#And Enki would be completely powerless to stop him
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evil-eyedlurker · 3 months ago
Characters who I just know would be the best of friends, if only they weren't from completely different canons, in no particular order:
Avatar Aang (from Avatar: The Last Airbender) and Princess Nausicaä (from Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind)
Henry Stickmin (from The Henry Stickmin Collection) and The Goose (from Untitled Goose Game)
Isaac (from The Binding of Isaac) and The Girl (from Fear and Hunger)
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nemesis-nexus · 8 years ago
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Full Snow Bone Hunger Moon Sermon Hail Marduk, Interstellar Guardian of this Plane and Father to us all, hear us! There are many things that are set to occur tonight but the thing that is happening already is a serious violation of your creation and I don't mean just the Earth itself, I mean your children are suffering at the hands of those who have grown so corrupt that they are blinded by pure greed and indifference to life! It would be easy enough to blast all the guilty parties but what I want to focus on is building the collective energy of all those who stand for the Earth, this cosmic island which we rely on to survive as individuals but also as a species and even more importantly as a part of the Great Web of Life! When the Earth was nearing completion, the war between the Ancient Ones Tiamat and Apsu, their armies and the New Gods Enki and Marduk and their armies was raging. The one thing that threatened not only the Earth but existence itself was Tiamat, the Chaos Snake-Dragon! As much as Enki knew that magic would not defeat her and Marduk knew brute force would not kill her, they still rose up and did battle with her in the name of PROTECTING THE SACRED! When they were engaged in combat with her they knew there was a possibility that they might not survive but they also knew that if they stood by and did NOTHING that not only would they not survive but that nothing and no one else would either! Even more to the point they knew that they themselves would be responsible for not doing everything in their power to stop it because when all is said and done the destruction caused by the Snake-Dragon would eliminate ALL life that she came into contact with! Knowing what they did they did, did they throw their hands up and say that all hope was lost? Did they bow down to the idea that she was the Creatrix and therefore reserved the right to do as she pleased? Did they tell everyone else in their armies to attack anyone who resisted Tiamat's rage? NO! Why? Because they ALSO knew that being the Creatrix did not entitle her to annihilate everything and everyone JUST because ONE person betrayed her! They would not bow down because to do so was to accept death without opposition, they would not cast down their swords nor throw up their hands in defeat because they knew that the outcome of the battle was NOT just about THEM but ALL ELSE as well! Enki did what he could with his great and powerful Magick and when he realized that his part was over Marduk stepped forth and continued to fight back and dismantled Tiamat's army! When Marduk had successfully subdued Tiamat he knew he could not kill her, she IS a Goddess after all therefore she is immortal, so he did the next best thing, he split her into one and two halves. What I mean but that is that when he fired Enki's magic arrow down her throat and "severed her heart in twain" what he really did was separated her Spirit from her Flesh sending her Spirit back into the Cosmos while he severed her body in half, sending the tail end to wrap around what we now call the Milky Way and the head was cast down to complete the Earth itself. I have stated this before but if you look at the word Earth, you will notice that it is actually an anagram for Heart - in other words the Earth is where the Heart of the Dragon lays "Dead But Dreaming" - and since we all know Death is NOT just a physical thing, we know that Tiamat is for all intents and purposes still alive! Marduk was exalted to the level of Supreme Being because of his heroic actions defeating Tiamat and stopping her blind slaughter in its tracks and was later known as the Adversary who rose in opposition to the Creator AKA Satan. Satan is no more guilty of Inciting A Riot than ANY of the Water Protectors and had he been treated by Anu or even Enki the way that the Water Protectors are being treated - being told to stand down rather than rising up - by the current authorities, not only would the outcome of the battle been a WHOLE LOT DIFFERENT, but nothing would have remained except possibly the Snake! Tonight is the night of the Full Snow Bone Hunger Moon and we are in a very similar situation with a snake that stands to be equally as destructive if it is not stopped! We all have the choice to stand by and just let it happen OR to be inspired by Marduk's actions and rise to the occasion to resist the selfish and arrogant egos that are once again threatening the Earth as well as everyone and everything on it! We have the choice to say there is nothing we can do because the enemy is too powerful or too strong or has too many tin soldiers who are all too willing to shoot people in the back among other things and we have no way to combat them when we KNOW this is not true! We have the TRUTH! We have the WILL! We have the POWER! We have the SPIRIT! They can NOT match us because they can't even rise up to meet us! They are hoping that they will drag us down to their level and the more we RESIST, the more frustrated and pissed off they get! THIS is our power, our strength and our defiance! This is us coming together NOW just as Marduk, Enki and the rest came together THEN to fight back against another Snake! Our Power does not lay in senseless violence, this is why SO many people the world over have joined in solidarity and have been voicing their support QUITE LOUDLY, because they too are sick of the violence that is engulfing the whole planet and for what? BLACK SNAKES! Just because the Snake may not be slithering around your neck of the woods DOES NOT mean that it WILL NOT affect you when it BITES! Even if the water it contaminates is nowhere near you DOES NOT mean that something you purchase WON'T be poisoned, remember the state of the Gulf Coast after the Deepwater Horizon disaster! The marine life was toxic and could not be sold, as a result the economy of places such as Louisiana and Mississippi, as well as Florida suffered! The destruction was even more severe to the WATER and the EARTH as well as all other life forms that came into contact with the oil! This is why it is necessary for all of us to come together in defense of the Water and Earth, to show our Father who could have just as easily given up and let the Snake of HIS time get their way, that we will NEVER back down no matter what because like him, WE will emerge triumphant! Our Power is in our deep Spiritual Connection to the Elements; Earth, Air, Fire and Water as well as our Connection to the Unseen and the Multiversal Qi! Our Power is in knowing that what you SEE is NOT what you get, that there is more going on than our physical eyes can see, ears can hear or hands can touch! Our Power is knowing the value of life and death in equal measure and in not allowing ourselves to be corrupted by greed or materialism! This does not mean we can't want or acquire material things, it simply means we don't LIVE to acquire them and we certainly will not KILL people or animals or DESTROY the environment in pursuit of them! We know that both Light and Dark MUST be kept in Balance or else EVERYTHING dissolves into chaos in which NOTHING can survive! If anyone thinks they can live in a state of CONSTANT chaos, please attempt to reside in your nearest active volcano crater and let us know how it worked out for you! Our Power is being better than out enemy who thinks that we are nothing, they are not only wrong but they will realize that there is more than one way to skin a cat! That just because we won't come charging over the hill with guns blazing DOESN'T mean that something ISN'T coming their way that is not only going to disrupt things, but is ultimately going to knock them on their asses! True power comes from within because that power is perpetual and everlasting whereas power that comes from without eventually dries up and becomes nonexistent, this is because that type of power is reliant on other people's money to purchase physical weaponry, armor, vehicles etc... If you rely on solely on that kind of power then when you no longer possess it you will be completely powerless, however, if you build up your personal power and spiritual prowess then you will ALWAYS have the upper hand because NO ONE can take that away from you no matter how many rubber bullets then shoot you in the back with or how much poison they rain down on you or how much they soak you in subfreezing temperatures! As much as they like to think they are in control and how much sick pleasure they might take in the cruelty they treat people with, they are going to find out they are no match for our collective will, our collective strength, our collective ability to make things happen that they can't explain and can't counter because they don't possess the kind of power that really matters! They also do not have Father on their side because Father does not care for those who not only brutalize those who are protecting his Creation, he does not care for those who have become SO corrupt that they value INANIMATE OBJECTS over LIVING BEINGS! It is THIS level of corruption that caused the Anunnaki to bring down the flood the first time, the difference is that those of us who have not been corrupted are doing everything that we can, some even going so far as to literally put themselves in harm's way, to prevent the destruction of the water supply "Reality Check Can you hear them in the distance? The Dragons are roaring alerting the Clans! Can you see the shadows stretching across the frozen tundra? The hunters are on the move and the Moon is their only light! Can you feel them all around you? They are sniffing the air and catching your scent! Can you understand what is happening? The ones you called out to have answered and are responding! Can you run fast enough? Your lies and deceit are about to catch up with you! Can you cover your tracks? No matter where you run your footprints in the snow will reveal your direction! Can you withstand the thought of all you disrespected descending upon you? One good turn deserves another and you are about to be turned out! Can you stomach the idea of being subjected to the same cruelty you treated others with? Karmas a bitch and we are her messengers! Can you explain to our Father to HIS satisfaction what makes you more important than Water? Water is Life, YOU are DEATH, our Father is the Judge, Jury and if need be, the Executioner! Can you handle the concept that Death is NOT just a physical thing? YOUR Death will include Dishonor, Distrust and Banishment from the minds of your former peers! Can you deal with the fact that you are writing your own story and plotting your own demise? THE WHOLE WORLD IS WATCHING and we simply can NOT wait for you to tear out your own last page! We will go on without you just fine because we don't need your dirty, bloody money! We will go on without you because Life wants to live and it can't do that if Death is running rampant! We will go on because as long as we have Spiritual Connections and Father in our Hearts we will never want for anything! We will go on just fine because so long as we have Earth, Air, Fire and Water, we have it all!" ZI ANA KANPA! ZI KIA KANPA! MAY THE DEAD RISE AND SMELL THE INCENSE! Etiamsi MULTA Et Nos UNUM Sumus Nos Sto Validus Ut Nos Sto Una! Semper Veritas, Semper Fideles, In Diabolus Nomen Nos Fides! AVE SATANÍ! (We Are ONE Even Though We Are MANY And We Stand STRONGEST When We Stand TOGETHER! Always TRUTHFUL, Always FAITHFUL, In Satan's Name We Trust! HAIL SATAN!) Ave URURU! Ave EA! Ave DIMUZI! Ave ININNI! Ave GILGAMESH! Ave ENKIDU! Ave TIAMAT! Ave ABSU! Ave MARDUK! Ave SARPANITUM! Ave SATANÍ! HAIL SATAN! HPS Meg "Nemesis Nexus" Prentiss
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