#And I'm sorry. If I want to volunteer doing back end stuff. It'll be in organizing not robotics lol
bsaka7 · 2 years
Where would you most like to visit in the world?
What’s your favourite memory?
When did you get into f1?
1) i really would love to go to Egypt... I was going to study abroad in Jordan pre-covid but it got canceled :(. I wrote a couple papers related to Cairo in school and would love, love, love to visit some day... test my godawful Arabic... etc. But I want to go like... anywhere... everywhere...
2) honestly... maybe my last robotics competition as a student... we lost in the like...the group stage finals I guess??? and I was like sad obv but it was also like... the culmination of something that I cared about so incredibly deeply and like a team of ppl I loved. nothing else comes close. it's hard to describe how much it mattered in like the world i inhabit now... I don't regret not going into engineering but like. Idk. I'll probably never love anything in that way ever again. That's pretty special.
3) summer 2021... roomie never around... was bored... started dts... watched a race... got hooked... nothing special. Needed something to be obsessed with lol. Missed sports.
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leeneir · 10 months
Relationship; Iso x Gender Neutral!Reader Headcanons
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This is my first time posting stuff like this so idk how it fully works but I'm figuring things out🫶
These are mostly based off of what I have written for my Iso x oc ship, I'm sorry for that but take what you like💙💙🫶
Iso at first introduction isn't talkative. He's not necessarily an asshole, but he is introverted. Either you'll have to pull the first move quickly, or let him warm up to you
Very much goofy. If you have loose locks of hair, Iso will push it back and forth with his finger like a cat.
Iso LOVES food, but he's also picky. He's the type to eat his favorite food nonstop, but if there's something he doesn't like, he won't eat it. If you don't mind, he'll let you have it.
Boy is RICH. Not like presumably Chamber, but he's an infamous assassin that can kill dozens at a time. He's got money for sure. Iso will spoil you with clothes, food, items, literally anything you want he'll buy it for you. Oh, there's a really nice top you saw at the store earlier? He'll buy all the options available. (Bonus: He knows your size and preferences.)
LOVES holding you. It doesn't really mean holding you. Iso will simply put a hand on the small of your back and just keep it there while you're talking to other agents.
Iso is a jealous type but it isn't too much of an issue. He'll notice how you were extra chatty with Yoru during training or how you volunteered to help Sage the entire day and he'll get a bit annoyed that you aren't spending time with him too. Later that, he'll come into your room with a knock and literally just bury his face in your neck while keeping his arms firmly around your waist. You wouldn't see it, but he's definitely pouting.
Adding on to the last HC, Iso will stay like this with you even though your standing. If you complain that your tired, he'll simply pull away, pick you up, and carry you to your bed where he'll snuggle up to you for the next few hours.
Iso isn't open about your relationship. He's not one for PDA, the most he'll do is just place a hand on your shoulder or back. No one even knows he has feelings for you (even you earlier on). But behind closed doors, he's one big softie.
Iso has of playlists for any scenario. You're on a mission and he misses you? He's got one. You two are together and he's just staring at uou lovingly? Yup, got one for that too. Both of you are with the other agents and you're on opposite ends of the group and it feels like a slowburn friends to lovers romance? You bet. This man has playlists for a n y t h i n g .
Iso does that thing where when you're aim training and your form is a bit wrong, he'll hold you and guide you properly and intimately. There's no room between you guys.
If you get injured on a mission, Iso will beg Sage in his mother tongue to stay by you and make sure you're. He doesn't tell her about your relationship, but because he's asking in their native language, Sage has a suspicion that there's more than he's leading on. (Bonus: She's the first to figure out your relationship but is a good bro and doesn't tell.)
Iso is an artist. He's more into environmental sketching, but he'll occassionally draw you. He gets embarrassed when you find out and probably assumes you think he's a creep. Show him some TLC and reassure him that you love the drawings, it'll get you a kiss.
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slifarianhawk · 1 month
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Chapter 8: doctors warning
"Now be a good girl for me, sweetheart. I know you can handle all of me." Wriothesley said while having me pinned against his desk.
"Your grace, please. I can't wait much longer. It's just so hot." I tried pulling against the cuffs, but they remained clasped against my wrists.
"Don't worry, my sweet little princess. I'll get you where you need to be." He said his icy eyes alight with passion as he pulled closer, his lips nearly grazing my neck.
"Wriothesley, please, your grace." I panted out.
He smirked as I felt a sharp pang in my neck, "You're as sweet as how I like my tea."
"WRIO!" I gasped.
"Hmmm, you need to wake up, little princess." He chuckled as he stood up.
"Silva! Wake up! Silva!" I heard a muddled voice.
"But your grace." I whimpered as the chains faded along with most of the surroundings.
"Don't worry, sweetheart. I'll see you soon." Wriothesley said, fading to black.
I slowly opened my eyes. Sam was standing next to me with a female I at the end of my bed. He offered his hand, and I happily took it. He helped me sit and stand up.
"Thanks Sam, how's the wife and newborn?" I ask, stretching out.
"They are well. My little girl finally has slept through the night. My wife was so happy. She told me to tell you thank you if you pulled through. I'm quite glad you did." He said,"You probably want to shower and change, right? Melissa has been assigned to help you by Sigewinne."
"Well, I more or less actually volunteered Sammy. Hi, I'm Melissa. I'm this doofuses cousin. On behalf of my family, thank you for keeping him safe. Please call me Mel." She smiled.
"It's nice to have pleasant faces around, but I do agree a shower would be nice. Could you guys help me down to the gym? The water gets warmer there." I asked, looking for my toiletries.
"I'll be glad to escort you. That way, Sam can make sure your food is ready by the time you're done." Mel said, smiling.
"Yea, Wolsey has a fresh batch of Fontaine onion soup being made just for you, apparently." Sam chuckled, then looked at me, "His grace put most of your belongings in the crate on the table. You should be able to find your shower kit there."
"Thank you, Sam." I chirpped, quickly grabbing my shower stuff as well as a change of clothes.
Mel led me to the shower rooms in the gym. I quickly washed my body and hair. The pluie lotus scent gently caressed my skin. I had to unwrap the bandages before I stepped in. Old scabbing fell off, revealing scarred but new skin.
"Hey Mel!" I heard a familiar male voice shout.
"Hey Roussimoff, sorry on duty right now. I can't really talk." Melissa said.
"It's alright, Mel. I still have a bit to do. As long as I can change in private, it's fine." I sigh, "Hey Roussimoff, any interesting matches coming up?"
"No, the matches have been pretty dull. I want to schedule you, Silva. How bout it a couple of weeks and have you back in the ring?" He asked, letting out a hearty laugh.
"Given the fact I was dead less that twenty four hours ago, I think my comeback to the ring will need to wait longer than two weeks. But I'll say this when I do return, it'll be a good show." I chuckled as I scrubbed my thighs.
I heard Mel and Rouss continue to chat about mundane things. Weather outside and the lineups for an upcoming tournament. I heard Roussimoff say something interesting. That his grace was participating in the tournament as a wild card finale.
That tournament was in three months. I smiled. I'm sure I'd be at a hundred percent by then. I'm going to join that tournament.
When I finished my shower, I stepped out to find a fresh towel laid out for me. Swiftly drying off and changing into the light outfit I brought with me, I went to find Melissa.
Caddy in hand, I searched the weight room. I couldn't find Melissa anywhere in the gym. Suddenly, I felt a cold hand on my bare shoulder. I felt my body jolt as I turned around.
"Who in the archons fucking hell ....Wriothesley!" I shouted placing my hand over my heart as I saw his grace with the biggest smirk I'd seen on his face.
"For someone who was just dead, you turned around pretty quickly." He chuckled.
I sighed and took a few deep breaths, "Could you wipe that grin off your face? Archons, are you trying to kill me again?"
"My apologies, I was actually looking for you. I was the one who told Melissa and Roussimoff to go to the ring. I need to bring you to the observation ward. Sigewinne sent for a doctor when you didn't wake up the third day of your coma. He arrived a little while ago. He also instructed me to bring this." Wriothesley said, revealing the unopened letter from Zhongli.
"That would mean... She didn't!" I covered my mouth and ran past Wriothesley.
If I had to say so, I moved fast for someone who was dead not too long ago. Getting to the observation ward from the gym normally would take about a ten minute fast walk to the lift alone. But I made it to the lift in nearly six minutes.
Sam was waiting by the lift and sent it up as I stepped on. Once we reached the upper floor, I stepped off, nodding at Sam, and took off once more. A strong medicinal scent lingered in the air. I practically leaped the steps up to the observation ward.
"It's a pleasure to finally make your acquaintance, I've heard nothing but good things about you from Silva." I heard Sigewinnes soft voice say as I dashed up to the observation ward.
"Like wise, and I must thank you, Ms. Sigewinne for being so kind to her. Silva is like a daughter to me. I'm glad she has such a capable doctor nearby." A sweet familiar voice said that brought a smile to my face.
She did.
"You two seem to have company." The shrill voice of the snake said.
"Thank you for noticing me, Changsheng." I smiled as I walked into the ward, "Baizhu, it's great to see you."
He simply let out a chuckle and hugged me. The scent of older medicinal herbs filled my nose. I squeezed tight as my heart shook.
"Now, now Silva, I need to take a look at you." He chuckled, letting me go gesturing to the closest bed.
I nodded and headed towards the bed, taking a seat. Baizhu quickly got to work, and Changsheng slithered around my neck. I simply closed my eyes and let him do his exam.
My mind drifted to my dream. How cold his grace's hands felt on top of mine. I imagined his lips being the same temperature. How he'd wear the smug look he had on earlier when I ask.
"Silva, what's going through that mind of yours?" Changsheng said, "Your pulse sped up significantly."
I felt my cheeks burn red. Baizhu had a light smile and pat my shoulder. His kind eyes were soft.
"I have some good news and a hypothesis for you, Silva. Which would you like first?" Baizhu said, offering his arm out to Changsheng, who remained coiled comfortably around my neck.
"The good news, archons know I could use it." I chuckled as Sigewinne pulled out a notepad.
"To start the dendro energy that resides in your body is finally stabilized. I noticed that when you came in for your check-up before you left, it wasn't at a safe level. It's why I had you take that course of dendrocide potions before you left. While I think it was enough to suppress it while through the dendro rich Chenyu Vale. When your assailant drugged you the first time, they reactivated the dormant energy. The people who attacked you and drugged you the second time, what they did forced enough of that energy out by over activating it." Baizhu explained, "Ms. Sigewinne told me you learned your mother was a dendro elemental. So I'm going to recommend you be taking that dendrocide potion here as well."
I sighed, "She's more than an elemental. I don't know if Monsieur Nuevillette would want me to say anything to his grace, but both of you are my doctors, so I think it's fine telling you guys."
"What do you mean, Ms. Silva?" Sigewinne asked, and Baizhu gave me a curious look.
"I am the daughter of Apep, the dragon sovereign of dendro and a human." I covered my face with my hand only to feel a thunck on my temple.
"Why do you look ashamed?" Changsheng said, wrapping around Baizhus's arm, which was now on my shoulder, "Do you even understand how much this explains!?!"
"If I was to be frank Mr. Zhongli had that theory. Once he saw the dendrocide potions in your bag and the reaction to being stabbed with the drug. He had me create you a special medicine for something. He had a feeling that would happen soon. It was in the parcel I sent. Given that you were in a coma and haven't been taking it, I honestly think in about a weeks time. You should be kept in seclusion." Baizhu said, "In all honesty, I'd rather bring you back to Liyue for observation, but I know I can't. The Iudex made that very clear."
"Is Zhongli's explanation on everything in the letter he sent?" I asked.
"That's my guess." He said, pushing my hair back behind my ear.
"Then, by all means, please take it. You don't have to read aloud." Wriothesley said, slowly walking in letter in hand.
"Dr. Baizhu, this is his grace." Sigewinne said, introducing them.
"It's a pleasure. As I told Ms. Sigewinne, thank you for treating Silva so well." Baizhu smiled.
"You're welcome, and I'd be beating myself if I didn't thank you for coming. In the short amount of time she's been here, I have grown quite fond of Silva." Wriothesley said, handing me the letter.
When our hands brushed, I felt my cheeks heat up. They were cold to the touch, just like in my dreams. I shook my head and flipped open the wax seal on the letter. Zhongli's voice played in my head as I read.
"My dear Silva, I'm glad to have your correspondence. I have done some research in liyue's and even some of Sumeru's libraries. I know who she is. I'm working on a way for you to meet her after you are released, but until then, I'm having our friend Baizhu prepare a medicine I myself am on for you. It'll prevent a very dangerous aspect of what we are. Please stay safe til I see you once more, my treasured friend, Zhongli." His voice ended.
"What does a dangerous aspect even mean?" I ask my green haired friend.
"Your mother being a dendro elemental means certain steps just need to be taken to prevent any harm to you or say someone you care about when you are experiencing your monthly cycle. Although that might be different as well." Baizhu said, sitting next to me and speaking very quietly, "Especially since the elemental you were born from is a dragon."
"I understand, Baizhu." I said, "Did you leave a good stock with Sigewinne?"
"I did. Now, I need to do a full medication work up and make sure everything is in working order for when I leave. Why don't you go with Mr. Wriothesley and get some food. I'll be in the infirmary with Ms. Sigewinne, but don't worry, I will come say goodbye when I'm done." Baizhu said.
I simply nodded and stood up. Baizhu offered his hand to his grace, to which Wriothesley shook it. Our previous conversation crossed my mind.
"Baizhu, what was your hypothesis? About me?" I asked.
He turned to me and smiled, "No need to worry about it, Silva. You'll know soon enough."
"Alright, I'll see you in a bit, Baizhu." I said bowing.
Wriothesley led me away from the observation ward. He walked on my left, his steps falling heavily against the metal floors. His handcuffs sway with each step.
"You're as sweet as I like my tea." Echoed through my mind as I watched him pull his cuffs off his belt,  spinning them on his finger.
I bit my lip as he pulled ahead. He was very much a fine looking man. Even with how many layers he was wearing, I could see how well built his back was. Something was different, though.
"Wriothesley, where's your coat?" I asked, confused.
"I had a guarde bring it to one of Fontaines' best cleaners. There was a pretty big stain on it." He said, looking back at me, "Come on, let's go to my office. I have something for you."
I nodded and followed relatively close behind. I noticed the gaurdes were out in force today. Was the fear of a riot, maybe?
When Wriothesley and I arrived at his office, he locked the doors behind him once we walked through.
"Why did you lock the doors your grace?" I asked as I walked up the stairs.
He sighed and pulled out a red box of tea I had once seen in the Kamisato house.
"Care for a cup?" He asked a bit of hesitation in his voice.
"Of course, I'd love tea with you." I smile.
Wriothesley sat in front of me, and he took my hand. He looked me dead in my eyes. He tried to speak twice, but no words managed to escape his lips.
"Archons, I didn't expect this to be so hard." He managed to wrestle out that much.
I walk up next to him, "it's OK, your grace. No matter what, you can tell me."
I forced my courage up and took his hand. At the contact, Wriothesley took a deep breath and pressed a kiss on my lips.
"I'm sorry I shouldn't have," He said, trying to pull away, but I quickly pressed another kiss on his lips.
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conschintz · 1 year
Question! for an oc-ask game you introduced a twelve year old tribute from district 2, raifr lahiffe, and I'm intrigued by what you have for her. would you be willing to tell a few more facts about her or maybe share some snippets(if you have them)? just if you want to ofc.
hi! yes, of course!!! i love talking about her so much!
i'm currently working on her story. i don't have any estimates as to when it'll be done; i still have a fair bit to write, and then there's all the editing and such. i'm hoping it won't be too much longer, but i'm not making any promises!
the basics of it are: raife' older brother, callan, is 18, and supposed to be the first fully-fledged academy volunteer, which is even more exciting because it coincides with the first quarter quell! it's been something building for years; callan has been training since before he was raife's age! there's been fanfare made district-wide for at least a year beforehand. his family even throw a lavish party to watch the quell announcement together. except, it turns out the quell twist is that only 12 year olds can be reaped. so, that's a bummer. since he'll be 19 next year, callan has well and truly missed his chance. but raife's father is desperate; he wants a child who's a victor or died trying. so, what does he do, since volunteering isn't allowed? he bribes district 2's officials to rig the reaping. he sucks.
so, raife is suddenly thrown into the world of being a career. she's thrown into the arena with only 6 months of training. it's, uh, a fun time! just not for the kids in the arena...
she does make friends, though! and she ends up with a cat, after all of The Horrors. so, it's not all bad?
i don't want to share too many snippets, since a lot of stuff might end up cut in the final draft, but here's one that always makes me laugh. for context, morrigan is another oc-victor of mine, trains her for the summer, and ends up being raife's mentor:
As the footsteps recede, Raife rolls her eyes. Morrigan has done nothing but grate on her nerves all summer. Her mom says it’s because they’re too similar—too stubborn. Raife disagrees. It’s because Morrigan is a bitch.
and here's a 100 word drabble i wrote for raife as part of a monthly challenge back in may. the work is on ao3, and features a whole host of my victor-ocs, including the aforementioned morrigan! :
Raife was six when she and her father stuck plastic stars on her ceiling.  Her father had held her up, voicing warm encouragement. Mom was with Callan in the room over, doing the same. It was a nice day. Dad cared, back then.   His voice, so different this afternoon. Cold. Detached. “I don’t believe I gave you a choice.” He would rather she be dead than unremarkable. A Victor, or a tribute who dies trying.  Raife’s chest burns with anger. Her father’s phantom voice cuts through the frigid air. Her fingers sting. And stars and childhood litter her bedroom floor.
sorry for the essay. i just really, really love her! i'm always down to talk about her, so don't hesitate to ask any other questions! :>
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raes-writing-space · 6 months
Um hi.. I just wanted to ask that... Can you make part 2 and 3 of childhood friend reader x dogday?
It's fine if you don't want to but if you consider making one. Please tag me. I just want to know after dogday died and got reincarnated but he's still dogday but in a different universe where bigger body toys and humans live together? And dogday still remembers his past life. And dogday was like a high school student and then his teacher announced that a new student will join the class and after the new student enter the classroom. Dogday's eyes widened In surprise to see the reader in the flesh.
And yes. The reader still remembers there past life but after they saw dogday. She just thought that he doesn't know them anymore. I'm sorry if it's too much. You don't have to make part 2 and 3 if you don't feel like it.
Oooh that's an interesting concept! I actually have an AU that stays with the "childhood friend" theme but it's basically an AU where none of the events of Poppy Playtime happens, at least not exactly. Basically, the Bigger Bodies Initiative still happens, but the character I have ends up working their way up the chain, and ends up dismantling the company from the inside out with the help of the Bigger Bodies Initiative toys. So the past staff (like Harley Sawyer, and Leith Pierre) all get what's coming to them, but not in a "massacre everybody in the company" way.
And it's a more kind of slow-burn with DogDay, because after my character becomes in charge (even though she's like barely eighteen at this point), they're able to tell all the toys the truth. Which eventually makes things complicated between DogdDay and my character, because they both want to be together and the tension is obvious, but they aren't exactly sure how their relationship would be perceived. And DogDay also doesn't want to hold my character back from living a "normal" life.
This leads to my character trying to see if they can reverse the changes done to the toys by giving them more synthetic human-ish bodies instead (they can't give them their past bodies, sadly, but they can at least get close enough.) However, they don't know if it'll work because they need to test it, but they refuse to test on any living creature (rats, children, the other toys, etc.) without consent. And DogDay is the one to volunteer first, despite my character really not wanting him to because of the risks. But DogDay just wants to be with them, and is willing to take the risks. Luckily everything turns out okay, and he's now in a more human-ish body, so they can live their lives together. This leads to some of the other toys to getting human-ish bodies too later on.
BUT BACK TO YOUR IDEA. I do like that idea a lot, I've always been a sucker for reincarnation AU's. I could probably do it in like a second part, I don't think it would take three parts? I suppose part 2 could be the detailing of the reincarnation part and the reunion, and part 3 can be actual romantic fluff stuff if that's what you're referring to for three parts.
It probably wouldn't be written anytime soon, as I usually only have free time on the weekends. (My Spring Break is ending soon which is why I was able to write a bunch this week.) But I do like this suggestion, so it might be something to write about! Thanks for that!
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merakiui · 3 years
welcome to the day a duck ruins your perception of items in genshin impact. i uh. made some items in genshin impact as yandere boys and what they're like sort of?? you could try and burn your eyes now. ;) adepti seekers stove- he's going to be a tsundere no buts or uhts. he's the type of yandere that's trying to be protective and failing miserably everytime. so being impatient and angsty. so, he resorts in kidnapping you instead. but hey look on the bright side! even when you're kidnapped you can have delicious meals and snacks! secretly likes to cook for you a lot, but he won't admit it even in death. just don't question why there's a lingering scent of sleeping potions in your meal and you'll be good as jolly jee! probably wants you to help him in the kitchen, since he once heard that couples do that. would probably give you self esteem issues down the line. "didn't i tell you to not get hurt? are you that much of an idiot?? here. have this it'll lessen the pain just a bit so we can walk back home. just drink it already." windsong lyre- smug bastard, smug shit. he's probably a player or just overly dramatic with everything. maybe he's righteous or something.. likes to show off his music skills a lot. he sucks at it tho. gaslights you probably in public places to add more pressure, because people are staring like you're having a performance or something. calls you love even if he's pissed at you for not listening to him, or accusing him of being toxic or suspecting him of being your stalker that always watches you from your window at 2am! would make you paranoid a lot. loves kissing your cheek and tickling you. he's a closeted pervert. you're gonna have to move in an isolated place too, he will spread rumours of you being his lover. "love, I'm sure that you're just overreacting. plus even if i was the stalker that you're talking about I wouldn't be oh so casually talking to you in public when I could've been hiding! jeez it's like your going crazy." wind-blessed harpastrum- such sweety! just so wholesome bakes you a pie in tuesday sweet. seems patient too but beware he will break your legs when you get a little bit too bratty for his tastes. touch starved too and it shows, that's why he loves to cuddle you lots! really obsessed with what you think of him. if you say you hate him he'll tear up and try to convince you that he's good, but if you pretend that you like him he'll shower you with uncomfortable affection and confessions. really great at making bombs and torture weapons too. probably sewed in a bomb inside your body threatened that he will kill you with it if you leave. bad at darts and archery. if you say that to him he'll laugh and take out his diploma saying that he's too smart for those childish games. he's impulsive in decision making. "haha. you know. you almost escaped from me back there. but hey! now you won't do anything stupid like that ever again if you can't walk." windblume balloon: listen man. im going to be killed but he's an airhead, pun intended right there. probably lowkey manipulative and doesn't even know it yet or chooses to ignore it. protective of you a lot. really delusional to the point that he rationalizes your escape as someone kidnapping you. so say goodbye to whoever poor stranger who was trying to help you escape they'll be greeted by an arrow through their head once he finds you. has a habit of holding your hand because he's afraid you might disappear from his line of sight and leave him all alone. if you let go tho he'll gorilla grip your hand, might crush it too. just very overprotective. he also doesn't know that he's an airhead. yeah."hm? why do i like holding you hand..? i just like it.. your hand makes me feel... uh. safe..? is that the word for it? ah. it was the word loved." wind catcher- he's a full on sadist. throw all of your escape plans out the window, this guy will climb a mountain and ride any wind current available to catch and torture you. persistently trying to make you like him atleast a bit. yeah, he's that kind of delusional. would teasingly push you
of a cliff as a 'light' punishment. dark humour and likes to joke about killing you from time to time. note: he can kill you. and he would also do it by ripping you in half with the wind current so just stay in his house and be a good lover that'll shower him in kisses, okay? okay. he mostly sees you as a tool of interest, but not just any tool- you're his favourite tool. "pfft! hey stop crying now! you're making me feel bad! hm? oh? why am i doing this? well i mean maybe I'm angry that someone was trying to escape. again." warming bottle- he will absolutely leave you in the cold if you were being a brat towards him. lives in dragonspine to spite you, also because he can just turn take away your blankets and anything that can give warmth so you gotta ask him to cuddle you to survive. he usually does this when he's feeling a little petty. which is so frequent. that you can almost give it a schedule. but don't tell him that. kind of a tsundere but only when it comes to physical affection since he's shy. that's why he has to take away your blankets so it looks like he's just mocking you but not because he's touch starved. he's not at home that much too but don't worry, he will make it up to you by uh.. physical activities.. "what? you're freezing? no shit we're in dragonspine. oh? you want me to hug you..? hm. fine. I'll indulge you for a bit. I am quite merciful." parametric transformer- businessman that scams you a lot lol. he's going to be a masochist because i said so, yeah i know the electric stone thing gag that's why i made him a masochist. really likes to collect useless stuff and spoiling you, so expect your room to be filled with a lot of random things from jewelry to mushrooms and crabs. has a you should be grateful i even give stuff mindset. thinks that giving someone something of vaue would make them fall in love with him instantly. also probably loves it when you fight back especially when you successfully land a hit on him, he will enjoy it. but be careful he has different responses whenever you hit him. pick your poison. spends a ton of resources on everything to keep you in line. that rope costed him 700 pinecones. "why do you even wanna escape? i give you a ton of stuff so you won't get bored! hah. maybe if i had picked up someone else they would've been grateful." portable waypoint- throw out your escape plans the season sequel. he's very quiet but has a small temper that won't last that much. maybe he's like that since he tries so hard to repress it. listen he's trying okay? escape always fails so quickly. one minute you're in springvale shouting, crying, begging for anyone to help you and then back to his house to see him sipping some tea. his punishments are cruel too- he makes sure to leave you in a den of monsters and ruin guards, waits until your in the brink of death and teleports you back to him. has a superiority complex over everyone too. probably likes to make you feel weak when you have to rely on him. loves to crush your self esteem. wants to be affectionate but thinks that you, as an inferior being, should be affectionate with him instead. so tsun. "see? this is what i was trying to tell you. you're too weak to actually survive out there. you even had to rely on me to save you. pathetic." memento lens- mysterious and elegant. he's quite cryptic to say the least. likes to watch you from a far if he's feeling a bit angsty. you try to make sense of what he says and it just leads to you being confused even more. and he likes that about you. you actually try to understand him, even if what you guess is wrong. you're going to have a tough time with this guy if you wanna escape. just avoid any fox statues and you'll be good. the problem is the shrine maidens. they basically want the two of you to end up together so they don't have to deal with him. he's actually very gentle with you punishments still suck but atleast he doesn't do it physically, he just makes you write that you're sorry over and over until your wrist are tired. loves poetry and solving puzzles, riddles, scriptures. he's
smart but soft. "spring blossoms even in the darkest depths of uncertainty, is that why you have the courage to try and escape me..?" kamera- perfectionist stalker. wants to make sure that the photos he takes of you are perfect to every extent. colour, lighting, and expressions. even if it means going inside your room and having the possibility of waking you up from your sleep. likes to take pictures of everything too. kind of like this; both of you are walking somewhere and he stops to take a picture of a sunset. he takes twenty minutes trying to find the correct angle. but the sun is already gone so he sulks. maybe- you can cheer him up by volunteering to be his model? you'll do that? right? also worships you like a god so if someone dared to even say something breath near you or celestia forbid insult you, best to say they'll be quickly disposed of by blackmail and fake shit. would not steal any of your belongings, he would just take pictures of it. so he's not that bad. "i consider everything in this world is beautiful, but you have surpassed that. so that is why im keeping you here. no one deserves even a glimpse of you!" waverider toolbox- he's such a gentlemen and a sweetheart. always there to help you with repairs, sometimes he'd add some updates to it too. just ignore the stuff going missing inside your boat thing. he probably guilt-gaslight you into staying with him in his waverider then bam your in an island stranded. ahaha, now both of you just have to survive by working together ya know? like a loving couple likes hugs and physical affection a lot! bonus points if it's given when he's tired from doing his job. as i said tired guy so appreciates all the things you do for him whether it's paying for his meal or giving him a gift. next time, he'll make sure that you won't leave the island permanently. thinks that stranded island equals date smh. " ahh? oh! is this for me? really? thank you.. i don't usually receive gifts but that just makes this even more special! say, do you wanna go on a trip? i just fixed the waverider from last time." red feather fan- mischievous little shit. likes to scare you a lot by appearing on trees and just jumping on you. knows that you're trying to escape but pretends not to since he likes to try and guess which direction you would run to. hugs you a lot even before he kidnaps you really touchy even if you say no he'll use the good ol puppy eyes! doesn't work? okay he'll just smell your clothes when you're sleeping as compensation. he likes to flirt with you a lot. some pickup are cheesy.. but others are a little- personal? acts cool by making a dramatic entrance everytime even. you know those radical superhero landing stuff? that's him. he would build a nest as your house even being a dick and placing it on top of a mountain, goodluck on trying to get down. "caught you! going to the shore was so predictable by the way. maybe you should try a different place next time, dear? hm? maybe a restaurant so we can have date? sounds great right?" serenitea pot- unhinged malewife that wants to make a the perfect living space for you- ehem. probably a perfectionist if you squint hard enough. he's delusional but just a little lucid about the stuff he does to you. likes to make a ton of furniture too! personalized the room you're trapped in with a ton of valuable and expensive materials. just don't try to escape he'll cut your limbs off just like a damn tree shawtie. owns a shit ton of pets ranging from boars to cats. all of them are like bodyguards to you during your stay. dreams about having a peaceful life with you in the realm someday, sigh. he sometimes has burnouts where he just places a bunch of furniture on a single room and call it a day. "and here is your room! do.. do you like it? i made it just for you! i didn't know what wood you would prefer so i just settled on whatever i can find! ahaha. we're kind of like a married couple living together now... right?" nre menu- he's probably going to be from the adventurers guild. really awkward and shy. takes for him a long time to
open up to you. when going on quests he's the one in charge of carrying the food and healing shit you need. really patient and nice! slightly uh mean with other people trying to talk to you but other than that everything is normal. everything is normal the long loving gaze he gives you every now and then and some food being left on your doorstep. yeah let's not question it i mean he's just so shy! he would never do anything wrong? right?? he's a closeted pervert, cliche i know but he's a pervert with a line to not cross. he just checks you out. good for him. would cry if given any ounce of affection. sweet baby. "t-that was a tough commission.. oh u-uh.. do you need some food to replenish your energy? we need to do the other commissions you know.. hm? why aren't you eating it.. something wrong with the food..?" seelies- spoiled. that's the word to describe him. really straight forward with his courting kind of dumb? but he's so damn lucky for some unknown reason that your plans to avoid him always fail. yeah the high quality rope you just bought for 1000 mora? it broke and you fell into his arms. he's probably rich by sheer dumb luck too. finds a ton treasure chests even in the places you didn't expect. people pressure you into spending time with him. since he's just so cute! how could say no to such a face? it really feels like the gods are on his side ya know? he throws a lot of very very aggressive tantrums if you're not with him. thinks he's doing a good job at courting you, with rationalize rejection as a playing hard to get. "tada! look i got you this crystal i found while i was walking! it looks like a diamond and it has a ton of colours too?? is it valuable?? would you kiss me if i give it to you??" endora- majestic, regal, and likes to explore a lot. he uh. probably trapped you in a bubble once or twice too. really curious about his surroundings, also has no personal space since it's first time going out. he would cuddle you when he feels like it homie. kidnapped you and made you his tour guide. don't try to fool him he learns quickly about stuff. fast swimmer, so no joining any expeditions in water if you don't want their ship to be wrecked by a mysterious being of the teyvat seas. he likes to see you cry. it's not a kink he just feels connected to you when you cry. doesn't have a house so you just live in a run down boat. he's doesn't know when you're lying to him sometimes. god complex bastard. "this world. at first i wasn't sure if i was going to like it or not, but ever since I've met you... I've grown to tolerate some parts.. so you should be thankful, you've convinced me. mortal." intertwined fate/older twin- listen. he's just so smug about everything he does. and he knows you love him. probably invites you out on dinner only for him to not show up. so basically he's an asshole without a doubt. toxic boyfriend that gives you false hope and has a ton of admirers. you probably think he won't settle for you right? ah, he's not that cruel. so picks you as his lover out of all the billions of people. you should be grateful! he even kidnapped you! do you know how hard it was for him to go all the way from his home to yours? anyways yeah. asshole. he likes to do the open the door for darling trick where he just gives you a small crack on the door and watch you make a decision. it's an act of your loyalty. if you escape he'll make you feel pain. if you don't then he'll reward your patience. god complex bastard 2."sigh. did you try to escape? again? patience is the key to everything you know. maybe you should learn that. i expected more smart from you." acquaint fate/younger twin- cinnamonroll he's such a sweet guy. he's always there for you when you need him. okay- he has a nice guy complex, fucking damn it. probably uses the but I've been there for you since the start trick unintentionally a lot. he just doesn't know he wants some action, so be thankful that he didn't just jump on you like a barbarian. he's kind of contradicting himself too. one hand he wants you to love him, on the other hand he doesn't
believe he deserves you. loves to give you the same things, remember that one painting you liked from two years ago? he got you that. quantity beats quality. surprisingly, he's really patient but would have bursts of anger every now and then. has a self value issues?? yeah, but did i tell you he's a touch starved guy. punshments are just him softly lecturing you about what's good and what's wrong."i always viewed myself as inferior, that i didn't deserve anything.. but this time. i want to be greedy just once." that's it- :'D i haven't proofread this but here you go mer! ill probably continue with more humanisations of items in genshin later.. if you ask why i ruined your day with this crazy idea i was watching that one video of a person humanising social media and got this idea. also i discovered how to bold out texts... i have power..ejwjdhshaj
so yeah have a great day! -🦆anon
All of the various characterizations… *chef’s kiss* It’s literally so good! With each one I read I kept thinking okay this guy is my favorite and then I would read the next description and my heart was stolen again. I can’t pick a favorite now. T_T
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suetuke · 3 years
SUE TUKE HERE Works at sec hand chances.
WELCOME to my mewe page. I'd appreciate an emoji if you come across my bio. A follow would be great.
POSITIVITY.... only here any disrespectful comments will be removed. Kindness does wonders for everyone. Let's not fight and please I'll only say this once. If we do not get on. You'll be added to a block list... So let's not go there yeah? Great.
MESSAGE ME anytime if you want to talk..
[Day 1] it was a good day back from a meeting with Janet. Got a lot done.
[Day 2] volunteer kersch was given small jobs around the shop. To see if she has potential of working in the shop. It may be head offices job to get staff working here. But I'm the one that has to put up with no effort. So i want effort.. Overall good day.
[Day 3] viki another volunteer was given small jobs to start off. Late start due to being out most of the day.
[Day 4] late getting back due to being out. Shop wasn't open today. Hopefully longer day in the shop tomorrow. Getting those figures up is what i want to see.
[Day 5] great day today got a lot done today. Happy with everything. Doing a donation event tomorrow. Giving little tasks to the volunteers to see potential.
[Day 6] the 5 pound donation went as cording as plan. Happy with the figures. They're looking better as the days go one. Great day.
[Day 7] longer day at work today. Good figures. Decided to do a bootsale event at the centre. All went as planned. Chose volunteer kersch as assistant manager. Because of her care in work.
the week is done. Now onto the big reveal. Got some people coming in. As we will start filming our journey.
[Day 1] new member Edward will be filming the entire process of this. The figured were high today due to little tricks or two. Got a lot done today. Shit night but that's expected. As it has happened before.. Wondering how far we'll get with this. Excites me everyday because that middle point is where it'll all take off. I'm looking forward to that. Introduced the girls to the new member. They're very excited to be going through this with me. Overall good day.
[Day 2] lovely lady got a makeover today. Volunteer vera needs to sort her shit out because it's getting me down. Her behaviour is terrible. Figures are good in the last few days working in the shop. Got the poster done last night. Happy i got it done. Let's hope tomorrow is just as good.
[Day 3] been a really low day. Personal reasons only. Figures are still good. I went over the refurb with Edward and staff. I gave them a chance to decide how the refurb should look like in they're open ideas.. Obviously mine was to everyone's taste. Let's hope all goes great when Janet gets here. We win the refurb and everything will be just great. We need this. Got involved with a pop video. Madalliecat363 was the lady who put the song together. Viki music player. And of course being the best of everything i was the dancer. Edward will have recorded everything so it'll be uploaded to tiktok tonight.
[Day 4] really long dull day. Not happy about the figures today. Laziness with the staff is annoying me big time. Joe came in with his wifes bits and bobs. Sorry to give him bad news but that's just how it is around here. It's not a royal laydeh. Bernie was making excuses to have mable stay at home. I haven't had her back at work for a while now. This can't go on! Not feeling the vibe... At all.
[Day 5] day off took today off filming.. Needed a day to sort stuff out. Got the customer to fill out a survey on they're experience in the shop. I think everything went well. Got a good feeling today. Had to send vera home as her lack of effort was annoying and getting in the way of a successful day. Figures were great tonight. Keeping things going.
[Day 6] today was a short day due to being out.. Hopefully a longer day tomorrow to figure out the challenge tomorrow. Its gonna be a good day. Can't believe I'm nearly at the half way point with this. Successful day even though we were out most of the day.
[Day 7] rot test challenge was done perfectly. Good vibes today. Out with my sister tonight overall a great day. Figures are still good. Let's keep this going.
[Day 8] its been a short day today and because of that the figures are crap today. Not happy with explaining to the staff the lack of effort Vera and viki is putting in. Not happy at all. Antique hunt is tomorrow. Got a lot of other work done today which lifts any day up. Let's keep this going.
[Day 9] Antique Hunt was great. Everything went to plan. Didn't make a lot which let me down. Because of the staffs stupidy at looking at a crapy map.. Annoyed at Vera trying to beat me at scores. I'm not having it! I'll have to play it back to show her who is boss!
[Day 10] got a lot done today. Figures are high today not bad at all. Didn't get round to doing this last night so I'm posting it tonight. Gloria was acting up again to bad she'll have to go.
[Day 11] got things a bit mixed up due to the un tidy back of the shop. Nothing was sorted the morning before by Mike. So I thought of a plan to side track kersch into thinking we were lazy workers. Not at all. We'll it backfired. Vicky handled it well. Great day overall.
[Day 12] went over some things around the shop. An okish day. No figures were made today I'm annoyed about that. Felt ganged up on today by staff. Not happy with the confusion of who's the manager around here. Didn't even need to say that again to the. An item had be vandalised. My guess by Vera since she has been saying shit about me. Trying to let me down. It's not going her way!
[Day 13] mables funeral is today. Its been a good day today. Not feeling great today. We keep going forward. Figures weren't counted up but that'll be sorted in the morning. Out all night. Rip mable
[Day 14] shop was closed today. Didn't make anything due to being out at the funeral
[Day 15] really low day not a lot got done today. In the middle of sorting other people's problems out. Which hasn't gone to plan. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.
[Day 16] a lady came in for a refund that didn't happen to her using and getting things customers don't get. No books no coffees and certainly not out of our mugs! Got a phone call from Mrs stubs dealing with the loss of the items they brought it as they were gone. Got big things planned ahead. Night out wasn't as expected.
[Day 17] its been a great day today. Got a lot done and got plans coming up. I know they'll be successful. Golden bag came in with awesome clothes.
Closing the shop for 3 days
[Day 21] Went over some things with the staff. With Janet coming tomorrow everything had to be cleared and check on. Can't disappoint her otherwise. Head office can't complain.
[Day 22] head manager Janet came to the shop. Everything went well till she took me into the back. I'm not sure where we'll be going from here. But it doesn't look good at all.
[Day 23] its fashion time in it. Everything went as cordially to plan. Everything went great. Didn't get any money though :( staff were injured that's hardly my fault. I got told bad news on the phone. The store will be closing.
[Day 24] the last day. Vicky mcculre was in the shop going over her charity in the children's hospital. Nothing better then Christmas and this beauty. Any awesome day ended on a un forgettable moment. Which I will post that in the next post. It's been a long journey but we finally made it.
this is the last of the updates. And I'll see you soon x
will be adding as i go along in this one.
Link to this one.
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I'm a sucker for some vamp!lock... Pun intended!
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You both like Johnlock.
Stranger: [vampire/unilock; John and Sherlock used to be good friends for a while in secondary school; there's been a lot of rumours going around about Sherlock is practising Satanism and drinking blood and killing animals and stuff like that; Mycroft who's a vampire as well decided it would be best to fake his dead to put an end to it and not risk that their secret would be unconvered, he made up a story about Sherlock having had a car accident and told the school he was being in a coma, asking everyone to refrain from visiting and after a month announced that Sherlock had died; it's set two years after that; John spotted Sherlock (who's calling himself William Scott now) at his university and keeps trying to prove that it's Sherlock]
Did you seriously try to lure the secretary into giving you my file? Stop spying on me. For god's sake! WS
You: [Reading, bear with]
You: No, you don't get to turn this back on me. Do you think I'm an idiot? JW
Stranger: I don't know anything about you! I just know that you tried to charm the secretary to get my fail. You might be charming, but I have her loyality. She's sort of a distant relative. WS
Stranger: *file
You: You know everything about me, and I know enough about you to know that this isn't you. How far do I have to go to get you to stop fucking hiding from the real world? JW
Stranger: I'm not hiding. WS
You: You're hiding. People started spreading rumours, the atmosphere got bad. I understand that. I was there, I saw you, I saw what it did to you when they spoke about you like that. I believed him, for a while. Mycroft, I mean. I really thought you were dead. I thought they'd bullied you to an early grave, do you know that? I thought you got so depressed from being so sorely bullied that you just went and offed yourself, and there was nothing I could do to save you. Did you know that? JW
Stranger: The official explanation was a car accident, not a suicide. WS
Stranger: I mean.. that's what I've heard. WS
You: Please, everyone assumed the worst, no matter how they might have spun it. JW
You: I deserve at least the truth, Sherlock Holmes. At least. JW
Stranger: (delayed) You should know that I wouldn't just "off myself". SH
You: How could I know? You were a mystery to me. We hung out, sure. You showed me some incredible things. But you didn't show me any of yourself. JW
You: I'm sorry that I didn't see how bad things had gotten. I should have helped sooner. JW
Stranger: Oh Christ. It had nothing to do with you or the rumours. At least not in a way that it affected my mood or anything. SH
You: I don't understand. What else could it have been? JW
Stranger: Precautions. SH
You: Precautions... For what? Did they get physical with you? JW
Stranger: No. But they did get too close to the truth. SH
You: What truth? Did you do something? JW
Stranger: You remember the things they said about me drinking blood? SH
You: Of course I do. Nonsense stuff, though, just because you're a bit pale and your hair is dark. Teenagers being shitty teenagers. JW
Stranger: Teenagers being on the right track there. SH
You: Are you talking about those weird experiments you'd do? Because I never told anybody about those, I swear. JW
You: I thought they were interesting. I liked seeing them. JW
Stranger: It's not about my experiments. I am drinking blood. SH
You: Let's humour this for a moment: Why? JW
Stranger: I'm a vampire. SH
You: Oh my God... What's happened to you, Sherlock? Did they really drive you so crazy? JW
You: I'm so sorry. I should have looked harder. JW
Stranger: And this is why I didn't tell you about me faking my death. SH
You: Because you knew I'd want to get you some professional help? It's called being a friend. I'm still here. I still want to be that. Please let me be that for you. JW
Stranger: No because I knew you wouldn't believe me. John, I didn't start to think I'm a vampire somewhere along the way. I already was. And this is certainly not the first time I've faked my death either. SH
You: Sherlock, you have to understand how this sounds. Please, I know it must be hard talking to a person from such a difficult time, but I want to help. You're not a vampire. JW
Stranger: Fine, explain to me then how I'm still alive, when I was born in 1812. Explain to me why I live of blood. SH
You: This is... Delusion, Sherlock. You don't need blood. Luckily, it's not the kind of thing to hurt if you drink it, but you need other food as well. JW
Stranger: It is something that is harmful to humans, John. Human blood contains too much iron for a human metabolism. It's poisonous in large amounts, despite that humans can't digest blood either. In larger amounts than just a few drops from a cut or something, the stomach revolts and you throw up. SH
You: You're definitely Sherlock. I'm going to fail all of my exams this term. JW
Stranger: Perhaps you should have paid more attention to your studies than trying to prove I'm alive, just to claim that I'm insane. SH
You: Not insane. Deluded. There's a very fine difference in that one comes with no control and no respect for those other than yourself, and the other just means you've been misled somewhere along the way. JW
Stranger: I was not bloody mislead! Nor delusional. You are just being a bad friend for not even trying to believe me. SH
You: You left me. JW
You: I needed you and you left me. JW
Stranger: For good reason as we see now. SH
You: Fuck you. You don't have a high horse to climb onto right now. Get over here and fucking prove it to me if you want it to be real so badly. Stop insulting me and tell me why I shouldn't be insulting you after what you did. JW
Stranger: Fine. You want proof? I've got a gun over here. Shoot me. If that wound doesn't instantly close and heal up within a couple of days, you can still consider me nuts. SH
You: I'm not going to shoot you, Sherlock. JW
Stranger: How else am I supposed to prove it to you then? SH
You: I dunno. Show me your teeth. Burn in the sun. Turn into a fucking bat, I dare you. JW
Stranger: If I show you my original birth certificate you'll think it's faked, if I'll show you old photographs you'll say they're manipulated. I have the feeling I have to be drastic here. SH
Stranger: I can't turn into a bat! This isn't a low budget movie! SH
You: Oh, sure, you being a vampire is completely sane, but turning into a bat is too far. JW
Stranger: Yes it is. Bit insulting too, it's like calling humans monkeys just because they share some of the same traits. SH
You: Find me proof from someone that isn't you, then. Show me a friend. Find me someone else you can't have faked. JW
Stranger: I also don't burn in the sun. That myth developed because most of us used to go out at night to feed because it would look a bit odd to go out in the middle of the day and bite someone. SH
Stranger: What do you mean find someone else? SH
You: Get me an opinion that wouldn't lie to me. JW
Stranger: Mycroft. SH
Stranger: No, hang on. Lying is basically his job description. SH
You: Give me a photo and a birth certificate and leave them with me for a day. JW
Stranger: How about Ms Lucas? You know that secretary you tried to charm? SH
You: Why are you so intensely set on this? Why can't you just admit to me that you're too embarrassed to tell the truth? JW
Stranger: I don't have photos from before the mid 1800's. But I have portraits, one's actually painted by my mother. And if you're going to take it anywhere, I'll come with you. SH
You: You're not going to come with me, because then you're going to manipulate the source I go to that will judge the authenticity of the date. JW
Stranger: Then you are not having it. SH
Stranger: Out of the question. No way, José. SH
You: You can come with me and wait outside. JW
Stranger: Most of my belongings are antique singletons, John. I'm not going to let some idiot calling himself an expert close to them unless I'm supervising. SH
You: Then bite me. JW
Stranger: What? SH
You: I mean it. Bite me, Sherlock. JW
Stranger: You don't even know what you're talking about. SH
You: I definitely do, and I'm ready. Hit me. Show me who you are and bite me. JW
Stranger: No you don't. You'll get high. SH
You: High? JW
Stranger: It's my saliva. It works like a drug. It's not unhealthy or anything. You just... Well, it's a bit like getting drunk, just with a shot of endorphins. SH
You: Then there's no danger in proving yourself to me. JW
Stranger: I haven't done that in ages... SH
Stranger: Quite literally. SH
You: And here's a willing volunteer, waiting right here for you. How lucky. JW
Stranger: Oh god you're really starting to annoy me. Fine. Come over then. Do you need my address or did you find that out while stalking me? SH
You: Give the address to me, if it'll make you less of a bitch about it. JW
Stranger: 221B Baker Street. SH
You: Of course you can afford to live in Central. Typical. JW
You: [If you want to move into para, would you mind starting? At least just give me a couple of details of any notable way he looks/how the flat is laid out etc]
Stranger: ((oh no, I can start it's fine.. oh and I was thinking except for the fact that he doesn't age, he doesn't look any different than normal, no hard skin, he does have a heartbeat .. I'm just tired of all the vampire cliches xD))
You: [That's okay :D I like everything so far, it's great
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