#Also Vegeta is a very fast fighter in general and I love that for him he's a goddamn nightmare opponent laksjasjkl
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shannonsketches · 7 months ago
Something I've really really enjoyed about Kakarot is that they absolutely nailed the element of perspective. The sense of scale, especially while you're learning the game and controls, is fantastic.
The Oozaru are fucking terrifying. They're massive, and Vegeta is so fast in his and the radius of his attacks are almost inescapable, especially since it's early in the game and you (the player) are still learning the mechanics. It's really a very fun added context for why Saiyans are so feared in this universe (especially since you only ever have to fight one at a time, and Saiyans are usually deployed and transformed in groups).
The power scaling is done very well too, I think, while still keeping the story accessible to players who aren't well versed. It's great at offering a sense of danger and an idea how steep the climb is for the characters (assuming you play through the story and don't grind hardcore in between), even when you're very strong in the game. I think that's sometimes a thing that's difficult to convey in comics and animation, since we kind of see the same kinds of fights all the time, but with interactive media it's really cool to see how the odds stack in a more practical way.
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duhragonball · 6 years ago
Dragon Ball Z 062
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Frieza can recap the plot quicker than I can.   The Ginyu Force is finally here to do what Zarbon could not: Capture Vegeta and recover all seven Namekian Dragon Balls.  
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Captain Ginyu checks his scouter for Vegeta, and detects two other power signatures with him.   Frieza deduces that these are the Earthlings who interfered about fifteen episodes ago.   He orders them killed, which seems a bit short-sighted.    What if one of them hid a Dragon Ball and Vegeta didn’t know about it?  
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One member of the Ginyu Force, Guldo, is genuinely emotional about the opportunity to beat up Vegeta.    He flashes back to an incident on some planet--maybe Frieza 79, but who can tell? -- where Vegeta insulted him.    Of course, Guldo insulted Vegeta first.   He told Vegeta he was just a Saiyan monkey, no matter how much he rises in the ranks of Frieza’s organization.  
I’m pretty sure this was the first depiction of anti-Saiyan racism in the show.   Maybe Toriyama felt the need to up the ante on making Vegeta look sympathetic, or to emphasize that the bad guys secretly fear the Saiyans, even when they have an advantage over them.  
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This is also the first time we see that Frieza has any sort of emotional connection with Vegeta.  Up until now, it seemed that Vegeta was just another face in Frieza’s roster of top warriors.   But Guldo’s on the Ginyu Force, which is supposed to be a big deal, and yet he seems envious of Vegeta’s position.
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Vegeta, in turn, finds it absurd that someone as weak as Guldo got into the Ginyu Force.    He also thinks Guldo smells bad.   Why is Vegeta wearing his current costume if this scene took place before DBZ started?   Where are Nappa and Raditz?   Where’s his tail?
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Guldo tries to start a fight, but Frieza suddenly comes along and flattens Guldo with an energy blast.   Then he parks his little hovercar over Guldo while he tells Vegeta to join him on a survey mission.   Maybe Guldo’s memory just isn’t very good, because some of this seems a little far-fetched.
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Recoome finally snaps him out of his flashback by asking him if he’s gotta go to the bathroom.    They’ve spent the last five days in tiny spaceships, so I’m pretty sure they all need to use the bathroom.
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So here’s the scoop on the Ginyu Force: they’re idiots.    Decades ago, I used to follow the X-Men fandom somewhat, and I used to hear all about the Marauders, a mutant death squad in the service of the unfortunately-named Mister Sinister.   Fans actually thought the Marauders were big bad news, simply because they fought the X-Men and hurt them pretty badly once or twice.   I always suspected they were overrated, and then in 2015 I read all the old comics from the Marauders’ heyday, and I discovered that they were a complete joke.   Their main advantage in a fight is that they can be brought back to life if they die because Sinister can clone replacement copies of them.    But that just means that they die constantly in every fight, because they have a get-out-of-death-free card.    What’s so badass about that?   They would stand around and engage in idle chatter, and generally disappoint Sinister, to the point where he pretty much stopped using them in the 90′s.  
The Ginyu Force is kind of the same deal, except we’re all in on the joke.   We’ve spent the last several episodes waiting for them to show up, and everyone acted like they were insanely powerful, almost to the point of overshadowing Frieza as a threat.    King Kai was scared of them, Vegeta was scared of them, Zarbon was scared of them, etc. etc.    Then they show up and they do a silly dance, and Guldo’s mad because Vegeta made fun of his stench.  
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Even Frieza’s embarrassed by these guys, and he’s the one who insisted that they were the only ones who could sort out this mess.  
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Meanwhile, Goku wakes up twenty minutes before he arrives on Namek, and he picks out a new outfit for the big day.    I always loved this shot of his closet, which is full of the same orange and blue clothes.   The Japanese script says that King Kai “sent” all of these to him, and I still don’t understand how that works.   
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As he waits out the clock, Goku reflects on how unafraid he feels at this critical moment.   He wonders if his training has driven him mad.    You’re not going insane, Goku.   You’re going sane in an insane world.
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On Namek, Vegeta has convinced Krillin and Gohan to join forces with him, so that they can use the Dragon Balls to make him immortal, so he can defeat the Ginyu Force and Frieza.   But at the last minute, Krillin can’t bring himself to do it.   It just isn’t right to let Vegeta become immortal, even under these circumstances. 
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Vegeta argues with them, but before he can get anywhere, the Ginyus show up and it’s too late.  
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Krillin notices that Guldo is a wimp compared to the others.    So what happened to all that talk before, about how the Ginyu Force was FIVE men, each stronger than Vegeta?   Now all of a sudden it’s FOUR strong guys and their crappy green sidekick.
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Vegeta tries to throw one of the Dragon Balls away, figuring that he can at least make it harder for the Ginyus to collect them all, but Burter is so fast that he can intercept the ball in mid-air and bring it back in an instant.   So that’s no good.
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Desperate, Vegeta tells Krillin to destroy the Dragon Ball he’s holding.   Things have gotten that bad.    So Krillin goes for it, but...
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Hey, what’s good?   Guldo can stop time.
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Ginyu decides to take care of Vegeta himself, but the crew objects to that.    So Ginyu offers to deliver the Dragon Balls to Frieza, and let them have all three enemies to themselves.   
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That makes the men happy, and Ginyu pats himself on the back for being such a good leader.   Really, this was the biggest mistake he could make.
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So the remaining Ginyu Force does Rock-Paper-Scissors to choose opponents.  Recoome gets Vegeta, and Guldo is put in charge of taking out Krilln and Gohan, on account of they don’t consider them much of a threat.    Guldo doesn’t care for that arrangement, but he’ll take whatever action he can get.
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Then Krillin and Gohan power up, an everyone suddenly realizes how much they’ve been holding back until now.    The cat-and-mouse games are over.   There’s no use hiding any longer.   They’ll have to go big or go home, and they can’t go home. 
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And that’s kind of what this whole Ginyu Force arc is all about.    The Z-Fighters are fighting for their lives, while the Ginyus are only fighting for their dinner.   They may be stronger, but they don’t have nearly as much to lose, and that makes a big difference.
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burnxngslash · 5 years ago
Misc Muses
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Name: Nero
Age: 17-20
Origin: Devil may cry 4
Icons: Yes
Icons credit: Myself
About: Nero is one of the main protagonists of the Devil May Cry series. He first appeared as a playable character in Devil May Cry 4, and later in Devil May Cry 5. He is the son of Vergil who is raised in Fortuna and serves as a Holy Knight in the Order of the Sword, a religious group that worships Sparda and fights to protect the world from demons.In Devil May Cry 4, however, he is forced to fight against the Order after encountering Dante and uncovering a conspiracy to conquer the world using The Savior. In Devil May Cry 5, Nero is a more seasoned demon hunter that has since changed his operation to being a mobile Devil May Cry branch. He finds himself fending off a demonic invasion as he chases a mysterious figure (later revealed to be his own biological father Vergil at the end) that severed the Devil Bringer.
Note: For storylines outside of DMC I will portray him post DMC5 unless we’ve discussed something. 
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Name: Arthur Pendragon
Age: 30′s (Appears mid teens)
Origin: Fate/Prototype
Class: Saber
Icons: Yes
Icons credit: Myself
About: Saber's True Name is Arthur Pendragon, otherwise known better as King Arthur. Approving of the virtuous and correcting atrocities. A hero who is like a knight in shining armor that anyone would dream about as a child. Also called the wielder of the holy sword of the planet. His true identity is that of the “King of Knights” of a parallel universe, who reached this world by chasing after some sort of existence.
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Name: Arthur Pendragon
Age: Eternally youthful
Origin: Fate/Prototype
Class: Archer
Icons: Yes
Icons credit: Myself
About: Saber's True Name is Arthur Pendragon, otherwise known better as King Arthur. Approving of the virtuous and correcting atrocities. A hero who is like a knight in shining armor that anyone would dream about as a child. Also called the wielder of the holy sword of the planet. His true identity is that of the “King of Knights” of a parallel universe, who reached this world by chasing after some sort of existence.
Note: I will portray him a little more tamed than the way he’s portrayed in UBW. Whilst he might still seem tyrannical, in his mind he is doing the world justice because that’s just how much he loves the world which is, of course, his garden.
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Name: Frank Morrison
Age: 19
Origin: Dead by daylight
Icons: No
Icons credit: n/a
About: Frank Morrison was nineteen and had little to show for it. He'd stopped attending school after being kicked out of the basketball team for shoving a referee into the stands. Yet Frank was a man of potential, who could light up a room despite his bleak childhood. At six years old, he'd been taken away from Calgary to start a circuit of foster homes. No matter how many times he'd lashed out, threw tantrums and got into fights, they'd kept moving him to new, unfamiliar houses. His last move had been three years prior when his last foster dad, Clive Andrews, had picked him up from the adoption centre. They'd been on the road for seven hours before reaching a small bungalow in Ormond. It would be the longest time they'd spend together. 
Clive was too busy trading cheques from Family Services for drinks at the bar.Ormond was a small, stale place; a remote town of six thousand inhabitants where grey winters drag on for most of the year. Frank did everything he could to get into another adoptive family, but he changed his mind when he caught the attention of Julie, a beautiful girl who was convinced that she deserved better than a life in Ormond, and Frank, as an outsider, was her ticket out. Frank attended the parties she threw where everyone was younger than him and easily impressed, which he liked. He met the impulsive Joey, who liked to show off, and the shy, naïve Susie, who was Julie's best friend.They would hang out at an abandoned lodge up Mount Ormond. Their time together was the perfect break from the boring conformity of their small, insignificant everyday lives. Frank saw it as an opportunity to shape their lack of experience into something powerful. He lined up nights of debauchery and rampage, testing their limits. 
Bullying , vandalism, and theft were essentially their weekend plans. It came to a point where they would do anything he asked. Nothing was off-limits when they put their masks on. One evening, Frank dared Joey to vandalise the store that had recently fired him. They snuck inside easily enough, as the building was supposed to be empty after closing hours. But a cleaner who was still there grabbed Julie as soon as she came near. Hearing her stifled cries, a dark impulse took over Frank. He rushed to her aid, knife in hand, and without hesitating, planted the blade into the cleaner's back.As the group stared at Frank in shock, he ordered them to finish the job. Joey clenched his jaw, grabbed the knife, and stabbed the bleeding man in the ribs. Susie didn't want to do it. Frank shouted at her; they had to finish what they'd started. Julie closed her eyes and slid the knife into the man's chest. She handed the wet blade to Susie: they were all in this together now. 
Susie stared at Julie in disbelief as Frank grabbed her trembling hands and inserted the knife deep into the man's throat. Frank told them to move fast; they mopped the blood off the floor, stashed the body in the trunk of Joey's car, and drove up Mount Ormond.All four were digging in the muddy snow to dispose of the body when Frank spotted something moving through the woods. He grabbed his knife and broke from the group to check it out. The Fog thickened around Frank, becoming so dense that he soon could no longer see ahead. He retraced his steps and stumbled onto an ominous trail. He followed the eerie path, as if called by the darkness. Julie, Susie, and Joey finished digging, but Frank was nowhere to be seen. Julie spotted his muddy footsteps in the snow and the three of them followed the trail, which took them deeper into the woods. When Julie, Susie, and Joey did not return home that night, their parents thought they'd run away with Frank. Each family came up with a different theory. The mood in the town changed, however, when a body was found by an abandoned lodge up Mount Ormond.
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Name: Gohan Son
Age: 17-30s
Origin: Dragonball Z
Icons: No
Icons credit: n/a
About: Son Gohan is the elder son of the series' primary protagonist Goku and his wife Chi-Chi, the older brother of Goten, the husband of Videl and father to Pan. He is named after Goku's adoptive grandfather, Gohan.Unlike his father, Gohan lacks a passion for fighting (although, he does possess a strong power within him) and prefers to do so only when his loved ones are threatened.  Nevertheless, Gohan fights alongside the Dragon Team in the defense of Earth for much of his life.
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Name: Trunks Brief
Age: 17-40s
Origin: Dragonball Z
Icons: Yes
Icons credit: A friend of mine (proper credit later bruh)
About: Future Trunks is the Saiyan and Earthling hybrid son of Future Vegeta and Future Bulma from an alternate future. By the time Present Trunks was born, the timeline had been altered by Future Trunks' and Cell's trips to the past. Therefore, the two Trunks had completely different lives (as opposed to those who lived before the Time Machines arrived, they lived exactly the same lives as their counterparts until the point at which the two timelines diverge: three years before the androids arrived).
Well-mannered, serious and very cautious, Trunks hails from an alternate timeline in which Future Androids 17 and 18 murdered the Dragon Team and proceeded to create apocalyptic hell on Earth. Trunks is trained by Future Gohan as a teenager and become a gifted fighter, swordsman and a Super Saiyan; traits that aid him greatly in the battle against the Androids after traveling back in time in order to save his own future.
Years later, Future Trunks would return in Dragon Ball Super, this time fighting against a mysterious entity referred to as Goku Black (and later his partner-in-crime Future Zamasu) wreaking havoc in the future. In the end, Trunks (with the help of Goku and Vegeta) neutralizes the threat, though unfortunately, Fused Zamasu not only survives the ordeal, but his essence began to merge with the universe itself, to the point that Future Zeno had to erase the future timeline completely. Trunks himself is one of the three survivors and is currently living in another future timeline where another Future Trunks exists - created in the anime by Whis warning Future Beerus ahead of time to eliminate the soon-to-be rogue Supreme Kai, while in the manga Trunks and Mai travel to their timeline's past and prevent Future Shin's death with the blessing of Beerus as it will save his counterpart, thus eliminating the possibility of the Project Zero Mortals.
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Name: Peter Parker
Age: Mid-late 20′s
Origin: Marvel Spider-man
Icons: Yes
Icons credit: Myself
About: While attending a public exhibition demonstrating the safe handling of nuclear laboratory waste materials, sponsored by the General Techtronics Corporation, the 15-year-old Peter Parker was bitten on the hand by a spider that had been irradiated by a particle accelerator used in the demonstration. Unbeknownst to him, after the spider fell from his hand, it bit a girl, Cindy Moon on the ankle before it died from the radiation. Making his way home afterwards, Peter was almost hit by a car; when Peter jumped out of the way, Peter discovered he had somehow gained incredible strength, agility, and the ability to cling to walls, spider-like traits that he immediately associated with the spider bite.
Note: I roleplay as Peter within Insomniac’s Spider-man canon. But always willing to world hop a great type of crossover/au. 
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Name: Vincent Phantomhive
Age: 20-30s
Origin: Kuroshitsuji / Black Butler
Icons: Yes
Icons credit: Myself
About: Vincent was the head of the Phantomhive household and acted as Queen Victoria's Watchdog. As a young man, Vincent attended Weston College with Alexis Leon Midford and Diedrich. He was the prefect of the Sapphire Owl dormitory. Vincent was idly reading a book on the lawn, while neglecting the preparations for the annual cricket tournament on June 4th, when he was approached by an exasperated Diedrich. Vincent made a snide remark that "everything German is pretty tough to handle," fueling Diedrich's anger. Diedrich swung his cricket bat, and missed Vincent, hitting his book instead. He complained that he was forced to handle all the preparations himself, and commented that since the leader is representative of the pack, the rest in Blue House must be awful as well. Provoked, Vincent proposed a contest: whichever dorm is the winner of the tournament will have the loser perform a free request for him. Later, Vincent led his house to their only triumph in the annual cricket tournament—this astounding event was dubbed as the "Miracle of the Sapphires." Afterward, at the Swan Gazebo, Diedrich accepted his loss to Vincent and asserted that he will carry out Vincent's one request. Vincent then told him to become his fag, much to Diedrich's alarm as they are from separate dorms; however, Vincent stated that he must keep his promise regardless and that whenever he is to call him, Diedrich must come without question. He added that their affiliation will continue past graduation and drifted on a boat away from Diedrich (though he was pursued by him), relishing in his success at finally attaining a "loyal German dog."
Note: Should I roleplay with anyone within kuro’s present canon I will simply use an au in which Vincent is still alive. The events that transpire still happens, he’s merely saved last minute and was kept away from London but relocated into Italy where he becomes the head of a mafia group that keeps the city safe from the shadows. Vincent, of course, is told that he is the only survivor, at the time of the murder the group that found him searched for his wife and child(keeping it spoiler safe just in case.) but none were found.
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Name: Byleth
Age: 19
Origin: Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Icons: Yes
Icons credit: Myself
About: Born to Jeralt and his wife on the 20th of the Horsebow Moon 1159, Byleth lost their mother shortly after their birth. She was buried at Garreg Mach Monastery. Some time after her death, Jeralt left the Knights of Seiros, taking his newborn child with him to travel Fódlan, becoming a mercenary in the process and starting his own mercenary company.
During Byleth's childhood, Jeralt shared little information about the world, the Church of Seiros and especially his past. Byleth either forgot or never learned their true birthdate, Jeralt claiming they were born years after the fire to a woman who supposedly died of illness. Jeralt trained Byleth in combat, eventually joining his band of mercenaries and gaining a fearsome reputation for their unflinching courage in battle. They would soon be known as the "Ashen Demon" as a result.
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Name: Cabba
Age: 19+
Origin: Dragon Ball Super
Icons: Yes
Icons credit: @startnone​
About: Cabba is a Saiyan born in Universe 6 on Planet Sadala. Cabba was trained by Renso, and the latter was his captain. At some point in the past, Cabba fought alongside Frost to stop space pirates on the planet Mayonnai, a group Frost is the leader of in secret.
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Name: Victor Frankenstein
Age: 25
Origin: Code Realize
Icons: Yes
Icons credit: me
About: Victor Frankenstein is a researcher who once had ties to the British Government. Though his knowledge and intelligence are unrivaled, he is genuinely humble and self-deprecating. In addition to being very sociable, he is easily swayed by others. After an unfortunate series of events, he is now a wanted criminal.
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tigerlover16-uk · 8 years ago
DBS Goku is a retarded, selfish monster with no redeeming qualities whatsoever and is the embodiment of every fandom stereotype about the character. No true Goku fan would like anything about Super, so stop lying to try and win favour from real Dragon Ball fans you tasteless swine!
You know it’s offensive to mentally disabled people to use the word retarded as an insult, right? Who’s the real monster here?
And no redeeming qualities huh? Okay, you know what, I’ve seen this nonsense before from Goku fans and DBS detractors, so here’s a list of redeeming qualities and moments:
1: Right from the first episode Goku makes it clear that he wants to start intensive training again to be able to keep the earth and his loved ones safe whenever another villain shows up. This shows he’s learned from stuff like Raditz showing up and accepts he’s responsible for keeping everyone safe and wants to be responsible.
He doesn’t go off to train with King Kai without warning though, he agrees to get a job like Chichi wanted because the family needed the money, and when he was offered money (Which he tried to refuse at first because it sounded like too much and Goku’s humble) that was when he left to train, though only after making sure it was okay with Chichi and Goten.
And he promised to come back and visit often, which he seemingly did since in the Japanese version it’s implied Gohan and Videl hadn’t got married yet, and Goku was shown to have attended their wedding from a photo (Even wearing a fancy suit, something he hates doing because he finds them uncomfortable). This from a guy who has a bad habit of forgetting to drop by and visit people for years unless something big isn’t happening, showing that he clearly understands the importance of being with family.
2: The whole reason he fought Beerus was to defend the earth. Notice that he only asks to fight Beerus RIGHT AFTER the cat said he was going to earth and commented off hand that he might blow it up. And immediately after being defeated he’s speculating on how he could potentially defeat Beerus and then wants to warn everyone about him, and in the next episode King Kai, Bubbles and Gregory all have to physically restrain Goku from instant transmissioning to earth to confront Beerus.
Throughout their fight Goku frequently shows worry for the earth potentially being destroyed by Beerus, goes out of his way to make sure that doesn’t happen, and during the last stretch of the fight it’s the mental image of his friends and family in danger that empowers him to keep going despite running out of fumes. Does any of that sound like someone who’s selfish and only cares about himself and fighting to you?
3: He’s shown to hang out frequently with Goten at work and at home, and is enthusiastic about having him come train with him, even if Chichi’s not in favour of it. He’s pretty affectionate and supportive of him during these moments.
4: When he found out about Frieza, Goku got back to earth as fast as he could, saved Gohan from Frieza’s attack, got Piccolo’s dead body to a safe place so it wouldn’t be destroyed, and then his first instinct was to make sure Gohan was safe and healed, reassure him that he did a good job and that they could revive Piccolo, then order Goten and Trunks to get out of dodge before confronting Frieza. He took charge and was responsible in that situation, like a team leader and protective parent would be.
5: He’s shown many times throughout the show to explicitly care about his friends and loved ones and their well being. There’s too many examples to count, but I think the most popular one was him flying into a rage greater than any we’ve seen of him since Frieza killed Krillin at least when Goku Black told him he’d murdered an ALTERNATE VERSION of Chichi and Goten.
6: After that silly little incident where he ended up punching Monaka thinking he would dodge, Goku was immediately sorry and apologized to him. Compare this to when he shot Old Kai in the face when they first met in Z to see if he was really a big deal, then just made a smarmy comment about how he wasn’t (And then offered to let the guy feel up Videl, a teenager, and Bulma to get him to co-operate, knowing he wouldn’t likely face any repercussions, and only backed down when Gohan and later Vegeta angrily called him out for it, but never seeming genuinely apologetic and more just saying he’s sorry to save his own skin).
7: He was happy to let Monoka fight before I’m after being allowed to still compete in the tournament with universe 6 because he wanted to let the guy have a shot, only agreeing to go before him again when Beerus insisted. Selfish he wasn’t there.
8: He was immediately horrified when Champa tried to kill his team after they lost and wanted to help before Beerus told him to back down, and was generally very concerned for their safety.
9: He’s shown to be an extremely loving and affectionate grandfather who adores Pan and is very concerned about her safety.
10: He was immediately concerned when he found out Future Trunks showed up injured and wasted no time teleporting himself and Vegeta back and going to get senzu beans, and showed compassion for the people of the Future at several points.
11: When confronting Present Zamasu, Goku was initially willing to give the guy a fair chance because he probably hadn’t done anything wrong yet and he might not go bad, but was still rightfully cautious around him, and upon seeing Zamasu try to murder Gowasu he immediately wanted to jump in and help, looking highly concerned when Beerus wouldn’t let him. And then when they did stop Zamasu’s assassination attempt, Goku went right up to Zamasu and called him out specifically for murdering so many people in the future, and was ready to throw down with the corrupt God when he wanted to fight. And despite being willing to show mercy earlier, Goku ultimately had no protest when Beerus deleted present Zamasu. Goku had his priorities very straight during this whole confrontation.
12: When Goku Black first went SSJR and critically injured Vegeta, Goku immediately dropped his earlier calm and overconfident attitude when he thought beating Goku Black would be easy, ordered Future Trunks to get Vegeta to safety and went straight to Super Saiyan Blue to confront Black himself, taking that entire confrontation seriously as well as not protesting when Future Trunks later jumped in to help after Future Zamasu showed up, because Goku acknowledged that he could use the help.
13: He eventually did try to gather the Dragon Balls to wish King Kai back to life of his own volition, though he was willing to use one wish to heal Pan when he found out she was sick with no hesitation.
14: He got a second part time job as a bodyguard just because Chichi wanted him to, even though they obviously didn’t need the extra money considering how much they still had.
15: He dropped what he was doing and almost forgot he wanted to go training with Whis when he found out Bulma was pregnant, sharing some quiet bonding time with his oldest friend and even offering her his treats for Whis as a present before Goten reminded him what he was doing.
16: He was immediately horrified when he found out about the losing Universes being destroyed in the tournament and despite being in shock for a bit resolved to win and save the day when Beerus snapped at him about the whole situation.
17: Throughout the entire build up to the tournament Goku shows nothing but confidence in Gohan as well as all of his friends abilities, even defending Krillin and assuring that he would do well when Gohan questioned how useful he could be. Though he does understand the weight of the situation they’re facing and that there’s a chance they might lose after Majin Buu fell asleep, which was the only reason he was willing to have Frieza on the team because he was the strongest and most useful replacement Goku could think of even despite the risk.
18: Speaking of, Goku does take things seriously in his scenes with Frieza if you look closely, and was furious with Frieza for murdering the universe 9 assassins, despite them trying to sabotage their team and doom universe 7 and Frieza himself pointing out they would die anyway, and the only reason he didn’t stop Frieza from killing all of them was because he saw Baba and her attendant were under attack right before he jumped in to stop Frieza, so he immediately reacted to protect them. And when he did confront Frieza afterwards he got trapped in a sphere of destruction energy. Afterwards although he took responsibility for Frieza’s actions to Beerus and insisted they still needed him to win, he gave Frieza a stern warning via their sparring match that he could match Golden Frieza now and he would make him suffer if the creep stepped out of line again. Bringing Frieza in to fight in this tournament was a crazy move and reckless, but Goku is taking things seriously and it’s an act of desperation like when he worked with Piccolo to stop Raditz, so although reckless it is Goku trying to be responsible for the sake of everyone and everything he loves.
19: He quickly bonds with Android 17, is immediately happy to help him out against the poachers, saved him without hesitation when 17 tried to pull a heroic sacrifice, and at the end of the episode made it clear that although he never considered himself a hero, he values life and can’t stand to see innocent lives destroyed.
20: He’s been nothing but a good sport to the fighters from other universes in the tournament of power, calling out 17 for interrupting the Kamikazi fireballs transformation and vouching to let them transform, helping Caulifla to get a better understanding and a grip on her super saiyan transformations and being willing to let her and Kale go off to recuperate after the scuffle with the Pride Troopers, despite them technically being enemies in this situation like Android 18 pointed out. He also saved Hit from being eliminated, even though he tries to pass that off as him wanting to get in on the action with Dyspo it’s pretty obvious from their established friendship Goku was genuinely looking out for Hit there.
21: He’s very supportive of Gohan’s life choices and choosing to prioritize work and being a scholar, as shown when he was perfectly okay with Gohan not being able to compete in the U6 tournament and reassuring him that studying was important too.
Also, if you ask me he looked pretty darn angry at the Grand Priest after Universe 9 was erased, and he does talk about how he has to be the one to win the tournament to get the wish on the super dragon balls, indicating he does have a plan in all this.
And I could really go on and on all night like this. These are just some notable examples, there’s a lot of redeeming qualities Goku shows throughout the show and good moments where’s he’s clearly portrayed as a good and kind person, even if he is still very flawed like anyone else.
Look anon, I get why you’d be upset with Goku’s portrayal in Super. it’s not perfect, there have been bad moments and things could definitely be better with him. I’m not going to argue too hard with people who don’t like his portrayal here even if I think a lot of people do overreact about it.
But to accuse me of being a liar and not a real fan of Goku for liking anything about Super is quite frankly the most annoying thing anyone has said to me in regards to ragging on me for liking the show. Goku is my favourite anime character and always has been, and the fact that I’m willing to put up with a series where his character is off about 20% of the time maybe but more or less fine otherwise doesn’t make me any less “Real” of a fan than you or anyone else who likes him.
I can get very annoyed with Super’s handling of Goku at times. I wanted to slam my forehead against the keyboard at the opening scene in episode 58 and I’m still waiting impatiently to see his smarmy attitude from the preliminary fights from the current saga addressed and how he’s going to go about making everything right and saving the other universes to make up for his carelessness. I get where people are coming from, especially with the awful fandom that wants to take every chance to demonize and attack Goku making it a million times more frustrating. It’s understandable people would have no patience with ANY writing mistakes when they could be used to fuel those cretins and lead to more harassment for all the decent fans that like Goku.
You have a right to have issue with the show and to express dissatisfaction. You do NOT have the right to attack me and the people who like the show and are more forgiving of it’s occasional issues for not feeling exactly the same way as you. I stay in my own lane and don’t try to pick fights with people who feel differently about certain things in Super and only have reasonable discussions with people who are willing to talk about them.
Moreover, as I have just laid out for you, your claim that Goku in DBS has no redeeming qualities is a blatant lie. I suggest that you and anyone else who wants to criticise Goku in Super not do that and be fair to account for all the GOOD moments he’s had and the full extent of his portrayal, and not try to erase his better moments, strip all context for his actions throughout his appearances and twist the narrative to make DBS Goku look as bad as possible to suit your confirmation biases.
You know why you people shouldn’t do that? Because that’s EXACTLY the sort of thing that Goku haters do to try and demonize his portrayal in DBZ, and I thought all us people who like Goku were in agreement it’s a bad thing that people do that, right? Yet I swear so many of the people complaining about Goku in Super often slide into the exact same kinds of routines.
If you’ll excuse me now I’m going to bed soon. I would have been willing to have a more fair and reasonable debate with you about Goku’s portrayal in the show if you’d come to me with a more polite and reasonable tone. But don’t expect me to back down and take abuse when I’m being directly insulted over my opinions. Unless you’re going to apologize for being a jerk do NOT come into my inbox again with this attitude.
I swear, this fandom is the worst thing I’ve ever been involved in. Please no one else chime in with their own opinions or anything, this is just personal stuff. I’m tired now
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robothobo64 · 8 years ago
2D Dragon Ball Z Fighters Retrospetcive
Part 3: End of PS1/Saturn Era plus the last SNES game.
Yup, I’m back with these. Didn’t think I completely forgot about them did I? YeahIdidactuallybutIdigress
Shin Butoduen (1995 - Sega Saturn) Basicly the REAL sequel to the Butoden Trilogy. Instead of going for 3D arenas and all that, the Saturn version makes proper improvements from Butoden 3's gameplay, it's far faster paced, and much smoother. Beam attacks are back to being beam attacks. Heck, there's even some arenas that can have parts of them destroyed with a super move or letting you knock the opponent into the background to see another part of the stage. Music is also the same as the PS1 version so no need to worry about missing out on the great music from the Ultimate Battle 22. It actually makes me question why the Playstation version didn't go this route. Then again the Saturn better handles 2D based games so yeah. The roster is the exact same as Ultimate Battle 22, except you don't have to worry about unlocking everything with a code. There's also an extra Mr. Satan mode where you control Hercule as he bets on other fighters to win the money back to pay 18 for losing the match so he can keep his title. You can even turn the tide of the matches by having Hercule toss things into the arena to either help your fighter you bet on, or mess up the opponent. I should also note one option in there is to "Pray" and Satan just prays to the heavens that his bet will win. It does nothing, but it's hilarious and I love it. There's also codes to change the speed of the game form slow to insanely fast. It was Japanese only sadly since DBZ wasn't as popular or anywhere near the Buu Saga in other countries, and by the time the Buu Saga got here, the Saturn was all but gone, and the Dreamcast wasn't backwards compatable like the PS2 was for PS1 games. But if you're into getting import Saturn games like me, get this one when you get the chance, it can be a little pricely tho. (mine was around 50 or so bucks) Hyper Dimension (1996 - SNES) Wow, this one was late into the SNES's life span, and the last SNES Dragon Ball game period. Only 10 characters, primarily based on the Buu Saga with Freeza and Cell being the only other characters from a different saga. It's also funny enough the first game to star Vegetto, even tho you'd think he'd be playable in Ultimate Battle 22/Shin Butoden since it's more based off of the key parts of the Buu saga. Tho Super Buu is only a cameo here so I guess it doesn't matter. It's not specificly tied to the Butoden games as it doesn't share too much in the mechanics. Heck, the life and Ki in here are inter-linked with each other. Despite that, it's still pretty fun. Stages have many layers to them, you can knock them from one scene to another, destroy certain arenas if I'm correct, even dive into the background and jump out and attack from the other side of the opponent. There's just a lot of little details to this game that make it very fun. It also helps that the sprite art is GORGEOUS in this game, one of the best looking SNES games I've seen. Music as well is amazing "Far Above the Earth" and "Moonlight" are some of my favs.. It has remixes as well on a different CD compliation alongside some Ultimate Battle 22 remixes. It's much MUCH better than the previous SNES DBZ fighter, and one that is defintely worth a shot. Final Bout (1997 - PS1) The big last Butoden game of the 90's, this time based primarily on GT, specifcily the Baby saga. Coming off of Shin Butoden this is a one or two steps up, a few steps down, and a rather odd step to the side if I could describe it. Oh and, this was my first introduction to the Butoden series. Depsite being GT based, only a few characters are actually from GT. Trunks, Pan, Kid Goku, Adult Goku, and SSJ4 Goku as well as the game's final boss Golden Great Ape Baby Vegeta. The rest are legacy characters for the most part. There's also like, 5 versions of Goku when there really just needed to be one for Kid and Adult Goku in their GT outfits with the Z colors being the 2P color. It goes back to the Butoduen 1 system of character ideas sadly. SSJ4 Goku tho plays completely different form the rest so him I can understand being a seperate character. Also, it's Super Saiyan 4. I think that a big important form like that kinda deserves to be a seperate character. They really focused too much on giving up alternate versions of the same character when giving us characters we haven't seen before would be much better. The Machine Mutants? General Rildo? Super Baby Vegeta? Nope, Gotta make Z Saga Super Saiyan Goku a character. At least Vegetto isn't a clone.....even tho why is Vegetto in here when it'd eventually be Gogeta that becomes canon to GT? Weird. Gamplay also seems to be more like the first Butoduen with how sluggish it is. Everything is done in 3D models this time around. They honestly don't look half bad. There's a charm to it that only nicely done Low Poly style models can have. Sure SSJ4 Goku's tail looks like sausages but still. However, it doesn't help that recovery, knockback and other animations are much longer than they should be making everything seem slower. While the past games had limited arenas to work with, this one's instead go one infinitely much like Tekken. However there's no split screen so you're stuck to the same confined space like you were in Ultimate Battle 22. Also, the "Free Flight" in in here, but it's actually properly implemented, just hold either dash button and push up to go into flight mode. It still feels as sluggish as the standard combat but again, much easier to work with than what Super Battle was doing. Also with that, it also means Guarding is now a it's own button instead of having to be used for flight. Music tho is amazing, just as good as Ultimate Battle 22, if not even better I’d say. SSJ4 Goku's theme "Hero of Heroes" is incredible, Vegetto's "Flash of Potara" is also another favorite. If I'm correct, most of the other themes are taken from either the Butoden games or the Gokuden RPG games like what Ultimate Battle 22 did. Btw, this also got a US release around the same time as it's Japanese release. Thus, when they did dubbing for this game, they got other VAs to do it. Steve Blum specificly was Goku....let that sink in. It got a re-release around 2004 when GT was finally airing properly in the US and everyone was more familar with Dragon Ball, but the original US '97 copies are apparently rather rare and go for pretty high prices. Tho sadly I hear the original US version takes out the extra Build-Up mode returning from Ultimate Battle 22 and a few other things. So if you want the complete experience, go for the 2004 re-release. Overall, it's honestly a guiltly pleasure for me, but I'll wholely admit a number of the other games in the series are much better than this one, namely Shin Butoden. But it's far better than the next one on this retrospective.....
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fighttowinfanfic · 8 years ago
Fight to Win - Zod Vs Frieza
A battle of intergalactic conquerors--in a battle of power and hubris as these two possess, you either win or you die.
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Some will wage war and destroy planets, killing millions and forcing all to bend knee. Conquerors of a galactic level.
Zod, the Phantom Zone’s breakout master of war
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Frieza, he who destroyed Planet Vegeta
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When everyday prisons can’t hold a particularly dangerous, otherworldly force, that won’t stop Superman from finding a way to lock up anyone trying to threaten mankind. To that end, he utilized the Phantom Zone; an interdimensional rift where the most gruesome and unruly of aliens remain, where they can’t hurt people.
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However, the Phantom Zone has one very notable, repeated escapee; a Kryptonian with a history with Superman’s father, Jor-El, and an immense power matched only by his ego; Zod.
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Name: Dru-Zod Age: Not documented Height: 6’3” (190 cm) Weight: 230 lbs. (104 kg) Homeland: Krypton Race: Kryptonian Alias: General Zod Former Kryptonian War General When Zod escaped from the Phantom Zone, he found Krypton was destroyed, and instead settled for conquering Superman’s new, adopted home, Earth. As soon as the Last Son of Krypton is fallen, Zod will spread his influence until the entire galaxy kneels before Zod. 
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Like all Kryptonians beneath a Yellow Sun, Zod possesses a wide range of superhuman abilities. He’s capable of flight, super strength, speed, advanced hearing, freezing breath, heat vision, and accelerated healing. On his A-Game, Zod has been shown to trade blows and be more than a match for Superman in physical combat, able to knock him great distances with physical blows. He can easily pick up pieces of a broken Kryptonian spaceship to use as a melee weapon, and his heat vision can slice deadly robots to bits in mere moments.
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Though what allows Zod to stand out among other Kryptonian combatants is his military experience. Zod was a general of war, and as such, has extensive knowledge of politics and battle strategy. He excels at zeroing in on a foe’s weakness and exploiting it, including many times where he has taken advantage of Superman’s humanity, or the collective fear of humanity. His training in hand to hand combat has allowed him to even best Brainiac in close quarters.
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Zod is fast, able to clear the distance from Earth to the Moon in mere seconds (238, 900 miles). Speaking of which, we know that because Injustice sees him fly a foe to the moon, and punch them directly through it. The moon is 2,159 miles, and weighs well beyond 73.5 million million million metric tons. 
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Zod was able to endure direct impact from Superman’s heat vision to his head, (which is impressive considering Superman’s heat vision can melt one’s brain at thin signatures), and can keep fighting after being shoved through building after structure in battle with his super strong fellow Kryptonian.
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Zod also carries a Kryptionian rifle--one shot of which is capable of killing another Kryptonian. The ammunition can be loaded to travel both as a slow and quickly moving projectile for different situations.
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It does stand to president, however, that Kryptonians grow stronger the longer they’re under the sun. Because Zod takes such frequent trips to the Phantom Zone, his power often resets, meaning over the years, he hasn’t compiled nearly as much overall strength as Superman. He’s also an egomaniac, and his tremendously forward nature has lead him into hot water more than once.
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However, the Kryptonian General has several victories (read: war crimes) beneath his belt, and his immense decoration could not be farther from unearned.
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The Dragon Balls--seven mystical artifacts that, when gathered, will summon the patron eternal dragon of the planet of their origin, who will, in turn, grant the gatherer one wish. Those adventurous enough to seek them out wager life and limb for a chance at having their greatest wish come true.
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Some desire wealth, others strength, or even the revival of a lost loved one. However, one evil mastermind sought to make a wish for eternal life, so his reign over the galaxy would be ubiquitous with time itself, and his name was Frieza.
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Name: Frieza Age: 70< Height: 4’11” (150 cm) Weight: Not documented Race: Frost Demon Homeland: Unknown Alias: Lord Frieza, Mecha-Frieza Intergalactic Conqueror Relentless and entitled, Frieza won’t rest until every planet is beneath his thumb. Gathering soldiers from every planet he invades and destroys, Frieza seeks the Dragon Balls in order to wish for eternal life, so he may destroy and plunder for all time--putting him at odds with Goku and the Z-Fighters.
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While Frieza leaves most of this process to his ever loyal soldiers, he’s no pushover by any means. He can hit someone with his tail hard enough to crash them into the earth, breaking the surface. He’s fast enough to keep pace with, in movement and striking, with the super fast likes of Goku and Vegeta to boot. Frieza also has powerful telekinesis, which can command with enough force to push an ill fated foe forcefully through the vacuum of space.
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Like most Dragon Ball characters, Frieza can harness his ki energy into a personal and preferred method of projectile attack. Frieza’s manifests as bright purple, which he often fires as a razor thin beam out of the tip of his finger he aptly calls the Death Beam. This technique can pierce through any matter of armor and flesh, cutting through with great precision--enough so to kill Vegeta with a single shot to his heart.
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Frieza has also been known to shape his ki into other attacks, such as the spherical Death Comet, which has a wider range but less precision that the Death Beam. The Death Wave is a blade shaped attack that can create a noticeable fissure in the earth of Planet Namek, and the Death Saucer is a disc of energy so deadly, not even Frieza himself is safe from the razor’s edge. Frieza’s ultimate technique, however, is the Death Ball. If allowed to charge up a sphere of ki energy the size of a small moon, the Death Ball is capable of destroying entire planets.
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Speaking of planetary destruction, Frieza has SURVIVED IT. After his reckless fighting lead him to be disemboweled by his own Death Saucer, Frieza endured the detonation of Planet Namek--point blank from the planet’s core. If Namek’s core is comparable to earth’s, Frieza survived the explosion of a 10,800 degree surface.
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Most recently, Frieza discovered his strongest form; Golden Frieza, which outclasses Goku and Vegeta’s Super Saiyan Blue forms. According to Old Kai, the mere colliding of Golden Frieza’s fist with Goku’s could destroy an entire 7th Universe (about the size of the one we live in).
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Sadly, Frieza is impatient and temperamental. He can’t always carry on fighting and manage his own stamina, his debut as Golden Frieza cut short simply because he passed out from over exertion. While meticulous and shrewd, Frieza can’t be bothered past the bare minimum, and has put exactly this degree of effort into his training and attacks.
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However, Frieza’s brutality and power are more than enough to carry him through most situations he finds himself in. He’s stubborn, adamant not to die, and has his eye on every marble in the galaxy.
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The galaxy just ain’t big enough for the two of ‘em. Let’s settle who rules the stars and who clears out.
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Location: Planet Namek
DJ Funky Freeman’s Music Choice: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sVEGMax42dw
Frieza’s saucer shaped choice of intergalactic teleportation made a loud hiss as its air jets blew the planet Namek’s fauna and grass about. As the ship’s door opened, out deployed several rifle toting soldiers, clad in the trademark armor all of Lord Frieza’s elite guards wore. Once all of the soldiers were on the ground, Frieza followed, his arms crossed, an impatient look in his eye. “Well? Is it here?” Frieza quickly demanded. “I’ll be quite disappointed if the radar was wrong.” The sentiment of Frieza’s displeasure was enough to send his soldiers in a hurried tizzy--before one spoke up. “H-here, Lord Frieza!” One of his soldiers exclaimed, lifting the orange Dragon Ball high into the air, the orange stone reflecting sunlight. “Excellent…” Frieza rubbed his chin with consideration, envisioning the wish he will make once all seven of the treasures are gathered. Behind him, one of Frieza’s soldiers reached for his scouter device over his eye. “My scouter...it’s picking up some power level off the charts!” Were the soldier’s last words before his body was crushed by the sudden impact of a second space ship--this one much smaller and more akin to what Frieza thought of as an escape pod. Frieza looked over to the new arrival, watching as the pod opened to reveal a humanoid looking fellow, his face lined by the beginnings of a brown beard. “A new planet…” The stranger said as he emerged from his pod. “A new population, to kneel before ZOD!” Frieza stepped toward the Kryptonian, his arms still crossed. “Kneel before you? My, how presumptuous…” The galactic overlord’s tone shifted as he neared Zod, enough to prompt the remaining crowd of soldiers to back away from both of them. “There’s always one.” Zod approached Frieza himself. “One I must make an example of.” FIGHT Frieza and Zod’s respective, steady strolls became mad dashes at one another, met at the middle, their hands tightly gripping one another. Both alien overlords pushed at one another, Frieza’s purple aura shoving against the sheer heat cone produced around Zod. Zod pulled upward with both arms, throwing Frieza up into the air, before flying straight up, crashing his head directly into Frieza on his way up, sending Frieza up further upon impact. Frieza shook the blow off, before looking up to see Zod, still flying upward, before stopping mid air. “It’s useless to resist!” Zod chuckled, as his eyes glowed bright red, blasts of heat vision shooting down toward Frieza. Frieza was quick to fly out of the attack’s path. “How rude!” Frieza extended a single finger, sending a barrage of his razor thin Death Beam attacks speeding upward at Zod. Zod looped around the energy blasts, careening down into Frieza, his shoulder out. He crashed into Frieza, who guard with his own arm. The two ascended into the air, pushing against one another and making direct and point blank eye contact. Zod smirked as he released another flare of his heat vision, shooting directly into Frieza’s eyes. The alien conqueror groaned in pain as he was blown back by the attack. “Checkmate!” Zod lifted both of his arms, before reaching to grab his opponent. Before he could grasp the alien’s body, Zod found that his foe had disappeared from sight. Zod choked in confusion before he could notice Frieza reappear behind him. “What a pity.” Frieza rotated quickly in the air, whipping his tail around and slamming it into Zod with incredible force. The Kryptonian general was flung downward, sent crashing into the Namekian earth. Frieza chuckled as he lowered himself from the air, his feet planted firmly on the ground, he stepped toward Zod, who was picking himself up out of the rubble. “I didn’t expect you to survive…” Frieza admitted. Zod, retaining his composure with a quick blow to his own face, reached below his feet. The Kryptonian began picking up a particularly large chunk of earth out of the dirt where he had landed. By the time his makeshift projectile was above his head, the shadow cast by it loomed over Frieza. “It’ll take more than that to make Zod kneel!” Zod exclaimed before throwing the cluster of earth in Frieza’s direction. “Child’s play.” Frieza commented as his bright pink ki energy shined on his finger tip. He released a second barrage of Death Beams that, bit by bit, reduced the stone to rubble out of the air. “This is growing tiresome…” For the first time over the course of the battle, the ki Frieza conjured surrounded his entire hand. He let the Death Wave barrel at Zod, crashing through the earth as it coasted. Zod reached around his back, unlatching his Kryptonian Rifle. He took a moment to aim as the barrel of his weapon extended. Zod, with great care, pulled the trigger, sending out bolts of plasma that intercepted Frieza’s attack, causing it to detonate prematurely. “I hate an uncooperative plaything!” Frieza next generated his Death Saucers, one spinning above each hand. “DIE!” Frieza sent both discs flying at Zod, who took a deep breath in response. Zod inhaled, and then exhaled, releasing a gust of super breath--traveling with all the force of a hurricane. The Death Saucers were stopped in their tracks and sent back at Frieza. Frieza’s eyes widened. While he was able to step out of the way of the first disc, the second made contact with his arm, slicing into his upper arm, causing his purple blood to spurt out. Frieza growled in pain, reaching for his wound. “I gave you a chance to kneel!” Zod flew toward Frieza, who was paused by his pain, gripping his neck once he was close enough. Zod lifted off into the air, taking Frieza with him and choking him before swinging him around. Frieza couldn’t let an anguished yell to escape his throat as Zod, several feet in the air, turned his foe upside down. Zod forced Frieza back downward, smashing the conqueror into the ground. The general then fell to his knees, looking down at his grounded opponent. “There is but one fate for those who refuse to kneel!” Zod raised his fist, slamming it into Frieza’s head, before raising the opposite and repeating the process, forcing Frieza further into the dirt with each punch. After six punches, Frieza was no longer struggling. Zod drifted up into the air, above Frieza, before his eyes emitted a massive blaze of heat vision. The lasers struck Frieza where he was planted, creating an immense explosion below Zod. Dirt and soil kicked upward among the fire, engulfing Frieza. “Not even worth bragging about.” Zod scoffed. Zod, still hovering, turned around. His hands folded behind his back, Zod was prepared to move elsewhere, before he noticed Namek shake violently. The clear waters rippled and serene grasslands quaked as the crater created by Zod’s assault on Frieza erupted, a golden light cutting through. Frieza rose from the where he was beaten down, his pale flesh now a glimmering gold. (music shift: www.youtube.com/watch?v=khk5V6L8Vos )) “Not many have pushed me to this limit.” Frieza stated, his eyes locking to Zod’s. “Consider this an honor.” Zod released a straight blast of heat vision at his foe, who quickly teleported out of the attack’s path. Frieza reappeared behind Zod, quickly jamming his knee into the Kryptonian’s back. Frieza was quick to disappear again, reappearing in front of Zod and punching him in his face, breaking his nose. Frieza left sight and reentered several times, each time at a different angle around from which he could strike, creating a new dent in Zod’s armor each time. “That’s...ENOUGH!” Zod attempted to swing his arm full circle to strike Frieza, but he wasn’t quick enough to track the tyrant, who had reappeared directly in front of his face, albeit facing the opposite direction. Without turning around to face Zod, Frieza raised a single arm, slamming Zod with the back of his hand. Still looking into the distance, Frieza lifted his tail above Zod’s head and brought it down, sending Zod hurdling into the waters of Namek. The waters settled after the impact of his body. Frieza eyed the waters, waiting for Zod to reappear. He was instead treated to the sight of the entire body of water boiling, turning bright red, the source of radiation seeming to be where Zod had landed. Out of the red, hot waters shot an array of heat rays, shooting with enough force to knock Frieza out of the air. Frieza found himself in a nosedive for the ground below. Zod emerged from the water, trudging toward the grounded Frieza, his eyes still glowing red. “I am a champion of war!” Zod barked. “And I will direct every year of experience I have in the art unto YOU!” Frieza rose back to his feet, throwing back both of his arms, causing his golden aura to flare. Zod ran at Frieza, surprising the alien quickly enough to grab ahold of his tail. Zod pulled Frieza high above his head by his tail, and slammed him into the ground, to his left, and then his right, leaving imprints on Namek with every swing. “Fatal mistake…” Frieza flexed his tail, seizing control by wrapping it around Zod, tightly constricting his chest with it. With the Kryptonian tied down, Frieza returned to his feet, taking the time to strike his opponent while he couldn’t move. After creating two more bruises on Zod’s face with his bare hands, Frieza loosened his tail’s grip on the General, turning around and exposing his opponent to a beacon of ki energy shooting from his hands. Zod was sent flying backwards by the attack, his crashing body creating further chunks of debris around both combatants. Zod got back up once more, trying to shake off the blow, now bleeding out the assault. Frieza lifted both of his arms, concentrating his ki. “I’ll create a proper tomb for you!” Frieza lifted two of the largest rocks in sight, left over by the impacts of their battle, with his telekinesis. With a quick swing of his arm, Frieza forced both rocks into Zod from the left and right. The Kryptonian extended both of his arms, catching both rocks with his hands, pushing back against Frieza’s attack. Frieza’s energy allowed him to push back just as hard, and with mere motions of his hands, he was able to force the rocks against Zod. Before long, Zod could not push back any longer, and found himself smashed between the two stones. “And THIS is your cremation!” Frieza lifted off into the air, pointing a single finger high above himself. On the tip of his finger, a cluster of dark red and purple energy trickled and formed. It expanded as Frieza drew more and more power into the attack. Before long, the Death Ball, a sphere of energy about the size of the moon, was complete. Frieza, smiling wickedly, threw the Death Ball down onto Namek, where Zod was encased. The crashing ball created an immense explosion, blasting Namek’s earth into a dried crust as the bloody red energy created an immense tremor, sending rocks and rubble rolling about the field of battle. When the blazes cleared, there was only ash and molten stone and veins remaining. Frieza drifted down back to the ground, his golden aura slowly dissipating. When he landed, his skin returned to its prior state, as he fell to one knee with a deep sigh. “That form...it still leaves me drained.” Frieza recollected himself, his tail waving back and forth as he reclaimed the feeling in the places Zod struck him. “Lord Frieza! We found you!” Frieza was a bit surprised--he hadn’t realized how far Zod had moved him from where they began. His soldiers had finally tracked him down. “We followed your energy readings--you look like you need help!” Two of Frieza’s soldiers began to help him up. “We’ll prepare you a medical machine…” Frieza heard a slight crumbling noise. He pushed the two soldiers off of himself, standing up tall again. From within the mounds of dirt, Zod burst out, a wicked look in his eye. Bloodied and beyond fatigued, Zod breathed heavily, before lunging at one of Frieza’s men. Pressing his chest to the soldier’s back and tightly grabbing him from behind, Zod reloaded his Kryptonian rifle, pressing the barrel to the soldier’s head. The rest of the squadron gasped, while Frieza looked on at the scene. “Make one move...and your bodyguard dies!” Zod explained between labored breaths. Everyone on the scene tensed up from anxiety. Frieza’s eyes did not fall from Zod. His expression unchanging, Frieza lifted a single finger, and shot out one last Death Beam. The thread thin stream of ki extended from his finger into the heart of his apprehended soldier, and then directly into Zod’s behind him. A splash of blood escaped Zod’s mouth, as he and the the once terrified soldier he so tightly gripped fell over, dead.
KO The rest of the soldiers gaped at the sight their lord had created. Frieza turned to his men. “Well, don’t just stand there.” He insisted. “You have two bodies to dispose of, don’t you?”
((Victory circle music: www.youtube.com/watch?v=sH2qYnUfjIc )) Zod was an imposing threat with his military training and physical prowess, but not enough so to keep pace with Frieza’s wide range of Ki energy attacks and absurd tenacity. While Zod could likely outfox Frieza in a close up brawl, Frieza had a counter for just about everything. Punching a hole straight through the moon is extremely impressive, but Frieza’s Death Ball, not even in his strongest form, can destroy an entire planet. And as proven by his survival of Namek’s destruction, Frieza can endure just as much as he can dish out. Zod was faster than Frieza, but Frieza’s Afterimage teleportation rendered this moot, and just as well, allowed Frieza to distance himself from Zod any time he needed, leaving the Kryptonian little chance to overpower him physically, and himself plenty of time to overwhelm him with longer range techniques. Theoretically, any Kryptonian can grow infinitely strong underneath a yellow sun, but we’ve never seen Zod reach a level the likes of Superman has, due to his repeated Phantom Zone sentences, which, effectively, render his power back to zero. Frieza, on the other hand, can reach the highest potential of his species in his Golden form. Even if Old Kai’s statement on Frieza’s power (able to break a universe) is hyperbole, the divide in raw power is very clear. But most importantly, Zod has a history of victory through manipulation. Rather than out muscle even the likes of Superman, Zod has been known to take advantage of his surroundings and exploit the moralities of the heroes he faces--such as hold a child hostage or threatening to kill an innocent. This is Zod’s most common method of escape or pushing Superman to his limit. Luckily for Frieza, the wicked emperor is cold as ice and nearly impossible to coax into any kind of submission. The winner...is Frieza
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Next time on Fight to Win...
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kutee-boutique-fan-blog · 7 years ago
Never Understimate A Woman Who Loves Fast & Furious And Was Born In November Shirt
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Never Understimate A Woman Who Loves Fast & Furious And Was Born In November Shirt
Apparently they have a different move set and different emphasis on certain stats (Never Understimate A Woman Who Loves Fast & Furious And Was Born In November Shirt) than their regular super saiyan versions. Very good to know, and thanks, Patrick-James and Alekz. However, as interesting as that is, I’m getting a Super Saiyan Third Grade vibe, like even if Goku were to be faster, would it affect his ki regeneration speed or would special and super moves be stronger but cost more ki? Like would there be some detrimental form of a double-edged sword?
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Never Understimate A Woman Who Loves Fast Furious And Was Born In November Hoodie
If you’re not a fighting game enthusiast, it’s going to be boring for you. For the rest of us who are, this is dope! I’m excited to play and see all the greats play it. About time we get a DBZ that isn’t about mashing and or looks like it’s for children. We needed this. Looks epic af and it most definitely takes skill to play. Which is what they’ve been using in the Anime & Manga for quite a long time now…. They really should change it. SSGSS is just bullshit for a name.Injustice 2 is good, but I got bored with it kind of quickly.
Never Understimate A Woman Who Loves Fast Furious And Was Born In November Sweat Shirt
Grinding every character to level 20 is a tedious pain in the ass. It makes the Multiverse not worth the effort. That’s pretty much what they made to be. It’s badass man!! Can’t wait for it to come out. Man cave will be ready by then  then we can go super saiyan without waking Roni. Definitely has awesome effects i didnt know it was the old style where the fighting is set up like mortal kombat like the old dbz games. Yeah its legit. You see any of the vids comparing it to like the anime and manga?
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Never Understimate A Woman Who Loves Fast Furious And Was Born In November Ladies V Neck
They are getting tons of praise cause its like playing the anime itself. These graphics are very impressive, it is like seeing the actually anime. As for Chrono Trigger remade that way, that would be pretty awesome. Although maybe with a true real time battle system. This would also look great for other past games and new games. Hope creators anddevelopers learn and study this for future games. i love me a good db game but i want a wicked vr db game get trained by goku or vegeta depending on dark side or good side u chose then play the saga from episode 1 till the end were u finish with kid buu (reason i named both was end of dbz they end up on same side so tea what u guys think).
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Vegeta – The honorable Saiyan Prince. Asking a 2nd generation low-class warrior to stop someone from becoming like him.Vegeta’s heart… Finally becomes soft.. And he lets another emotion, other than anger, take hold.. Sorrow, Regret. And a shred of hope. A bleak glimpse of the brave hero he will become… Vegeta. The Proud Saiyan Prince of the Z Fighters is born at his death. Brought by the monster that made him. Wake up lie there thinking how the fuuu then final flash the people that I dislike then train my arse off to final surpass goku then when I do challenge him to a fight, then go fly around trying to find a secluded area to use final flash and big bang attack then destroy the enime with the help of goku fused together with the patora ear rings so I can stay as vegito.
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As a troll, they should add Yamcha as a playable fighter. With no transformations. And a loss animation of his death by Vegeta. And as a double troll, make him an really powerful character! Pues interesante.Qué le parece el juego. Yo cuando vi que Goku hizo el Kaio Ken con el Super Saiyajin Blue me orine. gt was the best, trunks couldn’t beat a monster who had no energy power at all, goku ssj4 couldn’t pickup a rock…. the shenron part was the best..love it. Gt as a whole was good. Lol It was like Dragon ball had a gay love child with Dragon ball z. Granted. One or two arcs could have been expanded/ shortened. But, Never Understimate A Woman Who Loves Fast & Furious And Was Born In November Shirt. Logically that should have killed him, but I’m glad it didn’t because then we wouldn’t have SSJ2 Gohan or the Father-Son kamehameha.
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