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"Whispers of the Backwaters: A Journey to God's Own Country,
നമസ്കാരം namaskaram
took a last-minute trip to kerala, god's own country. oh, the excitement and nervousness engulfed me after witnessing that train accident. i wondered how it would be, but the train ride turned out to be good. oh, i indulged in delicious meals on board, eating to my heart's content. finally, i arrived in the breathtaking town of allapuzha. it felt like stepping into heaven itself, with its lush greenery and enchanting backwaters.
i had always dreamt of riding a houseboat and gliding through the narrow channels. and guess what? i got to do it! racing with motor boats, the adrenaline rushed through me, making it so much fun. witnessing how the people here rely on their own boats for basic transportation was thrilling. it's their way of life, and it fascinated me deeply.
exploring various places became my daily routine. the peaceful beach, untouched by the masses, welcomed me with open arms. the crashing waves created a symphony that soothed my soul. and how can i forget the joy of indulging in some good old indian shopping, immersing myself in the local culture?
let me tell you about the people here. their hospitality knows no bounds. they are well-organized, well-behaved, and simply wonderful. it's no surprise they have become my absolute favorites. remember how i used to say i adore mallu people? this trip just reinforced why.
something truly special happened during the train journey. a fellow passenger, sitting right next to me, performed namaz. the prayer to allah in islam. watching him, so deeply devoted and mesmerizing, touched my heart. may allah bless him abundantly.
as i bid farewell to this magical place, i couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness. but the memories created during this trip will forever hold a special place in my heart. i yearn to return, to relive these emotions and create new, unforgettable moments.
വിട, ഉടൻ കാണാം vida, udan kaanam
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침향여설 다시 보기 1화~59화 번외편
침향여설 다시 보기 1화~59화 번외편 까지 다 나왔습니���. 출연진 등장인물은 성의, 현야 등 나옵니다.
침향여설 다시 보기 1화~59화 ott 사이트 <
침향여설 한글 자막도 당연히 있으니, 재밌게 보시면 되겠습니다.
인도 기상청은 6월 8일 몬순이 케랄라를 강타했다는 희소식을 전했습니다. 사이클론 Byparjoy가 강도를 늦추긴 했지만 처음에는 온화하게 시작할 것입니다. 4-5일 후 속도가 빨라집니다. Bhaskar Explainer에서는 몬순과 관련된 9가지 중요한 질문에 대한 답을 알 수 있습니다. 침향여설 다시 보기 1화~59화 번외편 예를 들어- 몬순은 무엇이며 언제 주에 도달합니까? 정상적인 비인지 몬순인지 어떻게 결정됩니까?
몬순이란 무엇이며 그 이름을 갖게 된 경위
Kalidasa는 그의 작품 Meghdoot에서 한 줄을 썼습니다…
첫째날 구름군단의 장관
아샤다(Ashadha)월 초하루에 실의에 빠진 야크샤(Yaksha)는 산꼭대기에 걸려 있는 구름을 보았을 침향여설 다시 보기 1화~59화 번외편 때 마치 코끼리가 자신의 노래에 맞춰 흔들리는 것 같은 느낌을 받았다는 뜻입니다. 비가 내리는 달. Meghdoot가 1700년 전에 쓰여졌을 때도 특정 달에는 비가 내렸습니다. 오늘날에도 똑같은 일이 일어납니다. 이 특별한 지질학적 현상을 몬순이라고 합니다.
영어로 Monsoon, 힌디어로 Mosam, 구자라트어로 Monsoon. 이 단어의 인용은 알 가치가 있습니다. 계절풍이라는 단어는 아랍어 'Mausim'에서 파생되었습니다. 이 단어에서 힌디어 'Mosma'가 파생되었습니다. Mausim은 아랍어로 계절 또는 계절을 의미합니다. 구자라트어의 몬순은 4개월의 계절 주기에서 비롯됩니다. 4개월을 몬순이라고 부르므로 우기를 의미하는 몬순이라는 단어가 있습니다.
흔히 말하는 폭우를 몬순이라고 하는데 과학자들은 나름의 방식으로 설명했다. 계절풍의 과학적 정의는 침향여설 다시 보기 1화~59화 번외편 '날씨의 변화에 따른 풍향의 변화이고, 비는 바람의 변화의 결과'이다. 이렇게도 이해할 수 있다. 그로 인해 때로는 비가 내리고 때로는 뜨거운 바람이 불기도 합니다.
인도와 관련하여 이러한 바람은 인도양과 아라비아해에서 인도의 남서 해안으로 옵니다. 이 바람은 추운 침향여설 다시 보기 1화~59화 번외편 지역에서 따뜻한 지역으로 이동하여 인도와 파키스탄, 아프가니스탄에 비를 일으키는 물 구름을 동반합니다. 인도에는 6월부터 9월까지 몬순 바람이 분다.
몬순 동안 바람은 어떻게 비를 가져옵니까?
지구에 있는 대부분의 열은 태양에서 나오지만 태양 광선은 모든 곳에 똑같이 떨어지지 않고 다른 방식으로 침향여설 다시 보기 1화~59화 번외편 떨어집니다. 지구는 바닷물보다 태양 광선에 의해 더 빨리 가열됩니다. 이것은 지구와 바다의 속성 때문입니다. 이것을 물리학에서는 '비��'이라고 합니다. 6월에는 태양 광선이 북반구, 즉 지구의 윗부분에 떨어집니다. 이 때문에 태양은 밝게 빛나고 지구는 매우 뜨거워지지만 바다는 여전히 훨씬 더 차갑습니다.
이로 인해 바다 위의 대기가 변하기 시작합니다. 공기가 따뜻한 곳에서는 압력이 낮습니다. 공기가 찬 곳에서는 침향여설 다시 보기 1화~59화 번외편 압력이 더 높습니다. 공기가 흐르는 것은 이 압력차 때문이다. 이로 인해 기압이 높은 바다에서 기압이 낮은 육지로 공기가 흐릅니다. 여름에는 바닷물이 증발하여 대기 중에 축적됩니다. 그런 다음 ���압 공기는 그것을 지구로 운반하고 습한 공기가 키 큰 나무나 산에 부딪히면 비가 내립니다.
인도에서 몬순은 어떻게 발생합니까? 바람은 인도에서 두 방향에서 옵니다. 남서쪽과 남동쪽. 이런 상황에서 몬순은 인도 케랄라 해안을 강타한 뒤 양쪽에서 침향여설 다시 보기 1화~59화 번외편 국내로 들어온다.
첫 번째: 몬순은 아라비아해에서 케랄라, 마하라슈트라, 구자라트, 마디아프라데시, 라자스탄, 델리, 하리아나, UP 같은 주 위로 침향여설 다시 보기 1화~59화 번외편 전진하고 있습니다. 그리고 Bihar가 받는 비는 South-West Monsoon이라고 불립니다.
두 번째: 벵골만을 통과하는 몬순은 타밀 나두, 오디샤를 통과하여 방글라데시로 향하여 북동부 주에 비를 내립니다. 이것을 침향여설 다시 보기 1화~59화 번외편 남동 계절풍이라고 합니다.
계절풍이 케랄라에 도착했습니다. 언제 다른 지역에 도달할까요?
기상학자들은 케랄라에 몬순이 도착하는 데 약간의 지연이 있다고 해서 몬순이 다른 지역에도 도달한다는 의미는 아니라고 말합니다. 또한 몬순이 늦게 온다고 해서 반드시 강수량이 적은 것은 아닙니다. 기상학자 DP Dubey는 몬순이 케랄라에 도착했다고 말했습니다. 강한 기상 시스템이 아라비아해에 형성되고 있습니다. 이것은 몬순에 대한 좋은 징조입니다. 그것은 6월 13-14일까지 구자라트에 도착할 것입니다. 이로 인해 6월 침향여설 다시 보기 1화~59화 번외편 13일부터 15일까지 Madhya Pradesh에서 프리 몬순 활동이 있을 예정입니다. 이 시스템이 구자라트에서 계속되면 6월 19일까지 몬순이 Madhya Pradesh를 덮을 것입니다.
기상청은 어떤 근거로 몬순의 도래를 알립니까? 일반적으로 케랄라보다 8개 관측소가 연속 2일 동안 강우량이 적을 때 전국에 몬순이 온 것으로 선언되며, Lakshadweep은 몬순의 시작을 알립니다. Karnataka는 2.5mm 미만의 비를 받았습니다. 기상청은 3개 기지에서 몬순의 시작을 발표했습니다… Minikoy, Amini, Thiruvananthapuram, Punalur, Kollam, Allapuzha, Kottayam, 침향여설 다시 보기 1화~59화 번외편 Kochi의 14개 모니터링 스테이션은 5월 10일 이후 주에서 몬순의 시작을 알립니다. Trichur, Kozhikode, Thalassery, Kannur, Kudulu 및 Mangalore - 관측소의 60%가 연속 2일 동안 최소 2.5mm의 비를 기록했습니다.
바람의 흐름은 서쪽(남서쪽)으로 긴 복사를 방출해�� 합니다. 즉, OLR은 낮아야 합니다. OLR은 대기에서 방출되는 공간에 대한 총 복사를 의미하거나 구름의 밀도를 의미합니다.
몬순은 인도에만 비가 오나요? 세계 인구의 약 60%가 몬순 비가 내리는 지역에 살고 있습니다. 또한 미국, 호주, 아프리카와 같은 대륙도 포함됩니다. 인도의 몬순은 침향여설 다시 보기 1화~59화 번외편 인도뿐만 아니라 아프가니스탄, 파키스탄, 방글라데시, 미얀마 등 인도 아대륙 전체에 비를 내립니다.
강우량은 어떻게 측정되나요? 판독 눈금이 부착된 비커 또는 튜브 모양입니다. 이 비커에는 빗물이 모여서 비커로 흘러 들어가는 깔때기가 있습니다. 비커에 담긴 물의 침향여설 다시 보기 1화~59화 번외편 양을 측정하면 얼마나 많은 비가 내렸는지 알 수 있습니다. 대부분의 우량계는 강우량을 밀리미터 단위로 측정합니다.몬순 또는 날씨 관련 정보는 기상청 웹사이트 https://mausam.imd.gov.in을 방문하십시오. 이와 함께 Meghdoot, Damini, Umang 및 Rain Alarm과 같은 침향여설 다시 보기 1화~59화 번외편 앱에서 날씨 정보를 확인할 수도 있습니다. 기상청은 또한 농민들에게 SMS 알림 기능을 제공했습니다.
장마철 허위 공지로 인한 피해는? 전문가들은 장마의 잘못된 발표가 농민들 사이에 혼란을 야기한다고 말한다. 지금도 우리나라 농부의 70~80%가 관개를 위해 빗물에 침향여설 다시 보기 1화~59화 번외편 의존하고 있습니다. 즉, kharif 재배는 몬순 비에만 의존합니다. 이러한 상황에서 잘못된 광고는 농가에 피해를 줄 수 있습니다. 예를 들어 농부들이 예측한 대로 씨를 뿌렸는데 비가 내리지 않으면 다시 씨를 뿌리는 데 비용이 많이 듭니다. 전문가들은 많은 곳에서 강우량이 침향여설 다시 보기 1화~59화 번외편 문턱에 이르렀기 때문에 장마철의 도래를 알리는 것이 어려운 일이 될 수 있다고 말한다. 그러나 몬순 시작 기준은 인도의 연구 및 농업 계획에 영향을 미칠 수 있으므로 무시해서는 안 됩니다.
기후 변화가 몬순에도 영향을 미쳤습니까? 기후 변화에 관한 정부 간 패널의 여섯 번째 보고서 AR-6은 남아시아, 특히 인도의 불규칙한 강우량에 대해 경고했습니다. 지난 몇 년 동안, 침향여설 다시 보기 1화~59화 번외편 특히 2022년에 인도는 몬순 폭우로 인해 많은 극단적인 사건을 목격했습니다. 이 기간 동안 홍수와 가뭄 발생률이 놀라울 정도로 증가한 것으로 보고되었습니다.
Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Rajasthan 및 Maharashtra의 일부 지역은 2022년에 더 많은 강우량을 받았습니다. 동시에 West Bengal, Jharkhand 침향여설 다시 보기 1화~59화 번외편 및 Bihar에는 정상적인 강우량이 없었습니다. 기후 변화는 이제 몬순과 날씨에 영향을 미치고 있다고 Down to Earth는 보고합니다. 인도의 남서 몬순 또는 계절에 영향을 미치는 많은 요인이 있습니다. 6월에서 9월 사이 인도의 몬순 강우량은 지난 50년 동안 약 6% 감소했습니다. 강수량 부족은 비옥한 갠지스 평야와 서부 고츠에서 더 많이 발생합니다. Clausius-Clapeyron 화학 법칙에 따르면 공기의 수분 흡수 능력은 온도가 1도 증가할 때마다 7%씩 증가합니다. 이것이 온실 가스에서 방출되는 열이 위험한 높은 습도 조건을 만드는 침향여설 다시 보기 1화~59화 번외편 이유입니다.
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Best Time to Visit Kerala in 2023
Are you planning a trip to Kerala in 2023? To make the most of your experience, it’s essential to know The Best Time to Visit Kerala in 2023 Additionally, discover the “Top 5 Tourist Places in Kerala.”Kerala, the tropical paradise of India, is renowned for its breathtaking natural beauty and rich cultural heritage. While Wayanad captivates visitors with its lush greenery, Allapuzha mesmerizes with its enchanting backwaters and houseboats. The lady offers a perfect blend of boating and sightseeing, and Munnar is famous for its tea plantations and pleasant climate.
But, have you explored the hidden gems of South Kerala? Let’s dive deeper into this region and uncover some of the Top 5 Tourist Places in Kerala that you shouldn’t miss. Get ready to witness the stunning landscapes, fascinating culture, and unique experiences that make Kerala truly special.
Here are some things to keep in mind when planning a trip to Kerala:
Read Also-: 5 places in Kerala that you might have never visited
Best Time to Visit Kerala in 2023
Getting Around
Local Customs
Best Time to Visit Kerala in 2023
The best Time to Visit Kerala in 2023 is from September to March when the weather is pleasant and conducive for tourism activities. Some of the key reasons why this is the ideal time to visit Kerala 2023 are:
Weather: During this period, the monsoon has subsided and the state is lush and green. Temperatures range from 20-32°C making it perfect for outdoor activities such as backwater cruising, beach visits, and jungle trekking.
Scenic Beauty: The state of Kerala is famous for its natural beauty, and the post-monsoon period is when it is at its best. With clear skies and lush greenery, the landscape is picture-perfect and ideal for capturing memories.
Wildlife: If you’re interested in wildlife, the post-monsoon period is also the best time to visit the Periyar Wildlife Sanctuary, which is home to a variety of animals and birds.
Festivals: Kerala is also famous for its vibrant cultural scene, and there are many festivals that take place during this time. Some of the most popular festivals include Onam, Vishu, and Christmas, which showcase the rich cultural heritage of the state.
Availability of Accommodation: The tourist season in Kerala begins in September and goes on till March, and as a result, there is higher availability of accommodation options during this time.
Better Connectivity: With the tourist season in full swing, there are also more flights and trains available, making it easier for visitors to reach the state.
Overall, the best time to visit Kerala is from September to March, when the weather is pleasant and there is a host of activities to enjoy. Whether you’re interested in nature, or culture, or just want to relax and unwind, Kerala is the perfect destination.
Top 5 Tourist Places in Kerala in 2023
If you are planning for a Kerala trip this blog help you to find the Top 5 Tourist Places in Kerala in 2023
Without any further let us get started
Kanyakumari, the southernmost tip of India, is located in Tamil Nadu but is easily accessible via Thiruvananthapuram in Kerala. I recently visited Thiruvananthapuram and decided to make a trip to Kanyakumari. With frequent bus services available from Thiruvananthapuram, reaching Kanyakumari is effortless and affordable, costing approximately 300 to 400 rupees.
My journey started in Nagercoil, from where I made my way to Kanyakumari. I arrived early in the morning to catch the sunset but unfortunately missed it. However, the place is full of other stunning sights. One of the highlights of my trip was the Triveni Sangam, where the Arabian Sea, Bay of Bengal, and the Indian Ocean meet.
Another must-visit attraction in Kanyakumari is the Vivekananda Rock Memorial, which many of you might have already seen. The area is also undergoing further development, with several more attractions yet to be opened to the public. Best Time to Visit Kerala
Kanyakumari is a hidden gem in South Kerala and the best place to visit if you are traveling to Kerala. Don’t miss the opportunity to discover its rich history, natural beauty, and spiritual significance.
Trip Cost 300 Rs to 400 Rs Distance 300 Kilometer Best Time To Visit September to October
2. Padmanabhapuram Palace Museum
Royal Legacy of Padmanabhapuram Palace – One of the Best Tourist Places in Kerala.
The museum was gifted to the state by the Royal Travancore family and it truly is a visual feast for the eyes. The architecture of the royal family’s homes is truly remarkable, with traditional and classy touches evident throughout. From the beds to the halls and sculptures, the entire palace is a work of art that deserves to be appreciated.
The palace is surrounded by many legends and stories, including the belief that there is a tunnel from the palace that leads directly to the Padmanabhaswamy Temple. This tunnel was reportedly used by the royal family Best Time to Visit Kerala
The Padmanabhapuram Palace museum is a must-visit for those interested in discovering the rich history and culture of Kerala.
Trip Cost 300 Rs to 400 Rs Distance 300 Kilometer Best Time To Visit September to October
3.Kovalam beach
During our visit, we had lunch near the beach and I highly recommend checking out the Taste of Kerala restaurant. Don’t miss the chance to try the Karimeen Fish, also known as Blackfish fry. It is truly delicious and will leave you craving more.
Trip Cost 300 Rs to 400 Rs Distance 300 Kilometer Best Time To Visit September to October
The statue is located near the pristine Azhimala beach is the best place to visit in kerala, which is one of the cleanest and most beautiful beaches you will ever see. Visitors have the option to visit the temple to see the statue or there is a separate entrance for those who only wish to see the statue.
After admiring the beauty of the Lord Shiva statue, take a leisurely five-minute walk to the nearby Azhimala beach. Relax on the sand, soak up the sun, and enjoy the stunning scenery.
Trip Cost 300 Rs to 400 Rs Distance 300 Kilometer Best Time To Visit September to October
5.Poovar lake
If you’re a bird lover, then you simply can’t miss visiting Poovar, one of the most beautiful places in Kerala. This serene location is a paradise for bird-watching enthusiasts, Best Time to Visit Kerala offers a chance to spot a wide range of bird species and bask in their vibrant colors. Take a break from your boat tour to feed the birds and enjoy a delicious meal at one of the lake-side restaurants.
End your journey on a high note by visiting the stunning sea beach that is connected to the lake. Experience the mesmerizing beauty of the sunset and allow its breathtaking splendor to stay with you forever. Don’t miss the opportunity to witness one of nature’s most stunning displays in one of the “Top 5 Tourist Places in Kerala”.
Trip Cost 300 Rs to 400 Rs Distance 300 Kilometer Best Time To Visit September to October
Kerala, known as “God’s Own Country”, is a must-visit destination for travelers who are seeking a mix of natural beauty and cultural richness. From the serene backwaters of Alleppey to the towering Western Ghats, the state offers a variety of breathtaking tourist places. Whether you’re an adventure seeker, a nature lover, or a history buff, you will find something to suit your interests in Kerala. To fully appreciate the beauty of this state, one must visit at least a few of the best tourist places in Kerala, such as Munnar, Thekkady, and Wayanad. So, plan your next vacation to Kerala and embark on a journey to discover its stunning beauty.
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Venice of the East #backwater #alappuzha #boating (at Allapuzha Boat Jetty) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoUXXlQSEtl/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Reasons to plan your vacation at Palmgrove lake resort in 2023 | Resorts in Alleppey
Reasons to plan your vacation at Palmgrove lake resort in 2023
Do you want to experience backwater village life up close?
Without a doubt, the village atmosphere is relaxing, You will experience the true flavor of information and excitement that is placed alongside nature’s beauty.
We welcome you to the land of a backwater, We are one of the resorts in Allapuzha, popularly known as Palmgrove, and luckily we got placed in the list of the top resorts in Alleppey.
Well, let me take your voyage!
A trip in and around the Palmgrove resort, and certainly, you will find many reasons to stay with us.
Palmgrove Lake Resort is situated near one of the best water worlds on Earth. The backwaters in Kerala are popular for seeing, enjoying, and experiencing backwater life.
Visiting Kerala is a must on every traveler's itinerary.
That is why we would love to welcome you to Palmgrove Lake Resort, which offers you a first-hand experience of what life is like in one of the most unique backwaters in the world.
Palmgrove Lake Resort offers a traditional Kerala stay experience.
Reasons to plan your vacation at Palmgrove Lake Resort in Alleppy.
Nature is at the core of ‘Palmgrove’. Here, you’ll find yourself surrounded by greenery and backwater on a sprawling estate that provides an experience that’s tranquil, refreshing, and rejuvenating.
The location is perfect for exploring the countryside. With its golden beaches and picturesque terrain, it’s no wonder the region has remained a favorite vacation spot with tourists from all over the world. It doesn’t get any better than this!
Unforgettable houseboat cruise
The boat cruise to Palmgrove Lake Resort is a unique experience to watch Kerala from the backwaters. Palmgrove Lake Resort also offers amazing water sports, and bird-watching activities. Its well-maintained infrastructure and superb ambiance will surely provide you with an unforgettable experience of your lifetime.
Refresh with ancient Ayurveda
Palmgrove Lake Resort is your ultimate getaway, located near the enchanting shores of a shimmering Kerala backwater. Come here to unwind completely and be pampered by the soothing beauty of nature. With its 3 acres of lush greenery, there’s no better place than Palmgrove Lake Resort to be on your visit to Kerala. Rejuvenate yourself, deeply touched by the virtues of ancient Ayurveda. Rediscover your inner self with the magic power of yoga and meditation. Yes, if you are at Palmgroove, you are at the best wellness resort in Allapuzha.
Peace! Peace! Peace
Have a gander at this inviting lake. There is a variety of nature’s beauty here, with over 100 different species of birds. Relax in your cottage and take in the beauty that surrounds you, from the ornate surroundings to the tranquility of nature. If you want to experience it, boat cruises can transport you into the heart of nature itself.
#Resorts in Alleppey#Best Resorts in Alleppey#Best luxury resorts in Alleppey#Lakeview resorts in Alleppey#Best honeymoon resorts in Alleppey#Luxury Family Resorts in Alleppey#Best Family resorts in Alleppey
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United we sail
by Navaneeth Unnikrishnan
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Last year August Araku . . . . . . . . . . . #araku #arakuvalley #arakuvalley🌴🌴 #arakudiaries #nature #vizag #naturephotography #vizagdiaries #keralagram #kerala #kochidiaries #kochi #allapuzha #allepeyboathouse #allepeybackwaters #varkaladiaries #varkalacliff #godsowncountry #gods_own_country #andhrapradesh #telangana #india (at Araku Valley) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBr-hw_nFN_/?igshid=5csgosacl8f0
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Visit Kerala, Gods Own Country
Visit Kerala, Gods Own Country
Gods Own Country, Kerala, India
Allepy backwater tourism
Allepy or Allapuzha in Kerala state of India is a good place to visit as a tourist.
Allepy has backwater as the main tourist attraction. Hiring a boat and going on a days ride on backwaters is really enjoyable. Vembanad lake and Arabian Sea meet at Alappuza.
There are many rivers, beaches, hill stations, forests, mountains, valleys etc…
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😇Keep calm and visit Kerala!❤️ #hangerz #alleppey #kerala #allapuzha #keralagram #thrissur #ernakulam #idukki #kochidiaries #kochigram #malappuram #kochivibes #keralatourism #kochin #calicut #ilovekochi #india #keralagodsowncountry #yathra #kozhikode #cochin #entrepreneur #munnar #infopreneur #lifestyle #kannur #allepey #kozhikoden #business #godsowncountry (at Alappuzha) https://www.instagram.com/p/CZ3cCEqI7XB/?utm_medium=tumblr
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The Beach Sunset. . . There’s all kind of emotion during a sunset, which just gets accentuated at a beach. You just need to take the time and travel a little bit, to enjoy this view. . . . Try going to this beach :- Chethy Kattady Beach Rd, Chethy, 688530 . . #allapuzha #beach #keralabeach #sunnybeach #alleppeybeach #babysdayout #beachlife #sunset #beachsunset #alleppey #chilltime (at Chethy Beach) https://www.instagram.com/gastronomist_md/p/CYlmtZFvfA_/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Take breaks from your busy and hectic schedule to explore almost all Famous beach destinations of western and southern part of India. This tour starts with Mumbai arrival which is also know as financial capital India, which homes to Bollywood film industry, Mumbai Darshan tour includes sightseeing of all major places of Mumbai see more at: https://bit.ly/2XyhcPg
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The beach views,⛱️ calm ocean and ability to watch the sunset on our patio were highlights of the trip👣 The hotel restaurant was exceptional, not only because every meal😋 we enjoyed had a variety of options and was flavorful but also because the prices were so reasonable for an oceanfront resort!😍 The Kerala🏝️ backwaters are a network of brackish lagoons and lakes lying parallel to the Arabian Sea🌊 coast (known as the Malabar Coast) of Kerala state in southern India, as well as interconnected canals🏞️ rivers, and inlets, a labyrinthine system formed by more than 900 kilometres (560 mi) of waterways, and sometimes compared to American bayous.The network includes five large lakes linked by canals, both man made and natural, fed by 38 rivers, and extending virtually half the length of Kerala state. The backwaters were formed by the action of waves and shore currents creating low barrier islands across the mouths of the many rivers flowing down from the Western Ghats range. The entire island and resort were a lot more laid back and calm✨ than other touristy coastal front towns in the southeast, but that may in part due to it being early March. I'd imagine there's a bit more traffic during high seasons, but either way, we'll definitely be back!💫 Highly recommended!🤞 . Stay home and stay healthy 🙏 . @kerala___gods_own_country @keralatourism @kerala.gram @kerala.360 @kerala.attraction @kerala_images_official . #traveladdict✈️ #solitude #wanderlust #incredibleindia #like4like #indiantraveller #indiatravelgram #backwaters #travellershubindia #wahhindia #godsowncountry #allapuzha #allapy⛵ #throwback🔙 #memories #water #southindianfood #kerala #kerlatourism #allapuzha🌴 #photooftheday #explore #photo #nomadesofindia #dekhoapnadesh #india #travelphotography #travelwithpran #breaktheboundaries👊 (at Kerala, God's Own Country) https://www.instagram.com/p/CETYbXkJGt2/?igshid=13b1207oq144x
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Houseboat stay in the backwaters of Kerela #indiantraveller #indiantravelblogger #kerelatourism #indiantravelgram #backwaters #backwatersofkerela #houseboat #houseboatlife #allepy #allapuzha #travelphotography #indianphotography #travel #travelblogger #wonderonomics (at Alappuzha) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCtWdEfBz4i/?igshid=mewscir9bffe
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Kerala- Gods Own Country, Being pleasant and dignifying through every seasons.
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