#Also Pepemijo is the big one and Oxem is the pointy little one! XDD
factual-fantasy · 2 months
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I told you there'd be angst! XDD
Poor Pepemijo.. he may be annoying to Oxem sometimes.. but he would never wish for his dear friend to be wounded so.. and to protect him from a Krill no less. Oxem should've known better. he should've known this was Krill territory and stayed away.. what kind of friend is he? Pepemijo didn't deserve this. He shouldn't have put himself in harms way for Oxem..
Of course it goes without saying that Pepemijo doesn't blame him at all. He's just glad Oxem is unharmed, and he will gladly lick away his friends tears until he feels better. That must have been so scary for poor Oxem.. :((
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