#Amado D. Valentine
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biggs-regretti · 1 year ago
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Rescue mission! ft. Passion Pirates!
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mothedmanillustration · 1 year ago
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ART FIGHT 2023!!
Here's everyone I drew for art fight! I had a lot of fun drawing everyone's characters!
Virgil Bennett for Gardenfridge AF/funkyydino on IG
Morgan McAllister for 3oclockcereal on AF and IG
Augustus for @goblinoidguy
Emily Kinotrix for @flannelfloofs
Jaquelyn Stauber @chroama-the-brute
Captain Amado D. Valentine for @biggs-regretti
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glaciar508 · 6 years ago
Mañana será san valentin !! :D 💕, que prepara yoshio para su amado? UvU
Yoshio: Le voy a regalar un pollito(?
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davidsoto666 · 3 years ago
(Lupercalia, El Amor Verdadero)❣️
✨❤️El 14 de febrero es la fecha esperada por muchos pues es cuando la gente comparte y declara su amor al mundo. Pero ¿conoces realmente el origen de esta fiesta? Aquí la vas a conocer.
✨❤️Lupercalia es una celebración pagana basada en las antiguas “Fiestas Lupercales” celebradas por los Romanos hacia el año 27 a.C. el 15 de Febrero durante estas festividades, los jóvenes romanos eran internados en el bosque para probar su valía como cazadores fuertes.
✨❤️Un rito que buscaba probar al joven que podría llegar a ser un hombre si su fuerza era la suficiente, para el desafortunado, caería en el juego a mano de los animales salvajes habitantes de los bosques. Por supuesto, el hombre fuerte seria un buen partido para las jóvenes doncellas que buscaban un marido proveedor y protector.
✨❤️El principal personaje de esta festividad es Luperco, el dios-lobo de los romanos que ejemplificaba la fuerza y la pasión para alcanzar el éxito. Entiéndase el éxito como una metáfora de la hombría y el valor. Pero ¿que tiene que ver el amor en esto? Precisamente el sentimiento del éxito que despertaba en los jóvenes al verse tan radiantes y fuertes, convertidos en hombres, les proveería de el empoderamiento necesario para amar, pues recordemos que el verdadero amor, nace del interior y se proyecta hacia la persona objeto de tu amor.
✨❤️Lupercalia es el nombre moderno para referirnos a la fiesta contemporánea que celebra las Lupercales.
✨❤️La fiesta duró hasta el año 494 d. C, año en que el papa Gelasio I, condenó la fiesta y en su lugar tomó la medida de celebrar una festividad católica el 14 de Febrero en honor a San Valentin, prohibiendo la festividad pagana de las Lupercales y así nació lo que ahora conocemos como el día del amor y la amistad.
✨❤️Actualmente, varias tradiciones espirituales como Wicca o el Helenìsmo, la celebran como una conmemoración al amor verdadero, aquel que nace de uno mismo para proyectarse hacia otra persona. Ahora lo sabes, este 14 de Febrero puedes darle a tu pareja algo completamente distinto; un lobo que le recuerde con que pasión, defiendes a tu amado/a.
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nicholasbrooklyn · 8 years ago
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Next week's Event Lineup at Nicholas Brooklyn: Tuesday, Feb 21st: Healing Circle Tuesdays 5pm to 9pm $30 Service (Approx 25-30 minutes a session) 4 Different Practitioners: Gina-Tarot @ginajean , Kufunya- Chakra Therapy @kufunyastarrebel , Houiea-Reiki @houiea & Jashua - Massage @earthiopian Wednesday, Feb 22nd: THNK Book Club from 7pm to 9pm Free event Book being discussed: "The New Jim Crow" Next month's book is "Beyond Slavery" Hosted by Priscilla Amado @priscilla.amado Thursday, February 23rd: Business Development Workshop How to start your own business Hosted by Nola D 6:30pm to 9pm $10 Admission Fee Guest Speakers @noladcollective Saturday, February 25th: Children's Event from 1pm to 5pm Kids who bank Free Event with RSVP: www.kidswhobank.com/events Panel discussion at 3pm Special Guest Speakers Family Friendly Event!!! Saturday, February 25th: Open Mic from 7pm to 11pm $7 before 8pm, $10 after 8pm Sign up starts at 7pm Children are free Food available for sale Hosted by Jashua Sa-Ra & Fun @earthiopian & @iloveyoufun Sunday, February 26th: Phil Valentine at St. Francis College 182 Remsen Street Tickets are now $45 Vip tickets are sold out Live Stream Pay-Per-View Online Tickets at www.eventbrite.com King Simon: (347) 496-1022 (2pm to 9pm) @kingsimonproductions @joelbenjamin528 For more info contact us at (718) 858-4400 Nicholas Brooklyn 1396 Fulton St Brooklyn, NY 11216 www.nicholasbrooklyn.com #healingcircletuesdays #massage #reiki #tarot #chakratherapy #businessworkshop #businessdevelopment #blackbusinesses #bookclub #blackbookclub #consciouscommunity #openmic #childrensbooks #childrensevent #artists #youngentrepreneurs #blackentrepreneurs #thenaturalcommunity #teamnatural #naturalista #namaste #onelove #music #blacklove #blackartists #nicholasbk (at Nicholas Brooklyn)
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biggs-regretti · 1 year ago
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Gear 5 Val doodle for funsies & because of @mewtides
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biggs-regretti · 1 year ago
Harrow and Val thoughts
Harrow and Valentine are so... I need to flesh out more of their lore. Val's lore is more or less written out but I need to write out Harrow's story. and I for sure need to write out the impact Valentine had on Harrow and vise versa because it's so imperative to their growth Rambles below! (this is touching on lore I've very much already thought out pretty well but its not ALL of it)
Val being so love-core he comes off very open and loving & as much as that is true, he's also careful not to give away too much of himself. It's not to say he refuses love or that he's never bothered with love, 'cause Val is so painfully full of love. He just has a lot of guilt related to his past with love and that holds him back on truly allowing himself to be known. It makes how he acts seem like a façade and while I'll label it as such here, he very much means what he says and cares with his whole being. He just doesn't give that same compassion to himself- due to his past, he is willing to do whatever it takes to protect the people he cares for and while most see it as heroism and in a way it still is an act of bravery and heroism because he does a good job of it, he also feels he has to do it- because a life lost or hurt because of his inability to protect them is a loss for him, no matter how many people he saves. like for Valentine, If the only person wounded by the end of a fight is him and the opposing force then that is a win in his book. and this kind of mentality is where Harrow comes in-
Harrow on the other end of the spectrum entirely has never found any reason to think about love let alone deal with something like that as a marine. He comes off very cut throat and abrasive and mean and while he is a serious guy & takes his work seriously, he's pretty observant when it comes to others and dare I say rather empathetic even if he doesn't verbally acknowledge it a lot of the time. That being said, he isn't afraid to call someone out on it and it's never been difficult for him but with someone like Valentine. it's so baffling to him that someone who is so overwhelming loving and caring and compassionate wouldn't show themself the same kindness. and this fact seemingly isn't even noticed by the people closest to val. He can't stand to see someone with so much, risk EVERYTHING. because even in not knowing everything about Val, he's been pursuing Captain Valentine for a long time and he also knows that a truly good man like Val doesn't deserve to feel like an afterthought to others, even if its his own doing I think that infuriates him as much as it confuses him. I mean it's Val's kind gesture (the one that ended in Val getting a harpoon to the chest) that makes Harrow question his future as a Marine, not that he was ever Loyal %100 but he was good at what he did and it's all he knew- then comes in Valentine, slowly but surely.
Sort of a "two sides of the same coin" or maybe just a case of opposites attract? Val with his façade and Harrow's tough exterior needing some tlc. Both seeing right through the other so clearly and wanting so badly to help. that's really all it is in the beginning
Opposing forces having what the other needs so desperately + wanting to give it. Neither expecting anything in return let alone any feelings but more than willing to push the other in the right direction in the mean time. They're technically slow burn but.. gosh i love them..
ofc I can't get into the nitty gritty of their stories here but I hope u see a lil bit of what I'm cookin- they're very much in love and meant to be together. (this was pasted from twitter and I just ended up adding a bit more, maybe I'll write something more & a bit better/ more organized here or on ToyHouse or something later on)
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biggs-regretti · 2 years ago
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Some babes in the background i designed a while ago!
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biggs-regretti · 1 year ago
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This a a wip but they're so in love...
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biggs-regretti · 2 years ago
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Harrow and Valentine are also in love, just in case you forgot
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