#Also thinking about cunoesse. My god cunoesse.
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the thing about disco elysium is that it has women in it. what you see on the internet about it might lie to you about that but it has women, gay women even, very compelling women even, in it.
#Directive: THINK ABOUT RUBY THE INSTIGATOR!!!!!!#What was it rave said. This basic concern dooms her!!!!! She’s so good. She’s SO good#Rubyklaasje is literally crucial to the plot happenings and yet there are only like two dozen people who talk about them. Sad. Shut up about#that other guy please stop putting him in bunny suits.#Also thinking about cunoesse. My god cunoesse.#Cindy the skull. Liz!!! Who only shows up for a little but she is so cool. Lilienne i need to replay to go on the date to learn more about#her. Soona she’s so real… Joyce is so much so so so much. And dora and dolores of course.#esha.txt#disco elysium#Seriously.#Klaasje i literally forgot to talk about klaasje I love you problem girl
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to my IRL(s) who keeps sending me disco elysium memes despite the fact i haven't played it in months THIS IS BECAUSE OF YOU. HELP ME. If people have ideas on this AU feel free to have fun with it considering I. have only a few!
#zombiecleo#ethoslab#hermitcraft#scopophobia cw#hermitcraft AU#tag ramble time!#don't. worry about the text. yes it's trying to imply that etho can see us and break the fourth wall Don't Worry About It#this AU really was 'i wanna draw hermits in DE outfits who's pathetic and sad enough to b– yeah it's etho.'#'that makes cleo Kim then. I think they'd make it work' and that was it#in my heart it's also an AT so they're working a different case somewhere else in universe. mostly because i don't think them and-#-cuno/cunoesse should exist at the same time.. etho can have a drug addiction but cleo is NOT getting called a faggot /lh#Cleo getting written as 'just cleo' in text is kinda silly i enjoy it. hopefully that wasn't used in the actual game and i forgot about it#art out the oven#art wise this was really fun i locked myself in values jail but the colours turned out reasonable anyway which is always nice#yes cleo has gauges and an undercut <3#[scheduled]#EDIT: oh god. i have to add a tag for this AU#Disco Hermits AU
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I love that the Deserter shows us what Harry could've been--and who he becomes if you game over from losing Morale. Clinging to bitterness and regretting the past that can never change, punishing himself in a self-created hell over and over (the Deserter in the ruined fort, and Harry in his own head)
I love that we'll never know what Dora was truly like because Harry can't view her objectively. Fuck, he can't even view her as HER and has blurred her identity with Dolores Dei. He's literally Deified her.
I love that the Fascist route makes perfect sense and portrays just how easily broken people cling to racial hatred, misogyny, and fascism out of a desire for what they miss about "traditional" life. It would've been so easy to portray the fascist route as just saying bigoted things, but the writers approach it with just as much cynicism and depth as the communist route. Harry in each of the political routes is obviously using ultraliberalism, communism, fascism the same way he uses drugs and alcohol. He's coping with the pain he's been through and put himself through and warping it through the lens of ideology.
I love that a game with over 1 million lines of text and basic 3D models has the best world building in fucking anything I've ever enjoyed. You can see Jamrock, you can see Oranje, you can see the Semenese Islands, all without ever leaving those limited zones in the game that takes place in Martinaise.
I love that Cunoesse shares the same voice actress as Dora, at least in the Final Cut.
Speaking of misogyny, I love that the mercs, Titus and the Hardie boys, AND the Deserter all refer to Klaasje with the same pejorative as a "disco whore". Across all ends of the political spectrum, misogyny is always present and prevalent. It's a small detail but that's what this game is full of.
I love, literally, not figuratively, every aspect of Kim Kitsuragi so much, oh my god
I love that Harry is such an unreliable narrator that it is integral to the gameplay and plot
I love that Volition is ALSO compromised like every other voice, but in the opposite way. Volition is the voice you trust most because it's the glue keeping Harry together and trying to keep him a coherent human. But the instant a beautiful woman like Klaasje is in front of him, while the others are eager to trust her, Volition distrusts her too much because of that. Deep down, I think Harry has learned to trust every instinct he has except for his attraction to women after how much his life was ruined by his relationship with Dora. So Volition is biased against Klaasje.
I love the track that plays when the 41st Officers arrive. The entire OST is a gem but I get so hyped hearing it.
I love Cuno, that fucking gremlin. I hope he's okay even in the Kim ending where he stays in Martinaise.
I love that Joyce is so disarmingly pleasant but I love Everart because he's so fucking smarmy and bluntly manipulative. I know that sounds paradoxical, but Everart really is so upfront about how he's manipulating you, and he actually likes when you call him out for lying. They're opposites in how they use Harry.
I love the Church Nightclub quest and to call it a side quest is an injustice. My first time getting Kim to dance had me losing my shit and one of my most memorable nightmares was about the Pale the night I finished that fucking quest.
I love that DE takes places not in the apocalypse or post-apocalypse, but just before the end of the world
I love that it's not escapist fantasy and that it's meant to be just as paradoxically depressing, hopeful, cynical, hate-and-loved filled as the real world
I love that nobody is a reliable narrator and that each axis of politics in the game comes with its own problems and shitty people who are ideologically poisoned (while also sometimes being right, infuriatingly), INCLUDING the centrist option of not taking any sides
I love that your protagonist is always one drink, smoke, and/or failed skill check from having a heart attack or killing himself. And I love that his insight into the world and the heart of his home is something that is terrifying and comforting.
I love that being hardcore is a belief system almost like a religion, and that a group of kids starting a nightclub might actually be proven right in that love will save the world
I love that every mystery in the game, from the Pale to the murder itself, has no clear cut explanation and nothing is objective. All we have are the insights of a brain damaged amnesiac cop, the conflicting voices in his head, and the conflicting voices of those around him.
I love that the first skill check in the game you can fail is your hungover amnesiac protagonist saying "I want to have fuck with you". And that it establishes to the player that failing doesn't necessarily mean you can't proceed or that you should restart your save, and that sometimes failing a check can actually be great
I love that you can replay the game in succession right a way, or wait months/years until you forget a lot of it, and both experiences are fantastic. You AND Harry can both experience things in bits and pieces you can vaguely remember and grasp, and I actually highly recommend going a long time between replays at least once
And as painful as it is, I love the splintering of ZA/UM due to corporate meddling and greed, Korvitz's complexity as being simultaneously hard to work with, the heart of this world and story, AND being totally justified in his anger and betrayal, and how the varied "successors" to Disco Elysium are so different (including a mobile game version with microtransactions). Because this is actually the most Disco Elysium thing that could've ever fucking happened
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cunoesse for the character ask game? or annette if someone else already requested c?
Send me a character and I will tell you my:
First impression: I’m pretty sure the first time I ever saw anything about Cunoesse it was when YouTube recommended me the clip of when you can shoot her 😭 I didn’t watch it bc I wanted to avoid spoilers but my first thought was like “Cunoesse? 🤨 as in Cuno?” So I googled her and saw she was a ten year old and was like ?!??.!.? WHY DOES SHE GET SHOT? Initially I thought maybe she had something to do with the murder and that shooting her must be some climactic moment bc it sounded so fucked up, only to find out that the scene is an optional one and just 100000% Harry being a pig 💀
Impression now: she is everything to me she is maybe my favorite character in the whole game like you don’t even understand!!! 😭 where did she come from? Why is she alone? Who did she kill? Why did she and Cuno split in the Cuno route? And where can she even go from there if Cuno leaves? She haunts me which I think is the point… she represents nearly everything that we would hope to change via revolution, the kind of person who we’re trying to build a place in this world for… she makes me cry if I think about her too long. Ough. The true girl child revolution of my heart
Favorite moment: her fight with Cuno over locust city broke my heart so bad because I’ve got little siblings too, ik she didn’t mean to hurt him, she’s just a ten year old kid who’s grouchy that Cuno has a hobby that she can’t join in/relate to, but she hits on all his sore spots by acting out over it and he hits hers back and then it ends w that total gutpunch of Cuno saying “Cuno can be whatever he wants. Cuno can even be a pig if he wants!” And Cunoesse saying “don’t be a pig, Cuno… you’d have to take me away…” LIKE!!!! GOD. FUCK. What a moment.
Idea for a story: I keep wanting to write something about C in Martinaise after Cuno leaves for Jamrock, trying to fill the space he left behind until she sort of starts blurring the lines between them and just pretending to be him bc she’d rather be anything but herself… 😔
Unpopular opinion: best character in the game. To me.
Favorite relationship: C and Cuno forever… 😭
Favorite headcanon: her real name is Kielo, which is the Finnish name for may bells/lily of the valley 😔
First impression: immediately loved her so much. I work at a bookstore myself so obviously I was drawn to her and Plaisance right off the bat and ended up spending all of day 1 on bringing Annette out of the cold and then exploring the doomed commercial area instead of investigating the murder LMAO
Impression now: I LOVE HER… she’s a good kid… she gave me a hat!!!!!! 😭 I love that even tho she’s very much trying to be a dutiful and well behaved daughter, you still see her act like a kid and get mischievous with Harry in a way that feels authentic. She’s just so fun and endearing
Favorite moment: all of her interactions are great but I was most taken aback by when she talks to you about Harry during his bender. It’s a sad moment but there’s something sort of touching about that combination of being blunt but also nonjudgmental bc she’s so young. She’s just genuinely glad to see you seem to be doing better ;_;
Idea for a story: I keep thinking it would be fun to write something about Martinaise as seen through Annette’s eyes. All the people who come through the bookstore… maybe focused on Billie in the aftermath of her husband’s death 😔 I also have thought about writing something with post-game Harry getting a job at the bookstore so that Annette doesn’t have to help out as much, tho that’s mostly just bc it would let me write about working at a bookstore lmao
Unpopular opinion: idk what opinions on Annette even do ppl have aside from “I love her” 😭
Favorite relationship: Annette calling Billie her Auntie makes me wonder about them a lot… I also wonder if Cuno ever comes to the bookstore since he seems to be a Man from Hjelmdall fan 🤔 I’d love to see her hanging out with him and C lmao. But it’s sad that we don’t really get to see whether she has friends in Martinaise or if she’s too busy working and studying 😔
Favorite headcanon: Annette wants to write her own books someday and likes to regale Auntie Billie and also Harry with the stories she writes :]
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[ID: the original post has a screenshot of Disco Elysium dialogue reading
Kim Kitsuragi - "Take this, you're cold." The lieutenant begins to take off his jacket. Acele - "No man, fuck that, I'm cool… I'm sorry I said that. I'm sorry about the *fuck*."
The reblog has 4 screenshots of people's tumblr tags that read
#also i've said this like a thousand times but #his relationship with harry is also representative of this internal tension #his urge to maintain the image of the professional he's worked so hard to establish as his primary characteristic #vs his natural tendency to want to help other people. to treat them tenderly #both of these aspects are real parts of him; one isn't truer than the other #and i think people who course correct the fanon preference for one are just as much missing the point #it's crazy but it's almost as if de characters were written to reflect and encapsulate the beautiful and natural ways that real human people #contradict themselves #this is a little something i like to call 'writing' #disco elysium #kim kitsuragi
#god yeah #i think kims intention with his line abt 'the streets being no place for an officer of the rcm [to sleep]' was to give harry some dignity #in the situation. whether or not that's all the writers were implying with that is debatable #kim & harry's roles on so many levels are. just. chewing on them in my brain #same general thing w/ jean's meta role as mouthpiece for the rcm vs him as a person but that's another post #disco elysium
#i think i know the post that inspired this one and i think it was more like. #harry specifically with his unique cocktail of Massive Destructive Issues would have been the issue #kim would likely not have had the patience or desire to help harry out of a hole THAT deep had he not been RCM #kim's stated reasons for joining the rcm don't paint him as callous & neither does many of his actions #it's not that kim's a heartless bitch it's that he's afraid of being made a joke taken advantage of etc for showing vulnerability #so there are moments where he feels but doesn't display compassion because of that fear #and there are other moments where he feels comfortable (even obligated) showing vulnerability and compassion #for kim it's not a matter of whether he feels it's a matter of whether he shows. and he doesn't often feel that he can show. #hence the point that he probably wouldnt have gone out of his way to believe and help harry without the initial professional ties #& it's true that kim has a lot of potential to just be apathetic. towards cuno and cunoesse for example! #it means he's 'on target' as a cop for not caring about those extraneous things so yes reblogger definitely has a point there
#yes! he's got a bunch of contradictions going on he's a really well written three dimensional character #with multiple reasons for choosing to do the things he does!!
/end ID]
if kim only cares about people's worth if they're in the RCM then why in the fuck was he about to give his jacket to some random ass kid

yeah sure the guy who only cares about other RCM officers if they're good was about to part with the only item of clothing keeping him somewhat warm in a place where there's ice thick enough to support two grown men and a bunch of other shit absolutely
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