#Ambient air quality testing in Delhi
eqlabs · 2 months
Air Test and Environmental Services Testing Laboratory – Equinox Labs
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Get all Environmental Services- VOC Air Test, Indoor Air Quality from one of the leading Environmental Testing Laboratories. Read more....
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pranshueq · 2 months
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Air Test and Environmental Services Testing Laboratory – Equinox Labs
Get all Environmental Services- VOC Air Test, Indoor Air Quality from one of the leading Environmental Testing Laboratories
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easyecho · 6 months
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Air Test and Environmental Services Testing Laboratory – Equinox Labs
Get all Environmental Services- VOC Air Test, Indoor Air Quality from one of the leading Environmental Testing Laboratories
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hiteshrajpal · 1 year
Air Test and Environmental Services Testing Laboratory – Equinox Labs
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Get all Environmental Services- VOC Air Test, Indoor Air Quality from one of the leading Environmental Testing Laboratories
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kdmglobal · 1 year
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Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Equipment in Delhi
At KDM Global, we go above and beyond to give our clients the finest possible service. We have adhered to our values and beliefs that "clients come first" along our path to become one of the leading brands of environmental testing solutions. From being a manufacturer and supplier to becoming a solution provider, our client-centric value is evolving. Our passion for excellence has propelled us to achieve unsurpassed quality while providing faultless after-sale services. We have established a reputation as Bangalore, India's only environmental test chambers firm that replies to customer concerns within 24 hours thanks to our assistance and services.
Since we get along well with our suppliers, we never run out of the raw materials needed to make the lab equipment and instruments we sell. We make use of aluminum, borosilicate glass, stainless steel, mild steel, teflon, and quartz glass. Because of our world-class infrastructure, which is equipped with cutting-edge technology, and our skilled staff of technocrats and engineers, we are able to offer the largest selection of laboratory and scientific instruments. Our cutting-edge equipment guarantees that our customers will receive personalized items.
Describe the ambient air quality.
The definition of ambient air quality is the standard of the air both indoors and occasionally outside. Standards for ambient air quality set upper limits on pollutant concentrations for the protection of people, the environment, and other living things. Because there is no single agreed-upon definition of standards, different organisations frequently adopt different standards. Monitoring the ambient air quality is sometimes known as outdoor air quality testing.
How can you measure the air quality outside?
There are numerous different ways to measure ambient air quality, including silica gel active sampling, passive monitoring, handheld devices, big volume samplers, continuous monitoring, and passive monitoring. The results are then transformed into an Air Quality Index, or grading system, to make them easier for regular people to grasp.
owe are completely aware of the difficulties that our customers confront, and as the market's leading provider of cutting-edge technology, we are able to produce items of the highest calibre for the most demanding uses. By conquering obstacles and identifying market-driven solutions with them, our knowledge helps our clients even more.
o Our results-driven methodology has helped our clients adjust their business plan to achieve both internal and external objectives. An increasing proportion of customers are now slipping into the delicious category of contentment as a result of our win-win strategy. It has also benefited in the development of teamwork among the employees of our organisation, allowing them to concentrate on the current task and provide value to the clients.
The foundation of a company's existence is integrity. One of the ethos, it is thought to be the most crucial. Every person at KDM Global is held to a high standard of integrity in their work.
O We work hard to provide a setting that develops long-term loyalty among our personnel and provides them with possibilities for professional development in order to fulfil the shifting needs of our market.
Environmental assessments must include monitoring the quality of the outside air. Effective air monitoring aids in the creation of a successful action plan to reduce air pollution. The Continuous Ambient Air Quality Management System (CAAQMS), which is often employed for ambient air monitoring, is an elaborate and pricey setup. But in addition to being extremely effective, our device is also reasonably priced and small.
For more  details contact us:
Website:https://kdmglobal.business.site , https://sites.google.com/view/kdmglobal/home
Contact :8218470498
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particlecounting · 6 years
Does AC Bring in PM2.5 air pollution?
It’s that time of year when Beijing is starting to sizzle, if this person roasting fish on her car is any indication. We’ve just turned our air conditioner on, and then we wonder: does our AC suck in air pollution?
    Although we’re roasting, air pollution doesn’t take a break during summer months:
    It’s not airpocalypse levels, but the buildings nearby are starting to look fuzzy.
    That made me wonder. If I turn on the air conditioner, is that going to bring in dirty outdoor air pollution?
    A question that I get asked often (and that I have always wondered about) is whether my wall-mounted air conditioner is sucking in dirty, polluted air from outside. If so, it’d be safer not to use it, especially on really polluted days.
  My short answer is no. To explain why, I’ve got three points of evidence:
  #1 Tests of the air coming out of the air conditioner
  I’ve held my particle counter up into the air coming out of my AC unit, and it’s no different from the ambient room air (See a live test here). I’ve also compared that air to outside air on very dirty days, and the air coming out of the AC is nowhere near as dirty as outside air.
      (I did this test when I had just turned on my AC. If the AC were bringing in dirty air and I were to test the exhaust after I had been running the AC for a long time, then my whole room would be dirty, not just the exhaust.)
  #2 Tests of the ambient room air before and after turning the AC on
  In each test, before starting, I closed my windows and turned off my AC. I ran my particle counter for 30 minutes to get a baseline reading of indoor air pollution levels. Then I turned on the AC for 30 minutes.
  Results? Air conditioners make basically no difference to indoor air pollution levels.
  Here’s what happened to indoor air pollution levels in one test after turning the AC on:
    Here I’m comparing the pollution numbers just before I turned the AC on and 30 minutes later. As you can see, the AC has basically no effect on indoor air pollution levels. If anything, the larger 2.5 micron particle levels reduce slightly. My guess is this is because the coarse pre-filter in the AC unit captures up some large particles.
  And here is the average effect of my AC on indoor air pollution levels over 7 different tests in my bedroom.
    #3 How air conditioners work
  Regular wall-mounted air conditioners in China and India do have a unit outside connected with tubes to the inside, but that tube is not bringing in outside dirty air. It’s circulating coolant.
  So where does the air it’s blowing come from? If you look around your air conditioner, you’ll probably discover that it works like mine: it brings air from the top, runs it over the cooling coils, and blows it out the front. It’s recycling indoor air, not bringing in outdoor air.
    What if I have a central air system – does that bring in outdoor air pollution?
  If you’re in a room with a central air system, things get trickier. You’ll have to do some research of your building to find out what air is coming out of those vents.
    Some systems bring in a lot of outdoor air. Some bring in none. Some systems filter that air. Some don’t.
  Here’s how you can get to the bottom of it:
1. Check out the system (if you can). Does it have filters? Does it have an outdoor air intake?
2. Ask the management (if they even know!).
3. Test the air coming out. Here’s how I’d recommend doing it.
If you don’t have a particle counter and you’re based in Beijing or Delhi, Smart Air can provide you with an indoor air quality audit to test your central air system, or to just test for general particulate air pollution and gas pollutants. 
Schedule your own indoor air quality test here!
    Open Data – AC air pollution data
  I made the original test data available for fellow nerds here.
Caveat about me: I’m not an expert in air pollution. I’m a social psychologist.
But living through Beijing’s pollution got my nerd spirit running about air quality, and I soon got into making low-cost DIY purifiers and started a social enterprise (Smart Air) to help get low-cost purifiers to more air-breathers. With the help of dedicated nerds and volunteers, Smart Air ships simple, no-bull purifiers to air-breathers in India, China, Mongolia, and the Philippines.
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Get to know more about the BMW X5  Price New Delhi
The all-new BMW X5 is specially designed to let the user experience comfort and ease all the time. The safety standards for the vehicle are quite high as the outside exterior is shaped with magnificent dimensions that will make individuals have the best view of the city and beyond. The BMW X5 is incorporated with the latest technologies around safety and grandeur.
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The dynamics of comfort and grandeur BMW X5  is fused with the light touch of the accelerator pedal and with every gear change there is an optional 8-speed sport automatic transmission which further offers efficiency, maximum vehicle dynamics, and utmost driving pleasure to the users. Used BMW X5 New Delhi includes similar features of comfort and safety.
Know more about the fuel consumption in the vehicle
When we talk about the fuel consumption the performance data for the same are measured during the emission test is done under controlled conditions of the environment as well as the driving cycle. Also, the models, equipment’s and possible vehicle configurations are mentioned in the brochure that comes along with the vehicle, which the user can refer to anytime. 
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 BMW X5; An epitome of Luxury BMW X5 without a doubt is an epitome of luxury. The automatic air conditioning incorporated in the vehicle with 4 control zone provides the enthusiasts a climate of comfort, for the drive, and ones sitting beside the driver as well as for the right and left rear passengers. The BMW X5 price New Delhi starts at Rs 32.2 lakh onwards.
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ezra0204 · 4 years
Hotel room and kitchen hygiene essentials you should know about
A clean and hygienic hotel can turn an average stay experience for a guest into a luxurious one. While lavish and well-appointed amenities and a cosy bed is what a guest may look forward to during their stay, cleanliness and sanitation still ranks top on their priority list.
Clean and ambient rooms can help hotels to double their ROIs whereas unclean rooms, unhygienic food handling and poor facilities can impact customer loyalty. Not only are guest less likely to return, there is also a real possibility of a disease outbreak. Thus, it becomes essential to constantly monitor hygiene practices adopted by hotels, especially in the key revenue-driving segments, i.e. rooms and kitchens, owing to their high operational and commercial value.
Market leaders and industry experts share their insight on the practices that have a major impact on a hotel’s hygiene standards.
Waste management
Managing the waste effectively plays a crucial role in maintaining a hotel’s hygiene as well as in saving costs. “The solid waste at Grand Hyatt Kochi Bolgatty is segregated in three bins, which are colour coded. Green bins are used for biodegradable waste, whereas blue is used to collect paper and plastic and red is used for glass bottles and tins," says Grand Hyatt, Kochi Bolgatty's hygiene manager Shalini Jain.
“Segregation starts from the kitchen and when the bins are hal-full, theyare carried to the garbage area and put in the chiller to prevent bacterial growth. The biodegradable waste is collected by the vendor for cattle feed. Besides, used oil is also collected from the kitchen and given to the soap industries on a monthly basis.
Waste water is used in the STP plant, for watering the plant in the garden  and in the cooling tower.”  At Crowne Plaza Today New Delhi  Okhla, the wet and dry garbage are segregated separately. “The wet garbage (waste of vegetables etc) is used in biogas plants, whereas the dry garbage is collected at the garbage room and then handed over to an authorised outside vendor," says its room division manager, Payal Mehta.
The waste generated at Novotel Goa Dona Sylvia is used in the generation of compost of around 100kg every day as well as in the hotel’s organic vegetable garden. The compost made out of the  waste is stored efficiently and is ready to use in a week’s time. At the sewage water treatment plant, the waste water is treated and used for gardening of the entire resort, which is spread across 20 acres.
Cleaning procedures and schedules
Whether it is within rooms and plush suites or in a busy kitchen, a well-charted-out sanitation plan can work wonders for a hotel’s  ambience. It also ensures that these spaces are cleaned at regular  intervals, thereby reducing the risk of bacteria formation.
“It is not easy for a housekeeper or a kitchen steward to maintain  the busier areas. A proper schedule helps to instill discipline,” says Bhushan Shetye, Executive Housekeeper, Novotel Goa Dona Sylvia. “it is important for every associate to have a proper work flow, with the timings charted out. The person in charge should do a thorough cleaning while the area is not busy and maintain it throughout the day.”
Most hotels have a set structure and schedule that is followed to ensure none of the areas are ignored or missed. Sai Khavle, Executive Housekeeper, Holiday Inn Mumbai International Airport says, “As a practice, we have regular inspection of rooms that includes a checklist, daily deep cleaning cycle, and mystery audits to ascertain process compliance as part of the hygiene and cleanliness process within hotel rooms. Each guest room is scanned and inspected.
Regular pest inspection and treatments are conducted every month to avoid bugs in bed. The staff makes sure that the hotel is clean and sanitised at all times, and the schedules are in place and being followed.” Jain reports that the cleaning schedule for rooms and the kitchen has been divided into daily and weekly ones. The weekly schedule involves deep cleaning of these spaces. Detailed hygiene plans with  checklists and visual reinforcements help to maintain the hotel.
Apart from cleaning schedules, a quick clean-up of the kitchen and the restaurants should be conducted. “The spills, crumbs and the mess from  the stove, floors, table and counters should be cleaned immediately and sanitised. Special care should be taken when the spills involve raw meat; a disinfecting spray should be used on priority to prevent the spread of bacteria. The liquid spills on the floor should be addressed first, especially from the safety point of view, as a wet floor may cause accidents,” suggests Khavle.
She further adds that the dishes should be washed, dried and placed in a proper manner, in order to avoid their piling up in the sink, making the kitchen all the more messy. The leftover ingredients should be transferred to airtight containers and stored in the refrigerator or freezer.
Handling the food right
Cleaning, hygiene and best sanitation practices are an integral part of every food handler’s job. It goes without saying that the highest standards of  hygiene and sanitation best practices should be followed in the F&B areas to prevent any cross-contamination and health hazards. “Measures such  as periodic checks, colour-coded practices, temperature logs, maintaining storage best practices as well as HACCAP standards are some of the best practices that should be followed in the food cooking and service areas,” highlights Shetye.
Besides, “while handling the food,” says Lakshmanan Ramanathan, General Manager, The Westin Chennai Velachery, “care should be taken that all food is date labelled. All chemicals should be stored away from the food processing areas. And most importantly,  the packaging of the product, its expiry date, temperature and weight as per the order should be checked by the chef in a timely manner,” adds Ramanathan.
As a precautionary measure, “we use nitrile gloves for ready-to-eat food, high-risk items, etc. We have  colour-coded equipment and tools for segregation. Separate rooms are allocated for seafood, meat, fruit and vegetable. Knee-operated hand-washing station is available in each area of the kitchen,” explains Jain.
Crowne Plaza Today New Delhi Okhla has enforced the ‘Glove Policy’ as a hygiene practice for the kitchen staff to eliminate contamination of food with bare hands, states Mehta. Different time schedules have been set for receiving food items such as vegetable and meat with a view to prevent contamination. A standardoperating- procedure (SOP) is set for food vehicles, which plays an important role in avoiding contaminations of the ingredients that is flown from far-flung places.
Hygiene rules for F&B spaces:
• Staff hygiene: Wearing proper clothing and footwear for food processing is the best way to not just maintain hygiene in the kitchens, but also convey an image of a spic-and-span space. Long nails are an ideal home for bacteria and need to be kept short. An alarm system should be placed in the kitchen areas to remind the team to wash hands on regular intervals. • Clean floors: Kitchen floors tend to get messy very quickly with dust, crumbs, food particles and other matter. Besides the daily sweeping schedule, Khavle suggests that the floor should be mopped with a proper floor cleaner or disinfectant every week.
Khavle also emphasises the use of the right type of solutions for different kinds of floorings. A carpet must be vacuumed and cleaned of stains every day and shampooed once a month. The marble surfaces should be dry and wet mopped by using a disinfectant, and polished once in three months.
At Crowne Plaza New Delhi Okhla, Mehta informs that they use Diversey’s R1 and R2 chemicals with chemical dilution dispenser, which help to eliminate the chance of improper dilution. “Besides, a professional vacuum cleaner having an airflow of 129cfm, with HEPA-certified exhaust filters, also ensures zero-dust flow back to the air and offers ideal suction cleaning of the surface.” A good  way to sanitise and clean the floor is “by using chlorine solution, especially in high-risk areas, says Jain. “This will help in removal of solid particles and debris.”
Disinfecting high-usage accessories
According to Jain, all touch-points like door handles, remote controls, light switches and headboards should be sanitised with 20 neutral sanitisers every day. In order to limit the spread of bacteria, Mehta says that high-usage items should be sanitised every day and wiped with proper disinfectant (Diversey R2) chemicals that possess cleaning and sanitising properties. A colour-coded microfiber duster should be used to avoid cross contamination. "Accessories such as remote controls should be  sanitised during every check out of guest rooms, whereas light switches should be sanitised during the dusting procedure,” states Ramanathan.
Segregating cleaning products
Labelling of each chemical is a must in the chemical room and also in  the kitchen areas for identification, states Jain. Further, she says, the training of the associates should be conducted on a regular basis and an in-hand demonstration of how to use the chemical effectively should be conveyed. For spotless and germ-free cleaning in the kitchen, Jain recommends the use of solid based chemicals that are free from phosphate and have a lower carbon footprint. In terms of chemical usage, Ramanathan suggests that its application should be based as per the intended surface to be cleaned. Also, the chemicals should be aptly measured and used as per the required area.
In-house hygiene labs
In order to maintain a high-level of quality in food and water, more hotels are now setting up their own hygiene labs. Hotels such as Grand Hyatt Kochi Bolgatty, Crowne Plaza Today New Delhi Okhla and Holiday Inn Mumbai International Airport boast in-house labs that test food and water samples.
At our hygiene lab, says Jain, “we conduct microbial testing of raw materials, finished products and water. Also, regular hand swab and equipment swab are done for checking and ensuring effective hygiene”. Apart from checking food and water quality, “TDS and hardness of water is also checked at our in-house lab at Crowne Plaza Today New Delhi Okhla”, says Mehta. As an everyday practice, the samples of food and water are tested prior to serving them to guests, adds Khavle.
Trending hygiene solutions
The world is grappling with the unique Coronavirus outbreak. Diversey, a market leader in providing cleaning and hygiene solutions, has launched its 'Infection Prevention' range catering to its hospitality customers, which includes Oxivir and Virex. It is designed for efficient sanitisation and disinfection. “In the personal hygiene segment, we have introduced a range for hand-hygiene called SoftCare,” says Aurodeepa Rath, Corporate Communication, Diversey India Hygiene Pvt. Ltd.
As far as laundry operations go, says Rath, we provide Clax solutions to hotels. Besides efficient washing, Clax Advanced, as a process, ensures a significant saving on energy as well as resources, offering an edge to the property in terms of its sustainability score. Clax Magic is a specialised kit that comes handy for fighting stains. For kitchens, Diversey has launched dishwashing tablets, called the Suma Dime. These tablets can be used on multiple surfaces and are phosphate-and-chlorine-free. Similarly, for pre-soaking application, Suma Carbon K21+ is suitable for soft metals/anodized surfaces.
For outdoor and common surfaces, Diversey launched SmartdoseTM last year, with its Taski range. The bottles come with an in-built pump that ensures an easy and accurate dispensing of chemicals. Ecolab, which is widely known for its hygiene solutions, has also launched several offerings catering to the hospitality segment. For instance, the flooring cleaning solutions by Ecolab has Neutral PH chemicals for sensitive surfaces such as marble and granite (natural stone), where acidic or alkaline chemicals cannot be used. The dosing system introduced by the brand helps in accurate dosing and dilution of cleaning chemicals for housekeeping and kitchen areas.
A key offering by the brand is a kitchen surface sanitizer, Oasis 146, which takes care of all the surfaces on which the food is actually cooked, and of the chopping boards and knives to avoid cross contamination. HK disinfectant cleaner, 20 Neutral, helps to disinfect all guest and staff areas in the hotel and is used across all touch-points to avoid contamination.
Maintenance of kitchen equipment
It is important to ensure that the tools and equipment used within food processing in hotels are sanitised. According to Sangeet Soni, Housekeeping manager, Hyatt Pune Kalyani Nagar, the use of metal detectable and food safety equipment in kitchens is a standard measure, which must be followed by food manufacturing industries to make sure there are no contaminants being brought into the space. Further, he says, a de-greasing compound should be sprayed on the surfaces of the commercial hood to break up the residue. If scraping is required, plastic scrapers and nylon sponges should be used to avoid damaging the surface of the hood.
“To maintain hygiene in the kitchen, equipment such as a blast chiller, chopping board sanitiser, UV knife sanitiser, multiple type of dishwashing machines, a steam cleaner, hot and cold holding and Alto sham should be used,” contends Jain.
Linen and mattresses
The furnishings and mattresses consists a lot more bacteria than visible to the naked eye. According to Mehta, “The room linen at Crowne Plaza Today New Delhi Okhla is washed every day after the departure of guests and on alternate days for stay-over guests. In order to remove stains and maintain the brightness of the linen, Hypo Magic (chlorine bleach) and Sonril (oxygen bleach) are used.
Besides, Clax 200 and Aligro are used for washing bed linen. Clax RR Sour is used as the final step of washing the linen. This ensures that no residue of chemicals remains in the linen whereas Clax Xtra soft is used in towels to ensure the softness of the towel.”
According to Khavle, “Linen should be washed every day. However, the furnishing should be washed once in a quarter. The chemicals used for linen at Holiday Inn Mumbai International Airport are emulsifier, detergent, bleach and neutraliser, besides hot water that is above 75 degree Celsius. The mattresses are cleaned using a steam cleaner, which is more like a vacuum cleaner using a steam that not only pulls out the dust also helps to sanitise the mattress.”
Upholstered headboards are shampooed on a weekly basis at Novotel Goa Dona Sylvia. “The mattresses are checked regularly for any bedbugs or stains, and they are protected using the mattress protector. They are shampooed and cleaned using hot steam. Pillow covers are regularly changed and washed using low temperature Johnson Diversey chemical at 60 degree,” adds Shetye.
Failure to uphold hygiene practices in the hospitality industry can lead to bad reviews, damaged reputations, and a less-than-pleasant stay for guests. However, hotels need to look beyond the obvious areas to ensure effective waste management and cleaning procedures, particularly in the times of Coronavirus to avoid a health hazard.
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inder244-blog · 5 years
List of surrogacy centre
Find the list of Best Surrogacy Centres in Indiain india which has high success rate in India CK Birla International Fertility Centre offers full scope of IVF cycle systems and is extraordinary compared to other IVF focus in Jaipur, Rajasthan with most astounding achievement rates. Other than IVF, the middle is joined forces with International Fertility Center and gives all fruitlessness treatment methods, for example, IUI, IVF, ICSI, Egg Donation and Surrogacy. AIFC joins wide involvement in IVF with front line innovation, cutting edge lab and experienced therapeutic staff. The most astounding pregnancy rate is the consequence of work done by the expert staff which includes IVF pros, embryologists, medical caretakers and different individuals done who work in throughout each and every day to give powerful medications. Our patients who look for IVF treatment in Jaipur can have each trial and each methodology performed in one spot, from standard arrangement of introductory overview to the last convention. Fertile Solutions IVF And Research Center (FSIVF) - Dev IVF(Kirti Nagar)is a Gynecology and Fertility Clinic which arranged in Geetanjali Enclave, New Delhi. It gives master benefits in Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART). There are different administrations that are given under ART treatment to the fruitless couples, for example, In-vitro Fertilization (IVF), Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), ICSI, TESA, Donor IVF Program, Hysteroscopy, Laparoscopy, and others. With powerful insides and high-advancements accessible, the facility keeps on giving consistent administrations to its patients. Fertile Solutions IVF And Research Center (FSIVF). primary point is tolerant fulfillment with great consideration. We give therapeutic help and enthusiastic help with great correspondence and expected time to the patient. We offer guidance and bolster all through pregnancy and after conveyance. We have group of specialists with refreshed information, great correspondence and magnificent usable expertise. Ferticity IVF Clinics Pvt. Ltd. has awesome framework. Emergency clinic is all around furnished with all advanced office to think about barrenness issue. Aveya IVF (A Unit of Oval Healthcare)is situated in Shiliguri and fills in as a standout amongst other IVF and Fertility Centers. They give medications to In-Vitro Fertilization, Blastocysts Culture and Transfer, Laparoscopy and Hysteroscopy, and Laser Assisted Hatching. On the off chance that one is searching for a facility for Infertility and IVF treatment, at that point they should make a beeline for Aveya IVF and Surrogacy Center as they have the most elevated number of fruitful IVF and Surrogacy rates. The staff will control you in the issues of treatment as well as at passionate level as well. They comprehend the satisfaction of holding your own youngster in your arms and accept it as their very own duty to enable you to accomplish it. They clarify the treatment and the means engaged with it along these lines giving every one of the answers for the essential and propelled issues. The center has carried want to all the childless couples by giving them a straightforward treatment at a reasonable cost. Aarush IVF And Endoscopy Centre - Malad has following point that why this centre is best to choose 1.            Team of profoundly prepared specialists with 20 years of involvement in IVF, upheld by productive staff. Notwithstanding your circumstance, our barrenness experts will work intimately with you to build up a customized richness treatment plan. Our first kid from IVF origination is currently school going. 2.            IVF lab is spread more than 6000 sq.ft cover region with all offices under one rooftop like Consultation and assessment of both Husband and Wife, Ultrasonography, Hormone examination and other routine blood test, Endoscopic medical procedure for ART(hysteroscopy &laparoscopy), Pathology lab. 3.            Separate Andrology lab, IVF lab, Ovum get OT, Embryo move room and IUI space for better working and better result. 4.            Our IVF Laboratory is structured at standard with universal guidelines utilizing clean room innovation with S.S entryways, non-punctured aluminum roof, silver particle impregnated cladding sheet on the dividers and vinyl flooring. 5.            Ambient Air quality in the lab in kept up by HVAC framework utilizing extra VOC channels (ISO 5). This makes the IVF zone spotless and sterile enabling developing lives to develop to its maximum capacity which improves IVF achievement rates. 6.            Availability of different hatcheries for incipient organism culture in IVF lab to maintain a strategic distance from continuous opening and shutting of ways to decrease weight on creating developing lives. 7.            Facilities for chronicle and handing-off of all pictures of egg, sperm and developing life for better investigation and complete straightforwardness. 8.            Third gathering multiplication with decision of profile of benefactor egg or sperm with complete secrecy and complete bundle of surrogacy till conveyance. 9.            Most propelled diode laser framework "Saturn Active 5" with biopsy mode which enables incipient organism biopsy to be done consistently in this way improving the affectability of Preimplantation Genetic Testing: PGD/PGS. 10.          Our lab has the office of Laser Assisted Hatching which is utilized in cases with valuable cycle disappointment and progressed maternal age for better outcomes. 11.          Separate Endoscopy OT with a wide range of offices for Fertility Enhancing Endoscopic strategies with live hand-off. 12.          We are one of the pioneers in the utilization of Hysteromat E.A.S.I which makes Office Hysteroscopy an effortless, sheltered and speedy strategy. 13.          Multiple top of the line Color Doppler Sonography machine for exact evaluation of follicles and endometrium. 14.          Complete assessment of Male cooperate with development semen investigation, Sperm DNA fracture test and careful Sperm recovery. 15.          Low cost with quality treatment with incredible outcomes Find list of other Surrogacy centres in India For more information, call at :  +91 – 8929020600     Visit Website  -www.elawoman.com
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hakotenuwa-blog · 5 years
IVF Centres in Mumbai at Elawoman
IVF Spring Fertility Centre in Mumbai experts in diagnosing and treating the causes of male and woman infertility. Our medical and medical specialists all have vast enjoy and specialists in reproductive Treatment and are always at the forefront of main development of their respective fields, we've good sized revel in in supporting individuals and couples to overcome their concept difficulties. We offer customized and customized services primarily based at the requirement of the sufferers within an environment that is conducive for first-rate outcomes.We also are a main health center that allows diagnose and treat a extensive range of conditions related to ladies fitness. Which includes troubles related to menstruation and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and others.At IVF Spring Fertility middle we've got a hard and fast technique which facilitates in expertise your issues.
IVF Centres in Mumbai IVF Spring Fertility Centre is reputed call in Surrogacy and IVF Treatment. It is a dependable sanatorium hooked up in 2014 at Global Hospital Annexe Building, Dr. Ernest Borges Road, Near ITC Grand Central, Parel (E), Mumbai. They have advanced infrastructure facilities and are geared up with contemporary scientific device and instrument. Supported by means of nicely-trained team of workers and experienced medical doctors, they have a file of 68% achievement charge. The IVF Spring Fertility Centre health facility is specialised in IVF, Surrogacy, IUI, ICSI, Egg Donation, Embryo Adoption, Semen Freezing, and DNA Fragmentation. The health center is likewise visited with the aid of Dr. Anjali A. Deval, who performs complex Treatment in Normal Vaginal Delivery (NVD), Hysterectomy (Abdominal/Vaginal), Gyne Laparoscopy, In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) and Intrauterine Insemination (IUI).
Services:-  IVF,IUI
Location:-  Parel, Mumbai
Rating :-  4.5 / 5
Morpheus Fertility Center is an IVF health center situated in Juhu, Mumbai. It is the first and the most important chain of Indo-German fertility center in India. Morpheus Fertility Center is one of the prime branches of the center located in Mumbai. The center gives a huge range of services inclusive of In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), and Cryopreservation. It also offers diverse male infertility Treatment to its patients which include Intracytoplasmic Morphologically Selected Sperm Injection (IMSI), Percutaneous Epididymal Sperm Aspiration (PESA), and Testicular Epididymal Sperm Aspiration (TESA). This fertility center offers numerous international-elegance centers associated with all infertility treatments with the usage of nation of the art technology a expert medical team of workers. The middle is related to a team of leading gynecologists inside the country. The branches of Morpheus Fertility Center is located in a couple of cities which include Agra, Amritsar, Madurai, Meerut, Gurgaon, Coimbatore, Indore, Gorakhpur, Lucknow, Secunderabad, Trichy, and Jaipur and many greater cities. All these fertility centers are well prepared with all the trendy trendy device imported from the main suppliers the world over. The center renders its services at an affordable charge to its sufferers. Dr. Pinky Ronak Shah practices her first-rate at this middle. She has a medical exposure of a couple of and a half a long time in her clinical field.
Services:-  IVF,IUI
Location:-  Juhu, Mumbai
Rating :-  4.6 / 5
Zoi Fertility Center is a Multispeciality sanatorium placed in Powai, Mumbai. The centre changed into commenced in the year 2007 and since the time of the establishment, the team is giving its first-class to deal with the patients successfully. The goal of the health facility is to offer the proper knowledge to the sufferers and assist them choose the right medical Treatment. The centre opts for obvious and moral exercise and counsels couples well. Couples and people from across the world come and go to Zoi Fertility for a success infertility treatments. Zoi fertility centre presents services including Infertility Evaluation, In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Obstetrics Problems, Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI), Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), Egg Freezing, Frozen Embryo Transfers, Surrogacy and Blastocyst Transfer. Dr. Yashodhara Mhatre, an Infertility Specialist practices at ZOI Fertility. She is likewise nicely-skilled in Andrology together with Reproductive Medicine.
Services:-  IVF,IUI
Location:-  Powai, Mumbai
Rating :- 4.6 / 5
Aarush IVF and Endoscopy Centre is one of the best certified surrogacy and IVF center positioned in Malad West, Opposite Orlem Church, Off Marve Road, Mumbai. Aarush IVF And Endoscopy Centre is thought for its numerous offerings masking IVF Treatment, IUI Treatment, ICSI Treatment, TESA, MESA, Laparoscopic Surgery, Hysteroscopy Surgery and Male Infertility
Team of highly educated doctors with 20 years of experience in IVF, supported via efficient personnel. Regardless of your scenario, our infertility experts will work closely with you to develop a customized fertility Treatment plan. IVF lab is spread over 6000 sq.Ft carpet area with all centers beneath one roof like Consultation & exam of both Husband & Wife, Ultrasonography, Hormone evaluation & other habitual blood check, Endoscopic surgical procedure for ART(Hysteroscopy and Laparoscopy), Pathology lab.
Our IVF Laboratory is designed at par with worldwide standards the usage of clean room technology with S.S doors, non-perforated aluminium ceiling, silver ion impregnated cladding sheet at the walls and vinyl floors. Ambient Air fine within the lab in maintained via HVAC device the usage of additional VOC filters (ISO five). This makes the IVF area clean and sterile allowing embryos to develop to its complete capability which improves IVF fulfillment rates.
Facilities for recording & relaying of all snapshots of egg, sperm & embryo for better evaluation and entire transparency. Third birthday celebration reproduction with preference of profile of donor egg or sperm with whole confidentiality and entire bundle of surrogacy till transport. Most superior diode laser machine “Saturn Active five” with biopsy mode which lets in embryo biopsy to be achieved seamlessly accordingly improving the sensitivity of Preimplantation Genetic Testing: PGD/PGS.
Separate Endoscopy OT with all forms of facilities for Fertility Enhancing Endoscopic processes with stay relay. We are one of the pioneers inside the use of Hysteromat E.A.S.I which makes Office Hysteroscopy a painless, secure and brief manner. Multiple high stop Color Doppler Sonography device for correct evaluation of follicles and endometrium. Complete assessment of Male companion with strengthen semen analysis, Sperm DNA fragmentation test and surgical Sperm retrieval. Low price best Treatment with exquisite outcomes.
Aarush IVF And Endoscopy Centre have a group of properly qualified, surprisingly dedicated experts to go our speciality division, supported through a collection of devoted paramedical body of workers. The definition of Treatment and care receives redefined in each factor. Patients may be confident of reliable and entire care thru enormously qualified staff. With amazing affected person care, ambience and methods, we aim to turn out to be the most superior and innovative healthcare group in this a part of the arena.
Bavishi Fertility Institute is one of the high-quality Surrogacy and IVF clinics. It is the most important and the maximum advanced fertility centers in India. It is located in M G Road, Ghatkopar East, Mumbai at Rajawadi Signal and has the first-rate connectivity of roads. The health facility is supported through expert staff and fairly skilled doctors who treat complex instances of infertility. Bavishi Fertility Institute uses advanced IVF equipment and era to make sure excessive success price of fertility. Dr. Lekshmy Rana, a expert in Obstetrics & Gynaecology, performs High- Risk Pregnancy Care, Normal Vaginal Delivery (NVD), Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) and In Vitro Fertilization Treatment on the Bavishi Fertility Institute. Dr. Ridhi Doshi, an In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) and Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) professional having an experience of four years, is also associated with the institute. Dr. Sonali N. Tawde is likewise one of the pleasant doctors in Obstetrics & Gynaecology related to Bavishi Fertility Institute. She is specialised in IVF, Obstetrics / Antenatal Care, and Infertility. The clinic is open Monday to Saturday from nine AM to 10 PM.
Services:-  IVF,IUI,Gyn Laparoscopy
Location:-Malad West, Mumbai
Rating :-  4.4 / 5
Bavishi Fertility Institute established in 1998 and slowly stepped forward to the fine chain of fertility institute of India with its presence in Ahmedabad, Mumbai, Surat, Delhi and Kolkata. The footprint continues to be increasing.
Backed by using a strong promoter circle of relatives, Bavishi Fertility Institute has large crew of certified, professional and skilled clinician – IVF experts. Each institute is an impartial full fledge institute to address every kind of infertility treatment from fundamental assessment to the most increase IVF strategies like ICSI, PGS/PGD, Egg/Embryo freezing and many others. The coronary heart of IVF is embryology. Bavishi Fertility Institute has a crew of embryologist with independent embryologist at all institute looking after each day operations.
Bavishi Fertility Institute is generation pushed agency. We do our own research and continuously evaluate the studies performed international over. We continuously innovate our treatment protocols and capabilities and include modern-day technology.
Our knowledge, enjoy and innovation has made treatment at Bavishi Fertility Institute "EASY". Our signature protocol "EASY IVF" makes the Treatment easy on thoughts,coronary heart, own family individuals and pocket.
Every couple could have a child if the strive proper Treatment at right time in proper numbers at RIGHT PLACE.
Choose any of your convenient vicinity of Bavishi Fertility Institute to avail the arena class technology and fulfillment with Indian heart and fee. We deal with you professionally but take your care individually.
Services:-  IVF,IUI,Gyn Laparoscopy
Location:-  Ghatkopar East, Mumbai
Rating :-  4.2 / 5
If You Want to More Information Our Services and Treatment so Consult at This Number :- +91-8929020600
For more information, Call Us :  +91-8929020600
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darshit1234-blog · 5 years
Can Houseplants Really Clean The World's Smoggiest City?
NEW DELHI—On the roof of an office building in India's capital, the world's smoggiest city, Kamal Meattle has a unique tactic for cleaning the New Delhi air quality : a greenhouse with 400 common plants, including mother-in-law's tongue.
Meattle, the CEO of Paharpur Business Center, has 800 other plants spread throughout its lower six floors, greening each room and hallway. Their job: remove soot and other chemicals from the often charcoal-colored outdoor air.
In India, where almost no one wears filter masks on the streets as many do in China, Meattle is seen as a radical. He says he's even been dubbed the Mad Hatter of Nehru Place, a high-tech hub that's home to his leafy building and an adjacent lot he converted from a slum into an oasis of 2,000 trees.
He uses rainwater collected in cisterns to spray the trees so they can grow faster and absorb more pollutants. He's urging India's new government to require rainwater harvesting and to paint roofs, and buses, white. And he's pushing to build one of the world's largest energy-efficient office parks, complete with greenhouses.
Meattle hardly seems a firebrand. A soft-spoken grandfather, he's a scion of India's elite who attended school with Rajiv Gandhi and later earned a chemical engineering degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He sees his efforts, touted in a 2009 TED talk that's attracted more than two million views, as common sense.
"Sustainability is good business, and energy efficiency is low-hanging fruit," says Meattle, whose 25-year-old building was India's first to earn the top rating (in 2010) for a retrofit from the U.S. Green Building Council. He says it uses one-fifth as much energy per square meter as the average office building in India. At least 10 percent of its energy savings is due to plants, which obviate the need to pump in ambient air.
His horticulture is also a practical nod to ancient tradition. "Why did Buddha sit under the peepul [or bodhi] tree?" he asks, adding that the sacred fig with heart-shaped leaves releases oxygen even at night, allowing those beneath a light sleep.
Good Business—and a Health Imperative
As Meattle tells it, he really had no choice but to try something new. "My doctors told me to leave" India in 1992, he says, citing his reduced lung capacity because of the city's air pollution. He decided to stay, seeking instead to solve a society-wide problem that's become increasingly dire. (See related story: "In Climate Talks, Spotlight Turns to India.")
"Delhi's unfit for living between October and March," Meattle says, noting how often its air pollution veers into the "very unhealthy" or even "hazardous" category. The U.S. Embassy, which posts its air quality data on outdoor monitors, has issued warnings against letting kids play outside.
Smog envelops the landmark India Gate in New Delhi, the world's smoggiest city.
Photograph by Altaf Qadri, AP
In fact, New Delhi's smog is now nearly three times worse than Beijing's, the World Health Organization reported in May, based on measurements of fine particulates, or PM 2.5. The WHO found that the city had the world's dirtiest air, and the cities ranking second through fourth are also in India. (See related story: "What Step Is Crucial in Fighting Cities' Air Pollution?")
India's indoor air pollution is even worse, exacerbated by the use of wood stoves and by chemical emissions from appliances. The WHO estimates it's India's second biggest killer, after high blood pressure, and contributes to 1.3 million annual deaths. (See related story: "WHO Report: Indoor Air Pollution Is Greatest Environmental Health Risk.")
India's press has only recently begun to focus on the issue, but the people are still largely in denial, says Barun Aggarwal, director of the Paharpur Business Center's Breathe Easy program and Meattle's son-in-law.
"We are Indians. We have iron lungs," Aggarwal says is a common attitude, adding that many have adopted Nietzsche's "what-doesn't-kill-me-makes-me-stronger" mentality.
Meattle, after reviewing research by NASA and others, drew up a plan that focuses largely on three common houseplants because of their complementary abilities to detoxify indoor air and enrich it with oxygen: the areca palm, mother-in-law's tongue, and the money plant.
Before outside air is allowed indoors, his 50,000-square-foot facility uses a scrubber to wash it with water to reduce the levels of chemical compounds such as nitrogen oxide and sulfur dioxide. The air then passes through his greenhouse to remove formaldehyde, benzene, and carbon monoxide and through a filter to remove bacteria. No smoking is allowed inside.
Since January 2013, Meattle's company has created plant-based air-filtering systems for more than 700 homes in India's capital. It's also working to clean the air inside the embassy schools of the United States and Germany.
But Can Plants Really Clean the Air?
"It's a phenomenon that's growing now," says Bill C. Wolverton, one of the original NASA researchers and author of the 2010 book Plants: Why You Can't Live Without Them. Wolverton has been working in Japan, where plants have been used to make 50 to 60 "ecological gardens" in hospitals. He also says there's budding interest in South Korea and China.
The Paharpur Business Center's greenhouse focuses largely on three plants: mother-in-law's tongue, the areca palm, and the money plant.
Photograph by Wendy Koch
NASA published several studies in the 1980′s showing interior plants could purify the air in sealed test chambers akin to a space station. It later tested the value of plants to both clean air and recycle waste in a tightly sealed building known as the Bio Home.
Subsequent studies have also suggested that plants could help clean indoor air. In 2009, via greenhouse tests, a Pennsylvania State University research team found plants could reduce indoor ozone, which can be emitted by copy machines and laser printers.
Not everyone is convinced. "I certainly would not rely on plants to clean indoor air...To get them to work, you'd need too many plants," says John Girman, former senior science adviser at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Indoor Air Division. He says a 1,500-square-foot house would need 680 plants to duplicate NASA-like benefits, and the result would be "an indoor jungle" with moisture problems.
Girman co-wrote a study criticizing research such as NASA's that tested plants only in sealed chambers, which don't replicate the actual conditions of buildings with ventilation systems that can bring in fresh outside air. He says increasing ventilation is far more effective than using plants to clean the air.
But what if the outdoor air is filthy? "I don't have a good solution for India," Girman says.
Meattle's building has been proved to alleviate health problems, according to a 2008 study by the Chittaranjan National Cancer Institute and the Central Pollution Control Board. The study compared 94 nonsmokers working there with nonsmokers employed elsewhere in Delhi. It found the former had fewer cases of eye irritation, headaches, hypertension, and respiratory problems.
Another study raised questions. It said the building's indoor air quality is akin to that in the United States. "Given the extreme air pollution levels in the outdoor environment of New Delhi, this is an achievement," says the 2010 research co-authored by Joshua Apte, now an engineering professor at the University of Texas-Austin. It noted the "air-washer and filtration array" but said there's no "strong evidence" that the success is due to the greenery.
"We have an air treatment plant," Meattle says of his innovative combination of scrubbers, filters, and greenery. The result, he adds, is fewer employee sick days, greater productivity, and air as clean as that in Davos, Switzerland.
For more information and to prevent indoor air pollution in New Delhi you can check out this website www.airtestinginnewdelhi.com
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eqlabs · 2 months
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pranshueq · 2 months
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easyecho · 6 months
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Get all Environmental Services- VOC Air Test, Indoor Air Quality from one of the leading Environmental Testing Laboratories
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hiteshrajpal · 1 year
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Get all Environmental Services- VOC Air Test, Indoor Air Quality from one of the leading Environmental Testing Laboratories
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kdmglobal · 1 year
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Environment Equipments/ Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Equipments
These tough industrial grade equipment's gather and analyse, process, and measurements quickly and effectively whether employed in laboratories or for on-site industrial use.
At KDM Business, we understand that dedication to quality is essential to achieving client satisfaction. Our company's objective is to give customers products with the highest performance and features, backed by first-rate services. We make an effort to uphold the global quality standards.
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Our infrastructure is effectively divided into different sections to facilitate the production of scientific equipment. Our extensive selection of electrical and electronic laboratory equipment satisfies the most demanding specifications and is vital to research facilities, governmental agencies, colleges, universities, schools, and a variety of other businesses.
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