#And I love how WWX comes back a little (a lot) horrifying. In his actions and appearance - he has changed. Maybe for the worst.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs ¡ 10 months ago
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In the shape of you, something new.
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vrishchikawrites ¡ 4 years ago
I can't help but dislike lan xichen because he called wei wuxian a mistake. I know he's a good character and he had ever reason to be upset, but something about that conversation just bothers me. I don't know why it does.
​Hm, I get you. I think this is a clear example of a character's actions having a different impact on the reader than on the plot.
Plot-wise, Xichen's reaction is 100% justified. He a worried older brother. He knows LWJ loves WWX and has been rejected by him. He is concerned that LWJ would get his heart broken again. It is an understandable concern. When you look at everything objectively, we have no reason to be angry at LXC for his reaction.
But the readers have just gone through 100 chapters of people just having a go at WWX for every fucking thing, whether it is his fault or not, with not a single apology in sight.
That's why we see many people so unreasonably pissed at LXC.
It is just another thing that WWX has to silently accept. When he was kid, he was called a bastard and abused. That abuse goes unacknowledged. The fall of LP is laid at his feet, he has to deal with it. He pays off his debt and goes through horrifying trauma, that goes unacknowledged too. He faces a lot of injustice and accusations (a lot of times those accusations are baseless and spiteful), he has to accept and brush it aside. He does this again and again. Not a single person acknowledges that it was wrong to put a man through this.
LXC then comes along to say WWX is LWJ's only mistake. WWX again brushes it aside and focuses on important matters. But it has to hurt. WWX loves LWJ at this point. He just as to accept that the entire Lan clan probably thinks the same (with good reason in their eyes but that doesn't change the fact that it will hurt) Then we have LQR at CR post canon asking everyone to stay away from WWX. He brushes it aside. Look, WWX understood that the juniors turned and walked away from him because of LQR's rule and they would meet anyways. But it was still another injustice. Remember this point for me, I will come back to it.
Everything, he just has to deal with and forget. Not one time does anyone acknowledge the shit people just carelessly hurl at WWX and forget about it.
WWX being WWX, he doesn't care and will probably continue to live happily. But he has taken a lot of hits with no resolution from everyone. By this stage, readers have reached saturation point with the amount of BS WWX has to put up with and forgive.
LWJ loves WWX and that is the only saving grace in this entire situation.
LXC is like the last straw off the camel's back, so to speak. This is another careless, hurtful comment flung at WWX in anger and WWX is just made to bear it.
It is natural to be a little pissed at LXC, even if it is unreasonable. After all, LWJ is the only person WWX has in his corner (aside from WN). By calling WWX LWJ's mistake, LXC essentially said WWX didn't deserve even that bit of happiness.
But that is a reader's emotional response to the story. It isn't actually LXC's character at fault. He is being perfectly reasonable given how much information he has.
The fact is, readers are invested in WWX by this point and we're being told -yeah people just fling accusations and abuses at the character we want you to love, no one apologizes for it, even the kind older brother thinks he's trash, but the guy we made you love is just gonna shrug it all off and be happy because that's just him. And you can't be a little bit mad about it.
Lmao, that's a bit of excellent writing but it is also immensely irritating.
Now, onto a more serious observation. WWX is essentially alone and socially isolated at this point. Before his death, he had WQ, WN, and the remnants with him.
Post canon, he only has LWJ and WN and even WN rightfully chooses to live his own life.
We love and trust LWJ but that man has a rock solid support system. A brother, an uncle, a sect, society's respect, status, and wealth.
WWX has none of that. As attached readers, we're asked to trust a beloved character into a family where - one important member thinks WWX is a mistake and the other actively tries to keep him away from other sect members.
Then we're asked to trust that LWJ is all WWX will ever need. I can tell you- in marriage, you need a few people other than your spouse to stay in your corner if there's conflict. Even if the conflict is minor. The situation here is - WWX lacks a support system outside of LWJ. LWJ's family and the society as a whole will consider it ABSOLUTELY HIS FAULT if things go even a little sideways.
That, nonny, is something that people may realize and feel very uncomfortable about. That may be one of the reasons why LXC words hit a little harder. Because of course, the sect leader and brother's first concern is gonna be LWJ if there's an event where LWJ needs protecting from WWX.
But who protects WWX if he, in an unlikely event, needs protecting from LWJ?
(I want to make it clear that I don't consider WWX weak or vulnerable. He can take care of himself even if the entire world turns again him. and he certainly won't face any issues with lwj by his side. But it is a situation that can be a tad troubling if you look too deeply. )
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robininthelabyrinth ¡ 4 years ago
A continuation of NHS invites WWX to JYL's wedding, and what happened there? Perhaps about how the estemed Hanguang Jun ended up running off and eloping with the Nie sect heir's intended?
continuation of that short fic, now it’s own fic on ao3
Plus One - Chapter 2
“So,” Nie Huaisang said, sidling up to his brother and his two sworn brothers now that they’d finally gotten to the party part of the wedding and they could all huddle up in a corner to be anti-social together.
Or, well, for Nie Mingjue and Lan Xichen to be anti-social and for Jin Guangyao to be forcefully restrained from attempting to perform hosting duties, which he incessantly tried to do - it was like he had no idea what servants were for. Which Nie Huaisang supposed was understandable, given everything, but the way Jin Guangshan encouraged him to do it certainly wasn’t.
“So,” Nie Mingjue said, his voice only mildly ominous in a way that suggested, to Nie Huaisang at least, that he was still finding this whole thing incredibly funny.
Accordingly, Nie Huaisang ignored him. “How much do you think I can milk being horribly dumped?” he asked. “Because I think I’m about to be horribly dumped.”
“By your new ‘intended’?” Lan Xichen said, looking amused. “Really, Huaisang, I don’t know what you were thinking by bringing him.”
“Uh, that he deserves to attend his shijie’s wedding? Obviously?”
“But to bring him to Lanling…”
“He’s my guest,” Nie Huaisang said haughtily, bringing out his fan and doing his best ‘rich young master who is better than this and is most certainly above your petty questions’ Jin sect impression. “You aren’t suggesting that the Jin sect would take back an invitation they freely issued, would they? Or breach the rules of hospitality?”
“Huaisang, Xichen didn’t mean it that way and you know it,” his brother said, sounding annoyed, but in his relaxed run-of-the-mill ‘I hate parties’ type of annoyance, rather than specifically about his behavior. “Obviously the Jin sect won’t do anything about it. Regardless of any other considerations, anything they did would be refusing to show our Nie sect face, and then I’d have to make an issue of it.”
He sounded wistful. Probably thinking about how he could use it as an excuse to storm out and go home early.
“We’re only worried about you, Huaisang,” Jin Guangyao murmured, looking remarkably calm for someone who was definitely (if unobtrusively) being blocked from leaving by two very tall men with excessive mother hen tendencies. “You’re all grown up now, not a child – you need to think about the political implications your actions might have. Aren’t you concerned about your brother’s reaction?”
Huaisang was about to explain that he’d gotten his brother’s permission, but then he remembered that they were in Lanling, full of spies, so he decided to tell Jin Guangyao about that later.
“It’s not my problem that Sect Leader Nie has to think about politics at what should be a happy family event,” he said instead, nose in the air, and Lan Xichen frowned even as Nie Mingjue sighed, probably at Nie Huaisang’s total lack of caring about even the basic obligations of etiquette. Or possibly his reference to their little inside joke, but these were his sworn brothers, so they’d have to figure out sooner or later that Sect Leader Nie and Nie Mingjue weren’t always the same. “Besides, that isn’t what I asked. I asked about how long I can milk my terrible heartbreaking break up.”
“I thought you were getting dumped?” his brother asked, passing him a jar of wine. A good brother, even if he was mocking him.
“Getting dumped leads to a break-up,” Nie Huaisang insisted. “Wei-xiong is a thankless white-eyed wolf who was just using me with absolutely no consideration of my tender feelings.”
“You have tender feelings?” his brother said. “Why wasn’t I informed of this?”
Nie Huaisang kicked him in the shin.
As usual, it had no impact whatsoever on his brother and only hurt his own toes, but it was the principle of the thing.
“Huaisang,” Lan Xichen said, his voice oddly gentle, even softer than normal. “Did you – really – for Wei Wuxian –”
Nie Huaisang, who’d been taking a drink of wine, nearly choked. “Er-ge,” he said, mildly horrified. “Please. Wei-xiong is a very handsome gentleman, fearless and dashing, with all the skills one might ask for in a son-in-law –”
“Brother-in-law,” his brother muttered, as if he hadn’t been Nie Huaisang’s de facto father figure for years.
“– and, yes, I suppose we have similar tastes in drinking, carousing, and pornography –”
“Of course you do,” Jin Guangyao said, looking up at the ceiling as if it would hide how his lips were twitching.
“– but let us not forget: he lives in a trash heap. With Wen sect. I have standards!”
“I thought he was marrying in?” Lan Xichen asked, smiling again now that he had confirmed that there was no actual heart-breaking occurring in the vicinity. “He’d live in the Unclean Realm that way, wouldn’t he?”
“He would not,” Nie Mingjue put in. “I don’t care if they’re all enlightened saints that do nothing but charity all day, no one surnamed Wen is living in my home.”
“You see what I’m up against?” Nie Huaisang said, holding out his hands in appeal to his brother’s sworn brothers. “My da-ge doesn’t understand, he’s only good for swinging a saber! How cruel and heartless must a man be to stand in the way of true love?”
Lan Xichen covered his smile with his sleeve. Jin Guangyao pressed his lips together in such a way that made his cheeks especially round and quivering with suppressed laughter, like a mouse stuffing its face to bulging with rice.
“Er-ge, you wouldn’t be nearly this cruel if it were you, would you?” Nie Huaisang asked, reaching out and tugging said sleeve. “You’d be kind and generous about it – I bet you’d find them a nice little place to live, maybe next to those foothills you’re always saying you want someone to use but that you’re not willing to sell…”
“Were you planning on moving in with er-ge after your marriage, then?” Jin Guangyao asked. He looked much more amused and relaxed now – maybe he’d been stressing over this being some sort of scheme and was feeling much better now that he realized it was actually just Nie Huaisang’s nonsense. His paranoia had always been deeply endearing. “I don’t think your brother will like that.”
“Not me,” Nie Huaisang said, rolling his eyes at him. “But if it was Lan Zhan sweeping him away, er-ge would definitely support him. Right, er-ge?”
“I always support my brother,” Lan Xichen said with a smile.
“Good,” Nie Huaisang said, taking another swallow of wine. “Because he and Wei Wuxian just had a very intense conversation in a secluded corner that ended with them kissing and running off together, so it’s about to become your problem.”
Nie Mingjue choked, Jin Guangyao’s jaw dropped, and Lan Xichen’s eyes got really big.
“Not joking,” Nie Huaisang clarified cheerfully. “Totally serious.”
“Excuse me,” Lan Xichen said, getting up very quickly. “I need to – go see –”
He didn’t even bother finishing the sentence before rushing off.
“Go with him,” Nie Mingjue said to Jin Guangyao, who blinked owlishly at him. “It’s going to be a shitshow, isn’t it? Politically, I mean.”
“Uh,” Jin Guangyao said.
“Really, da-ge,” Nie Huaisang said. “The notorious ostracized-by-the-cultivation-world demonic cultivator Wei Wuxian, the Yiling Patriarch, is abruptly reintroduced to society as my intended bride, only to be stolen away by the Lan sect’s Second Jade, the second most desirable bachelor in the cultivation world, in the middle of a wedding party thrown by Lanling Jin? I have no idea why you think this would so much as raise an eyebrow.”
“That’s a lot of words to say ‘shitshow’, which is why I didn’t,” Nie Mingjue said. “Meng Yao – Jin Guangyao – oh, fuck it, A-Yao, someone is going to need to keep their head about them and think about the political implications long enough to keep Xichen from getting himself into serious trouble, and you’re better at it than I am. Go help him. I’ll cover for you two here.”
Jin Guangyao still looked torn.
“Don’t listen to da-ge, he’s worrying too much,” Nie Huaisang volunteered his own opinion. “How much trouble can the Lan sect really get into over a matter of love?”
“I’m going at once,” Jin Guangyao said, and ran after Lan Xichen.
A moment later, Nie Huaisang handed the jar of wine back to his brother.
“Well done,” he said, voice much more neutral than it had been a moment before. “Assuming your goal was to deprive Sect Leader Jin of san-ge’s assistance while we define the situation to make it come out the way we want.”
“Couldn’t have done it without your timely assist,” Nie Mingjue said, pinching the bridge of his nose. He did so hate politics, and he hated being good at it even more. Truly there was nothing better, in Nie Huaisang’s opinion, than forcing his brother to relent and give in to the sneaky bastard half of his heritage. “Anyway, Sect Leader Jin is drunk and his heir is the groom, and thus occupied. It’s only reasonable that I, as the person with the next highest status, take charge of dispersing the news.”
“And by ‘dispersing the news’ you mean rehabilitate Wei-xiong’s reputation, get him reinstated in the Jiang sect, and arrange an appropriate marriage between him and Lan Zhan before anyone can complain about an inappropriate elopement, of course.”
“It’s called being efficient, Huaisang,” Nie Mingjue said.
“It’s called creating a countervailing alliance to the Jiang-Jin sect connection, getting both the Jiang sect and the Yiling Patriarch to owe our sect a favor – not to mention the Lan sect, too! – and conveniently also undercutting Sect Leader Jin’s authority just at the moment he’s trying to install himself as the new ruler of the cultivation world.”
“Don’t be ridiculous, Huaisang,” Nie Mingjue said, finishing off the jar and putting it down. “I’m far too stupid to be considering any of that. Only good for swinging a saber, remember?”
Nie Huaisang sniggered.
“Yes, I remember,” he said. “You won a whole war against a much stronger, more numerous, and more unified force on Baxia’s strength alone, no brains required. How can I help? You want me crying or excited?”
“Whatever you think is best, Huaisang.” His brother solidified his scowling angry face, just the sort of thing a dumb brute might wear when dealing with politics that he was far too ignorant to understand. “Let’s go right some injustices, shall we?”
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llycaons ¡ 4 years ago
37 :(
I don’t really care much about the main cast’s interactions in this arc? does that make sense? a lot of it seems very forced idk. the best prta of the main cast are wwx and lwj reflecing on sx but that only comes at the very end
there’s actually a lot of humor in this episode, some intentional. jin ling being a bit of a brat and wx telling him not to act like jiang cheng is pretty good
this scene uses quick smash cuts (?) to shorten a longer scene in a way I haven’t seen in the show before. there’s also something of a jumpscare later on
oh great an extended flashback to something that happened literally two episodes ago
oh, so the skill of the guqin player determines whether the spirit can lie. it’s very characteristic that lwj tells his students to focus on quality over quantity
this scene makes so much more sense if you know about the novel worldbuilding lol. young disciples won’t be able to make their own talismans yet, so they only have prewritten talismans on them. wwx has to take these, erase the writing, and create his own because they don’t have any blank ones
I still don’t know how much of the show was written with the assumption that a viewer would be familiar with the novel. the drama is different in a lot of ways, ways that feel very significant to me - the characterization makes deliberate changes from the novel even when not required to by censorship. but a lot of the dialogue seems to rest on the fact that the audience will know what they’re doing with little explanation. or maybe that’s normal for wuxia dramas and it’s on me for being unfamiliar with the genre?
also, the name of the show is different! is that because there’s already a show called mdzs? who knows! but I love the name “the untamed” I think its a brilliant english title
anyway. wwx wanted so badly to save xxc...his uncle...
this arc really is a horror-tragedy like when lsz says “the one behind you” I felt that chill
xue yang...xue yang.....
okay before I go on I want to clarify that I detest him as a person, I don’t trust anyone who’s super enthusiastic about him or is a fan of him, and the fact that people ship him with xxc literally makes me physically nauseous
but he is. a hell of an entertaining villain. from everything from his fashion choices to his inappropriate laughter to his cultivation to his backstory of growing up on the streets, he provides this horrifying foil to wwx. and it’s so well done! the double-bladed sword? the leopard-print robes? the intense, immature, sadistic energy that the actor brought to the role? like...this isn’t overacting! he’s just like this! what the fuck!
and I do find it very funny that most of his conversation with wwx consists of compliments. he’s a fucking. yiling laozu fanboy
all in all a very distinctive villain tbh, though I’m still conflicted about cql adding the romantic undertones with xxc as there wasn’t any of that in the book. like, it didn’t serve a plot purpose other than to further the tragedy. it’s not like they were parallels to wx like the mxc and jgy thing was, and xy didn’t need to be gay for them to establish that SL and xxc were. but it is very compelling and makes for a strong tragedy so I guess if that’s your thing.
yi city arc enthusiasts can be fine but I don’t respect people who write 5k meta on xy tbh. he’s not that deep. he’s fucked up but his main conflict is “i like killing and torture but then I grew to care about one of my victims and when he killed himself because of my actions I just wanted him back”. it’s not like he undergoes any personal growth or redemption or self-reflection as a result of how xxc died, or expressed any regret about what he did to him. even his backstory is just one event that messed him up for his entire life. he just wanted xxc back because he was a selfish person who had grow used to kindness and didn’t know how much he craved it until it was gone, without caring about xxc as a person beyond what xxc could offer him (companionship, entertainment, a parody of domesticity)
and on some level that’s pitiful, but it’s really not all that sympathetic, and if xxc ever did come back he would probably have to spend the rest of his life recovering from what xy did to him. xue/xiao shippers are disgusting
I don’t have much to say about yi city that hasn’t already been said, but at a certain point I don’t think the characters are complex enough to really justify long analyses. and people who are super into yi city tend to be really weird about xy so i don’t see a lot of them around anyway because I avoid those spaces
also I don’t think SL is much to look at. sorry, buddy
oh right, plot. the spirit pouch with what’s left of xxc is so miserable. he just wants to disappear from this world in regret and shame and grief over what he was tricked into doing. like, fuck
wen ning’s loyalty being so strong that even the largest head-nails weren’t entirely effective!
characters who show unrelenting loyalty to wwx either before or after his death include lwj, wen ning, and suibian
wwx going “pfft, it’s impossible to bring back the dead” is very funny knowing that he does exactly that in the book
a-qing’s grief here, her helplessness, it’s so hard to watch.
there’s a lot of ableism in yi city that I wish there wasn’t
the empathy technique is such a cool worldbuilding trait
when wwx says he’ll use it, it’s jin ling who immediately protests. aww, he’s worried
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ijustwantdumpling ¡ 5 years ago
Modaozushi Fanfic Recommendation.
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Since I can’t get enough of this novel, might as well pampering/hurting my self more with an outstanding fanfic/canon divergence of this great book. Even the live action and the anime version still nor gonna stop me from these beautiful handmade story by all the fans of Modaozushi.
This recommendation will be focusing on our WangXian couple
 1.Cure by Yukirin_Snow 
Description : It was meant to be a consult, simple, quick, to tell the family and patient that there wasn’t much he could do. Even after all the other doctors, the tests, the treatments, and the huge stack of documentation on his desk that told him this poor patient could only remain comfortable until his final moments.
So how had it ended up like this?
(It was well written and you could see how well researched this fanfic is. I Spent my night in tears reading this beautiful fanfic. tips : prepare some tissue and we gonna go on emotional roller coaster.)
status : Multi-chaptered / Completed
2. SanRen by Kyogre
Description : Leaving YunmengJiang in an effort to curb the tensions in the Jiang family, Wei WuXian becomes a rogue cultivator.Even without the support of a sect, he is a rare genius whose name will become known across the cultivation world and whose techniques will influence the course of a war.However, what influences his own fate is a chance meeting that becomes the first step toward love.
(a canon divergence, but at least everyone alive here.)
status : Multi-Chaptered / Completed
3. My Immortal by Jaywalker_Holmes
Description : Wei WuXian had thought his troubles had ended after the mess with Jin GuangYao was sorted out, and that he would spend the rest of his life happily with his beloved Lan Zhan, double cultivating and rebuilding his golden core. However, fate had other plans. Mo XuanYu's frail body could not contain his increasing power, and an inevitable cultivation accident occurs, sending Wei WuXian to his six-year old body, just before Jiang FengMian found him. Will the YiLing Patriarch have a happier life this time around?Inspired by Evanescence's song, which will be reflected in the chapter titles.
(A time travel series! there’s a heavenly beast and everyone is alive and thriving also what I really love the most is soft hearted madam Yu and a creepy/psycho wen ruohan who’s everyone number onecenemies but at least he didn’t die so we could actually know what was he’s motivation actually is or.. just him being psycho)
status : Multi-Chaptered / Completed
4. Loneliness Knows My Name by  Jaywalker_Holmes , Treef
Description :  AU after the First Siege of Burial Mounds. Wei WuXian didn't die, instead he was saved by someone everyone thought was already dead - Wen Ruohan. However, no one knows this (since Wen Ruohan is apparently great at faking deaths), so the cultivation world rejoices even as Lan WangJi desperately searches for his Wei Ying and finds a little child instead. Wei WuXian, on the other hand... 
(well.. can you imagine Wen Ruohan became Wei Wuxian grandpa? this definitely change everything.)
status : Multi-Chaptered / Completed
5. Night of Sixth Magnitude Stars by Leffy
Description : Lan WangJi gave him a disapproving look as they left the classroom. “You can’t be late every time.”Wei WuXian walked with light steps, seemingly in a happy mood. “They can’t fault me if I want to spend more time with the only student who really listens to me.”Lan WangJi followed reluctantly, because Wei WuXian always made him follow, even when he was driving him crazy.
( A modern AU! at first I was hesitated because I was to used with the time setting in the novel but my hesitation was just a complete stupid waste of time because this fanfic definitely GOLD)
status : Multi-Chaptered /Completed 
6. Blink  by Menuridae
Description : “So on Saturday night, while you are having the time of your life on a date with your hot, hunky, handsome soulmate, I have to go on a date with a rich young master who sounds like a literal stick in the mud whilst pretending to be you?"Mo Xuanyu's family has set him up on a blind date with a rich young master after learning he is gay. However, he already has plans for that night. Instead of going on the date himself, Mo Xuanyu enlists Wei Wuxian to go as a substitute. Wei Wuxian must act like his best friend for the night before kindly turning down Mo Xuanyu's date.Only, Wei Wuxian finds out that turning down Mo Xuanyu's date is possibly the hardest thing he has had to do in a long time.
(single parent LWJ and we should thanks Mo Xaunyu for he is actually our savior)
status :Multi-Chaptered /Completed
7. the nights are long (but the years are shorter) by hyunbyun
Description :  Wei Ying and Lan Zhan come to terms with the fact that A-Yuan really is grown up.
(WangXian became a soft parent and somehow I pictured my parent actually felt the same in each year I grew up.)
status : Oneshot 
8. Ten miles of Lotus Flowers by Yukirin_Snow
Description : He was a mischievous fox spirit, wreaking havoc where he went, about to depart on a journey that would span centuries.He was a heavenly prince, a proud dragon destined to ascend the throne to become emperor.Neither expected their paths to collide over the span of three lives.
(A/B/O Dynamic and Mpreg. very well written and my heart broke most of the time thankyou very much but it’s happy ending tho)
status : Multi-Chaptered / Completed
9. Switched by Shorimochi 
Description : When an actor transmigrated into a fictional world, and a fictional character transmigrated into the real world.There are a lot of things Xiao Zhan could do - sing, dance, act, cook, draw - but not fighting cultivators, and definitely not summon an army of corpses! Most importantly, how can he handle being around Wang Yibo's fictional self when he knew the man had been fantasising about him since fifteen?Wei Wuxian swore just a few minutes ago he was still out there, destroying the Wens who had taken away his home, but when he opened his eyes he arrived at a dreamland where there are moving pictures, metal carriages, and people are so rich they poop in a beautiful white porcelain throne. Also, why does the Lan Zhan he saw smile so often and talk so much?
(LWJ reputation was definitely tainted! I laugh so much but this ff is actualy genius. let’s see how Xiao Zhan, a real life actor who played wei wuxian and who knew  better about how his character specially the story line trying to save that massive bundle of trouble)
status : Multi-Chaptered / Completed
10. Don't You Like Me (MDZS Edition) by Shorimochi 
Description : Wei Wuxian was just an ordinary teenager at Gusu Academy. He hung out with friends, break the rules at least once a day, and banter with his roommate, Lan Wangji at every opportunity he had.Life had been normal, until his grandfather passed away and left him an ancient relic that gave him the Yin eyes, causing him to be able to see and communicate with ghosts. Wei Wuxian was horrified to discover that everywhere around him, there were ghosts invading his space, even watching him shower! He wasn't able to sleep, eat, or study properly - until one day he accidentally touched Lan Wangji skin-to-skin, and the ghosts simply disappeared. Hmm?Wei Wuxian discovered that a simple brush of hands closed his Yin eyes for five minutes. A hug, fifteen minutes. Exchanging saliva? (Don't ask how)... Two hours. And so he began sticking close to Lan Wangji for as much and as long as he could.Until he got kabedon'ed by his roommate.LWJ: You try to touch me at every opportunity you have. You like me, don't you? WWX: ... (Unable to answer because of the curse of the seal) LWJ: I like you too. WWX: ??!Based on a novel of the same title.
(A modern AU, a have good laugh also wei wuxian was very meanie to our soft hearted lwj.)
status : Multi-Chaptered / Completed 
11. no other cloud compares to you by ectocosme
Description :  Divine beasts sometimes fall in love with humans. Half-divine beast most often than not. Dragons always. Wei Wuxian visits Cloud Recesses when he receives the first 'hail' of who will become his mate. At least, he is determined for them to become mates. But life does not flow as the river, it is a meandering stream easily disturbed.
(Wei Wuxian as a dragon! also wangji are just so stupid smh..)
status : Multi-Chaptered / Ongoing
12. Sky, Cloud and Lotus by Xantya24
Description :  Wei WuXian is an unruly omega that is mated to one of the Twin Jades of GusuLan, Lan WangJi an alpha. Till one day, they find out that Wei WuXian is pregnant. How will the new mated couple react to the news? It will be one hell of a ride. Raising kids is definitely different from raising buns buns. From morning sickness to weird cravings to mood swings to labor to sleepless nights. To new relationships being build to finding about love. Lots of angst and fluff also. Prepare for the feels.
status : Multi-Chaptered / Ongoing 
13. ShuangXiu by panda_desu
Description : Lan XiChen knows he must sound so stupid right now. He clears his throat. "I am sure this is something to expect from a married couple, but Wangji, I have to ask, how?"Lan WangJi looks impassively at Lan XiChen.
(mpreg but not abo dynamic but somehow it’s make sense! well at least for mdzs universe. love how the author deliver it and makes the theory acceptable so it’s not like wei ying getting pregnant out of nowhere. loved it!)
status : Multi-Chaptered / Completed 
14. MDZS drabbles by Demon_neko97
Description :  This is just a collection of the prompt requests I receive on Tumblr. (The prompt request is already closed.)
(collection of drabbles, fluffy, funny, perfect for times when you just want to keep it light and better mood)
status : Drables / Ongoing 
15. The Light That Fails to Dim by glowingreverie
Description : Wei Ying lost his parents in a night hunt. Cold and alone, he wandered the streets of Yiling for nearly two years. However, one fateful night, a tall, scary man finds him and takes him back to a place he calls Qinghe. Later Wei Ying, now known as Wei Wuxian, discovers that that tall, scary man is not bad at all. And his cowardly brother makes an even better friend than he initially thought he would. With a content feeling in his chest every day, Wei Wuxian can only hope these peaceful, happy days with his new family will last until the end of time.Or, in which Jiang Fengmian is unaware of what happened to Wei Wuxian's parents and Nie Mingjue takes him in and the story continues from there...
(things really get different over there and I might say this is a great one. I just love nie huaisang so much fight me) 
status : Multi-Chaptered / Completed
16.Misunderstood by Silver_Flame_2724 
Description : There is something called a memory ball, or Jiyi Qiu, that shows the memories of a chosen person.In order to further incriminate the already dead Yiling Patriarch, the cultivation world decides to use this memory ball at the next Discussion Conference to show how evil the demonic cultivator can truly be.What appears, though, truly shocks them all.
(a cried a river. heartbreaking but satisfied just to imagine those guilty faces) 
status : Multi-Chaptered /Ongoing
17. Jiang Cheng and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Wedding by hyunbyun
Description :  An outside perspective on modern! Lan Zhan’s and Wei Ying’s wedding through the eyes of local poor soul Jiang Cheng.
(Heartwarming, it literally bring smile to my face and this is just so good. you have to read this one) 
status :  Oneshot
18. Family - Mating Season by Laxruar
Description :  Fairy isn't a good dog.
(Laugh my ass out, literally!) 
19. Instagram Husband by hasu, ofishenod
Description :  Wei WuXian was on a mission to become Instagram Famous, so he did what he did best: dragged Lan WangJi (and many unwilling others) into his misadventures. Or, 5 times Wei WuXian had Lan WangJi take photos of him and 1 time Wei WuXian took a photo with Lan WangJi.
(if I don’t get the lan wangji for my wei wuxian, then what’s the meaning of this life?!)
status : Oneshot.
20. The Tale of Snow Wei by scrayjes
Description :  
 Snow Wei is a powerful warlock; The mage is as strong-willed as can be; The prince should watch his anger; The donkey should roam free.
(wei wuxian as a snow white? yes. )
status : Oneshot 
21. Response by  Aki_no_hikari
Description : What if Wei Wuxian hadn't been silent to Lan Wangji's Inquiry? Part 2: Featuring A-Yuan
(a-yuan T.T loving it!) 
status : Multi-Chaptered 
22. Some of You by Tangerinechar
Description : It can’t be that bad, he thinks. There’s no way he would have done that. But the doubt still lingers, turning into full-blown anxiety as he scrolls down his twitter feed, finally arriving on his latest tweet.
Lan WangJi ✔ @lan_wangjiSome of you have never fallen in love with a boy only for him to go missing after his parents die and pine away for three years waiting for him to come back, then continue to pine when he’s back after you realize you’re too scared to confess, and it shows.23,043 retweets | 73,328 likesLan Zhan’s face pales and he buries his head in his hands, letting his phone drop on the table.
This is bad.This is very, very bad.-Or, Lan Wangji gets drunk and tweets a love confession, Wei Wuxian panics, and all of twitter decides to matchmake Lan Wangji and his mystery guy.
(wei wuxian is that dense! smh) 
status : Multi-Chaptered / Completed
23. asymptotic by chinxe
Description : The members of the Lan Clan have never been particularly well-known for their good judgement when it comes to matters of the heart.Which is why it should come as a surprise to no one when Lan Wangji falls in love with an actual ghost.
(”wei ying is wei ying” lwj just so hopeless when it’s about wwx)
status : Multi-Chaptered / Completed
if you already read all of those fanfics above then congratulation! you’ve already going through a high level of mood changing, tear jerking, blood pulsing, head aching, tooth aching fluff and thousands more feelings! what a ride!. 
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