#Also I can't tell if Ness is like. in love with kaiser or really into s&m and this secretly gets him off or is just a sad little german bo
bachirasbodyguard · 1 year
I think the interaction between Kaiser and Isagi at the end of chapter 203 is very important and foreshadows how Isagi and Kaiser's (and Ness') relationships will change soon. Especially since Kaiser had to admit that Isagi outplayed him at the end of the BM v MSC game, and Ness' following freakout. Look at this panel of Kaiser holding ness by his hair, essentially making him bow down:
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We've seen Kaiser do this on multiple occasions.
When Isagi loses consciousness, there is this (in my opinion) very significant panel of Kaiser simultaneously releasing Ness and grabbing Isagi's hair in the same exact way.
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I see it as a sort of crude metaphor for exchange that makes believe think Kaiser will try to replace Ness with Isagi, who has now proven more interesting to Kaiser. Not just to entertain himself or act on any other sort of personal feelings he has towards Isagi, but, most importantly, to put him in his place (the same way Kaiser has Ness under his thumb).
This is idea is further established simply by how the last panel is framed:
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Isagi, no matter the circumstance and how you put it, is on his knees in front of Kaiser.
Remember this?
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He finally really has. While it happened probably not how Kaiser had envisioned, he still has Isagi kneeling in front of him, proving his superiority as the player who endured.
But Kaiser did have to admit his (small, but nevertheless) defeat, and knowing how prideful he is, that must have been a blow. That makes be believe that he will be working very hard to somehow get Isagi on his side and crush him into submission the same way he has with Ness.
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azulock · 7 months
Hi, could you write nsfw headcanons for Kaiser and Ness?
I most certainly can, nonnie!!! Tho, Ness gonna get some slander cause he's the second (out of three) character I have beef with for shits and giggles. Can't help it, I gotta bully that Yandere generator motherfucker. There'll be more Kaiser later, cause I got a fem reader specific request so, soon enough that's out.
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Michael Kaiser
⟳ The emperor himself, talks big game, and he can back it up, but I'm sure if he feels safe enough to display it, he's actually a switch. He likes being a dom and he sure is a one most of the time, won't ever sub if he's just having a one night stand. But sometimes, if he's in a relationship, and if he's too tired or stressed from his work, he'd probably like to sub. He won't bring this up and might resist if you try to, but give him time and he'll warm up to the idea.
⟳ As a sub he's needy and whiny far more than bratty, but he sure can be a brat at times, especially if you try to make him beg. Likes to be pampered and praised, you can get him to do anything with the right words - tho, stay away from any demeaning kink, that will just shut him down.
⟳ As a dom he is a major tease, likes to see you beg for what you want, big on making you use your words to ask him for anything. And just like with himself, he won't be big on demeaning or humiliating you tho, even if he uses a mean pet name, it'll be as praise or just teasing.
⟳ The bastard loves the sight of his own image so he's big on fucking in front of mirrors. If you are shy he likes it even more cause he gets to tease you. Also if he's on a place that's too far high to be visible, or that has those tinted windows that you can see from the outside, he loves fucking against the window.
⟳ Dirty talking in German, so much dirty talking in German, even if you don't understand it. He makes that angry ass language sound sexy. He really just refuses to speak in any other language during sex, so if you don't speak it, that's one way to learn I guess.
⟳ Big on body worship and praise kink, both for him and for his partner. He's the best thing on god's green earth so he only wants the best for himself too, that I cludes his partner. But he's gonna do that while calling you somewhat demeaning pet names and teasing you all the way, it's not gonna come easy.
⟳ Likes to tie you up and have you at his mercy, he gets a kick out of seeing you all vulnerable for him. Will edge you while you're tied up and make you beg him for what you want. He'll have you drooling and whimpering with your hands behind your back while blindfolded and still tell you to use your words. Will also tease you for drooling on his pillow.
⟳ Loves getting his hair pulled and receiving marks, like scratches and hickeys. Tho, he likes leaving you marked too, bruises from where he grabs and manhandled you, hickeys and bite marks all over your body too. The bastard doesn't want marks anywhere too visible on himself but he sure will leave some visible ones on you.
⟳ Handsome man, handsome dick, no wonder he starts the day looking at himself naked in the mirror. That cock is long, but not too thick, just enough to feel good. It's pretty veiny, with a pronounced curve upwards. As for hair, he keeps himself trimmed low rather than shaved clean.
Alexis Ness
⟳ Mr Yandere simulator is a switch, but you don't wanna see what he's like as a dom, better keep him as a sub. He'll pretty much let you do anything to him if he's subbing, he'll be a big mess, whimpering, begging, crying, letting you humiliate him to hell and back. Now, as a dom, he can be a bit scary, controlling, prone to just try and take what he wants without much regard to anything else. Yeah, better to keep him as a sub.
⟳ He's so very vocal, and at times loud. He has no shame for making noises, be it moans, grunts, cries or whimpers. Will beg you for anything if he has to and praise you for anything and nothing at all. You could gag him to try and shut him up, but he'd be just grunting and groaning under the gag.
⟳ Best way to shut him up is to put that mouth to some good use. And he sure loves it, has something of an oral fixation, likes sucking your fingers, your toes, anything really. For this reason he likes giving oral more than receiving it too. You could make him suck you until he ran out of air and he would thank you for that.
⟳ Actually likes getting humiliated, gets off to it easy. For him it's only natural, after all you are so perfect and he is nothing compared, you can say the most demeaning things and he's just going to agree. You can step on him while you do it too, he likes that. Might cum on his pants from all that actually, which will probably only lead to more humiliation and keep the cycle going.
⟳ You can tie him up, gag him, put him on a leash and walk him on all fours, he'll like all of those. Just don't put a blindfold on him tho, he wants to see you, he needs to see you, the blindfold makes him kind of angry. Also don't ignore him for too long, a little is ok, but if you keep that up for long he can get pissed off.
⟳ Loooves getting marked, he's yours after all, you can bite him, give him hickeys, scratch him, he really likes it. But he will do the very same, regardless of what you say, you are his after all, so why hide it? Expect a lot of bites from him, and for him to want to cum over your body as well as inside you, especially on your face.
⟳ If you let him dom, he's gonna very much lean into free use, cause he wants you all the time. Tho, as a sub he'll just shamelessly beg to fuck you at any point you two can be alone. He fucks like a desperate man, doesn't take very long to cum but can go again pretty fast and go for multiple rounds, so not really an issue.
⟳ I've written about this on another post so I won't stay too long on this, but if you can get pregnant, oh boy he sure has a breeding kink. Like actually wants to knock you up kind of kink. If you can't get pregnant, well that's lucky for you, but he'll still be obsessed with cumming inside you.
⟳ Ness is a bit above average, but not by much, and not very thick. He's kind veiny too, not too much but has some thick veins. He also likes to keep clean shaven, he thinks it looks nicer that way.
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unluckilyimnot · 1 month
Hii!! Hope you're doing well, i just discovered you and im OBSESSED with your posts. Idk if you saw the chapter 260 leaks yet, so if you dont wanna get spoiled, please read this request after reading the new chapter. I wanted to request some headcanons for ness, kaiser, reo and bachira where they are dating the reader and the readers parents basically sees them as their son (my parents are just like that for my older sisters boyfriend and they call him their son. Even invite him over for vacations and family dinners everytime. I think its really cute🥹💕) I was thinking of this request especially for kaiser after seeing his backstory. Feel free to ignore if you want to. Also thank you for your posts i LOVE the way you write💕
S/o with a welcoming family - Reo, Kaiser, Bachira, Ness
m.list | rules
Note : hi thank you for your request! You're so sweet thank you dear ♡ You don't know but that's a sensible point for myself and the day you send this I spend the night crying about my shitty parents
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He's shocked the first time he meets your parents
He's not the type to feel comfortable around parental figure for obvious reasons
Your parents welcoming him like he belongs here touch him in a way he can't explain
He's invited more and more, your mom rely on him when she needs help and so does your dad, it's all new to him
If you have a rather intimate and physical touch is a norm, he's probably shocked at first
It has nothing to do with you and the way you touch him, yet he feels like crying the first time your mother hugged him
He's probably less cocky since he doesn't feel the need to do so around them
It just became a safe place, just after you
With you and how you talk about your parents, he already thinks that he can get along with them
But when your mom mentions how she loves books/movies he can't help but talk about what he likes as well !
He would probably be closer to her in that sense but he does his best for your dad to like him as well
He likes to help around so he's accepted really soon
If you have younger siblings he LOVES to spend time with them !!
It's endearing and you know how bad he needs it
He'll bring so much joy to your parents
Particularly if your an only child
Seeing you with someone so childish will probably heal sometignf in them, you seem so happy and joyful
Bachrira would feel weird at first to be treated like you are but will comes to love it
He loves your parents a lot
To the point where he'll even celebrate his birthday with your family once in a while
He's never been welcome somewhere like this, it will heal something inside of him as well for sure
He's always welcome with hugs or your father's gently patting his back
He learn what it is to be listened to
He's used to speak without people listening to him so the first time your parents answer and go on the same conversation as him, he'll feel seen
His jaw clenched but a genuine smile will form on his lips
They're just like you are, warm and welcoming
Your dad LOVES him so much
They can talk together for hours and you love to see him this comfortable around your family
If you have siblings, they love him I just know it they told me
You can tell how radiant he is and it makes you glad you introduced him
He's always welcome with hugs or your father's gently patting his back
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reomikagekin · 4 months
Excuse me Miss but can I request Alexis Ness, Kaiser Michael, itoshi rin and itoshi sae these boys like comfort their s/o beacause they're on their period and it accidentally leaked out a bit and they got scared that they might get scolded oh right you can just make one of the characters I mentioned
Thank you really much ^^
of course! Also you don't have have to call me miss, just call me sunny:D its been a long time since i wrote a request so i apologize of it isn't the best🥲 also off topic for blue lock, I also write for one piece now, so if you're a one piece fan, please do request! On my pinned post it says who i write for. Anyway- it might be a bit ooc- but im trying my best! also since you didn't mention if you want hc's or a scenario, i made hc's-
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𝘈𝘭𝘦𝘹𝘪𝘴 𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘴
•He would be so understanding and sweet, like AHH-
•Ness is just a sweetheart, and would probably reassure you saying 'its okay, you can't control it!'
•He would wash the bedsheets if the blood got on the bed, make you tea, get you a bath ready, buy all the stuff you need- we need a man like ness fr
•though the first time he saw the blood he would probably be a bit concerend and a bit worried-
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𝘔𝘪𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘦𝘭 𝘒𝘢𝘪𝘴𝘦𝘳
•Menace, an Absolute menace.
•Bro Wouldn't Scold, Bro would Tease you nonstop.
•Though he would be kinda sweet i guess??? One thing i know he won't stop teasing you-
•He might make you tea- but only if you say please/JKJK
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•Bro would honestly give Zero shits about the blood leaking on the bedsheets-
•When you tell him, he's like. 'Oh, okay.' and walks away, leaving you dumbfounded
•Like you get no scolding, no nothing, he just gets ready and goes off for practice like he always does.
•Yeah nothing really happens, you have to wash the sheets. And you get no comfort, pretty much. Sae cares, but since he's almost gone the whole ass day, you get no comfort-
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𝘙𝘪𝘯 𝘪𝘵𝘰𝘴𝘩𝘪
•like Sae, he would not give Zero shits.
•'Okay, so what? I don't care.'
•but be surprised, he does give you a lil hug, to comfort you and to reassure you:D
u•He'll help you clean the sheets and maybe even make you tea, and you get cuddles after, wowowoww
Sorry that this is so short😭
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maochira · 1 year
Hii!! Can you do Blue lock boys reaction their s/o trying to flirting with them but failed because it was pretty bad, but quite funny making the Blue Lock boys laugh at their cute sillyness. ? Characters is (Isagi, Bachira, Chigiri, Reo, Kaiser and Ness) You can delete someone if you feel so many, I'm sorry if that bother you.
Sure I can do that!!
Requests open! - masterlist
Tags: gn!reader, established relationship
-he tries to hold his laughter back because he doesn't want you to feel embarrassed, but he can't hold it in for that long
-he apologizes the entire time while he's laughing and you're just looking at him like "Why are you still laughing then???"
-that only makes him laugh more while he's still apologizing over and over. But his laughter is contagious so it doesn't take long until you're laughing with him
-flirts back but even worse, then you start going back and forth between who is worse at flirting
-you also keep teasing each other about who's worse at flirting so the entire thing turns into a silly little competition pretty quickly
-even though you're the one who's worse at flirting, Bachira doesn't want you to believe that
-even though your flirting was so bad, he immediately flirts back with an even worse pickup line so you won't feel as embarrassed about yours
-it's actually so bad, it's not even funny so you just look at him in disbelief for a moment. Then he ends up feeling embarrassed which makes him blush a little
-you use that chance to distract from how bad your flirting was just a moment ago so you start teasing your boyfriend for saying the worst pickup line you've ever heard
-your attempt to flirt caught him off guard a little, and even though it was bad, the look in his eyes is immediately filled with love
-he really doesn't care about how bad you are at flirting, but he adores the fact that you even tried and he thinks it's adorable
-he teases you a little bit about it!! But in a very loving way that doesn't make you feel embarrassed for messing up at all
-he will NEVER stop teasing you about this. Expect to be reminded of it every single day for the rest of your life
-you tell yourself you'll never try to flirt again because you know that even if you managed to say something better, Kaiser would just tease you for being bad at it one time
-he also starts talking about how much better he is at flirting than you are and doesn't shut up about it
-he starts giggling immediately right after you finish talking, but he doesn't make you feel embarrassed because it's obvious he's giggling because he thinks your attempt was cute
-he asks you to repeat what you said, but you obviously refuse to because it's a bit embarrassing for you
-he tells you he doesn't think you should be embarrassed because he thinks your attempt was so cute!! That makes you give in eventually and you end up repeating what you said (which makes Ness very happy)
Taglist: @starhrtz, @kaineedstherapy12, @zyuuuu, @gojosorrygeto, @luvcalico, @st4rcheese, @vanitasbrainrot, @thedaisy78, @kalinkavx, @yerinsshi, @remy-roll, @truegoist, @rienniey - sign up for my taglist right here!
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milaisreading · 1 year
Hello, is possible for you to make fanfic in which ego makes y/n change teams to manage for like 1-3 week?
(So sorry if it’s difficult to understand, English isn’t really my first language)
Author: ofc! Thank u for requesting, it really makes me feel happy that u all are interested in the series so much 💗 💖 hope u enjoy this🩷
Warnings ⚠️: nothing really. Reader uses she /her and there is mention of Bastard München (manga spoilers). Requests are open! Also, if u all are interested I will write a pt 2 to this request from the Reader's perspective and her stay in Germany
⚽️Blue lock belongs to: Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura⚽️
The Blue Lock team was watching in curiosity as (Y/n) kept talking and showing things to an older staff member. The team was a little farther away, so they weren't able to make out what (Y/n) was saying, but all they knew it must have been important, as the girl had an unusually serious face and the man tried to write down every word she was saying.
"Ahhh~ (Y/n) looks so cute when she is explaining things." Reo sighed, dreamily watching the girl as Otoya and Gagamaru nodded their heads in agreement.
"Her eyes shine a special way when she is all serious." Gagamaru added.
"I honestly wish we went together to school, would have loved to have her as my tutor." Otoya said.
"I would have failed all my classes for that then." Bachira chuckled as the others started adding their own thoughts. Rin and Baro were the only ones who didn't say anything, too immersed in their own thoughts.
'Who is that guy? Is he here to write down some inventory or?' Rin raised an eyebrow and looked over at Baro, who had a similar expression.
"You think this off too?"
"Yeah. It's also weird how much more often Ego-san has been calling (Y/n) into the office. Teieri-san seemed a little upset these past few days too." Baro said as they watched (Y/n) say goodbye to the man and walk over to the group.
"Did something happen? You guys don't usually stop training unless Ego-san tells you to." The girl wondered as she sat down between Isagi and Kunigami.
"We were just wondering who the man was. He has been coming over often these past few days." Nagi said, not looking up from his video game. That earned him a small scolding from Reo and Yukimiya, but it was left ignored by him.
"Oh, that's Suzuki-san. He is a very sweet staff member, he will be my substitute for the next 3 weeks."
"Oh, that's good." Chigiri said as Niko nodded his head in agreement. There was a short silence, until (Y/n)'s words fully sank in and they all looked at her in horror.
"Substitute?! What do you mean by 3 weeks?!" Nagi and Karasu yelled as Bachira jumped in front of her.
"Where are you going for 3 weeks?! We won't be able to survive here without you!" Hiori yelled as (Y/n) got over the initial shock and rolled her eyes.
"Now you are being dramatic, it's just 3 weeks, and Suzuki-san is more than enough capable for the job."
"Where are you even going? On a break?" Kurona was the next one to speak up, trying to hide his disappointment.
"Ego-san got a request from Noel-san to help out the Bastard München for the next 3 weeks, since their manager seemed to have had an accident or something..."  (Y/n) explained as Kunigami and Isagi grew stiff at the mention of the German team.
"What?! Why them?! (Y/n), you can't go there alone!" Isagi argued, dreading the fact that his manager will now be shared with Kaiser. Kaiser of all people!
"Why not? Except for some of them being obnoxious, they seem like a solid team. And based on what Ego-san told me, Kaiser and Ness recommended me to Noel-san. As much as I don't get along with Kaiser, it is a huge thing to get a recommendation from him." (Y/n) explained truthfully.
"Not Ness... I completely forgot he was on the team..." Aryu whispered to Rin and Baro, the whole group remembering how (Y/n) eyed the payer when they visited the last time.
"Let's hope that creep lost interest in her and will treat her like anyone else."
Baro added, making sure that (Y/n) didn't hear them.
"Yeah, (Y/n) shouldn't be with someone like him... even my brother is a better option." Rin muttered.
"When are you leaving?" Reo suddenly asked, feeling his heart squeeze in pain as Nagi silently watched her, his game long abandoned.
"This friday."
"Oh..." Was the only thing that came out of Chigiri's mouth.
"Will we stay in contact tho?!" Niko suddenly asked, thankful that his eyes were hidden behind his hair.
"Of course! I am not abandoning Blue Lock, just helping out another team. Don't worry, we can talk everyday, as long as the timezones allow us."
Reo, Nagi and Kunigami let out sighs of relief as they heard she wasn't abandoning them.
"Wait Friday? So you are leaving in 2 days?" Gagamaru suddenly asked as he remembered that today was Wednesday.
"This isn't good! We are spending the next two days hanging around! Forget the training!" Otoya said quickly, in the heat of the moment forgetting that Ego could hear them.
"If you don't start training again, I am sending (Y/n) to Germany tonight." Ego's voice came from the speakers. This triggered most to get up and resume what they did previously. Bachira, Isagi and Hiori stayed around for a while, using the excuse of needing more rest.
As Friday came the boys grew more and more nauseous, the thought of (Y/n) being alone in a different country scared them. But as fate will, the moment she had to leave came and the team was... less than pleased. Bachira tried to stop her by throwing some weird excuses of needing help, which were shut down by Ego calling Suzuki to help. Once she was gone, Ego and Anri went to look for the team, only to find them moody and depressed in their shared room.
"What are you all doing here? Training is still going." Ego sighed in annoyance as Anri sent them a sympathetic look.
"Do we have to? Today is a tragedy!" Bachira yelled as Aryu nodded his head.
"Yes, a national day of mourning."
The black-haired man blinked and narrowed his eyes at them.
"I don't care what today is! Get out and train, otherwise you all are out of Blue Lock." Groaning, the boys got up and slowly walked to their designated spot. Once everyone was gone, Anri let out a small sigh and looked at the agitated man.
"Don't be like that, you know how close they are with (Y/n). You yourself were pretty upset too when you approved of (Y/n) going."
"I do not know what you are talking about. That wasted talent can go wherever she wants, I wouldn't care." Ego coughed.
"You literally started googling and telling (Y/n) which places to avoid in Munich-"
"I don't want any issues with her parent."
Anri sighed, giving up on arguing and following after the man.
'It's kind of sweet how much of a soft spot he has for her.'
The 1st week for the Blue Lock team was... was quite a rollercoaster of emotions. The team went through nearly all the stages of grief, except for acceptance. Reo and Nagi were more snappy and snarky than usual. Baro was more aggressive on the field and no amount of warnings from Suzuki could stop him from starting arguments with Kunigami. The said orange-haired boy was way easier to provoke now and he was doing a lot more dirty tricks while playing. Isagi and Rin were less motivated to play and would argue way more than usually. Gagamaru was just standing next to the goal, not even bothering to keep up with the team. Niko was way more moodier and less willing to get out of bed, only when Ego starts threatening him does he do that. Chigiri and Aryu missed (Y/n) and her braiding and playing with their hair. It always relaxed them after a long day of training. Karasu tried to keep up with his daily routines, but it was less fun when he knew there wasn't someone cheering him on. Yukimiya and Otoya were trying to keep the peace as much as possible, as they didn't want (Y/n) to hear any of this. And Bachira... well he was just there, he was playing but less enthusiastically. Hiori was more moodier and Kurona shut himself completely off. The only time they really were their normal selves was when they texted or called (Y/n), which wasn't as much as they wished.
Ego was slowly losing his mind as well, since he couldn't take Suzuki's complaining any longer, so that's why Anri started listening to him and writing everything down.
'Two more weeks...' The black-haired man sighed.
'Hope that brat is at least having fun.' Ego smiled a little, which was hidden by his hand as Anri talked about some decisions the JFU made.
"V-vielen Dank." (Y/n) stuttered as she took her fries and joined Kaiser and Ness.
"Was that right?" She asked as the magenta-eyed boy smiled as usually and nodded his head, while Kaiser patted her back.
"Yep! On point, seems like I am a better tutor than you expected." Kaiser said smugly, and as much as (Y/n) hated it, he was right.
"Yeah you are... the fries here are very good!" The girl said as she bit into her food.
"Told you these food stands have better quality than any restaurant in Munich. Now let's go, we got to show you the most popular bar here. They have non-alcoholic drinks too." Ness said softly as (Y/n)'s phone went off. Kaiser and he raised an eyebrow as she quickly typed something back and put the phone away.
"Your phone has been going off a lot in the past hour." Kaiser remarked.
"Yeah, during this time the boys usually finish off with their training, so we text a lot then."
"Oh." Was the response that came from Ness and Kaiser hid a irritated look.
2nd week was a bit....a bit better,at least Suzuki was telling it to himself. While the boys were more willing to listen to him and commit to training, it was like some soulless people were playing the whole time. Gagamaru for example was more willing to avoid the ball flying past him, but there wasn't the same amount of euphoria he usually had. Bachira kept on saying how his monster didn't like this anymore, Chigiri wasn't in his usual speedster mood. Isagi and Rin were arguing less and were just doing their own things on the opposite sides of the stadium. Reo would mop around in the shared bedroom along with Baro after training, and Nagi was just sleeping. Sleep helped him escape this hellhole for now. Karasu was somewhat back in his usual shape after he would reread the compliments (Y/n) had sent him. Yukimiya and Otoya's guards were less on now, as the group was getting less wild and Niko, Hiori and Kurona were just training together, often exchanging what they missed about (Y/n).
"Great job you two! The fans will surely enjoy the game in two weeks!" (Y/n) told Ness and Kaiser as they were leaving the training grounds of the club.
"And you can't stay a week longer? Getting you a VIP pass won't be hard if you decide to stay." Ness said, a little sad that they only had a week with the girl left.
"Sorry, I have my own team to return to and your manager probably misses his work, too." (Y/n) said, a little sad that she has to leave the country soon, as she did grow attached to the duo. But she was very happy to go home to her team, she missed the chaos they cause at times.
"Well, if you do decide to stay, it won't be hard to find an arrangement. Just tell Ness or I." Kasier added, hoping that she might agree eventually.
And finally, finally the end of the 3rd week came and the boys were in their old form as it dawned on them that (Y/n) will be back soon! Ego was happy that the boys were back to their normal and was busy telling Chris off for a manager exchange.
'No way am I going through this mess again.' The man thought.
"(Y/N)!!" Bachira, Isagi and Hiori yelled as they hugged the girl as soon as she entered the building.
"We missed you!"
"Please don't leave like that again!"
"It was hell!"
"Ahh it was? I heard that Suzuki-san had everything under control though." (Y/n) said as Isagi helped her up and Bachira kept on hugging her.
"It's really not the same."
"Yeah, please never leave like that." Kurona and Isagi protested as Reo and Nagi ran to their side and hugging the girl.
"We missed you!"
"The new arrangement was such a drag."
"Lukewarms, move away."
"Hey, I want a hug too!"
"Welcome back, (Y/n). Never leave again."
The whole team was soon at the entrance, hugging the girl and saying how much they missed her.
"I missed you too guys! But I need to go and talk with Ego-san now-"
"Come on, we will catch up in our room."
"Ego-san can wait."
As the group started dragging the girl away, Ego watched the interactions with amusement.
"Welcome back." He whispered, deciding to let some of the comments slide for now.
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lehguru · 1 year
how kaiser and ness (separate) would comfort their s/o!!
warnings: this was a request! gender neutral reader; not proofread at all tbh + requests are open ! check pinned post for requesting rules
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michael kaiser
kaiser isn't someone that is used to comforting others. his demeanor while trying to give positive affirmations might come off as quite rude and unsensitive, even if he really didn't mean to act like that. but when he is approaching his s/o to help them with something, i can see him being purposefully more cautious than he would be with any other person.
for as long as they need, kaiser would tune down his egoism and "narcisism", giving his s/o his entire focus and love. he might try to comfort them with words, but those aren't really his forte; the maximum he would be able to say without sounding like he doesn't care (simply out of not knowing what to do) is "i'm here, baby."
instead of words, i really think he would hug or make little things for his partner. if you want to cuddle, he will open his arms and let you rest your head on his chest, his hand rubbing your back or your hair, if he can. if you don't feel up to cuddling, yet you're still feeling bad, he would make you a meal so you could eat, or give you his hoodie so it would be more comfortable for you. he's all ears for anything you might need and he would make sure to let you know that is okay to ask for help if you need to.
lastly, if his partner simply want to be distracted, his confident personality would come in handy. he would start telling stories about his trainings or his crazy fans, he would also make jokes about how "i'm the best boyfriend ever, look at me!!".
alexis ness
ness is VERY good at comfort. whenever his partner came looking for comfort or he sensed they needed it, he would immediately give them their entire energy and focus; if he can't at that moment, he would make sure to leave them with something that could help them get through things alone for a little, until he can be there.
words of affirmation are definitely his speciality, the praises and comforting words he would mutter while hugging his s/o would definitely be more than enough to make anything bad go away. "i love you. you're important and so precious to everyone."
if that's not enough, he would just be there for them, his own eyes tearing up while seeing his darling in such distress. he would cling to them andpress light kisses over their faces once in a while, as a soft reminder that he is there and he will always be there.
the next day, whether his s/o is feeling better or not, he would buy them their favorite flower and write a love letter to go with it. throughout the day, he would order their favorite food, do all the house chores (he already does most of them, because he adores to do it), leave his comfiest clothes around in case his s/o wants to use them; overall, he would just make sure that they have an easy day, even if it means taking more burdens onto his shoulders.
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2023 © content belongs to lehguru, but the characters used in them belong to their respective creators!!
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boinin · 10 months
the new chapter is so damn hype
nearly everyone gets a moment to look cool as hell. I'm also really enjoying the scanlation team's dialogue choices this week.
starting with Kaiser and Ness, who are doing nothing to quell the D/s vibes with this exchange
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and Kaiser isn't limited to metavision or predator eye... those aren't irises, those are wheels VRRRRMM
New ability revealed, VEHICULAR MANSLAUGHTER /s
more low-effort takes on the new chapter below the cut
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This is the impact Isagi's persistent annoyingness has had. Kaiser's actively taking account of his position when aiming for the goal. That's exactly what Isagi wanted (from back in chp 221). Now he better live with the consequences.
Kaiser's eyeballs can apparently speak now too. Rawr.
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Isagi: tells anyone who asks about his skills, including his opponents Isagi when said opponents turn it back on him: >:(
Aiku looks extra unhinged here, love to see it.
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More seriously, it's heartwarming to see Barou's growth over the course of the series. He's gone from king -> villain -> Snuffy's successor -> archvillain with a team full of henchmen.
He looks dope generally this week, I love his lightning motif. Aiku's panel with the snake is my pick for this chapter, but Barou is the artist's favourite and it shows.
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But they're not alone! Look how cool Niko looks here! We're on a metavision count of four this chapter (following Kaiser, Isagi and Aiku).
Also his commentary on the work conditions is a mood. Niko's such a shady kid, love it. He's also going to be terrifyingly good, given he's only sixteen or so here (assuming his birthday takes place before or during the NEL). He's a full three years younger than Lorenzo and Aiku, yet still manages to keep up and hold his own. What a legend.
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There's something inherently hilarious about imagining a teenage boy yelling "what are you guys, some friggin' chimera??!" at his rivals on a football pitch
Never change, slursagi.
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Speaking of swearing, here's Hiori!
Who 1) looks DOPE in this panel, look at his flow eyes, and 2) would never fucking say fucking fucking ever /s
Isagi roaring at him to come is also funny. no context blue lock quotes continues to be a gold mine.
Still no MV eyes from Hiori yet, even though he's confirmed to have it. I can't wait to see what his looks like.
Lastly, there's this. I have no idea what they're going for (uber-rous?), but it's hilarious:
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his face is all banged up but he's so happy still 🥹
@echari3 you'll enjoy this panel
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gachagon · 1 year
Ness can't catch a break lmao
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Also I really like story arcs where characters who are obsessively servile to others have to come to a realization that they can't give the person they love the most in the world everything. Like when they realize that they can't provide for the person they cherish as well as they thought they could, and their entire world view crumbles because they don't know who they are without this other person telling them what to do.
I know a lot of people think Kaiser doesn't care for Ness that much, but honestly I think he does care about Ness, he's just so obsessed with beating Isagi right now that he's kind of neglecting the one person who's willing to stick beside him.
I already wrote a while back about how Kaiser can't beat Isagi because he doesn't understand Isagi on a deeper level, and I think that's true for a lot of characters Kaiser interacts with.
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However in this game we've seen multiple times that Kaiser has always been the one to get Ness to stop thinking so much about "what to do next" and to stop stressing so much. I do think their relationship is very unhealthy (don't take this post as me being like "they're relationship goals omg <3" like no these bitches need couples therapy BADLY)
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Kaiser's the king and Ness is the pawn, and Pawns don't have to think about all the complicated battle strategy. That's the kings job. Though I think this match is going to show that even Kaiser has his days where he can't pull off some miraculous play. And where does that leave Ness? He can't just abandon Kaiser for someone stronger. That's ridiculous, I mean, who would ever just leave behind their bestest buddy for a stronger opponent-
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Oh they really are just a Bachisagi parallel huh....
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short-black-diamond · 8 months
Imagine they had a break so they went to a mall w Yena to see what she's into right??
( Cuz they're all DOWN BAD for her )
And Yena knows they r😘
SO!! She decides to tease them w a somewhat revealing fit🤭
Corset type of top
Hair down to flex ✨
Tight jean shorts around upper thigh
Thigh high socks or stockings?
Her thighs be looking THICC
( isagi w the thigh fetish😱😍)
After that, the boys can't keep their eyes off of her, they also cant keep it in their pa-
Yena obvi teases them calling them a perv and (MAYBE??) get kaiser and ness to pay for her stuff (CUZ THEIR RICH🤑) and they do it because
Yena : 😘😚
Everyone : 🙏😋🧎🧎‍♂️
You can add wtv else u want!! :))
Is it okay if I try to bring an OC into this? it's a boy btw
However, I'd like for yena to not know that the bois are simping for her, so I will build up the tension and then let her find out!! Also I don't want Kaiser to pay for her stuff because she kicked him-she kicked ness too but he forgave her, you know? So I'd rather have Reo pay for her or she pays herself because Yena (you are) is a strong independent woman.
warnings/summary: you and teieri become besties, has Nagi a foot fetish?, jelly Rin, slurssss, you a bad bitch, soft/angst moments with kunigami, otoya whimpers and you have butterflies in your tummy from that, you meet kiyora, kurona and niko for the first time
Word count: 6.6k words wtf..
Just a quick and gentle reminder that everything I write is in headcannons and good fun, and if it bothers anybody, then they should stop reading this series.
"Yo, she's a pro." ...part five
part one, part two, part three, part four
You had tears flowing down your eyes, but you were also smiling with a blush. you loved seeing Rin smile, it just made your worst days more precious. you sighed as you closed Rin's door and made your wy to your dorm.
You were just rounding the corner when you nearly bumped into Teieri. She was just about to speak to you, so it was a good thing you two met. "Ah, yena, I just wanted to speak to you!", she said in a cheery tone, though you took a few steps back with a frown.
and...were you trembling...?
She flinched before she waved her hands around. "N-no! It's nothing bad this time, Yena! Please calm down! I just wanted to tell you that you'll be able to go and have some free time now. The weekend is free, so you can do whatever you like on saturday and sunday!", she exclaimed in a rush, not wanting the only other female in this facility to be scared of her.
you sighed in relief. "Thank you, ma'am. And will you have some free time too? I guess not...", you mumbled, feeling bad for the manager. she only shook her head wiht a smile. "It's all good, really-" "I heard there's a discount on the women's articles this weekend...", you interrupted her.
She pressed her lips together with a frown. "If you want to, I could look at some stuff for you. What is your style, teieri?", you asked politely. you felt bad for the woman and buying her something she liked would for sure come in sweet.
"w-well, I really like cute stuff and all...", she started, but you only raised your hand. "Cute stuff, got it. Let me surprise you.", you then said with a ghost of a smile before you retreated. She huffed in amusement at you.
"Oh, and yena?" "Yea?"
teieri smiled at you. "You know that you're holding the boys in a chokehold, right?", to which you turned to her completely.
She giggled. "Yena, none of these players had shown this much enthusiasm and motivation to train until you came, you know? I think most of them got a crush on you~", she mused and poked your sides.
You squirmed with a blush. "N-no way that's true...", you wheezed as she started to tickle you. "Oh yes, Reo, Nagi, Rin, Bachira, Isagi, and all the other boys you've interacted with!" Anri was truly the mother you wished you had.
you may not look like it, but you were just the sweetest thing on earth...even if you kicked ness and kaiser in the groins and absolutely bruised Otoya up by shredding him with a ball.
She only shook her head with a fond smile before she went, you'd tell the others anyway.
"SHOPPING SPREE!!!", everyone cheered. more like reo, accompanied by Nagi who said it more sleepily and you in a monotone voice. rin only raised his fist. you were there with Reo, Nagi, and Rin. Bachira texted you that he was already checking out a store with Isagi, so it was just you four for now.
And, well, as you were strolling through the first few stores, disconnected from the outside world as your focus was directed towards a top which you were admiring... the boys only looked around sheepishly and blushing. They were all following after you like lost puppies, not wanting to part from you.
And now back to the top, it wasn't any type of top either. It was a dark green corset, with black embroidments and dark silver bones to uphold the form.
You were blushing at the piece. Something about this corset was just...so...etheral, so old-fashioned and pretty. you truly loved the victorian age and gothic aesthetic...and when they meshed...an impulse-buying Yena got born.
"This looks ravish...", you breathed as your eyes were wide, and you stood there for a moment before you quickly took all the other corsets you found and weren't similar to the ones you already had.
you felt like you were in paradise. You were glad that you came here early. you were glad that this shop was still nameless. you were glad that-
"Mind if I hold that for you?", Reo asked softly, tearing you out of your onslaught of praise to...no one. You blinked a few times before you dumped your items on him and went to the shorts section. you were too engrossed in what you were doing that you didn't even notice Isagi and Bachira come into the shop as well.
Rin's eye twitched when he saw Bachira's grin and Isagi's smile, both blushing when they saw Yena at the pants section. "what are you guys doing here?", the dark haired boy asked in a mean tone as he watched the two with a disgusted face.
Isagi and Bachira only frowned at him. "Yena invited us!", Bachira cheered before he slung his arm around Isagi's neck with a grin.
Rin groaned internally. you were a sly witch, he had to give you that. Wanna know how you managed to get him to go shopping? Chat:
Rin - Morning, Yena. You - Hey Rin. Wanna go out? Rin - (5 min later) In what way...? You - What do you mean what way, if you don't wanna hang out just say it damn😒 Rin - Well I'd like to know if it's Rin - Just the two of us You - WE CAN MAKE IT IF WE TRY~ JUST THE TWO OF US Rin - Or where we are going (WE CAN MAKE IT IF WE TRY~ JUST THE TWO OF US) ↳ Rin - Really? You - What that song slaps harder than you can score a goal👆🏻(middle finger*) Rin - ...ok You - also ye, we're going to that mall if you're ok with that. I need new clothes... Rin - ok, let's go.
Never in his life would he have thought that you meant only the first fifteen minutes alone with him, because right after the fifteenth minute ended, Nagi and Reo rounded the corner and he was surrounded by other boys who were crushing on you. And it also helped even less when Bachira and Isagi came.
He started to hate Bachira when he saw how you and Bachira were dancing with each other the day prior. Rin never danced with you, even though he was your childhood friend and knew that you did ballroom dancing before you turned into a soccer protégé. However, he knew your clothing style best out of all the males around you.
He was your childhood friend, after all. So, he made it his mission to look at other stuff you'd like, and he stumbled upon the jacket section. He rememberd vaguely that you once mentioned of wanting to have a leather jacket because you liked biker dudes and wanted to impress them (he started taking motorcycle riding sessions), which is why he looked at the one which would suit you the best.
Nagi watched as you were checking out some shorts when he caught sight of a white one. "How about this?" "ew, I don't like white, Nagi."
Cue him looking at you with a hurt expression. "...what?"
You looked at him with a raised brow, confused to his reaction. Then it dawned to you.
nagi had white hair.
"NO! No Nagi, not like that! You have great hair!", you exclaimed and shook his shoulders, trying to convince him.
He still pouted as he averted his eyes. You could make out the blush on his cheeks though. you remembered how he sometimes turned red when he was angry. "hey....Nagi, you're not mad at me, right?", you asked softly, genuinly feeling bad now.
"'m not mad...", he spoke quietly before taking the white shorts. "I still want you to try them out though. I want you to have a white outfit. Please.", he pouted.
You sighed deeply before you nodded. "Alright...make me a pastel goth.", and he quickly went away to pick you light coloured clothes, with you deadpanning at him.
Reo shook his head in amusement before he got another pair of shorts. Isagi stood next to him, looking through some skull shirts. "They're pretty cool...!", the blue eyed boy gushed, holding one up in the air. You turned around.
"Mhm, that would suit you, actually...", you said, a finger on your chin in thought as you took a step back after you took the shirt from his hands and held it in front of his torso, getting an image of him wearing it. You were having a serious expression on your face as you frowned at him and the shirt.
"Yeah, along with some eyeliner and a few rings on your fingers and earrings, you'd make a good goth.", you said before handing him back the shirt. "try it on later, alright?", and with that last question, you went away with Reo following you. Isagi held the shirt close to him with a precious grin and blush at your words.
You let your eyes wander through the shop before you found what you wanted. Thigh highs with boots right next to it. Perfect.
You went to the aisle with determined steps, but a voice caught your ears. "Yena?", Ness' voice asked and you turned to the boy. "Oh Ness, hi."
(everyone forgot to put away the earpieces, so everyone could understand each other, but not that you needed earpieces because you could speak japanese and german.)
Ness blushed a little when he saw your street outfit. As it was getting rather warm at the moment, you simply decided for a gown with a long vest and converse shoes, your hair put in a high pony. You didn't really look like a goth at the moment, but you were shopping, so maybe he could see what you'd wear on any other day?
At Blue Lock, you also wore a uniform, and that pastel pink dress (once) or your pijamas.
"You guys shopping as well?", Bachira asked with a grin and a red cheeked Isagi followed before frowning at Kaiser, who also came.
"Yeah...thought we'd check out some stores...", Kaiser answered, having a stare-off with Isagi. You were gone to let the boys attend to their meet.
'Whoah...look at the pattern! And the boots are to die for!!!', you thought as you glared at the thigh highs and boots you fetched quickly. 'Okay, now only changing the clothes to see if they fit and quickly before Nagi-' "Okay, I have everything.", you heard Nagi's calm voice.
You huffed under your breath. you really didn't want to wear something light, but if it was for Nagi's sake...
"Okay, I'll change. Gimme."
"Yena, please come out now.", Nagi spoke loudly, with Kaiser and Ness sitting next to Reo, Nagi and Bachira. "Why are you guys still here??", Rin asked after he came back with the (in his eyes) perfect leather jacket for you.
He saw Ness and Kaiser talk to the others and got a vague idea on their personalities, and he especially kept an eye on Kaiser. However, he was also looking out for Ness, who fidgeted with his hands and also looked down at them nervously.
"U-Um there was a snack shop Yena's been mentioning, and there were...um..."
"Penis waffles!", you yelled, opening the curtains violently as you looked at Ness with an excited grin. His mouth stood open and trembled as the german looked at you with a flustered and red face. you had white clothes from head to toe, and some strands adorned your face which fell down when you put on the shirt and thin vest.
you wore a tight white top, a white vest which went down to your knees, and a pretty white shirt, along with white thigh highs and also white high heels. You were surprised how fast Nagi purchased these items. Wait, he bought them...
"Nagi, did you already buy them?! Ah- HEY, STOP TAKING PICS OF ME!!!", you yelled in embarassment as you threw your high heel at Nagi. He caught it and then he examined the shoe. "Your feet are very small."
"Do you have a foot fetish or what."
nagi stared at you. You just closed the curtains again and changed your clothes. time for the second set. the better one.
the gothic one.
Nagi stared at the shoe. Reo leaned back. "Nagi...that's too much, even for you.", the purple haired guy spoke softly, and Nagi whipped his head towards him. he had a slight frown, and his face was beet red.
"I don't...", he only said softly.
Reo didn't believe him. Isagi didn't believe him. Bachira didn't believe him. Ness didn't believe him. Kaiser didn't believe him. Rin didn't believe him.
"uh...can somebody come in and help me for a sec?", you spoke as you held the strings to your corset. it had a different way of getting closed, and you didn't want to tear the threads apart.
There was a short moment of silence before you heard shoes shuffle, some voices, grunting and cursing, saying "fuck off!" "I wanna do it!" "I'm her childhood friend, I should do it."
However, all their efforts to come to you came to waste when a taller frame -taller than Nagi- came to view. he was a muscular, handsome and mature looking man. he had fierce black locks which made him look all the more etheral looking, like a greek god, and he stood in front of your curtain. "Yena.", he said in a calm tone. no emotions, just your name.
you flinched before you opened the curtain excitedly. "Victor!? what are you doing here!?", you exclaimed before you pulled him inside. He took care of the corset, pulling together the strings as you babbled away happily, although in another language. However, since everyone still had earpieces on, they could hear every word inside the cabin.
that didn't mean that they were okay with you chatting with a stranger or random dude. Ness's eye twitched and he bit his lip, Kaiser only glared at the boy man who stepped inside the cabin, Reo stared in shock, Nagi frowned slightly, Isagi and Bachira pouted while Rin stared at the guy who dared to come in as well.
they were all jealous of the "Victor" guy. what did he have that they didn't? Sure, he was taller and more muscular than them all, and he actually wore a suit, his blazer/jacket in his hand. And now, he was pulling the strings.
Rin was angry. however, his anger dissipated when you opened the curtains again, and you wore your goth-outfit. The dark corset from earlier having tightened your waist and pushed up your boobs, the black shorts which made your thighs spill out, making Isagi gulp down his oncoming stream of saliva, the thigh highs you wore only spurring his thigh fetish on more and also the black platform boots you wore had that little something which made the guys swoon for you. also, your hair was more disshelved and open, and Victor seemed to have given you a pair of earrings, because instead of the usual black diamond studs, you wore earrings which had a spider dangling from a thin chain on either earstud.
Still, you looked hot and cool at the came time. everyone blushed. However, they all had sour faces when they saw Victor who smirked at them. "Yena, who's this guy actually?", asked Rin.
He was the closest, and glared at Victor. you just tapped Rin's peck. "oi, no glaring. it's Victor. he's my ex.", you said in a nonchalant tone, and Rin, as well as everyone else turned surprised.
"you...had an ex?", asked Reo. you had never mentioned you were dating anybody. Nagi stared at the taller guy. Rin gulped. he never heard of a Victor.
why was there suddenly a Victor?
Bachira and Isagi, as well as Ness and Kaiser were dumbfounded. looking at the reaction of Reo, Nagi and Rin, it seemed like you kept your relationship with the guy a secret.
Victor stepped forth, out of the cabin and turned to you.
"Yena, would you be amenable to a wardrobe alteration? Numerous establishments in this locale await your perusal, and I am eager to explore them with you.", he spoke in a gentle, sophisticated tone, and you nodded before you walked back and closed the curtains.
Victor now stood in front of the curtain as some sort of warrior.
"Allow me to introduce myself as Victor Manchester, who, for a duration of two years, occupied the role of Yena's significant other. Regrettably, I opted to terminate our association before her involvement with Blue Lock ensued.", he said in a monotone voice before his expression turned into a solemn smile.
"I find myself harboring a wish that circumstances had unfolded differently.", he said softly.
"...why did you break up with her then?", Kaiser asked, and everyone else was dying to know.
"I must admit to possessing a rather pronounced inclination towards jealousy, and the prospect of remaining in a relationship with her while observing her amidst the company of other gentlemen proved untenable for my sensibilities. The strain upon my heart would have been insurmountable.", he explained, and he also had a pained expression on his face.
"The divergence in my emotional landscape was negligible when she transitioned into a state of singularity, despite her proximity to you. If anything, witnessing her in the company of your collective presence served to exacerbate the anguish in my heart.", Victor muttered, a slight frown on his face before he closed his eyes and sighed.
Everything about him screamed Yena's type. A calm, smart, mysterious lover, who took care of his body. His most noticable trade-mark must've been his piercing icy-cold, light blue eyes. Victor Manchester was nothing if not perfect. the way he spoke in such a deep and soothing, as well as overly sophisticated tone, or how he raked a hand over his jetblack locks, the slight blush when he spoke about you...Victor was still smitten for you.
These past months must've been hell for him, Reo thought. He really had guts to break up with Yena and destroying his life like that. how could he even just--watch her interact with a few boys like that?
Victor suddenly spoke again.
"May I inquire whether the young gentleman with tangerine-hued hair, by the name of Kunigami, is presently in attendance?"
"uh, no, he is not presently in attendance.", Reo spoke, trying to sound as sophisticated as him. Victor sighed softly before he had on a small smile.
"My apologies for any confusion. As a recent entrant into this milieu, I've been privy to information about Rin, Sae, Nagi, and Reo from Yena. However, my understanding is incomplete, as I am yet to acquaint myself with the other gentlemen in our collective. I would be grateful if you could facilitate introductions to the remaining individuals, as Yena has only shared details about Reo, Nagi, Sae and Rin.", Victor spoke again, and Bachira looked at Isagi.
"did you get a word he said?", Bachira asked, but Isagi only shook his head.
Rin stepped forth this time.
"I am Rin Itoshi, a longstanding confidant from Yena's formative years. Intriguingly, she has never relayed any mention of a figure by the name of Victor Manchester in the course of our discussions.", he said, and the others were surprised by how well mannered Rin spoke.
He stared at Victor, and Victor felt Rin's aura. they seemed to have a stare-off now.
"Indeed, Yena and I, by mutual agreement, maintained a discreet stance regarding our relationship, influenced by my inherent shyness in the presence of unfamiliar faces. Despite this discretion, my sincere desire is to cultivate a deeper understanding of your collective camaraderie, as an assurance that those with whom Yena associates are individuals of admirable character."
Victor then smiled at Rin, who glared at him.
"I can assure you that I am Yena's most trusted friend, but what about you? tell us about yourself. where do you come from? what do you do at the moment? are you at high school or studying? I don't know a damn thing about you and it's giving me the creeps that she'd hang out with somebody I don't even know.", Rin answered, still having his glare set on Victor.
"I hail from Great Britain, currently enrolled in studies at Harvard. My portfolio includes the oversight of several thriving business ventures. A notable aspect of my preferences lies in a genuine affection for biscuits."
Rin narrowed his eyes at Victor, but before Rin could say anything else, you stepped out with the items. "okay, Let me buy them real quick, you guys can go and check out the other stores.", you muttered as you checked if you had everything you needed.
the boys, however, didn't budge. Ness, Kaiser, Isagi, Bachira, Reo, Nagi, Rin and Victor only looked at you. Victor and Rin were the first to take the clothes from you. Reo and Nagi, as well as Kaiser and Ness were the first ones to take out their wallets to pay. Isagi and Bachira just stood there dumbly, not knowing how to please you or confused as to what the others did.
"I can pay for myself, you know?", you grumbled as you sat there with your chocolate milk in your hands as you huffed. the four boys were having a big slight argument over who got to pay for you, and they decided to split up the bill.
Bachira and Isagi were seated before you, Rin and Ness on either side of you, and Kaiser next to Ness, with Victor sitting next to kaiser, and reo and nagi between Rin and Bachira. You guys were sitting at a big, round table.
Everyone bought a small thing for themselves, Isagi also bought the shirt you told him would look good on him with a smile and blush. Nagi was content that you didn't give away the white clothes. Victor was stealing glances at you with a blush as you were grumpy. Rin waited for the food. so you guys were all just basically scrolling on your phones and waiting for the food at a restaurant.
"Huh, and here I thought you dissappeared, Victor!", an utterly high pitched voice broke the pleasant silence. You freezed, frowned, and turned to Victor. He looked at you in horror before he turned around.
Rika Shinkamu.
the blonde bitch he slept with.
Victor cheated on you with this japanese pick-me girl. her body screamed Barbie, with blonde hair, blue eyes, a thin body, but it seemed like she went underneath the knife, because she looked like shit. flared up tits, BBL on her butt, and also syrenged lips.
somehow, her body looked unnatural. she looked weird.
"Oh? and if this isn't Yena Hideyo...! wait...did you leave me, your girlfriend, alone to spend time with that slut?!", Rika exclaimed and stomped on her high heel.
Victor glared at Rika. "You're not my girlfriend, stop being so delusional.", he said, and his sophisticated demeanor was gone, instead a cold shoulder apparent.
ness, Kaiser, Isagi and bachira and the others just sat there, cringing at the girl. You sighed and rubbed your temple. They all however, didn't let Rika's comment slide.
Rin's eye twitched when he heard Rika call you a slut, when Rika looked like one, and a real ugly one at that.
"Can somebody please knock out that whore?", Rin asked, but he only stared at Victor, as if silently demanding him to leave with Rika.
"Hah?! The fuck did'ya just say?!", Rika scoffed before she turned to you. "All I'm saying is that Victor fucked me instead of you, which means he likes me more, and you're the one who is surrounded by boys! So, you're a slut! And look at your body, small boobs, eyebags, and your hair is sooo uncharismatic!", she exclaimed in a sassy tone before she whipped her blonde hair back and looked you up and down.
Victor stood up abruptly. You huffed in amusement. "I'm not going to argue with a person who had to undergo surgery for her body to look like mine.", you stated, and Rika glared at you.
But, you were not finished. "also, these guys are my friends, and I wasn't a whore or slut before I settled down with Victor, unlike some pathetic and poor excuse of a woman.", you said, and looked back to your phone.
everyone was silent after that. It was true what you said though. Rika has been hopping from male to male before she 'settled down' at Victor. Victor himself stood up and sighed.
"I'm sorry for ruining your day, I will leave now.", he said before he quickly went away, with Rika following after him, telling him to wait with tears in her eyes, her high heels being too much for her to actually go after him.
"that was...cringe.", Kaiser spoke, and you all agreed. Reo and Nagi, as well as Rin looked at you with either betrayal, concern, or both.
"What was that girl's deal, anyways? Starting a fight with you all of a sudden?", Ness asked as he pouted. you just sipped some more on your chocolate milk before the waitress came and served you guys your food.
"Long story short, I've been dating Victor for two years, but he cheated on me because he didn't really like me, and the person he cheated on was that blonde Rika. it seemed like they broke up, but Rika is just---delulu delusional and thinks Victor still likes her? she should go and seek therapy.", you muttered before you bit into your food.
Bachira huffed. "that's still no reason of her to call you these insults." "but Yena told Rika off good!", Isagi exclaimed after Bachira's words, and everyone agreed and you smiled softly. "thanks, guys."
"she looked like a fricking character from those old movies where the women look so weird...", Reo spoke with a frown, and again, everyone agreed, and laughed as well.
Rin then looked at you before leaning down to whisper in your ear. "please don't let anything get to you, Yena. you're the prettiest girl in the world.", he said quietly, and you blushed a bit. "thank you, rin.", you said back softly with a smile.
RIn nodded before he kept eating.
after everyone was done, and Kaiser and Ness bid their goodbyes, Bachira and Isagi had to leave too after a while to hang out with the others, and it was now only you, Rin, Reo and Nagi.
They all froze in place when you walked into a pink shop, with pink and cute accesoires. they blinked before they looked at each other with panicked expressions.
"Did she just--" (Reo)
"huh-" (Nagi)
"Y-yena!?" (Rin)
Yeah, they were all concerned. All three boys walked in after you, very concerned looks. Rin and reo took either side of your shoulder and pulled you back.
"quick, let's get her to the hospital!"
"Dial 911!!!"
"guys...it's for Teieri.", you spoke up with a huff. Rin and Reo let go of you, and Nagi forgot about his mission to take you out of the cutecore store as he looked at cute keychains.
"...cute..", the albino haired boy muttered. Nagi was at the other end of the store as you three were in front of the entrance.
"oh, sorry.", Rin coughed with a blush and took a step back to give you some space.
"but it really scared us when you went into the shop.", Reo exclaimed softly and with an apologetic smile.
you just shook your head. "it's alright, really. now I really wanna buy something super cute for Teieri..."
"I'll help you!", Rin and Reo spoke at the same time a determined expression on their faces.
You looked at them for a moment. They haven't really bought a lot of stuff, and you shook your head. "c'mon guys, go buy yourselfves something."
Nagi then came with one of the super cute keychains. "is it okay if I have this keychain? it looks...cute...", he mumbled with a small blush as he looked down on it at his hand.
Reo and Rin snorted, and you did too. "Of course, Nagi."
Reo and rin then left the store, and Nagi kept browsing through the aisles. you hummed in thought as you looked at the variety of goods.
'hmm...what would Teieri like...? I think I'll get a...a sweet notebook...with a cute pen...maybe an adorable pencil case? Hm!...and a few t-shirts would be nice too for her...oh, some of them have flowers...huh, it's actually good...I think I'll get her an M size...because of her...ahem...chest...', you thought with a blush as you put many products into a shopping bag.
Nagi appeared again. "I think this one looks better...no, this one...maybe the first one...? uh..such a hassle...Yena, help.", he spoke in his monotone voice and pouted.
you looked at the keychains. one was black and the other one white. "would you like to have one? you don't have a keychain yet..."
"huh, you're right actually...okay, I'll have the black one. and I think I'm done buying stuff for Teieri.", you muttered as you looked at the full bag with cute stuff.
nagi nodded and took the bag from your grip. "what are you doing?" "Don't want you to carry it. it's heavy...a heavy hassle..."
You only rolled your eyes playfully before you pai- no. Nagi paid.
you only shook your head.
"wha....wha...!? Wha-!?!!", Teieri exclaimed when you were over at her room as some sort of girl's night and smirked proudly when she looked at the different items with an excited expression.
She fell in love with each thing you bought. Pens, pencils, pencil sharpener, sweet jewellery, clothes, hair pins, an adorable hairbrush, a few plushies, you bought it all. anri cooed at everything.
"waaaaa! Thank you, Yena!", she exclaimed happily before she hugged you tight. you grunted before you hugged her back softly. "It's the least I could do, Teieri."
she took all the shirts and went to her cabin. "I-I'll put it on and show you, okay!?", she yelled in excitement and you threw a thumbs up.
You were scrolling on your phone as she changed and raised your brow. 'a message from Ego...one month left at blue lock...oh...', you thought as you read through his message. so you could only go to france, england and italy, because currently, you were slowly finishing it with spain, and you were at bastard münchen already.
thirty days. ten days with each team. then you're gone...unless...?
Victor said he had some businesses, and some of them included football. 'wait...he wouldn't, would he?', you frowned, but your train of thoughts vanished when Teieri jumped out of her walkable wardrobe to show you the t-shirt you bought for her.
"what do you think!? Super cute, right?!", she exclaimed with a blush and a huge smile. you smiled back at her softly. "yes, super cute."
you liked the fact that even grown-ups felt safe enough to act childish around you, and you huffed in amusement when anri hopped back into the changing cabinet to put on another shirt.
today was a sweet girl's night.
"Nine months, huh?", Kunigami muttered after you answered his question on how you became so good at football, and you explained it to him in the same way you did to barou. you and Kunigami were sitting together in the cafeteria and were now on your way back to the halls. you two would have to say goodbye to each other soon.
"yep, but there were also other games I played, nine months, however, was my absolute fave.", you said calmly before you looked at him.
'damn he's so fucking hot...' "what did you do this weekend, actually?", you asked. you were a bit down when he had rejected your offer to go to the mall with him, as he was the first person you asked. (you wanted it to become a date.) he said no and you went with Reo, nagi and the others instead.
"I spent some time with my family...I...I hope you bought some nice stuff for yourself?", he asked in a shy tone and blushed when he thought back about you wearing that pink outfit.
"yeah, I did actually. it was really fun at saturday, I wish you came."
Kunigami averted his eyes with a red face now. "N-next time..."
You blushed more. "...promise?" You asked gently and softly. Kunigami blinked a few times, looking to the ground as he did so, and nodded only.
You were celebrating in your head as you smiled at him. "I'm already looking forward to it."
Suddenly, Victor came to view as he bid Ego farewell. you locked eyes with him, and he smiled. "Ye-", he stopped when he saw Kunigami. He stared at him.
Kunigami raised his brow.
You frowned at Victor, not really wanting to see him at the moment. "Come on, Kunigami, let's go somewhere else.", you muttered and walked into the other direction. Victor, however, wanted to talk to you.
"w-wait, Yena! Please, let us speak for a moment!", Victor said urgently, as he took his steps to your direction. you sighed before you looked at Kunigami. "could you leave us alone for a moment?"
Kunigami switched his gaze between you and the stranger, then he huffed. "sure..", he mumbled and left.
"I'm sorry that I took your time away from...him...", Victor muttered, as he glared at the orange haired wild card's retreating form.
"Is it about saturday?", you asked with a raised brow.
"Yes, I-I'm sorry about what happened...Rika...she stalks me...", he sighed. Sucks for him.
"is this the only reason?"
"No, I...I wanted to ask you if we could be together again."
you just looked at him with a blank face, before you laughed your ass off. "AHAAHAH...HAUhahahahahahahajdwjjah.." and you kept chuckling for a bit.
Victor looked at you awkwardly, and with a hurt expression.
"no.", you said, and turned around to leave.
he made the mistake of touching you without your consent.
the moment you felt his "soft" grip on your wrist, you gave him a roundhouse kick to the cheek, and he got kicked to the side. you glared at him.
"how dare you touch me without my consent? how dare you come back again after we resolved this peacefully, ah!?", you seethed angrily, as you looked down at Victor who held his cheek, looking up at you in fear.
"I'm not going to be together with you again, ever. now get the hell outta here.", you growled, and walked away.
still, Victor was persistent. "L-look, I'm sorry Yena. I'm sorry for having had intercourse with Rika when I was together with you. I'm sorry for having taken you for granted. Please, just give me one more chance..!"
you only scoffed. "you think I want you after you were inside another woman? you think I want to get back to a guy who didn't want me at first? keep on dreamin', bitch."
and with that, you left. you weren't in the mood for that, even less considering getting back together with him. Victor didn't follow you this time. you were glad.
Kunigami was waiting around the corner, his eyes closed. you blushed. "god he's pretty..."
Kunigami opened his eyes as he looked at you and blushed. "thank y-you...", he muttered and looked to the side sheepishly.
you were frozen. 'did I...did I just say that out loud...I did...'
"ah- s-sorry, it just slipped out-" "I-it's okay, I enjoyed the compliment, really! Y-you're pretty too!"
you two looked to the ground with red faces, being complimented by each other, and giddy smiles.
[get a room for fuck's sake...]
"so...you will leave in a month...did I get it right?", kunigami spoke softly after a while, and you two leaned against opposite walls on the hallway.
"yeah...", you answered, feeling sad.
kunigami sighed before he stood straight and walked towards you. you looked up at him, confused as to why he was walking to you.
he was blushing. even his ears were red.
"Yena, I li-" "Yena! Yena come quick, you've gotta see that!", Oliver exclaimed, having appeared from nowhere.
liver would've pulled you by the wrist, but then he remembered how you were, and he also saw you beat that guy.
Oliver held a save distance from you.
you frowned. "why should I?"
"Otoya has made a cool ninja trick but ended up hurting his nuts, now come on!", oliver yelled with a mischievous, but also childlike grin. Kunigami was glaring at Oliver.
"heh, serves him right. Kunigami, what did you want to tell me though? you "li-"?", you asked as you looked up to him.
Oliver scowled.
Kunigami averted his eyes in embarassment. "ah..i-it's not that important."
Oliver smirked. "alright, let's go then!!"
'I thought he wanted to confess...how stupid of me...he must already have a girlfriend waiting for him..', you thought, and walked away with Oliver.
once you two rounded the corner, Kunigami slid down the wall, his head looking up, and he covered his eyes. "why did I chicken out...? was it because of Oliver...?....fuck..."
you were wheezing.
ringing for air.
otoya was laying on the side as he curled up in a fetus position, both his hands on his crotch.
"y--you...huhehuehheuheehueheue...y-you...oh go-ho-hoooood...!", you wheezed as you pointed around in his dorm. Karasu and Oliver were chuckling at Otoya, and Yukimiya was still training.
otoya had made the mistake of wanting to do a backflip on a chair, and hi nuts collided against it's back when he landed.
"that's what you get for being such a dumbass, moron."
"shut the...fuck...up, karasu...oww...", he whimpered.
something stirred inside you. ()
oh yeah.
you were crazy for whimpering boys. you looked down on Otoya.
"Otoya, let me help you.", you said in a serious tone. he looked up at you through teary eyes. "Really?", he mumbled softly.
you were an angel in his eyes right now. 'maybe she'll massage them...hehe..'
never in his life would Otoya have thought that you'd kick his nuts. He was moaning, and mewling in pain, and curled up even tighter. he was now crying and whimpering on the ground.
Karasu and Oliver laughed more.
"this is for the sauna incident.", you lied. you just wanted to hear more of his whimpers. he had a good whimpering noise.
you looked at Oliver and Karasu, and both stopped laughing, holding their crotches. "We're sorry" "We're very sorry", they said.
you walked out of the dorm with a satisfied hum.
Then you encountered Kurona, Kiyora, and Niko. the cutest boys of blue lock until now. you didn't meet anybody else yet. "hellyu."
"hello, Yena." "Hi." "..."
ah yes, Niko Ikki was the shyest of those three. so cute.
"is everything okay with you guys? are you about to train or.."
"train, train.", Kurona spoke. Kiyora looked at you, having a small blush on his cheeks. "please train with us...", and niko nods with a heavier blush.
'huhgewfjwifjiejiofjqiowjfijiwofjo THEY'RE SO CUTE WHAT THE FUCK THANK YOU GOD FEIFJJFIWJIFI', you thought with a blank face, and nodded. "sure, let's go."
They were decent and humble players. Kiyora jin put up a respectable match, kurona was a great teamplayer, and Niko was also great with his vision. they all were.
you praised the hell outta them.
jeowefowfowp sorry guys I'm such a simp lol
@meryqi, thought I should tag you, love :}
guys if you want another part please tell me, or more interactions ejifiwjfiejwifjwi
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cyberabbit · 1 month
For the character ask game, please could you do Ness?
Oh absolutely, I'm already one step away from writing a Ness manifesto!
I love Ness so much. His design right away- dead behind the eyes, soft, and something about him coming through as small despite being a pro football player. With everything from chapter 361.
2. That he got into football off the back of wanting to believe in everyday magic. It's cute.
3. It's not about him, but I hate the position he's sitting in of being blindly loyal to Kaiser. I hope he gets to make more friends.
4. He seems like someone misplaced a Dangan Ronpa character, but he deserves better. My first fandom was Shaman King and I think he'd be a great character in that.
5. Both "Fast Car" by Tracey Chapman and "Would?" by Alice in Chains.
6. AHAHAHAHA WOW OK. Ness is the other character in Blue Lock I look at and go oh no, same. We both attach ourselves easily to people and can't tell that they don't always have our best interests at heart.
7. Blue Lock fans are really good at writing Ness' unhinged responses to others, especially in relation to Kaiser. I don't think he's above putting thumbtacks in Isagi's cleats.
8. The fandom can have a habit of going to extremes with him - either making him completely soft-pure-innocent, or making him aggressively unhinged to the point he's unrecognisable. Yes, he's been heavily manipulated from being isolated and daydreaming, but he's still had all those other interactions with other characters- he still sabotages and threatens for the sake of someone else.
9. Probably couldn't be roommates with him. One of us would fly off the handle for a small reason and it'd come crumbling down. Also, two people prone to attaching in unhealthy relationships are probably a housemate match in hell.
10. Absolutely friends though! We're both the kind of weirdos who'd get into spooky LARP, make up fantasy worlds and infodump about witchcraft history while kicking a ball around.
11. Ness is very much not my type of partner! I couldn't handle someone idolising me, or tolerate Kaiser being a factor.
12. He's still an avid reader, and will devour both romantic fantasy and magical realism fiction. He wants to visit Disneyland with friends, particularly Kaiser. Also I'm a BPD Ness truther.
13. While :> makes me think of him, I think he'd use ❤️ a lot!
14. He's a dark academica girlie, but not the grey-beige kind. He's the intersection of the nerd-goth axis. Dark academia at Halloween.
15. I like Kainess because it's radioactive levels of toxic. I think he needs to be on his own and have friends before he needs a relationship, really, but I think Kurona/Ness is cute (+ I read a fic where Hiori was involved too). Nanase/Ness could be cute too?
16. There isn't a Ness ship I don't like. There isn't really much for him beyond Kaiser, Isagi and Kurona!
17. Isagi/Ness. It's fine I guess? I just wouldn't read it. It'd be cool if they became friends though.
18. Ness doesn't really have anything in the way of other relationships in canon, and the one he does have... ooft no, too relatable.
19. I don't dislike it, I think it's great in the story, but how his relationship with Kaiser is makes me so sad.
20. Nanase! Give Ness an emotional support Nanase! I think he'd be good friends with Kurona and Hiori too... maybe even Bachira. Add him to the Just Little Guys gang. Especially because I don't think Hiori would tolerate him exploding, but handle it well.
21. He's fun to write when you explore his interests outside of football! I like to imagine how he'd dress, decorate his space, and how football is part of it but not the same as characters like Barou or Isagi where football is football- with Ness, it's part of his daydreaming and attempts to connect with the world around him in a whimsical way. Sometimes when I write him I feel like I focus on him being mentally ill that it clouds writing everything else when they should all actually be interacting together.
22. My fic likes & dislikes are the same as my answers to how I feel about his fandom interpretation!
23. The panel where he's smiling at Kaiser in the shower. Did it ever actually happen? Who knows.
24. Mikan Tsumiki from Dangan Ronpa. Kaiser is just Junko Enoshima. Trust me on this one.
25. I thought he was cute and absolutely unhinged. Now it's sort of the same but I think he deserves a blanket, a hug and a big pretzel.
26. I truly hope Ness realises his worth and Kaiser has to come to terms with losing him!
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Round 3
Chihaya Ayase (Chihayafuru) vs Michael Kaiser (Blue Lock)
Chihaya Ayase
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Sport: Competitive Karuta
Appearance: Light brown hair, brown eyes, 167 cm, japanese, gemini, blood type B
Propaganda: Chihaya's love for karura is inspiring: people rarely recognize it as a sport, it can't be made into a career, and still she dedicates her all into training and advertising it because she really believes in its beauty. Chihaya's competitive nature doesn't stop her from being a team player: she's very skilled and could run solo, but because she knows how life-changing it is to have a passion, she applies her time and skills for training the newbies. Chihaya recognizes there are multiple ways of excelling at something and multiple reasons for being a player: her team is built diversily because she believes in each skillset she finds along the way, which is super empowering when you feel like you might now be good enough🎴
Michael Kaiser
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(Image by @variabels here I was given permission to use the image, please do not use it without the artist’s consent) Sport: Soccer
Appearance: Blonde hair with blue streaks, light blue eyes, German
Propaganda: Kaiser is a character that most people hate at first, only to later reluctantly accept how amazing he is. He is arrogant, but he has every right to be so. He’s a prodigy forward in the under-20 division and is regarded as one of the top 11 best players in the world in his age group. He has amazing spatial awareness and great shooting skills. In one chapter of the manga, he literally kicked the ball in midair with a bicycle kick (where you’re upside down), and the ball then passes under a defender before landing into the goal. With strength like that, you can’t help but close an eye on him being an asshole. But although I keep roasting his personality, he also has his good points. He is quite charismatic when you’re on his side, and this is best displayed in his relationship with Ness, his partner midfielder. In one match, Ness was on the verge of breaking down in fear of losing, but Kaiser easily pulls him back up. He tells Ness to just move like how they practiced and leave the rest to him. And seriously, who wouldn’t feel relieved when someone offers to remove the pressure off their shoulders and tells them, “And believe. For me, nothing is impossible.” Kaiser is such a complex character that even my feelings for him are complex. I hate how he treats Ness like trash most of the time, I hate how he keeps getting in the protagonist’s way, and I hate how he’s always so full of himself. But at the same time, like Ness, I can’t help but be drawn to him. Aside from being an insanely good player, he’s also a very compelling character. We are yet to get his backstory, so I really wonder how his superiority complex came to be. Right now, I am following the manga, eagerly waiting for the moment I see him break and lose it.
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pistatsia · 5 months
Do you have predictions for the PXG match? Character moments we’ll get, backstory reveals? Anything.
...at this rate I have no predictions only hopes 💀
Kaiser fails. Multiple times. Drastically. I want to see this man crying in Ness chest I'm not even sorry.
Ness also cries.
PXG wins because Isagi... Okay, it would be incredibly boring if Isagi will win again and become the U-20 team star. It's not interesting at all to watch character who never loses for so long. Plus it's too early for him to suppress Rin
Rin thinking about Sae. Shidou is also thinking about Sae. But there's a little nuance.
Hiori teams up with Kaiser/Ness anyone aside of Isagi
Karasu, Hiori and Hiori's legs
Someone sends Gesner an offer to a new team, preferably far from this fucked up dysfunctional team
Loki masterminds everything and everyone god knows he deserves it
Charles throws fruity jokes at Ness pissing him off
Overall I think that this game would also be sort of rushed in terms of character's motivations, skills and development like the Ubers game (where I feel that only Isagi got a paced storyline). Too many of strong and interesting characters, too many stories, tragedies to tell and decisions to make, and time is running out.
On a more serious note then I believe that we'll see some confrontation between Noa and Loki because. BECAUSE we deserve it! I love the fact that Loki's both having fun and pursuing his goals, while this can irritate Noa who hates unseriousness in such matters. Plus Noa is supposed to be his idol - from his country and most likely from the same club in past, but Loki shows no interest towards him. I'd like to see more about their (absent) connection.
And obv Kaiser's backstory. Tbh I haven't really liked Ness backstory (and I can talk SO MUCH about that, it's personal!) so I kind of unsure if I want to see Kaiser's backstory at all. I think it'll disappoint me anyways - but my opinion influences nothing, and we'll see it, no matter if we want it or not.
And once again, about Kaiser - I feel that even if BM somehow loses Kaiser will win this time towards Isagi, even if I really want him to lose because God knows this boy needs it. Three losses (along with U-20) would be too much for him. Plus he's a NG11 genius, seriously, our freshman Isagi can't yet be at the same level.
But I really really hope that not only he'll win, but also realize something in process - whether it'll be because of Ness failure/betrayal, Noa's words, Isagi's new development or some other event I hope he'll be able to take a step back and realize how far he is now from a boy who trusted his new friend enough to tell him about his weakness and allow to cut his hair. How far he's actually from this ideal of someone not surrendering in advance.
And how close he is to a little boy who he once was. Because even if Kaiser became older, Kaiser never grew up.
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maochira · 8 months
Hello!! How are you doing? Hopefully you're doing just well and fine~ I was wondering if you could do the same crush headcanons you did for sae, kaiser, bachira and if you're okay with a 4th one than maybe otoya or ness?
Feel free to delete this and I am so sorry for any mistakes English is not my first language..
Have a good day/night!🌸
Hi! I currently don't write for Sae, so I'm only doing the others.
Masterlist - (new) taglist sign-up
Tags: gn!reader, fluff
It takes Kaiser a while to admit what he feels for you. He does notice he has a crush on you pretty quickly, but he tries to be in denial for months. In that time, his feelings for you aren't really obvious, but he acts a little like a tsundere occasionally - just not enough to make it obvious. When he comes to terms with his feelings for you, Kaiser suddenly becomes overconfident and thinks there's no way you won't fall back for him literally the second he asks you out.
It's a bit hard to tell when Bachira falls for you. Long before he developed romantic feelings for you, he was already incredibly affectionate towards you. Due to there being no change in Bachira's behaviour, you couldn't notice what changed in his feelings towards you. Bachira doesn't properly confess his feelings either, he just randomly starts pointing out things he loves about you and why, until that turns into him explicitly saying he's in love with you.
Otoya never expected to fall for you the way he did. He thought he'd feel the same way about you in the way he felt about everyone he dated before. But there's just something special about you that he can't put into words. It's like the first time he's genuinely in love with someone. You're his first true love that he wants to take seriously. But he's also unsure if you'd want to date him and he doesn't know how to confess either. So instead, he continues dating other people in hope that'll make you jealous. Then he figures out that was a wrong approach since it only pushed you away from him. He'll figure out how to ask you out one day.
You'd expect Ness to become obsessed with you like he is with Kaiser when he falls for you, but no. He's surprisingly normal about his feelings for you, which is why it takes you months to understand that he's in love with you. Well, he mostly holds back because he's insecure about how Kaiser would think about it, and he's also afraid of your reaction if he confessed. Ness hints at his feelings every now and then, but at the same time, he's too nervous to confess his feelings properly. He tries to wait until you pick up on it by yourself, so he doesn't have to be the one to address the topic first. Although, at some point, he accidentally confessed his feelings and then is too nervous to see you or talk to you for days, no matter what your response might be.
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maochira · 1 year
Good day! ^*^
I'm an anon who asked you about boys simping for assistants. Thank you so much for your work! I really applicate that someone writes my little requests for me and I enjoy it a lot! Your writing makes me happy every day and makes my day better! You're literally one of my favorites Bllk writers! I love and adore your blog a lot, especially your assistants series. Please, stay safe and happy~
Can I ask you for some soft general headcanons about Neo egoist assistants? I just want to read part 2 how Manshine and Bastsrds simping for their assistant(s). Maybe some headcanons who is more likely to fall in love with a manager.
Have a great day!~ I LOVE YOU AND YOUR BLOG SO MUCH OMG!!!
With lots of love,
Ahh thank you so so much!! You're so sweet!! I only write for assistants tho and nothing for managers, so yeah UHHH anyways!!
Requests open! - NEL assistants masterlist
Manshine City and Bastard München boys simping!
Tags: gn!reader, silly soft stuff
Series synopsis: you, Claire (@deerangle3) and Mao (me) are assistants in the Neo Egoist League
(A/N: like in the PxG team simping headcanons, my simps are only platonic because I'm a lesbian!!)
Manshine City
Your simps: Nagi, Reo, Chigiri
Mao's (platonic) simp: Junichi (older Wanima brother)
Nagi always asks you for help with the most minor things. He just wants more chances to be closer to you. He always makes sure to properly thank you or even apologizes for making you do extra work. And even if it's things he could do all by himself, he can't help but ask you to do them.
Reo asks for your help very rarely because he knows how much work you do for Nagi. But he loves it when you spend time with the team after your working hours. Reo likes to get your attention only on him instead of any other team members. Besides Nagi, you're his favourite person in the entirety of Blue Lock and he makes sure you know that.
Chigiri thanks you for your work every time he sees you. He wants you to know how much he appreciates you and everything you do. You're always unsure if he's simply thanking and complimenting you, or if there's more behind it. There definitely is more behind it, though. Sometimes his tone gets a bit flirty.
Junichi and Mao are seen together a weird amount of times, and you always wonder how they even became friends. But maybe it's because she's the only one who properly understands him even when he doesn't talk.
Bastard München
Your simps: Kaiser, Isagi, Ness, Hiori
Claire's simp: Yukimiya
Mao's (platonic) simps: Raichi, Gagamaru, Kurona, Birkenstock (A/N: I love Birkenstock SO MUCH I finally have a proper chance to include him somewhere HAH)
Can you even imagine the chaos of having both Kaiser and Isagi simping for you? They're either constantly fighting for your attention or yelling at each other for "giving you too much work." It's a fun disaster to watch, though. Also cute at the same time because even though they're insulting each other, they're saying very sweet things about you.
Ness often joins Kaiser when he's argumenting with Isagi, but besides that, he's very sweet towards you. Rarely asks for help, but if he does it's for Kaiser because when it comes to easy things he's too stubborn to ask by himself. Ness is also a joy to talk to outside of your working hours! He's a very good listener and loves listening to you talk about anything you want.
Hiori doesn't need your assistance often, but he's always looking forward to spending time with you after your working hours. He appreciates your work a lot, but he wants to get to know you closer as a person. He absolutely loves it when you tell stories about your life outside of Blue Lock because it takes his mind off of soccer for a bit.
Claire won Yukimiya's heart after the first week and now they're almost inseparable. Yukimiya almost never asks for your or Mao's assistance, only for Claire's. But him asking for help is fairly rare anyways because he doesn't want to be a bother by putting extra work on any of you. Although, he asks a lot of questions to get to know you better.
Raichi became Mao's bodyguard after Kaiser insulted her for "being bad at her work" when she didn't immediately run to him. And now, she's not getting rif of Raichi anymore, especially if Kaiser is near. She's not complaining about it, tho.
Gagamaru got interested in being friends with Mao because she's so small and it reminded him of Naruhaya. He likes to tease her about her height and she often climbs on his back or even shoulders so he has to carry her around. He goes along with it, but Noa isn't a fan of it if it's happening during her working hours.
Kurona can't explain why, but he loves having Mao around. Sometimes he braids a part of her hair like his own so their hairstyles match! Sometimes, they kinda come off like siblings.
Birkenstock and Mao becoming close friends was a surprise to everyone. He doesn't exactly participate in any group hangouts, and in general, he's more of a silent guy. But somehow, Mao got his interest and she's always happy to assist if needed.
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maochira · 1 year
AAAAA I have a request for the event:D
How about hair care(?) Night with chigiri, aryu, anri, and if possible, hiori?:D and ofc the assistants are there as well!! It's just a night where we all share tips of how to take good care of their hair, play games, gossip (mmm I love gossiping), while treating their hair? If you get what I mean<3
Could totally see chigiri with a towel around his head and goes "did you know reo came back to nagi" and the room is just full of gasps😭
Requests open! - event list - event introduction
Tags: gn!reader, mostly silly goofy stuff, not proofread I was lazy
Event sypnosis: you, Claire (@deerangle3 ) and Mao (me) are assistants in the Neo Egoist League
Girls night! With the boys
-prior to the entire thing, Aryu wrote an entire list of which products you and the other assistants had to buy
-it's a bit of an odd combination, but you really didn't know who to invite to this. But they're all rather calm people, so everyone gets along!
-Mao has a bit of lesbian panic when Anri touches her hair
-Aryu has a little fangirl moment when he gets to touch Chigiri's hair
-Claire does NOT hesitate to say the vilest, deranged, insane things you have ever heard. But it always makes you burst out in laughter
-A LOT of platonic flirting throughout the entire night. Especially between Mao and Aryu
-besides the platonic flirting, a lot of compliments!!! Most of them are from Aryu as well
-you, Claire and Hiori talk about your favourite video games! But that quickly gets interrupted when Chigiri is like "By the way guys, did you hear Reo and Nagi-" and EVERYONE in the room gasps
-Chigiri tells you everything he knows. And that's how everything turned into a gossip night
-Aryu probably tells a lot about what it was like to be teammates and roommates with Rin during the second selection, so then everyone starts gossiping about Rin
-also, Aryu can't help but complain about Lorenzo's hair. BECAUSE THAT SHIT GREASY AF
-Hiori is mostly silent, but then Claire mentions Kaiser and suddenly Hiori goes on a rant about him for five minutes without a break. That obviously leads the conversation into gossiping about Kaiser, Ness and Isagi. You make jokes about them being a weird love triangle
-you guys made a tierlist on how babygirl the Blue Lock players are (Barou is on the top, Igaguri at the bottom)
-you forget about the time, so at some point, Ego knocks at the door and when he enters the room, it's one of the most confusing things he's ever seen
-Claire half-jokingly asks if he wants to join (of course he doesn't)
-when Ego leaves again, Anri starts talking about the work she always has to do for Ego. Everyone agrees that Ego is a manchild who can't take care of himself (Mao's father complex is (not so secretly) triggered by Ego but she's all in on joking about him)
-Anri wants to know what working with the coaches is like, so you, Claire and Mao tell every story you've got in mind. Like that one time Snuffy heard you and Claire calling Barou and Lorenzo babygirl? Or that one time Mao (purposely) called Lavinho "dad" and had to play it off as a joke? Dropping all of those stories to the group lets go
-at some point, the gossiping somehow turns into deeptalk. That doesn't last too long because everyone has to return to their rooms
-it was a very fun night!! Something you're definitely going to repeat if given the chance
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