#Also where tf is Sunfyre
houseofpendragons · 2 years
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Idk why but this is the crown that came into my mind when I first read that line in the book
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bunnyshideawayy · 1 month
now that season 2 of HOTD has concluded and we’ve all had time to sit with our thoughts…..i have SEVERAL questions!
starting with: what the fuck?
who is ariana grande targaryen?? why retcon a brand new character into the story that doesn’t even make sense when you could’ve just changed something else that had more logic to it! so much as already been changed might as well!
is laenor dead? seasmoke claiming a new rider while laenor is still assumingely alive changes everything that is believed to be canon about dragon riding / bonds…
how will gwayne hightower end now that they have changed his story from book canon and sent him away from KL with cristian cole?
why tf is otto hightower in a CAGE? is it some freaky shit? did they lock him up in an insane asylum after he lost his mind in that scene with aegon and cole?
rhaena is claiming sheepstealer? where’s nettles? and will we still get morning?
where was the scene with baela screaming on dragon back? could it have been cut from the scene where baela chases cole and gwayne into the woods?
is sunfyre really dead?! its outright mentioned by aegon and larys does not correct him, cole states he’s left “long in the dying”, rhaenyra said he is suspected to be severely wounded after battle with rhaenys (and vahgar)- i know book canon it was thought sunfyre would die until he didn’t and flew back to aegon, and later survives battle with baela but i do not put it past show runners to make big changes such as killing off aegon’s dragon without second thought of how that changes the story. which this would change it- in a huge way!!
why are they waiting so long to bring in daeron? no mention at all in season one, a brief conversation about him twice in season 2….was this always the plan or did show runners retcon him in after outrage from season 1?
where is maelor? b&c was a horrid scene to watch and phia was amazing to see act, her eyes killed me, but i could not get over the fact that they excluded maelor all together which means they will have to exclude a essential scene for daeron (see above questions)!
is rhaenyra pregnant?? apparently there is rumor of a cut sex scene from daemon and rhaenyra’s reunion in harrenhall where daemon tells nyra of his vision, he mistakes seeing dany for a future daughter of theirs, he’s also seen smirking while leaving “the next morning”. it’s now a huge theory.
who are ulf’s and hugh’s real parents? no one believes baelon cheated on alyssa nor would he, known for being emotionally devastated after his wife’s death, would father bastards. now as for sheara, it’s not impossible! it’s been a huge fandom theory that she had a bastard before fleeing to essos, and she did have multiple kids while in essos, it’s just incredibly hard to make fit into her timeline.
what’s up with lady arryn? no seriously why did they change the only other female character with power, known for fully supporting rhaenyra and her cause, into a hardened woman who kicks out children? her queen’s children sent to be under her care???
aemond asking *helaena* of all people to fight on dragon back? really? leave her tf alone.
helaena can speak to others in visions and dreams?????? hello?!?!!! this kinda confirms a huge theory!!
dany is the prince who was promise confirmed!? bloodraven? green men? children of the forest? dying of the dragons? rhaenyra on the throne? dany’s eggs?
daenys the dreamer confirmed baelerion’s first rider???
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alicentflorent · 5 months
The whole Larys/Alicent bothers me not just because it’s another example of the writers fetishising female abuse and unnecessary ableism but simply from a writing perspective it doesn’t make any sense!
Naerys and Rhaella Targaryen were one of the most victimised women in House Targaryen but even then I would shout “jumping the shark” if George implied some lowly Lord can make them preform unwanted sexual acts.
So if it’s unrealistic for these two how tf does it make sense for Alicent??? She’s the most powerful woman in Westeros, one word from her Criston would gut Larys, Aemond would feed him to Vhagar, Aegon would have him executed, hell even Viserys would do something!
She’s so above him in the pecking order it’s insane, but the writers don’t respect her so this is what she’s been reduced to.
I agree it’s absolutely nonsensical and there’s no way he’d get away with sexually abusing the queen of the seven kingdoms. No matter how much blackmail meterial some random lord would have on a royal, they’d be losing their tongue or their head at the mere suggestion of sexual favours in exchange for information or their silence. Vaemond lost his head, with no arrest or trial in front of a crowd for calling Rhaenyra a whole and no one did anything so Larys has nothing over Alicent.
Even if I was willing to suspend my belief enough to think Alicent wouldn’t pull rank and threaten him with execution for kinslaying at the mere suggestion of sexual favour - let’s say Alicent is so used to being abused and used that she feels powerless to stop it - it’s still a huge stretch to believe any targaryen Queen would be abused by a lowly lord
I also find it highly unlikely that criston wouldn’t figure it out something was wrong given that he’s her personal guard and would likely be outside. He spends enough time with her to notice if she was in distress or if she would arrange for him not to be around with larys there he’d get suspicious and given that he killed a man over a disrespectful comment towards Ali, and got away with it, he would brutally murder Larys over assaulting her and face no consequences. Aemond is also very perceptive when it comes to Alicent and her emotions so he might get suspicious of Larys, who would then become a dragon snack before Aemond even gets the full story. Aegon despite being shown as lazy and uninterested in the goings on would also jump at the chance of feeding larys to sunfyre. I’d argue that Otto, the hand who is essentially acting in place of the king wouldn’t allow his daughter, the queen, to be subjected to sexual exploitation by a lowly lord and would likely have larys report to him with any information with the constant threat of execution hanging over him. Even if they want to strip Alicent of her power and autonomy, the idea that the powerful men (bc they love saying she lives in service of men) in her family, her loyal murderous guard and even her sickly king husband would allow this to happen for 6+ years and just wouldn’t notice I’d ridiculous.
I’m sure they’ve got some weird thing about using sexual abuse to punish Alicent for “choosing the side of men” and also keeping her in a victim role, instead of a leadership role. even when she is supposed to be the most powerful player in the room. The fact that they allegedly wrote a scene where blood rapes Alicent during the murder of her grandson, in front of Helaena and the children, a scene disgusting enough that Olivia outright refused and caused her, Matt and Emma to call a meeting last year to get the scene removed from the script just solidifies for me that they’re doing exactly what d&d did by using rape and SA as shock value and torture porn. At least d&d never tried hiding behind a “feminist perspective”
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sunnysideaeggs · 2 months
hi it’s sunny, back with episode 7 analysis 🥰✨ read if you like, long post and all that. have a great day loves!
i really like the embroidery of sunfyre and meleys side by side, who’s the man with the sword, criston?
take a shot every time rhaenyra reminds the characters that ‘she’s queen’ 🤡🤡🤡 anyone that says they’re king is no true king or whatever tywin said
orwyle and alicent gossiping, alexa play girl so confusing by charli xcx
she gave everything and it wasn’t enough, because viserys never intended for her blood to matter and not aemond doesn’t care about her words
when will otto bring his cats? :( the rats are out of control
aemond continues to undo everything aegon did, including the naming of his kingsguard. can’t be plotting against the king when his friends are around.
jasper and larys, two bad bitches plotting together. battle of brains and curls.
funny that the woman with three bastards forgot that people have bastards lol. idk if they did that to make her naive or what
somehow rhae twists her life-long privilege to have bastards and not end up dead as a affront on poor her, so disenfranchised and helpless :( lmao
it irks me that daemon is called ‘king consort’ instead of ‘prince consort’. how am i supposed to trust this show as politically accurate if they don’t even use the proper title
where is oscar’s regent? do they think that kids and teens were really commanding armies? robb is an exception not the rule
finally some politicking in the black side. that kid is so cat and i love him already lol.
the king is in pain :( orwyle ily but chiropractic treatment needs to wait for a bit.
larys just barging in, i have two thoughts: 1) nobody respects the king’s orders and does whatever they want, 2) larys thought aegon was being killed and interrupted it.
also who tf is that kingsguard that just stands by instead of helping the king? smh must be an aemond plant
didn’t the grand maester had nurses or something that could be helping? also the kingsguard could but aemond just replaced egg’s friends with his own loyalists
there is no way in hell that they’re letting alicent just go on a camping trip in the woods alone, just after the riot of the sept. wtf?
not jace being butchered so his mother can look good 💀 he was the one with the idea, now he’s classist? be fr
he raises good points though
ooooh finally some exploration on jace! rhaenyra didn’t think shit about politics when she got involved with harwin, they both thought with the pants not about what issues would it cause to jace
bruh hugh son of saera? are we supposed to believe that she ended up in a flea bottom brothel instead of a luxurious pleasure house in lys?
lmao the dragon keepers unionizing against andals. no songs for vermithor? do the dragons just accept commands from any targaryen or is rhae rhae special?
rhaenyra in front of the mouth of a bronze dragon is peak foreshadowing lol (if they butcher it i will riot)
that poor first guy, he had obvious burn scars and was scared yet tried to claim a dragon and got killed. he might’ve done better with another dragon but he didn’t get to pick hmm?
leaving smallfolk to die, so fun!
i like to think that this scene is what makes hugh betray the blacks later. he learned that the queen he supported didn’t care about his kind so why should he care about hers
aemond is hot. i hate him but he’s hot.
bruh the three dragons together look kinda silly but go off ig
i don’t think they will be able to convey the dance with only one season more
they’re probably doing it because after the reviews of s2 hbo doesn’t want more money wasted in a fanfic
i am so impressionable lol
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horizon-verizon · 3 months
So... none of the eggs Rhaena leaves with are Morning. They actually confirmed they're Dany's three eggs and a blue one for Viserys. So if they truly do combine Rhaena with Nettles, how tf are they going to pull that off without it being crazy stupid or misogynistic? The council's whole justification was "she has no ties to our cause, we don't know her, and we don't know if she's been working with the Betrayers the whole time. If one more rider defects to the Greens it's over."
None of those apply to Rhaena. So what, instead of the council pushing for strategic reasons, Rhaenyra's going to turn into a ranting raving evil stepmother that the men try to reason with and everyone can laugh about how she's worse than Alicent? Or will it be another "misunderstanding" in which case, why would Daemon ever believe she would order it?
Does this mean that Rhaena will have a MASSIVE dragon? If she flees Rhaenyra specifically, why would Aegon risk killing Rhaenyra and bringing Rhaena out of hiding? Why would the war not immediately be over the moment Rhaenyra and Sunfyre die and Rhaena has the last huge dragon? The whole point of the dance is that targaryens and their women were left vulnerable. How is that still true if instead of a hatchling, she has a dragon big enough that she and Caraxes were seen as enough to take down Vhagar? Big enough for her and Baela to say, "fuck you. We're Aegon's regents."
And if they aren't merging her with Nettles... why no Morning egg?
I can't see where they're going with this and I don't mean that in a good way.
Didn't watch the episode. Still haven't watched the 3rd one. I also pointed out similar stuff you did in a previous post. didn't emphasize how Rhaenyra could become a crazy evil stepmom that Alicent was closest to or how the council turns on Nettles and Addam specifically, though, nice catch. I haven't been keeping up with al the leaks, pictures of eggs, etc., I don't even know about there being a 4th egg. Do they mention/show Stormcloud?
Either way, you bring up very valid concerns, and more reason why Rhaena and Nettles can never be merged storyline wise even for production costs bc it all just falls apart. Be creative--which is your job--and MAKE it work. But you know, this is a marketing project, not a story or a faithful adaptation.
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ophelieverse · 2 years
I think all Sunfyre budget went into Aemond eyes,otherwise i don’t see why don’t put THE BEST DRAGON OUT THERE!ALSO,WHERE TF IS DREAMFYRE ??
Not the sapphire eye😭😭but even though Aemond looked sexy as hell,i also wanted some bonding time with my baby Helaena and Dreamfyre
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allyriadayne · 11 months
happy aegon the second's ruined coronation day! what do you think of the scene of meleys bursting thru the floor and shitting all over aegon's coronation? hot take but I love it so much because it ruins aegon's singular good/epic moment on screen. like he can't have shit in king's landing (at least not on screen! at least not meaningfully! never sufficiently!) and that's aegon thesis statement right there baby! genuinely do not care for it as an epic moment for rhaenys or whatever but as a point of torture for aegon (and alicent)? eating it tf up. like whatever he does as king from hereon onwards will be backlit by the fact a giant dragon popped out of the floor on his very special day and ruined it. he's so tortured, it's so funny.
I also kind of love sunfyre's absence from adult aegon's life, and very notably from the coronation compared to f&b, which many greenies bemoan because "we need sunfyre/aegon hero shot, for redemption points at the church of general public" or w/e (we don't), but that's just as an aside
ha! happy anniversary to the worst day of aegon's life, too! to be honest with you i don't think much of rhaenys bursting through the dragonpit floor 😭 i mostly think of it as the crystallization of alicent's love for aegon. like it's the moment aegon finally understands his mother would do anything for him.
oh but i like your interpretation! i do like that aegon's only moment in the sun is shadowed by the dead of hundreds of civilians, very auspicious for the start of the war and what aegon's usurpation means. but i don't think he'll get in knots about it tbh more angry and irritated after he processes that people /loved/ him and cheered for him (sweet sweet short term serotonin).
totally agree with you about sunfyre, though i would love to have seen him maybe with younger aegon but not seeing him with adult aegon does fit with my headcanon that he's too depressed to see sunfyre anyway. like, the man doesn't sword train, doesn't have friends, reluctantly sees his family and terrorizes the servants, i don't think in his efforts to isolate himself he's seeing probably the only respite he has. i haaaate those takes where people hype aegon up as a hero, are we watching the same show? this is NOT a hero arc!!!
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