#Also -- Finn and Gadget r based in the ones in my Second Chances AU specifically after they get together
squidthechaotickid · 1 year
Please tell me about your Sonic OCs
I am SO happy u also asked bc I just answered Fire's ask,, I'm happy people r actually interested lmao
U can read that entire rant if u want but to sum it up: Emerald is a terrible father and Pip and Saturn were in gay love (until ofc the horrors)
ACTUALLY I'm going to use this ask an excuse to ramble abt Emerald and Saturn's relationship, since the last ask was focused on Pip and Saturn <33
So uhm. Emerald is a cat who has a criminal organization, as I mention earlier. He's on the older side, abt 50-55, and also probably has a wife and kids (/j mostly)
When Saturn was small, probably around 2, he surprise adopted them (kidnapped basically) in what was originally going to be a blackmail attempt but instead turned into training her into being one of his best agents, Agent 27 (why did he make that choice? Long story but to sum it up he hated her bio father bc of a long rivalry, and wanted him to suffer. He thought making his daughter into something he would hate would hurt worse than just taking her)
(Note - Her name was originally Violet, but they don't figure that out until after they run away. Unfortunately, her parents died during the war, so they never got to truely meet)
Emerald wasn't a great dad. He was incredibly manipulative, being kind and friendly one day, just often enough that 27 almost thought he cared, and then would switch to being a harsh and cruel boss, allowing no room for mistakes and molding them into his ideal agent. 27 didn't know better and assumed this was all normal.
Emerald didn't let 27 be a kid much. They were an agent before all else, meaning they had to avoid close relationships, friendly or otherwise, and obey orders. 27 was too scared to disobey. They were walking the line with their familial relationship with the jackal squad
During the war, it was 27 who convinced Emerald to join Eggmans side. They were mad and wanted vengeance for the dead jackal squad. Emerald took this as a sign of them finally and truly becoming "like him."
It was a few months after the war that 27 made the choice to run away. The jackal squad, Zero especially, had been trying to convince her to for years, bc they could see how unhealthy their relationship to Emerald was.
They packed their few belonging, waited until nightfall, and left under the guise of going in a mission. They changed their name to Saturn, cut their hair from a long ponytail to a short look similar to Starline's (not based on his, they never met), and eventually ran into Gadget and Finn.
Zero and Saturn were really close before everything, so Finn and Saturn clicked. Both were villains trying to redeem themselves. Gadget took Saturn in and resolved himself to having two different war criminals in his home
Saturn eventually found out they were nonbinary, and also made friends and slowly learned how to be their own person, and not just a monolith of what Emerald wanted
The three become a family, and they all lived happily ever after!
Until ofc Emerald came looking for Saturn, bc of course he would.
Saturn is a mess of trauma and anger issues, but they're working on it <33
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