#Also ew me sketching on paper disgusting
yhwcomeback · 2 months
Was looking back on some old sketches and honestly where was my mind when I was drawing Dragon Rising Brad???
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Big Hero 7: The Series
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Big Hero 7 S2
Super Sonic Sue and the Sirens’ Return
*Big Hero 7 arrives at the scene where a bank robbery is taking place at night.*
Gogo: What are we looking at?
Cora: Bank Robbery in progress.
Hiro: Omega Danger, scan the perimeter.
*Baymax starts scanning the building and lists off the features the person has.*
Baymax: I detect one suspect. In motion, on wheels.
Hiro: Wait did you say wheels?
*The person zooms out of the bank before they could blink and stops themselves in front of the four.*
Sue: Well, don't you kids look cute in your colorful get up. What are ya? Some kind of circus family?
*Hiro and Cora look at Gogo as Gogo looks at them.*
Baymax: Hello, I am-
Hiro: Omega Danger, you don't need to introduce yourself to the bank robber.
Cora: Seriously, we have secret identities for reasons.
Sue: Didn't your mommy teach you to shut it cyborg?
*The old woman throws out her duffle bag of cash to fight off the four.*
Baymax: I do not have a mommy, I am a robot-
Hiro: Omega Danger look out!-
Cora: Alpha we gotta jump of-!
*But the speed demon zooms past them before she hits Baymax with her speed wheels which results in Hiro and Cora being pinned down by Baymax's own weight.*
Baymax: On a scale of one to ten-
Sue: Its super sonic Sue's famous electric elbow!
*She activates the pads on her elbows to slam dunk the three. Cora starts setting up her own electric gloves to counteract the woman's only for Gogo's disk to knock out her aim, resulting her to miss her targets.*
Gogo: Hey Grandma! Why don't you pick on someone your own speed?!
*The old woman hops over Baymax to face off Gogo.*
Sue: How adorable skater tot!
*Activating her shield visor, she zooms towards the old woman as did the old woman herself. even though Gogo gave her all, she looses balance and falls to the ground, leaving the old woman standing.*
Sue: Deve-skated! Ha ha ha!
Gogo: Whoa... no one's ever out skated me before...
*The old woman zooms out her way to see Baymax with the two teens on his back to stop her.*
Sue: Power Jam!
*Before they could even move an inch, the old woman steals Baymax's rocket fist.*
Baymax: She stole my rocket fist.
Sue: Namaste suckers!
*She zooms out of view of the heroes where she places the fist on a passing trolley as she takes the money with her.*
Cora:.*Low voice*.. Hiro...I think we found Gogo's match...
Baymax: Namaste-
Gogo: Nomaste Omega.
*After that fiasco the four set up a meeting to tell the gang about the old woman. The gang are watching the footage of the woman to see what she's capable of.*
Honey Lemon: She got away with Baymax's rocket fist?
Hiro: Yeah, I had to rush this. Hope its ready.
*Hiro pulls out a new rocket fist for Baymax to put on, hoping it would stick... the fingers fell off.*
Cora: We might need a little more time. Especially since the 3D printer is acting a little wonky right now.
Wasabi: Wow, that lady can skate! Even better than-!
*Honey Lemon places a hand on Wasabi and directs his eyes to Gogo, who's face looks like its about ready to murder him if he completed his sentence.*
Honey Lemon: Do we have a file on this new villain?
*Fred scoots his chair over to the gang.*
Fred: I bet her origin story starts with some tragic event, which scars her deeply and still haunts her to this very day! Ooh! I'll start with an in depth, psychological profile!
Cora: Why would you need to do that?
Fred: Callaghan became Yokai because of an accident with the portal which he thought killed his daughter! Also the fact that Obake planned on not only erasing San Fransokyo off the map, but project his dead girlfriend onto you because of brain damage mixed with your abusive, twisted grandmother from your Dad's side of the family!
*The gang stare at Fred in silence, with Hiro giving a face that screams "WTF Fred, seriously?'. Hiro's mind starts racing with memories of Callaghan and the battle on Akuma Island and the portal. Cora has no expression on her mind before she ultimately sighs in exhaustion. Both look at each other to which, Being the good boyfriend he is, goes to hold her close to which the girl hugs him back tight.*
Hiro: Hey, its fine. Kage is not Obake. You've said he's been doing better lately right?
Cora: Yeah... this morning he passed me the salt shaker at breakfast.
Hiro: That's good.
Cora: And as far as we know, Callaghan ain't coming for us...
*Gogo then whacks Fred upside the head, to which he realized what he had done and looks over at Cora and Hiro with guilty eyes.*
Fred: That's my bad! I am so sorry I brought it up!
Cora: No! Its fine, you were too excited, you didn't mean to bring it up to hurt us.
Fred: Whew... thanks...
Hiro: Besides, how about we ask your dad?
Fred: Well he's more of a punch first, psychological analysis later type of guy.
Wasabi: He might know Super Sonic Sue.
*Honey Lemon pulls out information on Super Sonic Sue on the Heropedia page of Boss Awesome.*
Honey Lemon: They do have a 70s retro vibe happening.
*Fred looks at his sketch of Super Sonic Sue and compares it to the picture of Boss Awesome.*
Fred: You have a point.
*Fred pulls out his phone and calls his dad to talk about the new villain they discovered*
Frederickson the III: You've reached the Boss Awesome hotline. Leave a message I'm out roping!
Fred: Must be at the family ranch. I'll try to get him after he fiddles, in the meantime I have a very exciting event to go to! *Pulls out paper* Woo hoo!
Honey Lemon: The dry cleaners?
Fred: Whoops, that's the wrong ticket. *Pulls out the correct ticket*
Wasabi: Noodle Burger cordially invites you for a sneak tasting for our newest creation... the noodle bigger burger?
Fred: Its like a regular noodle burger... but bigger!
*And so Fred heads out his way to Noodle Burger, which leaves the rest of the gang staring at Hiro and Cora working together to create a new rocket fist.*
Honey Lemon: You've mentioned Kage is doing OK right?
Cora: Yup. He's slowly warming up. He's actually going out with my Grandmama for errands!
Wasabi: Huh, so I guess he's OK enough to do errands with your grandmother. That's an improvement.
Cora: Yeah.
*When Fred reaches noodle burger he enters inside with a large smile... until he catches a very familiar... unwelcomed scent.*
Fred: Mole!
Mole: Frederickson.
*The two stare down before a fly lands on Fred's eyes, grossing him out as Mole laughs.*
mole: Weak, I can win a staring contest with my eyes closed.
Fred: *looking around the restaurant* Wait, are we the only ones here?
Mole: I wouldn't wish a dining experience with you on my worst enemy! Which is you...So I'm a little confused about how to feel.
Fred: Look Mole, what do you say we call a truce. You know, so we can enjoy this once in a lifetime experience?
Mole: as soon as the tasting is over, its back to all out war.
Fred: Count on it!
*The two are seated at Fred's reserved seat for their order, prepping themselves for the food as they glare each other down. that's when the server brings out the new item for them to taste: The Noodle Bigger Burger. Its piled with three meat patties and bacon, lettuce and eggs oozing with melted cheddar cheese. After the server places their order in front of them they start eating it.*
Mole; I'm getting a smeck of hickory and uh...*Bites off the burger* what is that?
Fred: Truffle oil.
Mole: Oh! A super taster!
Fred: I give it two thumbs up!
Mole: Ew! Cilantro!
Fred: Cilantro?!
*The two drop their burgers in disgust.*
Fred: There's cilantro in this?! *Chews what food he had* Ugh!
*The two wipe off the taste of cilantro*
Fred: Well that was-
Mole: Upsetting.
Fred: I did not know you were a cilantro hater too.
Mole: It is my number one-
Fred and Mole: Herbal enemy!
Fred: Well, I guess we have
Mole: Somethings
Fred and Mole: in common.
Fred:... this is getting weird.
*Across town Kaguya is on her errands with Baymax 1 and Kage by her side. So far they collected the food off the list. Now they are heading home with the groceries as they enter inside.*
Kaguya: I appreciated you and Baymax accompanying me for my errands Kage.
Kage: Its nothing really.
Kaguya: Of course... put the groceries on the table if you don't mind.
Kage: Understood.
*As Kaguya leaves to enter her room, Kage places the groceries at the table. Once given privacy she looks through her ingredients for the herbal healing tea, the very one that heals all wounds and had turned Globby human again. Since learning that it can help Globby, she started studying the medicine to see if it would help Orso Knox as well. She realizes that she is low on ingredients and sighs in frustration. This meant she would have to find some on land... and others at sea. While the searching the sea was no big issue, since learning of Liv Amara and her actions from her granddaughter and her friends and boyfriend, and how she has an interest in marine bio, this could lead to a risk where she could be spotted or worse, captured by the she-devil and her assistant. Mizuchi would be busy most of the days and there was no way she would expose such secret to her already vulnerable grandchild...which leaves her with only one other person. She goes outside her room to see him putting the groceries in the fridge and pantry as he softly hums to himself, a small and content smile on his face. Hearing it closely it was an Elvis Presely song, Lonesome. She gives a small cough to let him know she's here, to which he stops at his tracks. Blushing at the fact that she saw him hum he turns his head away.*
Kaguya: Its fine Kage… I've heard you have a nice voice... for a human.
Kage: Thank you... especially since this is coming from a mermaid...
*The two chuckle before Kaguya looks at Kage's eyes.*
Kaguya: Kage, there's something very important I need to attend to... and you are gonna help me.
Kage: And what would that be?
Kaguya:... finding ingredients for my healing medicine...
*Meanwhile with the gang, after Fred returns from the taste test and Cora receiving a message that they would be busy and won't return home for a while, they meet up at Boss Awesome's secret lair to talk to Fred's dad... who is wrestling a bull.*
Frederickson the III: Hey gang! Don't mind Benjamin! He likes to tussle. Isn't that right Benjamin?
Wasabi: Looks like more than a tussle.
Cora: Fred, your dad is crazy... in an awesome way that is.
*The doorbell is heard as which alerts them that they have a visitor. Fred answers the door to see Mole there.*
Fred: Oh... its you.
Mole: Hello loser, I was in the neighborhood and... you forgot your souvenir photo.
*Its a photo of them wiping their mouths after tasting the noodle bigger burger. Fred snatches the phot and looks at it.*
Fred: Heh, kinda funny. Looking back at it now.
Mole: *Chuckles* I never thought I meet a fellow cilantrophobic taster. What a glorious time.
Fred: Thanks for bringing the photo by. Very... ugh... I wanna say 'nice'?'
Mole:Yes… it was...Well, back to being enemies.
Fred:... you know..*Takes deep breath* I'm having a Kentucky Kaiju movie marathon..
Mole: All seven?
Fred: Up to and including Son of Kaiju.
Mole: A surprisingly emotional end to the whole saga.
Fred:*Cringes at himself* I can't believe I'm saying this... but mole... Do you wanna join me?... Shall we say tomorrow at sunrise?
Mole:*Cringes at himself* I can't believe I'm going to accept your invitation but I think... I just did?
*After that talk Fred joins back to the lair of Boss Awesome as Cora munches on a bag of strawberries she brought as a snack to share with the gang as they watch Frederickson wrestle the bull.*
Hiro: So Mr. Frederickson, do you remember a Super Sonic Sue?
Frederickson the III: I haven't heard that name in years. She was a roller derby queen till she was kicked for using a performance enhancing rocket skates.
*The Bull keeps hitting Frederickson but he keeps getting back up.*
Cora: So because of that she became a villain?... OK.
Frederickson the III: She broke down a lot of barriers for lady villains.
Honey Lemon: Mr. Frederickson do you know where we might find her?
Frederickson the III: No clue, I don't stay in touch with old foes.
Hiro: But I bet they stay in touch with each other.
Wasabi: You're thinking Baron Von Steamer.
Honey Lemon: Well, its forth a try.
Hiro: Well, looks like we're going to prison.
Cora: Thank you Mr. Frederickson!
*That night; Baymax, Hiro, Cora, Wasabi, and Gogo head to prison to visit Baron Von Steamer in their super suits. When they approach his cell they see that he is strapped to a flat tray on wheels in a upright position and facing away from them.*
Hiro: Ah, Mr. Von Steamer! We, We need your help.
Cora: If you don't mind that is.
*The tray shakes up a few times.*
Hiro:... Baron?
*The tray turns around to show that the baron is asleep and snoring.*
Baymax: Snoring, can be the symptom of sleep apmia.
*An alarm clock starts ringing which jolts the baron awake.*
Steamer: Give me back my pudding!
*That is when he realizes that the company he has is Big Hero 7.*
Steamer: Oh, if it isn't Big Millennial 7. To what do I owe the displeasure?
Cora: Did you know a villain with the name Super Sonic Sue?
Steamer: Oh! That's a name I hadn't heard in years.
Hiro: We're not looking for a long backstory-
Steamer: We were young rouges with an appetite for trouble! She was tough as nails, I was handsome as all get out!
Hiro: Really we just wanna-
Steamer: We became bitter rivals! She wanted to be Boss Awesome's number one enemy, but I had already called dibs!
Wasabi: Couldn't you just be his number two enemy?
Steamer: Second place is first place loser!
Gogo: Yep he's right.
Cora: Look, what we really want to know is if you know where she is!
Steamer: No; but if you see her, tell her I think her catchphrase stinks!
Wasabi: Whats her catchphrase?
*The back of Steamer's cell breaks open to reveal Baymax's rocket fist and Super Sonic Sue. *
Sue: Super Sonic Sue me why don't cha?
Wasabi: Yeah that could use some work.
Cora: I thought it was funny.
*Wasabi pulls out his blades and tries to cut through the glass, but it doesn't even leave a scratch on its field.*
Wasabi: Its reinforced!
Cora: At least the security is actually upgrading for once.
Steamer: Egard! Help!
Sue: Later Skaters!
Steamer: Big Hero 7 save me!
*Sue skates away with Steamer and the rocket fist, with the old man still calling for help.*
Hiro: Baymax! Rocket fist!
*Baymax pulls out his new rocket fist... but it flops spectacularly.*
Baymax: Oh no.
*The team meet up again at Boss Awesome's lair to discuss what happened in their prison visit.*
Wasabi: So I know we're licensed super heroes and all but are we really obligated to rescue steamer?
Gogo: Yeah, I know he's technically a 'victim' but he's also technically annoying.
Frederickson the III: A real hero helps everyone in need! Even your worst enemies! Oh! Hey gang! You forgot to hang up earlier!
Fred: Sorry Dad, love you and WATCH OUT BEHIND YOU!
*Benjamin is behind the retired super and ready for round two.*
Frederickson the III: Thanks son!
Honey Lemon: I guess we're doing night patrol.
Fred: I can't go out tonight, sorry guys. I have to get up early.
Gogo: For something stupid?
Fred: No! Its for my Kentucky Kaiju Movie Marathon!... With Richardson.
Gogo: Called it!
Wasabi: Wait! Richardson Mole?
Fred: It turns out we have a lot in common. Sometimes bitter enemies who disgust you to your core!... Can become...ummm...
Honey Lemon: Friends?
Cora: I wouldn't push to friends Honey Lemon, remember when Mole blackmailed us?
Fred: Exactly! For now its less disgusting enemies. We'll see where this goes.
Hiro: Keep an eye out still. Just in case things go south.
*Around the early dawn Kaguya, Kage, and Baymax 1 had just arrived off the bus nearby the coastal shorelines just outside of San Fransokyo. They had packed enough supplies and a tent for both to sleep as the ingredient search may take days.*
Kaguya: Now remember Kage, have Baymax close to you as you search for these herbs. This is where most of what I need from land grow the best. I will be at sea, I'll call you when I've gathered them all.
Kage: Understood.
*And so, Kaguya walks down the hill to the sandy beach where the moonlight reflects beautifully on the water. She takes a deep breath as she soon runs into the water and dives in; soon her human legs become the elegant green and silver tail, swimming swiftly and carefully through the water. Kage sighs as he starts searching for any of the herbs listed in the paper. But once or twice he would look out the ocean and sigh, a forlorn look in his eyes.*
Baymax 1: You're neurotransmitters are low. Would you like a hug?
*Baymax wraps his arms around Kage as his inner heat monitor rises to warm the man through this cold night.*
Kage: I'm sorry... I was just... lost in thought... the beach was one of our favorite places to go on our dates.
Baymax: Dates?
Kage:... Chara and I. We used to stroll through the sand just talking about our life, the water hitting our feet, and us holding hands...
*Kage looks down at his own hands, remembering how Chara's hands would fit his perfectly.*
Baymax 1: Does being on the beach trouble you Kage?
Kage: Not as much as I thought it would thankfully. Now come on, we better get moving.
*And so they continue to search for the ingredients ahead while Kaguya searches through the fathoms below... unaware of a large figure swimming close by where Kaguya is... and three heads peeking through the water staring at the man and Baymax. Meanwhile Fred is setting up the movie marathon with Mole with snacks and drinks.*
Mole: Whoa! Frederickson, I didn't expect your fancave to be so... dare I say, off the chain? Even your Captain Fancy collection is banging!*Spots the underpants* Wait! Is that?!
Fred: The original underpants Captain Fancy wore in the first Captain Fancy movie! The one and only!
Mole: Oh how did I misjudge you? You're obviously a man of taste and intellect.
Fred: Yes, and you are a boy of taste and intellect, obviously.
Mole: I look forward to this new relationship based on respect and pop culture references.
*And so the two shake hands on it and start up the movies.*
Fred: Now lets do this! See you on the other side!
*Super Sonic Sue pulls up Steamer to a familiar lair so they could talk one on one.*
Steamer: How dare you woman!
Sue: You're a relic Steamer! Ever heard of a little innovation called Electricity?
*She starts up the lights of the lair to brighten the room.*
Steamer: And during the great black out who's operation stayed up and running hmm?! Not the dark Moler I can tell you that.
Sue: Mole was a good bad man. Made me these!
*She shows her electric shoulder pads to demonstrate.*
Steamer: Let me at least sit in my steam room one last time. So I can perish with clear sinuses.
Sue: Perish?
Steamer: Don't you plan to liquidate me and become Boss Awesome's number one nemesis?
Sue: No, don't be stupid. I have a proposition- super villain team up!
Steamer: With you?! Ha! I can defeat Boss Awesome myself... although that has not transpired as of yet admittedly...
Sue: Don't get steamed... get even!
Steamer: Ooh~ That's pretty good can I use it?
Sue: Knock yourself out! Boss Awesome will never see the two of us coming!
*And so the two share a diabolical, most evil laugh together as they think about the final defeat of Boss Awesome.*
Steamer:... You can untie me now...
*Around that time Kaguya had found nearly all the under sea herbs and roots for the medicine, noting how the coral has been inhabiting new fish in the coming season. Along side the herbs and roots were seaweed and kelp along with clams. Those items are gonna be their supper when they return home. She turns around to swim back when she spots a creature swimming through the ocean... the creature that had escaped Sycorax..*
Kaguya: Orso Knox?
*The monster turns his head to see if he had heard correctly. When he sees Kaguya he wiped his eyes before he swims up towards her, unbelieving yet skeptical over how and why a mermaid is here and could understand him.*
Knox: Hello... do I know you?... Miss Mermaid?
Kaguya: You do not, but I do know you from my granddaughter.
Knox: Granddaughter?
Kaguya: Yes. How is your time at the sea?
Knox: Its a lot of getting used to... I almost attracted three different whales with this hum.
*He lets out the same hum to which Kaguya chuckles*
Kaguya: You do realize that is a mating call correct?
Knox: Oh... Oh!... There's also the fact that... you exists...
Kaguya: You know about Oceanus?
Knox: Yes... somewhat... I only got a close look before they could spot me. Its so strange... seeing one in flesh and blood after reading them from myths and legends is quiet the experience.
Kaguya: Of course... now I'm on my to collect the final things I need for a... medicine I am making.
Knox: Would you mind if I accompany you?
Kaguya: Of course... what for?
Knox: There has been other mermaids that had been sneaking around these waters... they've been looking off the water to the small cliff...searching for something...
Kaguya: … how many did you see? And what did they look like?
Knox: Three mermaids, all with silver hair and scales, and have small bags containing what I believe is rope and a net...
Kaguya: And they have been staring at the surface?... Oh no! I have to warn Kage!
*Knox calls out to Kaguya as she speeds her way out of the way, her heart racing a mile a minute.*
Knox: What is going on? What do those mermaids do?
Kaguya: They are sirens who have been kidnapping people and stealing their treasures! And now they're back!
*Kage is resting at his tent, his Baymax already charging down to rest for the time. He looks out the ocean, memories of Chara and himself in their youth start playing. Whether it was funny and playful or romantic and intimate, it always felt that this was their special place, their retreat in this bleak world... He sighs as he lies down to start dozing off... when he heard a small song playing in the distance... getting up he gets from his sleeping bag, listening closely to find the source of the song... only for his eyes to be covered in a blissful haze. Kaguya arrives near the beach where once she sees no other people around, dries herself off and runs up to the tent.*
Kaguya: Baymax! Baymax wake up!
*Their Baymax activates at the sound of Kaguya's voice.*
Baymax 1: Hello, I am Baymax. Kage's personal Healthcare companion. The sound of your voice indicates distress, what seems to be the trouble?
Kaguya: Is Kage nearby? Scan the area.
Baymax 1: Scanning.
*A few minutes pass Baymax finishes his scanning.*
Baymax: I cannot locate Kage.
Kaguya: Oh no!... Alright.. think Kaguya. The sirens would not have gotten far, especially since its near harvest moon...
*She looks out to the sea where she then turns to Baymax. Now her face becomes stern with determination.*
Kaguya: We're gonna need a little help.
*Around that time, the Son of Kaiju finally concludes with a touching ending where the monster carries his newborn baby back to the sea to live in peace, while the man who has a connection to the monster could only smile happily for him and the child, thus concluding his epic saga.*
Fred:*Sniffs and blows nose on tissue* We did it Mole, we watched all-
*But when he turns his head to regard Mole, the young boy is already fast asleep. Fred places a blanket on the sleeping boy as he starts preparing himself for bed.*
Fred: Goodnight Mole.
*But once Mole is left alone, his eyes open to reveal... it was a trap! The next morning Fred comes in with Minimax by his side to greet Mole.*
Fred: Rise and shine Mole. Minimax is gonna make you his famous breakfast burritos.
Minimax: I substitute a pancake for a tortilla!
Fred: Wakey wakey! Who wants pancakeys-
*But when he pulls off the blanket off Mole, all he sees is a stuffed plush replica of the boy.*
Fred: No way! Richardson has a pillow double?
Minimax: Minimaximum suspicious!
*Minimax scans the room to find one thing off connecting to Mole's disappearances.*
Minimax: It appears that your prized undergarments are missing!
Fred: No they aren't there right-
*But a closer look to the case they see its just a pair of boxers with mole's grinning face on it.*
Fred:*Gasp* Mole!
*He pulls out the phone Mole left him and turns it on to see Mole's video message.*
Mole: Thanks to you Frederickson my Captain Fancy Collection just got fancier!
Fred: What?!
Mole: I set up that Noodle Burger tasting to lure you into my trap!
Fred: I thought we were buds?!
Mole: I knew you'd think we were buds! *Laughs*
Fred: You're not gonna get away with this?!
Mole: And I'm gonna get away with this!
Fred: But I have evidence!
Mole: Burn!
*The phone burns itself out to hide all of his messages to Fred to hide away his theft.*
Fred: Ow! *Drops burning phone*
Minimax: I will cool it.
*He sprays water out of his finger to cool it. It explodes to pieces as a result.*
Minimax: I should not have used water.
Fred: No.. probably not.
Minimax: What are you going to do?
Fred: There's only one thing left to do Minimax, Revenge-!
*Just then his TV screen lights up with a message from Hiro.*
Hiro: Fred, we got a message from steamer! Meet us at school!
Fred: Blast! Looks like revenge will have to be served cold.
*Once Fred meets up at school Hiro places the wax cylinder on the phonograph to listen.*
Steamer: Big Hero 7! I'm recording this while Sue is in the potty, I don't think she washes her hands so I have to be quick!
*The entire gang gringes at the info they did not want to hear.*
Wasabi: Not cool Sue, not cool!
Steamer: Take heed heroes, Sue's secret skate lair is in an abandoned factory near the docks. I can't believe I used this precious time to record a wax cylinder instead of escaping! Anyway, Hurry!
Gogo: That is a trap.
Wasabi: Yeah, she probably made him record that.
Cora: Not to mention there's a chance they would team up.
Honey Lemon: But we still have to go to stop them right?
Fred: I put my underpants vengeance on hold for this?!
*The gang stare at him in response, not understanding why Fred would say that.*
Fred: I'll explain on the way.
*And so the supers suit up and start their way to the docks, all the while Hiro and Cora conduct a plan to stop Sue and possibly Steamer.*
Hiro: Gogo will have to go to the back door to skate past Sue to at least knock out her balance at the moment.
Cora: That's when Honey Lemon will join in and dispense her chem balls to glue Sue's skates!
Hiro: Then we look for Steamer and have Fred and Wasabi cut off whatever contraption he made to battle us.
Fred: You know, the way you guys say it sounds a lot sounder.
Hiro: Well we can't just barge in if we suspect there would be a trap right?
*A few moments pass by, with the six of the seven members staring into space.*
Baymax: You all have seem to have lost your train of thought.
Cora: Sorry Baymax! *To Fred* Anyway, I can't believe Mole tricked you to get your collectibles!
Fred: Yeah! And to think I almost considered him a friend. Which is after this I'm gonna set up my revenge and steal my underpants back.
Cora: Just what kind of revenge are you planning? I might have a couple ideas for you to use...
*After hearing Cora's suggestions Fred grins*
Fred: I'll keep that mind.
Hiro: Cora, have you gotten a word from your Grandmother and Kage?
Cora: Their Baymax said that they would be a little busy right now but hopefully should be home by the end of the day.
*As of while the sirens had just surfaced up in an underwater cave after swiftly swimming through the ocean to inspect their new victim. Kage is fast asleep and thankfully did not inhale much water.*
Muya: What do you think Sisters? Is this man something or what?
Lula: He is a little easy on the eyes...
Uma: But he's so scrawny!
Lula: Perhaps, not good enough to be a guard...
*Just behind them Kaguya is swiftly swimming through the water, sneaking behind them as her fingers start to cackle with electricity.*
Uma: Lets take a closer look shall we?
*The three sirens remove the net as the oldest, Muya, leans in to check his health when he eyes widened in recognition.*
Muya: Wait a minute!
Lula: what is it sister?
Muya: This man… he looks like that little boy!
*Kaguya leans in to hear the conversation, her interest peaking when she sees that somehow...Kage is familiar to them.*
Uma: You're right! That's the boy who always spent his time with one of our handmaidens!
Muya: We can't risk the girl recognizing him and plan a escape. Toss him to the waves.
*Handmaidens? Guards?... Did they just say.. that Kage knew one of their handmaidens- A piece of rock fell to the water, alerting the sisters to seeing Kaguya.*
Muya: Oh its you.
Lula: What an unpleasant surprise little sister.
Uma: Last we met you and that machine blasted us out to the middle of the pacific!
Muya: *Grins maliciously* But at least you have no one to help you now!
*The three sirens launch at the elder mermaid, swimming through the water in with ease they all give out their punches and scratches to each other. At one point Kaguya lept out of the water to momentarily escape before diving back. The splash of the water hit Kage's face which knocks him awake. He looks around to find himself in a underwater cave with an air pocket for him to breath. He takes a closer look to the water to see the sirens and Kaguya battling it out. Taking this as a chance to find a way out and get help he looks for any crevice's or cracks that would hopefully lead him to the surface. While he did he found odd trinkets which most certainly did not belong to the sirens. A rose bobby pin, a fishermen's badge, an old music box, and-*
Kage:...It can't be...
*Walking towards it he sees a baby blue hair scrunchie. Picking it up he lightly touches it.. that's when he sees the initials sewn onto the hair scrunchie... C.B... The only one he knew who had a scrunchie with their initials sewn was-*
Kaguya: AAAH!
*Kage snaps out of his thoughts and returns to focus on the fight, to which he sees Kaguya being dragged down by two of the sirens with the one holding what seems to be a large rock. His eyes widening he grabs a sharp piece of stone and dives in. Kaguya is pinned to the ground, her face receiving cuts and bruises. But before the siren could finish the job, a sharp stone slashes her arm, making her drop the stone in pain. She turns her head to see Kage, his eyes furrowed. Taking this time Kaguya snaps out of her sister's hands and quickly grabs Kage to swim as fast as she could, with the sirens hot on their trail.*
Kaguya: Hold on Kage! We're getting out of here!
*Meanwhile, the gang had arrived at the abandoned warehouse where the team take their positions. Once they do Baymax blasts through the wall to enter inside with Hiro and Cora.* Sue comes through to face the three.
Sue: Oh no! The circus is in town, how did you ever find me?
Cora: Lucky guess.
*Gogo zooms into the action but before she could at least even move Steamer comes out with his new steam powered machine to fight them. Taking this as a cue the other three join in only for Sue to zoom past them to knock em out of balance.*
Steamer: You fell for our trap!
Gogo: Just for the record, we already knew.
Sue: Aw, widdle heroes outsmarted by maturity!
Wasabi: Why are you talking like that?
Sue: Cause its funny! Lighten up!
*She hits up her electric pads and slams them to knock them all off balance one more. With that they both rise up to deliver the painful blow to Big Hero 7.*
Cora: Everybody run!
*And so they all split up to get away from the claws of Steamer's machine.*
Sue: Who's ready for a butt to the gut?
Fred: Ready and ooh!
*Sue slams her butt to Fred's gut which knocks him out to the wall and land in the open box crate.*
Steamer: One down, six to go!
*Honey Lemon dodges her way out to the flames to which she quickly pulls out her chem balls to throw at it to burst it to water, distinguishing them before they could hit her. But while she did that Sue takes this opportunity to use the strap of her chem purse to spin her out.*
Sue: Thanks for the whip toothpick!
*And soon Honey Lemon is dunked to the box where Fred is in.*
Honey Lemon; Name calling is totally immature!
Sue: Super Sonic Sue-me why don't cha?
Wasabi: How about this instead?
*Wasabi brings out his laser blades to fight her, but her quick moves soon enough wear him out as he couldn't keep up and exhausts himself.*
Sue: That all you got Laser paws?
Wasabi: *pant*... give me *Pant* a second...
*She then knocks Wasabi out.*
Sue: Who else wants a shoulder sandwhich!
*Gogo zooms into action to challenge Sue to which the villainous skater happily accepts. This is payback time for Gogo. They skate across the warehouse as Baymax, Hiro, and Cora jump in.*
Hiro: Blades Master watch out!
*Wasabi quickly rolls his way out of Steamer's flames. But soon Steamer brings out his hammer to smash him only to be stopped by Baymax. Hiro and Cora quickly get off to help Wasabi out of the way.*
Steamer: This isn't my first rodeo junior!
*As Steamer goes after the four, Gogo zooms after Sue. Cora notices this and soon starts charging up her electric gloves, all the while running for her life from Steamer. But once Sue gets the lead she slams her elbow pad to stun all of them to the ground, making Cora's gloves crackles before they kaput for now.*
Gogo: Omega Danger, Rocket fist!
*Baymax brings out his rocket fist-*
Sue: Taunting* Omega Danger, rocket fist!
*The pushes the position to of the rocket fist to the crates behind Gogo which soon pin her down.*
Sue: *To Baymax* Well, looks like its down to you Fire truck!
Hiro: Baymax, Over Drive mode!
Cora: Wait don't!-
Baymax: Over Drive Mode initiated.
*Baymax obeyed Hiro's command and transformed himself to Over Drive Mode.*
Sue: Hey Steamer! Can your bug thing do that?
Steamer: Of please its all flash.
*Sue tries to slam the bot but is repelled back. Then Steamer tries to take a whack at him but is stopped. Baymax uses his wings to battle them out and cuts out the legs of Steamer's machine.*
Steamer: No! Those were low bearing leds.
Hiro: Nice one!
Cora: Dude! Over Drive mode only lasts a few minutes! And you use it on the one bad guy who outran Velocity?!
Hiro:... Oh no..
Sue: Oh no is right kiddo! He's got the power but does he have the endurance?
Gogo: Crap.
*And sure enough Sue speeds around Baymax, exhausting his battery much faster than normal and reverts to being regular Omega Danger... but now he's a battery deprived, drunk robot.*
Baymax: you're sO FaST… WhER'd sHe go?
*He falls to the ground exhausted.*
Sue: Aw, big foot down.
Baymax: TiMe FoR NaP nAp.
Sue: No Substitute for a bad attitude.
Steamer: We still got it! *Evil Laugh*
Sue: *Evil laugh*
*Soon enough the two villains are competing for the last laugh.*
Wasabi: Are you actually competing for the last laugh?
Sue: Lets finish this later.
Steamer: Agreed.
*She sneaks in her last laugh.*
Sue: I win!
Gogo: I'd give this trap a C minus!
Steamer: Oh we're not through yet! This was just the trap's preamble!
Sue: With Big Hero 7 on the ropes, Boss Awesome will be forced to come here and save you nitwits!
Steamer: But he won't suspect Super Sonic Sue and Baron Von Steamer to be fighting side by side! And finally-
Sue and Steamer: We'll have our revenge!
*The villainous duo laugh until they hear the spingle of a cowboy boot.*
Steamer: Wait, who's the cowboy?
Cora: No way!
Boss Awesome: Hey, this isn't my first rodeo.
Steamer: I said that just five minutes ago! Didn't I just say that?
*Soon Boss Awesome steps out of the shadows to face his two old enemies once more.*
Boss Awesome: But not dressed like this; now the quip has layers.
Sue and Steamer: Boss Awesome!
Fred: Dad!
Boss Awesome: Good to see you too son!... That is you in there right?
Fred: Yeah! Oh and BTdubs, this is a trap.
Sue: I knew you couldn't resist the classic villain team up!
Boss Awesome: You know me too well Susie. So you know I'm not gonna let you win
Sue: Ha! You'll never beat the two of us! Mostly because of me, but also because you've been out of the game Boss Dinosaur!
Fred: She's right Dad! Its been a while since you were in an over the top, climatic super hero fight. Be careful!
Boss Awesome: Thanks kids, but I got this!
*And so the fight between Super Sonic Sue, Baron Von Steamer, and Boss Awesome begins! With Steamer using his steam gun he is able to blind Boss Awesome while Super Sonic Sue zooms in to knock him out. Boss Awesome rolls back up to clash with Super sonic Sue, both determined to pin the other down. And soon enough he picks her up and slam dunks her down to the ground. Soon Steamer joins in the fight as did Sue, with Boss Awesome dodging out of the way and using the classic, come get me hand gesture. The villainous duo punch Boss Awesome to a wall only for his feet to steady himself to crack the wall itself.*
Boss Awesome: I call this one the blender!
*Soon he propels himself, spinning like a blender and a blow to Steamer.*
Sue: Oh yeah? Well I call this one the flying squirrel!
*With that she launches up and slams her whole body to Boss Awesome, pinning him down.*
Sue:*Evil Laugh* Prepare to be defeated by your real number one enemy!
*Suddenly a gust of steam pushes Sue out of the way.*
Steamer: There's only one room for Boss Awesome's number one enemy and that one is me! *Evil laugh*
Boss Awesome: Under swing!
*He kicks Steamer out of the way and into the very crate Fred and Honey Lemon landed on. Soon enough Fred slams the lid and Honey Lemon uses her chem ball to glue it to place.*
Fred: Nice one dad!
Boss Awesome: The inverted hammer! It never fails!
Cora: *helping Hiro up* OK now, lets call the cops and get these baddies to prison retirement!
Hiro: What a crazy time for us huh?
Cora: Yup! I give this super hero climax an A plus!
*As of while Kaguya is zooming through the surface of the ocean with Kage, trying to outswim the sister. Soon enough the two see sharks swimming towards her to which she propels herself through the water while throwing Kage up in the air before she catches him. Kaguya turns her head to see the sisters still after them when she gets an idea. She takes a deep breath before gentle vibrations are felt through the water. Soon enough, an unlikely ally comes to their rescue.*
Knox: *Growl*
*Knox punches out the sharks which causes them to scurry away and see the sirens, now with determined and disgusted looks on their face.*
Muya: So the rumors are true...you are the creature of the world above!
Uma: How disgusting!
Lula: you're even more hideous up close!
*The three sirens swim forward to deliver a triple punch to Knox but he swiftly swims up and launch himself to them. With that Kaguya grabs pushes Kage up to the surface and calls a dolphin to help him swim the rest of the way to shore. Finally Kaguya joins the fight with Knox and soon enough, with Kaguya's trickery and Knox's strength, they manage to trap them all in sea weed with their arms and tails unmovable. *
Kaguya: Thank you Mr. Knox.
Knox; What do you suppose we do to them?
Kaguya: For now I better head back to-
Muya: Orso Knox? The human who had been the monster among the land folk?
Uma: Sickening. So this is what Sycorax is doing!
Knox: Did you just say Sycorax?!
Lula: Yes! Their ship is often found here at night, collecting bits and pieces of the sea.
Muya: Rumors are that they are looking for a certain... beast in the water...
*Kaguya looks at Knox before she thinks over what she overheard at the grotto. At the shore Kage successfully crawls his way back to shore where he sheepishly waves at the dolphin who happily chirps back and swims back home. He then pulls out the scrunchie in his pocket, his eyes glimmering with memories and confusion.*
Baymax: Hello Kage.
Kage: *looks up to see Baymax standing in front of him.* Oh! Baymax!... How do you do?
Baymax: Your body temperature is low, I will warm you up.
*Baymax pulls out a blanket and wraps it around his shoulder and hugs him, using his built in heater to warm him up. Kage sighs at the warmth and at the scrunchie, his thoughts running wildly about all this.*
Kaguya: Kage!
*Kage looks up to see Kaguya crawling up to the sandy beach, which he immediately uses a spare blanket to dry her off before anyone could even see her.*
Kage: Are you alright?
Kaguya: I'm fine Kage, had some help with a friend.
*She turns her head to see the top of Orso Knox wink at the two before swimming off.*
Kage; What happened to the sirens?
Kaguya: Orso Knox is keeping guard of them.
Kage: what? What for?
Kaguya:...It seems like they know something interesting about the woman who has been spinning Big Hero 7 on the ropes... they could have information about Sycorax.
Kage: But how do we know they aren't lying?
Kaguya: I know something that can help us. It is something very powerful that could distinguish a lie from truth. But right now lets just head back home and start assembling the medicine. These questions will have to be answered later.
*With that the three walk off, with Kage staring at the sea then at the scrunchie... yes... later they will talk.*
*Meanwhile the police had arrived and are currently taking the two villains to prison.*
Sue: *To Gogo* You know, I gotta thank you Skater tot?
Gogo: Yeah? For what?
Sue: Inspiring me to lace up after all these years. I saw you tearing it up on the news and knew I had some skate left in me.
Gogo: Super Sonic Sue- me why don't cha?
Sue: Nice.
Boss Awesome: Lets do this again sometime... say ten to twenty years? Haha, classic!
Steamer: Settle one thing: which of us is your arch enemy?
Boss Awesome: My arch enemy?... Cabbage soup! I love it, but it doesn't love me!
*And so Steamer screams to the sky, knowing he is second place to cabbage soup.*
Steamer: NOOOOOO!
Baymax: NOOOOOO!
Cora: Omega Danger whats wrong?!
Baymax: RiGHt?
*Hiro face palms as Cora sighs. That's when she gets a text from her phone.*
Cora: Awesome! Grandmama and Kage are back home! Man I can't wait to tell them about today!
Fred: Well, it looks like there's one more thing to wrap up!
*Later that night Fred dons his chameleon suit to take back his prized collectible from Mole's hands. When he reaches to the Mole Hole however, all he sees is Mole...with just his action figures.*
Mole: I know you guys didn't think I could pull it off, Well get ready to be amazed! Meet the newest addition to my Captain Fancy Collection! OK who's hungry for pizza? Anchovies? Not again Christopher! Oh good idea Hector I'll go see if they have any coupons! Oh don't worry Brittney I'll get a gluten free option.
*Later on Fred returns home.*
Minimax: Was vengeance served? I do not detect your prized undergarments.
Fred: No Minimax, Mole needs those underpants a lot more than I do. Turns out he collects to fill a friendship void. Probably wouldn't have it if he wasn't so creepy and rude, but it definitely cost him company. I felt bad for the little jerk so I let him keep them.
Minimax: Your nobility is immense!
Fred: Its like my dad said, a real hero helps everyone in need. Even his enemies.
Minimax: Help, an enemy? You have blown my mind!*His head bursts into flames to which he puts out*… I'm in need of repair.
Fred: Yeah... but that doesn't mean he isn't exactly off the hook for tricking me. So I placed a little prank.
*The next day, Mole receives a package labeled Captain Fancy Vs Humax fist, a movie that had yet to premier. Mole gasps in excitement and soon starts playing it. The opening credits start with the promise of the epic fight when-*
Singer: Never gonna give you up! Never gonna let you down! Not gonna run around and desert you!~
*The face Mole had spoke volumes in itself. As of while Fred is with his Dad, spending time together in the lair talking about all the adventures they had.*
A.N: Here's Super Sonic Sue! Sorry for the delay, school and such! Didn't expect the sirens or Orso Knox huh? FYW, if you wanna learn more about the Sirens, check out Steamer's Revenge and Oceanic Secrets! Love you all!
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astrangeevent2002 · 6 years
Nightmare Neighbour (Young!Sirius Black x Reader) Chapter 4
A/N: Kinda domestic and stuff but I like it.
Word Count: 1164
Warnings: Weed, sex mentions.
Requested: No but y’all seem to like it.
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Your POV:
"Open up! My dear sugar and spice and all things nice! It's the platonic love of your life! Open up!" Sirius yelled while pounding on Andy's door.
You rolled your eyes.
"Are you sure she's even home?" you asked.
"She's always home. She's either asleep or high off her ass."
"Welcome loser!" the door opened to reveal a short, chubby girl with bright yellow hair that tapered off into a neon green ombre at the very split ends just above her shoulders.
"Or both," Sirius nodded.
"Losers? Who's the company, my little star?"
It took all your will-power to not cringe at the nicknames even if they were most likely ironic, from what you could tell.
"This is my f-"
"If you say anything other than ex-schoolmate right now I will punch you in that painfully bruised nose," you threatened.
"Is it really bruised?" Sirius muttered, slightly worried.
"Ooh! She's spicy! I'm adopting her!" Andy called out loudly.
"Good. Because you're keeping her overnight," Sirius motioned with one hand while the other continued to poke at his nose for any sign of bruising.
"Well. My casa is your casa or whatever," Andy motioned for you to enter her flat.
Moving the beaded curtains out of the way you stepped in.
Sirius' POV:
He watched casually as you barely took half a step in before you came rushing back out again in a fit of coughing and choking.
"What. The. Fuck!" you said, still coughing a bit.
"Weed," Andy responded casually with a shrug of her shoulders.
"Want some?" Sirius asked.
"I think I'm good," you groaned. "Don't think I can stay in there though. No offence, Andy."
"None taken."
Sirius chuckled dryly and turned to you with a smile.
"Why are you grinning like the Cheshire cat?" you asked.
"Because, sweetie-pie, we are exactly back where we started so pick again. My bed or the stairs?"
"There is no way on this Earth that I'll sleep in the same flat as you," you crossed your arms.
"And there's no way in hell that I'll let you stay out here where someone could straight up stab you, babe."
Sirius grabbed both your shoulders from behind and pushed you in the direction of his flat.
"Goodnight Andy!"
"'Night Sirius."
Your POV:
So you may have argued about it a little but with no other clear option you didn't put up much of a fight and settled for letting yourself get dragged towards Sirius' apartment.
Either way, it would probably be better than getting stabbed or chocking on the stench of weed.
"So this is probably gonna be some messy bachelor pad where you bring all your girls and have random crap all over the walls right?" you picked at a hangnail.
"Sure, hun!" He finished unlocking his door. "Welcome to my humble abode!"
You grabbed the box of stuff and entered the flat. You walked down the short hallway, flipped on the light and damn near almost dropped your box of crap.
It was almost spotless with a neatly made bed and not a single item of clothing or a dirty dish in sight. The air smelled clean although that could've been the disappearance of the pee smell that was very prominent in the staircase.
"You might want to pick your jaw up off the floor," Sirius chuckled.
"Tell me you cleaned specifically coz you were planning on getting laid tonight," you said, in total awe of the utter state of cleanliness in his flat.
"There's usually some dishes in the sink but it normally looks like this," Sirius shrugged, "I guess my bitch of a mother actually taught me something."
You nodded and placed the box on the dinner table.
"Although, just for your information, it's usually their place, not mine."
"Ew," you grimaced, "You disgust me!"
"Do you want to take a shower first?"
You shook your head, "I think you need it a bit more after your little fall on the steps."
He chuckled and headed over to the bathroom.
In the meantime, you thought you'd take a moment to snoop around.
You heard the shower running and you looked through a few of the drawers in Sirius' wardrobe. Clothes. Clothes. More clothes.
You decided to check out his bedside table drawers.
You opened the top drawer and found a travel pack of tissues, some takeaway menus and other notes scribbled on pieces of paper and post-its and, obviously, condoms.
The second drawer was more interesting from the looks of it. It had a few photos and old sketches of maps and plans for pranks. It still wasn't anything special or unexpected so you settled for sitting on the edge of the bed until Sirius finished showering.
It didn't take long.
"You're up next, sugar!" Sirius shouted to you as a towel hit the back of your head.
He walked out of the bathroom fully dressed because unlike books and fanfiction, in the real world people got dressed before they left the bathroom.
You walked into the bathroom and had just clipped your hair up and taken your top off when you realised you didn't know how to work the shower.
You poked your head out the door and while trying to keep your chest covered by the door, you asked, "Hey Black! How do I work the shower?"
"Flick the switch and press the big blue button and then adjust the dial for temperature!" he yelled back from the little kitchenette area.
You did exactly as he said and turned the shower on before stripping down and getting in.
You very quickly realised that the dial was completely opposite so hot was cold and cold was hot.
Hot also wasn't particularly hot so you got out after your luke-warm shower smelling very manly after having no choice but to use Sirius' 17-in-1 shower gel, shampoo, conditioner, hairspray, hair gel, motor oil, petrol, window cleaner, bleach and Godrick knows what else.
"Yes, cutie-pie?"
"Can I borrow some clothes?"
"Sure but you're gonna have to come and get them!"
You rolled your eyes.
"Very funny, Black! Just give them."
The door opened a tiny crack and Sirius' arm came through holding a bundle of clothes.
"Take them."
You did as he said and slipped on the boxers and T-shirt that he passed you. You opted for no shorts as the shorts he gave you reached to the middle of your calf.
You quickly hand washed your tights and panties in the sink so they'd be clean for tomorrow and walked out of the bathroom.
"Here dork!" you chucked Sirius' shorts at his head and went over to the radiator, "You don't mind if I hang some shit up to dry do you?"
He simply just shook his head.
You went over to the bed that he was lying on and collapsed next to him, face first into the pillow he was leaning his elbow on.
"I'm so tired."
HP Universe:
Sirius Black:
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ecotone99 · 5 years
[SP] Gazing at Flowers
In this world
we walk on the roof of hell,
gazing at flowers.
- Kobayashi Issa
In Mallorca, a tranquil Spanish island, she perished on the last day before her eighteenth birthday. Next to a small church, red Amapola flowers were dancing voluptuously under the glamour of the setting sun. The Amapola flowers were made of every single red blood cells of her naive yet flamboyant corpse. That night, all the lights on the island went off and all the water surrounding the island transformed into ice.
She was born in a poor village in Peru next to the Andes Mountains and was nurtured by the milk of a ewe. Her expressive eyes possessed the enchantment of a Spanish girl whereas her innocent smile reflected the purity of an Inca girl. Her slightly tanned skin intertwined with the incandescent beams of sunlight. She was mesmerized by the mystique of Chuquiragua flowers on the silvery mountains ever since her early childhood. The flowers were layers and layers of fiery golden flames. A tiny church with white bricks was concealed amid the Chuquiragua. Every Sunday, she came here to sing the holy hymns with her flawless voice in front of the statue of the Virgin Mary. It was a weekly routine for her.
As she became a teenager, the golden hue of the Chuquiragua preoccupied her recurrent dreams as if these flowers were insurmountable torches that lit up the darkness of her distorted land. She was quite intelligent and determined as she solved hard math problems ceaselessly every day until midnight. She was the best at math in her class and many students enjoyed copying her homework solutions. Nevertheless, she always seemed to be pensive because she was cursed to be born in melancholia. Instead of gossiping with other girls in middle school, she spent hours and hours of futility contemplating the tragic past, present, and future of South America as she began secretly reading novels by García Márquez during the absurd and dull English classes. Profesor Lobo, the English teacher, even managed to mispronounce the word “blood” as “blued”! The allure of Chuquiragua flowers seemed to be the only refuge of her adolescent soul full of ineffable solitude.
When she was fourteen, her heart became seemingly less desolate as Matsu moved to her village. Matsu was a boy of her age, whose grandparents immigrated from Japan to Peru. Although he had a Japanese name, he could not speak the language fluently as everyone around him spoke Spanish since he was growing up. Like her, he also possessed a taciturn nature. He never spoke a word when other students were chattering loudly. It appeared that his only entertainment was drawing on his sketchbook. When he was drawing, he concentrated completed on every single stroke made by his pencil so that his mind was in a void of silence. Once during English class, Matsu was entirely immersed in the minute detail of his piece of art that he did not even notice anything when profesor Lobo approached him. Profesor Lobo was extremely furious for his student being so disrespectful, he snatched away Matsu’s stretch book with disdain and revealed what he drew to the whole class — the body of a naked woman, with the perfect shape and silhouette. All the students, except for her, laughed out loud with mockery.
“It’s… it’s just for practicing my skills for sketching.” Matsu murmured helplessly.
Two lonely adolescents souls connected. They talked about literature and art, about unfeasible dreams and desires, about their naïveté…
One day, they were climbing up the mountain filled with Chuquiragua flowers. They were gazing at the flowers. Unexpectedly, he said, “Beautiful flowers. Even though I don’t speak Japanese well, I still memorized a few Haikus. One of them goes like this:
In this world
we walk on the roof of hell,
gazing at flowers.”
“The author of this poem Kobayashi Issa lived a miserable life. He was an orphan since he was a little kid. My parents passed away by cholera right after I was born. Grandpa told me that they named me Matsu, which means pine trees. My parents wanted me to stay strong no matter what. I can’t even remember how they look like. Grandpa raised me all by himself. I’m glad I find such beautiful flowers when I’m almost living in hell.” A few drops of tears appeared on Matsu’s face. He took out his sketchbook and drew a Chuquiragua flower in tranquility. Layers and layers of golden flames were igniting on the paper.
When she was sixteen, her family decided to move to Spain for a better life. “How ironic…”, she thought herself, “They destroyed our land five hundred years ago… and now… but still… I don’t want my family to live in poverty.” Eventually, they arrived at a small island called Mallorca. There were no Chuquiragua flowers on this Spanish island. Chuquiragua only belonged to the Andes mountain. Instead, Mallorca was covered with red Amapola. These flowers created a lustrous yet nostalgic sensation. She missed Matsu.
She started her baccalaureate studies at a Catholic high school in a small town in Mallorca in the hope that her life would get better. However, her lifelong curse of melancholia was twisting and swirling, until it became a menacing red cloud hovering over her vulnerable shoulder. Every day, her eardrums were punctured by all the insulting words her classmates said about her: her cellphone was almost broken, her family was lazy and poor, South Americans were barbaric and inferior compared to Spanish people, her skin tone was as dark as dirty as “mierda”, she was an ugly and disgusting “puta” who slept with many old perverts… They spilled black ink and wrote many words with profanity on her notebooks and then threw her notebooks into the toilet trash can. And after that, they pulled her long dark hair and tore up her collar. Her fragile neck and her delicate breasts were filled with impuissant scars and brackish blood. All she could do was silently wiping off her tears. The horrid voices brutally cracked every single joint of her spinal cord until her brain stem was screaming with diabolic blood flow. Everything around her started their deformation and metamorphosis as the desks, the chairs, the blackboard, the ceiling, and the floor were all swelling with bleeding pustules. The red glistening Amapola flowers outside the window smiled at her with desolation. She wished Matsu was there.
Nevertheless, she attempted to use her intelligence to escape from the hellish reality. She started to learn Catalan at a surprisingly fast pace that after a few months she wrote some poems in the new language she learned. She continued to do all the hard math problems she could find as she believed that the rational steps solving derivatives and integrals could make her temporarily forget about her emotional pain and isolation. She was scrutinizing the techniques of integrating a trigonometric function while the nun started her repetitive and banal lecture about Catholicism. She eventually placed first in a regional math competition but her classmates threw her medal away with sarcasm just like how they threw away her notebooks. She stared at the window and the petals of red Amapola were fading away in the summer sunlight. She knew that she would never see Matsu again.
When her classmates were discussing the popular online romance novels, she viewed their hedonistic taste with despise. She was fascinated by García Márquez’s Strange Pilgrims, a collection of story stories about dissociated Latin Americans living in foreign European countries. When she was reading the stories, she felt some kind of bizarre nostalgia as she reminisced the incandescent Chuquiragua flowers standing vehemently on the Andes mountains.
When she was sitting on a wooden bench in the last row and secretly reading Strange Pilgrims during the Sunday mass, a sentence from the book caught her eyes, “Light is like water. You turn on the tap and out it comes.” All of a sudden, the iridescent facades were deliquescing. Countless beams of sparkling light were splashing down to the ground and kaleidoscopic water was flowing all over the floor of the church. The candles next to the crucifix dissolved into golden water that traversed across the wooden benches. The priest and all the people sitting on the benches vanished abruptly. The benches moved and mingled together. Their shape altered and turned into a wooden boat. She sat on the boat. And the boat floated outside the Gothic church door, across the streets that were immersed in chromatic water. There were no cars, no pedestrians, no dogs barking… Only tranquility like that of the purgatory existed. All the Amapola flowers emerged from the water and flew up to the sky. The hue of the sky transformed into that of the crimson blood. The boat was floating faster and faster and it eventually reached the edge of the island. It went into the profound waves of the ocean. It appeared that the azure waves would carry her to Peru.
Suddenly, she was on her bed and the world became nothing but darkness. The boat and the water were merely her bittersweet hallucinations. She was suffocating as if the long and dusty fingernails of her classmates struck inside her brain and broke her neutrons into pieces. She was so deeply trapped in the vicious abyss of darkness that she could barely open her eyes or move her joints. Her parents yelled at her again and again about how disgraceful she was as their child and how regretful they were of giving birth to her. She screamed back at them with the worst curse words she could think of. After a few days, her parents had no choice but to bring her to a psychiatrist. The psychiatrist examined her aloofly and prescribed her antidepressants that she had to take daily. And she had to attend the mundane psychotherapy sessions weekly in a gloomy and shattered mental institute where the wall, the doors, the ceiling, and the floor were covered with a cadaverous hue and every corner of the building was permeated with ghastly odor. Day by day, she became more and more agonizing as if the veins and bone marrows all over her body were devoured by sulfuric fluid. Her consciousness was demolished by grotesque voices of fallen angels. Until one day, she decided to end her pain by taking all the antidepressants she had at once.
She woke up from a coma with a nauseous and bloody sensation in her mouth. A man in a white coat told her that she had was admitted to the mental institute and she had to stay there until she became stable. He coerced her to take some pills and she soon felt an irksome numbness under her eyelids. She fell asleep and saw her flesh was consumed by avaricious teeth and her skeleton was engulfed in the eternal flames of the inferno. Behind a mirror, she saw her visage contorted in an inexplicable and peculiar form until it became ashes burning in the flamboyant fire. She tried to scream and shout. But her mouth disappeared and she could not even make a sound. When she was awake, she bit her finger until it was bleeding, she drew on her leg her corpse and the red Amapola flowers, the two different images were crossing and interweaving with each other. In the end, she could not differentiate between the two. She then quickly erased what she drew with her saliva so she would not catch the nurse’s attention.
The nurse brought a teenage girl into the room. She said her name was Amalia and she was born to an Andalusian father and a Swedish mother. She also said she was ethnically Jewish but she never practiced her religion because she did not believe in God.
“The reason that they brought me here was that I have an incurable mental disorder and I tried to hang myself after my boyfriend abandoned me.” Amalia murmured.
The Peruvian girl shook her head. She never had a boyfriend and she thought it was ridiculous to end one’s life because of heartbreak. Then she felt guilty for being a hypocrite when the vague silhouette of Matsu flashed through her mind. Then at midnight, Amalia began to sing a song in a foreign language. Her voice echoed with the fading moonlight.
Each day was the same for the poor girl from South America: the nightmares after taking the pills, drawing on her flesh, Amalia’s voice under the moonlight…After a week, or a month, who knows, she was sent back to her high school. Her classmates all ignored her as if she could contaminate them with her sinful soul. The day before she turned eighteen, she told the P.E. teacher that she was sick. So when all the students went to the gym, she stayed alone inside the classroom. Ruminating about the futility and agony of life, she read a verse from the Bible, “Wherefore I praised the dead which are already dead more than the living which are yet alive. Yea, better is he than both they, which hath not yet been, who hath not seen the evil work that is done under the sun.” She then immediately jumped out of the classroom window with the Bible in her pocket. She fell asleep like limbo in a chaotic world as the last beam of sunlight disappeared from the horizon. Her blood dissolved in the petals of red Amapola, so the color of flowers became redder than ever before in the dusk. That starless night, there was no light and there was no water in Mallorca.
On her eighteenth birthday, her coffin was covered with voluptuous red Amapola flowers. The flowers were eternal flames from the inferno. Being a precocious bud, she was destined to wither away before she could turn into a luscious flower. The next day, her school published an open letter stating that she would go to heaven even after sinning because she was a devoted Catholic in life and that everyone should pray for her.
submitted by /u/carpe_diem_troll [link] [comments] via Blogger https://ift.tt/2uoiOSA
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selenepie · 7 years
Mr. Perfect (Part 1)
I was always there when everything happened, but no one ever cared. They would always just glance at me and put a disgusted face. My name’s Kayla, and I’m in grade 10. I’m an average girl who’s alright in school. When I say ‘I was always there when everything happened’ I mean everything related to Mr. Perfect... The one boy who every girl would chance around to be near him or watch him.
I met him like a normal person, before he became Mr. Perfect and I will never forget that.
He came in my class, a new student, and looked almost like me in a boy version. He sat in the empty desk next to me, as all the other desks were either full, or no one wanted him next to them. He turned to his left, where I was sitting, just sketching some draws "Wow, these are really good!" I was never complemented because my art was good, I was more like, bullied because I looked like a geeky nerd who wasn't wanted any where. I kept looking to my paper, and drawing, but I responded with a 'Thanks' and continued. "My name's Nathanial. I'm new." I wasn't so nice, mostly because I wasn't such a fan of being an outgoing person. "Hi.. I'm Kayla." I responded, still drawing, focusing on my draw. "Nice to meet you Kayla!" He was so happy and energetic, like he was trying to be my friend. When I took a glance at the boy, he had green eyes, dark brown lushes hair and he was well dressed. He was also happy, and his hand was out, ready to shake my hand. I put up a smile and shake his hand, "Nice to meet you too, Nathanial." Me being the quiet lonely person, I wasn't so happy with being a friend of a stranger, but after 3 days, we were officially friends.
~~3 Days~~
N: "So, Kayla, what class do you have?" K: "I got Art." N: "Aw poo, I got Physics.." K: "Haha, good luck."
Then it happened...
???: "Ew, the loner became friends with another nerd? Congrats!" ???2: "I know right? and she got a nerdy boyfriend too!" ???3: "Hey isn't that the new kid?" ???: "Yeah, so what? Who cares? He's a nerd." ???3: "It's almost like they were matched in heaven, ew." ???2: "Why don't you guys go to somewhere were you actually belong? Like the dumbster!" K: "Very funny... I think maybe you should go to the strip club, stripping and trying to make money while being a whore at the same time." ???: "HOW DARE YOU! JUST BECAUSE I'M WAY BETTER LOOKING THAN YOU DOESN'T MEAN IM A WHORE. AT LEAST I'M NOT UGLY!"
Just like that, Nathanial ran away, leaving me with the 3 girls, who usually pick on me, almost in a daily basis.
???2: "Aww, your boyfriend left you!" K: "He's not my boyfriend, he's my friend!" ???3: "Ew, you call that a friend? You mean a nerd like you!" ???: "Girls, I think she's about to cry, let's go..."
Just like that, he left me. I went to Art and after I tried to look for him. I asked everywhere. No one didn't really care, and the one's who 'cared' told me to go every where. One told me to go to the school roof, and jump like he did, such care, am I right?
After 2 days, a 'new' student came. He looked almost the exact same like Nathanial. But wait, he was Nathanial. I rushed to him and asked him where was he, but all I got was a, "Who are you?"
My heart was broken. He pretended to not know me.
Then that's where I started calling him Mr. Perfect.
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