#Also play with your dolls however you want
earako · 1 month
A/N: idea from @goodtimeswithluigi thanks for the flangst fuel ^^
The thing that sucked about having memories erased and then coming back is that only some of them decided to be polite and slowly trickle in. Waddles, the kids, those memories poured in like the gentle trickle of water from a watering can. More immediate memories like Soos and Wendy slowly flowed in and filled the small pond in Stan's mind that was probably labelled 'family-' not that he'd ever admit it outloud.
Then there were the older memories. The ones that made it feel like Stan had just rammed his head in a brick wall for hours on end. Older memories usually. Stuff like high school, Glass Shard Beach, Ma's perfume, and Pa's suffocating cologne that even the memory of made Stan's head hurt.
Then...then there were the memories that made Stan want to curl up in bed all day. Those...those were usually memories of his grifter days. Or the science fair incident. The combination of having to live through the worst moments of his life, feeling all the hurt and pain and heartache and having to go through the emotional rollercoaster that was his late teens to early 30s over and over and over again. The late nights, the portal, the journals, slapping on a fake smile as Stanlely desperately tried to keep a con going long enough to pay off the house and loans because he'd be damned if his brother didn't have a house to come back to.
This morning was a memories that made Stan want to rot in bed kind of day.
His oh so wonderful brain decided to wake Stan up with the phantom feeling of gaping wounds where wings were supposed to be.
And here Stan had thought he was just born without them. An anomoly type thing, like his brothers fingers.
The searing phantom pain in his back said otherwise.
Stan tried to ignore it. Bit the pillow and tried to will himself back to sleep.
The pain pulsed again.
Stan huffed an irritated sigh and slowly pushed himself up, rolling onto his side with some difficulty and managing to sit up.
"Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow," Stan hissed to himself as he slowly got to his feet. "Sweet Moses, phantom pains a bitch," he murmered, slowly making his way downstairs to either the kitchen or the living room. He'd decide later whether the phantom pain required a t.v distraction or a food distraction.
"Ford?" Huh. Guess tonight was gonna be a brother distraction. Stanley ambled his way over to where Ford was hunched over the kitchen table, a mug gripped tightly in his hands.
Stan's back twinged again. He tried to hide it, grit his teeth, hid the pained gasp with a groan as he sat. Ford raised an eyebrow.
"And you're up because?"
"Hey, back at ya, Si- Poindexter," Stan replied, taking mind to avoid using the name the isoceles bastard had tainted- and how dare he, how DARE he! That was Stan's name first, that was the name Stan gave his brother to keep away the bullies and the bad thoughts that thought having one extra finger made someone an unlovable freak- if Stan had another chance to deck the discount dorito he'd do it in a heartbeat.
"You first," Ford grumbled, sipping what better not be coffee cause the last thing Ford needed on top of the stress of everything was more caffiene. Stanely narrowed his eyes at his twin.
"I asked first."
"Respect your elders."
"By fifteen minutes-ack!" Where Stan had been aiming for playful banter, his back decided now would be a good time to remember having muscle and sinew twisted, ripped, cut, then for the hell of it, tied into various knots. All while past Stan's screams were ringing into current Stan's ears.
A chair scraped, a cup clattered onto the table. Six fingered hands settled themselves on Stan's shoulder and were he caught up any further in the flashback Stan would have pushed the hands away.
Thankfully his phantom pain addled brain was in the present enough to recognize the six fingered hand was his brother and brother meant safe.
Stan violently squashed down the part of him that remembered holding up a hand for a high six only to get the curtains closed on him.
"Stan? Stanley?"
"Phantom pains a bitch," Stan mumbled, breath hitching and stifling down another pained groan. Without needing to be asked, cautious hands slowly made their way to where the base of where Stan's wings used to be and pressed down a bit. Stan shuddered.
"God no, do that again," Stan sighed as his twin began to chase away the pain and exhaustion radiating out of his back with nimble fingers. He hissed a few times.
Silence. Fabric rustling as Ford rubbed firm circles on Stan's back.
Ticking of the grandfather clock.
The sink dripping, Soos said he's fix it tomorrow.
Stan's exhales as Ford worked the tension out of his muscles.
It would've been nice, plesant even if it weren't for the worry nibbling at the corner of Stan's mind.
Ford was going to ask, wasn't he.
He was going to ask about the wings, moreso Stan's lack of wings, and then Stan was going to have to remember that memory and the spots where his wings seemed to be just would not stop throbbing! Ford's fingers were doing a good job of easing some of the pain the scars still screamed.
"Hey...Stan..." his twin began. Stan internally braced himself. He didn't want to talk about it but if Ford asked...
"Ah, it's...nothing. I forgot what I was going to say."
Ford was always a shit liar.
And with the silence that followed Stan almost wished his twin had just asked instead of trying to spare his feelings.
""Ah, it's...nothing. I forgot what I was going to say." Ford clumsily lied, returning his focus to easing some of his twins pain.
He managed to distrsct himself for 5 seconds before his brain finally latched onto the issue bothering him.
His brother didn't have wings.
Ford's brother didn't.
Now, that wasn't to say that being wingless never happened. Similar to his own polydactyly, some people just weren't born with wings.
Stan wasn't one of those people.
Ford remembered feathers brushing up against his own, large, proud wings curled protectively around him as Stanley told Crampelter and his gang to go suck an egg.
He remembered gentle hands going through his feathers, fixing them up and getting rid of old ones.
Ford remembered flapping his wings happily then instructing his twin to turn around, it was Stan's turn for preening.
Ford remembered how big Stanley's wings would puff up when he was angry or defending Ford from bullies.
And Ford remembered Stan's wings wrapping around himself whenever he accidentally caught their father on a bad day.
Stanley had wings, Ford knew Stanley had wings.
When Stanley was kicked out left he still had his his wings, Ford remembered them shaking, then drooping, and then puffing up again in hurt and anger.
And now Stan's wings were gone. He didn't have them anymore.
At first Ford had thought Stan was hiding them, similar to what Ford did with his own wings. He had thought his twin was just keeping his wings tucked away and safe beneath his clothes.
Then the fearymid happened.
And the clothing switch.
If Stan still had his wings Ford should've still been able to see them in his periphery when he reached behind his back to hand Stan his sweater, coat, and gloves. But he didn't.
And Ford had hoped that it was just because his brother was keeping his wings tucked close to him. He hoped he just couldn't see his brothers wings and tried to ignore the persistent voice asking what if Stan didn't have wings anymore? What if something happened to him?
Stan should have been fine, he was the personality, the free spirit.
Stan was supposed to be fine.
He wasn't.
And when Ford had switched clothes back with his now empty of all memories twin he was met with a cold, painful truth he could no longer deny.
Stan no longer had wings.
Ford's baby brother, his younger twin, had no wings.
Long, angry, jagged scars were all that was left of where large, dark brown, thick feathered wings should have been.
Someone or something had taken his brothers wings. And with how the skin looked Ford could only assume whoever or whatever had taken Stanley's wings yanked them out the same way a person would pull out a weed from a garden.
Where he was rubbing circles on Stan's back told an even more horrific story, one that made bile rise up in his throat and forcing Ford to swallow harshly so it wouldn't come out.
He truly did not like the story the raised ridges and bumped on his brothers skin told.
"Ford, ForFordFord ease up!" Stan yelped, squirming under Ford's hands.
"Sorry! Sorry," Ford said, taking his hands off Stan's back as if he had burned him (and he tried not to think of the brand just behind Stanley's right shoulder-)
"I didn't say stop, just ease up," Stan grumbled with no real heat or annoyance. Ford flexed his fingers, tried to ignore the feeling of old nerves and muscle knotted like string, and returned to easing up his twins phantom pain.
He had to ask.
He needed to ask.
But he didn't know how and the silence that started out comfortable was turning oppressive and it would just be awkward at this point, what with Ford starting to say something and then saying he forgot.
Stan wasn't buying it. Out of the two of them Ford never got the hang of lying, at least not as well as Stan.
The questions sat in his throat, but Stan was so vulnerable with Ford at the moment, showing more trust in him now then he in the past weeks since Ford came back. Even while temporarily amnesic Stan was still fairly closed off and guarded, the fact that he hadn't told Ford to leave, that he was even letting Ford try and help with his pain?
Stan was like a wild animal when it came to his pain. He hated showing weakness, even to his own family and it only got worse as they grew older. Ford didn't want to break the delicate trust being placed in him at the moment by asking a boneheaded question or saying something that Stan would take the wrong way and causing him to march back upstairs, phantom pain be damned.
"Ford, I know you want to ask already so just say it." Ford jolted, hands momentarily stopping their movement. Stan leaned back, silently begging Ford to continue.
How much pain was Ford's twin in for him to be actively seeking out help? Stan hated asking for help.
He continued rubbing his twin's back when he felt Stan press up against his hand a second time.
"...How long?"
"You wanna be more specific?"
"I- when you- 30 years ago I thought you were just. Hiding them. Like I was." Stan's shoulders quaked with a low, humourless sounding chuckle.
"Nah, old things were gone long before that, si- poindexter." It was Ford's turn to wince.
That was always Stan's name for him. That name, only Stan was supposed to call him that yet Bill had to go and taint it and he didn't even come up with that nickname to begin with how dare he-
"You stopped again." Stan commented. Ford apologized but Stan just shrugged it off.
"S'fine now." Stan leaned away from Ford's hand's, rolled his shoulder's, then started back towards the stairs,
"Wait," Ford called, quickly grabbing Stan's wrist to stop him. His twin turned around and raised a brow in question.
"Are-whoever- you'd tell me if they were still alive, right?" Ford asked, the hand not holding Stan's wrist hovering over where wings used to be, where strong roots for strong wings were now just planes of ugly, angry, broken and mutilated skin.
Ford had never felt so angry in his life when he saw those scars. Not even with his perpetual motion machine broke.
"Even if they were, they're good at hiding."
"I'm good at seeking."
"Ford, drop it." The command lilted upwards at the end, sounding more like a question instead.
"Stanley. Your wings."
"Ack, they've been gone for more then 40 years now, what can ya do."
"Help with phantom pains apparently, and you will let me help you with in the future." When Stan opened his mouth to protest Ford added, "Either you let me help you with your phantom pains or I dig into your past, find everyone who had ever hurt you, and interrogate them until one of them confesses to taking your wings."
Stan stared at Ford for a solid three seconds before answering. "Jesus, okay, okay, I'll let you know when the phantom pain acts up again."
"I will know if you're hiding it."
"Yeah, yeah, whatever you say, Ford." Stan turned around again and went to head up the stairs but paused at the base of the steps for a moment.
"Hey uh..thanks, by the way. Not just for the back rub but for the uh. Memories and stuff, ya'know."
"You're stuck with me, knucklehead," Ford said, stepping closer to his twin and lightly tapping a fist against the younger mans shoulder. "If you get to spend 30 years bringing my stubborn ass back from various different dimensions I get to spend the next 30 years fussing over you."
"You can barely look after yourself."
"I'll learn." He opened his fist and squeezed Stan's shoulder, hoping it would convey what he didn't know how to say in words. Silent I love you's, thank you for not giving up on me, thank you for trusting me, and thank you for not giving up on me, he hoped that Stan got the message because if Ford even tried to say any of that at the moment he'd end up fumbling or choking in his words.
Stan reached up and squeezed Ford's hand back, understanding shining in his eyes.
His brother didn't have wings, and Ford could try to blame himself all he wanted to.
Guilt wouldn't bring Stan's wings back, feeling sorry for Stan wouldn't bring his wings back.
But Stan didn't seem to blame Ford so Ford wouldn't blame himself.
Stan trusted Ford with his pain. Ford would do his best to make sure his twins trust isn't misplaced.
They'd be okay.
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clownwritesfanfic · 5 months
I Could Be A Good Mother, and I Wanna Be Your Wife
Katsuki Bakugou x Fem!Reader
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Summary: Class 1A is given the surprise task of caring for baby dolls. Everyone is randomly paired up in two’s, and it’s just your luck that you get your crush as a partner.
Warnings: Bakugou may be a little ooc but I don’t care
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 6,512
Disclaimer: Reader is kept as diverse as possible but wears a skirt, uses the girls locker room, has long enough hair to run fingers through, calls herself ‘mother’, being able to birth a child, and was originally written with a fem aligned person in mind. This is safe for poc, and plus size readers. The majority of the fic is also safe for trans women readers but the bonus at the end is not. (Y/N) is used only once.
Important info before you read‼️
This fic was written originally with an OC of mine in mind, however, most people don’t read Canon x OC and while I normally wouldn’t care and wrote one anyway, I am very proud of this and want as many people to read it as possible and hopefully enjoy it. So with that in mind, I took out any describing factors and her name but I did keep some of her backstory and her quirk. If that bothers you, you can move on but I hope you read it anyway because I’m very proud of this.
Also, there is another OC of mine in this story, Usagi. She’s not integral to the plot and has no speaking roles. I had to add her to keep the class even, otherwise someone would’ve been a single parent.
Any feedback is very welcome and appreciated!
Title is inspired by ‘not a lot, just forever’ by Adrianna Lenker but the fic is unrelated.
It was a Monday, a few weeks after the majority of Class 1A got their provisional hero licenses when Midnight and Recovery Girl entered the classroom. Aizawa had taken it upon himself to snuggle up in his yellow sleeping bag and take a nap after introducing the two women, leaving them to explain what today’s class is.
The students expected Midnight, considering she had taught a few of their classes before, but there were murmurs of why the school nurse was there.
“Listen up boys and girls! We have a very special and unique class for today!” Midnight announced as she raised her hand in the air, her leather whip clutched in her hand, catching the attention of everyone (who was awake) in the room.
“Today isn’t about hero work or everyday schoolwork. This lesson is special, it will help you all later in your lives if you choose this path. The path being….PARENTHOOD!” She exclaimed while striking an enthusiastic pose.
“Wait, what?!” “Seriously?” “What do you mean?!” A series of voices could be heard throughout the classroom.
“Settle down!” Midnight got the attention of the students. “This lesson is the most important lesson anyone can learn. Whether you want to become a parent or not, learning how to care for babies and children is a vital and selfless aspect of life.”
There were a couple hushed protests among the class but Recovery Girl talked over them. “You will have one week to care for these babies.” She explained as she pulled out eleven baby dolls of various genders and races. “These dolls are specially made for things like this. These babies will cry, make noises, “sleep”, “eat”, and soil its diaper like a real baby. They’re also able to record and grade you based on how quickly you can figure out and resolve its problem. And be careful what you say around it and how you say things. They can detect anger and verbal abuse which will drastically affect your score. Now…any questions?”
A bunch of hands were instantly raised. But that didn’t matter since Bakugou stood up and slammed his hands onto his desk and yelled. “WHAT THE HELL DO WE HAVE TO RAISE SOME DUMB BABIES FOR?! THIS IS THE HERO COURSE NOT A NURSEY COURSE!”
“Sit down.” Midnight said sternly. She took over the conversation. “While this lesson isn’t exactly meant to play into your hero work, this knowledge can be beneficial out in the field. For example, in some rescue operations, it can take hours for a child to be reunited with their family. Most of the time, medics will take the child and work with police to try and reunite them with their parents, but there are times where a hero must step in and care for and comfort the child. With older children around three to five years old, they’re easier to calm down. You can talk to them and explain the situation and reassure them. But babies and younger children are harder to console in high stress situations. If you learn these things now, you won’t be stressed if you ever get caught in a situation where you’re in charge of a small child. A lot of heroes are inexperienced with child care unless they are a parent themselves or have young family members. Think of this as getting ahead of a problem before it even starts. Make sense?”
Bakugou grumbled and sat back down.
“Eeeee This is going to be fun! We get to take care of cute babies!” Ashido squealed.
“I don’t think it will be that fun, Mina. Babies are a lot of hard work and dedication.” Asui chimed in, a finger lifted up to her lips. She had two younger siblings, so she knew a thing or two about raising kids.
“Correct you are, child.” Recovery Girl said. “The infant stage is one of the toughest stages of child rearing since they can’t communicate their needs and wants with words. It’s a lot of guessing and paying attention to their body language. However, these dolls do not move so you will have to rely on audio cues to guess what the child needs.”
Midnight spoke up. “You will be split up into groups of two all determined by a random draw. Because there are more boys than girls in this class, some of you will end up in a same sex partnership. You do not have to act as a real couple so don’t freak out if you’re partnered with someone you don’t have romantic feelings for. What’s important is teamwork on taking care of the baby. You are in charge of the child for the rest of this week, including the weekend. You may chose to either take turns or to split responsibility evenly. You will be given all the supplies you will need, if you end up needing more, Recovery Girl will help you. At the end of the week you will return the dolls and we will tally up the scores and see which couple has the lowest score. The lowest score is the winner since each mistake is marked based on how severe of a mistake it was. The higher the score, the worse you did. Any more questions?”
Iida quickly raised his hand. Midnight gestured for him to speak. He stood up and loudly asked “If we are to have the baby all day for the rest of the week, what do we do with it while training? You can’t expect us to take the baby with us! That’s highly dangerous and immoral and I would expect better from such a prestigious school!”
“Yes, you’re right. We don’t expect you to keep the doll with you while training. That’s why each of you will have to figure something out. One of you will have to sit out of training unless you can find a better option. Leaving the child in your dorm and hoping for the best is not an option and neither is bringing it to training and leaving it off to the side. It’s like real life. One of the parents has to stay home and care for the child. Sometimes they will get a babysitter but that is not an option for you since the scores need to come from you and your partner only for you to pass. If you really want to train that day, you’ll either have to talk it through with your partner, or train later in the day during your free time.” Midnight answered.
“Thank you very much for clearing this up.” Iida said, bowing deeply before taking his seat.
Midnight clapped her hands. “Alright! With everything out of the way, let’s draw for your partners.” She held up a blue plastic box. “In this box is twenty-two coloured tokens. There are eleven pairs. Each one of you will reach into this box and pull out one token, when everyone has a token, you will be given time to find the person with the same colour token. They will be your partner for the rest of the week. You may not switch partners. Each colour is already assigned to a baby as well, so you don’t get to chose that either.” As she finished explaining she walked around the room letting everyone reach in and pull out a token. When the box was empty she returned to the front and allowed the class to find their partners.
Midoriya and Uraraka had the yellow tokens, Shouji and Asui had the purple tokens, Mina and Kirishima had the red tokens, Kaminari and Jirou had the orange tokens, Hagakure and Yayorozu had the light blue tokens, Sero and Mineta had the black tokens, Usagi and Tokoyami had the dark blue tokens, Todoroki and Ojiro had the pink tokens, Iida and Aoyama had the green tokens, and Satou and Kouda had the white tokens.
You looked down at your brown coloured token and looked back up to scan the room. All your classmates were already paired up and either happily talking about how it would be to raise a baby together or complaining about their partner. You could faintly hear Mineta crying about not being paired up with a girl. You look across the room at Bakugou who was still sat at his desk, glaring at his token.
Upon closer look, you could see that it was the same colour as yours. You sighed, already accepting that you’ll basically be a single parent as you can’t imagine he’d want anything to do with this. You reluctantly stood up and made your way across the classroom to him.
“Um…hey. Looks like we have the same colour. Guess we’re partners for the week.” You said, gently.
“I can fucking see that. I’m not blind, dumbass.” He retorted.
Ah, it seems he’s decided to take on the verbally abusive and absent father route already. You’ll have to do your best to make sure you get a low enough score. You’ve never taken care of a baby before. You had baby dolls as a kid but they’ve never graded you before. This was a whole new challenge and you could feel the anxiety pooling in your stomach.
“Right…well. We should talk about how we want to do this.” You started. “I think we should take turns each day. I could take it today and you take it tomorrow and repeat. I know you probably don’t want to skip a day of training so I can take it during training even on your days. There’s not much really for me to train anyway so I can afford to lose a week of it.” You let out a weak laugh.
Bakugou growled. “Do whatever you want but don’t be stupid. You can train on the days I have it. Don’t stop your training over some dumb doll.”
“But…you would be stopping yours if you-“ You get cut off by the blonde.
“I’m already the best in this whole class! Missing a few days of training isn’t going to do anything. Besides, you’re weak and you need to be at your strongest so I can beat you and prove that I’m the best in this entire school!” He yelled. You think that was a compliment albeit he put it weirdly.
“Ha…yeah…okay.” You replied. Just then the bell rang and everyone started to put their stuff away. You went over to your desk to do the same.
“Please return your tokens to the box! And before you leave, pick up your baby with the matching colour onesie and the bag of necessities. You have the rest of the day to yourselves.” Said Midnight.
You slung your bag onto your back and walked to the front of the room and dropped your token back into the box. You waited for your classmates to fizzle out a bit so you could get your baby. The dolls were all lined up in car seats. You found the one wearing a brown onesie, a girl with blonde hair. You chuckled to yourself at the resemblance to your partner.
You grabbed the handle of the car seat and went to grab the big duffel bag next to it when someone grabbed it before you. You look over to see Bakugou standing over you, glaring off to the side.
“Move it.” He gruffed out as he slung the bag over his shoulder.
You left the classroom with Bakugou trailing behind you, still scowling. You turn around and start walking backwards to face him and hold out the car seat so he could see the doll nestled inside.
“Look. She looks like you.” You giggled. He glanced down at the blonde doll and huffed.
“Watch where you’re going, idiot.” He grumbled. You rolled your eyes and turned back around and followed your classmates to the dorms.
Back in the dorms, everyone was changed out of their school uniforms and gathered in the common room with their new kids. Everyone of course…except for Bakugou, who very grumpily went to his room after dropping the bag of things off at your room.
You had went through the bag and found loads of diapers, clothing, a carrier that strapped to your chest, bottles, a pacifier, and some baby toys. You weren’t exactly sure why you would need toys, considering the baby isn’t actually real, but you guessed you’d find out the reason sooner or later.
You decided to change her out of her boring brown onesie so you picked out a cute outfit from the ones provided. You undid the buckles holding the baby in the car seat (why it came in a car seat when you don’t even know how to drive a car, you will not know) and gently and carefully lifted the little girl out of the seat, making sure to support her head.
As you laid her on the ground and started to undress her, she started making cooing noises.
“Oh! Hello….you must be awake now I guess.” You spoke to the baby as she cooed in reply. “Ha…I guess you are kinda cute.” You felt as if you were talking to yourself.
When your new daughter was dressed, you decided to go to the common room since you thought everyone would be there, and right you were. As you went down the hallway you could hear the excited chatter of your classmates getting louder. When you were in sight, Mina noticed you and waved you over.
“Hey! Come over here! We’re all showing off our babies!” She excitedly exclaimed. As you walked over, Kirishima stood up from his spot beside Mina and offered the space to you. You thanked him as you sat down and readjusted your baby in your arms.
“Course! What kinda man would I be if I didn’t offer a seat to a lady with a baby!” He replied. Ever so chivalrous, he is.
“Ha! That rhymed.” Kaminari pointed out.
“Awww you got a girl? How lucky!” Mina squealed. “Kirishima and I got a boy. We named him Kenji.” You looked down at her lap where the doll was laid on its back.
“You named it?” You asked.
“Well yeah! We can’t just keep calling him “it” and “the baby”.” She explained as if it was obvious.
Iida then chimed in, his baby tucked securely in one of his arms. “Yes, I suppose it would be beneficial to name the child. This is supposed to be taken seriously and we can not leave a child unnamed!”
There were murmurs of agreement throughout the room as everyone talked with their partners on what they should name their baby. You looked down to the small blonde doll in your arms that let out another coo and softly smiled.
“Riki…” You thought to yourself. “I’ll call you Riki.”
“Riki?” Bakugou gawked. “You gave it a name?”
Bakugou was helping with making dinner, well, it was more like he forced everyone to let him do most of it because “no one was doing it right”. You were stood out of the way but within talking distance, your newly named baby in one arm and holding a bottle up to her mouth as she “ate”.
“First off, she’s a she not an “it”. Secondly, everyone in the class named their baby. We have to take this seriously and I’m not going to call her an “it” the whole week. Besides…I thought Riki would be a good name. It means “strong”….and since she kinda looks like you, I figured you’d want your kid to be strong like you so…” You trailed off looking down at the doll in your arms. “We can change it though if you really don’t like it.”
Bakugou huffs. “No…call it-…..call her whatever you want.” He continues to cook in silence. There’s a faint blush on his cheeks. You smile softly at him. Maybe you won’t have to do this alone after all.
The first day goes by smoothly. You had a bit of a learning curve with changing the diaper but you managed after help from Yayorozu. Who knew she’d be so good at something like that?
You had just settled down into bed after putting Riki to “sleep” and were scrolling on your phone. It was about 10pm, most people were still awake but you knew the person you wanted to talk to most more than likely wasn’t. He went to bed at 8:30pm every night, even on weekends.
You stared at your screen open on Bakugou’s blank private messages page. UA made an app for the students to contact each other and teachers with. It worked like a regular texting app, every class had their own group chat and you could private message each other, even students from other classes. All of them were accessible to staff if needed though.
You didn’t know if you should even bother asking him if he’s still going to take Riki tomorrow. Plus you didn’t want to wake him up. You were about to turn your phone off when you got a message from Mina. You open up her message and see a picture of Kirishima with his hair down, asleep on one of the couches in the common room with their baby on his chest. You laughed quietly to yourself and responded with a cute reaction meme. You thought they would make an interesting pair for this project.
You turned off your phone and plugged it in to charge and set it on your bedside table. You got comfortable in bed and closed your eyes. It would take you a while to fall asleep so you started to let your mind wander. You realized that tomorrow Bakugou will miss out on training if he takes the baby. He already told you earlier today in class not to worry about it and to focus on your own training…but you genuinely couldn’t think on how training would benefit you.
Your quirk has always been more of a supporting quirk rather than one that could do well in a fight one on one. Your quirk is called Cheer, by speaking words of encouragement to someone, you can make your target stronger both physically and emotionally. The reverse also works, if you berate someone it makes them weaker. You can use it on more than one person but its effects get weaker the more people you use it in at once. There’s also a major weakness to your quirk. Anytime you berate someone, you gain confidence, but when you encourage someone, it takes away your confidence. Because of this you feel inferior to everyone else in your class. Even Mineta has a more useful quirk in combat than you do. You’re basically forced to sit on the sidelines and watch people fight. It helps in rescue operations but you still wished you could fight like everyone else. You only managed to get into the hero course because you racked up enough rescue points and got lucky with a three pointer.
It’s ironic that someone with an inferiority complex got paired up with someone with a superiority complex. It’s even more ironic that you managed to gain a crush on the bastard too.
It was now Tuesday morning and Bakugou was sat in his room staring at the doll in its car seat.
You had entered the common room already dressed in your uniform with Riki in the seat. Hero training was the first class that morning so anyone who was in charge of their baby that day stayed behind and would join everyone later for normal classes. Your tie wasn’t done yet and your skirt was pulled up a little too high, showing off more thigh than you usually do, as you were in a rush since Riki wouldn’t stop crying and you couldn’t figure out why. She had finally managed to settle down when you gave her the included pacifier.
You weren’t much of a breakfast eater, especially if you were training in the morning so you didn’t go to the kitchen. You noticed Bakugou sat on one of the couches drinking something out of a mug. He was wearing a simple black tank top and sweatpants.
“Oh Bakugou! There you are. I’m guessing since you’re not in uniform you’re still taking Riki today.” You sat the car seat on the floor near him and started doing your tie. You knew you were just going to have to take it off soon to change into your hero costume but you still wanted to show up looking like you at least tried. “So I figured out that she makes different noises depending on what she wants. Most of the time she just wants to be held or given a pacifier so she makes really whiny sounds that almost sound like a cry. She was just crying now and the only thing that made her stop was the pacifier so she might start up again soon. I made a smaller bag of her things like diapers and her bottle just so you’re not carrying a big ass duffel bag later.” You were almost rivalling Midoriya with how fast you were muttering, you didn’t mean to but you didn’t want to be late and you kept fumbling with your tie.
As you were smoothing out your front, you felt a pair of hands grab the bottom of your skirt and start to pull down. You shrieked and smacked the hands away and turned around to see (to the best of your ability) Hagakure behind you.
“Oh my god, Hagakure! I had no idea who was behind me! You scared me thinking it was Mineta pulling at my skirt.” You laughed and grabbed onto the girls arms.
“Ahhh I’m sorry! I just noticed your skirt was up a lot higher than normal and you almost showed off a bit too much.” The invisible girl explained as you fixed your skirt. “Come on, we got to get to class!”
“Right, yeah, I’m coming.” You responded as Hagakure held your hand. You quickly turned to Bakugou again who once again had a faint blush dusting his cheeks. “You sure you’ll be okay? I know it’s only for an hour before I see you again so if you want to pawn her off to me next class then that’s fine.”
“Tch…how incompetent do you think I am? Of course I can take care of some stupid doll for an hour!” He barked back at you.
You felt Hagakure pulling you towards the front door. “Ok, well…see you later then!” You said as you finally took off with your friend, leaving Bakugou and a few others scattered around the common room.
“Heyyy, Bakugou! You get stuck on babysitting duty too?” Kaminari taunted, his baby settled in a carrier strapped to his chest.
Bakugou growled. “It’s not babysitting when it’s your own kid you idiot. And you look dumb with that thing on.” He stood up and grabbed the handle of the car seat and went off to his room. He could hear Kaminari complaining as he left.
Now here he was, in his room having a staring match with a doll. He wasn’t sure what to do for an hour, let along with a baby. He glanced up at some math homework left on his desk and decided to finish it up so he was ahead of everyone else in class. Ten minutes past when his concentration was interrupted by whining. He looked over at the car seat that was faced away from him at this angle and sighed. He reached over and turned it around.
“Jesus. She didn’t mention how fucking annoying it would be.” He muttered to himself as he undid the straps and lifted the baby out. “What the hell is your problem, huh?” He asked, surprisingly not as loud as he normally would. He thought maybe she was hungry and remembered you said something about a small bag with her bottle in it. He looked around but couldn’t find it. In fact, he didn’t remember seeing any bag with the baby anyway. He grumbled as he picked up his phone and opened up the messaging app and sent you a private message.
In the locker rooms you heard your phone buzz and decided to look at it as you were changing. You saw a notification from Bakugou and quickly opened it.
Katsuki Bakugou: hey, dumbass. she’s crying but I can’t find that bag you were talking about
You winced as you remembered that you never actually grabbed the bag in your rush to get downstairs.
You: damn I must have forgotten it in my room, sorry. feel free to go and grab it. my room code is 6678 it should be on my desk. you know which floor I’m on right?
Bakugou scoffed.
Katsuki Bakugou: yes I know. I’m not stupid.
You: never said you were <3 have fun lol
You didn’t realize you sent the heart. It was muscle memory from texting with your friends, but it sent Bakugou for a loop.
After he had quickly made his way to the second floor and grabbed the bag you mentioned, he went back to his room where he had left the baby on his bed. Her whining had turned into crying by now.
“Alright, Alright! I got your damn stuff.” Bakugou sat on the floor and settled the doll into his arm. He removed the pacifier and held the bottle up to its mouth. He felt relieved when the crying stopped. “This is fucking ridiculous.” He thought out loud.
He rested his back on his bed and started to drift off in to thought. Why did you send that heart? Did you mean to do it? Was it a reflex? Were you making fun of him? No…that couldn’t be right. You were one of the few that took him seriously. Sure you teased him sometimes, but not as much as the others. He thought back to a time where he accidentally overheard something he probably shouldn’t have that still made his heart feel weird.
Bakugou was making his way to the kitchen to get something to drink. He could hear you and the other girls of Class 1A giggling and talking about random shit.
He was going to ignore the group when something made him stop in his tracks right before he would be seen.
“Sooo, who do you like?” Mina asked with a teasing voice.
“Who, me?” You asked as Mina nodded. All eyes were on you and you felt yourself blush. “Well…I guess I kinda have a thing for Bakugou…” You answered shyly, playing with the hem of your shirt.
“What?!” “Wait, Bakugou?!” “Really?” The girls cried out in unison.
“Why is that so shocking? You guys seriously don’t think he’s at least a little bit attractive?” You inquired.
Bakugou stiffened at the confession and he felt his heartbeat speed up. You…had a crush on him? Someone actually was interested in him romantically?
“You don’t think all his yelling and name calling is a turn off?” Uraraka asked.
“Hm…not really. Sure he says some mean stuff but…he doesn’t actually mean it.” You reasoned.
“I don’t know…he always seems to be serious about it. I mean he doesn’t even know our names.” Jirou huffed.
“Yes he does!” You laughed. “He’s not stupid. He’s a lot smarter than I think any of you give him credit for.”
“He is in the top our class academic wise as well as hero wise.” Yayorozu chimes in.
“Exactly. Have none of you realized that a lot of his plans actually work? He may seem like he’s rushing into things but it’s obvious he’s put clear thought into his plans. And the fact that he can make one up that quickly is impressive. He’s also more compassionate than you’d think.” You said, leaning back on the couch.
“Well I think you’re wrong with that.” Tsu replied.
“Because you guys are only seeing the surface level. You’re not reading in between the lines. For example, remember when we just moved into the dorms, the talk Mr. Aizawa had with us outside?” They nodded. “When Mr. Aizawa left, you could feel the uncomfortable tension in the class at being reminded of what happened. Bakugou grabbed Kaminari and made him go all dumb because he knew it would make everyone laugh. And it did! The tension was gone instantly! Bakugou really does care, he just doesn’t know how to show it like other people. And remember the school festival? He totally could’ve refused to play the drums but he did it anyway! That’s what I like about him. He’s not a cold hearted asshole, he just wants you to think he is. I use to be like that too.” You trailed off, looking ashamed.
“Wait. YOU were an asshole?” Mina prodded.
You sighed and nodded. “Yeah, back when I first got my quirk. I realized that putting other people down gave me a lot of confidence. I went on a power trip and started bullying everyone. I started to realize that the “friends” that I did have were only my “friends” so they could escape my words. Made me feel like shit when I found out. Now I hate using my quirk like that unless absolutely necessary. But yeah….I see through Bakugou’s walls and I guess it just made me fall for him.” You changed the subject.
“Wow…you’re whipped for him, aren’t you?” Mina teased.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever. Just don’t tell him that. I don’t need him on my ass about it.” You blushed and waved her off.
“You sure you don’t want him on your ass?” Mina teased again.
“OH SHUT UP!” You threw a pillow at her as the girls laughed.
Bakugou had zoned out at that memory. He hadn’t meant to eavesdrop, it’s your fault for being so damn loud and talking about him in the first place! It’s been a few weeks since that and it’s still fresh in his mind. Did he like you back? He wasn’t sure. On one hand he was pissed at how you managed to figure him out so easily, but on the other hand…he felt comforted knowing someone understood him and didn’t make fun of him for it. He will admit that you weren’t that bad looking or as stupid as everyone else. He did wish you would see the potential you had with your quirk, though. He could feel his cheeks start to heat up and he scoffed, snapping out of his thoughts and looking back down at the doll in his arms.
“I guess…she’s not so bad…” He said softly to Riki.
Training had finished and you and the rest of your classmates were on your way to your next class.
Upon entering the classroom you noticed everyone that had skipped out on training standing around, babies either in their arms, strapped to their chest, or in the car seat. Bakugou was sat in his spot, chin in his hand looking out the window to his left.
You had a few minutes to spare before class started so you walked up to your partner. “Hey! How’d it go? Was she fussy?” You asked as you squatted down to see Riki, who was in her car seat on the floor next to his desk.
“Tch, no. I told you I know what I’m doing.” He grumbled.
“I’m pretty sure none of us know what we’re doing but it’s nice to know that you’re taking this seriously.” You replied standing back up.
“HA? YOU THINK I WOULD’NT? YOU THINK I’M NOT CAPABLE OF THIS?” He yelled as he let off small explosions.
“Course not. I did kinda think you would end up leaving most of this to me though. But it’s nice that you’re playing along.” You smiled sincerely.
Iida started ushering everyone to their assigned seats as class was about to begin. You patted Bakugou on his shoulder and left to your seat near the back of the class.
He clenched his fists and glared down at his desk, he could feel his heartbeat going wild again.
A few days had passed and it was now Friday night and you were at your wits end.
It was your day with Riki and she had been crying non stop for thirty minutes now. You were pacing your room with her in your arms as the doll “sobbed” louder and louder with each agonizing minute. You had no idea what was wrong; you tried feeding her, changing her diaper, holding her, giving her a pacifier, you even tried the toys that they provided but nothing was working!
You were close to tears yourself as you thought about how this would affect your grade and how pissed Bakugou would be if you ruined it. The whole week went by just fine, it never took this long for her to settle down. You had gotten lucky with the baby you were given as she was so easy to care for, but this moment right now was proving difficult.
Feeling like you had no other choice, you left your room with your still wailing daughter in your arms and quickly made your way up to Bakugou’s room.
You knocked on his door while still trying to shush Riki. When Bakugou opened the door, he looked like he had just woken up which made you start ranting.
“Bakugou, fuck, I’m so sorry to bother you right now I know you like to go to bed early but she’s been crying like this for like thirty minutes now and I’ve tried everything but she just won’t stop crying and I don’t know what to do and I’m probably gonna make us fail cause I can’t get her to fucking stop and I just…” You panted “…can you please help me?” You nearly whined.
“Give her to me.” Bakugou reached out as you transferred her into his arms. He walked away with the crying doll, leaving his door open. You decided that was an invitation so you slipped into his room and gently closed the door behind you. You watched as Bakugou gently bounced the doll in his arms and started petting its blonde head.
You stared in awe as Riki started to finally quiet down until she was silent. You breathed out a sigh of relief but tears started to quickly gather in your eyes. Bakugou had opened his balcony door and stepped outside to the cool air. You ran a hand through your messy hair and followed them out onto the balcony. The not quite freezing but cold air nipping at your skin. It felt nice as you didn’t even notice that you were sweating from the stress. You bent over and rested your elbows on the railing and placed your head in your hands, trying to hold back your tears.
“She had been crying for so long…I tried everything but nothing worked. But the minute you have her she finally stops. What the hell am I doing wrong? Why am I such a bad mother?” You muttered more to yourself but your partner could hear you anyways.
A minute of silence went by as you tried to not let your tears fall when Bakugou finally spoke up, surprising gently. “Don’t beat yourself up over something you barely know how to handle.”
He leaned his back against the railing next to you. His arm barely grazing against your shoulder, his way of trying to comfort you. You sniffed and dropped your arms from your head and looked forward out into the dark courtyard.
“She’s been perfect this entire week. Nothing I couldn’t handle…but she just had to act like a total brat tonight.” You sighed.
“Hey.” Bakugou said sternly. “Don’t call our daughter a brat…that’s my line.”
You laughed at that, completely overlooking the fact that you called the doll “our daughter”. Bakugou softly smiled at your laugh, also not realizing exactly what he said. But her certainly felt his heart flutter as he looked down at the baby in his arms.
Bakugou decided he’d take her for the rest of the night so you could get some sleep. It was his turn tomorrow anyway.
Monday had come by quickly, thus, ending the project. Recovery Girl had collected the dolls, and you couldn’t lie, you felt a little sad at the fact that you won’t have Riki around anymore. The class waited in anticipation to see whose grade was the lowest.
When the results came in, Midnight stood at the front of the class once again and started to call out the grades.
“Coming in last place is Sero and Mineta with a sixty-five.” Mineta started screaming about how unfair it was and that they got a faulty doll. “Todoroki and Ojiro have a score of thirty-four, Kaminari and Jirou have a thirty, Iida and Aoyama a twenty-seven, Usagi and Tokoyami with twenty-five, Shouji and Asui with twenty-one, Hagakure and Yayorozu with twenty, Mina and Kirishima with an eighteen, Satou and Kouda with a fifteen, Bakugou and (Y/N) with a score of eight, and lastly, coming in first place with the best score is Midoriya and Uraraka with a three! Good work everyone. I hope you all learned some valuable lessons from this experience!” Midnight finished.
There were high fives and cheers coming from the people with the lower scores and talks of what they could’ve done better from the people with higher marks.
You stared down at your desk smiling. Eight wasn’t so bad, right? Much better than what Mineta got.
At the front of the class, Bakugou has turned his head back to look at you and softly smiled to himself when he saw your relief. He turned back around to look down at his hands as he played with his pen. He could hear Midoriya and Uraraka being congratulated for the lowest score and for once in his life….he didn’t mind coming in second.
Twelve years later, Bakugou had established himself as the number two hero with his own agency. You worked along side him as his number one sidekick. You both grew a lot since high school and grew closer from the experience. You managed to get rid of your inferiority complex and become more comfortable with using your quirk against villains rather than standing by and cheering on the heroes. You can also hold your own in combat pretty well now and you have a slew of support items to help.
But instead of kicking ass on the street you were laid out on a hospital bed after the longest 7 hours of your life. You were sweaty and exhausted, but it was all worth it as you looked at the little bundle in your arms. A head of blonde hair was peaking out of the blanket.
“What should we name her?” You whispered to the person leaning over you with their hand on your head and looking lovingly down at the newborn.
“…..Riki.” Bakugou said softly.
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myfictionaldreams · 11 months
Day 16: DP in 1 hole - Mafia!Stucky
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Summary: You were adamant about proving Steve wrong and doing something you’ve never done before.
Tags: 18+ readers only, smut, threesome (f/m/m), double penetration in one hole, size kink, dom/sub, sir kink, masturbation, dacryphilia, multiple orgasms, overstimulated, teasing, kinda mean!steve, discussion of safe words, praise kink, creampie
masterlist 📚 
kinktober masterlist😈 
AO3 Link 
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“Just…Just do it; I can’t take it, I promise. Please, sir!” Each word you sobbed seemed to stumble into the next as you begged so quickly, wiping your tear-stained face on the muscled shoulder. The man beneath ran his fingers over your scalp to try and calm you, ignoring the fact that his cock was still pressed so deep inside of your cunt that he was knocking into your cervix with each breath, let alone thrust. Bucky was holding you tightly from where you lay draped over his muscular body, both of your chests rubbing against one another, and from this position, it meant that the Brunette gang member could look over your shoulder to the other man on the bed.
“Oh baby girl, you sound so pretty when you’re begging like that”, Steve mocked with an air of arrogance, loving that your reactions were becoming more pathetic. One of his big hands was wrapped around his cock, pleasuring himself as he squeezed your arse cheek with the other. He had the perfect view from where he knelt in the centre of the bed, with Bucky and you led out in front of him; even though your back was facing him, he could see where your face was turned to the side, see the tear tracks down your cheek.
He couldn’t blame you for having this reaction; this had been going on for hours, and you’d been so good for him, but sometimes he and Bucky wanted to play, push you to your limits. In doing so, you became increasingly more pathetic and submissive, whimpering and needy for more until either Steve or Bucky enough was enough.
“You’ve done so well for us, Doll”, Bucky praised with a smirk as he kissed the back of your head, which, in turn, earned an eye roll from Steve as he knew his best friend was just trying to give you all the compliments so you’d cling to him more. “How many times has she orgasmed for us now, Stevie? 5? 6?”
Steve couldn’t help himself as he spanked your arse cheek, watching the jiggle of the muscle and the way you initially cried and jolted at the action but then moaned and perked your arse up to receive another one. Bucky also groaned at the impact as your walls had clamped down around his cock so tight that he almost came. Steve chuckled under his breath at the glare from Bucky, who had been trying to edge himself for the last half an hour and knowing what Steve was like, he wanted to see just how good his will strength was.
“She’s came so many times that she’s made a mess over the bed, haven’t you, Baby? And yet, you still want more? I don’t think you can handle any more, especially both of us”. Steve licked his bottom lip as he eyed your pretty hole, even wondering himself if this was even possible; yes, he’d seen it on porn, but two cocks in one hole? “We’re so big anyway, Honey; there’s no way you’ll be able to take both me and Bucky.” Steve taunts and earns even more of a desperate cry, more tears streaking down your cheeks.
“Pl-Please, Sir! Just try; I can take you both; I know I can”. To try and prove some kind of a point that you were not done with the fucking, you pushed yourself up slightly on Bucky’s chest and began to ride his cock. However, you were exhausted, and your cunt was puffy and sensitive, so it was more of a gentle roll than a harsh ride.
“That’s it, feel so good on top of me, Sweetheart”, Bucky groans, both hands on your hips to try and guide you slightly, completely forgetting about the double penetration idea for the moment all thoughts turned to the steadily moving wet warmth that moved around his shaft.
Steve’s arm wrapped around your chest from behind so that his hand secured around your jaw, pulling you flush against him; his mouth dipped to the shell of your ear, teasing with his teeth and causing a gasp to escape your lips. “If it hurts, what are you going to do?” he asks, his voice full of authority that was usually just saved for when he was at work.
“I’ll say my safe word”, you immediately answer, clarity clearing in your mind as your movements slowed, knowing that this discussion was necessary.
“Good girl. Now if my cock doesn’t fit next to Bucky’s, you’ll continue to be good, aren’t you, and not complain. We’ll just continue playing like we have been, do I make myself clear?”
“Yes sir, I understand”, you say without any sort of whimper or stutter noted as your eyes finally blinked open. Bucky smiled warmly up at you, which caused your hole to clench at just how handsome he was, but before he could react, Steve was releasing his hold on your face and pressing against your shoulders until you were lying flat against Bucky again.
You stopped rolling your hips and waited patiently for the next steps, which were Steve’s fingers. He didn’t need to use lube just yet as the blonde leader gathered some of your fluid from where you and Bucky were connected onto his index and middle finger. Ever so gently, he ran his fingers around the rim of your hole, near your perineum, as this was the area presented to him and where he was hoping to slip his cock into eventually.
With Bucky still inside, Steve ended up teasing him and stroking the two of you. Adding extra pressure, Steve slipped his fingers into your hole, following Bucky’s length until he reached the first knuckle. You were snug around his fingers as he managed to push in a couple of centimetres further until nearly to the second knuckle.
Steve pressed his hand on your lower back as he observed you taking a deep breath to keep all the muscles between your legs relaxed, which made it easier for the man to continue to stretch you.
“That’s amazing, Baby, you’re taking my fingers so well. Look at that! Taking two of my fingers and Bucky’s cock, aren’t you our special girl”. Steve’s praises helped to keep you relaxed as you smiled and warmed at the words he was saying like he was stroking the happy part of your mind.
Bucky bit his lip at the sensation, which was difficult to explain. As Steve stretched your hole, it made everything feel tighter, and just as he pushed deeper, he also had the stimulation of Steve touching the sensitive part of the underside of his cock.
“Just going to stretch you a little bit first, then I’ll add another finger”, Steve explained as his eyes trained between your face and pussy. He moved both of his fingers in semi-circles, trying to see how far your walls were willing to stretch.
Holding back a groan, he could feel how much you were trying not to clench and knew if they did succeed with this, he would lose his mind. He just hoped he didn’t cum as soon as he penetrated, which was a similar thought that Bucky had.
Scissoring his fingers around Bucky’s cock, Steve shifted closer so that a third finger could be added alongside the other two. You desperately moaned in Bucky’s chest, fingers digging into his shoulders, leaving nail crevices in his one fleshed shoulder.
Steve remained still for a few seconds, allowing you to adjust before moving in and out slowly. “Fuck Steve!” It wasn’t you who moaned but Bucky who had closed his eyes to try and concentrate on not cuming before the action had even begun. It felt so good to have his cock inside your puffy tight hole, but then to have fingers as well stroking along his shaft was unlike anything he’d experienced before.
Looking over your shoulder, you took a deep breath and tried to sound as confident as possible, the tears having now stopped as you remained calm. “Please, Steve, I can take it, just try”.
Steve ignored your pleas to hurry up and continued to stretch your pussy, twisting and spreading his fingers to give his cock extra space. Even though he was three fingers deep, he and Bucky were not exactly small in the cock division. This was why this fucking session had been going on for so long because they spent so much precious time making sure you were adequately stretched to take one of their cocks, let alone two at the same time.
There had been plenty of times where one of them had been fucking your cunt and the other in your arse but nothing to the extent of two cocks in one hole.
You sighed as Steve finally pulled his fingers out and reached for the lube, coating his cock thoroughly before wiping a generous blob onto your pussy. Moving his entire body closer, Steve began to prepare for the insertion.
“Remember: Safeword”, Steve said loudly enough that you glanced over your shoulder and nodded. “Take a deep breath for me, Baby”.
You did as instructed, filling your lungs to the brim with oxygen before slowly breathing out of your mouth, which is when you felt considerable pressure between your legs.
As Steve was so thoroughly lubed, his cock nearly slid in the wrong direction, so he had to push the tip of his cock hard against Bucky’s shaft and then knock his hips with a deep thrust. At first, he wasn’t sure he would get it into your pussy with how much resistance he was met with, but then it nudged beneath the rim and was welcomed into the dangerously tight warmth of your cunt.
You had expected it to hurt in some way, but to your happy surprise, all it initially felt like was the deep burn that came with stretching your cunt for a cock, just with increased intensity. It was an odd sensation to experience, like you were going to break at the first stretch, but as your body relaxed and more of his cock pushed in, everything was just thigh highest level of pleasure imaginable.
The screaming moan you released echoed around the bedroom as Steve’s cock penetrated until he, too, was caressing your cervix with the mushroom tip of his dick.
Bucky's hands were massaging over your arse, hips and back as he tried to keep himself under control. Having Steve’s cock moving against his but pressing hard with the limited room, the difference in textures between your gummy walls and the solidness of the shaft. The tightness was another experience, almost like a pretty vice trapping his cock to perfection.
“Holy shit, Baby! That’s it; stay nice and relaxed for us. I'm just going to let you get adjusted for a moment.” Seeing his and Bucky’s lengths fitting into one hole, Steve was mesmerised. He even contemplated reaching for his phone and taking a picture to show you the wondrous thing your body could achieve.
With your cunt stretched so far, Steve and Bucky were adamant that they could feel your pulse fluttering through your walls. Not only this, but you’d squirted over Bucky from just the stretch.
You knew that you were too squished between them both to take over right now and ride their cocks and also the exercise that your body was going through; you weren’t sure you even had the energy to push off of Bucky’s chest to find a good position.
Thankfully, Steve was more than prepared to fuck for the three of you. His two meaty hands joined Bucky’s over your hips as he ever so carefully began to rock his hips in the smallest of motions so that only an inch of his cock was moving in and out of your cunt.
As more of his length edged out before being pushed in, your entire body seemed to just give up with the tension running through it with the anticipation of the double penetration. Your limbs went slack, as well as your jaw, as your mouth opened in a perfect circle to allow the animalistic grunts and moans just to seep out.
“You sound so good when you moan like that”, Bucky gasped as he tried to fuck up with Steve, causing your body to jolt with the movements.
Soon, they were both fucking your pussy, Bucky, at a slow pace that allowed his cock to brush over all of the hyper-sensitive nerves of your g-spot and with the pressure of Steve’s cock pushing on him, you could feel every since ridge of Bucky. Steve, on the other hand, was able to fuck you with a bit more intensity, sweat beginning to drip down his temple, but he couldn’t give a shit about that right now, not when his girl was taking him so well. 
“I’m so proud of you, taking both of us so well; you feel so fucking good”. Steve’s voice sounded almost as desperate as your begging did earlier as his eyebrows knitted together with the pleasure taking over his body.
Bucky was watching Steve, feeling his length fucking against his, the tightness of your pussy, the moans you were all sharing; he knew his orgasm was impending. Steve could see this from how Bucky’s hands slackened, and the grunts stopped as he tried to concentrate on not orgasming.
To be truthful, Steve was also near his orgasm, and you’d been in a constant state of cumming since both cocks had slipped inside, the coil in your abdomen tight and fluttering with involuntary contractions around their cocks. Releasing the hold on your hip, Steve reached over to grab Bucky's jaw, forcing him to look up at his boyfriend and boss.
“Cum for me, Bucky, I know you want to. Let’s fill our girl up together, yeah? Make her drip with our cum, that’s it, fucking cum for me, Bucky”.
Steve tightened his hold on Bucky’s face and slammed into you with an increased pace that your eyes rolled back just in time for Bucky to cum, hard.
“Fuck! Holy-Shit-” Bucky cried out, his body withering beneath you like he wanted to arch his back but couldn’t be with you on top. You could feel the wetness and warmth of his seed as he spilt deep inside you.
“Good boy, look so pretty when you cum. Don’t you think so, Baby?” Steve asked you, but you weren’t paying attention, not when you were deeply lost in pleasure. Steve’s pace increased further as he fucked his way to orgasm a few seconds later. More cum filled your pussy, mixing with Bucky’s as it began to drip out of you. Steve’s head tilted back as he thrust through the orgasm until the shivers ceased, and he could take a minute to catch his breath.
Sitting back on his heels, Steve’s cock slipped out of your cunt first, swiftly followed by Bucky’s, meaning the blonde had the perfect view of your pulsing, gaping hole as it leaked with their seed, dripping out onto the sheets below.
Despite being half asleep due to exhaustion, you managed to whisper, “See, I told you I could do it”.
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splataii · 5 months
toji x male reader
cw: dom male character, sub male reader,
wc 1.5k
freeloader toji who likes to pop in at your place n take a load off whenever he’s in the mood.
no text, no call, no nothing. just him showing up to sleep on your bed, watching his shitty tv shows on your couch after draining your fridge for everything it's worth.
you don't get no chance to say no cause he's way too busy telling you just what an absolute angel you are as he slips through your door. you won't even know he's there, promise. but it’s hard for him to keep such a promise when he’s such a terrible roommate.
he walks around half naked like he owns the place, sweatpants falling so low around his waist that his dick threatens to fall out with every step he takes..
when he feels like being more annoying than usual, he hangs around you, leaning against doorways and faking a yawn or two to stretch so you can catch the outline of his dick, and the way his body flexes.
it makes it hard to look him in the eyes when you're telling him to pull his own weight for the millionth time that week, and he knows it.
“you got a staring problem or what?” he teases, following the way your eyes trace down to the dick print in his loose grey track pants. guys like you are just way too fuckin easy. too flustered to finish, you let him off with a simple warning before leaving him be. but what he really wants is to force ya to quit talking his ear off by getting you on your knees and shoving his cock down your throat. maybe then he could finally put that mouth a yours to good use.
toji also gets so heated about the smallest things, moving you out the way so he can be the one to answer the door to all your one night stands and potential future boyfriends. taking way too much pleasure in how they shrink in on themselves when he sizes them up from the doorway, being terribly sweeter than normal to you with all his pet names and touchiness. it seems like his hand stays glued to your waist no matter how much you pry him off a you.
everytime another guy runs with his tail between his legs, you're pointing the finger at toji, but that man couldn't care less. it’s not his fault they're too pussy. he knows exactly the type a man a doll like you needs and he can give that to you better than any of those little boys ever could.
what's more is he has no sense of personal space. it’s always, “i was just looking for something,”
when he hovers so close you can feel his smile on your neck while you all bent over in the fridge, caged between his arms as his bulge rubs against the small of your back.
or “an accident” when he’s spreading out on your already too small couch and practically forcing you onto his thigh, subtly grinding you against it everytime he moves as his hand slips around your waist and under your shirt. he’s just tryna consolidate space, honest. it ain't his fault he's as big as he is. and it's definitely not his fault you’ve got such a dirty little mind.
and he's such a mess.. clothes, dishes, everything. you find them scattered just about all over the place. the worst offense, however, was a discarded package laying on your living room table. a fleshlight, you realized seconds too late, toji making his grand entrance the moment you're shutting the box closed.
you can tell by the shit eating grin on his face that playing it cool won't cut it, but you try anyway, pretending to get back to tidying up the table as he inches up close behind you.
“i don’t mind sharing,” he breathes, hand hovering on your waist a second too long as he reaches around you for his box, “if you let me watch,”
you stay still, waiting for him to laugh it off and turn back around, but he stays leaning over you.
“youre such a…”
“i’m such a what?” he tilts his head, hand subtly sliding down to the waistband of your pants, massaging where it meets your warm skin. he's rubbing in circles, fingers gently raking up and down your side till they're slipping under your pants.
your eyes trace the veins on his hand as you feel him squeeze at your bare thigh, your underwear hitching farther up as his thumb presses close against your clothed dick. your mind spins every time you feel him inching closer to your soft cock, taking in the thought of him pulling you back into his lap and sliding your pants to your knees so he could take care of you like you deserved. mind falling away, you let yourself lean back into his chest, your hand firmly placed on his arm to ground yourself.
“..or i can always give you the real deal,” he hums your breathe hitching as he gropes at your growing bulge, his words hot on the skin of your neck as you feel his hardening dick grinding against the curve of your ass, “if, that's what his highness prefers,”
you can feel the smirk on his lips as he presses a kiss against the side of your neck, and you blink away whatever trance he had you in.
“dickhead,” you mutter, slipping out of his arms and away from him, pretending not to notice his eyes trained on you as you break away. not once does that stupid smile leave his face as he watches you leave him and his half hard cock alone in the living room.
and that's he worst part of it all.. the worst part a him.. how smug he fucking gets. no matter how much you tell him off, no matter how much he teases you, he knows you can’t never stay mad at him for long. just a few touches in all the right places, a couple spoken promises, and you're like putty in his arms.
it don't matter how much tension you got pent up from his antics; at the end of the day, you're his. and he's always gonna be there to relieve that stress for you the best way he knows how; by bending you over whatever surface is nearest and railing you till you can't think of anything but the shape of his dick stuffed down your ass.
“i was so lonely last night, yknow that?” tojis cock drills into you as you do your best to keep upright against the couch, “left me hard in the living room. had to take care of it all by myself,”
but you been knew that. he made no effort to hide it seeing how loud he was yesterday. you could hear him groaning your name and all the ways he wanted to have you from the comforts of your own bedroom, body hot as you kept your thighs pressed together, waiting for him to finish.
the moment you were back from your shift he was on you, pressing open mouth kisses as he made quick work of stripping you down. he had been waiting for what felt like ages to have all of you underneath him like this, so sweet and pliant in his arms, leaning into his heavy hands. coming undone at his every touch.
“what, nothing to say?” he grunts, grip on your waist tightening as you clench around him, sucking him back in with every thrust, his hands pulling your hips to fuck back into his, “or are you gonna let this ass do all the talking?”
you shake your head, helplessly grinding against the back of the couch as he splits you open on his dick.
“‘s too much,” you cry in between broken moans, burying your face in the nearest pillow in an attempt to hide how good he feels inside you. but he comes to a slow harsh grind of his cock, hands running all up your sides until they're resting on your shoulder.
he pulls you out of your pillow, forcing you to hear the lewd sound of his cock pulling out and leaving you empty. toji grunts, your tight hole not wanting to let go before its clenching around nothing, his pre dripping down the curve of your ass and off your thighs.
you do your best to stay steady on shaky arms, desperate whines muffled by your own hands as you feel him lining up again.
“you can take it sweetheart,” he rasps before ramming back into you, your ass spasming at the harsh thrust of his cock as he stuffs you full. your hand falls away from your lips, unable to hide the moans he rips from you as he pulls out and forces his cock into your ass again and again, making sure that the only thing your body will be able to remember is the shape of him inside you.
“that's it, doll,” he smiles, leaning down to kiss at the tears threatening to fall from your eyes as his strong arms keep you upright, “now let me hear you,”
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geekforhorror · 5 months
kiss it better
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pairing: dbf!james kelly x fem reader
description: james kelly is one of your dads oldest friends who has a thing for you…especially in that short skirt of yours.
warnings: SMUT (DNI IF YOU’RE UNCOMFORTABLE WITH IT!), dom!james, sub!reader, established age gap (james is 40, reader is 21), skirt fucking, james has a thing for your ass, pussy slapping, slight objectification, praise, degradation, corruption kink, unprotected p in v sex, fluff, etc.
word count: 2.5k
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James knew what you were doing.
Currently, your dad was out buying some propane fuel for the barbecue grill outside because he had forgotten to get some beforehand. However, he had left you alone with his best friend James.
You had developed quite a crush on the older man a few years back and you’ve wanted him ever since. You didn’t know what it was about him that you found yourself attracted to the most. Maybe it was the faint stubble on his face, his piercing blue eyes, or his tattoos. Perhaps it was all three. You thought you were being subtle all this time about your little crush on James. I mean for christ sakes, you had even picked out the skimpiest crop top and tight skirt you owned when your dad told you he would be joining the two of you for the mini backyard barbecue.
It hadn’t gone unnoticed to James at all. He always saw how you would bat your doe eyes at him all innocently, the way you swayed your hips while walking past him, and how you tempted him. At first he thought he was looking into it too much, but then he saw it happen again…and again…and again. His need for you grew every passing day when you teased him and you were just adding more fire to his need for you.
That’s what was currently happening.
Your dad had texted you saying he would be back soon and told you to get the pack of beer out from the cooler in the kitchen.
“Can you come with me, Jamie?”
That was new. You had never called him Jamie.
“Sure, honey,” he says, trying to be nonchalant when all he wanted to do was smirk in your face. Plus, he wants to see the selection for himself. Classic James.
As you get up from the couch in the living room, he trails behind you, not missing a step before the two of you find the freezer where the blue cooler labeled ‘beer’ was located. Before you know it, you’re walking back to him and like always, you make sure to sway your hips for him. He was addicted to the way your pretty little body moved and couldn’t help but wonder how it would move while fucking you. His restraint was wavering.
Just when he thinks it couldn’t get any worse for him, you bend over. Doing this allows James to get a glance up your skirt and what he saw was enough for him to get hard in his faded blue jeans. Not only had you bent over for him on purpose, but had also worn the thinnest lace panties known to man. He swore he was going to blow his load right then and there.
Opening the box, you present it to James as if nothing had just happened. “Is this good for you Jamie?” you ask him sheepishly.
“I know what you’re doing, sweetheart,” he admits.
“What do you mean?” you ask with the fakest, most insincere tone you could possibly ever use.
“Don’t play dumb with me, doll. I see the way you act around me…acting all innocent after,” he says, calling you out with no hesitation.
“You did?” you ask.
“You make it hard not to notice when you’re parading your tits and ass around me every time I see you,” he says.
“What are you going to do about it?” you say with a smirk.
That was it.
Within seconds, he pounces himself onto you, his carnal desire for you getting the best of him. His lips latch onto yours, fueled with unwavering passion. He had waited for this moment and now it was happening. His tongue finally finds its way into your mouth and you don’t find yourself disgusted by it. All you felt was the desire for him to do unspeakable things to you.
“James…I need you,” you plead, whining into his mouth
“Already so desperate f’me and I haven’t even fucked you yet,” he coos.
You could feel the arousal seeping through your panties at the sound of his silky smooth voice. The effect he had on you was profound. Melting over his voice? You were screwed.
His hands found purchase to your clothed ass, but that wasn’t enough for him. Taking initiative, he rolls the dainty fabric up to your hips, now allowing him to grope your ass with those fucking tattooed hands you loved so much. If he only knew the amount of times you had touched yourself while imagining that they were his hands on your body.
He hoists you up, making you wrap your legs around his waist before breaking the kiss. “You have no idea how long I’ve waited for this moment, sweet girl…how many times I’ve had to hold myself back out of respect your old man, but fuck it. I want you.”
With that being said, he holds you with his arms and takes you out of the room. Before he can lead you up the stairs that lead to your room, you stop him.
“Where are you taking us?” you ask.
“To your room, angel,” he says to you.
“What’s wrong with the couch in the living room?” you implore.
“Sweetie, I’ve been waiting for this for so long. I’m gonna fuck you the way you deserve, not on some old couch,” he says before finally going up the stairs with haste, but also making sure he didn’t drop you in the process. You guys finally make it to your room and he wastes no time before placing you gently down on the bed, moving you backwards so there was enough room for him to successfully tower over your body. The sight gave you chills, but in the best way possible.
His lips latch onto your warm skin surrounding your collarbone before sucking away at the tender flesh of it. You let out a breathy whine at the newfound sensation. You could feel how soft his lips were…just like you imagined they would be.
“James…” you say.
“Yes, baby?” he asks back.
“Can’t take anymore teasing…need you inside me,” you beg of the older man.
“Shhh…patience, pretty girl…be patient for me, yeah?” he says in a soft voice at which you nod at. “Such a good girl.”
He can’t even stop himself before he starts stripping you of your clothes,..if you could even call them that with how short and dainty they are. “Raise your arms for me, angel…wanna see those pretty tits,” he coos. You do as he says and within seconds, he’s met with the bare flesh that had been hiding underneath your shirt. He was in heaven.
“Should’ve known you weren’t wearing a bra,” he smirks.
He had imagined your tits so many times while jacking himself off. He always imagined the way your tits would bounce when fucking you, the way he would suck them.
“These are fucking mine, got it?” he enunciates, now pinching one of your sensitive nipples with his slender fingers, then rolling it accordingly.
“Fuck Jamie…” you say, lost in the feeling.
“My baby’s already whining for me, hm? You haven’t seen anything yet,” he claims. You had no idea him saying that would lead him to now suck at your pebbled areolas to prove his point.
“Such pretty tits on such a pretty girl,” he praises. He decides to tease you even further by pulling down your expensive lace panties before throwing them aside like they were nothing. “And an even prettier pussy…so wet for me, baby.”
The anticipation for him to slide into you was truly killing you. It was always on your mind when you knew it shouldn’t be. “You’re fucking perfect…need to have you,” he says, almost sounding a tad bit desperate.
“I’m all yours, James,” you assure him.
“Glad to hear it, doll.” he smiles. Finally, after what seems like ages, he starts throwing articles of his clothing off his toned body before he’s only in his black boxers while on top of you. You couldn’t help your curiosity as to how hard he was and looked down at the sight below you…and god, he was huge. The outline of his hardened bulge was more than prominent, leading you to question whether you could take him or not. He notices your lingering stare and can’t help but grow a little cocky.
“Eyes are up here, baby,” he says before grabbing your chin with his veiny hand.
“I’m sorry…” you trail.
“Don’t be sorry, baby. I think it’s quite cute seeing you get all flustered,” he says with a chuckle.
“I want your cock…please,” you beg, not even caring how desperate and whiny he had made you in this moment.
“Gonna fuck you so good until the only thing you remember is me and my name,” James promises you. “Gonna ruin you for anybody who thinks they have a chance with you.”
He slowly slides the fabric covering his cock down to the floor, where the rest of your guys’ clothes laid sprawled out. It only took a mere second before you saw the way his cock sprung towards his defined stomach. Fuck…he was gonna split you raw.
“You ready f’me, baby?” he asks you.
“Yes please…need your cock so bad,”
“Such a good girl for begging,” he praises while caressing your messy locks.
Suddenly, you feel his cock intrude your warm cunt, causing a moan to escape your lips from the sensation of him stretching you out with his thick cock.
“Shit…squeezing me so well, pretty girl… just like I thought you would,” he admits.
“Please move, James…” you whine.
“Anything for my girl,” he says before complying with your ever so desperate command. He begins thrusting into your tight hole without showing any signs of mercy or slowing down anytime soon. He wish he could take his time with you, but he knew it was only a matter of time until your dad was set to return.
“Just like that!” you scream out, your well manicured nails digging into his shoulder dimples as he fucks you into oblivion. With every inch inserted into you, the more dumb you could feel yourself becoming. But guess what? You didn’t give a fuck.
“Poor girl…already becoming dumb just from her daddy’s friend fucking her like the slut she is,” he degrades.
“Fuck…” you moan in response.
“Such naughty words from a girl like you,” he tuts in response.
“Need it harder…” you say in between raggedy breaths.
“You’re going to take what I give you and you’re going to like it, princess. Now behave,” he orders. You follow his instructions as explained before continuing with his erratic movements inside you. Your guys’ hips collide with one another, providing much needed friction that had both of you moaning. Sounds of your slickness began to fill the room and James couldn’t help but savor them. You felt his cock scrape your sensitive nerves that had already begun twitching around him.
He took in the way your chest heaved with every single thrust he made while inside you, the way you were panting for air…everything. You looked absolutely beautiful all fucked out for him and he would remember that sight below him for as long as he lived.
“Such a little cock slut, hm? So desperate for my dick that you dressed like this for me instead of asking me for it. Thought your daddy raised you to know better…guess not,” he tuts in disapproval. You felt yourself getting closer to your inevitable climax just by listening to his degrading words. You felt ashamed for getting off to someone speaking to you as if you were nothing, but you couldn’t help yourself. “Don’t fret baby, that’s what your new daddy is here for.” he says before slapping your pussy, guaranteeing that there would be a fresh mark tomorrow. The impact left a stinging sensation afterwards, but instead of wanting him to stop, you found yourself wanting more of his harsh blows. This was made crystal clear to him when you let out a moan.
“Look what we have here…a filthy slut moaning over getting treated like a fuck doll. My fuck doll,” he teases.
“Please…want more of it,” you admit.
“Of course you do, baby. Because you’re a pathetic little thing,” James mocks while still sheathed inside your sopping cunt. His hand lands another harsh hit to the irritated flesh, making you grip your sheets so hard that they were turning white.
“Fuck Jamie…’m so close,” you whimper.
“Hold on for a bit longer if you wanna prove you can be a good slut for me. Can you do that for me, baby?” he asks, hoping you would provide him with the right answer. You frantically nod your head, which was a good enough answer for him to keep bullying you and your pussy. Before you know it, he sets a new pace, one that was nothing short of animalistic. He wanted to be so deep inside of you as physically possible and that was what he was doing right now.
You can feel his cock twitch inside your warm cunt, which only makes him rock harder into you. Your vision becomes painted with stars as he was doing so and it felt fucking fantastic. He was the only man ever to make you feel like this. Safe to say, he exceeded any of your wild expectations.
Suddenly, you feel yourself becoming unraveled to the point where you can feel the hot coil start to unwind deep inside your fluttering stomach. With each additional movement he made, you felt the sensation become even more undeniable to feel.
“Please let me cum James!” you scream out in ecstasy.
“That’s it pretty girl…cum for me” he praises.
That’s all it took for you to splash your warm release all over his cock. You felt like you were on cloud nine while he was fucking you through your orgasm. The feeling of you coming undone on his dick finally made him ropes of his hot, sticky seed into your sensitive entrance. He groaned while doing so, which you found to be the hottest thing ever.
After the two of you come down from your heaven sent orgasms, he pulls out of you and lays down next to you. He positions himself so that he’s now looking at your pretty face in awe.
“I love you sweet girl and I hope you know I didn’t mean anything bad I said” he admits.
“I love you too James,” you say to him with a chuckle.
James smiles at your confession of love before pulling you in for a slow and gentle kiss, unlike the one you guys had shared before. The two of you found peace and solace in the kiss and you guys wouldn’t stop until either of your lungs gave out…or in this case, when your father comes home, which was now.
“Let’s not tell your father about this,” he says with a laugh.
“Agreed,” you say with a laugh back.
This was one for the books.
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tag list: @zapernz @mortalheartache @midnight-raine @camiemorgan8 @myheartwillgoon2022 @demieyesore
941 notes · View notes
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How they react to you accidentally flashing them TW: AFAB reader, 18+ MDNI, Sexual Themes
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You had been changing out of your exorcist gear; the training earlier that day took a toll on you. You only wanted to take a warm bath and relax your sore muscles.
However, as you began to get undressed, your excentric boss came into your room to give you more orders for the coming days of intense training.
Trying to be polite and listen to him while listening to your body's need for a warm bath, you began removing your overlayers.
You didn't account for the hoodie you wore over your gear to get stuck on your head and yank up the rest of your clothes underneath.
Much to Adam's pleasure, he got a complete view of your perky breasts covered in a silver lacey bra.
"Awww babes you shouldn't have, had I known you'd be dressing for me under all that I would have stripped you sooner."
Before realizing what was happening, you were pinned against a wall, two giant wings pinning you down and dwarfing your own wings.
You couldn't see anything but could hear the mixed panting from both of you as he rubbed and grabbed your chest, excitedly kissing your exposed collarbone.
"Oh, I am going to make you scream Bitch, you've been hiding this body out on me all this time with those baggy ass sweatshirts, and I need my fill."
Oh and did he get his fill alright, from dusk till dawn you were nothing less than a lewd screaming mess that couldn't even show up to training the next day, not even being able to take that sweet warm bath you wanted.
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You sat in the lobby, half asleep and clad in your normal crop top and shorts, watching a movie with the rest of the hotel crew. A specific Red Demon watched you from his seat.
As the movie neared it's end you stretched realizing how high your crop top rose, quickly dropping your arms down you sighed in relief noting that no one saw your bare breasts.
One man saw them and tried his best to remain calm till the others in the lobby began to scatter.
As soon as you and he were the only ones, he sitting there watching you and you opting to clean up the mess from everyone else, he pinned you to the couch.
"Doll, do you know what you do to me, showing yourself like this? My my, in my time, you would have been so scandalous to show this much off in a man's presence."
You wouldn't lie that this was one of your fantasies however you were very confused how this was happening right now, shaking your head you try to laugh it off when a clawed hand pinched your nipple.
"Don't play coy, dear. You know exactly what you did showing those perfect mounds. Hoping no one but me would see. Oh and see I did. I will have to be tasting all of you now."
He did taste you right there on the couch, Husk's bar, his designated chair, and lastly, in his room when the shadows overtook you both and landed you on his bed.
By the time morning came, what woke you up wasn't the soft throbbing in your pussy or the bruises littering your skin but the terrified Husk as your spend was still there on the bar top.
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Clad in your bikini and Charlie readying up a water park in the front yard, you knew this would be a fun day. Lucifer also realized it would be a fun day when he saw you dressed like that.
As you talked and drank your water and other drinks out on the hotel's lawn where the water park was being held, you decided a nice, relaxed run down the water slide would be great.
Lucifer was down at the bottom, helping people up after they went down the giant slide, and he grew very excited to see you up at the top.
You took a running start and went for it however the momentum and the friction caused your top to ride up as well, by the time you ended up down where Lucifer was your tits were out and on full display for him.
Quickly, you covered up and laughed at him awkwardly, trying to hide the situation; however, his smile and deep blush led you to believe he liked the sight as much as you dreamed he would.
When the day's festivities ended, Charlie came bounding up to you and let you know Lucifer needed you in his workshop. Making your way up there, you entered wrapped in your towel, bikini underneath, to see the suit-clad man smirking at you.
"You know, after that little show you gave me, we could do another one, this one privately, where fewer people can see what will be mine."
As if realizing his words were a bit harsh, he laughed awkwardly, trying to back petal, but you smiled and dropped your towel, silencing him. Slowly, you made your way to his desk and straddled him.
This time, when you flashed him on purpose, he didn't hesitate to begin groping and massaging the mounds that you so eagerly presented to him.
"Oh, Duckie, I am going to make you a mess. Make sure everyone in the hotel knows who you belong to."
He made you a mess alright, you could barely walk with how thick his cock was, and you had to come up with some very creative excuses as to why you left his office the next day still in your bathing suit.
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Husk was one of your go-to guys for casino attire, and you always dragged him into your room to help you pick out the perfect dress to distract men and make money.
As you tried on the next outfit, you thought you clasped the golden chain of the dress completely, yet as you rounded your privacy screen, your top dropped, exposing your breasts to the older man.
Squeaking and going red in the face, you quickly covered up your breasts and went back to the screen, afraid to see Husk's reaction.
You know he hated being hit on and flirted with, something he got on to Angel for constantly, so even though you loved him, you wanted to keep things low-key.
You didn't expect the low, grumbled laugh and him teasing you out from your hiding spot.
"Now, treasure, why don't you come back out and give me a real show? That was barely enough time for me to remember for later."
Your face was flushed hearing his comment, and as you peeked out from your spot, you could see him lounging out and rubbing his hand down his inner thigh close to his cock.
Slowly, you showed yourself again, letting the dress drop altogether as he whistled low and motioned you over to him. You had hoped this wasn't the alcohol making him this flirty.
"Come here and sit on my lap, baby. Explain to me why I am just now getting to see all this after all these months of cat-and-mouse we have been playing."
Nodding, you did just that, climbing onto his lap. Eventually, you began riding him slowly as you explained in detail why it took so long for him to finally have you like this.
Each time you messed up a sentence, Husk would slow down his pace and make you start over until you were just a babbling mess for the rest of the night and the next day.
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You had learned of all the spots in Vee's tower where the cameras were hidden, and you wanted some privacy even if you signed 90% of it away to work with Vox.
You should have fully accounted for what would happen if you accidentally, on purpose, always made sure to change just out of view of his cameras to get him going.
However, today was an exception. You had a meeting in two minutes and needed to change from Val's required uniform to the one Vox wanted.
Speed changing, you managed to flash quite a lot to the camera, not even thinking of your placement in the room. Seeing as you were running late, you booked it to the meeting room, applying your makeup as you went.
Once you made it to the room, huffing gently, you entered to see no one but Vox at the head table. Confused, you walked in and bowed to the man.
"Oh princess, you are normally one smart broad, yet today you gave me a whole show, didn't you? I even know you don't have underwear on under that pretty blue skirt. How often do you choose to do that for me?"
Gasping, you realized your fatal flaw, yet it was too late. Vox already had you dropping to your knees and pulling your ponytail out of your hair.
Slowly, he unclasped his belt and pulled down his pants as he also unbuttoned your shirt and exposed your breasts in a dark blue bra that was intentionally chosen for him.
"Be a good girl and suck daddy off; show me how messy that half-assed makeup can get, and I will reward you with a night of my cock and stimulation."
Without having to be told twice, you were bobbing your head up and down eagerly while he massaged your breasts. What went from you making him cum down your throat turned into him pounding you.
Come morning, your schedules had been cleared, and even more cameras had been put around places you visited often. You made sure to flash Vox a few more times that month.
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Prompt assistance: @literallurker
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astro-enthusiast · 4 months
Astro Observations 2.0
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Thank you all for 222 followers! <3
Take these observations for what they are: personal observations.
Super duper long because I love you all. :)
Aries moons tend to always be on the move. Often times, these natives have something energetically "off" at home which results in them not even wanting to be there. They're the type to always be at work or at their friend's place. May have parents they want to get away from. At least one of their parents leans toward a more masculine energy.
You cannot be in your feelings when you talk to a Virgo moon. Their love language is literally telling you all the ways you can improve yourself. It's not necessarily that they're trying to make you feel some type of way, they genuinely don't think there's anything offensive about it. They're naturally attracted to "fixer-uppers" and they love a good project. Only problem is, people are not your projects and your loved ones are allowed to be flawed.
On the note of Virgo moons, they also have a tendency to be permanently unimpressed. My mom has this placement and my sister and I always wanted grand reactions to the stuff we did as kids, but we never got them. Even to this day, my mom is the queen of giving absolutely nothing extra energetically lol. They literally look like this emoji --->😐. Unless they have fire placements, they tend to be the definition of stoicism.
I've been studying the relationship between Scorpio moons and their mothers for a while now because it is such an interesting dynamic. I noticed in the past, that Scorpio moon natives may experience a rather controlling mother figure, but I've recently noticed that this controlling nature goes both ways. Yes, their mother has control over them and their actions, but they have just as much control over her too. They're almost like puppets to each other. It's an incredibly intriguing dynamic that honestly leaves me speechless. Makes you wonder, in these specific situations, "Is anyone here truly the victim?"
We've talked about how moon signs can manifest and what your mother may have taught you, but what I have yet to touch on is how your moon sign reflects your mother's pregnancy experience. I've studied this a bit and I think my mom is the perfect example! My sister and I have opposing moon signs: Cancer and Capricorn. I've spoken to my mom in-depth about both her pregnancies and here is how she describes them:
-Pregnancy with Cancer moon: she was overweight, gained 50+ lbs during her pregnancy, used food to cope with her abusive relationship, was on bedrest, too depressed to do or go anywhere, spent most of her days in the house crying.
-Pregnancy with Capricorn moon: she was in amazing physical condition, gained less than 20 lbs during pregnancy (10 lbs of that was baby), had endless energy, worked out every day, worked overtime at her job, was broken up from my dad, lived alone, was in her bag.
Opposite moon signs and two completely different pregnancies!! Crazy, right?!
I've heard the theory that Capricorn moons are the eldest child, which is true in many cases. However, in my experience as a Capricorn moon, I'm the youngest and my eldest sister is a Cancer moon. But that doesn't debunk my "big sister" energy lol. My sister has always referred to me as her "big little sister" and when we were younger and my mom left us home alone, she always left me in charge. My Cancer moon sister was known for her big emotions and ability to quickly lose control. This dynamic has always been funny to me. Ex. We had a tornado watch (super rare where I live) and my sister was running around the house screaming and crying. While I was calmly in my bedroom playing dolls keeping it kosher. 🤣
God really did give his toughest battles to Virgo, Scorpio and Capricorn moons. No one else is doing it like us! We came equipped with everything we needed to handle ALL the bs in our families.
Don't scorch me fire moons, but where is the personal accountability? I've seen water signs talk their way out of some situations, but the way a fire moon will dance around the truth really needs to be studied. I made this observation before and a Sag moon came for me which is how you know it's true. 😭
Moon sign compatibility is so real y'all. As an earth moon, I mainly form deep connections and bonds with other earth moons and *some* water moons. The other elements just don't do it for me. Even with my fire placements & degrees, I still struggle to understand fire moons.
I've read before that Leo moons have a tendency to be selfish, which I concur depending on the situation. But I think the reason why some of them act like this is because often times, they are either the only child or the favorite child. So they literally don't know what it means to compromise or not get their way. I've only met 2 Leo moons (that I know of) years apart and they both had the same tendencies and personality. Let me know if you've had a more positive experience with this moon sign!
Fixed moons may have mothers who are very controlling over their lives. Their mothers have a “fixed” idea of what their child’s life should look like. They have a tendency to have a puppet & puppeteer relationship. I’ve noticed that because of this, these natives tend to have one area of their lives that their mother can’t control and they spiral out of control in that area. Kinda like a “look mom, you can’t control me in EVERY way” type thing. The most common areas I’ve noticed this in is their sex lives and drugs/alcohol use.
Of course the above note is based on personal experience. I’ve heard quite a few mothers of fixed moons say to other people: “I made them do this” “there was no way I was gonna let them not do this…” like the kid has no choice in the matter.
Okay, enough about moon signs. For now...
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This may not be too popular with the astro girlies buttt I believe we have a tendency to attract the versions of signs we speak into existence. For example, when I first started studying astrology, I was sick to my stomach to see that I was a Sagittarius rising because I had back-to-back experiences with Sagittarius suns stabbing me in the back, so I told myself they were the worst. In time, I wanted to accept all of my chart which included my own Sag placements. I had to heal my understanding and perception of them to see them differently. Now, I attract the funniest and kindest Sag suns! It all started with me. This is your sign to heal your trauma with that placement. 🤍 (yes, this is also a message to myself). What you see won't change until you change what you see!
If there's anything a mutable rising is gonna do it's change their physical appearance.
Earth risings, rising at earth degree, or chart ruler in earth house: these people are less likely to take bold chances and risks with their appearances. Not really the type to dye their hair crazy colors, although they are quick to get visible tattoos.
Virgo in big 6 appears naturally put together. They don't really have to get ready because they stay ready. And they expect the same from you, especially if you're their romantic partner. This is amplified if they have Libra or Leo placements.
I’ve noticed Virgo suns and risings are much less likely to wear makeup. I see them with it maybe once a year and even then it’s like one coat of mascara and some highlighter. One thing I have heard a lot of Virgo women say is that they literally don’t know how to do their makeup which may factor into why they don’t wear it. Virgo moons however do tend to wear makeup.
Aries and Scorpio placements are very protective of their loved ones. One wrong look in their direction and they're ready to pounce.
Gemini-Sagittarius axis: if there's one thing these placements are gonna do it's laugh at absolutely nothing for an extended period of time.
Taurus and Libra placements, do you really need that new blouse? Or that new stationary knowing dang well you have more than enough? No, put it back. Aht! PUT IT BACK. And keep your receipts, so when you get home from that impulsive purchase, you can bring it right back where you got it from.
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Something about Virgo, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Capricorn placements in dark academia that really does something to me chile...dark academia was made for us!
Saturn rules teeth. Saturn placements and aspects can describe your teeth’s appearance and health. Saturn aspecting Jupiter may have larger teeth. Aspecting Mercury may result in the native having smaller teeth or possibly getting veneers. Saturn aspecting Venus can manifest as the native receiving many compliments on their teeth/smiles. In the case of harsher aspects, the native can feel their teeth directly hinder their perceived beauty.
I’ve noticed people with prominent Gemini/Virgo/Mercury placements are much more likely to have gaps in between their front teeth. Often times, this is a result of their teeth being on the smaller side.
Virgo placements (esp. moons) can have naturally “perfect” teeth that don’t require braces. But upon closer inspection, you can see their teeth are not perfect, but rather, the imperfections are so minuscule you have to truly look to find them.
Libra Suns typically go for either the relaxed look (very natural appearance, not much makeup) or all the frills (makeup, couture, luxury). I have yet to see an in between. Libras with Scorpio/8th house influence enjoy darker colors and go for a much more relaxed look. More likely to portray a dark feminine embodiment of Venus or a more natural feminine. Especially if they have Virgo placements.
Aries suns (males and females) are the BIGGEST sweethearts and I don’t see enough people praise them for their pure hearts. 🥹
DO NOT under any circumstances copy, paste, reword, rewrite, translate, or repost my work.
All Rights Reserved to astro-enthusiast.
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namjooningera · 3 months
Hii can I request any yandere JJK men with a reader whose on a hunger strike or refuses to be handfed by them? Ty ^.^
Yandere JJK react to y/n refusing them/not eating
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Characters: Gojo, Geto, Nanami, Toji, (NEW) Sukuna (king ver of Sukuna)
AN: just reader being a lil bratty (real) also I just added Sukuna as a new character tehe. Tell me how it is 👀 however since he’s a yan I am making him softer towards y/n (but insaner towards other ppl yk?) also he’s a king in this one so
TW: starving, SLIGHT physical violence, threats, force feeding, tiniest bit of infantilization (gojo & Nanami)
No he won’t allow it.
He won’t allow you to act like a child and refuse to eat or drink. At this point he’s worried because you won’t do anything. Like a dead doll standing as still as possible to not be caught moving.
Nothing scares him. But you do.
So he took matters into his own hands and tied you up in a chair, hands to the armrests, legs to the feet of the chair, chest binded and rope littered all around the rest of your body tied to the helpless chair.
You screamed since you couldn’t kick, bit since you couldn’t hit, tried to refuse and refuse and he just didn’t know what to do. Seeing you hurt yourself, not eating as a protest to your involuntary stay, god it was torture to him. Like his own punishment.
At first he let it go. Tried to hand feed you your favorite snacks and placed a cup of cold water at your lips. And everytime you smacked it away from you. He watched your favorite snacks hit the floor and soil the carpet. The water spill and create a wet mess on the floor boards.
Why couldn’t you just be good and eat? Drink? Please stop refusing. At one point he almost started begging you. Hands at his chest, put together, eyes wide and sad, his mouth profusely spitting out begs and whines of how he just wanted you safe and healthy.
You didn’t listen.
You probably should’ve, or at least acknowledged his damn presence, because what he did next what’s unpredictable.
Tying you up in that chair and force feeding you. He made you your comfort food in hopes you’d actually want to eat it on your own. You didn’t. Which is fine. It just means he had to take extra precautions. His hand swirled the spoon of food around in the air, blowing raspberries as he said,
“Here comes the airplane!” As if you were some stupid child not wanting to eat your greens.
The spoon flew to your mouth but you moved your head to the side the only thing you could move, avoiding the spoon and it’s food.
His smile dropped just the tiniest bit but he continued his ministrations.
“Babe! Here comes the airplane Kay? Say ahh!” He announced once again in that awfully positive attitude, nudging the spoon at your lips, which you kept sewn shut.
“Come on babe, just open up~” but you didn’t, and he was getting impatient. “Babe?”
You didn’t look at him, didn’t dare open your mouth or even glance his way.
He snaps, grabbing your jaw and pinching your nose. You gasped, not being able to breathe, and without a second thought, that spoon of food was shoved into your mouth. He let go of your nose, and scooted his chair closer to yours.
“It’s good right? I added extra flavoring just for my girl. I know you like it that way.” He giggled, as if he didnt force the food down your damn throat.
“Here comes the choo choo train!” He whistled, and you realized that he enjoys babying you the way he does, even if it meant going against your will.
This man does not play around either.
Coming home to you after a long day with what he calls “monkeys” just to see the untouched food still sitting on the table from when he made breakfast. He had brought take out- just to find out that you haven’t been eating in the first place.
He made that for you, took time out of his day to cook, make breakfast for you, the time where he’s normally busy. But alas, he cleans the dishes and runs up to your room and knocks on your door. It doesn’t matter if you don’t want him in he’ll come in anyway.
“I noticed you didn’t touch your plate. From this morning. It’s night now.”
Your stuffed into the sheets, messy covers over your body and head in your pillows. You don’t answer. You don’t think he deserves one.
“You haven’t eaten all week.”
He shuts the door behind him and storms towards you. It’s obvious that your silence is making him angry. Normally, you ignoring him doesn’t make him upset, he understands how you might feel…uneasy in this kind of situation. But hurting yourself? That’s not something he’ll allow or even tolerate.
He grabs the sheets and tugs them off of you, revealing your drained form. You groan and cover try to tug the sheets back to cover your body but he throws them to the floor and glared at you.
“You know why you’re so drained? It’s cause’ you won’t fucking eat.”
You don’t answer, you don’t want to answer. You just want the bed to swallow you whole, and the ground to open up so that you may fall into the abyss and disappear.
“I don’t want your fucking food.” You say, instead.
“Why not? Is it not to your liking?”
You grumble and glare up at him, finally lifting your face from the pillows.
“You’re not to my liking- Suguru I wanna go home-“ “enough!”
He cuts you off quickly, shutting you down almost immediately, which causes you to stuff your head back into the pillows.
He groans seeing this and slowly shuffled onto the bed with you. His mouth came down to your ear where he whispered
“If you don’t at least try to eat, I’ll make you.”
A shiver ran down your spine, you knew he wasn’t fibbing. You slowly got out of bed but he was quicker then you, pulling you out by your arm and sitting you up against the bed post.
He brought the takeout food and opened the bags of food on the bed, handing you a plate and utensil. You took it hesitantly and kept it on your lap. Not opening the food.
You shook your head. This was your way of protest, against him holding you captive, running a cult, being a damn curse user-
“You’re going to eat.” He demands, and you just shake your head and look to the side of you, away from him. You know he’ll force you- but you can’t help but refuse him anyway.
And without a second thought, he grabs the food then you, hoisting you into his lap without a single chance for you to fight back. One arm caging you in by your chest and arms, stopping any movement from you, the other bringing a spoon to your mouth.
“Eat, darling, or it’ll get worse from here.” A smile adoring his lips and licking the tips of your ear.
You finally take a bite of the food, his arm that basically were bruising your ribs to stop your movement finally unclenched around you and gave you a second to breathe.
“See? That wasn’t so hard. Now open up.”
“Yer’ not eating your food.”
You’ve slumped down on the chair in front of him in the dining room, swirling around the water in your glass cup, the food in front of you untouched.
“I’m talking to you, doll.”
But you ignore him, watching the whirlpool or water in your cup, ignoring his very obvious angry presence.
“You haven’t eaten in days. You know what’s’ that gonna do to you? You’re gonna faint.”
You again ignore him and sigh, head resting on your hand that rested against the table.
“I’m talking to you.”
You don’t look up. You know it’s a lousy way to protest this invuluntary stay but you can’t think of anything else. He’s basically taken away any other form of protest you could ever possibly have, he’s controlling and fuck is he actually smart. His protectiveness on the kind of level where he made sure you could never fight back or hurt yourself in the process.
As your dazed, zoned out in your own thoughts, you don’t see him get out of his seat and grab you by your arm, forcing you up and off the seat and the floor.
“Didn’t yeah hear me?”
You wince at the fact your arm is being held above your head and you’re practically hanging from it.
“I heard you okay.. I’m not hungry.”
He huffs and puts you down. “Not hungry? It’s been days, doll. Days.”
You just shrug, rubbing your sore arm from being hanged up by it.
“If you don’t eat, I don’t mind feeding you like a baby bird. I’ll eat it up then force into your mouth with mine.”
“Y-you’re so crude, Toji..” You almost whine, disgusted by the thought.
“I’m not kidding.”
You sit back down at your seat, his eyes watching you pick up the fork and start to stab at your food.
“What did I say?”
“Okay okay.” You whine, finally sticking the fork in your mouth, making eye contact with him as you do, glaring at him.
“Tastes bad.” You whine.
“You little-“
Nanami is quite the patient man. You don’t want to get out of bed? Fine. You don’t want to shower? Fine. You don’t want to touch him? Fine. But you don’t want to eat or drink? That’s fucking pushing it.
When he first took you, he made sure you got all the proper nutrients you need, took care of your hygiene and made sure you were perfectly physically healthy.
He’s been putting down food at your nightstand for every meal, sometimes snacks in the middle of meals as well. He feeds you such a good amount that’s supposed to keep you full for every second of the day. Keep you satisfied. And pantries filled with your favorite snacks (the healthier versions, however), and a mini fridge with your favorite zero-sugar healthy drinks. With water, of course.
But you haven’t touched any.
He notices that every meal he puts down at your nightstand is untouched. You lay still in bed, so still he thinks you might be dead. Well you might be, with the absence of food eating at you.
And the pantry is untouched so is the mini fridge, and all the snacks he left for you in the middle of the days start to pile up.
At first he didn’t mind it. He got it, you might be nauseated or feel sick at the fact your away from home. That’s fine. He’ll give you time.
But then days go by.
And he just gets so worried about your health.
He encouraged you as much as he could but wouldn’t push it, he didn’t wanna scare you away. But at this point, it was just ridiculous. He watched from work, on his phone with the app that connected all his security cameras, watching as you hovered around the kitchen. He knew you were hungry. So why torture yourself?
At this point it was torturing him, not you. Well maybe that was the point to it. But he couldn’t take it anymore. He felt like a terrible caregiver. He was supposed to take care of you and protect you as your lover- that’s the damn reason he took you in, in the first place. So why couldn’t you see that? Why couldn’t he help you?
But Nanami is a good man, with zero bad intentions. So he decides first he can try bribing you. He makes your favorite dishes, the smell wafting in your room and up your nose. He places it at your nightstand, with your favorite cold drink next to it. The perfect combo. He does this for a while. No matter how hard the food is to make, whatever bullshit combination he needed to construct, however simple or complicated, he made it.
And yet you didn’t eat it.
He tried buying you material things, giving you extra little privileges like time in the garden or extra TV time, but you don’t even use them. You don’t even care.
And he can tell that you would, if you had the strength to. But you don’t, you’re weak. Probably because you’ve gotten so weak. But your hoping, your begging, that maybe he’ll see your weak body and finally get you some help. Maybe he’ll realize this is hurting not helping you, and he’ll let you go. You know the Nanami you’ve always known is deep down beneath the insecurity of his yandere self. You just need to find it right?
He got home that night. Late. His mind buzzed with work, eyes tired and body sore from constantly staying in his office chair, clicking the keyboard and staring at a screen. He’s been looking into a job for jujutsu sorcerers- but he thinks that’ll take too much time away from you.
He dragged his body into the house, closing the door behind him and quietly yelling out, “Sweetheart, I’m home.”
He hoped you’d flock to the door and he’d feel your warmth- but obviously that was just a dream to him and you never did so. Staying hidden away in the your room or wherever you were.
He decided to prepare a late dinner for the both of you, hoping some time together could encourage you to eat.
He dragged his body to your room. He just needed you, needed your warmth, your kindness, your loving presence and any kind of physical and emotional attention you could give him.
But as he opens the door to your room, he sees the breakfast he left on your. NIght stand, still left untouched.
“Sweetheart. This has gone too long. I respect all your decisions, and that you might be upset with me, but I need you to eat.”
Your wrapped up in the sheets, ignoring him, face stuffed in your white pillows.
“Honey, dear. Please, look at me.”
You can hear the desperation in his voice, the almost begging in his timid voice that almost makes you choke.
You look up at him, soft dead eyes staring up at his concerned ones.
“I made your favorite meal again. I know you don’t want to eat, but can you at least come sit at the table with me?”
You know this is his soft way of trying to convince you. And you also know that he wants you to sit at the table so he can feel like you two are an actual couple not one from hell.
You get up, which makes him sigh of relief. Thinking that you’re giving him a chance. Obviously, that’s not your idea, but you’ll let him think so.
He gently takes your hand, leading you downstairs to the dining table. You see he decorated, putting candles on the table, brought out the fancy silverware and china, the wine glasses and table cloths that matched the fabric of the silk pillows on the cushioned chairs.
“Sit, my love.” He pulls your chair for you, with a gentle smile. You can see the relief in his eyes when you sit, and he pushes you in.
You’d be flustered by such a gentlemanly move if it wasn’t for the situation you were currently in.
He sits in front of you and pops open the white wine, the insanely expansive white wine, pouring some in both of your glasses, he raised his up to yours, in which you ignored, and he clinked his glass with yours.
“Ready to try? I simply perfected the recipe-“
You place a spoonful of food in your mouth, before spitting it out right at him, shocking him and making yourself laugh for the first time in so long.
You soiled his expensive blouse, the shock of your behavior making him spill his wine, his eyes wide and looking down at his ruined blouse, then to you, then to the spilled wine, then to you.
You just giggle, smirking in victory at his dazed response and how you won’t let yourself be pushed around by him.
But what you don’t expect, is for this extremely caring gentlemanly man to slam down the cloth from on his thighs down at the table, getting up as he unloosed his tie.
“I’m done.”
And your smile drops in a way that makes you realize you won. He’ll let you go, he’s finally done with you he’s gonna let you go-
“If you want to act like a child I will simply treat you like one, until you can behave like an adult.”
Your eyebrow raises at that. What? Wait what?
He throws his tie off his neck, grabbing your hands and tying them up. You try to fight him off you but he’s strong, he didn’t even try.
He leaves, and your relieved, a little scared that he left you tied but at least the mad man is gone. But then he comes back with a toddlers seat. A fucking child booster seat.
Your eyes widen as you realize what he meant. “N-no no way! I’m not sitting in that- I won’t even fit-“
“You know I bought this.. I bought this hoping our first child could use it..” he sighs. “But I guess you can be the test drive..”
“N-no! Your crazy! Your insane! I won’t even fit in it I won’t!”
“You don’t have a choice.” He cuts you off. “I’m tired of watching my love kill themselves off just because you’re upset. You can be upset just don’t hurt yourself.”
He places the child’s booster seat next to you, at the table.
“You either eat, or fucking sit here and I’ll feed you. Well? Do you want a baby bottle too?”
Catching the eye of someone so murderous and evil is just the most hell filled unfortunate thing that can happen to you.
And it did.
You found yourself being coddled and “loved” by a monster. He’s pure evil, and you’re his. There’s no denying it. You’re the chosen one.
As his maids touch up your hair, give you a manicure, clean your face of the tears and blood from biting your lips, you stare at them with desperation in your eyes.
Save me.
You think, but they won’t. They’re loyal.
Sure, Sukuna hasn’t done anything actually bad to you, but he’s locked you up, like a princess in a tower. You hope that your prince in shining armor will save you, that he’ll come running with his horse and sword, armor and shield in hand.
But he never does. And if he did, you’d never know because Sukuna probably killed him before he even got a chance to get a glimpse of your pearly eyes.
A maid brushes your hair. You think. He’s taken away all your forms of protest.
When you stopped taking care of yourself, that was fine, he ordered his maids to wash your hair and clean your body, do your skincare and paint your nails. Even go as far as to brush your damn teeth.
They’d use expensive amounts of creams and moisturizers, the kind even the bourgeoisie couldn’t afford. Perfumes from across the land and hair oils from different kingdoms.
All these things, just for you.
When you didn’t want to get out of bed, see the sun, he made sure you were made to get that vitamin D every morning, a small stroll before and after breakfast in the garden, with of course, the guards watching you.
He pampered you, without even being there. Made sure you were healthily entertained with your favorite books and games, all your devices you humans use to take up time. He even brought a festival worth of people to greet you when he took- when you came. Circuses, fire crackers, acrobats, all those to welcome you into his palace.
And you took it all with a grain of rice.
You didn’t want to be here, you didn’t mean to pique his interest. But you did. And now your stuck. You even heard the townspeople whisper of how the man who forced everyone on their knees to worship him is now worshiping you. A mere boring human.
So you decided to find your own way to protest, something he can’t force you to do or make other people do for you.
You sat at the large dining table, him on the long other side, watching as he ate, watching him with no love or adoration in your eyes. While he would hold the stars for you. He’d bring them down for you if you asked.
“Well? Is it not to your liking?” You hear him slur from his side of the table.
“No.” You know this is dangerous. The cruel king, he could have your head.
“What’s not to your liking? I’ll have it changed.”
You shove the plate away from you. “It’s all bad, I don’t wanna eat.”
Maybe you should’ve used different words, different wording to your protest because Sukuna simply didn’t understand it was a form of protest.
“It’s that terrible? Very well. Servants, carry the chef who decided to cook my woman this rechid food and have him publicly executed.”
Your eyes widen with dismay and shock and you look at him. “What? Executed?”
“What? What did you expect, woman? Anyone who feeds my soon to be queen something not up to par, they shall be ridden with shame. With, or without their head.”
He says it with such a nonchalant attitude, as if he isn’t talking about death.
“I-I no. It’s not bad, actyally. Hah. I just meant.. I wasn’t hungry.” You try to solve this mess you accidentally dragged others into.
“Your dramatic show of disgust was simply because you aren’t… hungry?”
He looks at you almost confused, the big plates of foods surrounding him. He had a surplus of hunger, the kind of hunger only you can satisfy.
“I… I apologize.” You think about giving up on your plan, you don’t want to drag people into this, have them hurt because of you. “I just.. actually prefer your food.” You lie.
“My food?” He smirks. The maids and servants look around in fear, some even annoyance, expecting your head to fly off and blood to soil the floors after you basically asked to share food-his food, with you.
“Very well then. You may sit close and satisfy your belly with my food.”
He pats the seat close to him, different from the seat your sitting at now, far from Sukuna. Everyone stares at you with bewildered shock, that the cruel Sukuna is willingly sharing his meal with you, that he hasn’t offed you or anyone else in his vicinity for your request.
You waddle over to him, sitting next to him, and he watches you try a piece of meat, lamb, off one of his large family plates, as if asking for your approval, to see if you like it.
You hum, the food is actually prepared amazingly well, a lot better then the streets of the poor sides of town you had to buy your meat from.
He nods at you, and continues to finish his meal as well, practically clawing and savagely ripping apart the food at his hands, like some animal.
Everyone’s always been afraid of the way he eats, as if he’s ripping apart someone’s flesh and bones, but to you it’s kind of pathetic. Like a little puppy and its chew toy, slobbering over its bone. Instead of saying this however (which he’d have your head for), you go for taking a small folded table cloth napkin and wipe the blood from the flesh of his food off his cheek, cleaning off the smeared gore that he doesn’t seem to notice.
He looks down at you, huffing as a sign of appreciation at your small sign of affection, and you look back up at him with the same look.
You hate this cruel man, the man who’s killed hundreds and hurt people and hurt you. Who stole you.
But as you look up at him, the folded napkin in your hand still poking at his dirtied cheek, you can’t help but think that perhaps the cruel king and the prince in shining armor are the same person.
And that’s Sukuna for y’all 😈😈🔥 guys why did I accidentally make his fluffy what
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cressidagrey · 1 month
Looked to the Sky - Chapter 2
Eira Archeron was neither a Valkyrie, nor a Seer, nor the High Lady of the Night Court. She was, however, Azriel‘s mate with her own mysterious, untrained powers.
Also known as: Azriel tries to court his mate the human way.
Elain Bashing, low Self-Esteem, Cassian is kinda an idiot, mention of murder, mention of stabbing and without @k-godling this would have never happened.
(super pretty dividers by @tsunami-of-tears)
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“It’s open!” Eira called out as she heard the knock, her eyes flicking towards the door.
The shadows had just finished playing with her hair, their efforts resulting in an intricately braided updo that she had absolutely no idea how to replicate properly. She wondered who exactly had let the shadows play hairstylist for long enough that they had learned how to pin her hair in increasingly complicated updos, whenever she let them. 
For some reason, Eira had the feeling that it amused them for some unknown reason. And they liked doing it. At night, when she couldn’t sleep, they kept playing with her hair, lulling her to sleep…when she was awake, they braided and rebraided it as often as they possibly could get away with it. And tonight, they had tried two different hairstyles, before finally deciding that this one was the one. Now, they were just finished scattering some blooming Asters through her hair, the purple-blue colour matching a dress that had suddenly been in her closet. 
It was all…very much like a fairytale. 
“Hey,” Feyre said as she entered her room. “Are you ready for dinner?” 
"I am pretty sure the shadows keep stealing your dresses for me," Eira said drily, as she nodded. Feyre blinked twice, taking in the dress that the shadows had trussed Eira into. It was beautiful. A dark bluish purple, with spiderweb-thin lace that covered her arms and heavy silk that fell to the floor.
"That's not mine," Feyre answered with a laugh. "It's gorgeous, but definitely not mine.”
Eira stared at the dress, then to the shadows that quickly flitted through the open door away from her. She just sighed, while Feyre giggled.  "They do seem to be surprisingly delighted at treating you as their lifesize doll," her sister quipped. 
Eira just shrugged. "Well, at least they have good taste," she said with a grin making Feyre laugh aloud.
"Maybe they are just happy that they finally get somebody to dress up. Azriel wears his leathers nearly exclusively after all,” Feyre quipped. 
Eira chuckled at Feyre’s words, thinking of Azriel’s usual attire. It was true, the shadowsinger rarely bothered with anything more formal than his leathers. She turned her attention back to the dress, running her fingers over the lacework of the sleeves. "It’s beautiful," she said quietly, admiring the fabric. "But it’s a bit much, isn't it?"
Feyre rolled her eyes at her words. "It’s not, Eira," she said, her tone slightly exasperated. "Besides, I think a certain shadowsinger may appreciate the effort," she added with a wink.
Eira's cheeks flamed. Maybe...maybe that was the reason why she hadn't protested the shadows and their insistence on dressing her up. Maybe that was why she hadn't protested that dress or the updo...or even the lipstick they had very carefully applied.
Eira had initially assumed that the shadows just enjoyed playing dress up, that they derived some sort of twisted amusement from seeing her in fancy dresses and elaborate hairstyles. But, now that Feyre had brought up a certain Shadowsinger... Perhaps the shadows had a more specific reason for their interest in dolling her up...
"Come on, I want to see if you manage to make Azriel's jaw hit the floor," Feyre quipped.
Eira’s heart skipped a beat at Feyre's words, heat rising to her cheeks. She knew it was silly, knew that she shouldn’t get her hopes up. But the thought of seeing Azriel’s reaction to her wearing that beautiful dress...it made her stomach flutter with something. 
They had agreed to a courtship but she...she knew that for him the mating bond trumped anything. 
That's why he even considered it in the first place, why he was willing to go along with it.
It was...It was something she liked to push out of her mind in a way because she would rather just...enjoy the possibility of having him. Something that she hadn't thought she ever would have. She never thought that she would have a chance.
For just a moment her mind replayed Elain’s vision…They had looked so happy in that vision…had looked so…in love. 
So did it really matter why he wanted to court her? If they could build that? The image that had plagued her since the day of the vision flitted through her mind, the image of a daughter that they could perhaps someday have together.
And yet, something twisted in her gut, a pang of doubt creeping into her heart.
Wasn’t she only asking for heartache? Shouldn’t she not get her hopes up too high, shouldn’t she stop herself from building up too many fantasies in her head?
But she had never been good at telling her heart no. It had always been too hopeful...a bit foolish.
And the thought of Azriel seeing her...of seeing his reaction to her in this gorgeous dress, with her hair pinned up...it sent a thrill of excitement through her veins. 
So she followed along with Feyre towards the dining room, her heart beating fast in her chest. Just a family dinner...just like they had had so many. Granted most of the time she had sat at the edges and had then rambled to Azriel about everything and nothing but...
This dinner would be the same as all the others, she told herself, just like every other one they had shared in the past...the only difference was that this time, she was dolled up in a fancy dress and an elaborate hairdo courtesy of the shadows.
And the fact that she had agreed to let him court her. The human way.
Well, in the way Azriel probably thought was human. She highly doubted that it would pass as courting for any gentleman, but she didn't care about that. She really didn’t care. She would sit through whatever he wanted if he had the chance of…the chance of having him. 
It was so sweet that he was even willing to entertain her like that. He could have just as easily never even thought about it...could have just as easily refused to do anything human because he wasn't human. He was Illyrian...even when she sometimes wondered what Azriel would call himself if she asked. He seemed to have no love for Illyrian customs, much differently than either Rhys or Cassian.
Eira pondered that as they walked. She knew how much Azriel disliked the Illyrian culture, how much disdain he had for some of their archaic traditions, their backward ideologies. 
And yet, he indulged her, willing to do it the human way even though he wasn’t human. It filled her heart with a strange sensation, a kind of warm affection.
It was...endearing, in a way. Sweet, in fact. That he would take the time and effort, simply to let her have a taste of that kind of romance. 
But all of that was nothing against the way her stomach fluttered as she spied him in the dining room, deep in conversation with Cassian and Rhys...Wings carefully tucked behind his shoulders so that she couldn't see the full, massive span of them...couldn't see their majestic beauty. 
And then his hazel eyes looked up and for just a moment it felt like it was just the two of them, everybody else forgotten.
Eira's breath caught in her throat when Azriel looked up and their eyes met.
For a brief moment, everything else around them disappeared, the world slipping away in a rush of colour and sound. It was like the world faded away, leaving just the two of them staring at each other.
She saw the surprise in his eyes, the flicker of shock before his gaze flicked over her figure, taking in her dress, and her hair.
Something flickered in his gaze, something she couldn’t quite place. His stare was intense, and heat rose in her cheeks as his eyes traced over the lace of her sleeves, the shape of her waist, the way the silk hugged her skin. It was...overwhelming, almost, having his attention so completely on her. 
Overwhelming and addictive. 
Eira's heart leapt in her chest, her cheeks flushing under his gaze. She was suddenly very aware of the way the fabric of her dress glided against her skin, how it clung to her figure.
"Damn," Cassian drawled. Cassian's voice jarred Eira out of the moment, breaking the strange spell that had seemed to fall over her and Azriel.
She jerked her head in Cassian's direction, finding him staring at her with an appreciative grin. "Someone's looking very nice tonight," Cassian drawled, his gaze roaming over her dressed figure.
Eira could feel her cheeks flushing even more under his gaze, the heat of them spreading across her chest and neck, embarrassment settling. She knew that dress had been too much, she shouldn’t have…
And then she heard that growl. Eira's eyes widened at the sound of Azriel's growl, the feral sound making her shiver. She watched, slightly stunned, as he shot Cassian a glare that should have set the other male on fire on the spot.
Cassian just smirked at his brother's reaction, his grin widening with smug satisfaction.
"What's wrong, Az," he drawled a hint of amusement in his voice. "Didn't like me looking at your lady?"
Azriel's eyes narrowed further, the muscles in his jaw tensing. He took a step forward, his wings flaring, as if to shield Eira from Cassian's gaze.
"Enough, you two," Rhys said with a sigh. "Cassian, if he kills you, that's on you. You know exactly how that mating bond feels to him right now."
Cassian just chuckled at Rhys' words, his eyes still sparkling with mirth. "Oh, I know," he drawled. Rhys just rolled his eyes at that, his expression exasperated.
Azriel's wings flared a little further, the movement enough to distract Eira's attention back to him. His eyes were still fixed on Cassian, a silent warning in his gaze.
Eira's heart skipped a beat as she took in the expression on his face, the protectiveness that had taken over his features. But she could also see the other, lurking underneath that protective surface. There was a hint of possessiveness, a hint of something much more primal and instinctual. The sight was enough to send another shiver down her spine.
"You do look very pretty, Eira," Cassian said, his voice growing serious and she couldn't help but stare at him. What? She hadn't expected the compliment, especially not after the way he had been riling Azriel only a moment before.
"Thanks," she responded after a moment, her voice quiet.
Nesta just snorted. "Wrong sister," she told her mate drily. "You are supposed to tell me how pretty I am," she pointed out, making Eira laugh.
"You are gorgeous," Eira told her oldest sister, making Nesta snort, her grey eyes sparkling with mirth.
"Did you make the dress?" Nesta asked as they found their seats, Azriel pulling out the chair for her without a word,
Eira smiled as she took her seat, Azriel's hand on the small of her back sending a strange sensation through her body. She watched as he sat down to her right, his wing slightly flared to block Cassian from her line of sight.
She looked back to Nesta, her cheeks still flushed from Azriel's touch.
"No," she answered, a smile on her lips. "The shadows…the shadows picked it out for me."
Nesta raised an eyebrow at her words, her gaze flickering from the dress to Azriel, who was still shooting warning glances in Cassian's direction.
Rhys and Feyre were also exchanging knowing looks, clearly amused by the shadow's involvement.
"They have good taste," Feyre quipped, her eyes twinkling with mirth.
Azriel's wing twitched, his glare deepening. "Don’t give them ideas," he said gruffly.
Feyre just laughed at that, her eyes dancing with amusement.
"Oh, I think they already have plenty of ideas, Az," she said with a smile. Azriel just grumbled under his breath, his eyes flickering to Eira for a moment before looking back to Feyre.
Eira couldn't help the flush that spread over her cheeks as Azriel's gaze flicked over her again. She could feel the heat of it like a brand, making her skin tingle and her heart flutter.
The shadows that had gotten her ready for the night whispered in her ear, their voices too soft for the others to hear. 
He likes it.
Eira barely resisted the urge to shiver at the whisper, Azriel's gaze still on her, his eyes locked on her face. She could see the possessiveness in his gaze, the way he was looking at her as if she were something he wanted to keep all for himself. The shadows' voices purred again.
He thinks you're beautiful.
Eira's heart fluttered at the words, her stomach twisting with a strange sense of...giddiness. She knew it was silly, foolish even, but that possessive gleam in his eyes made her feel...wanted, desired. She couldn't help but smile as the shadows continued to whisper in her ear, their voices soft and sly.
He can't take his eyes off you.
"Would you stop it?" Azriel growled at that moment and she looked up to find the shadows having wrapped themselves around their master, the tendrils of darkness twining around his arms and shoulders.
The sight was both eerie and beautiful, the shadows moving like dark, writhing serpents over his skin. Azriel's eyes flared with irritation as he tried to bat the shadows away, but they seemed to only cling tighter, almost as if they were taunting him.
Rhys and Feyre were watching the scene with amused expressions, clearly enjoying Azriel’s frustration. They really did like to rile him up, it seemed.
Cassian, on the other hand, was grinning like a fool, clearly enjoying the display.
"You just can't keep the shadows in check, can you, shadowsinger?" Cassian drawled, a smirk on his lips. Azriel just growled in response, his eyes narrowing as he shot a glare at the other male across the table. Rhys chuckled at the scene, clearly finding the whole thing amusing.
"It seems like they have a mind of their own," he mused, a small smile playing at the corner of his mouth.
Feyre just snorted, her lips curving into a smirk as she watched the shadows continue their dance around Azriel. Eira couldn't help but laugh as well, the sight of the shadows wrapping around Azriel's form while he sat there looking annoyed was truly hilarious.
The shadows were clearly enjoying themselves, their tendrils moving almost playfully over his broad shoulders and strong arms. Eira watched as Azriel seemed to give in to the shadows' antics, his shoulders relaxing and his expression softening. The shadows still coiled around his arms like snakes, the tendrils of darkness wrapping around his wrists and up his forearms.
He seemed resigned now, his eyes flickering to her for a moment before looking back to the shadows.
"You look beautiful, Eira. The colour suits you," he said quietly, his cheeks reddening.
She could have sworn her heart skipped a beat at his words, a rush of warmth spreading through her chest at Azriel's words. She could feel her cheeks flushing even more as he complimented her, her heart fluttering against her ribs.
He liked it? 
Azriel let out a huff of irritation as one of the shadows extended a tendril to poke his cheek, his lips pressing into a frown.
He reached up a hand to brush the shadow away, but it just twined around his fingers instead.
The shadow seemed almost...playful, the way it wove between his fingers, the touch surprisingly gentle. "Stop it," Azriel murmured under his breath, his eyes narrowing at the shadow.
But the shadow just continued to wind itself around his fingers, almost like a cat begging for attention. Eira couldn't help but grin at the sight, the shadow's antics adorable, even if they were clearly bothering Azriel.
"I don't think they are going to stop until I give in," Azriel finally said with a sigh. Eira chuckled as Azriel finally spoke up, the shadows clearly intent on getting his attention. "I was going to wait until after dessert," Azriel said quietly, "But they seem to have a mind on their own...so…” he hesitated for a moment. “I apologise. I learned that I did it wrong."
She stared at him, her heart plummeting. 
That he did what wrong? Why was he apologising to her? What was… "What did you do wrong?" Eira asked, her voice barely a whisper.
Azriel's cheeks flushed again as he looked at her, the shadows still clinging to his fingers. He took a deep breath before speaking, his eyes never leaving hers. He took a deep breath before speaking, his eyes never leaving hers. "I...I should have given you a gift when I made my first courting overture," he said quietly, his voice gruff with embarrassment. “I am sorry. While I did not know, that is not an excuse for my behaviour.” 
Eira's heart skipped a beat at his words, her eyes widening. She hadn’t expected him to give her a gift, let alone bring it up now.
"You don't need to give me a gift," she protested immediately.
Yes, it was true that...that should have been something that happened. But then, if she was still the daughter of a wealthy merchant, she probably would have met her future husband at a ball and there would have been weeks of flowers and pralines before he asked her to court...and a courtship already was fully expected as a prelude to a formal engagement. By the time a man would have asked her to court, he should have already made his mind up if she was the woman he intended to marry.
Eira's mind flickered to the memory of Elain's courtship with Grayson, the wealthy heir sending her gifts for weeks before officially courting her. And the number of gifts and the extravagance increased tenfold when he requested her hand.
She had never expected Azriel to do anything of that sort.
But the fact that Azriel seemed ashamed... that the shadows were so insistent that he followed the proper courting practices...it made something in her chest warm, the feeling almost like a fuzzy, pleasant burn.
She looked up at him, a small smile on her lips. "You didn’t have to get me a gift," she repeated, her voice soft.
Azriel just shook his head, a stubborn frown on his face. “I did,” he said firmly, his eyes locked on hers. “It's part of the tradition, part of your culture.”
Eira felt her heart skip a beat at Azriel's words, his firm tone making something flutter in her stomach. He was taking this seriously, that much was clear. She could see the determination in his eyes, the shadows still coiled around his fingers as if to remind him of his task.
"Alright," she said softly, her gaze locked with his. "You...you really want to follow proper courtship etiquette?" She asked, her voice almost tentative.
"He got like 10 books on it," Cassian said with a snort.
Eira's eyes widened as she heard Cassian's comment, her gaze shifting to him for a moment before returning to Azriel.
"You...you researched this?" She asked, her voice tinged with surprise.
Azriel just grumbled under his breath, his cheeks reddening even more. "The shadows found me books in the Human Lands.," he muttered, his eyes flickering to the tendrils of darkness still wrapped around his fingers.
But it was Nesta's laugh, a high tinkling sound, her older sister winking at her. "Bring out the goods, Az. I want to know what you ended up choosing."
Eira's heart fluttered in her chest as Nesta spoke, her words sending a strange mixture of anticipation and...giddiness through her.
Eira looked to Azriel, whose cheeks continued to redden under the attention, his wings shifting behind him. The shadows around his fingers seemed almost...encouraging, the tendrils coiling and uncoiling like they were urging him to hurry.
“Let me get it.” Eira's heart seemed to skip a beat as Azriel finally spoke, his voice deep and gruff. He extricated his fingers from the shadow's grasp, the tendrils retracting like they had only been waiting for that particular permission.
Azriel stood from the table, pushing his chair back, and Eira found herself holding her breath.
Azriel crossed the dining room in a few quick strides, his wings flared out behind him as if in excitement. Eira's eyes followed him, her heart still fluttering in her chest.
The other occupants of the room remained silent, their eyes following the shadowsinger as he made his way into the next room.
A moment later, he reappeared, carrying...something.
A harp.
Eira's eyes widened as she saw the harp in Azriel's hands, her heart skipping another beat in her chest.
It was...beautiful, the strings gleaming in the light from the candelabras. The wood was polished to a fine shine, each curve and line of detail flawless.
She could just stare at it.
The sight of it brought back memories from her childhood when she had started learning the harp. When she had dreamed of playing for a court, of  learning every single song there was...when she had...She had one then...a gift from her father...a beautiful gilded one, made out of light wood. It had been smaller than that one, with fewer strings than the 47 she expected this one to possess. This was the kind of harp professional used in an orchestra setting...the kind of harp she had always dreamed of.
Her harp had been sold off along the rest of their possession to keep their money troubles at bay back in the day...and somehow it had been...it had been the worst loss. Somehow the house and her clothing and any jewellery...that hadn't mattered to her as much as the harp.
"Nesta said you used to play," Azriel said quietly, his voice unsure, as he placed it in front other, carefully. Eira's eyes snapped up to meet Azriel's, her heart still fluttering in her chest.
She took in the expression on his face, the uncertainty and the shyness that had replaced his usual confidence. She could see the...the hope in his eyes, mixed with a hint of anxiety as he waited for her response. A small smile tugged at the corner of her lips as she looked at him.
"I...I used to," she finally replied, her voice barely above a whisper.
Her fingers itched to reach out and take the harp from him, to touch the strings. To hold that instrument in her hands and...to run her fingers over the smooth wood, to feel the coolness of the strings as she plucked them.
The memory of how they felt under her touch, the sound they made when she had been younger and could still play...the memories that rushed through her mind made her heart beat faster in her chest.
"I stopped after...after our father lost our wealth," she continued, her voice softer now. "We had to sell most of our possessions, and...well, harps aren't exactly the most practical thing to keep in your house when you're struggling to buy food."
But now...now Azriel was holding this harp out to her. Holding this most wonderful, most beautiful thing...this thing she had lost, this thing she never thought she would hold again.
Tears welled in her eyes as she looked at the harp, her mouth going dry. "You-" Eira's words caught in her throat as she met Azriel's gaze again, the tears in her eyes making his face blurry. "You...you got this for me?" She managed to whisper out.
"It's not a human one," he warned her quietly. "You would probably break it without meaning to...it wouldn't withstand your strength. This ones is fae-made. Made out of Ebony. Your magic will interact with the instrument and...the sound should be even more beautiful."
"It's beautiful," she repeated, her voice soft with emotion.
She reached out an unsteady hand to brush the harp, her fingers tracing over the smooth ebony wood. She could feel the hum of magic under her fingertips, the power contained in the instrument, the magic that was just waiting to be released.
She looked up at Azriel, tears still shimmering in her eyes. "You-" her voice broke for a second before she tried again. "You did all this...this is your courting gift?"
Azriel's cheeks reddened even more at her question, the tips of his ears turning pink. He nodded once, his eyes fixed on her face, his expression almost hopeful. "Yes," he said quietly. "It is."
Eira's heart skipped another beat, the tears pooling in her eyes finally spilling over.
She looked back down at the harp, her fingers still tracing over the smooth wood, her lips trembling. This was...this was the most beautiful gift she had ever received, it was...it was more than she had ever expected, more than she had ever hoped for.
And Azriel had gone through all that trouble, researched her culture and the proper courtship rituals, had found this harp...for her.
She took a trembling breath, desperately trying to contain the swell of emotions in her chest, the tears now falling down her cheeks.
She looked back up at Azriel, meeting his gaze once again, her heart thudding loudly in her chest.
She opened her mouth to speak, to try and say something, a thank you, a...a declaration, anything. But the words stuck in her throat.
Azriel just stood there, watching as she tried to speak, the expression on his face unreadable. The worry in his eyes was unmistakable, as if he wasn't sure how she would react.
The room was quiet, the other occupants of the room watching the scene with rapt attention. Even the shadows seemed unusually still, their usual playfulness and mischief replaced by a strange kind of tension.
Eira took another shuddering breath, trying to collect herself. She wiped the tears from her cheeks with the back of her hand, her heart still hammering in her chest.
She looked at the harp again, taking in every detail of the instrument. The smooth wood, the perfectly tuned strings, the magic contained within. The sheer...beauty of it, the thoughtfulness and care that had gone into choosing it.
It was a beautiful harp. A truly perfect gift.
"It's...it's perfect," she finally managed to whisper, her voice raw with emotion.
Azriel's shoulders relaxed slightly, the worry in his eyes diminishing a little. "You...you like it, then?" He asked quietly, his voice tense with anxiety.
"Like it?" Eira repeated, her voice almost indignant. "Like it? I...Azriel, it's the most beautiful, most perfect gift I've ever received."
She rose, her knees shaky, taking a step forward, the tears still trickling down her cheeks.
"It...it's perfect," she repeated, her voice cracking once again. "And you...you learned about the proper courtship rituals, you...you researched my culture," she continued, her voice soft and shaky. "You did all this...for me."
Eira took another step forward. She took another shuddering breath, her heart beating harder and hard in her chest.
"No one...no one has ever done that before," she whispered, her voice breaking again. "No one has ever put so much thought, so much effort into a gift for me."
Azriel shifted awkwardly, looking as if he were torn between wanting to reach out to her and not knowing if it was the right thing to do.
"You...you're worth it," he finally said, his voice quiet and gruff. "You're...you're worth all the research, the effort...the trouble. You're worth it, Eira."
Eira's heart clenched in her chest at his words, her breath catching in her throat.
No one had ever spoken to her like that, ever made her feel as if they were so certain of her worth. 
She shouldn't be doing this. It wasn't her place to be this forward, wasn't...but still she stood on her tiptoes and pressed a kiss against his cheek, breathing in cedars and mist and Azriel and then pulled back. "Thank you," she whispered."
Azriel's eyes widened in surprise, his cheeks reddening furiously as she kissed his cheek.
He seemed completely taken aback, his wings fluttering slightly in shock. His entire body tensed, as if he suddenly didn't know what to do with himself.
And then, as a moment later, a small, shy smile tugged at the corner of his lips. "You're welcome," he replied, his voice gravelly and rough.
"So are you gonna play something?" Cassian asked, breaking the silence.
Eira's cheeks flamed bright red as she remembered they weren't alone. She had...she had forgotten the others were there, had allowed herself to get lost in the moment, in the emotions and the...the sheer perfection of Azriel's gift.
She pulled back slightly and looked at Cassian's cheeky smile as he teased.
"Not unless you want to go deaf by my out of practice screeching," she said drily. "I'll need to practice before my playing is anywhere near fit for public consumption."
"Oh, come on," Cassian said with a pout. "It can't possibly be that bad. Let us have a taste of the music you're capable of making."
Nesta smacked his arm with a disapproving glare, but the slight upward curl of her lips made him just grin wider.
"I promise you, it really is that bad," Eira replied, her heart still hammering in her chest. "Trust me, you'll be much happier not having to listen to how horribly rusted my playing has become."
Cassian opened his mouth to response but Nesta's elbow ended in his ribs. "Whenever you are ready," her older sister told her gently.
"You're distracted," Rhys's voice cut through his thoughts, making him snap back to the present. He looked up to see his brother watching him with a smirk and an arched eyebrow.
Azriel huffed a sigh, leaning back in his chair and rubbing a hand over his face.
Of course Rhys would immediately notice. The High Lord had always had an annoyingly sharp eye for his inner circle.
He couldn't help himself though as he stared out of the window. Feyre and Nyx were down in the garden...and he had watched how Eira had joined them a few minutes ago, settling herself comfortably under one of the trees, watching her sister and nephew play.
"I'm not distracted, I'm..." he started to protest, but he knew it was useless. He was distracted, his thoughts had been all over the place the past day, revolving almost entirely around a certain Archeron Sister.
Azriel's mind was still filled with images of the previous night, of the memory of Eira's reaction to the gift he had given.
She had been...he had never seen her so emotional before, so overwhelmed, and...he had caused it. He had made her feel that way.
His mind replayed the memories over and over again, the way she had looked at him, with such wonder and gratitude, how she had...how she had kissed his cheek.
Especially after she had...pressed a kiss to his cheek.
After she had seemed so pleased by his courting gift.
A small, satisfied smile tugged at the corner of his lips as he thought back to that moment, the way she had looked holding the harp, the expression on her face when she had realised what he had done.
His heart fluttered in his chest as he remembered how she had looked at him, how she had seemed to forget they weren't alone for a moment, had pressed her lips against his cheek, so soft, so warm, and had whispered her thanks against his skin.
"You're staring."
Rhys' voice broke through his thoughts, yanking him back to reality and away from the memory of her lips on his cheek, her warmth, her scent.
Azriel realised his gaze was fixed on the window, on Eira outside with Feyre and Nyx.
"I also always have this dreamy expression on my face when I think about Eris Vanserra and the Autumn Court," Cassian said sarcastically.
"Shut up," Azriel said irritably, though with no small amount of truth in his words.
He knew he probably had that 'dreamy' look right now. That hopelessly in love, pining look that Cassian teased him about.
"You are as subtle as a bat," Rhys teased, a smile on his face. "We can all tell she's got you wrapped around her little finger."
Another irritated huff left Azriel, but he didn’t deny it. He was wrapped around her little finger. There was no denying that.
"Though your shadows are worse," Cassian quipped. 
"My shadows are not worse," he protested, but his shadows curled and coiled around his fingers, as if in silent agreement with Cassian.
"They’ve been pining for her too," Rhys chuckled, raising an eyebrow. "Have you noticed how often they’re clinging to her?"
"Or how they pick out dresses for her...and braid her hair?" Cassian said with some amusement. “I didn’t even know they could do that!”
"And how they preen whenever she touches them," Rhys added, his voice still full of laughter. "They’re as whipped as you are, brother. If not more."
Azriel huffed another irritated sigh, but he didn’t protest. It was true. His shadows practically worshipped the ground Eira walked on. They clung to her every chance they got, they preened whenever she so much as looked at them. He had absolutely no control over them when they were around her.
"Were where Amren and Mor yesterday?" he asked suddenly instead, trying to change the topic. 
"Well, Amren still thinks she has done nothing wrong," Rhys finally said with a sigh. "And Mor...that's...another thing entirely."
Azriel groaned.
He could imagine what was going on. Amren was stubbornly refusing to apologise for acting the way she had towards Eira, and Mor...he didn't even want to think about it.
"Amren will come around," Rhys assured him. "It will just take some time, some convincing. She's the most stubborn person I know. And Mor..." his expression darkened. "Mor is being difficult."
Azriel huffed another sigh, running a hand over his face.
Of course Mor was being difficult. When was she ever not difficult? He could guess how the conversation had gone between Rhys and her. She probably saw nothing wrong with how she had acted towards Eira either.
"She's jealous," Rhys said with a sigh. Azriel could just stare at him gobsmacked. Rhys shrugged. "She is jealous, Azriel. She's jealous you've found someone, that you're going to court someone else. And she's decided to take it out on Eira."
"That's a damn shitty reason to be this resentful towards someone," Cassian chimed in, leaning back in his chair with a huff. "Especially when we all know that she was never interested in Azriel in the first place."
"Yeah, well, you aren't available to her anymore either," Rhys said drily. "Mor will need some time to...wrap her head around it."
Cassian just grunted, his expression darkening for a moment. It was true. He no longer was available, no longer an option for her. Not that he had ever truly been an option. It had never been anything more than...passing flings.
"Either way, she'll need to stop behaving like this towards Eira," Azriel growled, the thought making his blood boil. "Just because she is upset with me, doesn't mean she gets to take it out on someone innocent."
"That one," Rhys said, raising an eyebrow and pointing towards Eira through the window. She was still outside, now sitting against a tree. Nyx was curled up against her, asleep. Feyre was sitting next to her, drawing something, a lazy, happy smile on her face. Azriel's chest tightened at the sight. “She is more resilient than you think.”
Azriel swallowed past the lump in his throat as he stared at her through the window.
Rhys was right. She was strong. She was so strong. Stronger than she gave herself credit for, even. And her resilience was something he had…always been in awe off. How whatever happened, Eira just seemed to take it in stride, adjusting. 
"I know she is," he said, his voice thick with emotion."But she shouldn’t need to be. I just..." he continued, his gaze still fixed on her through the window. She was laughing about something Feyre had said, her head thrown back, her face lit up with happiness. “I just want to protect her. I want to wrap her up and shield her from everything bad in this world and just…keep her safe.”
"You know you can't do that, right?" Cassian’s voice was quiet, sincere.
Azriel knew he was right. He knew that. He knew he couldn’t protect her from the world, from everything bad in it. That she wouldn’t even want him protecting her all the time.
He knew all that, but still...still the thought of something bad happening to her, still the idea of being unable to protect her…it made his heart ache.
"Welcome to the mating bond," Rhys quipped weakly.
Azriel huffed another irritated sigh.
He knew exactly what he was dealing with. He knew that this...that feeling the need to protect her, to keep her safe at all costs, to wrap her up and shield her from the world...it all came down to the bond, to the instinct.
But that didn’t mean he had to like it. That didn’t mean he had to be content with his hands being tied, with not being able to have control.
It was driving him nuts.
"It gets easier," Cassian promised him. "Just keep in mind, she can hit anybody with lightning."
Yes. If she could control it. 
Which she couldn’t. 
Neither of them had yet broached the topic of training her power with her. Not even to…hone it into a weapon, but only to make sure that Eira didn’t electrocute any innocent bystanders. The problem was only that if they told her that…she would become deathly afraid of her own powers, which would make training them even more difficult. 
And then there was…another matter. "She cries herself to sleep about 4 males that she killed," Azriel said quietly. "I had killed more often than that before I even reached the Blood Rite."
"That’s not the same," Cassian disagreed quietly. "We both know it’s not. You and I are warriors. It’s what we’re supposed to do. Eira is not a fighter. She’s not a warrior. The deaths she caused weigh differently on her, and you know that."
Azriel sighed, rubbing a hand over his eyes.
Cassian was right, of course. The deaths Eira had taken on her conscience…he knew they were different from his or Cassian’s. His own hands were stained a dark red, had been for centuries. They were both warriors, soldiers. They had been conditioned to accept death, to expect and embrace violence. It came with the job. It wasn’t the same for her.
And it worried him. 
"How could the cauldron ever think that I..." 
"The Cauldron has its own reasons," Rhys interrupted, his voice softer now. "We don't always understand its decisions, but it knows what it's doing."
Another sigh left Azriel.
He knew that. He knew the Cauldron was always right, that it knew what it was doing, even if its ways were not always clear. But it didn’t change the fact that he felt unworthy. He felt unworthy of the gift the Cauldron had offered, of a mate at all. Of Eira in particular. 
"I have hundreds of years of blood on my hands," he said, his voice low. "How could the Cauldron pick me for her? How could it think that I am worthy to be her mate?"
“Because you are worthy,” Rhys said softly, his voice almost tender. “More than you give yourself credit for. And because the Cauldron knows things about people that even they themselves don’t know.”
Azriel couldn’t help but scoff softly.
There was no way he was worthy of her. Not in a million years. And it didn’t matter if the Cauldron thought so.
But still, his chest ached as he looked at her, at the smile on her face as she talked with Feyre…Nyx still sleeping in her arms.
Rhys and Cassian were right. He was already wrapped around her little finger.
"You should stay for lunch."
Azriel groaned. He really wanted to, wanted nothing more than to stay for lunch and watch her for just a while longer.
But he couldn’t. The day was already half over, he had work to do.
"I can’t," he told Rhys, the words almost painful to get out of his throat. "I’ve got paperwork to look over, reports to submit, meetings to attend, patrol to"
"Yes yes, we know your schedule," Cassian cut him off with a snort. "And we know that you work yourself to an early grave. You can afford to stay for one more hour or so and have lunch with us. Have lunch with your mate. Aren't you supposed to spend time with her while there are people there to chaperone you?" Cassian wondered. "Isn't that what your books told you?"
Azriel shot him a glare. Cassian only grinned back innocently.
He wasn’t wrong, of course, he was absolutely right.
That was what the courtship was all about, right? He was supposed to show her that he was husband material. That he could provide for her and for any eventual future children.
Azriel shot another look towards the garden, where Eira was still talking with Feyre.
Rhys and Cassian knew they were right, knew that they had him in a corner. He wanted to stay. He wanted nothing more than to spend another hour here, with her.
"Just for that, you and Nesta can accompany us to the symphony this weekend," Azriel said drily. "I got tickets."
Cassian sputtered. Rhys snickered.
"You manipulative bastard," Cassian muttered. "I hate you. You know I hate the symphony."
"Well, as you said, I need to have people around to chaperone me," Azriel pointed out, his voice laced with false sweetness. "I thought maybe you and Nesta would enjoy the occasion." Azriel knew that Nesta would enjoy it. So only because of that Cassian would go along with it. 
"I'll get my revenge, don't you worry," his brother hissed.
"I’m looking forward to it," Azriel deadpanned, a smirk tugging at his lips. It widened when he saw Cassian’s enraged expression.
"You’re the absolute worst," Cassian grumbled.
Azriel couldn’t repress a snort, even as Rhys let out an amused huff.
"You’ll survive," he assured Cassian. "...I think.”
"I’m not so sure," Cassian said darkly. "I think I might just die of boredom."
"Well, Nesta is delighted," Azriel said brightly. "I already asked her this morning."
The betrayed look on Cassian’s face was almost comical.
“You bastard,” he muttered. "You’ve used my mate against me. That’s the lowest blow you’ve ever dealt.”
Azriel only grinned back at him, not sorry in the least. "It’s not my fault you’re whipped, brother,” he turned Cassian’s words back on him. 
“You should winnow right into the box,” Rhys said quietly. Azriel looked up surprised. 
“Eira didn’t do so well with doing outside,” Rhys explained quietly. “It’s getting better…slowly. But it scares her.”
“We would be with her,” Cassian protested. “Nothing would happen.”
“Her brain may understand that, but her heart doesn’t,” Rhys said with a sigh. “It happened outside, so…”
He didn’t end that thought, but he didn’t need to. Azriel understood. 
Lunch was served inside, and Eira seemed to flag slightly. An afternoon nap seemed to be in her future. The knife wound had healed well enough but she didn't seem to be up to her usual levels of ability yet. 
Still, she smiled as soon as she saw him, something that made his heart painfully constrict. Mate, his shadows sang happily. Her smile made his heart ache, made him want to scoop her up in his embrace and just hold her. 
Her face was paler than usual. Clearly, the wound was still affecting her. But the smile on her face, the happiness that lit up her expression as she saw him almost drove his worries away.
He took the seat next to her, his shadows curling around her almost immediately, as if as desperate for the contact as he was.
She shot him an amused look, but her hand reached out to greet his shadows, scratching at their invisible heads almost instinctively.
Azriel could hardly keep himself from shuddering at the sight of her fingers running through his shadows. It was almost enough to drive him crazy with the primal, animalistic urges in the back of his head. The urges that urged him to pull her into his lap right there and then, bury his face in the crook of her neck and just hold her. Claim her. Mate.
He shoved them all down as firmly as he could, focusing on his breathing for a moment.
He was painfully aware of how closely Cassian was watching him, a smirk on his face. And based on the way Rhys was watching him, he probably wasn’t doing a very good job hiding his reaction to how she touched his shadows.
Damn it.
Luckily, Eira didn’t seem to realise the effect her actions had on him.
She was still staring at his shadows as if trying to work out how they worked. They clearly loved her. They purred and twirled around her, preening at the attention.
"How are you feeling?" he asked her, desperate for something, anything...to just hear her voice.
She looked up from his shadows to stare at him, her eyes a soft, gentle grey.
"I’m fine," she assured him, her voice so soft it sent a shiver down his spine. "I’ve just been so sleepy all day."
"The wound is still affecting you," he said, his voice low, his gaze studying her face carefully, taking in the paleness and the hint of dark circles under her eyes. "You need to rest." Maybe the symphony wasn't the best idea after all.
Of course, he wanted to spend more time with her. He always did.
But the knife was clearly still affecting her, making her tired, making her sleep longer than usual. The last thing he wanted was to have her exhaust herself with an evening out.
"Well, I hope you are up for an evening out later this week because Azriel got tickets for the symphony," Cassian said, between shovelling food into his mouth. Azriel glared at him.
"...the symphony?" Eira echoed, her gaze switching to him.
"The symphony," Azriel confirmed in a low mutter, shooting Cassian another glare.
He hadn't been intending to spring that on her. He had hoped to ask her a little more subtly She was staring at him, her eyes wide, a little confused, as if she couldn’t quite work out why he had gotten them tickets.
"Nesta and Cassian would accompany us," Azriel said quietly. "If you are up to it. If you aren't..." he trailed off.
Eira seemed to relax slightly at the mention of Nesta and Cassian accompanying them as if the prospect of it not being just her and him but a group event made her feel better. It made some of the tension in his chest ease, knowing that the prospect of going to the evening out didn’t make her anxious.
She smiled faintly, her eyes still a little confused.
"I would love to.".
The tension in Azriel’s chest eased further.
For a moment, he had almost feared she would turn down the offer. He had half expected a protest from her, a reason as to why she really wasn’t feeling well enough to go out. But she hadn’t. She had agreed. She wanted this.
His shadows chittered happily at the thought, twisting around her fingers.
His eyes followed their movements as if drawn to the sight of Eira’s hand touching his shadows.
They were practically writhing around her, as if drinking up the attention, practically begging for more.
Part of him wanted to pull her into his lap right there and then, just to hold her as she continued to pet his shadows.
He suppressed the urge though, forcing himself to look away as Rhys shot him a knowing smirk. He just knew Cassian was silently snickering at him on the other side of the table. Damnit.
He could feel Cassian’s curious gaze on him and knew that his brother had to be noticing how his shadows were acting. They were never so openly affectionate with anyone, except now with Eira.
Azriel couldn’t decide whether he hated his shadows for it or was grateful for them. Hated them for making it so obvious that he himself desired nothing more than to wrap her up in his embrace and hold her close. Or whether he was grateful for them, for getting the little bouts of contact he so desperately craved.
Part of him was tempted to command them to stop, to get them to cool it down so that Cassian and Rhys didn’t notice just how affectionate his shadows were being.
But he also knew how much they loved this, how much they loved her. He could see it in the way they twisted around her hands, in the way they seemed to curl into her touch, as if desperate for more contact.
The rational part of him was screaming that Cassian and Rhys were noticing, that they would have to be blind not to notice it.
The less rational part of him was silently preening, utterly satisfied that not only his shadows but everyone knew that she was his.
But then his brain finally kicked in and he muttered a soft command for them to behave.
To his relief, they obeyed, though not before coiling around her hand one more time. Azriel was half surprised that they didn’t attempt to actually lick her.
He could see Rhys’s lips twitching into a smirk, clearly having heard the command, and based on the grin on Cassian’s face he had also noticed the interaction.
His two brothers were clearly having a field day, noticing every little reaction he had to Eira.
Azriel didn’t care though. Right now, all he cared about was the pleased little smile on Eira’s face.
She seemed blissfully unaware of his shadows acting as they had, completely oblivious to the fact that they were practically worshipping her every move.
It was a thought that both delighted and concerned him.
Delighted, because she still clearly didn’t even know how much his shadows adored her. She had no idea the degree of their devotion to her.
But it also concerned him. It worried him, that she was completely unaware of his shadows worshipping at her feet. Worried him because she had no idea what lengths they would go for her…what lengths he would go for her. 
But the only person he could give the fault for that…it was himself. 
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fluffylino · 9 months
hyunjin will do anything for your attention (psst maid dress ehe)
-contains mature themes
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your eyes landed on your boyfriend who was all dolled up. wearing a flimsy little dress. his milky white thighs exposed even more when he crossed his legs.
ignoring him, you walked into the kitchen, pouring yourself a glass of water. you couldn't help but steal a couple of glances.
he had pretty pink bows in his hair. a cute bell around his neck.
quickly pretending to rinse the glass. when you saw how he quietly walked upto you. sitting himself on the kitchen counter. a few inches away from the sink.
right next to your standing figure.
you simply gave him the cold shoulder, walking right past him to place the glass back on the stand.
he let out an almost inaudible whine and you mentally smiled to yourself.
two days ago. the both of you had an argument.
it was pretty petty. yet you were still giving him the silent treatment. hyunjin had been busy. no doubt. however it always felt like you were the only one putting effort to go on dates with him.
of course he too would also. but it had been 2 weeks since their comeback. and he had a lot of free time. and whatever. the point was, it was mainly you getting annoyed to the extent you didn't pay any attention to him. it was mean. and maybe a bit funny. but you genuinely were a little hurt.
you had stuck a tiny note on the fridge the night before. after he had fallen asleep.
it read :
"i'll only talk to you if you actually try to and make an effort for me to forgive you. i don't care if it embarasses you.
- :] "
he seemed to take it seriously.
in the first 24 hours he bought all your favourite dishes and cooked up some spicy ramyeon. adding an egg on top because thats how you liked it.
of course you ate it. eagerly. not leaving a thing behind. you were annoyed.
but your love for him was still stronger. you couldn't possibly hurt him by not appreciating the effort he took. however you hummed casually. not giving him any response. simply brushing him off like he was non existent.
washing your plate and his before walking away to shower. hyunjin sat at the table, head down.
almost like a attention deprived puppy.
today though was different.
you looking forward to his next attempt.
the tv playing on thr background while you sat on the sofa. not a single thought in your head.
except for the images of your beloved boyfriend in that skimpy dress. not to mention thr fact that he was still loitering around in the kitchen.
you stared at your chipped nail. trying your best to make it seem like you didn't see how he carefully trodded across the room. choosing to sit in the space between your spread legs on the ground.
he sat sideways, long legs awkwardly placed on the floor.
his dress riding up his thighs. just maybe a centimeter more and you'd see his panti-
was he wearing pink lace panties?!?!?
you bit your lip subtly, tilting your head to the side, to peek at what was under his dress.
you were right. he really was all dolled up. not to mention the perfume that radiated off his body.
making you want to pounce on him.
shit you were looking. you averted your gaze so fast you felt dizzy. luckily he was too busy pulling the straps of the outfit up his shoulders to notice.
you could feel his gaze on you. so strong. so captivating. you were sure his lips would be jutting out.
was he wearing your lip gloss??!!!?.
the extra shiny pink shade that you'd only wear on extremely special occassions. damn, you were screwed.
you wanted to take him right there and then.
in the corner of your eye, you could vaguely see him looking up at you.
and you finally spared him a glance when he placed his head on the inside of your thigh. rubbing his cheek affectionately.
Sighing, you rubbed your temples. heart shattering upon seeing the way his expression dropped. eyes growing sadder. and slowly he moved away.
like a kicked puppy who was mistreated and ignored.
"come here" you quickly let out before he could get up. he scrambled up to his knees. elbows digging into your thighs.
"where did you get this?" you asked, carefully tucking a strand of his hair behind.
"online" he mumbled. leaning into your touch.
you couldn't stay mad at him. honestly you were fine. just driven by curiousity. "i know" you let out, sitting up to kiss him on his forehead. his eyes still closed as you pulled away. lips parted.
god, he was so cute.
"c-can't i can't hhnggh-" hyunjin cried out. bent over the short table. your strap pushing into him. it was a bigger size. the one that he was begging you to use on him.
"you can." you stated. raising your hand to adjust the cute pink bow that was clipped into his hair. it had come undone.
the sight below you sending waves of pleasure through you. his hole sucking you in.
lube all over his thighs. staining his pretty lace thigh highs. the bows had come undone. hanging down.
his dress pushed up on his back. displaying all his parts to you. dick hanging between his legs. leaking all over the floor.
"you're my pretty maid, aren't you" he panted, shaking his ass onto you. as if agreeing to you.
"y-yes...always at your service"
you smirked, kneading his plush skin. loving the way his lace panties were still on. torn from where you entered him.
"anything for you m-master"
"anything? careful what you wish for baby"
"i can take anything and e-everything you give aahh mhm...m-me"
i wanna write some more...but maybe with j-jisung........?
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aroacesafeplaceforall · 4 months
Alright I’ve seen like 40 posts with shit like this “as an aroace shut up and stop saying aroaces can’t date we can ship who ever you want stop saying that allos!!” So I have to say something
Now, the thing is I half agree. I agree that aspec people can date and have sexual / romantic / platonic (aplatonicspec is included in apsec people) relationships. That is 100% fine and you are 110% valid.
This is where it changes:
You can ship who you want, but if you are shipping a romance/sex/(platonic? Friendship-?) repulsed person SHUT THE FUCK UP AND LISTEN. Yes, there are exceptions to everything, however there is a line. you are playing fucking jump rope with it. Helicopter to be exact. You don’t care who gets hurt, you’re just having fun swinging it around.
Which is fine, in its own way, fandom is dolls after all. But let us have one character? Let’s not shove that ship down people’s throats? Let’s not make it main stream? Let’s not ship every single character you see? Thank you
Stop fucking “speaking for aroaces” as an aroace. I know for a fact I don’t speak for the aroaces, I speak for some maybe, maybe more will disagree with that but, either way, STOP.
You don’t speak for all aroaces when you say “aroace people can still date”
You don’t.
Maybe you speak for some.
But shut that fuck up about all.
Thanks for coming to my midnight rambles, I’ve been your host, Jamie! The time is 11:41pm
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babyfoxflower · 6 days
Alastor Relationship HCs
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Warnings: 18+, MDNI, Some Smut, Power Imbalance (Alastor is reader’s owner), other than that it’s actually pretty fluffy
* For starters, the moment Alastor first saw you, it was like Cupid had shot him in the heart with one of his arrows
* He knew that he wanted you and he was going to get you for the Radio Demon always takes what he wants
* He propositions you a deal, you sell him your soul and in return he’ll give you anything you want whenever you wanted
* Long story short, you end up accepting his deal and signed your sell your soul away (because of course you did, he’s an excellent manipulator)
* From that day forward, Alastor never let you out of his sight
* He made you move into the hotel and stay in his room
* He even snapped in a bed for you to sleep in
* At night, he lays next to you stroking your hair and watching you sleep
* “Isn’t she just gorgeous? Such a beautiful little doll,” he said to his shadow
* His shadow grinned in agreement
* “And she’s all mine. Mine,” he hissed that last part as he pulled your body into his arms
* He was true to his word when he said he would give you anything at anytime
* You were his precious dear, if you wanted chocolate to satiate your sweet tooth than you would get the best chocolate or if you wanted shoes to match the pretty dress he got you than you would get the best shoes
* However, the one time you asked for alone time, he laughed, “And why would you want to be away from me, my dear? Do I not satisfy you?”
* You knew better than to anger one the most dangerous overlords so you would say that you were just kidding and of course he satisfies you
* He lifted up your chin with one of his claws, “Good girl,” he said as radio crackling came through his voice
* And he did truly satisfy you, it was hard to complain about being pampered by such a handsome and charming man
* Even if he is clingy and a little creepy, he’s also funny and sweet in his own way
* He’s extremely affectionate to you and even let’s you pet his ears and play with his hair
* He loves laying on your chest and giving you little kisses and love bites on your neck and breasts
* Speaking of kisses, he often steals kisses from you especially when you least expect it
* And let me tell you he’s a good kisser surprisingly
* He’s also good at other things that involve his mouth and tongue
* His tongue is long and easily reaches deep inside your pussy to that special spot that makes your toes curl and your eyes roll back
* And nimble fingers that work your bud brilliantly
* That’s not to mention his big member that stretches your walls so deliciously
* And his voice, oh he knows what to say to make you come undone completely
* Once you’re finished, he finishes deep inside you filling your belly with warmth
* “You’re such a good girl, such a good obedient little thing,” he says before kissing you tenderly
* Truly it’s not bad afterlife with Alastor the Radio Demon
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nook-kid · 4 months
Shout out to the regressors who don't fit the normal expectations/aesthetics of regression and childhood.
I love the term boyre and getting to enjoy the woes of boyhood I never got to, playing with my toy dinos and making mud pies. But I also like to have tea parties and play with my barbies, and I'm lucky enough to be able to do both with full love and support.
And I want other regressors to be able to do the same knowing that it's okay. You're valid and I support you.
And I truly mean that. Whether you're a little boy who plays with dinos or dolls, a little girl who plays fairies or pirates, or a little kid who does a mix of it all, I love you, I support you and I'm proud of you.
Take back your childhood however you want, and do it knowing that you're perfect however you choose to do it. - Mikey
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coveredinsweetpea · 1 year
not to be a whore........... but imagine making out with Eddie's buldge through his underwear 😩
🥴🥴🥴 tbh I think there are two different scenarios and I wanted to choose only one to elaborate on but I couldn't so here I go: you're both either too lazy to care and this evolves from a sleepy cuddling session OR you're being needy and clingy, begging for his attention - just a whiny mess basically, and this is all that he's willing to give you. Both detailed under the cut 🥴🥴 (the 2nd one is pure filth, humiliation, degradation etc 18+!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
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It's summer, Wayne's not in town and you have all the trailer to yourselves. But it's still early, no one's in the mood to party yet, it's hot and you're both too lazy to move. 
Eddie's starfish on the bed, a comic book having him completely under its spell, while you lay lazily with your head on his tummy, hoping sleep would envelop you. But it doesn't; Eddie's too caught up with a plot twist he didn't see coming, and ideas start coming to you. 
Your eyes fix the outline of his cock and without saying a word, you palm him in your hand, your fingers drawing random patterns on the material of his boxer briefs. 
Eddie doesn't react, at least not to your knowledge, but one eyebrow does pop up. You don't see it however and decide to keep going, moving your hand a bit to the side so you can rub the length of his cock. 
"Sweetheart?" Eddie lifts his comic book so he can look at you, "What are you doing?"
You don't even look at him, just keep teasing him through his boxers, until he can't help but tense his thighs. "Love?"
"Yeah?" again, you answer without bothering to face him, but this time you do move. Just in the opposite direction, nonchalantly pressing your lips against his bulge. 
The gesture was light, not too sudden or too strong, but the reason he froze for a second is the pure confusion that washed over him. But he doesn't get a chance to ask, because when he feels what you're doing - understands that you're right now literally kissing the length of his cock, he can't help but chuckle. 
"Sweetheart, you know I can take those off for you, right?" Eddie teases, one hand on the top of your head as you keep going.
"Nah" you shrug and wrap your lips around his clothed tip. One of your hands slips lower, your fingers brushing against his balls as you start sucking. 
"Ah fuck" he gasps. But you don't budge.
You keep at it - licking, sucking, grabbing, your teeth lightly grazing the tip of his cock. 
"Baby, damn it" the comic book flies across the room, his attention now fully on you. "You wanna make me cum like that?"
But you don't answer. You just shove your hand up one of the legs of his boxer, cup his balls into your hand, and resume full on making out with his cock. 
The sheer feeling of him getting hard under your lips, the way he can barely control his breathing, how his thighs tense and how his abdomen clenches every time you apply just a little bit more pressure, makes you want to see just how far you can go. 
Brushing your thumb over the wet patches on his underwear, you look up at him, "Yeah, I wanna. Can I try?"
"Try?" he laughs and rubs your cheek with the back of his fingers, "Darling, you're halfway there"
You beam under his praise and resume your quest, eagerly sucking and tugging through the material as his cock visibly stiffens.
"But then you'll take yours off. You can play around all you want, but you know I can't stop until you've made a mess on my face, doll"
Fine by you.
You being clingy isn't anything new. The planets sometimes settle so that some days the only thing you want is his attention and nothing else. And it's usually not a problem, Eddie being more than happy to oblige and give you what you so desperately crave, but there are also days when that is not possible. 
Like this one.
Busy with tasks Wayne left for him, the campaign needing some last minute fixes, Dustin asking for a ride and a Corroded Coffin concert late in the evening - this day is bound to suck for the both of you. 
You manage to compose yourself for as long as you can, but by the time you reach the venue for the show, you're almost out of your mind. Begging, teasing, whining, throwing yourself at other men to get his attention - you do everything in your power to get his attention. But you fail. Miserably. As once you finally get home, things don't play out the way you had hoped - at all. 
"So fucking desperate, like a fucking whore" Eddie scoffs, plopping down on the couch. He spreads his legs and nods, "Do your thing"
Normally, you'd whine and complain, but your brain isn't cooperating so you listen to his command. You kneel in front of him, undo his jeans, and then helplessly look up at him, bottom lip popping out. "Eddie…"
"Do you need help, kitten?"
You nod.
"Do you deserve it? You acted like a dumb slut all night. Why would I help you? You can't even take my dick out, why would I let you suck it?"
"Please, Eddie…" you cry.
"Look into my eyes, doll" he commands, his hand on your chin forcing you to face him. "Apologize for the way you've been tonight"
"I'm- I'm sorry" you sniffle, "Please-"
"Sorry for being such a cock thirsty whore that you can't even function unless you get to have my dick down your throat?"
"Say it, baby. You need to hear yourself saying it. And look into my eyes while you do it, love. Show me how bad you want it"
"Please, Eddie-" you blink, "I'm sorry for being such a whore, but I need it, please. Can I please, please, suck your cock, please?"
And your pleading might have been enough but you'll never know. Eddie doesn't even get a chance to fully strip before he sees the hungry look in your eyes. "Come here" he motions as he stands up, his jeans now pooling around his ankles. "Show me you want it"
For a second, you look up at him in confusion, but the way his cock stretches the material of his underwear has you feral all over again.
So you don't question it, don't complain, you just get to work. He's hard - throbbing almost, the wet patch of precum making your tongue tingle as you make out with his cock as best you can. 
"That's my girl" he grins, patting your head, "My good girl, keep going. Make me cum. If you can do it, you get to swallow it all, baby"
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pearlzier · 6 months
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“why the fuck did this shit just squirt on me,” matt's gaze narrowed at the four year old in front of him, brows raising for a moment before he yelped as he felt your hand hit him upside the head. he glared at you, “what was that for?”
“you can't swear in front of my niece!” you gawk, ruffling his hair gently to apologise for whacking him.
“okay, but, what is this,” he lifted the LOL doll, staring the shit out of it as it makes him severely uncomfortable. the little girl, however, seems positively thrilled by it spewing water whenever you filled it up and squeezed it. she giggled and clapped her hands, and matt merely huffed, proceeding to fill the doll back up with water.
“it's uh,” you grab the piece of paper with names scribbled on them, trying to find where your niece had named her dolls, and soon landing on the name, “chrissy?” matt practically burst out laughing, causing your niece to also laugh too even if she didn't actually know what was happening.
“s'this chrissy, kid? yeah?” he waved the doll around, gently holding it for her and watching as it spewed water from its mouth and made her giggle again. “like uncle chrissy? yeah, that's my girl.”
your heart practically melts, as you watch your boyfriend and your niece play together. he lifts his gaze to yours and he smiles, humming under his breath, “you look a lot like her,” your niece looks a lot like your sister, sure, but matt thinks you two look similar. both incredibly pretty, and adorable. “you two smile exactly the same.”
he looks between the both of you and that only corroborates his claims, and he nods his head again, watching as the little girl handed him a stuffed toy from her toy box. he held it gently in his hands, and he giggles softly. “come sit with us, pretty sure me and the kid are scared of you bein’ up so high.”
you were only sat on the bed, but fair enough, the kid didn't have a great sense of scale from her tiny height. conceding almost instantly, you find yourself sat beside matt, arm to arm, as your niece hands you two various things to play with. “fluffy,” she mumbles at the toy that matt's holding, and he nods gently.
“fluffy toy? or are they called fluffy?” matt looks at you for answers, blue eyes wide and soft. he's so at ease right now, it makes you feel at ease. “wait, look at the uh..” he snaps his fingers, “the list.”
you grab the list once more and your niece stabs a chubby finger at a name on the list, one that says ‘bartholomew’. you and matt both stare at it for a moment, then look up at the baby, then at eachother, and matt says exactly what you're thinking in the first place—“can she even pronounce that..?”
no, she can't, clearly, since the slurry of siunds that slipped from her wet lips were not nearly anything close to the word, ‘bartholomew’. the two of you burst into little giggles and lean against eachother. it's adorable, it's wholesome. even the kid can see it. “uncle matt?”
“yeah, kid?” he speaks up, not looking at the girl but still putting his full attention into talking to her despite the fact he's trying to set up her barbie car.
“do you like auntie?” she bats her lashes idly, chewing idly on her bottom lip as her chubby fingers tug at matt's shirt. he lifts his gaze to hers, his head leant against your shoulder. the question makes both of your brows furrow, and he nods, answering after a second.
“‘course i like auntie, she's my girl,” he says naturally, which too makes your heart warm. matt looks over at you and he interlaces your fingers together, holding your hand for a moment before he looks back at the kid with a little tilt of his head. “why you askin’, hun?”
his gaze searches hers as he sits cross-legged, and he nods his head for her to continue, tone gentle. “uhm.. are you gonna marry auntie?” matt's eyes widen and he swiftly lets go of your hand out of pure instinct.
your gaze flits to his, and when he sees that, he soon clasps your hand into his again, squeezing it. “if she wants to, sure. one day,” god fucking god, he's perfect, you say to yourself. you knew it already however this solidifed it. his blue eyes meet his and he smiles, leaning into your shoulder. “one day, kid.”
your niece seems very happy to hear this, and she continues playing with her toys like literally nothing had happened. like she really hadn't just given you two something to talk about when your sister came and picked the kid up. “you really mean that?” you spoke up after a little moment, eyes searching his as you shifted yourself a little closer.
“mean it, baby,” matt admits, leaning over to press a kiss to your shoulder with an arm around you before your niece decides conveniently that she wants something to eat. not from you, but from matt. “uncle matt? wan’ sumthin’ to eat..”
“you hungry? aight, c'mon,” he releases you gently and holds out his hand for the little girl so the two of them can head over to kitchen, before matt holds his hand out for you too. he offers a gentle smile, “i'll make somethin’ for you too.”
hey, who can say no to that? you push up off of the floor and you grasp his hand, the three of you making your way down to the kitchen. your niece bounces happily, just happy to be accompanied by her auntie and her uncle.
you realise, a little surprised with yourself that it's taken so long, that matt would make a perfect father. and that maybe that conversation you have is gonna change your lives a little more than you thought.
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tags ┆.ᐟ ᰍ ︵ @junnniiieee07 , @st7rnioioss ۫ .
a/n ┆i am so full of ideas to write oh my god ୭ ✧ ˚. ᵎᵎ ✶
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lokiswifeduh · 6 months
How we say goodbye
Pairings - Bestfriend!Neighbor!Bucky x Fem!Naive!Bestfriend!Reader
Summary - The reader is moving to go to college and Bucky takes his opportunity to say one final goodbye.
Warnings - smut, p in v, choking, praise kink, naive reader, somewhat of dubious consent. reader is a virgin, Bucky is around 22 and the reader is 18.
Notes - This is somewhat of a modern!au. This is my first time writing smut on here so please don't judge too hard!! Also, let me know if there are any other warnings I need to put up, thank you for reading loves!
WC - 1,960
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"Bucky!!" You opened the front door, revealing your neighbor standing there with some more boxes to help prepare for your move. "Good mornin' doll." He grins, stepping past you as you hold the door wide open.
"You can just put them upstairs beside my bedroom!" You smiled, shutting the door and moving to walk up the stairs.
You were currently packing for your move to college. Trading the busy New York atmosphere for a quaint college town in Connecticut. Not too far, however far enough in Bucky's opinion. But he would never let you know that.
He follows you up the stairs, shamelessly watching your ass sway in your tight black leggings as you took each step.
"Here okay?" He gestured inside your bedroom. You were about to protest, knowing your parents would never let a boy in your room, especially Bucky with how close you guys were. But he moved inside the room before you could object. "Just this once," You thought, knowing your parents weren't home at the moment.
Bucky dropped the boxes on the ground, his shirt riding up slightly. You watched from behind as his abs flexed below the tent of his shirt, keeping your eyes on the v-line of muscle that led right below the hem of his jeans.
"See something you like, doll?" Bucky smirked, making you look up at him with wide eyes. You didn't realize how long you had been staring. A slight blush rose to your cheeks, words suddenly not wanting to form in your mouth.
You had always thought Bucky was attractive. More than attractive as you grew older. Sexy, hot, absolutely delicious. Other more not as telling synonyms.
Bucky chuckled, lounging down on your still-made bed. A white comforter adorned the double mattress. White, frilly, pillows and a couple throw blankets also lay on the bed.
"I'm gonna miss this bed, doll."
You laugh, coming to sit on the edge of the bed, taking a pillow in your arms and placing it in your lap. "You have a bed, Buck. Not even a hundred feet away from mine."
He groaned, laying back on your pillows, "It's not the same, honey." He stretched out. You could feel him watching you as he played with the edge of your white flowery blouse. "I'm gonna miss everything about you."
"Everything about me?" You turned back, loving the way his hand felt against your skin as he rubbed soft circles into the dip of your lower back. "What about me?" He smiled with that devious smirk, "Oh I'll miss you the most sweetheart." You turned back, playing with the pillow as he rose, coming to sit behind you. You were about to turn around when he placed a hand on your shoulder, his mouth so close to your ear you could feel his breath on your neck.
"But most of all I'm gonna miss your laugh," He started tucking your hair away from your neck, bringing it all to one side. "I'm gonna miss your smile." You felt your heart bloom, knowing how much Bucky adored you.
"I'm gonna miss the way you so innocently move your body in front of me without even knowing what it does to me." "Bucky?" "Shhh..."
He moved his hand from your shoulder to right below your jaw, rubbing circles with his thumb around your throat. "You're alright, doll. You're my doll." He started to kiss your neck, making you freeze. "You're always gonna be my doll."
Without warning he pulled you back, making your head plop softly onto the pillows as placed both his knees on each side of your body.
"Bucky!" Your eyes were wide, wondering what had gotten into him all of a sudden. But he only shushed you once again, taking his hand that wasn't on your throat and ripping the frilly pillow you had in your arms away.
"I've wanted to touch you for so long, doll." You gulped, watching his eyes turn dark as he licked his lips. "I've wanted to make you mine ever since I saw Steve kiss you at that party in sophomore year."
"We didn't do anything, Buck. Steve didn't-" "But he took something from me, see, doll." Bucky moved closer, wrapping your legs around his waist, "I wanted to be your first."
He moved his hand, taking your socks off without you even realizing. "Your first kiss," Then placing his hand on the waistband of your leggings, "Your first date." He removed his hand from your throat, tucking his fingers under the band of your leggings and ripping them down your legs.
You shrieked, trying to hide yourself but failing. "The first person who ever got to taste you, doll." "Bucky, I've- I've never." You stuttered only to have Bucky place a finger on your lips. "Don't worry, I'll go slow, honey."
You wanted to object, tell him it was wrong but the tingling sensation you felt in your lower belly made you keep quiet. You wanted more.
Bucky delved down, placing an open-mouthed kiss on your covered pussy. "Ahhh," You arched your back, never having felt these feelings, these sensations before. Bucky only looked up, seeing your heavy-lidded eyes as you watched him make out with your covered clit.
He licked and sucked at your pussy, only satisfied when he saw the substantial wet spot that now soaked your panties.
"P-please Bucky." He stopped, holding both sides of your cotton thong in his hands as he looked up at you. "What, doll?"
He smirked, "What do you want, baby? I need words." You gulped, your hand coming down to clench your comforter in your palm. "I don't know, Buck. Just.. more." Bucky smirked, "That's alright, doll. Don't worry." He placed a soft kiss on your pussy. "I'll give you everything you need."
Without warning he ripped down your thong, a red mark coming to your thighs from the sudden roughness. Placing soft kissing in between your legs, Bucky dove in, licking a long stripe up from your entrance to your clit.
Your back arched once more, feeling the way he sucked, pulled, and licked your clit. You moaned, your eyes falling closed as you tugged on the bed sheets harder. One particular amazing feeling made you grip onto Bucky's hair instead; making him groan into you. The vibrations only spurring you and him on more.
He moved his hand, suddenly urging his middle finger into your entrance, making your eyes fly open as you looked down at him staring right at you. "B-buck, It hurts." Bucky lifted his face from your pussy, licking his lips. "I know, doll. But I gotta loosen you up a bit." You groaned, feeling his larger middle finger pushing in. "It'll feel good soon, I promise, honey."
And it did, once Bucky again started sucking on your clit while slowly moving his middle finger in and out you started to feel something you never had before.
Sure, you had played with yourself down there before. Even tried to sit on the washing machine when Natasha told you that's what she did before she and Wanda got together but THIS?
This was something you had never felt.
"Bucky! Bucky, I think I'm gonna-" "Just let it out, doll," He kissed your thigh as he slipped a second finger in, "Let it happen, sweetheart."
And you did, you felt white-hot flashes of any and everything shooting through your body as your first orgasm hit, making your legs convulse as Bucky worked you through it.
"Good girl." He continued giving you small kitten licks to your clit, "Such a good doll for me." You felt your whole body preen at the praise as you started to come down.
You breathed heavily, aware of Bucky slipping his fingers out of you before moving off the bed to shed his own jeans and boxers.
"Bucky?" You finally opened your eyes, seeing him hovering over you, moving your legs so he was snuggly in between them. "You're so good for me, doll." A soft kiss was placed on your lips.
You bit your lip, feeling the tip of his dick as he rubbed it through the lips of your pussy. You held onto his arms as he positioned his dick to your entrance, looking back into your eyes.
Maintaining eye contact, Bucky started to push his hips down, making you squirm upwards. He groaned, placing a hand above your shoulder to stop you from moving as his other palm placed itself on your hip; keeping you still.
"B-Bucky! S-stop, it hurts!!" But he kept going, rubbing your clit with the hand that was on your hip. "It'll feel so good, doll. Just gotta get it in."
He pushed all the way in without warning, making you shriek as your nails clamped down into Bucky's skin, drawing blood. "Bucky!"
"You're so tight, doll." His voice was husky, his hair now in his face as his eyes shut, "Fuckin' made for me, baby."
You felt tears come to your eyes from the stretch, wanting nothing but to push him off of you. But then when his hips moved out and forward once again you felt a tingling in your lower belly. Bucky was moving his length in and out of you at a rough pace.
The pain had subsided, now you only felt pleasure. His hips snapped as he rubbed your clit. "Here baby, let me show you." He moved your hand from his bicep, making you place two fingers on your clit and moving them in circles. "Keep doing that for me, doll."
You obeyed, watching as he moved his hand to your throat, pressing his thumb and pointer finger to the sides of your neck. Your eyes widened once again as you felt the air constrict.
"Keep rubbing yourself just like I taught you, baby." Your mouth fell open in response to him squeezing your throat. "Just like that, doll." His hips kept snapping forward, hitting that spot inside of you that you didn't even know existed.
Once again white hot flashes of pleasure shot through every single nerve ending in your body. Bucky could sense you were close as he closed his hand a little tighter on your throat, making you speed up the movements on your clit. "Come on, doll. Cum for me baby."
You nodded, wanting to please Bucky. Your eyes shut closed as he sped up his thrusts at an inhuman speed, wanting to make you cum first. "Come on, I know you can do it. You've been such a good girl for me," He moved down, lips as the shell of your ear. "Fucking cum, doll."
And you did, clenching down hard on his dick as your legs shook. Bucky felt you start to orgasm as his cum shot deep inside of you, making him groan as his own legs shook a little on yours.
He let the grip on your throat go, replacing his lips with kisses to the spots he knew would bruise. You felt a heating sensation as Bucky slipped out of you, making you look down as he collected his cum with his middle and index finger.
"Taste what you made me do, doll." He brought his fingers up to your lips, making you taste yours and his cum on your tongue. "Swallow." He ordered, which you instantly obeyed, feeling the sweet yet salty taste go down your throat.
Placing the throw blanket over your two bodies, he collected you into his arms. Bucky planted a soft kiss on the crown of your head, moving his hand to your jaw to make you look at him.
"This is just how we say goodbye from now on, alright doll?" You nod, smiling up at him. "Okay, Bucky."
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