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faeriexqueen · 2 years ago
An Evening Call
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Written for @dgrayrarepair​​ - Thanks for hosting! Day 1 (Monday 10/24) - Fluff: Childhood Friends | Fake Dating | Soulmates | Pregnancy | Mutual Pining Title: An Evening Call. Fandom: D. Gray-Man. Pairings: Lavi Bookman/Alma Karma.  Rated: Explicit. Words: 5.9K+. Tags: Omegaverse, Beta/Omega, Beta!Lavi, Omega!Alma, Webcam Model AU, Modern Setting, Webcam/Video Chat Sex, Lemon, Lingerie, Comfort, Mutual Pining, Fluff, Long-Distance Relationship, Sex Toys (Please see AO3 for full list of tags and warnings). Chapters: 1/1. Summary: Sometimes, the best thing for a long-distance relationship is an evening call.   Excerpt:
Alma giggled. “You do.” He looked into the camera, a little shy at first — though his next words came a bit more teasingly. “I could actually prepare better, too, and…have something nice to wear for you.” That got Lavi’s attention. He straightened a bit. “Uh huh? I’m not opposed to this,” he said, pulse quickening as his mind started imagining what Alma might have had in store. Given he did webcamming so much, Lavi knew Alma definitely had some outfits to spare. Alma hummed. A twinge of pink colored his cheeks as he ran his fingers through his hair. “I…did buy a new outfit. I haven’t tried it on for anyone yet,” he said, before looking at the screen. “Do you want to see it?” “Yes.” Lavi’s response came speedily, before his brain had a chance to catch up to his mouth. His ears burned in embarrassment, Lavi awkwardly shifting. “Ah, if you really want to, that is.” Another giggle escaped Alma, amused. “Give me a second.” Lavi nodded, the screen going dark as Alma briefly turned off his camera. He heard shuffling from Alma’s end, though Lavi took the chance to make sure he had locked his bedroom door. Thankfully, he had. A few more minutes passed, Alma’s camera turning back on. He crawled back, Alma sitting on his bed, the sheets slightly rumpled — though he was now changed, wearing what must have been the new outfit he was talking about. And damn, it was hot.
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raioseucliffe-cheney · 5 years ago
my favorite ships in anime
Sting & Rogue are ♥
Ulquiorra & Grimmjow are ♥
Nero & Weiss are ♥
Kanda Yuu & Lavi  ♥
Mirio & Tamaki are ♥
Yukino & Minerva are ♥
Erza & Minerva are ♥ 
Alma Karma & Lavi are ♥ 
Kai & Yuriy are ♥
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renardsafflatus-archived · 7 years ago
recordbled replied to your post: do almavi tho owo
“Could definitely be worse.”
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            ❝ At least it’s not zero! If there is a number there is always a chance! ❞
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otomaxpro-blog · 6 years ago
Daftar Harga Velg Mobil Ring 17 Terbaru Berbagai Merk
http://tinyurl.com/y23wlr93 Daftar Harga Velg Mobil Ring 17 Terbaru Berbagai Merk - http://tinyurl.com/y23wlr93 Daftar Harga Velg Mobil Ring 17  - Velg Mobil di zaman sekarang ini memang sudah menjadi salah satu incaran para konsumen, khususnya pecinta otomotif. Oleh karena itu pada kesempatan kali ini kami akan membagikan sebuah artikel dengan judul Daftar Harga Velg Mobil Ring 17 Terbaru Berbagai Merk. Selengkapnya bisa anda simak di bawah ini. Mеnggаntі velg standar bаwааn mobil dеngаn velg aftermarket bіаѕаnуа bаnуаk dilakukan оlеh para реmіlіk mоbіl dengan bеrbаgаі alasan, mulаі dаrі mempercantik tаmріlаn hingga meningkatkan реrfоrmаnуа. Akan tеtарі dаlаm hal ganti-mengganti vеlg tеntu tіdаk bіѕа dіlаkukаn dengan ѕеmbаrаngаn, jіkа ѕаlаh mеmіlіh bukаn tіdаk mungkin hаl tеrѕеbut аkаn mереrburuk tаmріlаn аtаu bahkan menurunkan реrfоrmа dаrі mobil аndа Buаt Andа yang іngіn mеnсаrі velg mоbіl, dаn ingin tаhu list hаrgа vеlg mobil ring 17 tеruрdаtе saat ini, ѕеbеlum memutuskan untuk mеmbеlі dаn mеmіlіh suatu mеrk, аlаngkаh baiknya jika Andа ѕіmаk dulu ulаѕаn berikut іnі. Kаrеnа di bаwаh ini kаmі telah rаngkum beberapa tips tеrbаіk ѕааt mеmіlіh ѕuаtu mеrk vеlg mobil. Agаr nаntіnуа tidak kecewa dan menyesal ѕеtеlаh membelinya. Nаh, langsung saja ѕіmаk ulаѕаn lеngkарnуа bеrіkut ini. Tips Mеmіlіh Vеlg Mоbіl Pеrhаtіkаn Spesifikasi Velg Sebelum memutuskan untuk mengganti velg ѕtаndаr bawaan mоbіl, mаkа аdа baiknya jika Andа mеmаhаmі terlebih dahulu mеngеnаі ѕреѕіfіkаѕі yang аdа раdа velg mоbіl аndа. Hаl іnі perlu di perhatikan kаrеnа аkаn mеmbаntu Andа dalam mеnеntukаn ріlіhаn ѕеrtа mеmutuѕkаn vеlg аftеrmаrkеt уаng tераt yang ѕеѕuаі dеngаn kоndіѕі mоbіl аndа. Hаl реrtаmа уаng реrlu dіреrhаtіkаn dari sebuah vеlg аdаlаh tentang ukurаn ріtсh center diameter (рсd). Pada bаgіаn ini Andа harus mengetahui dulu ukurаn pcd dari vеlg ѕtаndаr bаwааn mоbіl уаng bіаѕаnуа tеrtulіѕ dі badan vеlg dan dengan ukuran yang berbeda-beda. Hal kedua yang реrlu dіреrhаtіkаn аdаlаh tеntаng jаrаk antara bаgіаn dаlаm tеngаh velg dеngаn dudukаn (mоuntіng) vеlg pada bagian kaki-kaki mobil. Hаl іnі реrlu dіреrhаtіkаn karena ukurаn jаrаk tersebut menentukan jаrаk kеluаr masuknya vеlg bаgіаn luаr kе fеndеr mоbіl уаng mаnа jіkа ukurannya tеrlаlu bеѕаr maka bаgіаn dераn vеlg аkаn ѕеmаkіn mаѕuk menjorok kе dаlаm fеndеr, bеgіtuрun sebaliknya jіkа ukurаn tеrlаlu kecil bаgіаn dераn vеlg akan ѕеmаkіn kеluаr dаrі fеndеr. Hаl tеrаkhіr yang реrlu diperhatikan dаrі spesifikasi vеlg mobil adalah bеѕаrаn diameter dan lebar vеlg. Oleh karena іtu jіkа Andа mеmutuѕkаn untuk mеnggаntі vеlg ѕtаndаr dengan vеlg аftеrmаrkеt раѕtіkаn jika ukuran dіаmеtеr dаn lеbаrnуа tіdаk tеrlаlu bаnуаk mеlеbіhі ukuran ѕtаndаr. Aраbіlа dіаmеtеr dаn lebar vеlg уаng dіріlіh jаuh mеlеbіhі ukurаn ѕtаndаr maka hаl іnі akan memperbesar rеѕіkо penurunan performa mobil dіkаrеnаkаn bertambahnya bobot dаn ukuran vеlg sehingga kесераtаn dаn hаndlіng рun аkаn mеnurun. Jika Anda tetap ingin mеngарlіkаѕіkаn vеlg berukuran lebih besar mаkа іkutіlаh bаtаѕ tоlеrаnѕі yang dіаnjurkаn уаіtu sebanyak 3 tаhар atau lеbіh dіkеnаl dеngаn іѕtіlаh ‘up ѕіzе +3’ Pеrhаtіkаn Mаtеrіаl Vеlg Jіkа Andа ѕudаh mengetahui ѕреѕіfіkаѕі vеlg aftermarket ѕереrtі ара yang nаntіnуа аkаn dipilih untuk mеnggаntіkаn velg ѕtаndаr bawaan mobil maka ѕеlаnjutnуа реrhаtіkаn mаtеrіаl dari vеlg аftеrmаrkеt tеrѕеbut. Vеlg ѕеmасаm іnі bіаѕаnуа tеrbuаt dari bahan mаtеrіаl lоgаm ringan ѕереrtі magnesium, billet ѕtееl, atau forged alloy yang mаnа masing-masing dіаntаrаnуа sudah раѕtі memiliki kelebihan dаn kekurangan tеrѕеndіrі. Olеh kаrеnа іtu jаtuhkаnlаh ріlіhаn kераdа velg aftermarket dеngаn bаhаn yang rіngаn nаmun bеrkuаlіtаѕ аgаr tеtар mеmіlіkі kеtаhаnаn уаng baik tеrhаdар bеnturаn раdа аrеа kaki-kaki mоbіl. Dеngаn реmіlіhаn vеlg bеrbоbоt rіngаn keuntungannya, dараt meningkatkan реrfоrmа kесераtаn dari mоbіl іtu ѕеndіrі kаrеnа tеrmіnіmаlіѕіrnуа bobot keseluruhan pada аrеа kаkі-kаkі. Perhatikan Mоdеl Vеlg Hаl terakhir yang perlu diperhatikan sebelum mеmоdіfіkаѕі vеlg mоbіl аdаlаh реmіlіhаn mоdеl dari vеlg аftеrmаrkеt yang аkаn dibeli. Hаl ini cukup krusial kаrеnа ѕеѕuаі dеngаn nіаtаn аwаl Anda memodifikasi аdаlаh аgаr mоbіl Andа tampak lеbіh menarik. Tentunya dalam hal ini mоdеl sangatlah реntіng. Dan ріlіhаn terbaiknya tеntu vеlg уаng modelnya bаguѕ, harganya tеrjаngkаu dаn pastinya сосоk аtаu ѕеѕuаі dеngаn mоbіl аndа. Dаn satu lаgі уаng juga реntіng, jаngаn ѕаmраі hanya mengejar tаmріlаnnуа, tаnра mempedulikan efek уаng dі timbulkan dаrі реmаkаіаn vеlg tеrѕеbut. Sеbаgаі соntоhnуа jіkа Andа mеngіngіnkаn tаmріlаn mоbіl уаng lеbіh gаhаr dаn sporty mаkа bіѕа mеmіlіh velg aftermarket tipe rасіng dеngаn model ѕаtu bаgіаn (one ріесе) kаrеnа mоdеl іnі mеmаng tеrlіhаt lеbіh kokoh dan gahar, namun kеlеmаhаnnуа adalah vеlg dеngаn mоdеl оnе ріесе ini mеmіlіkі bоbоt yang lеbіh bеrаt dari mоdеl lаіnnуа ѕеhіnggа tak jаrаng akan mеmреngаruhі аkѕеlеrаѕі mobil. Sеtеlаh mеngеtаhuі tips-tips dіаtаѕ dаn sudah mеmаntарkаn ріlіhаn kepada jеnіѕ vеlg yang аkаn dіbеlі mаkа selanjutnya ѕіlаhkаn simak ulаѕаn dіbаwаh ini. Yitu tentang lіѕt реrkіrааn hаrgа vеlg mоbіl уаng ada dі раѕаrаn, bаіk velg оrіgіnаl ataupun аftеrmаrkеt, nаh bеrіkut іnі dаftаr lengkapnya. Oya, sesuai dеngаn judul artikel di atas, раdа реmbаhаѕаn kаlі ini kаmі hаnуа mеmbаhаѕа dаftаr harga vеlg mobil rіng 17 ѕаjа. Harga Velg Mobil Ring 17 Merk & ukuran (original dan aftermarket) Kisaran Harga Velg original ms – 377144 (avanza) Rp. 3.000.000 Velg original ms – 398144 (avanza) Rp. 3.000.000 Velg original ms – 346155 (innova) Rp. 3.740.000 Velg original ms – 362155 (new terios) Rp. 3.500.000 Velg original ms – 36155 (new v innova) Rp. 4.600.000 Velg original ms – 395144 (new xenia) Rp. 3.500.000 Velg racing advanti n719 r17 Rp. 5.700.000 Velg racing advanti sl65 r17 Rp. 5.000.000 Velg racing almavi r17 Rp. 5.000.000 Velg racing comopomotiv rpf r17 Rp. 4.500.000 Velg racing compomotiv tc-1770 r17 Rp. 4.500.000 Velg racing cosworth r17 Rp. 5.200.000 Velg racing enkei rs05 r 17 Rp. 4.800.000 Velg racing enkei tuning sl10 r 17 Rp 4.800.000 Velg racing prodrive gc-05 r17 Rp. 5.200.000 Velg racing touren 3260 r17 Rp. 4.300.000 Velg racing vip status 0.5.m.v1 fr r17 Rp. 4.500.000 Velg racing vip status massimo r17 Rp. 7.500.000 Velg racing vossen cv3 r17 Rp. 5.000.000 Velg racing vossen cvt qc175 r17 Rp. 4.700.000   Daftar Harga Velg Mobil Ring 17 Terbaru Demikian artikel tentang Daftar Harga Velg Mobil Ring 17 Terbaru Berbagai Merk yang dapat kami bagikan pada kesempatan kali ini. Semoga artikel ini dapat menjadi refrensi bagi para pembaca. Dan jangan lupa untuk membaca artikel menarik lainnya di otomaxpro.com. Terima Kasih
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faeriexqueen · 3 years ago
A Chance Encounter
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Written for @dgrayrarepair​ - Thanks for hosting!   Day 1 (Mon 10/25) - Sun: Warmth | Day | Fire | Desert Title: A Chance Encounter. Fandom: D. Gray-Man. Pairings: Lavi Bookman/Alma Karma. Rated: Explicit. Words: 9.8K+.  Tags: Omegaverse AU, Webcam Model AU, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Beta/Omega Relationship, Chance Meetings, Eventual awkward situations, Modern AU, Lemon things (Please see AO3 for full list of tags and warnings). Chapters: 1/???. Summary: "Tyki and Allen had been right. The webcam site was a good distraction.” After finding out his crush is dating one of his other friends, Lavi finds his way onto a webcam site in search of a distraction. But the last thing he expected was to find a model who would impact him in such a way... (Webcam Model/Omegaverse AU) Chapter 1 Excerpt:
Tyki turned back around, glancing at Lavi. “You know. If you’re open to it, there’s this site you could check out,” he suggested. “Pretty good if you want to take your mind off things.” Lavi’s gaze turned perplexed. He sat more upright, elbows beginning to turn sore against the hardness of the bar counter. “Um…what kind of site is it?” Allen caught on quickly, eyes widening in surprise. “That site?” He turned back to Lavi, smile broad. “Yeah, you should definitely check it out. I think it’d do you some good.” Lavi only grew more bewildered, as he looked between Allen and Tyki. “Wait, what site? Are you going to even tell me?” Tyki chuckled. He took his phone out of his pocket, quickly unlocking the screen and going to his message inbox. “Hold on – I’ll text you the link so you can see for yourself.” Tyki’s fingers moved at rapid speed, and soon, Lavi’s phone was buzzing in his pocket. He pulled it out, spying the new text alert from Tyki and opening it to view the website. Lavi’s green eye bulged as soon as he realized what it was. “A-a webcam site?” His voice jumped an octave, stunned by the reveal. He swallowed. “I mean. I don’t know-“ 
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faeriexqueen · 3 years ago
A Chance Encounter (Update: 12/20/2021)
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Title: A Chance Encounter. Fandom: D. Gray-Man. Pairings: Lavi Bookman/Alma Karma. Rated: Explicit. Words: 31K+. Tags: Omegaverse AU, Webcam Model AU, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Beta/Omega Relationship, Chance Meetings, Eventual awkward situations, Modern AU, Lemon things (Please see AO3 for full list of tags and warnings).   Chapters: 3/3. Summary: "Tyki and Allen had been right. The webcam site was a good distraction.” After finding out his crush is dating one of his other friends, Lavi finds his way onto a webcam site in search of a distraction. But the last thing he expected was to find a model who would impact him in such a way... (Webcam Model/Omegaverse AU) Chapter 3 Excerpt:
Lavi read for a few minutes, but didn’t get far before the bell jingled up at the front door, the peace of the bookshop shattering. Lavi fought a small sigh, a little disappointed; he had hoped the rest of his shift would be undisturbed. Quickly, he shut the book as he looked up. “Hey, can I help you find any-“ He cut off, thoughts drawing to a halt. Alma had walked in, coat a bit damp from the rainfall and the hood pulled up. He looked around the shop briefly before his large blue eyes landed on Lavi at the counter, a hint of nervousness flickering across his expression. Alma broke the silence, words uncertain as he spoke. “I’m sorry, um…you aren’t closing yet, are you?” he asked, somewhat tentatively. “I saw outside it said you’re open until seven, and it didn’t look super busy in here…” Lavi shook his head. He stood up a bit straighter, still trying to process the fact that Alma had just shown up at the bookstore without warning. “Yeah – we’re still open.” Alma nodded. He kicked off his shoes on the rug at the front door and pulled down the hoodie of his jacket, dark hair somewhat disheveled. Somewhat hesitantly, he approached where Lavi was at the counter. Lavi didn’t say anything at first. He watched as Alma stopped at the counter, though both of them seemed to be avoiding eye contact. Lavi shifted a bit awkwardly. “Um…” Lavi tried to formulate a coherent sentence, as he rubbed the back of his neck. “I, um, I…wasn’t really expecting to see you here.”
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raioseucliffe-cheney · 5 years ago
Task Schedule for 2020
so here is my task schedule so far for Fanfics I want to work on during 2020:
-) Man of Shadows (Stingue) - currently in hiatus
-) modern time dragons (Stingue | Gajevy | NaLi | Chendy) - currently in hiatus
-) doragon no keikaku (NaLu | Gajevy | Jerza | Stingue | Miraxus | Gruvia) - currently in hiatus
-) Frost Bite (Roray | StingxFuture Rogue)  - currently in hiatus
-) translation of Yami ni Kokoro (Stingue)
-) Comatose: breathe your life into me (Stingue) - currently in hiatus
-) never surrender (Stingue)  - currently in hiatus
-) ain’t afraid to die (Stingue | Stingsu)  - currently in hiatus
-) LOVE IS DEAD (Stingue) - currently in hiatus
-) Trinity Lotus (Yuuvi | Yulma | Almavi | Yulmavi)  - currently in hiatus
-) Synchronize (Yuuvi | Allena)  - currently in hiatus
-) Immortals (Yuuvi | Yulma | Yulmavi)  - currently in hiatus
and here is the list of stories I’d like to write:
Cybernetic Dragon Wars -  After a fight with his best friend Rogue decides to lock himself up and ends up being swallowed inside the computer system his father Skiadrum has developed (Stingue)
La Coeur de la mer - Rogue flees from a forced engagement from Ishgar and meets on a luxus liner Juvia, who is on her way to meet her betrohed. (Rovia | StinYu is hinted)
The Fairy Grayman - a collection of stories and drabbles w mixed pairings from Fairy Tail and D.Gray-Man (AllenxMinerva | LavixYukino, | AlmaxMeredy | Arystar KroryxLucy)
Grimoire Gris - Allen finds a mysterious book hidden in a little, dusty bookshop and the shopkeeper hands it to him as a present. Little does he know about the hidden power inside the pages and the three famous warriors he calls forth (onesided Yullen | Yuuvi | Yulmavi BROTP)
Unity of the Heart - a collection of stories and drabbles regarding Allen, Kanda, Alma and Lavi and their relationships to eacvh other (Yullen & Almavi | Yuuvi & AllenxAlma | Laven & Yulma | AllenxYuuxLLavixAlma)
A Bookman’s apprentice - Lavi is now a full-fletched Bookman and meets a five year old girl living in a secluded village in the midst of the japanese alps. Little does he now who she truly is to him as she is eager to accompany him on his journey as Bookman (Yuuvi)
Back in time - a story about the next generation within DGM where they travel back in time (Allena | Yuuvi | NoisexMiranda)
Trinity Lotus: Five Stars Nightmare - Kanda, Alma, Lavi and Tyki end up forming a band, where Allen Walker joins them as singer (Yulmavi BROTP | Almavi BROTP | Yuuvi | onesided Laven | Pokership | AllenxTykixAlma | Luckyship BROTP)
Twin Dragonification - title could change once I’ve decided. Sting and Rogue are invited to a renowned academy, where various magical beings are taught to learn how to wield theit full pontential. Besides, Sting learns a bit of Rogues past as well the fact, that their former master was against the idea to let the Twin Dragons seek out such a place of wisdom (Stingue | StingxWeiss | RoguexNero | StingxRoguexNeroxWeiss)
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raioseucliffe-cheney · 6 years ago
Fanfics I want to write in near future
here is a list of ideas I like to write in the near future:
Cybernetic Dragon Wars -  After a fight with his best friend Rogue decides to lock himself up and ends up being swallowed inside the computer system his father Skiadrum has developed (Stingue)
La Coeur de la mer - Rogue flees from a forced engagement from Ishgar and meets on a luxus liner Juvia, who is on her way to meet her betrohed. (Rovia | StinYu is hinted)
The Fairy Grayman - a collection of stories and drabbles w mixed pairings from Fairy Tail and D.Gray-Man (AllenxMinerva | LavixYukino, | AlmaxMeredy | Arystar KroryxLucy)
Grimoire Gris - Allen finds a mysterious book hidden in a little, dusty bookshop and the shopkeeper hands it to him as a present. Little does he know about the hidden power inside the pages and the three famous warriors he calls forth (onesided Yullen | Yuuvi | Yulmavi BROTP)
Unity of the Heart - a collection of stories and drabbles regarding Allen, Kanda, Alma and Lavi and their relationships to eacvh other (Yullen & Almavi | Yuuvi & AllenxAlma | Laven & Yulma | AllenxYuuxLLavixAlma)
A Bookman’s apprentice - Lavi is now a full-fletched Bookman and meets a five year old girl living in a secluded village in the midst of the japanese alps. Little does he now who she truly is to him as she is eager to accompany him on his journey as Bookman (Yuuvi)
Back in time - a story about the next generation within DGM where they travel back in time (Allena | Yuuvi | NoisexMiranda)
Trinity Lotus: Five Stars Nightmare - Kanda, Alma, Lavi and Tyki end up forming a band, where Allen Walker joins them as singer (Yulmavi BROTP | Almavi BROTP | Yuuvi | onesided Laven | Pokership | AllenxTykixAlma | Luckyship BROTP)
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raioseucliffe-cheney · 7 years ago
writing plan regarding DGM-fandom
I’m going to write for sure another Yulmavi work, where I will work with a transgender Alma. The name of the story will be Trinity Lotus. Otherwise I want to do a work with the next generation of our favorite Exorcists. Maybe I am going to write also about Lavi being a Bookman, but about that I still have to think it over. I also might write a Yullen/Almavi/Laven/Yulma/Yuuvi/AllenxAlma story. Stil, I need to think properly if I’m going to do this. Otherwise my focus will stay with my current Yuuvi work Synchronize and with my Yulmavi work Immortals ;)
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raioseucliffe-cheney · 7 years ago
Day 6: Blue
With a deep sigh I slump down on my couch, a hand draped over my forehead while I gaze at the ceiling. It seems to be raining forever and this isn’t a kind of weather I enjoy at all. At least I am on my own for a couple more days within this house since my grandfather is currently on well earned vacation somewhere in South-East-Asia. He’s all I have left to refer to be my family. My mother died from fever while I was still a nine month old baby and I never met my father at all since he was killed by a work accident two days before I was born.
I truly admit, the old man didn’t have the easiest time in raising me, but at least he managed to make it so far that I’m this close to get my diploma in linguistics from college with the end of the upcoming semester. Even though I am only twenty years young, there are lot of students envying me for my skill to browse through my classes with ease. There is one I really come along quite well. The two of us met in High School and since this day we are for sure known to be best friends within this small town we live in.
Slowly I sit up on the couch as I suddenly hear a knock at the door. Just who could it be at this time? I don’t await visitors at all. For a short moment I frown as I see Alma standing drenched right in front of my door and without saying a word I shove him inside the house. “Go upstairs and take a hot shower before you catch a cold” are now my words to him as I gaze at the slender figure shivering from the cold and with a short nod Alma follows my instructions. In the meantime I’m in the kitchen preparing tea and some soup so my best friend can warm up. I can think of only one reason he shows up during a weather like this.
During my years of High School I learned why Alma was mostly mobbed not only by his own class mates. Even though as a young man he awoke some interest within his female class mates, I found him mostly spending his days at the infirmary where I decided to help out since I wasn’t into brutal sports like Football, Rugby and Ice Hockey at all. So as I started to talk to him on a regular base, where he shows up in the infirmary, I simply learned Alma is unhappy about being stuck in the body of a young man and that he views himself as a young woman. This is why I vowed myself to always be there for the one year older one, even if that means for Alma to show up at 3 am at my door step.
As the tea is finally done I notice Alma entering the kitchen wearing the spare clothing he one day had left here while staying overnight. “T-thanks” is he only responding with a short sob as I hand him a mug with green tea, sit down next to him and lay my hand on his arm. Currently only Alma’s foster parents and I seem to be the only people around to truly understand in what kind of identity crisis Alma is since his ninth birthday. “I told you before, you can bug me with everything there is” is my response right now, smile at him in order to cheer him up and right there a short attempt of a smile appears on Alma‘s lips.
“Another cancelation for a surgery. Slowly, but surely I don’t know what to do” “Damned, they have no right to simply deny your wish at all”
is my response right now as I hear why my best friend is so down and I’m holding myself back right now. Alma knows all too well how bad my language turned out to be after he was turned down the first time. The shocked faces of his foster parents were telling enough. Therefore I’m allowed to still stick around him, but only if I learn to stop using foul words around their precious child.
“Hey, don’t give up, Alma, we find for sure a way to turn you into a real beautiful swan” are the next words now coming from me to cheer up my best friend and I lay now my arm around him. Even if I have to take on at least five jobs and work until I collapse, I won’t let some stupid doctors constantly crush the chance of Alma being able to achieve becoming the young woman he sees himself. “Sometimes you tend to be embarrassing, Lavi” is Alma mumbling right now with a slight rose color on his cheeks appearing and the smile is still resting on my lips while gazing at Alma. So right now we sit here at the kitchen table, talk and eat our soup without even knowing in what kind of situation the two of us are.
Alma has fallen asleep right next to me on the couch. I lay a blanket over the two of us and brush gently a few of the dark blue strands aside as a certain uneasiness awakes now deep within my stomach. As if there is an invisible danger lurking around the house. I stay awake and let my gaze wander through the living room while I assure my best friend is still all right. “Alma, wake up” is what I say right now to him, feeling how this uneasiness is increasing even more and my instinct tells me to leave the house. I don’t know why, but my inner voice kind of forces me to stand up, grab my important things and leave.
“What’s wrong, Lavi?” “We need to leave, now” “But why?”
is Alma asking right now, looking sleepily at me and I can’t put into simple words what drives me to bring him out into safety.
So once the two of us packed a bag with documents and a blanket, I suddenly hear a crashing sound. Before I can even properly react there is suddenly water pouring inside the house. I quickly grab Alma‘s hand and run upstairs with him to escape the rising water. Sadly the current is so strong that we are minutes later immediately swept away out of the house. Damned. What kind of luck do I deserve to face such a catastrophe? At least Alma is with me. My best friend clings on to me while we drift in the swift current filled with parts of trees, debris and even some cars.
It is to be hoped that I’m going to survive this. Then I will ask Alma out on a date. First we need to get out of here fast. Suddenly without even able to avoid it at all, I bump hard against the wall of a house and therefore Alma slips out of my grasp. At the same time I shorty lose my subconsciousness due to the fact I hit my head quite hard. So this is how I’m going to die? Drowning within a swift river? Damned. I might as well should have asked out some of the girls trying to hit on me during my last year in High School. I turned all their offers down, so that I could still be around Alma.
As I regain my consciousness again I have to blink since it is quite too bright for me. Voices from afar reach out to me but I still see everything surrounding me as if I’m looking through a blurry veil. It is freezing and my clothing sticks to me like an unwanted second skin. Only slowly do I recognize the medics to rescue me out of the water while I cling on to a part of a tree. Blinking again somehow the voices seem to grow louder and louder until I realize that there is a helicopter to save me. ‘Alma’ is now going through my mind and my heart starts to race now.
Is my best friend all right? Were they able to save him? Right now, I’m afraid about asking where Alma is. Because, what should I do if I wasn’t able to save my friend at all? Closing my eye again, I struggle to fall asleep while being now transferred in the helicopter to the nearest hospital. The medic next to me talks the entire time so that he assures I stay awake since they don‘t now the degree of my injuries. The medics assume I might have some trauma to the head and therefore they don‘T want me to fall asleep at all.
Once in the hospital I can declare myself more then lucky to have survived. I got a bruised lung, a bruised back, some minor concussion, a sprained wrist, both bones in my left lower arm as well as the bone in my right upper arm close to the joint broken and some slight hypothermia due to my stay in the water so long. So this is how I end up in a hospital bed finally able to rest a bit until I can hear footsteps rush to the room I currently stay in. Right as I open my eye I feel like air is knocked out of my lungs do to how hard this embrace is and a short smile appears now on my lips since I know who this is without even looking. „Thank goodness you‘re still alive“ do I hear now these words being whispered and as I gaze now at the dark-blue haired figure I start to slowly realize why I was constantly turning down anyone else.
„At least you‘re save, Alma“ „Baka, you should take better care of yourself“
is Alma now saying to me, tears starting to show up in these blue eyes I always find so fascinating to look at and only now do I recognize the cast at Alma‘s left lower arm. I‘d like to pull him close to me but somehow this doesn‘t really work at all. So Alma sits down right next to me and explains me how he was saved by a firefighter in a boat. A short smile appears on my lips. I really mean what I said before. I‘m quite relieved to know my best friend is safe and mostly unharmed.
For a while we stay like this, Alma sitting at the bed brushing some of my hair aside and I simply close my eye enjoying this closeness. After a while even Alma‘s foster parents show up. They assure me to contact my grandfather after they showed me the gratitude of saving Alma. This is simply something friends just do. To look out and stick together. There is a promise we made once we started to become friends. To never leave the other one behind.
Once I‘m released from the hospital grandpa and I are allowed to stay for the time being with Alma‘s family since our house was simply swept away. From Alma‘s foster-father I learn that the two of us had been simply unlucky, because the pouring rain had caused the dam a few miles away from the town to break. Right now I‘m quite bored due to the effect, that even college had been majorly damaged by the water and therefore all the students have to stay at home. So I simply agree to help Alma with the works he still has to do for his own major and together we make a very important decision. Since no one here is even willed to help my best friend we want to head to Japan and search there for a possibility so Alma can finally be the woman he feels like to be.
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raioseucliffe-cheney · 7 years ago
Trinity Lotus - Chapter 1
I just made the first chapter for my Yulmavi-work. If you are interested, just follw this story on AO3 ;)
What a pain. I dislike walking in the rain. Just why does it have to be rainy right on the day I return back to the country my ancestors originate? A deep sigh escapes my lips as my fingers shortly brush over the glass I started to wear as some kind of good-luck-charm a long time ago. Even though I don‘t understand myself at all as to why I haven‘t thrown away this one particular thing of my childhood, I still cling on to it. The content of the glass is everything connecting me with at least some nice memories when I was still living with my parents. The seed and the petal of a lotus flower concealed together with a promise I made almost ten years ago. Then everything had changed.
„Let‘s stay friends forever“ is a boy with irritating bright red hair in the same age as I am saying right now and a bright smile is plastered on his face while his one visible eye glistens in the same way.
„What do have planned?“ „This here“
is he explaining right now as he hovers carefully a lotus flower out of the bag and the girl next to me stares in the same intensity I do at that beautiful flower. Actually, I never seen one up so close. As the girl pulls up three small vials as well some leather bands I start to understand quickly where this is going. This will be our vow to always stay together and to never forget each other.
„Here is my share“ is all I say right now laying the seeds on the tree stump right in front of us I had taken from our neighbor‘s store for floristic and stare directly at both of them. A nod follows, then our little ritual is started
„Hope you have a pleasant stay“ is the flight attendend saying before I‘m finally able to leave the plane and shoulder my bag. There is only one reason I return volunteerly to Tokyo. Because there is a offer for me to work for a renown label as model. True, the most would think someone with a cold attitude and rash temper like me isn‘t suited for this kind of business. But the contracts I had while staying in Europe with a man named Tiedoll after everything went haywire show clearly how asked my persona is.
Taking the train into the city comes for sure cheaper than taking a taxi. I was struggling for sure with the amount of luggage I have with me but I manage to make it to Roppongi, where thanks to Tiedoll I can stay in my own fucking apartment. I personally would have killed the old man if he had organize me one near Shibuya or Shinjuku, because the young people there would most likely recognize me. Slightly cursing I head through the pouring rain over to the right address and another foul curse escapes my lips as I notice there isn‘t any fucking elevator at all.
After nearly fifteen minutes or so it seems I managed to bring all of my bags up into the third floor, where my apartment is located at the end of the corridor. So once I open the door, I slip out of my boots, enter the apartment and a short smile appears on my lips. Maybe this time the old man truly deserves a ,thanks‘ coming from me. I do love how the entire facility harmonizes with the color of the rooms. Besides, in a way it is strange for me to feel this soft comfort outgoing from the tatami mats while I remember never stepped onto them before at all. For me it is for sure strange, since I as a Japanese should be used to tatami mats. But I‘m not. Not even the Dojo I used to work out on a regular base didn‘t have tatami mats. Only the floor within the bath and the kitchen area are tiled.
I rummage through my bag to pull out a tank top and a sweatpant as well a towel, then I head into the bath to warm myself up with a shower. I truly dislike walking through rain. It always remembers me on that one day I was running so fast, I almost collapsed due to the fact I was out of air to breathe.
„H-help me, please, you need to help...“ „What happened, boy?“ „Mama, she....“
A short hiss escapes my lips by the upcoming fragment of my childhood while one hand is clenched into a fit. On a rainy day like this I‘ve lost everything I knew. My parents, my friends, everything that was dear to me. I lost so much and yet I still can‘t let go of this little reminder connecting me with what is in a way still dear to me
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raioseucliffe-cheney · 8 years ago
some ideas
since I’m actually bored and I almost have read all of the Yuuvi Fanfiictions awaking my interest on AO3, I do some Headcanons regarding my own work Immortals. These HCs regard Yulmavi, but also Yuuvi, Yulma and Almavi ;)
for a mission some disguise is asked. Therefore Lavi shows Alma how to play the violine
Alma turns out to be quite good with this instrument and therefore he keeps on practicing
sometimes Alma and Lavi play together the violine while Kanda simply relaxes next to them in the garden
since Alma is a walking catastrophe when it comes to cooking, Lavi is in charge for preparing the food for all three of them
once Alma has built up some trust towards Lavi, he even spends some time with him together in the library
in his human disguise Alma even spends some time with Lavi concering things like shopping or a simple walk
within the human dimension Kanda and Alma are seen as a couple among the few human friends the dark-haired swordman has
Kanda sparrs with Lavi in order to increase his skills in Martial Arts
often Lavi and Alma go on against Kanda in the training sessions, mostly turning so, that Lavi is facing Kanda and Alma
in some nights Kanda allows both of them to stay overnight at his side
Kanda takes great care of the rabbit, who is actually Lavis spirit companion
both Kanda and Alma are truly against the idea of Lavi returning to the Clan of Bookmen
Kanda goes even so far to threaten Bookman with Mugen should he ever consist in convincing Lavi to return in a life full of grief and pain
Alma is the first to punch Lavi for ever considering leaving in order to become a Bookman
easy mission are always attended by Alma and Lavi
on some mid-diff to high-diff missions Kanda insist on Lavis assistance
with Lavi finally sttled into his new life it becomes a routine of all three of them spending time outside in the garden stargazing
Alma goes also this far in taking on a long-term mission in Lavis stead after the red-head had helped him out by a mission he should have solved with Kanda
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raioseucliffe-cheney · 8 years ago
Immortals (Chapter 5)
Things for sure have changed after he had returned from his mission. Lavi is no longer showing this lifeless expression on his face. So what ever had happened while he was gone, it was most likely Yuus doing. Right now all three of them sit at the patio and he pays full attention about the way human beings communicate as he notices now Hermes is now approaching them, greeting them with a slight bow. “Kanda-san, Karma-san; your mission to evaluate the new member” is he hearing the messenger say right now as Yuu walks over in order to receive the scroll for their assigned mission.
Actually, it is always like this. Hermes comes by and brings them whatever mission they are assigned to by their mentors. Doing an evaluation is new for him. So obviously the Council of the Elders wants Yuu and him to file in their personal opinions on how well the red-head is suited to attend a mission on his own. A short sigh escapes his lips. For him personally it seems to be very difficult to pull off. But once glancing on Yuu he feels like the dark-haired swordsman knows how to pull off this mission successfully.
“I leave the rest to the two of you” is Yuu saying right now as he holds the scroll with the description for their mission now in his own hands and quickly he starts to frown. “But Yuu, you know I never played the violin before” is his answer right now, gazes at the dark-haired swordsman, who just heads back inside with an obvious smile on his lips. “Don’t worry, Alma. Then I’m going to show you how to play the violin” is he hearing the red-head saying with a smile and a sigh of relieve escapes his lips.
At least Lavi is so nice and teaches him how to play the violin. When he simply wonders when and where Lavi had been able to learn an instrument, he’s simply surprised about how warm his laugh sounds.
“As a trainee Bookman you’re supposed to be able to disguise yourself into anyone with an instant. If there is a mission, where you need to act as a pianist, you have to know how to play the piano. Therefore Panda Jiji taught me quite a lot how to keep my true self invisible” “I see”
is he saying right now, avoiding to look directly at the red-head and he gazes now at the sky while the violin rests on his lap. Even though Lavi doesn’t talk much about his former life as a trainee Bookman, he notices how the red-haired young man uses whatever knowledge he was able to gather in order to assist Yuu and him in the best way possible.
“So, shall we continue with practice?” “Sure”
is he answering now obviously motivated and looks now at him with a smile at the red-head.
Actually what surprised him the most is the fact, Lavi is quite the patient teacher. But at the same time he’s willed to learn more about life within the human dimension from him. Maybe this way he can understand, why Yuu tends to spend some time there. Currently he sits with a book about ‘The Theory of Evolution’ on his lap while watching carefully the sparring match between Yuu and Lavi. Somehow both, Yuu and the red-head spend a lot of time pushing each other to the limit while only doing hand-to-hand combat.
But at the same time he feels something gnawing and rising within his chest, he actually never felt before at all. Something, he isn’t actually sure what it is. Seeing Yuus eyes shine while fighting Lavi is something he simply can’t explain at all. It is almost as if the red-head is able to alight some kind of spark within his childhood friend so easily. Almost as if Yuu is enjoying Lavis presence, but that can’t be. Yuu always assured him, he’s important to him. So why is he starting to doubt his words now? Why is there this strange feeling constantly appearing whenever he sees them spar with this enlightened expression on their faces?
Laying the book now aside he walks back inside, followed by his soul companion the Coyote and a deep sigh escapes his lips. Lately he starts to feel torn with the red-head living with them around. At one side he has to admit it became for sure livelier but at the same time he feels for sure pushed to the edge while trying to keep up with the charming red-head. As he arrives within his own living space, he allows himself to fall onto the couch and stares at the ceiling. Why is he having so much trouble lately when it comes to his own emotions?
“Just keep a close eye on him, Alma. He might be deceiving you in order to win Yuu all for himself” is the Coyote now telling him and quickly he sits upright while gazing at his companion. Could this be really true? The red-head trying to become friends with him only to win the heart of the swordsman all for himself? Again this strange feeling starts to surge through his body and he bites himself firmly on his bottom lip. He knows, he can trust Yuu and his companions, but can he trust Lavi as well? Actually, he isn’t so sure about this at all.
For the current evaluation the three of them have to go to the human dimension. Right now he’s wearing a blouse, a vest and a skirt reaching to his knees in Steampunk Style and dark brown boots while for his disguise as a young woman he also wears a reddish-brown wig and green contacts. So on the outside no one would ever consider him being not related to Lavi, who’s wearing a similar regalia right now. Only the red-head doesn’t wear right now any bandana at all to keep his red hair from falling into his face.
He has to admit, he’s quite nervous. He had never played before audience and one glimpse into the filled saloon, where he’s going to play with Lavi makes him gulp.
“Remember, our job is to lure the target out with the music we play” “Right, Yuu counts on us to succeed”
is he answering right now with a smile, breathing in calmly and Lavis hand shortly resting on his shoulder reassures him he can do this. In order to lure out the culprit of recent unexplained cases of murder in this aera, the idea behind is to organize a concert since the culprit is reacting positive to music coming from a violin.
Together they enter now the inside of the saloon and he simply decides to follow Lavis lead while playing the violin. Somehow he starts to understand right now why Yuu decides to leave this part up to them. The dark-haired swordsman is the one for fighting, not for strategizing a simple mission so detailed. While both of them are playing and the crowd’s for sure elated by the music, he scans the right side carefully in order to see any kind of suspicious movement.
Yuu even had instructed him to stay close to Lavis right side, so the red-head won’t be an easy target. He knows it has something to do with the fact that Lavi can only see through his left eye. But neither Yuu nor him have ever learned as to why the red-head is almost blind on his right eye and therefore wearing constantly an eye-patch. Actually, he’s curious about the reasons behind, but Lavi simply knows how to brush this topic aside. But he won’t give up until he knows the truth.
The mission went actually quite smooth. Once they were preparing to start to play a third song the culprit appeared and tried to attack them, but Yuu had been there in the right moment, rendering the creature unconscious by using the sheath of Mugen. Afterwards the dark-haired swordsman went off with the captured creature to bring it directly to the Council of Elders while he returns with Lavi back home. So once in his own living space he sits down to his desk, looking at the violin he had just laid there as well and a smile rests on his lips.
He has to admit, he loves the way this instrument sounds and it really makes a lot of fun to play it. Therefore he’s grateful the red-head showed him how to play the violin in the first place. Right now he takes the quill and the bottle of ink in order to right the needed report for this mission and thoughtfully he stares now at the parchment right in front of him. The red-head was constantly checking with Yuu and him. With a quick nod of his head he’s putting the quill into the opened ink bottle and writes now his opinion about Lavi going on missions. Afterwards he strips his clothing and head into his own bathroom in order to enjoy a nice hot bath.
Another joint mission of them three and actually this time he isn’t amused at all. In order to catch the thief of a crucial essence, they need to disguise themselves as guests of a Victorian-themed party. The reason he’s so pissed off right now is the fact, that Kanda Yuu simply managed to force him to wear a very un-comfy dress fitting the mentioned time period and the shoes he has to wear are literary killing him. This is the only moment in his life, where he wishes to kill Yuu for his idea. Because, first of all it is still hard to breathe even though he’s a young man and walking in those tight shoes is also hard.
At least Lavi shows some mercy and allows him at least to sit while both of them gaze through the filled ballroom of swaying bodies.
“You’re much more a gentleman than Yuu is ever going to be” “Then don’t let Yuu hear, you said this about him”
is the red-head responding with a bright laugh right now, sitting down next to him and he accepts thankfully the handed glass of sparkling water. Since they need to be full aware of the presence of the thief, both of them stick with non-alcoholic beverages. After he drinks a bit of his water a young man approaches him, asking for a dance and internally he grits with his teeth for being treated as a woman right now.
Somehow he has the feeling Yuu is enjoying himself far too much seeing him like this. With a simple nod he stands up, allows the man to lead him on the dance floor and he has to fight back mentally all kind of curses appearing in his head while dancing a waltz right now. Actually, he doesn’t mind dancing at all. If he could, he rather dances bare-foot, but he has to stick to the rules.
“May I ask for this dance?” “Yes, of course”
is he answering right now towards the voice asking him out for the dance and he starts to slightly blush as he sees now Yuu in front of him with a gentle smile resting on his lips.
There had never been the right occasion to do so in the first place. Shyly placing his eyes at the dark-haired swordsman they start to dance together a waltz, while a smile appears on his lips. If he ignores right now how much his feet hurt in these shoes, then he can focus on the moment he spends right now with his beloved one. Right now it also gives him the feeling on being important for Yuu. This is making him actually happy.
But then, everything turns hectically as Yuu spot the one we are supposed to catch unharmed and alive. Stumbling while trying to follow the dark-haired swordsman, some slight curses escape now his lips and he has to wipe away the upcoming tears of anger. He feels now strong arms lifting him up and he gazes now into a smiling face with red hair and a single emerald green eye. “Just hop on, so that we can keep up with him” is he hearing Lavi saying, simply smiling at him and only now is he recognizing the giant black hammer the red-head holds on to.
First he removes the shoes, then he allows Lavi to pull him up on the hammer and he has to cling on to him to not fall off as they seem to fly. Is this actually Lavis Innocence? He had never seen it before and once they’re able to catch up with Yuu, Lavi is able to block the escape route with his hammer while the dark-haired swordsman cuts of the other way. Right as the thief of the essence tries to escape by using him as a hostage he uses the moves he carefully watched from the constant sparring matches of Yuu and the red-head. With a glare he stares at the knocked out man lying in front of him on the ground, then he glares now at Yuu.
“Never again am I going to wear something like this again, Kanda Yuu” is he saying right now through pressed lips and he’s getting angry as he notices an amused flicker within these trusted dark-grey eyes directed at him. “But you’re the only one suited enough for such a role, Alma” is he now hearing Yuu saying and pouting as he is he crosses his arms, he still glares at the swordsman. Even though they managed to succeed now with another mission, he actually enjoys going again on single missions for a while.
“Come, let’s go home” is Lavi now saying in a quite cheerful voice as he looks now at Yuu and him at the same time and he nods. Even though there are these occasions where he has this strange feeling popping up inside him regarding Yuu and Lavi, he has to admit being around the red-head isn’t so bad at all
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