#Amphibila spoliers
jazz-my-soul · 4 years
There is actually a pretty sad thing which i failed to realize until now
I just noticed something and now i'm sad as heck. It is the fact in the new second epizode that well Marcy actually has nobody. At first when we see her, you would actually think oh she is loved by everyone, king is probably her father figure or a somebody who she could lean on but in all honesty, that isn't true. You could see it in their dynamic. Ann and planters have that bond with each other, which same goes with Sasha and Grime.
I think i finally see Marcy for who she is now. When i think about it, Sasha and Marcy are actually very similar because while Sasha let's out her anger, Marcy bottle's it up inside and you know what? The bottle is gonna pop out and we actually have our answer that is VERY soon.
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Ann is the person who brings best in Marcy and Sasha, Ann is the person who would do anything for them both and she is never afraid to admit it to them to their faces. In the new epizode when Marcy said "follow your head not your heart" it was pretty clear what she tried to say, while it is logical, she never ever followed her own heart.
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It is so clear in the sky that she WANTED Ann to choose her over the planters, she wanted Ann to stay with her. Even tho she reacted different then Sasha, it is pretty clear that it damages her mental health as much as it does for Sasha. Marcy is the quiet type, person who would do other do the talking for her, person who would choose cold logic over anything else but that also is the lie which's she tell's herself. She thinks she can do everything alone and be indepented but she is also afraid of being alone. Just look how much her face lighten up when she was with Ann. It is just sad
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But that is why it is so sad, Marcy will need to have a moment where she will need to shout and cry, and be the one who is actually going to hug Sasha or Ann. Sasha needs to be the one who will need to be less stubborn and not take Ann or Marcy for granted. Ann is very emotional person but that being said all 3 of them are insecure but Ann is never afraid to admit her own emotions to them and those 2 are. I also find one thing very ironic, in the book of losers how Sasha never was the one who lost while Ann and Marcy names are written all over it, it is now pretty clear that the thing which she is afraid to lose is her connection with two of them. They both are afraid of being vulnerable infront of Ann and now when story get's more angstier and darker well. I see few things in mind
Sasha will fight Ann (maybe they will make up or it will end up in something else, that i wouldn't know)
Marcy will do the King's deal and by doing it
she might become the main antagonist with him.
but Hop pop also lied to Ann about the box, which will bring Ann to have lot of trust issues.
I never in my mind, thought that Amphibia will this emotional rollercoaster and i do wanna point out that even now i talked about Sasha and Macry, i still love them and think they are amazing characters. People have flaws and actions also have consequences.
We are imperfect but our emotions are what makes us who we are and i just want to see them three hug each other and cry together.
But for now people, the tea is brewing hot and somebody will get burned.
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