Hi! May I request cute headcanons of Ciel and Alois (older) who are spending time with their new baby? I would love to see them have a happy family 😭
❤️❤️thank you and I wish you a lovely day!
Tw: Fem reader
Alois Trancy (older)
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Alois would be shocked.
He wouldn't know how to handle that information.
Alois never thought he would have a family.
As we know Alois could be really unpredictable.
But now he would try to stay calm.
Alois would like to protect you during pregnancy.
Hannah would be with you all the time.
She would also be responsible for all your needs.
Alois might just stare at you sometimes.
It would be hard to deal with you having a baby soon.
He would surely understand that only when the child was born.
Alois would be a surprisingly good father.
He would have grown up with you.
And would try to be gentle with the child.
And he wouldn't even have tantrums.
You would also start spoiling your child a lot.
He would like the child to get all the good things that he didn't get.
If your child was a boy, he might name it after his little brother.
Ciel Phantomhive (Older)
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This really wouldn't have been in Ciel's plans.
At first, he was afraid of starting a family.
Because Ciel still remembers how he lost his family.
And he wouldn't want to lose you or your child.
Ciel would become more overprotective.
It feels like Sebastian is with you everywhere.
And that would be true
Ciel would be really gentle with you during your pregnancy.
You really would get everything you wanted.
As long as it isn't dangerous to your health.
When Ciel got to hold his child for the first time…
He would be speechless.
It would revolutionize his life.
Ciel has never felt such happiness.
He would be super affectionate with a child.
He would also like to spend as much time as possible with the child and you.
Every thing a child would do would be a miracle.
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Having season two brain rot (o_O)
I need to re watch it when my schedule isn’t evil
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miramagiccreations · 7 months
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probably one of my favorite stickers I've ever made!
it's on sale now, go grab one!
( Can't afford it? A like and a reblog would really help out this small artist! Thank you for your support! <33 )
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animekpopsimp · 8 months
Grell and Alois x reader who's oblivious
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Alois finds the fact that you're so oblivious kind of entertaining
He'll often laugh as your antics, but he does still love you
As long as you aren't getting yourself in any danger, he finds your personality funny
However, if you are in danger, he will step in. Well, more like he'll have Claude do it for him
He may laugh at your air headedness, but he won't let anyone hurt you because of it
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Grell thinks you're absolutely adorable
She's entertained by how oblivious you are at times
Of course, she doesn't mean it as a way to make fun of you
She always has his eye on you, keeping you out of harms way
And if anyone tries to hurt or make fun of you, there will be hell to pay
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blues824 · 2 years
I've got a black butler request(if your still taking any) :
Black butler characters(your choice) with riddle rosehearts like s/o relationships (if it's not to much)
Lords and Butlers, y’all. Gender-neutral reader.
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Ciel Phantomhive
You were a renowned practicing doctor, as well as a noble in your own right. Honestly, no one was able to tell that you came from somewhere else unless they saw how odd your manor was. You had knowledge of the different types of tea, you were aware of proper etiquette, and you were often employed by the Queen.
That’s how you met Ciel. It was at a ball hosted by Her Majesty, and the young Phantomhive Lord noticed how you indulged yourself in the strawberry tarts. He walked over and introduced himself, and you both hit it off right away. 
You both were often shamed for your short stature, you were both doubted in your positions because of your young age, and everyone tried to take advantage of you. He had invited you to the Phantomhive Manor the following morning, and he found himself eager and excited throughout the night.
As your meetings became more frequent, Ciel was doubting if he could remain betrothed to Elizabeth because his heart now belonged to you. You just understood him in a way that no one else ever could. You understood how he had so much work because you did as well, you whipped his household into shape with your strictness, and you understood the pressure of working under the Queen.
Eventually, you both began courting. Lizzie saw how happy you made him, so she gave the two of you her blessing and she broke off the engagement. There were no harsh feelings, and the entire staff had to admit that having you around was a blessing. Laundry was done properly, food was cooked the right way, no china was ever broken, the garden was in pristine condition, and everyone was super healthy.
You’ve even cured Ciel’s asthma, which he is grateful for. He still uses his cane out of habit, and also because it could also be used as a weapon. Sebastian is grateful, since it doesn’t put such a strain on his master’s endurance and durability.
You both help each other with certain cases, since you both were often employed as a team. Oftentimes, you have to gently remind him that not getting sleep isn’t beneficial for your investigation, and it’s one of the only times where he sees you as soft and kind. Other times, you are scolding Mey-rin, Finny, and Bard for their incompetence.
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Sebastian Michaelis
He has heard about you because your reputation precedes you as the best doctor in the world. However, he was aware that you used a magic that wasn’t of this dimension, but rather a more fantastical and whimsical magic imbued in your patients’ tea.
You were formally introduced to each other when you and Ciel were assigned by the Queen to work on a case together. Your short stature was quite amusing to him because he had to bend over to place a kiss upon the back of your hand.
Sebastian only teases, but he never doubts your knowledge in the medical field. After all, people who were just on their deathbed feel as though they were as fresh as a daisy after being treated by you. He could tell that your intentions were pure, unlike everyone else in the realm of nobility.
As the two of you got closer, he found himself wondering if you could ever manage to love him, even if he told you that he was a demon who was going to devour Ciel’s soul once the contract was complete and both sides were met. He had told you, and you didn’t have a very negative reaction besides having a few questions. This gave him a feeling he hadn’t felt in a while: hope.
Eventually, he asked if you would agree to enter into a courtship with him, and his undead heart was pounding as you accepted. Nothing much changed besides the fact that you became a frequent visitor at the Phantomhive Manor. Only the residents knew that you were in a relationship with Sebastian. Everyone else thought that you were busy working on a case with Ciel.
You often helped out with the chores. You and your beloved demon split the tasks: he would help Bard in the kitchen, you would help Mey-rin with cleaning, and the both of you would help Finny in the garden. It took a huge load of stress, and you both took turns serving the master’s tea since you both were very good at it.
The first time he experienced your short temper was when another guest came and started indirectly insulting you and Ciel because ‘you were both too young for the power that either of you held’. You walked up to the old man and slapped him, questioning his audacity. Sebastian was very amused, and the guy was properly dealt with later.
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Alois Trancy
He has heard of you through the whispers on the streets whenever he went on errands with Claude. You had built your reputation yourself, with your own hands. No one viewed you in a negative light because you were a doctor. It wasn’t considered new money if you were saving lives.
You actually met at a ball that was being hosted by the Queen for the nobility that was currently in England. He thought you were absolutely adorable as you stuffed your mouth with sweet strawberry tarts. Before you could get another one, he reached out and grabbed it so as to grab your attention.
It was through that one conversation that he got to learn so much about you. He learned about how you decided to help the advancement of medical technology since you came from a realm that was a bit more modern. Every patient you saw was cured, so that’s how you got into a good place among everyone.
Just a few weeks later, Alois decided to act on an impulse and ask you to begin a courtship with him, and he was in a state of pure bliss when he received the letter that you accepted his request. His attitude had improved, and he wasn’t as susceptible to lashing out.
Once you had gone over to visit and check up on him, he was attached to you at the hip. You couldn’t go anywhere within the manor without him. He insisted upon being at your side at every waking moment, claiming that it was ‘for you to make sure that he was healthy and alright’. In reality, he just loved you very much.
If you tried to help out with chores, Alois would be very upset since nobility wasn’t supposed to do anything as lowly and filthy as that. Instead, you should be hanging out with him and giving him all of your love and affection! He acts like a jealous puppy who has the power of a very powerful demon backing him up.
I feel like you don’t get into horrible fights, but he does sometimes get on your nerves and becomes insufferable at times. This causes a yelling match between the two of you, which ends up in you making your way back to your house, and him sulking in the corner because he already misses you.
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Claude Faustus
He has also heard of you through the whispers in the streets, and he was quite intrigued. From what he has gathered, you are young but exceedingly intelligent, paired with known for having a short temper that goes unrivaled by even the Queen herself.
You both met at one of the Queen’s balls. Alois thought you were interesting because you had a lot of strawberry tarts on your plate, so he dragged Claude behind him as he made his way to introduce himself to you. The young Trancy lord got bored after a few minutes and walked away, but his butler was all too immersed in the conversation.
He learned that you came from a different world entirely, and here is where you decided to start up your medical practice because you were familiar with a healing type of magic, and you had knowledge of the medicinal practices that the Victorian era could use at the moment. The first patient you had ever treated was another noble, who was dying before you treated them. They decided to fund your cause, and that’s how you were there now.
Claude was facing a dilemma. He tried to convince himself that you meant nothing to him and that you were just another human, but you lived within his mind as well as his cold, undead heart. You had recently visited the Phantomhive Manor, and as you told him about the fun time you had with Ciel and Sebastian, he couldn’t help the feeling of envy crawling into his skin.
A few days later, he asked if you would accept his request to court you. He was surprised when you accepted, since he wasn’t the most loveable (demon) person. He was very happy, don’t get him wrong. Alois seemed angry that you managed to snag his butler’s attention but he wasn’t.
I feel like you both made a very interesting couple. You both are very serious and down-to-earth, leaving no room to think of the future. You’re busy being a doctor and he’s busy being the butler of Alois. So, you decide to ask for permission to set up your base of operations in the Trancy Manor which could end up increasing the wealth of the family name, so Alois allowed it. This way, you were able to spend more time with Claude.
The first time he experienced your anger was when Alois slapped Hannah for almost no reason. You saw this as unfair since she was following every rule, so you used magic to freeze the young Trancy master from causing anymore trouble. Claude was amused, but he kept it to himself.
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bankazelenki · 4 months
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ummm I hope I showed well that Alois is in a very dependent position??? and that in the hands of Alois there is only an illusion of power
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inkalope · 7 months
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also my black butler charms are available for preorder :) ill put individual photos under da cut! they're double sided ofc
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anawkwardlady · 1 year
AU where Claude doesn't have glasses in the beginning and has an extremely shitty vision he assumes is totally normal. No one really notices anything because he is used to it and can work like that until he gets his glasses one day and is like ".... Oh Master, so thats what you look like ?" because he was basically talking to a blond stain until now.
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biby-24k · 1 year
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R!Ciel and Alois
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thebugb0i · 1 year
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I am very normal about this lil guy,,,,
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lyubovlapine · 5 months
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Today sucked but at least I got this chapter page done ٩( ᐛ )و
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not sure if you write for male reader but if you do, may I request headcanons of ciel phantomhive and alois trancy fighting for male reader’s affection/love? But let’s say reader met ciel first. (And that ciel is willing to call off the engagement with Elizabeth for him)
if any of this makes you uncomfortable feel free to ignore! :) and thank you anyway, have a lovely day/night <3
Alois and Ciel are older in this fic
Alois Trancy & Ciel Phantomhive
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Ciel would be the one to meet you first.
You might be part of his staff.
Or maybe you're just an old friend.
But you two became close quickly.
And Alois noticed that when he watched Ciel.
At first, Alois would be jealous.
REALLY covered.
Would definitely try to poison you a couple of times.
Maybe Alois would even try to kidnap you.
Because he would know that Ciel would try to find you.
During this time, he himself would fall in love with you.
Now Alois would like both.
And he wouldn't want to let Ciel and you go…
Ciel, on the other hand, really doesn't like Alois.
Or because now Alois likes you too.
Ciel would save you from being 'kidnapped'.
He would try to protect you from Alois.
Alois would make it as difficult as possible.
He would leave you "anonymous" gifts.
However, this would also make Ciel active.
Because he wouldn't want to lose you to Alois.
So you can also expect dates and gifts from Ciel.
At the end of the day it would be your choice…
Which one doesn't.. work so well.
Especially with Alois.
This wouldn't really end so well in any case.
Nicey to be you :D
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Made an alois paper doll based on those Project Sekai paper templates
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Here is the pattern if you want your own !
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miramagiccreations · 7 months
"I really want Public School Arc art to put on my wall for the new season but there seems to be no love for these characters!" - you, probably.
I've got great news!!
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Want to support a small artist AND get your hands on this stunning print? It's for sale right now on my shop!
I only ordered 10 of these so act fast!
Can't afford it but still want to support a small artist? A reblog and a like would really mean the world to me! <3
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sirenicornio · 5 months
So Alois Trancy is based on Moto Hagio's Alois manga and shares many personality traits/traumas/behaviors of Keiko Takemiya's Gilbert Cocteau.
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I find it curious because since I read the works of Moto Hagio and Keiko Takemiya, for some reason I felt that Alois fit perfectly into that world of "the founders of yaoi." Now I understand everything.
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blues824 · 2 years
Since requests are closing soon today, can I have the demons and lords of Black butler reacting to a female character like Douma from Demon slayer please. Thank you
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Ciel Phantomhive 
Of course he has heard of you, but Sebastian has already told him that you were a demon rather than a ‘child of the gods’. The fact that you had a cult following in a predominantly Christian time period was very mysterious to the young Phantomhive lord.
So, he asked his butler to seek you out. It wasn't too hard, considering the demon knew that your kind could only go out at night. Plus, you weren’t exactly trying to conceal your location. What neither demon nor lord expected was a pile of bloody bodies near the shrine, nor you with a bloody mouth.
You even seemed to be smiling, which Ciel found to be quite annoying. However, he was smarter than that and he could see the nothingness in your eyes. Then, you decided to fight back against his butler with your golden fan, and you landed a few deep cuts. Unfortunately, Sebastian held you down as the young Phantomhive questioned you.
This time, your face was solemn. You told Ciel that you didn’t regret killing the people in your cult, which he was not surprised at. You explained that you were apathetic and couldn’t feel any emotion at all, which made everything make a lot more sense.
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Sebastian Michaelis
He was very intrigued by your type of demon. Typically, his own kindred would devour souls rather than flesh, but your kindred needs it to survive. In addition to that, you have a rather large cult following for someone who lives in a predominantly Christian Victorian era.
Once his master had given the order to search for you, he already knew where you were. You weren’t trying to hide, but it was this very fascinating game of chase. Eventually, he did find you beside a pile of bodies, presumably belonging to your followers. You had lovely eyes and a charming smile, a move that Sebastian himself utilized from time to time.
In your battle against him, he was a bit surprised by the amount of skill you had with your razor-sharp fans. Paired with your blood demon art, you definitely put up a challenge for him. Your fight ended up more like a dance, a graceful one at that.
The moment he pinned you down, you knew it was over. Your smile had disappeared as you confessed to your actions. However, Sebastian didn’t care about you eating humans. In fact, he preferred your company over the useless bags of flesh even though he had only just met you. The two of you could tell that this would lead to something much more than just the spark you felt.
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Alois Trancy
He very much wanted to meet you, especially after he heard your name whispered at one of the many balls hosted by the Queen. You were rumored to be a ‘child of the gods’ because of your eyes and powers. Now, he wanted to gaze upon the rainbow-colored irises to really see if the rumors were true.
So, as a result, he ordered Claude to capture you. It was no easy feat for the butler either, considering you were well-versed in fans and your blood demon art. You put up a good fight, and Alois was a bit worried that the demon he was contracted to wouldn’t be able to complete the task assigned to him.
Once the demon butler finally pinned you down, Alois forced you to confess to what you did. You weren’t smiling as you were before, as you admitted that you had eaten many of your followers. Your face remained neutral, not portraying sadness or guilt. No, you were sadistic just like the young Trancy lord.
Alois took the chance to really look into your eyes, and he knew that he wanted them. So, he offered to hire you lest Claude gouge your eyes out as an alternative. Your smile was back on your face as you agreed to become one of his few servants. He took your hand as he led you back to the manor.
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Claude Faustus
There were two types of demons in this world: your kind and his kind. Both like to cause trouble, but his kind only likes to devour souls while your kind likes to eat the entire human. When he heard the rumors, he already figured that you were a flesh-eating demon.
Alois ordered your capture, and Claude already knew where you were. He could sense the entire pile of mutilated bodies as he got closer to your location. Then, there you were, standing with your golden fans out. You already knew he was coming.
As the two of you fought, you had a smile on your face as though this were a game. This only served to make the butler more angry. This little dance of yours went on for about 3 hours before he finally pinned you down and ordered your confession to the crimes you had committed.
Your smile dropped to a more neutral glare, as you stated that you had no grief as you couldn’t feel any. Well, he whipped out a napkin and held your face still to clean off the somehow still-fresh blood off of your mouth. Both of you could tell that this wasn’t the only time you would be meeting.
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