#And I think it's a shame that people will never hear these really beautiful songs
ohboy-herewegoagain · 5 months
Do you ever realize that you are holding on to something that might very quickly become lost media?
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pacifymebby · 1 year
Hi! I was wondering if you can do a HC of the peaky blinders men having a lover who sings, like they sing so beautifully, and they like sing privately to the boys like love songs to them or a song they made up while slow dancing with them in a room (omfg that would be cute!) Thanks!! Hope your day goes well!! 💜
Aw this is so sweet <3
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Warnings: nsfw in some places
🌿He heard you singing before he heard you speaking. He was stood behind you in the queue at the bakery and you were singing to yourself under your breath.
🌿Even though you were only singing quietly he could already tell you were a good singer, that he'd like to hear you singing properly.
🌿 So he leant down and spoke quietly to you, "sing a little louder love, shame to waste such a pretty song by keeping it to yourself..."
🌿 Naturally you hushed up pretty sharpish, turning with a little gasp, a blush flourishing on your cheeks. You even apologised upon seeing who it was you'd disturbed with your little song...
🌿But he just chuckles and asks you again, "No I mean it, I you have a lovely voice, I'd like to hear a little more..."
🌿Then you're really blushing because this is Tommy Shelby you're talking to and he's asking you to sing for him in the middle of the bakery, and no one refuses him when he asks for something...
🌿 So you do, because you have to. You're trembling with nerves when you begin to sing a little louder, and you feel the eyes of other people in the shop watching you. You know that impromptu singing isn't exactly normal for a Thursday morning...
🌿 But its Tommys eyes on you that are doing the most damage. He's watching you so intensely.
🌿And when you finish your song, trailing off because your nerves have caught up to you and you feel ridiculous - which you tell him - he just takes your hands, tells you you're shaking, and then tells you again that your voice is beautiful.
🌿He pays for your shopping as a thank you and you expect never to see him again however that isnt the case and you seem to see him more often than ever. Its like he's searching you out...
🌿And he is... After hearing you sing for the first time he's obsessed with you, he thinks you've the most pure and angelic voice... It soothed him, calmed him when he needed to be brought back down to earth and he's determined to get close to you, have you all to himself.
🌿And naturally Tommy gets what he wants, he always does. He goes to the bakery at least once a day, always vague about why he's there, never lying about it because he isn't embarrassed or ashamed of that kind of thing. His determination has always been a strong point.
🌿 "In here a lot lately Tommy, and you don't have a sweet tooth in you..." "No, no you're right Sammy I don't... I'm just looking for someone, figure they do have a sweet tooth," shoots the baker boy a knowing half smile, like they're sharing an in joke, because he knows that being friendly with this lad will get him the information he wants.
🌿"Comes in first thing Saturday mornin and first thing Mondays too, sometimes shes in on a Wednesday for bread flour..."
🌿 So the next Saturday morning he's there bright and early and he finds himself in the queue behind you again, but today you know hes there and youre shy and embarassed remembering what happened last time... So you're not singing.
🌿And Tommys very dissapointed. "Quiet this morning little bird," he muses quietly, leaning down behind you, talking right beside your ear, making you jump and blush when you turn around startled by him. He enjoys seeing you startled and made shy by him, if he's being honest he really likes the sight of that, but he apoligises to you anyway, ever the gentlemen and he just like that he tells you he needs someone for a job, he needs a singer... See his little boy has these terrible nightmares since his mother died and well, he needs someone to come and sing to him at night, help him sleep.
🌿"The money'd be good I promise, don't sound like a real job I know but it'd pay like a real job... Better than a real job..."
🌿And how can you refuse when a man tells you his motherless little one isn't sleeping. So you don't even think about the money, completely taken in by Tommys little white lime. Because its Tommy who needs singing to, Tommy who's getting those horrid nightmares...
🌿You start visiting every couple of days, in the evenings for an hour or two, singing littlw Charlie to sleep whilst his father sits over his crib, stroking his hair. You realise that this must be a side to him Tommy doesnt let anyone else see. You start to see him as someone with vulnerabilities, with a tender side, capable of love. Something you've always been told Thomas Shelby is incapable of.
🌿And as time passes you start to realise that it isn't Charlie who struggles to sleep, that its Tommy. And so as time passes you start staying later, pretending you cant tell Charlie's settled, singing until Tommy has fallen asleep too. Sometimes you're there all night singing and then falling asleep ib your chair at the end of Charlies bed, because its too late to walk home alone.
🌿Things between you and Tommy took a long time to blossom but by the time they did you already felt like you knew him so well.
🌿Tommy is the one who brings your confidence out, always telling you how beautiful your voice is, how lovely it is to hear you sing. How you should be singing for people all the time. Before Tommy you didn't really sing for other people but now he's built you up to a place where you're not affraid to sing for others. In fact you often enjoy it.
🌿The night he kissed you for the first time it was late, Charlie had drifted to sleep and you were doing your usual, pretending not to have noticed, keeping up your singing until Tommy drifted off too.
🌿But Tommy had been watching you, tormented by these increasingly affectionate thoughts he'd been having whenever you were around. And he decided to do something that night.
🌿"y/n love, c'mere," he said, he looked sleepy and you were tired too, "Cmon come here, Charlies asleep and you look so lovely tonight, let me dance with you?"
🌿You were shocked but you were secretly thrilled because over the weeks you'd been visiting little Charlie you'd found yourself growing increasingly soft on Tommy. Perhaps it was that tender side you'd been seeing, that no one else saw, but he made you feel all kinds of happy whenever he was around. Everything felt sweeter, warmer, better.
🌿And although you were still shy when his serious eyes fixed on you and you felt him studying you, you had to admit that it thrilled you to be the center of his attention. And lately youd been wondering how it would feel to be held by him. To have him stroke your hair from your face. To have him look at you with that intensity, but from close up instead of from the otherside of the room.
🌿So you did as he asked and you crossed the bedroom floor to him. You gave him your hands and he held your fingers delicately. And when he stood up his hands moved to your waist, smoothing down the fabric of your dress gently, holding your hips.
🌿You didn't know what to do with your hands so he placed them for you, one on his shoulder, one palm flat against his chest.
🌿"Now," he said, "we need music..." he gave you a teasing, knowing smirk, "sing me something sweet angel, somet as sweet as you eh?"
🌿The tension was thick enough to cut with a knife but it was good tension. The atmosphere close and warm, the two of you gentle and sleepy and soft with one another. You felt so shy you has to close your eyes when you began to sing your favourite slow song, one which was really an old scottish lullaby but which could be danced to slowly too.
🌿"Good girl," Tommy lets out a little sigh, kissing your forehead, beginning to dance you slowly, rocking you. When his lips brush your cheek you open your eyes, look up at him like a doe in the headlights. You've thought about what it would be like to be kissed by him too but this is nothing like anything you could have ever imagined.
🌿Him telling you your songs beautiful as he leans in to kiss you on the lips, your mouths meeting and the two of you suddenly realising that this was something you should have done much much sooner.
🌿And when the kiss deepened and the two of you felt the moment heating up, the swell of need for him, and his for you, almost catching you both by surprise, he lifted you up off your feet and carried you to his bedroom.
🌿Now naturally, you'd stopped singing, your mouth a little occupied... However as he dips to kiss your neck, your collar bones and your chest, as he begins to undress you carefully, delicately, he asks you not to stop singing.
🌿"Keep singing angel," he murmurs to you between kisses, and he keeps repeating himself, even when youre undressing him, even when hes lifted you up off your feet and your legs are wrapped around him. Even as he slips into your for the first time, taking it slow and gentle, yoir voice shaking, your melody interrupted by your breath catching in your throat as he pushed into you slowly...
🌿He'll sing to you too sometimes and he has a far lovelier voice than you imagined he would. His voice is low and just a little rusty/misty sounding. It has that sweet woody tone to it. He'll sing to you when you're sad or scared.
🐻 Alfie didn't know you could sing for a long time. It was something which, he'd always imagined you probably could do, because your low voice was always so sweet and resonant even when you spoke, but when he overhears you singing he has to say, he's surprised.
🐻And it niggles at him too, he's almost a little annoyed you've never sang to him, you don't even sing around him, not even in the evenings when he's got the wireless on.
🐻 He probably gets a bit grumpy about it as if he thinks youve been keeping your beautiful singing a secret from him on purpose.
🐻 But in reality you're just shy, and you don't think you do have a beautiful singing voice. You definitely don't think its beautiful enough to warrant singing for other people as if you believe yourself to be something special...
🐻 But Alfie stands just the otherside of the kitchen doorway listening to you sing as you kneed your bread dough. Thinks your voice is the most enchanting sound he's ever heard and he loves it.
🐻 Pretends not to like it, just to tease you, he comes into the kitchen behind you, grumbling and chuntering away. "Now whats all this racket then, whats all this... This noise bloody awful noise right keepin me awake..." but he can't keep his trick up for very long at all, not when you look mortified, wide eyes and imediately apologising over and over.
🐻He has to laugh, he can't believe you believe him for a start. But he feels guilty for teasing you and immediately opens his arms up to you, hugs you and kisses your cheek.
🐻"I'm only teasing zieskiet, obviously I'm only teasing you... As a matter of fact yeah, your little song you were singing just now, well, as a matter of fact my dear that was the most beautiful little song my fussy old ears, have ever been fuckin blessed to hear..."
🐻 Alfie thinks your voice is so inspiring, and he's a lover of music himself, a lover of the arts, he always tells you you should be singing on stages, in operas, for an audience with the knowledge, the cultured palette to appreciate you.
🐻You're his muse when he starts writing his opera, in fact your voice alone is half the reason he has for trying to write it in the first place. He wants to write an opera fittinf of youe glorious voice. But whenever he asks you to sing for him, whenever he asks you to inspire him, you just get shy and you try to hide away.
🐻And you always tease him to, reminding him, "I thought my singing was just a bloody great racket..." you'll refuse to sing for him just to watch him get grumpy and grumbly and then you'll giggle and sing for him running your fingers through his hair or his beards.
🐻 And you'll sing little love songs, tell him you wrote them for him and he'll get a little embarassed. "Don't know what you're wasting your time writing songs about me for zieskiet... Just an old man..." "My old man..."
🐻 He writes arias for you to sing and tries to get you to sing for other people but you won't do it. Your voice is something you trust only Alfie with, and he grows comfortable with that, begins to feel like he wouldn't want it any other way. Your voice is this precious secret that you share, something so precious you'll only give it to him.
🐻 Calls for you to come sit in his lap when its late and hes just come home from the office or that late night business that always sees him come home with blood on his hands. He sits himself down at the kitchen table or in his big armchair by the fire and he calls for you to come to him.
🐻 "Zieskiet my precious angel come sit down with your old man, it's been a fuckin godless day and he's tired..." and you go to him, let him pull you down into his lap, let him bundle you up in his arms, kiss you and growl into your neck. Running his hands over your waist, squeezing you possesively.
🐻 Holds your face in his hands and looks up at you, into your eyes with his own, which are so cold and steely for everyone but you. For you theyre molten, soft and dark and full of adoration.
🐻 "Sing me a song zieskiet, one with a sad little story right? One where the hero dies somet tragic yeah... Will you do that for your old man yeah, sing him a nice fuckin tragedy?"
🐻 Because he's a strange eccentric he will absolutely send Ollie or someone running half way across the city to find you having been told its an emergency, a serious fuckin emergency.
🐻 And when you get to the office Alfies just frowning, "Ah zieskiet, poppet thank the heavens you are here... Finally..." "What is it Alf, whats the matter?" "Ive tuned in and out of this bloody wireless yeah, and I've searched this whole bloody box of records yeah, ain't any fuckin music anywhere to be found..."
🐻 He really scared you half to death, had you running across the city with Ollie, just so you could sing him his favourite song.
🍂 You've never really thought of yourself as particularly musically gifted and you don't really think your voice is anything special, however you love to sing and sing all the time. You adore music, you use it for emotional regulation, you hate to sit in silence. You hum when youre nervous, when you're happy, when you're sad you listen to sad songs and you sing along and pretend that your pain is just as bad as the pain of the man singing about his dead love.
🍂 And its something Arthurs always loved about you. How you're always singing, how you brighten a room with your good mood and your happy humming. How when things get tense and the kids need soothing and distracting, you're there to sooth them with a little song.
🍂 You teach Johns kids and Charlie and Ruby little songs, nursery rhymes, or songs to learn the alphabet and how to count. Songs to learn the days and the months. Arthur loves how you have a song for everything.
🍂 Its just something that makes you so different from everyone else in his life. You're so sweet and goodhearted and you're never too serious and your singing puts him at ease. He loves to listen to you and it always leaves him feeling warm and good inside when you sing.
🍂 When hes stressed out he'll ask you to sing for him and thats the only time you ever feel self concious, when he asks you to sing just for him and you can tell that hes depending on you for something. Then you question whether you're really good enough at singing... Because you know he'll actually be listening and expecting to hear something beautiful.
🍂 He likes to share a bath with you, share some wine, share some snow and then have you sing whilst you massage his shoulders. Loves when you wash his hair and sing for him, when you sing soft and low and sweetly in his ear, just for him. It makes him feel so safe and pure.
🍂 You sing to him to calm him when he's struggling to come down from one of those raging adrenaline rushes triggered by his PTSD. When hes having flashbacks you sing to him and hold his hand, kiss his temple. It helps to keep him grounded, helps him to stay on this plain in this reality instead of getting lost in a bad memory.
🍂You sing to him when youre cleaning his wounds, when youre washing other men's blood from his hands, scrubbing his nails and singing soothing little songs to calm him, to let him know you still love him, still think he deserves to be sung to. To be treated like a human.
🍂 He has favourite songs he'll ask for. And sometimes if youre singing and he doesn't feel like the kids are grateful enough that you sing to them he'll tell them to hush up and listen to you, "Dont know how lucky you are gettin to hear your aunty y/n sing for you like that, other kids would kill to have someone so beautiful singin to them!"
🍂Actually can get grumpy if he doesn't think other people appreciate your singing enough.
🌼 Is such a git and teases you relentless about your singing because you sing to yourself all the time.
🌼 "eh up that crazy lass from Watery Lanes singin to herself again, what a looney..." he's only joking but he doesn't know when a jokes stopped being funny, or that hes taking the joke too far.
🌼 Doesn't realise you think he's being serious or at least means it a little bit when he says its embarassing the way you wander round singing to yourself all the time, "whole of Birminghams gonna think you're losing the plot flower, gonna think you've gone nuts..."
🌼 So after awhile his jokes get to you and you take his thoughtless teasing to heart. You stop singing, or you try anyway. Its an old habbit and it dies hard and slow, so slow that John doesn't notice how you're singing less and less, or how sometimes you'll be singing to yourself but you'll stop just as he walks into a room.
🌼 Basically he's oblivious to the damage hes done until its too late and you really have stopped singing completely. Now you don't even really sing to yourself and its his fault...
🌼 Then one day he realises how quiet it is, how quiet you are and he gets upset, suddenly really worried for you.
🌼 "Y/N lass whats going on eh? You're upset or somets happened? Am not stupid I can tell..." but he is stupid, hes a stupid fuckin dinlow because even now he doesnt realise whats really the matter. When you tell him nothing is wrong, that everythings fine he argues back and says
🌼 "No, nah somethings not right flower, you don't sing anymore or anything, you're so quiet..."
🌼 You look at him, a little bit confused, a little bit wounded. "Thought you didn't like my singin...why do you care if I don't sing anymore?" you sound more sullen than you think you do and suddenly John knows exactly why you've stopped singing and he feels like such a fucking idiot.
🌼 "Oh bloody hell," he sighs, getting annoyed with himself for being an idiot. "Fuck sake, I'm sorry love..."
🌼 Tells you that he loves your singing and always has, that its one of his favourite things about you and thats the whole reason he used to tease you for it. Because he loves it so much he just thought that it was obvious he was only teasing.
🌼 So then he has to chip away at you the other direction, teasing you until you're singing for him again. Because obviously John isnt going to learn the error of his daft, boyish ways.
🌼 And finally you relent and give in and sing a little love song for him which has you both blushing.
🌼 His favourite thing which he used to love watching was how you'd gather all the wains up in your bed with you at night and if a story wasn't working to send them all off to sleep, you'd sing lullabyes for them.
🌼 He liked climbing into bed with you and the children and getting cosy, one big happy family, all huggled up together whilst you sang for them.
🌼 When one of the wains starts singing and copying you, singing with you sometimes John is overwhelmed with pride and he loves it. Loves you for teaching his littlens something he could never have taught them himself.
🌼Will get jealous if its been a long day and all he wants is to spend a little alone time with his girl, but he can't get anywhere near you because the kids want you to sing for them. He'll end up packing them all off to bed with the promise of one last song and then when finally its just you and him he'll tease you, singing your song back to you, making fun until youre giggling and blushing and actually getting quite wound up by him.
🌼 Then hes all kisses and grabbing you, pulling you close, singing and kissing you all over until youre laughing too much to fight him anymore.
🍀Has always loved to listen to music, ever since he was a little boy. And because you grew up together travelling around, hes always known you could sing. Always loved listening to you sing.
🍀Once when you were a little girl one of the older lads teased you about your singing voice telling you to shut up, telling you it wasnt cool to sing, it was cool to know how to hunt and do manly things. And little Bonnie threw a rock at him, "You shut up dinlow!"
🍀He didn't win that fight and in fact he got into a fair bit of bother for throwing that rock at one of the Boswell boys. A lot of trouble actually, more than it was worth as far as youre concerned.
🍀You didn't stop singing, you were a smart girl and you knew that most of the time the boys that said mean things to you were only doing it because they were daft and didn't know how to speak to girls. Had to be mean because they were scared of pretty lassies.
🍀Thats what Bonnie always told you anyway.
🍀Now you're much older and Bonnie is your boy, your champion, and you still sing all the time. You sing to the wains when you're helping to look after them. You sing when you're doing your chores, doing the washing in the stream, preparing the meat when the lads come back from hunting.
🍀You often sing around the fire in the evening when the men get their instruments out and some of the others dance with their wives and children. You'll sing at funerals too, when everyone needs a sad song to fill the silence whilst you watch the flames burning and the remember those who have passed.
🍀Sometimes Bonnie watches you with the youngens, when youre singing your lullabies to the babies, rocking them to sleep... He can't help but imagine you singing to his babies one day. Sometimes watching you singing with the children gets him in the mind that he wants to give you children sooner rather than later.
🍀Has definitely told you this too, he isn't shy about it. Will kiss your cheek and your neck, nibble your ear and then say something about how he's gonna have you singing lullabies to babies of your own in no time at all.
🍀He's a superstitious lad, has his pre fight routines... And the most important is that you come to his changing room, that just you and him get at least a minute or two alone for you to sing his lucky song to him whilst you wrap his hands up. He'll close his eyes and focus on your voice, how pure and pretty it is, he'll slow his breathing, get himself in the zone and then he'll kiss your cheek, give you one of his cheeky over confident winks, and off he goes to fight like a champion yet again.
🍀Teases you, says one day you'll be singing folk songs about bonnie Bonnie Gold champion of the world.
🍀 Fond of a post fuck lullaby, loves to hold you in his arms and listen to one of your sweet little songs. Loves to feel the vibration of your voice in his chest when you're resting on top of him.
🍀 He thinks of your singing when hes scared. He doesnt really get scared so easily, he enjoys most of the work he does for the blinders, doesn't really mind the killing, he's always been very laidback about those sorts of things, always been very calm. But sometimes when he's in a dangerous situation and he's realising quite how dangerous what he's doing is, when he realises he might not get out of a place alive, he remembers one of your songs, pictures you singing in a field or by the fire or with the wains, or how sometimes you sing just for him in the middle of the night, and the thought calms him.
🍀When he's injured after a fight, or after a blinder job that went wrong, and he can see that you're scared by the sorry state of him, he'll force you an easy smile and ask you to sing for him. Partly because he knows it'll give you something to focus on instead of powerlessly worrying, and partly because he'll take any excuse to hear that gorgeous voice of yours. "Pretty as bird song in the morning dove, thats how your singin sounds...."
🍀 Bonnie can definitely sing and he definitely sings for you, little lullabys and sad ancient folk songs with mysterious stories threaded into them. He'll lie with you under a tree at the edge of misty moorlands and sing to you a little irish lament about a girl who went wandering into the mist to find her lover never to return again. He'll tell you she haunts the moores and then he'll tease you when he scares you with his little ghost songs.
🐀You're the life of a party when you sing down the Garrison and Isaiah is always glad to be able to see you dancing and singing spreading joy, stirring high spirits.
🐀He's also pretty pleased because it was him who told the Shelbys to hire you as a barmaid, told them you were a wonderful singer and that you'd have the place buzzing and busy all night.
🐀And its true, you have the power to pick exactly the right song and get every man up to the bar or dancing with his lass or remembering times gone by. You're a real crowd pleaser thats for sure and Isaiah is very proud to have found you. Always tells Tommy "you owe me for that Tommy, my girls the main reason this place stays open..."
🐀But Isaiah has a jealous streak and he doesn't like watching the way the other men at the Garrison admire you. Hates to see other men falling in love with his lass, falling for your voice and the pretty songs you sing, the bright light which seems to radiate from you when you smile through the notes of a happy song.
🐀So he spends half the night planning how he'll get you alone, soothing his jealousy with thoughts of what he'll do when he finally gets you alone and he can tease you and touch you, kiss you all he likes without feeling jealous eyes on him.
🐀Taking you into the private booth and locking the little door so that its just you and him and you can't be disturbed. You getting flustered because he's just stolen you from the floor and you're supposed to be working.
🐀"Saiah whatre you doing, theres pints to pull! You'll get me in trouble..." "Nah love, ain't gettin in any trouble if you're with me, am a blinder aren't I..." winking at you being cheeky, teasing you and pulling you into his lap, holding you there one hand on your hip, one holding your chin and stearing you to loom at him.
🐀"Sing me a song love, one thats just for me..." he says giving you a needy little stare, his eyes fixed on yours, his thumb brushing over your bottom lip. He enjoys seeing you blush, seeing you get a little shy. That shy smile so beautiful. "Sing us a song thats just for me and promise you'll never sing it for anyone else yeah.."
🐀So you do, and you promise you'll never sing it for anyone else, so it becomes your song. When you get married its the song you share your first dance to.
🐀At home, and only when no one else is with you he'll join in your songs and dance you around the kitchen or the bedroom, only interrupting your melody when he can't keep his lips from your lips any longer.
🐀You can tell his jealousy and how possesive he is over you and you love it, and you want him to know that you love it and you love him, so you write him little love songs and laments and you sing them for him in that private booth at the Garrison or in bed when the house is quiet and the streets outside are hushed by the late late night sky.
🐀He LOVES your little love songs and he can't even begin to express the effect they have on him. Hearing the words you wrote for him, hearing a whole song inspired by him... Its incredible and it stokes his ego but it also makes him feel so loved...
🐀Theres also probably something precious to Isaiah about the fact that you admire him and think hes good enough to be the subject of a song because obviously racism is aggressively prevalent in 1920s birmingham and he spends a lot of time very aware that if it wasnt for his peaky cap and even despite his peaky cap, there are many who would think him unworthy even of acknowledgement. So the fact that the love of his life is writing pretty little songs about how much they adore him, how handsome he is, how he makes their whole world turn... Well, he feels very proud and very honored and touched and he never quite knows how to express it.
🐀Tries to write you one too but it ends up being a silly little ditty that ends with something dirty that makes you blush and laugh and climb straight into bed with him.
☘️ There are many parts of himself Michael keeps secret. All the things he thinks people might think him a "soft lad" for.
☘️ One of these is that he can sing beautifully. His adopted mother used to play piano and have him and his brother sing hymns from church.
☘️His mother knows he can sing too, she makes him sing for her when she's worried, when the voices of the dead are too loud or painful to listen to. When shes unwell and suffering. Michael will sing for her but he'll be sullen and embarassed and he'll berrate her for even asking it of him.
☘️ The other hidden secret is that he loves to be sung to sleep. He loves to lie with you, him between your legs, your thighs wrapped around his waist, his head resting on your belly as you comb your fingers through his hair and sing him a soft soothing melody.
☘️Probably because he has mummy issues. He loves to be spoiled and taken care of like that, to be treated gently.
☘️After the Changretta hit on him, when he's in the hospital, you visit him every day, you're so worried about him but he's got glad to have his "little songbird" with him to sing for him and keep him from killing himself from the boredom of being cooped up like that.
☘️He asks you to sing songs for him whilst you change his bandages and wash his wounds. He likes the distraction from the pain and he tells you you have a healing voice. Tells you its a gift, that you were a gift sent to him from some higher power.
☘️If you want to sing professionally, which michael will definitely encourage, he will pull the strings to get you singing in tge fanciest hotels, to have you climb the ladder to stardom. Partially because he wants to see you happy and will do anything to keep you happy, but also partially because it feeds his ego and makes him feel powerful to have a famous girlfriend, one who is admired by so many for her beautiful voice. You're a real star, shining bright, and you're all his. No one elses.
☘️He keeps his own talent hidden from you for a long long time because he's worried you'll think him less of a man, worried you'll think he's soft. But one day, the day your father dies, you're so distraught, exhausted from all your grief, and michael wants to help you so he holds you in his arms and strokes your hair, rocks you gently and sings you to sleep.
☘️He doesnt think youll remember, thinks you'll have forgotten it because you were in such a state, but you remember how beautifully he sang and when you ask him about it he gets so self concious and blushes and tries to deny it.
☘️ "Must have been imagining it sweetheart I can't sing..."
☘️You beg him to sing to him again, and again and again...
☘️And finally he gives in, says that if you'll sing him a song he will join in. And you sound really lovely together and you can't keep the smiles off your faces.
☘️When you have children michael sings them these lowly lullabies and you love to fall asleep holding the baby in your arms, the both of you lulled to sleep by daddy.
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skzpvol · 6 months
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. . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ THE BRIGHTEST STAR - bang chan ࿐ྂ
pairing: nonidol!bang chan x gn!reader
genre: angst, no comfort (i warned you)
warning: mentions of suicide, cursing, the entire drabble is full of hurt
words: 0.8k
synopsis: Chan visits you again. What will you say to you this time?
a/n (1): this drabble is triggering, so please if you are sensitive to the warnings DO NOT read. Your health is my priority and remember that you are not alone, you will never be. If you need someone to talk to, I’m here. English is not my first language, so tell me if I made some mistakes.
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«hi my love, i’ve missed you. Do you remember what day is it? It’s our anniversary and I really can’t believe that we’ve come this far. The younger me would be so proud to hear I’ve been with the love of my life for six years now. And I would do anything to spend this special day with you. Actually I don’t really want to celebrate. It would be useless if I’m alone. 
«I bought your favorite flowers today. Hope you will appreciate them. Do you remember the first time I bought you flowers? They were roses and you were so scared to tell me you were allergic. I felt guilty but when I saw you laughing I thought it was all worthy. Even tho I tried to kill you, hearing and seeing your laugh for the first time was like being transported to heaven. I immediately felt lighter and happier. You’ve always made me the happiest. It’s a shame that happiness is gone now. But it’s not your fault, if anything it’s mine. 
«the boys miss you too. You know, one week ago we met all together for the first time after the accident and I tried, I tried so hard to distract myself. I did everything I could, they did everything, but it was all pointless. I told them I was fine, that I felt like I was already moving on, but they were all lies. I can’t help it. I don’t want them to be worried. They’ve already suffered enough and I don’t to be another burden. 
«I wrote you a song. Yes, another one. It seems like you are still my biggest inspiration. I really want to sing it to you, but it’s not finished yet. You need to wait just a little more. I promise you, the next time I’ll come with the lyrics. Just wait for me. 
«why y/n? Why did you do this to me? Was I not enough? Did you feel like you couldn’t trust me? Why? Why did you not search for help? I would have been there. I would have listened to each of your worries. I would have stayed with you. I would have told you that everything was going to be okay, that you were not alone. So why did you never told me how you were really feeling? Fuck- why? I know that it’s anyone fault, but I feel like I’m the only culprit. I know that i should not be mad at you, but I am. I’m madly angry. I wanna scream, cry and at the same time let everything go. But you will still not come back to me. So why should I try anyway?
«I’ve always seen suicide like a way to die for cowards. I’ve always thought that people who chose it were selfish. But who am I to think about it like that now, if I wasn’t even capable of helping you? I’m the real selfish because in 6 fucking years I wasn’t be able to look into you, to look through you. You were suffering and I didn’t do anything. I tried to blame you when you told me you needed me, so who am I to fucking say you are the selfish one? I’m a mess. I’m a disaster. 
«the last time I saw you, you were happier. I remember that I even asked you why. You just told me “today is a beautiful day” and before I left you said “I love you, always will” for the last time. If I only knew. I read somewhere that a star burns brightest in its final moments and I get it now. Every time I look at the sky I always wonder if you are finally happy. When I look at the glowing stars I always think it’s your way to tell me that you are there. You are there and you are okay. You are protecting me. 
«I cry. A lot. Even now, I can’t stop crying. The guilt it’s really hard to bear. I can’t even look in the mirror without feeling disgust towards myself. And you would probably be disappointed too if you saw me like this. You want me to be happy, but I can’t. Not without you. And I’m sorry. I’m sorry that I didn’t look out for you when you needed me the most. I’m sorry that I wasn’t there when I was supposed to. I’m sorry that i was the worst boyfriend you could ever ask for. I’m sorry. Please forgive me. 
«will I ever be able to see you again? I really hope so. But I’ll make sure to look at the sky every single night and look out for the brightest star. Because you are there, aren’t you? 
«please wait for me, I still have to sing you a song. You will be proud of me, I promise.
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a/n (2): hiii, how are you? I’m finally on school break! Sorry if I’m being inactive BUT, apart from school that is really stressing me out, I’m working on a bunch of things (a long ass fic and a smau :)) ). I probably already said this, BUT I’M GOING TO SEE MY STRAY KIDS IN JULY AFTER TWO YEARS, AND I’M THE HAPPIEST. I cannot really wait. Btw, thank you for reading and i hope you enjoyed it. I also ask you to like it and tell me your opinion about this to help me to improve. Have a good day / night 🫶🏻
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tan1shere · 9 months
Bitter Sweet
Ellie williams x fem reader !
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Summary: you're the sweetest soul around Jackson, perfect girlfriend, perfect friends. Everything seems to be perfect but it isn't. You get bullied, but no one sees it. You hide your feelings until one day it gets really bad
A/n: just thought of this in bed, I'm feeling a lil insecure myself so i hope you girlies get warm fuzzies at this cute lil fic (I haven't proof read this yet so- if there's any mistakes pretend I'm an amazing speller 🥰)
Warnings: none just fluff really. Reader is insecure about body, so maybe if it triggers you or you don't want to cry or I dunno, just thought I'd mention :) kinda angst??? But also not-? Body shaming-? (Do not condone whatsoever. But I relate a tiny bit- sadly- anyways)
You enjoyed days like these, the sunshine kisses your beautiful bronze skin, the slight tan arising from the beautiful summer air. You were currently attending to your garden, listening to all the critters making their pretty musical songs. When you get a tap on your shoulder startling you. You stand up and look to find your girlfriend, Ellie looming over you. You get up fanning out your skirt from any dirt. "Sorry angel. Didn't mean to give you a fright." You smile at her. "No no it's alright." You speak softly going to kiss her. "What have you got planned for today?" She swipes a loose strand of hair behind your ear.
"Just picking out some flowers for my new vase." You smile brightly at her. She returns that smile, looking around at your garden. "How about you Els." You ask going to grab some of the flowers and heading inside. "Me, Dina, Jesse, and a few others were going to go out later and ofcourse I'm asking you to tag along." You weren't a very outgoing person, you kept to yourself. You knew Jesse and Dina, although you aren't one hundred percent comfortable around them. You stuck close to Ellie, always. She was your rock. "Uhhh maybe." You go over to your sink, her following close behind. "You'll be with me baby I'll make sure everything's ok."
You contemplate. "Maybe Els. I dunno I'm not use to New people." She goes closer to you. "I know I know, but I really want you there. Please?" You think more, really not sure. "I guess it couldn't hurt." You smile slightly. She smiles more. "Awesome I'll come pick you up later." She kisses your cheek, leaving you to your thoughts as she leaves out the door. You didn't have a good feeling about this.
Few hours had passed and it was almost the time Ellie was suppose to pick you up. You were just looking in the mirror you constantly wore skirts and cute blouses. You examined your body, your stomach, thighs, arms. Even if you aren't big or anything you still feel awful about your body. Stretch marks, your pale skin. You wanted to cry. If you were completely honest you just wanted to stay home. But seeing Ellie so happy made you happy. You get up to a knock on the door, going and opening it. "You look beautiful." She says smiling at you. Lies. You knew she was just being kind. You never really believed her when she'd compliment you. You just couldn't.
"Where are we going?" She leads you out. "Dinas, she's having it at hers." "And how many people will be there?" You ask nervous. "Uhh maybe like 10 at most." You sigh. She was so outgoing, so enthusiastic, knew everyone and anyone. You don't know what she even saw in you. You were so different. "We don't have to be there for long." She nods with a tiny smile. You nod back. Still not even wanting to leave in the first place. Your bed sounds so much more comfortable right now.
Once you're at Dinas, she greets you by the door. "Hey you two, come in." You both step inside hearing some music and voices. You stay close behind Ellies tall figure like a puppy dog. "Thanks Dee." She smiles at Dina, going into the kitchen to get a drink. You kept on following, when some giggling girls walking past, caught your attention. One looked you up and down. And definitely not in a good way. They all walk on by grabbing their own drinks. You felt queasy. "So we could just chill in here, maybe dance." You just nod along to her words. This was going to be a long night.
You had just told Ellie you needed to use the bathroom, heading down a hallway, full of drunk teens. The smell was putrid, some even making out. Once you approached the bathroom you notice the same girl from earlier and her little group. You decide on whether or not you should speak up, or hold this unbearable pee until you get home. "U-uhm.. excuse me.." Your voice was weak, frightened of these strangers. "Oh I'm sorry, did you say something?" The main one spat. One of her friends snickering. "I need to use the bathroom.." You didn't want to make eye contact. You couldn't.
"Sorry but you might want to speak up. Can't quite hear you when you talk like a toddler." You go silent. "Still can't hear you." She smirks. You really don't know what to do. Should you leave? "Well come on, spit it out. And this time, try not to speak like a my little pony character." Its the way you caught onto what she was saying right away. That made you want to run, but you felt glued, like you couldn't. "Aren't you Ellie Williams girlfriend?" You look at the blonde infront of you. "U-uh yeah." You stutter. "Pft, I have no idea what she sees in you. She could do way, better." Her friends laugh yet again. "I mean come on, you follow her around like a lost dog. Think that lil bit you did just then was the first time I've heard you speak." You go to leave, just wanting to go home.
But she grabs your wrist. "Oh look girls, she's even the size of a toddler." She fake pouts as they giggle. You hated how tiny your wrists were. You hated it. You hated how small your hands were. You never held Ellies hand, you were afraid she'd view you differently. "Damn, do you even eat." You blink at her. You ate perfectly fine. You don't even know why you look like this. "I- i-" She let's go. "Y-you." She mocks with a snicker. "Go back to being a lil follower to your girlfriend. You pathetic twig." You felt tears threatening to spill at any moment now. And all you could do was run. "Careful you might break something!" She calls out, turning to laugh with her friends. Bitches.
You ran out of that horrid house, tears streaming down your face, sprinting to yours. Feeling your eyes blur as you slam your door and sink to the floor. You let it all out now. How can someone be so cruel. But oh they were so incredibly right. That's why it hurt so much. They saw what you saw. The truth. Suddenly there was a banging on the door to be found with Ellies worried voice. "Babe, open up please." You sniffle. "J-just go home Ellie.." There was a pause. "You know damn well I'm not doing that, please let me in." Your shakey frame moves out of the way to let her in.
"Hey hey whats going on with you-" She goes to reach for your arms but you immediately make sure that doesn't happen. She feels her heart break. "Y-you don't wanna touch that.." She furrows her brows in utter confusion. "Baby what are you on about." If she wasn't worried before she really fucking is now. "No.. you- you don't wanna be with some twig wh-who can't even talk to people properly." You sob out feeling your body ache. "Babe where is this coming fro-" You look at her. "My brain. Everyone, you-" She shakes her head. "Woah woah woah. Calm down, I don't know what's going on but you need to breathe." You cry more. "I- I can't.. my brain won't shut up, I'm ugly Ellie i- I am.. and everyone sees that."
She was shocked but that slowly turns into a tiny giggle. She moves closer to you grabbing your face gently. "Do you have any idea how naturally gorgeous you are." You look at her still feeling tears. You know she's caught on. "Whoever said these things are clearly big fucking cunts." You were shocked by the language she used, but you let out a tiny dry laugh, feeling your throat and eyes hurt from the crying. "And if it's who I think it is, there's one thing they need that you don't." You listen, wondering what that was. "They need makeup. You don't. And that is something you should be truly proud of." You melt at her lovely words. She rubs her thumb under your eye gently. Wiping away those pesky tears.
"Your natural beauty is my favorite thing in this whole world, so please. Never change. And it's not like you're unhealthy. You eat often and good. When they're over there, eating crap, getting sick. If anything they're the ones who should be vividly insecure. And they are, jealousy." She looks at every inch of your face admiringly. "Bitches." You blurt out making her smile so big. "Yeah, bitches." She kisses your nose. "Please never change because I fell inlove with my natural sweet baby. You're beautiful just the way you are angel. And I will remind you every single day. I'll kiss everything you don't like. And I'll do that everyday." You lean up on your tiptoes to kiss her. She kisses back sweetly.
"Why don't we get into bed and watch a movie, sound good?" You nod at her. "I love you Els." "I love you too my precious girl."
A/n: If you are struggling with your insecurities please know you're never alone in that and I hope this made you realize how everyone's perfect in their own way. I may not see that all the time in myself. But I do know my worth <3 (also not saying that makeups horrible I literally wear it often, but no one needs it to truly feel pretty. I enjoy doing it because it's fun!)
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moonyasnow · 4 months
Hi, there! :D
I saw that request are open so I have a VERY angst request.
Type: Headcanons (Romantic and a lot of angst)
Reader: Fem or neutral (I leave it to your liking)
Scenary: How about a prefect who loves sing and has a beautiful voice but due to a magical accident (indirectly being said boy's fault) them/she ends up losing her/they voice forever. The reader tries to appear normal but deep down she/them is depressed by the situation even if she/them will never hate said boy
with Deuce, Ace, Sebek and Jack (or other characters you want)
If my request does not convince you, you can discard it without problems, but if not, take your time and without pressure, thank you. I'm loving your TWST fics and as someone who has a lot of ideas for angst fuel (I'll probably make some angsty requests here) >:D (Spoiler I have one in mind with Ortho) (and maybe I'll make fan arts) see ya :D
Sudden Silence.
PROMPT : Their singer S/O loses their voice due in part to them
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CONTENT : pre-established relationship, angst, hurt/comfort, Reader loses their voice, lots of guilt and shame, self-esteem issues too bc why not, hopeful endings at least!
CHARACTERS : Ace, Deuce, Jack, Sebek
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- { Crash— B O O M ! } -
An explosion resounded from the cauldron next to where you and Grim worked— the one you had seen your boyfriend and his lab-partner standing over.
Someone called your name, told you to watch out. But it was too late. The greyish-canary-yellow smoke and liquid of whatever potion they had failed to make splattered on your skin and clogged your airways from your nose and open mouth...
Your voice was never the same after that.
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Ace Trappola was good at lying. Exceptionally good at lying, even. So you'd witnessed firsthand several times, including the first time you met. And those used to dealing in falsehoods will always be the most adept at spotting them in others.
…Yeah you really weren't fooling him.
You had been singing your entire life. It wasn't something you'd ever really thought much about; it was just something you did. When you were young people had said that you had music in your blood— and you wholeheartedly agreed. Whenever a song you knew came on the radio you HAD to sing it, no matter what anyone else in the car thought. You ALWAYS volunteered for karaoke whenever it was an option. Were you a bit of a diva? Maybe just a little bit— but you couldn't help it! You just loved music and singing too much to ever keep it to yourself.
Ace often teased you about your need to be in the spotlight when you sang, loving how huffy you got and how you pouted, or he said that your choice of song was lame— but he never stopped you. He did actually like it, because you singing meant you were happy, after all. But Ace's gotta Ace, and the one and only Ace Trappola couldn't just let people think he was some mushy sap who loved the sound of his lover's voice, now could he?
But still, he'd often jokingly make fun of you, daring you to sing the most embarrassing song you could think of from your homeworld, or just starting a Twisted Wonderland song whose lyrics he knew would make you red in the face from embarrassment just to watch you sing to the very last note despite it. He loved that stubborn side of yours, partly because of how much fun it was to tease you with it. You were…kinda cute when you pouted. …Ok, really cute.
The accident left you with a sore throat for weeks. Your speaking voice returned to normal, but your singing voice…just didn't. You never sang anymore. Didn't even try. He felt a little…scared, to ask you about it.
He missed hearing you sing. Not because of your singing itself, but because it'd become to him the theme music of your happiness. Not having an easy way to know if you were happy or not bothered him more than he thought it would. But what bothered him most was that you didn't even get mad at him! Sure, he was used to covering up his own sadness with a bad joke when he didn't want anyone to know he was down, but seeing you try to do the same just…just no. It felt all kinds of wrong!
You lost your voice because he decided it'd be more fun to goof off and goad his lab-partner on than pay attention to the potion they were supposed to be making, even after Crewel said to be extra cautious making that particular potion. And you didn't even yell at him. Not even a little bit! Not even a pout, or refusing to speak to him in particular for a week or more. That's what he thought he kinda deserved for what happened. That's what he wished you'd do!
Anything was better than…than this!
But he knew you, and he knew calling more attention to it would probably just make you feel even worse. So, like the sleight-of-hand master he was(not really but let him dream won't you?) he drew your attention away from it. He practically dragged you away from moping alone in your room to force you to watch him at Basketball practice, and during the dreaded music lessons he even willingly embarrassed himself by playing the violin so badly it made you burst out laughing and making fun of him when he so much as tried to screech out a single note. Then he dished it out twice as bad when it was your turn to fail at it.
You punched his shoulder. Hard. And pouted at him like you always did. It felt…good, to have something normal.
But he still couldn't shake those feelings of guilt whenever he heard you start to tap along to the rhythm of a song you had playing in your head. It just reminded him every time if the way you used to hum the melodies. He felt like such an ass every time. You'd have to talk about it some day...but for now things would stay in this forced equilibrium.
Until you felt ready.
And until that day, whenever it would be, he'd keep distracting you at all hours of the day, taking your thoughts away from it. You could say it was his way of trying to make it up to you.
…Even though he knew he'd taken too much from you for the guilt to ever really leave him.
But this wasn't about him.
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Deuce Spade, the former delinquent, aspiring honor student and— despite his best efforts— someone who acted without thinking, knew what it was like to lose your way. It could be said his entire adolescence had been a long period of him continuously losing his way. So much that it, in a sense, became his way? But not a good way. It all caught up with him and smacked him in the face when he'd heard how sad it made his mom, how much it made her worry and even blame herself.
When he got into Night Raven College, he couldn't believe his luck. It was, to him, a second chance. A place he could go where no one knew of him or his past mistakes, where he could create a new identity for himself and become someone better. That was also where he met you. And also developed a big crush on you. You seemed his polar opposite: calm, thoughtful, polite and reserved. A lot of things he wished he was more of. Yet you didn't judge him at all for that delinquent side of him that seemed to rear its ugly head whenever he got too worked up. You even appreciated it when it compelled him to try to protect you and his friends. It made him feel like that was something he really could learn to leave in the past one day…or maybe even learn to repurpose for better things. He gushed about you to his mom over the phone so much that she figured out his feelings for you faster than he himself did. And when he finally did, she was also the one to encourage him to try asking you out.
…But you also ended up inadvertently reminding him of what was so troublesome about it, why he wanted to change it in the first place.
You had always been praised for your singing voice. To the point it was your biggest point of pride— something you took good care of and refined to the exception of almost everything else in your life. Back home your shelves were lined with awards from song competitions and walls with posters for all the different concerts you'd sung in, musicals you'd participated in. 'You have a bright future with music' a teacher had once told you. Those words had engraved themselves into your heart. Not having any idea what the future might hold and how you'd get a job felt less scary when you knew you had your voice to rely on. Being transported to a new world, forced to make a new life from scratch, was difficult. But at least your voice meant you had some kind of potential future career. You could ask Vil to introduce you to someone in the industry, or work for Azul at his lounge.
But you lost it. Because of him. Because he had gotten worked up over a comment Ace made and, as Deuce went to grab his collar, had accidentally knocked over something on the table next to their cauldron, causing it to break against the edge and spill way more than the recipe required into the mixture. The
It wasn't that your singing voice had become gravelly. No. It had disappeared completely. When you opened your mouth to sing, your vocal chords moved, but pure silence followed. Not even your breath was heard.
When your singing voice 'died', all your future plans, ambitions, confidence and sense of self died with it. You had never realized before just how much your voice was a part of your identity— how large of a part of your vision of 'you' that it made up. But now, having realized that the thing which, in your mind, made you 'you' was just...gone...
You didn't know how to handle it.
You became quiet. Barely even spoke. Retreated into yourself. It made him so, so, incredibly worried. He knew it was his fault. That you didn't shake your head when he said as much, a stabbing pain to his gut, only confirmed it for him. He blamed himself. How could he not? In his mind, if only he hadn't taken Ace's words— whom he knew was always just joking and teasing, trying to get a rise out of him— so seriously and entered 'delinquent mode' again and knocked that vial over, none of this would have happened. He didn't know what to do. He wanted to call his mom for advice, like always…but this time he just couldn't. It was too personal. So he waited. He didn't know what else to do but just wait. He wanted to speak to you, too…but he didn't know what to say. So he joined you in your silence, spending as much time next to you as he could, texting rather than talking, even when you were seated right next to each other.
But the worst part was when he'd come to Ramshackle and hear you, who didn't know he was there, clear your throat, obviously to try to sing. Only to be met with silence. Even the creaking of the old wood or the tweeting of nearby birds faded to nothing when you tried. All he could think in those moments was of how badly he'd screwed up.
…Weeks later, you finally spoke again.
"It's...not coming back, is it?" He could tell it was rhetorical. He felt tears mist his eyes and the same guilt stab his heart. He tried to speak. But before he could you turned to him, face for once no longer hidden behind your hair, your eyes already beginning to overflow with tears.
'Oh' he realized. You weren't upset at him. Or at least, not anymore. He didn't know what he could ever do to make up for what happened. But maybe looking at it that way— like something he did wrong— was just making it worse. The more important thing was him being there for you, not beating himself up over something that already happened, that he couldn't change.
Neither of you said anything else; he hugged you close, and you buried your face in his shoulder and you both just cried. His crying was quiet. Yours was wailing, loud enough all of Ramshackle must have heard. But you needed it. To let out your voice in anguish; to use it one last time.
His life trajectory had changed out of guilt. Yours due to something out of your hands. Yet the result remained the same: two people who lost their way, in one way or another, who now had to pick up the pieces and grow past it. When you came back out of your self-imposed, mute isolation, you felt like a different person, the world seemed a different color. It was...scary. Like the sky and horizon had collapsed and revealed a world outside of a box you'd lived in. A world vanished to reveal another. But when you trembled, Deuce was there to take your hand, even though his was trembling just as much. It made the task seem less insurmountable.
Because now you were growing up together.
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Jack Howl knew devotion to an activity well; he had a reason for his training of his body, that which he devoted himself to. And it was no different for you.
You had always filtered your life through music. Music had always been there for you; a sound to use to plug up the thoughts you didn't want to deal with, thoughts that whispered to you that bad things were going to happen. When you couldn't find the words to describe your feelings, you had always been able to find a song that got those same feelings through, and got used to expressing your thoughts through song rather than speech. You had never been very good at speaking. Your vocal chords always seemed to seize up when you even thought of trying. Your life happened entire confined within your head. But singing, you became someone else. Someone with the confidence to speak into being the things within you which had previously been confined to that space.
You didn't merely partake in the act of singing; you were song. From the tips of your lashes to your very core of your bones. While you didn't often sing in front of others, more due to feeling too awkward to start singing out of nowhere for seemingly no reason, Ramshackle was never silent so long as you were there. A second that music was not flowing either through your ears or from your lips was a second not spent living.
He had only ever seen you at your quiet moments, never even having heard your voice before. So he was shocked to see you alone up on stage at a small talent show some of the students had set up. He'd attended because Epel had been forced by Vil to take part. He was surprised, then, when you came onto the stage and began to sing with an incredible passion he never would've imagined someone as shy as you would have.
It…made his heart beat a little louder, seeing you so confidence for once, so clearly in your element. It made him start to look at you in a way he hadn't before, his tail wagging more than usual whenever he saw you. He told you once that you had the talent to make singing your profession one day, and he genuinely believed that.
Then came the accident.
You weren't even together yet when the accident happened. But as one of your closest friends, he noticed the shift in you instantly. Whenever he came to visit Ramshackle, it was dead quiet. You hadn't even put on any music in the background; his hearing was good enough that his ears would've picked up it if you did.
When the Song and Dance Competition, SDC, came to Night Raven College, his chest never stopped hurting through the whole multiple-day event. He felt so restless...he wanted to run to where you were, to comfort you somehow, and he hated that he was too busy helping to build stages and move heavy equipment or shop stands all day to be able to. His ears were laid flat against his head all day, and all through the event. He couldn't even focus on any of the performances.
After it was over, he rushed to Epel to ask where you were, only to find out you'd left as soon as you cast your vote. When he came in through the door and entered the living room where you sat on the creaking couch, you smiled and waved at him the same way you always did.
He knew how much your singing meant to you. There was no way you'd get over it that quickly, right? He knew he couldn't if he somehow became unable to train, or take care of his cacti. And when he looked closer, he saw that your brows were slightly furrowed, eyes more pink than usual at the corners. It broke his heart to think of you crying all on your own. It hurt even more to know it was because of him. But he didn't know what to do to fix it. So he went with his gut, and came closer to hug you.
…And like an idiot, he blurted out how much he liked you. He wanted to kick himself. But you signed that you liked him too, thankfully.
Then Port Fest came around. He felt guilty for you needing to hear all the music in the air and not being able to participate since you couldn't play an instrument. But he didn't want to treat you like glass; he knew you were stronger than that. So he felt caught in a state of limbo, not knowing what to do.
But...something happened which neither of you had expected.
You were put on Saxophone along with Floyd, and while you seemed apprehensive at first, when you started playing, you eventually had a blast!
Later on you ended up playing a short solo of what you'd learned for him; a 'private concert', you'd signed to him. And for a moment, he recognized that fire light up within you again. He laughed.
Not even losing your voice would stop you from pursuing music.
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Sebek Ziegvolt knew what it was like to feel inadequate, for his efforts to be called 'too much'. He once heard it said that he 'puts in a lot of effort to accomplish barely anything at all'. Yet all it did was push him to push himself even more. For how could he just let such comments stand, debasing his reputation as a knight of Malleus Draconia? It could not stand! Hence why he continued to push himself harder and harder in all he did.
It was that same mantra that lead to the accident. He and Ace had been partnered for Alchemy that day, as Professor Crewel had wished to keep Ace Trappola away from his habitual other half, Deuce Spade. As such, he was paired with Sebek for this class of Freshman Alchemy. In retrospect, Sebek would curse this decision for years to come…
Ace, not wanting to do the work himself, had goaded Sebek into doing his share of the work as well in brewing the voice-changing potion designated as that class' assignment. The attack on his pride left him trying to overcompensate and complete the assignment in half the usual time, to prove himself far more skilled at potion-making than a mere, lazy human!
But then the potion exploded. And you were caught in the crossfire.
While he hadn't admitted it, your soft singing voice had always soothed him— almost like a lullaby. Anyone who payed enough attention would have noticed his voice was always a few decibels quieter after he heard you sing. And you sang often, repeating the lyrics to some Earth song on your way to class by his side, even humming quietly to yourself as you worked. It was the gentle, ambient noise that your presence by his side brought. A sound he'd found himself growing enamoured with.
Your voice enthralled him, capturing his attention fully. Yet it was not purely due to your voice. It was the look of serenity on your face. The way the world around you seemed to stop and hold its breath each time you sang. Your voice was breathtaking, yes, but the pure passion, the sheer joy and bliss your voice carried with each note, no matter the tone or subject material of the song, that truly enraptured him.
Despite his duties, and claiming he only did so on request of Lilia for him to 'get cultured', he never missed any of your shows at the Mostro Lounge. He said it almost seemed disrespectful for the Lounge's business to go up so much whenever you sang on its stage, not realizing the feelings of bitterness in his chest were not at you being disrespected, but jealousy at so many others recognizing your charm. Deep within him— past the already buried desire to want to be by your side, not as a friend, but a lover— he doubted that you would ever look upon him as he did you: with pure adoration.
Yet he was proved wrong. After a show, he had shown up with a small bouquet of flowers— hand-picked, he had made sure to emphasize— to congratulate you for a good performance. He recalls telling you that the performance was…lovely…s-so much so that— while he of course would never speak on his Lord's behalf!— he believed his Young Master might even enjoy it, were he to attend one of your concerts. His face had become redder by the second of him speaking, too caught up in his rambling speech to notice you coming close, until you had cupped his cheeks and silenced him with a kiss. He'd dropped the flowers on the floor.
So then…
When the accident, a failure of his own creation, had robbed you of that joy of yours, he felt so incredibly guilty, and ashamed! You, his beloved, had lost the one thing you loved so much, all due to his mistake. The sheer weight of that guilt, of having cost you your greatest passion in life, threatened to drag him under.
So instead of stewing in those feelings, he acted.
He tried to search through the library top to bottom, asked both Lilia and Crewel for advice on how he might possibly reverse the effects. He even got desperate enough to seed aid from his Young Master. He trembled as he did— what right did he, a mere knight…no, not even a proper knight yet, have to beg a boon from his Lord Malleus? But since it was for you, to restore that smile to your face once more, he felt compelled to.
He cried as he made his request for aid in his search of a cure, overwhelmed with his conflicting interests of wishing to help his beloved and of wishing not to burden his Lord. His cheeks reddened in shame, thick tears rolling over his cheeks, when Malleus agreed to try to help you.
You tried to tell him that him going so far out of his way to find a cure to your predicament wasn't necessary, but no matter how you explained that there are worse things, he refused to budge. It was a matter of pride now, too. He would prove to you that he had the ability to right this wrong; that he was a worthy partner to you, that he could restore to you the thing you lost. Not out of a desire for praise or gratitude this time, but because he knew he alone had to take responsibility for the accident.
The way you shone when you sang, the pure bliss the act seemed to spark in you…he couldn't live with himself if it meant he'd taken that away from you forever.
And you knew how he felt. You knew how important it was to him to be able to be of help to you in what he, not incorrectly, considered your time of need. Losing your voice was…indescribably painful. As though a flame in your soul had been snuffed out like a candle in the wind. Yet you had tried to act as though it didn't truly bother you as much as it did. You still had other avenues of music you could pursue, after all, such as learning to play an instrument…
Yet, though you doubted it was that he saw through that ruse of yours rather than that he felt compelled to right what he saw as a wrong he had committed, the dedication to restore your singing voice…it made you able to cling onto a shred of hope that you might see it returned one day. It reminded you once more of why you fell for him in the first place.
But above all else…he just longed to see the smile you always wore when singing, the smile that without fail made his heart skip a beat, grace your face once more.
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Writing this got me genuinely emotional— my singing is actually one of the things I'm the most proud of in myself and I love singing so much— imagining this scenario happening to myself made me so sad ; ; But in a good way!
Some didn't turn out as angsty as the prompt described: I can do angst just fine, but if there's not a happy ending, or at least the potential of things becoming better in the future, I just start crying too much
Also didn't keep the 'tries to appear normal' part for all of them since it seems like I'm just incapable of writing the exact same Reader for every single character for a scenario haha ;^^ I think more 'what would be the most interesting way to spin this scenario and how does the Reader need to react to make it so' And I decided to go with a gender neutral Reader just to make it more inclusive to everyone
Sorry for Jack's part being a bit rushed in places— I'm kinda worn out from the school year haha My perfectionism keeps telling me it's not good enough for my standards because I know I could do better if I just had more energy, but that just how it be sometimes; better I learn to take the L than never finish this, at least!
But I really hope you like what I did with the prompt!
Also a head's up that, since June is gonna be really busy for me, I'm probably not gonna be able to write much at all until at least the start of July; hence why I've closed writing requests until then.
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blue-disco-lights · 1 month
✨ Weekly Tag Wednesday ✨
Thank you so much for tagging me - love this one! (i love them all actually) @jrooc
@stocious @michellemisfit @doshiart @mybrainismelted @mmmichyyy
@sgtmickeyslaughter @gallapiech @suzy-queued @spookygingerr @roryonic
Name and A03 handle: Julia, Blue_Disco_Lights
Current Location: my dining table - my work is hybrid, so this (suprisingly uncomfortable setup) is my desk twice a week.
Favourite picrew: I never really wore my space buns this high, maybe a bit lower… also the jewelry is a Chain Mickey homage obviously.
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What's one thing you want in a picrew? I love a creative background and good sweater options. If left to my own devices, I’d be in a hoodie all the time, but it’s nice to spice things up!
Favourite thing you’ve created (or seen created) for the fandom? Hard to choose! it's a tie between some @galladrabbles and these @gallacrafts.
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Why is it your favourite? I’ve been knitting since I was a kid but never really got beyond the scarf phase lol - and Season 1 Not-a-booty-call/“Whatever, see ya” Mickey wore that green scarf and I knew I had to recreate it. The t-shirt is me attempting to draw for the tomato theme and I just think it would be so funny if Ian actually wore this outside.
Did it come easily or was it hard to create? For the scarf, it was all about finding the right yarn and also that cute patch that just appeared out of nowhere at the craft store. Drawing is hard because i don't know how 😆
Last ao3 fic you commented on? It was either on Shame-proof written by @ms-moonlight-inn and @notherenewjersey or A Song Only You Can Hear by @suzy-queued - both so good!
Biggest WIP heartache you’ve ever experienced? I’m usually OK with WIPs taking a while, truly… but oh man, I’ll copy @jrooc's answer and say Things Beyond Mistake by grayola. What a STUNNING work and we’re left just aching for what happens for those two. My second is Elevator Music by gallavichsecurity- another beautifully written one that I hope will continue one day. 
Favourite trope or head cannon you like included in a fanfic? I love enemies to lovers, the slower the burn the better 🫠🔥 . I’ve yelled about loving road trip plots a lot, so I loved Highway of Hedonism  by @roryonic (w/ beautiful art by @gallapiech).
Least favourite? I’ve never gravitated to mpreg   
Secret or surprising kink or trope? Never even knew A/B/O was a thing until i got here - hello! Same goes for Whump - once it clicked that it was an actual genre, it was like oh wow, i think i’ve been into this my whole life lol.
Describe how you feel after you’ve created something new? Er, shocked quite honestly. When I see that I actually have multiple things posted on AO3 I do wonder who that person is??
Top hype man you have that always helps you get across the finish line: There are so many hype people i want to thank in my writing journey - your amazing comments & reblogs really made me feel like a writer! (which was a little shocking - so please know they went a long way 💕) @gallawitchxx @energievie @creepkinginc @jrooc @michellemisfit @palepinkgoat @gillyp @suzy-queued @ian-galagher @sweetbee78 @francesrose3 - and special shout out to @mybrainismelted for being an amazing sounding board and co-conspirator on Gallavich Summer Camp among other things!
It's been a bad day, you turn to the fandom and you _____? Hang out on Discord and Tumblr, and fall into one of the very many tabs I have open. Currently it’s You’ll Never See Us Again by @spoonfulstar - and omggggg.
If you're tagged in this post and haven't made one of these yet - this is your official invite!
tagging in @lingy910y @deedala @heymrspatel @atthedugouts @wehangout
@lupeloto @sisitrip @sandrashaine @shippergirl121fic @stocious
@jessij1997 @sickness-health-all-that-shit @thisdivorce @sam-loves-seb @samantitheos
@mickeyheartian @mickeym4ndy @callivich @transsexual-dandelions @nymacron
@rororowyourboat18 @transmurderbug @bawlbrayker @i-think-you-mean-reduction @gallavichsuperfan
@runawaybrainsc @too-schoolforcool @darlingian @thepupperino @celestialmickey
@crossmydna @spacerockwriting @catgrassplantdad @look-i-love-u @silvanshadow
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talaok · 2 years
A one time thing
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x reader
summary: Your ex-boyfriend Eddie invites you over totally innocently
Warnings: smut| cheating, oral sex (f receiving), unprotected p in v sex, praising, a bit of jealousy, and slight exhibitionism + pot smoking
a/n: I don't know if anyone's still thirsting over Eddie, but I started listening to this song again, and I immediately thought of him.
*for this story's purpose you gotta pretend cell phones existed in 1986 (and by for this story's purpose I just mean because I'm an absolute slut)*
The joint between his fingers was slowly burning out.
He hadn't had a hit in ten minutes as his mind was elsewhere, the sunny day outside his trailer's window remind him of you, of all those days with you, when you were the ones sitting beneath that big tree, smoking, laughing, and kissing together, not the kids he was now staring at.
He missed you, of course he missed you.
You were always there, in the back of his mind, your smile, your voice, your lips, all there, for him to revisit whenever he felt like it, and he always felt like it.
You had been a gift sent from heaven, he had always believed it, he didn't know what he had done to deserve someone like you, someone so sweet and kind and beautiful, while he was all the exact opposite, rough, mean, weird.
He didn't know how, but he had had you, all of you, not for long of course, things that beautiful never lasted long for Eddie, and after a few months, you had realized he wasn't who you should have been seeing, something he had known from the very beginning, and left.
Left physically, because, in his mind, you never did.
Every time he saw you at school, eating lunch with your good, respected friends, or walking in the hallway, even if your hand was intertwined with someone else's, with Jason's, his heart sped up, as memories flashed before his eyes.
You were too good for him, he knew,
But you also deserved better than Jason
Eddie had always hated him, since he first laid eyes on him.
He was the typical mindless jock who looked like a good boy enough for people to believe he actually was, but Eddie knew he wasn't.
He was a bully, a loser, and you deserved better.
He wasn't surprised when you got with him after the breakup, he had spent the whole time you were together buzzing around you, and it was natural you would have given in at one point, you were always too kind, and besides, Eddie liked to think you did it to forget, forget him, and all the things he couldn't give you any more.
So if anything, he pitied the poor guy, even though the tight grip of jealousy never really left him.
knowing that someone else was kissing you, touching you as he had... that still made something inside of him twitch, a spark ignited each time he pictured Jason's hand on your skin, staining your otherwise perfect body.
oh, your body,
there wasn't a night he didn't fall asleep picturing it, every little part of it, recalling how it felt to kiss it, worship it like you deserved, like he knew Jason wouldn't.
He missed you,
today more than ever,
not even the weed was able to get you off his mind, and he was going crazy.
He missed you,
even just your voice,
even just your laugh.
He could call you, he thought, it wasn't the first time he had considered it, but today he felt like it wasn't much of a want as much as a need.
He needed to hear you, even for just a second.
So he did, he called you, 
with the best intentions of course.
"hey sweetheart"
"Hi Eddie"
Your voice was like oxygen to his lungs, even when clearly annoyed.
"aren't you happy to hear from me?"
You huffed "what is it, Eddie?"
"nothing" he shrugged, fiddling with the joint between his fingers "I just wanted to hear your voice"
"I miss you" he added
"well you've heard it now, is that all?"
cold was fine, he knew he could turn it into hot
"what's the rush princess? Is your boyfriend picking you up with his daddy's car?"
"Maybe he is"
"well that's a shame," he said, a smile creeping on his lips as his gaze set on the yellow video cassette on the table "I just rented the Shining and I was wondering if you wanted to keep me company"
"I like that movie"
he was in, and he knew it, the smug grin on his lips was the ultimate proof.
"I know you do" he spoke "And I also have this new weed I was waiting on trying..." (not true)
"Eddie..." you said, like a warning, a scold, like you knew what he was doing.
"What sweetheart? We could have fun"
"as friends you mean"
"of course" he nodded, not an ounce of sincerity in his words. 
You didn't speak
"I just want to see you, princess, that's all"
"I won't bite"
there was a moment of silence, and everything stilled.
"Do you have food?"
"I do, tons, I even have the chips you like"
"and the weed, is it good?"
"the best on the market they say" (he was going to hell no questions asked)
Silence again
"ok" you said thinly "I'm coving over" you said "as a friend"
He had to fight the urge to get up and jump from the excitement
"of course" he beamed "as a friend"
"I'll be waiting for you sweetheart"
__ __ __
He had cleaned, of course he had cleaned, 
He had thew all the clothes on his bed, chair, and floor in his wardrobe,
he had made his bed, 
he had opened the windows
and he had washed the dirty dishes from this morning,
This wasn't the first time you came over to his house, but still, he wanted to make a good impression,
He wanted nothing to go wrong,
he wanted to have you for as long as he could, however he could, however you'd let him.
Before he knew it, half an hour had passed, and you were knocking at his door.
"shit" he muttered, throwing a magazine he preferred to not have you see under his bed before rushing to open the door.
"Hi" he smiled,
he couldn't believe you were actually there
beautiful as ever,
your face lighted by the sun and your pretty legs in full display with that skirt.
"hi" you answered, "can I come in?" you pretended not to notice his gaze drinking up every inch of your body.
"Of course sweetheart" he took a step back, gesturing for you to enter.
You did, looking around as he closed the door
"Did you clean just because I was coming?" you asked, sitting on the couch.
He laughed softly "I wanted to make a good impression"
you hummed, amused
"Did I?" he asked, sitting beside you
"I appreciate it" you granted him, and he smiled in contempt
"so how's it going?" he asked, leaning back on the couch, his arm on the top of it behind you.
"it's going fine"
"school, parents everything alright?"
You scowled at him
really? School?
"yes, everything alright"
"good" he nodded "and what about..." he creased his forehead as he thought hard "what's his name? J-J something..."
you shot another dirty look his way "Jason. you know his name"
"must have slipped my mind, but how's it going with him?"
"It's going well, he's great"
"Great," he repeated "wow"
"that good?"
"yes," you said, "he actually brings me on dates you know?"
"I did too"
"Going to the woods to smoke doesn't count"
 "why not?"
"because it doesn't," you said "he brings me to restaurants"
"ah" he hummed "he's fancy"
"and where is he now?"
He noticed you gulp
"he's with his friends"
"why aren't you there?"
"I didn't feel like it"
"what? I'm just asking a question"
"I don't like them very much"
He smiled, he already knew that.
"and so you came here" he bit down a grin.
"to watch a movie" you reminded him
"of course" he nodded "to watch a movie with your ex-boyfriend, while your boyfriend is with his friends"
You rolled your eyes "would you rather I go?"
"no" he stopped you immediately "don't"
"I just think Jason's really stupid"
You sighed "whatever Eddie, could you put this movie on before I change my mind please?"
"sure thing sweetheart," he said, doing just that and coming back to the couch
His hand reached to the left and took the joint he had pre-rolled from the table.
"wanna light it up now or later?"
"now's fine" you shrugged, not paying attention as the movie started. 
You heard the lighter's click and then the soft burn of the joint's tip.
You turned and watched as he took a hit, his lips wrapping delicately around the bottom and his chest inflating slowly as it filled with smoke.
He exhaled, and you bit your lip, waiting for your turn.
It had been a while,
after you stopped seeing Eddie weed became more and more infrequent.
"here," he said extending the joint to you.
You took it, and slowly did what he had just done, feeling his eyes on you the whole time.
You couldn't help but smile as you exhaled deeply, the familiar feeling already spreading through your body.
Fuck you'd missed this.
"Like it?" he asked
"yes" you chuckled, taking another hit "It's been a while"
"Jason's not much of a pothead is he?"
"no" you laughed softly "he's not"
"says it's a gateway drug and one of the devil lures or some shit"
Eddie chuckled "of course"
You passed him the joint as you got comfortable again.
He spread his legs wider as he took another hit, and just then, you noticed you had gotten closer.
"So Jason..."
"why are we still talking about him?" 
"I'm curious" he cocked an eyebrow "he's got my girl after all"
"I'm not your girl"
He just smirked at that
"So he isn't that great after all"
"I can look past the weed Eddie"
"mh" he hummed "that's the only thing you don't like about him?"
Your eyes fell for a second and he had to hold back a smile so wide it probably would have reached his ears.
"tell me the truth"
"Because I wanna know"
"You want to see if you're better than him?"
"I know I'm better than him"
You scoffed "what makes you so sure?"
"I know the type"
You frowned, and he leaned closer to pass you the joint but never leaned away.
"the preppy good boy type" he explained "they bring you to restaurants, give you roses and bury you with gifts, they make you come to all their games and to each party after" 
You took a quick hit and passed the joint back, but he didn't even look at it as he placed it in the ashtray, his eyes never leaving yours.
"they're respected, they're good, they've never failed a year or got in trouble with the law" 
you didn't know if you were imagining it, but his voice seemed to have become lower, warmer
"they're perfect, they're perfect until you realize how boring they actually are"
You rolled your eyes
"Not until you try to talk to them and all they can speak about is basketball and school" he continued "not until you take your clothes off and they can't even put it inside before they've already cummed in their pants"
you scowled at him 
"tell me it isn't true" he challenged "tell me you have great conversations with him," he said "tell me he can make you cum y/n"
his words were like poison and his hands like knives as one of them came to rest on your thigh 
"c'mon tell me, sweetheart"
"I'm just saying princess" his hand started moving upwards, and you swallowed thickly "he might look good on paper"
"but he's not enough for you" his hand reached the hem of your skirt and passed it without a care.
"And you are?" you provoked him.
"oh no baby" he murmured, and as his breath hit your mouth you realized how close he actually was "but at least I can make you cum" 
and just like that, he kissed you, really kissed you.
his hand found the back of your head to force it closer to yours, as his other hand gripped your thigh tighter.
He felt the same, tasted the same, and even after all this time, your body's reaction was still the same.
Each molecule of your being jumping and bursting like a bubble.
"Eddie" you whimpered, as he leaned away
"Eddie this is wrong" you tried convincing yourself more than him, as he started kissing your neck.
"Why?" he asked, not stopping the hot trail of kisses on your skin.
"He's still my boyfriend"
"he doesn't deserve you" 
"He's nice" you breathed
"he's a douche" he stated, as his hands traveled to your waist "let me remind you how good I can make you feel" 
"how a woman like you should be treated" he murmured, his hands infiltrating underneath your shirt.
" Y/n-" he stopped to look at you "stop thinking about him," he said "he's nothing, he's nothing compared to you"
Your eyes danced all over his face, getting lost in his lust-filled pupils "this won't happen again ok?" you said "it's a one-time thing"
"of course" he grinned, kissing you "whatever you want princess" he assured, reaching for your shirt and pulling it off of you.
He groaned lowly once he saw you, after all this time, you still had the same effect on him( and on the bulge in his pants)
"god you're beautiful" he groaned, leaning down to kiss you all over, his hand squeezing and groping your boobs through the bra's lace.
you moaned faintly, as you closed your eyes, already lost in the pleasure.
His kisses lowered until you felt him shuffle, and once you opened your eyes, you found him kneeling in front of you.
You had to bite down a moan at the sight. He looked starved.
"I need to taste you sweetheart" he murmured, reaching for your skirt " I hope you won't mind" he smirked smugly, knowing just how much you didn't mind at all, as he pulled your skirt and panties off of you.
"fuck" he hissed hypnotized by the sigh in front of you 
"you're perfect baby" he breathed, not giving you the time to register it before diving in.
He licked your pussy fully a few times before he started focusing on your clit, his nose hitting your cunt with each movement.
"fu-fuck Eddie" you could only moan as your hand went to grip his hair.
His mouth only got intenser and more precise and your moans higher each time.
He was looking at you from below, his eyes glued to every expression, contortion your face created.
Just when you thought things couldn't get better you felt one of his fingers graze your entrance, and Eddie chuckled softly as he heard you whine, his voice's vibrations spreading through you like an electric wave.
he pushed a digit in and you could only arch your back, grinding against his face.
"fuck" you mumbled again
fuck if he knew what he was doing.
Your cries kept getting louder as little shocks of pleasure kept coursing through you, so loud in fact, you almost didn't hear your phone ring.
You gasped from the scare, and Eddie stopped, looking at you as you reached into your bag and pulled your phone out.
"It's him," you said, somewhat scared
You looked at him worriedly 
"answer sweetheart, you don't want him to worry, do you?"
You gulped, nodding, he was right.
"Hey baby" you cringed, having just said that when another man was in between your legs.
"hey love, how're you doing?"
"I'm fine," you said, trying to sound convincing as your voice weakened "How-" you had to stop as Eddie licked your clit, you looked at him wide-eyed and he just smiled, before he dove in again.
You put the phone on your chest to cover the noise as your head fell back from the ecstasy.
"y/n?" you heard Jason call for you
right. Shit.
You forced yourself up and used one hand to try and push Eddie off, but he was immovable.
"yes yes, sorry" you cleared your throat, hiding the moan creeping up your throat "H-How are you doing?"
"I'm great, me and the boys had a great time, you should have been there, Marcus had this..." his voice got muffled as your focus got stolen from Eddie's tongue dancing so perfectly on your clit, and his finger curling and moving in and out of you like a perfect melody.
You once again smashed your phone against your chest to not let Jason hear as you felt the knot in your stomach tighten.
"eddie" you whispered, as the hand that moments before was trying to push him away, desperately grasped his hair now.
"Y/n are you listening to me?"
"yes-yes I am baby" you reassured him, "I'm sorry I'm just-" you bit your lip so hard you could taste metal as Eddie worked his magic "I'm busy right now"
"yeah you are" Eddie chuckled, and you smacked his hand on your waist, scolding him.
He just looked amusedly at you before making you regret having done that once he pushed another finger in.
You gasped
"Everything alright?" Jason again. Hadn't he hung up?
"yes baby- yes I gotta go now, bye"
"ok b-" 
you hung up, and an animalistic moan fled your mouth the moment you could finally set it free.
"fuck I'm coming Eds," you said, as he pumped his fingers in and out of you faster "I'm coming" you whimpered, feeling ready to give in.
"Cum sweetheart" he encouraged "cum for me" 
And with that, you did, grinding against him as you let out a long and deep moan.
It had been a while since you had felt this good.
Eddie was right, jason couldn't do this.
"shit" you sighed, catching your breath
"still taste better than anything baby" he smiled, leaning up to kiss you "wanna go to my room?" 
"yes" you said, and he didn't waste time before taking you in his arms, making you squeak as you grabbed onto him until he placed you on his bed.
He closed the door and immediately took off his shirt before coming back to you.
He kissed you again as his quick fingers worked fast on your bra to unclasp it.
he leaned away and took in all of you with a smile before he quickly undid his belt and got rid of his pants and boxers.
 "I've missed you so much sweetheart" he cooed caressing your legs and helping them around his waist "this body..." he bit his lip, stoking your stomach "it's a piece of art princess"
You could feel his hard cock graze your entrance and you wined as you tried to move against it for some friction.
He chuckled "It's coming don't worry" he reassured you "you know I can't deny you anything," he said, as he finally took his cock in his hand and positioned it where you wanted.
He looked at you one more time "fuck you're perfect" he murmured before with one swift move, he thrust in.
"Fuck!" you basically shouted, as you gripped his arm.
He was so deep inside of you you could feel it everywhere, messing every part of you up.
"god, sweetheart" he groaned too, starting to move "I've missed you" he breathed, beginning to speed up "I've missed this pussy so much" he talked over your pathetic whines "missed the way it squeezes me so good," he said "like it's made for me" 
"like you're made for me"
You could feel every inch of his cock graze against your walls, and your brain had already reduced to a sloppy mush.
"Eddie" you whimpered, reaching for him, begging him to come closer.
he did, he leaned down and kissed you, drowning out your moans.
"what sweetheart?" he cooed "you like this too much?"
"is it too good?"
his thrusts hadn't slowed down even one bit, and you couldn't even talk, so you just nodded pathetically.
"you're not used to feeling this good anymore?"
another nod, as your nail, dug into his back.
"Jason can't fuck you this good?" he asked, and you shook your head desperately
"he can't make you cum?"
another no
"Tell me, sweetheart, use your voice" he urged, suddenly grabbing your waist and pushing himself deeper.
"n-no" you cried "he doesn't"
He grinned, proud, before he kissed you 
"And who can make you cum?"
"who's the only one that can make you feel good?"
"who does this pussy belong to princess?"
There was sweat on his forehead, and his hair was sticking to it, but he didn't care, his hips kept working like his life depended on it.
"y-you " you stuttered "you Eddie"
"It's all yours"
You were so close you could feel it, could feel the bubble in your belly ready to pop.
"I'm all yours Eddie please"
"please" you murmured almost inaudibly
"you're coming sweetheart?"
"yes" you breathed
"then cum baby" 
"I'm right behind you"
"squeeze me like you do"
"cum around my cock princess"
"yes-yes just like that baby”
"good girl"
"So good for me"
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vante1920pm · 2 years
hi! i love reading your hcs and imagine about aonung, soooo i want to ask for another one! you can decide whether it's a fem/male/gender neutral reader. i was listening to beachbunny's song and there's this line that says "if i'm pretty, will u like me?" can you make an aonung imagine based on that line? and i want this to be a fluff but a lil sad scene in the beginning cause the reader is kinda insecure. that's all, hope you'll take this as an idea! ilyyy
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★ 𝗮𝘂𝘁𝗵𝗼𝗿𝘀 𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲: sorry for the long wait, i had this in my drafts and totally forgot about it 😭
☆ 𝗽𝗮𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀: ao'nung/gn!metkayina!reader
☆ 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴: insecurity
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"If I get more pretty, do you think he will like me?".
Tsireya looked at you with sad eyes. She always knew that you were insecure, but she never thought that you would degrade yourself so much. All that for her stupid brother..
'All the girls and boys in the village are so breathtaking and then there is me. I'm an outcast, just because I'm not pretty enough..'
"Y/N, you're already beautiful! Please don't think like that!". You looked down in shame. Tsireya was sad seeing you like that. You were normally really happy and kind, you didn't deserve that.
The day ended with Tsireya consoling you, saying, that you shouldn't need to worry about your looks, since you're good looking and beautiful, but you just couldn't belive her.
It's easy for her to say, she's the most gorgeous girl in the whole village. Not once did she have to worry about her looks, unlike others. Not only is she beautiful, but she's also a great person. She's literally perfect.
This thought made you feel some slight of jealousy, something you just couldn't control. You didn't want to feel like that, but it's hard not to.
You were sitting on a small rock, on which, at most, two people could sit. You didn't mind taking the whole space on it, thinking, you'll be alone tonight anyway.
You were listening to some Na'vi kids playing in the background, despite the darkness. Fidgeting with your bracelet, your thoughts drifted off to Ao'nung. He was someone you admired and were in love with. But your looks stood in your way.
You liked him since years, your crush only growing when you got older. Ao'nung never paid much attention to you tho. He was helping you then and there, but that's all the interactions you got. He never came up to you and you never spoke to him either.
It made you sad but it is what it is.
You didn't even notice when you fell asleep, only waking up 'cause of someone shaking you. You needed a moment to fully wake up, only to see, to your surprise, Ao'nung sitting next to you on the sand. You didn't even notice falling from the rock either. Wow.
"Are you okay? What are you doing here?" Ao'nung asked you, still having one of his hands on your right shoulder. He helped you sit up and lean against the rock.
"Uh, yea, I'm okay, I just fell asleep, I guess..". You didn't hear Ao'nung responding, only feeling his eyes lingering on you. You were confused because it seemed so random. He normally wouldn't even look your way, why is he so worried now?
After you fully came back to your sense, Ao'nung brought you back to your Marui. The walk was mostly silent, only interrupted by said boy, asking if you were okay when you tripped.
"Soo, I heard you talking to my sister today.." Ao'nung started, instantly making you panicking. You two were talking about him, about your crush and that you were insecure, since he needed someone pretty by his side.
You intended to walk away, but he stopped you by taking your arm and pulling you back to him.
"You have a bad habit with running away, you know that?" You didn't reply, only looking down on the ground. Ao'nung made you face him by pulling your chin up with his free hand. This gesture made your heart skip a beat, you never thought that this would ever happen to you.
"Hey, I think you're really beautiful, so stop worrying about something as ridiculous as that." You tried to pull away, denying what he just said but he didn't let go, now caressing your hand.
"No, I'm not, so stop lying to m-". You were interrupted by Ao'nung pulling your face to his own, you could barely feel his lips against yours, so light the kiss was.
He pulled back after a moment that felt like hours, caressing the side of your face now and putting his forehead on yours.
"I wish you could see yourself the way I do.."
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© 2023, VANTE1920PM
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taylorhawkins · 3 months
14 Essential-Listening Taylor Hawkins Tunes
… that aren’t “Cold Day in the Sun”!
1. Pitiful (Taylor Hawkins & the Coattail Riders)
One of his most emotionally raw tracks. I love the strange chords he used on the acoustic guitar to convey the somber depiction of guilt and shame associated with drug addiction described in the lyrics. This is a really painful song to listen to, but it’s beautiful.
2. The Path We’re On (Nighttime Boogie Association)
Matt Cameron and Taylor share vocal duties on this tune (Taylor sings the verses, Matt sings the choruses). Their voices together are pure heaven! Also features Melvins’ Buzz Osbourne snd Steven McDonald on guitar & bass. This group unfortunately only put out 2 songs during the pandemic, but they’re a magical 2.
3. I Could Be Somebody Else (NHC)
Psychedelic in every aspect of that word, this one is best experienced cranked with headphones. Trippy as hell. Dave Navarro was right when he said Taylor is a mind-blowing lyricist and singer. Another emotionally raw tune, when he said one of NHC’s songs makes him feel naked, I think he was referring to this one.
4. Running In Place (Taylor Hawkins & the Coattail Riders)
This song takes you on a journey. It eases you in, then crescendos into classic prog-influenced chaos before it turns to a stream of pretty guitar work and layered vocals as it drops you back off. Taylor said this one was something he wrote talking to himself, trying to bring himself back down to earth and not go crazy. “The Teacher” by Foo Fighters almost certainly took inspiration from this song - the breakdown is nearly identical, and the “…say goodbye” outro is very similar.
5. Too Much for My Own Good (Phil X & the Drills)
This song by Phil X features Taylor on the drums. This is such a fun rock & roll tune that will definitely be stuck in your head for days but you won’t be mad about it. Every person I’ve ever played this to has loved it!! PS- you’ve definitely heard Phil X before, his discography as a studio musician is wild.
6. You Drive Me Insane (Taylor Hawkins & the Coattails Riders)
I love the trippy riff and the vocals in this song, it’s a California rock & roll vibe and it’s one of my top favorites of his. One of his sexier tunes he said was written about Mrs. Alison Hawkins.
7. Southern Belles
No group credited as he played every instrument and sang this one! (I think the bass is either Chris Chaney or Nate Mendel, but I couldn’t find out for sure). This is a heavy-hitting, super catchy one about his southern family roots. Really under-appreciated track from the same EP that gave us “Range Rover Bitch”.
8. Never Enough (Taylor Hawkins and the Coattail Riders)
Taylor’s vocal range doesn’t get talked about enough… The cathartic way he belts his heart out at the end of this song gets me every single time. His voice was so beautiful. Another of that emotionally raw side of his music.
9. It’s Ok Now (Taylor Hawkins and the Coattail Riders)
Another earworm, this one’s rhythm is bound to make you move. His voice is pure rock and roll. I think you can really hear how much his songwriting impacted the Foo Fighters’ music on this album, even though many people think Dave told everyone what to play…when you really listen, that doesn’t seem to be the case. This song feels like summer sunshine to me.
10. Guess I’ll Go Away (Edgar Winter)
Taylor on vocals for “Brother Johnny”, a tribute to Johnny Winter album, this was one of the last things he did musically. He SLAYED that shit. He sounds so good. Rock and fucking roll.
11. Louise (Taylor Hawkins and the Coattail Riders)
I have no idea how he played that drumbeat and sang this song at the same time. Mind boggling. This song is so unique and so catchy, I don’t get why it wasn’t a hit. The rhythm section is my favorite part of the whole thing, Taylor and Chris Chaney locked in together SO well. It’s no wonder they played together from the Alanis days all the way up to him putting the ‘C’ in NHC.
12. Fearless (NHC)
This is a Pink Floyd cover…But it’s an amazing one! It’s groovy and trippy and they’re so locked in together, they were made to play music with each other. NHC unfortunately has a very small discography, otherwise I probably wouldn’t have selected a cover…but maybe I would’ve anyway, this one is just so good!
13. You’re No Good at Life No More (Taylor Hawkins and the Coattail Riders)
Taylor and Dave Grohl split the vocals on this one and it’s such a wild ride. You can really hear his Queen influence throughout this album… so much so that he manifested Roger Taylor’s appearance on the last track! D&T’s voices together are magic as you hear on “Rope” by Foo Fighters and their cover of “Come Together”, I always wish they sang together more often.
14. Perfect Day
Only a minute long, this beautiful song is just Taylor and his guitar. A sweet reminder he wrote for Mrs. Hawkins that his love is always with her no matter where he goes. I’m sure she treasures this one. There’s so much love in it.
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trumpkinhotboy · 1 year
"Would you like to dance?"
Pairing: Ron Weasley x Reader
Type: Not requested/blurb
Genre: Good vibess, no angst in sight
Rating: pg
Warnings: None!
Word count: Approx. 1700
Requests: Open!! (For Narnia and Twilight Wolfpack and maybe Ron Weasley/Harry Potter stuff ;o)
A/n: I know it's literally been a thousand years since I posted anything, but uhhhh what can I say? I watched the series and inspiration struck me 🤷‍♀️ Hope you enjoyyy
**Not my gif!!
**also can you imagine him looking at you like that??? ooompfff
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Summary: A few bumps in the road seem to darken the reader's night at a Hogwarts ball. Luckily, there's always a Weasley boy hanging around to lighten up the night and make everything feel right again.
This night was going the opposite way you thought it would. Even though you were in love with your dress and marveled at the music and decor in the Great Hall, there was one thing that put quite a dent in this enchanting night. You would have never expected your date to ditch you for another girl in the middle of a dance, except he did, right when the dancefloor started to get packed with people.
You could understand though, she was a beautiful girl and, since you also were in a few classes with her, you knew she was a really smart witch. It was quite embarrassing to be left for someone else, but if you were honest your date had never been your first choice. Considering that fact, you felt a bit less enraged than you should have been. In truth, you had hoped to ask a certain red-haired, clumsy Weasley, but hadn't been able to muster up the courage when the time had come. Thinking about it, this was the real thing that had put a dent in your night.
So there you sat, alone at an empty table, except for the few glasses left there; abandoned by their owners, who clearly had something better to do than sitting down. You stared at the crowd of students on the floor, feeling a mix of envy, anger, and a bit of shame. If it had just been about dancing to some upbeat song, you would have joined the crowd, confident you would find some friends in there, but no. With your luck, it had to be some romantic slow-tempo songs. The kind of song where you slow dance with someone, love, and magic in the air, as delicate snowflakes fall from the ceiling. The atmosphere was incredibly enchanting and romantic. Which was not helping your case. The sweet melody ended softly, and you straightened up, hoping it would switch to something a bit more upbeat. You were very disappointed to hear one of your favorite classical pieces slowly start to diffuse in the room. You ungracefully lowered, more like smacked, your head on the table, feeling cursed and wondering what you had done to deserve such a thing. You let out a sigh and defeated, decided to cut out the humiliation and go back to your room to cuddle up with a good book and a blanket.
That was your plan until you heard: “Ahem, would you like to dance?”
You nearly jumped out of your chair at the sound of the familiar voice. Someone you had been looking for all night, even though he seemed nowhere to be found. Your gaze met up with Ron’s and you couldn’t help a smile from illuminating your face.
“If I’d like to dance?” You repeated, feeling both delighted and incredibly surprised. The words immediately made his pale cheeks redden. You knew this wasn’t his thing, balls, dancing, and dressing up, but for him to offer this to you anyway made your stomach fill up with butterflies.
“Don’t make me ask again.” He pleaded, and for a second, he seemed unsure whether or not you would accept his offer. Which was funny, since you were the one sitting alone while everyone was dancing. Especially if you considered that he had been the one you wanted to dance with all night.
“I wouldn’t dream of it.” You answered as you got up, finally taking ahold of his outreached hand. He seemed to let out a small sigh of relief before a satisfied smile spread out on his pink lips.
He conducted you to the middle of the dancefloor while you stared at him with disbelief. Ronald Weasley was a lot of things, but being the kind of guy to bring a girl to the middle of a dancefloor at a ball, was not something you would have put on the list. He slowly brought you in, one hand holding yours, the other around your waist. As he made contact with you, you noticed that his hand was incredibly warm and… big? His thumb sat on your stomach as the rest of his palm laid out and reached the middle of your back.
Were his hands really this big? How had you never noticed?
“Y/n?” “Mh?” “Somethin' wrong?” “What?”
As you lifted your head, you realized you had been blatantly staring at his hand like it was a strange foreign object. You felt a blush creeping up your neck, suddenly making you feel incredibly hot and clammy.
"Is something the matter with my hand?" "What? Oh, no. I just noticed how hot it is in here. Don't you think? Isn't it hot in here?” You whispered while looking around, very much so like a crazy woman. “Uhm, no? Not really?” He looked up at the ceiling before adding with a chuckle. “I mean, snowflakes are coming down from the ceiling so.”
Oh right. You looked up, feeling like you might explode from embarrassment. You weren't generally this self-conscious (or dumb) around him, but tonight seemed to unveil all kinds of new surprises for you.
“Lord Y/n, quit blushing so much. Did you eat one of Fred and George’s nasty dessert pranks? The ones in the Skiving Snackboxes?”
You shook your head with an embarrassed smile. If he was actually comparing you to one of Fred and George's victims, you must have looked really terrible. You rested your forehead on his shoulder and before you could even think about what you were saying added, “It’s not the Snackboxes, but if you could stop making me feel so nervous I’d probably come back to a normal color. "
You felt his breath stop, and by the movement of his body, could guess that he was now staring at you. Immediate dread invaded your whole body. If an enraged thestral could come into the room right now and whisk you away, you would really love it. But no, you were stuck here with your big mouth, resting your sweaty forehead on Ronald Weasley's shoulder.
"I- uhm, I make you nervous?" An actual question, not a confident tone as if he knew the effect he had on you, no. He was actually asking you a question. Was that boy blind for God's sake!
"Can we just, dance?" You took a deep breath before you lifted your head to face him. "Please?"
He looked at your pleading eyes, an enormous question mark still written on his face. You felt his thumb timidly stroke the back of your waist before he added in a whisper.
"Sure, but you gotta know I’m a pretty shitty dancer."
You let out a loud laugh, relieved he didn't push the subject. "Oh you don't have to worry about that Weasley, I do know."
In fact, everybody knew how bad of a dancer Ron was. Another laugh escaped you as you remembered how uncomfortable he had looked when he'd danced with McGonagall before the Yule Ball.
"If you are such a bad dancer, why offer me a dance?" you asked with a teasing look.
"Well, I know how much you like to dance, and you look bloody amazing tonight. I could not leave you alone sitting at that table."
You started dancing again, both facing the opposite side of each other. Your chin right above his shoulder, you stared straight ahead. Now it was your turn to feel your breath catch in your throat.
Lots of people liked to joke about Ron's clumsiness and the fact that he used to get scared easily. Oh, and also that he was kind of a lunatic sometimes. But really, no one ever noticed how he was one of the most thoughtful, loyal, and protective people you could ever meet. That was a privilege you earned as you got to know him better.
You held him a bit tighter, feeling so grateful for his presence in your life. "Well, thank you," you mumbled, chin resting on his shoulder.
"No worries. Anyway, after dealing with your bum of a date, I had all the time in the world to come and badly dance with you."
"After you what!?" you took a step back to face him. He had the biggest smirk on his face, looking mischievous as ever. At that moment, the resemblance between him and his older twin brothers was uncanny.
"Ron!? What did you do?" You tried keeping a straight face, but in the end, couldn’t keep in your smile. There was the loyalty and protectiveness you loved so much. "You can see for yourself. I think about now, the desserts should have taken effect." he nodded to your right, and that’s when you saw him (or it) in the corner of the room. You gasped, hand flying to your mouth to hide the loud noise. You were regaled with the sight of your ex-date trying to make a big move towards his new companion. But as he leaned in, making that weird face guy sometimes make before they kiss you, his face started to distort into big bumps and lumps. He was not a feast for the eyes, and as he leaned in, one of the lumps made contact with his poor date's nose. She opened her eyes and screamed, horrified. She ran away, creating a big commotion around the lovely couple.
Ron and you hid in each other's shoulders trying to keep in your laughter. You both failed miserably, but still deserved an A for effort because that was quite a scene. When you lifted your head again, it was to meet your friend’s sparkling eyes. Snowflakes adorned his red hair, and the light of the candles floating everywhere reflected in his blue eyes. Once again, you were struck by how handsome he was.
"I wish I could scold you, but honestly, it feels pretty good to see he got what he deserves." (Okay, maybe it is a bit hypocritical to say that, but still. Even though he wasn't your first choice, you never would have abandoned him to go with someone else, as if he'd have never existed.) You smiled, sure a glimpse of adoration was creeping into your gaze. "Thank you, again. It's the second time you save me tonight Weasley. If you keep this going, I'm gonna have to start paying you back."
He let out a small chuckle, his hands now on your hips as yours rested on his broad shoulders.
"In fact…" you brought your lips to his cheek to lay down a small kiss. "First payment."
Now it was his turn to go red as a tomato, the sparkle shining even brighter in his blue eyes.
"Careful Y/l/n. You might encourage me to keep saving you if that’s how you repay me."
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live-laugh-neteyam · 1 year
Forever ||| tsu’tey x omatikaya!reader
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pairings: tsu'tey x omatikaya!fem!reader
summary: sometimes nothing lasts forever
words: 1.5k
warnings/notes: angsty angst, use of y/n, arranged marriage, forbidden love, implied smut, blame lewis capaldi for this one I love this song and it’s still on my mind after hearing it live
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Looking over the crowd everyone seemed to be having a wonderful time. Everyone but him. Tsu'tey would never admit it aloud though. There was shame in admitting you'd rather be anywhere but your own engagement party.
Eyes briefly scanning over you entering the crowd, he quickly stopped for a double take. The sight of you caused his breath to catch in his throat.
It was foolish really, to think you wouldn't show up. Of course you would be there. The celebration was for the future Olo'eyktan after all, everyone would be there. But still, seeing you caught him off guard.
Looking up you caught his gaze. Tsu'tey's intense eyes were locked on you, leaving you feeling exposed before him. Offering him a small smile you watched as his rough exterior melted slightly. Only you had that effect on him.
Gracefully you weaved through the crowd. Your radiant smile was on full display as you greeted people. Tsu'tey felt his heart pinch at the sight. He wanted to be the cause of your smile.
Before he could think about it his feet began taking him towards you. He stood before you not saying a word, he resembled a lost child.
"Oel ngati kameie Tsu'tey." You gestured towards him. Your smile never quite reached your eyes.
"You're here." He breathed.
"Of course. You are my future Olo'eyktan and my friend. I am here to show my support." You nodded.
The word stabbed at his heart. He didn't want to be your friend, not when you held his heart in your hands.
"Can we talk?" Fighting the urge to touch you he kept his fists glue to his side.
"Tsu'tey." You sighed. "We can't. Not with everyone here."
"Then let's leave." He pleaded with you. "Please Y/N."
"I don't think that's a good idea." You looked up at him pained. "You know it will change nothing. We can't go back."
"I don't know how to go through with this without talking to you first." His eyes clouding over with tears.
"We knew this would happen. No regrets, remember?"
"I know what we said, but-"
"Go back to your party Tey." You interrupted him. "Your betrothed is waiting."
Tsu'tey watched helplessly as you wandered back into the crowd. An arrow to the chest would hurt less than watching you walk away.
He knew this would eventually happen. He was chosen to be Olo'eyktan so he was to go through with an arranged marriage. But how could he when his heart was no longer his to give?
He loved you. He saw you. There was room for no one else.
Tsu’tey’s love for his people also ran deep. He felt that he was chosen for a reason; he couldn’t let his people down. No one ever questioned Tsahík for she interpreted the will of Eywa.
But there you were, beautiful as ever, freckles glowing under the bioluminescence of the night. The sight made him question his resolve all over again.
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You couldn't pinpoint when exactly it started. It had just always been him. Your heart beat for him and him only. The day you found out he reciprocated your feelings something inside you was lit aflame. The warmth in your heart had yet to subside.
The two of you had crossed the line of friendship long ago. Suddenly sweet kisses and hand holding were no longer enough. Your late night talks turned into late nights without much talking.
You slept soundly tucked away in his arms knowing that he was yours and you were his. Tsu'tey planned to take you as his mate, he all but told you so. He wanted you and no one else.
When it was announced that he was to be the next leader you felt as though your world was crashing down. Tsu'tey's future mate would be the next Tsahík and you were not her. You were just a common member of the clan; you weren't special or significant in any way.
The last thing you wanted was to break things off with him. But you knew what you had to do. Tsu'tey would be an excellent leader and you couldn't take that from him. You'd be damned if you robbed him of that great honor.
But there was a selfish part of him that refused to let you go. So every time you attempted to end things with him he never really listened. He was too focused on your lips to hear the words flowing from them.
"We still have time." He interrupted you.
"This won't last forever Tsu'tey." You mumbled. "We should quit while we're ahead."
Deep down he knew it wouldn't last forever, but that wouldn't stop him from trying to get there.
It went on like that for months. You would try to end it, but then he would kiss you and you melted. How could you ever say no to him?
"Tsu'tey." You wined as his fingers danced across your skin.
This was a dangerous game, you both knew it. You were playing with fire, practically daring your heart to break. But you couldn't bring yourself to care. Not when he whispered sweet nothings into your ear as his hand dipped into your loincloth.
You came completely undone under his touch. Melting like putty in his hands. You belonged to him. Body and heart you gave it all to him.
You treasured the nights spent tangled with him. Your love was untamed, the two of you completely blocking out what was to come.
One day these moments would become distant memories. You tried to live in the present as much as you could. Attempting to commit every last part of him to memory while he was yours.
Because you knew, it wouldn't last forever.
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Tsu'tey hadn't slept at all that night. It was becoming increasingly impossible after he became accustomed to sleeping with you in his arms.
The morning light stung his eyes as he stepped outside. His mind was on autopilot in his drowsy state. Tsu'tey didn't remember walking to your home, but that's where he found himself.
"Tsu'tey?" You questioned when you noticed him outside.
Guiding him in you made him take a seat. Your heart clenched at the sight of him. The dark bags under his eyes an indication of his lack of sleep.
"Are you alright?" You hesitantly questioned. He shouldn't be here.
"No." He grumbled.
"Why are you here?" You hated being so formal, but he was betrothed now. You no longer had any claim to him.
"I don't remember why." He mumbled.
Tsu'tey was lost without you. The distance was making him lose his mind. He started pondering giving up on his duties. He wouldn't mind if in the end he could have you.
"Oh Tsu'tey." You sighed. This was like stones in your heart. But you had to be the bad guy. The one to make the tough call. You wouldn't allow him to throw away his future for you.
"Do you regret it? Regret us?" He asked almost fearful.
“I regret the timing. The circumstances. But not you. I would never regret you.”
Nodding somberly he seemed somewhat satisfied with that answer.
“I keep thinking if things were different.” He spoke.
“No. Don’t do that to yourself. Don’t do that to me.” Tears clouded your vision.
“Yawne.” He whispered.
“Don’t call me that.” You whimpered. “Please do not call me that.”
Tsu’tey went to reach for you. His protective instincts kicking in the moment he noticed your tears. Immediately you pulled away from him.
“You act like this is not hard for me. This is killing me, but one of us has to take things seriously.” You said as your arms wrapped around yourself.
“I have accepted an offer of courtship.” You sighed.
“Who?” Tsu’tey asked through gritted teeth. He was seething with anger at the thought of someone trying to claim what was rightfully his.
You shook your head at him. You knew Tsu’tey like the back of your hand. You wouldn’t allow him to do something regretful in his blinded jealous rage.
Tsu’tey sighed in defeat. It felt real now. You were no longer his and he would never be yours again. His heart that once burned bright with his love for you now felt like a flickering ember.
He wanted to wish you the best, but he didn’t think he was able to. Selfishly, he didn’t want to wish you happiness when it wasn’t with him.
“I think you should go.” You wiped away a few stray tears. “I’m so sorry.”
Without another word Tsu’tey got up to leave. Turning he took one last look at you. Tears were still streaming down your cheeks. You offered him a weak smile.
“I hope you know I wish you happiness. I truly do Tsu’tey.”
In that moment he wanted to rip his heart out and offer it to you so you’d never be apart. It was already yours.
“Goodbye yawne.” He whispered before he left.
As he walked back towards home tree he realized that the two of you together now only existed in his memories. Your shared love now officially a thing of the past.
Nobody said that it would last forever
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vastill · 1 year
Lay All Your Love On Me
Rebecca Welton/fem!reader
warnings: fluff, curse words
words: 1500+
My requests are open!!
English is not my first language!!
A/N: after watching Hannah and Sam's duet the idea of her doing a karaoke duet couldn't leave my mind so here it is. i hope you guys will enjoy it. let me know what you think about this format for fics!💚
and a big thank you to @neuroprincess for motivating me to write this!!💚
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AFC Richmond was on a streak of wins. Everyone couldn't be more happy with how everything was turning out. The team has done a wonderful job throughout all season. And with the upcoming break, they needed to relax. Keeley insisted on a group outing to the newly opened karaoke bar. Despite the team's initial hesitation, nobody could turn down Keeley’s puppy eyes.
And on the weekend everyone from the team met up in the bar. Keeley reserved a private room for all of you. The club was nice, not a lot of people were there so it was a plus. No one from the team wanted the attention on them tonight. They only wanted to get drunk and sing their hearts out.
You stood with them as Rebecca made her way to the bar for drinks. The bartender quickly took her order, she looked in your direction smiling softly when she noticed you laughing with Keeley and Sassy about something. At first, she was afraid that you won’t make friends on the team, but she was quickly proven wrong. You matched perfectly with them, and Rebecca couldn’t be happier. As she was waiting for the drinks she kept admiring you from afar.
“Hey, gorgeous.” Someone next to her said, but Rebecca didn't pay attention, it would never have occurred to her that this person was talking to her. “Hey, beautiful I’m talking to you.” The man said again, now touching Rebecca’s arm.
“Sorry, not interested.” She said looking over her shoulder. The man was in his thirties in a suit and clearly drunk, she noticed some other guys at the table behind him watching the two interact.
“That’s a shame, I could buy you a drink, and then we would see how everything turns out.” He slurred coming closer to her his hand inching to grab her by the waist. He was so close she could smell the alcohol in his breath. She took a quick step back and bumped into someone. She felt the hand of someone behind her sneaking around her waist and tugging her closer to them. She looked down and noticed the rings you always wore on your fingers, relaxing immediately.
“No worries, she has a drink. You can go back where you came from.” You said sternly, gaining his attention.
“Let the lady decide. Maybe she wants to have a good time.” He said winking at Rebecca, completely ignoring your tone.
“Oh, piss off. No one would have wanted any time with you.” You said now standing between Rebecca and the man. “Leave her the fuck alone.” He backed off and cursed you out, going back to his friends.
“I could handle him on my own.” Rebecca said to you when you finally got your drinks.
You sighed, “I know darling, but I couldn’t watch him get close to you, I had to do something. I didn’t want him touching you.” Rebecca let out a chuckle, noticing a hint of jealousy and maybe possessiveness in your voice.
“Well, thank you my knight in shining armor.” She said, giving you a kiss on the cheek, “And for the record, you look hot when you are jealous.” She whispered in your ear.
“I wasn’t-” You wanted to defend yourself but Rebecca was no longer there. You stood dumbfounded at the bar, watching her go to the private room that the rest of the team was in.
When you walked in Ted was finishing singing some country song, that you didn’t really know. But from the team's reaction, it had to be good, all of them cheering loudly and applauding Ted. Or maybe they were just drunk. Next in the line was Beard, he chose a song from ARTPOP. You noticed Rebecca looking over the songs and you couldn't wait to hear her sing.
Beard gave a hell out of a performance, everyone singing with him. As he was stepping from the stage Rebecca came to you, “Come on baby, now is our turn.” She said with a mischievous smile.
“What? But I don’t know what we are singing!” You exclaimed confused as Rebecca was guiding you to the stage.
“Believe me, you know it. I choose this song just for you.” She smiled handing you a microphone. You heard everyone cheer as they saw you both on the stage. “You are starting!” She told you as the music started to play.
And then you heard it. Lay All Your Love On Me by ABBA. You turned to glare at Rebecca but you couldn’t stop your smile as you noticed her joyous expression. She was so proud of herself.
Don't go wasting your emotion
Lay all your love on me
Rebecca sang as she was walking around the stage, swaying her hips. You couldn't take your eyes off of her. She looked perfect in her baby blue dress, she matched ideally with the song.
I wasn't jealous before we met
Now every man I see is a potential threat
You started singing looking directly at Rebecca as she smiled sweetly. You couldn’t help but shake your head, she really did pick a perfect song. You came to stand beside her, your hand sneaking around her waist as you sang the verse looking at the team, your finger pointing at all of them.
And I'm possessive, it isn't nice
You've heard me saying that smoking was my only vice
You glued yourself from Rebecca and walked over to Sassy, who handed you a cigarette. You jokingly took it and pretended to smoke with Sass. Rebecca laughed at you from the stage, shaking her head at your theatrics.
But now it isn't true
Now everything is new
And all I've learned has overturned
I beg of you...
You came back to the stage, kneeling before Rebecca as you sang the last verse. Now was Rebecca’s turn to start singing. She bent down to be at your height and looked you straight in the eyes.
Don't go wasting your emotion
Lay all your love on me
It was like shooting a sitting duck
As she gracefully stepped down from the stage, she walked towards Keeley. Her eyes never left you, as if she was trying to convey something through her gaze. As the next verses of the song began, she leaned on Keeley, who caught her with open arms. It was as if she was pretending to faint.
A little small talk, a smile, and baby I was stuck
I still don't know what you've done with me
A grown-up woman should never fall so easily - Rebecca and Keeley sang together.
Rebecca walked among the team towards you, her hips swaying more than usual. Everyone was in awe of her, and the way she moved with such fluidity was nothing short of mesmerizing.
I feel a kind of fear
When I don't have you near
You watched her like a hawk, admiring how relaxed and confident she looked. When she was nearing the stage, you pointed your finger at her and motioned for her to come closer.
Unsatisfied, I skip my pride
I beg you, dear
As you both were on stage, you started circling around Rebecca. Singing every verse directly to her. You grabbed her hand and spun her around, she landed in your arms and you both swayed, singing together the chorus.
Don't go wasting your emotion
Lay all your love on me
Don't go sharing your devotion
Lay all your love on me
As you waited for the next verse, you couldn't help but glance over at Rebecca. She looked so beautiful up on that stage, completely in her element. You felt so lucky to be here with her that you couldn't resist the urge to show her how much you cared. You grabbed her face and gently pressed your lips against hers, savoring the softness of her mouth and the warmth of her embrace. It was a quick kiss but seeing her blushed cheeks and hearing the team applauding you was enough for you.
I've had a few little love affairs
They didn't last very long and they've been pretty scarce
You jokingly scoffed as she sang, and turned to walk away from her. But before you could get too far, Rebecca quickly grabbed your hand and tugged you into her embrace. Your back hit her chest and you felt her warmth behind you as she enveloped you in her arms.
I used to think I was sensible
It makes the truth even more incomprehensible
You turned around in her embrace wanting to see her face as you sang this verse together.
'Cause everything is new
And everything is you
And all I've learned has overturned
What can I do?
Rebecca hit the highest note in the last verse, causing a surge of excitement throughout the team. As the last chorus began, you both sang together in perfect harmony. The rest of the team joined in, jumping and screaming the lyrics from the top of their lungs. Their enthusiasm was contagious that you and Rebecca couldn’t stop smiling as you watched them getting lost in the song.
As the song ended, the team erupted into howls and applause, showing their appreciation for your performance. You and Rebecca held each other tightly, your foreheads touching, despite the noise, you only had eyes for Rebecca, admiring the way her eyes shined and the big smile on her face. You couldn't resist any longer and grabbed her face, pulling her in for a deep, passionate kiss. The team's reaction was wild, adding to the excitement of the moment. You felt a rush of adrenaline as you broke the kiss, and smiled at her.
“I think I'm falling in love with you,” you said, your voice barely above a whisper.
Rebecca's eyes widened, and for a moment, you thought you'd made a mistake. But then she leaned in, her lips meeting yours in another kiss. When she pulled away, she was grinning from ear to ear.
“I think I'm falling in love with you too,” she said, her eyes shining with emotion.
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prettylittlels · 9 months
He (Tom Blyth part 1)
summary: you meet a beautiful stranger on the train, what a shame you'll never see him again
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He. He, who looks like a Lana del Rey song. He, who dresses old money style and wears tweed suits. He, who looks like the leading man in a book written by a woman. He is an Alex Turner mixed with Tommy Shelby. Just him. That's what occupies my view at the moment. One Wednesday afternoon on the subway, he appears in front of me. So elegant, so delicate, yet so masculine and impetuous at the same time. He is the only thing in this world that is a pleasure to see, what a sight for sore eyes! I don't know how long I've been looking at him, mesmerized by the way he is. If it were up to me, I would stare and stare at him all my life with pleasure. But not everything turns out the way you want it to, does it? In this trance-like state, I don't pay much attention to a woman to my left screaming fiercely. Nor had I realized she was talking to me, still focused on this divine being; only really hearing as she waves her wrinkled hand wildly up and down my face.
- ... stupid ? Are you deaf? -
- Excuse me, madam,- I reply, -I'm...
-No! - she yells at me again - didn't you notice that I've been trying to tell you something for five minutes?-
-I'm sorry, really - I say trying to keep calm. Is anyone witnessing this? - I didn't mean to... - Turning my head, my gaze meets his.
No. No, no, no, no, no, no, no! At that very moment I begin to question all my decisions made during the day. What is he going to think of me now? Surely I must look like an idiot who doesn't listen well. I look awful today, is he looking at my hair? Why didn't I put some makeup on today?
But all those doubts vanished the second he started smiling. I used that millisecond to burn that image into my brain. It was as if God himself sculpted that smile.
Before the insufferable old woman could continue screeching, the subway arrived at my stop and I took that opportunity to run out through the automated doors. Independence station wasn't the most well-kept station in the city, so as I escaped I collided with the rest of the people trying to get into the subway to avoid stepping on any garbage bags. Approaching the stairs to go up to the streets again, I accepted the fact that I will never again meet that man who looked out of a Vogue magazine, and that I will only meet with him again when creating romantic fantasies, where I live in a double apartment in Edim....
-Miss! Miss! - echoes a man's voice along the corridor - Wait a second! -
I stop. I sigh. I turn around.
Who could it be now?
It was him. Him! He's walking towards me! No, running towards me. With a purse very similar to mine. Wait, what?
-You forgot your bag on the subway - he breathlessly informs me. She laughs as she laughed before - I almost didn't notice -
He holds the purse out to me.
-Th-Thank you - I manage to say. Fucking hell, the first time I talk to her and I already look bad - Sir.-
- Ha! - That smile again - You're welcome -
I grab my purse, and hold it against my chest. What do I say to him? Oh, God; my nerves are eating me alive. Brain, where's an excuse when you need it?
I smile politely to show my gratitude and turn around to climb the tall stairs. I need. To get. Home. Now.
The man looks at me confused and wishes me goodnight. He's walking the opposite way from me, and I couldn't be more relieved.
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thornybubbles · 2 years
Reader's theme song for when they finally escape their yandere JoJo character
You can't help but wave at DIO as he silently watches you get further and further away from him as the helicopter rises in the night sky. You're feeling pretty smug right now and a part of you wishes that you could see the look on his face, but you're too far away. Is he angry? Heartbroken? A little of both? You can't say that you really care. You feel a thrill of excitement go through you as you realize that you not only managed to escape, but actually outsmarted DIO of all people (not that DIO really qualified as a "person" anymore). It made you feel almost giddy with a sense of power that you haven't felt in a long, long time. Freedom is a beautiful thing, and you would never take it for granted again.
That's why it's such a shame that your little escape attempt doesn't get very far. It took so long for you to arrange things with your benefactor and to have it all blow up in your face is devastating. Vanilla Ice is waiting for you when the helicopter lands. You run from him. It's all you can do. You have no idea how DIO's number one lackey managed to find you so quickly, but you know that if he catches you, it's game over. He'll drag you back to DIO and you don't even want to think about what the vampire will have in store for you when you get back.
Vanilla's Stand, Cream, makes short work of the pilot, gobbling him up whole as the poor man screams in terror. He even goes so far as to eat the helicopter, too. Then Vanilla sets his sites on you. Cream eats his way through the building where you were supposed to meet with your benefactor, chasing after you, all the while you can hear Vanilla Ice's voice chastising you from inside the Stand's mouth. He admonishes you for your disobedience and ingratitude saying that he hoped Lord DIO left your punishment up to him, but he felt that his Lord would no doubt want to deal with you himself. You tell yourself not to, but you look back over your shoulder at him. Cream is smashing through doors, walls, even stairwells to get to you. He's getting closer and closer with every step you take. It won't be long before he corners you and Vanilla pulls you into the Stand's deadly mouth where you will be trapped inside with him.
Freedom was really nice for the short time it lasted.
I just wanted to post the silly song and write a short blurb of the Reader escaping a yandere. I hadn't meant for this to turn into a whole thing (or to turn so sinister), but it did. Oh well...
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muirneach · 4 months
okay. neil time. my official review: guys oh my god he is so good i love him so much. but much more gushing below:
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im not retyping all that + setlist. he really did not speak like at all. before fuckin up (i think idr) he DID say ‘my producer died. we’re all gonna die by the way. just something to keep in mind’ which like. okay lol. and then every few songs he would say, and i quote, “hows everyone doin”. we’re doing great neil. but i respect it. anyways the man can play a hell of guitar for someone who is 78. i was just standing there being like my god. thats neil young and he is playing guitar. he’s real and he is so good. phenomenal stuff!! i can tell he was just havin fun with it lol. the horse was also very good. they were friends all having fun!! i want to be more insightful than this but literally like. he’s good guys. he did some really good solos. and i love him. good setlist 👍 losing end i feel like was surprising? but lots and lots of everybody knows which is always good. both the electric and the acoustic sets were wonderful. and i don’t know if it was the sound mixing or what but his harmonica sounded absolutely magical. i like harmonica but i have NEVER heard it that beautiful before.
pics i took lol:
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this sign… i could cry. welcome back neily :) also i loved the nya village i had seen pics of it but i didn’t know what it was all about. wow the guy just loves to find his way into my envsci heart. imo it really really felt like the times contrarian come to life because it was a bunch of tables with different themes and they were giving away seeds and talking about agriculture and all that. and i loved that it was very local to toronto (/whatever city he’s in ofc). like they had local alternative magazines and their environment stuff was about here. i loved that level of care. this paper was the only thing i got there and now he lives on my bedside table :)
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there was a family of goslings before the show and the moon was out and also there was a severe thunderstorm watch and the show almost got postponed but luckily it didn’t even rain so all was good. oh also its victoria day so people light fireworks and we couldn’t hear them because neil was blasting but we could see them it was nice
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oh and lastly. him. typically when i take concert pictures they always suck because they make the performers look so far away even if i have good seats. and like thats true here but honestly i was so far away from the stage that he was so tiny anyways. no jumbotron which is a shame but that is par for the course from neil ‘dont even THINK about filming me’ young. i had a great time tho like i definitely saw him. he’s been playing a lot of small venues but lets remember that toronto goes ALL OUT for that old man and this was a sold out 16k seat venue so i cannot complain i literally got to attend a concert from my all time favourite old man. disbelief honestly. i love u neil!!
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Teir Abhaile Rui (Celtic Woman)
Look how the lights of the town/The lights of the town are shining now/Tonight, I’ll be dancing around I’m off on the road to Galway now/Look how she’s off on the town/She’s off on a search for sailors, though/There’s fine fellas here to be found/She’s never been one to stay at home
"When this song plays I feel like frolicking in a meadow. i feel like a wild stallion running free with the wind in my mane. It’s so lighthearted and fun and beautiful."
Poll Runner: One of those many Tik Tok songs, only it's actually good. Very charming.
It's Alright (Mother Mother)
I am touching, I am grabbing/Everything I can't be havin'/I am broken down in shame/It's alright, it's okay, it's alright, it's okay/You're not a demon, there's a reason/You're behaving that way
I don't wanna know who I am/Cause heaven only knows what I'll find/I don't wanna know I'm not capable/Of coming out alive/I don't wanna see what's inside/I think that I would rather be blind/I don't wanna know I'm not capable, I'm capable
"It tells me exactly what I need to hear and it fucks me up so much in a good way because I beat myself up too much."
"The song is pretty much catharsis, it is a call and response between someone mentally unwell in a destructive manner talking about the things they have done, and others reassuring them that their mistakes don't define them and they will be okay. By the end of the song, the one the song is about is saying they're okay and repeating the reassurances back. This song got me through a dark spot."
Poll Runner: When I was first drafting the very first post in this blog and wondering what songs people would submit, this was close to the top of my list. This song does nothing but fuck me up. It's my go-to song for mental breakdown post-care, perfect for your angsty blorbos, it just... it's a song that really means a lot to me.
Teir Abhaile Rui submitted by @catboygirlboss
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