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David Makes Man: Season 2/ Episode 10 “Trouble The Water” [Season Finale] – Recap/ Review (with Spoilers) | It's a bit of a weird ending for David Makes Man as way too much comes together in a nice and shiny bow. Though, when you've been denying yourself joy for so long, maybe when you stop fighting, this is the result? | https://tinyurl.com/yf8y4g8e
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alabasterbust-blog · 9 years
Beautiful, The Dead End
of your body strong with the last shards of summer, beautiful,
Ohio, your children pushing each other midwest of decency
toward failure, certain, their nerves disciples of the end of August, the season brutal
to the brink of its body, the mud marked by heels in sudden monuments
where they forced tameness back into their eyes, reeling themselves down
until, half-mass sober, enough language returned to think so long, lover
I’ll long for as long as Ohio rivers, beautiful, letting me go
too far, through orchard and field, through the best of the body, beyond
the shards of vows we leave in each other. Beautiful, all that leaving.
***Allison Davis, “Beautiful, The Dead End,” Verse Daily, 2013.
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All I can do is say that these arms were made for holding you...
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David Makes Man: Season 2/ Episode 7 – Recap/ Review (with Spoilers) | To build a man up, you have to break them down, and it seems the man David and even JG thought they had to be, are being deconstructed as it doesn't serve anyone's needs. | https://tinyurl.com/yj7c66tj
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Oh my, my, they could never shut us down...
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Elle était parti lentement. Sans faire de bruit. Aussi discrètement qu'un point virgule dans un roman de huit cents pages.
Born To Die, Chapitre final.
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- Harry je m’en vais… 
- Putain déconne pas Allison, te fou pas de moi, pas maintenant c’est pas possible…
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Parce que aujourd'hui la jeune fille était inquiète. Parce que aujourd'hui le jeune homme l'était aussi. Parce que ensemble, ils étaient sereins.
Chapitre 60, Born To Die.
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" Did they ever fight like us Allison ?"
You and I We don't wanna be like them We can make it till the end.
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Do you remember summer 09 Allison ?
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If we could only have this life for one more day If we could only turn back time…
Allison & Harry
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