#Ana Maria Moldovan
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Știri: Caligula și Oblomov se întâlnesc online la Teatrul „Bulandra”. Arhetipuri umane, partea I (6 și 8 mai 2020) Pentru spectatorii noștri din peste un milion de locuințe de români din întreaga lume, perioada de distanțare socială a însemnat și bucuria reîntâlnirii cu câteva dintre spectacolele de succes, cu o parte dintre regizorii și actorii care au îmbogățit cele două scene ale…
#Albert Camus#Alexandru Tocilescu#Ana Maria Moldovan#București#Caligula#Constantin Dinulescu#Constantin Drăgănescu#Constantin Ghenescu#Cornel Scripcaru#cultură#Gheorghe Ifrim#I. A. Goncearov#Ion Besoiu#Ionel Mihăilescu#Irina Petrescu#literatură#Marcel Iureș#Marian Râlea#Mihai Constantin#Mihai Măniuţiu#Mihai Verbiţchi#Mirela Gorea#Oana Pellea#Oblomov#Rudy Rosenfeld#Şerban Cellea#Șerban Pavlu#Silviu Geamănu#societas#știri
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Swearing In
I never talked about the day I felt my happiest. Swearing in.
It was a bitter-sweet day because I would be leaving my PST host family, with whom I have grown quite close. But, I was off to become an official PCV in Moldova.
I will start by speaking about the evening before. My PST village and volunteers got together to with our host families for a celebration. We went to Michael’s host family’s lake and had a barbecue. It went on for hours, until about 11p. We got back to the house at about midnight. Ana-Maria and I had already planned to have one last movie night together before I left but the party interrupted that plan. So, I decided I would suffer the tiredness and do the movie night anyways! (Spoiler: I fell asleep through 90% of the movie) At about 2a we went to sleep. And then at 6a we were up.
My stomach was in knots. I was so nervous about the unknown. I wasn’t quite sure what was going to be happening. I couldn’t even drink any tea. So, the rutiera that was here to pick up Diamond, Jorge, Katie, Kathryn, and I (and Emilia and my host family) arrived and we loaded in our stuff. Then the bumpy road to Chișinău commenced.
We finally arrived and were one of the last ones. Sadly, a couple people on my bus ended up getting car sick and we had to yell to the driver to pull over to let them off. I think from the long night before and nerves for today mixed with the driving didn’t help anyone’s stomach. Once finally parked in the correct location we needed to bring all of our luggage into a luggage room…..down a set of stairs…. I came to Moldova with a big suitcase, hiking backpack, a large school backpack, and a purse. In addition to all of that my suitcase was MUCH heavier and an additional five bags of stuff from Peace Corps that I acquired all summer. I was thankful for having Danu there as he assisted me bring my stuff downstairs.
So, now that we’ve arrived it was time for us to get changed. Those that were performing were allowed to wear the national costume through the ceremony! We did a run through of our performances. To be honest, we all didn’t know all of the word to the song and thankfully we were allowed to have a paper with the words on it to assist us! Made it so much better.
Then came the dance. We’d been practicing on a stage but where we were dancing now was not a stage. We didn’t have as much space available and had to adapt as we were dancing with placement. After that we did our Peace Corps Oath. Then stood around waiting for the actual ceremony to begin.
It was all so exciting. The choir from my PST village came to sing the Moldovan National Anthem. Then five volunteers went on stage to sing the US National Anthem. They did a very good job!
We sat through speeches presented by people in the Moldovan government, the Ambassador, and Peace Corps staff. It was quite the occasion! When it came time to officially swear in EE was first! We went up and stood in our specific locations. It amused me because EE was off to the left while HE and COD were off to the right.
Finally, at the end we did our performances. Another village had prepared two songs which they performed. Then came my village’s turn. We did our song. Then we did our dance with a couple other girls from the other EE village and Danu and Clayton. (As the perfectionist that I am, I was upset with my singing and dancing. I and another volunteer began dancing at the wrong moment while we sang. And while doing our dance routine I forgot a part. But, forever grateful for Jorge, he remembered and tugged me to get me moving!)
Once our dance was done we ran off to get changed out of the costumes. We were no longer PCTs but PCVs. Some of the people talked to the PC staff and apparently our performance was one of the best performances they had seen at the swearing in ceremony. Very up lifting.
Once done getting changed I found Liliana, Danu, and Ana-Maria. We went and got some food. I found my director and introduced them all. While the room began to disperse, Emilia came and said goodbye to me. And I lost it. Once she walked away I began to cry. Then Ana-Maria began to cry. And we were all getting teary. It wasn’t a goodbye, but see you later. After living with them for ten weeks it was hard to leave. Many people saw us all getting emotional and came over to give me a hug goodbye and wish me succes, such as Galina my LTI and Nina my PM. We went off and found my director outside again. Then together we all got my luggage and brought it to his car. After our final goodbyes the Director and I were off to my permanent site!....with a quick stop to pick up his daughter in the capital.
It was a fairly quiet ride. My brain wasn’t fully functioning for English, let alone Romanian. I was full of so many different emotions.
When I arrived at site mama was there waiting for me. We didn’t talk much and I rested a bit. I remember being a bit chilly in my room even though it was so hot out. This. This is where I will be living.
Leading up to Swearing In a lot of changes occurred. Our Country Director was moved to another country and we had an Acting Director. We had two people leave Peace Corps the week of Swearing In. There was a language assessment a few days before we swore in which stressed me out immensely. But overall, it worked out. Everything was fine.
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Idk if you've done this, but what are your favourite All I Ask Of You performances? I'm in love with the song but I'm getting kinda tired of just listening to Sierra and Hadley or Sarah and Steve's renditions....
I have, but I suppose I can update the list a little:
Maria Kesselman and Steve Barton - If you love Barton but are tired of Brightman, listen to this
Claire Moore and Michael Ball - Voices of gold
Ryoko Nomura and Yuichiro Yamaguchi - Mustache Raoul! First documented incident I know of where Raoul grabs Christine’s hand and tugs her back at “I must go!”
Rebecca Caine and Byron Nease - Caine is also great with Ball but Byron Nease has wonderful sincerity in live clips
Julie Hanson and John Cudia - More child-like Christine with more protective Raoul
Anyone with Michael Shawn Lewis - Michael Shawn Lewis is adorable and shines with every Christine
Renata Krassy and Zoltan Miller - Nose boop at the end! Non-replica which makes for a change
Anyone with Jim Weitzer - Jim Weitzer is very expressive and has good chemistry with almost every Christine
Anne Gorner and Nikolaj A. Brucker - A very expressive Christine with a wonderfully charming Raoul
Kristi Holden and Andrew Ragone - Holden is breathless and slightly head-in-the-clouds, Ragone is solid and detailed
Ana Marina and Alexander Lewis - A bit like Holden/Ragone, with Marina making a complex Christine and Lewis grounding her
Gina Beck and Will Barratt - I find Barratt gentler than other Raouls and there’s an interesting moment at the end where Gina Beck touches the side of his face
Trista Moldovan and Sean MacLaughlin - Watch for MacLaughlin’s enthusiastic twirl and Moldovan’s surprised little whoop
Lisa Antoni and Oliver Arno - A concert performance so some different blocking, love how Arno gives Antoni his coat
Samantha Hill and Greg Mills - Intense chemistry
Tamara Kotova and Evgeny Zaycev - Kotova is sunshine personified, Zaycev is very liberal in touching and holding her
Maria Listra and Koit Toome - Another non-replica, love Raoul’s bridal twirl and gallant hand-kissing
Ali Ewoldt and Jordan Donica - Donica shines after just a few months in the role
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Alianța pentru Piatra Neamț, PSD-PPU, s-a înscris oficial în competiția electorală pentru Primăria și Consiliul Local al municipiului
Astăzi, la Biroul Electoral de Circumscripție, au fost depuse lista și dosarele candidaților Alianței pentru Piatra-Neamț pentru Primăria și Consiliul Local Piatra-Neamț.
Candidatul pentru funcția de primar al municipiului Piatra-Neamț este Alexandru-Răzvan CUC. În continuare, vă prezentăm lista candidaților pentru Consiliul Local al municipiului:
#tdi_1_faf .td-doubleSlider-2 .td-item1 { background: url(https://mesagerulneamt.ro/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/IMG-20200817-WA0004-80x60.jpg) 0 0 no-repeat; } #tdi_1_faf .td-doubleSlider-2 .td-item2 { background: url(https://mesagerulneamt.ro/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/IMG-20200817-WA0000-80x60.jpg) 0 0 no-repeat; } #tdi_1_faf .td-doubleSlider-2 .td-item3 { background: url(https://mesagerulneamt.ro/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/IMG-20200817-WA0005-80x60.jpg) 0 0 no-repeat; } #tdi_1_faf .td-doubleSlider-2 .td-item4 { background: url(https://mesagerulneamt.ro/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/IMG-20200817-WA0003-80x60.jpg) 0 0 no-repeat; } #tdi_1_faf .td-doubleSlider-2 .td-item5 { background: url(https://mesagerulneamt.ro/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/IMG-20200817-WA0002-80x60.jpg) 0 0 no-repeat; } #tdi_1_faf .td-doubleSlider-2 .td-item6 { background: url(https://mesagerulneamt.ro/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/IMG-20200817-WA0001-80x60.jpg) 0 0 no-repeat; }
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1. Alexandru-Răzvan CUC 11. Mioara BOSTAN 21. Florentin MOLDOVAN 2. Florentina LUCA-MOISE 12. Carmen CRAIU 22. Giorgiana-Dumitrița NEGROAIE 3. Marius Gruia NOVAC 13. Cristina-Iulia RADU 23. Maria ILIE 4. Ana MONDA 14. Valeriu-Vasile STĂCESCU 24. Florin MARELE 5. Cristian MIHALCEA 15. Irina-Amelia BÂRSAN 25. Viorel GRĂDINARU 6. Liviu FLORESCU-PURCARIU 16. Petcu-Victor MOVILĂ 26. Dan-Laurențiu ANDREI 7. Eduard-Robert MINUȚ 17. Ioan MANCAȘ 27. Ioan-Antonie CIUCANU 8. Alexandra-Amalia MOISII 18. Ovidiu CORDUNEANU 28. Ion STROI 9. Victor-Adrian MARGHIDAN 19. Maria-Raluca CEAI 29. Minodora BEȘLEAGĂ 10. Octavian DIACONIȚA 20. Constantin CIRA
Răzvan Cuc, deputat, candidat pentru funcția de Primar:
„Am lângă mine o echipă de oameni valoroși, cunoscuți în Piatra-Neamț. Avem un program amplu de îmbunătățire a vieții pietrenilor și proiecte obligatorii pentru dezvoltarea economică a orașului. Le mulțumesc colegilor și aliaților noștri pentru încrederea pe care o au în mine și îi mulțumesc lui Ionel Arsene, președintele PSD Neamț, pentru sprijin.”
Florentina Moise, președinte PSD Piatra-Neamț, candidat pentru Consiliul Local:
„Venim cu oameni care au loc de muncă, au familii, copii, părinți. Și care știu ce înseamnă să ai grijă de toate. Care au inițiativă și curaj. Și, cel mai important, nu și-au pierdut speranța. Pentru că asta au făcut până acum cei care au condus orașul: le-au luat pietrenilor speranța. Și este de neiertat!”
Biroul de presă al Alianței pentru Piatra-Neamț
The post Alianța pentru Piatra Neamț, PSD-PPU, s-a înscris oficial în competiția electorală pentru Primăria și Consiliul Local al municipiului appeared first on Stiri Neamt.
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Paul şi Ana Maria au rămas pe zero în runda a doua! Ana Maria German şi Paul Moldovan au luptat pentru a acumula cât mai mulți bani în a doua probă, însă norocul nu a fost de partea lor. https://ift.tt/2n7aoeo
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Day 71 - Project Highlight - “Microscopes: Key to Girls’ Success in Science” Project
I had the honor to work with my partner on a Let Girls Learn grant funded initiative. I’ll let this article from the most recent edition (28 July 2017) of the newspaper Est-Curier tell the story (translated):
17 monocular microscopes, 4 sets of prepared slides (general biology, botany, zoology, anatomy), 10 dissection kits, a human skeleton (5′11″), human torso and head model (1′6″), a storage cabinet, a magnetic whiteboard, and school supplies - with these the foundations of Boris Dînga Middle & High School of Criuleni was enriched through the implementation of the project ”Microscopes: The Key to Girls’ Success in Science.”
With help from a Peace Corps grant and contributions from the parents’ association, the school updated a Biology classroom. Next to a smartboard, installed three years ago, now students have other quality equipment available. The project is called “Microscopes: The Key to Girls’ Success in Science.” As explained by Biology teacher Mrs. Olga Rotari, the project’s goal is providing students with microscopes and lab equipment for the educational process in Biology classes to be more efficient and attractive. Asked why they say these items are the key to girls’ success in science, the teacher said that, together with Rebecca Lehman (Peace Corps Volunteer and Health Education co-teacher at the school), she looked at schoolbooks and observed that most of the time the scientists and researchers shown are only men. Also, when there are only a few microscopes in a classroom, boys use them first and more, girls are left behind because they are more timid. From this, she got the idea for the project, so that girls can have equal access to educational materials.
Along with purchasing the equipment, the teacher wrote educational materials about successful women in the world of science, about their discoveries, in the form of a brochure and poster series “Women in Science and Technology,” which was published as part of the project and will be distributed in many Moldovan schools with the help of Peace Corps.
Friday, July 14th, an open class was held at the school, at which a group of students tested the new microscopes and other equipment. Eugenia Iurco, Peace Corps Youth and Gender Coordinator, participated and said, “I’m happy for these students, boys and girls, who will have the opportunity to choose career, including a career in science, which is predominantly chosen by boys. Personally, I chose to study foreign languages, but maybe if I had had these microscopes, I would have had greater self-confidence that I could pursue a career in, for example, medicine.” And Tracey Hebert-Seck, Country Director for Peace Corps Moldova, said that possibly that Friday, from the students in Criuleni, she met the next Aurelia Crivoi, referencing the contemporary scientist from Moldova who dedicated her career to studying human and animal physiology. Students can learn more about Crivoi in the Women in Science & Technology posters.
Rebecca Lehman, Olga Rotari’s partner, say that she is very proud of what they did. “It’s something unusual, very creative, and practical that will enrich students’ experience in science class. Throughout this project, Mrs. Rotari wrote quality material, for which there is great interest on the part of other teachers who will use them in the future. I feel grateful because I had the opportunity to be involved in this project,” said the American volunteer.
Asked their impressions, students who participated in the open class said, “I liked today’s lesson, it was a new experience and it even motivated me to learn more about practical work with microscopes,” Ana-Maria Dimitriu, student in class 11-A.
"I think Biology class will be more interesting, we’ll work with and learn new things, and now I’m feeling extremely impatient for Biology class!” said Alina Axinte, student in class 10-A. And Gloria Berzan, also a student in class 10-A, mentioned, “I saw for the first time the structure of things through a microscope, which I’d never seen with my own eyes before. This really impressed me!”
The project had a budget of 49,520 MDL, of which 7,200 MDL were contributed by the Luceafarul Parents’ and Teachers’ Association.
Text by Svetlana and Ecaterina Cernov
Photo from the open class using microscopes
———————— During our 100 Days 100 Things We Love post, we will occasionally highlight some of the amazing work our partners have done and how much we loved working alongside our partners.
To see all of the 100 Things We Love About Moldova that have been posted so far, click here.
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Asociația Fălticeni Cultural, organizatorul Festivalului Internațional de Teatru pentru Tineret “Gr. V. Birlic” a anunțat programul celei de-a 9-a ediții.
Festivalul este programat pe durata unei săptămâni, în perioada 26 august – 1 septembrie 2019.
Ziua 1 (LUNI, 26 aug. 2019) • 8:00 – 12.00 – Primirea participanţilor. • 12:00 – Compania ”Andirino” – Iași: Super Kids Show (Spectacol pentru copii ). • 13:00 – Deschiderea oficială a Festivalului “BIRLIC”. Parada costumelor de teatru împreună cu actorii de la Ateneul Național din Iași și a personajelor Disney a Companiei ”Andirino”. • 17:00 – Sala ”Draga Olteanu Matei”: Filmele documentare ”Replika”. • 19:00 – Ateneul Național din Iași– Spectacolul ”Pijamale”. Regia: Andrei Ciobanu. Manager: Andrei Apreotesei. • 23:00 – Cinemateca de noapte: Filmul ”Ghinionistul”. Regia: Iura Luncașu. Întâlnire cu actorul și scenaristul: Salex Iatma.
Ziua a 2-a (MARŢI, 27 aug. 2019) • 9:00 – 14:00 – Workshop-uri cu trainerii Festivalului (Sălile de sport ale Colegiilor ”Vasile Lovinescu” și ”Mihai Băcescu”). • 12:00 – Ateneul Național din Iași – Spectacolul ”Cenușăreasa” (Spectacol pentru copii). • 17:00 – Sala ”Draga Olteanu Matei”: Teatrul Birlic Fălticeni – Premiera Spectacolului ”Aproape Labiș”. Regia: Vlad Rădescu. Întâlnire de suflet cu Doamna Margareta Labiș. • 19:00 – Ateneul Național din Iași – ”Tache, Ianche și Cadâr”. Regia: Ion Sapdaru. • 23:00 – Cinemateca de noapte: Filmul ”Pup-o, mă”. Regia: Camelia Popa. Întâlnire cu actorul și scenaristul: Salex Iatma.
Ziua a 3-a (MIERCURI, 28 aug. 2019) • 9:00 – 12:00 – Concurs de recitare poezie și monolog pentru toate categoriile de vârstă (Sala Mare a Centrului Cultural ”Gr. V. Birlic”). • 9:00 – 14:00 – Workshop-uri cu trainerii Festivalului (Sălile de sport ale Colegiilor ”Vasile Lovinescu” și ”Mihai Băcescu”). • 12:00 – Sala ”Draga Olteanu Matei”: Teatrul Municipal de Păpuși ”Guguță” – Chișinău – Spectacolul ”Hârzobul” . Manager: Gabriela Lungu. (Spectacol pentru copii). • 17:00 – Sala ”Draga Olteanu Matei”: Centrul de Teatru Educațional ”Replika” – București: Spectacolul ”Totul E Foarte Normal”. Regia: Leta Popescu. Spectacol recomandat părinților și adolescenților. • 19:00: – Teatrul Birlic Fălticeni – Premiera Spectacolului ”1918”. Regia: Ovidiu Cuncea. • 23:00 – Cinemateca de noapte: Filmul ”Cea mai fericită fată din lume”. Regia: Radu Jude Întâlnire cu actrița Andreea Boșneag.
Ziua a 4-a (JOI, 29 aug. 2019) • 9:00 – 14:00 – Concurs de interpretare trupe de teatru: – Trupa ”Katharsis” – Galați: ”Un joc în doi, în trei, în câte și câți vrei!” – Trupa ”Gong” – Roman: ”Făt Frumos dar nu prea” – Trupa ”Stop cadru” – Cluj-Napoca: ”Taxi vinil” – Trupa ”Katharsis”- Botoșani: ”Acteea și Nero” • 12:00 – Sala ”Draga Olteanu Matei”: Trupa “Ghioceii”(Basarabia) – Spectacolul ”Dănilă Prepeleac” (Spectacol pentru copii). • 17:00 – Sala ”Draga Olteanu Matei”: Spectacolul ”Apă la borcan” de Frank Moher. Distribuția: Andreea-Roxana Neagu, Cristi Constantinescu și Andreea Boșneag. • 19:30 – Centrul de Teatru Educațional ”Replika” – București: Spectacolul ”Foreplay”. Text și regie: Ozana Nicolau. • 23:00 – Cinemateca de noapte: Filmul ”Bohemian Rhapsody”. Regia: Bryan Singer.
Ziua a 5-a (VINERI, 30 aug. 2019) • 9:00 – 14:00 – Concurs de interpretare trupe de teatru: – Trupa ”Ghioceii”- Mingir (Basarabia): ”Punguța cu doi bani” – Trupa ”Bastion” – Buftea: ”Emoji” – Trupa ”Victory of Art” – București: ”Treapta a noua” – Trupa ”Teen Act” – Piatra Neamț: ”Un cuplu mortal” – Trupa ”Difainii” – Iași: ”Pe… Trecere” (Spectacol invitat) • 12:00 – Sala ”Draga Olteanu Matei”: Compania de teatru interactiv ”Pantalone” – București: Spectacolul ”Aladin” (Spectacol pentru copii ). • 16:00 – Sala ”Draga Olteanu Matei”: Avanpremiera Spectacolului ”Audiția” al studenților UNATC București. Regia: Ștefana Samfira. • 17.30: ”O lecție de istorie”. Invitat de onoare: Ioan-Aurel Pop, Președintele Academiei Române. • 19:00 – Teatrul Birlic Fălticeni: Premiera Spectacolului ”O sută de rochii”. Regia: Vlad Rădescu. • 20:30 –Lansarea cărții ”Rețete ”cercate”, versificate și… desenate de Coana Chirița”. Întâlnire de suflet cu doamnele teatrului românesc: Draga Olteanu Matei, Adela Mărculescu și Carmen Tănase. • 21.30 – Gala decernării Premiilor Festivalului ”Birlic”. În recital: Trupa Spam-Iași. • 23:00 – PARTY DOPO FESTIVAL
Ziua a 6-a (SÂMBĂTĂ, 31 aug. 2019)
• 17:00 – Sala ”Draga Olteanu Matei”: Universitatea ”Hyperion” – București: Spectacolul ”Imortal”. Regia: Dan Tudor. • 19:00 – Sala ”Draga Olteanu Matei”. Cinemateca de seară: Filmul ”Mamma mia!”. Distribuția: Meryl Streep, Pierce Brosnan, Colin Firth și Julie Walters.
• Ziua a 7-a (DUMINICĂ, 1 sept. 2019)
• 17:00 – Sala ”Draga Olteanu Matei”: Muzeul Național al Literaturii Române: Spectacolul ”Inocentul” cu Dan Tudor. Regia: Radu Băieșu. • 19:00 – Sala ”Draga Olteanu Matei”. Cinemateca de seară: Filmul ”Allied”. Distribuția: Brad Pitt și Marion Cotillard.
Draga Olteanu Matei, Ioan-Aurel Pop, Adela Mărculescu, Margareta Labiș, Carmen Tănase, Vlad Rădescu, Mihaela Rădescu, Ovidiu Cuncea, Dan Tudor, Radu Apostol, Carmen Olaru, Andrei Apreotesei, Viorel Cojanu, Mihai Pânzaru-Pim, Ion Moldovan, Lorette Enache, Salex Iatma, Sorin Poclitaru, Ștefania Iacob, Andreea Boșneag, Ateneul Național din Iași, Centrul de Teatru Educațional ”Replika”- București, Teatrul Municipal de Păpuși ”Guguță”-Chișinău, Cosmin Vaman, Alexandra Andrei, Trupa Tandem, Compania ”Andirino” și alții.
Carmen Tănase, Mihaela Rădescu, Ovidiu Cuncea, Lorette Enache, Andrei Ciobanu, Cristina Bacal.
Ana-Maria Fasolă, Stela Cora, Daniel Popa, Răzvan ConȚu, Bianca Ciubotariu, Andreea Nechita.
Ilie Doroftei, Ionuț Flutur.
Ovidiu Cuncea și actorii Teatrului Birlic Fălticeni.
S-a anunțat programul Festivalului Internațional de Teatru pentru Tineret “Birlic” de la Fălticeni – Ediția 2019 Asociația Fălticeni Cultural, organizatorul Festivalului Internațional de Teatru pentru Tineret "Gr. V. Birlic" a anunțat programul celei de-a 9-a ediții.
#birlic fălticeni#festival teatru fălticeni#festivalul birlic fălticeni#fitt birlic fălticeni#grigore vasiliu birlic#info 2019
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Composer Eugen Doga will give an author concert dedicated to Romanian poet Mihai Eminescu, occasioned by the anniversary of his death, in the concert hall of the Schönbrunn Palace from Vienna, Austria, on 15 June, in the year of the Centenary of the Great Union with Romania.
Master Eugen Doga will present his works, written on verses by poets Mihai Eminescu, Veronica Micle and Grigore Vieru, along with the National Symphony Orchestra of the Teleradio-Moldova Public Company, conducted by Dumitru Carciumaru. The soloists of the concert are soprano Mariana Bulicanu, soprano Ana Maria Donose from Iasi, Romania, tenor Ion Timofti and Vitalie Advahov playing the accordion, who will perform for the first time in the city called “capital of music.”
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Duminică, 17 septembrie, la Castelul Miclăușeni s-a desfășurat a doua manifestare din luna septembrie, ”Târg de meșteșugari și producători locali” . Au fost prezenți meșteșugari și producători de preparate tradiționale, a fost o expoziție etnografică și a fost și mâncare românească!
În castel vizitatorii au putut admira expoziția de port și obiecte populare de la Muzeul Etnografic ”Aleph”, iar doritorii au avut posibilitatea să lucreze la un război de țesut, îndrumați de Gabriel-Andrei Gherasă.
În parcul castelului oaspeții au putut interacționa cu meșteri autentici, purtători ai tainelor frumosului românesc. Le-au aflat poveștile și au putut cumpăra produse lucrate de mâinile acestora.
Printre meșteșugarii prezenți s-au remarcat: Todici Maria, din comuna Pipirig, Neamț, cu costume populare și țesături; Zaharia Neculai și Daniela, din comuna Ostra, Suceava, meșteri cojocari; Sorin Pasaniuc, din Iași meșter în prelucrarea lemnului; Eusebiu Iacinschi, din Botoșani, cu obiecte din ceramică; Liviu Sahlean, din comuna Frasin, Suceava, cu obiecte din pielărie și lemn; Virgil Moldovan, din Gura Humorului, cu icoane în lemn; Florin Brănișteanu, din Bacău, cu podoabe din mărgele.
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Producători tradiționali: Ana Neculai, din comuna Văratec, Neamț: dulcețuri, șerbeturi, zacuști; Elena Doroftei, din Suceava: plăcinte, brânză de burduf, bere de casă; ”Băcănia Boierească”, din Suceava: preparate din carne de vită și porc; ”Ideambiente”, din Târgu Frumos: roșii, gogoșari, morcovi, ceapă, ardei.
Restaurantul castelului a pregătit bucate după rețete aflate de la bunicile bucătarilor și băcătăreselor: borș din perișoare, tocăniță de purcel cu ciuperci și smântână, varză cu ciolan, friptură de purcel cu jumări, urs cu mămăligă și brânză de burduf, găluște cu prune, plăcinte poale-n brâu și must!
Parcul din jurul castelului a fost neîncăpător pentru mulțimea de vizitatori. Gazdele au apreciat că au fost cu mult mai mulți vizitatori decât la tradiționala ”Călătorie la 1900”, manifestare aflată deja la a patra ediție și care se desfășoară la începutul lunii septembrie.
Ca o curiozitate, castanii din parcul Castelului Sturdza din Miclăușeni, au înflorit a doua oară! Pe crengi sunt și castane și flori…
La Miclăușeni castanii au înflorit a doua oară Duminică, 17 septembrie, la Castelul Miclăușeni s-a desfășurat a doua manifestare din luna septembrie, ”Târg de meșteșugari și producători locali” .
#”Târg de meșteșugari și producători locali”#Castelul Sturdza din Miclăușeni#Catelul Miclăușeni#Eusebiu Iacinschi#Florin Brănișteanu#Muzeul Etnografic ”Aleph”#Sorin Pasaniuc#Todici Maria#Virgil Moldovan#Zaharia Neculai și Daniela
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Directed by Ilinca Calugareanu
Starring Irina Margareta Nistor, Ana Maria Moldovan, Dan Chiorean
Release date: Available now on Netflix
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot: In 1980s Romania, thousands of Western films smashed through the Iron Curtain opening a window into the free world for those who dared to look. A black-market VHS racketeer and a courageous female translator brought the magic of film to the people and sparked a revolution. -IMDB
Source: Vernon Films
‘CHUCK NORRIS VS. COMMUNISM’ IS A MUST-SEE! Directed by Ilinca Calugareanu Starring Irina Margareta Nistor, Ana Maria Moldovan, Dan Chiorean Release date:
#Ana Maria Moldovan#CHUCK NORRIS VS. COMMUNISM#Dan Chiorean#Ilinca Calugareanu#Irina Margareta Nistor
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Otherness: Passing as Moldovan and What that Means to Me
The following was a brain purge about my experience of being other than Other.
We are told from before we even come to country about how our identities and who we are will be questioned. We were given materials to read and how to adapt. One specific one I will remember and try to emphasize in this blog is: The Danger of a Single Story. No matter what, being the American, the Peace Corps Volunteer, the person from the North East, the Girl, the Woman, the whatever other labels I am given, I am a representative of all of this to the people I will meet. I am but a snapshot of each identity presented, but could be shown as the only source of knowledge about it. The stories that I tell about those I meet in Moldova are also but a snapshot, only a piece of the story, my interpretation, and all that I wish to share.
These identities I hold can create an Other. I know who I am, Peace Corps made sure to remind me who I am. We did identity mapping where we wrote our names in the center of a paper and from that we wrote what we identify as: a daughter, sister, aunt, cousin, university graduate, American citizen, Sicilian-Irish-Scottish-Canadian-American, Slytherin, Pokemon Master, book worm, and much more. At one specific time, at one of our hubsites, I found a specific exercise we did to be curious. We were told to make sure we had at least eight bubbles of identity. If there is something that we identify as but did not want to publicly share to put a question mark.
Then came the hard part.
We were told to choose half of those identities and cross them off. We had to decide what parts of our identity are not as important as the rest. Then once we were done, cut it in half again. We did that until there were only two parts of our identity left. I remember specifically mine was my Heritage and University Graduate. At this point we were not told to choose between the two but to change papers with our neighbor and they had to choose one of our identities to cross off. This was an important exercise in order to show what it could be like when we got to site; how people may identify us and only see a part not the whole.
And this is what leads me into My Identity and what it means here:
I came to Moldova acutely aware that I don’t speak the language, I don’t look or dress the part, and I am American, not Moldovan. So I prepared myself. I prepared myself to stand out.
But that’s not exactly what happened.
There have been a few instances where people had assumed I was Moldovan. To my memory:
1. When I went to Chisinau with my PST family we were on the trolleibuz and Mama was talking to an older woman. They’re talking about how Diamond and I were volunteers from American learning Romanian. The problem was the woman didn’t realize Mama was talking about me too and only thought she were talking about Diamond. So when she finally got a good look at me she realized I was not, in fact, Moldovan. Later, when we were at the museum we had a tour guide in Romanian. Ana-Maria was translating for us. At one point I turned and asked a question in English to Ana-Maria who responded in English, the tour guide turned to Mama and said something along the lines of, “she’s not Moldovan? She’s American?”
2. During practice school I had a resource teacher whose job was to help observe my teaching, give my advice, and assist in creating lesson plans. We were talking and I told him about the museum and he laughed because he showed my Facebook pictures to his wife and she, too, thought I was Moldovan at first.
3. I went to a birthday party with Mama Gazda in my permanent site. While there I was assisting to set the table and joking around a bit in the kitchen with my very limited Romanian and even more limited Russian (I can say maybe three or four words. I understand the words that are similar to Romanian or English plus context clues). I was with Mama and another woman in the room waiting to eat and then the woman finally says, “wait?! She’s not Moldovan??” And Mama had to explain that I’m American and the woman was very confused because I blended in so well.
4. Walking to Hram in my permanent site Mama and I were strolling along talking about whether or not it was going to (finally) rain. Then a group of men came up to us asking where the bar is, except when I say us, I mean me. They were asking me where the bar was. Mama responded and they went away. She then tried to explain to me what they were asking…even though I understood. I was just confused as to why they were asking me. Then it hit me: I blended in.
I may be able to fake it, as these examples show, but these are far and few between. Once people know I’m American I can feel the looks. I’ve had some interesting observations and comments made about how I look and comparison to other Americans. One instance was made where a specific volunteer was asked to have her picture taken with a child, then I and others jumped in because it was obviously about the colour of her skin. Yet, another instance happened where without my permission prior, I was going to have my picture taken with some people. So there’s a novelty in the fact that I may look one way, but I am still an Other. Especially when it has become known.
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Behind the Iron Curtain - Chuck Norris vs Communism (Edinburgh International Film Festival Film Review)
Behind the Iron Curtain – Chuck Norris vs Communism (Edinburgh International Film Festival Film Review)
View On WordPress
#5 Stars#Ana Maria Moldovan#Anne Nikitin#Brett Ratner#Chuck Norris vs Communism#Dan Chiorean#documentary#Edinburgh International Film Festival#Ilinca Calugareanu#Irina Margareta Nistor#Jose Ruiz#Mara Adina#Rob Manning#Teodor Zamfir
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Nu sunt un cuplu, dar Paul luptă pentru visul Anei Maria de a deveni mamă! Ana Maria German şi Paul Moldovan nu formează un cuplu, ci sunt cei mai buni prieteni. În urmă cu cinci ani, Ana Maria a suferit un accident rutier. Paul va demonstra încă o dată ca își dorește să fie alături de ea, concurând pentru visul acesteia de a-și întemeia o familie, devenind mamă! https://ift.tt/2nDapXT
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Day 84 - Walking for Entertainment
[Photo: Rebecca and our dear friend Liuba walking on a recent trip around Moldova]
When we arrived in Criuleni everthing was new and we weren't sure how we would fit in. One thing we wanted to discover is what people did for entertainment. Our host-mother Irina quickly taught us that nearly every evening it was important that we go out for a walk.
For our first few months these walks were just Mrs Irina, Frederico (our family dog or as we say, host brother) and us. We'd walk to the river and enjoy the sites, greeting neighbors and friends of Irina as we went. Once we moved into our apartment we found that on the central walking boulevard near our house people also went for walks. Each evening the street would be filled with families, mothers pushing baby carriages, children playing, and young Moldovans meeting with friends. When the weather is especially nice the road can be crowded with everyone out saying hello to their friends.
I will miss my walks through town with Liuba. I will miss touring Criuleni and hearing history lessons about town from Cristi. I will miss walking and talking about projects and volunteer ideas with Alina and her friends. And, I will especially miss hunting for kittens and talking about life with my dear friend Ana-Maria.
Walking for entertainment has been an important part of our time in Moldova and will part of my life for as long as I can walk.
To see all of the 100 Things We Love About Moldova that have been posted so far, click here.
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Pre-Service Training (PST)
Ten weeks. Ten weeks studying Romanian. Ten weeks full of learning how to teach English in Moldova. Ten weeks living with a Moldovan family. Ten weeks getting to know my government-issued family. Ten weeks trying to figure out: what am I doing in Moldova?!
A general week during PST for me looked like the following:
· Every day, regardless of what time I needed to be somewhere, I was awake sometime between 445a to 530a. I would lay in bed, wander my house a bit, talk to family and friends that were awake back home, or other volunteers who also struggled to stay asleep at such an ungodly hour. Some days I was able to fall back asleep until 645a.
· Monday to Wednesday, and Friday:
o I would start to get ready for school at 7a. I would have a cup of ceai (tea) with mama around 710a. At 720a I would finish packing up my school bag. 730a Diamond and I would start our trek to school. I say trek, but we had the flattest and one of the shortest walks. But, often times a dog would follow us. He wasn’t a bad dog, we just weren’t the biggest fans. We would arrive to school at about 750a. This is when I would eat breakfast that mama packed for me, usually a filled croissant.
o I had Romanian from 8a to 12p. We were split into two classes. Five in one and five in another. Halfway through PST one of our teachers had to leave and they sent a teacher from one of the HE villages. HE got three teachers for more intensive training, EE only got two, so it evened out.
o From 12p to 130p I would have a lunch break. The other EE training village would take a rutiera to my village. I would eat my lunch waiting for the other village then I’d share my left overs with whoever didn’t get lunch that day or was still hungry. Once done with lunch, Alleyce, who came from the other village, and I would often go for a twenty minute or so walk. We knew that the next four hours were going to be long and we needed to make sure we had the energy to get through!
o We would have technical training; training for when we go to site and teach. Tech sessions began at 130p and were supposed to end at 530p, but that did not always happen. There’s always more to learn. Topics varied greatly: from panels from current serving volunteers (M31s and M32, and one M30!), classes on multilevel classrooms, and how to teach grammar. I have many books, a notebook, and a large binder to review when needed!
· Thursday: Hubsite Day, where all Trainees would be in the raion center for group training, usually medical and security related.
o I would start to get ready for my day at 6a. Ceai, packing my school bag, getting money for the rutiera ready. At 630a, Diamond and I would walk to the bus stop. There were a few in town and the first half of the summer we all met at the one by the school then the second half we all took it wherever was closest to our house. Diamond and I would take it in centru since it was just past the bridge by our houses.
§ I will always remember the first day we took it alone. We got to the stop and 30 seconds later a rutiera showed up. We both got seats, there was good music playing, free wifi, and the driver was in a full out suit. So fancy, probably the first and last time I’ll see that!
o We would arrive around 715-730a at Hubsite. We would all hang out and talk to the other volunteers that we hadn’t seen in a week. Sometimes I would hang out in the gazebo outside, I’d play uno or another card game, or hangout inside and just chat with people.
o At 830a sessions would begin.
o At around 5p it would be over. Once it was decided who was staying in the Raion centre and who was headed back to the village we would depart for the bus stop! Trying to catch a rutiera is a fun experience. The shortest time we waited was only maybe ten minutes, while the longest was about 90 minutes (I’m estimating because it was hot and we were all cranky, so I don’t actually know how long we waited).
· Saturday:
o Thankfully a short day! Morning began similar to M-W&F. Romanian class began at 8a. Then would end at 12p. After 12p we would have a weekly evaluation. First we were given a paper to self-evaluate on a scale of 1-5 with where we believe we were at on the listed topics; ranging from vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation. Then we would go to whichever teacher we had that week and have a quick discussion and see what they score us as. We discussed where we feel we are at, how our stay in village is, and any concerns or questions we may have, whether it be about Peace Corps or Moldovan culture. Most of the time I would get sternly talked to about how I need to stop speaking English at home and speak only Romanian, but knowing me…if given a crutch, I will use it!
· Average Afternoon and Evening:
o It all depended on the day but most days after being in school I would head straight home. Always exhausted. I would hang out with my family. We would chat, eat dinner, and just live life. I enjoyed it a lot. This bonding is what made my life in PST wonderful.
o Some days all of us Trainees from my village would go to the magazin for chips or ice cream (or often times both).
o In the evenings Diamond and I would take walks together, Ana-Maria would join us. When she was not around, Danu joined us. Then sometimes Jorge would join us, or walk with one of us if the other wasn’t available. It was funny, I will discuss it later, but towards the end of our stay we were too exhausted and busy to walk. Even in the mornings during Practice School we would go separately because our schedules were so different. People would stop Diamond on her walk to ask why she was alone and where I was because we were always just out walking.
o A couple of Saturday evenings Ana-Maria and I made ourselves a movie night. For Before the second one I took out my hot chocolate packets and we made microwave brownies with everyone at the house. It was fun!
· Sunday
o Now, these were supposed to be our rest day but I believe I really only had one, MAYBE two, Sundays where I actually rested. As always, I was awake before the sun. But, since I did not always HAVE to wake up for a few hours, I would force myself back to sleep.
o Some of the most fun I had was on Sundays.
§ I went to raion center with my family and I bought a beautiful, fitted lemon dress and a long, heavy black skirt (each for 100 lei! Quite the steal!).
§ We went to Chisinau and walked A LOT. Diamond joined us and we went to Ethnographic museum, walked where there was a lot of photos for weddings. We walked along the water and found where the beach was. We ate lunch at “Fancy Annie’s”, as Jorge called it. (It’s actually called Andy’s Pizza, but it’s the fanciest one in town and someone called it Fancy Andy’s, but he misheard it. Haha)
§ One Sunday was spent at my future permanent site. I got the opportunity to meet my partner and host family. I will go into more detail about that in a later post.
§ I went to Chisinau with Alleyce and her Host Granddaughter and met up with her friend while there. We started at the PC office since I wanted to raid the loot me room. I ended up getting a shirt, a sweater (from Target), a pair of worn black jeans, and a skirt (also from Target). In the pants I found 20 lei, so my ride home was paid for! After, we went to a bunch of different restaurants and an art museum. That was one of the funniest evenings. We showed up for the last rutiera out of the capital to our village and there was a crowd of people waiting to get on. Among the crowd was another volunteer and trainee. Turns out this one was full and the last one was broken down. While waiting to figure out what to do another trainee shows up also needing to get home. There was no way out. The four of us, who I had been with all day, end up sprinting through Chisinau to try and get to another rutiera that passes by both of our villages. When we arrived, it was gone. So we hopped on another rutiera that at least gets us to the raion center. While waiting for it to leave, the other trainees and volunteer arrive. There weren’t enough seats so they had to stand. We get to the raion center, and thankfully, Alleyce’s host brother had a van and he came to get us! So all of us piled into the van and got home safely!
§ Another day, Sebastian came over from another village and we hung out with my fam. We were getting ready for the Language Proficiency Interview (LPI). I was so nervous. Because it was a week after Practice School ended I was not at my best, so having someone to practice with helped a bit!
§ Another Sunday was spent celebrating Katie’s birthday by a lake. It started with me doing my Letter of Commitment. Mama made a bunch of pizza, thinking that Beatrice would be home, Danu and his friend would be over. But that didn’t happen. So, it was just me and mama. Then, Katie and Angela were going to meet at Diamond’s place, but Nana Mila brought Diamond over to eat pineapple. The pineapple wasn’t ripe enough so Diamond ate some pizza. Since the others arrived at Diamond’s while we were eating pizza they came over and ate pizza, too. The kicker is, they all had already eaten lunch and I was still in my PJs….at 3p…… From there we walked to the lake. Hung out on a swing listening to music for an hour. Walked back. It was one of the most relaxing days.
The joke within the family was that everyone, even from the other villages had to come to see the castle that I was staying in. Because Diamond and I’s house was in centru we were often a meeting spot for people. But for some reason the meeting spot was actually my house and everyone would end up staying for a meal (Pizza above, Hram, and Team Teaching Prep).
And this is pretty much it! That was an average week during PST. I digressed quite a bit, but that’s okay. It was an exhausting ten weeks that I will never forget. These ten weeks I spent getting to know my government issued family. It’s odd how fate brings us all together, and although I have only known them for ten weeks, we have grown so close that we know more about each other than I would have ever imagined being possible.
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