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Names generated from Xivilai forenames from TES together with the same names encoded with Dirkbess and Qorviss (separately).
Aeznojazxuh Aeznu Aeznuhon Ambwek Ambwepo Amedayl Amiiz Aminosell Amire Amoahrith Amoozz Anakheth Anaxespi Anezuccin Apona Aporuk Apujill Athon Avecas Avenaihz Bacej Baceon Bahina Bahioii Balezuuk Baliinoahz Battnos Bdinu Bdinuf Bhaffa Bhafle Bhinaaz Bithur Bitles Bitnojak Boedomula Boeriffa Bogtpora Bogtros Boiinuhweso Boirahz Boirek Bomogon Bomoitla Bomor Bookhaba Boris Borkynvan Cadwek Cadwes Caziljevayl Cazxiviccen Cazzanaxez Ceccia Ceonambrik Daneznuhwet Dayariffa Dayariffuh Dokheflak Dokpujil Domes Domogtru Domula Domulimoru Dovutak Dovutzopa Dukdinopal Duukdi Edayar Edayarduk Ekutos Elaarru Elajithuros Elimookpu Elinu
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Yknow its really nice seeing the flipline blog get more active. It did kinda feel like when i joined the fandom that the blog was a lil dead. This new segment seems fun!
I was in the same boat years ago when I joined, but yeah!! I am genuinely excited!!
Ripley's adventures in Munchmore is something i've been daydreaming about every now and then, but wasn't sure if they'd go deeper with it, because its a VERY interesting plot sort of thing!! And now they will!!
It also reminds me of these very old text-based adventures from the 80s, where you had to type in what you wanted to do, It's so nostalgic too!!
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Ahh i was talking abt this blog! Youve got asks open here teehee. Dunno if i'll send much but just wanted to say i hope you're doing well!
Thanks Amii!
With Winter break, i'm sure i'll be able to do all that pendant projects i left undone!
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Oh hows cluckeria going for you? Assuming its going pretty well - amii
Yep! Just found out about the Hashbrown topping.. what are hashbrowns tho?
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yeah change of pace time. tell me more abt your own fanfic! - amii
Well, Originally i thought of it a few years ago, and it was one of the things i started posting about first when this blog had just begun existing.
It was a what-if scenario happening in PL3, which includes Quinn and gives the PL3 adventure a little more dialogue and such. like if it was a storymode!
However, I never really had a clear idea of how i wanted the plot to go: Should I focus on timm and quinn since it's focused on how they don't want to "let sink" their relationship? or do i do the whole PL3 adventure and do a pov of the other customers?
as i got more and more complicated, i quickly grew tired of it and got busy with other stuff.. but now, i know what I want to do!
I had thought i could basically make it ABOUT Timm and Quinn, as they'd both be trapped around the same area and escape on their own, sticking together since they're lost in a unknown world and all.
It would be something like the princess and the frog or the emperor's new groove, with them both being reluctant to working together. Quinn because she was basically abandoned by Timm and Timm cause he knows she won't collaborate to talk things out (via ignoring him or be aggresively in denial)
as far as their adventure goes though, Quinn begins to trust in him again and Timm can finally let himself be honest about what he wanted to tell her all those years ago before he ran away.
...what do you think?
tagging @maznanangy and @thegollldenpinetree cause they wanted to learn of it too :D
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Quinn tamagochi only she gives you legal advice - amii
"It is a crime to avoid taxes. Be careful."
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dunno why you exactly decided to stop saying john mulaney was timms voice claim (even if you do think they share the same voice. that happens sometimes) but regarding recent events... yeah its probably for the best. also sorry for the lack of asks. jaw pains got me feeling less sociable than before - amii
Oh my god- i hope it's not anything serious 😰
And uh, Yeeeaah... I was really, really dissappointed. Haven't listened to his stuff since then.
But, i was also very shocked that it was the exact same situation as the you-know-what. It's almost funny how unbelievably similar things played out for him. Almost funny.
I'm not saying i'm laughing, of course. But i did get the realization that this might be the necessary sign for me to build a new image of Timm in my headcanons! Sooo..
That's why, from now, I imagine Timm's voice to be Jonah Scott! Which funnily enough,is also my voice claim for Nathaniel :3
#amii anon#amiizing#fuck john mulaney#i don't respect him anymore#and that lady Olivia dunn too#i didnt even know her but i hate then both
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Dunno what goes on in pizza tower but i like the grooving pineapple guy - amii
welp! the game's story is simple!
This guy is Peppino Spaguetti, Owner of Peppino's Pizza. The game tells the story of how this guy's business isn't going so swell and he desperately needs a way to fix this issue. and even more since his landlord is quite demanding about the monthly pay :(
Fortunately enough, he hears about these legendary pizza towers which contain just as legendary pizza ingredients! so he makes his way to explore them and aquire the best stuff that could make his pizzeria better.
unfortunately, he'll encounter MANY food themed monsters, much like the Papa Louie platformers. but they aren't actually evil- they're often just doing their own thing (as explained by the game guide in the PT SAGE)
and yet.. they show to be an obstacle on peppino's way anyway.
(The grooving pineapple guy's also an enemy, which imitates the MC's taunt moves like i showed in the previous post of him)
also, there's this guy called The Noise, inspired in Domino's Pizza Mascot, The Noid.
Even the game itself explains how nobody likes him xd
his only goal apparently, seems to be to play the role of peppino's nemesis, sometimes doing boss fights, sometimes mocking him in the comics, and apparently he's playable in other demos.. but ehh, i wouldn't play as him if i were you.
(not because he's got bad moves, more like if you don't get enough points he'll make creepy faces.. they did make me uncomfortable xD)
the game's well animated, it's got some bop music in the soundtrack, and it's overall fun! that's why i like it so much.
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The next local is just a few rank ups away! So you'll see him soon >:D nice to hear that you're progressing in cluckeria and havent really been spoiled on anything yet - amii
I'm so excited!! I'm in rank 17 right now and unlocked Johnny... but the weird thing is, I also unlocked Maple Syrup.
Oh lord it's like the pineapples on pizza thing-
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Coralina, allison and lynn... a good trio to get attached to! - amii
Yes yes... the PPG
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Oh its your birthday? Happy birthday! Hope its very good 🥳
Thanks Amii.. i'm honestly so worried, but i've been trying to have a more positive mindset, so let's hope it goes well.
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imagine if nowtime news didnt talk abt dynamoe at all and just ninjoy smh - amii
Dynamoe be there like: I WANT PEOPLE TO PAY ATTENTION TO ME TOO >:(((
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Hope things are going well for you. Heard that mazzies got a partner! Happy for them. Also a couple of days ago i finally watched both turning red and encanto. Ngl i kinda wanna rewatch turning red again. Its just that kind of movie for me - amii
oh great!
@maznanangy ?????
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Oh koilees a mermaid that doesnt transform into having legs. Whys that? - amii
I maaaaaay be doing a small study on drawing beaches based on the new kirby game and decided to use this also as a mermay piece wip ;D
take it as a thank you for being so patient with me :')
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Hey fran. Just noticed the theme change. Wanted to say again that im here if you need someone to talk to. Though if you want to be left alone thats perfectly fine - amii
I would actually love to chat with you again! it feels like it's been ages since I've read anything from you! curse homework..
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Im enjoying numarcus and gabitha! - amii
You Know.. Me, @gamegirl2088, @flippingocfanatic and Yummy have been discussing some ideas and speculations as to what's the deal with the teasers since yesterday.
Here's some things we've pointed out:
The new Chefs, Mortadello and Papa Louie may represent 3 types of Restaurant cooking:
The Name of NuCoop's "Fry Lab" sounds like their Food is literally made in a laboratory, Possibly the food has artificial ingredients or microwaved, Hence Gabitha's Lab Coat.
Papa Louie's food is made traditionally, from 0, with all details. We know this since in his Flipdeck he's mentioned to hate microwave food and In the Mobile Games (Especially in the Loading screens) there's descriptions of the Chefs preparing fresh ingredients before opening.
We all know, Guy's just making food with cheap ingredients.
The Chicken Sandwich Wars
As we know, in recent posts from Flipline's Instagram, we've seen there's something of a Competition between Guy's Business against NuCoop's and Possibly Papa's. Since a Post stating so was shown before introducing Guy's new Brand (now called "Bird Meat") & The New Characters.
Since it’s not called a WINGS war but a SANDWICH war, we think this may mean Olivia and Wylan will work in a Chicken Sandwich restaurant to Compete too, with the new location having a Southern aesthetic given chicken sandwiches are Typically from there (as explained by Yummy)
We also think there might be something about this In the Next Game's story. Maybe NuMarcus and Gabitha might spy on the Competition to sabotage it or something similar or Olivia and Wylan got involved somehow.
Given some Customers are mentioned to be Loyal to Papa in their flipdecks and some not, I theorized Maybe some will go check out NuCoop's and even Argue which place is best.
If anybody has seen that one Episode of the Simpsons where the people of Springfield meet their counterparts.. then i feel something like that May happen but with NuCoop's loyal customers against Papa's.
One time, in either Papa's or Guy's Flipdecks, I read Tastyville didnt know what tasted good until Papa came along with his restaurants. Before that they only had Guy's meat pies. Does that mean the Customers have low standards?
Headcanons we came up with.
NuMarcus is the son of the Owner of NuCoop's and he tries to impress them by being better than the competition.
He and Gabitha have Eezma and Kronk's Dynamic.
They're Determined to End Papa's Reign (From Yummy)
Gabitha's related to Gremmie.
The Nu from NuCoop's comes from Nugget. (This one's from Mannie)
Am i Making Nextgens?
Yes, I made a daughter for NuMarcus.
That would be all for now.
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