#And Mun if you ARE reading this do not contact me. Do not try and apologize. Do not say anything to me.
Chung Myung x Fem! Reader: "100 Years and a Promise" (SFW/Part 1)
Summary: You and Chung Myung grew up in Mount Hua. At first, you despised him, then you became friends, and later in life, you realized how much you loved him. It's a shame that you're too nervous to be blunt about your feelings towards him.
Contains: Fem reader, alcohol, and mentions war. Not angsty (yet).
WC: 2,405
When you realized you fell in love with the infamous Plum Blossom Sword Saint, you cringed. You’ve known each other for decades, and you even hated him when you first met him! You thought he was the worst person you ever met, and yet here you are crushing on this rude old man. 
You realized this while you guys were goofing off. You two were sitting on a cliff hiding from Chung Mun, drinking, and conversing while the sun sets on the horizon. You’re in your eighties, and you’ve watched this sunset with Chung Myung countless times. It’s nothing new, but you still think the scene is breathtaking.
While he’s rambling, your drunk ass spaces out while listening to him. Your gaze switches between the multi-colored sky and your friend. You can’t help but notice how the warm lighting highlights his features. You stare at him with an affectionate smile and think about how Chung Myung and the sunset are kind of similar. You’ve seen Chung Myung countless times, too, and yet you still think he’s lovely. You could watch him every day and not get tired of his beau-
“PFFFFTTT-” You spat your drink into his face and start laughing at your own stupidity. “What the fuck, (y/n)!? I know my jokes are funny but that's a bit much!” Chung Myung yelled. You really just spat in your crush's face, huh? Good job, loser.
“Oh shit, I’m so sorry! Here, let me clean you up!” You apologize profusely while wiping the alcohol off of his face. While doing this you get a better look at his facial features, and your heart rate increases. Your eyes wander towards his, and you realize his eyes are the most beautiful shade of pink you’ve ever seen. This pink puts Mount Hua’s plum blossoms to shame, and you realize that you’re ridiculously infatuated with this man.
You accidentally pause while admiring him, and Chung Myung has to snap you out of your thoughts. “You can stop holding my face now,” he says while taking your hands off of him. You didn’t even notice you stopped wiping and started holding his face! “Sorry, I was, uh, trying to make sure I got everything! You don’t want to return with alcohol all over your face; Chung Mun would not be happy if he caught you like that!” Nice save, y/n! You think to yourself while your hands return to your lap.
“Please, continue telling your story,” You say, trying to divert his attention from what just happened. Except this time you can’t maintain eye contact with Chung Myung, and you keep looking down at your lap while he speaks to you. The scars and calluses on your hands look pretty interesting right now. Chung Myung notices your gaze wavering from his eyes and assumes you’re not paying attention. How dare you space out during his awesome story!?
“Hey! What’s wrong with you?” “Huh?” “You keep staring at your hands! Is there something wrong with them?” He asks and grabs one of them. You quickly yank your hand back and start panicking internally. Just the thought of holding hands makes your face turn red, and here he is trying to grab your hand! “And why is your face so red? Are you running a fever or is it the alcohol?” He asks as he feels your forehead. “It’s the alcohol!” You blurted out. It’s like he’s reading your mind and making you nervous on purpose!
“You’re acting weirder than normal. Did you pre-game before this?” “I might’ve pre-gamed a little bit,” You give him another excuse. “Oh, everything makes sense now! You’ve had a bit too much, so now you can’t focus and you’re running hot. I thought you could handle your liquor better, (y/n). Not only that, but you pre-gamed without me! That’s against the drinking buddy code. Tsk tsk, I’m disappointed in you, (y/n),” He says all of this and pouts. You can’t tell if he’s actually hurt or if he’s playing with you. 
“I’m sorry, Chung Myung… hic, sniffle… I’ll do better next time!” You start drunkenly crying into the palms of your hands. The thought of upsetting him makes you sad, and the alcohol amplifies your emotions. “Wait, don’t cry!” He says and starts panicking. He just made one of his closest friends cry, and it looks like he doesn’t know what to do in this situation.
“There, there,” He says while awkwardly patting your back in an attempt to comfort you. “Seeing you sad makes me sad!” You blurt out while the sobbing continues. “I’m not sad anymore! Please stop crying!” After he says that, your crying starts to quiet down. “Really?” “Yes, really! Not stop crying! Jeez, you’re a handful tonight. You’re plastered, and now it’s getting dark. We should go home.” “M’Kay…” You quietly say and attempt to stand up. Unfortunately, the alcohol has made you dizzy and this is a lot more challenging than you expected. When you try standing you fall on your ass, and Chung Myung proceeds to laugh at you. 
After having a good laugh, Chung Myung picks you up bridal style and carries you back home. This closeness made you heat up even more than before, and you’d do anything to get out of this situation. Unfortunately, you’re too drunk to walk on your own, so you to let Chung Myung carry you. Needless to say, the walk home was quiet and awkward for you.
Ever since that night, you’ve struggled to look at Chung Myung. You want to avoid him as much as possible, but it’s extremely difficult. You’re both Mount Hua disciples, so you’re expected to live with and fight beside him. The only problem with this is that he distracts you from your tasks with his pretty face. For example, today you were sparring with one of the newer disciples. They couldn’t have been older than 13, so you were going easy on them. There’s no way a newbie could defeat a seasoned senior like you, but everything changed when a certain man walked by.
Your junior was swinging at you, but you didn’t notice because you couldn’t take your eyes off of him. Then suddenly thwack! You were overpowered by a child! Not only that, but Chung Myung noticed and started laughing at you. You’ve never been more humiliated in your life. Your pride will never recover from this. 
Thanks to those events Chung Myung won’t stop teasing you during tonight’s dinner. “I can’t believe you, an eighty-something-year-old woman, was bested by a child! You’re getting rusty, old friend!” He snickered. “I just got distracted, okay? Please just drop it already!” “Tsk tsk, (y/n), that’s no good. You should know better than to get distracted while fighting. That leads to dangerous consequences.” “I know, I know!” “I think you need to relearn the basics. I mean, you were defeated by a third-grade disciple. Might as well have you train with the kids, too,” he taunts you with a ridiculously attractive smirk on his face. “If you don’t stop, I’m going to smack that smirk off your face, pretty boy!” You proclaim. Chung Myung’s eyes go wide as he asks,” Hah!? What did you just say!?” 
Oh, you fucked up. Your face and ears grow hot with embarrassment when you realize what you just said. You just called him pretty boy! You’re not lying, but now he’s going to suspect that you have feelings for him. “Are you trying to fight!?” He yells while he shoots up from his seat. On the bright side he either didn’t notice or ignored the comment, but unfortunately, your crush currently wants to fight you.
A couple of months ago you would’ve gladly said yes, because who hasn’t tried to fight Chung Myung? You’ve had a couple of brawls in the past, and some of them were just for fun. There’s no way you could do that now, though. If you tried to fight him you’d get distracted thanks to your feelings and get pummeled. You can’t even sit beside him without becoming a flustered mess, and if you got close to him during a fight you’d definitely pass out from overheating.
“Goodness, no! I was just joking. I’m not stupid enough to physically fight you, Chung Myung. Let’s just drop it for tonight, okay?” You finish that question with a smile. You’re sweating nervously, and he’s still glaring daggers at you. You know what you have to do next in order to smooth things over. You need to spoil him rotten.
You give him some of the meat that was on your plate and pour him a drink. “Here, a peace offering.” “Hell yeah, (y/n)! You know the way to my heart!” He cheers and he sits back down to enjoy the gifts he’s received. He has the world’s most gorgeous smile on his face, and what he just said made your heart beat rapidly. “If that’s what you think, then here, have some more!” You’re trying to drop hints at this point, but he doesn’t notice. He’s having too much stuffing his face and downing booze to notice your yearning glances and red face. Maybe that’s a good thing because you’ve already had enough excitement for one day.
Your favorite thing to do after training and chores has always been reading under the cool shade of Mount Hua's iconic plum blossom trees. You were trying to enjoy the peaceful scenery and quiet atmosphere, but lo and behold a certain man had to ruin it. Now you have Chung Myung plopping down beside you with snacks in his hand. When you see the treats you think that maybe your day hasn't been ruined after all.
“What kind of goodies are you blessing me with today, dearest Chung Myung?” Calling him that made your feelings so obvious. It's too bad he's either oblivious or just flat-out ignoring you at this point. “Tart candied fruits for a tart woman,” he finishes and offers one while snickering. You roll your eyes and pop one in your mouth. Your attention goes back to your book while Chung Myung munches on his little treats. Besides the crunching, everything is quiet and peaceful. 
After a few minutes, you grow bored of your book and decide to break the silence. “So, what do you plan on doing when this is all over?” you turn and ask Chung Myung. He looks puzzled by your sudden question,“ What do you mean?” “Well, Chung Mun and I had a conversation the other day about passing our wisdom down to the next generation. It had me thinking about life after this whole war is over.” “He had that talk with you too?” “Mhm…”
His gaze turns up to the sky and he pauses to think about his response. “I haven't given it much thought. I'm mostly concerned about the present.” “That's fair, bringing down the demon cult isn't going to be easy…” you reply. Every time that cult comes up in conversation a sense of dread pools in your stomach. Your sect has dependable disciples like the famous Chung Myung who's sitting right beside you, but you can't shake off the looming sense of anxiety. 
Chung Myung notices the pensive glint in your eyes and for a second you thought you saw a bit of concern in his. He decides to shove the subject onto you,” What do YOU plan on doing?” Now it's your turn to pause in silence. You're trying so hard to formulate a reply, but the demon cult is still occupying your mind.
You hold your chin while your gaze lowers to the grass in front of you. “Hm… I'm not entirely sure either…” your statement trails off and you look back into Chung Myung's eyes. “Hehe, maybe I'll settle down with someone and have a kid or t-” “Please do not finish that sentence.” He deadpans at you. “I'm just kidding; pun not intended!” “That pun was absolutely intended!” 
“Why shouldn't I have kids anyway?” you say as you cross your arms and huff at him. You continue,” I'm a grown woman and I can do what I want!” “You're not wrong, but would you make a good parent? Are you even interested in someone else? It takes two to tango!” “I've had decades to think about this, so yes, I think I'd make a good parent. And I've already found someone!” You exclaim and stand up from your shaded spot. Your hands land on your hips in an attempt to make you look assertive. 
“Who!?” He says as he shoots up from his spot. “It's a secret!” You smirk at him. “I'm one of your closest friends, and you won't even tell me who you like!? You wound me, (y/n),” he grabs the cloth above his heart and puts the back of his hand on his forehead. He's pretending to swoon, so you laugh at him while rolling your eyes. “You're acting like a drama queen, stop it.” “Thanks, I know my acting is amazing!” “Hey, that's not what I said at all!” “I’m joking, but seriously who is it?” His gaze is intense and his tone drops to a more serious one. 
“I'm not telling you!” “Why not!?” “Because!” “Because why!?” You sigh at his replies and pinch your nose. This conversation sounds a lot like the ones you had when you were both kids. You only have eyes for him, but you're definitely not going to tell him after saying all of that. Telling him you want to settle down and have kids, and then telling him you love him would be moving too fast!
He grabs your shoulders and shakes you as he continues,” Please tell me, the curious is killing me!” You shake your head at him. “Please, I'll never steal food from your plate again!” You deadpan and reply,“ You and I both know that's a lie, Chung Myung.” “... Yeah, you're not wrong about that,” he says as he lets go of you.
“Okay, how about this?” He grabs both of your hands and you feel your cheeks flush thanks to the contact. “I'll stop pestering you for now, but when everything is over you'll tell me, okay?” “Okay,” you sheepishly reply. “Pinky promise?” He holds out his pinky finger and you follow suit. You wrap them together and make your promise.
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e-chaechan-3 · 5 months
Authors note: Hiiiii ummm of course writing this would mean I’m black , and as of right now I have my hair in box braids so You aka the reader is also going to have box braids or what ever hairstyle you want🤷🏿‍♀️. Also S2 SO MUN(I love his curls)
Content Warning: Fluff, Kissing ,Angst,Comfort,Crying, Pil-Kwang(yes indeed he is a warning),Gelli.
*whisper- your pov*
The feeling that courses through my veins as I lay on My Bed with So Mun kissing my neck feeling butterflies in my stomach, could not be described as Lust , but as passionate and intimate.
I run my hands through his hair starting from the nape of his neck and going into the back middle,Only able to do this because I am in between his arms as he leans down carefully not to put to much pressure on me.
"What brought this on?" I question him promptly after his head comes up from my neck
"Nothing it’s just…I have’nt kissed you in awhile or even be that close to you since in school we have different schedules , except for that one class So I take every moment I can." His lips tell me but his eyes and head elsewhere, showing me his Nervousness as he talks.
His eyes suprise when I take his chin softly between my index and thumb , and turn his head softly making him look at me.
"There is nothing is wrong with that , I was just asking there is no need to be nervous I thought you were stressing or something or if you wanted to talk about something but resorted to affection instead." I Begin as I look in eyes finding his endearing and one of the many things I’m fond of in him.
He smiles and Nods with this look in his eyes only he can distinguish the emotion too.
"Can I continue?"He questions innocently and readily.
"Come here baby" I voice back confirming his question.
He leans in and kisses me softly and slowly giving me a sensation I never felt before. I feel his other hand softly but firmly grab my waist kissing me deeper cause a soft hum out of me.
He continues to slowly kiss me keeping it Romantic and Intimate. Grabbing my left thigh and bringing it to sit up, slightly leaning on his body.He then does something that has my heart already beating faster than it already was, also creating goosebumps on my arms and legs.
He slowly glides his finger on my skin starting at my ankle and slowly going up to my thigh as we still kiss. Our lips molding together like the sun and moon, they can’t go without eachother.
His finger tips reach my thigh and he being to rub there, causing me pull back away from him slowly, my breath out of control and the intesity to much for me to handle.
He pulls back to see the reason for the sudden halt in the moment
"What’s wrong?"He asks Oblivious to the Hold he has on me.
Reversing the Roles we were in earlier I look away from him.
"My thigh is a sensitive spot" I say thanking God a Blush is not evident on my complexion.
He smiles about to respond but his phone begins to ring, the contact reading ‘My old Sasaengnim’
His mind says as his eyes travel to the phone then back to you, silently questioning ‘Can I get it?’
I nod reassuring him its alright and to pick it up, Causing him to reach for the phone and answer to whom I can only guess as Mo-Tak by the name.
Before the phone call ends he lets out an dejected sigh and says "Okay"
"What?" I question seeing him put the phone back where it was and put his attention back on me.
"I have to go baby" He speaks with slight sadness in his tone, but you know he is happy to do what he does he is just sad to leave you.
"Hero things?" I tease him trying to put that beautiful smile back on him.
"Yea" He chuckles softly and rubs my check , then going to my lips.
"I’ll see u later" He says closing the distance a bit and kisses me after finishing his statement.
I hold his cheeks to deepen it a bit, only pulling back after a few seconds because I know he has to go.
"Ok"I respond back but wanting nothing more than to keep kissing him, but I know he has to save the world and I love that about him, because he is genuine about it.
He gets up and puts his jacket on and grabbing his phone. "If your tired don’t wait for me just go to sleep, ok?" He says looking down at me with a soft look.
“Mhm” I say smiling at him sleepily.since I’m filled with food and the love of my boyfriend it made me tired.
He kisses my forehead one more time and starts walking to the door , turning of the lights and closing my door on the way. I then start to drift to sleep as I hear my front door shut and my lock locking by itself making me smile to myself
‘I like this place’
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kylo-wrecked · 3 months
Note from original creator of meme, and key this is for lgbtqia+ muses if your muse is cishet this isn’t the dash game for you it was created by a queer mun for queer muses. bold: always, italic: situational, strikethrough: never.
♡ GENDER IDENTITY: cisgender (man) / intersex / gender-nonconforming / transmasc / transfemme / transman / transwoman / nonbinary / gender-fluid / genderqueer / agender / demi-girl / demi-boy / bigender / pangender / omnigender / two-spirit
♡ SEXUALITY: queer / gay / lesbian / bisexual / pansexual / omnisexual / asexual / androsexual / demisexual / fluid / non-labelled / graysexual / gynesexual / homosexual / monosexual / polysexual
Each version of this muse is still figuring things out. Some try harder than others. Observe—
*summons a list with a snap like fucking mary poppins ✨*
Modern!Ben: horrified by his attraction to men/does not explore/interrogate this sense of attraction/horror.
Music!Ben: more certain in his sexuality but weirdly hard on cis women due to some unconscious, repressed attachment to mom.
Ex-Con!Ben: could be demi. sadly, doesn't identify with any label he hasn't already been given on legal papers.
Smuggler!Ben: not human/near-human discriminate~
Murder!Kylo: never thinks about it.
Ren: are you powerful? Do you have the ability to make him suffer the ending of one thousand galaxies? Can you pull his crushed soul through... oh, that's too bad. *swipes left*
♡ DATING PREFERENCES: monogamous / ethically nonmonogamous / monogamish / relationship anarchy / open relationships / polyamorous / doesn’t date / dates casually
Ren is Ren.
Ex-Con!Ben and Modern!Ben are strictly monogamous.
Music!Ben could be closeted poly, but he doesn't want to put the honest emotional effort into maintaining multiple authentic relationships, doesn't love one partner to know about another, doesn't like the idea of hierarchy, amatonormativity, etc. So, la-di-da.
♡ ATTACHMENT STYLE: secure / anxious-preoccupied / dismissive-avoidant / fearful-avoidant
♡ SEXUAL INCLINATIONS: sex favourable / sex adverse (particularly Ren/Ex-Con!Ben) / sex indifferent / hypersexual / sex-repulsed / bottom / top / versatile / vers bottom / vers top / service top / power bottom / stone top / pillow princess / submissive / dominant / switch / brat / baby girl/boy / soft dom / pleasure dom / caregiver
Ren: soft violence, the erotica of pulling molecules apart- you're not dead now; you're different. <333
♡ LOVE LANGUAGES: words of affirmation / quality time / acts of service / receiving gifts / physical touch / activity / appreciation / emotional / financial / intellectual / practical
Murder!Kylo: are you going to help me complete my Project or not? :/
♡ PHYSICAL ACTS OF INTIMACY: holding hands / kissing / cuddling / massages / bathing together / washing partner’s hair / skin on skin contact / forehead kisses / playing under the table (e.g. hand on thigh, footsy etc) / playing with partner’s hair / playful tickling / seeking them out in bed to hold / eye contact / reading to your partner / being read to / napping together / couch cuddles while doing separate activities (head in lap etc)
No shower/fresher sex with short people.
♡ KINKS & TURN ONS: dirty talk / quiet in bed / loud in bed / having hands pinned / pinning partners hands / having hair pulled / pulling partners hair / being watched / watching their partner / voyeurism / receiving oral sex / giving oral sex / receiving penetration / giving penetration / praise kink (he could not handle this) / biting / marking up your partner / being marked up / impact play / edge play / teasing / being teased / using toys on partner / having toys used on them / choking / being choked / being restrained (good luck) / restraining their partner / shibari / breeding kink / worshiping their partner / being worshiped / humiliating / being humiliated / degrading / being degraded /pegging / being pegged / frotting / face sitting / dom/sub dynamics / DDLG dynamics / aftercare / anal / bdsm / light bondage / outdoor sex / sensory deprivation / roleplay / rough sex / threesomes / wax play / sensory play (eg. pinwheels etc) / knife play / blood play / caging / cbt / sounding / collars / exhibitionism / rimming / fisting / pet play / dressing up for partner / partner dressing up for them / daddy kink / mommy kink / master/slave dynamics
Ren: inducting [partner] into the Knights of Ren. big turn on.
*Ex-Con!Ben's sexual experience is quite limited. Also, do not degrade him. He's not comfortable with blood play either.
tagged by:// last sinday leveling a revolver at my brain
tagging:// *sets revolver on table* take it or leave it
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serpentine-saboteur · 1 month
"Oh, welcome back."
Hello hello!! My name is Bee, and I am the operator/mun of this blog! I use any neopronouns, this includes many varieties of pronouns, but you can use it/its or nacht/nachts mainly! I will state this at a forefront: basic criteria will be used here, use your common sense. And, the views of Sebastian do not reflect my own. I am separate from the character I play.
A thing of importance! If you are followed by an account by the name of "bees-among-the-okami", that is me! It is my main/personal, as this account is a sideblog. Below the "Read More" are my rules and the shorter description of my version of Sebastian!
I only really roleplay with those that I have as mutuals, just to be sure of equal interest on both ends. As well as, I do not rush rps, in both aspects of the word. I will not race through relationships, nor will I rush you! I would appreciate not being rushed either!
As an addendum to this, it may take me a while to reply to rps, my motivation comes and goes, as is the horrors of AuDHD. But I will try my best to keep in contact!
A second addendum to this are asks! I am down to roleplay responses to asks, though I will only create "threads" with mutuals branching from said ask!
This goes as well for "password locked" roleplay blogs, I will only send the password if we are mutuals!
As I follow from a personal blog, I will not block those on the other end! Personals are also allowed to send asks! I will not create threads with personals, though. We need to talk first beforehand! My DMs are open!!
Minors are NOT ALLOWED on the blog. I am 19, and though nothing will tread into sexual territory here, it's mainly for ease-of-mind for me.
If anything comes up, there will be rules added! Thank you for reading.
Please send a "🐟" in DMs or in your first Ask so I know that you've read these!
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Sebastian Solace is a male leviathan-esque creature created by Urbanshade, directing the experiment on him to the Hadal Blacksite. Before he was twisted into his new, serpentine form, Sebastian used to be human, 19 years of age and attending college for a major in engineering and a minor in music. He used to have passions, a love for electric guitar, for creating, for his family.
That's what he used to be. A person. An individual with humanity. Now it's been ripped away from him.
Slinking among the shadows of the Blacksite is how he travels, gathering data and supplies in exchange for the former. He's sharp and bitter, having learned that vulnerability is like sticking your neck out for the guillotine. And if he has to become cold to protect himself? Fine.
The scientists call him Z-13, The Saboteur... but he'd much rather his own name.
(My iteration of Sebastian is much more creature-like, as per the DNA he was experimented with as such! <- is crazy about speculative biology <3]
(Information on him is located in my promo: here!)
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ragingwaters · 10 months
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Hey everyone! Nessa here, Hulbury gym leader and part-time fashion model!
Heard some of my favorite blokes were on here, so I figured I’d join in on the fun as well as keep everyone updated with my day-to-day life. 
Water-type pokemon are my passion, and I’m gonna show the world how turbulent they can be!
Now, let’s get the basics outta the way, shall we?
Name: Nessa (obv)
Age: 23
Height: 5’8” (6’0” in heels~)
Pronouns: She/Her (Cisgender)
Sexuality: Lesbian (and happily taken💙)
Pokemon Team:
♀Drednaw (GMAX) - Kaimana
♂Golisopod - Hama
♂Quagsire - Kano
♂Pelipper - Fjord
♀Barraskewda - Hali
♀Seaking - Calypso
♂Toxapek - Hoku
Hey, mun Nova, here 30+ years old and I use he/they pronouns!
If you have any questions don't be afraid to contact me, my DMs are always open! Also this is an rp blog that takes place in the pokemon universe, so pls keep in mind I will be RPing as such! Also I will be using A LOT of personal HCs, so if you don't like them err... sorry?
>Friendly reminder that if you try to engage in a plot with me without at least discussing it with me first, then I will likely not respond. Even if you do approach me with a plot in mind, there is no guarantee I will agree.
I AM A-OKAY INTERACTING WITH OCS. This involves: Fallers, Eebydeebies, sentient pokemon, hybrids, etc. If you're not sure just ask! I promise I do not bite <3
If you are looking to interact with my muse, and your muse is tied to some potentially triggering topics, I would prefer if you discussed potential interactions with me first. This is for my own comfort, so please keep this in mind.
This is a side blog, so I'll usually send asks on anon and sign off with “-@RagingWaters”
I follow back from my main @galactic-mermaid
Check out my other Pokemon RP blogs!:
@piers-official (Piers/Marnie RP blog)
@ghostly-groundskeeper (Pokemon OC)
@darkpunkrocker (Sidney E4 RP Blog)
@thetravelingymleader (Pokemon OC)
@krazy-for-klara (Klara RP blog)
@a-gastly-trio (Pokemon Gijinka OCs) ((HIATUS))
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gwenpooleofish · 1 month
{And this is a Marvel Role Play blog}
I’m Gwen Poole, your favorite hero Gwenpool! I’m 19, aroace, an NYC resident and I like all things Marvel! I also take care of a land shark named Jeffrey.
Gwen’s pronouns: she/her
Mun’s pronouns: they/them
//Gwen can get rude and mean please contact me if it is too much or oversteps boundaries.
//Please do not respond in character to posts tagged with “gwen solo adventures”
Family (in spirit not legally or biologically):
Aren’t you just female Deadpool?
Are you Gwen Stacy?
What are your powers?
I can manipulate the media I’m in, which includes moving through and manipulating time, I also have plot armor, which means I can’t die unless I get cancelled. I can also manipulate reality by “recalling” things that never actually happened and make it so they did happen (no I do not have a less confusing way of describing it). You’d know if you read my comic, wouldn’t you! A good place to start is The Unbelievable Gwenpool.
Will you ever be a main character again?
Man I’m trying, ok?
Not cool with flirting (unless you’re Kate Bishop!) but might get nsfw just from reblogging from my peers and cause dirty jokes are funny, minors please block the tag “gwensfw”
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piers-official · 1 year
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Oi, M’Piers ex-gym leader of Spikemuth, Galar. I specialize in dark-type pokemon and create equally dark music.
Dunno why m’here, but Marnie says it could help build a fanbase, and get more people to visit Spikemuth. Plus, I got downtime now since retirin’, so I might as well do somethin’ with it.
-If ya wanna know more about me and the blog, just read below.
Basic Info and Shit:
Name: Piers Ravenwood (O’course)
Age: 24
Birthday: Aug. 24th (Virgo)
Gender: Genderqueer🟣🔘🟢
Sexuality: Bisexual
Pronouns: He/She/It
Current Pokemon Party:
Obstagoon (M): Danzig
Scrafty (M): Cash
Malamar (M): Bowie
Toxtricity Lowkey (M): Strummer
Skuntank (M): Ozzy
Marley (M): Honchkrow
My Uncle Grimsley is on here too if you wanna have a chat with him @grimsley-official
Sometimes Marnie pops up on here (ta m'own dismay) she signs off with 🖤M🖤 and writes in pink like this
Her info:
Name: Marnie Ravenwood
Age: 13
Birthday: May 28th (Gemini)
Gender: Girl
Pronouns: She/her
Pokemon Party:
Morpeko (F): Siousxie (Soo-zee)
Liepard (F): Helena
Toxicroak (F): Veruca
Scrafty (F): Rebel
Grimmsnarl (M): Nephilim
New babies!:
Riot (F): Pawniard
Shirley (F): Krokorok
(If you do nsfw, fine, but keep it off my blog thank you.)
Piers wouldn't like you either, so shoo!
Mun Nova here, 30+ years old and I use he/they pronouns!If you have any questions don't be afraid to contact me, my DMs are always open!
DISCLAIMER: this is an rp blog that takes place in the pokemon universe, so pls keep in mind I will be RPing as such! I will be useing several different HC from the games, anime/manga and also personal
This Blog also takes place after the events in sw/sh.
(NOTE: NSFW is NOT allowed! However, flirting, teasing, and SOME innuendos towards Piers (NOT MARNIE) are fine. Use common sense! Any ask that goes against my rules will be deleted.)
>Friendly reminder that if you try to engage a plot with me without at least discussing it with me first, then I will likely not respond. Even if you do approach me with a plot in mind, there is no guarantee I will agree.
I AM A-OKAY INTERACTING WITH OCS. This involves: Fallers, Eebydeebies, sentient pokemon, hybrids, etc. If you're not sure just ask! I promise I do not bite <3
If you are looking to interact with my muse, and your muse is tied to some potentially triggering topics, I would prefer if you discussed potential interactions with me first. This is for my own comfort, so please keep this in mind.
This is a side blog, so I'll usually send asks on anon and sign off with "-Piers-official".
I follow back from my main @galactic-mermaid 
Check out my other Pokemon RP Blogs!
@thetravelingymleader (Pokemon OC)
@ghostly-groundskeeper (Pokemon OC)
@darkpunkrocker (Sidney E4 RP Blog)
@ragingwaters (Nessa RP blog)
@krazy-for-klara (Klara RP blog)
@a-gastly-trio (Pokemon Gijinka OCs) ((HIATUS))
58 notes · View notes
ghostly-groundskeeper · 7 months
Welcome to the Official-Unofficial blog for Celestial Cemetery!
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Boss said a blog like this might put the cemetery in a better light (especially after what Plasma did), but let's not worry about that right now!
Name's Nova, I'm in my 30s and I'm a Unovan native! I use they/he/it pronouns~ My pokemon team is listed above on my card!
I live on route 7 outside Mistralton, and I'm one of the groundskeepers who work here (The others will be introduced later). My main job is keeping watch over the cemetery at night and watch over the pokemon who have made their home here!
That being said, when you visit, please do not automatically assume any the pokemon within the cemetery limits are wild and/or for catching! Some once belonged to the deceased, or are simply rescues. There are certain circumstances that I will allow adoption, so if you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask! Also If you disregard these rules, weeeeell-
You're gonna have to go through me.
(If you wanna learn about my two other friends who work with me, click here!)
(If you do nsfw, keep it off my blog thank you.)
Hey, mun Nova, here 30+ years old and I use he/they pronouns!
If you have any questions don't be afraid to contact me, my DMs are always open! Also this is an rp blog that takes place in the pokemon universe, so pls keep in mind I will be RPing as such! Also I will be using A LOT of personal HCs, so if you don't like them err... sorry?
>Friendly reminder that if you try to engage a plot with me without at least discussing it with me first, then I will likely not respond. Even if you do approach me with a plot in mind, there is no guarantee I will agree.
I AM A-OKAY INTERACTING WITH OCS. This involves: Fallers, Eebydeebies, sentient pokemon, hybrids, etc. If you're not sure just ask! I promise I do not bite <3
If you are looking to interact with my muse, and your muse is tied to some potentially triggering topics, I would prefer if you discussed potential interactions with me first. This is for my own comfort, so please keep this in mind.
This is a side blog, so I'll usually send asks on anon and sign off with either -Ghostly-Groundskeeper
I follow back from my main @galactic-mermaid
Check out my other Pokemon RP blogs!:
@piers-official (Piers/Marnie RP blog)
@thetravelingymleader (Pokemon OC)
@darkpunkrocker (Sidney E4 RP Blog)
@ragingwaters (Nessa RP blog)
@krazy-for-klara (Klara RP blog)
@a-gastly-trio (Pokemon Gijinka OCs)
14 notes · View notes
frostise · 5 months
questions for mun: who are five of your favorite characters? (in the rp community or otherwise), and if you could tell your muse something, what would it be?
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𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐌𝐔𝐍   ┇   accepting ♡
13. Who are five of your favorite characters? (in the rp community or otherwise)
i'll do a random list of characters from different fandoms i like. my top favvs in DC would be kf and batman but it's too obvious AND it would be unfair as well 🤷‍♀️
connor from detroit: become human. he's just a baby boy! i love him the moment i played his scenes and his music theme is phenomenal! bryan dechart really did a nailed his connor's character because i instantly liked him when he came on screen at the start of the game. he's very sweet and cute tbh it's hard to not love him 💖💖💖
reverse flash from DC. his insanity and severe level of pettiness is what made him an appealing yet disturbing villain because of the crazy lengths he'll go to devote himself to achieve any goal without the ties of morals. i really love his comics and animated depictions the most tbh. especially in justice league: the flashpoint paradox and his goofy self in lego dc super-villains. overall, i think he's pretty neat even though i love to hate him a daily basis and he'll always sound like c. thomas howell to me when i get the chance to read a new comic of his ^^
widowmaker from overwatch. what a gut wrenching lore for a character so cold-blooded. she's the only reason why i used to play overwatch before it became a toxic community. i love everything about her, especially when she's quick to fire a vicious comeback no matter what or who it is she's addressing to. actually now that i realise it? she has similar vibes to louise lmfao. but only if she willingly 'evil'. but anyway! widow will always be my number one favourite character in overwatch forever. nobody can take her place ♡
azula from avatar. she's too iconic to ignore and neglect on this list tbh. the girl was literally 14 in the show and a straight up menace everytime she appeared on screen. it honestly made me think she was actually going to capture/kill one of the members on aang's squad. she's that terrifying. but then again she's pretty funny as well. i'll give her credit for that. anyway, azula is my top tier villain that gets too much hate and suffers from mischaracterization in the comics. despite that issue; the blue fire is so cool to watch in her battles and everything about her downfall is super well written! she's a inspiration to me ♡
slenderman from slender: the arrival. my favourite childhood horror character of all time!! i had to add him here. it's one of my favourite og games i've ever played and slenderman is a legend to the horror genre itself. i definitely had nightmares about him because i thought he was real when i was younger lmfao. the game just made it more terrifying because he always wins no matter what the main characters do
20. If you could tell your muse something, what would it be?
let's be real here—i would never in my life make contact with a super criminal and tell her off so carelessly because she would beat my sorry ass instantly, but if she was in a electric chair then i would definitely tell her to take more anger management classes, be less rude to people trying to be nice to her and quit killing people just because you got hissy with them and knowing her? she won't really listen to me! she'll call me a peasant 😔✋🏼
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krazy-for-klara · 1 year
Hello lovely people! I am the caring and charismatic Klara~*~♥ I use she/her pronouns and I’m a minor-circuit gym leader specializing in poison types~! Why? Because they’re just so SUPERDUPER CUTE and volatile like me~! If you want to battle me, I’ll be happy to serve you a dish of poison. Oh, Don’t worry, I’ll be gentle… WHEN I KNOCK YOU FLAT ON YOUR ASS… *a-hem* heehee~!
Below are my CUTIE PATOOTIE teammates~:
Galarian Slowking ♀ - Queenie
Galarian Weezing ♂ - Sir Dougalous Stache
Drapion ♀ - Cutie Pie
Scolipede ♀ - Booga Bug
Galarian Slowbro ♀ - Princess Payapa
Newbie patoobies!:
Croagunk ♂ - Kero Kero
((OOC NOTE: Please read below the cut before interacting!!))
(If you do nsfw, keep it off my blog thank you.)
Hey, mun Nova, here 30+ years old and I use he/they pronouns!
If you have any questions don't be afraid to contact me, my DMs are always open! Also this is an rp blog that takes place in the pokemon universe, so pls keep in mind I will be RPing as such! Also I will be using A LOT of personal HCs, so if you don't like them err... sorry?
>Friendly reminder that if you try to engage a plot with me without at least discussing it with me first, then I will likely not respond. Even if you do approach me with a plot in mind, there is no guarantee I will agree.
I AM A-OKAY INTERACTING WITH OCS. This involves: Fallers, Eebydeebies, sentient pokemon, hybrids, etc. If you're not sure just ask! I promise I do not bite <3
If you are looking to interact with my muse, and your muse is tied to some potentially triggering topics, I would prefer if you discussed potential interactions with me first. This is for my own comfort, so please keep this in mind.
Please keep in mind Klara is not usually a nice person by any means. She will be rude and mean as she sees fit. This does NOT reflect me (the mun's) morals, this is completely IC and fictitious. If this makes you uncomfortable then do not interact. As such, you may be rude back, as long as it is IN CHARACTER. I have anxiety and cannot handle hate/rudeness IRL/OOC.
This is a side blog, so I'll usually send asks on anon and sign off with Krazy-for-Klara or depending.
I follow back from my main @galactic-mermaid
Check out my other Pokemon RP blogs!:
@piers-official (Piers/Marnie RP blog)
@ghostly-groundskeeper (Pokemon OC)
@darkpunkrocker (Sidney E4 RP Blog)
@thetravelingymleader (Pokemon OC)
@ragingwaters (Nessa RP blog)
@a-gastly-trio (Pokemon Gijinka OCs) ((HIATUS))
27 notes · View notes
demon-blood-youths · 5 months
An Officer's Corruption - Part Twenty-Nine
Hi everyone, this is Deamon-mun with part 29 for An Officer's corruption. This is for my friend @the-silver-peahen-residence who started this series. Here are the chapters so far.
Chapters so far
||Previous Chapters 1-7||((Click here))
((Previous chapters 8-13)) (Click here))
||Previous chapters 14-20)) ((Click here))
Part Twenty one ((NSFW Warning))
Part Twenty two ((NSFW Warning))
Part Twenty three
Part Twenty Four
Part Twenty-Five
Part Twenty-Six
Part Twenty Seven ( Dark Theme Warning )
Part Twenty-Eight
((Your reading part Twenty Nine))
||OVA Chapters 1-7|| ((Written by me and Peahen ) (Click here))
------ Warnings ----
Heavy NSFW Content
Sexual Themes
----- Drabble Summary -----
After they meet with UA, Sai explains what is discussed to Oblivion about Yuuka's past and the crime against her. After that, Sai decides his next course of action while staying in Japan. But first, he is going to spend quality time with Terry. Also...what are the whereabouts of Rust and Davion? And what's going on at Northern State Penitentiary?
"So that's what they told me." Sai told Oblivion at her room. She narrows her eyes. "Damn it."
"Yeah...I know."
"So to find the ones responsible, I have to follow a trail like the principal said?"
"Yes. These drugs are similar in the ones in the drug busting cases based on the toxicity report. They told us that the direction that Yuuja was running from is Yokohoma.
"That's right. Lucky for us, a group responsible for smuggling these drugs was busted and is now held in Northern State Penitentiary."
Oblivion makes a face. "And the group is..."
"Port Mafia. They have three of their members." Said Sai. "You might need to find a way to talk to one of them at least.".
"Actually...I do." Oblivion sighs.
"?" Sai blinked. Oblivion answers, "I know the warden actually, so I will be fine in getting an interview or a meeting with one of the Port Mafia." She said. "Anyway..thanks for this, Shdwkyz. I apprricate it."
"Of course." Sai says. "Oh. One more thing...the principal and Yuuka's homeroom teacher wants to talk to you if you have the time. They want to hear it from you." He said. Oblivion blinks before nodding. "Yeah sure. Tell them I am available."
"Good. I gave them your contact information. So please pick it up when you're ready."
"Got it. Thanks. I talk to you soon." She said.
"Right. Later."
Then Sai hung up. Oblivion sighs as she leans against the wall on her bed. "Guess I need to visit Uncle Dazai." She said before sighing, "I hope he isn't trying to find a way to kill himself again." She mutters, imagining Dazai being so happy to see her only to ask her if she can electrocute him with love. To death. Oblivion made a face. "Guess...I call him..."
She hopes the guards know how to deal with him.
----- In Japan ---
At the hotel, Sai places the phone on the nightstand before sighing. He sighs as Terry finishes up in the bathroom. He already got dressed for the night. After that talk with Nezu and Aizawa, things are starting to connect. Now he wonders how does Port Mafia is related to Yuuka's kidnapping. Should he go to Yokohoma and investigate? Trying to find out about a criminal organization isn't a good look.
Although...Aizawa says he knows someone in an agency that deals with them as they are on the right side of the law. The Armed Detective Agency.
Maybe they should go there. It's just a 30-minute train. But not right now.
"Something on your mind?" Terry asked. Sai blinked, "Nothing. I was wondering how to make use of this week given the information we now know from UA. I was thinking of going to Yokohoma and ask the agency who knows Port Mafia.
"You know? That's exactly what I'm thinking." Terry asked. Sai raised a brow, "Really?" He said. Terry nods, "Yeah. I think we're near the source of the crime scene so why not? I think a day trip for tomorrow would be fine. We just need to let the teacher know."
"Right. I sent him a text tomorrow. He's probably sleeping or on a mission." Sai nods. Terry smiles and goes to sit down next to him. "Also..should we play a little?"
"Huh? Didn't we do it the week before?" Asked Sai. Terry chuckles at that. "Yeah but I bet you're really want to do it."
Sai narrows his eyes at him for a moment before he lets out a yelp when Terry goes to trace his spine. Sai closes his eyes, "Fine...let's do it."
And so their night begins.
Sai is on the bed, moaning into the pillow as Terry is snapping his hips into him letting out grunts. After being teased for so long, Sai wants Terry to hurry as he can't stand it.
"Fuck..." Sai keeps forgetting how good this is. Then he felt sharp little knives into his shoulder. Sai hisses but doesn't resist as Terry bites down and kicks the blood.
"Ha..ha..." Sai utters while Terry pounds downwards. Sai moans into the pillow even more before his head is lifted.
"I want to hear you. Don't hide it." Terry growled. Sai lets out moans for him to hear. Terry chuckles at his neck. "That's it, good boy." He said as he held his hips and male to sure pound Sai at the right angle.
"FUCK! TERRY!" Sai cried out lustfully.
"That's it, little snake. Keep taking this. You deserve this, don't you?" Terry whispers to his ear making the snake shudder, loving his touches. He felt Terry goes to play with pecs before lifting him up and set down on the knees so he could hold him close to him. Back against his chest before pounding him forward making Sai moans.
"Ha...ha...ha.." Sai drools as his eyes become half-lidded, dazed with lust and pleasure. Terry slams his cock forward, before stopping. "AH~!" Sai moaned. "F-fuck! Yes! It's good! G-give me more! Don't stop..."
Chuckling, Terry goes to cover his eyes and goes to kiss him sideways deeply. Sai moans into the kiss, bucking his hips back against him gently. He goes to run his hand down the snake's spine making him shudder and tremble so delightful for him. Soon the kiss breaks, leaving a string of saliva before Terry goes to thrust into him even harder and faster. Sai cries out lustfully with his head thrown back, gripping the sheets of the bed. His wet hole twitched and began to tighten up around the bat's hard cock. This got the bat growling possessively, ramming into Sai hitting those certain spots and making his snake go crazy.
Fuck. I am about to cum! Cum real hard. Sai thought as those intense hits at the spots within him were like shocks of pleasure running up his spine so good, he can't even form sentences.
"Go ahead cum for me. Cum, cum, cum!" Terry urges him. "AAAH! CUMMING!" Sai shouts real hard as he came, spilling his cum onto the bed. Then he feels the bat filling him up with his load. They both panted as Sai hangs his head with his chest heaving.
Terry pulls out of him. Sai hisses, missing the fullness already but he falls onto the bed and rolls on his back, still panting from that hard breeding.
However, they're aren't done yet.
He was lifted once more this time, the bat has him hovering over his throbbing cock not ready to go down after that round. He and his cock wants more of it. Fortunately, the snake smiles a little, now hungry for more before. Terry slams Sai's hips down. His hard cock into his warm tight hole. Sai screams as Terry starts up again with more hard thrusts. The snake claws his back while holding onto him.
"Ah...s-s...ugh...uuh..augh..nuuugh!" Sai can't form words making the bat grunts and growls, continuing his pounding into him.
Soon, they will change their position with Sai on his back and Terry now pounding him downwards in a mating press. Sai looks up to the ceiling as his legs became limp due to ongoing rough breeding. His eyes dazed and his mouth open letting a long string of moans and cries.
Sai can't imagine if any of his fellow officers had a relationship with their former charge like this. Or was he the only one?
----- Somewhere in America ----
Right now, Officer Knight is with his former charge, Davion. Their relationship is now of...well...Rust couldn't describe it. He finds out that Davion takes down bounties and comes to the station to claim the money. That's what he does. So Rust works with him on any bounties that come up. After Davion tracks them down and hands them off to him they can processed and be sent to court then to jail.
He has to give Davion the money at his apartment. Of course...
Money isn't the only thing.
"That's right....keep moving your hips, little treasure."
It's doing this.
A sexual transaction.
The blond moans as he is naked and bare. His body flushed in heat and sweat as he kept moving up and down on the dragon's hard girth. Rust is on top of Davion doing their usual thing. Davion grunts as he thrusts up, matching the hips of their movements. He had Rust's hands held by his as the knight kept on riding him.
Then his knight goes to bounce faster and harder making the dragon wince at the sudden pace. Rust moans louder now as he is closing his eyes hard as he wants the dragon's cock hit those sweet spots of his.
"Ha...you love this, do you?" Davion smirks. "You want more of this cock, you couldn't get enough..hm?"
"Fuck...yeah..." Rust answers. "It's...ugh..you fault i...like this." He growls. Davion laughs, hearing this. "Oh?"
He snaps his hips up that makes Rust yelp. A wave of pleasure made him shudder with a breathless moan.
"Guess I will be responsible then." Davion said before delivering upwards thrusts into Rust's hole hitting those spots making him moan and cry. The blond's back arches a little at the pleasure, getting him to ride him even faster.
"Mffmmm..fuck...r-right there...please!" Rust begged. "I-i..."
"Yeah...you don't want this to stop. Don't worry...we got all night." He smiles. Then right away, he shifts their position as he picks Rust up and lays him down, having his legs hang over his shoulder before thrusting him down. With his mouth open, the knight screams in pleasure as he is now gripping the edge of the bed.
Fuck! It's so deep now! Rust thought as he shut his eyes tight as Davion slammed his hips down and lifted them once before doing it again. Developing a deep rhythm that made Rust's blood run on adrenaline due to the pleasurable sensation he is receiving. There is a drool at the corner of the blond's mouth as he is whimpering and moaning. But then...he shouts as Davion got a good angle at his peculiar spot.
"N-not there! Fuck! NOT THERE!"
"Why? Isn't this good? You trying to move up but can't. You love this dragon pinning you down and ravish you like a treasure you are!" He said, thrusting now rougher making Rust cry out lustfully.
"AH--ha! Mmfmm...ha...fuck! So deep!"
Davion slams his hips, coming to stop and grinds ever so slowly so the other can feel him. Rust's breath hitches, "Ah..ha..." The blond widen his eyes, wondering why he stopped.
"Well? Am I wrong?"
"Fuck...I-I" Rust winced.
"N-no...you're not wrong! Fuck! Please! Do not stop! I-I want..." Rust is having trying finishing his sentences due to the other's hard big cock inside, rubbing the right places making the other burn for him.
"You want more of it?" Davion teased. Rust growls as his blue eyes become crimson red.
"YES YOU FREAKING CRAZY DRAGON!" Rust shouted out of frustration. This got Davion to laugh and go even harder on his loving knight making him moan even more.
"Don't worry...I make sure to fuck you every single day, my treasure." Davion tells him as he goes to lift him up and fucks him upwards while his knight holds onto him for dear life. "Yes, yes, yes! Please!"
The two spend the rest of their day without incident.
---- Northern State Penitentiary ---
However, there are other relationships to explore. Like one in prison right now.
In Shrika's room and office, she is kissing her fellow officer, Willie Watts who is moaning and such. 'S-shrika."
"Willie. You have been very good today." Shrika smiles, "You have been making sure to keep those inmates in line for me. I can't thank you enough." Shrika smiles at his ear.
"Oh..well...i-i-i'ts my job.." Willie then whimpered when Shrika kissed and nipped on his neck. His face became blushing red as he was being rewarded by his Mistress right now. He used to be a prisoner here after a certain bullying incident. He was assigned to Area A where Shrika rules. At first, Willie wonders how could someone like her could manage a place like this. The place seems ordinary and anyone can get out of it. But that's one of the reasons.
So Shrika can catch them for fun and bring them back for more discipline.
It was shrewd and cunning. Willie had never seen. But she held her own in her own beautiful way. One time, he tried escaping with a few other prisoners, only to be caught again but this time by her bird form. When he saw it, he was terrified yet in awe. He admires those great dark wings whose feathers shine and her vicious talons that can easily tear guts out of a person. He did put off a fight but her great supersonic power made him weak enough to be taken back. Taken back by flight.
When he was brought back for Shrika to punish her. The first thing that came out of his mouth was that she was beautiful. He wasn't sure what face he was making. Probably stupid.
Shrika widens her eyes slightly with her maroon eyes shining at that compliment. Of course, Willie quickly apologizes for the comment, and he accepts any punishment given to him. He doesn't know why he said that but maybe because he rebels against those who think they are strong. But Shrika is different, she makes up her strength by relying on her smarts and power.
However, Willie's punishment is different from the others. In fact, Shrika favors him so much since that day, he can't help being happy when it comes to her punishments and rewards.
"Ah...ha...your soft fingers.." Said Willie as he was leaning against her while Shrika played with Willie by inserting her fingers into him slowly and deeply. It made the esper's legs twitch and tremble.
"You like that, don't you?" Shrika whispers into his ear. Willie nods weakly. "Yes!" Then a thought came to him. "Miss...Shrika...are we going to do that again?"
"That?" Shrika asked, looking curious. Willie utters as he pants, "That...when you claim me..."
Shrika's eyes lit as she knew what her adorable esper knows what he's talking about. Shrika smiles widely, "Of course. We can do that if you like. I was planning to do that anyway. After that, you can claim me as well then we can go back to doing that again. Would you like that? I got a bit bigger one so that's why I'm doing this."
Willie nods his head vigorously. "Y-yes please!"
And that's how their relationship went.
"Ahh...fuck...Mistress! R-right there! So good!" Said Willie as he is being pounded by Shrika using a strap-on. Shrika holds onto her pet by his hips as she slams her hips into him. Hearing his cries and moan got her more into this. Wanting to claim Willie even more. This got Shrika burn for her loving pet, "Oh Willie~! You sound so nice for me! Let's keep going till recess!" Shrika moaned with a lustful smile.
"Y-yes!" Willie cried.
"And after that, we can do it again at night. A night just for us!" Shrika goes to change the pace harder and faster, moving her hips even faster. Willie grips the desk tighter as he moans out. "T-that would be amazing. Y-yes please!" He can't wait for the night to arrive so he can spend more time with her.
"That's great to hear it!" Shrika laughed, "Now let's see you cum from your cock!"
"Y-yes...at your command!" Willie replied as he continues to cry out inside her office.
Out of everyone, Shrika is the first to develop a relationship with her former prisoner. She asked Warden Osamu for permission to make Willie her fellow officer once his sentence ended. It was approved right away.
However... in other areas, there are different results.
---- Area D ----
Gin Akutagawa got into another fight again. This time, it wasn't her fault. The other prisoner tried to stab her with a shiv. Charlie suspected it was some kind of assassination attempt since Akutagawa was part of the Port Mafia. Of course, some people dared to try to take a shot at them. Gin Akutagawa is one of them.
However, Gin Akutagawa can't be taken down as she managed to throw the assassination against her and take the prisoner's eye out. Right away, the situation was resolved as everyone got the area on lockdown. The prisoner was sent to the infirmary run by Cobin, his team, and his machines. Gin was taken to the solitary cell for her own safety.
However, Gin is pissed off enough that Jason was surprised by her sudden strength when he tries to usher her to the cell. Right away, Jason was tripped and is now on the ground with Gin Akutagawa on top. She had a knife at his neck. "I rather you not touch me." She said dangerously. Seriously...where does she put her knives?!
Jason gulps. He didn't realize it before but...Gin Akutagawa smells really nice. Wait what?! What is he thinking?!
Ever since Gin came to prison, Jason is watching over her. She is doing okay. Though..she is always by herself during recess or in her cell. He saw her eat once without her face mask. It was....something out of a painting. She had her smooth long hair down instead of her usual skipy bun. The way she eats is gentle and so manner-like. Her fingers look delicate and small. It was dainty and she seemed so young with porcelain skin. It makes Jason want to protect her so badly from external dangers. But he had to remind herself that she might be using her beauty to let people guard's but that's not it! Maybe she dresses the way in order to avoid getting the attention of men which makes sense!
Though her smell. Jason won't forget it. She has that smell unlike no other. How can he describe it? His wolf keen of smell is sensitive but Gin's aroma is easy and pleasing. It's like lavender or rose. It made him relaxed not to mention....
"Officer Woofhees...are you hard?" Asked Gin. This got Jason to snap out of his thoughts, seeing a surprised Gin and looks down getting his cheeks flushed pink. He quickly answers, "W-what?! No! I-"
Gin raises a brow but Jason's expression as she goes to move her hips against the tent in his pants. Jason utters a whine sound out of his control. That there says it all.
Hm. Maybe I should play with this doggy. Gin thought.
"It's alright." Gin said gently which got Jason blinking dumbfounded. Then Gin begins to grind against him slowly. This got Jason yelping.
"H-hey stop this!" Jason exclaimed.
"Why?" Gin asked innocently.
"Because...because...shit..." Jason panted. Gin chuckles now. "It's alright. You must be like this because of the women here, right?"
"No!" Jason said. It's not true. It's not because of that. It's because of her! But he won't say that! Shit! Jason doesn't see the other female prisoners that way. After all...they're freaking crazy and some of them pretty fucked up.
But Gin....she seems sane and yet...has the right level of crazy if she is in Port Mafia. Not to mention, she is very feminine and beautiful with her smooth silk and black hair. Wait, wait, wait! What is he thinking?!
Then Gin goes to bounce on his lap making Jason hiss and gasp. "Wait..wait...stop! Don't...I.."
"Ah..ha...don't move," Gin said as she continued her movements making Jason flush even redder. How can this woman...who is shorter than him do something like this. To him. He is usually top and always makes sure the ladies are taken care of at his favorite tavern but now...this lady got him under some kind of spell he can't move only to obey.
Jason pants.
"Does it feel good? I heard werewolves or lycans have a certain heat cycle. Have you been reliving yourself lately?" Said Gin continuing with movement. Jason closed his hands into fists but didn't move. "I...i.."
"I mean..."
"Let's get you better." Said Gin as goes to slip her hands between the buttoned sides of his uniform and starts to touch his abs making Jason yelped. "S-stop! I order you ah!" Gin slams her hips down. "You feel so wet there, Officer Woofhess. Do you want me to make you feel better?
"Yes-no-no...please!" Jason is now begging as Gin continues her ministrations at his hard cock that is hiding his pants. Then Jason felt his belt come undone and his own cock is now being stroked. "N-no..augh! Please stop! Someone will-"
"Don't worry...I make sure it will be quick.' And already, Gin proceeds to stroke him faster and faster. How can she do this?! Where did this come from?! How can she do with her gentle hands like that? Jason had to hide his face.
"Usually...I like cats better than dogs. But for you, I can be an exception since you're so cute under me. A strong werewolf coming undone like this. Under me. It's cute really." Gin smiles behind her mask.
"G-gin!" Jason gasped.
"Maybe I should put a collar on you and make you do tricks for me..." Gin said so nicely and gently. The mere idea of what she is suggesting is something he wanted. To experience under her.
"How does that sound, Jason?" Gin asked suggestively.
Upon hearing this name, Jason came to her hand right away. Jason is now gasping as Gin chuckles now, she goes to get up and walks to herself. Jason watches her to go inside her soldiary confidenment. "Tell me..if you need me. I always be there." She said before closing the door herself. Leaving a confused werewolf processing this.
Did that just happen???
------ Area E -----
Similar to Gin Akutagawa's situation, someone try to kill Ryunosuke Akutagawa. Or rather tried. The assassin didnt get too far. In fact, that idiot managed to disable the collar that keep Ryunosuke powers on check and now he is running lose, killing all those prisoners.
"Uh...sir! Shouldn't we do something?!" His assistant fellow officer, Wade cried. The gator looked so worried that made Matt laughed. "Oh come on, Wade. Let him run free for a moment. Heck, I even disable some of the collars on the prisoners."
"You what?!" Wade exclaimed.
"Just to make it more fair." Matt shrugs. "Besides look...there's no wonder why he is called the Black Fang Hellhound of Port Mafia. He's so cute!"
Cute?! Wade thought, watching Ryunosuke tear the other prisoners apart with a killer look in his eyes. The prisoners were sliced apart like nothing. Blood spills on the walls, floor, and ceiling. The prisoners using their powers were about to jump him but some of them were impaled by tendrils form his clothing. "But the prisoners..."
"Serial killers, r*pists, hired guns, gangsters, and war criminals." Said Matt. "What's left? I mean...Area E holds the worst of the worst. A perfect forest if you ask. They shouldn't complain since they live for it." Matt said. "After all....Pete was given horrible s*x offenders and child killers. Those guys don't last long in that prison. In fact, they usually get killed there right away. They won't be missed given how bad their crimes were." Matt shrugs. "Sid got the white-collar criminals. Shrika got the ones who think they're hot shit but nothing but small fry and fun to play with. Willie looks after the metahuman criminals. Jason and Charlie got the females that are also dangerous. Charlie is good at breaking them down. As for me, the Warden gives me control over how to run this area. He told me to have fun with it and let him in some tournaments. Here and there. After all, we're the prison that makes the worst inmates beg for death and fear for their lives at the same time."
"So...." Wade begins. "What about Cobin and Lex?"
"Oh, those two. Cobin helps with the injuries and sometimes does organ donations. Lex makes sure nothing escapes his sight if something happens. He is usually with Dazai for protection. Though, Pete handles the surveillance of the place."
"Anyway....I will let get in just about...now." Matt goes to jump over the railing. "Officer Knack!" Wade cried. Matt held his hand up, "Not to worry. I'm fine, I got this."
"Ryunosuke. Are you done with your fill?" Matt asked as Ryunosuke heard his voice and attacked with Rashomon. Right away, Matt smacks the trend away with a powerful hit.
"!" Ryunosuke widens his eyes at this. What the?
'Surprised?" Matt asked. Ryunosuke can't help but smirk, "Actually I am. I am going to have a fun time killing you, you damn guard!"
"Go ahead and try! Let's make this fun!" Matt grins as his eyes glow ready. Thus, the battle between the Killer Night and the Hellhound commenced.
To be continued....
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uramii · 4 months
Blog Rules
This is primarily intended for mobile view as I understand some people primarily use tumblr through the app or those who don't want to wade through the theme. Enjoy! Drop a like on this post if you've read them, there is no password.
This is an open blog for all. I'm not at all selective on interactions nor do I require you to "match my length" or anything of that nature. Duplicates are also welcome! Seeing Ganondorf talk to himself might be a treat if they don't kill each other.
Personal blogs are also welcome but if you don't roleplay I won't be following back. Trying to keep my dash clean for the most part.
Although this is a multiverse/multiship blog there will be continuity within the main verse. If you see Ganondorf reference your muse or speak about events that occurred between us then just know I reserve the right!
Ganondorf is a villain! He may go through a redemption arc here soon, who knows, but even afterwards he's a brash and ultimately cruel man. His short temper means he may harm your muse. Just bear that in mind. I'll warn you, the mun, before that happens so we're both on the same page of course but sometimes he'll simply react.
Smut is on a case-by-case basis
All relationships are welcome. Romantic, platonic(if you can reach that level with him), enemies( all Link's welcome ;D), so on and so forth. Romance isn't the only flavor but it's the best
Relevant triggers will be tagged, if I miss one let me know. I have no triggers for I am invincible.
This should go without saying but no god-modding. First a warning then a full-on block!
My schedule is hectic and my sleep schedule hates me so sometimes I may go a few days without posting. I promise I haven't forgot about you but if I haven't made contact in a bit don't be afraid to poke me. I don't bite. :) But Ganon may.
I'm here to have fun and play with the idea of a Ganondorf at the end of his journey and starting another one.
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endsupes · 1 month
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Indie Billy Butcher from The Boys Amazon series (possible small comic influence) . Non-selective and open to AU, OC, and crossovers. Discord given to mutuals only. Personals do not interact.  Rules under readmore.( Sideblog @riplander )
Rules and Notes
First of all, thank you for visiting this page.  Even if you only skim this, I’ll love you forever.  Most of these rules are pretty basic, common sense stuff, but I would really appreciate it if you read them.  I know it’s long, but I’m just trying to make sure no one is offended or uncomfortable.  I’ll try to make this as painless as possible.  Bear with me.  I’ll try to bold the basics.
            — the basics.
I have a few verses to choose from, and I’ll probably place you in the one that will most easily fit with your character’s canon unless otherwise specified.
Butcher isn’t always the most pleasant person. Please know that anything mean said is not a reflection of the mun’s feelings.  IC =/= OOC.
Don’t god-mod.
OC and Au friendly, but please have an about page so I can gauge whether our characters will be able to interact.
Memes and opens are free game – anyone can send one or respond to one.  However, I may not respond for some reason or another: it may be in violation of one of my other rules, or due to external factors.  If you’re worried that I missed something, feel free to come to me about it, but please don’t constantly badger me for replies.  It’s rude.
I reserve the right to refuse to roleplay, especially if I’m uncomfortable.
DO NOT under any circumstances try to bring me into out of character drama.  If you have a problem with me, contact me privately or just unfollow.  Vague blogging, callout posts and the like are annoying, and I ask that you would tag them.  This is something I will unfollow over if I so please.
            — on selectivity. 
I will be selective with my threads and who I interact with.  I would love to interact with everyone, but I’m very busy with school and other blogs, and I don’t want to overload myself.  If this bothers you, feel free to unfollow.  If you have any questions about whether I have time, feel free to jump into my ask.
Also, I am far more likely to RP with mutuals. That’s not to say I won’t RP with those I don’t follow or those who won’t follow me, there may be exceptions. But it is far more likely.  That being said: if I follow you, I want to write with you.  Probably a lot. I’m just too shy to say anything because I’m a weenie pissbaby.
Starter calls, unless otherwise specified, are for mutuals only.
            — on content.
I’m 20+, so mature content is cool with me.   NSFW and triggering content will be present on this blog, but it will also be tagged in the following manner: n.s.f.w., tw:
As for smut: first of all, I will not smut with anyone under the age of 18.  Don’t ask me to; the answer will be no.  And just in general, don’t come to me looking for smut.  I’m not terribly good at writing it, so it’s very unlikely that it will occur on this blog.  I need to be pretty comfortable with someone to smut with them.  If by some miracle a thread is looking like it’s going to get smutty, feel free to hop into my ask and talk to me about it.  We’ll figure something out.
In relation to that, please do not send me overtly sexual memes if we have not interacted.  Kissing memes are fine, but I tend to get uncomfortable with anything beyond that.  Please respect this.
            — on replies.
I’m an adaptive roleplayer, meaning I’ll likely respond in a manner similar to yours.  If you format, I’ll format.  If you don’t, I won’t.  That sort of thing.  I also try to match length with my replies, but some days I struggle.  If you’re ever unhappy with the quality or length of a reply, please let me know and I’ll do my best to fix it.
I don’t always get to things right away.  I’m notorious for avoiding drafts, and especially right now, I’m pretty busy with schoolwork.  However, sometimes I’ll reply at the speed of light.  It’s really varied, and I’m sorry about that.
Sometimes, I’ll drop things that’ve been in my drafts for too long, or things that I feel aren’t going anywhere.  If you think I’ve dropped/missed/lost something that you wish to continue, come to me politely and we can talk about it.
            — on shipping.
I’m admittedly kind of a ship-whore.  If there are sparks, I likely ship it.  I ship Butcher/Chemistry, but again, it’s rather unlikely that Butcher will engage in a sexual or even a romantic relationship.  Them’s the breaks.  BroTPs are great though.  Also, I’m only human: I sometimes play favorites with my ships.  Sorry.
Please please please DO NOT force a ship on me.  It makes me extremely uncomfortable, and I will not hesitate to unfollow or even block you.  I will try to politely let you know if I feel that our characters do/do not have chemistry.
            — on credit.
Most icons, art and edits are made by myself, and are usually tagged as #my art or #my edits. Otherwise, I do not own anything!
          — on the mun.
My name is Élise, I’m 20+, living in Midwest America, EST.  Feel free to contact me via ask at any time. I love talking to you guys! Discord is available to mutuals upon request – again, I reserve the right to refuse to give these for whatever reason.  I have no triggers, so as long as you talk to me prior to introducing something triggering to a thread, I’ll be cool with it. Just talk to me about it beforehand and I should be fine, but if I’m not feeling it, please respect that.
That’s about it.  Thanks so much for reading these.  Smooches! <3
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vagabondfromkanto · 7 months
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A returning MOSTLY post-canon Ryuko Matoi. Est. 2014. A traveling vagabond and a fighter on a mission. (Or a delinquent school girl, if that's more your style.)
Indie | Semi-selective | Almost anything goes 18+ on account of Mun pushing 30 Please read [About] and [Rules] OR hit "Read more" if you're on mobile.
[Permanent Starter Call]
[Mun's art for the blog (tag)]
You are highly encouraged to go on the desktop version and read all of this in detail, however here's a brief rundown for mobile users, for the sake of convenience:
Muse: Ryuko Matoi from Kill la Kill, post-canon AU (other verses available, see below). 25 y.o., traveling Life-Fiber hunter (which gives her reasons to meet all kinds of characters).
Mun: Is very much of age, been roleplaying in various ways for like 15 years and then some.
Rules (in short):
No sexual NSFW here.
Anything goes, from one-liners to novel, from crack to crossovers to angst and blood. (apart from point one in this list.)
Don't overthink it, just shoot me an ask or tag me. Or message me. I'm very chill.
If you want other verse than the default post-canon, pls specify when interacting. Otherwise she will react within those parameters. To canon muses as well, she'll assume you're 8 years older or (if gone during the plot) a trick of some kind.
Sometimes I accidentally write too much 'cause I got too into it. Don't feel like you have to match me. And do tell me if it gets overwhelming.
Godmodding: if you godmod or powerplay me, you give me the right to do it right back. My muse's abilities are powerful and specific enough for that within the basic canon. You've been warned.
[FULL PROFILE HERE (pls click)]
Fast regeneration, super-strength and durability, but not infinite, she can die. Life-Fiber absorption (makes her stronger). Can harden her hands into claws, if need be, but it takes some effort. Can potentially drink blood at a crisis dying point, but would rather not to.
Bonus canon abilities are reserved to be used in case of exceptional crisis (see: godmodding/powermodding or pre-planned over-the-top threads).
Important headcanons:
Aroace (there's plenty an explanation on desktop). (This doesn't mean no shipping. Just a certain kind of shipping.)
While traveling crashes at friends' places chaotically when available. Especially likes to enter Satsuki's home through a window, 'cause it's fun to friendly bicker.
Talks to Senketsu out of habit, after one too many Life-Fibers absorbed she can actually hear him talking back.
Got her scissor blades back, since what else do you fight LF with. At some point had to absorb them too, which now lets her harden her hands into claws... but not for long. It's tiring.
Is down for not traveling alone sometimes, as long as you can handle yourself. Or if you are Mako.
WILL freak out if meeting Ragyo, Nui or Junketsu!Ryuko. (Can use this for angst.)
Verse 1: Life-Fiber hunter Years after the finale, there's a sudden resurgence of Life-Fibers all over the globe due to power-hungry people going into willing contact with them. As the only creature on Earth still capable of going toe-to-toe with them (and not quite managing the "normal" life anyway), Ryuko steps up. Now travels around searching for the things and fighting them. 25 y.o.
Verse 2: OG anime Ryuko Matoi is a transfer student at Honnouji Academy trying to find out who killed her dad. You know the drill. (Mun can attempt doubling for Senketsu if need be.) 17 y.o.
Verse 2.5: Pre-canon Ryuko Matoi is a punk-ass student who can't make a friend to save her life and fights everyone on account of chronically not fitting in. Walking trouble. 14-16 y.o.
Verse 3: Cyberpunk AU (2077/Edgerunners inspired) Basically the canonical events, but slightly aged up and converted for the setting. A high-class corpo school, a loner nomad with a dead father, a corpo-bitch who experimented on hooking her own children up to Blackwall. Life-Fibers are rogue AIs, goku uniforms are implants, Senketsu is a friendly AI and Ryuko doesn't know that she's a digital construct of a dead teenaged stuffed in a highly chipped body. She's also trying not to think too hard about living at the house of an unethical ripperdoc. 18 y.o.
Down to discuss other AUs or crossover multiverse-style.
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sillybruja · 7 months
keep reading if you wanna know about the craziest liar and well known spn roleplayer I've met on tumblr
I will never forget being on tumblr from 2011 - 2015 and being in the supernatural role playing community. It was both one of the best, and worst experiences of my entire life. I role played as Dean Winchester (and actually my page is still up, and I might start up again) and had a fairly large following.
during 2011, the SPN rp community just started growing so I, among a few of my mun friends, were like the "It girls and guys". It's so insane to think about it now, 10+ years later. There were people out there who did not roleplay that would follow me, and reblog my threads just because they appreciated by writing ^.^ it was so sweet. Back to my memory lol.
Anyways, I made friends with a rper on here who ran a Castiel account. We very obviously shipped Dean & Cas, and so did a lot of people. People even shipped us xD we had a ship name and everything. This person became my best friend in real time.
I really really thought I knew this person. He told me everything, every part of his life, every heart break from some dumb guy, every accident he's ever made, etc. I saw him as not only a best friend but a brother.
around 2013, my life took a turn -- things got more serious for me, and I fell off from roleplaying for a bit, and we lost contact. I remember he just eventually stopped responding to my messages. This wasn't okay for me because before he ghosted me, he told me he was really sick. I was always worried that the last text I sent him was the last I'd ever hear from him.
Eventually he did respond to me, and I remember him saying, "I'm fine, I might just be gone for a while. It's not your fault" and that was that. Mind you, I was 10+ years younger, and I really felt devastated.
Several months later, I logged back onto my roleplaying account. I remember being spammed with asks and messages about him. One of our mutuals sent me a message saying he had passed away a month prior. She showed me the go fund me that was started for him to cover his funeral expenses. My heart was shattered.
The next year was spent of thinking about him almost every day. I felt so sorry that things ended the way they did, and that he was gone. I honestly felt grief that entire year.
In 2015, I get this intuitive 'nudge' to check my tumblr again. This time when I log in, I see appreciation posts about him, and all of those feelings come back. I remember trying to get back into rping in honor of him, and I remember coming across an account that seemed awfully familiar.
This was another castiel account, almost identical in text, aesthetic, vocabulary, even same psds. I just knew it was him. I can't tell you how, I just did. I remember thinking I was crazy and that this was grief... but, unfortunately, I was right.
Eventually, I gathered the nerve to reach out to this account. I cannot remember the name they gave me. But I talked to them, and I sort of played detective lol.
I deeply knew it was him and felt like it was so wrong that he lied about everything, had everyone upset, and took HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS from people who donated for his funeral.
One day, I was just tired of being nice. I approached him about it all. Of course he denied it. I badgered him about it though, and I even told him that what he is doing is illegal, and that he owes it to people who are mourning a very much alive person.
I didn't stop until he came forward.
He said, "I'm sorry, I had to do this to be with my boyfriend" and my jaw was on the freaking floor.
I told him to come forward, or I will have to do something about this.
Of course, he did not. Instead, he deleted his account. I tried to make a claim against him, but it was never looked into.
I will never forget that.
and if he's still out there, I hope he actually understands the weight of his actions. and I hope justice gets served.
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autopsified · 19 days
mun communication preferences
💌 Have you ever hit it off with a mun right away? What were they like? How fast do you think it takes to warm up to new people?
i have a few times!!! some i can think of off the top of my head are @sophiaharrington @badboysupr @chrissyfied @havvkinsqueen @lovely-laceys-blog but there's def a bunch more. there's also some mun's im not in contact with anymore or just havent heard from in a while and still think of fondly for the most part. i feel like usually the people i click with fastest are ones where we have a lot to say about ic stuff so that by the time we talk about ooc stuff i already feel a certain level of comfortable with them
👾 Is knowing a fandom more comfortable when RPing, or do you prefer knowing muns? (Overall.) Do you try new things, or get into new fandoms?
typically speaking i’m only interested in writing with fandoms/characters i’m familiar with. but @lovely-laceys-blog is the perfect example of an exception to this rule. i knew literally ZERO about buffy the vampire slayer when we met, but she does a really good job of making the shows concept understandable, and seamlessly adapting it to other fandoms. not to mention she’s like one of my best friends rn. and this is why i’m not really mutuals only. like i only ever follow back fandoms/muses i’m familiar with. but if someone who writes something i’ve never heard of before catches my interest im SO down!!!!
💡Do you get ideas from reading meta/headcanons/bios, or do those only pop up as you write?
honestly it's a mixture of a lot of stuff but i would say the majority of my headcanons come to me while im listening to music in the car or walk, cause thats prime daydreaming time. but i also literally never write them down. i dont even think i have a headcanon tag on @hawkinshellraiser
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