#Also Jotaro’s like. The only guy to still wear his school uniform as an adult
jjba-smash-or-pass · 9 months
doesn't Jotaro technically still wear his school uniform as an adult in diu? Like I'm probably misremembering but I was sure a lot of adult characters wore theirs in Diamond. I totally respect not doing polls for Yuya and his girls but like I swore somewhere they said they were adults
The wiki says that Yuya is a young man and the girls are young women, but it also calls Kakyoin and Jotaro that in part 3. I think I’ll just not include them to be safe
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loviswriting · 5 years
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: Bizarre Beach! Torn Between Scylla and Charybdis!
JJBA part 4 fan fic. Chapter 1: Morioh Mermaid, the perfect thesis for Jotaro?!
Summary: During his stay in Morioh, Jotaro needs to come up with a subject for his doctoral thesis in marine biology! Strange happenings in the waters of Morioh beach piques Jotaros interest, making him investigate strange sightings of a mermaid, followed by injured surfers! In hopes of finding a subject for his thesis he teams up with Kishibe Rohan and Joseph Joestar to solve the mysterious happenings! Is it the work of an actual mermaid or is there a Stand user lurking around the corner?!
Number of chapters: 9
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Total word count for all chapters: 12 749.
Chapter 1 word count: 1659
Authors note: this is my first fan fic, I tried my best and hope you will enjoy it! You may also read it on my Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/20937995/chapters/49778429
The summer of ’99. A hot summer in the small town of Morioh. A good place to spend the day was at Morioh beach; a flawless tourist spot with hot sand, soothing waves, laughter and ice cream for anyone in need of a cool refresher. However, it seemed that flawlessness was coming to an end lately, with reportings of bizarre accidents involving swimmers and surfers...
One of the beaches’ common visitors were Jotaro Kujo. Not primarily for the ice cream and water, but rather for reading the newspaper and secretly meeting up with agents from the Speedwagon Foundation. Jotaro had just had one of these undercover meetings with an agent sitting on the other side of the bench giving information about the serial killer Kira Yoshikage. However, the trail was currently very cold and Jotaro had not been given any useful information. But Jotaro was confident he would track down Kira with the help of his Morioh friends; Josuke, Koichi, Okuyasu and Rohan and in the worst case even his gramps Joseph. He had faced off with many strong adversaries before, although it was many years since he had defeated the strongest one of them all; Dio. But Kira was not the only adversary Jotaro currently was facing. No, there was another one, even more powerful than he had imagined: finding a subject for his doctoral thesis in marine biology! Despite being in Morioh, a wonderful seaside town, he was at a total block on what to write about, and he had only a few months left before the next semester started and he was to present the first draft of his thesis. Although being a delinquent in high school, Jotaro now was an A-grade student and aced all his tests and assignments. He had grown a lot of pride in his studies and he wanted to give it his best. He wouldn’t settle for just any subject to write about – he wanted to find the best subject to write about, something to bring out his true potential as a soon-to-be marine biologist. So he spent as much time as he could near the harbour or the beach, in hopes of finding inspiration.
Inspiration, however, would not come easily. As a way to pass time, Jotaro read through the daily newspaper to keep up with happenings in Morioh. A headline in the paper caught his eyes; “Third accident this week in Moriohs waters”. Recently, Jotaro had not had much time to spend at the beach or harbour and felt he had to catch up on recent events and started reading: “Following the two latest incidents in the waters around Morioh beach, a third has happened. Unlike the previous two swimmers, who are currently in a bad condition at the hospital and unconscious, this surfer managed to overcome what seems like an unlikely happening! Kenji O'Hara, 32, claims to have seen a mermaid in one of the waves during surfing. He went around for another pass with the waves, to try and spot the so-called mermaid again, only to slightly spot her and then crash into some sudden violent waves. Although startled, he was able to quickly get back to the beach with his surfing board, getting away with a few bruises and cuts on his legs. “Man, that was totally bizarre, but I swear I saw a mermaid in the waves, the second time it felt like she reached for me! Maybe she wanted to make me her merman!” states clearly delirious O'Hara.”
Mermaids are not a real thing, Jotaro was sure of that, but it was indeed bizarre and his gut feeling told him there might be more to this than what was on the surface. Perhaps something lurked deep down in these accidents. He decided to dig, or rather dive, a little bit further into this. Jotaro took out his cell phone and dialled a number. “Hey. This is Jotaro. I need a favour… meet me at the hospital in an hour,” Jotaro hung up and rose from the bench he sat on. There were potentially two more witnesses to this so-called mermaid and Jotaro could not wait to get more information. 
For starters, his sense of justice told him something was wrong and had to be righted. And besides that, although his big doubts, if there truly is a mermaid at Morioh beach… then he had the perfect subject for his thesis.
Exactly one hour later, Jotaro stood in front of Morioh hospital, he was wearing one of his favourite outfits: a pink long-sleeved shirt under his white coat, which today was ornated with gold coloured decorations of two kissing dolphins shaping a heart and a pointy triangle with the letter J. His white hat also had gold coloured ornaments, of a single dolphin and a sun. Jotaro rarely wore those as he treasured them a lot, being gifts from his seven-year-old daughter Jolyne who made them in art class. He was, of course, also wearing white pants. What would this visit at the hospital give him? Would it shed some light on this mermaid sighting? Soon enough, he would know. Jotaro pondered this, standing in the shadow of the entrance roof, enjoying a slight breeze, for about fifteen minutes until his nephew Josuke showed up, wearing his usual dark blue school uniform. Jotaro often wondered if Josuke even owned anything else than that, he always wore it, even on weekends, and Jotaro felt it made him look like some sort of cartoon character. At least he himself modified his stylish white outfit with different coloured shirts and various ornament; that was how adult life just was, succumbing to the importance of looking good and keeping up with the latest fashion trends. “Ooii Jotaro-san!” Josuke shouted as he walked up to him waving his hand, “What's up? A lead on the Kira case?” he asked curiously with a bit of seriousity glowing in his eyes. Jotaro shook his head, “Unfortunately, this is unrelated. There have been accidents at the beach waters. I’ve decided to investigate what is causing them. Two of the victims are at the hospital, injured and unconscious” Josuke gave him another serious look, “… could this be another Stand user?” “It’s too early to make any guesses. It’s more likely dangerous wildlife. Remember, Stand users are drawn to other Stand users, which I doubt these victims are. Besides that, if they are not Stand users, then they should not be able to see a Stand, but this Kenji-guy claim to have seen a mermaid...” Jotaro shrugged off the possibility and went into the hospital doors, entering the calm and sterile white room, only a few people sitting there, some talked with a police officer, perhaps family to one of the victims of the recent happenings at the beach?
After a quick request at the reception, they got the room numbers for the injured swimmers. They went upstairs to the first room, where Josuke healed the first injured surfer with his Crazy Diamonds ability. However, the swimmer had not seen any mermaid and had suddenly blacked out in pain when swimming. Jotaro got no information at all and felt quite disappointed, the duo then went for the next room, further away in the corridor. “Seriously Jotaro-san, a mermaid? Those do not exist. This Kenji-guy must have hit his head too hard against the waves or something,” Josuke said jestingly, gesturing with his arms. Jotaro did not answer, just silently walking onward. Shortly they arrived at the next room, where an unconscious woman lied in a bed. “Let’s heal her and wake her up, Josuke”, Jotaro said as he approached the woman and nodded towards her. “Yeah. Crazy Diamond!” Josuke called out, summoning his pink and light blue stand, proceeding to heal the woman with a soft touch and then wake her up. Jotaro briefly explained that they were investigating the accidents at the beach, and asked the woman about what happened to her out at sea. “I was out swimming and making light dives into the water when suddenly I saw a beautiful woman swimming a few meters away from me under the water! She was truly stunning, aah…” the woman said, clearly mesmerized about the thought of the woman she saw. “What happened then? Did you notice anything strange?” Jotaro pursued. “Well, she was so beautiful, I almost thought she was a mermaid! I never saw anyone else besides me up at the water’s surface, I only saw her under the water… that was kind of strange, now that I think about it. Haha sorry, my mind is still a bit cloggy after just waking up!” she laughed and scratched her head. Another witness! Jotaro thought and tried to pry deeper, “Do you remember anything else?” The woman silently thought for a bit, “No, when I tried approaching her, she disappeared, and then I felt a hard hit in my back and lost consciousness…” “Okay, thank you for your time,” Jotaro said and started to make his way out. “No, thank you, kind doctors, for making me better so fast!” she replied happily and waved her hand. Josuke waved back at her on the way out and walked up to Jotaro, “Huh, mermaids?? Again? What’s this all about!” “I do not know, that’s what I’m trying to find out, but something is strange about this,” Jotaro said as they walked down the stairs to the main floor, “I’m heading back to the hotel. Thanks for the help, I owe you one. Later.” The nephews parted ways and Jotaro called a cab to get to the hotel. A mermaid? Could that really be it? But what caused the accidents to happen? Even if there was a mermaid, that did not solve the mystery behind people getting injured. There were no sharp rocks in the area around Morioh beach, so the cause had to be something else. Jotaro was determined to find out what.
Thanks for reading!
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