#Also I am making a better throne room for Maxy
theothermorganh · 1 year
Corrupted King AU!
Yandere/ possessive behavior warning!
Just some quick sketches of Maxwell and some of his traits! I have everything typed out below the pic (easier to read) Also long post I'm sorry!
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What it says:
Yandere/ possessive !Warning!: -When he first saw Wilson (in the throne room) he put a love spell on him cause he wouldn't be able to handle his rejection -When he gets bored of this round of survivors he will bring Wilson back to the throne room with him -He will make Wilson his bride (just some normal thoughts in his brain) -COMPLETLEY infatuated with Wilson -A Possessive almost yandere attraction (Want's Wilson to himself and have no one else even look at him) -Only puts up with the other survivors for Wilson -Randomly just says Wilson's name then chuckles (only when alone) -LOVES Wilson's fear the best -Once Wilson is corrupted (More on that later) he won't be able to feed on his fear.
Other traits: -Pretends to be frail but is actually pretty strong -Can re-grow limbs (even his own head) -Only dies when he wants to (to keep the illusion he does at the same rate as anyone else) -The constant is still under his control -Peaceful and hostile creatures will run from him on sight (or smell) -Turns into monster Max when pissed (or when he wants to really) -Doesn't need the codex but uses it for show -THEY aren't real and made them up for pity -Pretends William was a frail and timid man -Used to be a serial killer before the constant, (not a show man) -Uses his silky radio voice to his advantage -Practically a god-like entity
Other words on the page: Eyes: -Completely blank eyes -With eye shadow! -Uses nightmare fuel to make pupils (to make Wilson happy) Bust: -Monocle cause FANCY! -Rose to make Charlies story seem real.
Traits that are not on the page: -He brings people to the constant for HIS amusement only THEY don't exist -When he corrupts Wilson it will turn off emotions like empathy or fear, so he will be his perfect queen! -He doesn't NEED to eat but feels the pain from not eating the same as anyone else -Eats and drinks Nightmare fuel
This post AU is a massive FUCK YOU to the person who said I should die (not putting their user cause I don't want people going after them)
My first post on this topic (go check it out)
Post where I responded to what they said
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zrtranscripts · 7 years
Season 6, Mission 7: Lessons in Love
Revenge of the Nerds
MAXINE MYERS: Wait, wait. So and Nadia's gone to work with Amelia because Amelia's taken over New Canton?
SAM YAO: Not so much taken over as, um... well, yeah. Taken over. But it's not like she's running things for them. She's got them mostly running things for her. She's just very... you know. Decisive.
PAULA COHEN: People do like a decisive leader. And I suppose they can't do much worse than they were before. Any word on the location of the babies?
SAM YAO: Mm, no. We're working on it. Even the Laundry can't find anything for us. You see, ideally, we need someone inside Sigrid's inner circle, but well, that's going to be hard to arrange. In the meantime, getting parts for this transmitter of Jody's is a good start.
MAXINE MYERS: So that's what we're heading to this comms station for. We've caught snatches of their transmissions. We know they are bound to have the cables that Jody needs. I, for one, am glad to be serving Abel.
PAULA COHEN: It didn't need to be us, though, did it? Tom was going to go, and you insisted we went instead. Five, has Maxine told you the real reason she wanted to go on this mission?
PAULA COHEN: It's because she hasn't been able to find any copies of Xena: Warrior Princess since the apocalypse, and that just happens to be what this place is broadcasting.
MAXINE MYERS: That's just a coincidence! Back me up, Sam.
SAM YAO: Oh whoa-ho-ho, no. No, no, no. You two can leave me out of this. Remember our co-parenting contract?
MAXINE MYERS: I don't think that really applies...
SAM YAO: Oh yes, it does. I can read you the exact clause. When we agreed to be co-parents, I got it from both of you, in writing, that I would never, ever be asked to adjudicate in a row.
PAULA COHEN: Fine. Five, listen to this: Max volunteered us for a mission, on date night - a date night where I was planning to make latkes - because she has a crush on Xena flipping Warrior whatever.
MAXINE MYERS: You've never seen Xena: Warrior Princess! [laugh] Right, we need to make that right immediately.
SAM YAO: Yeah. Guys, before you get Xena: Warrior Princess, you're going to have to make it through that playground full of child zombies. I think they must have been trapped in the school until the storm the other day.
MAXINE MYERS: Oh God! The kids are the worst! Run!
SAM YAO: Okay, I think you lost them. Hey, it's weird, though. That school playground's been safe for months. I've got the report here. We sent in runners to check it clear, room by room, last month.
PAULA COHEN: You think it could be a deliberate deployment, then? By the comms station?
SAM YAO: Mm, maybe. I mean, it's a bit weird for a comms station, to be honest. Not only are they broadcasting Xena, their building used to be a distribution center for Geek King. You know, you know, the online retailer.
MAXINE MYERS: Yep. Which is why they have access to Xena DVDs.
PAULA COHEN: I'm surprised it hasn't been cleared out before now. People always want DVDs and stuff.
SAM YAO: [imitates Boromir from the Lord of the Rings] "Ah, but one does not simply get DVDs during a zombie apocalypse."
MAXINE MYERS: There's a dumbass rumor that this warehouse is full of kind of extreme nerds. Dangerous. Murdery.
SAM YAO: The Winchers. Like, imagine nerds, but if they went feral. Took cosplays too far, reenacted all the goriest parts of the stuff they're into. The rumor is they used to be 4chan "alpha male" believers, and then the zombie apocalypse came, and they blamed the feminazis, and - [sighs] they just went down that rabbit hole and just kept on going.
MAXINE MYERS: They're broadcasting Xena. No one who broadcasts Xena could be an evil man.
SAM YAO: What, even if they're setting zombie traps around their perimeter?
MAXINE MYERS: Well, we don't know that was them. We'll probably find some people holed up in there, sending out Xena clips to make contact with other fans. We'll get the cables and come back later with everyone's orders for specific Blake's 7 episodes and plastic lightsabers. [laughs] It's going to be great. Come on!
[door creaks open and clangs shut]
SAM YAO: Are you in?
MAXINE MYERS: We're in. This place is huge! And... kind of spooky.
[zombie moans]
PAULA COHEN: Uh oh. Not all the warehouse pickers are gone. Some of them have turned zombie. Look, they're still at work trying to fill internet orders. See that one stacking Game of Thrones box sets?
SAM YAO: Ooh, ooh! Do they have the last season? Because I never -
MAXINE MYERS: No, Sam. We're just here for Xena. I mean, Xena and those cables. Anyway, we've got to move fast. I think that one of them spotted us.
MAXINE MYERS: Quick, into this storeroom.
[door creaks open and snaps shut]
PAULA COHEN: Wait, this is the transmission room. See? There's the broadcasting equipment.
MAXINE MYERS: Yes. These are the cables, and - !
PAULA COHEN: Oh, the DVDs. Xena: Warrior Princess. Let's see. You know you said I'm your Gabrielle, but looking at this, maybe you're the Gabrielle and I'm the Xena.
MAXINE MYERS: Honey, you have never seen the show. How can you possibly know who's the Xena?
PAULA COHEN: Uh, because she's the one who has Warrior Princess in her name? I know what you like.
SAM YAO: Okay, I've got the cams up. Uh, yup, it's clear for you to come out of there. Those zoms are trapped in an aisle of Funko figures. Oh my God!
MAXINE MYERS: What? What is it?
SAM YAO: Well, they've got an Ursula from The Little Mermaid! Do you have any idea how – well, dear God, don't eat it! Look, if you pass those Funkos on your way out – oh God! I need another camera. There's something coming, in the shadows. Someone. Guys, I think you should get out of there. Go, now!
SAM YAO: Yeah, okay. Guys, just really keep running. I've got more cams up, and [sighs] no, it doesn't look good.
PAULA COHEN: More zoms?
SAM YAO: I don't really know how to say this, guys. It appears to be Voldemort.
MAXINE MYERS: What? Voldemort is coming after us?
PAULA COHEN: Someone dressed as Voldemort.
SAM YAO: Well, I guess. It just looks so like him! Ugh, no! I just got a full face view. Actually no nose.
PAULA COHEN: Someone who has dressed up as Voldemort, and taken it so seriously, they've cut off their own nose?
SAM YAO: He's heading your way. And oh. Oh! He has a mob behind him.
MAXINE MYERS: Death Eaters?
SAM YAO: More like Ewoks, or um, Daleks? But sort of a costume mash-up? They're Darwoks? Ewoleks? Oh, that is so wrong.
PAULA COHEN: I can hear them. Oh God, they sound so weird!
MAXINE MYERS: It's not just weird, it's them. Winchers are very real. Okay, I can admit when I was wrong. They're not going to be our friends. We are not going to reenact Xena together. We've got our DVDs, we've got our cables. We need to get out of here.
SAM YAO: Uh, okay, okay. Yeah, uh, right, then left, then third right. Go. Run!
MOB: [chants in the background] Sacrifice! Sacrifice...
PAULA COHEN: Sam, this is a dead end. And it's dark.
SAM YAO: Yeah. They've turned off the lights. And I think they've cut access to half my cams!
MAXINE MYERS: Where are the Winchers?
SAM YAO: Uh... no, I can't see them on the cams.
PAULA COHEN: If we hide here for a while, maybe they'll lose interest and we'll get away.
[door opens, MOB chants in background]
WINCHER: Oh, I don't think you'll be getting away. Not now, or ever!
MAXINE MYERS: Oh God, it's Voldemort. Ugh, your nose! Did you do that to yourself?
WINCHER: Call me Harold! Harold Wincher. And I was Voldemort, but now I am – [chokes] Ah. Sorry. Uh, could somebody help me with my robe? It was meant to fall dramatically to the floor by itself, but it snagged on the Elder Wand.
MAXINE MYERS: Sam, get us out of here!
WINCHER: I am... Lord Summerisle! ... It's uh, it's from The Wicker Man. Look, I had to put it together very hastily when we saw you approaching, and he doesn't have the same striking look as our old Voldy. But you know, I've yet to actually master Avada Kedavra, but everyone loves a barbecue!
SAM YAO: The end of The Wicker Man! They burn Edward Woodward alive! I think the Winchers are going to reenact that. Guys!
MAXINE MYERS: The mob are going to burn us alive!
PAULA COHEN: This was meant to be a date night.
WINCHER: Ewoks! Daleks! Seize them! Bind them to the poles!
SAM YAO: Yeah, I've got a clear eye line on the mob now. Oh my God, this is so many kinds of horrible. Uh, they're all in costume, but that one is wearing a Sith Lord robe with a Time Lord headdress. How could you? Also, guys, most of their costumes are bloodstained. They're really for real.
PAULA COHEN: Maxie, if this is it, I'm sorry I was so whiny about coming here. I love spending time with you. I can't believe I was jealous of your stupid show. I love you, Max.
MAXINE MYERS: Paula, I know, love. I do. And we've been through too much for it to end up like this. Right? They are crazy fans. I am a crazy fan. I know how to get under their skin. Wincher. Harold Wincher.
WINCHER: How may I help you, heathen? A last request before you are condemned to the flames?
MAXINE MYERS: Yes. My request is: be better! [MOB quiets] Harold, this reenactment is terrible! You're just wearing an Aran jumper. Lord Summerisle had a tweed jacket. Your mob of supposedly bloodthirsty pagan villagers look like they've run naked through the merch hall of Comic-Con, covered in glue! [MOB grumbles] And we're meant to be burned in a wicker man, not tied to poles.
WINCHER: Okay, but the wicker man is a very big prop. We had no lead time, and – oh God, she's right. This is a mess! None of you are even standing like bloodthirsty pagan villagers! I – look, I'm sorry. This was a rush job, and it shows. All right, take five. Let them go.
PAULA COHEN: That was amazing, Max.
MAXINE MYERS: Not now, honey. Quick, before they change their minds. Run!
PAULA COHEN: Okay, I have to admit, that was a pretty good date night for someone who likes seeing her girlfriend save the day by being brilliant.
MAXINE MYERS: What can I say? I'm pretty motivated when I'm trying to get home so I can watch Xena with my hot girlfriend... maybe dress up in my old Xena outfit for my hot girlfriend... reenact a few Xena bathing scenes with my hot girlfriend.
PAULA COHEN: Xena outfit, you say? Like the one on the DVD box? Mm, I don't hate it.
MAXINE MYERS: Oh, mine is way better than that. I made it from scrap metal in my spare time. What? [laughs] Isn't that what anyone would do in their spare time? [laughs] [continue chatting in the background]
SAM YAO: Hey, Five, now you've got those cables, I think I've worked out an alternative route home for you. How about you and me take a little detour and leave the doctors to it, hmm?
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