#Ancel Keys
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New problematic fave âșđ€đ
Kickstart global obesity crisis. Make fun of people who say sugar is bad for you. Retire to south Italy and die at 100 years. Refuse to elaborate
#sry he fascinates me#would absolutely watch a biopic about this narcissistic neutral evil little weirdo <3#ancel keys
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Hunger's Fearsome Power: The Body and Soul of Vincent van Gogh
Vincent van Gogh, Self Potrait as Zen Monk (For more about France and artists, see âFood for Artâs Sake: eating with the Impressionists.â Ask people if theyâve heard of Vincent van Gogh, and theyâll say, âOh yeah, that crazy artist, the dude who cut his ear off and gave it to some hooker.â True. Using a straight razor, van Gogh sliced off part of his left ear, wrapped it up in a white napkin,âŠ
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Brief One- "Portrait"
Anselm Kiefer Powerpoint
Due to some technical difficulties I unfortunatley was not able to present my powerpoint on my selected date. Thankfully Eoin was very understanding and instructed me to simply post my powerpoint onto tumblr.
I chose my artist somewhat randomly, so I was surprised at how much I related to his artistic process, particularily how he is inspired by poetry and incorporates it heavily into his work. I enjoyed researching this artist from various websites and from the books I took out of the library, and this has definitely made me take an interest in this artist outside of this project.
With that, here is my powerpoint. Trigger warning for themes of war and the Holocaust. I wrote a script to read while I presented each slide, so each page will be written under its assigned slide.
Anselm Kiefer is a German painter and sculptor, best known for his works depicting the horrors of the Holocaust. His works often incorporate unconventional materials such as straw, clay, ash lead, and shellac.
Kiefer was born to a Jewish family amongst ruins on 8 March 1945 in the German town of Donaueschingen. As the town came under intense bombing, Kiefer was born in the cellar of the family home that served as their improvised bomb shelter. In the first few weeks of his life his mother would take him during the day into the surrounding forest to shelter from the bombing. The house next door was blown to pieces.
The ruin next door became Kieferâs playground. Before the age of six, when his family moved, he would spend his days playing in the rubble, prising loose bricks to build ambitious structures. Hitlerâs ruins have haunted his work. Rubble piles up relentlessly in Kieferâs work, and he deliberately portrays such imagery in his sculptures and paintings.
The past plays an important part in Kieferâs work. His works are characterised by an unflinching willingness to confront his culture's dark past, and unrealised potential, in works that are often done on a large, confrontational scale well suited to the subjects.
This made him a very controversial artist when he first began his career as Germany and the German people were not ready to face and acknowledge the countries past.Â
Kiefer often credited the poetry of Paul Celan to have had a key role in developing his interest in Germanys past and the cruelty of the Holocaust, and frequently dedicated paintings to him.
Paul Celan was born in 1920 Romania to a German-speaking Jewish family. His surname was later spelled Ancel, and he eventually adopted the anagram Celan as his pen name.
In 1938 Celan went to Paris to study medicine, but returned to Romania before the outbreak of World War II.
During the war Celan was apprehended by Nazi soldiers and forced to work in labor camp for 18 months, while his parents were deported to a Nazi concentration camp where they were both killed.
After escaping the labor camp, Celan lived in Bucharest and Vienna before settling in Paris. Due to his radical poetic and linguistic innovations, Celan is regarded as one of the most important figures in German language literature the post World War 2 era. His poetry is characterised by a complicated and cryptic style that deviates from typical poetic conventions.
Two of Kiefers his most renowned paintings, Your Golden Hair, Margarete and Sulamith, are drawn directly from Celans most famous poem, 'Death Fugue' or 'Todesfuge'.
Widely read in postwar Germany, the poem is set in a concentration camp and narrated by the Jewish inmates, who suffer under the camps blue eyed commandant. Singing "your golden hair, Margarete/ your ashen hair, Shulamith," they contrast German womanhood, personified by Margarete, and Jewish womanhood personified by Shulamithe.
In Kiefers paintings titled Mararethe and Sulamithe he depicts this contrast visually, depicting Margaret with strands of straw amidst light blue paint, and depicting Shulamithe using dark colours and harsh brush strokes. One artwork out of hundreds that Kiefer has been inspired to create because of Paul Celans poetry.
Aswell as painting and sculpting, Kiefer has also dabbled in the world of photography and performance art.
In fact, he was one of the first German artists to address the Nazi crimes in a series of photographs and performances called Occupations and Heroic Symbols. Dressed in his father's Wehrmacht uniform, Kiefer mimicked the Nazi salute in various locations in France, Switzerland and Italy. Naturally these pieces caused much controversy among critics and the general public. The meaning of this photography series was to remind Germans to remember and to acknowledge the loss to their culture from the xenophobia of the Nazi occupation.
At 79 years old Anselm Kiefer is still quite active in the art world and is still sought after by collectors and museums for his captivating artwork. These are some of his most recent works from the past 5 years.
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From: The Mediterranean Diet from Ancel Keys to the UNESCO Cultural Heritage. A Pattern of Sustainable Development between Myth and Reality
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@nerdpoe No one here wants to hear about your bullshit diet culture brain poison. No individual food can be classed as 'healthy' or 'unhealthy'. The idea that more calories = bad is really really fucked up diet culture bullshit. Human beings need calories in the form of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. There is nothing inherently unhealthy about chicken, flour, and oil. You are factually incorrect in that assertion.
Eating fat does not cause heart disease. Ancel Keys will not fuck you.
I urge you to visit https://www.fatnutritionist.com/ and to look into patterns of disordered eating, particularly orthorexia.
Rank-ordering foods on a moral/orthdox scale is disordered eating. Like, clinically.
Know that constitutes healthy food? Food that provides you with nutrition in the form of accessible calories and doesnât rip up your digestive system or cause an allergic reaction (subjective to individuals! Some foods are perfectly health for some people and unhealthy for others!)
Butter pound cake with cream cheese frosting is healthy food.
A chunk of flank steak smothered in whiskey and honey is healthy food.
A giant bowl of chili is healthy food (with or without beans in it!).
Duck fat melted into a pile of rosemary-infused mashed potatoes is healthy food.
Chicken dredged in flour and fried in fat (Ideally lard, really. But any nonhydrogenated fat is fine - hydrogenated fats should not be raised to frying temps for carcinogen reasons) IS HEALTHY FOOD.
The overwhelming majority of foods that havenât been utterly fucked with through super-refinement and chemical amendment (spoilers this is done most often to 'diet' foods) are, by the grace of four billion years of evolution, HEALTHY FOOD.Â
Boiling a slice of potato in oil does not render it unhealthy. Boiling a chicken breast quarter in oil does not render it unhealthy.
You are fucking WRONG and would do well to sit down and shut up.
And even when foods are unarguably unhealthy? When they cause the people who eat them to be ill?
Healthiness is not a moral choice. You are allowed to make decisions in the full knowledge that they are unhealthy, because your body and your life are your own. It can get dicey if your health choices legitimately cause harm to others (I.E. cause you to neglect or abuse other people for whom you are responsible, like children or elders) but if thatâs off the table? YOUR CHOICES ARE YOUR OWN. And in any case whatsoever:
Sure, health is nice. Many people choose to pursue it. Longevity is nice. Many people choose to pursue that. But they are not the only legitimate choices on earth, nor are they inherently ~better~ than making other life choices that counteract or sacrifice the above.
If you tell me that eating all-butter pound cake will cause me to die at 50, whereas not eating that cake will allow me to live to 100, my choice becomes
A fifty-year life with the cake
A hundred year life without it
And know what? If I decide that fifty years of delicious cake is a worthwhile endeavor and a well-spent life, one Iâd prefer to a cakeless life no matter how long? THATâS MY CHOICE. WHY DO YOU THINK YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO TAKE IT FROM ME?
(Note: Any civilization that is not attempting with all of its effort to ensure that every single person in it can CHOOSE maximally nutritious food if they want it is a piss-poor civilization in need of serious overhaul (the US in the year 2024 is a fucking dystopia)
Being poor should not mean being REQUIRED to eat either 'Healthy' or 'Unhealthy' food. Humans should be able to eat whatever they want with informed consent.
#diet culture#prescriptivism#I want you to feel shame#And I want that shame to motivate you to learn#Youtube
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Do not discount Ancel Fucking Keys' work in the arena of the comprehensive befuckening of America's relationship to foods! He also needs to have his dusty corpse attacked with a shovel!
"sugar is poison" sugar is your body's preferred fuel choice and if you stop eating entirely you will die
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Herzgesunde ErnĂ€hrung: Tipps fĂŒr Ihr Wohlbefinden
Eine herzgesunde ErnĂ€hrung ist fĂŒr Ihr Wohlbefinden unerlĂ€sslich. Sie stĂ€rkt nicht nur Ihr Herz-Kreislauf-System, sondern senkt auch das Herzkrankheitsrisiko deutlich. Bereits vor ĂŒber 50 Jahren zeigte die "Sieben-LĂ€nder-Studie" von Ancel Keys die enge Verbindung zwischen ErnĂ€hrung und Herzinfarktrisiko. Gesunde ErnĂ€hrungschosen können Ihr Leben verbessern und vor Herzkrankheiten schĂŒtzen. Es ist an der Zeit, sich mit gesunden ErnĂ€hrungstipps auseinanderzusetzen und die Vorteile einer ausgewogenen Kost zu entdecken. SchlĂŒsselerkenntnisse - Die Bedeutung einer herzgesunden ErnĂ€hrung fĂŒr Ihr Wohlbefinden. - Ancel Keys' Studie zeigt den Einfluss der ErnĂ€hrung auf das Herzinfarktrisiko. - Betonung auf unausgewogene Fette und Omega-3-FettsĂ€uren. - Empfohlene Portionen frischer GemĂŒse fĂŒr eine gesunde ErnĂ€hrung. - Die mediterrane ErnĂ€hrung als vorbildliches ErnĂ€hrungskonzept. Die Bedeutung der herzgesunden ErnĂ€hrung Die Bedeutung der ErnĂ€hrung fĂŒr die Gesundheit ist enorm, vor allem bei der PrĂ€vention von Herzerkrankungen. Eine ausgewogene ErnĂ€hrung ist fĂŒr die Vorbeugung von Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen unerlĂ€sslich. Diese Erkrankungen werden oft durch schlechte ErnĂ€hrungsgewohnheiten begĂŒnstigt. Risikofaktoren wie hoher Blutdruck, Ăbergewicht und erhöhtes Cholesterin lassen sich durch eine gezielte ErnĂ€hrung verringern. Experten raten, den Salzkonsum auf maximal fĂŒnf bis sechs Gramm pro Tag zu beschrĂ€nken. Doch viele Deutsche nehmen im Durchschnitt fast zehn Gramm zu sich. Ein bewusster Umgang mit Lebensmitteln, die reich an Omega-3-FettsĂ€uren sind, wie fetthaltiger Seefisch, fördert die Herzgesundheit. Dies trĂ€gt zur PrĂ€vention von Herzerkrankungen bei. Ein gesunder Lebensstil und herzgesunde ErnĂ€hrung verbessern die LebensqualitĂ€t. Sie helfen auch, Risikofaktoren frĂŒhzeitig zu erkennen. FĂŒr weitere Informationen können Sie weiterfĂŒhrende Quellen besuchen. Was ist herzgesunde ErnĂ€hrung? Herzgesunde ErnĂ€hrung setzt auf eine Vielzahl an gesunden Lebensmitteln, die den Körper optimal mit NĂ€hrstoffen versorgen. Sie senkt das Risiko von Herzerkrankungen. Zu den Hauptbestandteilen gehören frisches GemĂŒse, zuckerarmes Obst, Fisch statt Fleisch und hochwertige Pflanzenöle wie Olivenöl. Eine solche ErnĂ€hrung ist reich an Ballaststoffen und basiert auf einer ausgewogenen ErnĂ€hrung. NĂŒsse und HĂŒlsenfrĂŒchte sind ebenfalls essentiell. Ballaststoffreiche Vollkornprodukte fördern die Verdauung und binden ĂŒberschĂŒssiges Cholesterin. Ein hoher Cholesterinspiegel kann das Herz-Kreislauf-System belasten. Die mediterrane KĂŒche, reich an GemĂŒse, Obst und hochwertigen Ălen, ist besonders vorteilhaft. Experten raten zu mindestens drei Portionen GemĂŒse und zwei Portionen Obst tĂ€glich. ZusĂ€tzlich sollten tĂ€glich eine Handvoll NĂŒsse und 1,5 Liter Wasser getrunken werden. Es ist wichtig, Zucker und gesĂ€ttigte Fette zu reduzieren und gesunde GewĂŒrze wie Salz zu verwenden. Bei der Zubereitung sind wertvolle Ăle wie Olivenöl "extra virgin" oder Kokosöl ideal. Der Fleischkonsum sollte auf maximal 500 Gramm pro Woche begrenzt werden. Fisch ist eine gesĂŒndere Alternative. Kaffee und Alkohol, in MaĂen genossen, können die Herzgesundheit unterstĂŒtzen. Eine bewusste Auswahl und Kombination von gesunden Lebensmitteln ist entscheidend fĂŒr eine herzgesunde ErnĂ€hrung. Ein solches Lebensstil kann nicht nur die Herzgesundheit verbessern, sondern auch das allgemeine Wohlbefinden steigern. Weitere Informationen finden Sie in unserem Artikel ĂŒber Fitness und Lebensfreude. Einfluss von ErnĂ€hrung auf die Herzgesundheit Die ErnĂ€hrung spielt eine zentrale Rolle fĂŒr die Herzgesundheit. Ein gesunder Lebensstil, gekennzeichnet durch den Verzehr von frischen, vollwertigen Lebensmitteln, kann das Risiko fĂŒr Bluthochdruck und hohe Cholesterinwerte deutlich senken. Im Gegensatz dazu fĂŒhrt eine ungesunde ErnĂ€hrung, reich an Zucker und gesĂ€ttigten Fetten, oft zu Ăbergewicht und Stoffwechselerkrankungen, die das Herz-Kreislauf-System belasten. Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen sind oft eng mit der ErnĂ€hrung verbunden. Schlechte ErnĂ€hrung kann zu koronarer Herzkrankheit und Herzinfarkt fĂŒhren. In Deutschland ist Herzerkrankung eine der Hauptursachen fĂŒr TodesfĂ€lle, betroffen ist jeder vierte Mensch. Die mediterrane ErnĂ€hrung, reich an faserreichen Nahrungsmitteln wie GemĂŒse und Obst, ist ideal fĂŒr die Herzgesundheit. Es wird empfohlen, tĂ€glich fĂŒnf Handvoll Obst und GemĂŒse zu verzehren, um Vitamin- und Mineralstoffbedarf zu decken. Hochwertige Fette aus Ălen wie Oliven- und Rapsöl sind vorzuziehen. Zudem sollten pro Woche ein bis zwei Portionen Fisch eingenommen werden, um Omega-3-FettsĂ€uren zu sich zu nehmen, die das Herz-Kreislauf-System unterstĂŒtzen. Ein hohes Bewusstsein fĂŒr gesunde ErnĂ€hrung ist entscheidend, um das Herzkrankheitsrisiko zu minimieren. Der Verzehr von salzigen Snacks, gezuckerten GetrĂ€nken und verarbeiteten Lebensmitteln sollte stark reduziert werden. #gesundheit #fitness #lifestyle #beziehungen #achtsamkeit Original Content von: https://www.gutundgesund.org/ Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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How to Choose the Best OBD2 Diagnostic Car Scanner?
Owning a car means it's crucial to have the best OBD2 scanner for diagnosing potential issues with your vehicle's engine or other systems. This handy tool can help you avoid expensive visits to the mechanic. An OBD2 Diagnostic Car Scanner is a tool that can read and interpret the diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs) generated by your car's onboard computer. It helps you pinpoint problems in your car's systems, including the engine, transmission, and emissions. However, with the plethora of options available on the market, selecting the right scanner can be challenging.
In this blog, we will outline the key factors to consider when choosing the best OBD2 scanner and provide recommendations for some top choices.
Factors to Consider
Here are some of the key factors you should consider when selecting an OBD2 scanner:
Ensure the scanner you select is compatible with your car's make, model, and year. Since some scanners are designed to work with specific vehicle types, verify that your car is supported before making a purchase. If you are unsure, you can Contact Us and we can let you know.
Diagnostic Capabilities
Equally important are the scanner's diagnostic capabilities. Most basic OBD2 scanners under $100 provide basic diagnostic information, such as trouble codes from the engine management system, while others can provide detailed information about specific systems in your vehicle, such as the engine, transmission, or ABS. Look for a scanner that can provide the level of diagnostic information you need.
Some scanners are more user-friendly than others. Advanced scanners might have a touchscreen, and some can work through an app on your mobile phone. Especially if you're not a professional mechanic, take into account how user-friendly and easy-to-understand the scanner is. At Diagnostic Tech, we offer our in-house remote support. If you are having trouble with your scan tool or need help diagnosing a vehicle, you can call up and speak with a qualified technician who can remotely log into your scan tool and assist (providing the scan tool has this option).
Wireless Connectivity
Lastly, decide if you prefer a scanner with wireless connectivity. Some models connect to your smartphone or tablet via Bluetooth or Wi-Fi, enabling you to view diagnostic information on your mobile device. Others use a hard-wired cable connection or a Bluetooth dongle to communicate with the scan tool. When comparing the same model of scan tool with a cable connection and a Bluetooth connection, the Bluetooth option is usually a bit more expensive.
Top Picks
Here are some of the best OBD2 diagnostic car scanners available on the market:
Basic OBD2 Scan Tools (Read, Clear, and Monitor Engine Data Only)
ELM327 Wifi Scan Tool - A scan tool that works through an app on your phone. The tool connects to your phone via a WiFi connection (you don't need WiFi to work the tool). This scan tool offers live data from the engine, reads and clears engine DTCs, and can be used with many free apps.
Ancel AS100 Scan Tool - A handheld OBD2 scanner that is affordable and easy to use, making it a good option for DIY car owners. It can read, diagnose and clear codes, provide live data from the engine control module, and is compatible with any OBD2-compliant vehicle.
Advanced OBD2 Scan Tools
Launch CR629 Scan Tool - The Launch CR629 is still a basic tool but covers the engine, ABS, SRS, and SAS systems. If your car is OBD2 and, for instance, you have an airbag light on, you'll need a tool that can communicate with these systems. The CR629 is very user-friendly and affordable.
Topdon ArtiDiag800BT - The Topdon AD800BT is a great option if your car is not OBD2 compliant. The AD800BT is a cost-effective option that covers OBD1 and OBD2 protocols and will access all available systems in the vehicle. It also includes various service functions; however, please be aware that these may not be compatible with all vehicles.
Autel MaxiCOM MK808BT Pro - This scanner has a large, easy-to-read touchscreen display and can perform full system diagnostics. It has some bi-directional capabilities such as injector programming, and it's compatible with over 80 car brands. It can read and clear codes from all available systems, as well as provide live data. This scan tool has Bluetooth communication.
Autel MK808 Scan Tool - Same functionality as the MK808BT Pro listed above without the Bluetooth connection. They are slightly cheaper than the MK808BT Pro.
By considering these factors and top picks, you'll be able to find the best OBD2 scanner for your needs, helping you maintain and diagnose your vehicle efficiently.
#automotive#automotive tools#diagnostic scanner#diagnostic car scanners#automotive diagnostic scan tools market#evscanners#OBD2 Scanners
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Homo floresiensis, an extinct species of ancient humans, has been a subject of fascination for scientists and the general public alike. These diminutive humans, who stood at around three feet tall, lived on the Indonesian island of Flores approximately 100,000 years ago. Recently, researchers have discovered a unique trait of these ancient humans that may have aided them in their hunting and survival â their inability to perceive color.
According to a study published in the journal Current Biology, Homo floresiensis had a genetic mutation that caused them to be completely monochromatic, meaning they saw the world only in shades of black and white. This is a stark contrast to modern humans who have trichromatic vision, allowing us to see a full spectrum of colors.
But why is this trait significant for a species that has long been extinct? The answer lies in their hunting and survival techniques. As small and primitive humans, Homo floresiensis relied heavily on their visual abilities to hunt for food and protect themselves from predators. And in a dense and natural environment like the island of Flores, where they lived in caves and hunted small animals, their monochromatic vision may have given them an advantage.
For burglars who are Homo floresiensis, their monochromatic vision may have allowed them to camouflage themselves more effectively in the shadows and darkness of the cave systems. This would have helped them to remain undetected by their prey or potential predators.
Furthermore, monochromatic vision also helps with depth perception in low-light environments, which would have been an advantage when navigating through tight and narrow cave passages. This would have allowed them to move quickly and with precision, increasing their chances of successfully catching their prey.
But the advantages of monochromatic vision for Homo floresiensis did not end there. The research also suggests that their inability to perceive color may have played a role in their social interactions. Ancel Keys, the lead researcher of the study, explains that color vision is linked to complex social behaviors in modern humans, such as being able to read facial expressions and interpret emotions. In the case of Homo floresiensis, their lack of color vision may have led to a simpler and less emotionally-driven society.
The discovery of this unique trait in Homo floresiensis sheds new light on how this ancient species thrived and survived in their environment. It also reminds us of the complexities and variations of the human species, both past and present.
Although they may no longer exist, the legacy of Homo floresiensis lives on through scientific discoveries such as this. And for burglars who are Homo floresiensis, their monochromatic vision may have been the key to their survival and success as hunters in a challenging and competitive world.
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Unveiling Excellence: The ANCEL OBD2 Scanner Redefines Automotive Diagnostics
In the realm of automotive diagnostics, where precision and reliability are paramount, the ANCEL OBD2 scanner emerges as a groundbreaking tool, setting new standards for performance and user experience. This in-depth exploration delves into the exceptional features and advantages that make the ANCEL OBD2 scanner an unrivaled choice in the ever-evolving world of vehicle diagnostics.
The Technological Marvel of ANCEL
Precision and Performance
At the core of the ANCEL OBD2 scanner lies a commitment to precision in decoding a vehicle's intricate data. Powered by advanced technology, this scanner excels in interpreting the language of a car's onboard computer, providing users with real-time, accurate, and actionable diagnostic information. This precision is the key to swiftly identifying and resolving potential issues, ensuring optimal vehicle performance.
Universal Compatibility
ANCHEL takes pride in universal compatibility, acknowledging the diverse landscape of vehicle makes and models. Whether you drive a compact car, a robust SUV, or a high-performance vehicle, the ANCEL OBD2 scanner seamlessly integrates with a broad spectrum of vehicles. This versatility positions ANCEL as the go-to solution for both DIY enthusiasts and professional mechanics, eliminating the need for multiple diagnostic tools.
Unpacking the Features of ANCEL OBD2 Scanner
User-Friendly Interface
ANCHEL's commitment to user experience is evident in the intuitive and user-friendly interface of its OBD2 scanner. The clear display and logically organized menu structure cater to users of all skill levels, ensuring easy navigation through diagnostic data. ANCEL prioritizes accessibility, making critical vehicle information readily available without unnecessary complexity.
Extensive Code Database
ANCHEL recognizes that troubleshooting vehicle issues should be straightforward. The OBD2 scanner comes equipped with an extensive code database, providing detailed explanations for each detected code. This comprehensive information empowers users to understand the root causes of issues, facilitating informed decision-making regarding necessary repairs and maintenance.
Real-Time Data Streaming
For automotive enthusiasts seeking deeper insights into their vehicle's performance, ANCEL OBD2 scanners offer real-time data streaming capabilities. Monitor essential parameters like engine temperature, RPM, and oxygen levels on-the-go, enabling proactive measures to maintain peak vehicle health. This real-time insight sets ANCEL apart in delivering a holistic diagnostic experience.
ANCEL vs. Competitors: A Reliability Paradigm
Robust Design for Longevity
Beyond technical prowess, ANCEL OBD2 scanners distinguish themselves through robust and durable design. Built to withstand regular use, ANCEL scanners prioritize longevity and reliability. This durability, coupled with precise diagnostics, cements ANCEL's position as a leader in the OBD2 scanner market.
Continuous Innovation through Updates
In the dynamic landscape of automotive technology, ANCEL stays ahead of the curve with regular firmware and software updates. This commitment to continuous innovation ensures that ANCEL scanners remain at the forefront of diagnostic technology, delivering relevance and effectiveness throughout their lifespan.
Voices of Satisfaction: ANCEL User Testimonials
Success Stories Unveiled
The satisfaction of ANCEL OBD2 scanner users resonates through success stories shared within the community. Swift issue identification, leading to cost-effective and timely repairs, consistently emerges as a recurring theme in user testimonials. These firsthand experiences underscore ANCEL's commitment to delivering exceptional value.
Joining the ANCEL Community
Beyond the tool itself, ANCEL offers users the opportunity to join a community of like-minded automotive enthusiasts. Share experiences, seek advice, and stay updated on the latest trends in automotive diagnostics. The sense of camaraderie within the ANCEL community enhances the overall ownership experience.
Elevate Your Diagnostic Experience with ANCEL
In conclusion, the ANCEL OBD2 scanner stands as a testament to excellence in automotive diagnostics. From precision in performance to universal compatibility and user-friendly design, ANCEL scanners redefine what users can expect from their diagnostic tools. Invest in the innovation of ANCEL OBD2 scanners, unlock the full potential of your vehicle, and drive with the confidence that comes from cutting-edge diagnostic technology.
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The Minnesota Semi-Starvation Experiment
In 1944, a group of 36 healthy, male, conscientious objectors to World War II volunteered to be in this experiment conducted by physiologist Ancel Keys and his colleagues at the University of Minnesota. The study aimed to examine both the physical and psychological effects of semi-starvation, as well as inform and hopefully improve the process of refeeding and rehabilitating emaciated civilians. The study lasted a year. There was also a 12-week control period, a 24-week semi-starvation period, and finally, a 12-week rehabilitation period.
#Minnesota starvation experiment#minnesota#starvation#experiment#world war 2#world war ii#history#medical#science#research
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Tw for anyone with an Ed
For anyone who's watched Yellowjackets, I would highly suggest looking into the Hungry Winter, A.K.A the Dutch Famine during WW2, when the Nazis occupied the Netherlands. This lasted from November 1944 to May 1945, and occured during a harsh winter. Reported casualties were in the tens of thousands, with some writers estimating 18,000 to 24,000, and 4.5 million people being irreversibly affected by it.
I know this because I read "The Great Starvation Experiment: Ancel Keys and the Men Who Starved for Science" by Todd Tucker, a biography detailing The Minnesota Starvation Experiment where 35 conscientious objectors volunteered to starve to further research during WW2 on how to rehabilitate those that faced starvation during the war. And now has served as a great source, one of the only, on how to help those that are and have experience anorexia.
By no means is this experiment something that could happen today, even with the consent given, it's far too crude. But the experiment detailed, that even with highly controlled starvation, people loose their marbles a damn lot.
And, you learn that, yes, during the Dutch Famine of 1944-1945 they did boil belts, they did eat wallpaper, they did eat the zoo animals, they did eat their own pets, they did eat eachother.
Starvation is the most horrible infliction on any living organism.
I feel like people really underestimate how being hungry can affect the way you act and feel. Like everytime people get upset at Shauna or Van or Lottie Iâm just like⊠what do you expect? They were hungry. The term Hangry (hungry+angry) exists for a reason. Now imagine going two weeks with the only food being belt soup.
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Mediterranean Diet and Heart Health
Did you know that a simple change in your eating habits could be the key to a healthier heart? Imagine savoring delicious meals while safeguarding your cardiovascular well-being. Enter the Mediterranean diet, a culinary journey that transcends mere nutritionâitâs a lifestyle that celebrates life, longevity, and love for food. In this article, weâll explore the Mediterranean diet, demystifying its magic and revealing why itâs more than just a list of dos and donâts. So, grab a seat at our virtual table, and letâs embark on this heart-healthy adventure together!
Historical Context
Origins of the Mediterranean Diet The Mediterranean diet isnât just a fad; itâs a timeless tradition rooted in the sun-kissed lands of Greece, Italy, and beyond. Picture ancient olive groves, bustling markets, and communal feasts under azure skies. But how did this culinary legacy come to be? Thousands of years ago, our ancestors reveled in the bounties of the Mediterranean region. They savored fresh produce, olive oil, whole grains, and fishâingredients that would later shape the heart-healthy diet we know today.
The Pioneering Study of the 1960s Fast-forward to the 1960s, a pivotal era when scientists began unraveling the secrets of longevity. Enter the Seven Countries Study, led by the legendary Dr. Ancel Keys. His team crisscrossed the Mediterranean, scrutinizing the eating habits of folks in Greece, Italy, and other coastal havens. The revelation was astounding: Those who adhered to the Mediterranean way of life enjoyed remarkably low rates of heart disease. Their hearts danced to a different rhythmâa symphony of olive oil, wine, and abundant fruits and vegetables.
Modern Science Echoes the Wisdom Recent research echoes the wisdom of our Mediterranean forebears. Studies continue to highlight the dietâs cardiovascular perks: - Heart-Protective Fats: The monounsaturated fats in olive oil act as guardians for our arteries, reducing inflammation and promoting heart health. - Antioxidant Bounty: Colorful fruits, veggies, and herbs flood our bodies with antioxidants, shielding our hearts from oxidative stress. - Omega-3 Richness: Fishâespecially fatty fish like salmonâprovides a dose of omega-3 fatty acids, keeping our hearts in harmony. So, dear reader, as we journey through time and flavors, remember that the Mediterranean diet isnât just about foodâitâs about nourishing hearts.
Key Components of the Mediterranean Diet
1. Plant-Based Foundation - Embrace the Bounty: Picture your plate as a canvas, waiting to be adorned with vibrant colors. Fill it with vegetables, fruits, whole grains, beans, nuts, and seeds. These plant foods arenât mere sidekicks; they take center stage in the Mediterranean drama. - Abundance, Not Deprivation: The Mediterranean diet celebrates abundance. Imagine markets brimming with ripe tomatoes, crisp cucumbers, and earth-scented lentils. These wholesome ingredients form the backbone of heart health.
2. Healthy Fats - Olive Oil Elegance: Swap butter for the golden elixirâolive oil. Its monounsaturated fats caress your arteries, reducing inflammation and whispering sweet nothings to your heart. Drizzle it over salads, dip your bread, and let your taste buds dance. - Nuts and Seeds: Almonds, walnuts, flaxseedsâtheyâre like tiny heart-shaped love notes. These unsung heroes provide healthy fats, fiber, and a dash of crunch. Sprinkle them on yogurt or nibble them as a snack.
3. Moderate Consumption - Fish Tales: The Mediterranean waves cradle a treasure trove of fish. Salmon, sardines, and mackerelârich in omega-3 fatty acidsâprotect your heart like a loyal guardian. Aim for fish at least twice a week. - Poultry and Beans: Chicken and beans join the party. Theyâre like the reliable friends who show up every week. Poultry provides lean protein, while beans and legumes add fiber and flavor. - Eggs, Sparingly: Eggs are versatile orbs of nutrition. Enjoy them poached, scrambled, or in an omelet. Just keep it moderateâlike a whispered secret. - Red Meat Caution: Red meat isnât the villain, but it prefers a supporting role. Limit it to special occasions. Your heart nods appreciatively. - Sugarâs Sweet Surrender: Cut back on added sugars. Let your desserts sing with natural sweetnessâthink figs, dates, and honey. - Dairy Delicacies: Savor dairy in moderation. Greek yogurt, feta cheese, and a sprinkle of Parmesanâthey add richness without overpowering.
Lifestyle Factors
1. Social Connection - Feast Together: Imagine a sun-kissed courtyard, laughter echoing, and a table laden with Mediterranean delights. The secret ingredient? Shared meals. Gather your loved onesâfamily, friends, neighborsâand let the flavors weave bonds. Conversations flow like olive oil, and hearts sync like a Mediterranean melody.
2. Physical Activity - Dance with the Waves: The Mediterranean lifestyle isnât just about whatâs on your plate; itâs about how you move. Lace up those sneakers, feel the earth beneath your feet, and walk. Stroll along the coast, hike ancient trails, or practice yoga by the sea. Your heart thrives on movement. 3. Moderate Wine Consumption - A Toast to Health: Picture a rustic vineyard, grapevines heavy with promise. Wine, in moderation, becomes a companion. Red wine, rich in antioxidants, whispers to your heart. Sip it slowly, savoring lifeâs moments. But remember, moderation is the keyâlike a well-crafted poem.
Scientific Evidence
The Mediterranean Diet and Heart Health: What Science Says The Mediterranean diet isnât just a culinary delight; itâs a scientific marvel. Numerous studies have confirmed its heart-protective effects, showing that it can lower cholesterol levels, blood pressure, and overall cardiovascular risk. Here are some examples: - The PREDIMED Study1: This landmark trial involved over 7,000 participants at high risk of heart disease. They were randomly assigned to follow either a Mediterranean diet supplemented with olive oil or nuts, or a low-fat diet. After nearly five years, the results were clear: The Mediterranean diet group had a 30% lower risk of major cardiovascular events (such as heart attack, stroke, or death) than the low-fat group. - The Lyon Diet Heart Study2: This groundbreaking study involved 605 survivors of a first heart attack. They were randomly assigned to follow either a Mediterranean diet or a prudent Western diet. After four years, the results were astounding: The Mediterranean diet group had a 72% lower risk of recurrent heart disease than the Western diet group. - The MESA Study3: This observational study involved over 6,000 participants without cardiovascular disease. They were followed for 10 years and their adherence to the Mediterranean diet was assessed. The results were impressive: The participants who followed the Mediterranean diet most closely had a 25% lower risk of developing cardiovascular disease than those who followed it least closely. These are just some of the many studies that support the Mediterranean dietâs heart benefits. By following this eating pattern, you can lower your cholesterol levels, blood pressure, and overall cardiovascular risk. Your heart will thank you for it.
Practical Tips for Adopting the Mediterranean Diet
1. Meal Planning - Plant-Powered Plates: Let your meals bloom with colorful vegetables, whole grains, and legumes. Plan your week to include a variety of plant-based dishes. Think roasted eggplant, chickpea salads, and quinoa-stuffed peppers. - Mediterranean Medleys: Combine flavors like a maestro. Drizzle olive oil, sprinkle fresh herbs, and add a pinch of sea salt. Create grain bowls, pasta primavera, or veggie-loaded omelets. 2. Cooking Techniques - Grill and Roast: Fire up the grill or preheat the oven. Grilled zucchini, roasted red peppers, and charred eggplant take center stage. The smoky notes elevate your taste buds. - Herb Magic: Basil, oregano, rosemaryâthese are your kitchen wizards. Fresh or dried, they infuse dishes with Mediterranean charm. Toss them into sauces, marinades, and dressings. 3. Grocery Shopping - Olive Oil: Your liquid gold. Choose extra-virgin olive oilâthe heartâs best friend. Stock up on a quality bottle for drizzling and sautĂ©ing. - Colorful Produce: Wander the produce aisle like an artist. Grab tomatoes, bell peppers, spinach, and citrus fruits. Theyâre your palette of health. - Legumes and Grains: Load your cart with lentils, chickpeas, quinoa, and whole-grain bread. These pantry staples form the backbone of Mediterranean meals. 4. Recipe Ideas - Greek Salad: A symphony of cucumbers, tomatoes, olives, and feta cheese. Drizzle with olive oil and a squeeze of lemon. VoilĂ ! - Mediterranean Bowl: Layer hummus, roasted veggies, quinoa, and falafel. Top with tahini sauce and a sprinkle of pine nuts. - Lemon-Rosemary Chicken: Marinate chicken breasts in lemon juice, rosemary, and garlic. Grill to perfection. Remember, the Mediterranean diet isnât a rigid rulebook; itâs a canvas for your culinary creativity. Let your heart guide you as you savor each bite.Â
Conclusion: Nourishing Hearts
As we bid adieu to our culinary voyage through the sun-drenched Mediterranean, letâs recap the heart-protective qualities of this remarkable diet: - Heartfelt Defense: The Mediterranean diet wraps your heart in a protective embrace. Its abundance of plant-based foods, healthy fats, and moderation sets the stage for cardiovascular well-being. - Ancient Wisdom, Modern Science: From ancient olive groves to cutting-edge research, the Mediterranean diet bridges time. Itâs not just about food; itâs a lifestyleâa celebration of life, love, and longevity. So, dear reader, consider this your invitation. Explore the flavors, savor the moments, and let the Mediterranean breeze infuse your days. Your heart will thank you, and your taste buds will dance.Â
- Estruch R, Ros E, Salas-SalvadĂł J, et al. Primary prevention of cardiovascular disease with a Mediterranean diet supplemented with extra-virgin olive oil or nuts. N Engl J Med. 2018;378(25):e34. - de Lorgeril M, Salen P, Martin JL, et al. Mediterranean diet, traditional risk factors, and the rate of cardiovascular complications after myocardial infarction: final report of the Lyon Diet Heart Study. Circulation. 1999;99(6):779-785. - Nettleton JA, Steffen LM, Mayer-Davis EJ, et al. Dietary patterns are associated with biochemical markers of inflammation and endothelial activation in the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA). Am J Clin Nutr. 2006;83(6):1369-1379. Read the full article
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why don't any of the ana girlies post the ancel keys starvation experiment guys as thinspo. not heroin chic enough for yall huh
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Nutrirci bene Ăš piĂč di una questione di diete e calorie, Ăš un modo di vivere.
Lo diceva bene Ancel Keys, il ricercatore statunitense che, negli anni â70, codificĂČ scientificamente e diffuse nel mondo il modello di dieta mediterranea: âEat well and stay well, the mediterranean wayâ, il modo mediterraneo per mangiare bene e star bene. Ne era cosĂŹ convinto che si trasferĂŹ a vivere nel Cilento. Il concetto fu poi ripreso da UNESCO, quando nel 2010 dichiarĂČ la dietaâŠ
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