A contract really is supposed to benefit both parties? What service has Zhongli been providing? NOT kicking them out of Liyue's mountains or something? Is he a landowner? And Xiao's contract is just downright exploiting him - I'd think the translation mistook "contracts" for "oaths" somewhere but no, Yanfei exists.
And I was curious bc I distinctly recall a Liyue NPC praying to Barbatos....checked, her name's Chishui! And she says though it's tradition in Liyue to worship the Geo Archon the winds are what truly determine whether her sailor husband is safe, though she admits it's rare (unsure if she means liyue locals praying to Barbatos or locals praying to another god in general). She says any god will do as long as they keep her husband safe though, so maybe she just has either less patriotism or more common sense idk.
Gahhh unreliable information is so annoying. I remember thinking when I started playing that maybe humans already had their own "type" and their ruling archon just neutrally crystalised it, given it IS supposed to be their own ambitions and all. As it is, now I don't trust anything about vision lore bc I know it's going to get dashed later on rip
Hahaha................. yeah.
But yeah.
In general, one of Genshin's biggest missed opportunities is arguably doing nothing with their gods' supposed ideals.
Mondstadt is freedom town, so that's nice, but there's no actual commentary on freedom, even though there's potential for something juicy with how they walked themselves into the Aristocracy entirely on human free will. Liyue is uh contracts, but "contracts" can mean any of like three different things minimum, with no distinction or examination of any of them. Inazuma tried, but they did not connect Yoimiya's musings, Ei's misguided grief nonsense and then the uuuh revelations (?) she had when communing with her dead sister's spirit inside a magic that went back in time for some reason (???) particularly well. And Sumeru is just a joke, they don't even try.
These seem to be basically just buzzwords that exist for flavor, rather than any real meaning.
I feel like part of the supernatural contracts in Liyue might relate to the weird third party racism that archons engage in for the sake of humans. Like how the oni had to do some weird dance to live with humans and how Azhdaha basically has no rights because won't you think of the humans. Adepti originally start out with a flavor of being fairly alien in their thinking and don't interact with humans well at all, so them having a contract that forces them to prioritize humans is potentially meant to make sure they kill fewer people.
In that sense, the service Zhongli provides is that he doesn't execute all their asses for imprisoning random people in amber and shit like that, I guess?
But they really did not keep any of this consistent.
Which isn't surprising. Genshin never cares about consistency, which is why its lore might be cool but its worldbuilding is pretty awful.
In regard to worshipping foreign gods, its presumably possible. I do recall there's a Sumeru NPC who also prays to Barbatos, though other NPCs near him didn't seem thrilled with that. On the whole, Genshin is hardly going to ever create a tense enough situation where there's acknowledged religious or national fervor that could lead to people getting genuinely targeted for acting in a way that's not seen as socially acceptable. But logically speaking, it's not even just plain "following a minority religion" deal, these gods are also the government and immediately present divine rulers. Barbatos isn't around and Morax is pretty chill, but like imagine if you want to make a shrine to a different god next to your house. How is that going to go over? If you apply just basic "how humans act about things" from the real world.....
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izzy-b-hands · 2 years ago
an all at once nsfw mix of stizzy, steddyhands, and whatever we'd wanna push together to call Ed/Pete/Lucius with an initial touch of Ed/Lucius (this is the Horniest sketching session, u gotta understand)
came (ha) abt bc i wanted to write abt cock worship which made me think stizzy and then suddenly the rest was here too lol, I got no other explanation to offer ajsjjdnfgj
It undoes him.
It's as much the actions themselves as simply how relaxed and...pliable feels the wrong word, but Izzy just...is.
Sat between his legs on the floor, face nuzzling into him well before he's hard. Quiet but for happy little murmurs and sighs and moans and he's meant to be focusing on holding this pose for Lucius-
"Wiggle if you need," Lucius cuts into his train of thought. "It won't ruin things for me."
"I'm sure it won't," Stede rolls his eyes. "Enjoying the show?"
"Not as much as Ed, but yeah."
Ed, for his part, has attempted to focus on the occasional interruption from Olu or anyone else on the crew actually out on deck working.
But his eyes don't drift too far from the scene in front of him, and the borrowed silk trousers of Stede's make his interest very clear and prominent.
Izzy sighs and lays his head on Stede's mostly bare inner thigh (it's mesh and lace underthings and thigh highs, but the latter have rolled down just a bit) and the exhalation on his skin nearly ends him.
"Actually, if I can get most of the general forms down now-"
"Then you could finish the rest later?" Ed asks, leaning down to peer at the in progress work.
"I can tell when my subjects need a break," Lucius continues. "Or when they're about to change the scene I'm trying to draw out and they can't help themselves."
Izzy mouths over his cock, the mesh not nearly covering enough. He may as well be wearing nothing at all.
"Like that," Lucius grins. "Five more minutes, you two."
"Fine," Izzy grumbles, but his eyes meet Stede's. "It'll be worth the wait."
He manages a barely audible moan in reply, and lets himself reach down to cradle Izzy's chin and face in his hand.
Izzy melts into the touch, and he whimpers.
"Would it be mean to do a countdown?" Lucius chuckles.
"Got it covered," Ed's eyes shine. "Four minutes, boys."
"You can handle four minutes," Ed continues, and after Lucius gives him a giggle and nod, drops into a chair near them.
Lucius cackles when Ed's legs spread and he palms at his cock.
"You're going to kill them in four minutes time. Might take me out as well, as it happens..."
"Would Pete mind?" Ed's brow raises.
"I think he'd want to be included, honestly."
"We could do that," Ed says. "These two will be busy with each other more than us anyway, at first. Three of us could keep each other company while they're-"
"A few more lines, and then we'll take a break and I'll go get him and-" Lucius pauses. "You really are so fucking pretty."
"Still fuckable after-"
"If I didn't want to fuck anyone who had tried to kill me before, then I'd never get laid," Lucius scoffs. "So yes, very much so."
"You're terrible," he chuckles.
"Lucius," Stede can't help but tease. "You've stopped drawing."
"Ah! I have, yes. Three minutes, right?"
Ed nods and opens up the front flap on his trousers. "Do you guys mind if-"
"Please do," Izzy interrupts and his eyes flutter shut as he rests his head in Stede's grasp. "To think I put off this sketching business for so long-"
"I said you'd like it," Lucius says. "But no, he had to argue with me at first-"
"Take comfort knowing your other captain will keep me from any arguing tonight," Izzy continues. "My mouth will be too busy for it."
"How many minutes left?" Stede asks.
"Not quite two," Ed replies, hand lazily playing with his half hard cock. "Only two minutes, love."
Izzy laughs when he whimpers, but it's easy enough to gently dig a nail into his cheek, not enough to mark or hurt badly. Just a brief sting that makes Izzy hiss.
He moves to kiss Stede's palm, and the minutes no longer matter.
"Thank fuck," Lucius sighs happily as Stede helps Izzy into his lap. "Glad you two broke first. Ed, I'll go get Pete-"
He pauses, and Stede can't help but comment.
"You don't want to wait, do you?"
"I don't, but he'll be a bit hurt if he isn't here to watch me suck his idol's cock."
Ed snorts. "Idol?"
"Okay, maybe too strong a word, but the point is," Lucius smiles. "He'll want to be present for the whole thing. That said-"
He walks over quickly, leans down to kiss Ed hard, then stands back up.
"God, it was better than I expected. I'll be right back with him."
"I'm not getting up to lock the door this time," Ed says. "Can we just make them do it when they come in?"
"I think so," Stede nods, but he can admit he's distracted by Izzy grinding on his lap, nipping at his neck in between kisses. "I mean, they'll hear us, I'm sure-"
"They certainly fucking will," Izzy chuckles. "We did get complaints last time. Might do to be more mindful, now."
"Says the man who can't stay quiet when I'm-" Stede starts, but the door to their quarters swings open.
"Oh!" Pete blushes ever so slightly. "You weren't kidding, everything is very much already-"
"Get your clothes off," Lucius is breathless in between kisses to Pete, and tossing his own clothes aside. "Ah, could I ask you to lock the door too?"
"I would do nearly anything for you," Pete murmurs. "I think I can handle locking a door."
"Good. The less interruptions the better."
It's the best sort of hedonistic: the ship is under control with Olu and Jim and the rest of the crew, and they're free to take the time to-
Well. There are flowery terms that would sound better in his journal recounting of it all. But the most honest is the most blunt:
That they're free to take the time to fuck each other until they can't see straight, and get back to the sketching after.
Everyone else understands; they've either had their own night like this with the three of them (Ed, himself, and Izzy specifically) already, or know one might be coming up soon with the second run of group sketches Lucius is doing (and that might well include Lucius and Pete again, thank fuck they've stolen more couches recently.)
It keeps things fair and relaxed and the rest of his thoughts drift off at the sight of Lucius sucking Ed's cock, Ed pulling Pete down onto the couch for a kiss, and Izzy...
Izzy whining in his ear for more, cock already leaking through the mesh barely there material covering it.
It's good luck none of them mind taking breaks in between moments with each other, because he's so wonderfully close to being that particular sort of undone, and he can tell he'll take Izzy with him when he goes.
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mamawasatesttube · 7 months ago
#kon el and Janet illegal combo they’re gonna ruin Tim mentally#esp if they find out abt Tim begin robin at different times#scenario 1. kon knows Janet doesn’t. kon is being insufferable abt it and Tim is plotting to kill him actively at the dinner table#scenario 2. Janet knows kon doesn’t but Janet probably wouldn’t realise that kon doesn’t know and there’s just a series of near misses (via @roseandgold137)
#The potential in this for Kon to corner Tim and go “your mom is WORRIED about you! >:(” because Janet confided in him about Tim disappearing#at odd hours is actually so incredibly compelling to me. He doesn't know much about his besties son#but she thinks that because they're#Close In Age Kon can get through to Tim before he starts idk dealing joker gas or something.#I need Janet to gift him a pair of pearl earrings to wear. like a friendship bracelet. (via @scarletwix)
i think tim hides it from janet longer because we know he wants to tell his team, but just can't. but sins of youth still goes down. so him getting permission to unmask and show them his real face when he's already met kon as "kon's friend's janet's son" is like... well now kon will know, but tim won't have told him. holy loophole, batman! (tim is very smug.)
that being said the actual unmasking moment IS funny because kon goes OHHH SHIIIIITTTTTT?????????? and everyone is staring at him. tim is glaring at him like don't fuck this up don't fuck this up do NOT fuck this up. and then he has to frantically backpedal like haaahahaa yeah i'm just THAT upset about losing my bet to cassie. yeah. don't read into this
but now kon understands why his bestie janet is often worried about her son being out at odd hours or not seeming well-rested enough and sleeping all over the place, and once kon asked her what was wrong because she was very troubled and she said she was probably imagining things, but she could have sworn tim had a bad bruise on his face he tried to cover up with makeup before he left the house this morning, and she's not sure what to do...
...which also brings me to the delightfully OUGH thought of kon trying to be like dude you should talk to your mom :O and tim being like. you think i haven't thought of that??? i WANT to but i CAN'T. and kon's like but... she's your mom. she's worried about you! and tim, fifteen and so prickly because this is one of his sore spots, is just like. i KNOW. what would YOU know? you don't even HAVE a mom.
he regrets it the second it comes out of his mouth but uh oh! whoops! kon's staring at him like he's just slapped him across the face and oh no! that's the thing he's sensitive about! but he doesn't get the chance to apologize because kon just yeets away. oops!
im ALSO thinking tho that this changes so much of the owaw stuff because if kon already knows tim's identity before then, it's far less likely their fight on apokolips would happen. they MIGHT still get stranded bc kon wants to save steel, but... hmmm. hmhmmhmm!!
my toxic trait is that every time i have a fic idea that doesn't involve kon, my brain immediately goes "but wouldn't it be even better if kon was there??" and i mean it's right. every time. thus is the curse of having a favorite character
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bsdwhore · 3 years ago
Hey girlie! genuinely adore your headcanons so much, they fill me with laughter and comfort and you seem to, despite them being on crack half the time, make then in character somehow?! Anyway i would love to request the big four, dazai, chuuya, akutagawa and atsushi reacting to their s/o telling them there's a spider in her room and telling them to get it out (def not inspired by a huge spider i saw earlier today-)
thank you so much! xxxxx
Dazai, Chuuya, Akutagwa & Atsushi Reacting To a Spider In Their Room
warning: spiders, mentions of suicide in dazai's part
genre: crack
a/n: I was gonna go to sleep but then I was looking at my inbox and saw this also someone send me some bsd headers most of mine just like disappeared ? I was so sad
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Dazai is just reading his favourite book when you come running in with your arms wailing in the air screaming about some spider in the room
He does not care and tries to like shush you away, telling you he was about to get to the best part of his book, The Complete Manual Of Suicide
"Poisionous? I'll gladly help you y/n!! 🤗"
Is up so fast to find it
He literally grabs it with his BARE HANDS
Disappointed in you when he finds out it is not poisonous and won't kill him
He hates insects so much so he is quite useless and refuses to get it out but at the same time would want it gone from his house straight away
He shakes his head, saying it will contaminate his ability😭
In the end you have to get it, using a paper and a clear glass
You wave the clear glass where the spider is in straight near chuuya's face once you finally caught it
Chuuya literally nearly faints
Then you go out to get rid of it but chuuya locks you out bc he was so mad at you
Didn't let you back in until a fair amount of time and it was so cold too
You understood now why the spider wanted to be in your house 😢
He comes into the room where you were just about to hit the spider with a shoe and kill it and stops you lightening fast like one of those dramatic stop motion scenes in films where someone is about to get hit by a bullet and another person comes and pushes you to the ground before you get hit type of thing
Then proceeds to give you a whole emotional speech about how spiders aren't scary, why they're important and that you shouldn't kill them and gives you a whole story about when he was homeless and how spiders helped him or something and how they were his only friends
You get a bit teary at the end ngl
Anyway in the end, the spider stays in the house forever and it's even got loads of kids now and you guys have named them all
At least you've never seen any flies in your house anymore
When you tell him he just straight up pulls out rashoumon
"I just meant like throw it outside"
"It is it's own fault, it should never have come into our house and now it will pay with death."
"Nah it's okay actually let's just leave it alone...😃"
The spider lowkey becomes your pet in the end and you guys name it
The spider is so cute and sweet and it's besties with rashoumon now
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bonesandthebees · 2 years ago
Okay so the confrontation/group conversation/impromptu ‘do we just kill him’ meeting. There’s so much in this one conversation. It is really long, but there’s also a lot of characters who talk. We get a lot of characters’ motivations and mentalities. We also get a nice look at the Deathling's group dynamic and some of their individual personalities. And all of them get a nice “What’s this? The consequences of our actions?”
Let’s start with Tubbo, because he’s the one who started this mess. He means well and he makes some good points. He also lacks a lot of info because Tommy is hoarding it (and probably feels like Tubbo won’t listen anyway). Tubbo is still pissed at the Pythia for trying to kill Tommy. He’s a protective friend. He’s also smart enough to figure out that his possible escape puts all of them in danger. He’s a threat as long as he’s alive. So he needs to die, which is a lot easier to decide when you have barely spoken to the guy, he was a dick in all those interactions and he tried to murder your best friend.
It’s important to note that Tubbo never wanted this to be a public thing, but once he’s there, he’s not going to back down. It’s also important that the thing currently making Tubbo upset is Tommy taking the Pythia to Quackity’s bar. Tubbo is upset because he’d afraid he could have escaped and afraid for Tommy’s safety. It’s a risk he didn’t want to take and he doesn’t know that Tommy had ulterior motives. He’s upset about Tommy’s actions and he wants to talk about them with Tommy and Tommy alone. And I feel like Tommy thought he could avoid another “we need to kill him” if Wilbur was right there.
Side note: is Tubbo getting any sleep at all? Is this kid paranoid? Is that what happens? Cuz he looks like shit. Also, I respect the sign language. This situation escalating is probably just as much Tommy’s fault as it is Tubbo’s. And then it’s Sam taking over. Side note number 2: glass!Tommy being sensitive about his intelligence and needing to specify that he’s not an idiot.
Also, Tommy has the most tattoos? Like genuine death experience tattoos? Out of all of them? That’s very worrying. Even when he counts things like choking on noodles. And Tubbo bring it up makes me feel like this is a thing. I’ll get back to this later.
oh yeah that convo is SUCH a long one there was so much i had to go through with all the different characters. I had a lot of fun writing it though. figuring out the groups dynamic and how it contrasts with their differing motivations was so so interesting to work through. another reason I love writing arguments lol
yuppp tubbo has a good point! he's worried about tommy and he's barely spoken to the pythia! he only knows the pythia as a dick who tried to kill his best friend, and he also poses a huge risk to their group. tubbo's not advocating for this to be a dick. he's a very logical character and he's just trying to focus on what's rational here. again, he didn't wanna do this in front of the pythia. he wanted to talk with tommy privately about the risk he took taking him to the bar. but tommy insisted on doing it right there, so that's what he committed to.
tubbo has been stressed since tommy nearly got killed he's having a rough time
yeah tommy escalated the situation just as much as tubbo did. and he's still sensitive about his intelligence, so he really doesn't like tubbo talking down to him like he's stupid
tommy doesn't necessarily have the MOST near death experiences out of the group, he just has the most tattoos that he openly states are near death experience tattoos. phil has a ton of tattoos but he won't tell anyone else which ones are for near death experiences and which ones are just for personal style. also tommy counts some more minor things as near death experiences (ie: the ramen) just bc he thinks it's funny. essentially, tommy is more open about his near death experiences than other deathlings are. he's also an impulsive risk taker, so he does still have a lot of genuine near death experiences compared to most of the others
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songmingisthighs · 2 years ago
Hellooo! I'm a new atiny and I was wondering if you could help me get to know the boys a bit, if you could describe them in a few words, what you think about them, who's ypur favorite and why. I'm also curious who are the trouble makers and who are the mom and dad of the group who keep them in check.
oooo hellaurrrrr welcome to the mess <3
in a nutshell, ateez is... pretty... self explanatory ??
you only need to know that within ateez is a group of fuckboi wannabe dorks called 99z (구구즈/gu-gu-jeu) which literally translates to the 99 liners and a duo called matz (맏즈) which consist of the two oldest members (both 98 liners) and yeah they left the youngest who's the only 00 liner but frankly ion think he gives a fuck because he's always either with mom and dad (matz) or pulling some shit with 99z.
- matz
seonghwa > the oldest is the mom. he's a boomer trying to become a genz, you'll see him constantly wanting to join in on weird ass 99z antics or with wooyoung circling around him like a chicken doped up in coccaine. soft cute babie off stage like literally lactates whenever he sees kids but on stage looks like he's possessed. I dare you to watch his guerrilla fancam.
hongjoong > captain (not leader), 2nd oldest and the "dad". bc fr he's a workaholic, 9 times out of 10 you'll find him camping in his studio. Dedicated and talented as fuck, produce every ateez songs despite being worse than tone deaf when he first got into kq. the embodiment of the word "tired. and he's possessive as fuck so don't even mention other singer or celebrities near him. he'll pop a vein or smth. stage possession pt. 2
- 99z
yunho > tallest boy. golden retriever who thinks he's a daschund or smth idk. easily excited, so fucking cute, handsome, can kill you with love and kindness. literally don't join his private message on universe, you'll get delulu. soft and lovable yet people wanna fuck with him because they're petty jealous bitches haha pendejo ANYWHAM the way he moves on stage is just... holy fucking shit ???? mesmerising. watch ateez's guerrilla on killpo on 1thek (yt) and you'll get what i mean
yeosang > looks like he can murder you simply by flicking the air near your forehead because HAVE YOU SEEN HIS ARMS ??? kq srsly need to shut down the gym. if you see him during predebut/early debut era and compare to his present look, you'd think he was swapped or smth bc where the fuck is the innocent naive nerd that woo said won't survive this world without him ???
san > DON'T GET TOO CLOSE, YOUR EYES WILL BURN. off stage he's san :D but on stage he's san >;). cheeky lil shit who used to sing in a church choir despite being not religious because he has the voice of an angel. and the body and moves of satan. istg don't watch his cyberpunk fancam in public, you're gonna wanna take a shower after that. master of performance like fr possessed on stage pt. 3
mingi > THE OTHER TALL BOY and the love of my life. looks like he could stomp you and will stomp you. by accident. tol boi makes many many clumsy steps. sexy on stage but off stage makes you wanna swaddle him and feed him cookies. obsessed with abura soba and he's your go-to guy for comfort in terms of like feeling better about yourself or when you feel like a loser. recommends songs A LOT on his pm
wooyoung > sly little bastard. he looks mischievous. AND HE IS MISCHIEVOUS. L O U D A S F U C K, i suggest you don't watch his videos in public because i deadass watched ateez whilst in the bus and Wooyoung's voice penetrate through my earphones. at 0% volume you can still hear him. but he's iconic, memorable, gay as fuck (in the best way) but ion wanna assume his sexuality because he calls his fans his wife. men women nonbinary trigender, EVERYONE'S woo's wife (영부인/young-bu-in). calls his dude friends honey (jagiya) like yeonjun (txt), changbin (skz) and many more methinks. man's a social butterfly like i believe he can befriend putin or smth
- babie <3
jongho > BEAR <3 literally the stylists are doing him justice this comeback bc he looks SO FUCKING GOOD istg he's turning my brain into mush. idk what's above angel voice because that's the fuck he has. so fucking talented and so damn fucking done with his hyungs's antics. but everyone loves him <3 <3 he's still everyone's baby <3 <3 but fr don't mess with him because he splits apples in half without having to try so i do believe he has the power to break spines, limbs, and mental
this is all i can think of so far pls let me know if you have more things you wanna know <3
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