#Always hopeless sometimes romantic event
itscherrylipsforme · 4 months
Whatever I’m done being anonymous idc lol. I’m that bitch that keeps requesting Steve Harrington and regulus black. ANYWAY:
💘couple moodboard with regulus and f!slytherin!brunette!writer!reader
Hi darling! I received all your requests (I will be answering them one by one, hope you don't mind) and don't worry I can understand your love for this two boys (they must be protected and be cared of by all costs). Here you have a moodboard for Reggie, reader and for both of them. Hope you like them! 🥰
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Regulus Black
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Regulus x reader
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This account does not support J.K Rowling and her transphobic ideas. Trans women are women
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bunnylove1 · 5 months
.*•Wished You On A Star•*.
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.*•Wished You On A Star•*.
  ~.•Alastor x reader!
~.•Warnings! Not really any just a good time with people 
~.•Enjoy darlings!<3
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  You always wish for an old timey relationship ones were you danced in the kitchen to classic music on Christmas Eve night ones were it was nice sunny strolls with cute little picnics in a garden, being a hopeless romantic didn’t help your mind to stop thinking of a relationship like that, you were in hell all these sinners you’ve seen want sex and murder not classic love and romance, maybe you were to outdated but you wished on one of the hell stars that a lover like that would come, stepping back away from the balcony you got ready to sleep and wait to see what the next day brings. 
The next morning wasn’t eventful you got ready putting a dark red polka dot dress on that rested right above your knees and just a regular pair of chunky black heels, grabbing your bag from off the counter you stepped outside to hells pride ring walking down the street you make it to cannibal town, walking by you stop into Rosie’s store 
“Name!” Rosie shouted and came rushing over to give you a hug like she hasn’t seen you in years “hey Rosie” smiling the woman had asked “what are you doing here darling, I know your not here for any clothes” she chuckled coving her mouth with her hand “oh! I wanted to see if you would like to get tea with me” Rosie smiled “well darlin’ I would love to, but we might have to bring a gentleman along” Rosie said instantly you perked up hearing this “oh~ new boyfriend Rosie you cheeky lady” saying giggling a little while I make a Teasing remake 
“Oh please you knew if I had a new boyfriend I would have scared him away already” she said slapping your back “he’s a good friend of mine, name meet alastor he’s a real gentleman” she said bringing the tall red coded fellow over two the two of us, he was cute, definitely looked like a real gentleman “nice to meet you my dear” he picked up my hand and kissing the top of my hand, I couldn’t help but smile “such a gentleman, it’s nice to meet you alastor” giving a warm smile to the man “you’ll be joining us for tea?” Turing your head to the side
“Yes my dear you lady’s lead the way” he kept his big smile on the whole walk  to your garden where all your tea parties with Rosie had taken place “take a seat anywhere!” The round table sat a total of three people, sitting the tea pot down next to the trays of sweet treats I started pouring the steeping water in everyone’s tea cup, Rosie lifted her tea bag up and down getting all the wonderful flowers taste out, “sugar?” I held the sugar bowl and handed it to Rosie who gestured to give her some, “al? Would you like some sugar” I held a cube of sugar with the utensil, for his tea “no thank you darling it’s just fine how it is” he said taking a sip of his tea
The tea party was going wonderful Rosie and me giggling about what was going on in cannibal town, while Alastor, Rosie and I bitched about Susan, “oh Alastor I heard your working at a hotel? Is it true it’s supposed to redeem hells sinners?” Letting the question fall from my mouth before taking another sip of my tea he chuckled “you could say that dear, I think it’s just as ridiculous as you think too” I set my cup down and looked at him “I don’t think it’s ridiculous at all, I think it’s kinda….sweet” 
my words paused for a minute like a mom pausing the tv when it’s interrupted, a low chuckle could be heard from the smiling man “looks like I should get going it was nice to meet you deer” he gave a short bow as I stood up from my seat “please if your so interested in the hotel why don’t you stop on by sometime” he lowered his eyes kissing my hand once again, I simply blushed at his flirt look “w-well uh look at the time don’t want to keep your staff waiting right” I said looking at my imaginary clock while pushing him out of the garden to the streets of hell “thank you Alastor for the lovely time today” 
“it was my pleasure darling goodnight sweet name and goodnight to you to Rosie” he said before I shut the garden gate 
Slumping down the door of the fence falling onto the garden floor “looks like someone’s in love~” Rosie teased looking at my state….
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~.•YES we did it darlings we finally made a alastor fan fic!
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loveemagicpeace · 1 year
🌅Life Events🎨
🌙For the moon in synastry I think is good if it is in a water house or a house connected to people. I think good houses for the moon are 1st house because emotions are shown openly. Moon in 4th house because you feel safe and the person makes you feel at home. Moon in 5th house because it creates attention to the person, playful energy, romance. Moon in 7th house create a strong connection with the person and you love spending time with them. Moon in 8th house because you share deep feelings with the person. But it can also be a bit intense. Moon in 9th house direct and open emotions, they can have many of their own jokes. You two can inspire each other. Moon in 12th house a strong emotionally-intuitive connection is gradually established due to excellent mutual understanding at the subconscious level. You two can subconsciously pick up on each other's feelings. Very psychic energy.
🌜You will always feel the most about those people with whom you will share the same moon. You will automatically feel that your energy matches. It's the same with artists, you will always feel the most about those who have the same moon as you.
❤️‍🔥How woman act in relationship is venus. 💜How man act in relationship is mars. Venus represents feminine energy. And it is part of how you look at love, what love means to you, etc. How you give love to others, the relationships you have with others. Harmony and empathy. Mars represents masculine energy. How you react, anger, response to things, how you approach the problem. And also intimate energy. Mars represents more energy - how focused you are on yourself and how you fight for others.
A woman with Venus in Sagittarius will be quite active, passionate, adventurous in a relationship, like challenges, try new things. Above all, passion will be important to her. A woman with Venus in Libra will be hopeless romantic. She will feel dreamy with her partner. Also very balanced and seek balance in their personal and professional lives.
A men with gemini mars will be unstable many times. Once he will want something, the next time he doesn't want. He may have problems staying in a relationship for a long time, or he may get bored quickly. A men with mars in scoprio will chase one person for a long time and will not give up. He will take love seriously in a relationship. He will be persistent in love.
🧚🏼‍♀️12th house synastry is really interesting and magical placement. Because the way you feel a person through the 12th house it's like a fairy tale. There may also be a karmic connection here - that they are destined to find each other or to come to each other.
🧸🌙Moon in cancer & sagittarius moon- With these two combinations, I noticed that many times confusion can arise. Cancer moon likes security, comfort and a more introverted vibe. It is very important for them that wherever they go, they feel safe there and that the person gives them safe energy. Sagittarius moon is everywhere, extroverted, spontaneous, unpredictable. And it can feel like it's pulling out of you an unexpected and more questionable energy. Many times they invite you somewhere where there is nature or to some kind of places where they are more strange. Cancer moon looks at emotions and also feels the energy of others because cancer has good intuition. Meanwhile sagittarius moon sees everything more through optimism, independence. It seems to me that sometimes sag expects everyone to be as comfortable as he is. Things are often taken for granted for them.
☁️Geminis have commitment issues. They like flirting, fun things, but when it comes to serious things, they don't like to get into a relationship. Because they are constantly looking for someone who will entertain them and will always be interesting for them. The thing about them is that you have to always challenge them to stay with you. They need a challenge. I don't think it's fun for them if they get someone right away.
✨Virgos are socialy akward. Many times when you talk to them, you feel that they don't like to expose themselves or talk about themselves. Some things are actually awkward for them and they don't know how to express themselves.
⚡️It is not always 10th house that is important for fame and success but it also 9th, 11th & 5th house. 9th house represents the world as a whole, learning, knowledge, intelligence, knowledge, universities, travel, attractions, wisdom. Having placements here means you can be world famous and have a lot to offer and give to the world. 11th house represents social media, internet, technology, innovations, ideas, groups. Many times these people gain recognition in the social world or through it. 5th house represents visibility, spotlight, projects, charisma, generosity, hobbies, creation. Here, however, you can be noticed through your talents, hobbies, or the spotlight is already naturally focused on you.
🌊Mars & Pluto in 10th house makes a person as strong competition to others. People can see you as a person who is difficult to compare with because it gives them the feeling that you are really strong in everything you do. The person is decisive and knows what he wants. It also makes a strong impression on people. Uranus in the 10th house - do rebellious exercises, you don't want to follow the crowd or the rules, but you do things your way and in your own way. And many times you surprise people. Uranus can also create an energy like you can't do something or you have too many crazy ideas and others think that they don't make sense and then you prove them otherwise. Let's say Eminem has this placement (he released an album all at once without any announcements - and it was just for everyone's surprise - out of the blue) but it got a lot of viewership. With uranus here u don’t even care ,u just drop things and be like whatever.
🫧The most hard placement to have in 12th house is pluto. Because the 12th house is a very compassionate, energetic, spiritual house. At the same time, a house where you always feel the energy of other people and where you feel that people take the most from you. In this case, you feel like people are always taking away your power, your secrets. As if you can't be strong - pluto makes you weak. This placement also had kurt cobain. That's why he always felt so weak. But he also have a lot of pisces energy. Also another fun fact he has uranus in 1st house and once he said “ They laugh at me because I am different. I laugh at them because they’re all the same”. This showed that his character, thinking and way of dressing was different. Maybe pluto made him weak, but with uranus in the first house, he still found the strength to stand up for himself.
🦋U know which sign we actually want the most? The sign that is in our 12th house because it is the sign that is most hidden from us. This is a sign that is often bad for us (because this house represents bad habits). But that's why we want it even more. For ex.: sagittarius in 12th house with mars in it. This is the energy of Sagittarius, which is optimistic, fun, spontaneous, unpredictable but can also be little chaotic. Mars in the 12th house represents the energy of Aries and Scorpio - so someone who is dominant, mysterious, bold, fearless, intense, jealous, someone who is persistent, determined in character. But it can also be someone who has bad habits or is inclined to exaggerate everything. Someone who looks more dangerous or takes pictures with guns etc. And this is the energy that attracts you because of what you have in your chart.
⭐️ These are my other observations of life events- I can do more things like this if you are interested⭐️
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Yes Or No | jeon jungkook (+18)
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Genre: One-Shot, Smut, Non-Idol!AU, Mutual Pining, Slow Burn, Strangers to Lovers
Word count: 8.6k
Summary: You don’t even hang out with Jungkook that often, he’s just one of many acquaintances of your best friend. Yet your heart flatters whenever you see him. Not that it matters, because he doesn’t even acknowledge your existence… Or does he?
Warning/Themes: jk is a fuck boy and y/n is a hopeless romantic 🥲; miss girl doesn’t like parties but goes to them anyway 💀; they’re not that close but very attracted to each other; both are pathetic in their own ways (y/n low-key delusional and jk can’t communicate like a normal human being); sudden trauma dumping; fingering; ripping up clothes; oral sex (f receiving); spanking; protected sex; fucking on the table (missionary and doggy style); angry sex for him, basically fucking y/n dumb; sad ending; open ending (jk is just a bit confused, believe in him).
Author’s note: I’m planning to do other 6 one-shots for each BTS member and then start a fanfiction series (always with BTS of course 🤭). Tell me what you think 🫶🏽
You don’t like going to parties, but you can’t really do much when your best friend Sera looks at you with puppy eyes, begging you to come with her like it’s a life or death situation.
You wish you could be more assertive in these scenarios, but you prefer not to make a scene and just go on with whatever your bestie has in mind, as long as it doesn’t harm you mentally or physically.
“It’s going to be the usual kind of party babe” she reassures you by putting on a friendly and comforting smile “Just lots of people you’ll have to avoid for the whole night, a lot of alcoholic drinks you’re going to drink with me and a comfortable bed just for you when you’re tired”
“Have you ever thought of not complicating your life with such unnecessarily exhausting activities?” you refrain yourself from rolling your eyes, but she can still hear your annoyance through your tone of voice.
“Not everyone’s introverted like you Y/N. Some people let off some steam by getting fucked up through the night. What’s wrong with that?”
“What’s wrong is that you always have to drag me into that kind of bullshit. You know I’d rather spend my night binge watching stuff or sleeping”
“I’m aware too babe, but you gotta let go sometimes… And who’s gonna be there for me when I need it the most, huh?” you sigh hearing her say these words.
Although it doesn’t look like it, you are a people’s pleaser at heart. But the hate you feel towards any type of social gathering is so strong that even if you not attending could displease someone, you wouldn’t really give a flying fuck about what they think.
However, it’s Sera we’re talking about: your childhood best friend who’s like a sister to you and has always been by your side, through your highs and lows; and also a social butterfly who loves to stay up late, drinking and talking to various people, especially strangers. So, for you, it almost feels like a responsibility being with her during these type of events.
“Well then…” you take a deep breath, accepting that you won’t be spending the night watching your favourite Netflix series like you planned to “… When is this party? And where”
“At 9, Ilsung’s place” Fuck. Il-Sung’s place.
Ilsung, Sera’s temporary hook-up turned crush: she met him five years ago through multiple acquaintances and then started fucking him as a sport whenever they saw each other at parties. At first, you thought she was wasting her time with that questionable individual, but, turns out, the guy is pretty sweet. He knows how to make her happy, both as a friend and as a fuck buddy.
Ilsung, the guy who introduced you and your main group of friends to the dark haired, “bobba-eyed” man you so crave to have, for some reason, whose name is Jeon “damn him” Jungkook. All it took was one look and you were already feeling butterflies inside your stomach and, for the first time, you haven’t regretted going at a party. Until he started to show his main interests…
… It all started at midnight: she was brunette, blue eyes and a dark purple tight dress paired with black high heels, pinned to the wall, making out passionately. It’s the girlfriend, you thought. He immediately proved you wrong when you caught him on the dance floor with Juni, grinding against her ass, holding her hips and pecking her neck. Then it was Hana, Chrissy, a slim girl with red hair, an American tourist who somehow ended up there, and a girl named Sol, who had the privilege to be brought upstairs by him, doing god-knows-what with that charming man.
You hate how observant you become when it comes to him and you hate that out of all people in your life you fell in love with a guy who definitely isn’t interested in commitment. He didn’t even make a move on you or spare you a single glance in your direction. Yet you come back to him, often checking his Instagram stories, seeing what he’s been up to or discovering stuff he likes and other hobbies he has. You wish it would’ve stayed like that forever. Watching him from afar, knowing that you might not have a chance with him whatsoever. But now you’ll have to face him again, face him charms, face his allure…
“Babe, you good?…” Sera’s voice takes you out of your trance, making you instantly nod as a response to her question.
“Yeah… I’m just worried for you, that’s all” you lie.
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It’s almost pathetic how you dive into your closet to pick the most provocative tight dress you have and tell yourself that “he ain’t getting any” after. Which is true. He won’t get anything from you tonight exactly like other guys you’ll stumble upon at Ilsung’s. But you can’t negate the fact that you’re dressing up for him, planning to gain at least a drop of satisfaction from a few minutes of his attention.
The clothing you pick is a strapless tight dress and it’s pretty small at that. Very easy to hike up. Can leave men wondering what’s underneath it. Once you come out of your room all dolled up, Sera looks at you in disbelief, mouth agape and her body not moving even an inch.
“Babe… What the fuck is that?” she says frustratedly slow, almost sounding like something is wrong with you. Which is kind of the case.
“Uh… Don’t I look good?”
“Look good?... If I had a dick, I’d put you down on all fours and fuck you right there and then” she gets closer, putting her arms on your waist to admire you closely.
“Girl, you gay?” you try to laugh off the embarrassment away, but you end up sounding even more timid than before.
“I wish… I’d have more options” she scoffs “But still… Why the fuck are you dressed up like this?”
Good question. With a humiliating answer: it’s all Jungkook’s doing. Controlling your behaviour from afar, without even ordering you or touching you. It’s the most tragic oxymoron of your life. Yet it all makes sense. Why is he effecting you this way? You’re not even close to him.
“I really like this dress, so it’s a pity that I had ignored this dress for so long” the second lie of the day “I’m doing this for myself, trust me”
She makes the usual buzzing sound with her throat whenever she’s unconvinced. You don’t blame her because telling her that you’re doing this for yourself upfront is exactly what a person who’s doing something for someone else would say. You lightly gulp at the realisation.
“Babe, just tell me you found someone you’d like to fuck” she puts her hand on your shoulders, giving you a playful grin “You know I know everyone there, so no need to awkwardly search for the guy. I’ll call him and tell him your interested”
Fucking hell. The proposition is so inviting. Not that it matters ‘cause you already are acquainted with Jungkook, but having Sera by your side would make you feel more comfortable talking to him… But then you shake away the thought and, instead reply with a disgusted frown.
“Sera, you know hook-ups give me the ick” you sigh, which Sera doesn’t appreciate.
“And you know what gives me the ick the most?” she pauses for a few seconds, savouring her response before saying it, already aware she’s going to successfully shut you up with it “People who lie to themselves and aren’t even capable of hiding it”
Ouch. That stings.
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They’re all looking at you. You’re a completely different person tonight. You’re not the grumpy, bad-dressed, perpetually-annoyed looking girl who used to follow Sera around like a guard dog anymore, you’re a femme fatale who’s looking for her next male victim to break into two.
You enjoy people’s reactions: some look appalled, others are simply weirded out by the way you. And then there are guys who are just eating you with their gaze, some of them even challenging each other through glares as they telepathically tell each other that “you are theirs tonight”.
However, in spite of how amusing the situation feels to you, you’re not completely satisfied because the target you dressed up for isn’t even here to admire you.
You looked around when you stepped in the house. Not there. You look around in the kitchen, pretending to look for water. Not there. You look around when you greet Sera’s friends as you all sit on the massive couch in the living room. Again, not there. You sigh. You try your hardest not to let it get you down, and you start to engage with the others in an attempt to distract yourself.
As the group you’re with keeps on with their chatter, you look around another time to see if he’s hidden in some corner or already all over a woman. But no matter how much you squint your eyes or turn your head, you don’t see him around.
You mentally slap yourself. Out of all the nights he could’ve missed, he decided to miss this one. When you groomed yourself without missing any detail: completely waxed, perfectly moisturised and the best make-up look you’ve ever done in your life. His loss, you think to yourself, but in reality you feel defeated.
“Sera, I’m exhausted… Let’s go upstairs now” you say as you get up.
“Babe nooo, don’t ruin my night like this…” she quietly protests as she holds onto your wrists.
“You know I’m not good with alcohol. I feel like I’m ‘bout to pass out” which is true actually. You’re pretty drunk.
“I can keep you company if you want” Mark says out of no where, looking directly into your eyes as he stands up.
He’s the guy who’s been staring at you the most, his bulge being very visible to everyone’s eyes.
“No, sit your ass down Mark” he obeys immediately, embarrassed by the laughs and giggles of his friends.
“Y/N, don’t worry” Sera puts a hand on your shoulder “I’ll stay here with Ilsung and you rest. ‘Key?”
“Absolutely not, I can’t leave you alone like this!”
“Hey, Y/N” Ilsung suddenly intervenes “Don’t worry about us. I’ve been drinking water since the party started. I’ll take care of her”
You look at the cup he’s holding suspiciously and snatch it from his hand. It’s a clear liquid. You gulp it down like a shot and… To your surprise, it’s actually water.
“When I saw you all dressed up I thought you were going to have some fun too. Just want to make sure both of you are safe tonight” he says as he takes back his cup “You go rest Y/N. The room is at the second floor, at the end of the hallway to your right”
You nod as you give him a warm smile. Although he’s a fuck boy like most guys he hangs out with, he’s actually a good guy who treats every girl, including one-night-stands and fuck buddies, like human beings. And you know he’s got a very soft spot for Sera, so you’re sure to leave her with him for the time being.
You make your way up towards the guest room you “reserved”, your steps slow and heavy not because of your heels, but because of the weight of your frustration. You look at the door and then a the doorknob with a “do not disturb” sign. You imagine Jungkook by your side, giving you a knowing smirk before opening the door for you. That’s how delusional you are.
As you step inside, you’re met with the red led lights decorating the corners of the room, the only source of light in there, although you can’t really see anything. As soon as you see the king sized bed you throw your purse on the night stand and lay your back on the bouncy mattress.
“Hey” upon hearing a stranger’s voice, you immediately sit up and look around. It’s dark and you’re short-sighted. Shit.
“Get the fuck out, I reserved this room” you shout annoyed, covering your slight anxiety.
“What? Ilsung’s house is now a hotel or something?” now he sounds sarcastic, almost mocking you.
“He put the sign for me, fuck off!” you scream in a whisper.
“Aren’t you scared?”
“These walls are paper thin” you threaten him “Do anything funny and I’ll scream”
He doesn’t reply. You just hear footsteps. You see a tall, dark figure coming out of the corner. You haven’t expected a scene out of a horror movie happening right in front of your eyes. You’re shitting yourself and about to yell for help… Until he’s close enough for you to see the outlines of his piercings and his tattooed hand.
He’s standing tall in front of you as you’re seated on the edge of the bed, your black doe eyes looking up to his. Of course, he has to be here, in a dark room lit by red lights. Of course, he has to be here, when you’re on a big bed and looking at him like you’re hungry for his touch. Which you are.
“I’d like to hear you scream, if you don’t mind” you gulp upon hearing Jungkook’s deep voice.
You don’t mind.
“Oh, hey…” you’ve never felt hornier in your life until now “What’re you doin’ here?”
“Don’t know… You?”
You cough, not knowing what to tell him. The silence becomes endless, both of you looking around saying nothing for a good couple of minutes. It’s just after he sighs and sits beside you that you look at him.
“You know, at this point girls are usually naked under me and moaning in my mouth as I kiss them” you look at him disgusted ‘cause you don’t really care what he does with other girls “Impressive you managed to stay so distant for this long”
“First time interacting with someone uninterested in you?” you mentally pat yourself in the back, thinking you actually owned him.
“Actually, I know a lot of girls who don’t care about my existence. Obviously I leave them alone because I don’t see the reason in following girls who don’t want me”
“Then why don’t you leave me alone?” he just laughs. Fuck. He laughs.
“You think I don’t know? You think I didn’t notice how much you were looking at me when we first met that night?” you look away, embarrassed that a man you barely know is reading you so accurately, but he gets closer, his face inches away from yours “You think I didn’t see you viewed every single story I posted on Instagram?”
You straighten yourself, ready to make up some excuses.
“By the way, I stare at everyone accidentally” you clear your throat, trying to sound believable “And I also happen to look at other people’s IG stories… Like a lot… 24/7”
He restrains his laughter to give you a playful smirk you can’t resist. His eyes look down to your chest and shoulders, noticing your heavy, inconsistent breaths.
“You look daring tonight” he pulls you gently against him, but you don’t stop him “When I saw you earlier, as you stepped inside the house, I wondered if you usually dress so beautifully”
No. You fucking hate tight dresses. You have them just in case you need them. Like tonight.
“… Then Ilsung showed me a few photos and it saddens me you were plain in all of them” he smirks, sensing your skin getting goosebumps “But then I asked myself: what’s so special about tonight? Mh”
You clench your thighs together, feeling yourself getting wetter by the second as he teases you with his hot breaths on your neck. You want him so bad. But not tonight. Not like this.
“Get. Out” you don’t even look at him as you order him without an ounce of hesitation in your voice.
“I know that look… You can have me now“
“I said what I said” you tell him coldly before.
A single peck behind your ear is what he gives you before he stands up to leave.
“Feel free to slide in my DMs” he says as he slightly opens the door “I’m always available”
The door closes and you sigh, finally resting your head on the pillow. Rewind all that has happened in the past few minutes.
But you don’t whine, you don’t cry yourself to sleep, regretting to have let him go so easily. You’ve never been happier than today.
All it took was one look. And now you know that you managed to intrigue him more than you anticipated. And now he wants to text with you.
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It’s been a week since you last saw him in person and all you can do is giggle at the latest IG story he has posted a few minutes ago.
“With my girl” it says. The photo has him and some faceless girl sitting on his lap as he holds a glass of whiskey on his right hand and his left hand on her thigh.
With his girl, you scoff. He has posted similar photos with other girls for the past few days, sporting that smug smile of his like he’s winning or something. You have a feeling that you somehow got on his nerves.
You still remember the type of stories he used to post before the party at Ilsung’s: in Monday’s story, he posted a photo of a croissant with pistachios where it said “Going to devour this”; in Wednesday’s story, he posted a bunch of photos of him and his Doberman at some dog event; in Thursday’s story, he posted a clip of him singing, showing off his huge ass karaoke machine, and then a picture of a bucket of fried chicken with written “best fried chicken brand”; and both in Saturday’s and Sunday’s stories, he posted a few shirtless photos after working out to show his progress. Now, it’s all girls. Like he suddenly just fucks girls in his life.
Sera sneaks up on you and peaks at the photo you’ve been staring at for a good couple of minutes.
“Oh, so it was Jungkook” you jump at the sudden feeling of your best friend whispering in your ear “Yeah, the stuff he’s posting right now is a bit unusual. I mean, don’t get me wrong, that guy loves to fuck, but he’s not someone who takes pride in showing off girls”
“Well, seems like it now” you laugh “I might be the reason he’s acting up this way”
Sera looks at you confused before laughing at your face.
“Main character syndrome alert” she jokes as she gently hits your forehead with her index fingers.
“Girl, I’m serious” you slap away her fingers away from your face “We were together… You know, at the party”
Now Sera is intrigued, her unserious face changing into a surprised one in a blink of an eye. She sits beside you with her arms intertwined with your right arm. You don’t need to wait for her to ask you to start narrating your ten minutes interactions with him.
“No fucking way…” her jaw drops at the finale “You didn’t just reject the advances of the Jeon Fucking Jungkook”
“I guess I did…” you shrug, grinning at Sera “Not gonna lie though, I liked his attention”
“Get off your high horse babe” she takes your chin to make you look directly into her “I know you wanna get laid so bad… And with none other than the golden boy himself”
You roll your eyes, lightly pushing her away from you.
“It’s the other way around. Look at the shit he started to post after that party”
“Don’t act like you didn’t just spend two whole weeks looking at his stories” she scoffs as she harshly pushes you down the couch “I know you want him, you’re just playing hard to get in hopes you can conquer him and make him committed somehow”
You shake your head in disapproval, throwing a cushion in her direction.
“Babe, I’m warning you” she says as she easily catches the cushion “Jungkook doesn’t do love. He just loves fucking. He might be all excited now because he found a challenge, but either you continue to play hard to get and he’ll eventually get tired of you, or he gets into your pants and forget about your existence the day after”
Now your plan doesn’t sound as fun as it did before. No matter how much you like getting attention from other boys, you can’t deny that you can get pretty emotional if you get close enough. You’re very aware that you like Jungkook and your romance-filled mind wishes you can “fix him”. But Sera is right…
“Don’t worry Sera” you close Instagram, letting out a deep sigh “You know this is my way of having fun with men…”
“Bull-“ as she’s about to tell you off on your unconventional crush even further, the door bell ringing repeatedly interrupts your best friend.
She wonders whether she should ignore it or check the persons outside, at first choosing to leave it alone and keep her attention on you, but the bell keeps ringing and ringing nonstop. She immediately gets up, going to the door to see who’s in such a hurry to see you.
To your surprise, Ilsung rushes inside, removing his shoes and putting the slippers on in a rush. It’s not the first time he visits you, but it’s definitely the first time seeing him so preoccupied. Sera looks at him confused before giving him a death glare because of his sudden intrusion… Unfortunately he isn’t alone.
Jungkook is just behind him, also removing his shoes and putting the slippers, but in a very calm manner. He looks almost annoyed, like whatever happened before ruined his whole day.
“Sera, I fucked up…” he walks back and forth rapidly with his hands on his waist “I didn’t know she’s crazy”
“Ilsung, look at me… Calm down. Just tell me what the fuck happened”
Long story short: a girl he met at the party thought they became a thing after their one night stand and started to follow him around. Literally. At the grocery store. At the park. Even at work. She was everywhere. Then he confronted her and told her to back off, which she obviously didn’t like and only encouraged her to harass him even more.
“We must report this to the police immediately!” Sera says in disbelief after he finished to tell the whole story.
“I already did…” he says defeated “They didn’t take me seriously. They laughed at me”
“Ilsung, let me beat her up” Jungkook says coldly “She’s violent and delusional, and the fucking cops won’t listen”
You look at him, surprised by his aggressive intervention.
“Violence won’t solve anything Jungkook” you calmly reply “It’ll only become a tool for her to use”
“So what the fuck is he supposed to do, uh? Hide ‘til she forgets about him?”
“The police just needs to understand that his situation is serious and that people might end up hurt”
“Well actually, I did come here for a reason…” Ilsung adds as he stands beside Sera “She’s mad because I was intimate with her that night, only her. She told me that there’s no other girl beside her, so to her she’s supposedly my girlfriend”
Sera raises her eyebrows, trying to understand the point he’s making.
“Can you pretend to be my real girlfriend for the time being?” What in the motherfuck- “Pretty please”
“Bro, your plan sucks ass… Ain’t no fucking way she’s gonna believe you after you fucked her brains out during the party” Jungkook says aloud as Sera looks at Ilsung with eyes wide open.
“Just to put in that thick skull of hers that she’s nothing more than a quickie”
“I’m sorry buddy, but I’m not letting you use her like this… Are you aware she might get hurt?” Jungkook nods in approval, looking at you with his arms crossed.
“Look, this shit’s beyond crazy… This is the only solution I can think of, okay?” Ilsung sighs frustratedly, his thumb and index finger pinching the side of his nose “I promise I will report this, I just need a defence tactic right now”
You look at Sera. Although a frown is hardening her sweet-looking face, you can’t help to notice the subtle hint of worry in her eyes. She just takes a deep breath in and out before embracing the desperate man who asked for her help.
“All right… Just promise me you’ll get that bitch arrested”
They’re not together. And many times they’ve told others that they’re not romantically interested in each other. But you genuinely feel like you’re intruding in a very intimate moment, so you divert your eyes elsewhere.
That elsewhere being Jungkook, who has been staring at you long before you noticed. It’s like the romantic atmosphere clouded both of your brains, Jungkook not looking at you coldly like he has done previously, but giving you a faint smile, his eyes slightly squinting, protruding his eye fat even further.
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They’ve been on three fake dates already. Or at least that’s what they call it, because they look too suspiciously believable to be faking anything. You and Jungkook have been on the look out on every date to make sure that both of them are safe and sound, but fortunately all you witness is the girl looking at them with an actual pained look.
If you didn’t know any better, you would actually feel bad for her. But you know she’s just a girl filled with delusions who can’t leave the poor guy even after being told no. She deserves to suffer like this. And it’s satisfying seeing her being helpless because she can’t cause a scene out in public.
“Fuck- she’s at the verge of tears” Jungkook laughs quietly not to accidentally get her attention.
“For real, she’s so pathetic” you laugh in return.
“You think she got the best dickdown of her life?”
“Probably… Sera would obviously know about that”
You both are chatting so comfortably, that Jungkook ignores the fact he tried to fuck you and you rejected him in return, or that Jungkook posted all those “couple photos” on his stories out of pettiness and you just ignored him. Maybe it’s the way you look so “fuck-able” whilst also cock-blocking yourself with every dude who show interest in you, or maybe the way you looked so good that night, seated in front of him, on the bed, as you looked up at him with those seemingly innocent eyes. But one thing for him is for sure: your teasing is amazingly irritating to him. And he can’t hold his tension any longer…
“What’s so appealing about making men horny for you, just to reject them after?” he nonchalantly asks, as if the question is normal.
You just look at him confused, letting out a very quiet “huh?” out of your lips as he looks at you right into your eyes with a cocky smirk you’re already familiar with.
“Don’t act like you don’t know” he says as he scoots closer to you “At both parties, when we first met and the night I tried to make love to you. Guys have ogled you like you’re the juiciest meal they’ve ever seen, and you don’t ignore them. You pull them towards you and encourage their advances… Just to push them away when they almost take a bite out of you”
“Am I food or something?” you laugh in disbelief.
“Just answer the question” now he demands it with a more serious tone “Why do you do that? What do you gain from it?”
You sigh. You keep the act up for a while, staying silent like you still don’t get what he’s trying to ask. But you know exactly what he’s saying. Why is he trying to get emotionally intimate with you? Doesn’t seem like the type of guy to try and open up with others, especially with girls he’s just sexually interested in.
But, for once, you just let go.
“I just detest casual sex, or one night stand, or the concept of fuck buddies…” you say before letting out a deep breath “I’m not just cut out for it. Talking from experience”
He raises his eyebrows, obviously because he doesn’t know your backstory.
“Basically, I stepped a foot into hook-up culture because, you know, I was very young back then, I wanted to explore things and everyone seemed to be doing it. So I gave it a try: I did a fuck loud of foreplay before actually doing anything serious. It was fun at first, getting pretty attached to the guys I was involved with, but not too much… Until Anthony, who was that guy. You know, the classic jock who peaked in high school. He’s a former classmate, whom I met again when I turned 21. From then on, pretty much everything changed. I gave myself to him, all of me, for a whole week. And then I didn’t hear from him again. He even blocked me when I asked him what’s up. It was all so sudden”
You pause, taking good look at him. He looks genuinely hurt hearing you share your story, giving you a comforting smile, almost like he understands the feeling.
“And that’s when I understood that I can’t be like Sera. You know, not giving a fuck and shit… I’m a fucking pathetic romantic with attachment issues who daydreams of living the rest of my life with my soulmate. I just can’t give myself like that to someone. Some people fuck without feelings. I just can’t”
The silence is incredibly awkward. Did you just over-share? Did you just trauma dump the shit out of him you made him speechless? But before you can apologise for your embarrassing sob story, he holds your hand in his and starts clearing his throat.
“Don’t be ashamed” he reassures you with that beautiful smile of his “Seem like we’re not so different from each other after all”
“The fuck you mean?” you suppress your laugh with a bitter scoff.
“I love fucking” he says dryly, which immediately shuts your mouth because of how confusing that answer is “I love fucking because it gives the illusion of being in love, of having a girl be completely mine; having me be completely hers for one night. Without ending up hurt when it all ends”
You gasp at the confession. He genuinely opened up to you. Which is weird for a guy to do.
“Last time I gave my heart to someone, I became completely helpless” he looks down at your hand, caressing the back of it with his thumb “There was a time I couldn’t last a day without alcohol. All because I saw my ex cheating on me. On our bed. Using the toys we used to use. And I just looked at them. And he looked at me as he kept fucking her”
You cough lightly to suppress your tears as he goes on with the story, his eyes getting shinier as he tells you every single detail.
“I saw the state I was in after the break up and I just couldn’t understand… They were just fucking. That’s all. Obviously, I couldn’t stay with her after she betrayed me, but I couldn’t understand why it hurt so much” he takes a deep breath and closes his eyes, tightening his grip on your hand before looking at you again “… I realised that just as she was just fucking that guy, she also just fucked me. And when she just looked at me indifferently every time we passed by each other, she proved my point”
You say nothing because there’s really not much to say to help his pain. You just lift your left hand to cup his cheek gently, looking at him with almost teary eyes.
Although what you’re doing is pretty sudden, he doesn’t look shocked or taken aback, he locks his gaze to yours like there’s nothing else around you. Just the two of you.
“We just want to be loved, don’t we?” he simply states, and you just nod.
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You’re all curled up on your bed after taking a long, calming shower. For the first time ever in your friendship, you told her upfront you don’t want to go out with her. She hasn’t expected it at all from you, but she has felt somewhat happy nonetheless as it meant more alone time with Ilsung. But as much as you wish you could think about that tonight, not being by her side is less of a concern for you now…
… You still feel Jungkook’s thumb caressing your hands as your fingers are occupied in refreshing your Instagram feed over and over again, hoping that the familiar circle will pop up eventually.
And it does…
Before clicking it, you let out a deep breath and try to guess what he has posted for a moment. Not unusual for you really. But what’s unusual is the fact you’re not giggling like you usually do with him. You’re just anxious right now.
He has probably gone to the party with Ilsung and Sera, and now he’s definitely catching his prey for the night. Or maybe his fucking, considering it’s already 11 PM.
But to your surprise, you don’t see the umpteenth story with a girl he’s going to hook with. All he shares is a song: “I wanna be yours” by Arctic Monkeys.
You know you’re mad for thinking this way, but you genuinely wish he’d share something more vulgar, so that your doubts going through your head about him can finally stop. And then ghost him for good.
But now he just confused you even more. Didn’t he just say he doesn’t want anything serious a few days ago?
Yet you find your fingers inches away from the message box under his story, trembling and hesitant to type.
“Fuck it” you tell yourself.
Your response to that story is simple: “You already are”
You throw your cellphone on the other side of the bed, cringing and silently screaming at yourself. You fucked it all up, the voices say. You don’t know what has gotten to your head all of a sudden. You just feel the urge to have him all to yourself, although you know you can’t have him like that. Or that’s what he has told you before.
Then the notification from your phone immediately gets you up to grab it back: “I’ll be there in 10 min” he wrote.
Panicking, you freeze in front of the screen, looking baffled at the message. That’s not what you expected from him. Coming to your apartment. When you’re all alone. And it’s very late.
You take a deep breath, then look down to see the state you’re in. You’re wearing grey sweat pants and a white tank top that’s translucent enough for your nipples to peek through the fabric.
Usually, you’d wear a sweatshirt to cover yourself up when a guest comes over, but something’s stopping you. You aren’t indecisive, but this time you genuinely are debating whether you should care or not. But that’s just a silly excuse.
Even telling yourself that it’d be rude to text him not to come over is another silly excuse of yours. You had all the time in the world, yet you don’t write him anything. You just stand there.
And after wasting your time for ten whole minutes or more, you hear the doorbell ring. He’s here. So many years spent protecting yourself from situations like these thrown down the drain.
“Open up, I’m here” he texts.
Slowly making your way to the door, you hesitate for a moment, contemplating whether you should shout at him to go away or leave him outside in complete silence. You open the door anyway, your eyes directed to his black combat boots because you’re way too conscious of how he might look at you.
The moment is spent in a few seconds of quiet, although to you it feels like hours are passing by. And before you could muster up the courage to look up at him, you feel his fingers brushing your chin, gently lifting your face.
“Not so brave anymore, huh?” he tries to make you smile with his usual cocky remarks, but all you give him is a tense expression, looking like a scared cat in his eyes “Can I come in?”
You gently nod before moving aside to let him in and you use this as an opportunity to calm yourself down. You don’t even wait for him or close the door for him and immediately walk towards the living room as he removes his shoes.
You’re too busy biting your bottom lip and quietly stomping your feet on the floor, that you don’t feel him slowly making his way to you.
Feeling goosebumps when you feel his fingers softly brushing against your arm, you turn around to face him. You expect some kind of smirk from him, but to your surprise he’s very serious. But not an “are-you-okay-type” of serious. More like an “angry-type” of serious.
“Don’t play with me” he says with a cold and indifferent expression you usually don’t see from him.
Your face slightly contorts in confusion. So now you’re the one who’s playing? Says the guy who probably fucked every girl in town.
“Play with you?” you laugh “Aren’t you the one doing that with every girl you meet?”
He scoffs at that, looking away in disbelief.
“My sex life is none of your business” he closes the gap between your bodies, his chest just inches away from your face “… You desperately want to look like you don’t care, huh?”
“I don’t, for your information” now he’s the one who’s laughing incredulously.
“Stop fucking around with me, Y/N!” his tone is louder, but he isn’t screaming at you, just clearly frustrated “You send me a message like that and expect me to act cool when you’re being a bitch all of a sudden”
“I didn’t ask you to come over-“
“Stop with the bullshit, Y/N! You know very well it takes seconds to tell me you don’t want me here…” he backs up, the sexual tension fading away as quickly as he’s getting furious “You know what… It was a mistake coming here”
Your mind takes a sigh of relief. You’re safe now, you think. Now he’s angry and he definitely wouldn’t want to see you ever again.
Yet you slightly jump at his reaction, and you find your hands clinging into his arms. You stopped him. You wish he’ll snap and snatch your hands away. But he doesn’t protest, he just stays still, waiting for you to tell him anything.
“Just wait a second” you hear Jungkook sighing and murmuring something before he turns around, always with the same indifferent face.
“I just wanna know your intentions with me. Simple” you want to sound sure of yourself, like this argument isn’t effecting you at all, but your voice cracks are hard to ignore when you speak.
“My intentions?” he lets out a chuckle before regaining composure “I think it’s pretty clear what I want from you”
You blush at such a direct response, but you quickly snap out of it. That’s not a good enough response because you’ve known for days that he wants to fuck you.
“I get it. You want to fuck me” you laugh as you close the gap between you two again “And you remember I don’t do casual sex, right?”
“Well then, what the fuck do you want from me?” he’s supposed to say it with more anger and conviction, but he just whispers it to you.
“No, what do you want from me… Nothing more, right?” you quietly say, trying to hide how hurt you feel “Just another one of your conquest to mend your broken heart”
Jungkook’s eyes widen in shock and he opens his mouth trying to say something. But he’s speechless. For the first time in his life, he doesn’t have an answer. “Yes, you’re just that” he wants to say. Because it’s be easier that way. However, he just looks at you as he replays all the moments you’ve spent together for the past few days.
He can’t remember the last time he hung out with a girl without the intention of eventually getting her in his bed. The situation feels so weird because he knows how bad he wants to take you right now, but seeing the clear desperation in your eyes affects him in a way he can’t yet explain. He cares more than he imagined.
“Jungkook, do you have feelings for me?” but he says nothing “Just say yes or no”
He knows the answer. That’s the last straw for him. But it scares him. He doesn’t wanna do it. And at the same time he does. You’re literally driving him crazy and you don’t even notice it.
“For fuck sake, say something!”
“Okay, fuck…” he closes his eyes, scared of the words that are about to come out of his mouth “It’s difficult Y/N, I just… Like talking to you and having you around. I might think of you from time to time, but I don’t know really”
Your eyes soften at his confession. Obviously, you’d feel a lot better if he was more honest with himself, but now you’re sure that what you’re feeling isn’t one sided.
“Well, you know what that means-“
“Y/N, don’t” he places his hand behind your neck, his face getting dangerously close to yours “I’m not ready… And I don’t want to hurt you”
“Hurt me?” you know exactly what he means but you don’t want him to bring up your sob story right now.
“I just wanna have a good time and you want commitment… And we’ve both have our reasons-“
“Fuck her and fuck him” you emphasise every word as you look directly into his eyes “I want you”
You’re going to have your heart broken now. You’re sure of it. And what hurts is that you don’t even care although you’re aware of the consequences.
“I want you” he repeats.
And with a sudden pull, his lips are on yours. Licking, biting, moaning in each other’s mouths like you’ve both been waiting for this moment to happen. Which you did.
He pushes you towards the wall, kissing and biting on your jaw and neck as you back up. You can’t help but groan and look at ceiling as he’s coating your skin with his saliva.
You’re so entranced by his sloppy kisses that you don’t notice his fingers tracing your chest, then your abdomen, stopping at your pelvic bone.
He stops everything just to look at you, already sweating and out of breath. You already look like that and he has just given you hickeys. He wonders how you’re going to look once he finally fucks you and the thought has made him more eager to know your limits.
“Don’t you dare fucking close those eyes. Fucking look at me” he says as he starts to rub his ring and middle fingers on your clothed core.
You have forgotten how fantastic it feels to be fingered by someone else. You let out the neediest whimper he’s ever heard and the fact your genuinely trying your hardest not to close your eyes makes it even harder for him not to bend you over and fuck you dumb right there and then.
“Look at you… And I’m just rubbing two fingers on you” you move your hips to get more friction, his teasing words making your pants and underwear soaked in your arousal.
Without any warning, he tears up your tank top, making you gasp for a second, before he violently pulls down your sweat pants along side your panties as he sucks on both your hardened nipples.
You reach out for the hem of his shirt, wanting to see and feel more of him, but before you have the chance to do anything, he goes down on you, lifting you up and making you sit on his shoulders as he’s kneeling right in front of your pussy. Your position is weird but comfortable enough for you, as your back is leaned on the wall and his strong hands are holding you just above your ass.
“Jungkook, shouldn’t you-“ he could care less about what you have to say, ‘cause all he has in mind is eating you out and making you a moaning mess.
He opens his mouth wide before sucking on your folds and your clit at the same time. You look down and see how erotic all of it is: his lips are literally devouring you, making wet and sloppy noises that are rarely heard even in porn videos; your juices are coating him from nose to chin, moaning and humming to make you feel the vibrations coming out of his mouth; and on top of that, he doesn’t stop, not even a second to take a deep breath or to give you some time to relax. He’s gone all in, continuously sucking and licking every inch of your pussy.
You’re totally fucked and have no other thoughts than the pleasure that Jungkook is giving you. And can you be blamed when no one has ever given you head before? And this is already too good for your first head ever.
You gently take a fist full of his hair, slowly grinding yourself on his face, as you feel your high getting closer. He looks at you, immediately understanding that you are about to come.
You’d imagine guys would stop at some point because they want their girls to come on their cock or something. But he doesn’t. No matter how much you’re trembling, or trying to push his head away, or how much you’re telling him that you don’t want to come yet, he doesn’t comply.
The more you shake, the more his mouth moves around your wet core, until you can’t contain yourself anymore and you reach your high with a high pitched whine you have tried to hush.
“Jungkook…” you call for his attention, still out of breath from the orgasm “Why’d you end it like this? What about you?”
He chuckles at your question.
“You thought we were done, right? We’re not done” he just says.
He gets you off of his shoulders while you’re still looking at him confused and then makes his way towards the living room table, tapping on it and moving it around just a bit.
Standing up, you try to walk straight but you’re still sensitive and tense from his tongue. You almost fall, but luckily you catch his wide shoulders for support.
You caress his back, kiss his shoulder, hug him, but nothing… All he does is taking a little square packet out of his pocket and then started undressing himself, his back still facing you, ignoring your presence.
“Jungkook…” you gulp, worried that you’ve done something that has pissed him off and thinking he isn’t in the mood anymore “I don’t understand-“
“I said I’m not done, understand?” he says as he suddenly turns around looking down on you, his large hard dick poking at your bellybutton “Sit on the table”
He smacks your ass once and then twice. He’s mad for some reason. You know a guy like him is rough, but he isn’t as playful and cocky like the usual Jungkook he sees.
Sitting there, you look at him opening the condom carefully and then sliding it on his dick with one swift motion. His hand then wraps immediately around your neck, making you lay down on the cold surface.
“It’s been a while for you, I’ll be gentle…” he reassures “… For now”
He teases your entrance with the tip, looking at you as you sigh from the feeling. A few more swipes and he gently enters you, while he tightens his grip on your neck, making you squint your eyes from the slight pain.
He makes sure that the first thrusts are gentle and sweet, not putting his whole length in you yet to make you more used to his size.
“Fuck… So good” you whisper as you clench around his length.
“Don’t feel pain anymore?” he quietly asks and you shake your head to tell him it doesn’t hurt.
You see him smirk, the hold on your neck more secure than before, and without a warning he pushes his whole cock inside of you. He groans as you whimper, making sure you can feel the power he puts in with each thrust.
In fact, he’s not going fast at all. All he cares about is to see the faces you’re making and enjoying how fucked up you look right now. Your light hands are nothing compared to his, but to his eyes your fingers wrapped around his wrist and forearm are just perfect.
“Please…” you menage to say loud enough “Fuck me harder”
You’re already being fucked hard, but Jungkook knew exactly what you’re hinting at. His pace is still slow, basically showing you less than 10% of what he can actually do to you.
But he wastes no time any further and he pulls out of you, turning you around, bending you over on the table. You gasp when he suddenly grabs your arms and lifts you up as he slams himself inside of you with more force and even more speed.
The sound of your bodies colliding, your pathetic little moans and Jungkook’s low groans echo through the room, with no worries of being heard by the neighbours or other people passing by.
“Jungkook… Too much” it’s music to his ears as this is his sign to go even harder, lowering himself a bit to pound your pussy more directly.
Tonight, you have made new experiences, and coming a second time is one of them. You come undone, bringing your thighs together to stop yourself from shaking too much, and even with your second high he doesn’t stop thrusting into you.
However, you do feel that he’s very near to coming as he starts moaning louder than earlier, his grip on your arms tightening. And just when he starts to grunt, his thrusts become slower. He lets go of you, letting you down gently on the table.
“Fuck, that was fucking amazing” he breathes out before laughing.
You’re so lost in the moment that you’ve forgotten how to use your body correctly and after Jungkook makes fun of your current state, he helps you up, letting you hug him.
And there you go. Now you’re looking at his face, having fallen completely for him. Exactly what you know would happen. You say nothing, too scared to ruin the moment, and all you do is kiss him and saying “Thank you” over and over again.
You don’t know what exactly is going on in his mind. All you see is him staring at you in awe and before you know it he gives you the warmest smile you’ve ever seen.
“Yes, by the way…” you tilt your head to the side like a confused puppy, but you still listen closely “Seems like you are dear to me”
You almost cry at the very late answer. You genuinely thought you’ve let your guard down and let this fuel your nightmare a second time, but not this time.
You’ve finally found someone who wants you, who cares about you, who cherishes you, as much as you do.
But that hasn’t stopped him from leaving you in the middle of the night, waking up alone the next morning with no traces of Jungkook left behind…
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dxy-drxxm · 5 months
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SYNOPSIS: Kaeya has a lot of things he enjoyed about you. Or, well, admired, to be frank.
CW/s: tooth rotting fluff, short drabble, kaeya is a hopeless SIMP (/silly), tbh he's just a silly guy who can't confess if his life depended on it (and... It did lol), can be interpreted as platonic or romantic (it's both, but it's a slow transition from platonic to romantic hehe)
NOTE: hi, this drabble is for @ryuryuryuyurboat for @ecrin-de-litterature's "kiss (don't tell)" event! I hope you enjoy a drabble of Kaeya being a hopeless simp because as much as I'd like to write a full blown date with him, I've been busy since college and I want to curl up and pass away. orz.
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Kaeya never says a lot about the person he admires.
For him, the Cavalry Captain had more than enough to take care of. Maybe it was due to the job that kept him busy, or even because of how life gave him a batch of lemons that he needed to deal with.
But when it comes to certain people like who he's seen now, it made him feel as though he became but the same child when Cyrus adopted him all those years ago.
He still remembered the first time you two met—you were one of Lisa's attendants. An assistant, one could say. You're always available whenever Lisa isn't feeling the urge to check in the library, which is often, and Kaeya had decided to try and see what you're like.
Sure, you may have panicked and treated him like a stranger, but it wasn't long for you two to get close. Soon, you're treating him like you two have been friends for years, joking and laughing over certain things.
Kaeya couldn't help but smile. He always liked seeing others express joy when he couldn't.
Though, little by little, the dynamic seem to change. Others pointed out to him that you and Kaeya had been together for quite a while now, always speaking and chatting over the most mundane things.
Petty drama from the knights, Lisa's recent books and those who borrowed arriving late, the many foreigners that came about when the traveler would be busy in another region... You two had a lot to talk about, and sometimes, he didn't notice how much you two could never stop speaking of such things.
It was stupid, he's aware, but he wouldn't lie and say he didn't like it. On the contrary, he enjoyed that time being spent on something he considering to be enjoyable.
You made his days less unbearable. Like he can wake up one day and think that things will be fine.
He admired that charm from you. You make it seem so... natural.
There were even moments that the two of you shared. He remembered your first Windblume festival with him, the first time you've spent working for a year with Lisa (it was your work anniversary, he joked to you once), and even down to when you two travelled to different nations together.
He's seen it all— your highs, lows, and even the turnarounds. He's heard you rant and ramble of the nations, and yet he felt his pride raise when you'd return to Mondstadt, still calling it your home.
It was clear that you have seen that place, out of every nation, as the best. In return, he did his best keeping it safe. Although, there had been moments he would mess up.
He may act confident, but when alone, he'd feel like he's a lost child again. He loathed that feeling.
The first time you've seen him act like it was when you two spoke of each other's pasts. Kaeya has told you what happened between him and Diluc, and he could never forget the way you hugged him for hearing his voice crack.
He cares for Diluc, like how he cares for you. However, how could he say the same for his adopted brother? Would he ever do the same thing you did to him?
... Perhaps. Perhaps not, even.
Still, he couldn't help but think how much he can even handle this feeling. It's a secret he's kept that your actions made him feel like he can be free, yet he kept himself trapped by will.
He was trapped in the feeling of admiration and envy, clashing and fighting against each other. It made his heart soar and ache when things happen, both because of you and because of himself.
He felt envious of you. He wanted to say that to you, but seeing you smile got rid of that envy.
It was a strange conundrum. One that left him sleepless for nights on end... And that's when it clicked.
He realized that it was a form of self-sabotage.
Kaeya didn't want to ruin the relationship you two had as friends, so he kept it under lock and key. He threw the key away, denying that he felt something to you. Denying that he felt as though he loved you that way. He couldn't. He didn't even know the answer.
It was stupid to worry. It truly is.
But now? How could he not worry?
He's done this to himself. Even if others told him to say it, to utter those words he forbade himself from speaking, he kept his mouth shut. You two are friends, and he's far too used to admiring you and your acts from afar.
He's craved to admire someone that would make him feel this way, and he got what he asked. Although, he couldn't bring himself to hate you for charming him like that.
After all, that is what makes you you. And he doesn't want you to lose the only thing that fits you perfectly.
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@.dxy-drxxm | do not republish, repost, or copy my works anywhere | 2024
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x-liv25-jamieswife · 3 months
Could u please write a Nash and Grayson hc?
nash and grayson head canons
i'd love to! hope you like them.
growing up, grayson used to wish he was more like nash (in the sense that nash doesn't really care what people think and does what he wants).
the first time nash tried to teach gray how to ride a horse, he fell off off the horse and landed in a pile of mud.
gray will buy nash cowboy hats whenever he comes across one that he thinks he might like.
whenever gray is sick, nash is literally always checking up on him, giving him food, and making sure he isn't working.
sometimes, when grayson has nightmares, he goes to nash's room and nash strokes his hair, this mostly happened when he was younger but, even now, sometimes he just needs his brother (it calmed gray down, he found it soothing)
gray dresses nash up for events and stuff bc nash has no idea what he's doing when it comes to fancy clothes.
nash knows gray overworks himself and sometimes forgets to eat breakfast, so he makes him some food in the morning and brings it to him.
when gray was younger, he loved it when nash would give him piggy back rides
when grayson took his first steps, nash literallly got so excited he started jumping around.
gray used to follow nash around like a lost puppy.
nash is always getting him little gifts to cheer him up. like a gift card to get some coffee (obviously gray has the money, but he loves it when nash does this cause it shows he cares)
nash once got gray a cowboy hat with his face on it.
it's canon that nash works as a bartender sometimes. i think gray would head over there (when he's of age, so in the usa 21) and just chat with him. sometimes he'd get smth to drink.
nash used to complain to tobias that he was being way too hard on grayson. gray finds out about this and starts to tear up bc of how much nash cares.
gray was the officiator and the photographer at libbynash's wedding.
nash isn't a great cook, but wanted to learn how to so he could make libby some meals. gray taught him how to.
gray feels most at ease with nash (and avery). sometimes he lets himself smile around them (they're calmer then jamie and xander)
nash loves just sitting down and listening to gray play the piano. sometimes he falls asleep to him playing.
when gray was younger and couldn't fall asleep, nash would talk about funny things that happened to him that day. he'd always make him laugh
when gray was younger and first started talking, he had a very subtle southern accent (he took after nash). tobias got mad bc he thought it wasn't proper, and that, as the heir apparent, he should be more sophisticated.
nash always sits next to him in planes bc sometimes gray falls asleep and leans his head on his shoulder.
sometimes, when gray gets really mad, nash brings him to the shooting range (we know that nash is good with a gun so why would gray not be (and they own many so..))
gray used to be a hopeless romantic cause nash used to read him little love stories to help him fall asleep.
nash and him (and the other brothers) dressed up as the minions on halloween one year.
nash loves to tag along when gray goes on this nature walks.
nash was actually going to propose to libby with the ring nan gave him, but he wanted grayson to have it more (to give him some hope)
nash will bring grayson coffee in the morning (he likes it black, sometimes with a tiny bit of milk)
nash used to have longer hair (like to his shoulders) when he was like 7, and gray hated it sm, he cut it in his sleep.
gray loves to hear nash talk about taylor swift
during the eras tour, nash grabbed grayson and tried to get him to dance during shake it off (nash would wave gray's hand and tried to get him to move his hips and stuff)
they like working out together (doesn't really happen often but when it does they blast taylor swift)
gray was nash's biggest support after the break up with alisa. nash didn't get out of bed for three days, and gray stayed by his side the entire time. the only times he left was to get him food, shower etc.
that's it for now! i really love their dynamic and think their bond is so adorable.
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cavillsbitch · 1 year
May I please request Hotch x Fem!Reader where the reader has low self-esteem and self-worth, hiding herself away from society and thinking she is unworthy of sex or love?
Worth It
You watched Aaron in the mirror as he set two different ties against his suit to see which he would rather wear, asking you again what you thought.
“You always look good, Aaron, but I think the red.”
He nodded, setting the other tie down and getting to work with the fabric around his neck. He was getting ready for a fancy work function, a gala or dinner of come kind. You didn’t remember exactly what, you just remember the horrifying feeling your chest became overwhelmed with when he asked if you’d go with him.
You felt guilty for declining his offer, thinking about it too much, wondering if he would prefer having a more secure partner to do all of these things with. The thought of buying (or god forbid, Aaron buying you) a fancy dress that you would only wear this one time, knowing you would feel completely ridiculous, feeling everyone’s eyes on you as you sauntered in on Aaron’s arm, sticking out like a sore and sad thumb was an absolutely nightmare. You knew you’d be following him around like a lost puppy, or sitting alone as he mingled with his very important colleagues. You were so proud of him and still so awestruck that a man like him wanted to be with you, but you felt completely undeserving of being seen with him at such an event.
He turned around to you as he finished tying his tie, gesturing to you to adjust it if needed. You smiled at him, god he was so handsome. You shook away the thought of his eye wandering to the other beautiful women he would see tonight, wishing that he had someone beautiful to bring. You stood and softly flattened out his lapels and collar, straightening his tie.
“Sometimes I feel like you leave it crooked so I can fix it,” you say, smoothing the shoulders of his jacket, trying to avoid looking him in the eye, “I’m sorry you’ll be going alone tonight.”
He stopped you for a moment, grabbing your hand at his shoulder and giving it a light squeeze as he brought it to his chest. “Of course I wish you were coming with me, but I’m not upset with you, you know that, right?”
You tried to make your nod convincing, but most of your gestures like this were hopeless in the eye of your experienced profiler boyfriend. He spoke up again, “Honey, I mean it.”
You sighed, looking down at your socked feet and his very expensive dress shoes, “I know, Aaron. I just… I know you deserve to have someone to go with.”
Aaron stopped for a second, thinking about your choice of words. He is well aware of your past few relationships being on the toxic side, and he was aware that your insecurities ran deep. He felt sadness every time you denied him spending money on you or taking you out for dinner because it was unnecessary because he knew you didn’t feel that you deserved it.
The two of you haven’t been together long, only just over three months, and The L Word hadn’t been exchanged yet. You actually hadn’t even slept together yet, which was something Aaron was willing to wait for until you were ready. You felt guilty, knowing he was stressed from work and that he deserved someone who could ease that stress for him in the bedroom, he deserved to have someone to come home to who could love him the way he deserved. There were a lot of things that you wanted for Aaron that you didn’t think you could fulfill due to your insecurities. You tried, most of the time, to look past it and to put on a brave face but it didn’t always work.
He took your other hand in his, “I wanted to go with you, not just anyone. I want my friends and colleagues to see me happy with the woman I… the woman I love.”
This made you look at him with wide eyes, “What?”
He smiled, “I’m sorry, I know that was a less than romantic way of saying it, but I couldn’t help it. I love you, and I want you to know. I need you to know.”
Your eyes welled up with tears, feeling a mix of happiness and guilt. Of course you loved Aaron, he was so easy to fall for, but you would never dare admit that to him before he did to you. You felt guilty because you didn’t feel that you deserved the place in his life where he now put you. You weren’t saying anything, too many thoughts bouncing back and forth in your head, so he spoke again, “Honey, why are you crying?” His thumbs came up to gently wipe the tears coming down your face.
You sighed, shaking your head, “I don’t know. I love you too, Aaron, I really do. It’s impossible not to, it’s just… it’s hard for me. I don’t feel like I deserve those words from you.”
Aaron brought his hands gently to the sides of your head, tilting it up to meet your eyes with his. The look on his face was so genuine it made your chest tingle, “Y/N, you deserve every word. You are one of the most beautiful and supportive women I have ever met. You welcomed my son into your life, you stick around despite my insane work schedule, you are funny and so smart. You are worthy of love, and worthy of my love. I will spend every day proving that to you.”
The tears continued, and you felt yourself wanting to believe him. Before you could respond, he kissed you. This kiss was different, it was firm and passionate. You couldn’t help but melt into him as his arms came around your waist. Your hands caressed the sides of his neck as you kissed him back. For a moment, Aaron pulled away to speak in a hushed tone, “Let me show you how much I love you.”
You shook your head, “You have to go. That can wait for later or another time, it’s okay.”
You felt his hands wander lightly under the hem of your shirt. He tilted his head down to kiss your neck right beneath your ear before talking lowly “I can be late.”
“Aaron…” You were nervous about your first time with Aaron, worried that you were going to disappoint him. You also trusted him, and loved him, and knew that if you felt nervous that he would be there to guide you through it. You took a deep breath, “…I don’t know if I’m ready.”
Your eyes were closed, not able to look him in the eye as his forehead rested against yours. He rubbed a hand up and down your side, “If that’s the case, Y/N, then we don’t have to. I just need you to understand how much love you deserve, even if you don’t believe me.”
You opened your eyes, and met his. He was so ready to give himself to you fully, and you were standing in his way, literally. Another deep breath and a collection of your thoughts was what you needed, plus, he spoke again.
“You have no idea how badly I want to make you feel good, how good I can make you feel…”
For some reason, this made your skin hot and your breath hitch. Men you’d dated before hadn’t been like Aaron. You’d slept with other men before, men who’d wanted to use you to get off, men who didn’t care about your pleasure, forcing you to believe you didn’t deserve it. However, you couldn’t help but be so painfully attracted to him. You fantasized about your own boyfriend more than you dared to admit, and this was the moment for you to take what you wanted if you ever had it.
“I… I want you, Aaron, I do… I’m just n-nervous.”
Aaron shook his head and kissed your forehead, “You have nothing to be nervous about. If you want to stop, just tell me and I will stop,” he kissed you, lifting your shirt over your head and kissing you again. As he was shrugging off his suit jacket, you broke the kiss.
“What about your thing? You’re going to be so late…” You could barely make the end of the sentence as his hands trailed up your bare back to unhook your bra, which he did very adeptly.
“You’re worth it.”
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softxsuki · 5 months
Hi, I hope I sent this in time! This is for Valentines Day Letter event. I'd like to request a letter with Pro!Hero Todoroki with a quirkless Fem!reader. We're in an established relationship (we were highschool sweethearts and have been together ever since). Also, I'd like if he called me 'honey' in the letter.
Tone/Genre: Proposal and adoration
Location: We live together but, he's always out on hero duty so I rarely see him home. The letter was left on a page of my favorite book.
Other info: We're both 25. I'm a hopeless romantic and, he does everything he can to show his love and appreciation for me. Sometimes I overthink but, he's there to support me. I'm quirkless so, I work as a digital artist. While waiting for him to return home, I do my hobbies which are reading, writing.
Todoroki's Proposal Letter to His Girlfriend
This event is now CLOSED, but you can view the masterlist for the other letters here.
| Pairing: Todoroki x Fem!Reader| Genre: Fluff | Post-Type: Letter | Word Count: 980 |
Warnings: kissing?
Note: Hey! Happy Valentine's Day, hope you enjoy your letter from Todoroki :)
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You were finally relaxed for the evening after coming home from work, your body practically melting into your favorite chair. Your boyfriend, Todoroki had paid someone to create a little reading nook for you, but perhaps it was more like your own mini library. There were shelves upon shelves of books you needed to read along with sprinkles of books you’ve already read and loved.
Your fingers find the book you had been making your way through and couldn’t wait to get lost within the words on the page for another evening while waiting for your boyfriend to return home from his hero duties. Though, as you flip to the page your bookmark was holding, you furrow your brows in confusion at the envelope tucked between the pages. 
You gently open it, closing your book and placing it to the side as you begin to read the letter to yourself;
Dear Y/N, 
If I’m correct about your daily habits, then it should be around 7pm when you’re finally reading this and I’m hopefully almost home to say this to you directly. But…in the slight chance that I’m not, you’ll probably never see this and I’ll have to come up with another plan.
Happy Valentine’s Day, honey. I can’t believe how long we’ve been together. Looking back on our high school days, I could never picture myself giving my heart to someone, trusting and loving them unconditionally, yet now I can’t imagine my life without you in it. 
You’ve remained by my side through all my family mess and helped me through so many difficult moments in my life. So thank you for loving me and accepting me for all my flaws. I’m terrible at saying these things to you directly. It’s hard for me to fully be vulnerable about my feelings and at times I don’t want to burden you with them even more than I already have.
However, lately I can’t help but want to be even closer to you. The reassurance that you’re here to stay, that you’ll be mine forever. I’ve been thinking about it a lot. We already live together, why not seal the deal?
I don’t want to ask you this important question in a letter when I’m not home to see how you’ll react, but please wait for me for a few more minutes. I’ll be there to ask you shortly. I love you.
Your heart was beating wildly in your chest at the words you read. Was he really about to come home and propose to you? Was that what he was hinting at? Your cheeks felt hot at the idea of him wanting to be your husband. 
Did you look okay? You had gotten comfortable in your pajamas for the night already. Would it be better if you changed into something nicer?
Yet you had no time to change or do anything as the familiar beep of the electronic lock in your home sounded, signaling Todoroki was already home. You scramble to your feet and rush to the front door to see him.
Todoroki, holding a beautiful bouquet of flowers, enters, closing the door behind him, before turning to face you, his eyes softening at the sight of you. You had read his letter, he knew you did.
“Welcome home,” you greet him, eyeing the flowers, your heart thumping in your chest.
He closes the distance between you, pressing a kiss to your lips and taking your hand with his free one.
“Great to be home, I missed you,” a small smile appears on his usually stoic face as he hands you the flowers in his hands, “Got theses for you, honey. Happy Valentine’s Day.”
You clutch the flowers in your arms tightly, thanking him. Then he gets down on one knee, one hand still firmly holding yours as he removes a box from his pocket and opens it to display a unique, yet beautiful ring inside it.
“I’m sure you read the letter I left for you and it’s true. I want to spend the rest of my life with you by my side. Not only as my partner, but as my other half. I love you Y/N, more than I thought I’d ever love someone. Would you please marry me?”
It was a little awkward as he fumbled over his words, not used to saying these things out loud, but it was perfect in your eyes.
With teary eyes, you nod your head. You wanted this, you wanted to be his wife and have him as your husband. Making a vow to remain together till death do you part.
“Of course I’ll marry you,” you cry out, watching him as he placed the beautiful ring that fit your taste perfectly, on your ring finger.
He props himself back on his feet so he’s eye level with you, wrapping his arms around your waist, pressing a kiss to your cheek as one of his hands holds the hand with your ring on it, one of his fingers running over the gem.
“Should we just get married now in town?” He asks, almost impatient to call you his wife.
You laugh gently at his subtle excitement beyond his stoic expression that once again took over his features.
“There’s no rush. Let’s enjoy the engaged life for a bit. You’re at the peak of your career right now, we have forever to get married,” you smile, calming him down before he carries you to the marriage registrar’s office.
Reluctantly, he nods at your request. He was excited to marry you, but more than willing to follow your wishes and give you an extravagant wedding ceremony if that’s what you desired. Your life together as an engaged couple was just beginning, and you were beyond excited for what the future held for the both of you.
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Posted: 2/14/2024
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irkimatsu · 16 days
Normal Husk VS Husk Overlord What are they like and how differently they think about sex~
Yay, rambling time!
I think Overlord Husk would have been a lot more focused on indulgence and power than actual emotions. Sex is just another source of a rush for him, like gambling and alcohol, without much concern for who he's sleeping with. He still respects explicit boundaries, and never uses his influence to force anyone into bed with him, but he's not afraid to sweeten an arrangement with money and gifts. He also doesn't always realize that younger or newer residents in hell may feel like they can't say no when an Overlord is offering them money in exchange for sex, especially when alcohol gets involved...
It's not like he doesn't want to be loved. His entire reign as an Overlord, he had a gaping hole in his heart that one-night-stands could never fill. But whenever he got too lonely, all he could think to do was numb it with booze. Deep down he still has his romantic heart, and may have met a few souls during that time who he would have loved to wine and dine and cherish... but he's an Overlord, in charge of all the casinos in Pentagram City. He has business to worry about. He can't devote his energy to anything more than a piece of arm candy he brings to events for a few months before getting bored. Besides, with his ties to hell's mobs, it could be dangerous if it ever seemed like he was going soft. Better to push those feelings down and pretend that one-night-stands and souls with benefits are enough to fill the crushing loneliness.
After he lost his status after that bet with Alastor, he felt... lost. As far as sex went, he tried a few one-night-stands, but the depression and alcohol abuse made him too distracted to enjoy himself or be of much use to his partners. He spent most of his time between his reign and the hotel with his libido utterly tanked. It wasn't just sex itself that lost its luster - porn, strip shows, flirting in bars... nothing could get him excited anymore. He's too numb to care that he's still crushingly lonely. He has too much other bullshit to worry about; what's loneliness on top of everything else?
But then he joined the hotel. No matter how much he kicked and screamed and swore that if it were up to him he'd be far from the place, it's obvious just how good the environment has been. He has friends again. He cares again, even if it's just because he'd hate to see his first friends in years become as hopeless as he feels he's become. Happy is a strong word for his current state, but he's well on his way to a better place.
"I lost my ability to love years ago"... his time in the hotel is making him rethink that. Maybe he does want to love again... but he's so terrified of screwing it up. He hasn't had a proper relationship since he was alive, and his addictions usually meant that breakups were his fault. He can't do that to someone else...
But he's so, so lonely... and then he met you, and his desperation for your companionship somehow overtakes the fear...
Sex with love is a lot more important to him now. He needs you to know that you're not just a warm body, and he needs to know that he's more than that to you as well. This is where that romantic side of his truly shines, with music and candles and compliments, slow kisses in dim light, hours of affection until he's sure every inch of you is satisfied...
...but that doesn't mean he doesn't want to indulge his rough side sometimes, too. Isn't that another form of love, knowing that you trust him to be rough with you but never actually harm you? Knowing that you love his claws in your hips, his teeth in your neck, his cock striking you inside so deep and hard... knowing that you love it, and that you'll still believe him when he follows it up with a gentle embrace and a promise of love...
He hates who he was as an Overlord. You're his chance to prove that he can be better, that he is better. No more one-night-stands, he needs something deeper, and he's so happy you're the one he can have that connection with after all this time.
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hum-suffer · 7 months
I'm yours
Ishan is a hopeless romantic. In the sense that his romantic interests never let him hope.
The most recent person that he has been head over heels for is going to give a seminar in their college and he's Ishan's favourite.
Ishan is the head of the Cultural and Intellectual Committee and as such, he's in charge of almost all the extracurricular events that take place in the college. He's always had such bloody issues with 90% of the guests and speakers for being unprepared or late that these days he just assumes that the guests will be late, but hopefully not too late.
Which, brings him back to his current romantic interest— Shubhman Gill.
The man has been guest speaker in their college twice by now, third time monday, and he has never disappointed Ishan. He's always on time, he's always perfectly dressed, and he always emails Ishan his speech and let's Ishan point out details that he would humbly request to add or remove. Ishan could have kissed him for being a half decent human being the very first time he did that.
Plus, the college being the Techno faculty, the super famous technological prodigy of India coming as a guest speaker, Shubhman sometimes gets assaulted with too many questions and people and sometimes with no good interactive audience at all and yet, he smiles and talks to the teachers afterwards.
The first time Shubhman talked to him, Ishan had been putting away the gifts Shubhman received so that the man could take them on his bike without damaging the Tulsi plant.
(And that was another thing. A famous and important personality coming on his fucking bike? Ishan drooled a little bit when he heard Shubhman softly ask Ritika ma'am for a place to keep his helmet at.)
"Thank you for inviting me," Shubhman told him in a bashful way, an embarrassed blush on his cheeks.
Inexplicably, Ishan wanted to bite those cheeks. He held himself in chem and smiled back,"Thank you for coming, Mr. Gill. You've been a pleasure to work with."
"Please, it's Shubhman! And honestly, I had fun coming here as well. I hear you're the organiser of the event; it's amazingly done, I must say. Your management is impeccable."
So what if Ishan let the praise get to his head? So what if he stalked Shubhman on Instagram later? They had exchanged numbers—for future seminars, Shubhman had explained, much to Ishan's misfortune— and Ishan was entitled to be a little over his head for once!
The second time they talked, was when Ishan congratulated Shubhman on his award as the leading influencer of social media. The third time was when Shubhman wished Ishan on his birthday. The fourth was when Ishan had to invite Shubhman for ALASKA organisation's collab with their college and his presence as a guest judge.
Shubhman had sought him out again.
"I had a lot of fun," he said with that damnable smile of his,"thank you for inviting me again, Ishan."
Ishan shook his head,"Thank you for coming, man. Honestly, your way of interaction makes learning more interesting for the students. And, well, throws me some points to become the favourite teacher of the year."
Shubhman laughed, a sound that Ishan wanted to get drunk on for the rest of his goddamn life. "You have those competitions?"
Ishan looked around dramatically and leaned towards Shubhman, as of telling a secret. Shubhman, that perfect man, leaned forward as well, looking completely serious about this so called secret.
Ishan reached on his tip toes to whisper,"The students do that in their classes on Teachers' day. If they do it publically, they have to give the best teacher paper crown to teachers senior than me. So, a private award for me to take."
Somewhere in the background, something huge fell and Ishan startled badly enough to almost stumble but Shubhman caught him by the arm and grinned,"Cheers to the best teacher, then. What's the other activities you planned amazingly?"
And that's how Shubhman had ended up getting VIP passes to see the Darshan Raval concert that had been arranged.
Virat bhaiya had raised an eyebrow at Ishan showing Shubhman around the campus while they prepared for the concert lightings and all, but hadn't said anything. Ishan was so thankful.
They haven't talked in the four months after Ishan wished Shubhman a happy birthday.
So, in short, Ishan is a hopeless romantic. He turns every little gesture into a gesture of love and he has many one sided love stories that live rent free in his head.
He would have romantisized this as well, to be honest, if he wasn't confused as fuck.
He's been home for all of five minutes after a damn long day— it's exam season— and all he wants to do is flop on his bed and sleep for the next four weeks. A text pops up on his phone, from an unknown number.
'Are you tired, love? Anything I can do to help?'
Ishan frowns. None of his friends changed their numbers recently and moreover, none of them use nicknames. Can't be a student, no student of his would dare disrespect him. He may be lenient most of the time, but he's tempered enough to break their audacity on the very first lecture.
'Who is this?'
The reply came instantly. 'Your admirer? Your worshipper? Your fan?' a second passed as Ishan gawked at the message. Another message dropped. 'Whatever I am, I'm yours.'
Well, damn. Someone's smooth.
'Thank you for your kind words, but I prefer not to own people. It's illegal yk?' Ishan feels like an idiot as soon as he sends the text but he can't do anything because it's seen immediately. The person on the other side must be bloody stuck to their chat.
They send a few laughing emojis. 'I could turn the world around for you to be mine, though.'
Ishan leaves the message on seen as he types the unknown number on Truecaller, but there's no registered name under the number.
He's about to leave and go freshen up when another message pops up.
'Searching for me on Truecaller will result to nothing, love.'
Ishan leaves the message on delivered as he looks around himself, his big house feeling emptier by the second. He blocks the number, somehow feeling a weird mix of anticipation and trepidation. He takes a fortifying breath and nods to himself, throwing his phone on the dinning table on his way to his bed room.
He tries to get the message out of his head as he looks for another YouTube video to see while eating his dinner.
'Do you know that blocking someone in the middle of the conversation is rude, Ishan?' the pop up message reads.
'Fuck off.'
There's a swarm of notifications going off and that's how Ishan wakes up at the ungodly hour of 2:34 am.
He blindly reaches for his phone, the brightness will kill him he's sure, but somehow manages to read the notifications with squinted eyes.
It's an annual Spotify subscription? What the fuck?
He scrambles to sit up and turns on the lamp, trying to focus more. The bloody notifications are an absolute onslaught to his ears. He even has an email announcing his annual Spotify premium account but there's no SMS of deduction from his account. What even—
Before he can start to plan a schedule to go to the bank tomorrow and also somehow plan a call to the customer service of Spotify, another message from that unknown number pops up.
'Happy belated Birthday, Ishan. Sorry I couldn't get you any actual gifts this time, I'll do better next time.'
Next bloody time?
'There won't be a bloody next time. Don't interfere in my life again. And cancel this bloody premium, i don't need it.'
And he lies.
He does need the premium for when he pulls all nighters and for when he drives to and fro to college. He needs it because he needs someone to talk and listen when he wants to be awake and podcasts are the only way that happens lately when he's off work.
Yes, he has a horrid social life— as a professor often does. All his friends are his colleagues. His family usually knows that he pulls insane hours and they only call at weekends.
'Don't reject it, pls' the message comes, as Ishan ponders his lonely life. When was the last time he enjoyed his life thoroughly? Another message pops up. 'Look, I just want to do something nice for you, okay? Leave it be, it's not your money thats costing you and I've got plenty of money to spend on my dear ones, with god's grace.'
Ishan doesn't know what to reply and he is incensed at himself for it. What the fuck? Ishan has never been greedy or wanted what he couldn't have. This random person suddenly gifts him a Spotify premium, Ishan contemplates his life and he hesitates in doing the right thing?
'Pls Ishan?'
Oh god, he can hear the puppy eyes. He turns off his internet and throws the phone on the bed. Somehow, Ishan manages to sleep.
The next morning, it's thankfully Saturday. His Saturdays go great almost always.
His hand itches to listen to his Spotify playlist he's made specifically for travel, but he doesn't want to use a stranger's gift. The stranger might know him and do it out of good of his heart or whatever, but Ishan, in all good conscience cannot use someone for their money.
As he absentmindedly drinks his evening tea, Ishan contemplates any tasks he has for the next day— grocery shopping, getting a haircut, finding a plumber to fix that minor leakage in his kitchen tap. It's gonna be a long day.
"Ishan!" He blinks up like a deer in highlights as he's startled by Rohit bhaiya. "What are you thinking?"
"Kuch nahi, bhaiya," he says and grins when Rohit bhaiya puts his hand on his shoulder. Ishan has always been a fan of skinship, and while Virat bhaiya being touchy is normal and comforting, Rohit bhaiya being touchy is rewarding and privileged. "Aap batao, how was your day?"
He groans in reply,"Puchh mat, Bhai. These B.Com students look innocent but they're so not! Apparently some kids sold around a paper of Accounts saying it's a leaked paper but it wasn't and making it clear to the students as well the board members? Hell. Why did I even accept to be the Secretary there when I'm Dean here too?"
Ishan laughs,"Because you love Virat bhaiya and lost a bet?"
"Shh, don't speak about it where students can hear you!"
Ishan laughs again. Feeling happy is a natural state of his when he's around his colleagues, they're all so good to him. It's what makes him stay in the college despite him getting offers from a lot of colleges in bigger cities. He's never gonna get the same affection anywhere else and he's ready to face some separation with his family while he works here. He's already made it clear that they're gonna come love with after his father finally retires.
"Accha, tell me what is the status of overmorrow's seminar?"
The one where his celebrity crush is going to be the main speaker?
"Spectacular. I've done everything, bas I'll get the flowers and the gift watch and everything else is set. Bhaiya bas Monday ko maachis dhundhni na pade, haa?"
It happens almost every damn time. It'd be ten minutes from arrival time of the guest and Ishan would tell some student to get the matchsticks for the auspicious diya lighting and no one would find the matchsticks. With everyone else, it's fine, but Shubhman? He's a punctual man, running around like headless chicken in front of him is not how he wants to establish himself and his students.
Rohit bhaiya nods understandingly. "Pakka. Varna ye apna hai na vo, usse lighter le ke candle light karke de Dena."
Ishan shakes his head at the confusing slang Rohit bhaiya uses. Amar, one of his students, has a smoking habit and hence carries around a lighter. The idiot always saves himself by offering his lighter at times when lighting something was necessary.
"Thik. Anyways, I'm going home, bhaiya. Anything left for me to do?"
Rohit bhaiya shakes his head with a grin and lets him go.
Its almost reflex when Ishan puts his earphones in and starts Chhaiya Chhaiya.
The bloody quality makes him blink and straighten up. And oh. Yeah, he's using premium.
Even as he feels a little guilty, his head bops to the beat as he drives back home.
When Ishan comes back home again, his garden looks different.
He's convinced that it's because he's not inspecting it properly so he crouches down and cranes his neck to look at the grass and some flower plants he has. He can't put his finger on it, but it's different.
He glances around the rest of his garden and that's when it catches his eye— the mower. And the pile of grass beside.
Someone fucking mowed his garden? And somehow, to the exact way he likes it.
And then, he hears the start of a two-wheeler, and before he's even out of the gate, the person has turned the corner and all Ishan can see is the shade of their taillight on the trees.
Ishan hightails it inside his house and checks it all over.
No lock broken, no thing stolen and no money moved. Everything is as it was when he left in the morning.
His phone pings with another message.
'Sorry to leave like that, ik it was obnoxious'
'how'd you like your garden tho? Did I do well?'
And. Ishan is a weak man, okay?
He knows this is wrong, he knows he has a stalker probably, and someone with probably deep issues, but. He bloody can't accept such big help without saying anything in gratitude, okay? He's weak.
'Its fine, tho I'd like to meet you someday' what the fuck is he saying. He wants to meet a probable sociopath?
'And thanks for the garden. You've done it perfectly and it's a great help. Thank you' there. He's been polite.
Another message comes. 'I think you'll enjoy our meeting a lot, love. And your welcome'
No other messages pop up throughout the evening.
Ishan denies to even himself that he checks his phone every five minutes for the stranger.
He's intrigued, he says to himself when he goes to sleep.
Tagging: @mayakimayahai @onthecloudseven @ek-ladki-bheegi-bhagi-si @kyayaarkiraa @fortunatelycrazyyouth @khwxbeeda @ispeakmorelanguagesthanyou @ishkrisq
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itscherrylipsforme · 4 months
And same for my beautiful precious Steve
💘 couple moldboard for Steve and a f!curly brunette!writer!quirky!reader
Hi darling! Sorry it took me too long to answer, college didn't give me a single moment of peace, but I will be answering all the requests in the following weeks. Anyway, here you have a moodboard for Steve, reader and both of them. Hope you like them! 🥰
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Steve Harrington
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Steve x reader
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Russingon Headcanon
Maedhros and Fingon’s relationship reads like a romance right? Regardless of whether you ship it their entire relationship is compromised of several romance plot lines rolled into one and is a textbook example of a romance. You have the families who hate each other keeping them apart, the opposite sides of the war thing, the hopeless quest to save their beloved from the enemy at all costs, succeeding against all odds because of the power of love and just so much more. You see where I’m going with all this right? It reads like the script to a Disney film.
So if someone with no prior knowledge of who these two people are were to hear this story they’d probably think it was a similar kind of story to Beren and Luthien. They wouldn’t really question that this was a romance. So what I’m saying is that there were probably men and dwarves who were told this story and heard it was an old elven story and interpreted it exactly like that. So I’d say it’s a reasonable assumption that at some point songs and stories started to crop up and became pretty popular ballads. I’d also say a lot of the time Maedhros was depicted as the damsel in distress. Make of that what you will.
So when the elves hear these songs they’d probably see these similarities right away. I feel like Turgon would get to the point where he’d have to screen all the songs played in his court beforehand to make sure there was no trace of his older brother in a romantic context even implied because it makes him so uncomfortable. He gets really flustered when anyone brings it up because YES he knows it’s common knowledge but he was trying very hard to recover from the image of walking in on them during his childhood and does not appreciate the reminder . Maglor would absolutely love it. He makes a point of playing the instrumentals of the more well known ones at formal events just to watch Maedhros turn gradually more red. He also sometimes changes the lyrics to contain as many innuendoes as possible and stresses their names in the ones where they’re mentioned. He’s the only person who’s ever dared to play one in the presence of both Maedhros and Fingon. He changes the music to one of the ballads every time they get too close to each other during the evening and everyone always turns to look for them when it comes on so they have to scramble to a respectable distance.
Celegorm and Curufin are absolutely in on this and Tyelko helps come up with some of the dirtier verses. Everyone collectively agrees to preserve the innocence of Amrod and Amras. Finrod is secretly teaching the men more and more romantic ones but escapes all the blame. He’s actually the person who introduced most of the ones with their names in them.
Maglor teaches Elrond and Elros all of them without telling them who they’re about. Maedhros is absolutely murderous when he hears the twins singing about him and Fingon but he doesn’t want to let the twins know the truth so he keeps his mouth shut. Many elves are absolutely horrified when they hear that these are an important part of Numenorean culture. He made Quenya one of their languages don’t tell me Elros wouldn’t find this hilarious. Imladris is one of the few elvish settlements where these songs are allowed because Elrond secretly enjoys stirring things up. He figured out what they were about when he was still a kid but he finds everyone’s expressions way too funny to call a stop to it and just plays innocent.
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ramayantika · 1 year
𝐓𝐲𝐩𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐬: 𝐂𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐃𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧
(Apna apna sab choose karlo 👀)
The girl in red and gold. Never steps out of the house without a bindi, loves the sun a little too much and gets the perfect golden hour photos. Will drag you out in the sun to prove that her hair is brown. Looks no less than a goddess in traditionals, rocks desi wear as well as western, always the best dressed in the room and sometimes the overdressed one. A walking saree encyclopedia, dreams to have a large wardrobe just for her sarees. Will also lend you some of her sarees and drapes them so well. If you are wearing a saree for a date, ask her for help. Reads a lot of detective books maybe, ranging from Sherlock Holmes to Feluda. Has learnt martial arts too, armed with wit, got the best comebacks and will fight for her friends. Highly intimidating when you meet her first until you get to witness the soft sunshine version of her. Photogenic, loves the camera, could also be a model. Her walk radiates power and confidence. Ambitious and full of ideas, commands attention easily with a snap of ger fingers. Heads turn at her when she enters the room, an eloquent speaker because she is well read. Tries to spread happiness in her own ways, knows everyone in her neighbourhood, is friends with everyone, right from the little kids to the oldies in the park, the Mother hen of her group. Loves puppies and will cry while watching cute puppy videos. Cooks delicious dishes and watch her lash out if she finds out that you skipped breakfast. A pure soul, too kind and generous for the world and does her best in spreading happiness around her.
'It's honestly a choice which we have to make. We can choose to see everything as cold and heartless around us or start seeing at the brighter side of things. Trust me, the latter is a better choice. Why would someone want to live such a miserable life laced with bitterness and resent. I know I cannot singlehandedly make everything right in the world, but I can surely make a difference in at least a single person's life? Why focus on things at the greater scale when we can make changes that should starts from us?"
The shy girl next door, writes poetry in her rough notebook, hopeless romantic and a daydreamer. For her, outing means a visit to the temple. Ardent admirer of all types of art, stares at temple sculptures and statues, and is also a history lover. Pink lip gloss, jasmine flowers and a doe-eyed beauty. Makes flower jewellery and will gift you many of her own works if you are her friend. Wears light coloured clothes and minimal accessories, light feminine, crushes over book characters and will make you see the best traits in yourself but forgets to look at the good in herself. Recites romantic poetry in front of the mirror and pretends to be someone's muse, replaces herself with the characters in period dramas Has gorgeous hair but will always keep them in a messy bun, but god when she lets her hair down, she looks like an angel. Her social life includes playing with children and narrating them stories and fairytales.
'His lips gently follow the trail of the small dots of sandalwood paste on her back. It forms a serpentine path on her skin and ends on the curve of her waist where his lips gently caress her soft skin, delighted at the treasure gifted by the perfumed trail.'
"You haven't even held hands with a boy and yet you can come up with this? How?"
"Oh, it's nothing. You have to see my writing journal and you will definitely believe that I am well versed in the arts of love."
"Arts of love? Who uses that?"
"Me. Now come, let's watch Jodha Akbar."
Kurtis and Anarkalis. Has long hair that is half of the time braided. Might also wear a parandi at events. Shayari aur ghazalein, listens to old Bollywood songs late at night under the moon on the terrace. Star gazing, late night deep conversations, vintage clothing, would write you hand written love letters. Knows hindustani music, sings late at night and sometimes in the early hours of dawn. Aankhon mein gehra kajal jise dekh na jane kitne uske aashiq bann gaye, deep eyes that will stare into your soul, loves to wear red lipstick and will wear silver jewellery with every outfit. To win her heart? Take her jhumke shopping. She is the desi pinterest aesthetic. Bases her personality on Sahibjaan from Pakeezah, Anarkali from Mughal-E-Azam, Umrao Jaan and Chandramukhi from Devdas. Has desi aesthetic moodboards on Pinterest and lives like it too minus the havelis and lots of expensive jewellery. If you are a poet, she will end up proposing you.
'जो मेरा नाम अपनी शायरी में अमर कर दे
मरूंगी तो केवल उस शायर के नाम'
"Umrao jaan 2.0 apni pariksha ki taiyari kare aapke non existent premi kavi ya shayar marks nahi dilayenge"
"Tauba tauba sara mood kharab kar diya"
Was made to learn dance and music as a child, knows how to play the veena or the sitar well, cannot sing but will play the instrument for you if you ask. Gold jewellery? No. Silver jewellery? No. Pearls? Absolutely! An all rounder, academically brilliant as well as in extra-curriculars, perfectionist and will breakdown at the slightest inconvenience. Loves to go on long walks, sunset photography, has a collection of journals and hauls stationary items. Collects fallen flowers and keeps them inside her books. soft smiles, long artistic fingers that always have ink spots, a small but a close friend group, wishes on flowers, so quiet that you might not her speak at times, notices the minute things about her friends and the people she meets. Looks too long into the mirror and loses herself, has too many questions but will never ask. Has pretty crazy dreams that could become book plots.
"Do you ever stare at your eyes in the mirror for a very long time? Do you feel your reflection change? Those eyes that look back at you... they have so much to say, they carry so many secrets inside them even though at a superficial level, it might seem that your reflection and you are the same, but it's not. When I look at myself in the mirror, I feel it's not me. I am not her nor am I anyone else. I feel I am a part of the galaxies, of stars and planets and of souls -- that I have existed here a long time ago and I have been reborn again for unknown reasons, reasons that somewhere my would would know. Do you not feel the same?"
Athletic, into sports, highly dramatic, can and will recite film dialogues at every situation, has a larger than life attitude, grand gestures and celebrations for her favourite people as well as for herself, always brimming with energy even at 3am, colourful flashy clothes that make her stand distinct from everyone, make-up game on point, a HUGE foodie, takes you to the best eateries and restaurants, indulges in pranks and all sorts of harmless mischief that makes her endearing, expresses everything just with her eyes. You can't say no to her because she will conjure such a facial expression that it would be difficult to say no which is why she gets away with mischief. Will debate about literature and philosophy, has a lot of knowledge about historical texts and scriptures, can easily make you laugh by imitating characters from stories and tales. Will also spam you with her thoughts and opinions on text and if you are in her close friend circle, keep your phone on because she will immerse herself about the latest book she read. Races with kids from her colony and lets them win, gully cricket vali didi, street smart, procrastinates assignments until the deadline is knocking at the door. Knows the secret spots in the city as well as their stories, has the best horror stories to narrate at a campfire.
"I know it's 2am, but is it okay if-"
"Even if I say no, you will tell me, but I am interested. Speak."
"What if all the characters in our epics were us, I mean like us normal human beings who achieved greatness and such divine status because of their work and somehow maybe that was the truth, but with time, we began thinking that we are not capable of becoming like them so we decided that we would take the credit of their hard work and replace it with magical powers and worship them, but not try and become like them? And somehow so many ideal kings, queen, warriors and artists when then look at us from heaven want us to achieve the same level of greatness like them? But they are sad that we think so less of ourselves? I am not denying God's presence though, don't get me wrong on that. I am talking about all the great people from stories that have been passed down to us. I do appreciate the creativity and imagination of the writers and poets involved, but what if we are actually failing to look more deeper into it. What if they want us to go beyond the veil of imagination in those stories and find ourselves in them?"
One word: Ethereal. Doesn't look like she belongs to this world. You saw her first at a waterfall, dressed in white and red shades, mostly prefers pastel shades, makes beautiful flower bouquets, has got a very melodious voice and when she sings by the waterfall with the swans sitting beside her, she appears like a water nymph. Playful eyes, whispers words, will wink and smile at you before disappearing into a run. She walks as if she is floating, got the lightest feet, soft dewy skin, nature's daughter. Sings before the Gods in temples, always has a peacock feather with her, makes one wonder if she is a human or someone divine, wants to live in a cottage overlooking lush green hills.
"Ironic isn't it that beauty, riches, pride, nothing shall exist in the end because we shall go back to mother nature, Prakriti? I shall be ash, a small heap of ash in the future and my stories, my experiences, the beauty which people love to talk about, nothing will exist. Even when humans leave a piece of land, they think it shall be dead and decayed, but they have forgotten Prakriti's nature. She is nourishing and a healer. She shall be the only one remaining."
Loves to sit by a riverbank, serenity, looks at you as if she knows everything about you even about the words you shall speak next, mysterious vibe, doesn't trust anyone easily, lotuses are her favourite. Who is the girl standing waist deep in the river looking at the moon? Loves to wear alta on her hands and feet, wears anklets, longing side glances, perfectly arched eyebrows, dances in the rain, photographs everything, a natural charmer, goes to museums and coffee. Date ideas? Boat rides for evenings. A very private person, doesn't reveal much about herself, contemplates about Life and the Universe, space geek, stars are her friends.
When I look at you, at your great depths, I marvel at the power you have subdued while flowing through the land of Man. Born from the great peaks of mountain ranges, like a young girl who is pulsating with energy, you flow down your father's abode. Were you aware of your strength then? You cut through rocks, found your way through dense forests, and finally emerged into our land. We took you granted, knowing you shall forever exist for us, that you shall always nurture our bodies, our minds and our souls, until we witnessed your dance of death.
I wondered how Lasya, the feminine style of dance, also known as Goddess Parvati's style of dancing could be destructive? You swirled to great heights. With each turn, your colour darkened, absorbing the green from trees, the white from clouds, yellow from the sun, blue from the dawn and purple from sunsets. In the end your colour changed to brown and grey as you engulfed everything we held dear. You ultimately showed your hidden strength that you possesses in the days of girlhood until you heard us wail and weep. Motherhood came back to you, and with time, you began nursing us once again. The city repaired itself, we began learning about the secrets of life and death on your banks and children played with your gentle waters. And then you longed for love, so you advanced towards the sea, merging with its grand form. Once, I used to see it as a way of losing your entire identity, but now I see it as being one. You nourish man in the city and then with your dear love, the mighty sea, you nourish the life that resides inside water. I would like to be something like that.
"Is that why you spend so much time at the river?"
Plays the flute, the most non violent human, will never get angry, calm voice that might lead you to deep sleep. Nobody has seen her even glare at someone. Gold jewellery, squints at the sun, sings devotional songs for Krishna, cannot eat spicy food, lives in the hills, will definitely win if you race against her in the hills, knows quiet spots to appreciate the valleys. Has a great deal of knowledge about herbal medicines, one touch and you will feel that the pain is gone. Has Diy skin care methods ready, gives the best oil massage, cold hands in winter, looks adorable when covered in a shawl, red cheeks that appear like natural blush, makes the best tea.
"Close your eyes, open your ears and your mind too. You might begin to understand the language of the hills. They will send you messages of rain clouds, soft kisses of wintery breeze, fragrance of spring and gently warmth of the sun. Sometimes, if you look closely enough, you might get to know who you are in this world in front of them."
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙ ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇  ‧͙⁺ ˚*・༓☾ ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙◌
Even though it's based on dance, but everyone isn't into dance, so i did try my best to make it inclusive and ofc i had to write these paragraphs because I felt more creative lol (just to sum up the vibes maybe that's why) It was a bit tricky to make for Sattriya and Manipuri. I looked up some articles and then some Assam and Manipur tourism videos and also some of theri dance videos too for this. Now I mentioned some of rhe traits and stuff based on the dancing history and the repertoire plus also from the place where it belongs too
Tell me your favorite one and which one you relate to the most.
Shoutout to @remen-nyoodless for the hindi lines
Tagging: @yehsahihai @swayamev @sanskari-kanya @navaratna @daddojanam @pulihora @inexhaustible-sources-of-magic @aapki-pyaari-sakhi @kuhuchan @arachneofthoughts @vedajananixx @pothosinpots @eugenephosgene @reallythoughtfulwizard @ma-douce-souffrance
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pomefioredove · 2 months
Wahhh I love your writings so so so much and you absolutely deserve 500 and more ToT seeing your posts always makes my day!! I saw the match-up event and knew I had to join, it'll be my first time trying one of those!
It is kinda hard to describe myself... Which I guess says something about me? I'm a total homebody, finding comfort in solitude and the sort of freedom that comes with being able to express myself, by myself, with no restraint. But even then, there's nothing I don't love about the bustling nighttime, basking in the sort of romantic air of the evening as I admire the city lights and the ambience of energy.
I'm the type of person that finds myself in people. For better or for worse, my presence is determined by those I choose to be around... So overall I'm a big people pleaser and am kind of starved for good friendships and affection, having always had a hard time keeping connections or finding people that truly want to be with me, which in turn makes me a bit of a loner, I suppose... I do truly yearn though lol, so the want for connection is still there, raging within. It's almost a painful sort of pining, because I never hold a grudge.. Even if someone does wrong by me, I will always be ready to welcome them again with open arms. I'm fiercely loyal, so I long to have people reciprocate that.
I adore anything that keeps my mind going and gives me that feeling of satisfaction and indulgence... I would say I find that feeling in my passion for art, writing, and reading... analysing my favorite movies and literature, getting to notice little things about the people around me and storing them in the back of my mind as little anecdotes I can smile about. Putting myself in the shoes of others, letting my imagination go wild— that small balcony full of potted plants is so beautiful and cozy, I wonder what the interior of the home is like, then... Small, full of zen, with warm lights? That person on the sidewalk, waiting for the bus with headphones on, they look like they would like jazz, or maybe something more upbeat?
Im also a dreamer, I guess I can describe it as such haha. Im a hopeless romantic by heart, yet sometimes I find myself feeling a twinge of apprehension at the thought of truly being in a relationship... Maybe it's because it's uncharted territory, or it's because that "dreaming" side of me has that sort of "prince charming" fantasy that I've always wished for, even on a more realistic level. But even then, I know I can be patient and let time do it's thing while I focus on bettering my own future, and finding happiness and comfort in myself in the meanwhile.
I feel like maybe I've made this a bit too long haha.,,, take your time, and have a wonderful day! 🩷🩷
I match you with 𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐮𝐬 𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐚
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anon I hope that you were purposefully trying to get him. I think you might actually be his soulmate oh my god
The First Impression:
Do you believe in love at first sight? Malleus does.
The connection is immediate. He's drawn to you like a moth to a flame, and conversing with you only enchants him more. Perhaps you bump into each other somewhere in the dead of night, or maybe you're just classmates, either way he simply knows.
Why He Fell:
Malleus soon finds himself purposefully seeking out your company, wanting to get closer but not sure how. This whole "friendship" thing is quite new to him, after all, and he doesn't want to scare you off.
There's no telling what exactly it is that makes him fall in love, but he falls, and he falls hard. He relishes in every moment you spend together, whether it's talking about your shared passion for the arts, or listening to you describe dreams. Your perspective on life is so... fascinating to him, he can simply never get enough of it. Your attention to detail, your appreciation of the little things, your ceaseless curiosity and active imagination, the care you feel for strangers... You quite literally change his world view.
Perhaps he's not exactly a prince charming, but he's close enough.
The Relationship:
There's a sense of understanding between the two of you when it comes to your loneliness. Later on, Malleus will question if he could tell that you felt as isolated as he did when he first saw you, if that was what drew him closer. But he doesn't put much thought into it. You enchanted him, and that's enough of a reason.
Though, perhaps, in the end, it's that shared loneliness that drives you together again and again. Your fierce loyalty, your craving for love and affection. You make each other feel safe and secure, which is all Malleus could really ask for at the end of the day.
He truly grows into himself during the course of your relationship, becoming a more stable, caring, and emotionally intelligent version of himself. You truly bring out the very best in him, and he can only hope he does the same for you.
There are awkward moments, of course, being two people that have no prior relationship experience. There's miscommunication, the occasional bruised ego, but there's truly nothing that could tear you apart. Malleus is devoted, reliant on his loved ones in such a way that perfectly mirrors your loyalty, and the both of you are quick to forgive and talk and move on. Probably the healthiest relationship to ever healthy.
He absolutely adores you from beginning to end.
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moonlight-tmd · 9 months
Random idea inspired by a thing i read;
BlitzBee but Blitzwing gets amnesia and falls in love with Bee whom he hated before.
While on some mission, Blitz gets (more)processor damage and all his memory data fries. Megs wants to dispose of him and use his parts cuz the little control he had over him is gone.
Blitz runs away and the Autobots find him and take him in, they initially wanted to try and get whatever leftover information he might have but the only thing they learn is that the Decepticons are stationed somewhere in a cave.
They wanted to help him but Blitz would straight up panic whenever they tried to pull him into medbay or when Ratchet had his tools near him, at one point he got aggressive so they stopped.
The Autobots don't know what to do: on one side- this is a wanted Decepticon, on the other- the poor guy didn't even know what his name was until they told him. Then the Elite Guard arrives and thru some chain of events Megs and other Decepticons are captured in their own base and Blitz stays with the repair crew cuz 1.rehabilitation, 2.he's useless anyway so they leave him with the low-ranks.
Blitz gets branded an Autobot and gets his own place in the plant. The others try to teach him stuff and get him to be nice but it's not really effective. The only one to really get along with him from the start was Bumblebee.
The little chatty bot has captured the Ex-'con's interest; Bee was different from the other Autobots, he was funny, kind and especially cheeky for his size.
Bee was sceptical at first- the guy did try to kill him multiple times after all, but he felt bad for Blitz not knowing anything about himself. One night he found Blitz sitting alone and sad, "Why am I so messed up?" he asked Bee, and that's when Bee's Spark softened for him. He just couldn't be mean to him anymore. Everyone has been treating Blitz like an outcast and Blitz didn't even know why.
And so, Bee tells him how he knew Blitzwing and tries to answer other questions Blitz has. Key word being 'tries', he doesn't have answers for most of them.
Blitz learns to like earth's culture, Bee teaches him how to play video games so they can play together, he discovers his Dancer side and his passion for sculpting again and so begins to hang out with Bulkhead sometimes, even Sari gets the status of "closer than a stranger". But the status of "friend"- only Bee gets those privileges.
One night Blitz has a nightmare- Megatron's promises of killing him and the looming frames of a whole legion of pissed off Decepticons plaguing his dream and resulting in waking up to a panic attack. Bee, who has been staying up late watching movies again, goes to invesitgate the sudden sounds of distress. He comforts Blitz the best he can. Blitz, not wanting to go to recharge again, joins him in the main room for the late night romance movie marathon. They watch few romcoms and animated movies. Then they get to live-action Beauty and The Beast- Bee's favorite.
Blitz is surprised to find Bee crying after the movie ends, Bee tells him that he's always been a hopeless romantic. "Big, bag guy learns how to love because someone showed him kindness when everyone else treated him like a monster... man, I wish I had someone who'd love me for real." Bee had said. That night, something in Blitzwing ignited like a candle. A flame of something that only grew larger the more he hung out with Bee.
The others started to trust him too, he started to feel welcome in their presence, everything was looking up.
...Then he started remembering snippets of his past. Flashes of memories returned to him from time to time. Even tho they were very brief, it was enough for Blitz to start to piece together of what kind of person he used to be. He kept quiet about it, he didn't wanna ruin what he had now.
The flashes showed him little parts of his past- what he did, who the other transformers were, even going as far back as showing him what he once looked like. The flashes often showed him what he did on earth; the damage he caused, the brutal fights with his autobot team,.. and how poorly he treated the one he cared about the most now.
Bee noticed something was up, but Blitz brushed it off everytime. Then when the base was empty, only them in Bee's room, he asked him about their past- conveniently disguising the real reason as 'i used to be a 'con, surely we fought or something right?'. Bee told him about the fights and encounters he remembered, one particular event stuck out in his mind- the time Bee made him fall from the sky, straight into a frozen lake. Bee himself chuckled at how funny it was.
Later that night Blitz couldn't recharge, the ghost of that specific memory tickled his processor as if it was important. Blitz went to watch romance movies instead. Something about them just made sense with Blitzwing's Spark. Maybe that's why Bee loved them so much? At one point the pick up line "Did it hurt when you fell from heaven? Beacuse you look like an angel." came up in a movie. Blitzwing has been educated on earth's culture enough to know this was a form of courting. Did Bee-... no he couldn't have been, he hated him back then. Bee was afraid of Blitzwing back then, he backed away with fear whenever they met. And Blitzwing was so mean to him, he tried to kill him for Primus' sake!
He thought about all the bad things that happened between them in the past; they were enemies, of course they didn't like each other... But then the thoughts of what has happened since he got put on earth slowly flooded over the bad ones; Bee was nice to him, he spend time with Blitz and taught him all the things he knows now. Bee was kind to him, and kindness was something he never experienced nor remembered being done to him.
The realization that he might like Bumblebee a little more than a friend slowly set in his processor.
He doesn't know how to act; he wants Bee to like him back, he want to spend everyday with him and possibly have an actual relationship with the minibot- but at the same time he's guilty about what he's done to Bee and feels he doesn't deserves it.
Little does he know Bee has been feeling similar: Blitzwing is nice and funny, caring even when you really get to know him. He feels a little bad for all the insults and mockery he's thrown at the ex-'con, even if said ex-'con tried to kill him. You'd think he'd be a love expert, having watched all those romance movies, but really he has no clue what to do. Similar to his past-crush on Prowl, Blitz has always been on the attractive end. Since the two used to be enemies, only now he's realy started to appreciate it.
This is where the idea kinda dies- idk, maybe Bee got damaged and was laying in medbay in critical condition and that's what snapped Blitzwing out of the love/self-hate loop. So after Bee got better and was staying in base for few days to recover, they had another romance movie night. They watched all the movies that played on the first night and when the Beauty and The Beast came on, Blitz slowly brought up how worried he's been about Bee-
"It's like jou said... 'Big, bag guy learns how to love because someone showed him kindness'..." Blitz have muttered once the dance scene.
I cannot put to words how fluffy and soft the confession was, there were little words but just enough to cover every bit of emotion they were feeling. They fell asleep on the couch and the others found them cuddling in the morning.
It took them a while to officially announce they were dating- it was a surprise to them, Bulkhead was a little worried about Bee cuz- well, that was Blitzwing he was dating but Bee assured him he knew what he was getting into.
And it wasn't a bad decision at all, those two are absolutely happy together. Took them a bit to officially say "I love you" but the fluffy cuddles and soft kisses make up for it.
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noemilivv · 5 months
Hi I saw the match up event recently but I gotta ask who would be a perfect match for me?
I’m a female and I’m not sure about my sexuality at the moment since I’m a bit confused what gender I am interested in but I don’t mind who it is, as long I’m given love and affection, then I won’t mind who it is.
About me, I’m an ambiverted female since i tend to be very shy at first and a little awkward, since I can’t keep up an conversation but there are times I will try and be social and talk to others while I’m trying not to be embarrassed or anything, but once I open up I’m very talkative and kind, i usually put my friends/family/loved ones first and then me most of the time, I don’t really get upset as often but I know deep inside I know I’m hurt since I tend to bottle everything up in short terms, I tend to mask it all with a bright and kind personality, I don’t know how to say no to others but I’m slowly learning and healing myself, but overall I’m very kind to others who respects my boundaries but overall I’m a kind hearted person, and I’m a very comforting person too, I’m basically an uncertified counselor too and not to mention I’m somewhat motherly to my friends since I always worry about them if they ate or something is wrong with them but I also get insecure most of the time because I feel like I’m not good enough or anything, I’m my friend group, I’m the mom friend who worries about their well-being or giving them mom advice (I’m not a mom because I’m single) but also I’m a hopeless romantic and I’m very delusional at times (kinda like mitsuri in a way😭😭) but I’m not a mean person in general!!
And another thing about me is I’m not very smart in a way since my ADHD and possible dislexia
but as for my style and appearance I’m a bit skinny and chubby with a curvey figure with a few small or medium belly rolls and skin marks too but I like to wear sweaters with zippers and a tight crop top tang too with spaghetti straps or thick ones and playboy bunny sweatpants because I find them comfortable since I have a big butt😭, and I like to wear my moccasins (slippers in indigenous culture, since I’m Canadian) but overall I don’t mind what clothes I’m wearing as long I’m comfortable
My main interest is listening to music that comforts me, I listen to Frank Sinatra or Songs from adventure time like everything stays or drift away from Steven universe since it kinda relates to me in away too, I love drawing and creating things like knitting or painting sunsets or landscapes!
And lastly for my main love languages, they are physically touch and Quality time, I’m very touch starved and quality starved too, I love being hugged a lot or even being near someone makes me happy, and maybe gift giving since I like giving people gifts but I sometimes like receiving gifts because I feel bad that people spend money on me either it’s expensive or not but I do like receiving small things that were crafted!! I like reassurance the most since I feel comforted when I’m sad or feeling lonely but also I have a hard time for asking for help in any situation
Thank you for listening and take your time!!!
heyy, autumn (i think this is you), in any case, i pair you with…
Sir Pentious !!
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Pentious is very soothed by your soft yet cheery energy haha it makes him feel at home and at ease and he really craves that in a partner tbh
Although you tend to bottle things up, it makes him very sad, as he’s very open about his feelings with you, and it makes him feel like he did something wrong :(
He will hug you for hours on end if you’d let him. Please let him hug you. He won’t ask, but he really wants it.
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