#And I'm really proud of how it turned up!
gothcsz · 2 days
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Motive | Pornstar!Javier Peña x Fem!Reader | Part 3 of Unscripted Desire | ~10k wc | Series Masterlist | gif cred | Explicit. Minors DNI.
Summary: Another chaotic shoot... but at least it's in Malibu?
Tags: more plot keeps sneaking into the porn, angst, frankie has entered the villa, jealous!javi, reader stands on business, it's a porn set other people are also fucking, masturbation on camera (m), dirty talk, lots of cursing (f bombs my beloved), an attempt at a blowjob, javier can't get it up, a dash of misogyny, author projects her ooc thoughts about problematic age gaps in the porn industry, no use of y/n, reader has a degree in film production, other shit i’m probably forgetting.
A/N: me nervous that part 3 isn't going to live up to the hype? more likely than you think! 🙂‍↕️ this fic is taking on a brain of its own and i'm just along for the ride, baby! for my just the tip stans— i'm sorry but i'm going to have to edge you until part 4 *crowd boos and i'm dragged off stage* i was going to wait to post this, but i really wanted to get it out because i'm so damn proud of it lowkey, lol, so i hope you all like it 🖤 let a bitch know what ya think! also, shoutout to my pookie @persephone-girl for reading over this 💋 love u mamas
Your phone’s shrill ring pierces through the haze of sleep, and you groan in frustration, burying your face deeper into the pillow.
The comforter is pulled tight over your head, shielding you from the annoyingly bright sunlight filtering through your window. Your hand shoots out, fumbling blindly across the bedside table until your fingers finally close around the receiver. 
“What?” you grumble, voice thick with sleep and muffled beneath your sheets.
“There she is! My beautiful, talented camerawoman. Have I ever told you how much I appreciate what you do?” Robbie’s overly cheerful voice blares through the phone, so you pull it back from your ear slightly, wincing.
“Why are you calling me this early in the morning?” you snap, already regretting picking up.
“Early? It’s almost noon—”
“What do you want, Robbie?” You cut him off, not in the mood for small talk, especially since last night’s bar shift ran past four in the morning. You were hoping to sleep through most of the day, recovering in your bed with no interruptions. Clearly, that plan has gone out the window.
“Look, I’ve got a big shoot happening in Malibu today and I’m short-staffed. I could really use your magic touch behind the camera.”
 “C’mon,” he drags the word out, “I’ll make sure you’re well compensated for working on your day off.”
You rub your eyes, the remnants of sleep still clinging to you. “How much?”
He tosses out a number, and despite your best effort to remain indifferent, your eyes widen. Damn. That’s more than decent money.
“Malibu’s all the way across town,” you point out, “I won’t make it there in time if I take the bus. And a taxi? That’ll cost me a fortune.”
“Don’t worry about that. Your ride’s outside waiting for you.”
You blink, confused, and get out of bed, dragging the corded phone with you as you move toward the bay window. You pull the curtain back just enough to peer down at the busy street below.
Sure enough, Steve is there, leaning casually against his Jeep with sunglasses on, a cigarette between his lips. The second he spots you looking down, he grins like the cheshire cat and waves.
“Seriously?” you mutter to Robbie, flipping Steve off with a half-hearted smile. “And what if I’d said no?”
“We both know you wouldn’t have.”
After a few more quick exchanges, you hang up, glancing once more at your ride through the window before turning to rush and get yourself ready for the day ahead.
Truth be told, you’re still not fully awake, your body moving on autopilot as you shuffle through your morning (midday) routine.
It’s been ages since you’ve been to the beach— especially one as nice as Malibu’s. The thought of it softens the blow of losing your rest day. You tell yourself you’ll make the best of it, turning this unexpected workday into something that benefits you, too.
After shooting wraps, you’ll indulge in a quiet evening by the shore, sinking your toes into the warm sand with a good book in hand. No rush to head back. This time, you’ll gladly take a taxi if it means getting some peace seaside.
With that plan in mind, you dress for the day accordingly. Your halter-style bathing suit doubles as a cute top, the color complimenting your skin, while your favorite denim shorts sit comfortably over your bikini bottoms.
You pack a few essentials into your beach bag and make sure to grab your camera bag as well. Once you’ve double-checked that everything’s packed, you make your way downstairs, feeling a bit more awake now.
Steve catches sight of you approaching and flashes a dramatic grin, straightening up like he’s about to chauffeur royalty.
“Your chariot awaits,” he announces with an exaggerated flourish, swinging the passenger door open.
You roll your eyes, but you can’t help the bemused laugh that escapes your lips. “God, you’re ridiculous,” you mutter, shaking your head as you climb into the seat, tossing your beach bag onto the floor.
He shuts the door behind you with a smirk. “Ridiculous? I prefer charmingly dedicated to my craft.” He hops into the driver’s side, flicking the cigarette away before starting the car.
You snort at his self-satisfaction, leaning back against the seat and putting on the seatbelt. 
“Malibu, huh? How the fuck did he manage to swing that?”
He chuckles, one hand lazily draped over the wheel, the other tapping out a rhythm on his knee. “He didn’t tell me much either— just asked me to stop by and pick you up on my way.”
That makes sense. Robbie’s always been a bit scatterbrained, occasionally running around like he’s managing a multi-million-dollar empire when, in reality, he’s holding it together with duct tape and half-assed enthusiasm.
The drive is surprisingly fun, Steve’s constant jokes keeping your spirits high. He always manages to make you laugh, which is why you tolerate his quirks. 
“I’m pretty sure Javi’s going to be there,” he says, almost too nonchalantly, meaning he’s in the mood to be messy.
You keep your gaze focused on the coastline, watching as palm trees blur past. The wind from the open windows has you squinting momentarily, but it can’t cool the sudden heat spreading through your body. 
“It’s not going to be weird seeing him, right?” He presses and you finally turn to face him, moving your sunglasses to the top of your head.
“Why would it be weird?” you ask, the challenge clear in your voice.
He shoots you a look, brows raised and lips quirked in that irritating way of his. “Oh, I dunno. Maybe ‘cause of the whole flirtin’ with you during the middle of a scene thing? Or, y’know, the elevator incident… which, by the way, what the fuck even happened there?” He glances at you, curiosity practically oozing out of him.
You roll your eyes, crossing your arms over your chest defensively, but you can’t stop the way your thighs rub together at the memory. 
Javier’s mouth... God. “None of your damn business.”
“Don’t tell me you fucked him.”
You laugh, loudly, the sound bordering on forced. “Absolutely not.”
He shoots you that okay, sure look, and you groan internally.
Steve’s like a dog with a bone when he gets curious, and you know he’s not going to let this go until you give him something. You sigh, deciding to indulge him— partially. 
“He was being an asshole,” you start, and he immediately interjects with, “Nothing new there,” causing both of you to share a laugh at Javier’s expense.
You shake your head, returning your sunglasses to the bridge of your nose. “No, seriously. He was pushing my buttons, being his usual peacock self. I don’t even know how it escalated, but one moment we’re arguing, and the next... he’s got his tongue in my pussy.”
Steve chokes on his own spit at your bluntness. He’s heard and seen much worse on set, yet your confession has him all tripped up. 
“So, you did fuck him?”
You roll your eyes again, shifting in your seat as the horny flashbacks hit you all at once— Javier’s lips wrapped around your clit, the perfect rhythm of his tongue, his fingers.
You shove those thoughts away, focusing on the road ahead, annoyed at both Javier and Steve now. “Getting head isn’t fucking. It’s, like, third base. And anyway, I made it clear— that’s all he was getting from me. I’m not about to waste my time rolling around in bed with him.”
He gives you a look— a knowing look— and you scoff, shaking your head. “What now?” 
“Nothing. You’re just the first person I’ve heard say that about him.”
“Someone’s gotta humble his ass,” you mutter, though the words feel heavier than they should. You try to act like you’ve put Javier out of your mind, like that moment was nothing but a blip in your life, but deep down, you know it’s not that simple.
You’ve never met anyone like him, and the fact that he can elicit such reactions from you pisses you off so bad.
As the coastline stretches out in front of you, Malibu drawing closer with every mile, you can’t help but wonder if seeing Javier today will be as easy as you’re pretending it will be.
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The mansion is far more extravagant than anything you could have imagined. Its grand facade, with towering columns and ivy crawling up the sides, feels like something out of a movie set, and for a second, you almost forget why you’re here.
But then, as soon as you step past the threshold, you hear it— echoing from deep within the house are the unmistakable sounds of exaggerated moans, grunts, and the rhythmic thump of bodies meeting.
You adjust the strap of your camera bag on your shoulder, your beach bag abandoned in Steve’s car. As you step further into the foyer, Robbie appears, that infamous smirk plastered on his face.
“Long way from home, aren’t you, Dorothy?” he jokes, taking in your wide-eyed amusement as you scan the expensive decor— the towering glass chandelier overhead, the marble floors gleaming beneath your feet, the floor-to-ceiling windows.
You can’t help but be a little impressed. 
But of course, he’s there to give you shit about it. You turn your wide-eyed gaze into a glare, bringing your attention to him. “So funny. You should quit your current sleazy day job and take up another sleazy one— stand up,” you reply, your voice dripping with sarcasm.
He just grins, unbothered by your sharp tone. “You’re always a joy to work with. No wonder Javi asked for you specifically.”
Your entire demeanor shifts viscerally and you curse yourself for it mentally, caught completely off guard. “Wait, what? Javier asked for me?”
He shrugs, indifferent to your confusion. “Yeah. He’s set for a solo shoot upstairs in one of the bathrooms before he’s on with...” He snaps his fingers, trying to remember. “...Mariella. Real pretty girl, it’s her first on-camera gig today.”
The world blurs a little as your mind zeroes in on that one bit of information: Javier asked for you. And not just for any shoot— a solo one. You blink, shaking your head to clear the fog. “I’m sorry, can we go back to the part where I was summoned here by someone who isn’t my boss?”
“Oh yeah, he made a real fuss about it. Sent away the other guy we had lined up for the shoot. Told me he wouldn’t do it unless you were behind the camera. Even offered to pay out of his own pocket just to get you here. It’s the only reason we’re paying you as much as I promised over the phone.”
Your stomach twists and you can feel your face settling into a deep frown, the kind that pulls some of your mood down with it. So that’s why he dangled such a big paycheck in front of you this morning.
After the elevator incident (as Steve has so eloquently named it), after the intense heat of his mouth on you, the way he had you— he said he’d leave you alone. He was supposed to respect the boundaries you set, but here he is, yanking you back into his orbit. 
You can already picture him upstairs, lounging in one of those stupidly lavish bathrooms, probably smirking that damn smirk of his, waiting for you.
You try to squash down the way your pulse quickens at the thought, the lingering memory of his fingers digging into your hips, his tongue working between your thighs, is beckoning you into temptation again.
“Fucking great,” you mutter, more to yourself than your boss. You have half a mind to storm up those stairs, find the pornstar, and give him a piece of your mind before marching right back out to spend your day on the beach— free of drama and distractions and him.
But the reality is, you’re being paid nearly three times what you’d normally make on a gig like this. It’s enough to drown out the temptation to walk away, however satisfying that would be.
You’re an adult. You’ve dealt with worse. You can handle this.
Robbie gives you a sidelong glance, clearly sensing your hesitation. “You’re not backing out, are you?”
With a sigh, you force a smile and shake your head. “As good as it’d feel to leave, no, I’m not. I’ll be up in a sec.”
Relief flashes across his face, and he gives you a few pointers before rushing off into this maze of a house.
You linger for a second longer, taking a deep breath to shake off the nerves. Come on. Get it together. After a final mental pep talk, you head toward the grand staircase that winds up to the second floor. 
The sight that greets you at the top of the stairs stops you in your tracks: Lexxie is splayed out on her back atop some console table, currently getting the life fucked out of her. The visual is chaotic but nothing new. You’ve seen it a hundred times before. 
A guy with a scruffy beard and a beat-up baseball cap stands behind the camera, looking more bored than impressed, barely watching as the two stars go at it.
You lean against the nearby railing, your voice cutting through their heavy breaths and grunts. “Guess your marriage to Javier didn’t last very long,” you tease from off camera, referencing the honeymoon shoot.
The star’s eyes snap open at the sound of your voice, and she flashes you a playful, almost sweet smile in between heavy breaths. “Kinda regretting stepping out on him—oh, fuck.” Her snappy comeback dissolves into a breathy moan as the guy currently rearranging her on the table pushes her legs up to her chest, hitting just the right spot. 
“Sorry, didn’t mean to ruin your shot,” you say, throwing a glance at the cameraman, knowing how annoying it can be when someone messes with your focus.
He waves it off with a lazy shrug. “It’s not ruined. Honestly, I would’ve quit filming ten minutes ago. It’s starting to drag. I’m impressed they’re still going.”
You let out a small laugh, nodding in agreement. “Yeah, they’ve got stamina like you wouldn’t believe. Makes me feel lazy in bed sometimes, but then I remember how unrealistic this shit actually is.”
He chuckles, scratching at his jaw. “Should make it an Olympic sport. Bet we’d bring home gold.”
“Pretty sure that already exists and it happens in the Olympic Village.” You smirk, finally peeling your eyes away from the couple to look at him properly.
He’s cute in that disheveled, stray-dog kind of way. His curls poke out from under a worn baseball cap, his beard patchy, and his clothes rumpled, like he just rolled out of bed and threw on the first thing he could find. He fits in perfectly with the kind of guys you’d expect on a porn crew.
Earning a genuine laugh from him, he extends a hand. “I’m Frankie.”
You shake it, offering your name in return. “I’m also part of the crew. About to go shoot a scene in the master bathroom.” You explain, noticing how his grip lingers just a little, his smile playful and easy. You feel a bit of warmth rush to your cheeks, and he’s about to say something when—
“Oh fuck, I’m about to cum!” Lexxie’s voice is piercing, loud and breathless, pulling your attention back to the scene.
You shake your head, stifling a laugh. “Well, that’s my cue,” you mutter, stepping out before you get too caught up flirting with him.
“Nice meeting you,” he says before dismounting the camera, moving in closer to capture the so-called money shot.
Cute. Too cute. It’s almost enough to make you forget about the man you’re about to see.
You push open the door to the room Javier’s in, and the sight of him has you doing a double take.
He’s standing in the middle of the room with nothing but a white towel hanging dangerously low on his hips, his defined Adonis belt drawing your eyes in a way you hate to admit.
His toned, brown torso glistens with the thinnest layer of sweat, the sunlight pouring into the room making him look like he’s glowing.
You need to toughen up, and in order to do so, you have to bitch at him. It’s the only way to keep that lustful cavewoman instinct away.
“You’re a piece of work,” is what you settle on, making sure to let your tone really punctuate how annoyed you are by the stunt he pulled today.
The second his eyes lock onto yours, amusement flickers behind them, as if he’s been waiting for this confrontation.
He quirks a brow, lips curving into a lazy smile. “¿De que hablas nena—?”
“What happened to ‘if you don’t want me anymore, I’ll leave you alone’? Was that something you said just to lower my guard? To get me to give you what you want?” You cut him off, keeping your distance even as you notice him inching closer.
Your eyes are daggers as they bore into him, and for a brief second, you hope he feels at least some of the fire burning in your chest. But if he’s affected, he doesn’t show it. He is frustratingly calm, like he’s above it all.
“You gave me no indication that you didn’t want me anymore.” His voice is casual, almost patronizing.
You groan as you throw your hands up in exasperation. “I literally said, ‘Hope you got your fix because it’s never happening again.’ What the fuck else do I have to say or do to get you off my back?”
Silence settles between you two as you stand there staring each other down. He’s unreadable, watching you with an intensity that makes your skin tingle.
“Well?” you demand, impatient.
“In my defense— it didn’t sound very convincing.” You stare at him incredulously before turning on your heel. Hell no. He can keep his money and his bullshit. You’re not doing this.
But just as your fingers graze the doorknob, his voice sharpens with a hint of panic, calling your name.
“Wait, look,” he starts, running a hand through his hair, “I’m not trying to start anything. I just thought—” he pauses, searching for the right words. “I’d feel more comfortable if you were behind the camera during this shoot. Not the other guy Robbie brought in.”
Frankie? He seems so harmless, and besides, Javier’s never had an issue with whoever’s in the room when he’s filming, so why is it a problem now?
However, his tone does sound sincere. You turn to face him again, narrowing your eyes and refusing to let your guard down. “This better not be another one of your tricks, Javier. If you’re doing this to try and get into my pants—”
He almost grins, but catches himself just in time, clearly biting back a remark. You can see it in the way his mouth twitches, and you know exactly what he’s thinking. Already have, his brown eyes seem to say. But he holds his tongue, offering a faint nod instead. 
“I promise. No tricks. Just a professional shoot. That’s it.”
You give him one last warning glance before sighing. “Fine. But I’m telling you, Javier—”
“I know, I know,” he interrupts, holding up his hands. “I get it and please stop calling me Javier.”
You arch a brow. “That’s your name, isn’t it?”
“Yeah, but everyone calls me Javi.”
Ugh, whatever. “Okay, fine, Javi. Just show me where I’m supposed to set up.” 
He bites back another grin and motions you with a flick of his head, and with the weird tension simmering, you follow him toward the ensuite bathroom. The door creaks open, revealing an elaborate setup, and you pause in the doorway, eyes widening.
It’s surprisingly... beautiful.
In front of a massive window that overlooks the sprawling blue ocean outside, there’s a porcelain clawfoot bathtub filled with what looks like a milk bath. Various colored flower petals float delicately on the surface, scattered in an almost artful arrangement.
You let out a breath you didn’t realize you were holding. “Well, damn. This actually looks nice.” This bathroom is bigger than your entire apartment.
Javier notices your reaction and leans against the doorframe to the connecting walk in closet, arms crossed over his bare chest, a smirk playing on his lips. “Catering to the female gaze,” he says with a cocky shrug, “At least, that’s what my agent told me. Seems like I’m very popular among the ladies.”
The way he says it makes you want to smack him upside the head. He’s pushing your buttons again in the most subtle way, and you hate how good he is at it.
“Cute,” you reply dryly, walking past him to set your camera bag down on the large counter.
As you begin to unpack and set up, you can feel his eyes on you, watching your every move, lingering on the exposed skin of your back then dripping down to your legs.
It kind of feels good to have him ogling you like this. The whole look but don’t touch thing is really doing it for you, more than you’d care to admit. There’s a certain power in keeping him wanting, yet also forcing the distance.
“It’s not just about the ladies, you know. I actually want this to be good. I trust you to make it look that way.”
You glance over at him. His playful arrogance has slightly faded, shaded in by the genuine want to make this feel more than just some raunchy scene.
“I’m not a director, I just film it,” you remind him, adjusting the camera lens as you try to play it off. “So just do whatever you think is right. Robbie gave me some pointers, but it wasn’t much.”
“Still,” he presses, “there’s some finesse to what you do.”
At least he’s aware of that. “Let’s just get this over with,” you say, deflecting the compliment.
You finish setting up the camera, adjusting the tripod to get the perfect angle. It’s important to capture the full picturesque scene to begin with— the soft light spilling in through the window, the sparkling blue ocean in the background.
You clear your throat, “Okay, I’m all set for whenever you’re ready.”
Javier moves casually as he unwraps the white towel from around his waist. His cock, already half-hard, demands your attention, but you force yourself to look away. You rub your lips together then lick at them unconsciously, trying to focus on anything other than his naked body.
“Got plans after this?” he asks as though he’s asking you about the weather.
You blink at the normalcy of the question “Just going to hang out by the beach,” you reply plainly, trying to keep your focus on the camera and not on his crotch.
It almost feels strange talking to him like this, without the usual teasing or sexual tension-laden bickering.
“Sounds fun,” he says as he steps into the tub, the water sloshing around him. “Real nice out here. The weather is perfect for it today.”
You watch as he settles in, the milky water rising around his body, and for a moment, you’re completely mesmerized.
The scene in front of you looks like something out of a romantic painting, and it hits you how undeniably beautiful he looks. His skin, a warm golden brown, contrasts perfectly with the creamy white of the bath, and the colorful flower petals floating on the surface make the whole thing look like a dream.
He leans back, the water just kissing his chest, and you catch yourself imagining what a soft, hazy vignette filter would do to the shot, how it would add an enchanting glow to an already intimate scene.
You shake your head slightly, snapping yourself out of the reverie. You’re supposed to be filming him jerking off, not admiring the aesthetics like this is some fine art shoot. But fuck, it’s hard to separate the two when the visuals are this damn good.
Javier, of course, senses your brief distraction. He watches you, eyes thoughtful as he stretches out, letting the water ripple around him. He doesn’t say anything, but there’s a slight smirk playing on his lips, like he knows exactly what you’re thinking.
You take a deep breath, trying to focus on the task at hand, despite the heat pooling between your thighs. “Is there a clear direction for this scene, or are you just improvising?”
“I’m just winging it,” his voice is a rich, velvet drawl, a little rough from all the smoking he does. “No dirty talk. They want my natural noises to be the main focus… amongst other things.” He cocks his head to the side, one arm coming up to rub at the back of his neck.
Heat blooms low in your belly, shooting straight to your cunt at the sight. The way his bicep flexes, the muscles shifting smoothly beneath that taut, sun-kissed skin, showcasing just how defined he is while still looking so maddeningly soft. 
Calm down, girl, you silently reprimand your pussy. She’s fucking purring right now.
You clear your throat and give him a nod, signaling him to begin. Stepping behind the camera, you focus through the lens, grateful for the distance.
Javier moves slowly. His head tips back against the edge of the tub, eyes falling closed, the soft curve of his lashes fanning out like shadows against his skin. One hand trails down, lingering at the hollow of his collarbones. The movements are unhurried, almost reverent, as though he’s savoring the feel of his own skin.
The intimate build-up draws you in, despite your best efforts to remain detached.
You unmount the camera from its tripod after a few moments, stepping closer to him, framing the shot tight around his chest, the slow glide of his hand along his torso. You can’t help but notice the pounding of your heart, each beat mirroring the steady, throbbing pulse at your clit. 
The sight of him— relaxed, fully in his element, bathed in the soft glow of light— stirs that fucking feeling deep within you.
It’s not just desire, though that’s certainly there. It’s the maddening awareness of how sensual, how magnetic this man is. And even though you try to tell yourself you’d feel the same about any other attractive man in his place, you know that’d be a damn lie.
Javier’s hand moves lower, ghosting over the ridges of his soft stomach. His other hand trails slowly through the water, sending gentle ripples through the milky bath. You swallow hard and focus the lens on his face— the slight parting of his pouty pink lips beneath his trimmed mustache that you just now realize has a small patch right above his cupid’s bow.
Even his imperfections are attractive.
The flushed skin of his cock makes an appearance, his thick, swollen head breaking the surface of the water with each subtle movement, teasing you and the camera. The way it peeks through, the slick tip glistening in the milky bath, almost feels like a taunt— winking at you.
Doing as you’re supposed to, you adjust the lens to zoom in on the way his cock flirts with the surface.
If you were anyone else, one of his usual co-stars maybe, you’d lean down and give it a few kitten licks. You’d tease the sensitive crown with your tongue, circling the tip before letting it slide past your lips— just enough to drive him wild.
Your tongue twitches at the thought.
A soft groan escapes his lips as he gets closer to where he’s aching to touch. It’s as if he can read your mind, as if he knows you’re imagining the feel of his cock in your mouth, the taste of his salty skin, the way he’d twitch against your tongue as you tease him until he begs for more.
Maybe he’s picturing your lips wrapped around him, too.
You bite down on your lower lip, forcing yourself to stay quiet, to stay focused, even though your body is betraying you. The mess in your panties, the way your nipples stiffen beneath your bathing suit top— everything about this moment is dangerous.
Then finally, his fist wraps around his cock, a soft slosh of water accompanying the motion. The eroticism of the scene— paired with the proximity, the memory of those hands on you— ignites that annoying need deep inside.
He strokes himself slowly, eyes still closed as though lost in the pleasure of it all. You focus the camera on his hand, on the way it moves with purpose, his thumb brushing over the head of his cock, slick with precum.
His groans start to fill the air, and your own body reacts, hips shifting slightly as you try to ignore pressure at your cunt.
“Still with me?” His voice cuts through the silence, raspy and knowing, eyes fluttering open to look at you.
Oh. Have they always been this golden?
“Yeah,” you’re proud of yourself for keeping your voice steady.
Javier’s body is pure, unfiltered sin in motion. As you move around the bathtub to capture every angle, you can’t help but admire him. His muscles shift with every slow pump of his hand, the sinewy lines of his arms and torso rippling just beneath the milky water.
His stomach contracts with each exhale, drawing your gaze lower to the faint trail of hair leading down to his cock, which you catch glimpses of when his hips buck up inadvertently.
His breathing grows heavier, his pouty bottom lip caught between his teeth, brows furrowing in concentration as his pleasure builds. It’s mesmerizing, the way his face contorts, his expressions almost too intimate, too personal for the lens. But you can’t tear your eyes— or the camera— away.
His fist moves with such confidence, touching himself with an unhurried rhythm that only a man used to his own pleasure can manage. Every time his thumb glides over the tip of his cock, a heavier grunt rumbles in his throat and it’s so hot.
You’re too focused on capturing every inch of him that it almost catches you off guard when he begins to speak.
“Wish it was your pretty hand around me right now, baby.” His voice is husky, laced with want, and the words hit you like a punch to the gut.
You blink rapidly, heart stalling in your chest as the camera wavers slightly in your hands. “Javier,” you sigh, his name slipping from your lips before you can stop yourself.
“Fuck, I know, but shit—” His words are more ragged now, spoken between heavy breaths. “You’re all I can think about still. You stay in my mind, muñeca. Can’t get you out.”
Even though every rational part of you knows you should stop him, should leave or at least say something to shut him up, you don’t.
You don’t run, you don’t protest. You just... let it happen.
“Talk to me, please.”
“I-I—” The words get stuck in your throat, “I can’t. I’ll ruin the shoot.” Why is that your priority right now?
“You won’t.”
The way he says it chips at the walls you've built around yourself.
“What do I even say?”
“Anything,” there he goes again, using that tone that makes him sound like he’s begging.
So, you say what you’ve been thinking of since he got into this damn tub. “Your cock is so pretty, Javi.” You purr, throwing all caution to the wind, lying to yourself that this means nothing.
The effect is immediate. He groans, a deep sound from his chest, and his hand moves faster over his shaft, the slickness of the water amplifying the movement. “Fuck,” he says, his breathing now erratic, “say it again.”
Your gaze flicks down and it’s mesmerizing watching the way his body responds to his own touch, but it’s the fact that he’s unraveling in front of you that leaves your mouth dry.
“Such a pretty cock, Javi,” you repeat, voice steadier this time, growing bolder with each passing second. Every flex and contraction of his body feeds the arousal pulsing in you. “I bet it would feel perfect sliding down my throat, hitting the back of it until I’m choking on you.”
All those hours spent listening to cheesy porn dialogue are finally paying off.
His head falls back, exposing the strong column of his neck, Adam’s apple bobbing as he swallows. A guttural groan escapes him as the image of what you just said sets in. His other hand moves down to cup his heavy, swollen balls, the water around him rocking more violently now as he starts to lose himself in the fantasy.
“Shit… I’m close,” he growls, voice breaking with need, the words barely coherent. “Keep talking to me, fuck…”
You lean in slightly, the camera momentarily forgotten. “You want to come for me?” Your whisper is dripping with lust, the idea of him falling apart because of you making your pussy ache. “You want to make a mess? Pretend I’m kneeling right here, my mouth open and waiting for you to fill it, warm and wet just for you?”
You’ve seen him come so many times, watched him fill too many cunts with his spend and paint different parts of their pretty bodies— but none of it compares to the sight before you.
The way his body jerks in response tells you everything you need to know. His grip tightens on the edge of the tub, knuckles going white as he pumps faster, rougher, pushing himself toward the brink. His hips start lifting out of the water with every thrust into his own hand, chasing that final release.
“Fuck, yes…,” he groans, voice strangled, barely holding it together. His eyes squeeze shut, every muscle in his body tensing, going rigid as he falls over the edge.
His bilingual expletives cut off into a long, drawn-out moan as his cock twitches, thick ropes of cum spilling out in messy spurts, splattering against his fist, swirling into the milky bathwater. The petals float lazily across the surface, some clinging to his skin, as the evidence of his release drifts around him.
You stand there, heart pounding, frozen as your brain tries to catch up with your pussy.
“Shit,” you mutter under your breath, fumbling with the camera as you stop the recording. You quickly move to pack everything up and try your damndest not to look at him.
“Wait, don’t—” Javier’s voice is still hoarse, but there’s a touch of urgency to it now, breaking through the post-orgasm haze. You hear the water sloshing violently behind you as he moves, and you know he’s getting out of the tub. “Just… hang on.”
“No. I-I gotta go,” you stammer, your hands frantically packing up the camera, the lens cap slipping through your fingers. You try to grab it, but your nerves are shot and it fumbles. Thankfully, it doesn’t take damage. You’d hate to hear Robbie bitch at you for breaking the brand-new camera.
Just get out of here is the only thought running through your mind. Every time you’re around him lately, you end up a confused, horny, exasperated mess, and you can’t handle it anymore.
“Hey—wait!” Javier slips as he tries to step out of the tub, nearly falling as he reaches for you, his wet feet squeaking against the floor. You turn just in time to see him catch himself, water dripping from his body, his skin still flushed from what just happened.
“What the hell?” You shoot him a look, “You’re gonna break your neck trying to stop me from leaving—”
“I wasn’t—fuck, just let me talk for a second.” He runs a hand through his soaked hair, water dripping down his neck, over the curve of his shoulders, and you hate how even now, you’re distracted by how good he looks. He reaches for the towel and loosely wraps it around his waist. “I didn’t mean for this to happen.”
“Neither did I,” you snap, stuffing your gear into your bag, not caring how haphazardly it’s packed. “This— this isn’t what I signed up for. I’m here to work, remember? Not… whatever the fuck that was.”
He steps closer, reaching for your arm, but you yank it away before he can touch you. The last thing you need is his hands on you right now, reminding you of everything you shouldn’t want.
“You think I don’t know that?” His voice softens, but there’s a frustration beneath it, like he’s grappling with the same confusion you are. “I wasn’t trying to mess with you, okay? I just… I don’t know what the hell is happening between us either.”
You stop, finally meeting his gaze. There’s something in his eyes that pulls at the part of you that’s freakishly tethered to him, but you can’t let that get to you now. Not when everything feels so damn complicated.
“Javier, this—” You struggle for words, shaking your head. “This can’t keep happening. I can’t—” You pause, your breath catching. I can’t have you. “I don’t want you,” you correct yourself.
His jaw clenches, muscles ticking under the strain. “Stop bullshitting me,” he growls, eyes narrowing.
“I’m not,” you shoot back, but it comes out too quickly, too rehearsed.
“You’re lying through your fuckin’ teeth, and it’s pathetic. What is so wrong with giving me a chance?” He keeps circling back to this— chances.
One thing about him, he knows how to trigger a fucking migraine. 
“Everything!” The word bursts out of you like a confession. “Everything about this is wrong. It’s why I’ve been trying to stay away since day one, but you’re so— ugh!” You throw your hands up, exasperated, the bathroom suddenly feeling too small and claustrophobic. He’s got you spinning in circles, tying you up in knots, and you can’t think straight around him.
Without a second thought, you turn to leave, your feet moving as if you’re fucking levitating. So what if you’ve made a habit of running away from him? You don’t owe him shit.
“Nena—” Desperation laces his voice and that stupid nickname makes your skin curl. “I don’t want you to leave like this.”
“Well, too bad,” you snap over your shoulder. “I’m leaving so you can’t sweet-talk me into anything.” The slam of the door echoes behind you, a final punctuation to your statement.
As you step out into the hallway, the distant sounds of people fucking filter through the air, kind of grounding you back to the real world.
You can’t keep working with him, not if every interaction is going to end like this. You make a mental note to talk to Robbie after today’s shoot. No more Peña.
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The day drags on, the tension from earlier still lingering, but now, sitting outside on the shaded patio, you feel a small reprieve.
A half-eaten sandwich rests before you on the table, your eyes lazily tracing the lines of the zero-edge pool that blends into the horizon. The soft rustle of palm trees swaying in the gentle breeze lulls you into a sense of temporary peace. You glance around, taking in the pristine luxury surrounding you. Rich people really have it made, you think, marveling at the extravagance of someone else’s life.
The spat with Javier lingers but you’ve done your best to ignore it by keeping busy. The other shoots happening in the house have kept you distracted, but you know what’s coming: the last scene of the day— with him— and the new girl, Mariella. A small sigh escapes your lips as you sink deeper into the patio chair, absolutely dreading it.
Your tranquility is shattered when you feel a presence nearby. Already anticipating another confrontation with Javier, you steel yourself and don’t even bother looking up before snapping, “Oh my god, can you just leave me alone—”
The words get jammed in your throat as your eyes land on Frankie, not Javier. He stands there, looking taken aback, a paper bag in one hand and an awkward smile tugging at his lips. You instantly feel like a bitch.
“Shit— sorry,” you stammer, cheeks burning with embarrassment. “I thought you were someone else.”
Frankie lets out a small chuckle, brown eyes softening as he rubs the back of his neck. “No worries, I can leave if you want—”
“No, no,” you say quickly, waving him off. “Please, stay. I didn’t mean to be snappy.”
He hesitates for a moment before motioning to the empty chair across from you. “Mind if I sit?”
You shake your head, and he lowers himself into the seat, setting his lunch down. The small talk starts easily, flowing naturally as you both munch on your food. He tells you about his daughter, a proud smile on his face as he recounts how she’s the light of his life. Then he goes on about how his friends call him Catfish because of some dumb inside joke, and also the fact that he’s a retired pilot. It somehow doesn’t surprise you— the career fits him.
“How do you go from flying helicopters to shooting porn?” you ask, the question half serious, half teasing as you lean back in your chair, eyes hidden behind your sunglasses.
Frankie raises an eyebrow and smirks, clearly amused. “Shit happens,” he says with a shrug. “How do you go from having a film production degree to spending your days staring at tits and ass?”
A wry smile tugs at your lips. You tilt your head, pausing for effect. “... Shit happens,” you echo, the irony not lost on either of you.
He snorts, taking a slow sip of his water, the sound of his laughter rolling into the lazy afternoon air. You can’t help but steal a glance from behind your shades, your gaze wandering over his rugged features.
There’s something about the way the sun hits him just right, casting a golden glow over his tanned skin. You swallow, feeling a subtle pull in your chest, an unexpected attraction. He’s not flashy, not like the other guys you’re used to working with— there’s an unspoken confidence in his ease, a solidness that makes you want to keep looking.
“So… who’d you think I was? Just then?” He asks, adjusting his cap.
You try not to let your small smile falter. “Oh, just an annoying coworker.”
“Ah, the kind who shows up at the worst times, huh?”
“Exactly,” you reply with a laugh, “You know the type.”
Frankie leans in just slightly, lowering his voice. “Well, I’m glad I’m not that guy.” There’s a flicker of flirtation in his tone, his eyes lingering a beat too long. “But if you ever need someone to… keep him under control, you just let me know. Got the remedy for that right here.” 
He exaggeratedly flexes his biceps, and the snug t-shirt he’s wearing pulls taut around his arms, highlighting their impressive size.
You can’t help but admire the view— he’s really fun to look at, all charming smiles and playful confidence.
“I might just take you up on that, actually,” you reply, matching his energy with a teasing smile of your own. “I could definitely use someone who knows how to handle things.”
He raises an eyebrow, a smirk tugging at the corners of his pink lips. “I’m more than equipped for that, trust me.”
For a second, it feels like the two of you are in your own little world— until, of course, it comes crashing down.
A voice cuts through the moment like a knife. “We’re ready for the last scene.”
You turn to see Javier standing there, arms crossed, jaw tight, his gaze flicking between you and Frankie. His entire posture screams annoyance.
“And who are you?” Frankie retorts, squinting one eye against the harsh sunlight, playful defiance dancing in his tone.
Javier doesn’t seem to like that response at all. “I’m ready to get this shit done with,” he snaps, and you narrow your eyes, practically shooting daggers at him.
Frankie clears his throat, sizing up Javier’s bristling energy. “Right.”
You catch the word presumido slip from his lips— the Spanish insult that has you exhaling a light laugh through your nose, because he’s so spot on and he doesn’t even know it.
Both of you stand, Frankie gathering the remnants of your lunch. “If you’d like some company down by the beach later, I’ll still be around,” he adds smoothly, sliding the proposition in there as casually as if he were just suggesting grabbing coffee. You almost don’t mind him crashing your solo date.
“I’ll let you know,” you reply, pushing your chair in. “It would be great to not have to take the taxi back, but I was willing to do it for a nice afternoon by the water.” You can feel Javier’s possessive stare burning into you from across the way.
Frankie, absolutely unbothered, leans in closer, a charming grin on his face. “Here’s my number if you need that ride.” A pen appears out of nowhere, and he scribbles down his digits on a clean corner of his napkin, tearing it off with an effortless confidence before handing it to you.
“Definitely,” you say with a flirty smile, tucking the napkin into your pocket, feeling a thrill against the scowling presence of the spectator watching from the sliding glass door 
Frankie branches off to use the restroom and you push past Javier, no intention of speaking to him until—
“If you spent less time flirting with the crew and more time focusing on your job, we’d be finished by now.”
You can practically taste his jealousy.
You stop in your tracks, turning to face him, your patience running thin. “Really, Javi? You’re jealous of Frankie? That’s what this is about? Did our last conversation not put shit in perspective for you?”
He steps closer, eyes hard, voice low. “Jealous? Of him?” He scoffs, but the tension in his jaw betrays him. “I just don’t appreciate having to wait because you’re too busy cozying up to someone else. Especially someone who looks like they just got picked up off the side of the road.”
“And you wonder why I don’t like you.” Is all you can say, brushing past him yet again, his presence looming heavy as you head toward the living room where the last scene is set to be shot.
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The moment Robbie goes on with his usual pre-shoot rundown, your attention shifts to the newbie Mariella immediately, drowning out his usual spiel.
The girl— and she is a girl, no matter what the paperwork says— looks painfully young. Her cropped tee hugging her braless chest, barely keeping her breasts from spilling out, and those flimsy pajama shorts riding high on her thighs. It’s the kind of outfit that makes you uneasy— one you’ve seen too many times in this industry, designed to play into the fantasies of men who want their women to look barely legal.
You bite the inside of your cheek, the sour taste of frustration building in the back of your throat. This is the part of the job that gnaws at you— the undercurrent of exploitation that no one acknowledges.
You’re not naive, you know exactly what sells in porn. You know what these people want to watch, what they get off on. The younger, the better. 
Still, it doesn’t make it any easier to stomach when you’re standing on set, watching it play out in real time.
Just as Mariella positions herself, preparing for the camera to roll, you can’t stop yourself. The words come out before you can think to censor them. “How old are you?”
Suddenly, everyone’s attention shifts to you. Robbie. Steve. Frankie. Even Javier, who’s lounging in the corner, waiting for his moment to shine. They all freeze, the casual banter dying off as your question lingers in the air. Mariella blinks, looking around as if unsure who you’re even talking to.
“I—I turned twenty last week.”
Your expression hardens, and the disapproval is written all over your face. “She’s not even old enough to drink, and you’re having her fuck Javier?” Your eyes cut to Robbie, who’s staring at you like you’ve just sprouted another head.
The silence stretches for a beat too long before he scoffs, shaking his head like you’re being ridiculous. “I don’t pay you to hear your opinions on shit,” he snaps, clearly irritated. “Just sit there and record the damn thing.”
Your eyes roll hard enough that it almost hurts. “You’re all a bunch of perverts.”
Poor Frankie catches a stray with that one. It’s like everything is grating on you in ways it usually doesn’t. Normally, you can shove it down and keep your head low because, at the end of the day, you’re just here for the paycheck.
“Perverts pay your bills, sweetheart,” Robbie throws back, all nonchalant. What’s worse is that he’s right.
Moments like this make you wonder how long you can keep doing this without losing a part of yourself in the process.
You look around at the other three men, none of them stepping up to say anything in your defense. Useless.
You shouldn’t be surprised, but it stings. Even Javier, usually quick with a sarcastic quip or biting comment, says nothing. He just sits there, stuffing out a cigarette that’s magically appeared between his lips.
It feels like a betrayal, even though you know better than to expect any different.
And Mariella? She’s clearly distracted, caught up in the magnetic pull Javier has over people. The way she’s looking at him with that starstruck, wide-eyed awe only makes it worse. You can see it in her expression, the way her gaze flickers over him like she’s already imagining how it’s going to feel when he fucks her. Thinking with her pussy instead of having common sense.
You recognize it because you were just in her exact position, drawn into that same orbit. You find empathy for her, but not the other motherfuckers.
The room descends into awkward silence, as if everyone’s waiting for the other shoe to drop. But you’re not in the mood for a full-blown argument, so you shut down, slumping into the chair behind your camera with your arms crossed tightly over your chest. 
You know it’s only a matter of time before all these feelings you’ve been aggressively pushing down come back up and make you snap, but for now, you continue to force it all away.
You’re assigned to shoot the stoic, wide shots while Frankie’s in charge of the close-ups, and honestly? You’re relieved. The last thing you need is to be up close, watching this trash unfold.
The scene starts with the typical, raunchy premise: Dad pays babysitter with his cock! It explains Mariella’s barely-there outfit and the cluttered coffee table with school notebooks, setting the scene.
Then there’s Javier who looks the part too; dressed in dark blue slacks, a typical white collared shirt with a few buttons popped open to give that I’m stressed, come take care of me vibe.
He’s the picture of temptation, and it’s obvious Mariella’s already in the clouds.
The filming begins and they share that cheesy, erotic dialogue and lustful touches. You feel yourself sink further into the chair, silently counting down the minutes until you’re decompressing by the beach.
She sinks to her knees before him, her doe eyes looking up at him with that practiced innocence they all seem to perfect so quickly. She reaches for the buttons on his slacks, her delicate fingers fumbling just a little before she pulls down the zipper and tugs at the waistband. She nuzzles her face against his thigh, brushing her lips against his skin, and finally pulls out his cock. Even soft, it’s still an impressive size— but it’s definitely not how this was supposed to go.
“Well, are you going to suck it or just stare at it?” Javier snaps, his tone cutting through the air with an edge that feels too sharp, too real. It doesn’t sound like the crudeness that’s meant to spice up the scene.
His hand shoots out and tangles in her hair, yanking her closer. He’s rougher than usual, harsher, as he forces her mouth onto him.
She wraps her lips around his head, suckling softly at first, then taking him deeper into her mouth. She’s trying to do her job, playing the part of the eager babysitter, but something’s off.
Javier’s head tilts back, eyes squeezed shut, but it’s not the usual look of pleasure that crosses his face. It’s more like he’s concentrating, forcing himself to feel something that isn’t there.
You can’t help it— your eyes flick around the room, looking at the rest of the crew. No one seems to be noticing what you’re seeing, their eyes all honed in on the action in front of them.
But you’re catching the small details like you always do.
After a few more moments, it’s clear that it’s not happening. Javier lets out a frustrated curse, pulling out of her mouth with an audible, wet pop. “Fuck—just, give me a second,” he grumbles, stepping back. Mariella wipes the saliva from her lips with the back of her hand, looking up at him with a mix of confusion and hesitation.
You take that as your cue. Reaching over, you stop the recording, your finger hesitating on the button for only a moment before pressing it. Frankie does the same, Steve lowers his mic and pulls his headset off.
Javier runs a hand through his hair, his eyes darting to the floor, like he’s trying to avoid looking at anyone directly. “I just need a minute,” he says again, but it’s more to himself than to anyone else.
Your gaze lingers on him for a second longer than you intend, and your mind flashes back to earlier, to the way he was with you. The memory is sharp and clear, the contrast striking. He’d come undone for you without hesitation, without needing any coaxing or forcing. Just words. But now, with Mariella kneeling in front of him, offering herself up like a gift, he’s struggling. 
“How long will this minute take? We gotta be outta here soon so get it up before I get one of these two to take your place.”
Javier scoffs, dismissive, “Tape wouldn’t fucking sell.”
“Well one featuring a soft dick won’t either,” comes the retort, and the two of them start their back-and-forth bickering.
You rub at your temples, trying to ease the pressure building behind your eyes. This has to be some weird-ass dream; it sure as hell feels like it. Maybe you’re still in bed, blissfully sleeping until three in the afternoon.
Javier storms off and Steve puts his equipment down. “I’ll go talk to him.”
Robbie just waves him away. “Take five,” he mutters to the rest of you, going in the opposite direction. This is such a mess, and poor Mariella remains on her knees, picking at her cuticles. 
“Please get up and sit on the couch. You look pathetic,” you say to her, not cruelly but bluntly. It’s not her fault, but the sight of her there is making you itch. She complies like a chastised child. 
Frankie drops down beside you, letting out a breath that mirrors your own. “These things usually go like this?” He takes his hat off, ruffling his hair before putting it back on.
“No,” shit has just been weird amongst this group for weeks now. “Burnout is inevitable, I guess.” You’re not about to sit there and shit-talk Javier, despite everything. You might have a mountain of complicated feelings when it comes to him, but you won’t kick him while he’s down.
Before Frankie can respond, Robbie comes barreling back into the room, his face flushed with anger. His eyes lock onto you, and you can see the accusation in them before he even opens his mouth.
“This is your fault,” he spits out, voice sharp, acidic. “All that shit you were talking earlier— now he’s fucking broken.”
You narrow your eyes, standing your ground. “Excuse me?” you snap, incredulous. “I was making a valid point. How the hell is it my fault that he grew a conscience?”
“Y’know,” he starts, his words dripping with the kind of vile, misogynistic shit that makes your blood boil. “You’d do me more good in front of the camera. Have somethin’ shoved up in there to keep you fucking quiet.”
The reaction is immediate. You shoot up from your seat so fast the chair scrapes against the floor, the sound sharp and angry, mirroring how you feel. “What the fuck did you just say?”
Frankie stands too, his face hardening as he takes a step in front of you, finally coming to your defense. “Watch it,”  he warns, and it feels like the whole situation could explode into something much worse.
Robbie, of course, just sneers “What? You gonna defend her? She’s been a pain in my ass for weeks—”
“I’m done.” The words tumble out of your mouth before you can think them through, but they feel right. 
You’re tired— so damn tired— of this whole mess. Of dealing with assholes like Robbie and Javier who think they can get away with saying whatever they want. “I quit.” 
Your boss’s mouth opens as if he’s about to say something else, but you cut him off with a cutting glare. “I’m not going to sit here and listen to you treat me like shit because your precious Javier can’t get his dick hard. Go fuck yourself, Robbie.”
You don’t wait for a response. You turn on your heel and head for the door, your heart pounding in your chest, adrenaline coursing through your veins. You’ll double up on shifts at the bar or go back to waiting tables like you did throughout college. Whatever keeps you away from this bullshit. 
As you stride down the hallway toward the entrance, you pass Javier and Steve. Javier’s face is stormy, brows knitted together as if he’s still reeling from whatever heated discussion they just had. 
The moment he spots you, his expression shifts. There’s a flicker of surprise, maybe even concern.
“Where are you going?” Steve asks.
You yank the heavy, probably expensive for no reason, front door open, the sound echoing through the hallway. “I just quit,” you snap, voice sharp as glass. “See you never.”
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🏷️ : @almostempty . @auteurdelabre . @libre-sol . @cherrysugarx . @goodvibesonly421 .
finally started a tag list for my works here, so if you're interested— pls check it out. muchas gracias mis putitas (gn) (endearingly) 🖤
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changisworld · 1 day
Katoptronophilia with Bangchan.
->Katoptronophilia: Also known as a kink for mirrors, this includes having sex or masterbating in front of a mirror.
Word count:1,901
->Smut warnings: pussy play, fingering(f rec), use of a wand vibrator, squirting, multiple orgasms, use of a spreader bar, praiseeeee, like SO MUCH OF IT:3, reader is so shy ;(
A/N at the bottom<3
©ANY translation, copy & paste, posting of my work is strictly forbidden for ANY posts/ writing i post, 18+ MDNI!!
Kinktober masterlist here
Main masterlist here
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Since kinda early on having sex with Chan, he’s picked up on the fact that you’re a bit shy while having sex, hiding your face in the pillows or your arms or purposely kissing on his neck just so he can’t watch you cum around his cock & chan honestly has no idea as to why or how you could be even the slightest bit insecure about yourself, have you not seen you?? But knowing this about you made him think of a new way to try get you to come out of your shell so to speak & feel physically good at the same time!
“Tell me if it’s too tight or hurting anywhere” he says in a reassuring voice as he finishes fitting the spreader bar to just above your ankles, not wanting to get into his own position until you yourself are comfortable.
“‘ts fine Channie, not uncomfortable” you respond, giving him your usual smile, trying to mask the fact you feel as if you’re on fire under his gaze, & he seems to notice.
“don’t be nervous mkay? we can obviously stop if you really don’t wanna do anything we don't need to." he replies, brushing the hair out of your face as his calloused hand places itself on your naked thigh.
"I know channie, wanna do it" you speak, your voice sweet as you then pucker your lips for him to give you a kiss.
"Good, my angel, I'm so glad," Chan coos softly, his thumb caressing your thigh in soothing circles. "You're being so good for me, so perfect, i love you.”
He leans down, pressing a gentle kiss to your lips with a peck as his other hand trails up your side, fingertips dancing along your skin. "You're so beautiful, y/n. I just want to take care of you, make you feel so good."
Picking up the wand vibrator, he turns it on to a low setting, the soft hum filling the air as he brings it closer to your aching, soaked pussy. "Look at you, so wet and desperate for me," he murmurs, eyes drinking in the sight. "I'm going to make you feel so amazing, princess. Just keep looking at yourself in the mirror, okay? I want you to see how gorgeous you are when you come undone for me."
you blush at his words as you feel the vibrator inching closer towards your cunt which is clenching around nothing & you lean back into his frame, your eyes scrunching closed.
"Ah ah, eyes open, angel," Chan gently chides, bringing the vibrator to your swollen clit and eliciting a gasp from your lips. "That's it, keep looking. I want to see your pretty face as you come for me." He purrs as he nudges your face to look at the floor to ceiling mirror He applies more pressure, the vibrations sending sparks of pleasure through your body. His free hand caresses your thigh soothingly, his voice a soft murmur.
He increases the speed of the vibrator, the wet sounds of your soaked pussy filling the room. "That's it, let go for me, princess. You're being so good, I'm so proud of you."
your legs try to shut themselves from the overwhelming feeling but are stopped by the spreader bar forcing them open, your toes curling at the sensation of the vibrator shooting up your spine as you let out a groan. “Channie, so much” you whimper, forcing your eyes open but still avoiding the mirror in front of you both.
"Shh, it's okay babe" Chan soothes, his voice dripping with adoration. "Just let go, I've got you." he increases the pressure and speed of the vibrator, pushing a desperate mewl from your lips.
"Look at you, taking it all so beautifully. Your pretty pussy is so soaked for me." He leans in, pressing a tender kiss to your burning cheek. "I know it's a lot, but you're doing so well, angel. I'm so proud of you."
He glances up, catching your gaze in the mirror & he lets out a teasing but pretty smirk & satisfied hum as he pushes the button the vibrator & you instantly the vibrations intensify, sending you barrelling towards the edge as Chan murmurs endless praises and encouragement.
“g-gonna cum channie” your stutter as your hips buck under the vibrator, your eyebrows furrowing together as you then focus on his face, Chan sitting right behind you, you sitting in between his legs & his face resting on your shoulder.
"That's it, angel, let go," Chan coos, his voice thick with desire. "Be a good girl and come for me. I want to see it all."
He presses the vibrator harder against your throbbing clit, the ‘schlacking’ sounds of your soaked pussy spurring him on. He nuzzles your neck, pressing open-mouthed kisses against your flushed skin.
"Look at yourself, y/n. See how beautiful you are when you let go?" His eyes lock onto yours in the mirror, his gaze intense and unwavering. "Come for me, princess. I want to watch you fall apart."
The vibrations ring in your head, sending you hurtling over the edge. Your back arches, your thighs trembling as wave after wave of pleasure crashes through you.
"That's it, good girl," Chan praises, his voice dripping with adoration. "You're doing so amazing, letting me see how gorgeous you are."
You try look at him through the reflection, not paying much attention to your own core being abused by the vibrator at almost maximum speed & your toes curl from the pleasure & before you can spew any words out, your orgasm gushes from you, my squirt soaking onto wooden bedroom floor as you let out a squeal, your body lurching forwards.
Chan's eyes light up with delight as your orgasm overtakes you, your squirt gushing out and soaking the laminated floor.
"Yes, that's it" he exclaims, his voice laced with awe. "Look at you, so beautiful, aren’t you?” he questions, knowing the chance of you replying is slim to none.
"I'm so proud of you, y/n," he murmurs, pressing soft kisses along your jaw. "You took that so well, didn't you? Such a good girl."
He gazes at you through the mirror, his expression adoring. "I could watch you come undone like this all day. You're absolutely mesmerizing." he purrs, pecking your cheek with his puffy lips & you lean into the touch.
Slowly, he reduces the intensity of the vibrator, allowing you to come down from your high. His touch remains gentle & soothing.
“do wan’you to see me, ‘ts aw-awkaward- want your fingers channie” you blabber the words, your hands gripping into his thick thighs, breathing heavily as your muscles are all clenching uncontrollably, your pussy dripping wetness onto the floor, collecting with your orgasm.
"Don’t be so silly, never awkward," Chan soothes, his voice dripping with adoration. "You're the most beautiful thing I've ever seen."
He shifts the vibrator to the side, slowly dragging his fingers through your soaked folds. "Is this what you want, princess? My fingers deep inside that pretty pussy of yours?"
Pressing a tender kiss to your cheek, he murmurs, "You can have whatever you need, hunny, just let me take care of you."
Slowly, he sinks two digits into your quivering heat, curling them to hit that sensitive spot. "That's it, angel. Feel how perfectly you grip me? You're doing so well."
His free hand gently guides your chin, coaxing you to meet his gaze in the mirror. "Look at yourself, y/n, how can you not fawn over yourself?” he groans in your ear, his voice deep.
He picks up the pace, his fingers relentlessly stroking your most sensitive areas. "Come for me again, princess. I want to watch you fall apart."
You physically quiver as you feel his thick digits fill your already soaked hole, a small squelch noise being heard & that paired with the feeling of the vibrator now hitting your sweet spot on your inner thigh makes you squeak & your fingers tighten around his thighs, nails digging into his flesh covered by his sweatpants. “so s-sweet channie, feels so good, fuck” you whine, basking in the feeling of his fingers.
"That's it, my sweet angel, take it all," Chan croons, his voice thick with arousal. The sounds of your soaked pussy gripping his fingers only spur him on further.
He increases the pace, his fingers relentlessly stroking your most sensitive areas. "You feel so perfect around me, y/n. So hot and wet, just begging to be filled."
Pressing the vibrator firmly against your clit, he begins to work you towards another mind-shattering orgasm. "Come on, babe, let go for me again. I want to watch you fall apart."
His free hand caresses your trembling thighs, offering soothing touches. "You're being so good, taking it all so beautifully. I'm so proud of you, my gorgeous girl."
The sensations build in your lower tummy & the combined stimulation is quickly overwhelming your senses. "That's it, let it go. You're doing amazing, princess. I've got you."
you start to fall into a different floaty space that not just you but Chan loves so so much & your head rolls to look back in the mirror in front of the both of you, your eyes switching from my now swollen cunt filled with his thick fingers to his face, his own face looking fucked out as if he is the one receiving pleasure & you let out a guttural moan, clenching around his fingers as the vibrator is making you feel as if your skin is on fire. “C-close channie, g-feel like ima sq-fuck, squirt.”
Chan's eyes darken with lust as he watches your expression shift, a look of pure ecstasy washing over your features. "That's it, my angel, let go for me," he breathes, his voice thick with lust.
He curls his fingers inside you, stroking that sweet spot relentlessly. The vibrator hums against your swollen clit, sending you careening towards the edge.
His gaze is locked on yours in the mirror, drinking in every twitch and flutter of your expression. "You're being so good, taking it all so beautifully. I'm so proud of you, princess."
The sensations build to a new height as your muscles tensing as the pressure builds. With a guttural cry, you let go, your release gushing out and soaking Chan's hand and the sheets beneath you.
"Fuck, that's it, that’s a big one isn’t it?" he exclaims, his voice laced with awe. "You're so perfect, my love. So gorgeous when you come undone for me."
He works you through the aftershocks, murmuring endless praises and adoration. His touch remains gentle, soothing you as the waves of pleasure slowly subside.
Chan is quick to unlatch the spreader bar from your legs & they instantly shut from overstimulation & he can’t help but chuckle a bit as he picks you up & puts you on the bed & grabs the water that you had both set on the bedside table before the scene began.
“You can stay floaty for a while but then you need to come back to me mkay?” he says, not really expecting a response as he brushes the now wet with sweat hair from your face & then nuzzles into you for a cuddle, his cock softening after his own orgasm sprayed into his sweat pants ten minutes ago.
->A/N: im posting this over a week early because i am testing out a new writing style since i feel as if i dont use enough speech in my writing, so i need to see how well this does & depending on how well it does, i can adjust my writing to this style from now on!💛
->Taglist & anon list are open!
@jisungml @ionlyeverwantedtobeyourequal @kissesmellow21 @lixies-favorite-cookie @keshet2k @mikaelless @minniesverse @missystay
(if your name is NOT in grey, it means i couldn’t tag you :( )
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trulyy-yourzz · 2 days
Pleasee we need a fic where Billie gets jealous as shit and pounds the fuck out of us after we get back home with her
Oh yes. Your wish is my command 🤭
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Billie had won another award for the best song of the year. She was so talented, and you were so proud of her. She'd come so far.
After the award show, a close friend you both knew decided to throw an after-party. But unfortunately, when you and Billie walked in, you both met eyes with the one person Billie despised most.
The woman she oh-so "hated" was someone she knew personally from a long time ago. And apparently ruined a close relationship with a friend. Who was now trying to take her spot for #1 best artist of the year.
Billie had left you alone for a few seconds to go grab drinks and came back to a very... unpleasant sight. You were talking to her, out of all people. Billie set the drinks down on a nearby table and shoved past everyone, absolutely furious, and trying to get to you before anything else happened between you two.
"Hi." Billie wrapped her arm around your waist, yanking you close to her. "I see you've met my girlfriend." She was pissed. Extrenely pissed. The girl just laughed and nodded her head. "Yes, I had pulled her for a conversation. About you, actually." Billie glared at her and scoffed.
"Really? And why's that?" Billies grip on your waist tightened, looking at you with a fake smile planted on her face. "Baby, we were just..." you pleaded.
"We should go. It's late, and I have plans in the morning." She grabbed onto your wrist, dragging you away from that awful situation.
The car ride home was quiet, not a peep was made from either of you. When you initially got to the car, you tried to explain yourself, but Billie really didn't want to hear it.
Once you guys pulled up to the house, she immediately got out of the car, walking to the front door and unlocking it. You followed behind her, guilt burried deep in your chest.
"Billie, listen, i -" She turned around to face you, her expression making it obvious she was still mad. "You should shower." She said and just kicked her shoes off, turning around to go elsewhere in the house.
You scratched the back of your neck and sighed. You'd felt so bad for what had happened, but you genuinely did try to end the conversation between you and that girl because you knew this would've happened.
You were in the shower, thoughts racing through your head as you contemplated about a bunch of what-ifs and what you should've done. You jumped, hearing the bathroom door suddenly open. But quickly calmed down, realizing it was just your girlfriend, Billie.
She abruptly opened the glass door to the shower, eyeing your body up and down before stepping in with you. She had already undressed herself and was now backing you into the wall of the shower. "What made you think that was okay?" She looked down at you, disappointed in your selfish actions from earlier that night.
"I tried to, but she was persistent... billie, I'm sorry, really -" She just hushed you and scoffed. She grabbed your arm and spun you around, pushing you against the wall. Your back facing her.
She leaned into you, whispering closely in your ear. "Be a good girl for me. Okay?" You're heart dropped, knowing that this was gonna be one hell of a torturous night.
Billie had thrown you onto the bed, her strap connected to her body as she pounded into you like an animal. She was wild, and she didn't care to stop. No matter how loud you whined.
"P-please, billie I can't - no more..." You screamed into the pillow, face down, ass up, whilst she fucked you into oblivion. She leaned down, cupping your chin and pulling you up to connect her lips with yours. Your legs started to tremble. She could tell you were close. "Mhm. Just like that." She pushed your head back down and removed the strap from your dripping cunt. You frowned into the pillow, and you could've sworn you were about to cry. You were so frustrated and needed to cum.
Billie moved you onto your back, locking your wrists into her hand, using her other one to tease your throbbing clit. Your eyes rolled back, and you exhaled sharply. She lightly tapped your pussy before sliding two digits into your wet folds. You shakily moaned, your cunt squeezing down on her fingers.
Billie sped up her pace, and you felt yourself reaching heaven. Or was it hell? It didn't matter. You just wanted to feel the release. You craved it.
She lifted your legs up, throwing one over her shoulder as she removed her fingers, replacing it with her cock. Not gently. But thrusting it roughly deep inside if you. "Don't you go pulling some stupid shit like that again, do you understand?" Your eyes fluttered shut, but you nodded your head and bit down hard onto your lip, feeling your orgasm approaching.
"Fuck... yes. Yes!" Billies hand slid up your stomach, stopping at your neck and gripping gently. Not too hard to hurt you, but enough for you to know who was in charge.
You're legs began to shake, body convulsing and eliciting a moan through your parted lips every time she drove her hard cock into your seeping pussy. You felt a strange feeling starting to build up in your core. You wanted her to stop. It was weird, and your body was burning. But she didn't care. She continued to fuck you til your last breath.
And before you knew it, you were squirting all over her cock, giving it a nice and shiny coat. Just for her. She groaned, watching as your eyes rolled back and your chest heaved. "Fuck. I love you so much." She leaned down, kissing your plump lips as you laid there. So fucked out and delicate. So beautiful.
Notes: idk why this took me 3 days... this week has been exhausting 😓 but of course, I still have to be here for my babiesss! I hope you enjoyedd💕
Also, what are our thoughts about billies concerts so far??? Personally, I'm going feral, but I need to know what you guys think 🤭
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frenchkisstheabyss · 3 days
♡ to love a boy ♡
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♡ Pairing: boyfriend!joshua hong x chubby!fem!reader, best friend!hoshi, best friend!dk
♡ Genre: fluff/angst/smut
♡ Summary: Over the past year of being with your boyfriend you've grown close with his dearest friends. Something that he's always seemed happy about. That is until one night when he wakes up to find you hanging with two of his best friends when you should be lying in bed next to him. Joshua can't really be jealous over something so small, so absolutely innocent...right?
♡ Word Count: 3.2k-ish
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♡ Warnings: jealousy/relationship insecurities, penetrative sex, fingering, overstimulation, creampie, a lil nipple play, possessiveness, pet names (baby), light dom/sub/switch dynamics if you squint, some thigh/ass slapping, fluffy love, & that's it, babes.
♡ A/N: This one is a request I got a little bit ago and I'm so happy to have finally finished it. I don't tend to get SVT x chubby reader fic requests so it was really nice to get one. Thank you to the sweetie of an anon who sent this in and was so patient with me getting this out. I hope you enjoy this my beautiful carat babes 💜
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“DK, would you sit still? You’re gonna mess me up” you giggle, doing your best to apply false lashes to DK without poking one of his eyes out.
Seated on the edge of his bed, DK continues to do the exact opposite of what you’re begging him not to. “I am sitting still” he insists, flinching any time the lash even comes close to his eyelid. 
Over your shoulder a half awake Hoshi has a hand clasped over his mouth to quiet the laughter that has him turning red. Finally you get the lashes on, despite DK’s squirming, and you step back to admire your work.
DK bats his lashes, feeling prettier than any runway model, “Am I gorgeous or what?”
Hoshi collapses into laughter, his head falling on your shoulder as he wheezes, “This was the best idea ever. You look insane.”
“You shut up!” DK scolds, reaching for a pillow to no doubt knock the life out of Hoshi with. 
You stop him just in time, grabbing the pillow and holding it tight to you like a prized plushie. “Ignore him” you say, delicate fingers tilting his cheek, “I happen to think you look beautiful.” And you aren’t lying to him. You hate to toot your own horn but you’re pretty good with a brush and the makeup you’ve done on him suits him well. Subtle lipstick, flawless wingtip liner, and the slightest bit of blush to brighten up his face. 
Proud as you may be of the outcome, none of this was your idea to begin with. This all started when you found yourself tossing and turning at 2 in the morning. You’d tried every trick in the book to fall asleep but your restless mind wouldn’t let you. Not wanting to interrupt the boyfriend snoozing peacefully beside you, you wandered out into the kitchen in search of snacks. 
You navigated the halls quietly, not wanting to wake the rest of the house, only to stumble upon DK and Hoshi already in the kitchen. It turns out you weren’t the only one struggling to get to sleep tonight. Figuring there was no use climbing back in bed to suffer alone, the three of you made your way back to DK’s room, snacks in hand, and decided to play a late night game of Truth or Dare. And for poor DK this is how things ended up. Well, maybe not so poor DK. He seems to be as amused with it as you and Hoshi are. When people talk about “core memories” that’ll stick with you forever this will definitely be one for you. 
It was intimidating when you and Joshua first started dating. Naturally you want your boyfriend’s best friends to like you but “best friends” usually consists of 5 people at best. Not 12 unhinged men with a lifelong bond that makes them protect each other more like brothers than friends. You still remember the first time that you met them. Every week the boys gather at their favorite restaurant for dinner to catch up on things. It’s usually reserved strictly for them but Joshua decided to invite you this time around, insisting that the guys would love you. You spent every day leading up to that dinner worried out of your mind. Standing here now with DK and Hoshi you can’t imagine how you were ever nervous about meeting them. They’re so sweet. So harmless. 
“What are you doing?” Joshua asks, drawing your attention to the doorway where he stands, arms folded across his chest. Joshua’s always so soft spoken, it’s one of the many things you find so charming about him. Not once in your relationship have you heard him raise his voice so the added bass in his question makes you short circuit. 
“I…I couldn’t sleep” you stutter, smiling nervously, “So we were playing Truth or Dare and…”
DK smiles at Joshua, trying to maintain the upbeat mood, “I chose ‘dare’.”
Joshua responds with a frown, charging over and snatching you away from Hoshi. “You’re a little too close don’t you think?”
“We were just hanging out,” Hoshi says, his joy deflated by his best friend’s anger. It’s an anger he isn’t used to. An anger none of you are used to. The only person who seems to know where it’s coming from is Joshua and even he’s a bit thrown off by how strongly he feels. 
“Right, well, she’s done hanging out now” Joshua says, turning to DK, “And I’d appreciate you not having my girlfriend in your bedroom in the middle of the night anymore.”
“Shua!” you gasp at the insinuation of his words but there’s no time for you to protest, he’s already locking his fingers with yours, dragging you out into the hallway. 
The short trip back to his bedroom is plagued by a tense silence that only breaks when you’re behind closed doors. “Don’t do that again” Joshua forbids, his back resting against the door. 
“Don’t do what? You heard Hoshi. We were just hanging out."
“Well I don’t want you hanging out with them. Every time I turn around you’re with Vernon or Seungcheol or Hoshi. I can’t even sleep without one of them stealing…” Joshua pauses, choking on that last word. Stealing. He doesn’t mean that. Actually, he does. He only wishes that he didn’t.
“Tell me you don’t seriously think I’d cheat on you, Shua” you laugh as if it’s the silliest thing in the world because it is. You await his answer, anything to tell you that he’s joking, but you’re left with a silence that cements for you that he isn’t. “You know what, if that’s how you feel then maybe I should go.”
Too angry to even look at him, you grab your backpack from a nearby chair and begin to gather your things. It’s the middle of the night and he’s the one who drove you here but you’d rather walk home than sit around and be accused of something like this. You’d think that after a year of being together, after all you’ve gone through, he’d know how much you loved him. But clearly you thought wrong and the truth of that hurts.
Joshua can see it painted all over you and hurting you is the last thing he ever wants to do. “Please, just stop for a minute” he begs, taking your phone from your hand the second you pick it up. 
You snatch it back, ready to get out of here before someone else wakes up and he accuses you of trying to sleep with them too. “I don’t wanna hear anything else you have to say.” 
You maneuver around him to grab your hoodie from the bed when he swoops in behind you, locking his arms around your waist. He flops down on the edge of the bed, his feet firmly planted on the ground, refusing to let you go. You fight to twist your body free, fueling yourself with every bit of anger you feel towards him right now, but it isn’t enough. 
“Let me go” you demand but it only makes him hold you tighter.  
“Only if you let me say something. One thing and then I’ll let you go” he promises, “I’ll even let you take my car.”
It’s your instinct to be petty. Why should you let him get a word in when he’s said enough already? But that walk home is pretty long and you don’t really feel like hopping in a stranger's Uber this late at night.
“Fine” you huff, “Say what you have to say and then give me the keys.” 
“Look, I know you’d never cheat on me, it’s just…”
“Just what?”
“I’m jealous!” he admits, feeling equal parts embarrassed and relieved at his confession. “Minghao’s all zen and chill, Woozi’s this super cool producer, DK’s funny as fuck, Mingyu’s buff, and Vernon’s got that whole mysterious thing going on. Everyone has this thing to impress you with and what do I have? I’m afraid that the more time you spend with them the less I’ll be able to keep up. I don’t want you to get bored with me.”
You want to stay mad at him, you deserve to be for the way he acted, but it breaks your heart to know he feels this way. You can’t help but soften at the sadness in those brown eyes usually alight with so much happiness. Letting your backpack fall to the floor, you’re able to turn just enough to face him. You place a hand on each of his cheeks, trying not to lose it at the cute pouty face he’s making.
“I adore you but you’re being insane right now. I could never get bored with you, Shua. I don’t give a shit about how buff or funny or mysterious some other guy is. None of them are you and you are the only man I want in this whole world. Can you trust that?”
Joshua’s almost ashamed at how easily his insecurities are soothed by your words. For weeks he’s been holding onto these feelings, wishing he knew how to make them go away, and all along what he needed was your validation—to simply hear you swear to him that he’s enough.
“I can if you can forgive me for being an asshole” he says, easing his grip on you, now at least somewhat confident that you won’t run away. 
“Mmm, I don’t know” you sigh, chewing at your lower lip in contemplation, “I feel like I wasn’t mad at you long enough.” 
Joshua laughs, kissing you under your chin so lightly that it tickles, “Fine, stay mad at me a little longer then. I’ll just be here trying to make it up to you. Tell me when you’re done, okay?”
Parting his lips, he drags them down the softness of your chin, trailing sweet, open mouthed kisses down your neck. He rests his palms at the center of your back, smoothing them down and around to rest at your plush hips. He massages them, rocking you in his lap just enough to grind up against you. The barrier of his sweatpants and your shorts do little to stop the friction from sending a tingling sensation to your core.
You swallow hard, feeling your body flush with heat. You try your hardest to resist him, to pretend that some part of you is still upset, but how can you possibly hold that look of annoyance when he’s pushing your t-shirt up, his fingertips gently tracing the contours of your curves. “For the record, I am sorry” he says, tugging your shirt up over your head.
By the time the fabric comes to rest on the floor his lips are already skimming your breasts, his tongue teasing your sensitive buds through the lace of your bra. A hand ventures behind your back and the clasp of your bra snaps free, the straps dropping from your shoulders. You let out a gasp bordering on a moan and his lips curve into a smile at the sound of it. He’s enjoying this just as much as you are. Maybe even a little more.
Tossing your bra aside, he captures one of your pillowy breasts in his mouth, suckling at the bud as his tongue makes perfect figure eights around it. The pleasure it sends rushing through you has you tangling your fingers in the soft strands of his dark brown hair, your body arching with every flick of his tongue.
Slipping an arm around your waist and tucking a hand behind the band of your shorts, he lifts you up, laying you back on the bed. The second your head hits the pillow you’re biting your lip to choke back moans at his fingers dragging through your slick folds to stimulate your clit. He dips between your legs, using his free hand to tear your panties and shorts off at once. His fingers skate down to your dripping entrance, hovering there a moment to let him admire how wet you are.
Joshua goes all starry eyed at the arousal that leaks from you when his fingers sink into your core. And those sounds you make, those sugary little whimpers, have his cock straining against his sweatpants. “Fuck, you’re so beautiful,” he groans, his gaze dancing back up to take in those gorgeous faces you make, “And you’re all mine, aren’t you?” 
He curls his fingers against the spongy texture of your walls, rotating his wrist at in a motion so heavenly you’re on the verge of drooling. You’re too lost in ecstacy—too busy riding his fingers to speak a word. Joshua grips your belly, pinning you down to the bed, his fingers pounding mercilessly into your needy core.
“I want you to answer me, baby, so everyone can hear you. You’re mine, aren’t you? Hmm?”
“Yes, I’m…I’m yours” you stutter, grabbing for his wrist. The feeling’s too intense, you can hardly keep still. Your heart’s racing in your chest. You want more but you fear you’ll lose your mind if it goes on like this. He’s working your sweet spot like only he knows how and you can already feel yourself coming undone. 
Joshua climbs on top of you, kissing his way up your belly, between your breasts, all the while fucking his fingers into you without missing a beat. His lips ghost yours, parting them to taste the moans that spill out. “Louder” he whispers and adds another finger, making you feel so much fuller than before. 
“I’m yours, Shua! All yours! Nobody else’s! N…nobody’s” you cry out, your moans as melodic as his favorite song.
“That’s my girl. Always so good for me” he coos, stealing your breath with a kiss laced with enough passion that you’d swear you were floating. 
If your lips were free, if your tongue weren’t fiercely tangled with his, you might spill a few broken moans out to let him know how close you are but Joshua doesn’t need your words, your body speaks for itself. The trembling of your jaw. The arching of your back. The way your walls are fluttering around his fingers, clenching tighter each time.
Reaching his thumb up, he presses it to your clit, rubbing it faster and faster until your screams fill his cheeks and your juices gush around his fingers. “Shua, mmm, oh god” you gasp, your fingers knotted in the fabric of his shirt. “I need you.” Tearing his shirt off, you summon what minimal strength you have in your weakening limbs to force him onto his back. You crawl on top of him, straddling his lap, and the room begins to spin. Maybe you made that move a little sooner than you should’ve. 
Joshua giggles at the slight sway in your movements before you collapse onto his chest, looking up at him with glossy eyes. He cups your cheek, brushing away the hair sticking to your flush cheeks. “How’d I get a girl who’s this cute all the time?”
You place your palms flat on his chest, pushing yourself back up just enough to hover over him. “Because you’re this cute all the time” you say, smiling down at the handsome man beneath you, “It’s like we were, I don’t know, made for each other or something.”
Joshua pulls his pants down, careful not to disturb your position. He likes you right where you are. His cock springs free, rubbing against your still sensitive pussy as it comes to rest between your legs, the tip of his cock wet with arousal. “Made for each other” he muses, lifting you up and slowly lowering you down onto his cock, teasing himself with the warmth of your core. “I like that.”
“Me, aah, too” you moan, your nails pressing into the bare skin of his chest enough to leave tiny indents behind.
The fullness from his fingers was one thing but it’s nothing compared to the fullness you experience when his cock’s deep inside of you, stretching you deliciously from all angles. You meant what you said when you called him insane. How could a man who looks this hot with a cock this nice ever think you’d look at someone else for a second? 
Sitting back you rotate your hips in a circular motion, alternating side to side, and your walls are just clinging to his cock as it pulses against them. You run your fingers down Joshua’s stomach, feeling the muscles tense beneath your touch. He tries to keep his eyes open because he wants to watch you—needs to see you riding his cock, your body jiggling with every movement—but his lids are growing heavy already. The pleasure hits him, wave after unforgiving wave, and all he can do is take it. 
Leaning forward, you take him by the chin, tempting him with a kiss that you ultimately deprive him of. “Now you say it” you whisper, rolling your hips to make him whimper the way he did you. You pick up speed and his eyes nearly roll back in his head. 
“Say what? Fuck, I’ll say anything you want me to say” he moans, his palms crashing into your thighs with a snap that makes them vibrate around him. 
“Say that you’re mine, all mine, so that everyone can hear.” 
The light in his eyes darkens at your request and he throws his arms around you, positioning himself at just the right angle to thrust into you. This was supposed to be your power position but he has you held tightly again, fucking into you so that you bounce up and down in his lap, the swollen head of his cock leaking deep inside of you.
“I’m yours,” he says loudly, fearlessly, “I’m yours, this cock is yours, so take me. Take it.” 
Every thrust echoes through your body. You can feel it in the tips of your fingers and your toes, taste it on the back of your tongue. It’s like heaven. Your hips are still working, eager to swallow every inch of his length, desperate to match the intensity of every thrust. The friction between you bumps your clit and the overstimulation has your body humming. You’re struggling to keep it together, fighting back the high that so badly wants to overtake you.
Joshua steals the kiss that you denied him, grabbing the soft flesh of your ass. “No holding back. Cum with me, baby.” 
As if on command, because that’s exactly what it is, you surrender, letting your high crash into you for a second time. It’s even more devastating this time around with his cock swelling inside of you, filling your walls to the brim with warm, thick ropes of cum. You’re both completely out of it, your limbs turning to jello, but you’re too greedy to stop until your bodies give out, absolutely forcing you to.
Breathless, Joshua pets your back, leaning down to plant a kiss on your forehead. You look up at him with the brightest eyes, like he’s the very center of your universe, like there’s no one else in the world who can come close, and his heart skips a beat. You do soothe his insecurities. He does need your validation and that’s okay because he knows he’ll have it always and forever. 
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honey-tongued-devil · 6 hours
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▶[Arcane preference] reacting to you wearing their clothes [Jayce, Viktor, Ekko, Vander, Silco, Jinx, Vi, Caitlyn, Mel, Sevika, ]
If you know me, hello little deers, I'm back! If you don’t know me, welcome! Just a heads-up that I don’t use "Y/N," but rather the impersonal "you," and even though I talk about clothes, no sizes or weight are involved. Enjoy the read!
  - It’s not that rare when you’re together; he’s a real gentleman through and through. If it’s cold, he’ll give you his jacket, his scarf, anything to keep you warm  
  - But when you’re the one taking his clothes, it’s different  
  - When he sees you walking around the room in his shirt, just after waking up, something in his brain malfunctions  
  - It’s how it fits you, no matter how big or long it is, it seems like it was made just for you, to give you that look  
  - And to him, it feels like some kind of subliminal ad, as if the universe is making you so attractive in the simplicity of that gesture just to tell him he needs to hurry up and put a ring on your finger so he can enjoy that sight every day  
  - It’s hard for you to get anything done in the morning when he wakes up with those thoughts  
  - Those are the days when you stay in bed, cuddling under the covers, with him looking at you, hand on his cheek, getting more lost in you by the second  
  - For Viktor, the idea of a “little thief stealing his clothes” is an interesting one  
  - He’s never been a fan of tight-fitting clothes, plus, with his physique, it’s rare for anything to fit snugly anyway  
  - That’s why, except for his Academy uniform, the rest of his clothes are comfortable and at least two sizes too big for him, without mentioning Jayce's oversize ones in his closet  
  - What Viktor didn’t expect was that, once you started liking them, you’d just take them straight out of his drawer  
  - The first time he knocked on your door to ask if you’d seen his shirt —the very one you were wearing— he first stopped, confused, wondering how it had ended up on you  
  - And then, though he didn’t show it, he paused to notice with satisfaction how well it wrapped around your body  
  - Sometimes he pretends to forget his clothes at your place, just to see them on you, and to get them back with your scent on them  
  - For the nights when he feels lonelier  
  - Communism  
  - There’s not really a strong sense of what belongs to whom at the Tree, although some clothes (jackets in particular) eventually get so personalized that no one dares to take them anymore  
  - The first time you grabbed Ekko’s jacket, it was simply because you were freezing, it was really cold, and he was resting, so he didn’t need it  
  - But when he saw you wearing it, his pupils dilated so much you could notice it despite his very dark eyes  
  - Ever since then, it’s him who gives it to you and insists that you wear it, because he likes it: there’s something extremely intimate and deeply personal about walking around with you in his jacket  
  - It’s like marking you as his, but really, also reminding himself of it  
  - And Ekko may be proud, but one thing you quickly and painfully learn in the alleys is to say ‘I love you’ before it’s too late, and that small possessive gesture makes him feel fulfilled because it’s like he’s telling everyone that he couldn’t live without you 
  - Vander’s clothes have this super-secret ability to change depending on who’s wearing them. For example, what are shirts on him turn into dresses on you  
  - When you put them on, even just for the sake of convenience, you find yourself laughing in front of every mirror you pass by  
  - And if he notices, he can’t help but hug you from behind, leaning down to rub his nose against your neck, smiling against your skin  
  - “You know,” he says every single time, “it looks better on you than it does on me,” and no matter how false it might be, in his eyes, it’s truer than almost anything else  
  - After seeing you a few times in his grown-up man's clothes, he decided to dig through an old box to find the clothes from when he was younger and mend them before leaving them folded on your side of the bed, like a little gift  
  - Silco’s strangest habit was the connection he had with his clothes: they looked like Piltover garments, except for the boots and the shirt under the velvet vest, yet they were torn, poorly mended, and worn out in several places  
  - Despite being the richest man in the undercity, he never changed them  
  - The only newer piece in his wardrobe that he used to wear was his coat, which was in perfect condition, scented with cologne, and lined with soft velvet that followed the direction of your fingers when you touched it  
  - Sure, there were ceremonial outfits, pajamas, and something comfortable yet always elegant, but he had worn them so little that they almost didn’t seem like his  
  - That’s why one day you simply decided you were bored, and while he was in a meeting, you could take the opportunity to try on the ones that fit you  
  - But that little fashion show from his wardrobe to the mirror probably took longer than expected, and definitely you were too focused, because you didn’t notice the tall figure watching you, leaning against the doorframe  
  - “Don’t take that off, I’ve got an idea or two,” his voice broke the silence, making you jump  
  - Her clothes are more like a flea market than a wardrobe: there are men’s clothes, women’s clothes, from Piltover and Zaun, intact, held together by metal staples, clean, splattered with paint, torn from explosions, some so small you wonder who they could even fit, and some so large that you and at least four of her father’s henchmen could comfortably fit in them with room to spare  
  - She’s the one who tells you to grab something from the pile the first time you ask to help her with her calculations and experiments, and in the end, you choose something comfortable rather than something intact or clean  
  - It took her a good half hour to notice, and then another hour to stop talking about it  
  - It was something she hadn’t done since she had a family, sharing clothes with someone else, and suddenly she realized just how much she missed it  
  - Every now and then, she’d give you oversized shirts on purpose, just to disappear under the fabric and snuggle up to you, where she felt sheltered enough to feel less vulnerable  
  - Vi’s mentality was interesting because, by accident, if she noticed you were eyeing someone’s clothes with interest, somehow the next day those clothes would end up on your bed  
  - Vi would do anything for you; if it were up to her, you’d be dressed in pearls and gold, but neither the place nor her situation allowed it  
  - That’s why she never offered you her clothes: the older ones were tattered, barely definable as rags, which she stubbornly patched up every month  
  - The new ones were stolen, spoils from street fights, but they always came in looking battered and worn, or worse, stained with blood or strange substances, so they weren’t good for you  
  - When she saw you wearing a sweater from her wardrobe, stained and burned in spots, the first thing she felt was guilt  
  - She hated not being able to treat you the way she wanted to  
  - But from that day on, she made sure to at least wash her clothes before putting them away, and slowly she learned to love the clothes you stole a little more than the others  
  - That sweater, for example, she would defend it with her life  
  - Whenever you stayed over at her place, she always made sure to provide everything for you: slippers, socks, pajamas, anything you might need  
  - And it was always the highest quality you had ever seen  
  - So seeing you in her clothes wasn’t new, although she sometimes liked to have you try on things she didn’t wear anymore, partly because she couldn’t due to her important name, and partly because she spent half her time in uniform  
  - Those little fashion shows almost always ended with her on top of you, while you are very busy figuring out how to stay quiet so none of the servants, or worse, her parents, would catch you  
  - It didn’t matter if the clothes didn’t suit you, being able to see you in so many different lights made her fall even more in love with everything about you  
  - The final blow? One day she decided to look through the enforcers’ uniforms to find one that would fit you, and for the first time, she saw you in clothes that matched hers  
  - There was something about it that made her hope that uniform would change the chemistry of your brain too and make you join the force, just so she could spend more time with you, just so she could see you like that more often  
  - For Mel, it wasn’t an event: she was used to everything, mastering her emotions, and seeing you wearing something of hers had only left her confused for a second, from which she quickly recovered, smiling at you  
  - “It looks really good on you, you know?” she had asked  
  - It didn’t bother her. Objectively, you seemed stupid borrowing those elegant clothes tailored exactly to her body  
  - It almost felt like heresy to wear the clothes of a goddess-like figure. But the goddess had sensed something, and she began buying and commissioning outfits for both you and her, matching, so you wouldn’t feel like you were missing something  
  - But there was one moment, a specific one, where seeing you in one of her dresses had left her speechless  
  - When you told her that the sweater was so beautiful it was almost a shame knowing she couldn’t wear it on the day you’d marry her  
  - And Mel Medarda came from a land of war, where it was hard to get attached to people, let alone objects  
  - Yet from that day, that piece of clothing became a constant for her, even if it meant layering or pulling it down to keep her shoulders bare  
  - Because it no longer just warmed her skin; it began to warm something deeper, something she hadn’t even realized she had  
  - Her clothes reflected her line of work: dirty, unpleasant, dangerous  
  - But despite that, she would drape them over you herself, no matter how worn they were: if she thought you might be cold, without a word, you’d find a sweater or hoodie on your shoulders  
  - And even though she’d glance at you from the corner of her eye, she wouldn’t stop watching you for a single moment when you wore something of hers  
  - It was a matter of homeland—there was no ownership in Zaun, not even last names, as even the family you belonged to was irrelevant compared to what you could do  
  - And the gangs, thugs, and troublemakers wouldn’t hesitate to steal what was yours  
  - But you were hers, and you couldn’t be stolen. And that shirt was hers, but she didn’t feel mutilated, like she normally would, when you wore it  
  - In fact, she loved it, opening her arms to invite you to snuggle up, holding you carefully so the prosthetic wouldn’t bother you, adjusting the clothing on you ten, a hundred times, almost unconsciously  
  - And when you wore her clothes, it felt like for a little while, you could wear her skin too, to understand her better, and she suddenly seemed more vulnerable  
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suzannahnatters · 24 hours
Having shared my RINGS OF POWER s2 eulogy, and while assuring you all that I am also mourning the loss of one of the best things about the show, I would also like to take a moment to defend the decisions being made by the showrunners and writers here.
Before I get started, I just want to acknowledge the members of my writers' group. This post owes much to our discussions. Anyway, when it comes to Adar's death, there are three reasons why I'm not calling his death pointless, or blaming the showrunners for bad writing. The overall reason is this: Adar represents the show's efforts to treat Orcs like people. In this sense, his character was a blazing success. Look at us all, with a hopeless crush on an Orc? Success.
But let's go a bit deeper.
The fact that Simon Tolkien made an EXCELLENT call in asking the showrunners to keep Adar around for an extra season...still doesn't stop what he did from being executive meddling, or from causing tricky ramifications in the second season. Adar was a first-season antagonist, brilliantly well-written, but ultimately only intended to be a supporting character. The decision to keep him on, suddenly made him more charismatic, more mysterious, and more sympathetic. Given how he'd been set up as a warm-up baddie...season 2 suddenly turned around and made us think he was here to stay. The writers had cornered themselves: on the Tolkien Estate's behest, they had a dark horse who was about to run away with the show. I'm not going to fault them for going ahead with their original plan, because they would have had to retool subsequent seasons massively in order to fit in an Adar redemption arc, and you can't necessarily do that when the whole arc of your story is already planned.
All of us have written things we're not proud of. JRR Tolkien wrote a story world with something problematic hard-baked into the foundations: an entire race of beings for whom genetics determined ethics. Can you even imagine what it must have taken for him to get to the end of a long life spent in the dedicated pursuit of this story world, and to have the courage to admit that he might have been wrong? That really isn't something most authors are capable of. When Peter Jackson went to make LOTR and HOBBIT into movies, he did nothing to scrutinise this issue. His Orcs are flat: monstrous, comic, but never people.
TROP challenged that, and exercised significant skill, care, and wisdom in doing so. But they are still attempting a faithful adaptation of Tolkien's source material. We know where this story is going. Galadriel will end up in Lorien with her elf wifeguy. The Orcs will fall under Sauron's dominion and become his tools, enslaved to his will with the Ring. I did fantasise about Adar being Celeborn, and possibly some of his "children" getting to nope out of Sauron's dominion or even be turned into Elves. But we now know that was never on the table. The Orcs were always meant to fall to the Enemy. But here's the point: for the first time in the history of Tolkien works and adaptations, TROP allowed them the dignity of a fall. Going forward in the show, the Orcs won't be monstrous cannon fodder: they'll be people we knew, people we were pulling for, people whose deaths matter. They are, not a waste, but a tragedy.
Look...there's nothing more Tolkienian than a beautiful disaster of a man who dies far too early.
And yes, I know that it's something we've seen before and wish storytellers would move away from - the Moment of Grace that never becomes anything more than a Moment. The villain who has a five minute redemption, then dies conveniently so that the heroes never have to work through the messy business of forgiveness and accountability (although I always did wonder how it would play to see a redeemed Adar, possibly Celeborn, living the rest of his life as a redeemed Uruk among people who hold an undying enmity with his children). It's happened so often that when I, Suzannah Rowntree, sit down to write a six book series where the irredeemable villain has to live and build a new and more accountable life for himself, there's startlingly little template for it, at least in Western media. We live in times that are starved for happy endings and genuine redemption arcs. I wanted so badly for Adar and his "children" to be blessed, and not cursed, by this narrative. So I get the rage. I get the grief.
But tragedy is still a valid art form. Again, all this is a function of the show successfully making the Orcs matter. And the reason the Orcs needed to matter is because they are about to be enslaved to Sauron. They were so close. They genuinely could have been good. Adar could have led them into an alliance with the Elves against their enemy - but instead, just like Celebrimbor, just like Galadriel, they are deceived by him. They turn to him out of fear that their father figure is treating them like cannon fodder, and now they have no one to advocate for them. And that's the tragedy of their situation.
We might all be a little tired of tragedy, but it's still valid, especially insofar as it never, ever forgets to treat its characters like people. Did the writers have to choose tragedy? No. Adar might have lived and undergone a redemption arc.
But the writers didn't have to give Adar a redemption arc, either. Any more than they had to so deeply humanise the Orcs and their father. It's not perfect writing, but it's not bad writing, either. Indeed, for a Tolkien adaptation trying to both honour the author's work and scrutinise his failings, in my opinion it's doing brilliantly.
And...honestly, I'm kind of happy that they left me wanting more, and better, for Adar. Because now I get to write that story myself.
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thunderxleafart · 3 days
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Donald and Douglas, affectionately known as "The Scottish Twins", are rational, peppery and proud!
I had a lot of fun with the previous drawing of Duck, and y'all seemed to really like it too, so here's another human AU doodle for y'all! <3 This time of my oh-so-beloved Scottish twins!! I absolutely adore designs where they have freckles so ofc I had to give them freckles!! <3 Plus they get pretty blue-hazel eyes cuz they deserve it Some notes for funsies ~
-They were born in a small village in Scotland, with Donald being the older of the two - Both are Cis Men (He/Him) - They're roughly 6'0 tall
-They squabbled a lot more when they were younger, but are pretty much inseparable now and love each other very much.
-They moved to Sodor together, though Donald was the only one who was supposed to go and Douglas ended up tagging along. (Neither really wanted to leave the other) With encouragement from Edward, and slightly out of pity, Sir Charles did eventually give both twins a job.
-They currently live in Arlesbrugh, alongside Duck, Oliver and Toad.
-Both know some Scottish Gaelic (Douglas is slightly more fluent then Donald) and may occassionally slip into it. Donald
- He's incredibly witty and charming; very much a smooth-talker
-Has a short fuse and will absolutely throw hands
- He's always been pretty openly Bi and a huge flirt; turns into a flustered mess the second anyone he likes flirts back though lol
-Always appreciates a well-thought out joke, but he'll still laugh at stupid shit (even if he tries not to)
-Loves a good prank every now and again
-Very protective of Douglas, but will still tease him to no end (lovingly)
-Has a "Pet" Duck named Dilly, who he calls his "Lil' Quackeroo" (She's not really his pet, she's a wild duck, but he adores her and visits her to give her food and cuddles frequently. It's one of his favourite things to do. <3)
-Has a thing for Duck for a loooong time, basically since the Dilly incident, and goes on to date him. :) Douglas
-Keen and witty, though surprisingly level-headed and calm too.
-He considered himself the "Straight Twin", and was in denial about his sexuality for years
He's since come out as Bi, started dating Oliver and is very happy :)
-Laughs at the stupidiest shit
-The only people who can call him "Douggie" are Donald and Oliver; he prefers his full name otherwise.
-Doesn't take any of Donald's shit (affectionate), but will still always have his brother's back
-Always happy to help and quick to act
-Had a bit of a crush on Emily at one point
~~~~~~~~~~~~ Aaaand there ya have it! :D Just like before, the designs and HCs aren't fully set in stone yet, but I'm pretty happy with how they're coming along so far! <3 I also finished a doodle of Oliver and Toad which I'll either post later today or tomorrow. So stay tuned! <3 And thanks for looking!~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Donald & Douglas (c) TTTE Art (c) Me <3
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griefabyss69 · 2 days
Grief's September Sextravaganza Masterlist
I thought I'd put my @steddiesmuttyseptember fics all in one post! I'm very proud of all of them so consider this post is a fridge and the little bullet points are magnets. (I know two of them are out of order but I wanted to put the sequel right under the first fic in its series!)
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Benighted [ AO3 ] Eddie gets his best friend Steve to help him make his performance a little… more interesting. Week One: Service Dom WC: 2,447 | Rated: E | CW: Secret exhibitionism, semi-public sex
Quiet Nights [ AO3 ] When Eddie and Steve get stranded by the side of the road, Eddie jokes about how they could fill their time until morning. Steve takes him up on it. Week Two: Soft and Slow, Backseat, Clothes On WC: 7,771 | Rated: E | CW: Semi-public sex, mentions of drunk sex with a past lover, mentions of recent argument
Thunderous Evenings [ AO3 ] Eddie had thought that the car sex was the height of how good things with Steve could get—Steve proves him wrong, even as Eddie proves to Steve that getting fucked can feel great! SEQUEL TO QUIET NIGHTS Week Four: Slap, Loud WC: 11,318 | Rated: E | CW: In content notes of author's summary on ao3 (nothing major)
Patterns in the Ivy [ AO3 ] Steve needs something to help him as he tries not to drown under all of his assignments. It turns out the guy who used to be Hawkin's pot dealer ended up at the same college as him, and he's hotter than ever. Week Three: Rough, Lingerie, Aftercare, Sneaking Around | WC: 6K | Rated: E | CW: Public sex, implied/referenced drug usage (weed), Eddie is a drug dealer, mentions of Steve's parents being terrible
Silence Awakened [ AO3 ] Maybe Eddie shouldn't have goaded Steve so much, but... he wasn't expecting him to react like this, so it's not really his fault, is it? Week Five: Degradation, Impact, Silent, Full WC: 6054 | Rated: E | CW: Dubcon (Elaborated in author's note on ao3), Under-negotiated kink
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sasster · 21 hours
Bitter/Sweet Dreams
I am going to call this one the penultimate Dream Sequence drabble, but if I'm wrong, don't come for me. If you see any typos shhhhhh.
-- Ailzea does not always remember his dreams, but lately he has come to know daymares that threaten even his resolve. Images of his children in various states of disrepair flash through his mind, plaguing his mornings and tainting any semblance of peace he might hope to find in slumber.
Daymares that remind him of how he has failed the pair of them.
This time an invisible glasslike surface separates him from Arkiro, a beast of a troll hunches over him and pulls his arms apart, no doubt eliciting sickening snaps and pops with each great pull. What’s worse is that Ailzea does not need to see the face of the assailant to know who it belongs to.
The priest presses himself up against the glass, but no amount of effort bears any fruit. He can only watch as one of the arms is ripped right off of his son, painting the floor and both trolls in purple. Afterward, Favion turns and grins, raising the dismembered arm to wave hello.
While in the waking world Ailzea knows better than to give him a reaction, he pounds against the invisible force, much to the yellow hulk’s amusement. His grin widens, splitting the parts of his face covered in the priest's hue, his son’s blood, to show off more of his teeth. Sharp and dangerous. Itching to dig into flesh.
Words do not come to Ailzea, any sound he tries to make dies as a whimper on his lips, and he slides down to his knees, silently begging the cool surface keeping him away from his son to let up with his forehead pressed hard against it.
For a second nothing happens as he sits in the soundless chamber, and it feels as though for the hundredth or thousandth time that his prayer has gone unanswered, then in an instant the barrier is gone and so is Favion’s leering face, replaced by a silhouette that stands proud and sports a large fanning tail that obscures his view of his son.
Ailzea moves his lips, but only a choked cry surfaces.
“Father Restorer, forgive my intrusion.” She says, her voice ringing across the dreamscape like a wind chime, and Ailzea is relieved that he can hear, the vacuum around him having sufficiently been pierced. “I was drawn here, by your plea.”
He nods, stretches to see his sun around her and lets out a relieved sigh when she turns to face him to reveal Arkiro, fully intact, with as much of him cradled in her arm as she could carry.
“This is a dream, Father Restorer.”
“A dream,” he repeats, chewing on the words as he gets used to the ability to speak being returned to him. “Thank you. Thank you for ending it.”
His legs start to carry him to what he now understands to be merely a manifestation of his son, one that he must see up close before his heart beating between his ears can settle. By the time he crosses the infinite distance between them, Arkiro has morphed into a version of himself as a child, no older than five sweeps old, asleep and safe in the goddesses arms. When he is close enough, she wordlessly hands the child to him.
The boy hardly stirs, sucking on his thumb and curling closer to his father’s chest. Ailzea notes that though the child he holds in his arms is exactly as he remembers him, his left horn has been replaced by a wooden one.
There is no immediate danger, the horn seems to say to him, but there is still danger.
He hugs the boy tightly, tight enough that it almost feels that he has absorbed him when he poofs out of his arms. Though he has no way of knowing how he knows, he knows his son both here and in the waking world rest soundly thanks to this dreaming goddess.
“Thank you.” He says again.
“Father Restorer,” she whispers, sheepish. “May I ask a favor?”
All at once, the Dreamer is no longer the ethereal being that saved him from his own mind, instead she appears for what she really is. A you troll thrust headfirst into a life that is unsustainable and one that she did not ask for. Worry and fear and sadness paint a pitiful expression on her face, it forces her tail to droop low.
Ailzea replaces his disappeared son with the sullen goddess in an instant, wrapping her up in his arms before he answers. “Of course, my child. How can I help you?”
She deflates into him, but does not leave the way Arkior did. He feels the weight of her, her grief, as if it were real. Slowly, he pulls her down with him to take a seat on the ground, she puts up no resistance to the action.
“I do not feel safe at home.” Her voice is impossibly small, perhaps it would be impossible to hear were they not embraced.
“I see,” he moves to pet her hair. “Is it Favion?”
Nymira shakes her head, hesitating for just a brief moment.
“Father has not been…Not himself lately,” she says and Ailzea does not say that he thinks he is being himself entirely. “But he wouldn’t hurt me.”
“Then what troubles you?”
“Cylion. He. I think he is stressed. He has been acting erratically. With Father in his current state, I think Cylion could use some guidance from outside.”
“Guidance,” he echoes and she nods. “You want me to speak to him?”
“Please! He will not let me involve Father at any rate and I don’t know what else to do! I’m scared.”
“Of course, dear child. I understand.”
Nymira turns to look up to him, eyes glistening from the tears that fall from them freely.
“I will come visit shortly.”
“Thank you.” She whispers and allows herself to curl closer.
Ailzea pets her hair, grateful that this is the dream he will wake up remembering.
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frogcat7 · 9 months
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It's a helmet of my OC, called The Boar Knight, (her name is Alice) whose kind of based on myself so, I'd say it's my asoiaf sona if I would.
Base of the helmet is just normal steel, an common piece of armor forged in the Riverlands, thou the snout, ears and nape fur are made from bronze. They were added later, as a gift from Hoster Tully, for saving his son Edmure. The same with eyes, thou they are just made from oxygenated copper, (she want to do something big enough someday to change them to jade or emeralds, since they are one of the colours of House Mudd, and her family was their first bannerman for a very long time, and shes way too interested in her kins history) screws are made from brass.
The tusks are from reall giant wild boar, she kills herself in the woods near Crakehall. They are new, the original ones (that nearly killed Edmure near Oldstones) where destroyed during one of the many turnaments in King's Landing.
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kbsd · 6 months
when a lovely flame dies, smoke gets in your eyes
OR: what were we supposed to take away from episode 4 if not ‘bucky is a war widow’
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snail-studios · 2 months
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kicking off august by undolphining the dolphin 🐬 ✨
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tradingjack · 7 months
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how bout them apples
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kagooleo · 2 months
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here's a finished belated bday comm for @wyvernity of their soulsilvershipping :D!!! I was honestly really happy with the turnout for the piece so I did go a lil ham on their faves (~ ̄▽ ̄)~
i've still got 2 commission slots open on my kofi for both chibi and sketch pieces if anyone is interested :V
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ashhollowart · 8 months
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Hiiii I'm here with a slightly different style and trying some perspective to bring you Gem's lighthouse because I adore what she's doing already this season
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multi-lefaiye · 22 days
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is something wrong, darling?
cannot believe i never posted this--this is a commission i finished back in april for my friend joey, of his oc azrael!!! i love this fucking guy. he's such a bastard. campy fun villain and also just such a bastard man. twice's new bestie who's encouraging them to think for themself and ditch the cult <3
(as a note, i am not accepting new commissions rn, because that doesn't feel fair at all to the people still waiting on me to finish theirs lmao)
tag list under the cut! (fill out this form to be added <3)
@skitzo-kero @anexor @invaderskoodge @vacantgodling @chaieyestea
@paradoxspir1t @moonflowerrss @corvus-rose @albatris @kk7-rbs
@drawnecromancy @yourlocal-lichen @angsty-prompt-hole @astral-runic
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