#Ana Garibaldi
mesetacadre · 30 days
The Yugoslav volunteers in the International Brigades
Translated from this article, my own comments in [italicized brackets]
The total number of Yugoslavs in Spain differs according to researchers. The French historian, Hervé Lemesle, states that the total exceeds 1900, with the main contingent being Croatian, followed by Slovenes and Serbs. A majority were workers from many sectors and peasants. There were also doctors, engineers, teachers, journalists, and students. Most traveled from Yugoslavia, although there were groups of exileds or migrants from many European countries, as well as the US, Canada or Argentina.
The number of deaths (including MIA) in Spain is close to 800, a very high percentage (40%), although other studies estimate 32%. At any rate, it’s higher than the average losses for the International Brigades (27%). The most notorious victim was Blagoje Parović [Šmit, nom de guerre], part of the Communist Party of Yugoslavia’s Central Committee and political commissar of the XIII International Brigade, who died the first day in the Battle of Brunete. His remains were buried in the Fuencarral cemetery.
There were 16 Yugoslav women in the Health Services. The oldest was 43, while the youngest were only 22 years old. Most of the female volunteers arrived in Spain in 1937, from the Kingdom of Yugoslavia or countries such as Algeria, Belgium, Czechoslovakia, France, and Uruguay. Some of those women had been active agents of the worker movement or even members of the CPY before leaving for Spain. Those who lacked medical training attended a preparation course beforehand. They worked in the hospitals of Murcia, Albacete, Benicasim, Denia, Madrigeras, Vic, and other cities. Avgust Lesnik writes: “There were 16 women: doctors Adela Bohunicki, Nada Dimitrijević-Nešković, and Dobrila Mezić-Šiljak, [as well as the nurses] Ana-Marija Basch (Baš), Olga Dragić-Belović (Milić Milica), Elizabeta-Liza Gavrić, Marija-Peči Glavaš, Marija Habulin, Lea Kraus, Tereza Kučera, Lujza Pihler (Demić Borka), Ottilia Reschitz-Zanoni, Ana Seles-Brozović, Kornelija Sende-Popović, Eugenia Simonetti, and Marija Šneeman”.
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Borka Demic (right) in the Pasionaria Hospital of Murcia (colored by Tina Paterson)
If I were to be born again, I’d continue fighting for the ideals of my youth. Then, nothing was difficult and I don’t regret anything (Borka Demic)
The Yugoslav volunteers in the various units and arms
After the formation of the International Brigades, the Yugoslav volunteers were distributed throughout different units. For instance, the Edgar André battalion had 36, the Thälmann had 93, Garibaldi had 40, and Chapaiev had 78. The main body of Yugoslavs, however, were first integrated into the Balkan company of the Dombrowski battalion (120), and immediately after, into the Dimitrov battalion. By early 1938 a good portion of the Yugoslavs were integrated into two of the 129th Brigade’s battalions: Dimitrov (191) and Djaković (150). They were also a part of the 45th International Division (108)
There was Yugoslav presence in various arms and services: 4 in aviation; 12 in transport units, 1 in the navy, 33 in the International Brigades’ health service, and 26 in the guerrilla groups (one of the most experienced of which was Ljubomir Ilič). More important than this was their presence (131 members) in the artillery arm, of which there were 21 in the heavy artillery Slav Group, 22 in the 2nd heavy artillery Škoda Group’s Liebknecht Battery, 18 in the 3rd heavy artillery Group, 38 in the 4th anti-tank Group’s Stjepan Radić battery, 6 in the 35 Division’s Ana Pauker artillery Group, 5 in the 45 Division’s Rosa Luxembourg artillery Group, and 21 in the Gottwald battery. Furthermore, 65 Yugoslavs fought in the Spanish units of the Republican Army. (Avgust Lesnik)
They fought in almost every front in Spain, from the defense of Madrid to the very last battles of the retreat into France (Januray-February 1939) being an example of fearlessness and courage, because of which a good part of them received war medals from the Spanish Republican Government.
The Dimitrov battalion until December 1937
As has been explained in another article, the Dimitrov battalion was formed in January 1937 in the instructional base in Mahora. They entered battle the 12th of February in the Jarama battle, which finished the 27th of that same month. Then, until mid June, it stayed covering that from with the other battalions of the XV International Brigade.
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After a two week rest in Ambite (Tajuña valley), the XV Brigade travelled to Madrid’s north to take part of the first great republican offensive in Brunete. Combat started during the night of the 5 to the 6th of July. The XV International Brigade was a part of, along the XIII and 16 BM, the XV Division under general Gal’s command [János Gálicz, a Soviet-Hungarian officer who also led the Lincoln Battalion]. The mission was to take the heights of Romanillos (XIII IB) and Mosquito (XV IB). It wasn’t possible because operations were slow and the brigades could not take the important francoist positions. The Dimitrov went as far as taking the Miraval Olive Grove, but in the 18th of July, when the first francoist counter-offensive commences, they lost it. Since that point, the republican positions began to retreat until the 22nd, when they were forced to cross back through the Guadarrama river. The XV IB was relieved the 26th of July and went back to where they began the offensive.
In late July, the Dimitrov returned to Ambite (Tajuña valley) and was able to reorganize: the battalion, that had arrived with 143 combatants, reached 563. In this way, in the 24th of August, it threw itself with renewed force against the Aragonian village of Quinto, which fell 26th. During the taking of the village and the Purburell hill, which defended them to the east, the Dimitrov battalion’s courage stood out. The same was true in the fierce week-long combat to subdue Belchite.
After this battle, the Dimitrov was detached from the XV Brigade and, during the few following months, was a part of, along with the Djuro Djakovic battalion, the 45th International Division’s Reserve Group. It was a period that they dedicated to military education and to the surveillance of the Huesca Front from the second line. In January 1938 they received the order to transfer to the Southern Front. Close to Almadén, in Chillón, the last International Brigade was formed, the 129th; composed of these two battalions plus the newly created Masaryk battalion.
The Djuro Djakovic Battalion
Composed primarily of Yugoslav volunteers, plus a few Czechoslovaks and Bulgarians, adopted their name in memory of that Croat revolutionary and member of the CPY, tortured and executed in 1929 by order of the king and dictator Alexander the First.
It was formed in April 1937 from the Balkan Company of the Dombrowski battalion. This Company had participated, with the Dombrowski, in the Defense of Madrid and in the battles of Boadilla, Jarama, and Guadalajara. Its excellent conduct pushed general Lukács [Béla Frankl, or Máté Zalka, nom de guerre Pál Lukács, a Hungarian veteran of the Russian Civil War, where he fought alongside the Bolsheviks, he died 2 months later in Huesca], leader of the XII IB, to convert the Company into the core from which the new Djure Djakovic battalion would arise. Its first combat happened in April 1937 in Santa Quiteria, in the Aragon Front, along the Rakosi battalion and the Karl Marx Division.
It returned to Carabaña (Madrid) to reorganize under the command of Bulgarian captain Jristov, and marched to Roquetes in June (close to Tortosa) to join the 150th IB (Dombrowski Brigade), formed in May from the Dombrowski, Rakosi, and André Marty battalions. This brigade plus the XII IB formed the 45th division, under the command of General Kléber [Manfred Stern, nom de guerre Emilio Kléber, a Ukranian Jew member of Soviet military intelligence], was sent to Madrid in early July to take part in the Brunete offensive as a reserve unit to the XVIII Army Corps.
The Djakovic battalion did not have any special role in Brunete, but it did in the following offensive towards Zaragoza (24th of August - 7th of September), as was expressed in Wladimir Stopczyk’s final report as Commissar of the XIII IB: “It has been told to me how, when they had been encircled and cut off there was no panic whatsoever, nor any case of disobeying an order. They conducted themselves with an equal parts spirit of sacrifice and discipline, as they continue to do so, as well as the soldiers of our Brigade’s other battalions. I have to specially remark the Djakovic battalion’s attitude who, despite the heavy losses suffered in the last scuttles, with intense fire from fascist artillery and aviation, maintained a dignified and heroic attitude”.
Both in this instance as in the October attack against Fuentes de Ebro, this battalion suffered many losses. Afterwards, the Dimitrov and Djakovic battalions were designated as the 45th Division’s Reserve Group. This division, from October 1937 to January 1938, remained in the Litera region as reinforcement of the first line at the Huesca front.
The 129th International Brigade
In February 1938, these two battalions, with the predominantly Czechoslovak Masaryk battalion, formed the 129th IB, in Chillón, close to Almadén. It was led by the Polish Wacław Komar [born Mendel Kossoj, known in Spain as Wacek Komar, a Jewish survivor of the Holocaust and member of the Polish Communist Party until his retirement in 1967]. In addition to these battalions, the 129th IB had at its disposal an anti-tank battery made up of Yugoslavs, a mortar company and a cavalry squadron. In late March 1938. the 129th IB was transferred to the area around Morella, where it suffered heavy losses. The fascist troops led by general Aranda and the Italian Divisions advanced with numerous human and material resources, and the three battalions suffered severe losses. To this, the errors of the Republican command must be added, despite which the volunteers fought with high valor. Finally, in the 4th of April, the 129th evacuated the fort of Morella and retreated to rebuild its forces in Benassal, northeast of Castellón.
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Yugoslav volunteers of the Djakovic battalion during the strategic retreat in Teruel
Once rebuilt and rearmed (the brigade once surpassed 2000 members), it initiated a series of defensive combats in the 17th of April in the province of Teruel in the context of the battle of the Levant. The scarcely-known feat began in Ejulve, in the province of Teruel’s north. For three months, these volunteers had the leading role in a strategic retreat of 225km [139.8 miles], through the mountains of Teruel, which brought them up to the Javalambre front, passing through Mora de Rubielos. In this last front, the 129th IB kept the defense and carried out a few attacks, highlighting the 18th of September attack to take the road from Teruel to Sagunto, the last swan song of a brigade that covered itself in glory during its short 7 month lifespan.
The Yugoslav volunteers at the end of the war in Spain
The international volunteers were disbanded in the 24th of September. In the center-south area it was done 2 weeks after, in early October. Those who remained in the Catalan region were concentrated in Campdevanol, north of Ripoll. A good part of the Yugoslavs, presents in the 129th IB and the artillery units, were concentrated in the Admiral’s headquarters in Valencia. In December, they were transported to Almusafes until they were able to travel to Barcelona by boat the 20th of January.
Days later, before Barcelona’s fall and the coming republican collapse, most of the Yugoslavs offered themselves as volunteers to help in the task of preventing the fascist advance, which they did from the 26th of January until February 6th. This is how Svetsilav Dorevic told it: “The end of our fight has come, the internationals’ last compromise was to help the Spanish fellows to contain the enemy at least a little bit, so the evacuation that had to be done could be done without panic and in order, so it did not fall prey to the enemy, as well as to prevent the capture of people at risk of death”.
After, came the concentration camps in Argeles sur Mer, Saint Cyprien, Collioure, Gurs, and others. Many managed to escape, others were transferred to the French work camps, others to the French resistance, as well as the resistance in other European countries. The metallurgical worker Koturović (“Cot”), of Belgrade, was a legendary hero of the French Resistance Movement, in which Ljubomir Ilič, Vlajko Begović, and Lazar Latinović also played a marked role.
Almost 350 were able to return to Yugoslavia, of which 250 joined the partisan fight beared by Tito [Another international volunteer] and the CPY. Around 150 perished in the national liberation war from 1942 to 1945. Many of those organized insurrections, led guerrilla detachments, or were unit chiefs. Because of their merits in the fight against the fascist invaders, the Popular Hero of Yugoslavia medal was awarded to more than 50 ex-combatants of the International Brigades, amongst which were Franc Rozman, Koča Popović, Kosta Nadj, Vladimir Popović, Peko Dapčević, Iván Rukavina, Danilo Lekić, Dušan Kveder, Veljko Kovačević, Srećko Manola, Vlado Cetković, Vojo Todorović, Otmar Kreačić, and Vicko Antić. All the rest were awarded with high medals.
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schoje · 2 months
Estudantes e professores da rede municipal de educação de Florianópolis foram premiados por seus trabalhos de destaque no Floripa Mais Tec nesta quinta-feira (14). O projeto é uma iniciativa da Prefeitura da Capital, em parceria com SENAI/SC, SEBRAE e ACATE, que visa democratizar o acesso ao ensino tecnológico para todos, oferecendo cursos de tecnologia gratuitos. Dez educadores ganharam Smartwatches e 32 adolescentes dos anos finais receberam drones. Ainda foram selecionados os melhores estudantes para o Curso LABtec que ocorrerá em 2024. O ano de 2023 marcou a segunda edição do Floripa Mais Tec. O projeto iniciou com o Aulão do Futuro, que ocorreu em sete unidades educativas polo. Houve oficinas de robótica, jogos interativos e palestras. Na sequência, em cada escola foi desenvolvido com os adolescentes o aplicativo “Hellow”, até novembro. Os que alcançaram as melhores posições no ranking do app avançaram para as etapas seguintes de formação. CONFIRA OS PREMIADOS DO FLORIPA MAIS TEC Professores premiados EBM Herondina Medeiros Zeferino Amélia Tomal Karen Cristini Corrêa EBM Dilma Lúcia dos Santos Maria de Fátima Pereira de Andrade Lilian Claudete Oda Ferreira EBM Maria Tomázia Coelho Eliza Piazza EBM Osvaldo Machado - Escola do Futuro Claudia Schiara Heloisa Fernanda Silva de Moura EBM José do Valle Pereira Evoneth Patrício Matias Graziela Guerra Giuriolo EBM Maria Conceição Nunes Tânia Maria Sanches Minsky Estudantes premiados EBM Herondina Medeiros Zeferino Kauã Caetano Vieira - 8º ano Vitor Elpidio Dos Santos Menezes - 9º ano EBM Dilma Lúcia dos Santos João Vitor Cherobin Kominkiewicz - 8º ano Adrian Vitorello - 9º ano EBM Maria Tomázia Coelho Lucas Kaminski - 8º ano Gabriela Iolanda Jorge - 9º ano EBM Osvaldo Machado - Escola do Futuro Higor Dos Santos De Carvalho Torres - 8º ano Enzo Miguel Machado - 9º ano EBM José do Valle Pereira Nathalia Correa Dos Passos - 8º ano Vinicius Akira Tanabe Conterno - 9º ano EBM Maria Conceição Nunes Pedro Henrique Portella Machado - 8º ano Wilson Fraga Neto - 9º ano EBM Acácio Garibaldi São Thiago Pedro henrique Machado Pereira - 8º ano Gustavo da Cunha Oliveira - 9º ano EBM Almirante Carvalhal Luiz Carlos Turneleiro Dias - 8º ano Ana Júlia Pereira - 9º ano EBM Darcy Ribeiro Igor Isac Cunha - 8º ano Amanda Jacob Assef Ayoub - 9º ano EBM João Alfredo Rohr Beatriz Martins Borges - 8º ano Enzo França - 9º ano EBM José Amaro Cordeiro Luiz Henrique - 8º ano Kauan de Oliveira Sousa - 9º ano EBM Luiz Cândido da Luz Edwen Alexsandra LIma de Vilhena - 8º ano Júlia Starke Pereira - 9º ano EBM Mâncio Costa - Escola do Futuro Luan Franco de Lima Militão - 8º ano Juliana Pranger - 9º ano EBM Prof. Zulma Freitas de Souza Stephany da Silva - 8º ano Isabella Aranha Estevão - 9º ano EBM Tapera - Escola do Futuro Diogo Ramos Lacerda - 8º ano Ana Carolina Mayer Dessbesell EBM Virgílio dos Reis Várzea Ulisses Heitor da Luz - 8º ano Vinicius Marron França - 9º ano galeria de imagens Fonte: Prefeitura de Florianópolis - SC
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xikoatl-mexico · 4 months
Tambien puedes escuchar este capítulo en audio En esta ocasión vamos a ver la descripción de las acequias canales y acueductos de la ciudad de México un poco más a detalles y una por una, para entender más como funcionaban y cuál era su ruta. Estas son las acequias más importantes que formaban parte de la Ciudad de México Acequia de Santa Ana-Santa Isabel El nombre de esta distinguida acequia no se originó, como a menudo se presume, en homenaje a una Alteza Serenísima, sino en virtud de uno de sus brazos que fluía al norte del venerable templo de Santa Ana Atenantitech. Desde la encrucijada de Flores Magón, esta corriente acuática se deslizaba hacia el sur, atravesando la zona de Eje Central, donde se erigían varios puentes notables. Entre ellos, se destacaban el Puente de las Guerras (donde se ramificaba en dos brazos), el Puente de los Ángeles, el Puente de Santa María, el Puente del Zacate (también conocido como Perú), el Puente de Villamil, el Puente Juan Carbonero y el célebre Puente de la Mariscala, ubicado en la avenida Hidalgo, justo en frente del Convento de Santa Isabel, hoy conocido como el majestuoso Palacio de Bellas Artes. Siguiendo su curso, esta acequia atravesaba el Puente de San Francisco (situado en la intersección de Juárez y Madero) y culminaba en el Puente del Hospital Real, localizado en la intersección de Venustiano Carranza y Artículo 123, donde se encontraba su desenlace, uniendo su flujo con la Acequia Real. Además, marcaba los límites septentrionales que dividían la ciudad de Santiago Tlatelolco, a través de un ramal que se adentraba al oriente, serpenteando por los barrios de Peralvillo y Tepito a lo largo de la calle Matamoros. Entre los puentes que cruzaban esta acequia se incluyen el Puente de Santiago (anteriormente denominado Allende), el Puente Tecolotes (conocido como Comonfort), el Puente de Santa Ana (ubicado en Peralvillo) y el Puente de Chirivitos (situado en Jesús Carranza). Posteriormente, se fusionaba con la Acequia de Zorrilla antes de llegar a su destino final en la Compuerta de Tepito. Sin embargo, lamentablemente, en el año 1882, esta venerable acequia fue sellada, marcando así el final de su legado histórico en la ciudad. Acequia de San Pedro y San Pablo Un antiguo cauce que fluía desde Tezontlale y conectaba con la Acequia del Carmen despierta nuestra curiosidad histórica. Esta corriente de agua, después de atravesar el convento en una dirección hacia el sur, serpenteaba con gracia entre los edificios hasta llegar a Girón, donde cruzaba sobre los icónicos puentes de San Sebastián (anteriormente conocido como Bolivia) y del Cuervo (renombrado como Colombia). En su travesía final, tomaba un giro hacia el poniente y desembocaba en el Puente de San Pedro y San Pablo, marcando así los límites del Colegio Máximo en aquel entonces. Esta narrativa nos transporta a un tiempo pasado, revelando la intrincada red de acequias que una vez irrigó la ciudad, y cómo estas vías de agua históricas moldearon su paisaje urbano. Acequia del Carmen Al sur de Tezontlale, descubrimos la fascinante Acequia del Carmen, que recibió su nombre en honor a su proximidad a la plaza del Convento de los Carmelitas Descalzos. Este cauce fluvial emergía desde el oeste, a lo largo de la calle Violeta, y posteriormente, después de atravesar Santa María en el punto donde se erige el Puente del Zacate, continuaba su camino por la República de Perú, justo en frente de la Plaza de Montero, a escasa distancia de la Plaza del Jardín (más tarde conocida como Garibaldi) y del vibrante barrio de La Lagunilla. Siguiendo la dirección de poniente a oriente, la actual República de Perú estaba compuesta por distintos segmentos como Cerca de San Lorenzo, Espalda de la Misericordia, Puerta Falsa de Santo Domingo, Pulquería de Celaya y Apartado. A lo largo de su recorrido, cruzaba bajo varios puentes notables como el Puente de la Misericordia (también conocido como Allende), el Puente Santo Domingo (identificado como
Brasil), el Puente Leguísamo (llamado Argentina) y el Puente del Carmen (conocido como Carmen-Aztecas). Más adelante, tras pasar por el antiguo edificio del Apartado, que hoy en día alberga el Museo Numismático Nacional, llegaba frente a la plaza del Convento del Carmen, que fue famosa por su fuente y la estatua en honor a Miguel Hidalgo, aunque en la actualidad ocupa este espacio la Escuela Primaria Abraham Castellanos, junto a otra amplia plaza denominada La Concordia. Continuando hacia el oriente, atravesaba el Puente de Cantaritos (rebautizado como Torres Quintero-Florida), ubicado en la moderna Manuel de la Peña y Peña, y unos pocos cientos de metros más adelante llegaba a la Compuerta de San Sebastián. Es importante destacar que el tramo que se extendía desde Santa María hasta el convento carmelita fue sellado en el año 1794, y noventa y dos años después, el segmento oriental de la acequia también sufrió el mismo destino. Este relato nos permite apreciar la rica historia que se encuentra en las entrañas de la ciudad. Acequia de Tezontlale (Tezontle, Tezontlali) La histórica Acequia de Tezontlale (conocida también como Tezontle o Tezontlali) fluía majestuosamente desde el oeste hacia el este, serpenteando a través de la ciudad de antaño. Su curso la llevaba entre dos cementerios ya desaparecidos, Santa Paula al sur y San Andrés al norte, en el pintoresco barrio de Santa María la Redonda-Cuepopan. Esta serpentina de agua atravesaba la renombrada Calzada de Santa María (conocida como Eje Central en la actualidad), cambiando su denominación a Puente de las Guerras a la altura del cruce con la acequia, en conmemoración al puente que se erigía sobre ella. Más adelante, la acequia adentraba en la urbe a través de la Calle de Órgano, pasando por debajo de los icónicos puentes: el Puente del Clérigo (también conocido como Allende) y el Puente de los Esquiveles (llamado Carrizo-Comonfort), para luego incorporarse al Eje 1 Norte en las proximidades del Puente de Tezontlale (hoy en día conocido como República de Brasil). En su trayecto, transitaba por el Callejón de los Puentecitos (actualmente denominado Callejón Ecuador) y cruzaba el Puente Blanco ubicado en la calle del Relox (hoy Argentina), justo en la ubicación actual de la Librería Porrúa, en las cercanías del majestuoso Templo Mayor. Al llegar al punto donde la calle Ecuador se transformaba en Costa Rica, justo en frente del actual Mercado de Granaditas, la acequia se adentraba en una zona escasamente urbanizada, al menos hasta mediados del siglo pasado. En la esquina de la calle Florida, se fusionaba con la Acequia de Zorrilla. Sin embargo, lamentablemente, en 1882, el flujo de Tezontlale fue interrumpido, marcando el fin de una parte importante de la historia de la ciudad. Acequia de Monserrat (Monserrate, Montserrat) Emergiendo a pocos metros de la esquina de Toribio-Cruz Verde (conocida como Izazaga) y Monserrate (en Isabel la Católica), se encontraba la enigmática Acequia de la que queremos hablar. Esta antiquísima vía de agua se adentraba en la periferia indígena del sur a través de un callejón que lamentablemente ha desaparecido con el tiempo. Su recorrido la llevaba a cruzar la calle Nezahualcóyotl, integrándose a la vía Isabel la Católica, en medio de los asentamientos de San Salvador el Seco al oeste y San Salvador el Verde al este. Tras atravesar el Puente de Carretones, la acequia tomaba un giro hacia el sureste y se adentraba en la Rinconada de la Chinampa (una calle que ha quedado en el olvido con la creación de Fray Servando), ubicada dentro del barrio de El Verde. Su travesía continuaba hasta llegar a Necatitlan (en la actual 5 de Febrero), cerca de Tlaxcoaque, donde se unía con la Acequia de Xoloc-Chimalpopoca-San Antonio Abad, que a su vez conectaba con la Acequia de Roldán hacia el este. En épocas de lluvias, esta zona se transformaba en una vasta ciénega chinampera, recordándonos la importancia del manejo del agua en la historia de la ciudad.
Además de la Acequia de la Merced-Regina, otras acequias desempeñaron roles fundamentales en el tejido urbano. Las Acequias no navegables formaban parte del colosal proyecto conocido como la Zanja Cuadrada, una construcción novohispana tardía diseñada en parte con fines fiscales y defensivos. Estas acequias incluían la de San Diego, que alternaba entre canal y ciénega, y era notoria por ser el lugar donde arrojaban las cenizas de los ejecutados por la Inquisición. También se contaban las de los barrios de Niño Perdido y Candelaria de los Patos, que albergaban a estas aves migratorias, así como la Acequia de Santa Veracruz y las acequias laterales que delimitaban el Paseo de Bucareli. Las acequias fueron testigos tardíos de los antiguos rasgos lacustres de esta metrópoli, cuya comprensión no puede obviar su profunda relación con el agua. Su desaparición no solo supuso la pérdida de elementos comerciales, urbanísticos y viales, sino también la desaparición de rasgos identitarios de los barrios y sus habitantes, cuyos orígenes se remontan al siglo XIV. Sin embargo, en ocasiones, durante épocas de lluvias, el agua regresa para inundar las aceras y calles, recordándonos que la ciudad aún guarda en su corazón una nostalgia o temor por su pasado acuático. Acequia de la Merced-Regina Una de las históricas acequias "interiores" que recorrieron la Ciudad de México fue la de la Merced-Regina, cuyo origen se encontraba en el extremo sur de la Acequia de Santa Isabel. Esta canalización de agua trazaba un recorrido serpenteante a través de las calles y vecindarios de la ciudad, dejando su huella en el tejido urbano. Comenzando en la calle de Zuleta, la acequia tomaba un giro hacia el sureste, atravesando manzanas y emergiendo en la calle de Ortega (hoy conocida como Uruguay). Luego, pasaba por la esquina donde se alzaba el Puente Quebrado (Salvador), conectando con la calle de las Ratas (Aldaco) y continuando hacia la esquina de Mesones y Bolívar. Llegaba a Regina, cerca del Convento de Regina Coeli, y avanzaba casi hasta la esquina de Tornito de Regina-San Jerónimo, finalizando su trayecto en el Puente del Monzón (Isabel la Católica), donde en la actualidad se encuentra la Casa de la Acequia. En este punto crucial se entrelazaban tres acequias: la Merced, la Chapitel (dirigida hacia el poniente) y la Monserrat (que se dirigía hacia el sureste). La acequia de la Merced seguía su curso al noreste en dirección al barrio de la Merced, atravesando la calle Isabel la Católica y adentrándose en los puentes de Aduana Vieja (5 de Febrero y Regina), de Jesús (ubicado en Mesones, casi en la esquina con Pino Suárez, frente al hospital homónimo), Balvanera (en Correo Mayor, en la esquina con Salvador) y luego adentrándose en las propiedades entre la manzana de Correo Mayor-Las Cruces. Finalmente, llegaba a la esquina de Puerta Falsa de la Merced (Uruguay) con la calle de Fierro (Jesús María, a pocos metros del Convento de la Merced y del templo de San Pablo). La acequia continuaba su curso hacia el oriente en línea recta sobre la calle Uruguay hasta llegar al Puente de Santiaguito, donde se encontraba con la Acequia de Roldán. A unas cuadras de distancia, entre Uruguay y Manzanares, el canal se introducía nuevamente entre las viviendas, atravesando la callejuela de Santo Tomás para reaparecer en Manzanares, frente al templo del Señor de la Humildad. Su recorrido seguía al noreste, serpenteando entre las casas y cruzando el puente del Rosario (en la esquina de Corregidora con Rosario) hasta llegar a su destino final en la Zanja Cuadrada (en Congreso de la Unión), al sur de la Garita y la Compuerta de San Lázaro. Este relato nos permite apreciar la compleja red de acequias que una vez cruzaron la ciudad, dejando su huella en su desarrollo histórico.
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beyondicelebrities · 6 months
Introduction, week 1
Hi, my name is Luiza Whately, I’m a Communication Design student at Parsons School of Design in NYC.
Design has always been my interest, I believe in design as a way of change, a mindset that solves problems thinking in innovation and collaboration.
Besides design, some of my areas of interest are psychology, marketing, film writing, film production, cooking, and being involved in social causes, mainly related to education and community growth.
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Ana Maria de Jesus Ribeiro was born on August 30, 1821, in Laguna, Brazil.
At a young age, Anita didn’t know all the fights that she would have to cross during her life. But in 1839 everything changed after she met Giuseppe Garibaldi who was an Italian nationalist revolutionary, who had fled Europe in 1836 and was fighting on behalf of the separatist Riograndense Republic in southern Brazil. Anita and Giuseppe were in love and Anita taught him about the Gaucha culture. During their life they suffered many injustices, having to run for their lives to survive. Anita for instance had a baby and due to persecution, she had to run in a house with her 10 days just born baby to a forest, where Giuseppe and her had a hiding place.  Despite any circumstances, she showed strength and courage.
After years of fighting in the Brazilian wars, and fighting for their own lives, the Garibaldis decided to go to Italy, where they also participated in a revolutionary war.
Today Anita is very recognized not only in Brazil for being part of important wars and for representing women's strength, but also in Italy.
Anita had shown how women are strong and fearless
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theyoungturks · 1 year
Che Garibaldi Inc., which operates two Taqueria Garibaldi restaurants in Sacramento, hired a fake priest to elicit confessions from their employees. Cenk Uygur and Rayyvana discusses on The Young Turks. https://shoptyt.com/collections/justice-is-coming Watch TYT LIVE on weekdays 6-8 pm ET. http://youtube.com/theyoungturks/live Read more HERE: https://www.catholicnewsagency.com/news/254594/california-restaurant-had-a-fake-priest-hear-workers-confessions-labor-department-says "A California restaurant had an individual impersonate a priest to encourage employees to confess their “sins” against their employer, but the man has no links with the Catholic Diocese of Sacramento, a diocese spokesman said. “Our own investigation found no evidence of any connection between the Diocese of Sacramento and the alleged priest in this matter,” Bryan J. Visitacion, director of media and communications for the Diocese of Sacramento, told CNA on Friday. “While we don’t know who the person in question was, we are completely confident he was not a priest of the Diocese of Sacramento.”" *** The largest online progressive news show in the world. Hosted by Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian. LIVE weekdays 6-8 pm ET. Help support our mission and get perks. Membership protects TYT's independence from corporate ownership and allows us to provide free live shows that speak truth to power for people around the world. See Perks: ▶ https://www.youtube.com/TheYoungTurks/join SUBSCRIBE on YOUTUBE: ☞ http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=theyoungturks FACEBOOK: ☞ http://www.facebook.com/TheYoungTurks TWITTER: ☞ http://www.twitter.com/TheYoungTurks INSTAGRAM: ☞ http://www.instagram.com/TheYoungTurks TWITCH: ☞ http://www.twitch.com/tyt 👕 Merch: http://shoptyt.com ❤ Donate: http://www.tyt.com/go 🔗 Website: https://www.tyt.com 📱App: http://www.tyt.com/app 📬 Newsletters: https://www.tyt.com/newsletters/ If you want to watch more videos from TYT, consider subscribing to other channels in our network: The Watchlist https://www.youtube.com/watchlisttyt Indisputable with Dr. Rashad Richey https://www.youtube.com/indisputabletyt Unbossed with Nina Turner https://www.youtube.com/unbossedtyt The Damage Report ▶ https://www.youtube.com/thedamagereport TYT Sports ▶ https://www.youtube.com/tytsports The Conversation ▶ https://www.youtube.com/tytconversation Rebel HQ ▶ https://www.youtube.com/rebelhq TYT Investigates ▶ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwNJt9PYyN1uyw2XhNIQMMA #TYT #TheYoungTurks #BreakingNews 230620__BE02Priest by The Young Turks
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ghostcultmagazine · 2 years
Ghost Cult caught up with our old pal Matt Harvey of Exhumed to discuss the new album from the band, "To The Dead" - out now from @RelapseRecords. In addition to catching up on his life and the band and Bay Area Death Metal, Matt treated us to a track-by-track breakdown of the new album. In addition he discussed the many contributions from members of the band, current and past who made an impact on the new album! Interview by Keefy (https://ift.tt/3WXt6Uk), and video editing by Omar Cordy of OJC Photography (https://www.instagram.com/ojcpics​​​​). Theme music by Salted Wounds (https://ift.tt/fsylQLB). Buy the album and merch here: https://ift.tt/2Oi4yCH https://ift.tt/RUoseCX Exhumed w/ Vitriol, Escuela Grind, Molder - remaining dates: 11/14/2022 HQ – Denver, CO 11/15/2022 Ernie November’s – Cheyenne, WY 11/16/2022 Reverb Lounge – Omaha, NE 11/17/2022 Lefty’s – Des Moines, IA 11/18/2022 Reggies – Chicago, IL 11/19/2022 Club Garibaldi – Milwaukee, WI 11/20/2022 Sanctuary – Detroit, MI 11/21/2022 Legends – Cincinnati, OH 11/22/2022 No Class – Cleveland, OH w/ Vitriol, Escuela Grind, Castrator: 11/23/2022 Cattivo – Pittsburgh, PA 11/25/2022 Sonia – Boston, MA 11/26/2022 Johnny Brendas – Philadelphia, PA 11/27/2022 The Meadows – Brooklyn, NY 11/29/2022 Metro Gallery – Baltimore, MD 11/30/2022 Norfolk Taphouse – Norfolk, VA 12/01/2022 New Brookland Tavern – Columbia, SC 12/02/2022 Bogg’s – Atlanta, GA 12/03/2022 Will’s Pub – Orlando, FL 12/04/2022 Brass Mug – Tampa, FL 12/06/2022 The Goat – New Orleans, LA 12/07/2022 White Oak – Houston, TX 12/08/2022 Come And Take It Live – Austin, TX 12/09/2022 Amplified – Dallas, TX 12/10/2022 Rock Box – San Antonio, TX 12/12/2022 The Launchpad – Albuquerque, NM 12/13/2022 Nile Underground – Mesa, AZ 12/14/2022 Brick By Brick – San Diego, CA 12/15/2022 Constellation – Santa Ana, CA 12/16/2022 First Street Billiards – Los Angeles, CA 12/17/2022 Eli’s Mile High – Oakland, CA Gear we use: (These are affiliate links and Ghost Cult makes a small profit from a sale) Set up A: Sony A7 III - https://amzn.to/3tQm422 Tamron 17-28 - https://amzn.to/3ePrlTd Tamron 28-75 - https://amzn.to/3fqCjgY Desview Mavo-P5 Monitor- https://amzn.to/33LlTub Manfrotto Befree Travel Tripod - https://amzn.to/3hxbL0e Set up B: Canon 80D - https://amzn.to/3ye8WqV Sigma MC-11 - https://amzn.to/3brZdU2 Sigma 18-35 - https://amzn.to/3tLlEd7 Tokina 11-16 - https://amzn.to/3bty9Uk Feelworld T7 Monitor - https://amzn.to/2Re9hta Audio: Sound Devices MixPre-3 - https://amzn.to/3tKkJd2 Gearlux XLR Mic Cable - 3 Pack - https://amzn.to/3w3zN6Y Deity D3 Microphone - https://ift.tt/09qdX4g Usb Mic - https://amzn.to/3w8JHEG Lighting: YONGNUO YN600L - https://amzn.to/2QkNrn5 YONGNUO YN300 Air - https://amzn.to/2QjN5gu Dfuse Softbox - https://amzn.to/3uQq4AN Aputure MC - https://amzn.to/3oirFgx NanLite PavoTube II 6C - http://bit.ly/NanLitePavoTubeII Lightstands - https://amzn.to/3uSBl3x 5 in 1 Reflector - https://amzn.to/33KHdjo And our iconic Rope Light https://amzn.to/3ycdmyz For the full list of Ghost Cult gear: http://bit.ly/OJCPicsKit This video contains a shoutout to Cancer Christ https://ift.tt/NnS1Pk9 Get your shoutout by visiting our pinned post on Twitter! https://twitter.com/GhostCultMag/status/1142861626590355456 #96bitterbeings #deronmiller #cky #campkillyourself #deathmetal #melodicdeathmetal #thrashmetal #osdm #interviews #ghostcultmag
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motorcyclenahas · 2 years
Jose alfredo jimenez jr
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Many of the exponents of the popular genre have expressed their feelings for the news that undoubtedly shook the world of music. Lorenzo de Monteclaro, Tania Libertad, El Fantasma and Banda El Recodo were among the privileged to work with the Mexican singer-songwriter, who lost his life after a respiratory faliure. José Alfredo Jr inherited a passion for regional Mexican music from his father, and worked in several important areas of music, working in the engineering maintenance department of RCA Víctor de México.Īs a producer he made several albums in which they stand out: 13 with the singer María de Lourdes, 3 with Lola Beltrán and 5 with Lucha Villa. It was the same association who reported the Unfortunate loss also a producer, who made great achievements and releases with many exponents of the Mexican regional.Īccording to information from various media, the son of the great composer died at 10:30 in the morning, today, September 29 at the hospital where he was treated due to various complications.
Read also: Roberto Tapia discovers Larry Hernández in full makeup José Alfredo Jiménez Jr was 65 years old and belonged to the Board of Directors of the society of authors and composers of Mexico, better known as ANDI. The regional mexican music is mourning the irreparable loss of José Alfredo Jiménez Jr, who inherited the talent to interpret and the love for music, hence he became one of the best authors and composers in Mexico. In addition, he was in charge of the José Alfredo Jiménez International Festival, which takes place every year in Guanajuato.The heir to the most famous singer in Mexico, Jose Alfredo Jimenez died just a few hours ago of a respiratory arrest, causing an impact among his all his followers with the tragic news. José Alfredo Jiménez Gálvez also ventured into the political sphere as an assistant and coordinator of electoral campaigns, neighborhood representative and Ambassador of Tourism of the State of Guanajuato. Pedro Fernández, Tania Libertad, Lupillo Rivera, Banda El Recodo, Guardians of Love, Julio Preciado, Ana Bárbara, Vikki Carr, Lorenzo de Monteclaro, Juan Valentín, José José and Juan Gabriel, Paty Navidad, Ramiro Delgado (Bronco), Lorenzo Negrete, Jesús Monárrez, Los Yaguarú, Grupo Cañaveral, Garibaldi, Benjamín, Banda La Costeña, Norteños de Ojinaga, Alberto Ángel El Cuervo, Los Abelardo, El Cejas y su Banda Fuego, Mariachi Reyna de Los Ángeles, Fieles de Tijuana and Julia Vari are some of the singers who have given voice to his songs. Your song Mexico, written in collaboration with Jesús Monárrez, was a finalist among more than four thousand themes in the Mexico de mi corazón contest, organized by the Ministry of Tourism. Some of his compositions are Wound upon wound, The night you gave me the stars and I need a piece, co-authored with Juan Carlos The duck Medina Fugitive, written in collaboration with Reyli Barba, and I do not deny it, co-authored with Mario Monge. He studied Electronic Systems Engineering at New York University (NYU) He worked as a maintenance engineer and in the International Music Department of RCA Victor de México. – ANDIMEXICO SeptemWho was José Alfredo Jiménez Jr? José Alfredo Miguel Jiménez Gálvez, full name of the composer, was born on November 9 in Mexico City. To his family and friends we send our deepest condolences. The National Association of Interpreters (ANDI), Of which he was a partner, he reported on his social networks the death of the also Mexican composer and announces the death of interpreter partner José Alfredo Jiménez Jr.Ĭomposer and music producer, with a prolific career. José Alfredo Jiménez Gálvez, son of the composer José Alfredo Jiménez and his wife, Julia Gálvez Aguilar, better known as ‘Paloma’, died this Wednesday, September 29.
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genevieveetguy · 6 years
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The Accused (Acusada), Gonzalo Tobal (2018)
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adrianoantoine · 3 years
Brazilian Days (242): August 30
Brazilian Days (242): August 30
Brazilian Days 242 August 30 . DAY OF: Dia do Vendedor Lojista (Shopkeeper, seller). Today is also the day of Saint Fiacre, patron saint of the shopkeepers. VENDEDOR LOJISTA DIA DO VENDEDOR LOJISTA Dia Nacional de Conscientização sobre a Esclerose Múltipla (Multiple Sclerosis). The Brazilian MS society, ABEM (Associação Brasileira de Esclerose Múltipla) was founded in 1984, by Ana Maria…
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osvaldo-bertolino · 4 years
A luta para tirar mulheres brasileiras da invisibilidade histórica
A luta para tirar mulheres brasileiras da invisibilidade histórica
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Historiadora destaca o papel de mulheres na Independência, recuperando cartas escritas para a imperatriz Leopoldina
Nos livros tradicionais de história, a maior parte dos heróis são homens. Às mulheres, em geral, são relegados papéis coadjuvantes. Graças a um esforço de pesquisadores – na maioria, aliás, mulheres –, a força feminina na formação brasileira vem sendo descoberta, estudada e…
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thekitchentube · 4 years
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Lɪɴɢᴜɪɴᴇ Aɴɪᴛᴀ ᴀᴋᴀ ᴄᴏɴ Bᴀᴄᴄᴀʟà ᴇ Lᴜᴘɪɴɪ ᴀʟʟ’Aɴᴇᴛᴏ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ Eccovi come promesso la seconda ricetta dedicata ai Lupini (anzi alle Fusaje💪🏻, come si chiamano a Roma), anche questa liberamente ispirata al ricordo dei cartoccetti tanto desiderati da bambino sul colle più alto di Roma 😉⁣ ⁣ Sebbene fuori dalla lista canonica dei sette originali, il colle del Gianicolo assieme al Pincio e al Vaticano, fa parte oramai del centro storico della capitale. Diciamo che i sette colli mo so dieci, se semo allargati n’tantino, insomma 😂⁣ ⁣ È un luogo a me molto familiare per via della manciata di metri che lo divideva da casa, rendendolo così la meta preferita per giochi e passeggiate🚴‍♂️. Grandi spazi all'ombra di platani secolari con un panorama mozzafiato e, d'estate, il posto ideale dove prendere una boccata d'aria fresca (si, ai tempi c'era ancora “er ponentino”, altro che aria condizionata 😏👍)⁣ ⁣ Sapete già dell’imponente statua di Garibaldi che troneggia sul piazzale più alto, dove ancor oggi a mezzogiorno spara un cannone della prima guerra mondiale (da piccolo tremava puntualmente tutta casa, tipo ammiraglio Boom in Mary Poppins 😂) Ma forse non sapete che, poco lontano dal primo, c'é un altro monumento, li riposa Anita.⁣ ⁣ Ana Maria de Jesus Ribeiro da Silva, meglio conosciuta come Anita Garibaldi 😉 era infatti la moglie brasiliana di Giuseppe e qui viene ritratta a cavallo, mentre galoppa capelli al vento con una pistola in pugno nella mano alzata. Monumento molto più piccolo di quello del marito, che ricordo però altrettanto chiaramente.⁣ ⁣ Dunque non potevo che dedicare questo piatto alla nostra eroina, morta nelle valli di Comacchio, incinta e febbricitante dopo la fuga da Roma in seguito alla disfatta proprio sul colle del Gianicolo contro le truppe francesi. Una storia, ricca di particolari che qui sarebbe difficile raccontare, che spesso mi tornava alla memoria osservandola su quel cavallo durante le belle giornate estive.⁣ ⁣ Allora, per riassumere : Fusaje, Baccalà e (molto) Aneto sono alla base della ricetta che le dedico, volete provarla ? Trovate la descrizione sul Blog, mi piace pensare che sia come la bella Anita: ostinatamente anticonvenzionale 😘 (presso Merano, Trentino Alto Adige, Südtirol) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLi0o9-l7Fc/?igshid=92g6baimmsas
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lenezdansleruisseau · 5 years
Why Feuilly cares about Italy or “a lot of words to explain Hugo’s crush on Garibaldi”- part 4.2
Hi everyone! I’m officially back *trumpets play a funny song* and with me, it’s back also my niche history corner for everyone interested in answering the question: why did Hugo care about Italian politics? 
My friends this is THE chapter, the chapter everyone was waiting for, the chapter that starts to finally explain the title of this series of little history lessons: yes, you guessed it, it’s about Giuseppe Garibaldi.
First of all though, if someone has no idea of what I’m talking about because this is the first time they see me posting anything like this: here, here, here and here you can find the first four parts. 
If you’re here just for the main man, Garibaldi, or you just don’t have time to read the other four parts, just a quick reminder: the Kingdom of Sardinia, Piemonte and Savoy are the same thing (more or less, it’s a bit complicated, but this way you’ll follow better the events). 
And finally a disclaimer: Garibaldi is a HUGE figure in the history of Italian independence, he is the pinnacle of Italian heroism and he remains on a pedestal of bravery and glory. And he was kind of an incredible figure, I mean I’m not surprised in the least that both Hugo and Dumas LOVED him, he was everything they liked in just one person: (sorry for the spoilers!) he had been a sailor, he was in a secret society, he had been a corsair, fought in, at least, three war of independence, changed identity too many times to be counted, had a romantic and tragic love story started with love-at-first-sight first meeting, he had been a factory worker, he freed slaves, he insulted kings and he was a fervent republican. 
But as we well know, and Hugo himself in the book we are all here to analyze in its every detail, no man is perfect and Garibaldi certainly wasn’t. He was better than most, but not perfect. 
Why am I saying this? Because I’m not a historian and I’m not perfect either so it can be that some part could be more pro-Garibaldi than they should be, I tried my best though! 
The last disclaimer then I’ll start, I swear: there is a part about Brasilian history. Do I know a lot about Brasilian history? Unfortunately not! Did I try to research enough not to say anything really stupid? Yep! Still, if someone wants to expand on that subject or correct me or specify something I couldn’t be happier! 
And now let’s begin! 
Giuseppe Garibaldi was born in Nice on 4 July 1807. Second son of Domenico, a merchant captain, and Rosa Raimondi. At 8 years he saved a laundress who was drowning and helping people drowning was a constant through his whole life, so much so that it is reported that he saved at least 12 other people in the course of his life. 
His parents wanted to make him study to become a lawyer, a doctor or a priest, but Giuseppe did not like to study, preferring physical exercises and sea life. Seeing himself hampered by his father in his vocation to become a sailor, during the holidays he tried to escape to the sea from Genoa with three of his friends. Discovered by a priest who warned the family, he was stopped as soon as he reached Monaco and brought back home (rumors has it that this episode was the beginning of his dislike of the clergy, but I prefer to think his dislike for the clergy was rooted in the knowledge that it was a corrupt institution rather than for some petty teenage resentment).
In the end, he was able to make his dreams come true and become a sailor, he was, first of all, on the brig Costanza, then sailed with his father and other ship-owners to the East. At 25 he commanded a ship of his own and the following year, in 1833, in an inn of Taganrog, on the Black Sea, informed by a friend of his of the Mazzinian political action (= trying to create a Republic in Italy), he was "initiated", as he himself said, to the "sublime mysteries of Patria", and decided to devote himself to the national cause by enrolling in the secret society founded by Mazzini called Giovine Italia (which meant Young Italy).
He embarked as a simple sailor with the name of Cleombroto (which is the name of a Spartan king who fought against Thebes) on the frigate Des Geneys, to participate in the revolt that should have helped the Mazzinian expedition to Savoy.
The revolt failed in February 1834 and he was forced to flee. He was almost caught several times during the escape, after having passed the Varo river (between Savoy and France): the first when on the border it was led momentarily to Draguignan, then to a tavern where he sang all night to escape the host who threatened to denounce him. Finally, he arrived in Marseille.
Meanwhile, he had been declared one of the leaders of the conspiracy and he was sentenced to an ignominious death in absentia as an enemy of Patria and the State.  Garibaldi thus became a wanted man and for that time he lived with his friend Giuseppe Pares. Escaping again under a false name, he assumed the identity of an Englishman, Joseph Pane: on the 25th of July, he set sail towards the Black Sea on the French brig Union declaring he was a 27-year-old born in Naples.
He disembarked on the 2nd of March 1835 and in May he was in Tunisia. When he returned to Marseille he found the city devastated by a serious cholera epidemic and so offered himself as a volunteer to work in a hospital and stayed there for fifteen days. Since the routes were partly closed due to cholera, Garibaldi decided to leave for South America with the intention of propagating the Mazzinian ideals.
On September 8, 1835, he left Marseilles on the Nautonnier brig, assuming the false identity of Giuseppe Pane and claiming to have been born in Livorno.
In Rio de Janeiro he participated with other Italian exiles in the meetings of the Giovine Italia. Later he agreed with his friend Rossetti to run a war in favor of the state of Rio Grande do Sul that was rebelling against the Brazilian government, he first became a corsair in the name of the rebellious state (he apparently refused to take any part of the loot for himself even when he became captain and made a point to free any slave they encountered in their missions) and he later became commander of the war fleet. This experience will have great value for the formation of Garibaldi both as a leader of men and as an unpredictable tactician.
In the city of Laguna in 1839 Garibaldi met the woman he would have married some years later: Ana Maria de Jesus Ribeiro da Silva. It is said that, after having seen her with the binoculars while he was on board of his ship, once he reached her on the shore, he said in Italian "tu devi essere mia" (= “you must be mine”). Ana Maria, at the time 18 years old while Garibaldi was 32, had married four years before with a shoemaker, Manuel Duarte de Aguiar, much older than her, who, enlisted among the imperial troops, had fled from Laguna sometime before, but his wife did not follow him.
Garibaldi and Ana Maria passed to history and almost to the legend of the Italian Risorgimento with the diminutive Anita, married on March 26, 1842, at the church of San Francisco of Assisi with a religious rite. It is often told that Anita, a skilled horsewoman, taught Garibaldi how to ride, Giuseppe, in turn, instructed her, by will or by necessity, to the rudiments of military life.
At the beginning of 1842, forced to flee in Montevideo, Garibaldi brought with him Anita, he entered in the Uruguayan navy and he immediately resumed fighting in favor of Fructuoso Rivera against Oribe, supported by the Argentine Dictator De Rosas.
At the command of a flotilla, he was forced by the Argentine fleet near Nueva Cava to seek refuge ashore. Garibaldi had the command of a new flotilla and, having organized an Italian legion, went up the Plata. In September 1846 he was called back in Montevideo where he received the news of the Palermo’s revolution which persuaded him to embark for Italy.
In January 1848 he sent Anita and her sons (from the previous marriage) to Nice to his mother, but the Savoy ambassador didn’t allow him to embark until April of the same year. Once he arrived in Gibraltar, he learned that the king of Sardinia was preparing to intervene against Austria, so he decided to land in Nice, where, to the surprise of his fellow Mazzinians, he declared "not to be Republican, but Italian".
What did these simple words mean? You might ask, my dear readers. Well, they meant that Garibaldi who was a quite good military strategist and a not-too-bad political strategist had understood that the only chance for Italy to become a united, independent state was the Savoy family: Italy had to be united under a monarchy before becoming a Republic.
Was he right? We will never know and we will never know how much he actually believed in the Savoy monarchy. All we can say is that they did manage to unite Italy (after a couple of decades) and that Italy did become a Republic, just only 85 years later.
But back to the first war of independence!
Garibaldi was coldly received by the Sardinian government which wasn’t really convinced he had abandoned his republican dreams especially because Garibaldi was a severe critic of the at-the-time king of Savoy, Carlo Alberto. So much so that the king gave the order to stop him and, if deemed necessary, also to arrest him, causing the desertion of some volunteers. Not even bothered about that, at the command of a group of volunteers, he fought in Luino and conquered Varese which he had to abandon shortly afterward. He resisted in Morazzone and then, pressed by the overwhelming Austrian forces, he sheltered in Switzerland.
Back in Nice, he left with a few hundred volunteers for Sicily, but, having stopped in Tuscany, he offered his sword to the Roman Republic: first he fought in Macerata, which appointed him deputy to the Constituent Assembly, and then in Rieti, he was later called to Rome for the last defense against the French. After the bloody battle of April 30th, 1849 he participated in the brief campaign against the Neapolitan army, interrupted by Mazzini, and later he fought in the siege of Rome which ended with the fall of the Republic.
Garibaldi escaped and repaired to San Marino, from which he intended to reach Venice still a free Republic. Still, in San Marino, he discovered that his wife, who had already been sick for the whole journey, had cholera. They had no choice but to try and find shelter in Venice, but on the way, they were attacked by Austrian ships and they landed on the coast of Magnavacca (now Porto Garibaldi), in the pursuit that followed Garibaldi would carry Anita in his own arms since she was too sick to even walk. In August they were able to find a ship to escape the Austrians but once on the ground again, Anita died.
Garibaldi wanted to give his wife a dignified burial and to transport her to the nearby Ravenna, but there was no time and a grave was hurriedly dug in the sand of the pine forest. A few days later, a young girl, discovered the corpse and it was transferred in the cemetery of a nearby town.
The causes of Anita's death were long discussed in later years, even to attack Garibaldi. Eleven years later, on September 20, 1859, Garibaldi with his children Teresita and Menotti will return to Ravenna to move the remains of Anita to Nice, alongside those of Rosa, Garibaldi's mother.
Escaping through Romagna and Tuscany he managed to reach the Piemontese territory, from which, without protests, he accepted to be exiled. First, he stayed as a guest of the Piemontese consul of Tangier, then he went to New York to work in a candles factory, he finally resumed sailing in Central America, and between Peru, China and Australia.
Conquered by the realistic politics of the Sardinian government, in 1854 Garibaldi returned to Europe. After a shipwreck, Garibaldi stopped being a sailor for a while and decided to devote himself to agriculture, working as a farmer and breeder: he owned an olive grove with about 100 olive trees, as well as a vineyard, with which he produced wine, and raised 150 cattle, 400 chickens, 200 goats, 50 pigs and more than 60 donkeys (this isn’t really important information, but I thought it was something nice to know, he brought there his children to help him, it’s a really lovely image).
In August 1856, following a secret meeting with Cavour he made his thoughts public by distancing himself from the Mazzinian positions.  In December 1858 he met Cavour again, but this time publicly, on that occasion he also met Vittorio Emanuele (the new king of Savoy). He became vice-president of the National Society (a society that believed in a united Italy under the Savoy monarchy) and he was put at the head of troops: the next year the Hunters of the Alps were established, thanks to a royal decree and Garibaldi had the rank of major general.
In command of the Hunters of the Alps, he won the battles of Varese and S. Fermo, he protected the flanks of the Franco-Piemontese army and entered triumphantly in Brescia. Throughout this campaign, the number of volunteers following him grew from around 3,000 to a number not well quantified: 12,000 according to some historians, but only 9500 according to Garibaldi’s letters.
The events that followed the Villafranca peace (in which Vittorio Emanuele promised to retire his troops from Veneto in exchange of Lombardia) cooled the relations between Garibaldi and the Sardinian government. Second in command of the troops of the military league formed between Tuscany, Romagna, Parma and Modena, he passed through the Marche to extend the revolutionary movement there, but, called back by Vittorio Emanuele himself, he renounced the command, retiring to the island of Caprera, after launching a manifesto in Genoa to the Italian people of violent criticism of the Piemontese politics.
 We stop here for this part, in the next one, we’ll talk about Garibaldi’s famous Expedition of the One Thousand in Sicily and Italy’s unification. 
As always, if you have questions, doubts or corrections don’t hesitate to ask, I’m always glad to talk about history.
See you next time!
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fernandacanofre · 2 years
Bicentenário de Anita Garibaldi gera debate ideológico em torno do legado da revolucionária
O convés do navio comandado por Giuseppe Garibaldi (1807-1882), sob ataque das tropas imperiais brasileiras, começava a ser coberto por tripulantes caídos, mas Anita, apelido dado pelo italiano à Ana Maria de Jesus Ribeiro da Silva, seguia na primeira linha de atiradores.
Mesmo com a batalha escalando em mortos e feridos, ela seguia na proa, entre dois marinheiros, “de fuzil ao peito”, exposta “às balas do inimigo” e atirando, escreveu Lindolfo Collor, avô do ex-presidente e hoje senador Fernando Collor, em “Garibaldi e a Guerra dos Farrapos”, livro de 1938 sobre a revolta ocorrida no sul do Brasil entre 1835 e 1845.
A cena é mais uma a ilustrar, em tintas carregadas, Anita Garibaldi em batalhas —com cerca de 18 anos, de origem pobre, ela se juntou à revolta e partiu de Laguna (SC) para lutar ao lado de Garibaldi, por quem se apaixonou, apesar de oficialmente ser uma mulher casada. Um escândalo para a época. Anita já foi samba-enredo no Carnaval do Rio de Janeiro, interpretada na TV por Giovanna Antonelli e no cinema por Anna Magnani, atriz do neorrealismo italiano, e é uma das poucas mulheres brasileiras nas páginas de aço do "Livro dos Heróis e Heroínas da Pátria", exposto na Praça dos Três Poderes, em Brasília.
Às vésperas da data que marca 200 anos de seu nascimento, algumas vitrines da sua terra natal, onde o nome de Anita está em museu, rua, autoescola e restaurante, colocaram manequins vestidos como ela, a maioria com uma arma a tiracolo.
Sua memória no bicentenário se divide em eventos e na discussão de como os valores defendidos por ela se colocariam no polarizado Brasil de 2021.
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filipevb · 3 years
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[ITW] J'ai répondu à quelques questions de l'Institut français à Paris https://www.institutfrancais.com/fr/rencontre/filipe-vilas-boas • Link on bio Merci à toute l'équipe de l' @if_officiel et à toutes celles et ceux — institutions, associations, commissaires, producteurs et collaborateurs — qui m'accompagnent cette année en France, au Portugal, en Italie, en Espagne et au Brésil : l'Edulab Pasteur @edulabpasteur [Gwenn Pacotte Bihan, Yvan Jehannin @yvanvonkatzenjammer, Maëlle Molard @ma_l_mo], Makeme @makemefamily [Jean-Baptiste Le Clec'h @jbleclech, Jean-Marc Méléard @jmmeleard] et LE BISTROMATIK @le_bistromatik [Jean-Marie Ollivier @jmaiollivier, Guénolé Palud @gueno_leonar2_26], le Share Festival @sharefestival [chiara garibaldi, Francesca Ventura @fhra], le MAAT MUSEUM @maatmuseum [Ana Fryxell @ana_fryxell, Patricia Gouveia @gouveia3586, Filipe Pais], le FILE Festival @filefestival [Paula Perissinotto @paulaperissinotto, Fabiana Krepel], Teatros del Canal @teatroscanal [Blanca Li @blancalioficial, Charles Carcopino @charlescarco], LE PLUS PETIT CIRQUE DU MONDE @lepluspetitcirquedumonde / La Preuve par 7 @lapreuvepar7 [Jacques Garnier, @lycee_av_lycee, Violaine Wallaert], l'Université Evry Val Essonne @univevry [Hocine YAKOUBI, Guillaume Hutzler], SIANA @sianaessonne [Hervé Pérard @herve_perard, Auriane Pichon @ninouauri, Léa Giraux-Fellah], la @fondation_edf [ @lamyfondationedf @nathaliebazoche, Catherine Jaffeux], le CAC de La Ferme du Buisson @cac_lafermedubuisson @lafermedubuisson [Céline Bertin, Malory Puche ] x Julie Sicault Maillé x Michael Guilhermet @michael_de_la_garenne x François MOCQ @francoismocq cc @emma_buttin @ldrlak @lpressac #artcontemporain #artnumérique #institutfrançais #saisonfranceportugal #filipevilasboas - #contemporaryart #conceptualart #performanceart #digitalart #publicart #streetart #urbanart #textbasedart #publicspace #instaart #art #artist #artofinstagram #art #ignantpicoftheday #booooooom #photography #artivism #mediaart #visualart (à Paris, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cazz8BPLLUa/?utm_medium=tumblr
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erivam-de-oliveira · 3 years
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elcorreodigital · 3 years
En calzoncitos cortos llegaron Imputados en Operación Falcón al Palacio de Justicia de Santiago Santiago. -En pantalones cortos y t-shirts blancos fueron conducidos este miércoles hasta el Palacio de Justicia de Santiago los más de 20 implicados en la presunta red de narcotráfico y lavado de activos, desarticulada mediante la Operación Falcón, donde por cuarta vez intentarán conocerle medidas de coerción. Los imputados fueron traslados bajo un fuerte contingente de seguridad hasta la Oficina de Servicios de Atención Permanente del Distrito Judicial de Santiago. Los detenidos fueron llevados a la sala de audiencia pasada las 10 de la mañana. Los detenidos, para quienes el Ministerio Público pide un año y medio de prisión preventiva, son el suspendido director de Comunidad Digna, Juan Maldonado Castro, María Olimpia Tavares Rodríguez, Víctor Elpidio Altagracia Paulino Herrera, Luis Daniel Nieves Batista, Adolfo Antonio Torres Sanabia, Juan Bautista Carpio Reynoso y el dominico-venezolano Julio César Jiménez Talavera. También, José Alejandro De La Cruz Morales, Raúl Antonio Castro Mota, Yana Iris Maldonado Castro, Angélica María Maldonado Peralta, Lenin Bladimir Torres Bueno, Marisol López Ceballos, Delfina Asunción Polanco, Ana Margarita Collado Marte, Erich Fernando Meléndez Gómez, José Miguel Castillo Taveras y Elva Teresa Polanco. Asimismo, Juan Carlos Durán Rodríguez, Javier Antonio Tavares Rodríguez, Felipe Espino Germán, Andrés Guzmán Collado y Amadeo Garibaldy Read Ruiz. Mientras que mañana jueves será conocida la audiencia sobre las medidas de coerción a Juan Carlos Mosquea y Enerio Sandoval, también implicados en la operación Falcón contra el narcotráfico. #falcon @elcorreord @prensaxtremardoficial https://www.instagram.com/p/CUIUoWopJH2/?utm_medium=tumblr
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