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ringoando · 2 years ago
Hi i’m @ado-renu and this is simply my puyo side account, i’ve had this url for a couple years now so why don’t i just use it haha anyways the tags i’m going to use are down below!, have fun!!
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sealestialangel · 2 months ago
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     𓏲 viktor( arcane )nps 。  ⚛️   ₊ ˚⊹
        req。 by anon + fem╱neu╱masc ᵔᵔ ₊
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⠀⠀❛ 🕯️。 ⠀names
vik╱vick,vikkie╱vickie,viktor╱victor,viktoria╱victoria,victoire,vittoria,victory,inventor,artificer,creator,gear,screw,gadget,tech,techie╱techy,techno,nolo,technology,hex╱hexx,core,orb,atom,mech╱mecha,mechanix,mach,machine╱machina,machinary,engine,ingen,ingie,ingenia,soph,sophie╱sophy,ingeniasophy,herald,peace,peacekeeper,nova,star,starlight,starshine,cosm,cosmo,cosmic,glow,axel,irene,fred,freddie╱freddy,fredrick,dove,yona╱yonah,jonah,shal,shallie╱shally,shalom,absalom,gal╱gale,ene,galene,pax,paxton,frida,aang,paz,amity 。
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⠀⠀❛ ⚙️。 ⠀pronouns
e╱im,hie╱hym,hey╱hem,ve╱vim,good╱goods,great╱greats,cha╱change,change╱changes,arca╱arcane,arcane╱arcanes,magi╱magic,magic╱magics,pow╱power,power╱powers,div╱divine,divine╱divines,peace╱peaces,heal╱heals,heal╱healer,healer╱healers,rest╱rests,rest╱restore,restore╱restores,wild╱wilds,arti╱artis ,arti╱artifice,arti╱artificial,artifice╱artificial,artificial╱artificials,inve╱invent,invent╱invents,invent╱invention,invention╱inventions,cre╱create,create╱creates,create╱creation,creation╱creations,core╱cores,hex╱core,hex╱hexs,hex╱tech,tech╱techs,tech╱technology,technology╱technologys,gear╱gears,screw╱screws,mach╱machs,mach╱machine,machine╱machines,engi╱engine,engine╱engines,ingen╱ingens,ingen╱ingeniasophy,ingeniasophy╱ingeniasophys,fuel╱fuels,zaun╱zauns,under╱unders,under╱neath,underneath╱underneaths,under╱city,city╱citys,undercity╱undercitys,below╱belows,fog╱fogs,smog╱smogs,danger╱dangers,danger╱dangerous⦂ ⚙️╱⚙️s,🔩╱🔩s,🪛╱🪛s,🔨╱🔨s,🛠️╱🛠️s,🔧╱🔧s,🤖╱🤖s,🦿╱🦿s,⚛️╱⚛️s,🧬╱🧬s,🧪╱🧪s,🔭╱🔭s,🔬╱🔬s,🔵╱🔵s,🌐╱🌐s,🔮╱🔮s,🪄╱🪄s,✨╱✨s,⭐╱⭐s,🌟╱🌟s,💫╱💫s,🌠╱🌠s,🌌╱🌌s,☄️╱☄️s,💡╱💡s,🕯️╱🕯️s,☀️╱☀️s,🔆╱🔆s,🌇╱🌇s,🌉╱🌉s,☮️╱☮️s,☯️╱☯️s,💟╱💟s,🤎╱🤎s,❤️╱❤️s 。
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massivechildtidalwave · 5 months ago
Skulls escape attempts.
With the new and improved Amity Park safe Danny is now free to do what he wants.
Since their parents are crazy I can totally see Jazz and Tucker working together to get their names changed leading to
🔆 Jazz Nightengale and Danny Nightengale 🔆
however Danny is exploring and when you explore and run the risk of getting your name on the news it should never be your legal name.
they are already making new names, while they are there might as well just make a full new identity to keep him safe. Tucker had already broken into the government files why make him do it again?
you know how Tucker loves puns? Danny is half dead and now that they are a little older the trio have discovered *adult jokes*. By older I mean they are fifteen-sixteen.
Skull DeMort.
it’s beautiful,
Ignore Lancer looking about ready to kill himself in the background.
When Skull got invited to this Strongest Seven thing he was a little hesitant however after dealing with Vlad for years and getting forcefully cloned, he was pretty sure there wasn’t anything in the meeting that could cause him issues. As long as there was no FrootLoops in the meeting he would be just fine.
Which is of course why there were only Frootloops in the meeting when he stepped in. Fuck Fenton Luck he wasn’t even legally a Fenton anymore.
While he had gotten used to the idea of murder being necessary in some cases due to the GIWs unhinged practices he didn’t particularly like doing it.
His core was protection people! He would do it if he needed to protect others however murdering for the sake of murder doesn’t do it for him and the lady glowing Orange feeling sorry-it-needs-to-happen is acting weird. Hell everyone is acting weird.
Yellow kept trying to shoot him, which normally wouldn’t have been an issue except he was trying to be a normal human without ghostly powers and he couldn’t just turn himself intangible to escape the bullets. He associated the sound of guns with his parents.
Fon had been nice enough to inform him about Flames. He was now slowly experimenting with it in the room he was given. (Not his room, his room was in his haunt at Amity Park, speaking of Amity Park Skull needed to figure out where on earth it was so he could run there after he escapes the mansion)
Miss. Lal kept treating him like a subordinate and while he appreciated the target practice, he did not ask for it. She kind of reminded him of Jazz with the whole ‘I’m going to give you advice you never asked for thing’ the difference was that Jazz was his sister and more focused on the mind.
The Green FrootLoop was like if his parents started following research protocol and with his power being fucking Electric! He was getting Portal PTSD but slightly worse.
The worst thing about them was that they were observant. He couldn’t leave the building and with his core singing the songs of freedom in the wind, it was starting to bug him. His room had no windows after his first escape attempt failed so he couldn’t see the stars, he couldn’t go outside so no stars that way, there was no one to protect and no freedom or adventure for him to find. His core was starting to hurt.
Skull is a Nightingale however, he escaped much worse!
out the windows didn’t work, neither did just walking or running out or ditching during a mission….
hey… didn’t the garage have a lot of spare parts in it? They were probably meant for Verde or someone else to use but Orange said everyone could use anything in the mansions so as long as no one is using it. Couldn’t he take them?
For all their observations the adults only checked his room once or twice. They never looked in his closet…. His entire family was geniuses he could probably make a Fenton Portal there.
Just close the doors and hide the machine if anyone does come looking, they only ever stopped to make sure he was actually in the room when they told him to be. This… this could actually work!
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celestialvexation-arch · 3 years ago
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✨ | 💘 | 💘 💘 | 💘 | 💘 💘 | 💘 | 🔆           ↳ ship ( the owl house ): amity blight / hunter                  ↳ for @thestrange-princess
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weareteamrocket · 4 years ago
Hello there! This is an intro to our blog. It's just a space for all of us to blog or reblog things we like or to say something. Please enjoy! If anything we post upsets you please ask for tags. And if you wanna be friends don't hesitate to dm!
Current members:
-Ace (Host) 🍄
-Charlie 🙊
-Dean 👹
-Penelope ⛓️
-Veronica 🌺
-Halsey 🎼
-Draculaura 🦇
-Frankie ⚡
-Melody 🎵
-Damian 🧛‍♂️
-Anna 💙🖤
-Bakugo 💣💥
-Wolf 🐾
-Pinefrost 🌲☃️
-Nicole 🚙
-Peggy 🦄
-Lily 🐝 🎠
-Tobias 🧢
-Blank 👓
-Cassie 🎮
-Aries ♈
-bugcatcher/ Moss 🐌
-Paint 🖌️
-Wise 🔕
-Roxy 🧚
-Jason ☕
-Jackson 🐉
-Holt 🎸
-Pink 👾
-Sliverstream 🌊
-Pidge 👽
-Lance ☄️
-Keith 🗡️🔪
-Sirena Von Boo 💞
-Travis ☢️
-Hinata 🔆
-Deku 💪
-Kirishima 🦈
-Denki 🔌
-Virgil ⛈️
-Oswald 🐙
-Rarity 🌌
- Luz (Noceda) 💛🤍💜🖤
- Amity ☔️
- Jonas 🎐
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massivechildtidalwave · 4 months ago
Again for the Skull Danny au
Does Tsuna being adopted mean he gets hugs from his sibling at least weekly ? Maybe Tsuna has his own apartment in Amity because he feels safer there , and without his mother who is willing to use insults when referring to him .
Also it's obvious what Ryohei favorite place is . Because getting both a run and a fight in the same hour ? He would love that extremely much .
But also magine Reborn's face when he meets Tsuna who was raised mainly by Amity Parkers , the kid is ready to throw hands especially with someone who reeks of death in this specific way yet isn't dead as of yet . It smells like a killer . Also Tsuna is probably also liminal as most of Amity is so super strength on the help to beat Reborn .
And while Amity is hiding Danny from the Arco he is definitely helping as much as he can
Danny wasn’t really thinking when he grabbed the Tiny Child and brought them to FrostBite.
Provided that Tsuna hadn’t gained that “seal” at his home, Danny was more than willing to give him back to his parents with an apology note and family Fudge…..
Tsuna had “felt cold constantly since his father and his father’s boss came to visit” Fuck
Danny went to the kids house to try and explain Tsunas stay in the Yetis care as a play date (can’t tell people about Yeti healers without them looking at you sideways) and Nana called her son fucking stupid right in front of Danny…. Danny, the son of geniuses that often neglected him and his sister for their work and was constantly made to feel dumber than he was even if it was unintentional, dislikes the image he sees.
Last he checked the apartment right across from Tucker and Sam’s wasn’t being used by anyone, and with it being Amity Park the prices are dirt cheap too! Not like Tsuna would be the one paying for it but details.
It’s relatively easy to get the kid to stay, and it is both aggravating and rewarding that no one fights the slow removal of personal items from the house and into the new homes.
Namimori is used to weirdness, it doesn’t mean they throw themselves directly into it. Any contact with Amity Park is slow going, but that’s fine for both groups.
It’s actually Tsuna who introduces Ryohei into the world of Amity Park Fighting.
With an actual support group of older friends, Sam, Tucker and the rest of the group was almost permanently sixteen or seventeen , Tsunas puppy crush on Kiyoko had died out and was instead replaced with a rather weird fascination with her brother. he’d been weirded out a bit by it until he read the packet on Dyling Will Flames given to him by Skull.
The Seal left him freezing to the touch from the inside out, a Sun, generating warmth and energy without pause, would attract his Flames like a lizard to a warm rock. Not Harmonizing, not yet, but closer than normal.
That attraction combined with new Liminal instincts, lead Tsuna to pull Ryohei off his normal running path and into Amity on one forge few afternoons Skull didn’t have an adventure planned for Family Bonding.
needless to say, the with constant noise and fighting and energy zapping movements, Ryohei fit right in with the rest of the Parkers.
Now if only he could find a way to drag Yamamoto into the Park. Takeshi hadn’t seemed to be doing as bright as usual and almost all of Amity was convinced he would fit in better with them then the Sports team he stood with.
Reborn expected many things going into Namimori. He had not expected the Sky he was called to tutor to be a half feral little shit, with Skull as an older brother figure. This is the closest any of the Arcobaleno have been to making contact with Skull.
Reborn had to watch in a corner as Gokudera and Tsuna worked together to build bombs in the kitchen of his mothers house. The first time he has threatened Tsuna with his gun, he had been defenestrated without a single thought of hesitation.
Reborn had become rightfully cautious of getting within grabbing range of Tsuna since.
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