#Alva Lorenz Warden
ibtrashwhore · 6 months
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My discord is: mymalewives
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hakurines · 4 months
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vampyresonata · 17 days
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Created for The Hermit Zine/Dreams of Perpetual Motion!
View the full Zine here!
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ukarimo · 10 months
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These costumes have such a strong hold on me
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adrielrook · 9 months
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I don’t remember if I ever posted this one but I found it again and was like,, Alva?? O///O)
I am absolutely in Love with his S skin and the snowy wintery stuff going on I love it. I once saw a fanart where Winter Cicada was portrayed small, because he’s a little pixy bug idk but he was so cute mini that i had to do something. I also like to think that he lost one of his wings due to him being reckless or something else (It is probably just supposed to be a cape/drape thing for aesthetic but who knows). I also like the fact that Alva could be a Moth, maybe it’s extremely obvious but I don’t think it’s specified, it’s just that his design really reminds me of a moth with the big cape that resembles the wings and his hair the antennae and the fur as well!
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See what I mean? And the lantern too. And no I think moths are mentioned somewhere.
Anyway I’d like to see more season 22 themed fanarts!
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gallery-piece · 3 months
hermit enjoyers i got yall
he could be better quality but tiny warden.. tiny lead consultant
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ithawua · 1 year
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Itha and Alva are very cute. My two main hunter, red and blue combo! 💙❤️
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ibtw-butsocial · 25 days
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carnivalparty · 10 months
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Self-indulgent stimboard for Alva's Warden costume ❄️ 🏔️ 🥛 ❄️ // 🥛 🥛 // ❄️ 🥛 🏔️
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lemon-pilled · 1 year
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dad lorenz
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sleeping-platinum · 2 years
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“There’s a beautiful sadness that runs through him”
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westily · 2 years
Some GIFs for The Hermit Alva Lorenz
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Rated Explicit | Warnings: Dubcon-ish, Breeding Kink, religious themed(?)
Ship: Alva Lorenz | Hermit/You
Characters: Luca Balsa | Prisoner (mentioned)
Extra tags: Luca Balsa | Prisoner's Costume: Winter Cicada, Alva Lorenz | Hermit's Costume: Warden
This is a gift for a friend! - Judgment is swift and final, its bite cold as steel, and at the end of a broken heart is death. Death alone. It has been so long in the cold you dream of warmth but never can quite recall it properly. Every day you work in this icy prison you do not know what you are in here for. Did you do something bad? You do not think you did anything bad to merit this, then again some people here seem to be tossed in here for even being slightly uncloth. The Warden is intimidating, his demeanor reflecting the harsh environment. Each day, you fear you might not make it. At some point, you will not wake up as the cold claims you. “Do you remember your crime?” You never thought the Warden would speak with you, “Do you know why you are here?”
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hakurines · 4 months
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Alva lorenz Warden skin <3 I cry because I will never be able to have him </3
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vyragosa · 7 months
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⚡ He came to believe the formulae and theories could never deduce human emotions.
⛓ He lost everything when he immersed himself in Rashomon. Was it all worth it?
TLDR: the free prisoner and the imprisoned warden
context-> 4vs1 game based on dead by daylight = lore known through specific characters quests unlocking sentences describing their past in the form of a personal journal
in-lore context-> INCREDIBLY NEBULOUS STILL 5 YEARS AFTER=> overarching plot intertwining all the characters released in what are essentially death games in a manor playground for psychological manipulation and experimentations drugging participants and having them experience hallucinations (it's real), largely irrevelant right now to blorbos as their past is the point of contention (and used against them 😘), but the lore is MOSTLY lies and trickeries from the participants, which is, hard to swallow for people. evidently the interesting part
=> characters often inspired by historical figures of all sorts
=> tesla vs edison but the twist, is that neither are lying nor telling the truth, pure raw miscommunication from mentor and student, interplay of personalities, edison's scheming and tesla's earnestness, exhibiting traits of their counterpart inspiration
=> two men suffering from the same man's actions and carrying a legacy of violence and lies by omission through it
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^ the pivotal event pre-"manor" v what they look like within the context of the Game/Manor post-accident
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=> Alva Lorenz = Thomas Alva Edison + Hendrik Antoon Lorentz ( Lorentz Symmetry <-important) => Luca Balsa = inspired by Nikola Tesla ( now for...his father, Herman Balsa, intentionally inspired by Pieter Zeeman, with whom Lorentz shared a nobel prize in 1902 for the discovery and theoretical explanation of the Zeeman effect (<-important) )
actual backstory time . .. . .a story full of unsaid and lack of clarity
alva and herman used to work together on a perpetual motion machine, born from the sketches of herman's idealism, they used to study together and were paired together so that alva would be the "stoic" able to temper such especially when it came to dangerosity, unfortunately, that man disappeared with all the funds, on top of all his family's money, for years, continuing to pay the fee for alva to work without ever sending a letter, alva considered that man a friend despite not even knowing....he had a family he abandonned for the sake of this machine. his wife committing suicide from heartbreak, alva went against his process and deemed it too dangerous, applying safeguards, which was met with herman's ire and calling him a betrayer, the resulting....being an explosion in which herman died,
alva attempts to seal away the documents, but is coaxed into displaying the prototype at an exhibition, the exhibition has him feel the Presence of that man . . .. ..his very son himself standing in front of it, talking passionately, sending him a letter after the chance encounter passionately asking to work under his tutelage on the machine, wishing to be known as the same kind of prodigy inventor as alva is, Lorenz Jr. ,(which, instead of understanding it as inventors and their talented student, most people believe it to be father-son...)
an auction had taken place in the past where alva bought out herman's sketches after his death. you could largely interpret it as sealing away the damned machine, stopping anyone else from working on it
he let luca work on it.
this prodigy student then proceeded to go through all of alva's documents and upon finding his father's sketches, condemned him as a man who would steal and take the spotlight for himself alone, a scammer through-and-through (edison reference) to which, he confronted alva by i suppose. simply shoving him against a bookshelf and electrocuting him, starting a fire. what a good boy.
"i didn't get my answer, even as the current struck his brain."
he gets sent to prison evidently for the death of the famous inventor, apparently has to pay alva's widow a large sum of money (which i deem unclear because she was never mentionned before his actual death?) ALVA GETS RESSURECTED BY AN OBVIOUS SCHROEDINGER CAT CULT, HE BECOMES A PREACHER TO THIS FAITH OF "truth in darkness." meanwhile luca gets, SOMEHOW PARDONED FROM NEARLY HANGED, and is Invited to the manor to find the truth.....while having never stopped wishing to complete the perpetual motion machine.
even in the story for costumes, it's about luca not letting alva speak himself, alva's issue is largely unwillingness to defend himself against lies. it's written explicitely in his diary, so he just lets luca, imagine, go against him, in this sort of, mentor wanting his student to prove himself and being reluctant to contradict out loud, alva gets fucked over every single. time. and he takes it.
guilt from both parties, shame from both parties, mentor x student,
the prisoner is the one free and the warden is the one imprisoned, that's explicitely their story put in the idea of costumes too, it's insane papli. it's insane.
despite all of this? alva is shown to be happy to find luca a christmas gift. whatever!. whatever.
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adrielrook · 1 year
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Alva sketches because I like him a lot!
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