#And I remember summers that didn't have us constantly have over 30° degrees
wesavegotham · 1 year
I don't understand people who get mad at climate protesters. Like, how can you not realize that even in my not too long lifespan (25 years) climate has changed at a lot and the world seems to be either burning of flooding.
And no amount of ignorance and denial in favor of capitalism is going to change the fact that this way of living isn't sustainable.
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la-appel-du-vide · 6 years
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09•20•18 - 09•23•18
Vegassss the SEQUEL baby!
Two weekends in Vegas in a row is FINE by me. (: This week's event? iHeartRadio! ❤️ After last year, we knew it would be a fun tradition. This time, it was me, Beach and Kena.
Kena and I headed down on Thursday night. Beach had to stay home for work until Saturday. It was Kena and I's first road trip in a while, but we fell right back into the swing of things. Between talking and singing along to all of the throwbacks, time flew by. We made it to St. George in record time, and then got caught up in 45 minutes at McDonald's waiting for subpar fries. Regrets, but also so funny. 😂
We made it to Lisa's around midnight, and headed to bed. (Side-note: Lisa's guest bed has the most amazing comforter. 😍 It's like sleeping on a cloud. I want one so bad. It's my favorite part of staying at her house!) On Friday, we got up and ready, and went over to the Neon Boneyard. I always try to do something new in Vegas every time I go, and this was the big one this trip. The Neon Boneyard is a a place where any old Vegas signs from the Strip go when they are retired. It was so cool to see all the old signs and lights. And it made for some amazing photos as well. The only issue was the 102 degree weather! ☀️☀️ We had to keep taking breaks from the unforgiving sun by hanging out in the adorable gift shop. I would definitely recommend this place.
After the Neon Boneyard, we stopped by the Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas sign to take our traditional photos. Then we made yet another stop at the Seven Magic Mountains. (Kena's never seen them, but at this point, I've been like 10 times hahaha.) She also loved them, of course. We even took some photos of me sitting on her shoulders, and I'm just wildly impressed by her ability to stand up with me sitting on her! She got claps from strangers around us haha.
Then we had dinner at the Cheesecake Factory, and did some shopping. Such a perfect day in one of my favorite cities. 
On Saturday, we got up and got ready for the music festival. We went to pick up Brady from the airport, and she told us that she had forgotten her ticket for the concert. She kills me haha, I had texted her to remind her, but also had told Kena that I was 98% sure she would forget it anyway. I should have gone to pick it up from her house beforehand. So poor Beach had to sit for seven hours waiting for us, because she couldn't get in. Life lesson - If you're going to a concert, remember your ticket!
The concert was moved to a different location this year, given the tragedy that took place a year ago at the original location. This one had zero shade, so that was rough. The nice part was, there weren't as many people here this year. We had a lot of space to go in and out, and didn't feel as much pressure to keep our spot at the front. I didn't know as many of the artists this year, but I was still excited.
Highlights were 5 Seconds of Summer, Dua Lipa, Bazzi, Logic, and Dustin Lynch. Dua Lipa was probably my favorite though. The girl is SASSY. Watching her perform was so fun. She really put on a show, and gave off great vibes. I liked her stuff before, but I'm a big fan now.
This may be the literal hottest I've ever been though. We were just standing in the sun, with no protection. It was over 100 degrees. We were surrounded by people. I was honestly pouring sweat. It was disgusting haha. When artists came on-stage that we weren't interested in, we would walk back to a little patch of shade a ways off, and just try to cool down for a few minutes. Taking breaks also made it so that my back and feet didn't suffer like they did last year.  
The worst thing that happened to me that day: During one of our shade breaks, I looked up and noticed a woman I was pretty sure was Brandi Cyrus literally 10-feet away from us. I pointed her out to Kena, and we were both pretty certain that it was her. She was wearing sunglasses, but it looked just like her and she was in an outfit I was sure she'd wear. I second-guessed, and didn't go up to her for fear of it being just a random stranger. Well, she walked away, and I later saw on her Instagram, a post of her at the concert IN THAT OUTFIT. IT WAS LITERALLY BRANDI CYRUS 10 FEET FROM ME, AND I DIDN'T GET A PICTURE?!?? ARE YOU KIDDING. I'm so upset. How did I miss my opportunity to talk to a Cyrus. I'm crushed. I tweeted about how sad I was, and she actually tweeted me back, so I guess that's cool. Anyway, it's still too soon to talk about this. 😭😭😭
After the concert, we went to meet Beach and go get dinner. (Poor girl, I feel so bad she had such a boring day.) Then Beach really wanted to try her hand at gambling. So we went to the Bellagio, and she played one round of blackjack. She lost, but it was fun to watch haha. Now she wants to go to Wendover, and play on some cheaper tables. We did all get to play some slot machines though. We had no idea what we were doing. But we each ended up getting the chance to cash out for like $0.25. Wooooooo, big winners. (; 🎰🎰🎰
On Sunday, we went to the other Las Vegas waterpark, Wet N Wild. We needed a day of relaxation after the stress our bodies went through at the concert. The water felt AMAZING. They had this one slide called the Rattler, and it was a blast. All three of us got to sit in a raft, and we'd go down these big hills into these spheres, and just get constantly soaked. We laughed the whole time and loved it. There were a lot of fun slides! And again, hardly any people were there. We also loved lounging in the lazy river, and just relaxing. I'm obsessed with the water and summer and whyyyyyy does it have to get cold.
I could have stayed there all day long. Kena was a little stressed about getting home early enough to get sleep before work, so we ended up leaving at about 3:30. We made record time getting home as well - girl is SPEEDY and it's impressive hahaha. It was a pretty easy ride home. (:
Missing Vegas already this week.... The city is a party and a half. You just gotta know how to do it right (;
Also quotes to remember:
"I'm Logic, and I represent one thing: peace, love and positivity.""That's 3 things..."
*at Kate Spade*"I LOVE THAT BACKPACK""It's $398""Ohhhhh perfectttttt"
*walking past a sunglasses kiosk at Caesar's Palace*"Laddiiesssss, meooooow!""He must know you're a cat person."
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