#Anahol Pokki
gembug86 · 6 years
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Part II!
285 Marlin (Magical Princess)
An English witch. During the war, she served the Prime Minister using Beelzebub, the spirit of flies, and used insects from around the world to collect information that was difficult to obtain even for the secret services. She saved her country several times this way. Today, however, no one has much need for her and she has fallen from grace, barely being able to make a living as a street keeper. By Comparing the teachings handed down orally by her ancestors with the documents preserved in the British Museum, Marlin is convinced of the existence of the Shaman Fight and, seeing it as an opportunity for a new life, dusts off her techniques.
286 Samansa (Magical Princess)
She's an American witch who's spirit ally is Asmodeus, a slug. Foreseeing the future through tarot cards, she was a consultant to the wives of Presidents, but retired after she got married. As we age, we get less and less conventionally attractive, so she starts searching for the secret of eternal youth. It has been passed down orally in her family for generations, and she reaches the conclusion that the key to it lies in the Shaman Fight. "Eternal youth" is actually Hao's reincarnation technique, but she never realizes this. She finds herself fighting against Hanagumi. Her late husband was the director of an advertising agency, and she participates in the Shaman Fight against the wishes of her daughter and grandchildren.
287 Lil Red (Magical Princess)
She is a French witch. During the war, under the code-name "Little Red Riding Hood", she acted as a spy in the shadows with help from her wolf-shaped staff and Tara, a spider spirit. She provided information to the resistance, and thus contributed to the liberation of France. Apparently, she still coordinates French spies. She is the only single woman of her team, but hasn't given up on love, so she participates in the Shaman Fight hoping to regain her youth. She met Marlin and Samansa during a conference in Morocco at the time of World War II, and they have since been friends. She is also the oldest of the three.
288 Marlin, 289 Samansa, 290 Lil Red
Young Magical Princess (As young girls)
The Magical Princesses in their best years. They are ruthless in their old age and are descendants of three witches that aided Hao during the previous Shaman Fight. Their ancestors loved Hao, but were abandoned. Each of them married and formed families. Because of the era of fierce and ruthless witch hunts, they stopped their work and simply pass on spells useful in everyday life orally.
291 Anahol Pokki (Younger brother)
Self-proclaimed descendant of the ancient Egyptian pharaohs, Anatel said that his younger brother Anahol is more devoted to the Universe. He is present at the Shaman Fight to cheer for the Niles, but finds himself a witness to his older brother's death. Turned avenger, he attack Jeanne and her companions. While investigating the X-LAWS, Hao takes notice of him and welcomes him to his group, even introducing him to the Cho Senji Ryakketsu. Perhaps because he is a genius, or perhaps because he is thirsty for revenge, Anahol quickly assimilates the fundamentals of the book. Meanwhile, the 10 000 spirit slaves that were allied with his beloved older brother commune with the gods of Egypt within the Great Spirit. He now lives a life of Nirvana, calm and entirely without rancor. Anahol's face is identical to his brother's, except his nose is three centimeters shorter.
292 Amneris
She's a nature spirit that used to be an Egyptian princess. She took the form of a cat, which were considered sacred animals in those times. Perhaps because she was a princess, she speaks to Anahol with poisonous words; she is a selfish, arrogant, and ruthless spirit. She is very good at shape-shifting aside from her cat appearance, such as her Sphinx form (when attacking Jeanne), or the goddess Bastet.
293 Mikihisa Maki (At 25 years old)
Mickey in hippy style, who dreams of the sixties, when he met Keiko in Funbarigaoka in 1983. Wanting to become like John Lennon, he leads a life of hardship. Compared to the mature and adult Keiko, Mickey lives a late adolescence, yet manages to impress her. Obviously, Mickey is an individual whom the important Asakura family frowns on, but with his innate talent and thanks to the advice of a mysterious cat spirit, he overcomes Yohmei's traps one after another. He is welcomed into the family and changes his surname. His band was called "Deer Flying". And in the lazy adolescence of the father you see the roots of Yoh.
294 Keiko Asakura (At 23 years old)
Strictly educated as a child to become a shaman, she rebels against the Asakura family and goes to Tokyo, where she finds a job as a clerk in a company that turns out to be tied to her family. Having grown up in the countryside, she cannot get used to the frenetic metropolitan life altogether. She knows a boy, but he is uncomfortable because of her shamanic powers and leaves her. After a while Keiko meets Mikihisa, a boy who does not want to grow up, and who falls madly in love with her. Thanks to her unexpected strength of will and her practical sense, Keiko manages to make sure that Mikihisa is welcomed into her family. Equipped with very strong powers, her personal spirit is the god Tamenojikara-O.
-Marlin’s job translates as “street guess”, which seems to be a street keeper.
-The Young Magical Princess file seeeeems to only be referring to their ancestors? Like, everything after the first two lines seems to be about the past-Hao witches(since Lil Red’s file says she’s always been single). It’s kinda unclear.
-The “Obviously, Mickey is an individual whom the important Asakura family frowns on,..” line translates with a “not” before the “an individual”, which I removed, as it seems to contradict itself. I could totally see Yohmei finding Ryu on the doorstep and thinking “Gods, not this shit again”. :P
- Tamenojikara-O doesn’t seem to be any deity I can find. It sounds like an actual one, but google only find Naruto pages for it. Likely a slight translation error when it was put into Italian from Japanese. If anyone has any answers or ideas, I’m all ears!
-And that’s it! I love the KZB Shaman Files and wish more were translated. I love the lore, world building, and just kind of everyday trivia that they add to the story and it’s characters, especially the super side ones (like the Magical Princesses!). This is the only Star Comics volume I own, and I got it because I was super curious about what the Magical Princess and 2nd Hanagumi files told. I wasn’t disappointed!
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