#Also how come discords there but shining isn't?
moonypears-blog · 10 days
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This reminds me of how Cedric is stated as a ruler on the Enchancia wiki.
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How They Treat You While on Your Period -
In the Twisted Wonderland head-canon collection by Crimson
Since I am on my period, I decided to make some head-canons about it and make it everyone's business ^.^
Note: All characters. Character can be depicted as Yuu or an Oc. Gender neutral pronouns. Character can get a period, do with that what you will. Platonic. I did struggle with this so and how certain characters will react, so sorry if some of these are short and plain. I also thank Discord friends for the help with certain characters!
Warnings: Just menstrual business. Mentions of blood. Some strong language. Long post.
Everything was looking as if it will be a good day, you are hopeful for this in fact! It was supposed to be a day where you felt like taking on the world! However, life loves to make you humble yourself. So now, all you can do is suck it up and power through the unbearable cramps (even though you wish you could just curl up in a ball and just die).
But there is always a shining light in the unfortunate presence of-
• Riddle has a doctor as a mom, he knows what a period is. So when he notices that you are struggling with just walking to class and asks what the matter is, he springs into action. You know his mom had him run to get her some tampons when she was running late to work, he knows what to look for. Just tell him what kind of stuff you'll need and he'll go and get it for you. Midol? Yes. A heating pad? Absolutely. And depending on what kinds of things you like to eat on your period, Riddle will try to steer clear of super sugary foods but he will make the exception for strawberry tarts and tea, predictable like always and junk foods. But if you plead with him a bit, he'll let it slide and won't complain as much if you decide to snack on some chips. Riddle will also be more lenient towards you, meaning that if you're struggling with work or club activities, he won't be too harsh on you and advise you to just relax.
• Trey has a younger sister, he has definitely dealt with periods before and, like Riddle, he will get you anything that you need. Will definitely use this as an excuse to bake you all the sweets you can eat, but he'll also make sure you brush your teeth properly. Trey doesn't want you to get a cavity now. He's not that irresponsible.
• Living with two older sisters, Cater has some experience when it comes to periods. He will tease you by sending a pic of a piece of styrofoam with the caption "is this what you need?" while getting you the stuff you actually asked for. Cater carries around an "emergency period" kit in his school bag, so if shark week hits unexpectantly, all you need to do is go over the best person in the world and you'll be taken care of. You can always rely on Cater.
• Sometimes Ace likes to pretend he doesn't know what a period is just to be an asshole. If you ask him to get some supplies for you, he can and will complain about how much you owe him for it because it's embarrassing. Whenever you both hangout, Ace will chill out in another room and just text you if he wants to talk with you, he'll also occasionally toss chocolate bars and water at you if he feels like "feeding the beast" in his words. And if your nice to him, he'll take pity on you and give you a rough massage. Isn't he just the greatest?
• Deuce grew up with a single mother, he had to do the tampon/pad run whenever she ran out and was stuck in the bathroom. You can bet he will make sure you are as comfortable as possible and get you everything you need, heck, he'll even take over any responsibilities that you have, including your homework please stop him. Will get into an argument with Ace because he thinks it's funny how Deuce is practically your personal maid.
• Leona will not give one singular fuck about your period, or at least only half a fuck since the scent of menstrual blood bothers his delicate, princely nose. If you ask if he could spare some money so that you can get more tampons/pads, he'll say no to your face but will have Ruggie go get you what you need (he is not stepping outside his room just to get Tylenol, be real). But Leona will show mercy towards you and let you take naps in his room which is just an excuse to use you as a pillow.
• Ruggie is also someone who won't really care if he finds out that it's that time of the month for you. And if he is your last resort and your so desperate, just promise to pay him and he'll get everything that you need maybe add in a bit of extra cash for the trouble, or donuts, bitches love donuts. Ruggie will tease you whenever you need to lay down when the cramps overcome you, "must suck to be you right now". Also, he won't really be bothered by the smell of menstrual blood, he's smelled worse.
• Jack will come up to you with concern because he smells blood on you and asks if your injured, will get very embarrassed when he realizes that it's just your period. Brotherly instinct takes over and he'll get you a chocolate bar/your favorite period snack and warm water, then act as if he wasn't doing it because he cared or anything, he just didn't like seeing you curled up in a ball during pe but seriously, get up, people are staring.
• Merfolk don't have menstrual cycles, so Azul is stumped whenever he finds out that you're menstruating. He's not ignorant on what a period is he had to learn human biology at a certain point in time, but he really doesn't know what to do when your uterus is trying to kill itself. Instead of asking what you need, Azul takes it upon himself to do extensive research on periods, so he knows what exactly to get for you. Why would he do something like that? Well Azul just loves to show just how much he embodies the benevolence of the Sea Witch he wants something from you, run.
• Jade also doesn't know how to deal with you once he finds out that you started your period, but unlike Azul, Jade actually asks you what you need to be comfortable in your trying time. For whatever reason you trust him with this information. Jade does take care of you, although you feel as if there was something else to this, but you're too much in hell to think too deeply.
• Floyd would act as if you were dying. Each and every time you have a period, he will squeeze you and hang off of you because he "doesn't want to lose his shrimpy". Depending on his mood he will either get you what you need, tell you to fuck off, or get you the wrong things like getting the smallest size of tampon/pad or the cheapest brand of chocolate.
• Kalim is definitely someone who forgets periods are a thing and when he sees you barely holding on, he panics and thinks you're dying. But after telling him what's going on, he'll calm down and want to help in any way that he can. This guy has 40 siblings and most likely bombarded the maids with questions when they were taking tampons, pads, and treats to the Asim kids rooms, he knows what's up. Kalim will insist that you just sit back and relax while he takes notes for you or just straight up do your homework stop him please.
• Jamil has a younger sister who makes periods his problem, he knows the drill. But does he actually want to? Not really. He has so much on his plate that he can't really bother to take care of someone else, however if he sees you looking like your about to keel over and die, he'll step in with a pack of midol and a heating pad.
• At first Vil would brush you off whenever he finds out about your period because he has more important things to worry about, but then stops and springs into action because you are on your period and you will get an acne break out if he doesn't step in. Vil will not tolerate a bad diet and will make sure you are eating things that are high in iron. While your grateful that he wants to keep you well, it's also hell. But don't worry, your skin will be flawless and hey, you get a heated blanket out of this.
• Rook knows when your cycle will start before you do and he will send you a period care package filled with all of your favorite things for your period, including some skin care products. You don't even want to know how Rook figured all of this out.
• Epel is mainly grossed out by the blood. Yeah, he's obviously not going to actually see any blood, it's just the thought of it that has him feeling queasy. He'll suck it up for the most part, especially when he sees your discomfort and offers to give you a massage to help soothe the achiness of your body. Epel also gives you drinks with peppermint in it in hopes of settling your nausea.
• Not only will Idia not care about your period, he will ignore you so that it won't become his problem. Unless you threaten to unbox one of his special figurines or to delete one of his save files, then he will let you camp out in his room and get you whatever it is you need just leave his things alone please-
• Ortho will notice something is off and will do a full body scan on you, then he'll proceed to air out your business like it's a health class. But not to worry, he made sure to do some quick research about menstrual cycles and will make sure that you are eating well and help you fully relax as if you aren't dying from the inside out.
• The only one who would even know to deal with periods in the Diasomnia Foursome is Sebek, however Malleus will definitely do all he can to make sure you feel pampered. He will be extremely concerned when he smells blood on you, thinking that you are severely injured and will try to conjure up a spell to heal you which would be fantastic cause periods suck ass. You unfortunately stop and explain to him that this is normal. Since Malleus has never taken care of a real person before, he struggles a lot to figure out just how to make you feel comfortable. Will bring back a piece of styrofoam to you because Lilia and Cater told him to.
• Lilia will take your health into consideration when finding out you're on your period, he'll whip up a lot of things that are rich in iron and will help sooth those annoying period pukes and poops aren't you the lucky one?. Lilia will also give you a back massage to really work out the soreness of your tender muscles. He starts calling you his little ketchup packet after this.
• Silver thinks you are the bravest person because you explained to him what exactly happens during a period and will do everything he can to get you through it he makes it seem like this is such a serious endeavor. Silver mainly lets you use him a pillow and a heater, pretty much letting you sleep away the aches and pains.
• Sebek will be exasperated with you and argues why he has to do everything for you he doesn't need to do shit for you, he just cares about you but doesn't want to admit it. He'll sit you down on a comfy chair with a nice blanket while he gets you everything that you need, complaining the entire time. Sebek checks on you periodically to see if you need anything, and if you ask him for something, he'll just huff and grumble about being needy but still go do it.
(Doing head-canons isn't really my thing, but if there is anything you'd like to see, I might do it if I have the motivation for it.)
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sparks-chaotic-cove · 4 months
Creating character is so fun- especially when they're supposed to represent aspects of you
I've noticed how this goes even as far into chat-sonas!
My sparks and aura sonas aren't really full characters, just really psuedonyms- (garnet [fenris] and periwinkle [Rune] sparks, and Garnet aura! ). A bit of the same for what I used in Icarus's chat- though the choice of soul lantern and Dandelion were important to me!
However, when it gets to where the chat is creatures or even people- that's where it gets more important.
For Ari's chat, (the one time I caught a stream live), I used Flare. I continue to use Flare throughout little drawings. She holds a little source of light, usually a torch or normal lantern! In the calmer times, she'd have a bit of fun holding a flint and steel menacingly. In purgatory, she is occasionally caught with her face deep in a nature related book or tale, or a medical journal/log.
Flare is a bit of me- as well as you can see through my name, "Sparks", intended to light the way. She holds a lantern, which also produces warmth, to both help the other allays and also used to keep them warm when times were tough and their big sis was a bit gone or vexed. Other bits shine through as well- I adore gardening, and I want to work in the medical field. The typical "gross" or "odd" things when it comes to medicine don't freak me out- so Flare's got a bit of that!
For Gyn's chat (ggabraxas), I have Meridee. Gyn's chat is all the old, now-dead leviathans. I'm not in the discord to see too much, but I imagine Meridee as a kind soul with a love for preparing food and also music! Life was tough, but she'd hum songs to the younglings and teach them about the legends and history of the past. A sort of motherly figure!
While Meridee isn't as fleshed out, she's still got bits of me- I love to bake and prepare food, I have started to make music and I love to sing, and storytelling is one of my passions.
To not bore you much longer, whoever reads this far, I've got a few others!
Del - A red-throated hummingbird in Sylph's chat, portrays a bit of chaos as well as caution! Also, she is often found resting on pink or warm toned flower bushes.
Zori - A magpie in Vast's chat! She usually holds a periwinkle, but sometimes picks up a gemstone. She loves little trinkets and makes little dragon-esque hordes of them.
Thank you for reading! if you'd like to share your own chat sonas, I'd love to see them!
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zylophie · 8 months
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#SUPERSTAR — our esteemed guests ♡
✦ VIP — welcome, dearest friends~! you're probably wondering why superstar? That's because when the night creep in...the stars will shine brightly under the night sky and you, my friends are the stars of the show!
✦ NOTE — this is a list of people that we talk to on a few occasions, feel free to ask to be moots with us because we love interacting with other people ♡
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✦ @nogenderbee — bee
💌 yue is typing...
♡ bee is one of my good friends here, honestly they can make any conversation so entertaining and not to mention THEIR WORKS ARE SO GOOD LIKE MWAH, so if you like genshin, hsr and pjsk as well, bee's blog is highly recommended! ( ⸝⸝´꒳`⸝⸝)
✦ @reikaoproducer — kiyo
💌 yue is typing...
♡ legit my first enstars friend that I could brainrot with!! I highly suggest checking kiyo's side blog because their writing was honestly so cute when I found them for the first time even the blog is so pretty like holy I could gush about it all day if I really want to (*ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ꕤ*.゚
✦ @leeniiyx — leni
💌 yue is typing...
♡ very cool person that I would love to talk with more! I was actually nervous to talk to leni at first but the more we talk on discord, I realized it was just me overreacting haha but honestly if you like genshin and you want to see more works of the girls, leni's blog is the right one for you, we approved for real ദ്ദി ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )✧
✦ @lovely-showtimes — jellie
💌 x is typing...
♡ Jellie is one of the nicest and friendliest person I've met in this blog. I really enjoy interacting with them as we have a lot of favourite things in common, not to mention their fics are always so good !! I usually don't read for male characters but when it comes to Jellie's work, I would read everything !! (≧∇≦)
✦ @nian-7 — yugen
💌 yue is typing...
♡ yugen is one of the few people that I honestly didn't think I could vibes with so well, I was sweating nervously when I tried talking to them for the first time but now, it's just come naturally after getting to know how nice yugen is kdhdkbd I highly suggest checking yugen's blog out like please the fics there are so fun to read ( ˘͈ ᵕ ˘͈♡)
✦ @myunghology — jian
💌 yue is typing...
♡ listen...this isn't a threat or anything but if you love enstars as much as I do, what are you doing here and go check jian's blog out like please for my sake odgekdb I love jian's leo smau, it's so funny when I read them at night especially a certain character remind me of x...(๑´>᎑<)~*
✦ @seangelfish — sil
💌 yue is typing...
♡ my idol in the enstars fandom...used to stalk the blog before I got yeeted here hehe...but seriously, if you want to brainrot with someone about enstars that isn't me and get cute fics with good writing on top of that? what are you waiting for?! sil's blog is highly recommend for you! ( ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ഒ
✦ @chocochiamy — amiie
💌 yue is typing...
♡ conversations with amiie was so fun that I may or may not stay up on a few occasions... anyways amiie is also a writer if you're interested in her works! no worries, she won't bite because she is actually very welcoming, you will feel right at home with her ”ʚ(*´꒳`*)ɞ“
✦ @catelismo — catarina
💌 yue is typing...
♡ rina is a very fun and creative person that I ever met so far, she is one of the few smau writers that I enjoy reading their smau fics so far and let me tell you that is actually hard to achieve because I avoid smau fics like a plague haha so if her works got me interested then it's definitely good, right? please shower her with love and support because she is so underrated klshehbd (。>\\<)
✦ @msith — miika
💌 x is typing...
♡ miika is one of my first few mutuals on this blog >< she's very silly and friendly !! She has one of the prettiest blog theme and one of my favourite writer for PJSK !!
✦ @starfilledsky2810 — star
💌 x is typing...
♡ I only recently met star but OMG, their drawings and artworks are always so edible !! Her drawing of rin is my favourite, very underrated artist !! :D
✦ @shiho-the-rock — shiho
💌 x is typing...
♡ Shiho is your go-to blog if you want to read for female characters !! Their works are an enjoyable read and they are super friendly !!
✦ @definitelynotafurinasimp — henry
💌 x is typing...
♡ henry is one of my oldest mutuals in my other blog. Although we don't talk much, his interactions with others are always funny and friendly !! His works for genshin are always TOP-NOTCHED !! Please check out his work if you haven't already :3
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ausp-ice · 1 year
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My entry for the Shoreline path of Ebb and Flow, following Vahi's adventure with a new friend - Faraway, belonging to zokerfel. 
Featuring some other esk belonging to others as well! I also wrote some poetry blurbs, which I'll add under the cut.
Personal Website | Discord Server | TWWM Tracker
— Intro —
I come upon a distant shore where the waters break upon the stone So many of us are here at the edge Though I know not why to the sea we were led.
My footsteps ripple in an echo of the sea As I approach a collection of misplaced things A shining pearl, a fossil inlaid within stone, and— A camera, forgotten and buried in the sand.
It reminds me of the past, a different life And I can't help but be drawn to this item's strife Lost, yet with memories still within Forgotten, yet perhaps still remembering.
And it is now that from the water, another appears An esk that shimmers and glimmers, and without any fear Looks upon me with curiosity, which I return, "Hello," I greet, with another's words.
It seems we are both called here by the sea and so I invite him to come with me. Faraway he is called, and curious is he And agrees to come with and see where this would lead.
So I lift the camera with invisible hands Freeing it from the grasp of the sands And together we depart, walking side by side By the edge of the rising tide.
— Chapter 1 —
We find a house built on a cliff over the sea Quiet and empty of people, but we find ourselves inside, and there we spot Collections of items from shells to rocks.
There are photos here, of joy and delight I linger upon them, engraving them upon my sight. Perhaps this very camera captured these scenes— And I mean to return the item, but Faraway sees
A flower on the table lit in golden glow By the setting sun's light through the window It has its own beauty, and we spend a moment in silence But we know it is lost. So it is decided—
The camera we leave, the flower we take For a moment we linger, before another journey we make.
— Chapter 2 —
We speak, but not in so many words We watch the sea, the sands, the birds Curious am I, and curious is he And so we enjoy these scenes by the sea
A pull guides us, though we are in no rush The sun sets, and so comes nighttime's hush The stars appear; I let them linger in arcs as the moon rises, cutting through the dark.
We find the green where the flower belongs Far from the sea and the ocean's songs But there we find another interloper A sea slug, too far from the lifeblood of water.
The flower we return, and the slug we invite We leap into the air under the moonlight Towards the sea, the pools by the shore Where we hope to guide this creature home.
— Chapter 3 —
We rise above the land below On footsteps that ripple and in moonlight, glow We rush to the tide pools, the slug riding with me And quickly arrive right by the sea.
There we return it, there it alights Slipping into the water, and to our delight As we watch it settle in the ocean's swell It quickly recovers, alive and well.
I and Faraway are quite pleased Though we still linger here, in the ocean's breeze We watch the arcs of the stars in the sky And the echoes of movements carved in moonlight.
I am not quite ready for our adventure to be over For oh, how rare it is to find another Who sees the world in all its wonder Who lingers beside me, watching, together.
And it isn't, quite yet, as we see A spark appears, and Faraway looks at me "Another leg of the journey, then?" I click in agreement, and we go, again.
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notquiteapex · 9 months
So, how's the JukeBox development coming along? Well, it sure is coming, I promise.
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In case you don't know what a JukeBox is, it's a little hotkey device I'm building! I originally made this to assist with my endeavors in streaming, but it turns out having extra keys is very useful for a lot of things! Whether it be hotkeys for quickly running macros via AutoHotKey, managing your Discord audio settings, playing funny sounds with VoiceMod, switching tools in your favorite art program like Paint Tool SAI, or managing OBS like I do. It's a very powerful device, and all it does is act like a keyboard with the F13-F24 keys. I bet you didn't even know there was more than the F1-F12 keys, am I right?
About a year ago, I said I would begin selling these soon. That was a bit of a lie, fortunately I am very good at those. That last bit was also a lie, in case you couldn't tell. I got the opportunity to work on the JukeBox as part of an independent study for college credit, so I took a lot of time to plan and rethink the product. That part wasn't a lie The result is the new V5 board!
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Ok so this isn't the actual V5 board yet.
I decided to completely change up what makes up a JukeBox. I decided to use an RP2040 chip, which is used to power a Raspberry Pi Pico. I used a Pico board, along with the old JukeBox V4 boards, an RGB LED ring, and an OLED screen to build my ideal V5 prototype. The result is the same JukeBox known and loved but with some added features, like reactive lighting and a screen to display fun graphics and info!
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This is the finalized board, it's design has been shipped off to manufacturing, and will hopefully arrive right at the start of the new year. I'm paying a lot of money for just 10 of these things! I can't wait.
The plan is to sell 3 versions of the board, a basic variant (keyboard only), an RGB variant, and an RGB plus screen variant. Prices are still being determined, but they will be higher than previously anticipated due to rising material costs. The goal is to keep the basic variant at $25 to maintain affordability. You will also be able to choose what kinds of keys you want, be it Cherry MX Blues or Kailh Choc Whites.
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I'm working on the final casing. It'll be a 3D printed shell with some nice M2.5 nuts and bolts. It'll also be in a mostly-opaque white so the RGB looks good shining through. The legs are also completely optional, both the case and the legs will have nice rubber feet to keep the board steady. The keycaps will be "relegendable", meaning you'll be able to stick a piece of paper in them with whatever you want on them. You get everything seen here, plus a USB-C cable, and my deepest gratitude. Maybe some day you'll get to have a JukeBox in atomic purple instead of a basic white!
The best part about it all is that you don't need to install any drivers! The keyboard component is always guaranteed to work on any computer that supports USB, and most usually do (hopefully). The screen and RGB won't work without a companion app, sadly, but I'm working hard to make it painless to setup and use, near plug-and-play. I've been writing it in Rust while working on the board, and it will support Windows and Linux without much issue.
Lastly, the entire project is going to be open source! The code will be under an open license, and all the physical parts will be usable under a Creative Commons license (CC BY-NC-SA). I won't allow people to just up and sell the boards without modification, but if someone wants to make and sell their own variant I'd be more than happy to allow it if they ask. Devices like these should be cheap and accessible for everyone.
Hopefully I'll start selling these on my Ko-fi before Q2 of 2024. See you then!
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violetsaffron5 · 2 years
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| Ao3 | Discord 18+ | Series Masterlist | Taglist | Chapter 7 |
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6 | Training
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Pairing: Gojo Satoru x f!Reader
Meet Shoko, training with Gojo
Words: 5380
Genre: JJK Universe with slight additional fantasy elements bc reader is not a sorcerer
cw/an: horrible Alvin and the Chipmunks, some body horror stuff with the curse
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“I’m Ieiri Shoko, but you can just call me Shoko. It’s nice to meet you,” the brown haired woman in the morgue explains before Ijichi scampers off.
When you arrived at the school in the morning, he met you at the Torii gates, leading the way through campus, giving a proper tour of the facilities and land the school owns.
The last stop being the morgue. You’re told when Satoru arrives, he’ll meet you here, but first you need to have a physical and a few other tests completed. All standard and normal procedures for sorcerers.
Of course, this had you chuckling to yourself because you do technically meet the definition, but you’re not really sure you’re able to do anything like what Satoru has displayed he’s capable of.
You’re not really sure what to do, so you awkwardly extend your hand. She looks up from her notepad with a raised eyebrow, extending her own small, delicate hand. 
Taking the opportunity presented, you quickly look her over. Long white lab coat akin to that of a doctor. Dark circles under her eyes, like she hasn’t slept in days, but despite that, she’s stunning.
“I didn’t realize sorcerers could be doctors. Does that make you a witch doctor?” You chuckle nervously at your own lame joke. “Wait. Is that offensive?”
She doesn’t reply, just gives a soft smile returning to her notes for several minutes before setting it down on her desk, returning to your earlier question about being a doctor.
Shoko explains her technique to you. How she’s able to heal others with her cursed energy, how that’s rare for sorcerers to be able to do. It’s more common for others to be able to only heal themselves, much like you do, Satoru can do it too, but that’s also fairly uncommon.
The morgue is cold and bleak, as you sit on the metal table off to the side of the room. Metal refrigerated cabinets for bodies line the wall, and tiles line the floor with a few drains in the center of several tiles. Aside from a desk and a few metal benches, there’s not much to see in this room.
The room is quiet, the only sound filling the room coming from the velcro of the arm band she’s placed on you to check your blood pressure. It squeezes your arm uncomfortably as she pumps it, checking the time on the wall behind you before twisting the knob on top, the air hissing out of the band as it deflates.
So far, this is all oddly normal. You half expected there to be some sort of witchery involved for this kind of stuff, but Shoko is sitting there taking notes. Grabbing all of her little instruments like this is normal, everyday life for her.
Shoko has you stick your tongue out, placing a wooden stick on your tongue as she uses a light to check the back of your throat. Taps your knee with a patellar hammer to check your reflexes and shines another light in your eyes to check your pupils, leaving black and white dots in your vision for several minutes.
There’s a thought in the back of your mind you can’t shake, which makes your hands cold and clammy. Is Shoko on your side like Satoru, or will the information she’s collecting on you go to the higher ups, so they know how to kill you, should the time come?
“Nervous?” She asks quietly, stethoscope pressed to your chest as she listens to your lungs and heartbeat.
“A little, yeah.” You answer quietly, arching your back as she places the cold metal in the center of your back.
She doesn’t make much conversation. A few comments here and there, but she’s likable nonetheless. Maybe, if she isn't pro-killing you, the two of you can be friends one day. It would be nice to have someone to spend time with occasionally.
You watch as Shoko writes notes on occasion, eventually asking you about your abilities. The one topic of conversation you were sure was going to present itself. You’re sure she’s already heard about the things you can do, the things you’ve done, but you explain anyway as she writes more notes, nodding along the way.
“You’re able to heal from physical cuts and bruises, easily. I wonder if the same would apply to common colds and other illnesses,” Shoko says to herself, tapping her pen against her chin, “or even an STD since you survive off sexual energy.”
Your eyes widen at her thoughts, “if you ever try to do anything like that to me for your own curiosity, I will fuck Ijichi on top of your grave.”
Before Shoko’s able to clarify her thoughts, Satoru and Geto walk into the room. Satoru sits at one of the metal benches in his school uniform, eyes covered with his round glasses as Geto stands next to him, legs and arms crossed, leaning against the wall with his eyes closed.
Shoko decides to move on with her examination, grabbing her tweezers, a cup and a few vials, before returning to your side.
“I’d like to get a few samples of blood, hair and urine from you, if you’re okay with that.”
You shrug, “sure. What are you going to do with it?”
“Research to see how you’re different. Though truth be told, I’m not sure we will get an answer from this, but we might as well exhaust all options.”
Delicately, Shoko plucks a few strands of hair from your head, and takes two vials of blood before having you use the restroom next to her office, returning with the filled cup, and placing it on her desk.
Once she’s done and has everything marked and tagged properly, Satoru grins, telling you to go out the way you came and he’ll meet you outside soon for training.
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“... and then she threatened to fuck Ijichi on my grave, so that was… pleasant.”
Satoru throws his head back in a spirited laugh, “that’s my girl.”
“What do you mean, “your girl”?” That was Shoko’s response.
“You hadn’t heard? Our friend here couldn’t wait to shove his dick in her.” Geto explains, telling Shoko how he walked in on the two of you.
The tips of Satoru’s ears turn red and he huffs at the memory of being interrupted by his best friend.
Shoko rolls her eyes, no stranger to the white haired sorcerer’s escapades, but does give him a little smile. Her own way of saying nice, now that she’s seen you.
Suguru groans, obviously annoyed with his two friends. “We don’t even know what she is. You can’t keep it in your pants for five minutes?”
“Hey! I waited a day,” he answers, shoving a piece of chocolate from his pocket in his mouth, “besides, you should all be thanking me.”
“Thank you for sleeping with her?” Shoko asks, amused.
“Yeah, otherwise we’d have another dead body. So really I took one for the team.”
“It is valuable to know sorcerers will live.” Shoko’s pulling out her notebook again, scribbling several notes down.
“Well, I will. Maybe not others.”
Both Shoko and Suguru give him a strange look, “other sorcerers will likely be fine too.” Shoko points out, “Or really, anyone with above average abilities.”
“Yeah, I guess.” He grumbles, a small pout apparent on his features.
“Alright. Can we hurry this up now? I’d like to get some sleep.”
“You’re going to sleep?” That was Suguru, scoffing because he already knows the answer.
“No, I have several rounds to make and patients to check up on. A few surgeries are scheduled for this afternoon too.”
Satoru isn’t paying attention. He’s zoned out, having removed the glasses from his face, watching the residuals of your energy outside the door to the medical facility.
Shoko and Geto do a little recap, discussing the bodies they’ve found over the last few months. Drained, but impossible to determine how at the time, despite their bodies still being filled with blood.
Satoru watches intently as Yu Haibara comes over, greeting you with a wave. He frowns as he watches your two energies embrace in a hug, your form more stiff than his. Of course he’s giving you a hug. A small annoyed groan leaves Satoru as he rolls his eyes.
“... all were found with smiles on their faces.”
“I can tell now why,” Gojo snickers to himself, only half listening to what’s going on around him.
And there’s Nanami, coming over to greet you as well. You shake his hand, probably with a smile. Satoru suspects he’s inviting you to lunch, to eat at the little cafe he goes to every day and he ticks his jaw at the thought.
“Whore.” Geto mutters to himself.
Satoru clicks his tongue at his friend's comment, “I’ve seen you stick your dick in much w-”
“Moving on.” Shoko announces sternly. “I would like to see what she’s capable of and how she heals. I’m thinking it may be like my technique, but has to take energy from others to use it. It’s hard to tell without having seen it in action.”
Satoru ignores her curious thoughts. Because he has seen it. Instead, he turns his attention back to you. The way your body rolls with laughter at something Nanami and Haibara are saying.
“... would love to get some raw data on her and really get into the composition of her makeup.”
“Are you listening, Satoru?” Suguru asks, an obvious annoyance in his tone.
“Huh? Oh, yeah. Get into her raw. Already have.”
“Christ. Did you even use your infinity?” Suguru again, through clenched teeth. Afterall, you’re his least favorite topic of conversation and here he is, talking with one friend who is fascinated with you and your genetics, while the other is fascinated with you for other, completely unrelated reasons.
Satoru purses his lips, hesitating to answer.
“Oh for fucks sake man. I get her pussy was good but she could have -”
“It’s not that!” Satoru whines, tearing his eyes away from you, taking a deep breath. “First, she’s technically a non-sorcerer who has no idea what’s going on. So, I’m not going to kill her. Second, I think there’s more to her than meets the eye. I want to find out what it is. Third, her pussy is great.”
“Wow. Okay. I’m leaving now.” Shoko announces as Suguru gives Satoru an unamused look, one the strongest ignores, stating he needs to leave too, and get to training with you.
“Could just kill her, throw her into a ditch somewhere and be done with all this. Let the humans clean up her mess,” Suguru mutters to himself.
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Once Satoru was done, he met you outside and led you out to the forest behind the school, hands in his pocket, whistling along the way as the birds chirped happily in the background, until you were both standing in the middle of a clearing, surrounded by trees.
The buildings of the school are nowhere in sight, but he says you’re still on campus.
“Alright,” he smiles, facing you, “hit me with your most powerful technique.”
You let out a low laugh and raise your eyebrows staring at him until you realize he’s not joking. He really wants you to hit him.
“How do you expect me to do that,” he gives a quizzical look as you walk close to him, “when you have this?”
Trying to place your hand on his chest, you’re stopped shortly, a force whirring between the two of you, before your hand falls, landing gently against the soft fabric of his uniform, where it couldn’t moments earlier.
Smiling, you look up, only to be met with a shit eating grin plastered on his face, “that’s my infinity.”
“Well, don’t use it. That’s not fair.”
“Fiiiiine,” he whines before you grab the collar of his uniform and pull him in for a kiss, easily slipping your tongue past his lips, tasting the familiar warmth of his mouth.
It doesn't take him long to accept it, wrapping an arm around your waist, placing the other on your cheek, letting out soft groans as a small trail of energy goes between you when you pull away slightly. His hand squeezes your hip, before pulling you closer; his kiss is hot, aggressive, needy.
And then your fist makes contact with his jaw. You wince, shaking out your hand, wondering if you’ve broken it - of course his jaw looks sharp as steel, but you didn't expect it to feel that way too.
“Ha - you bitch,” he rubs his jaw, “good job distracting me. I gotta admit, you punch harder than I thought.”
Before he’s had time to recover, you try to take him by surprise again, which just results in him laughing as the two of you fall to the ground. As you sit up, legs on either side of his waist, you giggle about how ridiculous this all seems, and for actually fucking punching him in the face.
He licks the small amount of blood from the corner of his mouth, from when you punched him, and you look so fucking proud of yourself. But in reality, you have no clue what you’re in for.
Slowly, his hands creep up your thighs to rest on your hips and you already know this is going to be a problem. How you’re supposed to be taking this seriously, yet you’re in the middle of the woods trying to resist the urge to squeeze your thighs together, quite literally, on top of him.
He grins, the sharp edges of his canines on full display when you’re suddenly hurled off him, full force into a tree.
You gasp, the wind getting knocked out of you before slumping to the ground. Satoru walks over, offering a hand but you refuse, taking a few deep breaths to steady yourself, trying to process what just happened.
 “Come on,” wiggling his fingers, he keeps his hand outstretched, “you still have a lot to learn.”
Huffing, you take his hand and stand, patting away the dirt on your uniform, as he continues.
“Now, we’re gonna do that again. And this time, you’re going to try to hit me, okay?”
It doesn't take long for your uniform to rip in several places; on the shoulders, elbows, knees, a few other small holes here and there from tree branches. Twigs and leaves are in your hair, dirt from the forest is smeared across your hands and face.
And aside from the first one, you haven't landed a single punch.
Yet you still can't help the feeling he’s taking it easy on you.
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You’re tired, having been spending your days with Satoru training. He’s been taking it easy on you, you’ve learned. And he is, in fact, the strongest. He wasn’t lying about that.
Now, he has you practicing with weapons, which you’ve learned you’re a natural at. He says he can teach you the basics, but it would be best to train with Nanami, since he uses a sword of sorts and can help develop your technique a bit more.
He’s had you do this for several hours, multiple times over the course of the week. Satoru says there are a few reasons he has you doing this so often.
One, is for your aim. He has targets set up in the forest by the school, hidden behind trees, in shrubbery, a few in plain sight.
Two, he wants you to try and put your energy into the weapon. It hasn’t worked so far.
The third he hasn’t told you about it yet. Says he wants you to focus on the first two before moving on.
With two throwing stars in hand, you aim at the target in front of you, easily throwing one into the smallest circle available.
Bullseye, you smile to yourself as you see Satoru appear at your side.
“Can you hand me the six inch?” You ask for the small knife, aiming the second star before throwing it. It lands right next to the other, right in the center.
“Add a little more than four inches to that, and then I can.”
The two of you haven’t been together since you left the club over the weekend, but it hasn’t stopped him from insinuating he’s interested.
It’s not that you’re not interested in hooking up again, because you definitely are. But you’re more tired than you ever have been before. Training. Learning about this life you’ve been thrown into. Perhaps sleeping with him and taking more energy would alleviate that symptom.
But there’s something freeing about dealing with this. Getting home in the evening, cooking a small dinner and letting sleep take over your body. It makes you feel human. Normal.
Satoru on the other hand has had no rest. He’s been with multiple women this week. Some alone. Some along with their friends. Chasing that high, that feeling he had when he was with you, with no luck.
He pouts, bringing you the knife you asked for as you steady yourself. Aiming at the next target, just behind the last.
Then there’s a pair of large hands on your hips. You try to ignore them.
Hot breath on your neck. Harder to ignore. So you nudge your shoulders as a set of lips ghost your skin.
A chuckle with a soft lick to the shell of your ear as the hands trail up your waist, giving a firm squeeze.
You clench your thighs together, trying to focus on aiming the damn knife, but you can’t not feel the way his thumbs caress your skin, just below your breasts. His thumbs draw small circles, grazing the underside of your tits ever so lightly with every stroke.
“Throw it,” he whispers into your ear, the warm air sending shivers down your spine as you do what he’s asked… and miss the target completely.
“What a shame,” he whispers quietly by the shell of your ear, keeping the goosebumps present on your skin. “Try again.” He hands you a different knife this time.
Taking a deep breath, you try to ignore him. Just as you throw the knife, he bites into the soft spot below your ear causing you to yelp out in surprise. He chuckles against you as the knife misses again.
“Can you stop that?” you ask annoyed.
“Reason number three. Distractions.”
“Do you really think a curse user is going to be doing this while fighting with me?” You ask incredulously.
He has his legs spread wide behind you now, so he’s no longer leaning down. The perfect height to be at the shell of your ear, hands splayed across your stomach feeling your deep breaths.
Satoru hands you another knife. He’s silent as you aim, swiping his thumb over your nipple as you throw it, making you miss a third time. You gasp and tense from the interaction as he chuckles before placing his forehead on the nape of your neck.
“With your abilities… there could be situations where you need to be doing things like this,” it’s a whisper, barely audible. You don’t miss the way he grits his teeth slightly or squeezes your side as he says it.
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It’s the end of the week now, and Satoru says you’re going on your first “field test,” which is really just the woods you’ve become more familiar with behind the school.
You’re going to be fighting a curse, he says. And you couldn’t be more nervous.
There’s no doubt this was going to happen, but did it really have to be so soon? You’ve failed all your tests and practices during the week by trying to imbue your energy into weapons. And you know from previous life experience that you’re unable to kill a curse as it stands now.
So what the hell are you realistically supposed to do?
Satoru comes up behind you, wrapping a corset around your waist, taking the time to adjust the strings and tie it in the back for you.
“What the hell is this? And where did you get it?”
It’s white, clearly vintage in the way it shapes the waist, small black buttons lining the front. The top rim and down the back is laced with a small blue ribbon - it’s pretty on its own, but when you have the prettiest blue eyes to compare them to, the ribbon is almost ugly.
“A corset. Believe it or not, I found it in a wedding shop the other day. Perfect timing.” He says, pulling the strings tight around the back, making sure it’s not going to fall off.
“And what’s this for?” You question with a raised eyebrow.
He shrugs, before lowering a curtain. Something Ijichi explained to you earlier in the week. It’s dome shaped, looks as if it’s becoming night, despite being the middle of the day. Once it’s completed, you note you can’t really see outside of it. It’s almost like a kaleidoscope.
In front of you stands a creature you didn’t notice before. It’s a woman, or was at one point.
She’s thin, gaunt cheeks with tired, droopy eyes, one of them almost popped out. Her eyebrows are way too thin, and sit way too high over her eyes. The lips that sit below her nose are entirely way too large to have ever been natural as well.
She’s in a corset too. White, stained red with what you can only presume is blood. Waist so thin you could wrap your hands around on either side and intertwine your fingers. Internal organs are spilling out from a hole in the center of the fabric, as if they were compacted entirely way too tight, for way too long and they had no choice but to burst through one day.
The smell is horrible - like a combination of rotting skin and piss. And her skin most definitely looks like it’s rotting with the way pieces of it are hanging off her skin.
“What’s with her?” You ask curiously, nodding your head towards the fragile creature hobbling towards you.
“Curse born of beauty standards. Thought this one was a nice touch, given your powers.”
“You’re insufferable. Take it off me.”
“You wanna get naked? Right now? With a curse standing there?” He teases. You glare at him. “Exorcise it, and then I’ll take your clothes off.”
You continue to glare at him as he smirks.
He’s selfishly hoping you fail, so he can swoop in and save you by letting you ride his dick in the middle of the forest to heal. He’s nothing if not selfless.
This curse is maybe a little stronger than what he thinks you can handle. Totally for testing your prowess and not for riding his dick reasons.
“What am I supposed to do?”
He rolls his beautiful crystalline eyes. “You need to exorcise it. Obviously.”
“Ah, yes, exorcise it. Great plan. That’s like telling a drowning person to breathe. You’re kind of a shitty teacher.”
He gives a toothy grin, “that’s Gojo-sensei to you, baby.”
“No. You would like that way too much.” He juts out his lower lip in a pout.
The curse hobbles on its feet toward you, wearing shoes that are entirely way too small for her body. If this curse is based on beauty standards, then this is one you’re aware of. How feet used to be more desirable if they were smaller, so women would break their feet to fit in smaller shoes.
Poor thing.
 “And how do you think I can kill it? I don’t exactly have cursed energy.”
“You gotta figure that out.”
“Are you serious right now? I’ve known about curses for all of 5 minutes. How do you expect me to ‘figure it out’?”
He shrugs, not giving a real answer to your questions. And now you’re questioning if he even knows either.
“You’re unbelievable.” You scoff, watching the curse as she continues to shuffle in your direction.
“Thanks, I think so too,” he gives an infuriating smile.
The curse is close enough to the two of you know, that she looks between you for several seconds before letting out an ear splitting scream.
“Can you just hold on a minute? I’m a little busy.” You hold up your index finger, as if she’ll know what this means.
“Did you just tell a curse to hold on?”
“I did. Do you have a problem with that?”
“No, not at all. You’re crazy, you know that?”
“Wow. Should have fucking drained you when I had the chance.”
“You’ll have more,” He smiles and chuckles, leaning in close, you can feel his breath on the shell of his ear. “And I encourage you to try.”
You groan, he laughs. “Listen, I can’t give you all the answers. You’re going to have to figure some things out on your own.”
He really wants to watch you use your powers before giving you a weapon but if you’re mad, maybe that will help. Maybe your energy works in a similar manner as cursed energy.
The curse is close to you now, and you notice Satoru is no longer standing by your side. When she swipes at you with long nails - like what you would imagine Sleeping Beauties would look like if she never woke up - you jump back.
Up close you’re able to see her cracked skin and thick makeup, red large lips and eyelashes that are too full and too long. She lurches towards you again, so you dodge to the right this time.
“P-preeetttyyy,” the curse cries out with a raspy smoker's voice.
You dodge each time she swipes her claws at you, but you need a plan. You’ll quickly run out of stamina at this rate, but you’re not sure what to do. And Satoru is no help, standing off to the side doing god knows what on his phone.
Over the week, you learned you’re nowhere near as fast as Satoru, and you’re not sure you could ever be that quick, even when he’s not using his techniques. The one thing you know you can do is use your technique.
When the curse swipes again, you run around her side, and hop on her back. Her body is so fragile though, you’re not entirely sure she’s going to be able to hold any weight. No matter how large or small.
It won’t matter in the end because you’re pulling her face towards yours, placing your lips on hers.
And it’s disgusting.
Easily the most horrifying thing you’ve ever experienced in your life. And the taste of her energy is worse. Some people taste like nothing, Satoru is a little sweet. This curse tastes like depression and death. This is hands down the worst thing you have ever tasted, it boils in your stomach until you're hunched over on the ground retching.
“Nuh uh, down girl.” You hear Satoru say next to you, and the curse goes flying a safe distance back. If you were able to pay attention, you would have noticed she was about to attack you. But he wouldn’t let that happen. “So, you really can’t hurt it, huh?”
You shake your head, spitting the remaining saliva from your mouth before wiping it away with the back of your hand.
“Curses aren’t really alive, they’re pure cursed energy. But hey, now we know you can’t live off of that, and you’ll get sick if you try!”
You give a small pitiful smile as you stand to your feet. He hands you a katana, pulling it out of… well, you’re not sure where. Might as well have been thin air since you haven’t noticed it this entire time.
“Really? This is the weapon you’re giving me?”
He shrugs, “thought you’d look hot with it. I’m not wrong.”
You sigh, accepting the weapon as Satoru goes back to the tree he was standing next to, leaning back on it with his arms crossed, watching intently this time.
The curse is obviously hurt after his blow. Her hobbling is worse now, one foot dragging on the side of her ankle, while trying to maintain balance on the other with each step. Despite being mangled, she’s still quick.
You’re still recovering from your little mishap earlier, so when the curse swipes at you once again, she gets you in the leg as you try to hop away. A trail of blood trickles out on your leg and down the pants of your uniform. It stings, but it’s not too bad.
Realistically, dodging can’t be your only plan. And you’ve spent enough time with Satoru this week to learn he’ll inevitably grow impatient if you don’t do something soon.
Looking at the curse, it makes your skin crawl, and you can’t help but wonder if all of them are like this. Disgusting. Wistful and sad. The fact that this thing was born from hatred and jealousy of beauty standards through the ages, and how every so often she keeps calling you beautiful is definitely kicking the creepy factor up a notch.
“Soo-oo pretty.”
“Yeah, I know. You think I’m pretty. Get in line.” You grumble.
The weapon Satoru gave you is imbued with cursed energy, so when she claws at you again, you grab her by the wrist and twist. Her skin is cold, and feels like leather, but is also incredibly thin like paper. With her wrist in hand, you shove her to the ground where she lands with a “humph.”
She lurches forward again, aiming for your feet so you kick her in the face. Her head snaps back as she lets out a shrill cry.
As quickly as you can, you take the blade and slide it through her skin a few times. It cuts like butter as she lets out an incredibly loud scream of pain before dissipating into nothingness.
You stand, panting and holding your side as Satoru claps, coming to your side.
“She was the most beautiful person many people got the pleasure of laying their eyes on, as a human, legend says. But, she got greedy, asking for surgeries over and over again. Died because she never let her body fully recover before going in for the next. Her feet are especially harrowing, because she would break them on her own, like the Chinese tradition, and stuff them in too-small shoes.”
Listening to his tale of the curse, and thinking about what you just went through to kill it, you’re not sure you’re cut out for this life. If these are the things you’re going to have to deal with on a daily basis, how are you supposed to move on and accept it? How could anyone?
Satoru grabs you by the chin, pulling your attention up towards him. He gives a soft, crooked grin, but his eyes hold a hint of sadness you haven’t seen in them as well.
He looks devastating like this. Sun shining behind him, hair glowing from the rays of the sun. Taking a deep breath in, you’re able to smell his cologne, the stench from the curse leaving along with its body. And he smells like a dream after that experience. Looks like an even better one.
You give him a soft smile back.
And because he’s annoying, he pinches your cheek. “How do you feel about your first victory? Against a Vengeful Spirit and you didn’t even die!”
“Uhm, kind of sad.” You answer honestly, still looking up at him.
Satoru watches the sadness in your eyes before they light back up.
Yes, this is sad, but you had nothing to do with it. This curse was born because of someone else. Not because of you. So, if anything, you were able to put it out of its misery and ensure it would never hurt someone.
And that’s something you can add to the list of good you’ve done with your abilities.
“Come on, I’m bleeding and need to heal. Let’s go see Shoko. She’s been wanting to see how my abilities work.”
“You wanna have sex in front of Shoko? Kinky.” he grins, flashing his eyebrows.
“It’s small enough, we can just kiss.” You roll your eyes before winking at him.
He pouts, “you’re no fun.”
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Taglist: @z33sblog | @thisbicc | @q-the-rockaholic | @septembersums | @septembersummer | @nothisispatrick300 | @km7474 | @missyasma
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nonbinarv · 10 months
ask game! <3
loop (isat) - 5, 12, 23, 25
ena (ena) - 2, 3, 4, 13
absol (pkmn) - 1, 6, 23, 24
2. the basis for her design is a cool concept :o
3. does the end of temptation stairway count /hj
4. hmm. pokémon bc i have made a team for her before. she would find fun there i think. a strain of joy she recognizes
13. 🎭. yes this is just my ena tag on my kin blog but like am i wrong,
1. i forgot when or how i really ended up attaching to absol in particular but like. the pokédex entries… it just wants to keep people safe but is scorned for it… it's really just the black cat of the pokémon universe and i want to hug it. also i know people call its design edgy but i consider it more majestic than anything ngl. idk i just want it to be happy
6. could use a hug
23. look at its little tail wags… its paw movements… ;w;
24. …hm not sure tbh? design-wise mayyybe joshua twewy. mega absol in particular. it's just the Vibes™
loop (under the cut for spoilers)
5. so technically there's an official playlist for them i haven't listened to yet- but the very first one that comes to mind is sundial by lemon demon thanks to this comic. since that's more of an overall siffrin song than specifically loop though (it's on my kin playlist too which has a lot of songs that overlap for obvious reasons), there's also upside down & inside out by ok go and you are getting a ramble on discord about my logic later tonight owo
12. okay okay hc time. so the thing is siffrins are not very subtle creatures right. so i think that just like odile was suspicious of the time loops before having enough info to really put the pieces together, she'd be suspicious as all hell of loop in a post-canon scenario where they join the family. while they'd still keep their façade up there'd be all these little things that she can and would notice. especially considering her own guilt that she expresses in act 6 for not pushing more to find out what was wrong she would confront them so quickly about it and they would not react well because in addition to pineapples siffrins are also extremely allergic to being vulnerable. also this odile may be a near perfect copy but not quite, not theirs, a complete stranger wearing her face- loop wouldn't go full act 5 but they'd definitely ramp up their playful exterior out of desperation and flee.
odile ends up the first to know (besides siffrin of course) after siffrin is 👀 at them and loop has to experience the other side of self to self therapy momence. self-recognition through the other (derogatory but necessary bc if siffrin has to start opening up to the others then so does loop it's not fair for only one siffrin to). maybe going the 'if you got to tell them about my time loops i get to tell them about this if you don't' type thing but not in like a manipulative or getting back at them way more a 'i know you'll never actually say it otherwise but you do have to come clean eventually' thing if that makes sense. bc how are they supposed to start healing from it if they won't even admit it
she takes it surprisingly well; she'd only push to a certain point (not as necessary to like with siffrin and his wish, the universe isn't breaking over it) and let loop know that while she may not be their odile they're still a part of the family all the same and that she's there for them too not just siffrin. may ramble more @ you later on discord about how i perceive loop's relationships with the rest of the group bc this question has me rotating them in my mind
23. not a favorite emotionally bc they deserve better but also ough. the moment of their old appearance shining through before the battle. and this pic when they talk about their second wish, stuck in it for so long that they just break and want someone to help them, for it all to stop… it's gonna kill me when i get their act 6 stuff. it's the emotional impact of it
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25. initially an absolute bastard. not quite hatred but also damn "have you tried not dying?" fuck that y'know. they're still very much bastard but now it's like. i get it sdgfkjhl i can't say anything really. i want to give them a hug because they're just as touch-starved if not even more so. old friend start again siffrin continuing to go through hell, again of their own making…
3 notes · View notes
nikatyler · 2 years
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Time for a recap of the last twelve months! It's basically my tradition at this point. This year was a weird one. I'm not even gonna get into real life issues. It sure was something and I'm going into 2023 with no energy and zero expectations, lol. But with this mindset, I can only be pleasantly surprised, right? Or...the world will show me that when you think it can't get any worse, it will.
Anyway, simblr stuff! This is the year I started drifting away from tumblr. It makes me sad, but really, it just isn't the same as it was when I joined. The interaction is not what I wish to get so I'm simply moving to places where I feel like I'm actually heard and seen. Idk. I've tried a few times to "be the change I wanna see" but it's hard to change stuff around here. But oh well, to each their own. I'll probably stick around, even if I hang out more somewhere else and what you see are mostly queued posts. And, well, if twitter burns down, which I wouldn't be surprised if it did, you know I'll fully come back here. I love this hellsite. Genuinely. It makes me mad but I love it.
But I still love you guys. TS3 discord and a few other people who are not in that discord, I do seriously love you.
So, what was happening on this blog this year?
I was still posting my previous BC! Well, I was finishing it. Vi became a parent and hadn't become a cheating jerk yet. 😅
*this* is Vi's cheating jerk era. I still feel bad about how I resolved the whole thing, it was too rushed. I guess I was focusing more on the gameplay part and the NSB rules and less on whether their actions are logical? Prince shouldn't have come back to him, that's the hill I'll die on :D I know, I know, NSB rules and all, but he shouldn't have.
We're slowly moving onto Bloom's very short generation, as well as gen 3 of my lepacy. It's Ginevra's time to shine, but first, we spent a lot of time with the winners of Axel and August's BC.
Bambi and Candy are born, as well as the BC babies. Loads of baby cuteness in April on this blog. Oh and Ross flourishes in his babysitter era. Well, he's always been a babysitter to his descendants, but I feel like this is where he 100 % accepts it 😂
Gins' era truly starts now (why do I keep saying era in this recap lmao). I had a lot of fun playing in Twinbrook again and Ginevra and Lori were so great. <3
Alongside my lepacy (hi Elias & other gen 4 babies), I started posting the pink gen of NSB and also, my 100 Baby Challenge! I still can't believe I actually did that, and that I completed it in like two months only. Wow. What. I mean, yeah, I hyperfocused on it, but still. How did I do that.
Again, gen 3 of lepacy and gen 7 of NSB, not much to say here. As for playing, I mostly just played the baby challenge. Oh! And Maeve's BC, of course.
Ohh, and July was the month when I decided to dive into the wonderful sims community on twitter. Probably one of my best decisions this year as I made many great friends there...🥰🥰
Gen 3 ends and Sawyer is ready to take over Bridgeport but he has to wait for a bit. Pastel enters the blog and her bonding with Ross is seriously one of my most favourite things. I didn't think of this at first when I was playing, it only came to me later when I was posting the generation, but he definitely grew fond of her because she reminds him of Sunset so much ;-;
Good news: Bambi and Atsuko get married. Bad news: Ross and Caleb break up. *sigh* There's so much to unpack with their breakup storyline. Yes it makes sense that they'd hit a few bumps on the road, yes it makes sense that some of them would be bad, but...deep down, the breakup only happened because of my insecurities and lowkey being afraid of using a townie in my stories. At least I kinda got over that this fall (thank you twitter moots).
More good news: I'm finally posting the BC!!
I finished posting the 100BC and...yeah this was Maeve's month. October was also very vampiric, but I'll probably mention that in a separate recap (if I do a separate recap haha), as this one only focuses on my regular daily content (legacies and such)
In November, we saw the funniest twist to ever happen in my BCs. Sorry River :D Aaand we also have the winner of Maeve's BC! I can't wait for you all to see them again in the legacy. Next year, hopefully.
Sawyer's time to shine has come. Well, not really, his siblings are constantly stealing it. Don't be surprised if he one day, you know, steals their organs and sells them.
Oh, and it's also TS3!Ross's time to shine. Because of course it is. I knew I needed to use his TS3 self somewhere, and all things considered, this felt like a perfect time for that.
December was also the month I started posting videos on youtube. I'm sorry if I'm annoying about that, but I just enjoy it so much. Never thought I'd say that. So, if you haven't yet, feel free to check it out (and subscribe maybe? 🥺). I'm hoping to do some fun stuff next year.
What's in store for 2023? I'll probably talk about that later, but to put it simply, I think this blog will be stuck with NSB and lepacy.
Thanks for sticking around with my grumpy self. Here's to a better 2023.
Happy new year, everyone!
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New pinned post bc I can't be bothered trying to find the old one! Yes, I'm that lazy. And I like a do-over sometimes.
Hi, I'm Catkin. This is my corner of the internet, and here I'll stay. I'm Christian, female, my self esteem is at an all time low, I can be extremely depressing, and I don't know why people bother following me. Anyway, the fact that life's hard sometimes doesn't mean God isn't the light that shines in the darkness.
I'm a photographer. Most or all photos you see here will be taken on my Canon EOS 850D (for all you fellow nerds) and tagged #catkin photos. What I share are typically unedited screenshots of the image (usually nature or bird photography), and are not to be reposted, though reblogs are welcomed. They're what I vaguely call my 'tier 2' photos - usually ones that I particularly like, but not my very favouritest, some of which I'm gradually gathering into a collection. I'm interested in eventually selling photos, but I don't know how that actually works. If you're interested in using my photos for anything at all, PM me and we can discuss it.
I'm a writer. Excerpts will be shared usually under the tag #excerpts, although that's not consistent. My current project is affectionately known as taira (main character's name) and thus all excerpts of that will be tagged #taira excerpts. I intermittently tag most writing-adjacent posts as #writing, but that's very iffy. I welcome feedback. Other relevant tags for other projects are #vaniah, #adira, #backburner projects, and others that will crop up from time to time. #paddy, #sheba, #spry and #minna are all associated with taira. If you want to know anything about any specific projects (or a summary of my projects at the moment!) just drop me an ask, anytime! I try and keep anon on as much as possible, though if necessary I'll close the askbox at times.
I have... an embarrassing number of hobbies. I'm also vaguely an artist (#catkin cannot draw), a cook (#disaster in the kitchen), and an absolute fangirl (#narnia, #aogg, #p&p, #north and south). (And other fandoms.) Oh, and I knit as well (#catkin knits), current obsession socks (#catkin knits socks).
If you know me by my official author's name, and you're coming either from real life or from a discord server (or other places you could know me), just drop me a line if you plan to follow me. Anyone who follows me and I recognise from another place, and they haven't talked to me about it, is fairly likely to get blocked. Just a heads-up.
Anything that I remember - and I sha'n't promise to be consistent though I'll try - that's generally triggering or just downcast and sad and me spiraling a little bit goes under #puddleglum hours. For one specific topic I've started using the tag #16% mortality rate they say. If you immediately know to what I refer, I'm so sorry and we can both get through this. For everybody's sakes, I hope you don't. I try to limit that sort of posting, but it's likely to increase especially in the next couple of months, but hopefully (HOPEFULLY) at some point after that it will reduce (I... might get help. I might not).
The only thing that will be an automatic block on all my sideblogs and my main is pro-ED content. If you have it in your account and interact with me I may squint very hard but I won't immediately block you. But if you put any kind of pro stuff in the tags or comments? (Including pro tags, trust me, I know 'em) I'm gonna just straight-up block you. And report, if I've the energy.
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limetimo · 2 years
My fics rated by how many times it says "Regulus" (per 100 words)
Invisible Ace 2.61 I didn't expect it to have a better ratio than Get Help but wow here we are. It's a really short Regulus-centric ficlet though
Rise and Shine, Cockerel 2.30 Frankly surprised by this one, didn't think it said "Regulus" all that many times
Get Help 2.23 Short and sweet and with Regulus' POV, makes sense
The Book Of Love 1.94 Frankly surprised this one, I expected it to be less filled with Regulus? Though it is about Regulus through James' eyes, so.
Bet You Thought You Saw The Last Of Me 1.76 Inferius Regulus my beloved. I'm fond of him
It would eat you like poison If you knew what I knew 1.76 I honestly forgot how good this one was. Also. The song is stuck in my head again. Does it get your blood boiling... Does it make you see red... do you wanna destroy it... does it get in your head... Literally the perfect song for Regulus realising what a lying bastard Voldemort is
Expert on Call 1.69 acutely cute, also expected less
I Do Not Accept This 1.51 Regulus and rat!Kreacher on an adventure ♥
Regulus Orange Is The New Black Cat 1.5 I had fun with the concept of Regulus being stuck as a cat animagus and becoming Crookshanks...
45 Decibels 1.36 I should write more of this. I love how soft Regulus is here. Cat years did him good. Somebody send prompts
Lord's Redemption (Friday 30, October 1981) 1.34 So much a n g s t in here but also I love the poetic language I managed to give it. Very Regulus centric
Regulus Didn't Die For This 1.29 This was fun to write. Regulus didn't die for Harry to enter the Triwizard Tournament with 0 safety precautions. Also Discord Death my beloved
I Pledge My Loyalty 1.25 Seems appropriate. I like what I did there ^^
Lily's Little Adventure 1.2 I looove Regulus interacting with children ajaksj. This was fun to write I want to write more
Heads of Houses, Head over Heels 1.17 Bartylus my beloved ♥
Somebody Call Out To Your Brother (he’s calling out your name) 1.08 No surprise here, that with the repetitions in the second half
The Unfroggivable Curse 0.93 ♥♥♥♥♥ I don't know why I expected there to be more of "Regulus" but I did. It took a detour to Snape and Lily and the Potters and the Lupins. Ofc there isn't that much of "Regulus". Still. My baby-cheeked baby
To Reach A Port We Must Set Sail 0.71 Stabby Regulus is stabby :D
Capymama 0.64 :D :D :D Yeah this was fun to write and came out pretty cute
Black Madness 0.62 I love it when my boy is allowed to go unhinged ♥
One Night Marriage 0.61 Yeah I guessed about that much, the Lily POV is probably why it ranks higher than Meet Ugly
Meet Ugly 0.5 The focus of the fic is pretty evenly divided between him and Lily so I'm not too surprised.
Sincerely, Your Favourite Cousin 0.4 I love them Black cousins ♥
Reginald Black 0.12 He's got amnesia, the name Reginald which he refers to himself as comes up... 1.4 times per 100 words.
Jealousy Jealousy 0.12 Yeah this one is more about Lily
Paint Me Anew 0.04 Kreacher calls him Regulus once. But like this is almost 3k of me picking wallpapers for Grimmauld Place :D
Everything Wrong With (Your Local Vigilante Punkband) 0.04 His name is there once and I think that was an accident actually lol. He's speaking to his muggle therapist
To Be Or Not To Be (Involved With A Vigilante Punk Band) 0 He is amnesiac talking to his therapist and his birth name doesn't even come up lol. I remember avoiding writing it, even. This one was fun I adore it.
Sinking Slowly 0 He's mentioned, but apparently not by name, huh. Oh. Sirius refers to him as "Reggie" three times, okay
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linuxgamenews · 6 months
OOTP 25: The Ultimate Sports Strategy Simulation Game
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OOTP 25 launches (Out of the Park Baseball 25) the sports strategy simulation game on Steam Deck, Mac, and Windows, with Linux in tow. The incredible skill and innovation of the team at Out of the Park Developments shines in their work. Available now on Steam with a discount. Big news in the world of sports strategy simulation games – Out of the Park Baseball 25 (OOTP 25) finally launches! This isn't just any release; it's a massive milestone marking 25 years of this beloved series. If you're into strategy and like the sport, this is huge. What makes OOTP 25 stand out? For starters, it's a celebration of everything baseball. The folks at Com2uS and Out of the Park Baseball Developments have teamed up with the National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. While bringing an authentic touch of history and honoring legends of the sport. Imagine having the greatest players at your fingertips. The new features of OOTP 25 are impressive. There's a Player Development Lab where you can tailor training for your players. Want to improve their base running or help them master a new pitch? You can do that now. Plus, for the first time in the series, there's also a Tournament Sandbox in Perfect Team mode, giving you the freedom to experiment with different tournament setups. Since it's all about strategy and making the right calls.
Out of the Park Baseball 25 (OOTP 25) - Full Launch Trailer
This isn't just living in the past, though. It's got up to date 2024 MLB rosters, covering every team from the Majors to the Minors. This means you're playing with the latest lineups, keeping things fresh and exciting all season. Richard Grisham, the Director of Business Development at Com2uS, emphasizes how OOTP 25 is the culmination of their dream. Due to create the most in-depth baseball management experience. They've poured heart and soul into making this the most immersive version yet. The team's grateful for the community that's grown around the series, which is something special. Even the MLB is excited about this launch. Jamie Leece, their Senior VP of Games & VR, highlighted the new features like the Player Development Lab and the focus on Hall of Famers. And Evan Kaplan from MLB Players, Inc. talks about how OOTP showcases both legendary and upcoming talent. Plus there is also a Linux build coming, check the forum post, also confirmed to work via Proton. Here's another post about a Steam Deck issue. OOTP 25 is more than just another sports strategy simulation release. It's a tribute to baseball's history, a deep dive into management strategy, and a chance to engage with the sport in a whole new way. Stay updated on the latest news by following Out of the Park Developments on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Twitch, and Discord. And remember, you can grab your copy for $34.99 USD / £29.50 / 33,99€ plus a 30% discount on Steam. This is one for the fans on Mac and Windows PC, with Linux and Steam Deck incoming.
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zero-insignificance · 6 months
DND recap: Everything's Fine
cast includes:
Rose the DM, Alfie (yours truly), Patrick, Truk (new player), Rayna (new player)
We open up back where we began in Equestria.
"Hello there-" and Alfie jumps and swings the cast iron pan he has in his hand like a baseball bat. It collides with Bob's forearm breaking the bones.
Alfie: HOLY SHIT I AM SO SORRY ARE YOU OKAY? Bob: *grimacing in pain* I'll be fine eventually. Uh tata! Alfie: GET BACK HERE. SIT YOUR ASS DOWN.
Bob sits down and Alfie gingerly rolls up his sleeve. "Yeah, those are definitely broken. I'm going to have to reset the bones and wrap them. It's going to hurt." and that's just what Alfie does. It hurts a lot and Bob does his best to contain his noises of pain. "Don't mind the broken ribs." Alfie freezes and slowly turns to look at Bob. "What did you say?" Bob, realizing he done messed up goes to leave but Alfie makes him stay. "Explain." "You know your large friend? He trampled over me." "Do you realize how reckless that is, running around with those injuries? You could've exasperated them! You could've punctured a lung!" "Health insurance is so expensive. It costs so much money to get this treated." Alfie groans. "If only Houdini were still alive. She would've taken care of that." and he finishes wrapping up Bob's arm and lets the cast set. "Alright that should heal up good. Take it easy, okay?" and he helps Bob stand up and reaches into his package of patterned patches (it's a box of fun bandages) and places one on Bob healing 6 points of childhood trauma. Bob sniffles and mutters under his breath "Discord was not a good dad." and Alfie sees this and leans forward and gives Bob a gentle hug.
"What is this? What are you doing?" "Something your father clearly never gave you. A hug."
Bob isn't quite sure what to do. The Fey part of his brain is screaming at him. He wants to say thank you, but he can't. He can't owe Alfie a debt. "You don't have to say the forbidden words. A pat on the head would work." This snaps Bob back to reality and he gives Alfie a little pat on the head. Then Bob vanishes and reappears with an 8-foot-tall fox lady. "Since your compatriots keep dying or leaving here's a new friend for you." and just drops the fox lady in Alfie's arms. Alfie doesn't even flinch.
Patrick: who are you? Alfie: he's my patron. He also owns your memories. Patrick: Wait, isn't he related to Discord? Alfie: yeah, Discord birthed him like a sea horse. Patrick: Do you have a mom? Bob: yes I do *pulls out a photo of Betty White* This is my mother.
Alfie and Patrick see her form for what it is. An amorphous blob with many many eyes.
The hair on Bob's neck stands up "he's coming" and he throws a smoke bomb down and runs into the Everfree forest.
From the heavens a bright and radiant light shines down upon us. a brick descends with a half orc.
"You guys are babysitting my kid. Have a good day sweetie."
And then the brick vanishes leaving the half orc with us.
Alfie still has Rayna the 8-foot-tall fox lady in his arms and immediately shouts "DISCORD DISCORD DISCORD."
Discord: Yes? What is it? Alfie: Uh a brick just dropped of this guy off for us to babysit. Are we getting paid or...? Discord: Oh, Brick did that? He'll definitely pay you well. Alfie: What is Brick? Discord: Brick is a god who kind of keeps other gods in check. Alfie: Huh. They should probably check on that changeling guy that killed me. He needs to be knocked down a peg.
Rose the DM: your bag of holding feels a bit heavier. Alfie sets down Rayna, opens his bag of holding and sees a brick at the top with a note on it. "It will be done." A single tear rolls down Alfie's face and his voice cracks as he says "thank you." Alfie asks Hank about what Rum Rums are because we need those for the portal spell to escape the fey wilds.
Bob reappears and says we should probably get going but Alfie has to talk to Twilight for research reasons. We have 3 hours.
We split up. Truk hears someone complain about the bricks in their house. Alfie goes off to talk to Twilight. Patrick gets lost. Rayna wanders into town. Alfie: Hi Twilight! Twilight: I'm sorry do I know you? Alfie: That's a complicated question, so let's just start off with hi I'm Alfie and I'm from a different world. Twilight: You're from a different world? Alfie: Yeah, I'm from a different universe too. There are different universes, but you already know about the human world. Twilight: *starts hyperventilating from excitement* Alfie: Twilight. *places hands on the sides of Twilight's face* breathe in and breathe out. Twilight: *nods her head* Alfie: I have and excellent research opportunity for you.
Rayna comes across Rarity who recruits her as a model.
Cut to Truk and a bystander pony. Truk: were you talking shit about my father? Bystander pony: no uh who is your father? Truk: Brick. Bystander pony: *of fuck face* I would never- Patrick: *ambles up to Truk* we should probably find the others. Truk: *glares at background pony and leaves with Patrick*
Patrick and Truk find Alfie and Twilight and Twilight tells Alfie that his friend is scaring the residents of Ponyville.
Cut back to Rarity and Rayna and Rarity has crafted this gorgeous dress:
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"That will be 2000 bits" like she didn't just grab Rayna off the street for "exposure" and as Alfie is talking to Twilight about the whole time rewind thing and Will Smith stepping in to fix everything (Will Smith does not follow Beetlejuice rules) Alfie senses that someone is going against their element of harmony.
He appears in the second-floor window of the Carousel Boutique and says "t̴̢̒h̸͇̾a̶̲̔t̴͔̓ ̷̝͘ǐ̶͓s̸̼̿n̴̹̉'̸̢͆t̴̙͛ ̸́ͅv̶̛͈è̶͕r̶̬͛y̴̬̽ ̷̟̄g̶̪̓ę̸̿n̶̼͒e̶̡̍r̷̞͝o̶͍̎ṵ̸͑s̸͖̅." and Rayna keeps the dress free of charge. Alfie gives Twilight a magical pen pal book with so many protective spells on it.
Patrick checks out the book It from the library. It has the "icky pages" torn out.
We go to leave Equestria because the portal is closing, and Twilight begs us to take her with us and Alfie says "Twilight. I know you want to learn everything about the other worlds, but I know where your timeline leads. You are needed here. I will take you there some day. Just not today. We'll keep in touch." And we head through the portal and back into the museum.
Patrick draws a mustache on a minor illusion of Hank the orb (we stole Hank from this museum) because Patrick hates Hank. The feeling is mutual.
Dr Dakota Jones (brother of Indiana Jones) asks what the heck is happening over there and why is a mustache on Hank. Patrick says that he was like that when we came here. Dakota Jones believes him.
We head outside and it is night time.
Alfie: I don't know about you guys but I'm hungry. Are you guys hungry? Patrick: *pulls out a t-bone steak* you want this? Bob: *appears out of nowhere* AHH! Why do you have that? Paul the Pink Buffalo: *starts chewing on Bob's robes* Alfie: Uhhhh Bob: *shaking in fear* He's behind me isn't he? Alfie: *stares at Bob and nods* Bob: *slowly turns around and then faints* Patrick and Rayna's players: We loot his body Rose: Patrick you find his stash of baja blast. Patrick: this is useless *tosses the baja blast to the side* Patrick's player: I keep looking for my memories. Rose: Rayna, you find one of Patrick's memories. It looks like a marble. Patrick: PLEASE CAN I HAVE IT. Me: I check to see if he's alive. Rose: He's alive. Rayna: What are you willing to part with? Patrick: You can have this steak? Rayna: Deal. Rose: Patrick the memory you get is your first time having ice cream. You can see your parents in this memory. Alfie: *picks up Bob's unconscious body bridal style* what do we name the buffalo? Patrick: Paul. Alfie: Paul the Pink Buffalo. Let's get Bob to his house. Me: I scan the town for a house that probably has a Baja Blast dispenser in it. Rose: You see a large fancy purple house with a neon pink sign that says "Bob's Place" on it. Me: we go to Bob's Place. Rose: you open the door, and the house is covered with Mountain Dew paraphernalia. The couch looks like a can of mountain dew. Alfie: I knew his favorite color wasn't green. Me: there's a bottle of code red with a knife in it. Reina's Player: I steal all of the mountain dew stuff and replace it with Pepsi stuff. Rose: Because you are new, I will ask you this once. Are you sure? Rayna's player: I put all of the mountain dew stuff in a neighbor's house to put the blame on them. Rose: Ok. Uh Alfie you make it to Bob's bedroom, and it is very lavish and luxurious. The sheets are Mountain Dew branded. Me: I tuck him in, give him a pat on the head and leave a bottle of Baja Blast on the nightstand. We leave the house and Patrick wants us to go looking for Rum Rum's now. Alfie would like to go to bed. Patrick tries to leave Finkleberg but a fae bear named Björn blocks his path.
Björn: I'm afraid I can't let you pass. Curfew forbids it. Patrick: What's a curfew. Alfie: I've never had a curfew before. My dads didn't see the point. Björn: I would recommend going to the Inn. Patrick: *climbs onto the roof of Bob's house and sets up his bed roll*
Alfie pulls out a bottle of mead and pops the top off with his teeth and says "Fuck it I'm sleeping good tonight." and starts chugging it. He pauses and asks Rayna if she wants to join him and she says yes so Alfie hands her a separate bottle of mead. Alfie finishes the first bottle of mead and feels nothing. Makes sense considering what he is and because of that he has a high alcohol tolerance so he downs a second bottle of mead. From the napsack out of Marks inventory comes a bottle of wyvern whiskey.
Alfie: Truk do you want any? Rose: You feel a rock hit the back of your head. Brick from the heavens: He's a minor. Truk: I'm 16. Rose: that makes you an adult according to half orc standards. Alfie: That's fine. More for us. Björn: Are you guys just going to stay out here? I don't want to fine you for public intoxication. Alfie: *still isn't feeling anything so he downs a glass of wyvern whiskey* don't worry we're heading to the Inn.
Alfie winds up being the tiniest bit tipsy thanks to the wyvern whiskey.
We get two rooms at the inn, one for Truk who wanted to sleep alone, and Rayna and I share the other. 4 copper pieces for the rooms.
We all get ready for bed and one by one we fall asleep and dream.
Truk is in a white void, face to face with Brick, his adoptive parent. Screams of pain are heard in the background. Ascian the Changeling is being molly whopped by Brick. Brick: How is everyone treating you? Truk: Good. I don't know much about them yet. Brick: Very good. Don't go off killing people in my name. Truk: No. Rose: You go back to dreaming about what you'd normally dream of. Truk's player: That would be killing people with Brick. Rayna dreams of sailing across the seas. Patrick dreams of fabricated memories.
And then we get to Alfie's dream.
Alfie comes to in a black void and sees a chilled-out surfer bro.
Alfie: Who are you? Surfer bro: I'm your great grandfather, Azathoth. Alfie: Wait I still have living relatives? Azathoth: More or less. I'm an eldritch being. Alfie: Wait so I don't just have draconic blood, but I have eldritch blood too? Azathoth: That would be correct. What have you been up to? Alfie: A lot of things. I'm in a pact with this fey dude named Bob. Azathoth's face darkness.
what did you say?
Alfie: Bob. The Baron D'Avariss. Azathoth reaches across the dreamscape and pulls Bob into this dream.
Alfie: Oh god he's dead. Bob: Nugget? What's happening? Alfie: You're in my dream, and my great grandpa is here. Bob: Who are you talking about- Oh! Hi boss! Alfie: oh no you're so dead.
Care to explain why you entered a pact with my grandson?
Bob: i promise i had a good reason.
I'm waiting.
Bob: so, i was chilling in Finkelberg and I felt a disturbance of foreign magics, so I went to investigate it and I found a little chicken guy and a Goliath and a human fighting a false hydra. I sensed that the fight wasn't going well so I struck a deal.
Why the chicken?
Bob: promise you won't be mad?
I make no promises but i will endeavor to be patient.
Bob looks incredibly nervous before blurting out "BECAUSE HE REAKS OF FORIEGN MAGIC AND I WANTED TO DISECT HIM!" and then he covers his mouth and trembles at Azathoth's rage.
"Please don't kill him!"
I won't. Now Bob if you don't release my grandson's soul I will slowly and agonizingly dissect and rip apart every atom of your being.
Bob in the waking world shits himself and wets the bed.
Bob shudders before weakly sputtering out an okay,
Azathoth's voice returns to his casual surfer bro "Now Bob if you set a finger on a single feather on Alfie's head, I will shuffle the positions and functions of every orifice on your body."
Bob nods his head.
"This means I'm going to have more magic I'll need to learn to control."
"Don't worry about that, we're making some amenities to the pact. You'll enter a pact with me until you learn to control these powers. I can promise you that I have much less nefarious reasons to keep you around."
"Will I still be able to read the book?"
"Oh Alfie, you always could. You just needed to unlock it first."
"I look forward to getting to know you."
"So do I little man. So do I."
"Is Bob going to be okay?"
"He'll be fine. He isn't actually an all-powerful arch fae. His favorite color isn't even green. I make him say that coz it's funny."
Alfie laughs at that. It is funny.
Alfie wakes up in the Inn and the first thing he says is "I'M AN ELDRITCH BEING?!" This startles Rayna awake "wha- what happened?"
"I'm an eldritch being."
Across the town we hear a high-pitched scream and a booming "WHAT THE FUCK."
Bob's house shakes and Patrick falls to the ground taking two points of bludgeoning damage.
Bob storms out and sees that all of his mountain dew stuff is at his neighbor's house, summons an orb of chaos magic and chucks it at his neighbor's house turning it into hot dogs. The neighbor is incredibly confused as they are now surrounded by hot dogs and Mountain Dew merchandise.
Alfie and Rayna are watching this from the window. We have a good laugh and get ready for breakfast
This time there are strawberry jam donuts for Alfie. Alfie did not get any yesterday even though he had been promised them. Alfie did not eat anything yesterday. We are all directed to the non-fey food section.
Alfie feels more whole than he has in a long time. There are so many foods there from pastas to vegetables, sweets and savories.
People of the fey wilds are vegetarian and also don't eat pasta. Apparently, they have beef with the Italians. Alfie is 80% vegetarian most of the time, so he has plenty of options.
Patrick shows up and starts partaking in so much pasta along with Truk as he has forgotten he does not like pasta. Alfie has a bowl of stir-fried vegetables and zucchini noodles and is a very happy camper.
Bob opens the door to the tavern and looks very shaken up about what had happened in the dream realm. "Alfie, hi uh I have something for you." Alfie has a mouth full of noodles and goes "hm?" From his cloak Bob pulls out a wispy orb of pure light that shifts through every single color of the rainbow. Alfie knows what it is when he sees it. It's his soul. He walks up to Bob and gently takes the orb from his hands and places it back in his chest. It feels strange but good. And because he feels a bit bad about what happened to Bob (Alfie can smell it on him) he gives Bob a name of someone from his old world, a prince and tells him that if he heals his sister A'Loki will be in his debt.
Bob slipped up and said "thank you." Bob owes Alfie a debt.
And Bob leaves.
At one point the Inn keeper says thank you to Patrick who is a changeling of the fey wilds. Alfie points this out and she says that it's fine cuz Patrick doesn't remember how to use his fey powers. Patrick: What did you say? Inn keeper: I didn't say anything. Alfie: Yeah, she didn't say anything. Patrick: I don't even remember who I am. Inn keeper: You are Prince *insert princely name here* *winks at Alfie* Alfie: *winks back*
Rayna is going around looking at the decor and sees a placard on the wall. "Pasta eating champion, ate 19 pounds of pasta" and it has a picture of Bob on it, and he is an orb. Spherical. Round. Rotund.
Naturally Patrick thinks "I'm going to break that record." and so did Truk.
Patrick shovels down 5 lbs. of pasta and collapses. Alfie looks around and notices that one of the legs on the table is wobbly, so he takes care of that. Truk shovels down 13 lbs. of pasta and collapses. Patrick is not giving up and manages to shovel down 17 more lbs. of pasta.
Rayna stops to talk with the Inn keeper who is currently working at the bar. She is a tiefling with pinkish red skin, cloven hooves, a tail and her hair pulled up into a bun with bangs and two strands of hair framing her face.
Brick materializes and sees his son in a food coma on the floor and is just like "What in the fuck happened?"
Patrick wheezes out "food coma."
Brick floats over to Alfie who is currently in the corner fashioning some new legs for some stools that were missing a leg or two. "You have done a sufficient job of caring for my child. Here is your payment" and just gives Alfie a chest with 5000 gp.
"Wait! Did you know what I was? What I am?" "Yes." "Cuz I just found out last night." "Oh, Azzie finally worked up the courage to talk to you? He's been trying to do that for months. Years even. It just never seemed like the right time."
At the bar Rayna decides to gamble with a game of Liars Dice. Rayna: If I win I get you. Inn Keeper: Why do you want me? Rayna: If I win you'll find out. Me: your hand in marriage. Inn keeper: Well, if I win I want the chicken. He's been doing so many repairs around the Tavern, and I'd like to keep him around. Alfie: *looks up from the stool he's working on* That's a bad idea. My grandpa is Azathoth. Inn keeper: Oh, um never mind then. If I win, I want the dragon. *gestures to Rayna's familiar* Patrick: can I play? Rayna's player: What does she want from you? Me: She wants the twink. Rose: She wants the twink. Inn Keeper: One player at a time- are you okay? Alfie: *hanging upside down from the chandelier* Who is doing the maintenance in this building? This chandelier is probably going to fall down in a few months. *starts fixing the base of the chandelier* Rayna: Alright, let's play.
Alfie notices a familiar face enter the tavern: Fluffy Scruffington, Catfolk bard who left the party to start their own medicinal cat nip store and has been collecting variants that can only be found in the fey wilds. So naturally they start talking at a table in the corner and they start flirting. While the focus is on the game of Liar's Dice between Rayna and the Inn keeper, Alfie and Fluffy are having a little coffee date which is going well and they exchange information.
Rayna: I WIN! Inn Keeper: You did. Why did you want me? Rayna: Well, I wanted your hand in marriage. Me: called it. Inn Keeper: uh uh uh um uh UM *gay panic* Rayna's player: This is where I reveal that Rayna is a lesbian. Rayna: Now I would like to know my fiancé's name. Rose: oh god I need a name for this NPC. Me: I have a character that is perfect for this. Introducing: Lu the lesbian tiefling bard, she plays the hurdy gurdy.
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Rose: Damn you bagged a hottie. Patrick: Let's do a betting pool, Alfie you want in on this? Alfie: *stops making out with Fluffy Scruffington* no I'm busy. * goes back to making out with Fluffy Scruffington* Rose: Does Alfie get hair balls from Fluffy? Me: No, he has a strong digestive system. He can digest bones.
In the betting pool are a bunch of gold pieces, a really cool sword and Patrick didn't have anything to bet so Alfie gave him a rubber duckie so Patrick would feel included on his way out of the tavern so he and Fluffy could go on a walk and visit Paul the pink buffalo and give him some food.
Rayna won the betting pool.
The party met Alfie outside and Alfie asks Bob where we can find Rum Rums and he points in a direction and says that there's a cave that goes down 1500 feet. It's very dark and hard to breathe down there. So, Alfie brings out several gas masks that are perfectly tailored to each party member. Nobody questions why he has those.
Thusly concludes the recap.
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llimerrence · 8 months
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Candy Hearts specifically has congenital blindness from a genetic mutation, and she does have NLP. it’s rare to see in people today (only like 15-20% of people, i think), but that’s what candy has! She has no light perception (NLP) visually whatsoever.
However, like some people with NLP, and like most animals with NLP, Candy’s eyes can recognize light non visually through her ipRGCs. aka: if you took a flashlight and shined it in her eyes, her pupils would shrink, and her body maintains a circadian rhythm, and she can actually get headaches from strobing lights like many photosensitive people!
So, while Candy cannot see light, her brain does recognize it non visually, and is able to follow a day/night cycle physically due to her ipRGCs. <3
tl;dr: Total / NLP blindness does NOT equate pure darkness !!
casually remembers that part of candy’s canon is that the other ponies in ponyville don't help her. In fact, candy is often seen as a burden due to the fact that she’s a blind earth pony, and can’t due much by herself. if she was a unicorn, at least she’d have magic to help her. For a while, the things that ponies said did bother her, but eventually, Candy gained a thicker skin and now tends to keep to herself instead of worrying about others’ opinions. She’s gained a colder exterior and tends not to trust others, but she also maintains an air of kindness, trying to one-up others by being kind to even those who are actively cruel to her. Multiple times since the Elements resurfaced, she’s gotten into situations that she can’t get out of by herself. Including getting trapped or caught in collapsed buildings, or even when Discord was first released and caused ponyville to turn upside down: Candy was completely disoriented and had no help. She’s quite tired of other ponies, only finding a few to be trustworthy. And not really caring about the rest.
Candy’s hair isn’t naturally rainbow; it’s naturally a pink ombre
And the pretty rainbow hair has 2 stories for how it came about:
Either; Discord gives it to her or Rarity does. But they both have the same reasoning, and it has to do with the first time either one describes Candy to herself. And she is like “Yeah, that makes sense, I am very plain” and either way, if it’s Dis or Rarity, they just kinda …. come up with the idea because she isn't plain! She’s beautiful and funny and smart and wow! We love Candy!!! So, it’s to help show who she is on the inside on the outside.
Is part deer and part pony. She tried to find her birth parents to no avail
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hawkinshellraiser · 1 year
I followed you because your portrayal of Eddie seems so authentic. It's truly awe inspiring how much you captivate both his gremlin energy and the fact that he's just a sweet guy. You really seem to understand his character and you've adapted it in such a way that he feels like an OC that you've created yourself.
That isn't to mention the amazing threads that you've created with other muns. Equally talented people who seem to shine such a light on their characters as well as allowing Eddie to shine simultaneously in different ways. Which alludes to the fact that you definitely know who to pick to write with.
The final thing is kinda what made me stick around: the mun. Jay we've only talked a handful of times but you genuinely seem so sweet and so approachable which is so nice for someone that's riddled by anxiety. So thank you for that and the incredible Eddie that you've managed to create for us!
stuff like this genuinely makes me so fucking sappy and emotional, especially coming from anon/someone who doesn't know me super well.
eddies character spoke to me in a way very few in any kind of media have and I've put more thought into my portrayal of him than I have any other character in my 11 years of writing. so whenever someone sees even a little bit of the effort I've put into him it makes me feel so recognized.
not only that but eddie has such a special place in my heart because working on my portrayal of him has made me a better person. trying to perfect his inability to care what other people think of him and 0 patience for bullshit has really helped me develop those skills myself in my own personal life which has been so fucking cool.
and I'm so so happy that you feel comfortable talking to me, fr music to my ears. I've been told I'm intimidating online??? which is weird cause im not irl. but im so glad that you feel welcome in my dms cause you absolutely are.
also the fact that you almost definitely know me through discord cause I don't have my name posted on here is making me giggle and kick my feet rn teehee
all the hugs and kisses for you anon I love you <3
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eshithepetty · 2 years
bold of you to assume that in your own blog you cant post your brainrot about mp100! of course you can, please what are your favorite/least headcanons?
Oh, I assume this is in response to the post where i asked for mp100 discord reccs? In which case - yeah, I know ;^^ it's just more fun to share brainrot in an active discussion ig!! But either way... hm. Headcanons...
Y'know, I had to think for a while cause I've just recently gotten back into mp100, so I've yet to recover all the pieces of mp100 love that I had a few years back, and I don't think on headcanons much... but i guess some I like would be:
Mob and Tsubomi become long distance friends after the end of the manga. I really like the thought of them keeping in touch and Mob, after overcoming the idealized version of her he had in his head, coming to actually get to know her for who she really is, and learning to admire her in a different, more grounded way. I also like to imagine Tsubomi being a bit lonely behind the scenes, searching for genuine connection, and I think she would appreciate this new bond with Mob for that reason. I just love thinking of their hypothetical friendship a lot :)
Teru has npd. Obviously, this isn't some fresh hot take, and one could say this is not even a hc and just a canon fact, but yeah. It all lines up, after all, even what causes npd in a person - excessive praise bordering on idealization from your family/peers, some kind of dissonance in identity (how his powers influence his view of self), childhood trauma (claw targeting him) - I would say even negligence, since he isn't in contact with his parents anymore, and I imagine he hasn't been for a long time. I do wonder about that, too - why exactly they aren't there. They could be dead, or just away, (working abroad is the most common explanation i've heard) - and I think I agree with the second option more, because it would tie in better with his feelings of superiority - as a sort of justification. 'It's fine that my parents left me, because I don't need them anyway - I'm strong and infinitely capable on my own.' But, of course that's false, because it's very clear that he wouldn't have turned out this way if he had had better guidance, as shown through Mob. And I just really love that aspect of him - he's very interesting. And I really appreciate the way his narcissistic tendencies shine through even after Mob shatters his world view, and in how exactly he changes. But if I was to get into all that, it would need it's own post, so i'll just move on.. ;^^
Speaking of Teru's myriad of issues, ig this is where a bit of saltiness comes in? In that, I don't think Terumob would actually work out seamlessly as a relationship. Not as easily as most fics I've read tend to portray it, at least. Which is fine, fics are just there for self indulgence, carry on writing how you wanna write - but if I ever was to write a terumob fic, I guess I would focus more on their communication issues, because I think they would have some of those. Where was that post about how Teru would seek constant validation, but Mob plays his emotions so on the down low that it could get hard for Teru? That. Also, based on the ending of the manga, we know that Mob (???%) still holds some resentment for Teru - understandably, as he nearly killed him. So they would have to work through that, as well as I think that Teru's idealization of Mob could harm their bond in the long run. But overall, I think having to overcome those issues to be together could be really beneficial to them both - Mob in keeping Teru grounded, and Teru in encouraging Mob to be more open. And it's just a ship that is good for introducing that kind of conflict, which is why I like it ^^
On that topic, this is more of a fic idea than a headcanon, but imagine if like. Mob got sick or something and thus had to stay at home for a bit. And the loneliness of it remind him of Mogamiland. And that leads to him reaching out to Teru to fight off those feelings - and as he talks to Teru, Mob learns that the other has lived on his own for years, begins to feel terrible for him, and the discussion spirals from there. i think that would be cool to write out.... now if only my brain wasn't so scrambled lmao (also maybe a fic like that already exists, in which case.... 👀?)
Moving on from terumob - I will go against another popular hc and say that... maybe Reigen doesn't actually have a citrus allergy? Which, it's not a bad explanation for why he threw up that one time, that's funny too lmao, but i just think... maybe it was like. A placebo effect? That made him feel drunk? Apparently that's a thing that can happen, and the implication I think is that Reigen has had a drinking problem in the past (the bartender asking if he should be drinking, leaving the alcohol out of the drink, and such), in which case, maybe it was like that, that the drink, even if not alcoholic, brought back those drunken memories, and coupled with all the stress he was enduring, made him feel sick to his stomach. So yeah. I haven't drunk much alcohol though, so I may be entirely off base on this theory and appear like a fool rn lmao
I like the theory that, part of the reason Shigeo is so powerful, is because he reserves his energy so much in between the 100% meltdowns. Much like how Toichiro was saving energy for years to get that powerful. And it would mean that, if Mob used them more often, he would get less powerful, yes - but i don't think that's necessarily a bad trade off. I would take Mob being able to express his emotions more freely to not being able to kick ass so easily, especially since the implication is that he needs to use his physic powers to express his emotions fully (this meta explains it well) - which means he would not need to hold back so much.... I don't know if I'm making enough sense here, sorry, but yeah!!
Though, on the topic of Mob expressing himself, I don't think he would ever get completely rid of his meltdowns (or his other autistic symptoms lol. Because yeah, firm believer in autistic mob here). It's said (in the manga at least (the LOL arc specifically), unless that was a mistranslation) that he's had trouble emoting like other people since birth, after all, so it's not just a trauma thing - that's something innate to him. And that stuff is not so easily overcome. But I do believe he gets better and feels happier as time goes on, for sure ^^
Speaking of growth, I kind of like the thought of Ritsu and Mob sparring with their psychic powers (all in good fun) in the far, far future, when they've healed enough.... they get to stand on equal ground without fear, finally :> or, if not spars (because maybe that's a bit ooc: despite at points being forced to, Mob would prefer to never, ever fight), they would passively share in psychic knowledge instead, of casually use their powers in brotherly arguments or something. I like the thought of them learning to have silly sibling fights and casually use their powers without harming others or themselves as time goes on.
Also, Reigen has adhd. That's my headcanon. I mean, he flings his arms around constantly (mood), has a myriad of random interests that he's surprisingly good at (possibly past hyperfixations of his), and quit a boring, stifling office job to instead work in an environment that was highly stimulating and allowed him more flexibility and diversity in tasks. It's not the only explanation, but it fits well I think. So... Mob and Reigen 🤝 Adhd and autism solidarity.
I could talk more, but this is already long enough, so I'll leave other hcs for future posts ig ;^^ But this really made me to think more on these characters, thank you so much for this ask <3 Hope you're having a good day anon!!
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