#And Are You Being Served and Keeping Up Appearances on the BBC America channel
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tricornonthecob · 1 year ago
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And now you're thinking about the Redwall animated series
Badgers and coyotes hunt together. It's a thing. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service explains that “studies have shown that this unusual relationship is beneficial for both species. The coyote can chase down prey if it runs and the badger can dig after prey if it heads underground into its burrow systems.”
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theparanormalperiodical · 5 years ago
The REAL Story Behind Sinister (2012), And The 11 Scariest Pagan Gods That You Don’t Want To Bump Into
It’s damn near impossible to find a really good horror film.
No, I mean a really good horror film.
You know, where the plot is winding, and unravels oh so gently until it snaps us back into its web, leaving us tied up in the lair of a monster as it inches closer and closer towards us.
Most horror films simply don’t make the cut.
But in recent years, there is one that does just that, twisting together an incredible plot, a truly terrifying monster, and the subtleties of gore that have you promising yourself you will never purchase a lawn mower again:
Sinister (2012).
That being said, this story of an unforgiving Pagan god and the innocent families that stumble across his path shouldn’t be shaking you to your core - it’s the real, historic legends that inspired this film.
Bughuul/Bagul is based on 3 Pagan gods, bringing the events behind the camera outside of our TV screen. But the thing is, it turns out Moloch, Baal, and Tlaloc are far from the only holy entities you don’t want to cross paths with.
Bughuul might just be more real than you’d like to think.
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What Happens In Sinister (2012) And Sinister 2 (2015)?
Before Bughuul was conjured up from the darkest corners of our nightmares, and before Ellison Oswalt - the main character in the film - even signed the lease on his new house, was an idea.
Sure, the real Pagan gods inspiring Bughuul might be enough to keep you awake at night, but C Robert Cargill, the writer of the film, was inspired by something else at first:
It was a nightmare after watching The Ring (2002).
From here the fundamental building block of the plot was set in place: a supernatural entity spreads itself via films that need to be created and then passed on. The thing is, this being doesn’t channel as much sympathy as we all harboured for Samara.
The starring role of the Super 8 movies in this flick is taken by a far more terrifying being that doesn’t stick to such a rigorous time scale.
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Our story follows a true-crime writer attempting to uncover an unsolved murder case to propel himself back to his former fame. But his distant family and obvious alcoholism are about to be the least of his problems when he accidentally unleashes a Pagan god.
You can’t find a Citizens Advice leaflet on that.
The tale begins when the author, Ellison Oswalt, moves into a new home. The thing is, he has a nasty habit of picking houses nearby to the cases he researches - only this time, he’s shacked up in the house where a whole family was murdered in the backyard and the youngest child went missing.
Nothing creepy here, right?
Oh, there’s a box in the attic with a Super 8 film projector and reels of film which display the murder of several families in their own horrific way.
Our new favourite true crime writer decides to team up with a lovable police deputy who does some digging around the murders. He discovers these murders took place from the 1960s up to present day, and occurred across the entire US. But what connected these murders - aside from that creepy figure in the background of the clips and the symbols - is that a child from each family went missing after the murder.
One quick Skype call to an esteemed occult professor later, and hey presto he’s realised he’s encountered a Babylonian deity known as Bughuul. But you can call him the Eater of Children, a nickname that caught on when they discovered he likes to consume the souls of children.
In case you can’t do the maths, Bughuul likes to have families murdered, and spare a child as a light snack post-murder.
Throughout this process of unveiling the truth of Bughuul, the paranormal activity begins. The steady climb in the supernatural peaks however when he hears the projector running in the attic. He checks out the situation, and realises all of the missing kids are enjoying a movie night - think less Netflix, more bloodthirsty Pagan god - when Bughuul rocks up via an unnecessary jumpscare.
Oswalt then makes the executive decision to burn the film and projector, and then swap this murder house for his previous residency.
Three cheers for common sense!
The thing is, Oswalt didn’t do his reading on basic horror movie monsters - ghosts haunt places, demons haunt people.
(Rooky error.)
Unfortunately Oswalt learns this when he’s mid-unpack of his old house. The professor then gives him a ring and lets him know that it's images of Bughuul that serve as a gateway for the deity to enter our mortal world. But it’s when kids come into contact with the image that they can be possessed.
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That’s right - it’s the kids that do the murdering, the filming, and then the pissing off with Bughuul.
Shortly after this bulb lights up, our lovable deputy also gets on the blower, and lets him know that each family that was murdered did the exact same thing:
They realised their new home was haunted by some presence, shacked up at a new location where there were no Super 8 movies included in the rent, and then were killed by their child.
Yep - our favourite true crime writer has only gone and set off the exact chain of events he attempted to investigate.
(Rooky error.)
Just as he realises he’s been played by the B-man, he passes out. He’s just been poisoned by his daughter. He wakes up moments before being slaughtered with an axe.
The film ends with the child being carried away by Bughuul and teleported into the film with him.
Sinister 2 picks up the plotline several years later, following around the lovable police officer as he takes matters into his own hands; he attempts to destroy the houses that continue Bughuul’s spread across America.
But in this film, we actually get a behind-the-scenes view of Bughuul’s process of encroaching on children. And it turns out the possession is actually peer pressure from the missing children - but instead of trying a cigarette outside the back of the local Lidl, you’re being forced to murder your family in your very own brutal way.
And if this exclusive preview into our favourite Pagan deity wasn’t enough, Bughuul also upskills and learns to utilise a radio to spread his message.
*Deletes BBC Sounds App*
So - Who Is Bughuul?
Found footage is a difficult genre to break into.
Bughuul, however crashes into it, reviving the boring clips that dragged The Blair Witch Project into horror movie infamy and sent the Paranormal Activity viewers to sleep.
Sinister plays with the horror genre in a whole new way, using silent, grainy Super 8 movies to leave the viewers convinced they might awaken a long dead spirit by listening to their favourite murder mystery podcast.
But the visual horror - whether of the gory deaths we witness or of Bughuul himself - confines the movie to the streaming platform you chose that evening.
It’s the unnervingly real concept of Bughuul which allows the events concerning Oswalt to haunt us on a whole new level.
In the film we are told that Bughuul is a Babylonian deity - a Pagan or early Christian demon, if you will - who can possess children, is transmitted through images, likes to murder entire families, and then make do with a child’s soul.
You know, the basic stuff.
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Whilst the finer details of Bughuul is not mapped out in theology, the fundamental building block of the body horror in this movie - that of sacrifice in horrific ways - has been practiced throughout history and devoted to 3 specific Pagan gods that the writers drew inspiration from.
And the first is called Moloch.
This Canaanite god was associated with many things, including agriculture and fertility, and sacrifice and fire, all of which are firmly represented in the movie. Whether it's the films’ focus on children, or its the spontaneous combustion of the Super 8 movies and the victims that do not conduct his bidding, Baghuul directly mirrors this entity.
Well, maybe ‘mirrors’ isn’t the right word.
Baghuul has the lookbook of a modern horror monster, from the Slender Man inspired suit to the smokey eye only a 13 year old could pull off. Moloch, on the other hand, is often depicted as a Bronze statue of a humanoid bull sitting down.
And it’s his statue form which lets you in on his preferred method of worship:
The statue would be heated with fire, and victims thrown in as a form of fiery sacrifice.
In fact, in both the 1920s and later in 1962, it was discovered via excavations of the ancient Carthaginian civilisations that both young people and animals were often the most popular victims, forging a link between the youth we saw on our TV screens, and the ashes left in the urns that were found.
This link was even addressed by the writers of the second film, with the promotional poster claiming Bughuul was the brother of this brutal god - but this isn’t the first time Moloch has appeared on the big screen.
Remember that episode in Buffy, you know, the one about online safety cause you won’t run into a paedophile but a glorified demon that wants to become a physical beast and wreak havoc on the world and is going to use you as a source of power?
Yeah, that’s the one.
In fact, Buffy stuck to the same premise, claiming Moloch was unleashed when an ancient text was scanned into a library system.
Sinister had less broody vampires, though.
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Our next contender for coulda-been-Bughuul is Baal, a demon which has actually featured in a few other horror flicks of his own, so far. The Rite featured this ancient god who focused his attention on fertility, just like Moloch.
And, just like Moloch, archaeological evidence of sacrifices was discovered, but in a region of Egypt from which he was worshipped.
Amongst the sacrificed infants found was a collection of animals and prostitutes. Even the ancient texts detailing their powers and premise suggests a sibling-like link: Baal Hammon was worshipped by the Carthage people as a supreme god, just like the former entity, and instead of bearing the body of a bull, he appears as a ram.
Yet despite sharing both a ritualistic and physical approach with Moloch, it’s Baal’s backstory that brings us even closer to Baghuul.
Too close.
Legend has it Baal was considered more powerful than his father, suggesting children overpowering their own family is a vital premise of this god.
Our final contender for Baghuul-but-without-the-eyeliner is Tlaloc. And, once again, this entity is just like the previous gods, but belongs on the other side of the globe.
This Aztec god is the god of rain, water and fertility, and despite his rather more peaceful and popular worship today, historically things have been a little, uh, sacrificey.
The remains of war captives have been found near his statues, but this only hints towards his association with death; it is said that he was essentially the destination in the afterlife for those that died from a variety of ailments.
And one of these ailments was child sacrifices.
Think back to the Sinister movies for a second.
In the short Super 8 films we see Bughuul make cameo appearances (like Stan Lee in Marvel films, only he’s a wholesome old man and isn't going to gobble up Hugh Jackman’s soul when the credits roll). This suggests that Baghuul not only enjoys a hobby of snacking on innocent children, but also takes pleasure from the sacrifices of the other family members, and appears at their time of death.
Unfortunately, according to historic worship, Tlaloc prefers his sacrifices a little more niche than just dead parents. Typically he likes his sacrifices to have their hearts extracted from the corpses, and collected in a bowl by the temple.
If you thought Sinister was grotesque, be thankful you didn’t witness a 7 year old stabbing their mother in the chest with a cheese knife.
The 11 Other Terrifying Gods You Don’t Want To Encounter In Your Attic
Paganism is an incredible thing.
It’s a religion that puts the believer at the centre of a huge selection of gods, demons, and deities to choose from. Even modern paganism doesn’t follow any rules.
Simply choose an entity, and get worshippin’!
But there is a downside.
We already know that three Pagan gods are enough to have you avoiding your 5 year old nephew at the next family dinner. But unfortunately, Moloch, Baal, and Tlaloc are far from the only deities that will make you left eye twitch when you see so much as a polaroid camera for fear Bughuul might have taken a #vintage selfie.
There’s 11 more terrifying deities that you don’t want to know about but I’m going to tell you about anyway!
#1 Chinnamasta
Self-sacrifice and sexual restraint sounds like values we should all practice, but when a Hindu goddess tells you to do it - and she has no head - you might be more reluctant to listen to her wise words.
The legend claims that a group of Hindu gods and demons churned the ocean in order to extract an elixir of immortality. Chinnamasta took a sip, swallowed the entire share for the demons, and chopped her own head off to prevent them from reclaiming it.
An alternative version tells a different story: Chinnasmasta and her crew were bathing too long and realised they were hungry. So, she satiated their hunger by decapitating her own head and allowing her attendants to drink the blood spurting from her neck.
And so, her image is immortalised by three fountains of blood coming out of her neck, and her attendants gulping back the liquid.
#2 Pan
As well as being one of the most famous gods to date, this Greek deity is also one of the oldest. And whilst he he is the god of nice, wholesome things like cosy forests and flocks of cute animals, he would be deemed a sex offender today.
Pan would try and have sex with anything - yes, anything - that moved. And when one of these things tried to run away, such as the nymph Syrinx, he chased her down, and then turned her into a pan flute.
And when another nymph also turned him down, he had her murdered by his minions.
Fact is, you can choose which gods you can believe in, but the real horror in the world - sexual predators - will always exist.
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#3 - Ishtar
Most gods are known for their brutal acts, whether in the name of justice, or for selfish purposes. The thing is, this goddess has a thing for gore.
And rightly so.
Having been raped by a gardener as she slept underneath the shade of his tree, she got her vengeance by punishing the Earth. She made the rivers flow with blood, she tormented the planet with storms, and she cast disease over our lands.
And similar to the gods already mentioned, she too has a habit of sacrifice. But she doesn’t want people to be sacrificed to her - she prefers to do her own sacrificing of her own lovers.
#4 - Cronus
Next up is the leader of the Titans. But his attempt to eat his own children to prevent them from completing a prophecy and overthrowing him doesn’t get a mention here - it’s what he did to his father.
He scythed off his genitals.
And if that wasn’t enough, he then chucked ‘em into the sea, spawning the goddess Aphrodite.
#5 - Teutates, Esus, and Taranis
Christianity’s got Jesus, God, and the Holy Spirit. Paganism on the other hand has its own trio. But these guys rely on routine human sacrifice. But what really sets them apart is that each individual god has their own preferred murder method.
Teutates likes to drown his victims headfirst in ale, Esus likes to have his sacrifices stabbed, hung from trees, and left to bleed out, and Taranis likes wickerwork figures that are set alight to contain his victims in a fiery death a la Nicholas Cage.
Squad goals?
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#6 - Tezcatlipoca
The second Aztec god to feature in this post continues the trend of these deities preferring bodily organs. But this deity sets itself apart by craving a far slower ritual that culminates in a sacrifice.
A priest would select a prisoner who was to impersonate the god. Luxurious shenanigans would ensue, including 4 maidens dedicated to his every need. Unfortunately, his needs wouldn’t last too long.
He would have a year of this god-like life, walk up the steps of a temple, and have his heart ripped out.
#7 - Huehueteotl
He was the god of death, hot, and cold. And he liked his sacrifices to have experienced all three at the same time, apparently.
The process of sacrifice would include drugging the victim, roasting them alive, ripping out their heart, and then burning the remains again.
According to other accounts, the victim could simply be drugged, and then dragged with hooks to platforms for the ritual. And then the heart would be cut out and tossed into the fire. And then the rest of the bodies would follow.
Your choice, I guess.
#8 - Toci
Life must’ve been hard back then.
You know, the constant fear that you - yes, you - might be the next victim to be tossed to the flames of fiery sacrifice, or an organ of your deity’s choice was to be placed into what can only be described as a ritualistic olive bowl.
But at least you’d have an inkling of what’s to come. The worshippers of Toci weren’t quite so lucky.
Toci was the goddess of healing and a patron of midwives and healers. But rather than wanting to celebrate life in all of its glory, she actually preferred dead people as gifts.
And so, women were dressed as the goddess, told they were going to see the local ruler, climb the temple, and be met with a priest with a knife. The unlucky woman would be beheaded, her heart removed, and skin flayed.
The priest would complete the ritual - yep, it doesn’t end there - by wearing the skin of the victim.
#9 - Chac
When we discuss sacrifice in the name of a god, it is often assumed that the act took place many years ago, and that the traces of the murders have long since decayed and disappeared from our world. But it turns out that you can actually visit the location of 2 wells in Chichen Itza where sacrifices took place in the name of Chac, the Mayan god of rain, water, and lightning.
But aside from casting storms over his worshippers, he encouraged human sacrifice.
And so, his worshippers obliged by tossing their young children into their wells; they believed Chac resided at the bottom of sinkholes, and wanted their human sacrifices to be as close as possible to him to ensure safe delivery.
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According to the film’s lore, Baghuul lives inside of the images, and uses the pictures, the films, and any other form of media as a gateway to our realm.
In that case, God only knows what this article may have unleashed.
Traumatised? Afraid to turn the light out and turn in for fear of hearing Bughuul filming his YouTube outro in your attic? The you might as well check out my other articles in the mean time…
And while you’re there, why not hit follow and see a new real ghost story everyday?
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clubofinfo · 7 years ago
Expert: Mass shootings have become routine in the United States and speak to a society that relies on violence to feed the coffers of the merchants of death. Given the profits made by arms manufacturers, the defense industry, gun dealers and the lobbyists who represent them in Congress, it comes as no surprise that the culture of violence cannot be abstracted from either the culture of business or the corruption of politics. Violence runs through US society like an electric current offering instant pleasure from all cultural sources, whether it be the nightly news or a television series that glorifies serial killers. — Professor Henry A. Giroux, “Gun Culture and the American Nightmare of Violence”, January 13, 2016. We are caught in a vicious cycle. With alarming regularity, the nation is being subjected to a spate of violence that terrorizes the public, destabilizes the country’s fragile ecosystem, and gives the government greater justifications to crack down, lock down, and institute even more authoritarian policies for the so-called sake of national security without many objections from the citizenry. Take the school shooting that took place at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla., on Valentine’s Day: 17 people, students and teachers alike, were killed by Nikolas Cruz, a 19-year-old former student armed with a gas mask, smoke grenades, magazines of ammunition, and an AR-15 style semiautomatic rifle. This shooting, which is being chalked up to mental illness by the 19-year-old assassin, came months after a series of mass shootings in late 2017, one at a church in Texas and the other at an outdoor country music concert in Las Vegas. In both the Texas and Las Vegas attacks, the shooters were dressed like a soldier or militarized police officer and armed with military-style weapons. As usual following one of these shootings, there is a vocal outcry for enacting more strident gun control measures, more mental health checks, and heightened school security measures. Also as usual, in the midst of the finger-pointing, no one is pointing a finger at the American police state or the war-drenched, violence-imbued, profit-driven military industrial complex, both of which have made violence America’s calling card. Ask yourself: Why do these mass shootings keep happening? Who are these shooters modelling themselves after? Where are they finding the inspiration for their weaponry and tactics? Whose stance and techniques are they mirroring? Mass shootings have taken place at churches, in nightclubs, on college campuses, on military bases, in elementary schools, in government offices, and at concerts. In almost every instance, you can connect the dots back to the military-industrial complex, which continues to dominate, dictate and shape almost every aspect of our lives. We are a military culture engaged in continuous warfare. We have been a nation at war for most of our existence. We are a nation that makes a living from killing through defense contracts, weapons manufacturing and endless wars. We are being fed a steady diet of violence through our entertainment, news and politics. All of the military equipment featured in blockbuster movies is provided—at taxpayer expense—in exchange for carefully placed promotional spots. Back when I was a boy growing up in the 1950s, almost every classic sci-fi movie ended with the  heroic American military saving the day, whether it was battle tanks in Invaders from Mars (1953) or military roadblocks in Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956). What I didn’t know then as a schoolboy was the extent to which the Pentagon was paying to be cast as America’s savior. By the time my own kids were growing up, it was Jerry Bruckheimer’s blockbuster film Top Gun—created with Pentagon assistance and equipment—that boosted civic pride in the military. Now it’s my grandkids’ turn to be awed and overwhelmed by child-focused military propaganda in the X-Men movies. Same goes for The Avengers and Superman and the Transformers. (Don’t even get me started on the war propaganda churned out by the toymakers.) Even reality TV shows have gotten in on the gig, with the Pentagon’s entertainment office influencing “American Idol,” “The X-Factor,” “Masterchef,” “Cupcake Wars,” numerous Oprah Winfrey shows, “Ice Road Truckers,” “Battlefield Priests,” “America’s Got Talent,” “Hawaii Five-O,” lots of BBC, History Channel and National Geographic documentaries, “War Dogs,” and “Big Kitchens.” And that’s just a sampling. It’s estimated that U.S. military intelligence agencies (including the NSA) have influenced over 1,800 movies and TV shows. And then there are the growing number of video games, a number of which are engineered by or created for the military, which have accustomed players to interactive war play through military simulations and first-person shooter scenarios. This is how you acclimate a population to war. This is how you cultivate loyalty to a war machine. This is how, to borrow from the subtitle to the 1964 film Dr. Strangelove, you teach a nation to “stop worrying and love the bomb.” As journalist David Sirota writes for Salon:  [C]ollusion between the military and Hollywood – including allowing Pentagon officials to line edit scripts – is once again on the rise, with new television programs and movies slated to celebrate the Navy SEALs…. major Hollywood directors remain more than happy to ideologically slant their films in precisely the pro-war, pro-militarist direction that the Pentagon demands in exchange for taxpayer-subsidized access to military hardware. Why is the Pentagon (and the CIA and the government at large) so focused on using Hollywood as a propaganda machine? To those who profit from war, it is as Sirota recognizes: a ‘product’ to be sold via pop culture products that sanitize war and, in the process, boost recruitment numbers….At a time when more and more Americans are questioning the fundamental tenets of militarism (i.e., budget-busting defense expenditures, never-ending wars/occupations, etc.), military officials are desperate to turn the public opinion tide back in a pro-militarist direction — and they know pop culture is the most effective tool to achieve that goal. The media, eager to score higher ratings, has been equally complicit in making (real) war more palatable to the public by packaging it as TV friendly. This is what professor Roger Stahl refers to as the representation of a “clean war”: a war “without victims, without bodies, and without suffering”: ‘Dehumanize destruction’ by extracting all human imagery from target areas … The language used to describe the clean war is as antiseptic as the pictures. Bombings are ‘air strikes.’ A future bombsite is a ‘target of opportunity.’ Unarmed areas are ‘soft targets.’ Civilians are ‘collateral damage.’ Destruction is always ‘surgical.’ By and large, the clean war wiped the humanity of civilians from the screen … Create conditions by which war appears short, abstract, sanitized and even aesthetically beautiful. Minimize any sense of death: of soldiers or civilians. This is how you sell war to a populace that may have grown weary of endless wars: sanitize the war coverage of anything graphic or discomfiting (present a clean war), gloss over the actual numbers of soldiers and civilians killed (human cost), cast the business of killing humans in a more abstract, palatable fashion (such as a hunt), demonize one’s opponents, and make the weapons of war a source of wonder and delight. “This obsession with weapons of war has a name: technofetishism,” explains Stahl. “Weapons appear to take on a magical aura. They become centerpieces in a cult of worship.” “Apart from gazing at the majesty of these bombs, we were also invited to step inside these high-tech machines and take them for a spin,” said Stahl. “Or if we have the means, we can purchase one of the military vehicles on the consumer market. Not only are we invited to fantasize about being in the driver’s seat, we are routinely invited to peer through the crosshairs too. These repeated modes of imaging war cultivate new modes of perception, new relationships to the tools of state violence. In other words,we become accustomed to ‘seeing‘ through the machines of war.” In order to sell war, you have to feed the public’s appetite for entertainment. Not satisfied with peddling its war propaganda through Hollywood, reality TV shows and embedded journalists whose reports came across as glorified promotional ads for the military, the Pentagon turned to sports to further advance its agenda, “tying the symbols of sports with the symbols of war.” The military has been firmly entrenched in the nation’s sports spectacles ever since, having co-opted football, basketball, even NASCAR. This is how you sustain the nation’s appetite for war. No wonder entertainment violence is the hottest selling ticket at the box office. As professor Henry Giroux points out: Popular culture not only trades in violence as entertainment, but also it delivers violence to a society addicted to a pleasure principle steeped in graphic and extreme images of human suffering, mayhem and torture. No wonder the government continues to whet the nation’s appetite for violence and war through paid propaganda programs (seeded throughout sports entertainment, Hollywood blockbusters and video games)—what Stahl refers to as “militainment“—that glorify the military and serve as recruiting tools for America’s expanding military empire. No wonder Americans from a very young age are being groomed to enlist as foot soldiers—even virtual ones—in America’s Army (coincidentally, that’s also the name of a first person shooter video game produced by the military). Explorer scouts, for example, are one of the most popular recruiting tools for the military and its civilian counterparts (law enforcement, Border Patrol, and the FBI). Writing for The Atlantic, a former Explorer scout described the highlight of the program: monthly weekend maneuvers with the National Guard where scouts “got to fire live rounds from M16s, M60 machine guns, and M203 grenade launchers… we would have urban firefights (shooting blanks, of course) in Combat Town, a warren of concrete buildings designed for just that purpose. The exercise always devolved into a free-for-all, with all of us weekend warriors emptying clip after clip of blanks until we couldn’t see past the end of our rifles for all the smoke in the air.” No wonder the United States is the number one consumer, exporter and perpetrator of violence and violent weapons in the world. Seriously, America spends more money on war than the combined military budgets of China, Russia, the United Kingdom, Japan, France, Saudi Arabia, India, Germany, Italy and Brazil. America polices the globe, with 800 military bases and troops stationed in 160 countries. Moreover, the war hawks have turned the American homeland into a quasi-battlefield with military gear, weapons and tactics. In turn, domestic police forces have become roving extensions of the military—a standing army. So when you talk about the Florida shooting, keep in mind that you’re not dealing with a single shooter scenario. Rather, you’re dealing with a sophisticated, far-reaching war machine that has woven itself into the very fabric of this nation. You want to stop the gun violence? Stop the worship of violence that permeates our culture. Stop glorifying the military industrial complex with flyovers and salutes during sports spectacles. Stop acting as if there is anything patriotic about military exercises and occupations that bomb hospitals and schools. Stop treating guns and war as entertainment fodder in movies, music, video games, toys, amusement parks, reality TV and more. Stop distributing weapons of war to the local police and turning them into extensions of the military—weapons that have no business being anywhere but on a battlefield. This breakdown—triggered by polarizing circus politics, media-fed mass hysteria, militarization and militainment (the selling of war and violence as entertainment), a sense of hopelessness and powerlessness in the face of growing corruption, the government’s alienation from its populace, and an economy that has much of the population struggling to get by—is manifesting itself in madness, mayhem and an utter disregard for the very principles and liberties that have kept us out of the clutches of totalitarianism for so long. Stop falling for the military industrial complex’s psychological war games. Nikolas Cruz may have pulled the trigger that resulted in the mayhem in Parkland, Fla., but something else is driving the madness. As Stahl concludes, “War has come to look very much like a video game. As viewers of the TV war, we are treated to endless flyovers. We are immersed in a general spirit of play. We are shown countless computer animations that contribute a sense of virtuality. We play alongside news anchors who watch on their monitors. We sit in front of the crosshairs directing missiles with a sense of interactivity. The destruction, if shown at all, seems unreal, distant. These repeated images foster habitual fantasies of crossing over.” We’ve got to do more than react in a knee-jerk fashion. Those who want safety at all costs will clamor for more gun control measures (if not an outright ban on weapons for non-military, non-police personnel), widespread mental health screening of the general population and greater scrutiny of military veterans, more threat assessments and behavioral sensing warnings, more CCTV cameras with facial recognition capabilities, more “See Something, Say Something” programs aimed at turning Americans into snitches and spies, more metal detectors and whole-body imaging devices at soft targets, more roaming squads of militarized police empowered to do random bag searches, more fusion centers to centralize and disseminate information to law enforcement agencies, and more surveillance of what Americans say and do, where they go, what they buy and how they spend their time. All of these measures play into the government’s hands. As we have learned the hard way, the phantom promise of safety in exchange for restricted or regulated liberty is a false, misguided doctrine that has no basis in the truth. What we need is a thoughtful, measured, apolitical response to these shootings and the violence that is plaguing our nation. As I point out in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People, the solution to most problems must start locally, in our homes, in our neighborhoods, and in our communities. We’ve got to de-militarize our police and lower the levels of violence here and abroad, whether it’s violence we export to other countries, violence we glorify in entertainment, or violence we revel in when it’s leveled at our so-called enemies, politically or otherwise. Our prolonged exposure to the toxic culture of the American police state is deadly. http://clubof.info/
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ziamlove · 7 years ago
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watcheswatchesswiss Mechanical movement replica watches This Faux Movie Trailer Captures All The Horror Of Client Deadlines by Richard Whitman , August 24, 2014, 6:26 PM Recommend (4) Comment (2) This is, by far, the best representation of the emotional state one finds oneself in when client deadlines approach. watches Staffers at Greek agency Admine took it upon themselves to leverage the horror movie trailer approach to representing the horrific intensity of looming client deadlines. best replica watches The trailer delivers everything you’d expect and will very quickly bring you back to that specific moment when you were in the midst of a pressing client deadline and every piece of shit was hitting the fan. watches And speaking of shit, the trailer points to a Web site on which fake reviews — such as this one from The New York Times — proclaim: “Scariest shit ever.”  You’ve all heard this argument before. best replica watches site At least I hope you have. replica watches It’s no secret that it helps agency folks to think like a marketing director. best swiss replica watches Why? Because that style of thinking lends itself to a broader, more holistic viewpoint — and one that offers insight far beyond just that of the next ad campaign. Writing in Entrepreneur , Grow Co-Founders Gabrey Means and Cassie Hughes argue that agency people should be nosy both into your client’s business and into what other agencies are doing. Also, you should “surrender the square peg” — meaning that your agency will not always have the best solution or even be the right company for a given project at a given time. And lastly, it is advised that you “sing kumbaya” — meaning, basically, that every company working for a single brand should be one big, happy family. And to do that, there must be communication between all partners, even if they see each other as competitors. After feeling the brunt of ageism and getting the boot from the world’s biggest Millennial playground otherwise known as BuzzFeed, it’s nice to see Mark Duffy (aka Copyranter) expressing his opinions again. Writing for Jezebel , Mark unleashes a torrent of criticism on the latest slew of swagger dads — which, apparently, is supposed to be some kind of make good for all those years the industry painted men as clueless, blithering idiots. Trouble is, this “dadvertising” effort, kicked off several years ago most notably with the Toyota Swagger Wagon ad, is portraying dads just as idiotically as when they were portrayed as clownish buffoons. Now they’re just backed by rap music and hashtags. Is this really progress? So by now you’ve all heard of Snapchat, right? And you’re all racing to get your clients in on this shiny new marketing object of the month, right? After all, it’s new, it’s cool and all the kids are doing it. Which, of course, means every single agency has to get in on the action. But as Traction CEO Adam Kleinberg writes in Advertising Age, you should, perhaps, snap out of it. He argues agencies will want to consider the kind of company they will keep if they choose to advertise on Snapchat. He writes, “I conducted an experiment and changed my settings to allow anyone to send me snaps on Snapchat. Sure enough, the ads started rolling in. An ad for a fake Rolex was the tamest of the bunch. Ads for penis enlargement pills and ‘fine big booty girls’ were gems.” So think twice before you jump on that shiny object train. 4 SHARES Tags: advertiser-agency relationship , advertising , agency Recommend (4) Print RSS 2 comments about “This Faux Movie Trailer Captures All The Horror Of Client Deadlines”. Jonathan Hutter from Garrand , August 25, 2014 at 9:01 a.m. If they had enough time to make that trailer, they obviously weren’t very busy. dorothy higgins from umww , August 25, 2014 at 9:38 a.m. Not that funny. Eh. Leave a Comment Sign in to post your comment. Not a member? Join here for free Username Password Remember me Forgot your password? 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posted Sep 16th, 2014 3:04 pm
Links Of London outletlinks of london silverLinks of London Sale Online British Muslims blame jihadi subculture after beheading video Reuters Middle East  –  Fri, Aug 22, 2014 Share this 0 shares (Adds U.S. officials, paragraphs 2, 18-22; adds links) links of london * Britons must combat glamorization of jihad -Muslim leader Cheap Links Of London Jewelry Wholesale * U.S. opens criminal investigation into Foley's death Links of London Silver Jewellery On Sale * West should have attacked Islamic State earlier -Iraqis cheap links of london rings * Obama, Cameron anxious to avoid new ground war in Iraq Links Of London * Hagel: Islamic State is imminent threat to U.S. interests Links of London watches By Kate Holton and Raheem Salman LONDON/BAGHDAD, Aug 21 (Reuters) – A British Muslim leader called for action on Thursday to tackle a jihadi sub-culture after an Islamic State video showed a suspected Briton beheading U.S. journalist James Foley, held hostage in Syria. In Washington, U.S. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said the threat from Islamic State was "beyond anything we've seen" and the U.S. Justice Department opened a criminal investigation into the death of Foley on the video, which featured a masked man speaking English with a British accent. As Western officials tried to identify the man, the Muslim Council of Britain denounced Foley's "abhorrent murder" and one of its advisers urged anyone who knows the killer's identity to contact the police. Horror at the video spanned from the West to Baghdad, where Iraqis asked why the United States and its allies had not cracked down on Islamic State fighters long before they captured large areas of Syria and Iraq. Foley, 40, was beheaded by an Islamic State militant in the video that surfaced on the Internet on Tuesday, and officials in Washington revealed that U.S. special forces had tried unsuccessfully to rescue him along with other American hostages earlier this summer. A firefight between the U.S. forces and Islamic State militants during the rescue attempt appeared to be the first direct ground engagement between the two sides. The video caused particular shock in Britain, which is home to about 2.7 million Muslims, although the hundreds of British men fighting alongside the militants in Iraq and Syria have created concern for some time. Iqbal Sacranie, an adviser to the Muslim Council of Britain, said Britons from across the country's communities had to stop young men being seduced by radical ideologies. "This sub culture of this 'jihadi-cool' – as they call it in the media – within the margins of society … that is the real challenge," he told BBC Radio. "This is a problem that affects all of us and it will only be dealt with more effectively if all of us are working together on this." Sacranie said the Muslim community was pushing the message that "this is totally alien to Islam" and families were reporting to the authorities when they discovered their sons had headed to the Middle East to fight. He also told London's Evening Standard newspaper that anyone who recognised the man in the video had a duty to contact police. JOHN, PAUL AND RINGO The Guardian newspaper said a former hostage had identified the masked man as the leader of three Britons who guarded foreign hostages in the city of Raqqa – Islamic State's stronghold in eastern Syria. The BBC also reported that hostages had nicknamed their three captors John, Paul and Ringo, after members of the Beatles pop group. Ghaffar Hussain, managing director of the counter-extremism Quilliam Foundation, said it was almost inevitable that men who had fought in Syria would return to plan attacks in Europe. "It is disturbing that people born and raised in Britain and who have gone to the same schools as us could have been essentially indoctrinated to the extent where they can justify raping women and chopping heads off," he said. Four British Islamists – two of whom had been to al Qaeda training camps in Pakistan – killed 52 people in suicide bomb attacks on London in July 2005, and Britons have previously appeared in graphic Islamist videos. Until recently, Islamic State concentrated on establishing its self-proclaimed caliphate in areas of Syria and Iraq it had seized rather than on attacking the West, like al Qaeda – the group from which it split. But U.S. President Barack Obama's decision to order air strikes on its fighters in Iraq appears to have changed this. The beheading video also showed images of another U.S. journalist, Steven Sotloff, whose fate the group said depends on how the United States acts in Iraq. "The life of this American citizen, Obama, depends on your next decision," the masked man says. In a Washington briefing on Thursday, Hagel said Islamic State was as sophisticated as any group the United States had seen and posed an imminent threat "to every interest we have, whether it's in Iraq or anywhere else." "They are beyond just a terrorist group. They marry ideology, a sophistication of … military prowess," Hagel said. "They are tremendously well-funded. This is beyond anything we've seen." General Martin Dempsey, chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, suggested Islamic State would be a danger until it could no longer count on safe havens in Syria. "This is an organization that has an apocalyptic, end-of- days strategic vision and which will eventually have to be defeated," Dempsey said. "To your question, can they be defeated without addressing that part of their organization which resides in Syria? The answer is no. That will have to be addressed on both sides of what is essentially at this point a non-existent border." In Baghdad, Iraqis expressed their horror at the video of Foley's killing and questioned Western strategy on Islamic State, which advanced out of Syria in June to capture several major Iraqi cities, including Mosul, before the United States intervened militarily. "The killing is the crime of all crimes, whoever the victim is," said Kareem Jamal, 55, an Arabic language teacher at a secondary school. "I wish the world superpowers had fought these criminal groups in their incubators. The U.S. should have hit Islamic State when they first appeared in Syria. Why didn't they hit them when they first entered Mosul and other cities?" Ali Mohammed Saeed, a 35-year-old doctor, called for deeper Western involvement, almost three years after U.S. troops pulled out of Iraq. "Air strikes are not enough, those criminals need ground troops to kill them and kick them out." British Prime Minister David Cameron has ruled out sending troops to step up Britain's military involvement in Iraq, which has so far been focused on delivering supplies to Kurdish forces fighting Islamic State and using jets to conduct surveillance. (Additional reporting by Julia Edwards, Missy Ryan, Steve Holland and David Alexander in Washington and William James in London; Writing by David Stamp; editing by Philippa Fletcher and Gunna Dickson) links of london outlet store Cheap Links Of London Jewelry Wholesale
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Vintage Wine Scammer Kurniawan Sentenced to 10 Years Jail By Patricia Hurtado 2014-08-07T21:13:53Z – Comments Email Print Speed Share Facebook Twitter Google+ LinkedIn Email Print Save watches Rudy Kurniawan, who swindled wealthy wine collectors including billionaire William Koch by selling them more than $20.7 million in fake French vintages created in his home kitchen, was sentenced to 10 years in prison. omega watches U.S. District Judge Richard Berman in Manhattan imposed the sentence today, saying Kurniawan, 37, failed to accept responsibility from his crimes. Berman ordered Kurniawan to forfeit $20 million — including real estate, art, jewelry and wine — and to pay an additional $28.4 million to those who’d purchased purportedly rare French wines he concocted and bottled at home. replica cartier watches Kurniawan’s scheme was “a bold, grandiose, unscrupulous but destined-to-fail con,” Berman said. “The public at large needs to know that our food and drink are safe and that what’s on the label and is not some potentially unsafe, homemade witches brew.” watches Jurors convicted Kurniawan in December of mail and wire fraud. Prosecutors urged that he be jailed for 14 years for cheating collectors, auction houses and others from 2004 to 2012. Agents searched Kurniawan’s home after his arrest and found a laboratory for creating fake wines that included corks, bottles and printers to fabricate labels, prosecutors said. replica Longines watches Kurniawan operated in assembly-line fashion from his home in the Los Angeles suburb of Arcadia and was “the kingpin of counterfeiters,” Assistant U.S. Attorney Stanley Okula said. “At the end of the day, the defendant carried out a grand con and he should be punished.” Ailing Mother replica patek watches Kurniawan apologized to the court and asked to be allowed to go home to California to care for his ailing mother. “I am really sorry,” he said. Kurniawan’s lawyer, Jerome Mooney, sought a sentence of 2 1/4 years, representing the time Kurniawan has served in U.S. custody since his 2012 arrest. Kurniawan is the first person in the U.S. to be prosecuted for selling fake wines and his crime should be viewed in perspective, Mooney said. “Nobody died here,” Mooney said. “Nobody lost their savings, nobody lost their job, nobody was rendered devoid of the things they needed for their life.” Prosecutors last month said investor losses totaled more than $30.5 million. Among the victims was Andrew Hobson, chief financial officer of Univision Communications Inc., who paid about $3.1 million for bottles that were almost all fake or couldn’t be authenticated, prosecutors said. Aston Martin Another victim was David Doyle, co-founder of Quest Software Inc. and owner of the Rockpool Bar and Grill in Sydney. Doyle paid $15.1 million and transfered an Aston Martin vehicle for purported wines that included a 1947 Chateau Cheval Blanc, prosecutors said. At least 1,590 bottles — worth more than $19 million if genuine — were fakes, Doyle’s estate manager said in a memo to the judge, citing a wine authenticator. George Stamboulidis, Doyle’s lawyer, said after court that this “first-of-its-kind criminal prosecution” signals “federal law enforcement’s resolve to pursue wine counterfeiters.” Koch was among the first wine collectors to publicly declare he’d been swindled by Kurniawan. He testified during the trial that he lost about $2.1 million on purchases of about 219 bottles that purported to be Chateau Petrus and Domaine de la Romanee-Conti. Future Auctions Koch, the brother of billionaire energy executives Charles and David Koch , has waged a legal fight against counterfeiting and hired more than a half dozen experts to find fakes in his 43,000-bottle cellar, he said. Last month, he settled a civil lawsuit against Kurniawan, Mooney said. Kurniawan’s fakes have infiltrated the wine market and may be sold at auctions for decades to come, prosecutors said. The government has won Berman’s approval to seize all Kurniawan’s property, including art by Damien Hirst and Donald Judd , luxury watches worth more than $550,000 and a $33,6000 south sea pearl necklace. The trial included testimony from three French winemakers who traveled to the U.S. to testify for prosecutors. The case is U.S. v. Kurniawan, 12-cr-00376, U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York (Manhattan). To contact the reporter on this story: Patricia Hurtado in Federal Court in Manhattan at [email protected] To contact the editors responsible for this story: Michael Hytha at [email protected] David Glovin, Charles Carter Press spacebar to pause and continue. Press esc to stop. Facebook Twitter Google+ LinkedIn Bloomberg reserves the right to remove comments but is under no obligation to do so, or to explain individual moderation decisions.
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Unboxing the Beats By Dr. Dre Solo Unboxing the Beats By Dr. Dre Solo HD drenched in matte Green i’m unboxing the beats by Dr. Dre solo HD drenched in Matte Green… published: 20 Feb 2014 views: 424 Add to Playlist Play Video Share Video 3:42 Beats By Dr. Dre Solo HD (Dark Blue) – Unboxing Published: 08 Jan 2013
Beats By Dr. Dre Solo HD (Dark Blue Beats By Dr. Dre Solo HD (Dark Blue) – Unboxing Buy the Beats By Dr. Dre Solo HD (Dark Blue) here: http://full.sc/UzcKZt Just so you guys know: these are NOT fake Beats. I bought this pair in Dark Blue on …… published: 08 Jan 2013 views: 13866 author: MikesiOSHelp Add to Playlist Play Video Share Video 2:50 Bán tai nghe Beats Solo HD 2013 Matte Finish chính hãng Beats by Dre Published: 16 Mar 2014
Bán tai nghe Beats Solo HD 2013 Mat Bán tai nghe Beats Solo HD 2013 Matte Finish chính hãng Beats by Dre – Beats Solo HD 2013 by Dr.Dre Matte Finish: http://ift.tt/2B0BgmP – Tai nghe Beats Solo HD by Dr.Dre 2013 — Matte Teal chính hãng USA với khả năn… published: 16 Mar 2014 views: 72 Add to Playlist Play Video Share Video 2:45 Beats By Dr Dre Solo HD videoreview en unboxing (NL BE) Published: 14 Aug 2013
Beats By Dr Dre Solo HD videoreview Beats By Dr Dre Solo HD videoreview en unboxing (NL BE) Wil je de Beats By Dr Dre Solo HD bestellen? Ga naar: http://coolb.lu/1a3JO7J…. published: 14 Aug 2013 views: 587 author: coolblue Add to Playlist Play Video Share Video 9:45 Beats by Dr Dre Solo HD Unboxing Green (Sour Apple) Published: 28 Dec 2012
Beats by Dr Dre Solo HD Unboxing Gr Beats by Dr Dre Solo HD Unboxing Green (Sour Apple) Today I unbox the new green (sour apple) Solo HD’S by Dre. Dre. They are a great headset and I recommend them to anybody that loves deep base…. published: 28 Dec 2012 views: 5723 author: Diasasterous Add to Playlist Play Video Share Video 12:22 Test: Casque Beats Solo HD par Dr Dre Published: 17 Aug 2012
Test: Casque Beats Solo HD par Dr D Test: Casque Beats Solo HD par Dr Dre Test du casque Beats Solo HD par Dr Dre. Un casque sympas pour la vie quotidien que je vous conseil, si vous écoutez du Hip Hop, Rap, R&B … site web: http:…… published: 17 Aug 2012 views: 25679 author: exoaware Add to Playlist Play Video Share Video 2:14 Beats by Dr. Dre Solo HD iPod/iPhone Control Headphones with Built-in Mic – Light Blue Published: 06 Jan 2014
Beats by Dr. Dre Solo HD iPod/iPhon Beats by Dr. Dre Solo HD iPod/iPhone Control Headphones with Built-in Mic – Light Blue Howdy YouTube, and welcome to B4UBuyReviews. Today we’re unboxing Beats by Dr. Dre Solo HD iPod/iPhone Control Headphones with Built-In Mic, in light blue. This is my second set of Beats headphones… published: 06 Jan 2014 views: 24 Beat may refer to: Read more… This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia – http://ift.tt/2B0xPwi This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License , which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license. beats by dr.dre solo hd suck duration: 5:21 published: 17 Nov 2012 updated: 15 Jun 2013 views: 1336 author: Michael Hines Beats by Dr. Dre Solo HD Review!En Español Déjenos un ME GUSTA! Y recuerden suscribirse. http://ift.tt/1f9enpO http://twitter.com/#!/spanglishreview http://www.youtube.com/user/spanglishrevi… duration: 4:55 published: 26 Oct 2012 updated: 16 Aug 2013 views: 4216 author: SpanglishReview [Unboxing] New Beats Solo HD by Dr Dre 2013 – Matte White Ấn tượng bề ngoài đương nhiên không nói lên chất lượng vì thế để đánh giá một tai nghe người dùng phải có những trải nghiệm âm nhạc với nó. Nhưng ở tai nghe Beats Solo HD by Dr.Dre 2013 – Matte White chính hãng thiết kế và chất lượng đều đạt đến đỉnh cao và bạn sẽ không phải thất vọng với chất lượng âm thanh mượt mà sau vẻ ngoài hào nhoáng của nó. Đối với những người đam mê âm nhạc và đã chán với thiết kế cũ mòn của những sản phẩm trước đây thì Tai nghe Beats Solo HD by Dr.Dre 2013 – Matte White chính hãng USA là một sự thay thế tuyệt vời trong lịch sử thiết kế tai nghe. ——————————————————————— Cty TNHH TM-DV Thời Đại Công Nghệ http://ift.tt/2yMsfaM http://ift.tt/1ipvjcT Chuyên cung cấp sản phẩm kỹ thuật số: tai nghe monster beats by dr.dre chính hãng, máy ảnh, máy quay phim, macbook, ipad, iphone, ipod touch…. Hotline: 0936.35.75.76 Mr. Luân —————————— 1- Monster Beats Pro by Dr.Dre : 7.200.0000�� 2- Monster Beats Studio by Dr.Dre : 4.200.0000đ 3- Beats Studio by Dr.Dre 2013 : 6.000.0000đ 4- Monster Beats Solo HD by Dr.Dre : 3.700.0000đ 5- Monster Beats Wireless by Dr.Dre : 4.900.0000đ 6- Beats Studio Wireless by Dr.Dre 2013 : 4.200.0000đ 7- Monster Beats Mixr by Dr.Dre : 5.500.0000đ 8- Beats Executive by Dr.Dre : 5.500.0000đ 9- Monster Beats Tour by Dr.Dre 2012 : 2.500.0000đ 10- Loa di động Beats Pill by Dr.Dre : 4.300.0000đ 11- Monster Beatbox PorTable by Dr.Dre : 9.300.0000đ 12- Urbeats by Dr.Dre | Urbeats 2013 : 2.100.0000đ 13- Beats Tour by Dr.Dre 2013 Vesion 2.0 : 3.500.0000đ 14- Beats Mixr Neon by Dr.Dre : 6.500.0000đ 15- Beats Solo HD by Dr.Dre matte 2013 : 5.000.0000đ Tai nghe monster beats by Dr.Dre được chúng tôi bán ra đều cam kết hàng chính hãng mới 100%. real – No Fake Nguyên seal, bảo hành 12 tháng. duration: 4:35 published: 10 Jan 2014 updated: 10 Jan 2014 views: 69 [Review] Monster Beats By Dr. Dre Solo HD Nos pidieron el review de los Beats y nosotros cumplimos! Menos mal, porque simplemente quedamos encantados con estos auriculares: Entre excelente aislación,… duration: 14:04 published: 14 Dec 2012 updated: 15 Aug 2013 views: 6136 author: SupraPixel Unboxing of Beats By Dr. Dre SOLO HD 2.0 [Drenched in Color] RED Click “show more” to expand the description! Just picked these up today, kind of an impulse buy. Loving them though! Amazing quality, and they work with PS4! So…turtle beach, or Dre Beats? I say Beats! Pick yours up here!: http://goo.gl/BSOvCw Make sure to subscribe for more Follow me on my social networks! Instagram: http://goo.gl/EEjxP4 Twitter: http://goo.gl/W4iNaf duration: 7:26 published: 13 Apr 2014 updated: 13 Apr 2014 views: 203 How to fix Beats by dr. Dre SOLO/SOLO HD Hinges Hey everyone! Today i show you how to fix your Beats by Dre SOLO/SOLO HD Hinges! This solution really helped me out and I found this myself. I did tighten them much more after the video, and everything turned out great. Hope this video helped you out to fixing your pair! (: Thanks for watching! NOTE: DO THIS AT YOUR OWN RISK. I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR BREAKING YOUR HEADPHONES. Tags: Beats, Dr. Dre, Beats by Dre, Beats by dr. Dre, DeTox, Limited Edition, Beats Pro, Beats Studio, Beats Solo, Beats Solo HD, Beats Mixr, Beats Executive, Real, Fake, Comparison, Marketing, Review, Collection, Beats Tour, UrBeats, iBeats, Monster, Non Monster, Original, Genuine, Headphones, Earphones, Beats Pill, Beatbox Portable, Quality, Beats Wireless, New, Used, Brand New, Unboxing, Quick Comparison, Sound Test, DJ, Edition, Sound Quality, Album, Released, Loud, High Quality, Professional Headphones, Sound, fix, fixed, solution, problem solved, duration: 8:40 published: 21 Jul 2013 updated: 21 Jul 2013 views: 683 Beats By Dr Dre Solo Hd Unboxing en Español Sigueme en twitter!!! https://twitter.com/mrtutor… Instagram!! @mrtutorial2000 Canal de mi amigo: http://www.youtube.com/user/edmrcampo Si te gusto el video no olvides dar like y suscribirte, es gratis!! unboxing desempaquetado abriendo beats by dr dre solo hd monster studio mixr pro wireless executive tour powerbeats urbeats heartbeats pill beatbox revisado review prueba de calidad en español mrtutorial2000 duration: 1:14 published: 21 Sep 2013 updated: 21 Sep 2013 views: 445 Unboxing the Beats By Dr. Dre Solo HD drenched in matte Green i’m unboxing the beats by Dr. Dre solo HD drenched in Matte Green duration: 2:39 published: 20 Feb 2014 updated: 20 Feb 2014 views: 424 Beats By Dr. Dre Solo HD (Dark Blue) – Unboxing Buy the Beats By Dr. Dre Solo HD (Dark Blue) here: http://full.sc/UzcKZt Just so you guys know: these are NOT fake Beats. I bought this pair in Dark Blue on … duration: 3:42 published: 08 Jan 2013 updated: 12 Aug 2013 views: 13866 author: MikesiOSHelp Bán tai nghe Beats Solo HD 2013 Matte Finish chính hãng Beats by Dre – Beats Solo HD 2013 by Dr.Dre Matte Finish: http://ift.tt/2B0BgmP – Tai nghe Beats Solo HD by Dr.Dre 2013 — Matte Teal chính hãng USA với khả năng cách âm đến tuyệt đối, giúp bạn có thể trải nghiệm 100% công suất âm thanh dù ở đám đông, trên đường, hoặc bất kỳ đâu… CÁCH ÂM TUYỆT ĐỐI Tai nghe Beats Solo HD by Dr.Dre 2013 – Matte White Với khả năng cách âm đến tuyệt đối, giúp bạn có thể trải nghiệm 100% công suất âm thanh dù ở đám đông, trên đường, hoặc bất kỳ đâu… đều không làm ảnh hưởng đến việc thưởng thức âm thanh của riêng bạn. Tai nghe Beats Solo HD by Dr.Dre 2013 – Matte White được trang bị hệ thống âm thanh High Definition Audio đem bạn đến với thế giới của những bản thu HD chất lượng cao lần đầu tiên được sử dụng trên một chiếc Headphones cao cấp của hãng Beats by Dr.Dre. PHONG CÁCH DI ĐỘNG Không giống với thiết kế Headphones thông thường tai nghe Beats Solo HD by Dr.Dre 2013 – Matte White chính hãng được thiết kế nhỏ gọn bỏ túi mang phong cách thời trang và di động. Do đặc điểm nhỏ gọn nên phụ kiện của tai nghe Beats Solo HD by Dr.Dre 2013 – Matte White chính hãng là túi được trang bị thêm lớp đệm chống sốc đảm bảo an toàn cho tai nghe chống được va đập bên ngoài. Tai nghe Beats Solo HD by Dr.Dre 2013 – Matte White chính hãng lấy logo chữ “b” làm điểm nhấn và sử dụng 8 màu sắc ứng với mối cá tính của từng người đem lại rất nhiều lựa chọn về màu sắc cho bạn. —————————————-­—————————– Cty TNHH TM-DV Thời Đại Công Nghệ http://ift.tt/2yMsgLS http://ift.tt/2yMsfaM Chuyên cung cấp sản phẩm kỹ thuật số: tai nghe monster beats by dr.dre chính hãng, máy ảnh, máy quay phim, macbook, ipad, iphone, ipod touch…. Hotline: 0936.35.75.76 Mr. Luân —————————— 1- Beats Pro by Dr.Dre : 7.900.0000đ 2- Monster Beats Studio 2012 by Dr.Dre : 4.200.0000đ 3- Beats Studio by Dr.Dre 2013 : 6.500.0000đ 4- Beats Solo HD by Dr.Dre : 3.700.0000đ 5- Beats Wireless by Dr.Dre : 5.400.0000đ 6- Beats Studio Wireless by Dr.Dre 2013 : 8.900.0000đ 7- Beats Mixr by Dr.Dre : 5.500.0000đ 8- Beats Executive by Dr.Dre : 5.500.0000đ 9- Monster Beats Tour 2012 by Dr.Dre : 2.700.0000đ 10- Loa di động Beats Pill by Dr.Dre : 4.600.0000đ 11- Beatbox PorTable by Dr.Dre : 9.300.0000đ 12- Urbeats by Dr.Dre | Urbeats 2013 : 2.100.0000đ 13- Beats Tour 2013 Vesion 2.0 by Dre : 3.700.0000đ 14- Beats Mixr Neon by Dr.Dre : 6.000.0000đ 15- Beats Solo HD by Dr.Dre matte 2013 : 4.500.0000đ 16- Loa Bluetooth Beats Pill Xl by Dre : 8.500.0000đ Tai nghe monster Beats by Dr.Dre được chúng tôi bán ra đều cam kết hàng chính hãng mới 100%. real – No Fake Nguyên seal, bảo hành 12 tháng. duration: 2:50 published: 16 Mar 2014 updated: 16 Mar 2014 views: 72 Beats By Dr Dre Solo HD videoreview en unboxing (NL BE) Wil je de Beats By Dr Dre Solo HD bestellen? Ga naar: http://coolb.lu/1a3JO7J. duration: 2:45 published: 14 Aug 2013 updated: 17 Aug 2013 views: 587 author: coolblue Beats by Dr Dre Solo HD Unboxing Green (Sour Apple) Today I unbox the new green (sour apple) Solo HD’S by Dre. Dre. They are a great headset and I recommend them to anybody that loves deep base. duration: 9:45 published: 28 Dec 2012 updated: 10 Aug 2013 views: 5723 author: Diasasterous Test: Casque Beats Solo HD par Dr Dre Test du casque Beats Solo HD par Dr Dre. Un casque sympas pour la vie quotidien que je vous conseil, si vous écoutez du Hip Hop, Rap, R&B … site web: http:… duration: 12:22 published: 17 Aug 2012 updated: 09 Aug 2013 views: 25679 author: exoaware Beats by Dr. Dre Solo HD iPod/iPhone Control Headphones with Built-in Mic – Light Blue Howdy YouTube, and welcome to B4UBuyReviews. Today we’re unboxing Beats by Dr. Dre Solo HD iPod/iPhone Control Headphones with Built-In Mic, in light blue. This is my second set of Beats headphones. I use my Studios for at home and wanted a pair that were smaller specifically for at the gym. These on-ear headphones are lightweight, compact and offers high definition sound. They also come with an inline microphone and remote which is compatible with iPhone, iPad, etc, allowing you to answer your calls or control your music / volume, etc. The headphones fold up nicely and have a good quality feel about them, including the extremely soft to touch feeling of the headband and ear cups. They come with a soft carrying pouch perfect for keeping them safe in my gym bag. A great feature of the Solo HD vs. my Studios, is that they don’t require batteries. My one critisim with both the Solo’s and the Studio’s is the fact that they leak sound. Whatever you listen to, you can be sure that everyone around you can hear it also. So word of advice, don’t be THAT guy on the bus… you know the one. Otherwise, if you can get these headphones on sale, and looking for a decent pair of headphones that will give you good sound, the Solo’s fit the bill. Thanks for watching. Please be sure to subscribe and like my videos! duration: 2:14 published: 06 Jan 2014 updated: 06 Jan 2014 views: 24 Unboxing Monster Beats by Dr. Dre Solo HD schwarz / black Hey Leute, hier ist mal ein Unboxing von meinen neuen Kopfhörern, die ziemlich geil sind!! Hey guys, this is an Unboxing about the Unboxing Monster Beats by Dr. Dre Solo HD, They are amazing!!! Enjoy it duration: 5:55 published: 01 Mar 2012 updated: 01 Mar 2012 views: 1364 Stress test beats by dr.dre solo hd Stress test beats by dr.dre solo hd. duration: 1:47 published: 02 Jul 2013 updated: 09 Jul 2013 views: 101 author: robinbarnerd Beats by Dr Dre Solo HD Drenched In Green (On-Ear Headphones) On todays unboxing we will be unboxing beats solo hd by Dr Dre. Drenched In Green Edition. duration: 4:19 published: 20 Jan 2014 updated: 20 Jan 2014 views: 622 Beats by Dr Dre Solo HD (Black) sound test DUPSTEP If you would like to buy these or any other beats contact me at [email protected] Sound test I DO NOT OWN ANY OF THE SONGS IN THIS VIDEO Songs used… duration: 3:49 published: 17 Jan 2013 updated: 06 Aug 2013 views: 1379 author: MKSalesAndReviews Monster Beats By Dr Dre Red Bluetooth Wireless Solo HD Headphones Good headphone, one is enough. Make sure to subscribe for my upcoming video review on these. Solo hd http://ift.tt/2B0xUA6 Studio http://ift.tt/2yLeCbP pro http://ift.tt/2AYznqu If you have any other questions, feel free to leave a comment or contact Attire directly, and we will be more than happy to answer them. http://ift.tt/1aSoWf4 duration: 5:43 published: 28 Sep 2013 updated: 28 Sep 2013 views: 237 White solo HD Beats by Dr. Dre unboxing from eachmall The white solo HD beats by Dr. Dre unboxing from eachmall.com Link to the Beats: http://ift.tt/2B0xV78 Don’t forget to like and subscribed duration: 2:56 published: 21 Jun 2013 updated: 21 Jun 2013 views: 1373 Beats Pill By Dr, Dre Full Review Discount Dr Dre Beats Solo HD Headphones at http://ift.tt/1i9dvEg Set UP 65%OFF,Free Shipping. BEATS IN-EAR BEATS ON-EAR Beats Executive Beats Mixr Beats Pro Beats Solo HD Beats Studio Beats Wireless New Beats Studio BEATS SPEAKERS CUSTOM BEATS duration: 17:50 published: 07 Jun 2014 updated: 07 Jun 2014 views: 10 Beats By Dr. Dre Solo HD, Futura This video has no quality because we filmed with the ipod touch 5. Thanks for watching..!!! duration: 8:48 published: 10 Jan 2014 updated: 10 Jan 2014 views: 75 CheapTech.nl Beats by Dr.Dre Solo HD Zwart Black Beats by Dr.Dre Solo HD Zwart Black aanschaffen? Ga naar: http://ift.tt/2B0xWbc. duration: 1:22 published: 11 Apr 2013 updated: 25 Jul 2013 views: 448 author: CheapTechNL Neon Yellow Beats by Dr Dre Pill Wireless Bluetooth Speaker Discount Dr Dre Beats Solo HD Headphones at http://ift.tt/1i9dvEg Set UP 65%OFF,Free Shipping. BEATS IN-EAR BEATS ON-EAR Beats Executive Beats Mixr Beats Pro Beats Solo HD Beats Studio Beats Wireless New Beats Studio BEATS SPEAKERS CUSTOM BEATS duration: 6:47 published: 07 Jun 2014 updated: 07 Jun 2014 views: 13 Beats By Dr Dre Purple just Solo HD Headphones Unboxing Hi guys. Please subscribe me, it helps me out a lot. thanks so i did by some headphones and i have to say these are the best fakes i have ever seen, they sound, look, feel exactly the same. I am very happy with these. And the color is amazing. these are amazing for the price and i am happy with my purchase I received this pair from: “girls” store http://ift.tt/2yMskv6 Here is their email”[email protected]” New video every week! Bought from dhgate If you want the specail link message me subscribe, rate, comment plz thank you duration: 3:41 published: 22 Oct 2013 updated: 22 Oct 2013 views: 36 Beats by Dr Dre Pill black Replica Fake aliexpress Discount Dr Dre Beats Solo HD Headphones at http://ift.tt/1i9dvEg Set UP 65%OFF,Free Shipping. BEATS IN-EAR BEATS ON-EAR Beats Executive Beats Mixr Beats Pro Beats Solo HD Beats Studio Beats Wireless New Beats Studio BEATS SPEAKERS CUSTOM BEATS duration: 9:47 published: 07 Jun 2014 updated: 07 Jun 2014 views: 51 UNBOXING SŁUCHAWEK BEATS BY DR.DRE SOLO HD Dziś rozpakuje słuchawki BEATS BY .DR.DRE SOLO HD !!!!!!!!ZAPRASZAM!!!!!!!!!!! Lajkuj,komentuj,subskrybuj HUBIXGAMING. duration: 4:11 published: 12 Jul 2013 updated: 13 Aug 2013 views: 38 author: hubixgaming Bán loa Bluetooth Beats Pill 2.0 by Dr.Dre uy tín tại Việt Nam – Unboxing Loa di động Bluetooth NFC Beats Pill Version 2.0 by Dr.Dre: http://ift.tt/2B0xXvM Thay đổi bài hát từ điện thoại của bạn hoặc có một cuộc gọi với microphone tích hợp Beats Pill Version 2.0. Các tính năng mới bao gồm khả năng khuếch đại âm thanh stereo hoặc âm nhạc của bạn và phụ kiện sạc. Loa di động Bluetooth NFC Beats Pill 2.0 by Dr.Dre đủ nhỏ để phù hợp với bàn tay của bạn. Cty TNHH TM-DV Thời Đại Công Nghệ http://ift.tt/2yMslza; http://ift.tt/2B1ECpH; Chuyên cung cấp sản phẩm kỹ thuật số: tai nghe monster beats by dr.dre chính hãng, máy ảnh, máy quay phim, macbook, ipad, iphone, ipod touch…. Hotline: 0936.35.75.76 Mr. Luân —————————— 1- Beats Pro by Dr.Dre : 7.900.0000đ 2- Monster Beats Studio 2012 by Dr.Dre : 4.200.0000đ 3- Beats Studio by Dr.Dre 2013 : 6.500.0000đ 4- Beats Solo HD by Dr.Dre : 3.700.0000đ 5- Beats Wireless by Dr.Dre : 5.400.0000đ 6- Beats Studio Wireless by Dr.Dre 2013 : 8.900.0000đ 7- Beats Mixr by Dr.Dre : 5.500.0000đ 8- Beats Executive by Dr.Dre : 5.500.0000đ 9- Monster Beats Tour 2012 by Dr.Dre : 2.700.0000đ 10- Loa di động Beats Pill by Dr.Dre : 4.600.0000đ 11- Beatbox PorTable by Dr.Dre : 9.300.0000đ 12- Urbeats by Dr.Dre | Urbeats 2013 : 2.100.0000đ 13- Beats Tour 2013 Vesion 2.0 by Dre : 3.700.0000đ 14- Beats Mixr Neon by Dr.Dre : 6.000.0000đ 15- Beats Solo HD by Dr.Dre matte 2013 : 4.500.0000đ 16- Loa Bluetooth Beats Pill Xl by Dre : 8.500.0000đ Tai nghe monster Beats by Dr.Dre được chúng tôi bán ra đều cam kết hàng chính hãng mới 100%. real – No Fake Nguyên seal, bảo hành 12 tháng. duration: 2:24 published: 24 Mar 2014 updated: 24 Mar 2014 views: 50 Blue Solo HD Beats by Dr. Dre Headphones Taking a look at the new Solo HD Beats by Dr. Dre Headphones in Blue! Be sure to like the video and Subscribe! duration: 3:04 published: 10 Oct 2012 updated: 10 Jul 2013 views: 5032 author: TwoMobile Beats by Dr Dre Pill Unboxing BeatsPill Discount Dr Dre Beats Solo HD Headphones at http://ift.tt/1i9dvEg Set UP 65%OFF,Free Shipping. BEATS IN-EAR BEATS ON-EAR Beats Executive Beats Mixr Beats Pro Beats Solo HD Beats Studio Beats Wireless New Beats Studio BEATS SPEAKERS CUSTOM BEATS duration: 6:42 published: 07 Jun 2014 updated: 07 Jun 2014 views: 7 beats by dre color beats by dre mixr dre blog dre About impaktgame.com blog
posted Sep 13th, 2014 7:57 am
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johnbattlesca · 8 years ago
Enter the Mind of Master Ken, the Martial Artist Behind Enter the Dojo, Part 2
Caution: You’re about to read comments from a real martial artist (Matt Page) interspersed with comments from a fictional character (Master Ken). To make it easier to distinguish the two, we’ve italicized the words of Master Ken.
Go here to read Part 1.
Master Ken: Absolutely. Some of the moves I’ve invented simply cannot be taught for liability reasons. For example, recently I created an inescapable hold where you trap your opponent’s arms and legs, then you sit on their head and release a lethal barrage of flatulence to suffocate them. It’s called the “gas chamber.” I can’t send civilians out in public with that kind of knowledge. It’s just too dangerous.
Years ago I took an invaluable class called Introduction to Business Law at the Central New Mexico Community College, and my instructor, a one-legged veteran named Jim Hooker, gave me the most important piece of legal advice I’ve ever heard: “Dead men don’t sue.” And he was right. Because a year later, he died in a freak accident at a meat-processing plant and ended up being served as ground beef at three Albuquerque public schools. Nobody even noticed until some cheerleader bit into a sloppy Joe and broke her tooth on what turned out to be a piece of his catheter. But the point is he never pressed charges because he was deceased at the time of the accidental ingestion.
Matt Page: In creating Master Ken, I was influenced by something I noticed: Some instructors, no matter how skilled or intelligent, tend to bad-mouth other styles. They see a move from some other martial art and say, “That’s not bad, but in our style, it’s better because we do it like this.”
Each time something weird happened in any dojo, I would take a mental note and say, “Someday I’m gonna do something creative with all this.” Eventually, I found my way to New Mexico and went to College of Santa Fe, now Santa Fe University. Once I received my bachelor’s degree in moving-image arts, I saw that everyone was making their own Web series. At the time, I’d become obsessed with Ricky Gervais’ original version of The Office on the BBC, and I decided I wanted to try that but in a world I understood. So I chose martial arts.
The newest release from combatives authority Kelly McCann and Black Belt is titled Kelly McCann Combatives 2: Stick & Ground Combat. It’s a streaming-video course you can watch on your digital device. Click here to watch the trailer and then sign up.
Matt Page: The goal now is really the same as when we created the first episode: I want to entertain people while making a commentary on things that are important to me. It’s not just about the jokes; it’s about pointing out the contradictions in various teachings and the commercialization and the issue of theory vs. practice in the martial arts world. But I want to address it all with humor. I’ve gotten emails from soldiers with PTSD, martial artists who struggle with depression and people from all walks of life who thank me for making them laugh and helping them forget their troubles for the moment. That’s the most rewarding thing I’ve ever gotten out of what I do.
Master Ken: The first year, I was like a tsunami of truth that forced many so-called “masters” to re-evaluate their training and, quite frankly, their lives. I think that’s why they wouldn’t allow me to perform at the opening ceremony this year. They lost too much business on people closing their schools so they could take up Ameri-Do-Te. I’ve made a lot of enemies, but then again, so did Napoleon. And he was able to conquer most of South America despite the fact that he was shorter than a Shetland pony.
Matt Page: I’ve been taking acting classes and performing in plays since I was a kid. My influences range from old episodes of Saturday Night Live to mockumentaries by Christopher Guest to more serious cinematic works like the films of Robert Zemeckis, David Fincher, etc. But I’ve loved comedic movies and television shows for as long as I can remember.
Wang Bo, formerly of Shaolin Temple, is the featured instructor in an online kung fu course from Black Belt. Titled Tree of Shaolin, it streams video lessons to your preferred digital device. Sign up here and start your journey along the 1,500-year-old Shaolin path!
Matt Page: I rarely get recognized mainly because Master Ken looks and speaks and moves so differently. I’ve been told I look 10 years older when I get into costume and makeup and put on the voice, and that’s flattering. I have great respect for character actors who can disappear into a role. I’ve had conversations with people as Ken, then gone up to my hotel room and changed out of costume, and 15 minutes later, that same person will have the exact same conversation with me all over again.
As far as anonymity goes, at first I was really concerned, especially since I make a show where I [insult] trained fighters. But most people know I’m kidding, and the recognition I’ve gotten from Enter the Dojo has been wonderful.
Master Ken: For starters. But why stop there? My ultimate goal is to be the first person to open a dojo on the moon. Imagine how devastating my techniques would be without the restriction of gravity. You could kick an opponent and send him hurtling through space forever. I’d have to hire someone to clean the bathrooms, though.
Matt Page: After Season One, I got to pitch the show to a few cable networks, but nothing happened. That was back when we had about 1 million channel views. Now we have 11 million and counting, and I get inquiries at least once a week, but nobody seems to know what to do with us. I’ve gotten several offers to take the show off our hands for free. But if someone is serious and wants to step up and fund the show, I’d be all for it as long as we can keep making it the way we want. Luckily, with the way distribution is now, we can continue to get the show out to the masses through YouTube, through Master Ken Live and through our merchandise, and it’s on our own terms.
Master Ken: My message is that martial arts is about staying alive in the street. It’s not a sport, and it’s not a hobby. If that’s what you want, take up pingpong or collect figurines. And when I say “the street,” I don’t mean an actual street. I wish all the rapists and murderers lived on the same street. If they did, I could tell my students, “Hey … don’t go down that street.” But life doesn’t work that way. So whether you’re in bar, in the office of your proctologist or in an actual street, you’re in “the street.”
It has been a pleasure to use this interview to spread the word about the power of Ameri-Do-Te. I look forward to the next issue of White Belt magazine.
For more information about Master Ken, ameri-do-te and Enter the Dojo, visit enterthedojoshow.com.
BONUS TIME! Master Ken on Bullying
“The issue of bullying requires that we teach kids self-defense. Where most programs get it wrong is with ‘anti-bullying.’ There’s a saying in judo: When pushed, pull. You’re supposed to use your opponent’s strengths against him, so why not take the positive aspects of bullying and use them in self-defense?”
Are you ready to start your education in combatives self-defense for both empty-hand attacks and weapons attacks? Check out Kelly McCann’s introductory course! Go here to sign up.
“That’s why I’ve developed a program called Better Bullying. Bullying isn’t inherently bad. It’s just that the wrong kids are getting bullied. So we work on teaching kids how to identify the bad kids and use the three principles of Better Bullying: One, always attack someone smaller than you. Two, outnumber your opponent whenever possible. Three, scatter before authorities arrive.”
Master Ken on Breaking
“I’ve never been attacked by a pile of lumber. Styles that focus on the number of boards broken are an embarrassment to real street fighters. You don’t need to focus on kicking someone’s femur in half. But there is something other than trees that grows out of the ground that we can use for training: fresh fruits and vegetables. It only takes 8 pounds of pressure per square inch to break a collarbone — or a cucumber. If you can use your hand to open a cantaloupe, you can crack a human skull. And if you can squash a grape, you can burst a testicle. The best part about this particular training method is that you end up with the ingredients for a healthy salad.”
Master Ken on Weapons
“I don’t need weapons because my tiger claws are always with me. Even when I’m naked, I’m still fully armed. Learning Ameri-Do-Te is like swallowing weapons-grade plutonium — except in this case, you don’t die from radiation sickness. You become a walking weapon of martial destruction. Especially if you train right after eating some New Mexican food.”
Master Ken on Tournaments
“The few tournaments I’ve attended with my students have been a confirmation that Ameri-Do-Te cannot be contained by regulated competition. There are no rules in a street fight, and that’s the way we train. Which explains why we have been disqualified from every tournament we’ve ever attended for excessive contact or illegal moves. There are more sports-regulation violations in one minute of Ameri-Do-Te training than in an entire pint of Lance Armstrong’s blood.”
Read Part 1 of this interview here.
Photos by Cory Sorensen
from Black Belt» Daily » Black Belt http://www.blackbeltmag.com/daily/martial-arts-entertainment/enter-the-mind-of-master-ken-the-martial-artist-behind-enter-the-dojo-part-2/ Enter the Mind of Master Ken, the Martial Artist Behind Enter the Dojo, Part 2 published first on http://thrandythefabulous.tumblr.com
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thrandythefabulous · 8 years ago
Enter the Mind of Master Ken, the Martial Artist Behind Enter the Dojo, Part 2
Caution: You’re about to read comments from a real martial artist (Matt Page) interspersed with comments from a fictional character (Master Ken). To make it easier to distinguish the two, we’ve italicized the words of Master Ken.
Go here to read Part 1.
Master Ken: Absolutely. Some of the moves I’ve invented simply cannot be taught for liability reasons. For example, recently I created an inescapable hold where you trap your opponent’s arms and legs, then you sit on their head and release a lethal barrage of flatulence to suffocate them. It’s called the “gas chamber.” I can’t send civilians out in public with that kind of knowledge. It’s just too dangerous.
Years ago I took an invaluable class called Introduction to Business Law at the Central New Mexico Community College, and my instructor, a one-legged veteran named Jim Hooker, gave me the most important piece of legal advice I’ve ever heard: “Dead men don’t sue.” And he was right. Because a year later, he died in a freak accident at a meat-processing plant and ended up being served as ground beef at three Albuquerque public schools. Nobody even noticed until some cheerleader bit into a sloppy Joe and broke her tooth on what turned out to be a piece of his catheter. But the point is he never pressed charges because he was deceased at the time of the accidental ingestion.
Matt Page: In creating Master Ken, I was influenced by something I noticed: Some instructors, no matter how skilled or intelligent, tend to bad-mouth other styles. They see a move from some other martial art and say, “That’s not bad, but in our style, it’s better because we do it like this.”
Each time something weird happened in any dojo, I would take a mental note and say, “Someday I’m gonna do something creative with all this.” Eventually, I found my way to New Mexico and went to College of Santa Fe, now Santa Fe University. Once I received my bachelor’s degree in moving-image arts, I saw that everyone was making their own Web series. At the time, I’d become obsessed with Ricky Gervais’ original version of The Office on the BBC, and I decided I wanted to try that but in a world I understood. So I chose martial arts.
The newest release from combatives authority Kelly McCann and Black Belt is titled Kelly McCann Combatives 2: Stick & Ground Combat. It’s a streaming-video course you can watch on your digital device. Click here to watch the trailer and then sign up.
Matt Page: The goal now is really the same as when we created the first episode: I want to entertain people while making a commentary on things that are important to me. It’s not just about the jokes; it’s about pointing out the contradictions in various teachings and the commercialization and the issue of theory vs. practice in the martial arts world. But I want to address it all with humor. I’ve gotten emails from soldiers with PTSD, martial artists who struggle with depression and people from all walks of life who thank me for making them laugh and helping them forget their troubles for the moment. That’s the most rewarding thing I’ve ever gotten out of what I do.
Master Ken: The first year, I was like a tsunami of truth that forced many so-called “masters” to re-evaluate their training and, quite frankly, their lives. I think that’s why they wouldn’t allow me to perform at the opening ceremony this year. They lost too much business on people closing their schools so they could take up Ameri-Do-Te. I’ve made a lot of enemies, but then again, so did Napoleon. And he was able to conquer most of South America despite the fact that he was shorter than a Shetland pony.
Matt Page: I’ve been taking acting classes and performing in plays since I was a kid. My influences range from old episodes of Saturday Night Live to mockumentaries by Christopher Guest to more serious cinematic works like the films of Robert Zemeckis, David Fincher, etc. But I’ve loved comedic movies and television shows for as long as I can remember.
Wang Bo, formerly of Shaolin Temple, is the featured instructor in an online kung fu course from Black Belt. Titled Tree of Shaolin, it streams video lessons to your preferred digital device. Sign up here and start your journey along the 1,500-year-old Shaolin path!
Matt Page: I rarely get recognized mainly because Master Ken looks and speaks and moves so differently. I’ve been told I look 10 years older when I get into costume and makeup and put on the voice, and that’s flattering. I have great respect for character actors who can disappear into a role. I’ve had conversations with people as Ken, then gone up to my hotel room and changed out of costume, and 15 minutes later, that same person will have the exact same conversation with me all over again.
As far as anonymity goes, at first I was really concerned, especially since I make a show where I [insult] trained fighters. But most people know I’m kidding, and the recognition I’ve gotten from Enter the Dojo has been wonderful.
Master Ken: For starters. But why stop there? My ultimate goal is to be the first person to open a dojo on the moon. Imagine how devastating my techniques would be without the restriction of gravity. You could kick an opponent and send him hurtling through space forever. I’d have to hire someone to clean the bathrooms, though.
Matt Page: After Season One, I got to pitch the show to a few cable networks, but nothing happened. That was back when we had about 1 million channel views. Now we have 11 million and counting, and I get inquiries at least once a week, but nobody seems to know what to do with us. I’ve gotten several offers to take the show off our hands for free. But if someone is serious and wants to step up and fund the show, I’d be all for it as long as we can keep making it the way we want. Luckily, with the way distribution is now, we can continue to get the show out to the masses through YouTube, through Master Ken Live and through our merchandise, and it’s on our own terms.
Master Ken: My message is that martial arts is about staying alive in the street. It’s not a sport, and it’s not a hobby. If that’s what you want, take up pingpong or collect figurines. And when I say “the street,” I don’t mean an actual street. I wish all the rapists and murderers lived on the same street. If they did, I could tell my students, “Hey … don’t go down that street.” But life doesn’t work that way. So whether you’re in bar, in the office of your proctologist or in an actual street, you’re in “the street.”
It has been a pleasure to use this interview to spread the word about the power of Ameri-Do-Te. I look forward to the next issue of White Belt magazine.
For more information about Master Ken, ameri-do-te and Enter the Dojo, visit enterthedojoshow.com.
BONUS TIME! Master Ken on Bullying
“The issue of bullying requires that we teach kids self-defense. Where most programs get it wrong is with ‘anti-bullying.’ There’s a saying in judo: When pushed, pull. You’re supposed to use your opponent’s strengths against him, so why not take the positive aspects of bullying and use them in self-defense?”
Are you ready to start your education in combatives self-defense for both empty-hand attacks and weapons attacks? Check out Kelly McCann’s introductory course! Go here to sign up.
“That’s why I’ve developed a program called Better Bullying. Bullying isn’t inherently bad. It’s just that the wrong kids are getting bullied. So we work on teaching kids how to identify the bad kids and use the three principles of Better Bullying: One, always attack someone smaller than you. Two, outnumber your opponent whenever possible. Three, scatter before authorities arrive.”
Master Ken on Breaking
“I’ve never been attacked by a pile of lumber. Styles that focus on the number of boards broken are an embarrassment to real street fighters. You don’t need to focus on kicking someone’s femur in half. But there is something other than trees that grows out of the ground that we can use for training: fresh fruits and vegetables. It only takes 8 pounds of pressure per square inch to break a collarbone — or a cucumber. If you can use your hand to open a cantaloupe, you can crack a human skull. And if you can squash a grape, you can burst a testicle. The best part about this particular training method is that you end up with the ingredients for a healthy salad.”
Master Ken on Weapons
“I don’t need weapons because my tiger claws are always with me. Even when I’m naked, I’m still fully armed. Learning Ameri-Do-Te is like swallowing weapons-grade plutonium — except in this case, you don’t die from radiation sickness. You become a walking weapon of martial destruction. Especially if you train right after eating some New Mexican food.”
Master Ken on Tournaments
“The few tournaments I’ve attended with my students have been a confirmation that Ameri-Do-Te cannot be contained by regulated competition. There are no rules in a street fight, and that’s the way we train. Which explains why we have been disqualified from every tournament we’ve ever attended for excessive contact or illegal moves. There are more sports-regulation violations in one minute of Ameri-Do-Te training than in an entire pint of Lance Armstrong’s blood.”
Read Part 1 of this interview here.
Photos by Cory Sorensen
from Black Belt» Daily » Black Belt http://www.blackbeltmag.com/daily/martial-arts-entertainment/enter-the-mind-of-master-ken-the-martial-artist-behind-enter-the-dojo-part-2/
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michaelchinworcester · 8 years ago
Enter the Mind of Master Ken, the Martial Artist Behind Enter the Dojo, Part 2
Caution: You’re about to read comments from a real martial artist (Matt Page) interspersed with comments from a fictional character (Master Ken). To make it easier to distinguish the two, we’ve italicized the words of Master Ken.
Go here to read Part 1.
Master Ken: Absolutely. Some of the moves I’ve invented simply cannot be taught for liability reasons. For example, recently I created an inescapable hold where you trap your opponent’s arms and legs, then you sit on their head and release a lethal barrage of flatulence to suffocate them. It’s called the “gas chamber.” I can’t send civilians out in public with that kind of knowledge. It’s just too dangerous.
Years ago I took an invaluable class called Introduction to Business Law at the Central New Mexico Community College, and my instructor, a one-legged veteran named Jim Hooker, gave me the most important piece of legal advice I’ve ever heard: “Dead men don’t sue.” And he was right. Because a year later, he died in a freak accident at a meat-processing plant and ended up being served as ground beef at three Albuquerque public schools. Nobody even noticed until some cheerleader bit into a sloppy Joe and broke her tooth on what turned out to be a piece of his catheter. But the point is he never pressed charges because he was deceased at the time of the accidental ingestion.
Matt Page: In creating Master Ken, I was influenced by something I noticed: Some instructors, no matter how skilled or intelligent, tend to bad-mouth other styles. They see a move from some other martial art and say, “That’s not bad, but in our style, it’s better because we do it like this.”
Each time something weird happened in any dojo, I would take a mental note and say, “Someday I’m gonna do something creative with all this.” Eventually, I found my way to New Mexico and went to College of Santa Fe, now Santa Fe University. Once I received my bachelor’s degree in moving-image arts, I saw that everyone was making their own Web series. At the time, I’d become obsessed with Ricky Gervais’ original version of The Office on the BBC, and I decided I wanted to try that but in a world I understood. So I chose martial arts.
The newest release from combatives authority Kelly McCann and Black Belt is titled Kelly McCann Combatives 2: Stick & Ground Combat. It’s a streaming-video course you can watch on your digital device. Click here to watch the trailer and then sign up.
Matt Page: The goal now is really the same as when we created the first episode: I want to entertain people while making a commentary on things that are important to me. It’s not just about the jokes; it’s about pointing out the contradictions in various teachings and the commercialization and the issue of theory vs. practice in the martial arts world. But I want to address it all with humor. I’ve gotten emails from soldiers with PTSD, martial artists who struggle with depression and people from all walks of life who thank me for making them laugh and helping them forget their troubles for the moment. That’s the most rewarding thing I’ve ever gotten out of what I do.
Master Ken: The first year, I was like a tsunami of truth that forced many so-called “masters” to re-evaluate their training and, quite frankly, their lives. I think that’s why they wouldn’t allow me to perform at the opening ceremony this year. They lost too much business on people closing their schools so they could take up Ameri-Do-Te. I’ve made a lot of enemies, but then again, so did Napoleon. And he was able to conquer most of South America despite the fact that he was shorter than a Shetland pony.
Matt Page: I’ve been taking acting classes and performing in plays since I was a kid. My influences range from old episodes of Saturday Night Live to mockumentaries by Christopher Guest to more serious cinematic works like the films of Robert Zemeckis, David Fincher, etc. But I’ve loved comedic movies and television shows for as long as I can remember.
Wang Bo, formerly of Shaolin Temple, is the featured instructor in an online kung fu course from Black Belt. Titled Tree of Shaolin, it streams video lessons to your preferred digital device. Sign up here and start your journey along the 1,500-year-old Shaolin path!
Matt Page: I rarely get recognized mainly because Master Ken looks and speaks and moves so differently. I’ve been told I look 10 years older when I get into costume and makeup and put on the voice, and that’s flattering. I have great respect for character actors who can disappear into a role. I’ve had conversations with people as Ken, then gone up to my hotel room and changed out of costume, and 15 minutes later, that same person will have the exact same conversation with me all over again.
As far as anonymity goes, at first I was really concerned, especially since I make a show where I [insult] trained fighters. But most people know I’m kidding, and the recognition I’ve gotten from Enter the Dojo has been wonderful.
Master Ken: For starters. But why stop there? My ultimate goal is to be the first person to open a dojo on the moon. Imagine how devastating my techniques would be without the restriction of gravity. You could kick an opponent and send him hurtling through space forever. I’d have to hire someone to clean the bathrooms, though.
Matt Page: After Season One, I got to pitch the show to a few cable networks, but nothing happened. That was back when we had about 1 million channel views. Now we have 11 million and counting, and I get inquiries at least once a week, but nobody seems to know what to do with us. I’ve gotten several offers to take the show off our hands for free. But if someone is serious and wants to step up and fund the show, I’d be all for it as long as we can keep making it the way we want. Luckily, with the way distribution is now, we can continue to get the show out to the masses through YouTube, through Master Ken Live and through our merchandise, and it’s on our own terms.
Master Ken: My message is that martial arts is about staying alive in the street. It’s not a sport, and it’s not a hobby. If that’s what you want, take up pingpong or collect figurines. And when I say “the street,” I don’t mean an actual street. I wish all the rapists and murderers lived on the same street. If they did, I could tell my students, “Hey … don’t go down that street.” But life doesn’t work that way. So whether you’re in bar, in the office of your proctologist or in an actual street, you’re in “the street.”
It has been a pleasure to use this interview to spread the word about the power of Ameri-Do-Te. I look forward to the next issue of White Belt magazine.
For more information about Master Ken, ameri-do-te and Enter the Dojo, visit enterthedojoshow.com.
BONUS TIME! Master Ken on Bullying
“The issue of bullying requires that we teach kids self-defense. Where most programs get it wrong is with ‘anti-bullying.’ There’s a saying in judo: When pushed, pull. You’re supposed to use your opponent’s strengths against him, so why not take the positive aspects of bullying and use them in self-defense?”
Are you ready to start your education in combatives self-defense for both empty-hand attacks and weapons attacks? Check out Kelly McCann’s introductory course! Go here to sign up.
“That’s why I’ve developed a program called Better Bullying. Bullying isn’t inherently bad. It’s just that the wrong kids are getting bullied. So we work on teaching kids how to identify the bad kids and use the three principles of Better Bullying: One, always attack someone smaller than you. Two, outnumber your opponent whenever possible. Three, scatter before authorities arrive.”
Master Ken on Breaking
“I’ve never been attacked by a pile of lumber. Styles that focus on the number of boards broken are an embarrassment to real street fighters. You don’t need to focus on kicking someone’s femur in half. But there is something other than trees that grows out of the ground that we can use for training: fresh fruits and vegetables. It only takes 8 pounds of pressure per square inch to break a collarbone — or a cucumber. If you can use your hand to open a cantaloupe, you can crack a human skull. And if you can squash a grape, you can burst a testicle. The best part about this particular training method is that you end up with the ingredients for a healthy salad.”
Master Ken on Weapons
“I don’t need weapons because my tiger claws are always with me. Even when I’m naked, I’m still fully armed. Learning Ameri-Do-Te is like swallowing weapons-grade plutonium — except in this case, you don’t die from radiation sickness. You become a walking weapon of martial destruction. Especially if you train right after eating some New Mexican food.”
Master Ken on Tournaments
“The few tournaments I’ve attended with my students have been a confirmation that Ameri-Do-Te cannot be contained by regulated competition. There are no rules in a street fight, and that’s the way we train. Which explains why we have been disqualified from every tournament we’ve ever attended for excessive contact or illegal moves. There are more sports-regulation violations in one minute of Ameri-Do-Te training than in an entire pint of Lance Armstrong’s blood.”
Read Part 1 of this interview here.
Photos by Cory Sorensen
from Black Belt» Daily » Black Belt http://ift.tt/2m1csn9 via Michael Chin Worcester Systema
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